Livio the Double Fang Guns Down Death Battle!

Livio color
Livio the Double Fang
Aliases: Crybaby Livio, Double Fang, Trip of Death (as Razlo)
Occupation: Caregiver, Member of the Gung-Ho Guns (formerly), Member of the Eye of Michael (formerly)
First Appearance: Trigun Maximum – Chapter 36: Cross x Assassins (March 30, 2001)

-Were given the final coins in Legato Bluesummers’ coin case, which were designed to block Legato’s powers

-Subconsciously created Razlo, a split personality designed to withstand abuse
-As a child, he saved Jasmine, an orphan who had fallen off a rooftop while following a puppy
-Was considered the best assassin of the Eye of Michael
-Killed Joe Tooth and his partner
-Killed a group of soldiers
-Alongside Chapel, fought Wolfwood, who had betrayed the Gung-Ho Guns to rescue Vash, which ended inconclusively
-Prevented his childhood orphanage from being destroyed by a missile
-Fought Wolfwood and would’ve won if Wolfwood hadn’t distracted him with a missile
-Prevented Razlo from killing Wolfwood by regaining control of his body and allowing Razlo to recede into his subconscious
-After Wolfwood’s death, began helping Vash in his plan to stop Knives from destroying humanity
-Fought Elendira the Crimsonnail, but was defeated
-After being helped back to health by the orphans she was raising, reunited with Jasmine and obtained a poncho and hat
-Saved Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson from being killed by a group of soldiers
-Had a rematch with Elendira, which he lost
-Merged his personality with Razlo’s so he could keep up with Elendira

-As a child, killed Livio’s parents
-Murdered Jasmine’s puppy in a fit of rage-Beat a group of thugs to death after they repeatedly abused Livio
-Helped guide Livio to the Eye of Michael so they could have a purpose in life
-Killed 9 of the Eye of Michael’s best assassins
-Devoted himself to the Eye of Michael after his master, Chapel, spared him from execution by shooting himself to show that he trusted Razlo
-After taking over for Livio, fought and defeated Wolfwood
-While fighting Wolfwood, accidentally killed one of his servants
-Fought a serum-enhanced Wolfwood in a rematch, but was defeated
-Attempted to kill Wolfwood, but was stopped at the last second by Livio
-After being betrayed by him, murdered Chapel in a fit of rage and attempted to kill Wolfwood, but was stopped by Livio
-Reemerged to keep fighting Elendira after Livio was defeated, but lost
-Merged his personality with Livio’s to help him keep up with Elendira

-Defeated Elendira
-Saved Vash and Knives from being shot down by Chronica by destroying her cannon
-Returned to the orphanage from his childhood and began taking care of the children there

-Island Level via his weaponry, as they possess the same strength as Wolfwood’s
    -Wolfwood’s weaponry could harm Legato, who was unscathed after being caught in a casual Angel Arm blast
-As a child, he was able to support the weight of Jasmine, who was nearly as tall as he was
-Can perform push-ups with one hand
-Can support the weight of his Punishers
-Pulled Joe Tooth, who weighs 330 lbs (150 kg), off of his speeding motorcycle
-Beat Joe and his partner to death, breaking the latter’s neck with a punch
-Split a cyborg in half and decapitated him with a single kick
-Grabbed a missile in mid-flight, held it back, and threw it back at its owner
-Knocked Wolfwood through a wooden beam hard enough that he was left coughing up blood
-Held up a steel door with one hand
-Knocked over several soldiers by running into them
-Elbowed three of Elendira’s nails hard enough to send them toward her
-Ripped Elendira’s nails out of his body
-Said to be stronger than Livio
-As a child, he was able to beat to death all of the thugs that abused Livio
-Using his bionic arm (See “Weapons and Equipment” below), supported the weight of one of his servants and accidentally threw him while swinging the Punisher
-While only having one arm, managed to match Wolfwood’s strength in close-quarters
-Stabbed himself in the arm with his regenerating hand, which had been reduced to bones
-Managed to kick himself off of a wall despite being nailed to it
-Elbowed Elendira in the back
-Repeatedly clashed with Elendira
-While suffering from blood loss, managed to elbow Elendira hard enough to send her several feet away
-After being impaled through the chest and boosting himself with a serum (See “Weapons and Equipment” below), he was able to grab Elendira by the head and pull her into one of her nails
-Supported Vash’s weight while running

Livio agilityAgility:
-Is said to leap higher than physically possible
-Can leap dozens of feet through the air
-Can parkour off of people’s heads
-Managed to twist his body at multiple angles to avoid Elendira’s nails

-Massively Hypersonic+ due to being comparable to Wolfwood, who was able to tag Legato
    -Legato kept up in battle with Vash, who is comparable to Knives, who traveled out of orbit and to a space ark within a couple of seconds
-Superior to Rai-Dei the Blade, who could slice through a gang of people while being shot at

-Caught Jasmine just before she could hit the ground
-Tagged Joe Tooth, who was on a speeding motorcycle, and pulled him away so quickly that his partner didn’t notice
-Blitzed a group on soldiers and killed them in seconds
-Caught a missile as it was firing
-Dodged a point-blank shot from Wolfwood’s pistol
-Outran multiple shots from Wolfwood
-Deflected a missile from Wolfwood’s Punisher at close-range
-During their first match, he managed to tag Elendira, who was faster than him at the time, and left a cut on her cheek
-Moved FTE while blocking bullets from a squad of soldiers, then blitzed them
-Dodged one of Elendira’s nails just as it was about to pierce his body, then avoided a second, point-blank shot
-Avoided 4 shots from Elendira while in midair
-Outran Elendira’s rapidly-fired nails
-Caught a bullet in midair with his prosthetic arm
-Could fire three missiles at once
-Despite only having one arm, managed to keep up with Wolfwood in close-quarters combat, though he was eventually overpowered
-Can move so quickly that it looks like he’s firing dozens of Double Fangs simultaneously
-Could keep up with Elendira, who was able to outspeed Razlo
-Aimed his Double Fang behind himself and fired off 9 shots after sensing that Elendira was behind him
-Dodged an attempted sneak-attack from Elendira while firing his Double Fang
-Deflected multiple shots from Elendira

-Island Level due to surviving hits from Wolfwood’s weapons
-As a child, he regularly withstood being beaten by his parents and multiple thugs, with the latter eventually making him numb to the pain
-Survived being shot in the head and chest multiple times
-Survived being shot in the heart, though the pain forced him to shift into Razlo
-While still injured from his fight with Wolfwood, survived getting crushed beneath two tables
-Took a punch from Brad, which left him with a bloody nose
-His body was durable enough that Vash hurt his hand while playfully punching him
-Withstood one of Elendira’s nails slashing across his face
-Showed no signs of pain after being thrown through multiple buildings
-Survived repeated impalement from Elendira’s nails, which were tall enough to reach up to his chest
-Was stabbed in the side by Elendira’s knife
-Recovered almost immediately after being hit in the stomach by Elendira’s crossbow
-After Razlo switched back with him, he was able to get back to his feet despite being impaled through his side, right pec, stomach, and chest
-Withstood the pain of removing Elendira’s nails from his body
-Showed no reaction to having part of his nose shot off
-Tanked Wolfwood slamming his Punisher into his stomach
-Withstood having his right hand shot off by Wolfwood, a box magazine being kicked into his back, and a close-range missile explosion that blew off his bionic arm
-Remained conscious after Wolfwood wrapped ammo belts around his body and detonated them, which created an explosion that burned off his skin and muscles and severed his nerves
-After the above, he withstood Wolfwood repeatedly punching him in the face, which tore off his remaining skin, destroyed his muscles, and began shattering his skull
-Was more surprised than hurt after Livio’s consciousness forced him to stab himself in the arm with his regenerating hand
-Unphased despite being repeatedly impaled by Elendira
-Survived being trapped in an illusion where he was impaled by thousands of nails and decapitated, though the pain caused him to go into shock
-While unconscious, survived Elendira driving nails through his side, right pec, and stomach
-Withstood Elendira smashing her crossbow against his leg hard enough to amputate it, then having the crossbow slammed against his head twice
-Being impaled through the back only pissed him off
-Survived being impaled through the chest by a shot from Elendira’s larger crossbow
-Withstood being choked and having his jugular torn by Elendira’s controlled corpse

-Was able to piece together that Vash had used his Angel Arm after Wolfwood’s death
-Deduced that Zazie the Beast had possessed a man


Cunning and Pragmatic:
-Can quickly learn and adapt to an opponent’s abilities and tactics
-Constantly analyzes his opponent while fighting them
-Can deduce specific aspects of a person’s fighting style the longer he fights them

C4475D04-A472-4E0B-A9DF-736FB022701412DCD2B6-CF16-4865-B093-A6D14EE412F7Expert Marksman:
-Shot Wolfwood multiple times while having his back to him
-Can deliver perfectly accurate shots while spinning in place
-While impaled to a wall and flying past her, shot Elendira in the side
-Landed several shots on Elendira despite her attempting to blitz him
-Shot Elendira in the side despite not even looking at her
-Destroyed a futuristic, high-tech cannon with four shots

B3752BA8-9F91-4A4F-83DC-729C776F8AEC11FF4B5D-FA50-43A2-AB28-206E497A52A6A63633E8-B9C2-44F5-8408-C07AD1D16FF5Immense Willpower:
-Remained conscious after ripping all of Elendira’s nails from his body
-Can keep fighting even after multiple impalements or having his skin and muscles burned off
-Remained conscious for several minutes after being impaled through the chest by Elendira’s bigger nail gun

-During his first appearances, he was shown to be stoic and rarely spoke
-Due to his parents’ abuse, he spent his childhood being quiet, timid, and self-loathing; believing himself to be worthless
    -Despite this, he was willing to help others, as seen when he saved Jasmine from falling to her death
-After constantly being beaten by thugs, he eventually became apathetic and began to view the beatings as boring
-Upon being inducted into the Eye of Michael, he became devoted to his mission and chose to abandon his past relationships so he could become the “ultimate servant”
    -Despite this, he had limits to what he could tolerate, as the sight of child abuse would cause him to lash out in anger
-After being betrayed by Chapel and witnessing Wolfwood’s growth from leaving the Eye of Michael, he chose to walk a new path by doing the same and helping Vash
-After Wolfwood’s death, he started to loosen up and became more sociable
-Is somewhat scatterbrained when it comes to his hat and poncho, as he tried to call a time-out during his rematch with Elendira so he could put them on
-Has a soft spot for children
-Is more psychotic compared to Livio, often attacking others regardless of whether they’re friend or foe
-Is extremely crude and foul-mouthed when speaking to others
-Is protective of Livio and willing to help him with his problems, whether they involve combat or otherwise
-Feels indebted to Livio due to how much training he had to go through to improve their body
-After being spared from execution by Chapel, he became devoted to following him and grew to care about him
   -This is to the point where he broke down and started crying when he believed Chapel had died
-Enjoys fighting those who can keep up with him in battle, and will deliberately try to push them to their limit
-Hates the idea of being left alone

Weapons and Equipment:

0D0BE3FF-F487-4C38-9DF3-CC956A1701BBDouble Fangs:
-A pair of crucifix-shaped submachine guns
-Contain dual barrels that allow them to fire forward and backwards simultaneously
-Are strapped to Livio’s wrists and carried in low-slung shoulder holsters when not in use
-Are noted by Razlo to be really light, to the point where he felt like he wasn’t even holding them

Poncho and Hat:
-Given to him by Jasmine and one of her orphans
-According to Livio, he becomes stronger when he wears them

-Three crucifix-shaped guns used by Razlo, though Livio can arm himself with them if he chooses
-The bottom sections contain mini-guns, while the top sections function as missile launchers
    -Both can be fired rapidly
-Can be used for bludgeoning when fighting in close-quarters
-Can likely be used as makeshift shields
-No longer seem to be in his possession, as they aren’t seen again after his fight with Wolfwood

90F300C2-DB16-4E79-A23A-E9881E0ADA93Bionic Arm:
-A metal prosthetic grafted to Livio’s upper spine
-Strong enough to support the weight of the third Punisher and unintentionally throw one of his servants
-Only used when Razlo is in control
-No longer in his possession, as it was destroyed during his fight with Wolfwood

-Used by Razlo to murder Livio’s parents
-No longer in his possession

B5C06A35-863F-44C1-9294-4EBF11C53992Grader 2043 Pistol:
-Given to him by Vash after Wolfwood’s death
-Takes .45 automatic rounds for ammo
-When used by Wolfwood, it was strong enough to harm Razlo
-Used to destroy Chronica’s cannon

-A vial containing a regenerative drug
-Grants a massive boost to the user’s physicality and healing factor at the cost of making them age faster
-Used during his final battle with Elendira

-Three mute servants who aid Livio and Razlo
-Only two, Zain and Agile, are known to have names, as the third was killed by Razlo before we could learn his name

-Are armed with kunai and explosives
-Their suits are equipped with vials of a serum that can strengthen and revive them, which is dispensed through tubes in their suits
-Carry the Punishers when they aren’t being used and will obey Razlo’s commands in battle


Razlo healing factorHealing Factor:
-Gained from his modifications while training under the Eye of Michael
-Said to be superior to Wolfwood and Chapel’s
    -Wolfwood could heal seconds after his organs were filled with bullets, and Chapel was able to heal from a broken neck within minutes
-Was able to regenerate after Wolfwood repeatedly shot him in the head
-Got back up seconds after being shot in the chest multiple times, one of which went through his heart
-It’s said that he can heal even if his skull is smashed to pieces
-Regenerated part
of his nose after it was shot off
-Despite the initial injury briefly slowing his healing factor, he quickly regenerated his bones, muscles, and skin after getting caught in an explosion and being beaten to near-death by Wolfwood
-Reconnected his nerves seconds after they were severed by Wolfwood’s explosion
-Regenerated most of his skin while in the middle of talking
-Fully regrew his hand in the span of a few minutes
-Healed from a bloody nose almost instantly
-Was back to full health seconds after Elendira’s nails were removed from his body
-His body pushed out a knife almost immediately after he’d been stabbed in the side

-Regrew his leg over the course of his fight with Elendira
-Healed seconds after Elendira’s corpse began to tear open his jugular
-Can be boosted further by ingesting formulas

Livio adaption
Information Analysis and Accelerated Development:
-Thanks to the Eye of Michael’s training and his own analytical ability, should Livio be defeated in battle, he can force his body to adapt to his opponent’s strength and speed, allowing him to match them


Razlo the Tri-Punisher of Death:
-Livio’s more violent split personality
-Appears after Livio has suffered intense pain or trauma
-Is physically superior to Livio, but lacks his training and finesse

-The result of Livio and Razlo accepting each other and merging their personalities
-Allows Livio to use Razlo’s strength, speed, and durability while retaining his own marksmanship and analytical abilities

Livio weaknessesLivio weaknesses2Weaknesses:
-It’s implied several times throughout the manga that severing or destroying his head will kill him
-Excessive damage can overtax his healing factor, albeit briefly
-Vulnerable to illusions
-Despite their power, the servants can be put down with enough force
-Despite his ability to adapt, it’s possible to overwhelm him by catching him off-guard
-Is more reckless in battle, which a smarter opponent can use to lead him into a trap
-Doesn’t strategize when fighting others, instead preferring to go in guns blazing
-His desire to fight strong opponents can cause him to prolong a fight, though he does know when to take fights seriously
-His recklessness can lead to him accidentally killing his servants
-His body can disobey him if Livio’s mind disagrees with him
-No longer has access to his bionic arm or his Punishers

(“Jasmine. To think that out of those who I swore to protect, you, of all people, would be in there. Now, more than ever… I can be assured that I’m doing the right thing.”)

(“Looks like you flipped some hidden switch with me, pal! It’s kinda scary when it happens, but I love it to death! I’ve just got more power than I can handle, ya know? Usually those bastards die after a single fuckin’ shot. And where’s the fun in that, huh?! For some reason, though, I feel like you can let me have some fun… so from here on out, I’m just gonna let myself go wild! Can ya take it? I wonder if you can last more than… ten seconds.”)

Death Battle: Knives Millions vs Jin Kisaragi

Knives vs Jin Interlude by Br3ndan5

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Snow Town, 9th Hierarchical City of Akitsu-Kou

The sound of boots crunching against snow echoed throughout the abandoned streets as one man trudged through the cold, unforgiving land. His green eyes scanned the area for any signs of life. Massive houses made of wood and brick adorned his surroundings, all of them lit from the inside and covered in snow, but he knew firsthand that each one remained unoccupied. It was odd. He recalled seeing the occasional snowman with each city block he passed, and he could clearly see the frozen over, igloo-like turrets that towered above the houses, which indicated that there must be at least one person inhabiting this place!

The man closed his eyes and exhaled, his breath visible in the town’s cold air as he recalled the events that had led up to this.

“Stop! Get away from me!” Knives Millions screamed in desperation as he realized what his brother was going to do. Instead of listening, Vash the Stampede only responded by focusing his energy into the cable he was holding. The energy shot through the cable, exiting out through the Ark and, by extension, Knives himself. Now knowing they were both connected, Vash proceeded to bring his end of the cable up to his neck. Electricity crackled out of the plug for a brief moment, and then it happened!

The moment it entered into his body, both Knives, Vash, and the various Plants let out bloodcurdling screams of agony. A fiery pain spread throughout Knives’ mind as he felt his body start to break down. Veins appeared across his entire frame, and the Plants that had helped make it up were slowly trying to push themselves out. To make matters worse, the energy had created an adverse effect on the Ark, as the once sentient ship was now roaring in agony. Knives looked down toward its direction, and he soon saw why: its entire frame was being disintegrated! With every second that passed, another portion would be consumed in a white fire, leaving the organic vehicle to suffer a pain even worse than its master’s!

An enraged scream emerged from Knives’ throat as he desperately spread his Angel Wings, forming them into tendrils that grabbed hold of the disintegrating ship. Then, using some of his own energy, Knives began repairing the ship, regenerating all of the damage in a matter of seconds while also integrating his own consciousness into it! He wouldn’t let Vash throw away all of his hard work so easily!

“You haven’t reached me yet, Vash!” As his body fused itself to its new vessel, Knives looked down to see the wire still attached to his body. “This wire connection must be your last chance. You’ve done well at cornering me like this, but…” he paused for a brief moment to focus his energy, and with it a small blade began to form from his new body. “There is absolutely no way I’ll lose to these humans!”

As these words escaped his lips, Knives brought the blade down, fully intent on severing the wire. Just when it seemed that he was about to do so, however, his vision seemed to go black for a brief moment. Upon its return, a CLANG echoed out as he struck… tile?

[Stop music]

His eyes widening in surprise, Knives then looked up at his surroundings, and it was then that he realized something was wrong. No longer were his surroundings that of the desert planet Gunsmoke. Instead, he found himself standing inside a large cave, his feet resting against tiled floor. Wait, his feet?

Confused, he took a brief look at his own body, and this caused his confusion to morph into a look of surprise. There didn’t seem to be any of the Ark attached to him. In fact, he looked just as he had prior to fusing with it! How was this possible? Could it have something to do with whatever had brought him here?

Shifting his gaze, Knives began studying his surroundings further. Each tile on the ground was inscribed with some sort of rune in its middle. His only sources of light seemed to come from the surrounding fire and lava, though this didn’t help him figure out his current surroundings.

“Let me guess, you’re probably wondering where you are and how you got here.” Hearing this new voice, Knives turned around, and he was met with the sight of a voluptuous woman in a purple-and-black witch’s costume.

“That would be correct.” He confirmed as he raised his arm, extending a blade to the point where it was only a few centimeters from her throat. “I’ll only ask this once: why did you bring me here, and for what purpose?”

“Maybe if you put that sword down and let me explain, you’d find your answer.” The mysterious woman responded, her tone somewhat frosty as she pushed the Angel Wing aside.

From there, this woman- Nine the Phantom- had told Knives of his current situation. According to her explanation, he had been selected as one of the “qualified,” a set of individuals who were given the privilege of surviving the end of the world. Apparently, he had been transplanted out of his universe and into this one by a being called the “Master Unit: Amaterasu.” Because of his status as a qualified, he was now tasked with defeating a woman by the name of Hades Izanami. By doing so, she explained, he would obtain the Azure, a power that would allow him to reshape the world as he saw fit.

Naturally, when he’d first heard this, Knives had scoffed. This sounded like some sort of naive, childish fantasy. A power that would grant him whatever he desired, and all it would cost was the life of one woman? At first he thought it sounded too good to be true, but then he began thinking on it a bit more. If this “Azure” really did exist, then he could use its power to bring about a new era to Gunsmoke. He could finally wipe the slate clean. The human race would no longer exist, and in their place would be paradise- an Eden for himself and all of his siblings to remain in for eternity!

[Stop music]

Opening his eyes, Knives’ attention became drawn elsewhere as he could feel a familiar sensation entering his mind. It was faint, but he could still feel this sort of… buzzing enter his subconscious. This only happened if he was around another Plant, and with the frequency he was receiving, it could’ve only been one person.

“Vash?” He asked aloud. Was it possible? Had his brother also materialized in this new world? And if he had, then that meant-

Knives cut off his thought process and chuckled.

“You just always have to get in my way, don’t you, little brother?” He asked aloud, his tone joking and humorous in spite of their recent conflict. As these words left his mouth, Knives took to the air, using his wings to begin flying over Snow Town. Although he wasn’t aware of it at the time, he would soon find himself victim to yet another confrontation, though it wasn’t with someone he had expected!

On the other side of town, casually trudging through the snow was another blond man, whose green eyes were remaining focused on his surroundings. He could sense a mysterious presence in this city, one he had never encountered before, and it seemed to be approaching his direction at a rapid pace. As he felt the air currents shift around him, Jin Kisaragi looked up just in time to see a vague blur crash several feet from him. Recognizing this new arrival as a possible threat, Jin placed a hand on his sheathed blade, mentally preparing himself in the event that he’d have to remove it and defend himself. To his surprise, the figure instead chose to remain still, allowing Jin to see its true form once the cloud surrounding it had dissipated.

Standing before him was a blond man of equal height. His hair had been fashioned into a sort of buzz cut, and Jin could notice a small streak of black across its left side. Most of his body was covered by a beige cloak, though Jin could still make out his hands and feet, and that was when he noticed something odd. For some reason, both of these limbs were a bright cyan, a sharp contrast to the peach skin tone on his head. Extending out of his back were a pair of white, metallic wings. But rather than focus on this person’s appearance, Jin’s attention was drawn to something else. He could feel a malevolent aura emanating from the man’s body, one that caused him to raise his guard even further.

“Well, it’s about time I found someone in this frozen trash heap.” Knives said, his tone joyful before he noticed the swordsman’s current expression. “There’s no need to be so defensive. I just need some directions.”

“Directions to where?” Jin asked, his tone on edge.

“Not where. Who. I’m looking for someone named Hades Izanami.” Upon hearing this, Jin’s gaze hardened slightly.

“So you’re another one of the chosen.” Jin surmised. “And what exactly do you plan to do once you’ve defeated Izanami? What is it that you desire?”

“What do I desire?” Knives repeated as a small grin appeared on his face. “All I want to do is recreate the world I came from, to give the humans who mistreated my sisters their long overdue punishment. Every day they would be abused, forced to supply resources to an ungrateful species before being thrown aside as if they were nothing more than garbage! If I were to obtain the Azure, I could strip my sisters of their prisons, and then humanity would be forced to fight amongst themselves. And once the last remnants of that putrid garbage have fallen, I’ll build a new world, one where we can thrive without any oppression or conflict!”

