Kancer Will Make Death Battle Accept Him!

This bio was commissioned by VultureDuck.

Alias: Yukface
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Occupation: Bio-Weapon, Member of the Zod Squad
First Appearance: Action Comics #777 (May 2001)

-Was created when Avruskin, the dictator Pokolistan infected Superman with a Kryptonite-based cancer and harvested the diseased cells
-Slaughtered dozens of people while traveling across France
-Broke into the Daily Planet to kill Lois Lane, but was interrupted by Superman
-Fought Superman, but was defeated
-Teamed up with Ignition to get Superman’s attention by attacking Pokolistan
-Fought Superboy
-Was part of the Zod Squad’s attack on Berlin
-Worked with the rest of the Zod Squad to help Lex Luthor invade LexCorp Towers, which Brainiac 13 was using as a base
-Briefly fought Superman and Krypto
-Captured Krypto and used him as a bargaining chip to try and get Superman to form a bond with him
    -He failed to have his demands met, as Superman refused to acknowledge him as his kin and Krypto freed himself shortly after
-After he, Superman, and Kryto were accidentally sent to the Gorge (a pocket of Hell), he sacrificed his freedom to remain in Hell forever so Superman, Krypto, and Warrior (the previous lord) could return to Earth

-Sliced apart and crushed multiple civilians
-Smashed through the walls of the Daily Planet
-Grabbed Lois and began crushing her in his grip
-Flipped Superman over and threw him into the ground
-Slammed Superman into the ground with his tendrils
-Knocked Superman back by slapping him with a tendril
-Cut through Superboy’s armor and stabbed him through the arm
-Punched Krypto hard enough to send him flying and briefly knock him out
-Overpowered Superman while they were pushing against each other
-Launched a tour bus into the air with a swing of his tendrils
-Grabbed Krypto by the head and lifted him into the air
-Pushed Superman and Warrior out of his way while pursuing a throne to Hell

-Leapt onto Warrior’s back

-Managed to jump across the pit he was in and seated himself on the Gorge’s throne before Superman could

-Can survive in the vacuum of space without any protection
-Was unharmed while crashing through the Daily Planet’s walls
-Recovered seconds after being grabbed and tackled through a wall by a burning Superman
-Withstood being burned by Superman’s heat vision
-Survived electrocution from a hydroelectric transformer, though it knocked him out
-Tanked a punch from Superboy
-Was more angered than hurt after Superman rammed into him
-Is completely unaffected by lava
-Showed no signs of pain while being blasted with Krypto’s heat vision
-Shrugged off an uppercut from Superman
-Quickly recovered after Krypto unleashed a sonic bark that sent him flying
-Was punched into a lava pit by Superman, then took a right hook from him
-Got backhanded by Warrior
-Was bitten by Krypto


Clever and Pragmatic:
-Used his knowledge of Superman’s love of humanity and Lois to engage in psychological warfare with him
-Threatened to expose Superman’s secret identity to Zod if Superman refused to bond with him

-Thanks to Avruskin’s teachings, Kancer is a cruel, sadistic murderer
-Believes Superman to be his father due to their shared DNA, though he sees Superman’s love of humanity as a sign that he prefers them over his “son”
    -Due to this belief, he despises humans and takes great pleasure in killing them
-Treats the rest of Superman’s family with contempt for how they’ve gained his approval
    -Of the members he’s met, he holds the biggest grudges against Superboy and Krypto, the former for being another clone of Superman, and the latter because he hates that Superman’s willing to spend more time with a dog than him
-After learning that Superman was willing to save his life by assuming the Gorge’s throne, he realized that Superman cared about him and took the throne in his place, wanting to make Clark proud even if it meant being permanently trapped in Hell

Weapons and Equipment:

-Can be used to knock others away or wrap around their necks to strangle them
-Is covered in spikes that are strong enough to cut through Superman

-Can be used to grab, strangle, or swat at others


Necrotic Touch:
-Causes any living being that Kancer touches to break down at a cellular level, causing them to dissolve
-Should he touch someone for a prolonged period, crystals will rapidly form across their skin
-Superman stated that being touched by Kancer saps him of his strength and life

Enhanced Senses:
-Could smell that Superboy carried the same scent as Superman
-Could track Superman by scent even from the other side of the planet

-Obtained by manipulating the gravitons in her body
-Can do anything from hovering to moving in any posture or direction

-Possesses a longer lifespan than most humans and will remain in his prime as long as he’s exposed to a yellow sun

Solar Energy Absorption:
-Can absorb yellow or blue sunlight into his body
    -By absorbing blue sunlight, Kancer’s normal powers are boosted and he can gain new abilities
-Metabolizes solar energy into his body
-Serves as the source of his powers

Heat Vision:
-Can fire intense beams of heat from his eyes
-Is able to alter the intensity or area of effect at will
-Used to write multiple messages to goad Superman into finding him
-Can fire beams hot enough to harm Superman, who can casually survive being in the sun

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision:
-Can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Allows him to see and identify radio and television signals along with other broadcast frequencies
-Can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods with this ability
-Can use this to see the aura generated by living beings

-Lets Kancer hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-With enough skill and concentration, he can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency

Telescopic Vision:
-Allows him to see objects at extremely great distances

Microscopic Vision:
-Lets him see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level

Infrared Vision:
-Kancer can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness

X-Ray Vision:
-Allows Kancer to see through any volume of matter except lead
-Can focus this ability to “peel back” an object’s layers, allowing him to view hidden images or its inner workings

-Due to the interaction of his dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Kancer is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces

    -This also grants him protection against toxins and diseases

-Also called “freeze breath,” “ice breath,” “ultra breath,” and “arctic breath”
-Lets Kancer create hurricane-like gusts of wind by exhaling
-Can chill the air as it escapes his lungs, allowing him to freeze targets
-Can also reverse this process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into his lungs
-Used to freeze an entire city block of cars, civilians, and Superman (albeit briefly)

-Is extremely lacking when it comes to speed feats
-Exposing him to massive amounts of electricity will incapacitate him
-Gradually loses his powers the longer he’s away from yellow solar radiation
-Absorbing red solar radiation will weaken him and can eventually rob him of his powers, albeit temporarily
    -This is because red solar radiation renders his yellow radiation dormant


Spider-Boy Swings Into Death Battle!

Spider-Boy by Br3ndan5
Real Name: Peter “Pete” Ross
Aliases: Arach-Kid, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Boy, Wall-Walker, S.B., Mall-Crawling Wall-Crawler
Height: Unknown, but likely 5’6 – 5’9 given his fusees’ heights
Weight: Unknown, but likely 150 – 165 lbs given his fusees’ weights
Occupation: Photographer, Adventurer, Vigilante
First Appearance: Spider-Boy #1 (April 1996)

-Was created during the Marvel vs DC event as a fusion of Superboy and Spider-Man
-Was created by Project Cadmus as an attempt at recreating the legendary hero Super-Soldier
-Became a photographer for the Daily Bugle
-Defeated Bizarnage by tricking the symbiote into entering its energy containment cell
-Defeated a giant-sized King Lizard by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core
-Foiled Scavulture’s plan to steal the Black Diamond Soul Gem

-Apparently caused the timeline to get rebooted after being sent to 2099, getting launched into 2104 by the Time Square, and returning to 2099
-Got engaged to, and would later go on to marry, Mary Jane Watson AKA Insect Queen
-Became an inspiration to heroes in the future, with his existence being credited as the reason for the creation of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099

Spider-Boy Strength by Br3ndan5
-Kicked King Lizard, to no effect
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy Speed by Br3ndan5
-Dodged an attack from Bizarnage
-Avoided a tail swipe from King Lizard
-Dodged a punch from a giant-sized King Lizard
-Avoided a laser shot from Scavulture’s Evil Eye
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy durability by Br3ndan5
-Was hit by King Lizard’s tail and got back up almost immediately
-Got up immediately after being tackled through a window by Scavulture
-Survived the explosion of Kang the Time-Conqueror’s Limbo dimension


Spider-Boy strategy1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Boy strategy2 by Br3ndan5
Expert Strategist:
-Used Bizarnage’s obsession with him to trick the symbiote into its cell
-Used King Lizard’s rage against him by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core, shrinking him in size

Spider-Boy personality by Br3ndan5
-Due to being a combination of Spider-Man and 90’s era Superboy, Spider-Boy often acts like an irresponsible teenager
-Tends to make sarcastic quips, jokes, and occasional pop culture references during battle to deliberately anger opponents and make them act sloppy
-Due to being dismissed as a kid during the incident that killed his Uncle “Gen” Thunderbolt Ross, he’s sworn to face any danger by himself and become the center of attention so others wouldn’t get hurt
-Is obsessed with his own self-image and celebrity status, occasionally making remarks about his merchandising both in and out of battle
-Refuses to allow bystanders to get hurt, and will feel immense guilt should it happen

Weapons and Equipment:

Spider-Boy Web-Pistol by Br3ndan5
-Also called the Web-Shooter
-Fires strands of synthetic webbing that are extremely durable and possess great adhesive properties
-Will dissolve into powder after 1 hour
-Can use its webs to swing across buildings

Spider-Boy Legion Ring by Br3ndan5
Legion Anti-Grav Ring:
-Given to him by the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099
-Allows him to fly off in any direction he wants just by thinking about it


Spider-Boy Gravitokinesis by Br3ndan5
-While his power was originally the ability to control all forms of gravity, Spider-Boy’s sabotaged cloning process left him with the ability to redirect his own personal gravity
-Can increase his gravity to pull himself toward large objects, allowing him to walk or crawl up walls and buildings
-By focusing his inner gravity, Spider-Boy can boost his strength and speed to superhuman levels
-Can lower his gravity to jump higher and increase his agility

Spider-Boy Weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Lack of feats due to only having 2 appearances before Amalgam Comics got canceled
-Doesn’t have many of his fusees’ powers, as he noticeably lacks a Spider Sense
-Can easily be disarmed of his Web-Pistol
-Lacks experience using the Anti-Grav Ring

-Somewhat cocky at times

(“That’s when I knew I had to make sure I was never just a kid who got ignored while other people got hurt! That’s when I made the costume… got on TV… and that’s when I really learned what uncle Gen said was totally solid! With great power does come great responsibility… and way too much fun!”)