Vartox is Champion of Death Battle!

Vartox by Br3ndan5

Real Name: Vernon O’Valeron (Post Crisis and New 52)
Aliases: Vart, Mr. P5684, Vernon O’Valeron (Pre-Crisis), Vern, Superman, Var, Vartox the Hyper-Man, Bar-Tox, Dark Vartox, V-Man, Mistah Vertility-Display, Mistah V, Magnum P.I., Verile Vartie
Age: Over 50 (Post Crisis and New 52)
Height: 6’2
Weight: 213 lbs
Occupation: Superhero, Champion of Valeron, Protector of Tynola, Security Officer (temporarily)
First Appearance: Superman #281 (November 1974)

-Became the champion of his homeworld, Valeron

-Discovered that his wife, Syreena, was a criminal and sent her to the Valeronian authorities
-Created the Time Scanscope, a device that boosts the Valeronians’ precognition
-Discovered that the death of Elyra (his second wife) had been caused due to her link with a bionic twin on Earth
-Used his Hyper-Power to discern the best course of action to avenge Elyra
-Disguised himself as a criminal to get closer to Frank Sykes, the man who killed his wife’s bionic twin
-Temporarily transferred his powers to Frank in order to retrieve a gem Vartox had deliberately placed at the Spiffany’s jewelry store
-Had Frank brought to justice and sentenced to 60 years in jail
-Prevented 2 mobsters from robbing a family of Valeronians
-Caused Andrew Meda’s superpower allergies to flare up so he could absorb the chemicals needed to revitalize his powers
-Saved a parachutist who was in danger of falling into a helicopter’s blades
-While under the influence of Karb-Brak’s energy-toxins, fought Superman, which ended inconclusively after Superman and Lois Lane helped brought him back to his senses
-Helped return Karb-Brak to his home planet
-Survived the destruction of Valeron and retrieved its radioactive fragments to study them
-Worked with Superman to study Valeron’s fragments in the hopes of preventing other planets from suffering its fate
-Disguised himself as Superman to extinguish a fire that had consumed the Galaxy Building
-Began dating Lana Lang
-Unintentionally transmitted his fear of Earth’s destruction to most of the planet’s population
-Stopped an experimental gas bomb from destroying the city
-Helped stabilize Earth’s atmosphere after the planet was in danger of being destroyed by X-Element, the chemical responsible for destroying Valeron
-Began traveling the cosmos to search for a planet in need of a champion
-Stopped an asteroid from destroying the planet Tynola
-Discovered that the Tynolans were using him as a pawn by creating the threats he was facing
-Accidentally created an avalanche on Mammoth Mountain
-Staged a fight with Superman so they could discover the Tynolans’ true motives
-Prevented a bus-floater from crashing into an aerotower
-With Superman’s help, drove the Tynolan god Moxumbra away from the planet
-Became the protector of Tynola and helped its people become more self-reliant
-Helped Superman get rid of an automated army tank
-While brainwashed by Syreena, fought Superman, which ended inconclusively
-Prepared to marry Lana, but they broke up upon realizing she wouldn’t survive on Tynola

Post Crisis and New 52
-Underwent a 50 year-long celibacy trial to become a supreme being
   -After passing this trial, he become the leader of the Sombrero Galaxy’s solar system
-After being teleported off Valeron, fought Superman due to a misunderstanding, which ended after he realized they were on the same side
-Worked with Superman, Vestion, and Paz to protect the Stekmarians from their invaders
-After being blackmailed by Brainiac, worked with Vestion and Paz in an attempt to kill Superman
-Combined his powers with Paz’s to fake Superman’s death
-After being betrayed by Braniac, worked with Vestion, Paz, and Superman to defeat him
-After Brainiac’s defeat, returned to Valeron after promising that he and the others would trouble Superman no more
-After Valeron was affected by a contraceptive bomb, attempted to seduce Power Girl so she could help cure its effects
-After releasing an IX Negaspike in a failed attempt to impress Power Girl, teamed up with her to defeat it
-Fought Galaxorg, an alien god from another dimension, after accidentally seducing his wife
-Created a pocket dimension and robots designed to resemble Power Girl and children to simulate his desired life
-Withstood repeated torture sessions from Oreth Odeox, a tyrant who sought to cleanse the world of hedonism
-While brainwashed by Oreth, fought Power Girl, which ended inconclusively
-After being freed from his brainwashing, helped Harley distract Oreth
-Commemorated Oreth’s defeat by holding a wedding ceremony with Power Girl in exchange for his teleportation ring