“So you want to play God?” Jin asked, his tone sounding somewhat testy.

“If that’s what you want to call it, then sure.” Knives said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Hearing this caused Jin’s grip to tighten.

“I have made it my mission to not let the Azure fall into the wrong hands, and if that’s truly what you desire…” The former major paused for a brief moment, and then, as he unsheathed the Mucro Algrescro: Yukianesa, he continued with, “Then I’m afraid I can’t allow you to go any further!”

As these words left his mouth, Jin threw out a swift quickdraw slash. Yukianesa flew through the air-


Only to meet a cyan blade that had extended out of his target’s forearm. The two struggled for a brief moment, but Knives eventually pushed Jin back. The Hero of Ikaruga skid back a bit, but he proved quick to stop himself and stared his adversary in the eye. Knives’ only response was to close his eyes and sigh in disappointment.

“I shouldn’t have expected anything less. It looks like no matter where I go, you humans are all the same.” He lamented as he applied more strength to his push, causing Jin to skid back several inches. Opening his eyes, the Plant glared at Jin with contempt. “What gives you the right to judge me? You’re no different than your brethren! Arrogant, loathsome, downright disgusting!

“Hmph. Spare me your words.” Jin responded dismissively. “Your opinions on humanity don’t concern me. As far as I’m concerned, they’re nothing more than the ravings of a delusional madman intent on condemning an entire species for the actions of a select few.”

As he finished speaking, Jin lowered himself into a fighting stance before continuing.

“And if your plan is to judge humanity, then I will be the one to judge you!” Upon hearing this, Knives chuckled.

“Trying to play the hero, are we? Alright then!” Once he had finished speaking, Knives tore off his cloak, revealing what lay underneath. The first thing Jin noticed was that Knives was completely naked, revealing that the peach skin on his face continued down his neck before fading into a cyan color. His lower half seemed to lack any genitals, instead sporting a completely blank space where they would’ve been. Small, spike-like extensions protruded out of his legs and wrapped around the outside of his thighs. Though he couldn’t have possibly known about it, Jin was currently looking at the result of Knives fusing with almost every one of the Plants on Gunsmoke. The naked science experiment looked at Jin’s neutral expression and responded by giving a smirk. He then swiped his arm through the air, causing a blade to extend out of his forearm.

[If rooting for Knives]
[Start at 0:21]
[If rooting for Jin]

“If that’s what you want, then come on and fight me!” Knives declared with a grin. “But just as a warning: if you decide to step forward and take me on, I won’t show you any mercy! I’ll make your death as slow and excruciating as I can!”

At hearing this, Jin scoffed before running forward, with Knives responding in kind.

Db Fight! by Br3ndan5

The two blonds soon met in the middle of the street, with both swinging their respective blades through the air. A loud CLANG echoed throughout the streets as their swords collided, producing a massive shockwave throughout the block. The snow surrounding them became dispersed, but both men remained unmoved as they glared intensely at each other. They continued struggling against each other for a brief moment, only to leap back upon realizing that they were getting nowhere. The moment their feet hit the ground, the two men lunged forward, ready to deliver their next attack, but it was ultimately Jin who proved quicker on the draw.

Thrusting his hand forward, the Hero of Ikaruga immediately conjured up a blade of ice out of thin air and launched it at Knives. The sword flew toward the Plant at blinding speeds, and he just barely had the time to tilt his body to the side. Despite Knives’ best efforts, the sword had still managed to slash across his forearm, producing a decently-sized cut, but he proved quick to put it aside. Turning his attention back to Jin, his eyes widened in shock as he found that his opponent had suddenly appeared in front of him! Yukianesa was already in motion, moving toward Knives like a blur, but then-


He raised his other arm and formed a second blade, resulting in another collision. A grin appeared on Knives’ face as he raised his free arm, intent on ending the fight early by driving his sword through Kisaragi’s throat. Just as he was starting to thrust it forward, however, Jin swung his arm once again. A wave of ice materialized in front of him, stopping Knives mid-strike and immediately encasing him in ice!

With his opponent now immobilized, Jin wasted no time in beginning his counterattack by delivering a swift upward slash. The moment it struck, Knives was freed from his prison and sent flying back, but his freedom was short-lived as Jin closed the distance between them, having boarded a massive slab of ice. The Musou Senshouzan slammed into Knives, freezing him once again, but he was once again freed by a swift slash from Yukianesa. Millions rolled across the ground, but before he could try and push himself back up-


A massive tombstone of ice struck him from behind, courtesy of Jin planting his katana into the ground. Even with what he’d experienced from the blade, pain still flared through Knives’ body as he felt the ice smack against his back. It slammed into him hard enough that he flew back toward Jin, who stopped his flight with a sudden kick to the stomach. Knives lurched over, unintentionally coughing up spittle, but this hit had also helped him regain focus. He noticed Jin’s hand was already gripping Yukianesa. As his opponent unsheathed the Nox Nyctores and swung it through the air, Knives immediately leaned back, causing the blade to sail a few centimeters past his face. Upon seeing that Yukianesa had missed its target, Jin began sheathing it, mentally steeling himself for when his opponent would unleash another attack.

He wouldn’t have to wait for long, as Knives pulled himself back upright and swung his sword-arm once again. While it soared toward Jin, Knives began forcing the blade to extend in length. It was now large enough that Knives could’ve easily cleaved him in two, but just before he could test that theory-


Jin unsheathed Yukianesa, producing a circular flash that seemed to have a crystalline snowflake embedded in its middle. The moment he saw this, Knives froze up, stopping the blade only a few centimeters from the field. Unfortunately, this would prove a costly mistake, as Jin threw out a swift slash aimed at the chest. Realizing this, the Plant quickly rectified it by swinging his sword once again!


The two weapons collided once more, but this time the winner was becoming much clearer. With each second that passed, Jin continued applying pressure to his hold, slowly pushing Knives further back. The cyan-skinned blond responded in kind, but his determination would only be rewarded with failure as Jin pushed even harder, breaking his guard and staggering him.

“Gale!” Jin shouted as he followed up by delivering an upward slash, launching the Plant into the air. Refusing to let him recover, Kisaragi immediately leap after Millions, drawing Yukianesa from its sheath once he was close enough. Then he chose to act!

With immense speed, Jin threw out a swift flurry of horizontal slashes, each one producing another laceration on Knives’ body. Once he had reached the apex of his ascent, the Hero of Ikaruga finished his combo with a downward vertical slash, tearing open a massive gash in Knives’ chest and sending him back to the ground. Knives slammed into the snow, his impact kicking up a massive cloud of frost, but even then he could still see Jin’s silhouette. The blue-clad hero had formed a massive construct of ice, one that resembled a bow, and it was currently pointed at Knives.

“Arrows of Ice!” He shouted as he notched its drawstring back. An arrow, one even larger than the bow itself, suddenly formed inside of the string, and it was pointed directly at Knives. After making sure he had lined up his shot right, Jin let out another declaration:

“Let everything freeze!”

With that, Ragna’s brother released his grip, allowing the arrow to fly toward Knives. As the arrow approached him, Knives’ eyes widened in fear and his breathing stopped for a brief moment. There was no way he could avoid it, not at the speed it was going, anyway! Not unless…


Almost as if on instinct, a white blur emerged from Knives’ body, effortlessly pulverizing the arrow into mist. Though this left him confused, Jin put it aside as he chose to continue firing. Arrow after arrow emerged from the bow, all of them shooting through the air like a machine gun, and there seemed to be no sign of stopping! Unfortunately, it seemed that whatever had defended Knives was continuing its attempts, and it seemed to be more persistent! In fact, it seemed like more had arrived!

Every time another arrow shot out of the bow, it would be destroyed, and the distance between the mysterious objects and Jin would continue shrinking. Realizing he was getting nowhere, the swordsman-turned-archer allowed himself to drop through the air, firing off a final arrow. In tandem with his descent, one of the objects had swiped at his former location. Although he’d avoided a direct hit, a grimace still formed on Jin’s face as it sliced through one of the blue strips on his jacket, with the weapon’s tip grazing his forearm.

‘So he’s using some sort of blade to try and get at me from afar?’ Jin wondered as he flipped through the air, landing gracefully on the ground. The moment his feet hit the ground, he noticed several blurs appear in his line of vision and reacted accordingly. Quickly aiming his palm forward, Jin summoned a translucent green barrier, and it was at this same time that-



[Stop music]

“What?!” Knives asked as he felt his Angel Wings stop mid-strike, having been repelled by an object of equal force. At the same time, Jin took note of his opponent’s new weapons. From what he could tell, these seemed to be extensions of Knives’ wings, and they were rather strong! While his barrier may have shielded him from any damage, Jin could still feel the force behind each strike. Making a mental note of this, he thrust his arm out even further, forcing the barrier to explode and causing all of the blades to scatter.

[Start at 0:32]

Realizing this opportunity wouldn’t last, Jin wasted no time as he rushed forward at top speed, swinging Yukianesa in wide arcs with each step he took. As he felt his wings become moved aside, Knives’ immediate response was to reorganize them and spawn more. In no time at all, Jin had become completely surrounded by a void of razors, all of them set to close in and run him through! Unfortunately for Knives, it seemed that his opponent had other ideas.

Almost as if he were doing it subconsciously, Jin quickly unsheathed Yukianesa, and performed a sweeping slash, repelling the front row of blades. More began hurtling toward him, but Jin only responded by picking up the pace! The Nox Nyctores became nothing more than a blue blur as its owner continued swinging, knocking away Knives’ onslaught of blades with the greatest of ease! It didn’t matter where he attempted to strike from, nor how large the blade was. If it was in Jin’s way, Yukianesa would divert its path, freezing it solid in the process! Each swing was slowly bringing him closer to Knives, though the Plant wouldn’t even realize this until Jin had sliced through the final wing. With his adversary now in sight, Jin charged toward him at top speed! Now only a few inches from colliding, he thrust his hand out and summoned forth a massive construct shaped like a wolf’s head. It flew toward the cyan-skinned experiment-


[Pause music]


Only to crumble as it met some sort of invisible barrier. Confused, Jin threw out another slash, only for an equal force to push him back, causing him to skid back. Once he had come to a stop, the hero cocked an eyebrow at this. This man didn’t seem to be using Ars Magus, so how had he summoned this barrier?

“Confused?” Knives asked with an amused grin. “Really, after that last assault of yours, what makes you think- even for the tiniest second– that I’d ever let you lay that blade on me again?”

Jin merely scoffed as he planted Yukianesa into the ground once again, causing Knives’ eyes to widen as he felt a familiar construct slam into him. The moment the tombstone struck him, Millions found himself frozen solid once again, with his barrier dissipating in the process. Now that he had a clear shot, Jin wasted no time in beginning his attack!



Closing the distance in an instant, the former major threw out an upward kick and followed up with a sweep that knocked the frozen Plant to the ground. Before he could land, however, Jin threw out a vertical slash that sent him into the air. Leaping after the immobilized blond, Kisaragi gave a horizontal swing, followed up with another vertical, and sent Knives further into the air with a diagonal battoujutsu slash. Rather than leave it at that, Jin conjured up another board of ice and rammed into Knives. The moment they collided, he delivered a horizontal slash that freed Millions from his prison, but Jin still wasn’t done!

A downward diagonal slash ran across Knives’ face, producing a gash where it struck and sending him crashing back to the ground. Just before he could hit the snow, however, a flash of blue light covered Knives’ body, causing Jin to instinctively shield his eyes. It quickly faded, but before he could regain focus, something slammed into him from behind, leaving a massive cut across his back!

Despite the pain coursing through his mind, Jin proved quick to flip through the air, letting him land gracefully against the snow. Looking back up, he found himself staring at Knives, who looked down at him with a smirk before waving his hand through the air. Though this action left him somewhat confused, Jin soon realized what his opponent was planning as the sound of something rushing toward him made its way to his ears. Turning toward its direction, Jin prepared to counter it, but before he could-


One of Knives’ amputated wings had sliced across his hand, preventing him from grabbing Yukianesa. Another white blur whizzed past, causing Jin to stagger back as a second feather ran through his forearm, creating another laceration. Three more of the razor-sharp quills ran past the major’s body, leaving three bloody scratches across his stomach. Another four quickly followed, embedding themselves in his pecs and causing him to stagger back. Pain flared through Jin’s mind once again, but he put it aside as he reached for Yukianesa.

Grabbing hold of the katana, a barrier briefly appeared in front of Jin’s body, and at the same time, another of Knives’ feathers hit his body. When it struck, the swordsman rushed forward, throwing out a flurry of quickdraw slashes to deflect each of the oncoming feathers. By this point, neither Yukianesa nor the feathers could be seen. The only signs of either’s existence could be seen with the ice particles created from the shattered projectiles, as well as the numerous cuts on Jin’s body. The two continued struggling, though it was slowly becoming clear who the victor was.

Even with the progress he was making by using Yukianesa, the feathers were still cutting apart Jin’s body. For every feather deflected, another five razors would run across his body, slicing apart more of his skin! Despite the pain that was wracking his body, Jin attempted to continue fighting, but then-


[Stop music]

One of the larger feathers had embedded itself in his stomach, causing him to lurch over and vomit up blood. Another large one slammed into his chest, causing his knees to buckle as he collapsed to the ground. A stream of blood emerged from Jin’s mouth, but before he could try to muster the strength to keep fighting-


The razors that had impaled his body suddenly ripped themselves free, causing blood to spurt out of his torso and stain his remaining clothing a deep crimson. He tried to push himself back up, but he would only get halfway there before the pain overloaded his mind, forcing him to fall onto his back. A few seconds later, Knives landed on the ground, his boots crunching against the bloodstained snow. He looked down at Jin’s bloody, laceration-covered body, and after what felt like an eternity, he smirked.

“I’ll admit, you did a pretty good job getting as far as you did, but it looks like your time’s up. Now rest, hero.” He spat the word venomously before turning his back to Jin. As he began walking away, Knives finished by declaring. “The rest of your kind will join you soon.”


“Just where the hell… do you think you’re going?”

Knives’ eyes widened in surprise at the voice. When he looked toward the source, his expression hardened slightly, though it still displayed a bit of shock.

Jin Kisaragi was still alive, though the previous onslaught had clearly left its mark. His blue coat and military uniform were both reduced to tatters, numerous scars adorned his body, but he had somehow managed to find the strength to stand back up. He looked Knives in the eye, anger blazing through what was otherwise a cold, steel gaze.

“Did you really think… that would be enough… to finish me?” Jin asked between ragged breaths as he continued seething with rage. “Do you think I’d actually allow myself… to be killed by someone like you?”

While these words were leaving his opponent’s mouth, Knives was noticing an odd feedback in his mind. He could sense a well of strength emanating from Jin’s body, and it was enough to send a chill down his spine. But even though this brief twinge of fear had entered his body, Knives quickly put it aside and began chuckling.

“Well, you’re quite the persistent bastard, aren’t you? But since you’ve gotten this far, maybe you can tell me what your plan is.” A smirk formed on Knives’ face as he continued. “Just think about it for a second. Your body’s practically at death’s door, you can barely stand, and you haven’t even been able to land so much as a glancing blow on me. I, on the other hand-“

A wing suddenly sprouted from Knives’ right shoulder, extending so quickly that Jin just barely managed to block it with Yukianesa.

“-have more than enough power to wipe you off the face of the earth!” He finished, emphasizing his boast with a victorious smirk. As he forced the cyan appendage to retract back to his side, Millions’ expression changed once again. His pupils shrank and his smirk evolved into a full-blown psychotic grin as he asked “So tell me, ‘hero,’ what are you planning to do now? Are you going to fight until the bitter end, or maybe I should just spare you the trouble and end this little farce right now?”

While those last words were exiting his mouth, Knives forced his wing to curl around his shoulder, its end pointing straight at Jin’s head.

“As if you had to ask!” Jin responded as he gripped Yukianesa and slowly brought it up. “I don’t care what power you have, or what state my body’s in! Even if it’s until my last breath, I won’t rest until you’ve received judgment at my hands!”

Laying the sheath in the palm of his left hand, with his thumb placed against its bottom, Jin gripped Yukianesa’s hilt with his right.

“So feel free to attack me with whatever you’d like. No matter what it is, it won’t change the outcome! None shall escape!

Once those last words had escaped his lips, Jin’s body seemed to let loose an explosion of energy, causing Knives’ brow to raise in intrigue. Although he wasn’t aware of it, what he just witnessed was a sign that the Hero of Ikaruga had just tapped into his Overdrive, Frost End.

[Start at 0:40]

In a sudden burst of speed, Jin rushed toward Knives, who immediately responded by allowing his wing to shoot forward. As it flew through the air, the wing began changing shape, morphing into some kind of sickle. The newfound weapon came down at an angle, no doubt to bifurcate Jin through his collar, but its target proved quick to respond as he swung Yukianesa through the air! The moment both blades collided, Knives’ wing became coated in ice, causing its owner to grimace in pain.

Before he could recover, Jin grabbed the frozen portion, snapped it off, and hurled it at Knives with all his might! The blade soared toward its former owner, positioned to impale him through the shoulder, but then something odd happened. It was caught, not by Knives himself, but by an enormous, white tentacle that had suddenly emerged from his arm. This newfound limb crushed the impromptu weapon to dust, and several dozen more sprouted out from Knives’ arm immediately after!

Jin’s gaze hardened as the tentacles suddenly rushed toward him, and he only responded in kind! The moment they reached out to strike, he unsheathed his katana and began parrying them like a madman! The moment each one struck the flat of his blade, the tendrils became coated in a thick layer of ice. A swift amputation would then follow suit as Jin continued rushing forward, countering the tentacles as he continued blocking and swinging Yukianesa. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t be enough to keep Knives down, as he only responded by summoning a legion of tentacles.

Hundreds of tentacles rushed toward Jin at blinding speeds, but he didn’t seem to be alarmed. In fact, his expression shifted into a cocky smirk as he conjured up a red, runic barrier. This shield symbolized a technique he had learned from a certain legendary hero, which Knives would soon experience as a tentacle slammed into it. The moment it struck his barrier, Jin activated the technique known as-

“Empty Sky Form…”

Knives let out a grunt of pain as he felt something slice past him, amputating his tendrils and arm-blade while also trapping him in a block of ice! Instead of leaving it at that, however, Jin rushed through him a second time. A third. A fourth. A fifth slash ran Knives through, and once he had emerged from the other side, Jin immediately sheathed Yukianesa. The blade made an audible CLICK upon its insertion, and with it Jin finished the technique’s name.

“Winter’s Reposte!”

The moment these words escaped his lips, Knives’ prison suddenly exploded outward, with its captive screaming as he was violently thrown to the ground, his entire body now covered in lacerations. Knives placed his hands against the ground, trying as hard as he could to push himself up, but a sudden wave of exhaustion forced him back down. Gritting his teeth, the Plant continued attempting to push himself back up, though in doing so he involuntarily opened his mouth. A stream of blood emerged from his mouth, pooling directly in front of him.

As he looked down at the crimson puddle below him, Knives’ expression contorted into one of pure, unbridled fury! It was bad enough that a human had managed to damage him this badly, but now this trash dared to spill his blood?

Rage began to cloud Knives’ mind as he pushed himself back up, quickly getting back to his feet. He turned to face Jin, but the major cut this action short with a sudden uppercutting slash. Vash’s brother reeled back in pain as another gash appeared on his face, and Kisaragi proved quick to exploit this newfound opening. A rapid flurry of swings struck Knives head-on, each one leaving another cut on his body. Despite this, Jin could tell that something was wrong. Although he hadn’t noticed it before, Knives’ body was actually managing to regenerate from each cut almost immediately after it had been made! Even the injuries that had been inflicted prior were nowhere to be seen!

‘How the hell is he healing from Yukianesa’s blade?’ Jin thought in confusion, only for his expression to quickly harden. ‘If he can do that, then I need to end this before it goes any further!’

As this thought entered his mind, Jin raised Yukianesa through the air. Then, with a cry of “Arctic Daggers!” he brought it down! The moment he did so, a crescent-shaped wave of energy shot out from the permafrost blade, approaching Knives at blinding speeds! As he watched the beam speed toward him, Knives’ only response was to let out a smug “hmph” as he forced his wings to spawn. As if sensing the oncoming threat, they immediately folded themselves over their master, and the moment the beam slammed into them-


It exploded against the makeshift shields, causing Knives to let out a chuckle.

“How pitiful! If that’s the best you can do, then-“ whatever he was about to say soon died in his throat as he realized something was wrong. He’d intended to spread his wings outward and use them to attack Jin, but nothing happened. Confused, he attempted to retract them back into his body, only to reach the same outcome.

‘What’s going on here? My wings… why can’t I move them?’ He thought as he grit his teeth. ‘All I did was block that beam of ice. Unless it actually managed to-‘

Knives looked down at the ground, and his pupils shrank as he realized his suspicions were confirmed. While he’d managed to block the beam, it seemed that Jin’s Touga Hyoujin still had the last laugh. The moment the two had collided, the beam exploded into a thick layer of ice, covering the wings’ surface and leaving their owner stuck to the ground. Unfortunately for Knives, his situation was about to get far worse, as Jin suddenly planted Yukianesa into the ground. In tandem with this, three tombstones of ice erupted from the ground and ran themselves through Knives’ body, coating him in a block of ice once again. With his opponent now immobilized, Jin ripped Yukianesa out of the ground and sheathed it, simultaneously shattering the tombstones and freeing Knives once again.

[Stop music]

As he fell to his knees, Knives began to feel a familiar pain spread through his mind. In addition to leaving three large, bleeding holes in his body, those last attacks had also created another adverse effect. The pain from each one seemed to have spurred his sisters into awakening, and they desperately wanted out!

Knives’ body convulsed for a brief moment, causing Jin to raise an eyebrow in confusion. This convulsion shot through him again, this time causing all of his veins to begin popping out. It soon passed, and his body quickly morphed back to normal. But then a third one started up. Soon it was followed by a fourth. Then a fifth. Each time this convulsion spread through Knives’ body, his veins would emerge, and various patches of skin would form into something else. Feminine arms, legs, and faces of varying sizes all began to emerge from his body, though there was something wrong with each one.

All of the limbs seemed to be bent at unnatural angles, yet they desperately grasped at the air. The faces all seemed to be stuck letting out silent screams of terror, screams that were vocalized through Knives himself.

As if to make up for the unheard cries of his “sisters,” Knives was letting out a chilling scream of agony. Just like his fight with Vash, he could feel the other Plants continuing to push themselves outward, and each convulsion was only making it worse! He felt like his mind was about to split apart, and every fiber in his body felt like it was on fire!

While he didn’t share his adversary’s pain, Jin could still sense what was occurring on a more spiritual level. Each time Knives convulsed, Jin would feel some sort of mental feedback. Hundreds of presences made themselves known to him, all screaming in unison. Through these screams, he began to feel a surge of emotion through the air. Whatever was causing this, they seemed to be in pain, and each one shared the same desire: to obtain freedom. Each time Knives’ body moved, another of these creatures would add to the feedback, and Jin could feel their presences growing closer.

‘What is this? Are these his “sisters” he was talking about?’ Jin asked himself. ‘It seems like he’s been absorbing them into himself, overriding their wills with his own, but why?’

While these questions swirled through Jin’s mind, he felt the presences continue their screams, but then something odd happened. He could feel each one start drifting away, fading into a subconscious buzzing as a new scream emerged. As he snapped back to reality, Jin began to realize where this scream was coming from: it was Knives!

