DBX: Cammy White vs Riza Hawkeye

DBX Cammy White vs Riza Hawkeye by Br3ndan5

Central Command, Amestris, nighttime

Night had fallen upon the military state of Amestris, the cold light of the Moon bathing the streets in an eerie glow. The chill of the wind only added to the unnerving atmosphere, its cold temperature enough to send shivers down the spine of any man. Yet for the men in the Amestrian military, this was nothing more than a slight inconvenience. Many of them remained unaffected as they patrolled the streets, checking them for any activity. However, even with their attentive gazes, none of them could have suspected that an invader was already making their way through their country.

Far above the soldiers, a shadowy figure was running and leaping across the rooftops, moving so quickly and stealthily that they barely made a sound. Though it was hard to tell anything about their appearance at first, it was clear from the visible curves, the twin braids, and her high-pitched grunts that this was a woman. And as she landed on her haunches atop the latest rooftop, the intruder looked up at her destination: the National Central Library.

Meanwhile, deep inside of the massive building, a young man currently sat at one of its tables, deeply enriched in one of the myriad of books and notes in front of him. He wore a black, long-sleeved jacket that contained white lining along its edges, and beneath that was a sleeveless black shirt. A brown belt was wrapped around his waist, holding up the black pants that covered his legs, while his feet were obscured by a pair of black boots. But the most striking things about him were his hair and eyes. His hair was gold, with a braid that went down to his shoulders in the back, bangs parted in the front, and the center of his parting containing a single strand of hair that stuck up like an antenna.

This was Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, and he was currently studying all of Central City’s books on alchemy. For the past week, he’d been trying to crack the code behind Tim Marcoh’s notes, which had been disguised as the cookbook, “1,000 Meals For Daily Living.” All of the recipes contained subtle hints written in code, each one disguised to reveal the secret Ed and his brother Alphonse had sought for so long: the process behind creating a Philosopher’s Stone. Unfortunately, it seemed Marcoh had been a bit too thorough with his hints. With a code that only made sense to its writer, Ed and Al had to search each page with a fine-toothed comb, eyeing every word to make sure they didn’t miss anything. At the moment, Ed was vividly scanning a recipe for a decadent chocolate cake, his mind racing as he picked it apart like every other recipe.

‘Let’s see… “Once both eggs have been cracked, place their yolks into a bowl and mix until homogenous. Then add three sticks of unsalted butter, beaten or stirred.” At least it’s starting off simple.’ Ed thought to himself as he wrote down his findings, occasionally pausing to compare the page with his previous notes. If his hunch was right, then this recipe might’ve been talking about…


Unfortunately for the older Elric, his concentration was suddenly broken by the sounds of a nearby commotion. He could hear grunts, screams, and the occasional sounds of gunfire before someone was slammed into a nearby wall or floor; and it was getting louder with each second that passed!

‘It couldn’t be Scar, could it?’ Ed thought in worry as he got up from his chair and turned toward the door. He’d heard reports that the Ishvalan serial killer had been spotted around Central, and with how close he’d come to killing Ed and Al the last time-

‘Oh crap! Al!’ Ed’s eyes widened in realization. Three minutes ago, Al had gone out to the main library, apparently to find a book that- at least according to the notes- was meant to be cross-referenced with what they’d found. And if Scar was out there, then-

Balling up his fist, Ed ran out of the door, shifting his head from left to right in an attempt to find Al before the intruder did. As he did so, a familiar, high-pitched voice screamed out, followed by a thundering CLANK!

Fearing the worst, Ed bolted toward its direction, leaping over the bannister and rolling as he hit the ground. The moment he got back to his feet, the Fullmetal Alchemist rushed to where the voice had come from, desperately calling out Al’s name.

“Stay back, brother! She’s- rrgh– she’s way faster than she looks!” Al’s voice responded some distance away, causing Ed to raise an eyebrow.

‘She?’ He thought to himself as he continued bounding toward the voice.

“You’re wasting your breath.” As if to confirm Al’s statement, a feminine voice responded. It sounded young and almost devoid of emotion, as if the speaker was some kind of machine, and there was a light accent that Ed couldn’t place. When he turned the corner, he found a young, blonde woman standing over his brother’s body, gripping both arms as she pressed a boot against Al’s back.

“Even if your brother comes for you, it won’t stop me from completing my mission. Now tell me, where is the Fullmetal Alchemist?” Cammy asked as she twisted the arms on Al’s suit of armor, eliciting a pained grunt from the younger Elric. The sight of this, combined with what she’d just said, caused Ed to clench his fist as his body shook with anger.

“Well, if you must know, he’s standing right here, and he’s not too happy seeing his brother get used as a punching bag!” Ed announced, raising his clenched fist as Cammy turned to meet his gaze. “So if you wanna fight someone so badly, why don’t you give me a try?”

As she heard Edward’s taunt, Cammy leapt into the air, taking a moment to flip forward before landing on her feet.

“Target: Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric in range… Beginning subjugation!” She announced as she rose back to full height, entering into a fighting pose as she looked down at the teenager. Ed responded by clapping both hands together, creating a metallic ringing noise as he slammed them against the ground. Arcs of electricity flew through the air as part of the ground rose up, taking on a more cylindrical shape. Grabbing hold of it, Ed then gave a sharp tug, pulling the rest of it free. The impromptu weapon moved like a brown blur as Edward spun it around his body several times, and it would only stop when he grabbed it with his other hand and pointed its sharpened end at Cammy.

“The only one that’s gonna be subjugated here is you after I’m done kicking your ass!” Ed responded as he lunged forward, swinging his new spear as hard as he could!

Meanwhile, outside of the library, a young woman was currently traveling along the sidewalk, accompanied by a small, black and white Shiba Inu that walked in front of her. The two had been walking for the past few minutes, and as they approached the library, neither one seemed to be aware of the fight that was occurring inside. This changed when they walked past the entrance, as a chorus of noises suddenly diverted the woman’s attention.

With a curious “Hm,” she looked over at the doorway, hearing crackling electricity, wood splitting apart, and a series of loud crashes. But what really got her attention were the two voices she heard in the midst of this commotion. One of sounded young, and it seemed to have some kind of accent. The other voice was far deeper, sounded slightly raspy, but most of all, it was one that she recognized!

Stopping herself in the middle of her walk, Riza Hawkeye pulled slightly at Black Hayate’s leash, indicating for him to stop. As he did so, she knelt down, meeting his gaze before speaking to him.

“I’ll be gone for a few minutes, so I’ll need you to stay here until then. Understand?” She asked. Black Hayate responded by sitting down, his tongue sticking out as he let out a few excited, panting breaths. “Good boy.” Hawkeye responded, petting him on the head before rising to her feet.

As she ventured inside of the library, the sounds of the scuffle became more audible, causing Hawkeye to reach into her jacket. Clutching the FN Model 1910 at her side, she quickly pulled it out and raised it to eye level. Sticking close to a nearby bookshelf, Hawkeye slowly sidled along the side before poking her head around the corner, and what she saw caused her gaze to sharpen in anger.

Laying some distance away was a blonde woman in her 20’s, clad in a light blue one piece leotard and wearing a blue garrison hat on top of her head. A blue lightning bolt pattern seemed to be painted along her legs, leading down to a pair of knee-high combat boots. Those same combat boots were currently locked behind Edward’s back, trapping him between her legs, and judging by his grunts, she was squeezing him like a vice. Ed’s groans would only grow louder as the woman tightened her grip, only to quickly fade as the lack of oxygen began taking its toll. And it was at that moment that Hawkeye couldn’t stand to sit by and watch anymore!

Riza took aim, pointing its muzzle directly at Cammy’s side. While this wasn’t an ideal area to target, Cammy’s positioning and her similar height to Ed’s meant that aiming anywhere else could risk hitting him. With that in mind, the best Hawkeye could hope for was that her shot would weaken Cammy’s grip. With time running short, Riza made sure her position was steady, and then-


Upon hearing a gunshot so close to her, Cammy went into high gear as she pushed herself out of the way, dodging the bullet and unintentionally dragging Ed along for the ride. As she flipped through the air, Cammy released her grip, allowing Ed to drop with a brief cry of pain while she landed completely unharmed. Looking toward the direction the shot had come from, Cammy immediately locked eyes with Hawkeye, who looked back at her with a cold glare.

“Sorry for the sudden intrusion. It’s just that I’m not the biggest fan of seeing an intruder treat a member of my unit so violently.” Hawkeye stated before turning her attention to Ed. “Are you alright, Edward?”

“Yeah. She just surprised me, that’s all.” Ed responded, panting several times as he got back to his feet. “Just gimme a few more seconds and I’ll handle her.”

“No. What you need is to take Alphonse and get as far away from here as you can. I’ll handle her.” Hawkeye said, keeping her pistol held toward Cammy. Ed opened his mouth to try and respond, but after failing to find the words, he simply nodded before taking off to find Al. Cammy’s legs tensed up as she prepared to chase after him, but Hawkeye was quicker on the draw. Pointing her pistol toward the ground, the former sniper fired off a single shot, leaving a bullet hole a mere centimeter from her target’s foot.

“You try going after him again and I’ll make sure my next shot doesn’t miss.” Hawkeye warned, keeping her pistol aimed straight ahead. “Now tell me, who are you, and why did you attack Edward Elric?”

“My mission is to apprehend the Fullmetal Alchemist and take him in for questioning. I was forced to take action when he refused to comply. Stand in my way again, and you’ll meet the same fate. And unlike with the Fullmetal Alchemist, I have no qualms about terminating you!” As she said this, Cammy lowered herself into a fighting stance, causing Hawkeye’s glare to harden.

“Then by all means,” Hawkeye reached into her jacket, grabbing a second pistol and pulling it from its holster. Aiming both handguns forward, the markswoman coldly finished, “take your best shot.”
Here we go by Br3ndan5

Cammy proved quick to take her up on that offer as she sprinted toward Hawkeye, causing the lieutenant to fire off several shots. A storm of bullets were sent flying through the air, each one intent on slowing Cammy’s pursuit, but they were nothing more than child’s play to avoid! When each bullet approached her, Cammy would strafe from one side to the other, allowing them to whiz past her without any harm.

Noticing her opponent’s reflexes, Hawkeye responded by aiming a bit lower, firing a few inches in front of Cammy. With how Hawkeye had timed this shot, the bullet would pierce through Cammy’s shin before she could even register it. All that she needed was for Cammy to take her next step. Riza watched as Cammy’s foot hit the ground…

…only to suddenly spring into the air, causing the bullet to fire straight through the wooden floors. As she cursed herself for underestimating Cammy’s speed, Hawkeye adjusted her aim, pointing both pistols diagonally as she looked up at the airborne Brit.


Two rounds were shot from each pistol, aimed to hit Cammy in either her shoulders or her thighs. Unfortunately, they would all miss their mark as Cammy curled up into a ball, spinning through the air as she approached Hawkeye. Once all of the bullets had passed by, the Doll uncurled herself and dove down, keeping one leg outstretched in order to drive Hawkeye into the ground. Upon seeing this, Riza quickly ducked down, feeling Cammy’s heel fly past her before both feet hit the ground a second later.

Attempting to get the drop on Cammy, Hawkeye whirled around, her finger already on the trigger as she brought her gun up. She prepared to fire it, but her target had already lunged forward, swatting Riza’s handgun off to the side. With its course now diverted, the bullet was sent flying off into the distance as Cammy charged forward. She threw out a right hook, ready to embed her fist in Hawkeye’s face, but Riza reacted quickly by slamming her elbow into Cammy’s arm. With the sudden change in weight, Cammy’s punch was instantly thrown off course, missing its intended target by sheer centimeters, and Hawkeye was more than willing to exploit this!

Wrapping her left arm around Cammy’s, Hawkeye then forced her arm to snake around her opponent’s, locking them together as she tightened her grip. Her forearm was now poking out from beneath Cammy’s upper arm, and her pistol’s muzzle was pointed directly at Cammy’s temple. With no time to waste, Riza pulled the triggers on both handguns, causing two loud BANGs to echo through the room. Just as she did so, however, Hawkeye’s world suddenly shifted as Cammy grabbed the back of her jacket and flipped her over. Everything blurred together for a moment before Riza hit the wood floor head-first. With a pained grimace, Hawkeye pulled herself back up, her expression morphing into an angered glare as she gazed at her opponent.

Cammy glared back at her, paying little mind to the sizable cut from where the bullet had grazed her left cheek. Instead, she lunged forward, only to stop midway as a sharper pain flared across her side. Cammy cried out as she fell to her knees, clutching her side in an attempt to slow her pain. Upon looking down, she found herself staring at a large bullet wound, feeling a growing warmth as her outfit began sticking to her skin. Cammy’s mind raced as she questioned where this injury had come from, and she would receive her answer when she looked back up. Still clenched in Riza’s hands were two pistols, each one trained on Cammy and still smoking.

The moment she saw this, Cammy’s pained expression morphed into an intense glare. Then, ignoring the bullet wound that ached across her side, the Killer Bee forced herself to move as she darted toward a nearby bookshelf. Hawkeye rushed after her seconds later, strafing to the side as the two soon found themselves separated by bookshelves. They continued to run past the shelves, catching glimpses of the other as they passed by. Attempting to capitalize on this, Hawkeye began firing off several shots, aiming them at vulnerable parts of Cammy’s body. Unfortunately, none of them would hit their mark as White either flipped past them, ducked beneath them, or was just too fast for Riza to hit.

Realizing she was getting nowhere as she passed by their sixth row, Hawkeye chose to take a different approach in her tactics. The moment the bookshelf’s wooden frame was no longer obscuring her vision, she brought her gun up. Expecting another shot, Cammy leapt into the air, not realizing the mistake she had just made. With a slight smirk, Hawkeye pulled the trigger-


Cammy’s eyes widened in a mixture of pain and realization as she felt a bullet enter her right leg, piercing her calves. The suddenness of the attack had left her with little time to adapt, and as she landed, the British assassin fell onto the ground, her leg giving way due to her newest injury. Fortunately, Cammy would recover quickly as she rolled forward, taking cover behind the nearest shelf. After making sure she was safe, she looked down at her leg, easily spotting the bloody hole in her calf. While it wasn’t necessarily a fatal injury, she could tell that it was still going to affect her performance.

To make matters worse, Cammy could hear Hawkeye’s footsteps slowly growing closer. Not wanting to be spotted in such a compromising position, Cammy pushed herself back up, moving slowly so she wouldn’t make any noise. Meanwhile, Hawkeye was closing in on her, sticking close to the bookshelf and moving slower so Cammy –hopefully– wouldn’t detect her. Hawkeye slowly sidled toward the corner, and after bringing her guns a bit closer, she moved out from beneath her cover, pointing the two handguns directly at… nothing?

Somehow, Cammy had completely vanished, leaving only two puddles of blood as proof of her existence.

‘Seems she’s faster than I thought.’ Hawkeye thought to herself. ‘But even so, she won’t get far with those injuries.’

As she returned one of the pistols to her side and inserted a new clip into the other, Riza seemed unaware that someone was currently watching from afar. Several rows away, a set of cold, blue eyes were trailing her every movement, their owner currently crouched down to prevent herself from being seen.

As she watched the lieutenant slowly stalk through the library, Cammy continued to analyze her, noticing every time Hawkeye brandished her pistol while checking corners, the way her eyes scanned the area, and even the way she walked. With how attentive she was being, it was going to be very hard getting the drop on her, especially when she still had that gun on her!

Remembering the gun caused Cammy to cringe as pain flared through her wounds. Putting a hand against them in an attempt to stop the bleeding, she gave Hawkeye an intense glare. Her fists balled up in anger as she recalled the pain, the humiliation she felt from being hit by those bullets. How dare this woman get in the way of her mission so easily, and how dare she wound her like that?

With her anger continuing to grow, small wisps of blue flame began manifesting around Cammy’s fist, growing more frequent with each second her muscles tensed up. However, she seemed to pay this no mind, instead focusing all of her attention on Hawkeye. With her fists growing tighter, Cammy placed both feet against the bookshelf and quickly leapt off. In only a few seconds, Cammy had ascended at least ten feet into the air, and her descent happened even quicker. As she dove toward Riza, Bison’s clone curled up into a ball, spinning rapidly before closing in on her!

Meanwhile, Hawkeye continued to walk through the library, her senses on high alert as she waited for some sign of Cammy’s appearance. As she looked through the abandoned library, Hawkeye noticed a shadow on the wall to her right. Whatever it was, it was small, mostly round in shape, but most alarmingly, it was headed straight for her!

Her instincts kicking into high gear, Hawkeye turned to face her attacker, bringing up her arm to block whatever was coming toward her. This proved to be the right choice, as a leg slammed into her upper arm a second later. Quickly pushing it aside, Hawkeye raised her pistol and fired directly at Cammy’s face. Unfortunately, it seemed White had expected this as she ducked beneath the bullet and lunged forward, deflecting Hawkeye’s next shot with an elbow strike to the pistol’s side.

As Hawkeye’s gun discharged, Cammy went in, throwing out a punch that Hawkeye blocked by bringing her gun arm in front of herself. Unperturbed, Cammy delivered a second punch, but that too was blocked as Hawkeye raised her right arm. Trying to capitalize on this, Riza threw her other arm forward, preparing to shoot Cammy in the temple, but Cammy ducked just as she pulled the trigger.

Going back in, Cammy landed two swift punches, one to the stomach and one to the chest, then knocked Hawkeye back with a roundhouse kick to the face. Hawkeye’s head snapped to the side, but she quickly recovered by ducking under Cammy’s next attack. Reaching into her jacket, Hawkeye pulled out her second pistol and, in a swift, fluid motion, slammed it into the side of Cammy’s head. Cammy cried out in pain as she staggered back, and it was in this moment of weakness that Hawkeye turned the tables on her!

Leaping back as far as she could, Hawkeye fired shot after shot, aiming each one to make sure Cammy couldn’t close the distance between them. She fired with such precision and accuracy that even if Cammy dodged one, she’d still be in range of the next five. The situation seemed hopeless for Cammy, but instead of showing some sign of worry, she chose to crouch down, falling onto her haunches with a cold expression. Before Hawkeye even had a chance to question Cammy’s decision, the British assassin shot forward, giving a shout of “Spiral Arrow” as her body began spinning like a drill.

Hawkeye watched in surprise as Cammy corkscrewed toward her, somehow avoiding every bullet as her body continued to spin. With the distance between them rapidly shrinking, the former sniper prepared to deliver another shot, aiming this one at Cammy’s thigh. Unfortunately, in the time it had taken her to aim, Cammy had already spun past her, kicking Riza’s legs out from under her. Hawkeye gave a surprised cry as she was sent into the air, and before she even had a chance to begin falling, Cammy was already on her!

The moment Cammy stopped spinning, she leapt after the airborne woman, grabbing her from behind and wrapping both arms around her waist. Taking charge once again, Cammy flung herself and Hawkeye in the opposite direction, ascending several feet in a matter of seconds. Once they’d hit their peak, Cammy bridged with her back, using her full strength to slam Hawkeye face-first into the ground!

Releasing Hawkeye from her grip, Cammy landed with a stylish backflip, now only three feet away from where her opponent had crashed. Meanwhile, Hawkeye was just getting back up, letting out a groan as she shook the cobwebs from her head. Once her vision had cleared up, her eyes widened as she noticed Cammy’s fist heading straight for her.

Jerking her head to the side, Hawkeye felt the air brush past her as Cammy’s gauntlet grazed her cheek. Once the outstretched arm had flown past her, Riza responded with a swift punch to the gut. As Cammy lurched over, Hawkeye threw out a harder punch to her side, deliberately targeting the wound she’d created earlier. Cammy screamed as her pain flared up again, but she was quickly silenced as a hard cross hit her in the chest. A left hook smashed into her jaw, causing her to reel back, but she wouldn’t get far as Hawkeye grabbed her by the tie. Then, with a hard tug, the Killer Bee was pulled into a powerful headbutt!

Cammy grunted as her head snapped back, and Hawkeye would add to the pain with three hooks to the face. Each one forced Cammy to stumble, and she couldn’t even fight back! Each blow filled Cammy now with pain, but a burning anger. Her fists clenched even tighter as wisps of blue energy began spiraling around her arms. Each time she was hit, they would grow more frequent, though neither woman seemed to notice them. Their attentions lied solely on the fight: Hawkeye analyzed Cammy’s movements and reactions, while Cammy struggled to power through her blows.

Eventually, the combo would come to an end as Hawkeye threw a final punch, knocking Cammy back several inches. As the battered and bruised Doll came to a stop, Hawkeye threw her leg forward, ready to deliver a roundhouse kick to the face. Seeing this as her chance, Cammy ducked beneath it and lunged forward, driving her knee deep into Hawkeye’s stomach. Riza gasped in pain, only to be quickly silenced as Cammy kicked off of her stomach and hit her with a second knee to the jaw. Hawkeye’s head snapped back, and before she could even recover-

“Cannon Spike!”

Cammy followed up with a high kick to the jaw, sending both of them soaring through the air. As they ascended, Cammy’s legs moved like lightning, assailing Hawkeye with kicks that dragged even higher. By the time of Cammy’s fifth kick, they were roughly ten feet above ground, and when their ascension hit its peak, Cammy brought both legs up and wrapped them around Hawkeye’s neck. Then, with a quick backflip, she flung Riza back toward the ground, sending the defenseless soldier crashing into the floor with enough force to crater it!