Vartox strength by Br3ndan5

-Multiverse Level+ due to harming Superman, who generated enough energy to restore the multiverse after it was destroyed
-Crushed Syreena’s pendant
-Did the following in a precognitive vision:
    -Sent Superman flying back with his Remote-Control Blows (See “Powers” below)
    -Tackled Superman
-Lifted a helicopter that was covered by a net of hyper-energy
-Using his Remote-Control Blows, punched Superman hard enough to launch him several feet away
-Kicked Superman in the face
-Wrapped a rope of hyper-energy around Superman and pulled so tightly that Superman couldn’t escape
-Slammed Steve Lombard’s face into a tray of food
-Casually hurled a gas bomb into space
-Dazed Superman with a headbutt
-Kicked Superman in the chest
-Carried enormous chunks of debris from Valeron’s explosion
-Reduced a portion of Valeron’s debris to dust by smashing it against another piece
-Sent Superman hurtling through the air with a Remote-Control Blow
-Casually shattered a spheroid made of red solar radiation
-Crashed through one of the walls in Lana’s apartment
-Headbutted Superman with enough force to create a shockwave that destroyed a glacier
-Crashed through the roof of a disco club
-Repeatedly swung Superman through the air and launched him through the disco club’s roof
-Crashed through the wall of his jail cell
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Multiverse Level+ due to harming Power Girl
    -Power Girl was unaffected by the Crisis on Infinite Earths, which means that she, much like her cousin the Golden Age Superman, should be comparable to Pre-Crisis Superman
-According to Superman, one of his punches are strong enough to destroy a mountain
-Destroyed an energy tower by flying into it
-Threw a tanker truck at Superman
-Punched Superman through a street
-Sent Superman into a brick wall with a right hook
-Staggered Superman with a right hook
-Restrained Superman by placing him in a full nelson
-Shattered a ship made of crystals
-Restrained the IX Negaspike with a chokehold
-With Power Girl’s help, threw a frozen ball of IX Negaspikes into space
-Kicked Galaxorg in the back
-Alongside Power Girl, punched Galaxorg hard enough to send him through the air
-Punched Power Girl into a volcano with a left hook
-Sent Power Girl through the air with a right hook
-Held Harley in the air by her neck
-Pushed Harley out of the way just as Oreth was about to vaporize her
-Casually tore off several I-beams that were restraining him
-Can be enhanced further with hyper-energy (See “Powers” below)

Vartox speed by Br3ndan5

-Immeasurable due to keeping up with Superman, who can move fast enough to tear through the fabric of spacetime and fly faster than infinity
-Did the following in a precognitive vision:
    -Crossed the distance between Valeron and Earth in a short period of time
    -Quickly recovered after Superman judo-threw him
-Saved a parachutist who was inches away from a helicopter’s blades
-Wrapped a helicopter of reporters in a net while it was one second away from crashing into a river
-Changed into civilian clothes within the span of a few seconds
-Alongside Superman, flew millions of lightyears in a few seconds
-Flew fast enough to create a sonic boom, which triggered an avalanche
-Intercepted a meteor that was threatening to collide with Tynola
-Flew from the ocean to Metropolis in a split-second
-Rapidly swung Superman in circles
Post Crisis and New 52:

-Massively Faster than Light+ to Immeasurable due to keeping up with Power Girl
    -Power Girl is able to blitz Wonder Woman, who can react anywhere from 2.72 to 16.34 quattuordecillion times FTL, and should be comparable to Golden Age Superman
    –Golden Age Superman was able to keep up in battle with Pre-Crisis Superman
-Blocked a punch from Superman
-Admits that Superman’s speed rivals his own
-Dodged a punch from Galaxorg
-While some distance away, moved fast enough to grab Harley while she was in the middle of speaking
-Rescued Harley as she was falling through the air
-Pushed Harley out of the way just as Oreth was about to vaporize her
-Dodged rapid blasts of heat vision from a robotic copy of Power Girl

Vartox durability by Br3ndan5

-Multiverse Level+ by scaling to his strength
-Did the following in a precognitive vision:
    -Shrugged off a Kryptonian judo-throw from Superman
-Survived being blasted in the stomach by a mobster’s Z-Charge, though it left him near-death
-Shrugged off Superman dropkicking him in the stomach
-Unaffected while in the vacuum of space
-Survived being caught in Valeron’s explosion
-Was unharmed after being caught in a 10 megaton explosion from an exploding drone-ship
-Is unaffected after coming into contact with the radioactive fragments of Valeron
-Shrugged off an uppercut from Superman
-Has no problem being on Tynola, which has an atmosphere fatal to anything from Earth
-Tanked a dragon’s fire breath hitting him in the chest
-Quickly recovered after Superman punched him in the back
-Got back up after crashing into the ground
-Withstood being placed in a chokehold by Superman
-Unharmed after being caught in the explosion of a moon-sized rock
-Treated being in the middle of a volcano as if it was a hot spring
-Was only enraged after being in the epicenter of a volcanic eruption
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Unharmed after being in the epicenter of a massive explosion
-Shrugged off a punch from Power Girl
-Got knocked through several buildings by an IX Negaspike
-Shrugged off the IX Negaspike headbutting him
-Got hit by a shard of ice from the IX Negaspike
-Was only somewhat dazed after being punched out of the Interstellar Headship
-Withstood Galaxorg stomping on his neck, choking him, and throwing him through the air
-Got back up immediately after being knocked away by a shockwave created by Galaxorg’s fists colliding
-Was unharmed after Power Girl threw him into Galaxor
-Survived prolonged exposure to Oreth’s torture machines
-Was punched by Power Girl hard enough to launch him across the Lust Moon and into a mountain
-Quickly recovered after Power Girl hit him with a right hook
-Was only somewhat dazed after Power Girl shoved him into a crater
-Was more pissed off than hurt after Oreth blasted him, which left him naked and covered in minor burns
-Withstood his mustache and upper lip being torn off by a crazed Harley
-Quickly recovered after being punched out of the Harvester of Sorrow by an enraged Power Girl
-Withstood Power Girl choking him
-Got back up after Power Girl punched him through a neighborhood
-Was punched away by a robotic copy of Power Girl
-Unharmed after being thrown into the robot Power Girl hard enough to make her explode
-Was punched through a condo by Power Girl

-Has an in-depth knowledge of machinery
-Is skilled in using disguises and infiltration
-Calculated how long he’d have before a shower of glass exploded onto Lana and Clark
-Deduced that Syreena had faked her death based on how the remnants of her pendant were reacting
Post Crisis:
-Created a pocket dimension, a robot copy of Power Girl, and robot children


Vartox cunning by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Clever:
-Placed one of his gems in Spiffany’s so Frank would steal it
-Tricked Frank into going to Valeron so he’d have to be judged under Valeronian jurisdiction
-Fooled the Tynolans into letting him visit Earth so he could enlist Superman’s help

Expert Scientist:
-Created the Time Scanscope
Post Crisis:
-Created a robotic copy of Power Girl that has all of her powers
    -He also created dozens of robot children

Vartox disguise by Br3ndan5

Master of Disguise:
-Disguised himself as a criminal to get closer to Frank

Expert Actor:
-Managed to convince two mobsters that their Z-Charge, which had left him near-death, had done nothing to him
-While disguised as Superman, pantomimed Superman’s body language to make it seem that he was using heat vision and super breath
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Convinced Braniac that his blast had killed Superman