As he felt the other Plants try to tear themselves free, Knives let out another scream, but this one was different in tone. Rather than a tortured roar of pain, his growing determination had caused the scream to evolve into one of pure, unbridled willpower.

‘I’m sorry, sisters, but I can’t let you leave me just yet!’ He thought as he forced his body to stabilize, trapping his fusees back inside.


As he pushed himself back up, subconsciously healing his gaping wounds in the process, Knives turned his attention back toward Jin. The NOL alumni now bore… Knives couldn’t even tell how to describe the expression. If he had to guess, he’d have said it was some sort of crossroads between disgust, confusion, and anger.

“Just now, I felt the presence of hundreds of people. All of them were originating from one point: your body.” Jin’s expression hardened, becoming an angered glare before he continued. “Is this what you’ve done to your ‘sisters?’ You claim that humans abuse them and regard them as nothing more than a fuel source, only to turn around and use them to fuel your own demented goals?! How can you claim to be dispensing judgment on humanity? Going by your own logic, you’re no better than we are!”


This statement seemed to spark something within Knives, as his otherwise neutral expression morphed into a hateful glare. Then, much to Jin’s surprise, he suddenly appeared in front of him, Angel Wing already mid-swing. A resounding CLANG echoed throughout the street as Yukianesa reacted immediately, automatically defending its master from the oncoming strike.

“Don’t you ever compare me to garbage like you!” Knives demanded as he swung a second time, causing Jin’s feet to begin digging into the ground. “Everything I’ve done, every action I’ve set in motion, it’s all been to free my sisters! True, I needed to fuse their conscience to my own, but there was no other way I could’ve done it! Either I could let them share their minds and bodies with mine, or I could allow them to continue suffering in their cages! What other choice did I have?”

“Did you try communicating with humans first? Did you let them know what they were doing to your siblings? Did you ever once try doing that?” Jin asked as he stood his ground, slowly overpowering Knives and pushing him back.

“You sound just like my brother. He listened to the words of the woman who raised us and believed her little sob story, then he became perfectly fine with humanity as a whole. Even though we’d discovered that she covered up how her crew members had killed an infant!” Knives snapped as another wing emerged from his body, only for Yukianesa to intercept that as well. “What makes you think I’d be willing to talk with someone like that? If the woman who raised us was capable of something like that, why should I bother giving any of you a chance?”

“What was she like?” Jin asked. This seemed to catch Knives off guard, and he blinked in surprise.

[Stop music]

“What?” He asked in confusion.

“The woman who raised you. How did she treat you before you discovered her secret? And what about after?”

“She tried to make us feel like we were one of them. She said she opposed Tessla’s murder, and that she’d committed a violation of regulations in order to save us.” Millions admitted.

“Then if she was willing to do all of that, what reason do you have for doing what you are right now?” Jin questioned as he broke off their clash and threw out a wave of ice, only for Knives to leap back to dodge it.

“Because by looking through Tessla’s report, I saw the truth behind humanity!” Knives declared as he extended his right arm outward. A wing shot through the ice, coming extremely close to impaling Jin through the chest, but he responded by conjuring another barrier. Scoffing at this, Knives continued swinging away at it, each collision producing another chip in the shield.

“It doesn’t matter how pleasant you try to appear or what good you claim to do! In the end, all of you- whether you know it or not- were only able to succeed by profiting off of my sisters’ lives. Even here, I can still see the flaws in humanity! Just looking at you, I can feel the pride radiating from your body, that arrogant sense that you believe you have some sort of power over me!”

As he continued speaking, Knives’ swings grew in intensity, producing more cracks against the shield.

“Well, tell me! How’s that pride treating you now?” Millions asked excitedly as he summoned more wings to strike the barrier. Seeing this, Jin forced the barrier to explode, scattering the wings through the area. Knives himself was also pushed back, but before he could regain his focus, he heard Jin’s voice in front of him.

[Start at 0:44]

“So that’s it, then?” Instinctively, Knives attempted to summon another blade, but Jin proved quicker on the draw as a diagonal swing nailed the Plant in his chin. The cyan-skinned blond was sent flying through the air as Jin once again planted Yukianesa into the ground, creating a massive tower of ice that trapped Knives inside.

“If that’s the reason for your crusade against humanity, then you’re more of a madman than I thought!” Kisaragi declared as he threw Yukianesa into the air. The Nox Nyctores spun as it ascended, repeatedly smacking the frozen Plant in the face.

“You were convinced you saw humanity’s nature just because of one bad experience, and then you use that as a means to justify genocide?” Jin asked as he leapt through the air and caught his blade. Then, with lightning-fast speed, he began wailing on the frozen immortal, rapidly hacking away at his frozen prison.

“You use it as a reason to put your own siblings through excruciating pain?” He asked between slashes. “To cause suffering toward those unrelated to your sister’s death?” As the intensity of his slashes grew even further, the Hero of Ikaruga continued speaking.

“You see yourself as being above humanity, and appointed yourself as worthy of condemning them. But no matter how you try to justify your actions, it still doesn’t change the fact that you’re nothing more than a damn hypocrite! Your actions are no better than the humans you claim to despise!”

Once these final words had escaped his lips, Jin threw out a final, downward slash. This freed Knives from his prison and immediately slammed him into the frozen ground below.

[Stop music]

The moment he made impact, Knives involuntarily opened his mouth, coughing up blood as he did so. Jin fell to the ground soon after, still maintaining his pointed glare. The genocidal Plant responded in kind as he tried to push himself up, ignoring the newfound lacerations that coated his body.

“Don’t lecture me, you bastard!” Knives snapped between ragged breaths. “You can label me as a false judge, call me a deluded madman, I don’t give a damn! Even if my actions destroyed everything, even if it left me as the last being on Earth, I wouldn’t have any regrets about what I’ve done! Nothing will make me regret the path I’ve chosen!

In tandem with these last words, Knives’ right arm began changing shape. It started by splitting itself in half, with the upper and lower portions twisting and bending themselves in unnatural ways. His fingers began sinking into his hands, replacing themselves with sharp extensions that were protruding from both halves. These extensions then began taking on a more definitive shape, quickly evolving into an entire set of fangs. The malformed arms were also changing shape, forming into what could only be described as an alligator’s jawline.

With this demonic maw now fully formed, Knives pointed it directly at Jin, which caused it to open even further. As it did so, Jin noticed something forming from within its throat. It seemed to be some sort of black orb, and it was constantly crackling with white electrical energy. Just as soon as he’d seen it, however, the mouth spat out its mysterious ball!

The moment he saw this, Jin’s instincts took over as he rolled to the side, causing the ball to miss him by only a few inches. This proved to be the right choice, as not even a few seconds after dodging it, the orb suddenly expanded in size! The wind suddenly picked up, creating an audible howl as it rushed past Jin’s ears. To make it even more concerning, all of the wind seemed to stop only a few inches from where he was standing. Confused by this, Kisaragi looked over his shoulder, and what he saw caused his eyes to widen in horror.

The sphere Knives had fired had suddenly grown in size, and it was quickly devouring everything. The snowy terrain that surrounded it was being rapidly dragged in. The trees and houses followed soon after, their structures collapsing and being torn to shreds as they were pulled forward.

In a desperate attempt to avoid the fate of his surroundings, Jin leapt back, throwing out three ice swords in an attempt to destroy the sphere. Once they got near it, however, each one seemed to be caught in a vacuum. The blades flew into the heart of the projectile, only to suddenly disappear from sight. No, disappear wasn’t the right word. It was more like they had been absorbed!

“W-what the hell is this?” Jin asked, his tone one of simultaneous irritation and fear. As he turned his attention back to Knives, Jin’s eyes widened as his attacker fired off three more of the spheres. As they flew toward him, Jin leapt into the air, sailing over the black holes as he conjured a board beneath him. It began to fly through the air-


Only for its flight to come to an abrupt end as Knives swung his left wing through the air, shattering it! With his only means of escape now destroyed, the combined gravity of the black holes began pulling Jin back. As they grew closer, Jin’s eyes widened in horror as panic began filling his mind. He was staring directly at the black holes, which at this point might as well have been death itself! Once he made contact with them, these voids would consume his very being, and there was no way he could avoid them!

These were the last thoughts to enter Jin’s mind before his body entered the voids’ proximity. He felt his left arm violently contort and twist as it became absorbed into Knives’ black holes. The pain of his limb being ripped apart caused Jin to let out a bloodcurdling scream, and then his vision went black.

[Stop music]

As he watched this from where he stood, Knives gave a triumphant grin. This human had been a nuisance, but it was over! That sanctimonious, self-righteous piece of garbage had finally been wiped out!

“Heh… heh heh heh!”

Once this realization had come over him, Knives began chuckling, which soon crescendoed into full-blown joyous laughter.


While he was in the midst of this laughing fit, however, Millions noticed a white flash enter his field of vision. At seeing this, the Plant stopped laughing and looked toward its source. Upon doing so, he was met with something odd. All of his black holes seemed to have disappeared from sight, almost as if they were never there!

“What the hell?” He asked in confusion. ‘What was that light, and how did it cancel out my black holes?’

[Start at 0:06]

As this question blared through his mind, Knives noticed something standing in the epicenter of where his attack had been. No, it seemed to be someone. And when he noticed who it was, Knives’ brow furrowed in irritation.

Standing in the middle of the desolate crater was Jin Kisaragi, his body surrounded by some sort of white aura. He opened his eyes, which now shone with conviction, and met Knives’ furious gaze. Then, after his legs tensed up for a brief moment, the Hero of Ikaruga gave a powerful battlecry as he rushed forward! Rather than being concerned at this, however, Knives’ only response was to give a cocky grin.

‘Does he actually think he’ll be able to close the distance between us in time? There’s really no limit to human arrogance, is there?’ He began chuckling as he aimed his transformed arm forward, firing off another black hole. The projectile flew toward Jin…

Only to suddenly disperse into nothingness thanks to the Power of Order’s influence. Seeing this caused Knives to cock an eyebrow in confusion.

‘Is this where that light was coming from? Has he somehow managed to negate my black holes?’ He thought. His gaze hardening, Millions attempted to test this hypothesis by firing off four more black holes. They flew toward Jin, only to suddenly disappear into nothingness much like before. Seeing this caused Knives to grit his teeth. With his black holes out of the picture, there was only one weapon he had left that could possibly stop Jin. He didn’t want to use it, but this human garbage had forced his hand!

His gaze hardening, Millions attempted to test this hypothesis by firing off four more black holes. They flew toward Jin, only to suddenly disappear into nothingness much like before. Seeing this caused Knives to grit his teeth, but he wouldn’t be able to think up another way to counter this newfound power. Jin suddenly leapt into the air, and now he was diving toward the Plant like a hawk.


[Stop music]

Once these words had escaped his lips, Jin descended onto the ground and slammed Yukianesa into it as hard as he could! The moment it made contact, both Knives and a majority of the town became frozen in solid ice! Jin then began pushing his katana in even deeper, causing Knives’ icy prison to begin growing in size. With each millisecond that passed, the Plant’s body grew further entrapped in the Seithr-infused ice. But even with his body had been frozen over, Knives still refused to give in!

Gritting his teeth from within the ice, Knives realized that with his current situation, he only had one weapon that could get him out of it. He didn’t want to use it, but Jin had forced his hand!

His right arm began changing shape, starting with his hand elongating and his fingers fusing into some sort of gun barrel. This shapeshifting was causing a spider web of cracks to begin forming across the ice, rapidly weakening its structure with each passing nanosecond. Then, to deliver the coup de grâce, a pair of wings emerged out of Knives’ forearm, causing the ice to explode outward and send Jin flying back.

[Stop music]

“What was that?” He asked in confusion. Keeping a firm grip on Yukianesa, Jin looked back at Knives, and his eyes widened in surprise at what he saw.

Knives’ right arm was now a massive cannon. From the looks of things, it seemed to be formed from his own skin, and a massive white sphere had formed inside of his forearm. To make matters worse for Jin, Knives had aimed it directly at him, and a white light was now glowing out of its barrel. Then, before the Hero of Ikaruga even had a chance to react, Knives fired his Angel Arm.

A massive beam of antimatter emerged from the cannon’s barrel, immediately consuming Kisaragi and the very land that surrounded him! A scream of pain and fury emerged from the former major’s throat as he felt the Angel Arm’s blast tear him to shreds. The lacerations he’d suffered earlier were nothing compared to what he was feeling now! It was almost as if his entire body had been set on fire, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t endure it! Then, as if he were attempting to add to the pain, Knives added more power to the Angel Arm, widening the beam’s range! The fully-powered Angel Arm erupted outward into a massive explosion of white, causing Jin to let out a final scream of pain and rage, a scream that would soon fade in tandem with the beam.

Once the energy from his cannon had dispersed, Knives wasted no time in scanning the area. Given what Jin had done before, it was likely there was still the chance he was alive. He looked around intently, searching for any sign that this might be the case. Instead, he was met with the smoldering crater that was now Snow Town, which seemed to extend as far as the eye could see. Nothing seemed to remain of Jin Kisaragi. Nothing except for-

“Hm? What’s this?” Knives asked curiously as he bent over and picked up a nearby item. Upon bringing it closer, the blond realized what he was looking at: it was Yukianesa, surprisingly still intact after the Angel Arm blast. In fact, it seemed like the katana hadn’t even been damaged by the beam. Realizing this, Knives raised an eyebrow in intrigue as he grinned.

“Well, this is interesting.” He admitted as he studied the Nox Nyctores for a brief moment. After admiring its craftsmanship and looking it over once again, he placed the katana back in its sheath and strapped it to his leg. Then, after he’d made sure it was secure, Knives summoned his wings and took to the air once again. As he looked toward the horizon, Knives couldn’t help but grin. With the power of this katana at his side, no one would be able to challenge him. Not these humans, not Izanami, and certainly not Vash!

As he flew through the air, Knives began laughing once again. His laughter echoed throughout the remains of Snow Town, and it would only fade once he had left the desolate wasteland.

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5

First Relius dies to Kira, now Jin dies to Knives. Man, Blazblue’s blond guys don’t seem to have that much luck in the ring, huh?

Anyway, deciding the winner for this fight was honestly pretty hard, but not for the reasons you might think. While I was writing this, Blazblue’s stats kept getting upgrades, downgrades, debunks, it was a mess. Every time these updates came out, the verdict would change. First I was going to have Jin win, then Knives, then Jin again, then Knives again. At one point I felt the match was close enough to warrant it ending in a draw, but then another update came out for Blazblue’s stats that caused me to reconsider. So, with that bit of trivia out of the way, let’s get into why I ultimately picked Knives as the winner.

When it came to strength, Knives ultimately had the edge. While he doesn’t have as many concrete feats in this department, being able to damage Vash, who survived being blasted by a fully-powered Angel Arm, would put Knives at Planet Level. Jin, on the other hand, has shown that he can trade blows with the likes of Ragna, Hakumen, and the Black Susanoo; the latter of whom wields the full power of the Susanoo Unit, which would grant Susanoo the ability to fight the planet-destroying Black Beast and puts him on par with the likes of Hades Izanami. Izanami could output the same energy as the Corpus Sepulcro: Requiem. which she herself says is 10^31 joules, or Small Planet Level. Given that Jin was shown to fight Susanoo, albeit briefly, he should scale to this.

Speed was another aspect that Knives took. He’s shown the ability to blitz Vash, who could react to blasts from an Angel Arm, which can reach the Moon in seconds, putting both Vash and Knives himself at Relativistic speeds. By contrast, Jin would be Sub-Relativistic at minimum due to being superior to the likes of Iron Tager, who can fly to the exosphere and back in seconds. At maximum, he would be Sub-Relativistic+ due to dodging Take-Mikazuchi’s beam, which can move at 6% the speed of light, though it should be noted that this is with the use of assumptions and highballing. And in case you’re wondering, no, the calc that put this beam at Faster Than Light speeds wasn’t legit. It relied too heavily on assumptions, such as Take-Mikazuchi’s height above the atmosphere and the timeframe only considered the speed the beam traveled until it was close to Earth.

So, in short, Knives takes the stat trinity pretty hard. What about the non-physical stats?

In terms of intelligence, both have shown some impressive feats in this regard, and they could both use them under certain circumstances. Knives mainly uses his intellect to manipulate people, which he could also do here by taking advantage of Jin’s arrogance and prideful attitude. Jin, on the other hand, has shown that he’s been able to use his swordsmanship and martial arts abilities during a fight.

Similarly, experience was another hard one to decide. Sure, you could say Knives should take this since he’s been alive for much longer. The problem is that he spent that time scheming, leading the Gung-Ho Guns from the shadows, or absorbing Gunsmoke’s Plants to further his plans. The amount of actual fights he’s been in can be counted on one hand, and they were all against his brother, Vash. By contrast, Jin had better combat experience due to participating in more one-on-one fights in his series, and his service in the NOL’s military further solidifies this.

When it came to arsenal, Yukianesa granted Jin some impressive abilities. Its ice, ability to attack the soul, and the ability to negate healing factors meant that he could theoretically bypass Knives’ durability and healing factor. Its ability to automatically defend the user would also make it harder for Knives throughout the fight, though this is assuming it could react in time.

Knives’ Angel Arm was more than strong enough to kill Jin, on top of being too fast for Jin to react to. The Angel Wings give him better offense, defense, and mobility; all of which are furthered by their ability to grow in size. His black holes let him bypass Jin’s durability, in addition to being faster than Jin could react to. His barriers also gave him another way to negate Jin’s attacks, and his Angel body gave him an edge in unpredictability due to how it lets him spawn Angel Wings from anywhere.

In terms of powers, Jin easily had the edge in variety. His enhanced senses could possibly let him sense Knives’ weapons before they hit him, he could summon freezing winds, he has a healing factor (albeit one that’s inferior to Knives’ own), and then there’s his hax resistance. Admittedly, from the massive list of what he can resist, the only thing that’s relevant here would be his ability to resist mental manipulation. Thanks to remaining unaffected by the Boundary, which floods the minds of those who enter it with infinite amounts of information, it’s safe to say that he could easily resist Knives’ telepathy. Admittedly, this doesn’t even matter since Knives never really uses his telepathy, but it’s still worth noting. Finally, there’s the Power of Order, which is arguably one of Jin’s strongest abilities. There’s just the unfortunate problem that it likely wouldn’t come into effect.

You see, the Power of Order exists to combat threats to the world, and while Knives outclasses Jin in the stat trinity, that doesn’t automatically make him a threat to the world. Maybe you could argue Knives’ Angel Arm would meet that requirement due to its planet-destroying capabilities, but there’s a slight problem. Even if it did see Knives as a threat, the massive gap in stats means that Jin would most likely be dead before the Power of Order could affect him.

Not even Jin’s Unlimited Mode would be able to save him. While it increases his durability and applies Frost End by default, it does nothing for his strength and speed. This means Knives could still blitz or one-shot him with his superior stats and weapons. Admittedly, Knives’ sadistic nature would prevent him from using the black holes or Angel Arm right off the bat, but it’s likely he wouldn’t even need them. As I stated above for the Power of Order, Knives’ already superior power ensures that he’d have already killed Jin before it could even take effect.

It was knife knowing you, Jin. Maybe next time you won’t be fighting an opponent who’s better “armed.”
The winner is Knives Millions.
WinnerKnives by Br3ndan5

Knives Millions (Winner)
+ Outclassed Jin in the stat trinity
+ Could manipulate Jin’s prideful and arrogant mindset to his advantage
+ Angel Arm could easily one-shot Jin, on top of being too fast for either him or the Power of Order to react to
+ Angel Wings boosted his offense, defense, mobility, and range
+ Black holes could bypass Jin’s durability, on top of being too fast for him to react to
+ Barriers could negate Jin’s attacks
+ Angel body grants him an edge in unpredictability
+ The Power of Order is unlikely to regard him as a threat
    + Even if you argue that his Angel Arm would count, he still blitzes Jin before it could come into effect
+ Superior healing factor
    – Though Yukianesa’s ability to negate all forms of healing and bypass durability by attacking the soul rendered this moot
– Less experienced
– Smaller array of powers
    + Though he makes up for this since the powers he does have are more suited for combat
– Sadistic nature would prevent him from using his black holes and Angel Arm at the start
    + But given how he already outclasses Jin in physicality, this isn’t really a problem
– Jin’s ability to resist mental manipulation rendered his telepathy useless
    + Though this isn’t an issue since Knives never uses his telepathy in the first place


LoserJin by Br3ndan5
Jin Kisaragi (Loser)
+ More experienced
+ Intellect was more suited toward combat purposes
+ Larger array of powers
    – Though most of them were useless
+ Could bypass Knives’ durability and negate his healing factor with Yukianesa
+ Yukianesa could automatically defend him from Knives’ attacks
    – But that’s assuming it could react in time to counter them
+ Unlimited Mode could lessen the gap in durability
    – But even with its boosts, he’s still heavily outclassed in the stat trinity
– Arrogant and prideful nature would be easily exploited by Knives
– Had no counter to Knives’ Angel Wings
– The Angel Arm is far beyond what Jin could survive or react to
– Knives’ black holes could bypass his durability, on top of being too fast to react to
– Knives’ barriers could negate Jin’s attacks, and they were superior to Jin’s own barriers
– Inferior healing factor
– The Power of Order is unlikely to register Knives as a threat
    – Even if it did, Knives still blitzes and one-shots Jin before it could take effect

Prelude: Knives Millions vs Jin Kisaragi

Knives vs Jin by Br3ndan5

Sibling rivalries can be some of the hardest things one can deal with. Whether it’s to gain the favor of your parents, get revenge on something the other’s done, or just to be a dick, there’s no denying that under the wrong circumstances, these fights can strain or even break a family’s relationship to the point of no return. And while most rivalries involve the siblings attempting to outdo the other, these two have taken their obsessions a bit too far. Not only are they willing to kill their brothers to complete their goals, they also take this obsession to some rather… let’s just say disturbingly invasive levels.

Knives Millions, founder of the Gung-Ho Guns!

And Jin Kisaragi, the Hero of Ikaruga!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!


Knives Millions By Wizyakuza-d664uyn[1] by Dynamo1212

Knives Millions
AKA: Knives, Lord Knives
Age: 150’s
Height: 5’10”
Weight: Unknown
First Appearance: Trigun – Chapter 14: Diablo (July 30, 1996)

-Discovered the true nature of the Plants and the horrific experiments performed on them
-Along with his brother Vash, survived the Big Fall, which he was responsible for
-Killed the last remaining relative of Rem, his and Vash’s adoptive mother
-Telepathically forced Vash to activate his Angel Arm, causing the destruction of July and starting Vash’s criminal record
-Formed the Gung-Ho Guns to act in his stead while he healed from his injuries and to eliminate Vash
-Defeated Nicholas D. Wolfwood and made him look after Vash
-In the anime, fought Vash in a showdown and almost killed him
-Absorbed thousands of plants, increasing his power exponentionally
-Launched “The Ark,” a floating ship designed to absorb other Plants to deny humans of any resources
-Fought Vash and the forces from Earth and almost destroyed them
-Saved Vash from the exploding Ark and brought him to safety
-Made peace with Vash and found redemption before dying

Born on one of the many ships dedicated to the space colonization program Project SEEDS alongside his brother Vash, Knives and his brother were actually part of a species known as Plants, living experiments created by humans in order to power and give life to whatever planet the SEEDS members chose to colonize. Vash and Knives were unique among the other Plants for two reasons: the first being that they were male while the other Plants were female, and the second was that they were able to live without the need of the special containers used by the other Plants.