Time seemed to slow down as Hawkeye landed on her back, sending pain coursing through her. As her body sank into the wooden floor, she watched with slight worry as Cammy began to dive toward her. A split second later, however, the battered lieutenant noticed two familiar objects flying in front of her, having been lifted off the ground thanks to her impact. As she watched them twirl through the air, their metal finishes glinting in the room’s light, a feeling of relief quickly washed over Riza. Plucking both pistols from the air, Hawkeye then threw both arms back, planting her hands firmly against the ground as she sprang off.

After rolling backwards to avoid a dive kick, Hawkeye allowed her pistols’ magazines to open up. The used clips fell to the ground, and with her military uniform billowing in the wind, the next clips flew out from her sides. Swiping her guns through the air, each round managed to land perfectly in their slots, and in the time it had taken her to hit the ground, Hawkeye had already pushed the magazines back in. With her pistols reloaded the moment she landed, Hawkeye gripped them tightly, giving Cammy a brief smirk.

For a brief moment, Cammy’s brow furrowed in irritation before she rushed forward, throwing out a straight punch with her left arm. Hawkeye responded by ducking down, allowing the blow to fly past her, then knocked Cammy’s arm to the side with an elbow strike. As White’s arm was thrown off course, Riza straightened her own arm, pointing her gun directly at the Doll’s head. Cammy responded by jerking to the side, narrowly avoiding a bullet that would’ve penetrated her skull.

Using her momentum, Cammy dropped down into a cartwheel kick, clocking Hawkeye twice in the jaw and causing her head to snap back. Upon landing, Cammy continued her combo with a hard elbow to the mouth and followed it by throwing out her arm. A swift backhand struck Hawkeye in the jaw, sending her flying back.

Upon hitting the ground back-first, Hawkeye briefly winced in pain, but she quickly pushed it aside by backrolling to her feet. Bringing both pistols forward, the blonde markswoman remained slightly hunched over as she fired her shots, specifically targeting her opponent’s legs. Like before, Cammy responded by running off to the side, narrowly avoiding each shot, but she quickly realized she was about to hit a dead end. Standing before her were two enormous bookshelves, each one far taller than anything she could hope to jump over, so rather than try going over them, the Killer Bee opted for a more unique approach.

Leaping into the air, Cammy quickly repositioned herself in midair, landing so that both feet would touch against the shelves. Falling onto her haunches, she then sprang off of that shelf, landed on the second shelf to its right, then bounded off of that to take to the air. With Hawkeye’s shots coming dangerously close to hitting her, Cammy dropped down, giving a shout of “Cannon Strike” as she drove one of her legs forward. The steel-toed combat boot slammed into Hawkeye’s chest, pushing her back.

The moment she landed, Cammy lunged forward, driving her fist deeper into Riza’s stomach. As her opponent doubled over, Cammy went in, throwing out a second punch to the chest, but Hawkeye proved quick to block it swinging her right arm through the air and swatting Cammy’s arm to the side. As she got up, Hawkeye raised her left arm, ready to fire at Cammy’s blind spot, but a sudden backfist knocked it off course.

Hawkeye raised her right arm, aiming to shoot Cammy through the shoulder, only to miss as her target grabbed her gun and pulled it to the side. In response, Hawkeye released her grip on the pistol and swung her left arm, slamming the side of her second pistol against Cammy’s head. The Doll stifled a grunt of pain as she released her grip, causing a relieved Hawkeye to grab the gun in midair. Then, with quick succession, Riza twisted her arm, shifted her position, and aimed at Cammy’s right leg. She quickly pulled the trigger, but right as her gun fired, something odd happened.

Even though she was still somewhat dazed from being pistol whipped, Cammy had recovered in the split second it took Hawkeye to adjust her aim. Then, the moment Riza pulled the trigger, Cammy took a sudden leap, narrowly avoiding the shot and launching herself into the air. Vaulting over Hawkeye, Cammy performed a brief flip and slid down Hawkeye’s back as she descended. Upon hitting the ground, Cammy turned around, grabbed Hawkeye’s outstretched arm, and began applying pressure as she forced it to bend it behind her back.

While doing so, Cammy wrapped her free arm around Hawkeye’s neck, placing her in a tight hold and quickly squeezing. Hawkeye began wriggling around, trying to force Cammy off of her, but her captor put a stop to that with a hard kick to the leg. Falling onto her knees, Hawkeye felt her back arch forward as Cammy began putting more weight onto her. Hawkeye could already feel herself threatening to give way as her fingers slowly loosened around the grip, but she refused to give in so easily!

Despite the uncomfortable pain she felt in her current position, Hawkeye forced her captive arm to reel itself forward before slamming into Cammy’s side with all her might! Her elbow struck Cammy hard, nailing itself into one of the Doll’s bullet wounds, and with the haze of her injuries flaring back up, Cammy’s strength faltered. Her grip weakened, and she began to lurch over from the pain.

Using this moment of weakness to her advantage, Hawkeye acted quickly by pulling her arm free and wrapping it around Cammy’s left leg. Then, with a sharp tug, both women were sent tumbling to the floor, landing back-first. A grunt escaped Cammy’s mouth as she felt Hawkeye’s head slam into her chest, but any feelings of pain were quickly tossed to the side as she noticed Hawkeye getting up and pointing both guns toward her.

Cammy responded by quickly throwing herself to the side, cartwheeling out of the way and delivering another two kicks to Hawkeye’s jaw. The lieutenant’s head snapped to the side, but she quickly recovered and turned to face Cammy. Swinging her arm through the air, Riza blocked a strike that was meant for the back of the neck and quickly pushed back. With Cammy briefly disoriented, Hawkeye went in, throwing out an elbow strike that was quickly blocked.

From there, the two women began struggling for dominance against each other, constantly thinking one step ahead of the other’s next move. Cammy would throw out a punch, only for Hawkeye to block it and swat it aside. Hawkeye would try firing a shot at close-range, aiming to weaken Cammy’s defenses, but Cammy would either dodge or block it with one of her gauntlets. It seemed like they were at an impasse, but this would change in a matter of seconds.

After ducking under Hawkeye’s latest shot, Cammy, seeing what she believed was an opening, threw out a knee strike, trying to force Riza to drop her guard. To her annoyance, Hawkeye had done the same, having planned on hitting her while she’d been busy ducking. As they felt their knees collide, both women briefly parted, taking a step back to regain their bearings, and only one would recover in time to attack the other.

With her body in far better condition than Cammy’s, Hawkeye recovered far quicker, following her botched attack with a proper kick to the stomach. A roundhouse hit Cammy immediately after, and Riza ended the trio with a hard kick that knocked her back several feet. Cammy fell onto her back, but a swift backroll brought her into a crouched position. Just as she was about to push herself back up, however-


Cammy cried out as a bullet pierced through her shin. Her leg gave way, forcing her to place one hand on the floor, and as she pushed herself back up-


A second shot entered her stomach. Cammy staggered back, feeling blood trickle down her leotard, and as pain rushed through her body-


A third shot entered the thoracic region of her chest, roughly a foot from her right lung. Cammy fell to the ground, barely able to support her own weight as she coughed up blood. Her vision was starting to blur, and she could barely lift her gaze from the floor. All she could do was stare at the growing puddle of blood beneath her, watching as more of it continued to spill out.

With her opponent now defenseless, Hawkeye raised her gun, ready to end the fight with one last shot. Unfortunately, she would soon learn that Cammy was far from finished!

As she stared down at the growing pool of blood beneath her, a well of emotions began to stir within the otherwise stoic woman. The longer she stared down at the blood, the more Cammy remembered the anger, the pain, the humiliation she felt every time Hawkeye shot her. Her fists clenched in fury as a familiar, fiery blue energy began to surround her fist. It then slowly spread across her arm, moving in tandem with her growing fury. Then, with an enraged scream, Cammy slammed her fist into the ground, and with it, the energy surrounding her seemed to explode outward!

The entire library was suddenly rocked by a series of violent tremors as Cammy’s Psycho Power ravaged the room, blowing back everything that was caught in its wake. Not even Hawkeye was safe from being caught in the crossfire, as the malignant energy hit her in the chest and blew her across the room! Even though it was a small wave of energy, her body was still reeling from the force behind it. She felt like she’d been hit by Major Armstrong’s hardest punch, and the pain from it had caused her to briefly lose focus ! In the split-second it took for her to regain it, Cammy seemed to teleport in front of her, with a fist already flying toward her face.

With little time to react, Hawkeye was forced to take the hit head-on, cringing as she felt Cammy slam into her jaw. She couldn’t explain why, but somehow this felt even stronger than Cammy’s previous strikes! Still, that didn’t mean she was going to give up!

Pushing through the pain, Hawkeye raised her arms, using them to block a punch to the gut and parry a second punch to the chest. She prepared to unleash a counter attack, but before she even had a chance to lower her arms, Cammy went in with a harder attack. Raising her leg into the air, she unleashed a Psycho Power-infused roundhouse that didn’t just break Hawkeye’s guard, it also forced her to drop her guns as she and Cammy were sent into the air.

Before her opponent could even hit the peak of her ascension, Cammy curled up in fetal position and began spinning even higher. Once they were in each other’s range, Cammy uncurled herself and wrapped her right leg around Hawkeye’s neck before rolling around. Then, as she grabbed Hawkeye with her other leg, Cammy twisted herself through the air. With Hawkeye trapped in her grip, the lieutenant was forced to copy this motion, sending her spinning toward the second floor. They would land seconds later when Cammy threw both of her legs forward, using them to stomp Riza into the ground.

Upon landing, a shockwave rocked the room, and the ground beneath them gave way not a second later. Cammy and Hawkeye now descended through the air at breakneck speeds, but Cammy proved quick to adapt by kicking off of Hawkeye and landing on a nearby chunk of debris.

“Lock on!” Cammy announced as she sprang off, hitting Hawkeye with a kick as she passed by. The force behind it left Riza reeling, leaving her open as Cammy leapt off another piece and attacked her from behind.

Gritting her teeth, Hawkeye reached down to her side and whipped out a revolver. Pointing it at Cammy, she immediately pulled the trigger, forcing White to twist her body and avoid the shot. In doing so, however, she’d left herself open to a different kind of attack as Riza threw out her own leg, kicking Cammy in the face and causing her head to snap back. As they flew past each other, Hawkeye turned herself around, using her revolver to fire two shots into Cammy’s exposed back. Cammy stifled a grunt as the bullets pierced through her, but any pain she felt was immediately eclipsed by the growing anger inside her!

The moment her feet touched against the nearest chunk of floor, Cammy immediately leapt off, ready to deliver another Psycho Powered kick. Unfortunately, her attempts would be in vain as Hawkeye bent over backwards, allowing the kick to miss her by mere inches. As she sailed toward the next chunk of wood, another grunt would escape Cammy’s lips as two more shots hit her. With a hateful glare, Cammy leapt off of the debris and flew toward Hawkeye, ready to unleash her final attack. At the same time, Riza pointed her revolver toward Cammy, ready to counter whatever her opponent had planned. Time seemed to slow down as both women closed in on each other, dead-set on what their next actions would be.

Choose your ending:

Cammy vs Hawkeye Ending A: Sting of the Killer Bee

Cammy vs Hawkeye Ending B: Caught in the Hawk’s Eye

Death Battle: Cammy White vs Black Orchid

Credit for the Orchid artwork goes to Ganassa

Prelude here: https://brendansversus.wordpress.com/2020/06/17/prelude-cammy-white-vs-black-orchid/

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Ultratech Headquarters, New York

It seemed to be a slow night at Ultratech headquarters. Most of the employees had turned in for the night, leaving the company’s head, ARIA, alone in her office. For the most part, everything seemed to be silent. The only sounds that carried through the upper floors were the mechanical whirs and metallic footsteps of the Fulgore units. For the past hour, these robots had scanned the premises for any sign of intruders, though none seemed to have shown up. In the deeper recesses, a pack of genetically-enhanced dinosaurs, the Riptors, lay in sleep, letting out the occasional violent spasm. In one of the lower areas, a man who seemed to be set ablaze was currently testing out his powers on several Fulgores. And judging by how the floor was littered with various metal scraps, it seemed pretty clear who was winning.

As Ben Ferris, otherwise known as Cinder, was busy sparring against his company’s sentries, another figure rushed past him. They stuck to the shadows, attempting to make sure they didn’t get caught, but Cinder seemed too preoccupied to notice. Once they had snuck through the door behind Ferris, the figure soon found themselves staring at what they had come for.

Standing in front of them was a massive computer, one containing billions of terabytes worth of knowledge. Unfortunately, it seemed that the figure was going to have to deal with some setbacks. Standing in front of the computer, surrounding it from all sides, were four Fulgores.

’Damn!’ The figure thought to herself. ‘Seems whatever ARIA’s guarding in here, she really went all out with the security.’

Reaching into a pouch on her belt, the woman fished out an extremely odd device. It appeared to be semi-cylindrical, with two old-fashioned keypads and a small glass screen. Pushing a button on the left keypad, the device immediately brought up a set of rotating 3D schematics for Fulgore on its display. Rapidly, the woman pressed several buttons of the pad, and then-


All four robots shut down, their eyes going dark as they slowly slumped over.

‘Too bad her software’s in desperate need of a patch.’ Black Orchid thought to herself as she stepped out of the shadows. Walking toward the computer, she immediately pulled a flash drive from her pocket and inserted it into the USB port. Then, with several rapid keystrokes from her hacking device, the ex-SWD member had managed to bring up all of the computer’s files. With a smirk, she quickly pressed one of the larger buttons on her device’s keypad, and with it a status bar began to slowly load across the screen. Each second that passed, another 20 files of once classified information would be loaded onto the device. As these folders were extracted, Orchid took note of several names, with one in particular catching her eye: Shadaloo. Back when she was serving in the SWD, Shadaloo was considered public enemy number one. From what she remembered, their crimes included smuggling drugs and weapons, kidnapping, and conducting human experimentation; among many others. She also recalled hearing mentions of a brainwashed team of assassins: the Dolls, if she was remembering correctly.

“Still,” Orchid thought to herself, “what would Ultratech want with Shadaloo? A hostile takeover? Or is ARIA attempting her ‘advance humanity’ schtick by copying their technology?” The thought sent a brief shiver down Orchid’s spine. Ultratech by itself was threatening enough, but if they got their hands on Shadaloo’s technology… Orchid quickly shook her head. She didn’t have time to worry about Ultratech’s intentions. Right now, all that mattered was extracting that data and getting the hell out of here!

Little did Orchid know, there was someone else in the building, currently on a mission similar to her own. This figure swiftly made her way through the skyscraper, avoiding all forms of detection as they slowly approached their destination. Soon enough, the figure peaked around the corner, watching as a man who seemed to be on fire slowly walked out of the nearby room. Despite the stone that made up his face, Ben was somehow managing to whistle. Once he was a safe distance away, the figure leapt out from the shadows and entered through the door. Then, after sneaking by for a bit, the figure cautiously approached the door. As if sensing their presence, the door suddenly opened, and with it the intruder snuck inside.

Upon doing so, they were met with the sight of a woman standing in front of the very computer they were searching for. A status bar scrolled across the screen, displaying 99% for a split second before shutting itself down. Seemingly content with this, the woman put a device back in her pockets and removed a flash drive from the computer’s port.

With the woman’s back facing her, the figure decided to reveal themselves as they stepped out of the shadows. As it turned out, “they” were a woman in her early 20’s, sporting light blue eyes, blonde hair that had been done up in pigtails, and a scar across her left cheek. Her entire torso was clad in a green leotard, while a red beret sat atop her head. Black, calf-length combat boots covered her legs, and a pair of red, studded gauntlets covered her hands.

Cautiously, Cammy White began sneaking up on the woman in front of her, taking great care not to make a sound. At the same time, Orchid was preparing to turn around when she suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around her neck. Almost as if on instinct, the Killer Instinct champion brought her leg up and kicked off, sending her attacker to the ground with an audible grunt. Backflipping through the air, Orchid landed on her feet, taking a moment to eye her assailant. It was obvious this woman wasn’t with Ultratech- unless the company had decided to start hiring bodybuilders in spandex, which she sincerely doubted. Upon spotting the red beret on the blonde’s head, Orchid began to feel some vague memories stir within her. She recalled that during one of her missions in the SWD, her superiors had mentioned an organization of agents dressed in similar outfits. The name still escaped her, but Orchid quickly pushed it aside.

”Not bad, blondie. I didn’t even hear you sneak up on me.” She complimented. “Who are you working for?”

“Delta Red.” Cammy responded. “I take it you’re here under orders, too?”

”That’s right.” Orchid admitted, making a mental note of the organization’s name. “Rumor has it Ultratech’s been dealing with various terrorist organizations, either trading technology or weapons depending on their services. I was sent here to extract information on the organizations and serve as reconnaissance. I’m guessing you’re here under the same orders?”

“Yes. From what I can tell, you’ve already accomplished your mission?”

”Yeah, but if you’re looking to complete your mission, you’re a bit late.” Orchid informed her. “My hacking device cleared out all of the files.”

“And placed them onto that flash drive, right?” Upon hearing this, Orchid cocked an eyebrow in confusion, only for her expression to become one of realization a second later.

”Should’ve figured you’d seen that.” She admitted. “So what are you planning to do about it?”

”Well, I can’t go back to Delta Red empty-handed, now can I?” Cammy said as she slowly lowered herself into a fighting stance. “I apologize if I’m getting in your way, but I need the data on your drive.”

“If you want it so badly,” Orchid began as she grabbed hold of two hilts. Then, with a flick of her wrist, a pair of cylindrical extensions emerged, suddenly sparking to life with electricity. Now armed with her eskrima sticks, the agent lowered herself into her own pose before continuing. “Come and get it!”

DB Fight3 by Br3ndan5
[Start at 0:47]

Cammy proved quick to take her up on that offer as she rushed forward, throwing out a punch to the stomach once she was close enough. Orchid’s response was almost immediate as she swung her right eskrima stick to block the strike. The two attacks collided, producing a small burst of electricity as the eskrima collided with Cammy’s gauntlet. A paralyzing pain spread across Cammy’s arm, but she put it aside as she noticed Orchid swinging her left stick in an overhead arc. The Delta Red agent reacted almost immediately as she brought her right arm up, resulting in another shockwave.

The two quickly entered a deadlock, with both attempting to match each other blow for blow. Orchid would swing her stick, but Cammy would raise her gauntlet in defense. Cammy would attempt a knee strike, only for Orchid to counter with one of her own. Soon enough, their clash came to an end as Orchid threw out a kick to the side, attempting to exploit her opponent’s blind spot. Rather than making its mark, however, this attack would hit thin air as Cammy ducked beneath it and countered with a sweeping kick.

With her leg kicked out from under her, Orchid fell to the ground, but she swiftly recovered by placing her hands against the ground. Then, with a quick push, the former SWD member cartwheeled back to her feet, gaining some distance between them. At the same time, Cammy let out a shout of “Spiral Arrow” as she shot forward, spinning like a drill. Before Orchid even had the chance to defend against it, she found herself knocked back as the corkscrewing Brit slammed into her stomach. The power behind the Spiral Arrow left Orchid reeling, and she wouldn’t have the chance to recover as Cammy took the opportunity to start a combo!

As she rose back up, Cammy clasped both hands together and slammed them into Orchid’s stomach. The Disavowed’s leader doubled over, leaving her open to an uppercut to the jaw. A roundhouse kick to the jaw followed this, causing Orchid to spin around. She soon came to a halt, but before she could fully recover Cammy grabbed hold of her right arm. Leaping into the air, the former Doll wrapped her legs around Orchid’s neck, threw her over her shoulder, and slammed her into the ground.


Despite the pain coursing through her body, Orchid threw out a sweeping kick, intent on catching Cammy off guard. Unfortunately, the attack ended up whiffing as her would-be victim backflipped through the air, putting some distance between them. Realizing she’d missed, Orchid got back to her feet, dusting herself off for a moment before reentering her stance.


“So you still want to fight?” Cammy asked. “Hmph. It seems you haven’t learned your lesson yet.”

”You think I’ll give up that easily?” Orchid asked with a smirk. “I’m just getting started!”


As she said this, Orchid suddenly jetted forward, moving so quickly that Cammy didn’t even see her move. She could certainly feel her, though, as a cartwheel kick struck Cammy twice. Orchid then followed this by dropping into a handstand and kicking Cammy two times, ending with an overhead kick to the forehead. The moment her feet touched the ground, Orchid broke whatever concentration the Killer Bee had built up by striking her across the jaw. From there, Orchid began the process of repeatedly bludgeoning her adversary, switching between overhead strikes with her right hand and outward swings with her left. Each one targeted a different section of her body, and as these strikes rained down on her, Cammy could feel her pain start to numb. Instead, anger was beginning to build up within her, and it would only grow as Orchid continued battering her. Finally, after nearly twelve seconds of being rapidly bludgeoned, Cammy had had enough!

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her body, Cammy spun to the right, hearing an electric crackle as Orchid’s eskrima drifted past her. With Orchid’s back now facing her, White threw her elbow forward, slamming it into the agent’s spine.



The force of the strike caused Orchid to lurch forward, caught off guard by the sudden attack. Before she could attempt to retaliate, Cammy continued her attack by delivering a backhand to Orchid’s right shoulder blade, striking hard enough to send her airborne. For a brief moment, Cammy considered the idea of leaping after her to continue her combo, but these thoughts were soon dashed as her legs suddenly gave out.

[Stop music]

Falling onto one knee, Cammy could feel her injuries flare up with each breath she took. It seemed that Orchid’s eskrima sticks had really done a number on her!