Unbreakable Willpower:
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Withstood being tortured by Oreth

Vartox Hyper-Power by Br3ndan5

-Is extremely prideful and hammy, often speaking in a dramatic manner
-Holds a strong sense of honor, and was committed to upholding Valeron’s laws regardless of how they conflict with other cultures
-As Valeron’s only hero, he felt it was his duty to protect the people, and that if his powers were weakened, they would lose confidence in him and crime would run rampant
-Near the end of Valeron’s life, he began to feel he was just as dependent on the citizens as they were of him
-Considers Superman a good friend due to their similar sense of justice and heroism
-Refuses to take a life, and will feel remorseful if he is forced to
-Will become overwhelmed with guilt if his decisions result in the harm of any bystanders
   -This is to the point where he’ll turn himself in to the authorities and begin doubting his abilities as a hero
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Is devoted to protecting Valeron
-Can be somewhat bullheaded when making decisions
-Prefers to rush in guns blazing rather than forming a plan
-Likes referring to himself in the third person, though he’ll stop if others find it annoying
-Unlike his Pre-Crisis counterpart, he’s willing to take lives, though he’s extremely reluctant to do so
-In the event that he decides to kill someone, he’ll do his best to make it quick and painless
-Has a subdued, almost comedic reaction to the deaths of others
    -His response to Blue Snowman being swallowed whole by the IX Negaspike was “That was unfortunate. I believe I mentioned its voracious appetite”
-While not to the same extent as his Pre-Crisis counterpart, he appreciates Superman due to his sense of morals and justice
-Becomes infuriated when others refuse to hold up to their end of bargains
-Is a playboy who enjoys flirting with beautiful women
-Considers himself irresistible to all female and most male species
-At first, he was only familiar with Valeron’s romantic views, which led him to believe that he needed to prove his strength in order to impress women
    -Though he also showed that he was willing to accept other approaches toward seducing them
   -After familiarizing himself with other cultures, he became more formal and gentlemanly when introducing himself to women
-While it might seem that he only focuses on women’s appearances, he can also become attracted to them based on their strength or intelligence
    -He also has some standards, as he’ll leave a woman alone if she’s not interested in him
-Is willing to admit when he’s wrong and will apologize if he feels he’s wasted a person’s time
-Is embarrassed at the idea of having sex, as he feels it’s a crude and archaic form of reproduction
-Has a romantic interest in Power Girl, and constantly attempts to flirt with her
   -This later evolved into an obsession, as he went as far as to create a robot copy of her to serve as his wife
-According to himself, he’s an excellent cook

Weapons and Equipment:


Vartox Jet Boots by Br3ndan5
Jet Boots:
-Created by Vartox to help control his flight
-Can expel a smokescreen strong enough to paralyze Superman
-Only used them in a precognitive vision

Vartox Time Scanscope by Br3ndan5

Time Scanscope:
-Expands the range of Vartox’s precognition to the point where he can see events occurring trillions of lightyears away
    -This also gives him the ability to see into the past

Cosmosis Crystalis by Br3ndan5

Cosmosis Crystalis:
-A twenty-sided die that lets him search the universe based on his current desires
  -It also gives him knowledge on people, as he learned Power Girl’s real name and backstory the moment it pulled her up
-Used to help him find a worthy mate to repopulate Valeron

Interstellar Headship by Br3ndan5
Interstellar Headship:
-A massive spaceship shaped like Vartox’s head
-Used to travel to other planets
-Is installed with a Clothing Dispensor 12,000, which is programmed to fit the user’s specifications
-Contains recording devices that scan the ship’s occupants while they’re in the dressing rooms
-Has a kitchen and a fertilization room, the latter of which contains a Pregno-Ray