Upon their birth, the two brothers were adopted by the female scientist Rem Saverem, who treated them kindly and taught them about the values of life. Her teachings led Knives to begin studying Earth’s history and wonder if humanity would ever accept him and Vash as equals. Unfortunately, his curious attitude would eventually lead to him disobeying Rem’s orders and convincing Vash to come with him and enter a part of the ship that she had previously told them was off-limits. Upon entering, the brothers found the decaying, mutilated remains of Tessla, another independent Plant that had been born before them. Near the Plant’s corpse were files detailing what the crew members had done, which Knives read aloud.

As it turned out, the crew had experimented on her while she was still in the womb, repeatedly dissecting her and treating her as nothing less than an animal. Despite the crew members realizing how morally wrong it was to treat her like this, they were too late to change anything. Upon her birth, they discovered that their poor treatment had resulted in Tesla’s body being covered in tumors. They tried to remove the tumors, but no matter what they did her condition continued declining until she had lost her hair, began giving off a foul odor, and fractured her thigh bone when she attempted to get up. After being alive for 229 days, Tesla suffered a seizure, and despite being given medication, her biological functions ceased working and she finally died.

Both brothers were horrified by this, though they showed it in different ways. Knives fell into a shock-induced coma, while Vash locked himself away and attempted to commit suicide by stabbing himself with a knife. Fortunately, Rem managed to intervene, though it resulted in Vash accidentally slicing her hand open, with the blood loss causing her to pass out. Horrified by what he’d done, Vash helped nurse her back to health, and while doing so, regained his trust in humanity after Rem revealed her own troubled past to him.

Unbeknownst to them, Knives, who had only recovered seconds after Rem revealed her past, began to feel that Plants and humanity could no longer coexist. Fearing that he, Vash, and their “sisters” would share Tesla’s fate, he began tampering with the ship’s controls, rerouting the entire fleet to crash onto the nearby planet Gunsmoke while also making sure that any ships containing the other Plants would survive. Upon discovering the rewritten circuitry, Rem sent her adoptive sons into an escape pod as she stayed onboard to try and correct it. To Knives’ dismay, she was able to do so, but it came at the cost of her life, much to Vash’s horror.

While on the pod, Knives revealed to Vash his involvement in the event, now known as the Big Fall, earning his brother’s anger. Despite their hostile attitudes toward each other, with nowhere else to go Vash was forced to tag along with Knives as they wandered Gunsmoke, occasionally watching the surviving humans build cities around the crashed ships. Eventually, Vash would end up getting captured in a small town, with Knives deciding to free him by murdering the entire population. Horrified by this, Vash wound up using a nearby gun to shoot Knives in the shoulder, with Knives retaliating by slicing off his left arm. The two brothers would then separate, with Vash choosing to wander the planet and unintentionally becoming a wanted criminal due to Knives’ interference, while Knives began forming a group of criminals known as the Gung-Ho Guns, hoping he would be able to convince Vash to join his side through using the gang to show him the evil of humanity.


-Easily snapped the spine of Legato, who tanked one of his weaker Angel Arm blasts
-Can damage Vash, who survived full powered Angel Arm blasts

-Easily blocked a sound based attack
-Cut down 3 assassins who attack through sound before they could react
-Easily matches Vash, who constantly dodges heavy gunfire
-Traveled out of orbit and to a space ark within a couple of seconds
-Blitzed an entire space satellite system in a few seconds after reaching space in a second
-Fast enough to block advanced earth cannon fire at point blank range
-Managed to blitz Vash, who’s fast enough to block Angel Arm blasts


3662567-max7 Trigunmax Ch82 09[1] by Dynamo1212
-Was shot in the thigh by Vash and was more alarmed that Vash shot him than the injury itself
-After Vash shot him in the shoulder, he calmly observed it before cutting off Vash’s arm, telling him to aim better
-After getting shot by Vash’s Angel Arm during July, he simply told Legato to shut up for being too loud
-Survived getting shot in both shoulders and thighs
-Withstood Vash’s weaker Angel Arm blasts, which can easily destroy cities
-Tanked a blast from a weapon powerful enough to destroy a country
-By using his Angel Wings, he can survive Angel Arm blasts powerful enough to destroy planets

Weapons and Equipment:

500px-Trigun2608[1] by Dynamo1212
.45 Long Colt:
-Custom made black revolver
-Larger than other revolvers
-Can fire six rounds of .45 caliber ammunition
-Has a range of over 200 ft

Skills and Abilities:

Knives[1] by Dynamo1212
Master Marksman:
-One of the few people capable of matching Vash
-Possesses excellent aim

Devious Schemer:
-A dangerous and deceptive planner
-Manipulated some crew members into killing each other
-Caused the Big Fall, killing innocents including his adoptive mother Rem
-Orchestrated the plan to make Vash experience true despair
-Launched the Ark in an attempt to kill off all humans by taking away all of their resources


Regeneration by Dynamo1212
Healing Factor:
-Can heal from injuries thanks to his Plant heritage
-Quickly heals from all of his bullet wounds
-Was shot in the face and healed from it instantly
-Eventually regenerated from being blown apart by Vash’s Angel Arm blast


Hqdefault[2] by Dynamo1212
Psychic Powers:
-Is a powerful telepath
-Can manipulate fellow Plants and humans
-Almost causes a plant to combust to kill humans
-Manipulated Vash’s Angel Arm, causing him to accidently destroy July
-Killed crew members one by one via manipulation and made them suffer some insanity 
-In the anime, made Chapel literally bend over backwards

tumblr inline obie6hp3xA1tq75ex 1280[1] by Dynamo1212Knives Angel Arm Manga by Br3ndan5
Angel Arm:
-Knives’ strongest weapon
-Used by tapping into his Plant powers
-Knives can manifest it as either a massive cannon (as seen in the anime and several parts of the manga) or as a mass of blades (which is the form it takes for most of the manga)
-In its cannon form, it can do the following:
    -Fire blasts of antimatter and black holes
    -Easily destroy entire cities
    -Destroy the moon in one shot
    -Put a giant crater in the moon
-Is said to be powerful enough to destroy a planet
-Drains his life energy with every use and kills him if he uses it too much


3044051-knives-max7 Trigunmaxvol11ch1 08[1] by Dynamo1212
Angel Wings:
-Feather-like monomolecular blades
-Able to produce smaller versions on his hands
-Can use them to fly at faster than light speeds
-Are durable enough for him to use them as shields to block full power Angel Arm blasts
-Can be weaponized as extremely sharp blades and monomolecular wire
Can increase their size to the point of becoming this large (Knives Giant Wings)


3662075-6322317091-35648[2] by Dynamo1212
Angel Body:
-Gained from absorbing almost every Plant on Planet Gunsmoke
-Greatly increases his physicality and abilities
-Can manipulate his body and produce Angel Wings anywhere

Teleportation by Dynamo1212
-Can distort space to teleport himself

Barriers by Dynamo1212
Force Fields:
-Can create energy barriers to block attacks

Black Holes by Dynamo1212
Black Holes:
-Knives can produce small black holes, similar to Vash’s black hole bullets
-Unlike Vash, he can use these black holes without the need of a gun
-Devour anything they touch
-Each one has a range of 300 feet

556312-trigun Knives0094[1] by Dynamo1212
-Sadistic and psychotic, prefers to see his victims suffer
-Angel Arm drains his life and will slowly kill him when used too much
-His angel body is unstable, and the Plants can leave his body should he either become emotionally unstable or experience too much pain
    -Should this happen, his body will be almost completely drained of power, leaving him near-death and unable to use his Plant abilities

(“After 15 years, are you still holding on to that ridiculous nonsense? That fantasy world created for you by a woman who lived and died by contradiction?”)


Jin Kisaragi (Centralfiction, Character Select Art by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Jin Kisaragi
Aliases: The Hero of Ikaruga, Major Kisaragi, Knight of the N.O.L., Power of Order
Age: Unspecified (most likely in early- to mid-20s; younger than Ragna)
Height: 5’10’’
Weight: 134.5lbs
Blood Type: A
Species: Artificial Human
First Appearance: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (November 19, 2008)
Affiliation(s): Novus Orbis Librarium, 4th Thaumaturgist Squadron

-Acquired Yukianesa from Saya as a child
-After being driven mad by Terumi’s influence and Yukianesa’s, aided Terumi in burning down his childhood home, killing Celica, and cutting off Ragna’s arm
-Was adopted into the prestigious Kisaragi family
-Joined the Novus Orbis Librarium, swiftly rising through the ranks and earning many honors and awards
-By killing Tenjo Amanohokosaka, was instrumental in ending the Ikaruga Civil War, and became known as the “Hero of Ikaruga”
-A version of him from the first timeline jumped into the Boundary, and after a century, became the legendary Hakumen
-Has repeatedly clashed with his estranged brother, Ragna the Bloodedge
   -And in some cases, has won over him
-Through his willpower alone, awakened the Power of Order and regained the ability to draw and control Yukianesa, effortlessly defeating Tsubaki Yayoi with this power
-Along with Hakumen, fended off Mu-12
-With the aid of Noel and Makoto, freed Tsubaki from the Imperator’s Mind Eater curse
-With the aid of Ragna and Noel, defeated the Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi
-With the aid of Mu-12, fended off a berserk Ragna, though this event greatly injured him
-Aided Kagura Mutsuki in defeating Azrael, dealing the finishing blow himself
-Briefly fended off the Black Susano’o
-With the use of the Hihiirokane, forced Ragna and Yuuki Terumi to the Blue so that Ragna could finish off Terumi once and for all
-Actually donned the fabled Susano’o Unit himself (different from Hakumen)
-Battled with Ragna for one final time, in a bid to stop him from erasing himself

As an artificial child born and raised in his early childhood in an experimental facility, the life of the one known as Jin would be anything but normal. Whisked away from the laboratory along with two other children by the legendary warrior Jubei, Jin would then be raised alongside his siblings in a church tucked away in the woods, inhabited by a kind nun. From there, he would begin to experience a more normal childhood, until his sister Saya grew sick. His brother, Ragna, decided to tend to his sick sister, earning the jealousy of Jin. This, along with the properties of a mysterious sword that Saya gave him and the influence of an enigmatic man known as Yuuki Terumi, would be the primary driving force that would drive Jin to madness, aiding Terumi in burning down his childhood home, killing the nun that raised them, robbing Ragna of his arm, and taking away Saya. Terumi then took away the memories of this event, and the now-truly-orphaned Jin would soon be adopted into the highly-esteemed Kisaragi family, where he would then on be known as Jin Kisaragi.

With his new status in life, Jin joined in the Novus Orbis Librarium and quickly rose through its ranks, being showered with multiple honors and awards and eventually being hailed as a hero. However, Jin’s true desires and motives lay elsewhere—in his desire to reunite with his estranged brother, and kill him with his own two hands…



Images-49 by NathanTheManTheMHFan
-Is comparable to Ragna, as he is born to oppose him
-Can trade blows with some of BlazBlue’s top tiers, such as Ragna, Hakumen, and Hazama
-Can damage Take-Mikazuchi with his strikes
-Should be stronger than the likes of Makoto and Tsubaki
-Briefly traded blows with the Black Susano’o

-Directly reacted to Take-Mikazuchi’s laser blasts point-blank
-Can keep up with the likes of Ragna, Hakumen, Tsubaki/Izayoi, and Hazama
-Capable of dodging attacks from the Black Susano’o, albeit briefly


-Constantly takes hits from Ragna, who wields the Soul Eater drive and has traded blows with some of BlazBlue’s top tiers
-Has taken hits from Tsubaki, Hakumen, Hazama, and the like
-Can survive Take-Mikazuchi’s lasers
-Could take hits from the Black Susano’o, although this should be the very limit of his durability
    -Though to be fair, Jin was fighting to perceive him and not to kill him


Skills and Abilities:


Genius Military Leader:
-Led the campaign to Ikaruga, earning him the title of “Hero of Ikaruga”

Master Swordsman and Decent Martial Artist:
-His fighting style is more refined and elegant than Ragna’s

Immense Willpower:
-So much that it had awakened the legendary force known as the Power of Order within him

Jin Kisaragi (Centralfiction, arcade mode illustra by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Skilled Cryokinetic:
-His moveset mostly revolves around attacking with intricate formations and weapons forged out of ice


Barrier Creation:

D3a9tdf-d06deaac-7bf2-4f72-a041-f2234a3a3c6a by NathanTheManTheMHFan

-Calm, cold, and aloof—a complete foil to Ragna’s rudeness and sailor mouth
-Denounces such concepts as love and friendship, believing them to be lies that humans use to their advantage
    -Though this is likely self-denial
-Cares little for the feelings of others
    -Evidenced by how he treats Noel
-Has no qualms about killing anyone who would get in the way of his goals
-However, when he is around Ragna, his personality changes drastically—from an aloof sociopath, he becomes a borderline psychopath with a nigh-childlike personality and a maniacal laugh; he gains the indomitable desire to kill his brother
    -This is most likely due to the influence of Yukianesa, which amplifies his emotions
    -This doesn’t seem to affect the immense care he has for Tsubaki, his only childhood friend, as he will put aside any murderous desires he has if it means saving Tsubaki
    -In Centralfiction, this madness seemed to quell, as he now refers to Ragna as the “Black One” much like his future self, Hakumen
    -In Centralfiction, he actually cares deep down about his siblings (Ragna and even Saya), showing signs of his maturity
-Collects vintage motorcycles


Weapons and Equipment:
Images-59 by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Mucro Algescro: Yukianesa:
-A Nox Nyctores, the final stage of Ars Armagus—a set of weapons made specifically to combat the Black Beast
-Nox Nyctores place great mental burden on their wielders and often attempt to remove “needless” emotions, with the potential to drive them insane or turn them apathetic
    -Jin is a victim of this side effect, as the blade amplifies his emotions to the point of driving him insane and causing him to act, well… the way he acts
    –However, ever since Jin learned to control the Power of Order, Yukianesa has steadily lost its influence over him, and Jin’s use of the Yukianesa has grown more refined
-Has no blade of its own; however, when drawn, it manipulates seithr particles and water vapor in the air to create a blade of permafrost
    -Permafrost blade is said to be able to “erode life” and is cold enough to freeze Azrael, a man who remained unaffected while in absolute zero temperatures for two years
-Can damage the soul and negate any form of healing, to the point where not even Phenomenon Intervention can reverse the injuries it inflicts
    -Phenomenon Intervention is a technique that allows a user to reset the timeline and rewrite reality to better fit their own desires
Much like other Nox Nyctores, it can fight, move, and warn Jin of oncoming attacks on its own
-Ragna has noted this blade to be sentient


Extrasensory Perception:
-Was able to sense Nine’s presence and Trinity’s spirit

Enhanced Senses:
-Can sense other beings even if there’s nothing to see

-Immune to the effects of Phenomenon Intervention, which can reset the timeline

Spatial Manipulation:
-Sliced through the Zanki Barrier, which is stated to exist in a space separated from the world

Can create freezing winds

-Can rapidly heal from wounds

Resistance to Reality Warping, Existence Erasure, Time Manipulation, BFR, Information Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, and Fate Manipulation:
-Thanks to the Power of Order, Jin is able to overpower the effects of Phenomenon Intervention, which includes the above

Heat Resistance:
-Is unaffected by heat

Transmutation Resistance:
-As one of the Qualified, he is immune to the Embryo’s ability to turn everything into Seithr

Resistance to Mind Manipulation:
-Unaffected while being in the Boundary, a dimension that when entered, results in the victim being overwhelmed with infinite amounts of information, dating all the way back from the beginning of time and encompassing all timelines

Resistance to Poison Manipulation, Insanity Infliction, Biological Manipulation, and Stat Reduction:
-Can resist the effects of Seithr, which can induce addiction, cause the body to deteriorate, and reduce the power of others

Resistance to Perception Manipulation:
-Has resisted the effects of Ars Magus, which nullifies the user’s senses

Resistance to Healing and Regeneration Negation:
-Has fought against Ragna, whose Azure Grimoire can negate any form of recovery

Resistance to Petrification and Gravity Manipulation:
-Can create an Ars Magus Barrier, which is said to protect its user from these effects

Resistance to Physics Manipulation:
-Could take hits from Azrael, who can shift space by stomping and tear through a dimensional barrier with his bare hands

Resistance to Death Manipulation:
-By using the Power of Order, Jin was able to negate the effects of Immortal Breaker, a technique that forcibly places the concept of death into its victim’s mind

Resistance to Power Nullification:
-Was able to still use his powers even after the activation of Kushinada’s Lynchpin

Resistance to Explosion Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation:
-Withstood hits from Bolverk, which can pierce through space with its shots


Power of Order:
-The ability to hold true to one’s convictions no matter what
-Is neither good nor evil, only existing to maintain balance to the world
-Usually manifests as a white aura that surrounds the user
-Was awakened through Jin’s sheer willpower, allowing him to awaken Yukianesa to his bidding
-Allowed Jin to slowly fight off Yukianesa’s malicious influence and use the weapon to his advantage
-Allowed Jin to survive Tsubaki’s Immortal Breaker, which literally forces the concept of death upon its victim
-Prevents the alteration of its user’s destiny
-Allows him to sense Phenomenon Intervention and resist its effects
-Can use it to stabilize his or another person’s existence should they begin disappearing



Images-57 by NathanTheManTheMHFan

Frost Bite:
-Jin’s Drive
-Has the power to freeze the foe completely on hit
-Some of his special moves that end with a D command will consume 25% of his astral heat


350px-BBCS Jin 5D by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Wolf Head:
-Unleashes a wolf head of ice
350px-BBCS Jin 6D by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Ice Wave:
-Unleashes a wave of ice
350px-BBCS Jin 2D by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Ice Tombstone:
-Conjures tombstones of ice
350px-BBCS Jin jD by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Snowflake Aura:
-Exactly what it says on the tin

350px-BBCS Jin Hishouken by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Hishouken (Ice Blade):
-Fires an ice sword forth
350px-BBCF Jin Hishousetsu by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Hishousetsu (Flying Ice Strike):
-Tosses out a snowflake-shaped crystal as a stationary projectile
BBCS Jin Fubuki by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Fubuki (Blizzard):
-Slashes diagonally upward with a quick battoujutsu slash
BBCS Jin Rehhyou by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Rehhyou (Violent Ice):
-A vicious uppercut slash that launches foes skyward

345px-BBCS Jin MusouSenshouzanB by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Musou Senshouzan (Crystal Strike):
-Conjures a board of ice, which Jin rides upon to charge his foe; often follows up with a sword slash

350px-BBCS Jin MusouTousshugeki by NathanTheManTheMHFan

Musou Tosshougeki (Freezing Crystal Strike):
-More powerful version of Musou Senshouzan; freezes foes on first hit, then breaks ice on second

350px-BBCS Jin Hirensou by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Hirensou (Dual Ice Strike):
-Draws sword in a circular flash which freezes; follows up with a swipe to shatter the ice and send the foe flying

350px-BBCS Jin Sekkajin by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Sekkajin (Snow Flower Storm):
-Wildly slashes out with sword
Hizansen by Br3ndan5
Hizansen (Ice Slashing Flash):
-Basically an air version of Fubuki that is aimed downward

350px-BBCP Jin Hizangeki by NathanTheManTheMHFan
Hizangeki (Ice Slashing Strike):
-More powerful version of Hizansen, in which Jin slashes upward diagonally to freeze his foe just before Hizansen takes effect

Overdrive, Distortion Drives, and Exceed Accel:

[0:25 to 0:52]

Frost End:
-Jin’s Overdrive
-Allows Jin to freeze the foe with each hit of Yukianesa
-Lasts longer the lower Jin’s health is

Touga Hyoujin (Ice Fang):
-Jin unleashes a bladebeam at high speeds at the foe
-In Overdrive, Jin freezes the foe with one slash of the bladebeam, then stabs Yukianesa into the ground as the foe is struck multiple times

Hiyoku Getsumei (Moonsong):
-Jin forms a bow and arrow of ice and shoots upward at a 35 degree angle; the arrow suspends the foe in midair and hits multiple times
-When performed midair, the bow is aimed downward

Kokuujin: Yukikaze (Judgment: Snowstorm):
-Jin projects a barrier in front of him
-If the barrier is hit, Jin will immediately counter with a quick iaijutsu quickdraw slash, which freezes the foe, and the ice will shatter when Jin sheathes his blade
-In Overdrive, after the first strike, Jin will slash through the foe multiple times before sheathing his blade

Kokuujin Ougi: Gekka Hyourou (Empty Sky True Form: Crystal Moonstorm):
-Jin’s Exceed Accel
-Starts off with the 4th strike of Sekkajin; afterward, Jin will stab his blade into the ground and trap the foe within a huge tower of ice; Jin then tosses the blade upwards while it is whirling, hitting the foe multiple times; he then leaps upward, catches his blade, and slashes at the foe multiple times before culminating his attack with a slash that shatters the tower and knocks the foe into the ground
-In Active Flow, Jin strikes more times before unleashing the final blow

Astral Heat:

Rengoku Hyouya (Arctic Dungeon):
-Jin concentrates all his power on his sword and stabs it to the ground
-The resulting ice freezes the foe over, and after 5 seconds, Jin tugs his sword from the ground and sheathes it
-When Yukianesa clicks into place in its sheathe, the ice trapping the foe is instantly shattered, instantly killing the foe
-Can only be used when at 35% health or lower


Unlimited Mode:
-The form that Jin takes upon accessing his full power
-Increases Jin’s durability
-The effects of Frost End are active by default
-Many attacks can now freeze the foe over, including attacks not from Yukianesa
-Increases the potency of Jin’s cryomancy, enhancing some of his ice-based attacks
-Lasts as long as the opponent does

Unnamed-1 by NathanTheManTheMHFan
-Obsessed with Ragna to a fault
    -This has since toned down, if not died out, in the events of the latest game
-Rather arrogant and prideful
-In combat, is a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none

(“I am the cold steel… the blade that will restore balance to this world! Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa, activate!!)


Death Battle: Rushuna Tendo vs Vash the Stampede

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!



“Ugh, why’s it so hot?” A young man complained, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he trekked through the sand-filled desert. His attire consisted of a jacket, a plain pair of pants, boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves, all the same shade of blue. The only articles of clothing to not sport this color were the white T-shirt he wore underneath his jacket, and the headband he had taken off for the time being. Attached to his side was a katana, currently sheathed in its scabbard.
“Oh, Yatchan, it’s not that bad. It’s actually kind of nice.” The young, blonde-haired woman next to him responded. Unlike her partner, the girl’s clothing contained a bit more variety, both in terms of fashion and its color scheme. Her pink top was cut dangerously low to her chest, exposing her cleavage to the world. Her hands were covered by a pair of matching gloves, while her feet were obscured by boots that reached up to her thighs. Her lower half was almost entirely covered by a long white skirt, with the only revealing feature being a slit on its right side that exposed her thighs and gave a small glimpse of her panties. Attached to her side was a brown gun holster, with the only other accessory on her being the straw hat that was granting her the benefit of shade. This was the infamous Smiling Senshi, Rushuna Tendo.
As he heard his blonde partner’s response, Yajiro Kojima, otherwise known as Yatchan, sighed.
“That’s easy for you to say. At least you’re able to breathe in that outfit.”
“What do you mean by that?” Rushuna questioned innocently as she turned to face him, unintentionally causing her large chest to bounce slightly. Before the samurai could try to answer her, he was suddenly blinded as a piece of beige paper smacked him in the face.
“Ah! What the hell?” Kojima questioned in shock as he ripped the parchment from his face and began skimming through it. “Let’s see here… SIXTY BILLION DOUBLE DOLLARS?!” He cried out in surprise.
“What is it?” Tendo questioned as she leaned over, attempting to look at the scrap of paper. Upon doing so, she was met with a mugshot that seemed rather out-of-place on a wanted poster, but upon looking down she became just as surprised as Yajiro was.
Vash wanted poster by Br3ndan5


“Wow! What do you think he’s done that makes him worth that much?” The Grenadier questioned in astonishment.