‘Still,’ She thought as her hand instinctively drifted to a sheathe strapped to her right thigh, ‘that doesn’t mean I’m out for the count just yet!’

In a swift, fluid motion, Cammy unsheathed her new weapon and rose back up. At the same time, Orchid had managed to recover in midair as she handsprung back to her feet. Upon landing, the agent looked back up to see Cammy, now holding a combat knife as she cautiously approached Orchid. As she saw this, Orchid brandished her eskrima sticks, giving a brief smirk before responding in kind.

Slowly, the two women made their way across the lab, sizing each other up and waiting for the other to make the first move. Soon enough, they were only six feet away from each other, and it was then that Cammy spotted an opening!

Lunging forward, Cammy gave an outward swing of her knife, intent on planting it in a chink in Orchid’s armor. Orchid’s response was almost immediate as she brought up her left arm, keeping the knife at bay as her stick met its guard. Then, with a flick of her wrist, she switched positions, knocking the Brit’s hand out of range and thrusting the eskrima stick into the arm. Cammy grimaced in pain as she felt the electricity burn across her forearm, but she quickly put it aside as she noticed Orchid already preparing for another swing.

With swift reflexes, Cammy leaned to the side, causing the eskrima stick to narrowly brush past her. Undeterred, Orchid threw out an outward swipe with her left arm, only for White to duck underneath that, as well. While doing so, Cammy noticed the weak spot from earlier and, with her knife still in hand, responded a swipe of her own! A wet SCHLICK rang out, followed by a grunt from Orchid as it was ripped out of her. Two slashes followed this as Cammy rapidly struck Orchid’s side, aiming one at her ninth rib and the other at her third. As the knife was removed from Orchid’s chest, Cammy took the opportunity to deliver a sweeping kick, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Orchid’s head slammed into the metal floor, causing her to groan as stars began to cloud her vision. Blinking it away, her eyes widened as she saw Cammy coming down on her, knife already poised to slice across her neck. As she watched the blade’s tip grow closer, Orchid brought her arms up, grabbing Cammy’s hand mid-swing. She then began applying pressure, trying to force her to drop the knife, but it seemed the Brit wasn’t willing to give up so easily!

Placing her left hand over her right, Cammy began putting more strength into her push, and Orchid responded in kind. The two seemed to be at an impasse, with both giving it their all in an attempt to overpower the other. For nearly ten seconds, each inch of progress Cammy made would be undone as Orchid responded with equal, if not superior force. As they continued struggling against each other, Orchid began to feel her strength fade, and panic began to overtake her mind as she watched the knife’s tip grow closer. For a moment it looked as if the knife was about to stab into her throat, but at the last second Orchid managed to throw her head to the right.


”What?” Cammy asked in surprise as she watched her knife slam into the ground, inches away from Orchid’s neck. Before she could correct this mistake, Orchid kneed her in the stomach, which she then used to kick the Killer Bee over her!

Cammy’s body flipped through the air, but she proved quick to reposition herself and hit the ground with a loud THUNK! As she rose to her full height, Cammy threw her knife at the still-recovering Orchid, stabbing her in the shoulder. A cry of pain emerged from the Killer Instinct champion before she got back up, tearing the blade out of her shoulder. Looking back at Cammy, she was briefly surprised to see the ex-Doll rushing toward her at full speed, but this soon morphed into a smirk.

”Looks like you forgot something. Hope you don’t mind if I return it.” She taunted before throwing the bloodied knife back at its owner. As it approached her, Cammy brought her left arm up and quickly swatted it aside, sending her former weapon clattering to the ground. 

“Please! If you want to surprise me, you’ll need more than that!” Cammy responded as she closed the distance between them. Once she was close enough, Cammy threw out a left hook, intent on starting up another combo, but it seemed Orchid had other ideas!

”Alright,” she smirked as she reached behind her back, “how’s this for a surprise?”

Her arm moved like a blur as she leapt back, tossing a white cylindrical object at her attacker. For a brief moment, it ascended through the air, blinking red as it reached the height of its ascension. Upon hitting the ground, the item rolled toward Cammy, its blinking growing more frequent as it approached her. Her pupils dilated as she realized what it was, but before she could move out of its range-


The grenade exploded, creating a blinding puff of smoke as the Killer Bee stumbled back. At the same time, Orchid rushed forward and began assailing her with a rapid flurry of kicks and eskrima swings. Her strikes were unrelenting, and she delivered each one with the intent of inflicting the same damage Cammy had onto her. Unfortunately for Orchid, it seemed that her combo wasn’t destined to last. Even as her body became wracked with pain, Cammy managed to raise her arms, blocking the attacks with her gauntlets. Undeterred, Orchid continued buffeting her, with her speed rivaled only by her growing anger at her inability to land a hit.

While Orchid continued chipping away at her defenses, Cammy had taken the opportunity to monitor the agent’s style, searching for any weak points. After several seconds of defending, she eventually noticed a small portion of Orchid’s body that she was failing to defend, one that could easily be exploited!

Orchid swung her eskrima at full force, ready to break Cammy’s defenses and slam it into her head. As it approached her, Cammy ducked beneath it before retaliating with a hard-hitting left cross to the gut! The fist struck hard enough that even with her bustier protecting her, Orchid doubled over, coughing out several flecks of blood. Cammy followed this by reeling her right arm back and smashing into her jaw with a hook. Blood and a tooth fell out of Orchid’s mouth, but she paid it no mind as Cammy slammed into her with another hook.

As she felt her head snap back, Orchid grit her teeth before glaring back at Cammy, who had already brought her fist back. With an annoyed grunt, Orchid swung her eskrima in an underhanded arc, intent on sending Cammy flying with a strike to the jaw. Unfortunately, it seemed Cammy was quicker on the draw, as she cut off Orchid’s attack with a right hook.


Orchid stumbled back, but before she had the chance to recover, Cammy lunged forward. The Delta Red agent had clenched her fist, which was now glowing with a dark blue energy. It seemed to be growing in strength as she drew closer to Orchid, and once she was in range, Cammy gave an enraged cry.

“Back off!” She barked as she threw her arm out, slamming into Orchid’s cheek with a backhand. Once the energy-infused fist struck her, an enormous burst of what seemed to be blue fire launched her across the lab.



[Stop music]

As Orchid’s pained scream rang through her ears, Cammy looked down at her fist, her eyes wide with shock as she watched the blue energy flicker away.

”That… that was Psycho Power!” She realized in horror. “But… how did it manifest? And why- why do I have it?” She asked, her hand trembling in fear.

Meanwhile, Orchid hit the ground back-first, causing her to let out a grunt of pain. Placing her hand against the ground, the agent began attempting to push herself back up, but this proved to be a horrible decision. The moment she began pushing, Orchid felt her stab wounds flare up, and her muscles threatened to give way. Before she could fully collapse, however, the agent’s expression hardened as she forced herself to keep pushing! It hurt like hell, and the feeling of blood oozing down her body didn’t help matters, but she refused to let that keep her down! With a determined cry, Orchid pushed herself back to her feet, though this proved to be a double-edged sword.

The moment she got back up, she felt a burning sting run across her cheek. Upon bringing her hand up, she had to fight back the urge to recoil in pain. It seemed whatever that energy was, it would burn her if she wasn’t careful!

[Loop. Start at 0:47 if it ends before you reach “Stop.”]

’Looks like she’s got a few tricks up her sleeves.’ Orchid noted as she lowered her hand. Returning to her fighting stance, she continued, ‘Well, in that case, why not show her some of mine?’

As these thoughts ran through her head, a spectral purple bat appeared near Orchid’s shoulder, and she immediately rushed toward her opponent. Meanwhile, Cammy was just beginning to recover from her shock, and as she looked back up-

“Coming through!”

Orchid suddenly slammed into her ankle with an energy-infused slide kick, forcing Cammy’s knee to buckle. As she attempted to regain her balance, Orchid cut her off with three outward swings to the face, each one forcing Cammy to stagger. An overhead swing nailed her in the forehead, followed by a backhanded swing causing her to spit blood. A left swing followed this, with a right swing to the stomach forcing White lurch over. She attempted to push herself back up, but Orchid put an end to that by delivering a second cartwheel kick to her skull. Then, to end the combo, she threw out two 180° swings, slamming into Cammy hard enough to send her airborne. Just as quickly as she ascended, the Killer Bee began to descend through the air, and as she saw Cammy’s exposed back, Orchid gave a smirk.

”Lasaken!” While these words escaped her lips, Orchid threw her right arm into the air, creating a massive CRACK as her eskrimas collided with each other. As she did so, a spinning disc of plasma shot out of the sticks, slamming into Cammy’s back and sending her crashing into a nearby wall. A series of cracks spread through the surface, and upon seeing this Orchid pointed at her.


The moment these words left her, a specter of flames suddenly appeared out of thin air. The construct took the form of a tiger, letting out a roar as it lunged forward and headbutted Cammy in the stomach. Upon colliding, the Firecat exploded in a burst of orange energy, eliciting a cry of pain as Cammy was launched through the wall.




For three seconds, Cammy fell through the air, feeling only the air flowing behind her back. Just as she was about to hit the ground, though, she backflipped through the air, hitting the metal walkway with a loud CLANG! Upon landing, however, she collapsed onto her knees, panting heavily. She couldn’t explain why, but each time Orchid had hit her, she could feel part of her stamina start to drain. Not only that, but with every blow, Orchid seemed to be getting faster and stronger! 

‘But that doesn’t make sense. How could she-‘ Cammy’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something. While she barely had any time to register it due to Orchid’s combo, she could’ve sworn she saw some sort of purple specter beside her. Could that be why she was feeling so drained? As this thought came to her, Cammy began to realize something else: Orchid’s injuries didn’t seem to be slowing her down. In fact, with the way she was moving and how strong she’d gotten, it was like she hadn’t even been stabbed in the first place!

Before she could ponder her opponent’s newfound recovery, Cammy’s thoughts were cut off as she noticed a shadow rapidly approaching her from above. Out of instinct, the Killer Bee backflipped away, which proved to be the right choice as Orchid hit the walkway with a resounding CLANG! Looking up, Orchid watched the blonde skid to a halt, her combat boots kicking up a series of sparks as they grated against the walkway. Once she’d come to a complete stop, Cammy rose back up and reentered her fighting stance, eliciting a smirk from Orchid.

“Gotta say, I respect the dedication to your mission.” The raven-haired agent admitted. “But unless you’ve got some anymore surprises, you’re better off calling it quits. I just spent the past three minutes kicking your ass, and no amount of blue energy is gonna change that.”

‘She’s got me there.’ Cammy admitted to herself. ‘If I want to take her on, I’ll need to rely on more than just Psycho Power. Fortunately…’ she leaned down, pressing a button on both sides of her boots.


‘I’ve got just what I need for an extra boost!’


Suddenly, Cammy burst forward, moving so quickly that she disappeared from Orchid’s sight! Her eyes widening, Orchid brought her arms up, instinctively blocking an attack that sent her skidding back two feet. Once she had stopped, Orchid lurched over as she felt a knee strike slam into her chest. A spin kick followed this, with the speed and power sending Orchid hurtling through the air. Before she could regain her bearings, however, a sudden jet boost rang out through her ears, causing her to instinctively look up just as-


Orchid grunted in pain as she felt a flip kick nail her in the forehead, drawing blood and sending her crashing back onto the walkway. She attempted to push herself back up and recover, but Cammy put the kibosh on that as she dove down. Orchid’s eyes shrank in shock as the Brit rapidly approached her, but she proved quick to react by cartwheeling back up, just narrowly avoiding a dive kick. Unfortunately, she proved too slow to counter the follow-up, as Cammy then boosted into a Cannon Spike! The jet-boosted technique sent Orchid into the air once again, and this time Cammy was ready!

Using her rocket skates to her advantage, Cammy boosted forward with a shout of “Cannon Strike” and delivered a dropkick to the chest. An audible CRACK rang out as Orchid’s bustier became covered in cracks, but the woman herself only acknowledged this with an annoyed grunt. She soon fell to the ground, hitting it back-first, but as she attempted to recover, Cammy took action!

While Orchid was just starting to get back to her feet, Cammy rushed forward and struck her with a left hook to the face, forcing her to spit up blood. A right hook followed this, which then led to a roundhouse kick with her left leg and a crescent kick with her right. Orchid felt her head snap to the side, but her pain soon morphed into annoyance. Looking back at Cammy, Orchid attempted to regain control of the situation and swung her right eskrima in an overhead arc. Seeing this, Cammy responded by ducking beneath it, placing her left hand against the ground. Then, with a quick push-



She slammed into Orchid with a jet-powered, double-booted kick to the face, causing the agent’s head to once again snap to the left as she staggered back. At the same time, Cammy leapt forward, wrapping her legs around Orchid’s neck. Then, after allowing their combined weight to drop them to the ground, Cammy slammed Orchid into the ground back-first, eliciting a grunt of pain from the agent. The moment they hit the ground, Cammy released her grip on Orchid’s body, causing the agent to bounce back into the air! As she watched her opponent ascend, Cammy struck an odd pose, letting out three words as she did so:

”Shifting of gear!”

Then, with her speed boosted even further, Cammy lunged forward, curling into a ball as she leapt through the air. Once she was close enough, Cammy uncurled herself and dove past Orchid, delivering another rocket-powered Cannon Strike. Somehow, the dive kick hit Orchid three times, but this would prove to be the least of her worries as Cammy landed on the ground.

Without wasting a moment, Cammy corkscrewed toward her with a Spiral Arrow, hitting five times and sending Orchid spiraling through the air. The moment Cammy felt her boots touch the ground, she immediately leapt after her aerial opponent, giving a shout of “Cannon Spike” as she slammed her jet-powered skate into Orchid’s lumbar. Unlike before, however, it seemed Cammy wasn’t content with letting it end there. Instead, she allowed the flames of her jet boosts to grow in intensity as she threw out four more kicks. Each one carried Orchid even higher, and by the fourth they were nearly twelve feet in the air! 

As the final kick nailed her opponent in the back, Cammy used the woman’s body as a springboard, creating burns on Orchid’s legs in the process. Cammy hit a nearby wall within seconds, landing with a resounding CLANG, and she immediately sprung off. Then, using a combination of her speed, agility, and the jet boosts; Cammy rapidly struck Orchid from all angles. Each kick carried them further through Ultratech’s headquarters, and it would only end once they were three floors above the corporation’s recesses.

”Acceleration!” The Killer Bee announced as she launched herself at Orchid and began spinning like a drill. Her legs ground against Orchid’s bustier, creating a small spider web of cracks that grew with each nanosecond. Finally, after three seconds of drilling into the Killer Instinct champion, Cammy spun past her, punctuating it with a shout of “You’re finished!”



[Stop music]

Once she was several feet away, Cammy stopped spinning and hit the ground with a muffled CLANG, but she still wasn’t done! Spotting the descending Orchid, Cammy shut off her boots and rushed forward, pulling out some garrote wire from a holster on her left thigh. Leaping through the air, the blonde performed a brief flip as she approached Orchid, using this opportunity to wrap her legs around the agent’s arms. With her opponent now restrained, Cammy shifted her weight forward, forcing Orchid to slam into the ground face first. A grunt emerged from Orchid’s throat as her head crashed into the metal floor, but before she could recover her bearings, Cammy wrapped the garrote wire around her neck. Then, without missing a beat, she began to pull!

The grip on Orchid’s neck suddenly tightened, causing her to snap back to reality as the garrote dug into her skin. Realizing what her opponent was planning, Orchid began writhing around, her mind filling with panic as she attempted to free herself. Unfortunately, she would soon realize how futile this was. Due to the way Cammy had wrapped her legs around Orchid’s arms, all she had done was slowly tire herself out. It didn’t help that each time she fought, Cammy’s grip grew tighter. Blood was starting to leak down Orchid’s neck, and she could feel her air supply slowly depleting. But if Cammy expected Orchid to accept her fate, she was dead wrong!

Instead, this feeling of helplessness was causing something to boil up within Orchid. Her mind, once clouded with panic, was rapidly giving way, replaced with a mixture of anger and desperation to survive. As if reflecting this, a blaze of fire began to surround Orchid’s body. A mighty roar escaped the agent’s lips as she leapt to freedom, her body having shrunk into a smaller, familiar form: the Firecat!


[Stop music]

”What?” Cammy asked in surprise as she watched the woman-turned-feline escape her grip. The moment the Firecat hit the ground, it immediately turned back around and lunged at the Delta Red agent, headbutting her in the stomach. The force was enough to make Cammy lurch over, leaving her open as Orchid turned back and began wailing on her!

Using the momentum of her first attack, Orchid cartwheeled toward Cammy, delivering two overhead kicks that forced Cammy’s head to snap to the left. Once her feet hit the ground, Orchid struck Cammy with a Flick Flack, with each one forcing her to spit up blood. A donkey kick to the stomach followed this, causing Cammy to cough up spittle. She attempted to recover her bearings, but Orchid cut this short with an overhead swing, forcing her adversary to lurch over. Not even a second later, and this would be followed by a knee strike smashing into Cammy’s chest. Then, using the momentum from this attack, Orchid brought her leg up and slammed into White’s jaw with a roundhouse kick. Cammy’s head snapped back, but before she could regain focus, Orchid fired off three blasts of plasma, each one slamming into the Brit’s stomach. Then, while her opponent was distracted by the pain, Orchid crouched down.

”Coming through!” She announced as her body began glowing a bright white. A split second after this, and the Killer Instinct champion lunged forward, having turned back into a Firecat. This time, however, there was a difference. Now she was moving fast enough to leave a series of afterimages! Cammy grunted in pain as the Firecat rammed into her five times, and once this was over, Orchid returned to normal. Unfortunately, she still wasn’t finished.

With shadow energy still coursing through her, Orchid threw out a lightning-fast combo. A backhanded swing struck Cammy in the side, followed by Orchid whirling around to smack her right cheek. Two downward swings nailed the Delta Red agent in the forehead, forcing her to lurch over. A knee strike then sent her into the air, with Orchid responding by morphing into a Firecat and leaping after her. Once again, the fiery apparition struck its adversary five times, with each one sending them further through the air. Once they’d hit the peak of their ascension, Orchid morphed back, punctuating it with a swing of her eskrima, and then dropkicked Cammy in the face. The former Doll found herself hurtling through the air, and it was at this same time that Orchid hit the ground. Not wasting a beat, the ex-SWD member brought her sticks’ handles together. A grunt of exertion escaped her mouth as she slammed the makeshift staff into the ground, and then-


Four pillars of energy erupted out of the ground, each one carrying White further across the arena. The energy soon dissipated, and once it had, Cammy slammed into the metal ground with an audible THUD!



[Stop music]

Cammy laid on the ground, her body battered, bloodied, and covered in bruises. Pain shot through her with every breath she took, and her injuries were only making this worse. Yet for some reason, whether through sheer stubbornness or an innate desire to win, the Brit forced her arm to move. She placed her hand against the ground, mentally preparing herself for the pain that would come with pushing herself up, but a familiar voice cut her off.

”I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Orchid advised. Looking up, Cammy noticed the ex-SWD agent had stopped in front of her, both arms crossed over her chest. “I’ll give you this, blondie, you’re tough, but I’m pretty sure even you should know when it’s time to throw in the towel.”

”No!” Cammy said defiantly as she attempted to fight through the pain. Propping herself back up with her right arm, the Brit slowly pushed herself onto one knee. “I can’t give up here! I won’t!” Hearing this, Orchid sighed in annoyance.

“Suit yourself.” As she said this, her batons began to glow a bright yellow, almost as if they were building up energy. She then swung them down, and it was then that Cammy’s pupils shrank in horror. Time seemed to slow down as a sense of dread overtook her mind. Was she really about to die like this? Alone, with her body left to rot in the catacombs of a corrupt organization? What would the other members of Delta Red think of her death, or of her failure to retrieve the information they needed to stop Ultratech?

As these thoughts ran through her mind, Cammy’s panic began to subside, and in its place was a new emotion. Pure, unadulterated rage, born from a determination to survive, began to boil within her. Blue sparks began to form around her body, each one appearing and dissipating with an audible crackle. They started off slowly at first, but each of these wisps continued to grow in frequency, only rivaled by their ever-growing size. Looking up, the Delta Red agent watched as the charged batons slowly descended upon her. By now, they were mere inches away from making contact. All Orchid would need is another millisecond, and all of this would be over. What she didn’t expect, however, was that Cammy was more than willing to fight back!

Bringing her arms into the air, the former Doll grabbed hold of the eskrima sticks, stopping them dead in their tracks.

”What?” Orchid asked, audibly surprised by what she was seeing. Aside from how Cammy was actually grabbing her eskrima without any ill effects, the Brit’s appearance had also undergone another change. For starters, her entire body was now coated in a fiery, blue aura, one that seemed to be made of the same energy from before. The second difference was in her eyes. Only a moment ago, clouded with fear and dread. Now, however, they shone with a cold, violent fury!

[Stop music]

Orchid grit her teeth, feeling her muscles strain as she attempted to push her eskrima into Cammy’s face. Unfortunately, it seemed this energy had given Cammy a second wind. No matter how hard Orchid pushed, her weapons refused to budge! It didn’t help that Cammy had begun twisting her arms and, by extension, the eskrima, to the side. Within seconds, the weapons were pushed out of range, and Cammy proved quick to counter it. Two knee strikes slammed into Orchid’s face, sending her skidding back as the energy in her eskrima suddenly dispersed.