Seduction Musk Rifle by Br3ndan5
Seduction Musk Rifle:
-Fires a cologne that’s supposed to make Vartox seem irresistible to women
    -The effects vary depending on women, as Power Girl was unaffected while Blue Snowman immediately fell in love with him
-What it smells like is different for each person
-If a man smells the cologne, he’ll be knocked out and presumably blinded

Vartox teleport ring by Br3ndan5

Teleportation Ring:
-Lets him teleport anywhere he desires, provided he keeps a clear head
-Resembles a wedding ring


-Can survive in a vacuum without any protection
    -This also lets him survive in other atmospheres

Vartox hyper senses by Br3ndan5
-All of Vartox’s senses are enhanced to the point where nothing can block him out when he desires to see, or hear it
   -This also gives him the ability to talk and hear things while in the vacuum of space
-Can learn details about an object’s history just by looking at it
-Is able to hear Jimmy Olsen’s Signal Watch, which emits a signal only Superman can hear
    -He can also hear events occurring in Metropolis while he’s in the Pacific Isle

Vartox hyper vision by Br3ndan5
-A variant of x-ray vision
-Lets him see through any substance, including lead
-Can use this to see events occurring far away, as he was able to watch Lana and Clark (who were in Metropolis) while relaxing in the Pacific Isle

Vartox microscopic vision by Br3ndan5
Microscopic Vision:
-Lets him see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level

Vartox flight by Br3ndan5
-Allows Vartox to fly at faster-than-light speeds

Vartox Hyper-Frosting by Br3ndan5
-By touching a person or object, he can freeze them solid
-These effects last for an hour

Vartox hyper kinesis by Br3ndan5
-Allows Vartox to fire waves of heat and cold from his hands, allowing him to burn targets or freeze them in place
    -Used the former to reduce an explosion of glass to minuscule bits and the latter to extinguish a fire

Vartox Teleportation by Br3ndan5
-Can teleport to other locations by manipulating the psychic energy in his body
   -He can also summon a beam from the sky to teleport himself and others to different locations
-When used by Frank, he could teleport from a hotel room to a distant jewelry store

Vartox Hyper Energy by Br3ndan5
-A wave of telekinetic energy Vartox can fire from his body
-Can be morphed into constructs or used to mend objects
-When enraged, he can output an explosion strong enough to trigger a volcanic eruption and force objects to combust
Post Crisis:
-A form of energy he can use to fire beams, enhance his strikes, and create massive explosions
-Strong enough to hurt Superman, Braniac, and Power Girl
-Can destroy spaceships and vaporize beings weaker than him

Vartox animation by Br3ndan5
-Lets him bring objects to life
-Used to distract Superman by bringing his cape to life and having it attack him

Vartox telekinesis by Br3ndan5
-Used to launch nearby objects onto a specific target
-Made scraps of food explode out of a disposal unit and onto Steve
-When used by Frank, he could telekinetically manipulate Superman’s movements

Vartox Hyper-Charges by Br3ndan5
-Blasts of energy fired from Vartox’s fingertips
-According to Vartox, they’re strong enough to kill a normal human

Vartox Hyper-Beam by Br3ndan5Vartox Hyper-Beam 2 by Br3ndan5
-Invisible beams of that Vartox can fire from either his fingers or eyes
   -Can use the former to paralyze others and the latter to transmit psychic messages
    –These messages can consist of visions, memories, and coordinates to other locations
-Requires direct eye contact to transmit psychic messages

Hyper-Molecules by Br3ndan5
-A variant of Hyper-Beams fired from Vartox’s hands
-Can convert three-dimensional objects into two dimensions

Vartox Hyper-Static by Br3ndan5
Hyper-Static Beam:
-A blast fired from Vartox’s eyes that paralyzes its target

Hyper-liquified beam by Br3ndan5
Hyper-Liquefied Beams:
-Beams from Vartox’s fingertips that transmute their target into globules of a gelatin-like substance
    -The target will disperse if it’s in a vacuum
-Strong enough to affect an asteroid

Vartox Hyper-Power by Br3ndan5
-Allows Vartox to mentally project visions of the future
-Does this to discern the most likely outcome if he pursues a specific path or choice