“Let’s see.” Yajiro said as he scanned the poster for further information. “‘Vash the Stampede, nicknamed the Humanoid Typhoon. Wanted for destroying July.'” He read aloud before donning a confused expression. “Weird. He doesn’t really look like the type to blow up a city.” The blue-clad swordsman began chuckling before turning to his blonde companion, who seemed to have a determined look on her face. Realizing her intentions, Yajiro immediately began protesting. “Rushuna, I can already tell what you’re thinking, and my answer is no. There is no way we are going after Vash the Stampede.”
“Alright, Yatchan. There’s no need to get all huffy.” Tendo responded before yanking the poster out of his hands. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll go after him while you stay behind.”
“What?! But-“
“What are you so worried about? I’ll be fine. You said he didn’t look like he’d blow up a city, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, but he probably has a bounty that high for a reason. But even if you’re gonna go through with this, how are you going to find him?”
Rather than answer, the Senshi remained silent, a blank expression on her face as the wind picked up for a brief moment. A tumbleweed blew past them, as if to emphasize the awkward silence. Then, after roughly three seconds, she came up with a response.
“I’ll find a way.” Upon hearing this, Kojima sighed as he watched his friend run off.
“Just try to make it back in one piece, Rushuna.” He said, though by then she was too far away to hear him.
A gang of cowboys were huddled together, each one looking back at the man sitting at the table across from them. He was virtually identical to the wanted poster that lay on the wall, which displayed a tall man with spiky, blonde hair. His only clothing consisted of a long, red jacket with a pair of orange sunglasses covering his eyes.
“You sure that’s him?” One of them, a young, bearded man, asked another of his crew.
“No doubt about it.” The raven-haired, ponytailed, clean-shaven man opposite of him responded as he pointed at the wanted poster hanging on a nearby wall. After a moment, he shifted his aim toward the man who was currently eating. “With that blond hair and red coat, who else could it be? That’s Vash the Stampede, the Humanoid Typhoon!”
“What the hell would he be doing out here?” The youngest member, a portly man in his early 20’s, questioned.
“Whaddya think, ya ijit?” The eldest member, a foul-mouthed man with the thickest of Southern accents, insulted. “Clearly he’s tryin’ to hide. Too bad fer him he happened ta run into us.” Chuckling, the man got up from his seat and began walking over to the blond man, slowly unveiling his pistol and pointing it at the back of his head.
[stop music]
“Ya got some nerve thinkin’ you could come in here and remain unrecognized, Vash the Stampede.” Turning his head, the man gave a response, though it was rendered unintelligible due to his mouth still being full.
“Uh, what?” The elderly cowboy asked in confusion, momentarily lowering his pistol. Swallowing his food, the blond man spoke again.
“I was asking if this could wait until I finish eating.” He repeated.
“Like hell it will.” The man angrily spat out as he raised his pistol, only for Vash, whose back was still facing him, to pull out his own revolver and fire it, knocking the gun out of the cowboy’s grip. Blinking in surprise, the elderly cowboy took a step back before recomposing himself and turning to his partners. “What’re ya waitin’ for? Do ya need a signal or somethin’? Git him already, ya dumb bastards!”
Heeding their leader’s words, the others went into action, pulling out their revolvers as Vash sighed.
Meanwhile, in the sheriff’s office…
“Excuse me.”
“Hm?” The town sheriff questioned as he looked up from his newspaper. Upon doing so, he found himself face-to-face with Rushuna, who still retained her optimistic smile. As the sheriff looked at her, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu. It was like he had seen this girl somewhere before, but he couldn’t seem to remember where.
“Have you seen anyone around here that looks like the man on this poster?” She asked, pulling out the poster and handing it to him.
“‘Vash the Stampede,’ huh…” the sheriff wondered aloud as he studied it. “Yeah, I’ve seen someone like him. He came into town just a few minutes ago.”
“Thank you.” She said, taking the poster from his hands.
“Hold on there, missy. Are you two actually trying to find the man on that poster?”
“Of course. I’m going to bring him in alive.” Rushuna responded, her voice full of determination.
“What? No, you don’t understand! He’s too-” the sheriff was unable to finish his sentence before the woman ran off, unintentionally knocking a wanted poster off of the wall, with a gust of wind picking it up soon after. “…dangerous.”
Meanwhile, back with Vash
“And stay out!” The bartender shouted as she pushed the infamous fugitive out of her establishment.
“Ah, come on! I haven’t even finished my lunch yet!” Vash complained.
“I’m not accepting money from a criminal, so beat it!” The bartender snapped before storming back inside. Vash sighed in disappointment before doing as he was told. As he walked along the sand-covered town, the Humanoid Typhoon began whistling, mainly in an attempt to liven things up a bit in the mostly barren city. After several seconds, his whistling ceased as he suddenly crashed into someone.
“Oh! Sorry about that! I guess I probably should’ve been paying more attention to where I was going. You alright?” Vash asked as he helped the blonde girl up.

“I’m fine. I was just a bit distracted. You see, I’m kind of busy looking for-” the girl’s voice trailed off as she got a good look at his face. Pulling out a beige sheet of paper from her bag, she compared the two for a brief moment before stuffing it back in. “YOU! You’re Vash the Stampede!”

“Er… No offense, but I think you’ve got the wrong guy.” The spiky-haired outlaw responded.
“Really? You know, I guess you’re right. It’s probably just a coincidence that you’ve got the same blond hair, jacket, and glasses that Vash wears.” Rushuna said, her optimism briefly replaced by a snarky, sarcastic tone.
“Yeah, that’s it!” Vash said, secretly praying that he’d be able to resolve the situation without any violence. “I was just going around town and, uh… cosplaying as him to try and boost my reputation. So how do I look? Pretty convincing, right?”
Really convincing. Especially since there’s no one else here that even looks like him.” As Rushuna pointed this out, the blond Plant began sweating a bit. “Now, listen, Vash. I don’t like resorting to violence, so why don’t you just come with me to the precinct and turn yourself in?” Vash attempted to give a response, but whatever he was going to say was interrupted as a piece of paper suddenly flew through the air and hit him in the face.
Trigun GIF
“Ah! What was that?!” He cried out as he ripped the paper off of his face. Bringing it closer to his eyes, he saw that it was a wanted poster, with the person displayed on it being the very woman he was talking to.

Rushuna Tendo wanted by Br3ndan5
Rushuna Tendo
5000 gold coins.

“You know, I think it’s gonna be a bit hard trying to take me in considering you also seem to be on the run.” He pointed out, turning the wanted poster around and revealing it to her. Upon seeing the paper that bore her mugshot, the Senshi’s expression shifted to one of surprise. How was it that her reputation had reached the point where even people this far away knew of her existence? Quickly putting this question aside, the Grenadier began thinking of a solution as her optimistic smile returned.

“I guess I’ll just have to settle for dropping you off at the precinct and hoping no one sees me.”
“Or maybe you could just let me go and we can pretend this never happened?” Vash suggested. Hearing this, the teenage gunslinger put her right hand to her chin, with her thumb pressing against her base and her index finger rubbing against her lip, as though she were deep in thought.
“Hmmm… no.” Tendo decided as she whipped out her Himawari 38 revolver. “I’m sorry about this, but if you aren’t going to come with me willingly, I’ll just have to take you in by force.” With that, the blonde Senshi pulled the trigger and fired at the outlaw’s legs.
Db Fight! by Br3ndan5
Jumping away just as the bullet was about to hit him, Vash was quick to react as he pulled his 45 Long Colt from his coat and retaliated, firing a shot meant to disarm his fellow gunslinger. To his surprise, Rushuna reacted to this almost immediately, deflecting the bullet with a shot of her own before firing four more times in retaliation. As the slugs approached him, Vash noticed that they seemed to be spinning and were actually stacked upon each other. Rather than question how this was possible, he quickly dove to the left, just barely avoiding a bullet that somehow managed to rip through his bulletproof jacket, grazing his arm. Ignoring the pain, he raised his revolver and fired at Rushuna, once again attempting to disarm her.
Noticing this, the golden-haired gunslinger bent over backwards, causing her breasts to jiggle as the bullet flew past her. Once it had passed over her head, the Grenadier got back to her feet and proceeded to do something that confused Vash: namely, removing her gun chamber and kicking it into the air as hard as she could. Before he could question her reasoning for doing so, she leapt after it and proceeded to flip forward. The momentum of her movements caused her breasts to bounce upward, spilling six more slugs out from her cleavage.
“Huh. That’s… actually kinda cool.” Vash admitted as the bullets flew forward, entering into the chamber almost immediately. Then, with a powerful kick, she sent all six bullets rocketing out of the chamber and hurtling toward him. In response, the Humanoid Typhoon raised his revolver and pulled the trigger, only to hear a click.
“Oh crap!” He muttered before quickly switching to his left arm, unveiling a submachine gun hidden inside the prosthetic. Upon pulling the trigger, a rapid stream of bullets emerged from the barrel, deflecting each of the oncoming projectiles. As she hit the ground, Rushuna’s breasts bounced upward, spilling out six slugs that entered the descending chamber just seconds before it was reattached to the gun. Once it had reentered, the Senshi twisted her body to the side, avoiding yet another shot that had been meant to disarm her.
While noticing his opponent’s reflexes, Vash began realizing that with how she kept easily dodging his shots, it would be unlikely for him to end this by firing only at her weapons. If he wanted any hope of ending this gunfight early, he’d need to switch tactics and start shooting at her rather than her guns. While he hated having to do this, she wasn’t really leaving him any other choice.
‘I just hope I don’t hurt her too much.’ He thought as he fired off his last five shots before raising his left arm and pulling the trigger. As the oncoming storm of bullets headed toward the golden-haired Senshi, her gaze became more focused as her mind went into overdrive, calculating the trajectories of each bullet one after the other.
Within a split second, she had deduced that out of the thirty bullets heading toward her, she only needed to worry about 12 of them, as those had the highest chance of either disarming her of the Himawari or impairing her movement. Pointing her revolver forward, she fired a single bullet, aiming for the frontmost round. Upon their collision, a chain reaction occurred as each opposing slug was deflected into the next, resulting in them scattering across the ground.
“That was a pretty good shot. How did you do that?” Vash questioned in astonishment as he reloaded his Colt.
“I’d be happy to explain after you’ve turned yourself in.” Upon hearing this, the Humanoid Typhoon sighed. Why did she have to be so persistent?
“So that’s a no?” Rushuna asked as she fired three more shots, each one being right behind the next. As they approached him, Vash suddenly rolled out of the way, taking cover behind a nearby building. Noticing this, the Smiling Senshi began approaching his current location, keeping her grip on the Himawari. As she turned the corner, she suddenly leapt out and pointed her revolver forward, but to her confusion, she found that nothing was there.
[stop music]
“Excuse me.” She heard just as a gun clicked behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, Rushuna saw that the pacifistic fugitive had somehow managed to sneak behind her and point his Long Colt at the back of her neck.
“If you don’t mind, I want you to stand real still and drop your weapon. You wouldn’t want this gun to go off, would you?” He asked in a surprisingly calm tone.
Though she spoke no words, the Smiling Senshi gave him a response as she spun around and knocked his gun out of his hand. She attempted to shoot at him, but Vash quickly dove toward his weapon, just barely avoiding a bullet that had been aimed at his stomach. Grabbing hold of his revolver, the Humanoid Typhoon raised it and retaliated with his own series of shots, each one aimed at a different angle. Realizing she had no chance of dodging all of them at this range, the Grenadier responded by doing something that would have seemed odd to an outsider: grabbing hold of her shirt and ripping it off.
Just as it seemed like the bullets were about to tear through her body, the golden-haired gunslinger began spinning around, knocking away the oncoming projectiles. While doing so, she used the Himawari to return fire, aiming each shot at different angles. Vash did his best to shoot each of them out of the air by firing his last remaining shot at an angle. This proved to be mostly successful as he hit the initial bullet and sent it into the path of another slug, which in turn was directed into the trajectory of another. This continued until almost all of the bullets had been deflected, the keyword being almost. As it turned out, one of the shots had remained unaffected by Vash’s deflection, continuing its trajectory until it pierced through his bulletproof jacket and exited out his right arm.
Before he could express his pain, the Plant found himself cut off as Rushuna rushed forward, draping her shirt over his head to blind him. While he was distracted, she delivered a kick to his stomach, hitting with enough strength that his knees buckled, but he refused to fall to the ground. Instead, he grabbed hold of the shirt that was obscuring him and ripped it off, allowing him to see once more. Just as the light hit him, however, the Grenadier began her attack by grabbing his jacket and falling back, using the momentum to kick him through the air.
Animated Sticker
[something like this]
As he began ascending through the air, Vash managed to reposition himself enough that he could land on his feet, allowing him enough time to dodge Tendo’s next attack. Unlike before, this time she was using her gun to fire off several close-range shots, with each one coming dangerously close to piercing his bulletproof jacket. In response, the spiky-haired fugitive began leaping away like some sort of hyperactive monkey, just narrowly avoiding each shot as he attempted to reload his gun and gain some distance.
While he was doing so, his pink-clad adversary put her hole-riddled shirt back on and fired her last two shots. Once they had fired out of the barrel, Rushuna immediately bounced her breasts up, causing six bullets to fly out of her cleavage once more. While they took to the air, time seemed to slow down for the teenager as she noticed what Vash was doing and realized that there was something odd about his fighting style. More specifically, the fact that he seemed to be purposefully avoiding close-range combat. Could it be a potential weakness?
As this question came to mind, she began to realize that there was evidence supporting this theory: the fact that their previous clashes had been long-range only, his repeated attempts at gaining distance each time she drew closer to him, and his comparatively lackluster performance during this recent clash. As the bullets entered the Himawari’s chamber, Rushuna gave a light smirk as she began formulating a plan.
Back with Vash, the Humanoid Typhoon managed to avoid having the approaching two rounds tear through his body with only seconds to spare. Once he had reloaded, the Plant prepared to return fire, but as he looked up he saw that the cowgirl-like outlaw was rushing toward him, holding the Himawari’s hammer between her knuckles as she did so. He responded by firing several more shots, but the golden-haired sharpshooter managed to avoid each one flawlessly, almost as though she could see them coming before he had even pulled the trigger.
As she drew closer, the Senshi pressed her gun against the marksman’s body. Just as the barrel pressed against his jacket, Vash’s body seemed to twitch just as his opponent slammed the hammer against the detonator, smashing the full weight of the Sanpachi revolver into… the wall? To Rushuna’s confusion, her target seemed to have disappeared into thin air mid-attack. Adding to this confusion was that despite striking the detonator directly, her gun refused to fire. Upon checking the chamber, she saw why: it had somehow been emptied! As her expression shifted to one of surprise, an all-too familiar voice called out from behind her.
“Are you looking for these?” Turning around, Rushuna immediately noticed two things: the first was that her would-be target had somehow managed to sneak up on her once again, and the second was what he currently held in his hands: all six of the bullets that had been in her chamber.
‘How did he do that?’ She questioned internally. Then it hit her: he seemed to twitch one second before the Himawari slammed into him. Coupled with how fast he had moved previously, it was safe to assume that he had managed to move past her and remove her ammo within that split second.
Deciding to test if this hypothesis was correct, she reached for another gun at her side. Vash reacted to this almost immediately by tossing one of the shells at her. With her question answered, the busty markswoman suddenly shifted to the left, avoiding the bullet by mere inches as she removed the Cosmos from its holster and fired. As the shot approached him, the Humanoid Typhoon jerked his body to the right, causing the bullet to miss and barrel through the wall behind him. In response, he flicked each of the remaining shells at her before following it up with three shots from his revolver, but to his surprise Tendo was no longer there. It was almost as if she had vanished from sight! As Vash’s expression shifted into one of confusion, he began to hear the sound of chuckling coming from his left.
“Your face looks funny.” He heard, which only added to his confusion as he turned to face the one responsible. Upon doing so, he saw that Rushuna had somehow managed to sneak up on him without him noticing.
“What? How did you-”  Vash’s question died in his throat as his golden-haired adversary suddenly delivered a roundhouse kick to his face, sending him crashing through the wall of the hotel behind him.
[stop music]
Upon hitting the floor, the Humanoid Typhoon immediately scrambled to his feet, just barely managing to dodge two shots that had been aimed at his legs. Then, in a surprising display of speed, he took off like a rocket, speeding down the halls as he attempted to gain some distance from Rushuna.
“Excuse me! Sorry about this! Coming through! Outta the way, please!” He said as he rushed past the various hotel staff and visitors, unintentionally knocking some of them aside. As he turned a corner and hid behind it, the red-clad fugitive picked up the sound of dozens of boots violently slamming against the wood floors. Peeking out of his hiding spot, his expression switched from one of caution to a terrified panic as he saw who was after him. In addition to Rushuna, who was still some distance away, it seemed that he was now being pursued by everyone he had shoved aside or bumped into, and they all appeared to be extremely pissed off. Not willing to face the enraged mob, the $$60,000,000,000 man continued running, though this time something was different. Now he was crying profusely as the mob chased after him, each one intent on giving him a piece of their minds.
“Why are guys chasing me? All I did was bump into you! It wasn’t even on purpose! It was just an accident! Why are you reacting so violently?” The peace-loving marksman asked as he ran up the stairs to the next floor, with his pursuers not too far behind.
While this chase between the Stampede and his unintentionally created mob occurred, Tendo overheard the sounds of the ensuing commotion going on upstairs, giving her a rather large clue to her target’s whereabouts.
Meanwhile, Vash was continuing to run down the hotel’s hallways, reaching speeds that would make even the most physically fit of Olympic athletes jealous. As he turned a corner to reach the fourth floor, he realized that he had checked into this same hotel half an hour ago. Now the only issue was figuring out which room he was staying in. At his current speed, he was barely able to make out the numbers on each door. Was it possible he had already passed it? Did he still have some ways to go?
He wasn’t able to ponder this for much longer as the mob’s screams and violent stomping filled his ears, indicating that they were beginning to approach the fourth floor as well. With little time to spare, the $$60,000,000,000 man entered the nearest room, closing the door just as the angered horde had turned the corner. Once they were no longer in earshot, he gave a deep sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
[stop music]
That had been quite a workout, but at least he had finally managed to make it to his room… assuming this was his room, anyway. With exhaustion overtaking his body, the Plant began walking forward, warily eyeing the massive crucifix that lay in the corner to the bed’s left, before collapsing onto the mattress and closing his eyes. Within the span of a few seconds, the Humanoid Typhoon had fallen into a deep sleep.
Back with Rushuna, she was still in the midst of locating Vash, and it was becoming harder to do so with each floor she trekked through. Judging by the sounds she had heard while searching each floor, she at least knew she was getting closer. It was only a matter of time before-
“Oof! Hey, watch where you’re goin’, lady! Don’t ya know it’s dangerous around here? There’s a known criminal on the loose!” The man who bumped into her pointed out.
“That ‘known criminal’ wouldn’t happen to be Vash the Stampede, would it?”
“Er… yeah. How’d you guess?”
“Gee, I don’t know. It’s definitely not because one of you kept screaming ‘WE’RE GONNA CASH IN THAT BOUNTY OF YOURS, VASH THE STAMPEDE! YOUR SCRAWNY BUTT’S GONNA BE ROTTING IN A CELL FOR LIFE AFTER WHAT YOU DID IN JULY!'” Upon hearing the Senshi’s sarcastic response and her impression of his rather deep voice, the man began blushing slightly as the other members of the mob began glaring at him. He attempted to defend himself, but in his embarrassment he found himself stuttering and tripping over his own words.
“Well, I… I guess I could see why- I-I mean me screaming my head off about it probably didn’t help at- wait a sec.” The man’s stuttering suddenly vanished as he noticed something about her and began eyeing her suspiciously. “I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.” Upon hearing this, the mob looked at her and came to the same realization, though only one of them said it aloud.
“You’re right. That’s Rushuna Tendo, the Senshi with 5000 gold coins on her head!” Upon hearing this, another man in the mob began chuckling.
“Well, it looks like even if we can’t find Vash, we’ll still be able to bring in another infamous criminal.” He said before continuing to laugh, only stopping when the first guy turned back to glare at him.
“Alright, Tendo, I’ll give you a chance to come quietly. Otherwise you’ll have to-” whatever the man was about to say trailed off as he saw that the Smiling Senshi had suddenly rushed off to the side. Not wanting to lose her like they had Vash, the gang quickly followed in hot pursuit. Unfortunately for them, their target was far faster than they could ever hope to be, as she sped around several corners before taking cover behind a rather tall, conveniently-placed houseplant. Roughly a minute later, the crowd ran right past her and began heading up to the fifth floor, where they believed they might be able to corner her.

After waiting for several seconds to make sure the coast was clear, their would-be target silently snuck out of her hiding spot and continued her search for Vash. Turning a corner, her ears picked up some rather loud snores coming from a nearby room. Quickly walking toward it, the optimistic teenager lightly rapped on the door.

*yawn* Hold on! I’m coming.” A voice said sleepily before the door opened, revealing a tired Vash the Stampede. “So what can I do for- YAH!” His question shifted to a high-pitched scream as he once again found himself face-to-face with his pink-clad opponent. As Rushuna looked at him, she noticed something odd: namely that all of his bullet wounds seemed to be fully healed.
“Hello again, Mr. Vash.” She responded warmly as he attempted to close the door. Noticing this, she responded by kicking it open, sending him flying across the room and into the nearest wall.
As he got to his feet, Vash looked up and saw his opponent firing multiple shots, each one aimed at his torso. Grabbing hold of the cross-shaped gun that lay near him, the Plant brought it in front of himself, using its massive frame as a makeshift shield to block the oncoming shots. Once each of the bullets had been deflected, the $$60,000,000,000 man raised the Punisher, aiming its long end at the busty markswoman. Once he had managed to get a clear shot, Vash took his chances and pulled the trigger.
Almost immediately, a stream of bullets emerged from the metal crucifix. As they approached her, the Senshi pulled out her revolvers and began firing them at the ground, creating a rectangular shape. Stomping on one of the end corners, the wooden rectangle was forcibly popped out of the ground, granting her defense from the onslaught of rapid fire.
As she took cover behind her makeshift barrier, Tendo reloaded both of her weapons just as something caught her ears. More specifically, the sound of a rocket approaching her.
Quickly rolling out of the way, the Grenadier just barely avoided the rocket detonating as it exploded, releasing shrapnel and splinters of wood upon contact. As each of the jagged projectiles approached her, the golden-haired gunslinger began spinning in place, moving in a way that allowed the debris to harmlessly fly past her. Once it was safe, she pointed both of her guns at Vash and fired three bullets from each. These shots had each been positioned at different angles, with the intent being to dismantle or disarm one of two weapons: either the Punisher or his submachine gun prosthetic. Calculating the bullets’ trajectories in his head, Vash responded by rolling to the side, with a stray bullet harmlessly bouncing off of the Punisher’s frame. Taking note of this, Rushuna reloaded both guns, this time using bullets from a small bag on her hip rather than the ones sandwiched between her breasts.
Once she was close enough, the pink-clad sharpshooter began firing at him, but Vash was quick to respond as he ran to the side, avoiding an armor-piercing bullet that had been aimed at his arm. Despite this, the slug had been successful in finding another target: the Punisher. While the $$60,000,000,000 man noticed this, he quickly put it aside. Right now, he had other matters to attend to. For example, a fellow pacifist who was currently unleashing her ammunition on him at close-range.
With surprisingly fast reflexes, the Humanoid Typhoon avoided each bullet, using his superior speed to weave through the sea of shots and get closer to Rushuna. Once he was in distance, Vash gripped his weapon intently before swinging it like a club, intent on using it to knock the Grenadier away. To his dismay, he missed as she leapt through the air, just barely managing to avoid the makeshift bludgeon. While she was still airborne, Rushuna fired a shot at Vash’s shoulder, but he quickly shifted to the side, causing the bullet to miss him by an inch.
As she landed on the ground, the Smiling Senshi delivered a somersault kick that ripped the Punisher from his grip, sending it flying out of the room and through the roof. With her opponent disarmed, the teenage gunslinger prepared to end the fight as she brought one of her revolvers through the air, intent on pistol-whipping him in the neck.