With her opponent distracted, Cammy lunged forward, throwing out two hooks, two hard-hitting crosses to the stomach, and finished by slamming into Orchid with a roundhouse kick. With the added strength of Psycho Power, Orchid was sent spiraling through the air, a streak of blood trailing down her lips as she did so. Before she could even regain her bearings, Orchid found herself sent further through the air by an energy-infused Cannon Spike. As Orchid flew through the air, Cammy leapt after her, curling up in fetal position as she began ascending even further through the air. In seconds, the former Doll had ascended above Orchid, letting out a brief smirk as she dropped down.

With a shout of ”Cannon Strike,” Cammy dove past her adversary, this time unleashing a Psycho Powered kick. Under its power, Orchid was sent spinning even further across the lab, and Cammy proved quick to follow this with a second Cannon Spike. Upon feeling Cammy’s combat boot slam into her atlas, Orchid’s rapid spinning suddenly came to a halt, and she let out a cry of pain. She wouldn’t have the chance to fall, though, as Cammy wrapped her legs around Orchid’s neck. Then, with a violent twist, the Delta Red agent slammed her adversary into the ground! A resounding CLANG rang out as Orchid hit the ground headfirst, only to once again bounce back into the air. 

As her opponent involuntarily flipped through the air, Cammy hopped forward. Then, with a cry of “Spinning Axe,” the British agent slammed into Orchid’s chest with a heel kick. A grunt of annoyance and pain emerged from Orchid’s lips as she flew through the air, but she proved quick to correct her course by backflipping to her feet. Upon hitting the ground, a series of sparks erupted from beneath her as she forced herself to skid to a halt.



[Pause music]

Once she had come to a stop, Orchid collapsed onto one knee, letting out a heavy series of breaths. That combo had taken a lot out of her, and that energy… whatever it was, she’d need to keep her guard up if she wanted to get around it!

’She’s tougher than I thought!’ Orchid thought to herself as she fell onto one knee, panting heavily. ‘And that energy… whatever it is, it seems stronger than before.’ Closing her eyes, she let out an annoyed exhale before opening them again, revealing that they were now shining with anger. ‘Well, if that’s the game you wanna play, I’ll gladly join in!’

As if reacting to her thoughts, the Vampire Bat disappeared in a puff of smoke, and in its place was a glowing, orange sphere Its sides sported a pattern of intricate white lines and circles, while its middle contained a glowing, light blue iris. The moment it appeared, Orchid gave a grin as she felt her body became tougher, almost as if a layer of metal was coating her skin.


Now equipped with the Fractured Ward, Orchid ran toward Cammy at top speed, with the Delta Red agent responding in kind. They soon met in the middle, with Cammy leaping through the air and throwing out a kick to the chest!


Upon contact, however, a purple shockwave shot out from Orchid’s body, with Orchid herself remaining unaffected. Cammy’s eyes widened in shock, but before she could attempt to rectify her mistake, Orchid countered with a powerful swing of her left eskrima! The Delta Red agent spat out blood as she was sent flying back, but she quickly recovered with a backflip through the air. Then, with a sudden lunge, the beret-clad Brit slammed into her opponent with an axe kick. Her intent had been to slam the former SWD agent into the ground, but once again she was met with the sight of a purple shockwave. Suspicion briefly donned on Cammy’s face, but it was soon replaced with pain as Orchid countered with a knee strike to the chest.


Cammy let out a cough of pain, flecks of spittle mixing with blood as she felt two of her ribs break. Four swings of Orchid’s eskrima slammed into the Street Fighter’s chest, with each one causing another one of her ribs to crack. Once the final swing had made contact, Orchid connected both of her sticks together. Then, with a grunt of exertion, she slammed them into the catwalk below!


A pillar of energy erupted from the staff, causing Cammy to grunt as it bombarded her multiple times. As it dispersed, Cammy was sent hurtling through the air, but before she could travel too far, Orchid leapt after her and planted both feet against her body. She then pushed off, dropkicking White in the chest hard enough to send her flying away from the catwalk. 



Cammy descended through the air at breakneck speeds, her back facing the gaping abyss below. Despite this, she showed no signs of worry about her current situation. Instead, Cammy gave a smirk as she threw her arm out. In what could only be described as a stroke of luck, she managed to grab hold of the railing, and she proved quick to exploit this! 

Using her boosted strength, Cammy brought herself over the bar and quickly flipped off of it, making a b-line straight for Orchid! With a shout of “Spiral Arrow,” she once again corkscrewed through the air, this time drilling straight into Orchid. Unfortunately, it seemed that whatever was protecting her was still working its magic. No matter how hard she spun, she still couldn’t get past that damned shield!

With her frustration hitting its peak, Cammy crouched down for a second, allowing Psycho Power to build within her. At the same time, Orchid, noticing the gaping hole in her opponent’s defenses, threw out a left hook. Just before it could make contact, however, Cammy lunged forward, smashing into the Disavowed’s founder with a Psycho Power-infused axe kick! While it wasn’t enough to break through the shield, it had been strong enough to send Orchid crashing back onto the walkway!



[Stop music]

The deafening noise rang out across the room, though Orchid managed to push herself back up without much of an issue. That’s not to say her recovery had gone off without a hitch, though. Her fall, when combined with that heavy strike from Cammy, had left her shield in critical condition. Another hit like that, and the barrier would no doubt shatter!

As these thoughts ran through her mind, Orchid noticed a shadow suspended above her and immediately leapt back, just barely managing to avoid a punch from Cammy’s gauntlets. As she leapt through the air, however, Orchid noticed something concerning: the gauntlets were now covered in arcs of electricity, something that would no doubt be amplified by the ex-Doll’s Psycho Power. This theory of hers would soon be tested as her opponent’s feet hit the ground seconds later, with Cammy herself slamming an outstretched fist into the metal floor!


Orchid let out a cry of pain as the Psycho Powered electricity coursed through her body, tearing through her shield and attacking her directly! Thousands of volts rolled across her body, shutting her muscle system down and forcing her to collapse onto her knees. Before she could collapse onto the ground, Cammy rushed forward, slamming into the Disavowed’s founder with a kick to the stomach. Orchid was sent skidding back, and with her muscles temporarily shut down, she had no way of fighting back as Cammy laid into her.

Using the momentum of her latest attack, White spun around, striking her across the jaw with three spin kicks. As the final kick flew past Orchid, Cammy followed up with a powerful shoulder tackle to the chest! A grunt of pain emerged from Orchid’s throat as she felt her otherwise numb body flare with pain. Even with her bustier blocking it, she could still feel how hard the elbow strike had hit, and Cammy wasn’t content with letting it end there! Whirling around, the Killer Bee slammed into her face with a swift backhand, but then something odd happened.

Almost as if it were reacting to her subconscious demands, the Fractured Ward disappeared, much like the Vampire Bat before it. In its place was what appeared to be a miniature golden dragon. This new creature, the Exemplar, immediately went to work, filling Orchid’s paralyzed body with energy. The agent flashed white for a brief moment as Cammy’s fist approached. Then, despite her current condition, she raised her arm, casually parrying the swing with her left baton.

”How did you-“ Cammy’s question would be cut off as Orchid bashed her right baton against her side, staggering her.

”Recover so quickly?” Orchid finished with a smirk. “Let’s just say I’ve got my own secrets.”

As she said this, the ex-SWD agent threw out a swift barrage of strikes with her eskrima sticks. She targeted anything she could locate: the arms, the legs, the torso, it didn’t matter! As long as it would make it harder for Cammy to fight, she didn’t give a damn what she hit.

At the same time, Cammy was gritting her teeth, trying desperately to retaliate against Orchid, but to no avail. Occasionally, she’d manage to break the combo chain and attempt her own attack, but Orchid would block and counter with a blow that hit twice as hard. And unfortunately for Cammy, these signs didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. With each parry, Orchid would recover more of her lost health, and she could feel the energy in her attacks getting boosted even further!

Once these energies had hit their peak, Orchid began unleashing an even more brutal combo. Punches, kicks, and eskrima bludgeonings were happening so quickly that Cammy couldn’t even keep up with her. She didn’t even have time to register the movements in between each move, as her mind would still be left reeling from the previous blows. The onslaught of blows forced the Brit to continuously spit out blood. With each strike, she could another of her bones crack and her organs would either receive another bruise or start bleeding. Little did she know, it would only grow worse once Orchid decided to finish her combo.

Flipping herself upside down, the Killer Instinct champion threw out both legs and began spinning like a helicopter, causing her to ascend through the air! While this blatant defiance of physics occurred, two kicks struck Cammy across the stomach and chest, forcing her to share her opponent’s ascent. Upon landing a final kick to the face, however, White was sent flying off of the catwalk, hurtling toward one of the support pillars at supersonic speeds!


As she flew through the air with her back facing the endless expanse below her, Cammy forced herself to look up. Upon doing so, she was met with the rapidly approaching sight of a support pillar, something that she seemed destined to crash against it. Had most people been in this situation, they would’ve likely entered a state of desperate panic, but Cammy White was not most people!

The moment she saw the enormous pillar, a smirk began to form on Cammy’s face. Using her momentum, and fighting the agonizing pain in her system, White backflipped through the air, allowing her to hit the pillar with a muffled THUNK! Then, just as quickly as she landed, she sprung off, hurling herself toward Orchid with a diagonal kick. The blow made direct contact with Orchid’s chestplate, cracking it even further as Cammy flew past her. Appearing behind her, the Killer Bee then lunged forward, landing a kick to Orchid’s back as she once again seemed to phase through the agent.

Once again hitting the support, Cammy rocketed forward with a powerful kick to the stomach. Then, as she landed behind Orchid, Cammy delivered a diagonal ascending kick to the nape. As they ascended through the air, Cammy wrapped both of her arms around Orchid’s torso and performed a swift backflip. The two agents were rapidly approaching the catwalk, and just when it seemed that they were about to hit the ground together, Cammy quickly switched positions. With a resounding CLANG, Orchid found herself slammed into the ground, courtesy of a twin-legged stomp from Cammy. The moment they landed, White quickly backflipped off of her, landing only a few inches away from Orchid.



“I’ll give you one last chance: stand down.” Cammy ordered. Unfortunately, it seemed that the Killer Instinct champion refused to cooperate. As soon as those words had left her opponent’s lips, Orchid forced herself to get back to her feet, ignoring the blood that was now running down her face.

“Sorry, but I’ve never been the type to take orders from an enemy!” She taunted, attempting to retaliate by bashing an eskrima stick against her head. Just when it seemed that her plan was about to come to fruition, however, Cammy gave a smirk as she ducked underneath the swing.

”Then it looks like I’ll need a bit more force!” She announced as she reeled her right arm back. With each inch, her gauntlets began to violently spark, producing arcs of electricity and the occasional streak of Psycho Power. Then, before Orchid could attempt to correct her mistake, the Killer Bee threw her fist forward with all her might!


The Psycho Power-infused punch slammed into Orchid’s stomach, forcing her to double over as she coughed up several flecks of blood. As she would soon realize, though, this was merely the punch. The gauntlet’s blast had yet to come! While this realization was coming to her, she watched in horror as the energy continued to build up. Thanks to it pressing against her stomach, she could feel the growing reserves of energy slowly building up from her gut. Then, with an audible shout, Cammy released all of it in the span of a second, creating a massive explosion that sent Orchid flying across the arena!

As she soared through the air, Orchid let out a scream of combined pain and annoyance. Upon reaching the peak of her ascension, Orchid prepared to reposition herself in midair, but it seemed that Cammy had other ideas. Using her enhanced strength, the Delta Red agent leapt through the air, meeting her recovering opponent almost immediately, and prepared to slam into her with a Cannon Strike. Unwilling to let history repeat itself, Orchid brought her sticks up, crossing them in front of herself to block the dive kick. Unperturbed, Cammy threw out three more kicks, all of which Orchid continued to block. As they continued falling through the air, Orchid took a moment to look back, only to find that she was seconds away from colliding with the metal grating.

Desperate to prevent a painful landing, Orchid proved quick to improvise as she performed an overhead cartwheel through the air, striking Cammy in the chin and sending her over Orchid’s shoulder. With her body now repositioned, Orchid hit the ground feet-first and looked back to where Cammy was landing. Exactly one second later, the Brit landed on her feet, creating a muffled CLANG, and immediately rushed toward Orchid.

”You won’t escape my sting!” Cammy announced as she dove down, corkscrewing toward her with an energy-infused Spiral Arrow. As she watched the Delta Red agent approach her, Orchid only responded by giving a smirk as she reeled her arm back. Then, with a mighty swing-


Cammy grunted as one of the eskrima sticks slammed into her jaw, sending her airborne. Then, without wasting a beat, Orchid threw out two swings, both of which hit White in the stomach. Shifting her body, the ex-SWD agent then performed a handstand as she threw out three spinning kicks to the chest. As she rose back up, Orchid delivered two 180° swings, sending Cammy flying helplessly through the air. The blonde attempted to correct her course by flipping through the air, but before she could-


At Orchid’s command, the Firecat appeared out of nowhere, slamming into Cammy with a powerful headbutt! Cammy grunted in pain, closing her eyes as she felt a fiery pain spread through her stomach. It soon dispersed, knocking Cammy back, and as she opened her eyes, Cammy was surprised at what she saw. Rushing toward her at hypersonic speeds was Orchid, who had now connected her eskrima sticks together. She held the sticks out a vertical angle, no doubt in an attempt to continue the combo. As this approached her, however, Cammy’s surprise soon gave way to a smirk. Orchid’s makeshift staff was milliseconds away from hitting her, but just before it could, Cammy suddenly disappeared from her sight, causing Orchid to hit thin air. Just as she realized this, though-

”Where are you looking?” A familiar voice called out as the agent felt a spin kick slam into her back.


As Orchid unintentionally staggered forward, Cammy followed her counter by delivering a right underhanded punch to the lumbar, which then led to a roundhouse to the agent’s left shoulder blade. The kick sent Orchid spiraling through the air, and Cammy leapt after her in hot pursuit! Meeting in midair, Cammy planted her feet on the older woman’s back and shifted into performing a Spiral Arrow. The drilling motion of her legs rapidly tore through the damaged bustier, and now they were digging into Orchid’s skin. As she fought back the urge to cry out in pain, Orchid felt her head slam against the grating, forcing her to let out a grunt in annoyance. With her opponent distracted, one thought rang through Cammy’s mind:

”It’s time to end this!”

[Stop music]

Once the Spiral Arrow had come to an end, Cammy didn’t even waste a second before performing her next attack! Moving her legs up, she quickly wrapped them around the older woman’s neck and began squeezing with as much strength as she could muster! Needless to say, it was clear that Cammy had learned her lesson from last time. Earlier, she had made the mistake of acting too slowly. If she wanted to take Orchid down, she’d have to do it quickly!

As these thoughts ran through White’s mind, Orchid, in a blatant attempt to defy her fate, responded by raising both of her legs into the air. Most of her vision had been obscured by Cammy’s thighs, but even in her current position she could still make out where her captor’s face and neck were. With little time to spare, Orchid wrapped her own legs around Cammy’s neck and began squeezing just as hard!

Under Orchid’s vice-like grip, Cammy could feel her neck start to twist involuntarily as she was pulled further toward the ground. The muscles in her neck were struggling to remain intact, and her breathing was becoming slower. At the same time, this brush with death was causing a well of adrenaline to rush through her body her, boosting her strength even further! The Psycho Power surrounding her body was starting to spike up, and with it Cammy’s grip continued to grow tighter and tighter. At the same time, Orchid’s own adrenaline had begun to rise, and she responded in kind!

By now, it was a race against the clock. Both soldiers lay on their sides, locked in a battle for supremacy as they held the other in a headscissor. Their thighs continued grinding against each other’s necks, forcing them to bend at unnatural angles. A chorus of cracks rang out as their muscles and bones began to give out, causing pain to flare through both women’s minds. The two flashed a pointed glare at each other, Cammy’s light-blue eyes meeting Orchid’s dark blue. Gritting their teeth, a strained grunt escaped the soldiers’ lips as they struggled against the other’s grip. These grunts soon evolved, becoming defiant war cries as each one twisted their captive. They could hear their muscles tearing and their bones threatening to snap, but this only seemed to further their resolve! The muscles in their necks began to strain under each other’s grip, and then, as they each gave one final push-



[Stop music]

The audible crunch of someone’s neck snapping rang throughout the area, followed by the muffled CLANG of their hand hitting the ground and going slack. With her opponent dead, the victor pulled herself free, coughing and sputtering as she took several ragged breaths. Once the color had returned to her, the soldier pushed herself back up, taking a brief moment to look down at her fallen opponent.

Cammy’s body laid against the walkway, her neck bent at an unnatural angle. Her eyes were glazed over and her expression remained blank. The Psycho Power had faded from her body, having dispersed the moment Orchid snapped her neck.

As she stared down at the fallen Delta Red agent, Orchid allowed her thoughts to wander. Had her quest to destroy Ultratech actually brought her to this point, that she was willing to kill someone who could’ve been a potential ally? True, she could’ve made the argument that it was in self-defense, but that wouldn’t be enough to rid her of the disgust she was feeling toward herself. Maybe things would’ve turned out differently if they’d talked it out. Or if she’d placed a little less pressure, Cammy would still be here. Or maybe she could’ve used her smoke bomb to escape, instead of continuing the fight..

As her mind swirled with possibilities, Orchid gave a melancholic sigh before bending down. After closing Cammy’s eyes, Orchid switched positions and brought her into the air, taking a moment to look down at her.

”I’m sorry it had to come to this,” she admitted, “but I won’t let your death be in vain. Ultratech… Shadaloo… I’ll make sure those bastards pay for everything they’ve done. Every life they’ve taken, everything they’ve ruined, I’ll be sure to take it and pay it back tenfold! For my sake, and yours!”

As this promise escaped her lips, Orchid began walking out of the laboratory, taking Cammy’s body in tow. While the thought of Cammy’s death still left her with a feeling of disgust, she wouldn’t let it be in vain! She wouldn’t rest until Shadaloo and Ultratech were destroyed, and nothing was going to stop her!

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5

Man, that was pretty close. If Cammy had lasted another second and applied a bit more pressure, this story might’ve ended a bit differently, right? Well, despite what the fight above might have led you to believe, this match was nowhere near as close as it looked.

Let’s start by discussing Cammy. Physically speaking, she’s comparable to the likes of Ryu, Chun-Li, and Guile; the former of whom had his energy used by M. Bison to power a city-destroying laser. This feat comes out at City Level, but it could likely be higher since it was performed after Ryu was subdued and beaten, and it’s unlikely Bison was using Ryu’s full power. Scaling its speed would put Ryu, and by extension Cammy, at Mach 5633, or Massively Hypersonic+.

When it comes to Orchid, this is where things get interesting. During the events of Shadow Lords, she was able to defeat Shadow Jago, who at the time was possessing Jago’s body. Jago was one of the three people (alongside Tusk and Kim Wu) responsible for defeating Gargos, who was able to disperse a massive amount of clouds, which comes out at 29.99 zettatons of TNT; or Small Planet Level. Keep in mind that this was just from Gargos appearing, so it’s likely he’s even stronger. In terms of speed, Orchid can be scaled to ARIA due to directly keeping up with her in battle. And in the Killer Instinct Novella, ARIA was able to do this:

ARIA sat down on her throne and tapped into her cloud-mind, running through every scenario that she had ever conceived—and its millions of potential pathways—in a nano-second. Her eyes flashed briefly and then she said: “I will go to the City of Dawn…alone. And I will ask Jago, Orchid, Maya and TJ—and their allies Thunder and Aganos—to join Ultratech in combating whatever malevolent beings will inevitably come through these portals.”

Since ARIA was able to process millions of pathways in a nanosecond, this feat would be around 15 million times faster than light. And since Orchid was able to keep up with her, this feat by proxy would scale to her as well.

In short, Orchid massively dwarfs Cammy in the stat trinity, but what about the other factors?

Well, experience is a bit hard to decide. Cammy’s been trained from birth to be a master assassin, and she’s fought her fair share of martial artists. Orchid, meanwhile, has been trained by her father in military and survival skills; and her time in the SWD has given her stealth training and knowledge of guerilla warfare tactics. This knowledge, when combined with her stealth, gives her another option to take Cammy down if brute force wouldn’t cut it.

In terms of arsenal, both had a vast array of weaponry, each with their own advantages. Cammy’s gauntlets give her better striking strength and its concussive blasts would grant her an edge in unpredictability. The choke whip could be used to restrain Orchid, and her submachine guns and rocket launcher give her better options for long-range combat. But while Cammy had Orchid’s number in long-range, Orchid had better close-range options. Her electrified eskrima sticks and tonfas could let her paralyze Cammy, and their eruptions could let her attack Cammy from a distance. Additionally, her smoke grenades could disorient Cammy, giving her the opportunity to attack via stealth tactics. Her transmutation spell is also something Cammy had no means of countering, as she’s never shown the ability to resist something like that. Admittedly, it’s unlikely Orchid would use it right off the bat since she typically saves it for a finishing blow, but this is a moot point considering she already holds a massive edge in stats. 

Keep in mind that I’ve said all of this without considering the Guardians. By including them, Orchid gains an even larger edge in versatility. The Vampire Bat could heal her from any damage Cammy inflicts, and it gives her the opportunity to gain faster attacks. She could counter Cammy’s fighting style (which is based on agility and grappling) by using the Ram, Fractured Ward, Exemplar, Watcher, or Tiger. Astral Tiki and Lion give her buffs that would further the already massive gap in stats, and Snake would allow her to inflict a poison effect to further inconvenience Cammy.