Vartox control by Br3ndan5
Vartox control 2 by Br3ndan5
-Can extend his mind outward to control other people’s thoughts and actions
-Has a massive range, as he was able to control Frank’s brother, Teddy, despite being on the opposite side of Metropolis
-Can affect multiple people at a time, as he once accidentally transmitted his fear of Earth being destroyed to most of the planet
-Can focus this into a Hyper Brain-Blast, which is strong enough to knock out Superman
    -This blast places its victim in a Psycho-Drama, which forces them to relive their most traumatic memories and can cause irreparable mental harm

Hyper hypno by Br3ndan5
-Creates illusions that make him appear as other people
-Used to disguise himself as Superman

Hyper-force by Br3ndan5
-Allows him to move heavy objects by surrounding them in beams of hyper-energy

Mento-Projection by Br3ndan5
Mento-Projection 2 by Br3ndan5
-Allows Vartox to create mental projections of his thoughts

vartox remote control blows by Br3ndan5
Remote-Control Blows:
-By using telekinesis, Vartox can transfer the pain and knockback of his attacks to opponents

Vartox healing factor by Br3ndan5
Healing Factor:
-Was able to regenerate his upper lip seconds after it was torn off, with his mustache reappearing instantly afterward

Vartox magnokinesis by Br3ndan5
Hyper-Magnetic Beam:
-Allows Vartox to manipulate magnetic fields
-Used this to stop a gas bomb from destroying a city

Vartox transfer by Br3ndan5
Vartox transfer 2 by Br3ndan5
Energy Transferance:
-Can temporarily give his powers to others
-Is able to transfer his power at different levels
-Those who receive his powers can only use them while they’re near Vartox
-He can also use this to transfer any harmful energy in his body to another person

Heat vision by Br3ndan5
Heat Vision:
-Beams of concentrated heat fired from his eyes
-Melted debris from a destroyed glacier

Vartox breath by Br3ndan5
-Lets Vartox create hurricane-like gusts of wind by exhaling
-Used to stabilize Earth’s oxygen
-Can chill the air as it escapes his lungs, allowing him to freeze targets

Hyper-Obliteration Charge:
-A focused beam of concentrated hyper-energy
-Strong enough to destroy a moon-sized rock

Vartox Power-Charge by Br3ndan5
-A last resort technique used when Vartox is backed into a corner
-Converts his molecular structure into hyper-energy, creating a massive explosion of electricity
-Strong enough to knock out Superman

-An invisible shield Vartox can use to protect himself and others
-Durable enough to withstand a blast from Braniac

Astral Projection:
-Allows him to separate his soul from his body
-Never shown onscreen

-Lets him withstand any amount of physical damage, pressure, or harm with little to no signs of pain or injury

-Should he die, Vartox can give birth to himself in a new, younger body

Vartox weaknesses by Br3ndan5
Vartox weaknesses 2 by Br3ndan5
-Vulnerable to mind control
-Vulnerable to poisons that target his body’s hyper-energy
   -Though he can use heat vision to burn these toxins out of his body
-Can have his powers siphoned or absorbed
-Some of his powers depend on his emotional state and activate subconsciously
-Is extremely unlucky
-His inability to save Valeron left him with occasional bouts of survivor’s guilt
   -Though this is no longer an issue after becoming Tynola’s champion
Post Crisis and New 52:
-Calling him egotistical would be an understatement
-Doesn’t use the Seduction Musk Rifle in combat, as it’s only meant to aid in seducing women
Harley Quinn and Power Girl turned him into a creepy douchebag stalker

(“People of Earth- I am Vartox! I have journeyed to your planet on an assignment so vital, I vow to let nothing stand in my way- not even Superman!”)

(“Vartox has pity for you, Oreth. To compare one’s meager self to a diamond pillar can be quite humbling. It is in this self-imposed humiliation that you have sought the solace of your world-conquering ambitions, but there is hope and science for you.”)