Unfortunately, it seemed fate was not on her side. As she was in the middle of bringing it down, Vash managed to recover and quickly leaned back, just barely avoiding her attack. Realizing she had missed, Rushuna attempted to recover her chances of victory by firing multiple shots at his torso and legs, each one aimed to stop him from dodging. Much like before, though, her efforts were in vain, but for a much different reason.

As the lead approached him, Vash proved quick to react as he followed his opponent’s example and began spinning in place, twisting his body at enough of an angle that the bullets flew past him and tore through the wall. This had the effect of causing the structure to begin breaking down and start crumbling to pieces. Taking notice of this, Vash, in an attempt to get some distance from the blonde sharpshooter, ran toward it and shoulder-tackled his way through.
[stop music]
While the broken bits of rubble began descending onto the streets below, the pacifistic fugitive took a massive leap through the air. While ascending, everything seemed to drastically slow down from his perspective, allowing him to get a good look at his surroundings. Upon looking a bit closer, he saw that the Punisher was currently laying facedown on a rooftop. Intent on recovering it, the Humanoid Typhoon attempted to position himself so that he would land on the rooftop, but it seemed his opponent had other ideas.
Just as his ascension hit its peak, Vash felt something wrap around one of his legs. Looking down, he saw that it appeared to be some sort of ribbon. The grip around his leg then tightened as Rushuna yanked him back, intent on making sure he wouldn’t reach his gun. To her dismay, however, it seemed the Stampede still had some tricks up his sleeve.
A gentle click could be heard as a knife emerged from Vash’s boot. Then, channeling his inner ballet dancer, he proceeded to perform a pirouette in midair, slicing his binds in two. Turning back around, he sighed in relief before realizing that he had just royally screwed up. That sharp tug had not only ripped him away from the Punisher’s range, it also left him with nothing to land on save for the stone-covered ground beneath him, which he was approaching at rather dangerous speeds. With panic seizing his mind, the peace-loving marksman began screaming and flailing his arms in a desperate attempt to grab onto something that could slow his fall. Luckily enough, in his frightened state he had managed to stop himself by grabbing hold of an open window sill situated in a brick-covered building.
“Phew. One more second and I probably wouldn’t have made it.” He remarked with a chuckle as he slowly pulled himself toward the sill. His left foot had just reached the edge when suddenly-
A shot from the Cosmos hit the brick he had been gripping, knocking it loose.
“No!” Vash cried out as he frantically grabbed onto another brick, catching himself milliseconds before it would have been too late. Using as much body strength as he could muster, the Plant was able to make it into the building just as Rushuna fired another round, with it just barely missing his legs.
“That was way too close!” He declared while wiping sweat from his brow. “But how am I going to get the Punisher back?” As he pondered this, he caught something out of the corner of his eye: a flight of stairs. Just as he had laid eyes on it, a gunshot barreled through one of the nearby windows, causing the peace-loving marksman to pick up his leg as he just barely managed to avoid having the slug tear through his foot.

“Well, I guess a good workout never hurt anyone!” He said, laughing nervously as he began speeding up the stairs. As her enhanced senses allowed her to pick up on this, Rushuna gave a light smirk.

“You aren’t getting your gun back on my watch, Vash!” She thought aloud as she placed the halved ribbon back in her bag before switching it out with something else. “Especially not when I beat you to the punch!” Upon attaching her grappling hook to the Himawari, the optimistic sharpshooter aimed at the nearby rooftop and pulled the trigger, causing the hook to shoot out and latch onto one of the railings. Once she had made sure it was secure, the pink-clad gunslinger began pulling herself forward.
It was a race against the clock between the two blonde pacifists as they each made their way toward the gun that was currently sitting atop the building. For every step Vash took, Rushuna was keeping up with relative ease. After several minutes, the winner of this unintentional race became clear as the outhouse’s door burst open, with Vash rushing out and diving toward his weapon. Just as he was inches from reaching for it, however, a bullet suddenly hit the Punisher. Unlike before, this did not tear through its casing; rather, it exploded into flames upon making contact, consuming the firearm and melting it into slag within seconds. Upon witnessing this, Vash couldn’t help but don a sorrowful expression as the last reminder of Nicholas D. Wolfwood’s existence was extinguished from this world.
‘I’m sorry, Nicholas. At least you did your best.’ He thought to himself before looking back up to see Rushuna, running toward him while simultaneously reloading her gun. As she drew closer, the Grenadier fired several close-range shots, but something happened that made her eyes widen in surprise. When the bullets approached the Humanoid Typhoon, they were caught mid-flight not by Vash himself, but by a pair of white tentacles that seemed to have sprouted from his right arm.
“What are these?” She asked in surprise as the tentacles crushed her bullets to dust and began rushing toward her, causing her gaze to become more focused. She attempted to avoid an oncoming strike, but the ivory appendages proved far faster as they rapidly struck her head-on, sending her careening across the rooftop. Redirecting herself mid-flight, the well-endowed markswoman landed on the roof’s ledge. As she looked back at Vash, she found that his eyes were now glowing a light shade of blue, almost as if he was possessed by some otherworldly force.
“I don’t know what’s happened to you, but I’m not planning on giving up just yet.” She said fearlessly before aiming both revolvers and firing off the rest of her shots. Vash proved quick to respond as more tentacles sprouted from his arm, with some of them intercepting the bullets while others began approaching her. As this happened, she loaded the last of her explosive rounds into the chamber and fired, hitting one of the tentacles head-on. This created a chain reaction as the resulting explosion met one of the intercepted bullets, creating more eruptions that burned away at a majority of the limbs. Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to put them down, as even more tentacles began sprouting and started rushing toward her at blinding speeds.
As they drew closer to her, Rushuna’s heartbeat picked up, beating like a drum. Rather than feel fear or some form of worry at the impending army that approached, her expression was one of stone-faced determination, and upon looking closer it was easy to see why. With each beat, an emblem of sorts began to slowly mark itself on her chest, appearing just above her cleavage. In tandem with this, an aura began to quickly flicker in and out of existence, with each beat increasing its visibility until it was fully stabilized.
With her heightened state now active, the Grenadier looked up and saw that the tentacles were now inches from her body. Lunging forward, the transformed sharpshooter shifted her body in midair, avoiding the grasps of five tendrils as her breasts bounced up, releasing twelve bullets in front of her face. Swinging both revolvers fast enough that they resembled a blur, she then aimed both of them forward and fired one shot from each. These bullets hit each other at an angle before bouncing off, each one shredding through the tentacles and heading straight for Vash. In response, the blond fugitive aimed his Colt and fired two shots, intercepting hers mid-flight.
As the slugs fell to the ground, the golden-haired Senshi suddenly burst forward, tearing up the roof’s tiling in the process. Once she was close enough, the markswoman fired off one round from her Himawari. While he was still able to avoid it, the Plant noticed that in addition to Rushuna herself, the transformation seemed to have affected her bullets as well with how fast they were moving. Had it not been for his reflexes, that shot would have ripped through his stomach.
While he was in the midst of dodging her bullet, however, Tendo shifted her aim with the Cosmos and fired at his leg, causing him to cry out as his knees buckled. Doing his best to ignore the pain, the spiky-haired criminal shifted to the left just as another bullet was about to pierce through his body. As she was about to pull the trigger once more, the pink-clad sharpshooter noticed something out of the corner of her eye: a tentacle beginning to emerge from his arm.

Shifting her aim, Rushuna fired at the tendril, severing it. Just as the bullet was about to pierce through his forearm, Vash moved to the side, with the lead shell just barely grazing him. This turned out to be a distraction, as when he looked back he found that Rushuna was rushing toward him at full speed. When they were inches from each other, the Grenadier raised one of her revolvers and attempted to shoot at him, but it was interrupted by her opponent knocking it aside with his own gun. What followed was a series of gunshots, dodging, and parrying as the two blonde pacifists attempted to disarm each other, with both seeming neck and neck.

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This continued until they both heard their guns click, upon which Rushuna decided to improvise by delivering a kick that ripped the Colt from Vash’s grip. With her opponent disarmed, the teenage sharpshooter attempted to take him out with a chop to the neck, only to hear a metallic clang before being violently pushed back by a silver blur.
[stop music]
Upon hitting the ground, the golden-haired Senshi felt a stinging pain across her body. Looking down, she found that whatever had sliced her had done so numerous times, tearing through her outfit and leaving several bloody gashes across her torso. Despite how much it hurt, she managed to fight through the pain, doing her best to keep a smile on her face as she looked up to see what was responsible for these injuries.
As it turned out, these bloody cuts had been created by a pair of white, metallic wings that had shot out from Vash’s back. Their size cast a massive shadow that, when combined with his glowing blue eyes, made the Humanoid Typhoon look completely terrifying, but if this affected the Senshi in any way, she didn’t show it. Instead, she reloaded her revolvers and fired three bullets at the winged Plant. In response, the Angel Wings fired a barrage of blade-like feathers.
The opposing projectiles met in midair, with the feathers effortlessly slicing through the slugs before continuing their path. As the razor-sharp quills drew closer, Tendo fired another shot from her guns, intent on ricocheting the feathers into each other. To her surprise, the frontmost blades instead sliced her bullets in half before continuing their approach. Just when it seemed like she was about to be skewered, the optimistic outlaw leapt through the air, avoiding most of the projectiles save for one that brushed against her side, drawing blood. At this point, her vision was started to go blurry and she was starting to feel lightheaded, no doubt signs that the blood loss from her injuries was beginning to catch up to her.
While blinking it away, Rushuna’s ears picked up the sound of a gun clicking, causing her to instinctively dodge just as the bullet fired. As it whizzed past her, she looked toward the direction it had come from and saw that Vash had managed to reclaim his Colt. She responded by raising the Himawari and firing a shot in retaliation. The Angel Wings reacted almost immediately as they folded themselves over their owner, protecting him from the bullet.
Still persistent, the Grenadier once again reloaded her guns as she ran forward, dodging several feathers and bullets in the process. Realizing there were too many for her to dodge at once, she responded by leaping through the air in an attempt to close the distance. Upon hitting the Angel Wings feet-first, the Senshi reached into her bag and unveiled a new weapon: a pair of bullet knuckles. Clenching them between her fingers, she then brought the Himawari up, placing it against the wings’ metal frame.
“Zero Range Target Shot: Full Six Bullets Impact!” Rushuna shouted as she slammed the knuckles against her gun, leaping away just as it fired all six of her bullets at once. The power behind the attack was enough that it generated a massive explosion, sending Vash skidding back but otherwise leaving him unaffected. While still in midair, the busty gunslinger reloaded both of her revolvers and aimed them forward.
JiJi Jikiden Dual Gun Technique: Super Special Rainbow Star!
With that, the blonde Senshi fired all twelve of her shots at once. Upon exiting the chamber, the bullets began spinning fast enough that they created a miniature vortex. As they traveled through the air, the bullets seemed to merge together, slowly taking the form of a giant dragon. Just before they made their impact, Vash’s vision was overtaken by the vibrant image of a rainbow.
“A-a rainbow?” He stuttered just as the dragon-enveloped bullets flew forward and drilled their way into his wings, quickly shredding their lead casings to pieces. After several seconds of struggle, the dragon’s image suddenly faded out of existence as the bullets finally ground themselves out of existence, with the only signs of their existence being the minuscule slivers of metal that lay on the rooftop. As the last pebble-sized piece of lead fell onto the tile rooftop, Rushuna was visibly surprised at what she saw. After that much struggle, the Super Special Rainbow Star had only succeeded in creating light cracks on the wings’ metallic surface.
‘That was my ultimate technique, and those wings were barely affected. Just how durable are they?’ Tendo questioned in astonishment. She wouldn’t be able to receive an answer, as a flash of cyan light suddenly blinded her.
[stop music]
As it faded, she saw the Humanoid Typhoon standing before her. His eyes were still glowing light blue, but he no longer had his wings. Eager to exploit this newfound advantage, the Senshi reloaded her guns and rushed toward the infamous fugitive, firing multiple shots at his vulnerable form. As they traveled toward him, Vash realized that with his wings exhausted and his opponent’s heightened state increasing her speed and reflexes he was left with only two other options, neither of which he wanted to use. Unfortunately, with his current situation, he didn’t seem to have much of a choice.
Just when she was several feet from the Plant’s location, Rushuna’s vision was suddenly blinded by another flash of blue light.

As her vision returned to her she found that their surroundings had undergone a drastic change. While she was still on the rooftop, albeit back where she had started, it was now sitting in the middle of a desert a long ways away from the town’s outskirts. While she was in the middle of regaining her bearings, she noticed that Vash was now standing some several hundred feet away, and from the looks of things, he had just finished reloading his Colt. Aiming it forward, he closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, not wanting to witness what was going to happen to Rushuna. After making a silent prayer that she’d be able to survive, the Humanoid Typhoon pulled the trigger. The revolver audibly fired, but to the Grenadier’s confusion, it didn’t seem like anything had emerged from its barrel. Had he accidentally fired a blank, or-
Before the cowgirl-like gunslinger could question this further, her enhanced senses allowed her to pick up the nigh-invisible sight of the air currents distorting ever so slightly. Then, much to her surprise, a miniature black sphere suddenly emerged directly in the middle of their battlefield. While it started off slowly, the ebony orb began to devour everything that surrounded it, gradually increasing in size and pull with each second. The roofing tiles and sand were the first to fall into the void’s gaping maw, with the surrounding rock formations following not soon after.

As its pull increased, the Senshi began running like hell in a desperate attempt to stay alive, but the struggle was visibly taking its toll on her. Her movements grew more sluggish with each passing second, no doubt a result of the pain and blood loss of her combined injuries once again catching up with her. Adding onto this was the void’s pull, which seemed to be increasing in tandem with her rapidly draining stamina. Realizing she didn’t have that much time left before her body would give out from the intensity, Rushuna began formulating a plan that even she had to admit was dangerously risky, but the way she saw it, there weren’t that many options left.

Despite her blurring vision, the golden-haired gunslinger turned around to face the black hole and bounced her breasts up, causing twelve bullets to push themselves out of her cleavage. Just as the rounds became airborne, however, they were caught in the sphere’s pull. To make matters worse, the markswoman’s ears were picking up the sounds of fabric tearing, causing her eyes to widen briefly before-
-her top was torn off, causing the rest of her bullets to begin spilling out. Out of desperation, the Grenadier ran forward and swung her revolvers, catching six slugs each in both chambers. Then, without a moment to lose, she aimed them forward and once again released all of her ammunition at once. Much like before, the airborne projectiles became enveloped in the image of a dragon as they picked up in speed, with each one creating a miniature vortex. As they drew closer, the dragon let out a savage roar before fading away as the bullets spread out, their speed producing vortexes that served as powerful counters to the black hole’s pull. Rather than growing stronger by absorbing the spinning rounds, the ebony void was actually beginning to slow down and even weaken with each passing second.

[Stop music]

As he watched from the distance, Vash’s expression was one of astonishment and relief. On one hand, he hadn’t expected Rushuna to use that technique against his black hole bullet, nor that it would have that sort of effect on it. On the other, he was just relieved that this meant there was a chance she could still make it out of this alive.
Back with Tendo, the cowgirl-like outlaw had begun analyzing the situation. While the Super Special Rainbow Star had weakened the black hole bullet, she could tell that it was still becoming stronger with each passing second. So she did the only thing she could in this situation: run away in a desperate attempt to gain some distance.

With a speed that would make most marathon runners jealous, the pink-clad Senshi took off, easily outclassing the weakened black hole’s pull. Once she had managed to run out of its range, she leapt behind a nearby rock spire for safety. Taking a brief moment to peek out, she sighed in relief upon seeing that the ebony orb had finally dispersed. At the same time, the symbol above her cleavage faded, reverting her to base form. While she normally would have been able to maintain her heightened state for much longer, the damage she had taken over the course of the fight combined with her weakened stamina had cut its time drastically short. Despite this, she still possessed enough energy to keep fighting, though it wouldn’t last for much longer with the pain coursing through her body.

While she was in the middle of taking a breath, Rushuna’s enhanced senses heard the sound of a gun clicking and responded by shifting her position slightly to the left, allowing a bullet to miss her by several centimeters. Upon getting back to her feet, the blonde sharpshooter ran out from her hiding spot and instinctively bounced her breasts up, swinging her firearms through the air, only to become confused as they hit thin air. Upon looking down, she remembered why: that black hole had torn off her top, spilling out all of her bullets and, more importantly, leaving her chest completely exposed.

With her face beet red as she gave an embarrassed scream, the Senshi quickly dove for cover behind another rock, grabbed hold of a piece of her skirt, and tore off a rather long strip. Within two seconds, she had wrapped it around her chest and successfully tied it into a makeshift bra. Once it had been secured, she took a brief moment to look out from behind her cover and found that several of her bullets still remained, much to her relief, though with Vash shooting at her it would be unlikely for her to retrieve them. Unless…

Rushuna’s eyes lit up as she got an idea and began rummaging through her bag, hoping to find some leftover special bullets.
Luckily enough, she found that several were still there, though they were in extremely short supply. Loading the last two armor-piercing bullets into both chambers, the Grenadier leapt out from her hiding spot and immediately noticed Vash’s Long Colt sticking out from a nearby rock spire. Pointing the Himawari forward, she fired at the exposed gun, knocking it out of his grip and exposing the string it had been attached to.
Wait… what?
Her eyes widening in surprise, the pink-clad gunslinger then heard the sound of a gun clicking from behind her. Instinctively running to the right, she noticed the attacker out of the corner of her eye. It was Vash, laying on a boulder some distance away as he fired at her with his prosthetic arm.
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As she ran past him, the teenage sharpshooter looked a bit closer at the prosthetic’s design. It was small, but she noticed a small chink between the submachine gun and Vash’s arm. Realizing this could be a potential weak spot, Rushuna raised the Cosmos, firing her last armor-piercing round before placing the revolver back in its holster. As the spinning round flew toward him, Vash just barely managed to swerve to the right, but a loud, metallic CLANG still made its way to his ears.
“Damn.” He swore under his breath as he surveyed the damage done to his prosthetic. While he had managed to stop the bullet from tearing the metal arm from his body, it had still hit its mark, leaving a gaping hole through the forearm. Quickly putting it aside, Vash pulled on the string connected to his Colt, drawing it back to his grip. Upon grabbing onto it, he rapidly fired off three shots at Rushuna, but she managed to sidestep each one while drawing ever closer to the bullets that lay scattered across the ground.
Quickly scooping them up, she then leapt behind a massive tree that had long since decayed from the desert heat. While it was only a temporary form of cover, it gave Rushuna enough time to quickly separate the bullets from the clumps of sand she had picked up. Once she had sorted them out, she loaded six of the slugs into the Himawari while placing the remaining twenty-four between her cleavage. With her revolver now fully loaded, the golden-haired Senshi emerged from her hiding spot and began running toward Vash, firing off two shots at his torso. In response, the spiky-haired outlaw quickly rolled to the left, with one of the rounds just barely grazing his arm.
Quickly putting this pain aside, the $$60,000,000,000 bounty noticed the Cosmos currently placed in its holster and, realizing he had a chance to disarm Rushuna of one of her weapons, fired a shot that tore through the strap surrounding it. Almost immediately, the holstered firearm fell to the ground, landing with a barely audible THUNK! Despite knowing she had been disarmed, Tendo paid it no mind as she continued pursuing Vash.
Just when it seemed like the two pacifistic outlaws were about to collide, they raised their respective guns and fired, aiming their shots in such a way that they wound up disarming each other. As their firearms clattered to the ground, both of them only centimeters apart, the two pacifists donned a determined expression as they dove toward their respective weapons.

Quickly grabbing them, the two outlaws immediately got back up and brought their weapons up to aim at each other. As the revolvers moved through the air, they brought their arms forward at the same time, planning to disarm their opponent mid-aim. Instead, much to their surprise, they had only succeeded in creating a stalemate of sorts, as they both stared down the barrel of each other’s revolver. Their brows furrowed as they looked each other in the eye, a combination of worry and slight anger adorning their faces as sweat began dripping down. With the same thought going through their minds, the blonde bounties pressed their thumbs against the opposing gun’s cylinder release, sending their bullets into the air.

Grabbing hold of one round each and placing it in the chamber, both gunslingers noticed their opponent attempting to disarm them once again and quickly put a stop to it by grabbing each other’s arm mid-swing. Adding to this second stalemate was the fact that the two once again had their guns pointed at each other’s heads, with the barrels now pointed at each other’s mouths. Almost out of instinct, they pulled the trigger, only to hear a click. They tried again, to the same result. For what felt like an eternity, Vash and Rushuna stared at each other with a mix of worry and slight anger. Their breathing had become heavy. Their foreheads were drenched in sweat. They looked each other dead in the eye, too paralyzed to act.
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Then, after roughly fourteen seconds of trepidation, one of them managed to work up the courage to pull the trigger, with the resulting BANG echoing throughout the desert.
Despite closing her eyes so that she wouldn’t have to see her opponent’s grizzly fate, Rushuna opened them reluctantly and saw something that caused her expression to shift from worry to one of confusion. As it turned out, the Humanoid Typhoon’s superior reflexes had allowed him to catch the still-smoking bullet between his teeth.
“Nwice twy.” Vash said before briefly turning to the side and spitting the hot piece of lead out of his mouth. Taking advantage of her momentary confusion, the Plant used his superior strength to rip his Long Colt free from her grip and quickly fired at her gun, sending the Himawari flying out of her hand. As Rushuna clutched her hand in pain, he fired off another round, this one entering through her right breast and exiting her side, cracking two ribs in the process.
Cracked ribs by Br3ndan5
As she fell onto her back, clutching at her bleeding side while doing so, the Senshi looked up to see her holstered Cosmos still laying in the sand. Realizing she still had a chance to win this, Tendo reached into the bag at her hip and pulled out the ribbon from before. While her opponent’s knife had shortened it considerably, it was still long enough that she could reclaim her former sensei’s gun. Throwing it forward, she became rather surprised when a sudden shot tore through some strands of the fabric. Looking back, she saw that the one responsible was Vash, his Long Colt in hand as he stared at her in confusion.
“Don’t you think you should give up right now? I mean, in your current state, you’ll probably end up hurting yourself more than me.” He pointed out.
“Thanks for the concern, Vash, but I’m keeping my promise to the sheriff that I’d take you in alive. And I’m not going to change my mind.” She responded as her ribbon wrapped around the holster. Quickly tugging it forward, the Grenadier raised her hand and caught it almost immediately. As she backflipped back onto her feet, her breasts bounced upward, spilling out six shells. Swiping the Cosmos through the air, the golden-haired gunslinger successfully reloaded it in midair and fired off four shots, with the first two being aimed at his shoulders and the other two at his thighs.
As he fell to his knees, with pain coursing through his body, the Humanoid Typhoon could feel something resonate deep within him. It was the one power he hadn’t used during this whole fight, out of fear that it would either kill his opponent, destroy the planet, or both. But as the pain grew, so too did the transformation. He was trying to hold it back as best he could, but his control was slowly slipping away.
Noticing the deep pain that Vash was in, Rushuna tossed her gun to the side and slowly began walking forward, hoping that the technique she was about to use would calm him down. Opening his eyes, the Plant’s fear only grew further as he saw his opponent slowly walking toward him.
“S-stay back!” Vash warned her, though she seemed to misunderstand his reasoning for why.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to help. You sounded hurt.” She said, her tone like that of a loving mother.
“I’m fine.” He responded, though his breathing had gone shallow. “But please… get out of here… before it’s too- AGH!”
[Loop if it ends before “Stop music”]
He clutched at his right arm, trying desperately to halt the transformation, but it was too late. The Long Colt’s barrel suddenly flew off, revealing a blinding light. As this light began growing in intensity, the gun began to change its composition, shifting into some sort of alien metal. This transmutation was also affecting his arm, with the skin peeling away to reveal that it was now made of this metal as well.
“What is that thing? Wh-what the heck is that thing!?” Rushuna questioned in shock as the metamorphosis continued in front of her eyes. The gun’s barrel began growing in length while the light pushed itself back, shifting into a sphere that immediately began growing in size. As the ball of light began growing, so too did Vash’s desperation.
“I don’t… have time to explain… Go!” He demanded, his voice loud enough that it could still be heard despite the deafening hum of the energy gathering within the arm cannon. Upon seeing that she was still standing there, seemingly frozen in fear, he called out to her.