Finally, there are their respective energy power-ups. While you’d think Cammy’s Psycho Power would give her an edge over Orchid, it… really doesn’t. Sure, it boosts her stats and increases her moveset, but Orchid’s Firecat accomplishes the same thing. It doesn’t help Cammy’s case that using Psycho Power will cause her body to decay. Admittedly, this will only occur over time, but it’s unlikely to happen in the first place since Orchid can easily blitz and one-shot her.

Meanwhile, when we look at Orchid’s Firecat, it becomes clear that she even holds the edge here. With it, she can summon Firecats to give herself an edge in numbers, they can explode or burst into flame for a larger AOE attack, and she can even turn herself into a Firecat to phase through Cammy’s attacks.

In short, Cammy’s firearms gave her an edge in long-range combat and her ability to use Psycho Power meant that she could lessen the gap in stats by a bit; but Orchid’s enormous edge in the stat trinity, superior experience, more tactical mind, larger arsenal, and larger array of powers allowed her to take the win.

Cammy thigh-ed her best, but it wasn’t enough to prevent her from snapping under the pressure.

The winner is Black Orchid.


WinnerBlackOrchid by Br3ndan5
Black Orchid (Winner)
+ Held an astronomical edge in stats
+ More experienced
+ Better training
+ Stealth training and guerilla warfare tactics gave her a form of combat Cammy had no means of countering
+ Better close-range arsenal
+ Smoke grenades could be combined with her stealth training to disorient Cammy
+ Magic was something Cammy had no counter for
    – Though it’s unlikely Orchid would use it from the start
+ Guardians gave her massive buffs, ways to counter Cammy’s fighting style, healing options, and the ability to inflict poison effects
+ Firecat gives her an edge in numbers, larger AOE attacks, and unpredictability
– Inferior long-range arsenal

Cammy White (Loser)
+ Better long-range options
+ Could boost her stats further with Psycho Power
    – But even with it, she has no way to close the massive gap
    – She’d also get blitzed and one-shot before she could use it
– Even with Psycho Power, she was completely dominated in stats
– Less experienced
– Inferior training
– No way to counter Orchid’s stealth approach or magic
– Inferior close-range arsenal
– Guardians countered her fighting style, could poison her, allowed Orchid to heal herself, and gave Orchid buffs
– Firecat > Psycho Power

Prelude: Cammy White vs Black Orchid

Claim: Cammy White vs Black Orchid by Br3ndan5

They are the government’s top soldiers, saviors of mankind multiple times over and masters of assassination. Armed with skill in hand-to-hand, stealth, and weaponry, these two deadly heartthrobs are some of the military’s best warriors, and today, they’re here to show who truly reigns on top of the heap.

Cammy White, the Killer Bee of Delta Red!

And Black Orchid, leader of the Disavowed!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to TheNerd-Bot for the Cammy bio and VultureDuck and MajorM117 for their Orchid bios

Sf4-cammy2 (2) by TheNerd-Bot
Cammy White
Aliases: Killer Bee, The British Bombshell, The Blonde British Bombshell
Age: Unknown, Young Adult at minimum
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 134 lbs
Species: Artificial Human
Occupation: Shadaloo Doll (Former), Agent of Delta Red

-Was trained from birth to be a master assassin
-Is Delta Red’s hand-to-hand combat expert
-Killed Chun-Li’s father, who was able to hold off all of the 13 Dolls
-Defeated Vega with ease
-Fought Balrog to a draw
-Slaughtered a small army of mercenaries with ease
-Fought a mind-controlled T. Hawk, Ken, and E. Honda simultaneously
-Fought Juni, Juri, and Decapre simultaneously
-Defeated Necro
-As Killer Bee, beat up Blanka so badly, he’s terrified at the mere sight of her
-Has freed multiple Dolls from Shadaloo’s control
-Among the most well-known Street Fighter characters, even starring in her own manga
-Was portrayed by Kiley Minogue

In his conquest for world domination, the terrorist leader M. Bison has created multiple host bodies to use in the event that he dies. From the cybernetic warrior Seth, to the French martial artist Abel, to today’s subject: Cammy White.

Created using the dictator’s own DNA, Cammy was raised from birth to serve as a mindless drone in Shadaloo’s league of assassins, the Dolls. During this time, she would use her skills to take out multiple political officers, military leaders, and rogue Shadaloo agents. All of this would change when she was assigned to assassinate the yoga master Dhalsim. Sensing that her mind was troubled, the mystic used his spiritual powers to ease her troubled mind. In doing so, he also managed to unlock her inner consciousness, freeing her from Bison’s control.

Realizing that this might screw up his plans, Bison sent several of his hitmen after her, like the Spanish ninja Vega and the twin Dolls Juni and Juli. They were quickly defeated, and upon returning to Shadaloo she freed all of the Dolls and led a revolt, ultimately prevailing after a hard fight. After obtaining victory and helping her “sisters” escape the base, however, Cammy lost her memories and fell unconscious. She would’ve died had it not been for the arrival of Vega, who chose to rescue her out of the belief that someone as beautiful as her didn’t deserve to die. The ninja would then drop her off at the doorstep of the British military group Delta Red, which quickly took her in. She would become a valuable asset to the team, aiding them in fighting off Shadaloo and various others who threatened the world.

aUe5Re5 by TheNerd-Bot
-Strong enough to kick a terrorist through the metal roof of a train
-KO’d a Doll with a single backhand
-Was dogpiled by around ten men, and threw them all off with ease soon after
-Regularly fights on par with the likes of Ryu, Juri, Chun-Li, and other Street Fighters
-Was able to Double KO with Balrog
-Can throw the 584 lb Abigail with nothing but her legs

Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 4.09.37 PM by TheNerd-Bot
-Able to dodge gunfire with ease
-Reacted to sneak attacks from Decapre
-Can keep up with Ryu in a fight
-Caught up to a jet plane mid-takeoff

Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 4.11.20 PM by TheNerd-Bot
-Was unfazed by a headbutt from Decapre
-Barely flinched after taking a punch from T. Hawk
-Tanked a punch from Balrog, who can kill an elephant with one blow
-Was smashed through a glass container by M. Bison
-Tanked several electric attacks from Necro
-Survived a brutal beatdown from an enraged Chun-Li, being tackled out of a three-story window, and tanking three of her super moves
-Withstood a beating from Juri Han
-Survived falling out of a jet, and was only pissed off
Continue reading Prelude: Cammy White vs Black Orchid

Ken Masters Turns up the Heat in Death Battle!

Ken Masters by Br3ndan5

Ken Masters
Height: 5’9
Weight: 183 lbs
Occupation: Martial Artist, Hotel Business Tycoon
First Appearance: Street Fighter (August 30, 1987)


-At 12 years old, was sent to Japan by his father to learn discipline by training under Gouken, a martial arts master who was also a friend of his father’s
-Built up a reputation in martial arts by competing in numerous tournaments across the USA and winning most of them
-Won the premiere U.S Martial Arts Tournament and began dating a woman named Eliza
-Attempted to attack Akuma after watching him murder Gouken, but was immediately knocked out
-Sparred against Ryu and won, though it should be noted that Ryu wasn’t giving it his all due to being stressed out from a previous fight with Sagat
-Encouraged Ryu to stay focused by giving him his red headband
-Defeated Karin and advised her to use her rivalry with Sakura as motivation to train harder and focus
-Defeated Sakura in a friendly spar
-Attempted to fight M. Bison, but was defeated
-While brainwashed, fought Ryu and lost
-Alongside Sakura, fought Bison (again)
-With help from Sakura and Sagat, freed Ryu from being corrupted by the Dark Hado
-After being challenged by Ryu, entered the Second World Warrior Tournament
-Was brainwashed by M. Bison, turning him into Violent Ken
-As Violent Ken, mowed through numerous opponents in the tournament and defeated M. Bison, returning him to normal
-Fought Ryu and won
-After the tournament, married Eliza
-At Eliza’s request, entered the Third World Warrior Tournament
-During the tournament, defeated Rufus, his self-appointed rival
-Encountered M. Bison and defeated him
-After the tournament, he and Ryu discovered that Gouken was alive and met up with him
-Had a child with Eliza
-During Karin’s party, fought and defeated Birdie, who believed they were trespassing
-Fought Karin as a way for her to apologize for Birdie attacking him
-Sparred with Ryu, but was defeated
-Defeated Laura Matsuda, who had mistaken him for an enemy
-With help from Laura, fended off a squad of Shadaloo agents
-Sparred with Ryu again to see if he’d found his “true answer”
    -He lost
-Reluctantly took on Sean Matsuda, Laura’s little brother, as a student
-Entered the fourth World Warrior Tournament, but later dropped out upon learning that Ryu had been defeated by Oro
-Defeated Sean during the tournament
-Fought Ryu in a long-awaited rematch, which Ryu won
-Began training Mel to teach him some rudimentary fighting techniques

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
-Sparred with Ryu
-Curbstomped T. Hawk in a street fight
-Attempted to fight M. Bison, but was defeated
-While brainwashed by Bison, fought against Ryu
-Recovered from his brainwashing and the paralysis induced upon him by Bison’s Psycho Power
-Aided Ryu in the final fight against Bison
-Alongside Ryu, finished Bison off with a Hadoken

Street Fighter II V
-Alongside Ryu, defeated a group of military thugs
-Attempted to get revenge on Guile for injuring Ryu during their fight
    -He failed
-Alongside Ryu, defeated Sodom and Gomorrah
-Was chosen by Fei Long to participate in a fight scene for his upcoming movie
    -Fei Long later admitted that Ken gave him “one hell of a fight” and vowed that one day they’d have a rematch
-With Ryu, defeated the Ashura Crime Syndicate, an organization of expert Muay Thai practitioners
-Organized a search team to clear Ryu’s name and free him from prison
-Defeated Zochi, the head of the Ashura Crime Syndicate
-Passed the trial of the Cave of Ancients
-Defeated Vega in a cage match for Chun-Li’s love
-Impressed M. Bison due to how he defeated Vega
-Discovered how to use ki and used it to escape capture from Shadowlaw
-Freed Ryu from his brainwashing with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Alongside Ryu, fought M. Bison at the focal point of the universe

Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation
-Went to Japan to enter a fighting tournament, but found out he was too late to register
-Snapped Ryu out of the Dark Hado’s influence
-Saved Sakura from being sexually assaulted by a group of thugs
-Had a brief fight with Ryu, which ended in a draw
-Defeated Sodom in only three hits
-Alongside Ryu and Chun-Li, took out some of Dr. Sadler’s security guards
-Fought Dr. Sadler’s cyborg, Rosanov, but was unable to defeat him
-Defeated Birdie in a street fight

Street Fighter Alpha: Generations
-Attempted to fight an old martial arts master after the man tried to prevent him from intervening in the fight between Ryu and Akuma
    -Was defeated off-screen
-Learned of the Dark Hado’s history from the old man

Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind

-Rescued Eliza after she was captured by S.I.N.
-Learned that Eliza was pregnant

Street Fighter II (Manga)
-Was kidnapped by Shadaloo and subjected to its mind control drug, Doll
-While snapping out of Doll’s influence, saved Guile from being killed by Sagat
-Defeated Sagat
-While brainwashed by M. Bison, fought Ryu, with the fight ending inconclusively due to Ken breaking free mid-battle

Street Fighter Alpha (Manga)
-Entered a Caribbean fighting tournament under the belief that the tournament would earn the attention of Guy, a vigilante with a reputation of violence toward thugs and other fighters
-Defeated Dan Hibiki during the tournament
-Fought Ryu, with the fight ending in a draw after both decided to go all out

Sakura Ganbaru
-Entered Karin Kanzuki’s fighting tournament and defeated her
-Won the tournament by defeating Sakura during the final match


-Sparred with Ryu, with the match ending in a draw
-Gave Ryu his headband as a way to replace the old one (which had been destroyed during the fight) and to serve as a reminder not to take himself so seriously
-Won the US Martial Arts Tournament by defeating Zangief
-Brutally beat Vega after watching him use his claws to slice Eliza’s neck and collar open
-Alongside Ryu, attempted to avenge Gouken’s supposed death by fighting Akuma, but failed
-Alongside Ryu, fought off a group of Shadaloo agents that were attempting to crash his party
-Had a rematch with Vega, which he lost
-Defeated a Dark Hado-possessed Ryu
-Entered Shadaloo’s Street Fighter tournament
-Stalemated Ryu during their spar to prepare for the tournament
-Taught Ryu how to go surfing
-Defeated Hugo during the tournament’s preliminaries
-During the tournament, did the following:
    -Won his rematches with Zangief and Vega
-While brainwashed by M. Bison, worked with T. Hawk and E. Honda to subdue Cammy
-After the tournament, had another spar with Ryu, which ended inconclusively
-Took over Balrog’s company, which had been serving as Shadaloo’s financial operations, by purchasing its subsidiaries
-Defeated an enraged Balrog
-Alongside the rest of the series’ cast, attempted to fight Gill, but lost
-Fought Lilith Aensland, though it ended inconclusively after Ken was teleported to Makai
-While in Makai, teamed up with Sagat and Chun-Li to fight off a group of bug monsters
-Briefly fought Felicia due to a misunderstanding, though they quickly called it off upon realizing they were on the same side
-Teamed up with Jon Talbain and Felicia to fight the other Darkstalkers in Makai
-Fought a horde of zombies alongside Chun-Li, Sagat, Jon, and Felicia
-Was brainwashed into becoming Violent Ken by Lord Raptor
-Fought Sagat and would’ve killed him had Elena not used her powers to dispel Violent Ken
-Alongside the others, fought Bishamon’s army of souls
-Alongside Sagat, fought Donovan, who had lost control of his powers and evolved into his vampire form
-Aided in the final battle against Jedah Dohma
-After the battle, transformed into Violent Ken and attacked Ryu

Ken Strength 1 by Br3ndan5
Ken Strength 2 by Br3ndan5
-Large Town Level due to being superior to Chun-Li, who vaporized part of a forest with her Kikosho
-Regularly fights against Ryu, who is superior to Chun-Li
-Overpowered Karin, Sakura, Rufus, Birdie, Laura, and Sean
-Was able to harm and defeat M. Bison, who survived Chun-Li’s Kikosho
-Took out three Shadaloo agents with a Shinryuken
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie:
-Struck Ryu’s temple hard enough to make him bleed
-Launched T. Hawk several feet through the air with a Shoryuken
-Kicked Ryu halfway across a plateau
-Kicked Ryu hard enough to send him flying into a tree
-Punched through a tree
-Threw Ryu halfway across a cliffside
-Briefly staggered M. Bison with a kick
-Can knock out fully grown men with one blow
-Traded blows with Fei Long, a martial artist comparable to Bruce Lee
-Casually ripped off Zochi’s chainsaw arm
-Broke Ryu’s leg and rendered him half-blind with only a few blows
-With some coaching from Vega, knocked out a bull in two hits
-Landed an overhead strike inside Vega’s chest
-Broke four of Vega’s ribs with a punch
-Caught a falling Vega without any difficulty
-Broke out of steel chains using his ki
-Destroyed a ceiling with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Destroyed a steel wall with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Can destroy an entire room just by focusing his ki
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation:
-Punched Ryu hard enough to snap him out of the Dark Hado’s influence
-Matched Ryu blow for blow
-Knocked out Sodom with only three blows
-One-shot three of Dr. Sadler’s men
-Struck Rosanov several times
-While enraged, threw out a Shoryuken that shattered Rosanov’s jaw
-Sent Birdie flying through the air with a Shoryuken
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind:
-Accidentally kicked Sakura away
-Shoved C. Viper hard enough to make her stagger back
Street Fighter II (Manga):
-Overpowered Sagat
-Proved an even match for Ryu
Street Fighter Alpha (Manga):
-Overpowered Dan and defeated him with a Shoryureppa
-While going all out, matched Ryu in terms of strength
Sakura Ganbaru:
-Overpowered Karin
-Even while suffering from multiple broken ribs, still managed to knock out Sakura
-Staggered Ryu with a Shoryuken
-Downed Zangief with only two blows
-Flipped Vega hard enough to send him across a hotel room
-Delivered a vicious beating to Vega, even giving him a light scar via a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku to the face
-Destroyed a punching bag with one of his combos
-One-shot several Shadaloo thugs
-Returned Evil Ryu back to normal with a Shoryureppa
-Kicked Ryu several feet away
-One-shot Hugo with a Shoryuken
-Knocked Zangief out with a Shippu Jinraikyaku
-Heavily injured Vega’s face with a Shinryuken
-Briefly staggered Balrog with a Shippu Jinraikyaku
-Sent Balrog flying out of an office window with a Guren Senpukyaku
-Traded blows with Lilith, though she was likely holding back against him
-Flipped Felicia over
-Decapitated a zombie with a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Destroyed an entire horde of zombies with a Shinryuken
-As Violent Ken, kicked away Sagat, Chun-Li, Felicia, and Jon
-Brutally beat Sagat and would’ve killed him had Elena not intervened
-Kicked away 2 of Bishamon’s resurrected souls
-Staggered Donovan with a Shinryuken

Ken Speed by Br3ndan5
-Massively Hypersonic+ due to keeping up with M. Bison, who can move fast enough to intercept a laser moving at Mach 1,669
-Shown to be on par with Ryu multiple times
-Has kept up with Karin, Sakura, Rufus, Birdie, Laura, and Sean
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie:
-Dodged multiple attacks from T. Hawk

-Dodged attacks from Zochi’s chainsaw arm
-Dodged a charging bull at the last second
    -Bulls can run at speeds up to 35 mph
-Effortlessly avoided multiple attacks from Vega, an extremely swift and agile fighter
-Deflected slabs of stone rapidly launched at him by a brainwashed Ryu
-Evaded multiple attacks from a brainwashed Ryu
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation:
-Dodged multiple Hadokens from a Dark Hado-possessed Ryu
-Kept up with Ryu during their brief fight
-Avoided multiple punches from Birdie
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind:
-Caught C. Viper’s Thunder Knuckles mid-strike
Street Fighter II (Manga):
-Kept up with Sagat and Ryu
Street Fighter Alpha (Manga):
-Kept up with Ryu when both decided to go all out
Sakura Ganbaru:
-Kept up with Karin and Sakura
-Just barely avoided Ryu’s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Dodged attacks from Vega
-Kept up with Evil Ryu
-Moved fast enough to block Ryu’s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Avoided multiple attacks from Zangief
-Dodged Balrog’s punches
-Just barely managed to keep up with Lilith
-Blocked and intercepted multiple attacks from Felicia
-Rolled out of the way of Donovan’s fire breath

Ken Durability by Br3ndan5
-Large Town Level via scaling to his strength
-Has taken numerous hits from Ryu
-Withstood blows from Karin, Sakura, M. Bison, Rufus, Birdie, Laura, and Sean
-Shrugged off Mel accidentally hitting him in the nuts
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie:

-Took hits from T. Hawk
-Survived being telekinetically thrown into a wall, which was then followed by electrocution from M. Bison’s Psycho Power
-Withstood a powerful explosion of Psycho Power, followed by being thrown off a cliff
-Shrugged off having his legs paralyzed by M. Bison’s Psycho Power
-Tanked a brutal beating from M. Bison

-Withstood blows from Guile, though he was left hospitalized
-Took multiple hits from Fei Long, who had previously been shown to incapacitate trained stuntmen with just one punch
-Jumped from a tall building and landed feet first onto a car without any injury
-Shrugged off a brutal beating from the crime lord Zochi
-Could still fight and walk despite having three cracked ribs
-Barely flinched after a bull scraped his side
-Endured repeated lacerations, massive amounts of blood loss, and having both of his feet broken during his fight with Vega
-Regarded his feet being sliced open as “just a little scratch”
-Took hits from a brainwashed Ryu
-Was uninjured by the explosion created from the Hadou Shoryuken’s collision with the Hadou Ken
-Took multiple Psycho Power-fueled attacks from M. Bison, such as the Double Knee Press and Psycho Crusher, the latter of which can kill normal men
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation:

-Shrugged off multiple hits from Ryu
-Survived a massive ki blast from Rosanov
-Withstood Rosanov’s attempts at choking him out
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind:
-Was hit by C. Viper’s Thunder Knuckles and remained unaffected
    -The Thunder Knuckles were strong enough to send Ryu reeling back in pain, in addition to taking out Cammy in two shots
Street Fighter II (Manga):
-Showed no signs of pain after he broke his hand by slamming it into a wall
Street Fighter Alpha (Manga):
-Took numerous hard-hitting blows from a serious Ryu
Sakura Ganbaru:

-Shrugged off hits from Karin, who he admitted could have broken his joints if he’d been careless
-Withstood multiple blows from Sakura, who had broken 4-5 of his ribs with only one punch
-Survived an explosion created by colliding Hadokens with Sakura
-Got back to his feet almost immediately after taking a Hadoken to the chest
-Shrugged off Zangief suplexing him
-Withstood being thrown into one of the ring’s posts
-Took hits from Akuma, though his ribs were bruised in the process
-Survived multiple lacerations from Vega
-Got right back up after being sent flying out of an Alaskan cabin by a punch from Evil Ryu
-Tanked a brutal beating from Hugo
-Took hits from Cammy
-Shrugged off multiples punches from Balrog, one of which strong enough to send him flying through a pillar
-Survived being launched away by Gill’s Seraphic Wing
-Took hits from Lilith, though she was likely holding back against him
-Took hits from Donovan

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie:
-Forced himself to keep moving even after his legs had been paralyzed by M. Bison’s Psycho Power
-Fought Fei Long through a majority of Hong Kong, with neither one feeling exhausted by the end of it
-Meditated for an entire day, remaining motionless the entire time
-Fought through broken feet and massive amounts of blood loss to continue his fight with Vega
-Got back to his feet almost immediately after the explosion that resulted from the Hadou Ken and Hadou Shoryuken’s collision
-Continued fighting even after a brutal beating from M. Bison

-Realized the “monster” he was fighting in the Cave of Ancients was actually Ryu by noticing its refusal to give up
-Deduced a way to defeat a nigh-endless horde of zombies


Animated GIF
Ki Manipulation:
-Thanks to Gouken’s teachings, Ken has learned how to manipulate ki, a form of energy found in all living beings

-Is said to be more powerful than Psycho Power
-Ken’s ki in particular is indicated by an aura of lightning and violent gusts of wind
-Can use his ki to sense other people and their current situations
-In times of desperation he can absorb ki from his surroundings, allowing him to enhance his physicality
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation:
-Can discover a person’s moral alignment by sensing their ki

Ken Personality by Br3ndan5
-Is the complete opposite of Ryu, being stylish, unorthodox, and unpredictable, as well as more violent and aggressive
-Is generally kind, friendly, and easygoing
-Slightly egotistical, and will constantly remind his opponents of his greatness
-Much like Ryu, his goal is to test his strength against many different fighters and become stronger, though he restrains himself since he doesn’t want to jeopardize his family life
-Refuses to back down from a fight no matter how difficult it may seem
-Always gives his opponents the utmost respect
-Often worries about his family

As Violent Ken:

-Becomes obsessed with power
-Gains an insatiable lust for battle, and will challenge anyone he sees
-Seeks to fight Ryu so he can determine which of them is stronger
-Often screams or yells while fighting


Animated GIF
-Can be used to deflect both physical attacks and projectiles
-Each time Ken parries, he will recover faster than his attacker, meaning he can use this to turn the battle around in the event that he’s backed into a corner

Ken Hadoken by Br3ndan5
-Ken charges ki between his hands before throwing out a fireball

Ken Shakunetsu by Br3ndan5
Shakunetsu Hadoken:
-A variant of the above that’s imbued with fire and ignites the opponent upon contact

Animated Sticker
-Ken jumps into the air and delivers a rising, flame-enhanced uppercut that sends his opponent flying

-Used to defeat Vega
Street Fighter Alpha: The Animation:
-Strong enough to shatter Rosanov’s jaw
-Used to one-shot Hugo
-Strong enough to incinerate Makai’s bug monsters

Animated Sticker
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
-Ken jumps and, while in the air, rotates his leg, kicking the opponent three times
-Allows Ken to fly over projectiles without receiving any damage

-Used to send Vega crashing out of a hotel window and onto a balcony
-Decapitated a zombie

Animated GIF
Reppū Hadōshū:
-Ken performs a spinning motion, firing a Hadoken from his feet
-Can be done diagonally
-Can fire up to two at once

-Ken delivers a kick to the opponent’s head

Raikou Bataotoshi:
-Ken raises his foot and slams it against his opponent’s head
-Follow-up from Kamabaraigeri

Animated GIF
Senpu Nataotoshi:
-Ken’s V-Reversal
-Should his opponent attack him, Ken will parry the strike and counter with a flaming kick

Animated GIF
Quick Step:
-Ken’s V-Skill
-Runs toward the opponent, closing the gap in an instant
-Can cancel this into other techniques to keep his opponent on their toes

Ken Shakunetsu by Br3ndan5Animated GIFKen Flame Tatsu by Br3ndan5
Heat Rush:
-Ken’s V-Trigger 1
-Ken channels flames through his entire body for a short period of time, powering up his special attacks in the process
-While this is active, his Hadokens become Shakunetsu variants, his Shoryukens are wreathed in flame, and the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku is boosted thanks to a fire effect

-Three multi-hitting Shoryukens performed in a row
Street Fighter Alpha (Manga):
-Used to defeat Dan

-Strong enough to revert Evil Ryu to normal

Shinryuken by Br3ndan5
-Ken kneels before throwing out a spinning Shoryuken that hits multiple times and causes him to vertically ascend through the air
-Strong enough to take out 3 Shadaloo agents

-Was able to heavily injure Vega’s face
-Burned an entire horde of zombies, as well as striking them hard enough to reduce them to a mess of body parts
-Struck hard enough to briefly stagger Donovan

Shippu Jinraikyaku by Br3ndan5
Shippu Jinraikyaku:
-Ken moves forward and delivers a low roundhouse kick, two high ones, and another low one, before following up with a knee strike. He then launches into a vertical Tatsumaki Senpukyaku that carries the opponent for a split second before dropping them

-Used to knock out Zangief during their rematch
-Strong enough to send Balrog flying through the air

Guren Senpukyaku:
-Ken playfully points at the opponent with a cocky smile and proceeds to unleash a barrage of flaming Tatsumaki Senpukyaku kicks as he spins in a horizontal straight line. If it lands properly, he finishes them off with a final flaming kick

-Used to knock Balrog out of an office building from the top floor
-Used to defeat a nigh-endless swarm of zombies by burning through the surrounding forest

Guren Enjinkyaku:
-Ken begins with a jumping kick that, if successful in hitting the opponent, begins a combo where he jumps off of them with his other foot, spinning on the ground backwards before he runs back up and hits them with an upward-flying flaming Tatsumaki that ends with a final, prolonged kick that goes across the opponent’s face

Animated GIF

Hadou Shoryuken:
-Also referred to as Hadou Shoryu
-Ken focuses his ki into his fist before delivering a Shoryuken that releases a powerful beam of energy. Once the beam subsides, there is a chance the leftover energy will form a massive tornado
-Strong enough to overpower the Hadou Ken
-Used to free Ryu from his brainwashing


Violent Ken by Br3ndan5

Violent Ken:
-The result of Ken being brainwashed, either by M. Bison in the games or Lord Raptor in the UDON comics
-While in this form, his hair becomes unkempt and messy, his clothes are torn, his eyes become light purple, and his flames turn a deep purple
-Can only maintain this form for short periods of time
-Gives him access to the following moves:

Animated Sticker

Rasetsu Kyaku:
-Ken dashes forward before teleporting toward the opponent in a sudden flash

Kuzuryu Reppa GIF

Kuzuryu Reppa:
-Ken kicks the opponent multiple times (much like with Shippu Jinraikyaku) before performing a Shoryuken, then a Shoryureppa, and finishes with a Shinryuken that drags them into the air as he says the move’s name

Animated Sticker

Shinbu Messatsu:
-Ken delivers a swift combo of punches and kicks, finishing with a Shoryuken that releases a pillar of deathly energy
-Once this move is completed, he will take a few seconds to catch his breath, leaving him open to a counter attack

Ken Weaknesses by Br3ndan5

-Somewhat arrogant
-Has limits to what he can parry
-Has very few choices for long-range options
-Most of his moves can leave him open if they’re blocked or avoided
-Has been shown on numerous occasions to be vulnerable to brainwashing and mind control
-Tends to focus more on being with his family than keeping up with his training
-Violent Ken isn’t a form he can access regularly, and it can easily be dispelled through spirit-related powers

(“See? The strongest fighter always wins! As easy to understand as a flowchart!”)

One Minute Melee: Cammy vs Mileena

Two Fighters!

No Research!

Sixty Seconds!

One Minute Melee!

Shao Kahn’s Arena, Outworld


Shao Kahn’s announcement echoed throughout the arena, causing the crowd to go wild as his “daughter” danced off of the arena, a manic grin still on her face. Their excitement soon ended, however, when their leader sat up from his throne and raised a hand, causing the spectators to become silent. Whatever he was telling them seemed to be important, but by the time he spoke Mileena was already far out of earshot. As she walked back through the arena’s hallways, still reveling in her victory over her “sister,” the veiled kombatant’s ears picked up the nigh-inaudible sound of footsteps in the shadows. Unveiling her sai, she proceeded to throw one at whatever had made the sound, only for a green-and-red blur to suddenly leap out from the shadows and over the airborne blade.

“Cannon Strike!” The blur shouted in a feminine, British-accented voice as it stuck out its leg, intent on kicking Mileena in the face. Just as its foot was about to make contact, the Tarkatan hybrid managed to bring both of her arms up, blocking the attack with little effort. As her attacker kicked off and landed back on the ground, the emperor’s daughter put both arms down to get a better look at who had just attempted to hit her.

She was a blonde woman with long braided pigtails and blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a sleeveless green thong leotard, a red beret, red socks with black calf-high combat boots, and studded red gauntlets. One thing Mileena noted, aside from her opponent’s visibly muscular physique, was her legs, which seemed to have been decorated in some sort of green camouflage paint.

“Well, it looks like I’ve caught a rat trying to sneak into the arena.” Mileena said smugly. “And one from Earthrealm, too. It’s been a long time since one of you tried to invade our home.” As she said this, the pink-clad woman noticed her target attempting to escape and responded by tackling her onto the ground. Just before she could pin Cammy, the British bombshell brought her legs up, kicking her veiled opponent over her. Unfortunately, her opponent was able to reposition herself while still in midair, landing perfectly on her feet.

“I don’t have time to deal with you, so let’s make it quick.” Cammy said as she positioned herself into a fighting stance. Mileena responded by chuckling as she brought her hand up, causing her discarded sai to rematerialize itself in her grip via a puff of pink energy.

“I couldn’t agree more!” She declared, briefly fantasizing about how she’d devour this woman as she entered a stance of her own.



Mileena struck first as she rushed forward, attempting to jab at the former Doll with her left sai, but the Delta Red agent proved quicker than she’d expected, as she suddenly ducked beneath the blade when it was just inches from her face.

”Cannon Spike!” White shouted as she delivered a rising kick that sent her cat-eyed adversary into the air. Just when Mileena had reached the peak of her ascent, Cammy leapt after her and wrapped her legs around the hybrid’s neck. She then began descending onto the ground, intent on driving her opponent’s face into the dirt, but before she could do so the emperor’s daughter chucked one of her weapons as hard as she could, embedding it in the ground. As it did so, Cammy brought both legs into the ground just as a burst of pink flames briefly clouded her vision. Once it had faded, the blonde heard the sounds of rapid footsteps and turned just in time to see Mileena lunging toward her with the intent to impale her on the sai.

”Spiral Arrow!” Cammy declared as she performed her signature attack, propelling herself at high speeds while spinning like a drill. This corkscrew-like kick wound up tripping Kitana’s savage-minded clone, causing her to trip for a brief second. Just when it seemed like she was about to hit the ground, the MI6 operative suddenly backflipped, wrapping her legs around the carnivorous princess’ torso as she did so. With Mileena secured, she then began rotating her body twice before releasing her grip and slamming both feet onto the pink-clad kombatant’s back, embedding her into the ground. Quickly backflipping off of her opponent’s body, Cammy watched as the  ninja suddenly teleported once again.

Now knowing what to expect this time, the Delta Red agent listened out for a sign of Mileena’s teleporting. Upon hearing something, she turned toward its direction and raised her fists as defense, allowing her to block an oncoming sai strike with little difficulty at all. Unperturbed by this, Shao Kahn’s spawn teleported once again, this time from behind. Cammy attempted to turn and attack, but Mileena was quicker on the draw as she drove her sai into the Brit’s side. A cry emerged from Cammy’s throat, but it soon turned to anger as she threw out a right hook. Unfortunately, her attack would hit thin air as Mileena teleported once again.

Before Cammy could locate where Mileena would strike next, the Tarkatan hybrid suddenly reappeared in front of her and jammed her blade into her stomach. A sharp pain flared through Cammy’s mind as she felt the blade dig into her large intestine. She attempted to push through it, but this proved difficult as Mileena drove her sai into the other side of her stomach. Three blows slammed into her torso, each one sending the Brit staggering back and causing her to cough up blood. A rising knee strike then struck her in the chin, sending both women through the air. While they were in the midst of ascending, Mileena decided to take a page out of her opponent’s book and wrapped her legs around her neck. Then, as they reached the height of their ascension, the ninja somersaulted through the air and slammed Cammy into the ground!

An audible CRACK rang out as Cammy’s face hit the dirt, causing blood to begin leaking down her forehead. As Mileena released her grip, Cammy grit her teeth in irritation before throwing out a sweep kick, intent on regaining the edge she’d originally had. Unfortunately, it seemed the Edenian had other ideas, as she suddenly vanished into pink flames, causing Cammy’s attack to whiff.

Realizing this, the Killer Bee pushed herself back up, but before she could put her guard up-


A boot suddenly slammed into her face, causing her head to snap back. Immediately after this, another kick nailed her in the atlas, causing her to stagger. Before Cammy even had the chance to regain her bearings, Mileena struck her in the chest with a third kick, reversing her momentum and sending her skidding back. With her opponent now disoriented, Mileena lunged forward and swung her sai, intent on stabbing them into Cammy’s ears. Unfortunately, it seemed that she had severely misjudged Cammy’s reaction time.

Just when it seemed that the blades’ tips were about to pierce her eardrums, Cammy suddenly brought her hands up and grabbed hold of Mileena’s wrists. The sai were stopped inches from their targets, and while Cammy was relieved that she had acted in time, this wouldn’t be enough. Mileena’s eyes flared in rage, and in tandem with this anger, a burst of strength seemed to flow through her. Despite this, it seemed that her anger was only rivaled by Cammy’s stubbornness, as the Brit pushed back with equal force. While doing so, she furthered her vice-like grip on the Mileena’s wrists, slowly applying pressure until-


The hybrid let out a pained cry as Cammy effortlessly snapped her wrists in two. Before she could do anything further, Cammy delivered a hard punch to her stomach, firing off a concussive blast from her bracers that caused the veiled princess to lurch over. Taking advantage of her opponent’s dazed state, the blonde pulled out some garrote wire and flipped over Mileena, wrapping the wire around her neck as she did so. The moment her feet hit the ground, Cammy bent over and began tugging, forcing her target’s spine to bend at an uncomfortable angle as the wire dug into her neck, causing a thin line of red to begin leaking out. With each second, the Killer Bee tugged the garrote harder, eliciting more choked gasps from her captive as it dug further into her skin. As her vision began to grow black, Mileena grew more desperate to stay conscious, and with this desperation came some sort of transformation. Red markings began to cover her arms, while her skin grew paler as each one appeared.

Having tapped into her Ethereal fighting style, the cannibalistic ninja wasted no time in teleporting out of her restraints, causing Cammy to briefly stumble as she found herself tugging at thin air. She looked back for a brief moment, and upon finding that Mileena was no longer there, attempted to put her guard back up. Unfortunately, she was too slow as her adversary suddenly barreled toward her, curled up into the shape of a ball. As the former Doll fell onto her back, Mileena suddenly uncurled herself and lunged forward, preparing to drive her sai into her opponent’s back. To an outsider, it would have seemed like this was the end for the Killer Bee.

The keyword being seemed.

With only milliseconds to react, Cammy placed both hands against the ground and pushed herself up, backflipping through the air and toward Mileena, much to the hybrid’s surprise. Before she could react, the Delta Red agent wrapped her legs around the princess’ neck, spun through the air twice, and quickly slammed her captive into the ground! Upon impact, the cannibal bounced through the air, but just before she could start descending, Cammy slammed into her with a kick to the jaw. The moment it connected, Mileena was launched through the air, and Cammy responded by leaping after her.

“Operation start!” She declared. Then, much like a certain cybernetic ninja from Capcom, she began striking the emperor’s daughter with a series of aerial kicks from every possible angle. In fact, she was moving so quickly that Mileena couldn’t even keep track of her. The only thing she realized was that with each kick, Cammy was carrying her higher through the air.

”Acceleration!” As soon as the word escaped her lips, Delta Red’s hand-to-hand expert launched herself at Mileena, ramming into her back at full speed and crushing the ninja’s spine. Cammy then began spinning herself through the air like a drill, propelling both of them forward until they slammed into a nearby wall.

“You’re finished!” The Killer Bee declared as Mileena screamed in a combination of rage and pain. The speed and agony was getting to be too much for the cat-eyed woman to handle, and it was only increasing with each second until finally…


Cammy had drilled straight through her body, causing Mileena’s scream to hit its peak before abruptly dying as the Brit’s feet exited out her back and made contact with the stone wall behind her. Still not finished, the Delta Red agent proceeded to perform a split, severing the two halves of her adversary.


The now-bifurcated kombatant hit the ground, both parts landing with a disgusting SPLAT! Cammy landed almost immediately afterwards, her catlike grace greatly contrasting with both her bloodsoaked appearance and the messy landing of her former opponent. After taking a brief moment to look back at Mileena’s bloodied halves, Cammy clutched at her wound, cringing as she felt blood ooze through her outfit. As she fought back the urge to cry out in pain, she brought her communications device to her ear.

”This is Cammy White, requesting the current location of Shao Kahn.”

”Oh, about that, there’s a slight change of plans, Cammy.” Keith responded.

”This far into the operation?”

”Yeah, it turns out there’s some green-haired guy in a yellow hood already trying to fight him. We couldn’t find any records on him, and Interpol didn’t have anything on him either. Try to lay low until their fight blows over, then apprehend them while they’re distracted.” He advised.

”Got it.” She responded before hanging up. As she did so, she couldn’t help but wonder who this “green-haired guy in a yellow hood” was. It didn’t match any of the records she’d read up on during her mission briefing, and that description didn’t match anyone she was aware of.

As these thoughts echoed through her mind, Cammy began stealthily making her way toward the colosseum, unaware of the carnage that had already taken place there while she’d fought Mileena.

This Melee’s winner is…

Cammy Udon Art by Br3ndan5

Cammy White!

Death Battle: Jonathan Joestar vs Dudley

Jonathan Joestar vs Dudley Interlude by Br3ndan5

Note: Due to new feats, upgrades, or downgrades that have come out since then, the verdict for this fight is outdated

Prelude here: https://brendansversus.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/prelude-jonathan-joestar-vs-dudley/

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!

The man’s eyes suddenly snapped open as he took a deep breath. After a few more breaths, he began looking around, not recognizing his current whereabouts. From the looks of things, he was in a forest of some sort, and if the water-soaked leaves and slick mud were any indication, it had only just stopped raining.
‘How did I get here?’ He questioned internally while attempting to remember the last thing that had happened before he came to. He remembered making his decision to remain on a burning ship, bleeding out of his neck as he held Dio’s head in his grasp, but that didn’t explain how-
The gentleman cut his thought process off as he placed his hand to his neck, expecting to feel the fatal wounds he had sustained. Instead, he was shocked to find that there was nothing there, almost like they had never existed to begin with. Then he looked down and was surprised to find that his clothing had apparently been changed as well.

Rather than the collared white shirt, cravat, and straps he had worn when he “died,” he was now wearing an outfit similar to the one he had worn while fighting Dio in the castle. Looking to his right, he noticed a familiar-looking sword laying next to him. As he picked it up to inspect it, he found that it was Luck and Pluck, the broadsword given to him by the zombified knight Bruford. Sheathing it to his back, the man noticed a pathway covered in stones and brightly-colored leaves. Hoping he could get some answers, Jonathan Joestar began walking down the path.