“What are you waiting for? Run! Get… out of here… while I can still… control it!” He ordered, struggling to speak as he attempted to hold the Angel Arm at bay.

The Senshi was more than willing to comply as she took off in the other direction, with her heightened state immediately reactivating out of her desperation to survive. Yet no matter how far she went, she could still hear Vash’s agonized screams as he continued his attempt to fight the Angel Arm’s inevitable firing. In fact, it wasn’t just her that heard him. The Humanoid Typhoon’s spine-chilling screams echoed throughout the desert, causing everyone in the nearby towns to stop what they were doing and look toward his direction. Upon doing so, they were met with the sight of a blinding glare as the arm cannon’s energy began overflowing, a sign that it was ready to fire.
“What the hell is that?” Yajiro questioned as he shielded his eyes from the blinding light, though he received no answer as the rest of the town found themselves paralyzed with fear. As they looked at the blinding light, they came to the horrifying realization that their home was about to suffer the same fate as July.
Then, exactly one second later, the Angel Arm released all of its excess energy, accompanied by a traumatizing scream that echoed throughout all of Gunsmoke.

[Stop music]

A massive dome of energy emerged from the cannon’s origin point, quickly growing in size with each passing millisecond until it had engulfed not just the entire town, but all of the desert as well.
Once this white void had reached its peak, the Angel Arm fired off an equally large beam of antimatter into the sky. Within a matter of seconds, the country-sized laser had made its way to one of the planets neighboring Gunsmoke. Upon making contact, the concentrated blast consumed the planet in its entirety. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the antimatter finally dispersed, revealing that nothing remained of its target. It had been completely and utterly vaporized.
As the Angel Arm’s laser faded from existence, so too did the white void back on Gunsmoke, revealing the destruction that had been left in its wake. The town, its landscape, and even the country itself had been wiped off the map, replaced by a barren crater that seemed to stretch out endlessly. Surprisingly enough, the townspeople were completely unharmed, much to their visible (and audible) shock.
While they attempted to recover from the events that had just unfolded, Vash stood in the epicenter of the blast radius, panting for breath. His blond hair was now adorned with a small streak of black, a sign of the toll the Angel Arm had taken on him, but he paid it no mind. He began looking around, hoping for any sign that his opponent was still alive. After several seconds, he eventually managed to find her laying on the ground some distance away, just barely hanging on to life.
Breathing a sigh of relief, the Humanoid Typhoon picked up his unconscious adversary and hoisted her over his shoulder. Upon looking to his left, he found the town he had unintentionally destroyed and gave a look of grief. He hadn’t meant to destroy it, but with his Angel Arm’s activation, it was inevitable that major collateral damage would follow in his wake.
“Well, that’s probably gonna raise my bounty by… a lot.” He realized, giving a deep sigh before looking back at Rushuna and giving a sad smile. “But, hey, at least you’ll be able to recover, so I guess it’s not all bad.” He thought aloud as he began walking back to the destroyed town. While doing so, he couldn’t help but look up at the clear, blue sky and wonder what the future held for both of them. Would they ever meet again, and if they did, would it be as friends? As enemies? While he didn’t know for sure, one thing was certain:
He would remember the name “Rushuna Tendo” for a long time to come.
Db Ko! by Br3ndan5
Last episode was my first two-parter, and now this episode is my first fight to feature no death! It just makes me wonder what the next episode will bring.
Anyway, let’s not waste any time and move on to the verdict.
While Rushuna may have had superior training, been better at fighting in close quarters thanks to her Gun-Fu, and was on par with Vash in terms of intelligence and strategy, it wasn’t enough to make a difference given that he outclassed her in almost every other category.
First off, let’s take a look at their physicality. In terms of strength, Vash had her beat due to being able to physically damage his twin brother Knives. For context, Knives had previously been shown to survive being blasted by an Angel Arm, which is strong enough to leave a crater in the moon and can blow up a planet at full power. Given that Vash is shown to be comparable to Knives, this would also extend to his durability. In comparison, Rushuna’s best feat of strength would be the time she destroyed a robe made of nigh-indestructible adamantine ore, while her best durability feat was taking a hit from the Perpetual Motion Solar Jacket, which destroyed an entire country. Speed also goes to Vash, since he was able to block Angel Arm blasts, which can reach outer space in seconds, and could keep pace with Knives, who was fast enough to travel out of orbit and into a space ark in a matter of seconds. Compare this to Rushuna, whose best feat would be dodging the beams of concentrated sunlight fired by the Solar Jacket.
While both characters were roughly equal in intelligence and strategy, Rushuna had the edge in training, given that she’s trained under expert gunslingers while Vash, from what I could tell, seems to be self-taught. This superior training also gave Rushuna several advantages such as superior CQC thanks to her Gun-Fu, her Instant Reload allowing her to reload faster than Vash, and her Ultimate Battle Strategy would have allowed her to end the match prematurely by breaking Vash’s will to fight. Though it’s unlikely she’d actually be able to use it, given Vash’s superior speed and mobility. And despite her superior training, Vash would still have her beat in marksmanship, given that he was skilled enough to shoot down satellites.
Experience easily goes to Vash, given that he’s 165 years older than Rushuna, and the same goes for his powerset. His healing factor could have allowed him to regenerate any injuries Rushuna could have ditched out, teleportation grants him more mobility in the battlefield, and the Angel Wings further this mobility while also granting him superior offense and defense. Though Rushuna’s intuition and Heightened State grant her some advantages since they give allow her to dodge in advance and boost her physicality, respectively.
Now let’s move on to their weapons. Just by looking through these, Vash still shone through in the end. More specifically, the Punisher and Submachine Gun prosthetic granted him more ways to approach Rushuna from a distance, with the latter also being useful should he wind up disarmed. Then there are his two trump cards: the Black Hole Bullets and the Angel Arm. The Black Hole Bullets could bypass Rushuna’s durability and deliver some severe damage, on top of being too fast for her to react to. And then there’s the Angel Arm. This beast of a cannon possessed far more destructive capabilities than anything Rushuna’s ever faced, and its absolutely massive AOE meant that she wouldn’t have much chance to dodge it even with her Heightened State. And before any of you ask why she survived it in the fight… that was just for entertainment purposes. It had no bearing on the verdict itself.
In summation, Rushuna possessed the better training, a faster reload, superior close-quarters options, a technique that could have ended the fight early, and was equal to him in intelligence and strategy, but Vash’s superior physicality, destructive capability, mobility, experience, marksmanship, powerset, and weaponry netted him the win.
Poor Rushuna did her best, but she just didn’t have a good shot at victory.
The winner is Vash the Stampede.
WinnerVash by Br3ndan5
Vash the Stampede (Winner)
+ Physically superior
+ More experienced
+ Better marksmanship
+ Healing factor lets him regenerate from any damage Rushuna could dish out
+ Punisher and SMG arm grant him more options in long-range combat
+ Angel Wings grant better offense, defense, and mobility
+ Black Hole Bullets could bypass Rushuna’s durability and were too fast for her to react to
+ Angel Arm has more DC than what Rushuna could handle
    + Its wide AOE also makes it unlikely for her to avoid it
= Intelligence and strategy
– Rushuna had better training
– Rushuna’s Instant Reload could let her reload faster
– Rushuna’s Heightened State and intuition would make it harder to hit her
– Inferior in close quarters
– Rushuna’s Ultimate Battle Strategy could have broken his will to fight
    + But his superior speed and mobility make it unlikely for her to successfully use it
Rushuna Tendo (Loser)
+ Better training
+ Instant Reload allowed her to reload faster
+ Heightened State could lessen the gap in physicality
+ Intuition and Heightened State would make it harder to hit her
+ Superior in close-quarters thanks to Gun-Fu
+ Ultimate Battle Strategy could have broken Vash’s will to fight
    – Though his superior speed and mobility make it unlikely for her to catch him
= Intelligence and strategy
– Inferior physicality
– Less experienced
– Inferior marksmanship
– Vash’s healing factor could let him regenerate from any damage she’s inflict
– Less effective arsenal
– Black Hole Bullets could bypass her durability, on top of being too fast for her to react to
– Angel Arm has more DC than she can handle
    – Its wide AOE also makes it unlikely for her to avoid it

Prelude: Rushuna Tendo vs Vash the Stampede

Gunslingers are a staple of western movies and media. Known for their speed and marksmanship skills, there have been many famous examples of this archetype with each one having a different degree of style. Some are capable of pulling off impressive trick shots with their pistols, while others can move far faster than their opponent’s gunfire. Then there are those who have proven themselves capable of doing both the aforementioned feats and far more, such as today’s two blonde, sharpshooting pacifists.

Rushuna Tendo, the Smiling Senshi!

And Vash the Stampede, the Humanoid Typhoon!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Note: Due to the length of Rushuna’s bio (which I had to trim down just so I could fit in Vash’s), there won’t be any commentary.

Credit goes to DoctorMooDB for the Rushuna bio and Dynamo1212 for the Vash bio.

MainPic by DoctorMooDB
Rushuna Tendo
Aliases: Grenadier, The Smiling Senshi, The Golden Haired Senshi
First Appearance: Grenadier (Manga, 2003)
Age: 16
Occupation: Senshi (Gun Fighter)
Likes: Hot Springs, Nice warm relaxing hot baths, Helping people, stuffing her face, 
Yajirō (Or Yatchan as she calls him), smiling, and making other people smile


-Often takes out forts and castles swarming with gunmen all coming after her (Often without getting a scratch or even killing anyone)
-Took out an entire fort full of armed gunmen (that had previously defeated an army of samurai) by herself and rescued the lord they had kidnapped
-Stormed into a castle and took down all the armed guards by herself followed by their king Furon who was wearing a mech suit designed to take out entire armies that was capable of repairing itself
–Also helped to reform and befriend said king (Despite his past of being a ruthless killer since childhood)
-Single-handedly (and playfully) took down a group of gunmen up close and afterwards managed to take down a giant robotic tank engineered by an aristocratic warrior “Banmaru” to help protect the “Peach Blossom Tower” brothel
-Defeated several members of the “Juttensen” (a group of bodyguards who each have a legendary weapon) one after another
-Gained the Title of “Grenadier,” a legendary Senshi

-Gained a bounty of 5000 gold coins
-After defeating four members of the ‘Juttensen,’ earned the title of “Grenadier”
-Defeated Setsuna Oomido, a woman who had impersonated Empress Tenshi, tried to take over the country, and was skilled enough to match Rushuna herself and fight evenly with her
–Managed to pacify Setuna Oomido and set her on a better path

-When she was only 11, she held her own against a dangerous wanted man who was wielding a heavy machine gun using nothing but a slingshot with acorns
-While she was still only 12 years old, she started her journey to find her homeland where she had originally come from
-Took down a senshi’s giant rapid-fire gun in a fight with just one shot after going four days without eating
-Defeated several additional members of the Juttensen not seen in the anime
–Faced the remaining 3 Juttensen all at once, dodging all of their attacks from different directions while simultaneously putting her own gun back together with no problem
—After beating all the Juttensen, she became the number one senshi in all the lands and was invited to join the Juttensen themselves (though she declined)
-Fought her sister Namari Shirogane (Who had been enhanced with a cybernetic eye that allowed her to foresee attacks, equaled her in gun fighting, and was armed in an “Oni Asura” mech that sported giant fists and large guns) and managed to defeat her (With a small bit of help from Yajirō) 
–Managed to patch up things with her sister shortly afterwards and made her into an ally
-Helped save a capital from the anti-imperial court force (A heavily armed military force filled with bounty hunters and bandits within their ranks) from being destroyed and having its emperor kidnapped
–Went on to destroy their ship, the Death Horn (A battleship fortress made for annihilating towns) with Yajirō‘s help
-Destroyed Iron Masked Baron after he had combined with the perpetual motion solar jacket: A large solar powered flower-like machine capable of wiping entire nations off the face of the earth (Which had destroyed her homeland when she was just a baby) with help from Yajirō, Mikan, and her now reformed sister Namari and effectively saving the nation
-Eventually found what was left of her homeland after many years of searching


AlloyBust by DoctorMooDB
-Was able to tear through a (supposedly) indestructible robe made from rare adamantine ore which was powerful enough to block her bullets and split/puncture boulders and stone walls with her bare strength (Seen in the gif above)
–Keep in mind that when the Adamantine cloth blocks HER bullets (Which are capable of blasting through heavy weapons) when it’s loose, but Rushuna destroyed it while it was coiled up and able to puncture through layers of solid stone with ease
—In the manga, it is stated that Adamantine is at its hardest/densest when coiled up and is harder than diamonds, yet Rushuna was still able to rip apart that alloy after catching it with her gun

-Tied her gun to a ribbon and flung it into the face of a masked man (Kaizan Doushi), hitting him so hard he not only went flying across the room, but busted down a wall
–Afterwards, said masked man had trouble getting back up
—Did the same feat in the manga, but it was more impressive as the masked man turned out to be a cyborg who was mostly mechanical and thus most likely heavier/stronger than a regular human
-Can knock out a full grown adult man with a single strike be it a knee/kick to his face or whacking him in the face with a scrub brush
-Can punch her gun into a large armored metal cannon with enough strength to dent said cannon
-By punching bullets with a pair of ‘bullet knuckles’ or with the hammer of the gun mounted between her fingers, she can actually fire out the bullets with greater intensity than they would just being fired normally
-Can do the same by kicking bullets; can kick a fully loaded gun chamber with enough power to fire out the bullets all at once as if they had all been fired from a gun (Manga)
-Managed to spin her empty gun chamber around with such strength and speed that she generated sound waves capable of cancelling out other sound waves that could hurt her ears, mess with her balance, crack the stone ground around her, and stop her bullets in mid-air
Can kick pretty hard underwater
Yajirō away with a strong palm thrust to his face (Manga)
-Can spin fast enough to deflect/knock shrapnel coming in from all around her (Manga)
-Can do a jumping kick powerful enough to force Yajiro’s sword through a LARGE steel cannon on a ship (Though after she shot it with 12 spinning bullets to force it to pierce the thick metal initially
-Can leap rather high and jump very far for airborne attacks or avoiding enemy fire
-Can somehow move fast enough to dodge bullets despite the weight of her breasts

MangaSpeedFeat by DoctorMooDB
Speed and Reflexes:
-Easily dodges bullets on a daily basis and has been doing so since childhood
-Incredibly acrobatic; runs, jumps, and flips around to avoid bullets and enemy attacks
-Was able to disappear from the sight of a bunch of gunners who were looking straight at her and reappear behind their backs without them realizing it until the last second
-Can dodge attacks that are quick enough to intercept bullets
-Can sometimes dodge attacks and immediately appears behind her enemy
Is fast enough to leave afterimages to trick/distract her opponents
-Can dodge and outrun gunfire from multiple directions/gunmen (This even includes automatic gunfire)
-Can constantly and continuously dodge a barrage of bullets from automatic fire 
-Can dodge bullets while spinning in place while simultaneously reloading/returning fire
-Can dodge bullets while reloading her gun and then return fire and take out a whole row of gunmen with six shots all while in the span of just barely a full second (Seen above)
-Can dodge missiles
-Can dodge torpedoes while submerged underwater (and is a fast swimmer in general)
-Can dodge blasts of air potent enough to leave perfectly clean deep circular holes in walls and floors and fatal blows from air blades
-Is no stranger to fighting enemies who can teleport and dodging them shooting her in the back point-blank
-Can dodge large cannon shells at close range twice in a row
Can dodge small blasts of concentrated solar energy
-Can turn her entire body to avoid a fatal headshot from point-blank gunfire at the exact moment of impact
-Can spin fast enough to deflect/knock shrapnel coming in from all around her (Manga)
-Can fire six shots in a matter of centiseconds (seemingly only 12 centiseconds)
-Can often unload her gun on her target while in the middle of dodging
-Destroyed another Senshi’s rapid-fire gun in a quick draw before they could even pull the trigger (In the manga, she did this after going four days without eating)
-Can dodge and intercept point-blank gunfire repeatedly during close quarters combat
-Can intercept bullets with her own bullets, even at point-blank range
-Can block her own bullets being shot right back at her with her own gun
-Can also process information in a short amount of time; in less than a fraction of a second she was able to analyze that a rock was being destroyed by a blast of air, prompting her to jump out of the way the very moment before it hit her and immediately destroyed a stone wall behind her
-In a split second can deduce what bullets are gonna hit her and then shoot them out of the air to detour them away from her
-Has fought members of the Juttensen and Setsuna Oomido; all of which have the similar if not the same kinds of reflexes/speed (With Setsuna Oomido, Namari Shirogane, and certain members of the Juttensen being able to match Rushuna’s reflexes, speed, and gunmanship/fighting skill point for point and even deflect her bullets/gunshots)

Hitbyrobotarm by DoctorMooDB
Durability, Endurance, and Stamina:
-Kept fighting despite getting deep cuts in her shoulder, thigh, and torso from air blades
Afterwards survived a long fall from a cliff to the river below and was up and about later on despite her injuries
-Was thrown into a large rock head first with enough force to crack it, but she got right back up to resume fighting
-Got hit by Madame Touka’s ball and chain weapon hard enough to go smashing through a wall and was completely uninjured afterwards, proceeding to fight her as if nothing happened (Manga)
–Got hit by Touka’s ball again, this time getting directly hit/caught by the explosion it created and tanking it (Manga)
—Went on to continue fighting more foes during the rest of the day as if nothing happened
-Got hit by a large robot arm and slammed into a tree; and was still able to get back up and resume fighting as if nothing happened
Tanked a small fiery explosion that knocked her off a row boat 
-Took a series of rapid kicks to her back over and over while she was naked from the Iron Masked Baron (Who later turned out to be a cyborg who was more machine than man) and was still able to get right back up and fight
-Got directly hit point-blank by an air blast powerful enough to leave perfectly shaped circular holes through boulders and human beings alike, yet she tanked it and despite being wounded, she was just fine later that day (Manga)
–Got her hand caught in the same kind of air blast and despite being wounded her hand was mainly intact (Manga)
-Took a direct hit from a giant robot fist that knocked her into a metal wall hard enough to dent it, but Rushuna was still able to dodge/get around as if nothing happened (Manga)
–Also took a series of rapid punches from the same giant fists, and while she did break some bones (Specifically her ribs), she was still able to keep fighting 
–Afterwards she survived being caught in an explosion made from highly explosive incendiary powder that was capable of burning regular people to ash, and was able to get away with minor burns (Manga)
–According to Namari, those flames were hot enough to melt bullets in midair
—Endured all of that and still won in the end (and still had plenty of energy left to help take down a small army of robots destroy a massive cannon)

-Tends to tolerate/ignore her wounds/pain and even maintain a smile as best she can
-When her muscles were damaged from her burns making her unable to properly hold a gun, she managed to psyche herself up and ignore it and not let it interfere with her aiming
-Has often been able to fight with numerous bleeding wounds, broken bones, and even burns during battle and still not go down
-Was able to fight evenly with Setsuna Oomido for awhile despite a deep bullet wound on her leg (Anime only)
-Managed to dodge a bunch of wind blades and even close the distance between her and her opponent right away despite being wounded (Manga)
-If a gun goes off right next to her ear, she seems completely unaffected. She doesn’t lose her hearing or suffer any pain. (Normally someone shooting a gun right next to someone’s ear can cause temporary to permanent deafness) (Anime only)
-Can still fight rather competently after going days without eating (Manga)

SplitDecision by DoctorMooDB
-Despite being bubbly and kind of ditzy, Rushuna is FAR from an idiot
-Has excellent tactical analytical skills; often thinks VERY fast and can deduce the proper course of action in less than a second
-Is able to see/aim/hit at either very small fast moving targets (Such as bullets or gun barrels) or targets that are very far away (Such as snipers) even during the heat of battle (Making her good at finding weak spots)
-Is able to discern her opponent’s weaknesses in the heat of battle and adjust accordingly to exploit them with any tools at her disposal
-Can figure out how to dismantle her opponent’s weapons or armor with her own bullets
-Often figures out where to shoot in order to cause chain reactions in mechanical foes to make them explode
-Often observes what’s in her environment and uses it to her advantage (Example: Can shoot a rock in such a way that pieces of it will bounce off, hit her target in the leg, and trip them or shooting down a store sign which then falls on top of her foe)
-Is often able to calculate where her opponent will be when firing at a moving target
-Is also good at spotting/noticing hazards even in the heat of battle
-Was able to detect buried Ashikabi (Buried explosives/land mines) simply by smelling the air

-Often comes up with strategies to take down her foes. Examples include:
-While fighting an enemy who kicked up a dust cloud (Who could see her despite her not being able to see him), she used the flash of her bullets as well as the fact that she’d be within his line of fire to figure out just where he was and then dodged a giant explosive shell at the last moment so she could then counterattack  (Something she deduced within a second)

-While fighting an enemy who used sound waves (Said sound waves were powerful enough to hurt Rushuna’s ears, momentarily make her lose her ability to stand, tear up the cave floor, and stop her bullets in the air): Rushuna attached her empty gun chamber to a ribbon and spun it around, creating sound waves of her own to cancel out the sound waves of her opponent and walk through them 
-During a blizzard where she couldn’t see her opponent or their wind/air bullets, she was able to carefully analyze the snow/wind to predict where their attacks were coming from and dodge accordingly
-When her aquatic opponent was too fast to fight underwater, she shot her bullet through the path of air/tunnel of bubbles left behind by a torpedo allowing her to shoot her bullets with less resistance from the water itself and take him out
-Has used her bullets to help power up her allies attacks such as increasing Yajirō’s sword’s striking power to slice a boulder in half by shooting directly into the blade
-Often deduces and attacks the weak points of giant robotic enemies or mechanical suits to hinder their movements
-Will sometimes purposely make fun of/provoke her enemies into getting riled up (Manga) or simply play around with them to make it seem she’s taking the battle lightly to get them agitated (anime)