As he traveled through the forest, JoJo’s Ripple-enhanced senses alerted him to the sounds of someone else approaching his current location. Upon drawing closer to the source, he found a well-built, blue-eyed man also in the midst of traveling down the pathway.
The man’s hair had been put into a combover of sorts, with a handlebar mustache just above his lips. He wore a pair of green dinner suit trousers with matching suspenders and cummerbund. Underneath the suspenders was a white dress shirt that was frilled at the placket, with a green bow tie around the collar. His hands were obscured by a pair of blue boxing gloves, while his feet had been covered by a pair of black dress shoes. And from the looks of things, he was not in the best mood.
“Excuse me, sir…” Jonathan began. “Do you require any help? You appear to be troubled.” The boxer turned to face the man who had spoken to him, and was somewhat surprised by what he saw. In front of him was a large, muscular man wearing a purple tanktop with capped sleeves, gray pants held up by a red belt, and a pair of brown boots.
While he found this man’s fashion sense rather… odd, to say the least, Dudley chose to speak politely to this new arrival.
“Oh! Sorry, lad. I didn’t notice you were there. And as a matter of fact, I believe I might. You see, I had entered an international fighting tournament some time ago, but my opponent has not yet shown himself. I was just about to leave the area, but I feel it would be a waste of time if I didn’t at least have a sparring match to practice for the later matches. I apologize if I’m interrupting any business you need to attend to, but would you be willing to accept my request for a small bout of, say… three rounds?”
“Very well. I accept your challenge, but if you don’t mind my asking, sir, what is your name?” JoJo inquired.
“Dudley.” The boxer responded.
“Then may the best gentleman win, Sir Dudley.” Jonathan said politely as they both entered their respective boxing stances.
Db Fight! by Br3ndan5
Almost immediately, the two Englishmen rushed toward each other, with Jonathan being first to strike as he threw a jab at Dudley. As the fist flew toward him, the boxer noted the length of his opponent’s arms before effortlessly sidestepping the oncoming punch and retaliating with one of his own, hitting JoJo in the side. He then followed up with a Machinegun Blow, rapidly delivering three punches to the abdomen before finishing with an uppercut that sent the Ripple user stumbling back. Despite this, the blue-haired nobleman quickly shook it off and went back in, focusing Hamon through his fists. The sight of the golden energy caught Dudley off guard, but he was quickly brought back to reality upon hearing the Joestar shout “OVERDRIVE!” at the top of his lungs.
Before he even had the chance to put up his fists, Dudley was suddenly assaulted as each of the golden fists barreled into him with the force of a speeding car. After ten blows, Jonathan finished with a powerful uppercut that sent the mustached Englishman flying through the air before unceremoniously crashing onto the dirt with a loud THUD!
Ignoring the stinging pain coursing through his jaw, the blue-gloved boxer immediately got back to his feet. After wiping off some blood trickling from his lip, he punched his gloves together and drew back before just as quickly stepping forward. As he drew closer, Dudley delivered an uppercut aimed at his opponent’s abdomen, followed up with a left hook, then finished up with a straight right. To his surprise, the Joestar didn’t seem to register any pain, instead charging Ripple through his fists as he retaliated with a surprisingly quick flurry of punches. This time, however, Dudley was able to react in time, swiftly ducking underneath each one before countering with a sudden uppercut. Unlike before, this one actually managed to stagger the purple-clad gentleman, if only for a brief moment. Not wasting a moment to let him recover, England’s boxing champion delivered another uppercut, shouting “JET UPPER!” as he sent both himself and his adversary flying through the air for a brief moment. As they reached their peak, Dudley dove back down fist-first, taking the vampire slayer with him and slamming him into the ground.
[pause music]
“It would appear that I’ve won this round. Wouldn’t you agree, Sir Jonathan?” The mustached gentleman questioned his opponent, who let out a muffled groan of pain as he dug his fingers into the dirt. In less than a second, Jonathan had managed to push himself back up.
“That does seems rather fair.” Zeppeli’s student admitted as he took a moment to feel his now-bloodied lip. Quickly putting it aside, Jonathan reentered his boxing stance. “But we still have two rounds left.” He pointed out before going back in.
[continue music]
As he drew closer, the Hamon user attempted to deliver a left hook, but Dudley saw the move coming and reacted quickly as he put his gloved fist up, blocking it. Unperturbed, the blue-haired Brit threw out several more punches, with his opponent gracefully evading each one. As he was in the middle of avoiding the rapid series of blows, the British boxer began searching for a good spot to counterattack, but no matter what spot he looked at, he just couldn’t seem to find a good opening. Unless…
To Jonathan’s surprise, just as he was about to throw another right hook, his opponent dropped both fists and stuck his chin out.
“Go on, then.” Dudley offered, practically egging him on to get a free shot, but JoJo proved smarter than he thought. Rather than aim for his face, as the green-clad Englishman had expected, the Joestar instead sent his fist barreling into the stomach, catching him off guard and knocking the wind out of him in the process. Before the classy boxer could attempt to regain his composure, he was suddenly hit by four more punches to the face. As he staggered back from the pain, the mustached nobleman left himself open to a powerful uppercut that momentarily sent him into the air. Once that brief moment was over, however, he unceremoniously crashed back down to earth. Getting back up almost immediately, the green-clad gentleman was surprised to see what Jonathan did next.
“ZOOM PUNCH!” The Ripple master screamed out as he threw his arm forward, causing it to extend outward. Surprisingly, though, Dudley’s reaction was not one of amazement or worry. Instead, his expression was that of a light grin as he saw the opening he needed.
“Keep it classy!” He told himself before running toward his fellow Englishman, keeping himself low to avoid the extending arm. As he drew closer, the classy combatant delivered a left hook to Jonathan’s face, followed by a right hook. This pattern repeated until he had delivered five punches. Then, with a shout of “Rolling Thunder,” he continued the pattern with a series of harder punches. After six more blows, the boxer finished with an uppercut that sent Zeppeli’s student soaring into the air before he suddenly came crashing down.
[stop music]
As he watched the blue-haired gentleman slowly get back to his feet, Dudley couldn’t help but draw his eyes to the blade currently sheathed behind his back.
“Tell me, lad, why haven’t you drawn your blade?” England’s top boxer questioned, much to Jonathan’s confusion.
“I was under the assumption our fight would be a simple boxing match. Would you rather I drew my blade?” He offered.
“I wouldn’t mind. It would certainly make this bout a bit more lively.”
“Then if that is the case, I will gladly oblige.” Zeppeli’s student responded as he unsheathed Luck and Pluck. As he laid his eyes upon it, the mustached boxer couldn’t help but be in awe the sword’s structure.
“What remarkable craftsmanship. It almost looks as though it would belong in a museum.” Dudley complimented as he viewed it before slowly shifting back into his boxing stance. “But while I could go on about how extravagant it looks, I’m more curious as to how skilled you are in wielding it.” Seeing his opponent’s stance, Jonathan responded by readying his sword.
After one moment of silence as the two gentlemen looked each other in the eye, round two continued as the blue-haired swordsman rushed forward and delivered a precise slash, but his opponent proved quick to react as he jumped out of its reach… for the most part.
While the boxer had managed to avoid a decent-sized cut on his body, the same could not be said for his clothing as Luck and Pluck sliced through his suspenders and shirt, exposing some of the Englishman’s bronze skin. Dudley paid these cosmetic wounds no mind, instead choosing to focus on the battle at hand as he prepared to deliver another Machinegun Blow. Just as the punches were about to connect, he became surprised as Jonathan effortlessly defended against each one by blocking them with his blade. As the punches stopped, JoJo took action almost immediately by smacking the sword’s hilt against his opponent’s chest, causing the mustached Brit to stumble back. Before he could recover, the gentleman felt himself assaulted by a slash that tore through his shirt, leaving a slight cut.
With the pain giving him time to concentrate, Dudley managed to get his head back in the game as he swerved left and right, avoiding several carefully-aimed strikes from Jonathan. While he was able to dodge most of them, there were still several slashes that hit their mark, tearing through his clothes and leaving minor cuts. After roughly three more seconds of this, the Hamon wielder swung his blade in an arc, delivering a final slash. This last swing tore through Dudley’s flesh, eliciting a cry of pain from the bronze-skinned Brit as a bloody gash opened up on his shoulder. Upon seeing the injury he had caused and hearing his opponent’s scream, the purple-clad swordsman stopped swinging as his eyes widened in surprise.
[pause music]
“Sir Dudley! Are you feeling alright? Did my blade cut too deep?” The Joestar asked, his voice full of concern.
“There’s no need to worry, Jonathan. If anything, these cuts are nothing more than minor flesh wounds.” Upon hearing this, the Ripple wielder became visibly relieved. “There is something that is bothering me, though. On one hand, your swordsmanship is like nothing I’ve seen before. The strength and fluidity between each slash is astounding, but at the same time I can’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. If you wouldn’t mind, I would much prefer if you went all out rather than continue holding back.”
“But Sir Dudley, if I were to swing in that manner you could be gravely wounded.” The nobleman pointed out.
“It would be quite alright. I will have my butler Mr. Gotch fetch me posthaste should you end up striking too hard.”
“Er… very well, then.” Jonathan accepted reluctantly. “Shall we continue?”
“But of course. Now let’s move on to round three.” England’s top boxer responded as he ran toward JoJo. Upon drawing closer, he delivered a jab to the chest, but the vampire slayer quickly sidestepped the attack and began a counter.
[continue music]
“Metal Silver Overdrive!” He exhaled as Hamon flowed through Luck and Pluck, increasing the blade’s temperature and replacing its silver shade of steel with a fiery orange. Ripple sparked along the broadsword as Jonathan swung at lightning fast speeds, earning a grunt of pain from Dudley as the sword drew blood from his side. As he prepared to deliver another slash, Zeppeli’s protege was surprised to see his opponent effortlessly dodge it by hopping out of its range. While JoJo was still left open, Dudley delivered a Short Swing Blow, striking his abdomen with enough force that the vampire slayer lurched over.
Not wasting any time, England’s top boxer delivered two Jet Uppers that sent the Ripple user further into the air. Just as the Joestar was about to crash onto the ground, Dudley delivered another uppercut as he began spinning through the air, producing a miniature tornado that sent JoJo flying dangerously high into the air while also causing his grip on his sword to loosen.

As he started descending back onto the ground, the blue-haired nobleman managed to reposition himself in midair so that he would land on his feet. Upon hitting the ground, he looked down at his hand and found that Luck and Pluck was no longer in his grasp. After getting up and looking around, he noticed that it had become embedded in a tree. The thought of retrieving it briefly crossed his mind, but any plan to do so was interrupted as he noticed Dudley rushing toward him. As the bronze-skinned Englishman was drawing closer, Jonathan noticed some of the leaves rustling around him and got an idea.

As his hand began sparking with Ripple, the Joestar slammed his fist against the ground, letting out a shout of “LIFE MAGNETISM OVERDRIVE!”
Once those words had left his mouth, all of the rain-soaked leaves surrounding the two gentlemen began to fly toward the nobleman’s location, forming into some sort of massive, leaf-shaped barrier. While Dudley found this to be a bit odd, he continued forward, believing it to be nothing more than a minor nuisance. He was soon proven wrong, however, when he heard his adversary shout the name of another technique.
“TURQUOISE BLUE OVERDRIVE!” JoJo screamed as he drove his fist into the makeshift barrier, releasing enough Ripple that the water covering his barricade suddenly shot out, each drop rocketing toward Dudley at supersonic speeds. In response, the boxer put up both arms defensively, managing to successfully block the bullet-like rain, though at a cost. While he was managing to protect himself from them, each drop of water was slowly pushing him further back, only stopping once he was halfway across the battlefield. As he put his fists down, the mustached gentleman heard his opponent call out another technique’s name.
“Sendo Hamon Overdrive!” The Hamon wielder cried out as he unleashed all of the energy from his hand into the leaf barrier, causing it to burst open and send thousands of leaves flying toward Dudley. The boxer once again raised both of his arms, just in time for the leaves to… harmlessly blow past him?
[stop music]
Confusion made its way to the Englishman’s face as he watched the supposedly solar-charged leaves scatter randomly through the wind. Out of curiosity, he grabbed at the nearest one, expecting that he’d feel the slight sting he had when last struck by that gold energy, but to his surprise there was nothing. It was just an ordinary leaf! Had Jonathan’s strategy failed him at the last second, or could it have been someth-
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone shooting forward like a rocket, their footsteps slamming against the ground with the force of a sledgehammer. As he looked toward the source of this interruption, Dudley was surprised to see that the one responsible was Jonathan, his legs and left fist glowing bright gold. In fact, each step the vampire slayer took led to him drawing more Ripple into his fist, causing it to grow in temperature until it had somehow caught on fire!
“SCARLET OVERDRIVE!” JoJo shouted as he threw his fist forward, delivering a flame-charged uppercut that nailed the boxer in the chin. As the green-clad Englishman was sent skidding back, the Ripple master unloaded a swift combo of Hamon-infused punches, shouting out “OVERDRIVE BARRAGE!” But even this wasn’t the end of it, as the Joestar suddenly threw out a Zoom Punch, slamming into Dudley’s chest and sending the mustached gentleman flying toward the edge of the clearing. Despite hitting the ground back-first, the boxer almost immediately got back to his feet and rushed back in. Upon closing the distance, the bronze-skinned Brit delivered a Short Swing Blow that sent Zeppeli’s pupil skidding back a bit.
“Try to counter this!” Dudley taunted before throwing out a straight punch, generating a powerful cyclone that launched Jonathan across the clearing. Before the blue-haired gentleman could recover, his mustached rival rushed forward, declaring “CORKSCREW CROSS!” as he delivered a cross punch to the chest. “The end!” He declared as JoJo was launched out of the cyclone and sent flying into a tree, hitting it with enough force that it split in two.
Letting out a grunt as he hit the ground, Jonathan began breathing heavily as he found himself on one knee. There was an intense pain in his back, no doubt caused by slamming into that tree, but it wouldn’t be enough to deter him. He had fought in worse conditions than this! As he began getting back to his feet, Jonathan’s breathing became deeper, and each breath he took seemed to cause his body to spark as Hamon began coursing through him. 
While the transformation started off slow and subtly, with the only sign being the occasional spark of gold flying from his body, it was beginning to grow in size and intensity with each breath he took. In the span of four breaths, the sparks had changed form, becoming a golden aura that coated the nobleman’s entire body. This aura radiated with both heat and power, and it only grew with each passing second. It was almost as if the blue-haired nobleman had turned himself into a living star!
Despite the distance between them, Dudley could feel the blazing heat flowing from the vampire slayer’s body. It was enough that his body was beginning to become damp with sweat, his vision was starting to grow black, and his head was throbbing. Just what was this golden energy Jonathan had coated himself in, and how was it giving off such heat?

Before the boxer could recover from his disorientation, Jonathan charged forward, his Ripple-enhanced body giving off shining in a golden light comparable to the Sun itself.
His scream echoed throughout the forest, the muscles in his leg carrying him forward as he prepared his ultimate attack.
The Hamon user reeled his fist back as he drew closer to the still-frozen Dudley, who was only just now managing to recover from the overwhelming heat. Realizing his opponent was rapidly closing in on him, the boxer raised his fists in an attempt to block the oncoming strike, but it was too late. Jonathan threw his fist forward as he shouted the name of his ultimate technique.
Animated GIF
And with that, the purple-clad nobleman threw out one glowing, golden punch after another, reaching speeds Dudley couldn’t even react to. Each blow struck with the power of the Sun itself, relentlessly pummeling the mustached Englishman with his attacker showing no restraint. After a total of forty-five punches, the Joestar threw his fist forward, ending the Sunlight Yellow Overdrive with a powerful uppercut that sent his opponent flying through the air. After what seemed like an eternity of being airborne, the boxer finally collapsed onto the ground.
[stop music]
By some miracle, he was still conscious in spite of the Hamon-charged beating he had just received. As he coughed up some blood, Dudley looked up to see Jonathan sticking his hand out to help him up. Taking it, the green-clad Brit got back to his feet. While doing so, he began to feel something coursing through his body, revitalizing him in the process. Upon looking down, he was surprised to see that the source of this miraculous healing was the same golden energy from before.
“Hm. What sort of energy is that, lad?” Dudley asked as the Ripple began to fade.
“This is Hamon. I can produce it as long as I maintain proper breathing.” JoJo explained.
“Fascinating. Perhaps you can explain it to me in further detail while we leave this place?”
“Of course. I’d be happy to.” The blue-haired gentleman replied, only to remember he still needed to retrieve Luck and Pluck. Within the span of a few seconds, the Joestar had walked over to the tree his sword had been embedded in, casually ripped it free, and then sheathed it onto his back. Once it had been secured, he and Dudley began making their way out of the forest, discussing the art of Ripple along the way.

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5

And the duel between gentlemen draws to a close! Now, onto the verdict!
Physicality between the two of them was a bit hard to figure out. In terms of strength, Dudley has shown the ability to damage Ryu, who endured being smashed through multiple houses and shrugged off being crushed by the 440 lb Hugo. On the other hand, Jonathan has been able to stop Bruford’s sword with his foot without flinching and could overpower Tarkus, a zombie who could break boulders with a finger and casually destroy cliffs. It’s a bit close, but in the end I’d say Jonathan has the edge in strength.
Both are roughly equal in speed, having both moved fast enough to generate afterimages and move at supersonic speeds (Jonathan via reacting to Dio’s Space Ripper Stingy Eyes and Dudley via fighting on par with Ryu). Durability, however, is pretty clear cut. Dudley’s ability to take hits from Ryu, shrug off a car crash without injury, and ignore the pain of a broken arm are certainly impressive, but it pales in comparison to Jonathan, who can keep fighting while powering through injuries such as buzzsaws digging into his arms, being set on fire after his arms were crushed to dust, getting his neck broken, and having two massive holes bored through his throat.
Intelligence would also be in Jonathan’s favor, albeit slightly. While Dudley’s ability to figure out an opponent’s range and the length of their limbs would allow him to keep Jonathan at a disadvantage, JoJo’s tenacity, strategic mindset, and resourcefulness would allow him to find ways to counter this. Experience is a bit harder to determine, as the amount of time Dudley’s been fighting is unknown, but it should be at least several years long. In comparison, Jonathan, while younger and having died an early death, has also fought opponents within a similar time span, though in the end experience would probably go to Dudley since he’s been shown to participate in numerous boxing matches and fighting tournaments.
Now, let’s take a look at their arsenals, or rather let’s take a look at Jonathan’s arsenal since Dudley only has his fists. While he hasn’t shown much skill in using it, Jonathan’s sword, Luck and Pluck, granted him an edge in close-quarters due to its strength, which could only be furthered by its conductivity with Ripple. Speaking of which, let’s move on to one of the main things that gave JoJo the win: his Hamon. With this, he could not only enhance his physicality, but also strengthen his weapons, strike from afar with techniques like the Zoom Punch and Turquoise Blue Overdrive, and heal off any damage Dudley could dish out.
Dudley may have had the skill, but JoJo had the Overdrive to win.
The winner is Jonathan Joestar.
WinnerJonathan by Br3ndan5
Jonathan Joestar (Winner)
+ Stronger
+ More durable
+ Better pain tolerance
+ Hamon grants him better versatility and a healing factor
+ Luck and Pluck grants him an advantage in close-quarters
+ Slightly more intelligent due to his tenacity, resourcefulness, and strategic mind
= Roughly equal in speed
– Inferior boxing skill
– Less experienced
Dudley (Loser)
+ More skilled boxer
+ More experienced
+ Larger moveset
= Roughly equal in speed
– Weaker
– Less durable
– Less versatile
– Slightly less intelligent

Prelude: Jonathan Joestar vs Dudley

Throughout the previous episodes of Death Battle, we have seen many different types of fighters. Seductive, leather-clad femme fatales, mentally-questionable billionaires who prefer their gadgets to fists, martial arts-obsessed schoolgirls, but there’s one type of combatant we have yet to see: the gentleman, a dignified, well-mannered individual who will treat you with respect even after beating the snot out of you. And today the ring of DEATH BATTLE is graced with the presence of two such men!
Jonathan Joestar, progenitor of the Joestar bloodline.
And Dudley, England’s number one boxer.
I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to MrNate2015 for suggesting this fight, allcreation104 for the Jonathan bio, and Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza for the Dudley bio.

JonathanP2 by allcreation104
Name: Jonathan Joestar
Age: 20
Height: 6’5
Weight: 105 kg (231.4 lbs)
First Appearance: Jojo Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood

-Defended Erina, a girl he didn’t know at that time, against some bullies
-Is the first and only person to make Dio Brando cry like a baby
-Studied the Stone Mask
-Discovered the letters from Dio’s father and figured out that Dio was the one poisoning his father
– raveled to Ogre Street, one of the most dangerous streets in London, fighting off thugs and earning the respect of Speedwagon
-Managed to bring down the newly vampirized Dio Brando while inside their burning mansion
-Was trained by William Anthonio Zepelli in the art of Hamon
-Defeated a zombified Jack the Ripper while not spilling a drop of wine
-Defeated the zombie knight Blueford, earning his respect and sword
-After William Anthonio Zepelli sacrificed his life and Hamon to save Jonathan, he gained enough power to defeat Tarkus
-Manage to defeat Dio, and then cried over his (supposed) death, despite Dio’s attempts to ruin his life (to put it shortly)
-Sacrificed his life to bring Dio down with him as the ship they were in was burning down

every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
-Kept going after being tackled by three football players
-It takes four men dogpiled on him to make him start wavering
-Picks up and pushes Dio through a railing
-Cut a zombie’s head off with a spear
-Tackled Dio through a brick wall
-Stabbed a spearhead into the wall to stop himself from falling
-Kicked a zombie’s head clean off
-Blocked a sword strike from Blueford with his foot
-Slams Tarkus into the roof with the chain pulley
-Throws an anvil
-Rips apart a metal collar that even Tarkus couldn’t break
    -Tarkus could lift and break a boulder with one finger
every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
-Caught a football out of the air
-Caught a knife with his bare hands
-Threatened to hit a guy in the groin like a sledgehammer the instant he pulled his knife away
-Knocked out the knife-wielding guy and a guy attacking from the air
-Launched a knife with a kick
-Vaulted up a balcony while a spearhead was embedded in his shoulder
-Pulled out the spearhead and used it to block an attack from Dio
-Flipped up onto and launched off the spearhead embedded in the wall
-Undid his belt and used it as a whip to stop himself from falling
-Leapt off a sword
-Kicked off the wall while falling
-While being attacked, caught a glass of wine without spilling a single drop
-Landed on his feet from a long fall
-Dodged a surprise strike from Blueford
-Punched hair rapidly
-Ripped out of restraints, blocked a sword strike with a kick, and sent Hamon coursing through it
-Can create afterimages by punching rapidly
-Caught and blocked chain attacks from Tarkus
-Caught a tongue attack from Mr. Adams
-Headbutted Dire when he tries to attack him
-Caught attacks from Doobie
-Shielded Erina from an explosion while literally unable to breathe and with holes through his throat
-While being choked by Dio’s blood vessels, pulled shrapnel out of his back and stabbed Dio

Jonathan vs Ogre Street Gang dubbed version by allcreation104
-Didn’t flinch after being punched in the face
-Unperturbed by a buzzsaw hat cutting into his arms
-Got a spearhead embedded into his shoulder and spent most of the fight using it in creative ways
-Refused to let go of Dio even after his arms had been crushed to dust and he had been set on fire
-Survived a mansion exploding
-Endured being squeezed and drained by hair that can crush tree branches
-Got choked and smashed into the ceiling by a chain
-Still alive after having his neck broken
-Punched his fist through fire without any issue
-Could still stand and act despite having holes through his throat and being unable to breathe