Experience and Training:
-As a baby she washed up on shore after a boat wreck. She was taken in and trained by Soun Kongo, a Senshi who was a former 
Juttensen kaiso (founder) who taught her everything she knows (Manga)
-Went to a school that taught Senshi and learned how to hone her reflexes and skills there as a child (anime)

-As a child, mastered the art of “instant reload” rather quickly by constantly watching her teacher and practicing by catching multiple acorns in a hollowed-out fruit at the same time in one go
-At an early age, was able to hold her own against a wanted man sporting a large automatic fire arm and even managed to destroy his weapon using nothing more than a sling shot with acorns
-Has been traveling alone on her journey since she was only 12 years old long before she met her traveling companions Yajirō and Mikan at her current age
-Is experienced fighting people who fight similarly to herself, gunmen with all kinds of strange weapons, mechanical foes with robotic suits/armor, people with more traditional weapons such as swords, pole arms, etc
-Has defeated members of the 
Juttensen, skilled gun fighters who each sported unusual legendary weapons


-Will sometimes use her sex appeal to trick people; Managed to seduce a guard into leaving his post and then knocked him out

-Is incredibly knowledgeable about all kinds of weapons (Especially firearms, cannons, etc) and also knows about more non-conventional legendary weapons (And often figures out their weak points)
–Uses this knowledge in battle to better predict/avoid/counter her opponent’s weapons or directly target certain mechanisms to destroy them
-Also mixes/makes her own gunpowder
-Can easily disassemble and assemble her own gun, and is more than capable of putting her own gun back together during the heat of battle while avoiding hits from multiple enemies (Somehow being able to focus on repairs and dodging at the same time)
-Was able to deduce that Empress Tenshi was Setsuna in disguise (twice) (Anime only)
-Managed to mimic Aizen Teppa’s “Gaifu Senjutsu” (See “Special Attacks” below) after seeing him use it once
-When her bikini was melted off, she was able to improvise a makeshift bikini using only her hair

SniperFeat by DoctorMooDB
-Is an incredibly precise sharp shooter who is often able to notice small details in the heat of battle
-Is also good at hitting targets who are far away or targets that are very small/precise
-When a sniper was aiming his gun at her friend Yajirō from a distance, she pushed him out of the way and shot down the sniper himself before he could even take the shot
-Was able to use six shots to not only disarm a large man who was far away, but also destroy his armor and leave him almost naked despite him being far away
-Is able to see/aim/hit at either very small fast moving targets (Such as bullets about to hit her) or targets that are very far away even during the heat of battle
Can shoot a rock in such a way that pieces of it will bounce off, hit her target in the leg, and trip them

GunmanFeats by DoctorMooDB
Gun Fighting:
-Trained in the art of Senjutsu: In which the aim is not to kill/destroy the enemy, but rather ‘crush their strength’
-This usually means disarming/destroying their weapons and armor and/or injuring them so they can’t fight anymore opposed to taking their lives (Although it’s possible one can use these arts to kill, as Rushuna’s sister did)

-Is also skilled in dual wielding two firearms at once (Manga)

-Is noticeably skilled with seemingly all manner of firearms she can get her hands on
–Will sometimes grab and use her opponent’s weapons against them

Vs by DoctorMooDB
Close Range Combat:
-Is skilled at what people would call “Gun-Fu,” “Gun-Kata,” “Bullet Ballet,” or “Gymnastic Gunplay”
-Basically the art of fighting in close quarters with a gun against other people who have guns
-Can slap away/block firearms close to her face with her elbows, wrists, palms
-Can also dodge bullets or shoot them away with her own gun in close quarters
-Is even fast enough to reload her weapon up close
-Can also bludgeon with her gun or shoot targets point-blank
-Can fight evenly with people who have the same point-blank bullet dodging reflexes that she has
-Is no stranger to using her legs in battle; 
will attack with jumping flying knees to the face, as well as brutal kicks if she doesn’t feel like using her gun
-Is also no stranger to using kicking attacks in conjunction with her gun
-Uses punches in conjunction with certain attacks in close range (See “Special Attacks” below)

Special Abilities:

Intuition01 by DoctorMooDB
Intuition/Strong Senses:
-Can sometimes sense incoming danger and dodges in advance
-Somehow knew someone was about to attack her inside her log cabin despite the fact that they were outside in the snow firing at her from a distance
-Dodged an attack she couldn’t see coming
-Was somehow aware of a security guard watching her despite him not making a sound or being in sight

-Overheard the sound of a gun being cocked from an execution going on a distance away from her and immediately stopped it despite being far away

State by DoctorMooDB
Heightened State/Chest Emblem:
-A power inherited by her ancestors (characterized by a symbol that appears on the upper part of her chest)
    –Also flares with some visible aura

-Occurs when her concentration is at its most heightened state during battle 

-Often enters this state once she’s backed into a corner, is about to lose, or strongly desires to save someone about to die
-Boosts her physicality and the speed of her bullets
-Boosts her endurance to the point where she can shrug off any previous injuries be it numerous bullet wounds, broken bones, burns, etc
-Increases the firepower of her weapons
-While in this state, survived an attack from the Perpetual Motion Solar Jacket, which could destroy
countries at full power
-While in this state, she is able to use her most powerful attack: The “Rainbow Star” in which she channels the power of wind into her bullets to further boost their power (See “Special Attacks” below)

Personality by DoctorMooDB
-Is very loving, forgiving, and kind; is always willing to help people during her travels and fights to end strife and chaos
-Is usually in a positive mood and smiling while trying to encourage others to do the same (Even when she’s in a great deal of pain)
-Can sometimes seem rather innocent and child-like; can come across as naive or even ditzy with a childish sense of humor and can burst into laughter for ridiculous reasons
-Often prefers to end things peacefully and often tries a peaceful negotiation first; Tries to remind people that they are loved or that there’s always another way

-Despite all this, none of this hampers her a fight and always takes combat seriously (and she takes it VERY seriously when anyone innocent is hurt or killed)
-NOWHERE NEAR as pacifistic as her anime counterpart and is less reluctant to jump into a fight
-Acts a little more tomboyish than her anime counterpart; often very rowdy and playfulslightly more mischievous, and sometimes even kind of snarky
-Is noticeably more aggressive, more confrontational, and more intimidating
-Though in the end she does still often spare/forgive her enemies and befriend them after battle (For the most part anyway)

Weapons and Equipment:

Guna and Ammo:

RushunaGun by DoctorMooDB
Sanpachi Revolver/The Himawari 38:
-Also known as simply “Himawari”
-A much older, junkier looking gun (Though it looked more sleek and shiny in the anime)
-Rushuna’s primary weapon in the manga
-Is also her most prized possession
-Can be used to smack away bullets (including her own if they’re sent right back at her)
-Despite being so rusty and seemingly junky looking, it’s harder than diamonds and difficult to break (though it can be disassembled)
-Has a sunflower knob on the side which can be adjusted to loosen the hammer and detach it
-Can then use the detached hammer to perform special attacks
-Even after most of it had melted off, it was still usable

Cosmos by DoctorMooDB
-Another six shot revolver
-Passed onto her by her childhood senshi teacher,
Soun Kongo
-Works similarly if not exactly the same as the Senpachi Revolver
-Can detach the hammer to do the same special attacks as the “Himawari” (See “Himawari” above and “Special Attacks” below)
-Can be used in conjunction with the Himawari to perform the special attacks “Cross Fire” and “Rainbow Star” (See “Special Techniques” below)

Bullets by DoctorMooDB
Stored by sandwiching them between her breasts and has so many that she rarely runs out
-All these bullets seem to spin after being fired, allowing them to pierce targets easier and do special attacks
-Can actually stack her spinning bullets upon each other by firing them one after another on top of each other, multiplying their power by six and making them capable of not only penetrating armor, but also blowing it off the wearer
-Spinning bullets on their own are strong enough to fire straight through large rapid fire guns and destroy them 
-Can use one spinning bullet to take out a whole row of rapidly firing bullets by destroying the front most bullet and creating a chain reaction that blew them all up one after another
-Bullets are powerful enough to destroy much larger bullets fired by giant robot hands/pistols before they can travel far enough to the capital
-Keeps her “Special Bullets” on a small bag on her hip (See below)

Underwaterbullets by DoctorMooDB
Special Bullets:
-Kept in the small bag on her hip
-Some of the ammunition includes:
-Special Armor Piercing Bullets that can penetrate armor even her normal bullets can’t
-Underwater bullets that can travel faster underwater than regular bullets like tiny torpedoes
Special explosive ammo that erupts into a fiery explosion and leaves the opponent covered in flames, burning them (Manga)
-Super Explosive Sure-Shot Grade-A Bullets: Explosive ammunition used for piercing armor (Manga)
-Often has a lot less of these kinds and only uses them if the situation calls for it

Other Items:

RushunaBag by DoctorMooDB
Rushuna’s Bag:
-The little bag she carries on her hip
-Contains a few items such as a comb, bandages, emergency rations (Fruit and nuts), a small portable lamp, a gun cleaning kit, a bag of saltpeter for making gunpowder, a lucky lollipop stick, and a small handheld lamp
-Also contains a knife, though she’s never seen using it for battle and most likely uses it for other reasons
-Also contains special bullets that differ from her regular ones (See “Special Bullets” above)

GrapplingHook by DoctorMooDB
Grappling Hook:
-A grappling hook attachment that Rushuna can connect to her revolver
-Can be used to latch onto surfaces, retrieve items, pull her up places, or just tie people up
-Can also be used to swing to safety (Once swung to avoid some incoming missiles)

Cloth by DoctorMooDB
-A red ribbon that Rushuna uses like a lasso
-Can be used to lasso objects and pull them close to her, or turn them into makeshift flails (As she did with her gun
-Is strong enough to pull up her friend Yajiro (A full grown adult male) and pull him along without breaking

Special Techniques:

AnotherBulletFeat by DoctorMooDB
Instant Reload:
-A quick reload technique that Rushuna has practiced/perfected since childhood 
-Serves as her primary method of reloading her gun
-Rushuna quickly shakes out the bullets from the chamber before bouncing her breasts upward from the momentum of her movements 
-Flips exactly six bullets into the air (or 12 if she’s using two pistols opposed to one) and then catches them in the chamber perfectly while swinging her gun
-Allows her to reload her gun and return fire in less than a 1/5th of a second
-Often done while spinning on the ground, running towards her opponent, spinning on a pole, or jumping in the air
-Also often done in the heat of battle while she’s in the middle of dodging enemy attacks before immediately countering when she’s done

ClashingTactic by DoctorMooDB
Clashing Tactic:
-A technique allowing her to shoot bullets coming towards her to intercept them
-Does so by reading their path in a small fraction of time

DoubleImpactManga by DoctorMooDB
Point Blank Range Tactic: Double Impact:
-One of Rushuna’s most used close-range attacks throughout the manga
-Rushuna first removes the “hammer” on the back of her gun and holds it between her knuckles
-Rushuna presses the gun right up against her foe and punches down against the gun using the “Hammer,” striking the detonator directly
-This creates the first strike which smashes the weight of gun into the target with enough impact to dent a thick metal armored hide
-Immediately afterwards, the bullet is fired at great point blank force and fires out with more power than usual
The combined force of the two strikes has enough power to destroy a large cannon with a single bullet (via setting off the explosive ammunition inside said cannon to cause a chain reaction to blow it up)
-Used to defeat Souma Sanzou, busting his thick armor while simultaneously damaging him and destroying his legendary weapon
-Though Rushuna prefers not to use this tactic much since it does put stress on her firearm (Though it can likely take a lot of strain before breaking due to being harder than diamond)
-However, it should be noted that this is supposed to be a reversal technique to turn the opponent’s attack against them on top of the damage done by the attack itself
–If done at the exact right moment (while the opponent is in the middle of attacking) it not only intercepts their attack, but deals even MORE damage than usual
-While Rushuna IS aware that the technique is supposed to be used this way (and it’s very possible she can do it due to often mimicking her master since a young after) it’s unknown if she can do it or not

Shooting by DoctorMooDB
Short Distance Shooting Technique: Shooting Star:
-Rushuna detaches her gun chamber and kicks it into the air. Then, she leaps after it and flips, allowing bullets to spill out of her cleavage and into the chamber
-She proceeds to kick those bullets through the chamber, using both her feet and the bullets themselves as a makeshift “Hammer”
Ends up firing all six bullets at the same time as if they had been fired by an actual gun (without kicking away the chamber itself)
-All six bullets hit the same target at the same time

SpinAttack2 by DoctorMooDB
Gaifu Senjutsu:
-An improvised technique she copied from Aizen Teppa after fighting him herself
-Rushuna takes off her shirt and spins incredibly fast while holding it out
Was used to knock away incoming shrapnel/projectiles from different directions when she had no way of dodging it
-Though it leaves her shirt riddled with holes/torn, so chances are she can only use it a few times

Impact by DoctorMooDB
Zero Range Target Shot: Full Six Bullets Impact:
-Rushuna puts her gun point blank on an opponent with the chamber fully loaded
-She then pulls out a pair of “Bullet Knuckles” which she punches down against her own gun
-Fires out all six shots at the same time while amplifying their power all at once
-Is powerful enough to destroy the cannon of a large robot and create an explosion
-Though Rushuna needs to run away quickly to avoid the resulting explosion

Tornado by DoctorMooDB
Zero Range Target Shot: Tornado Impact:
-A weaker variation of her previous attack where Rushuna’s Bullet Knuckles are loaded with five bullets instead of six
-Was powerful enough to one-shot Souma Sanzou, who was strong enough to knock down large trees with a single punch

SenjutsuIronPlateReversal by DoctorMooDB
Senjutsu Iron Plate Reversal:
-Rushuna shoots her bullets through the floor in the shape of a rectangle and stomps on the end corner, forcing it to pop out of the ground
-The rectangle acts as a makeshift shield/wall to block off enemy projectiles and explosives while also giving her some extra cover for a moment

CrossFire by DoctorMooDB
Dual Gun Technique: Crossfire
-Can only be done with Rushuna is dual wielding two guns
-Rushuna fires two bullets from her guns at a certain angle that allows the bullets to collide with each other before hitting the target
The bullets then ricochet off each other and change course, which makes them less predictable

RainbowStar by DoctorMooDB
JiJi Jikiden Dual Gun Technique Super Special Rainbow Star:
-Arguably Rushuna’s most powerful technique
-Can only be done with Rushuna is dual wielding two guns

-Rapidly fires off 12 bullets at once from both firearms directly at the opponent, which becomes enveloped in the image of a dragon
-The bullets spin so fast they can create a vortex capable of protecting them from heat that would normally melt them
The bullets then all go in different paths without needing to collide first thanks to their rotation twisting the air and creating repulsing currents
-The bullets swarm and surround the target, coming in from different directions in strange swirling looping patterns before all hitting them at once from different angles
-Have such an erratic pattern that not even the “Scan Eye” (which can predict/calculate the movement and flight path of bullets) can figure out where they’ll hit
-Before the opponent is hit, they will see the image of a vibrant sparkling rainbow just before impact (hence the name)
-All of them hit with such impact they can knock out Namari (Who survived getting a direct hit from a large concentrated blast of solar energy) and destroyed her mech suit
-Can only be done during her “Heightened State” (See “Special abilities” above)

BoobHug by DoctorMooDB
Ultimate Battle Strategy:
-Used only in the anime (More in line with Rushuna’s more pacifistic/loving nature)
-A special move taught to Rushuna by Empress Tenshi based on her teachings and philosophy 
-A last second technique that Rushuna uses when all else fails be it she can’t beat her foe or if they’re too difficult to negotiate with
-Usually done after she’s weakened the enemy by stripping them of their weapons and/or armor, though she can also use it as a last resort if she is about to be defeated in an effort to befriend her foe and end the fight
-Disarms herself, smiles sweetly, and hugs her enemy; holding them close to her “soft bosom” 
-Basically she gives them a hug that’s so comforting and sweet that it calms her foe down
-Pacifies even the most bloodlusted of enemies and relaxes them; by the end of it they no longer wish to fight her
Can also surprise and disarm her opponent while doing this
-Though it’s likely that for this to work, the one she’s doing this to has at least have a shred of good/dignity/empathy in them (Or in the very least just be attracted to her) and be disarmed/weakened first

Wounded by DoctorMooDB
-Very reliant on her guns
-While her regular bullets are plentiful, her special bullets are more limited
-Her “Ultimate Battle Strategy” is a huge gamble and might not work on beings who are more wicked/evil, who aren’t attracted to her, and/or who haven’t been weakened/disarmed first
-Is bad with directions while traveling and can get lost by herself
-Doesn’t often use the “Double Impact” to the full extent of its power (which can only be done via countering at the precise right time) and it is unknown if she’s able to use it to its full extent
-Overusing the “Double Impact” can possibly damage the Himawari (Though it’s possible she can always put her gun back together, plus her gun has shown it can still function/be useful even when parts of it have melted off)
-The more damage she sustains in her Heightened State, the quicker she will tire out

RushunaFInale by DoctorMooDB
“Would you like to join me?”


Vash the Stampede by Dynamo1212
Vash the Stampede
AKA: The 60 Billion Double-Dollar Bounty, The Humanoid Typhoon
Age: Physically 20s, chronologically 181
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 145 lbs
First Appearance: Trigun

-Gained a 60 billion double-dollar bounty
-Almost single-handedly saved Gunsmoke from destruction
-Defused an overloading energy plant
-Defeated some of the best gunslingers on the planet
-Defeated the majority of the Gung-Ho Guns by himself
-Defeated his own brother, Knives, who has many of his abilities and mastered them
-Has repeatedly defeated large forces of armed gunmen without a single casualty
-Vash has not only accidentally destroyed cities, but he also made a giant crater in the moon


3046308-vash Vs Knives-max7 Trigunmax Ch80 18 19 by Dynamo1212
-Can punch through steel
-Holds a man and casket by a wire
-Was able to deflect a cannonball
-Performs one hand handstand pushups every morning
-Carries around Wolfwood’s Punisher with no problem
-Knocks down men who can break through buildings
-Traded blows with Legato, who tanked one of Knives’ weaker blasts
-Can trade blows with his brother, Knives, who can tank Angel Arm blasts

3158484-bullet+dodging+1+2 by Dynamo1212
-Easily outruns hordes of gunmen
-Catches up to and gets in front of a runaway truck
-Manages to put gum in the hammer of a gun from across the room without anyone seeing him move
-Dodges point-blank gunfire on a daily basis
-Evades a point-blank gun fired at his chin
-Avoids Dominique the Cyclops’ shot from behind
-Manages to intercept missiles
-Dodges an attack from Knives’ Angel Arm, which intercepted every single bullet Vash fired
-Shoots off E.G. Mine’s armor before he could pull the threads to fire his spikes
-Has shot down every planetary satellite in seven minutes
-Can remove the bullets from the guns of 30 gunmen without anyone noticing in under a minute
-Kept up with Knives, who can travel out of orbit and to a space ark within a couple of seconds
-Quick enough to block an Angel Arm blast, which can reach outer space in seconds

Hqdefault by Dynamo1212
-Has been shot many times
-Survived falling off cliffs on several occasions
-Jumps out of a ship and survives the fall with no issues
-Walked off getting thrown through buildings
-Shrugs off hits from people who can crush buildings
-Survived getting slashed by someone who can cut buildings
-Is okay after getting slammed into a wall hard enough to create an indent
-Walks off hits from monsters, giants, cyborgs, and mutants
-Stayed conscious despite having Legato contort his body
-Withstood attacks from his brother Knives, who mastered his Plant powers
-Can tank an Angel Arm with his Angel Wings

Weapons and Equipment:

500px-Vash revolver composite by Dynamo1212
45 Long Colt:
-Custom made
silver-coated revolver
-Larger than other revolvers

-Can fire six rounds
of .45 caliber ammunition
-Has a range of over 200 ft

500px Trigun2101 By Yellowflash1234-d8g3ytm by Dynamo1212
Prosthetic Gun:
-Submachine gun
-Hidden in Vash’s prosthetic arm
-Can fire single-shot or rapid-fire

Shoe Knife by Br3ndan5
Shoe Knife:
-Concealed in his boot
-Usually used to escape rope binding
-Effective melee weapon
-Tends to break
-Used as a last-resort escape tool 

555385-vash00 by Dynamo1212
Armored Coat:
-Not indestructible
-Doesn’t protect against physical blows

WolfwoodVash by Dynamo1212
-Three pronged weapon that belonged to Wolfwood
-Functions as a mini-gun, a rocket launcher and a pistol rack

2966745-2266605285-vashb by Dynamo1212
Black Hole Bullets:
-One of Vash’s strongest weapons
-These bullets can cover up to 300 feet
-Can bypass durability by directly consuming matter
-Able to move at speeds that characters like Knives, who has relativistic reaction speed, have difficulty comprehending

Skills and Abilities:

Healing Factor:
-Can heal from injuries thanks to his Plant heritage
-Quickly heals from all of his bullet wounds
-Could heal all of his scars easily, only keeps them as a reminder

Cunning and Clever:
-Deceptively clever with battle tactics
-Willing to set traps and attack from unconventional places
-Will use any weak spot he can find, usually when it’s least expected
-Lets Rai-Dei use his special technique only to trip him with a wire attached to his gun
-Uses the recoil of his gun to parry Rai-Dei’s blade to avoid his special attack
-Figures out Dominique the Cyclops’ hypnosis while fighting and how to avoid being hypnotized
-Used the force of a cannonball to throw himself backwards and shoot the cannon arm to knock someone out

3480725-9356613042-73383[1] by Dynamo1212
Master Marksman:
-Shoots the wire connected to a spaceship hovering in the stratosphere
-Shot the fuses off of sticks of dynamite before they hit the ground
-Redirected multiple rockets mid-flight with his gunshots
-Redirected a car with just three bullets
-Regularly puts bullets through bullet holes
-Can shoot targets far out of most pistols’ effective ranges
-Shoots to incapacitate people and often succeeds
-While too sick to stand, shoots and hits multiple bottles mid air from a distance away
-Knocked bullets off trajectory with pebbles
-Destroys a rope and changes the trajectory of a propelled fist before it could reach him
-Sensed the layout of a room and takes down the ceiling without looking
-Shot down every planetary satellite in seven minutes

Latest by Dynamo1212
Angel Arm:
-Vash’s strongest weapon
-Used by tapping into his Plant powers
-Fires blasts of antimatter and black holes
-Can easily destroy entire cities
-Can destroy the moon in one shot
-A fully charged Angel Arm was stated to “level the planet”
-Drains Vash’s life energy with every use and kills him if used too much

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Angel Wings:
-Feather-like projections that can act as shields
-Is able to fly with them
-Can be weaponized as blades
-Can tank Angel Arm blasts

Teleportation by Dynamo1212
-Can teleport himself to other locations
-Teleported himself, others, and part of a building to a remote location

Trigun-episode-10-vash-the-stampede-gun-fight-scre by Dynamo1212
-Prefers long range to close range combat
-Pacifistic and will only fight when necessary
-Angel Arm drains his life and will slowly kill him when used too much

(“The world is made of LOVE AND PEACE!!!”)