Tenacity and Bravery:
-Makes him incredibly hard to put down
-Allowed Jonathan the strength he needed to make Dio Brando cry like a baby
-Managed to bring down a vampirized Dio Brando
-Impressed Speedwagon 
-And always remember: The more you beat him, the tougher he gets

every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
While not known for his cleverness or creativity like his descendants, Jonathan has come up with some clever tricks more than once
Hid behind a curtain to surprise Dio with fire
Waited to make the fire as hot as possible so it could burn Dio faster than he can regenerate
Swam deeper underwater and got air from a sunken mine to avoid swimming into Blueford’s trap
-Channeled Hamon through Blueford’s sword while blocking it with his foot
Threw roses at Dio to distract him
Cut through Dio so that the end of the sword is in a brazier
-Punched his fist through fire to counter Dio flash-freezing it
This complicated series of events to cause the boat to explode
every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104


Fighting Style and Skill:
-Skilled Boxer and Rugby Player
-Dio admits that Jonathan is a good boxer
-Managed to best Dio in their second fight in their youths, making him cry like a baby in the process
-Fought off thugs in Ogre Street
-Defeated a zombified Jack the Ripper while not spilling a drop of wine
-Defeated both Blueford and Tarkus
Weapons and Equipment:
Jonathan joestar all star battle taunt by allcreation104


Luck and Pluck:
-A sword that originally belonged to the knight Blueford, who passed it down to Jonathan
-Hasn’t really shown much skill using it
-Sharp enough to cut through solid stone and Dio
-Can channel Hamon through the blade
Powers and Abilities:
2chw2ep7k2x7pqyodzrzroswta62xyl7 Hq by allcreation104


Also known as Hamon and Sendo
-An ancient martial art/ability used to battle zombies, vampires, and the Pillar Men
-Achieved via intense breathing training and empowering the body with ‘ripples’ of solar energy
-A flexible and versatile combat style
-Ripple works best with metal and water, with earth and fire being gray lines
-A living material can hold the ‘ripples’ for an extended period of time, but a nonliving matter like metal does not
-A constant connection must be maintained for Ripple to go through
JoJo s Bizarre Adventure Part 1 Hamon Compilation by allcreation104
-Healed his shattered arm to the point where he can even lift a rock
-Caused flowers to blossom on a tree
-Flowers bloom around Blueford as his body is ravaged by Hamon
-Fixed Jonathan’s broken neck
-His expert blood and breathing control allows him to squeeze out poison and vampiric essence
Hamon Waves by allcreation104


-Can walk on water
-Can use the vibrations of a wine glass to detect an enemy’s location

Made a hang glider out of leaves
In Zepelli’s dying moments, he transferred his Hamon and strength into Jonathan, healing Jojo and substantially increasing his physicals
-Can hold his breath for a long time
-Requires a single breath to be recharged
-When he’s unable to make Hamon, he still has a little bit stored in his body
72bb47808ec755767b0e50e3668bc6c9 by allcreation104


Zoom Punch:
Jonathan stretches the joints in his arm via Hamon in order to extend his reach launching his fist forward and strike his opponent
-This move dislocates the arm, but Hamon dulls the pain of using it
Mdjmbt2 By Madnessabe-d8u0ey9 by allcreation104


Sendo Hamon Overdrive:
Hamon releases from Jonathan’s arm and into whatever he releases it into
It can be used as both a direct and indirect attack, as it has gone from simply transferring into another living being and traveling from walls and mountainsides to release from a specific point
-Sent Hamon through a stone wall killed a zombie hiding behind it
Underwater Turqoiuse Blue Overdrive:
-Jonathan releases a tempest that propels enemies and water away from him
-In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, draining something like a lake to waist-high depth
-This technique was only used and is likely only to be used under or with water
Jojo4 by allcreation104

Overdrive Barrage:
When Jonathan jabs fast enough consecutively, he can release multiple Overdrives at once
Image By Manalmostwithoutfear-d9hwws2 by allcreation104
Metal Silver Overdrive:
-Jonathan sends a Ripple that transfers through types of metal
-Channeled Hamon through his foot to Blueford’s sword destroying his arm in the process

Life Magnetism Overdrive:
-With the aid of Zeppeli, Jonathan can draw all the leaves in the immediate area and magnetize them together to form one giant leaf, which was used as an impromptu hang glider
-This move can be applied to most plants, and has the ability to revive them passively as well
    -This can be seen when Jonathan touched a dead tree branch with his newly Ripple-healed arm and restored its wilted flowers

Scarlet Overdrive:
-Jonathan creates a ripple of flame onto a select part of his body
-Can transfer onto other objects, which can also catch on fire
-Hot enough to melt Dio’s Vaporization Freezing

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive:
-JoJo’s signature and most powerful attack
-Jonathan unleashes a powerful flurry of Hamon-filled punches, attacking fast enough to create afterimages with his fists
-Its power is comparable to the sun itself and has the ability to completely obliterate the undead
-Used this move to destroy Blueford and Tarkus
9055dc030825c51bed07b7c1103bbd6f2fb359bb 00 by allcreation104
-Somewhat naive
-Hamon is more effective against vampires, the undead, and the Pillar Men than living beings
-He must maintain a proper breathing rhythm in order to use Hamon
-His breathing can be interrupted by outside forces and stop the flow of Hamon

(Dio: Your Hamon training avails you nothing. It’s USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, UUUSSSEELLLESSS!! A MERE MONKEY COULD NEVER DEFEAT A LION!!! In comparison to my power, you are but a MERE MONKEY, JOJO!
Jonathan: “You’re wrong! With true conviction, the human race can overcome anything! Let me demonstrate to just what heights a human being can rise!”)


2175289-dudley by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Sir Dudley
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 222 1/2 lbs
First Appearance: Street Fighter III: New Generation
-One of the fanciest boxers you’ll ever meet in fiction
-Was initially born into a rich family under his father, a previously successful athlete
-Regained his father’s entire fortune by becoming a professional boxer
-Is a British boxing champion
-Can properly hold a cup of tea while wearing Boxing Gloves
-Competed in the S.I.N tournament for the purposes of finding new flowers for his garden
-Impressed Gill with his ability to fight, finally retrieving his father’s precious car
-Was knighted
-Travels the world, becoming stronger by fighting
-Fought evenly with Ryu before being defeated
-Rival to Balrog
Dudley10 by DoctorMooDB
-Regularly beat down other boxers and thugs
-Can beat down Balrog
-Can destroy a car with several punches
-Can break barrels with a single punch
-Completely stopped one of Ryu’s shoryukens with a single hand
-Is strong enough to fight Ryu, who can carry boulders bigger than himself on his back
-Can damage Ryu with his strikes

    -Ryu can endure being smashed through houses and getting crushed by Hugo’s “Moonsault Press”
-Can damage Seth

-Very consistently dodges attacks from Balrog
-Overwhelms Balrog in speed
-Keeps up with the likes of Ryu and Seth
-Can react to and strike falling barrels
-Can somewhat keep up with Gill
-Can generate faint afterimages behind him as he attacks
-Can attack Ryu at such a fast rate that Ryu can barely defend himself up close
-Can intercept Ryu’s strikes/attacks
-Can punch Ryu fast enough to intercept his hadoken before he can even launch it
-Can tank hits from Ryu
-Can take hits from Seth
-Has likely taken a lot of hits from other professional boxers during his early career
-Can take a few hits from Gill
-Crashed his car into a brick wall with his head/face smashing through the windshield and walked away from it without an injury or a scratch
-Took a powerful blow from Ryu which was powerful enough to intercept Hugo’s full body press and knock him out (Keep in mind Hugo is big enough to crush Ryu underneath his foot alone) at full strength and remain conscious
-Was able to ignore his pain, remain calm, and retain his gentlemanly demeanor even after getting his arm broken


Boxing Skill:
-Uses a very traditional boxing style
-Is almost completely opposite to how Balrog fights
    -Doesn’t rely on pure power
    -Uses lots of speed with feints and fakeouts to trick his foes, and actual focus on ducking
-His skills in fighting got him to the position of the British Boxing Champion
-Even impressed Gill
-Has extensive knowledge of boxing
-Ryu himself stated that he was at a disadvantage in close quarters combat against Dudley
-Dudley can easily figure out an opponent’s range and the exact length of their limbs during battle to better predict their attacks and stay out of their range while keeping his opponents within his own range


Jetupper by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Jet Upper:
-Dashes towards the opponent and performs an uppercut
-Somewhat similar to a Shoryuken

Machinegunblow by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Machinegun Blow:
-Dashes towards the opponent and performs rapid strikes

Duckingstraight by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
-Ducks downwards to avoid a strike
-Can be used to lead into a straight punch or an uppercut
Cross counter by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Cross Counter:
-Dudley lowers his guard to allow his opponent to attack
-As long as he is struck in the upper body or face rather than a low blow, a throw, or a projectile the Cross Counter will be a success
-His eye glints and he dashes towards the foe almost like a blur with a powerful straight punch
-Can’t be blocked

-Jumps up into the air and dives downwards fist first
Shortswingblow by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Short Swing Blow:
-Hops a step backwards before dashing forwards again with an uppercut to the abdomen
Dudley rocket upper super art by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Rocket Upper:
-Performs two normal Jet Uppers in a row
-Finishes by performing a more powerful Jet Upper, spinning around and generating a strong tornado in the process

Rolling Thunder:
-Ducks down before performing a Dempsey Roll
-Rapidly strikes the opponent with attacks that get stronger and stronger

Corkscrew Cross:
-Uses a powerful straight punch that generates a powerful cyclone that holds the opponent spinning in the air
-Performs a cross punch to their chest and launches them out of the cyclone

-Is extremely fond of his garden
    -Yearns for it constantly, and has been known to wander into it before losing track of time
-Has a very close connection to his family
    -One of the only reasons he entered the S.I.N tournament was because he needed to get his mind off of his father’s stolen car
-While he has repeatedly beaten Balrog, he appears to lack the massive physical strength Balrog holds
-Very little in the ways of ranged combat
-Rarely ever takes his boxing gloves off, insisting that he always needs to be ready for battle (Even if it makes things like driving hazardous)

(“Another uncouth lout falls between my knuckles and the street.”)

Death Battle: Ryu vs Jin Kazama

Ryu vs Jin Kazama Interlude by Br3ndan5

Disclaimer: This was originally written on Deviantart before Death Battle’s version of the fight. I am only submitting it here for archiving purposes.

Note: Due to new feats, upgrades, or downgrades that have come out since then, the verdict for this fight is outdated

Prelude here: https://brendansversus.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/prelude-ryu-vs-jin-kazama/

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


A deep inhale, followed by a soft exhale as water roared past his ears.

These were the only sounds that Ryu had heard for the past hour as he meditated deeply, thinking back to the words of the elderly hermit Oro.


“The secret to mastering both the positive and negative aspects of your ki is to be ‘above them.’ Be as the Sun and the Moon are, Ryu. They do not concern themselves with the good or evil transpiring below them. They simply are. Elevate your consciousness to that level. And the rise and fall of matter– no matter its weight or size– is as natural as the rise and fall of your own breath.”

As his master’s words echoed throughout his subconscious, Ryu began attempting to focus his ki. With an inhale, an aura of red, indicating the Satsui no Hado, began to surround him, causing his skin to become tanned as his white gi shifted to a dark purple.

With an exhale, it changed, the aura becoming light blue as his appearance returned to normal. He then inhaled a third time as he attempted to picture both energies in harmony, as if they were two separate rivers slowly converging into one.

The Satsui no Hado was like a raging typhoon, destructive and rough in nature. On the other side was the Power of Nothingness, a force akin to a calming stream, being gentle and peaceful in nature. As the image of the two rivers becoming one in his mind grew more vivid, so too did the corresponding energies. The Satsui no Hado and Power of Nothingness were slowly merging into one, resulting in an aura of light blue, red, and light purple.

Upon sensing this change, Ryu’s eyes snapped open, revealing that his left eye had begun glowing red. He looked down in shock at the aura that was now coating his body. Was this what Master Oro had been attempting to teach him?

Before the Wandering Warrior could marvel at this new transformation, it faded away just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him in awe.

[Stop music]

By heeding his master’s words he had, if only for a brief moment, managed to achieve enlightenment. Intrigued by this, he prepared to attempt this process once more, but his plans were interrupted as he sensed an ominous presence approaching. Its owner appeared to possess some sort of malevolent energy hidden deep within, one that seemed quite similar to the Satsui no Hado. Getting up from his meditative stance, the wanderer turned toward the direction of the ki he had felt and noticed the man it emanated from was now standing some distance away.

The man was of Japanese descent, with spiky, black hair. He was shirtless, revealing his muscular physique as well as an odd-looking tattoo on his left shoulder. His outfit consisted of black Karate pants with a red, yellow, and orange flame design on the right leg, red-and-black gauntlets with a triangular pattern of metallic studs on the back of their palms, and two red-and-white shoes.

“Ryu Hoshi, I sense that you host a power similar to my own, one that you can’t seem to control.”

“You know of the Satsui no Hado? Who are you, and why did you seek me out?” Ryu questioned, keeping his guard up.

“You may call me Jin Kazama, and I have come to rid you of the power you resist. I have been down the same path you currently walk, and I don’t wish to have another share my fate.” The man explained.

“I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid I must decline. If I am to achieve true enlightenment, then I need to keep the Satsui no Hado within me so that I may rise above it.”


“If that’s the case, then you leave me no choice.” Jin said as he took a fighting stance. “I will remove this ‘Satsui no Hado’ from you no matter the cost.”

Upon hearing this, Ryu responded in kind as he entered his own posture. For a brief moment, all that could be heard were the sounds of rushing water as both men looked each other in the eye, with Ryu’s stoic expression meeting Jin’s cold, near-emotionless glare. Then, the two fighters rushed forward.




Db Fight! by Br3ndan5

As they drew closer to each other, the two martial artists threw their fists forward, creating a shockwave as they collided. Ryu reacted almost immediately as he threw another punch, this one aimed at Jin’s stomach, but his opponent proved faster than he expected as he swerved to the left, countering with two jabs followed by an electricity-charged uppercut that sent Ryu into the air. While his adversary was still airborne, the Child of Destiny delivered four quick jabs before sending him crashing back to the ground via a kick to the stomach.

Just as soon as he had hit the ground back-first, the Street Fighter found himself juggled back into the air courtesy of a right hook from Jin, who continued his surprisingly long combo with a quick right elbow before finally ending it with a left kick to the side. As the paralysis from the electrified uppercut finally vanished, the Shotokan user got back to his feet and saw that Jin was currently rushing toward him, no doubt attempting another combo. The head of the Mishima Zaibatsu threw out a jab-


-only to be interrupted by an uppercut that struck him in the chin and sent him into the air. Just when he was about to crash into the ground, Ryu leapt into the air and, with a shout of “Tatsumaki Senpukyaku,” began spinning through the air with his leg outstretched, repeatedly kicking his opponent in the back before sending him crashing onto the rocky terrain with one final kick.

As the outcast of the Mishima bloodline pulled himself back to his feet, he suddenly found himself assaulted by Ryu, who delivered a surprisingly swift flurry of punches and kicks in what seemed to be some form of cathartic payback for Jin’s previous combo. After roughly twenty hits, the Street Fighter delivered a hard punch to the stomach, causing his opponent to cough up spittle as he collapsed onto his knees. Before he could hit the ground, Ryu delivered a Donkey Kick to Jin’s face, sending the King of Iron Fist flying into the mountainside with enough force to leave a massive indent.

[Pause music]

Believing the fight to be over, the Ansatsuken practitioner began walking back to where he had previously been meditating, but the sounds of groaning caused him to stop. As he turned around, he was suddenly caught off guard by a fist slamming into his face, causing him to stagger back.


“Our fight isn’t over yet.” Jin declared as he prepared to throw another jab, but Ryu quickly swerved out of its way before cupping his hands and focusing a blue energy between them.

“Hadoken!” The white-clad martial artist shouted as he threw his hands forward, releasing a fireball that struck Kazama in the stomach and sent him skidding back. Gritting his teeth, the musclebound CEO looked up just as his opponent delivered another Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, hitting him in the face twice. It was then that Jin decided enough was enough and grabbed the outstretched leg just before it could make contact. Then, without missing a beat, he effortlessly tossed the wandering warrior aside.

Quickly repositioning himself in the air, Ryu managed to land on his feet and looked up just in time to see that his opponent had suddenly rushed toward him, his fist reeled back to deliver a punch. Just as it was inches from making contact with his body, Ryu managed to parry the attack before countering with his own.

“SHIN…” He shouted, delivering a hard jab into Jin’s stomach. “SHORYUKEN!” He finished while delivering a rising uppercut that sent both of them soaring through the air. As the two champions landed, Ryu on his feet and his adversary back-first, the Street Fighter could feel something coursing through his body. Upon looking down, he saw a dark aura surrounding his arms, an indication that he was beginning to lose himself to the Satsui no Hado. Despite his best attempts to suppress it, the gi-clad warrior could feel it slowly trying to take him over. He needed to rid himself of its influence before it was too late.

“Metsu…” He called out as he cupped both hands to his side, charging purple ki between them. “Hadoken!” He finished, throwing his hands forward and releasing a massive purple fireball just as the Child of Destiny got back to his feet. Upon noticing the purple fireball, Kazama’s immediate response was to rush forward, shocking Ryu with his supposedly suicidal decision. His surprise was only furthered when the Hadoken suddenly dispersed halfway through, courtesy of an invisible barrier Jin had erected in front of himself.

As he drew closer, the King of Iron Fist rammed his arm into Ryu’s chest, creating audible cracking sounds upon contact. As the pain coursed through him, Ryu opened his mouth in shock as he coughed up blood. After what felt like an eternity, the force of the Corpse Thrust took its toll and sent the martial artist crashing into the mountainside with enough force to leave a massive crater, adding to the pain in his chest. As he struggled to move, the wanderer realized his breathing had become somewhat ragged, with each breath creating an additional pain in his chest.

[Stop music]

‘This is bad. That punch must’ve broken about four of my ribs.’ He deduced. Gritting his teeth, the Wandering Warrior placed a hand on the craggy indent he had created. ‘But I can’t give up now! I’ve come too far in my journey to be stopped here!’

As he was still attempting to push himself up, Ryu once again felt the Dark Hado attempting to free itself. Unlike before, its efforts were more persistent as the malevolent energy’s influence was now overloading his senses. His vision was slowly blurring, the sounds of the waterfall roaring beside him had been replaced by the roaring of blood through his ears, and his ability to sense ki was going haywire. He was feeling the spiritual feedback of everything, and that, combined with everything else, was contributing to the splitting headache he was now suffering– no, calling it a splitting headache was a vast understatement.

This was more akin to a maelstrom of pain, and with each second it grew worse. It felt as though his body was ripping itself apart from the inside. As he lay on the ground, writhing in agony, Ryu could hear the sound of a distorted, demonic version of his own voice roaring, calling out to him with one command:

“Awaken, and become one with the Satsui no Hado!”

Ryu’s eyes suddenly snapped open, revealing that his pupils had become black and his irises were now glowing red. His gi had suddenly shifted in color, becoming a dark purple. His hair had now become slightly darker, and his gaze was more hardened. This had only managed to quell the splitting headache by a small amount, but it wasn’t enough! He had merely tapped into the Dark Hadou. What he needed was to be further enriched by it!

As thoughts of violence, rage, and madness grew, so too did a dark aura around his body. Though it started off as a dark shade of purple, the ki surrounding him began to also give off a hellish red. When the vivid thoughts of violence and bloodshed had reached their peak, Ryu let out a primal scream as he released the energy surrounding his body in the form of a massive explosion. This burst of ki reached out for miles, destroying a majority of the mountain he had been on and spreading outward. Jin didn’t even have time to react before the explosion caught him in its grasp, flinging him down the mountainside at dangerously high speeds.

After roughly twelve seconds of descending through the air, Kazama’s fall was eventually broken as he crashed onto a patch of grass. Ignoring the pain as he got to his feet, he looked around and saw that the explosion of ki had rocketed him into the middle of a forest. Upon looking back up at the mostly-destroyed mountain, he could see that a person wreathed in a red aura was descending upon him. As this mysterious figure crashed onto the ground, Jin saw that it was Ryu, though the Street Fighter had undergone some noticeable changes.

His skin had visibly tanned, his mouth was now filled with fangs, and his hair, which was now in a reddish tint, had spiked upward. His clothing had also been changed, with his gi having torn apart, revealing a gaping hole in his chest that seemed to have been set aflame. As he looked at the King of Iron Fist with his glowing, red eyes, the transformed fighter spoke.

“I HAVE AWOKEN AT LAST!” Evil Ryu announced.

“So this is the power you’ve kept hidden inside of yourself? This is the Satsui no Hado?”

“You’re correct, Jin Kazama. And now you will experience its power firsthand!” Ryu declared as he slammed one foot into the ground, causing his aura of ki to drastically spike up.

[Stop music]





[Start at 0:15]

In the blink of an eye the corrupted martial artist had closed the distance between them and delivered a vicious punch to the stomach. Before his opponent could recover, Ryu followed up with five more punches to the torso before finishing his combo with a lightning-charged tornado kick. The martial artist’s foot spun around multiple times, striking Jin with each rotation before sending him flying with a final kick. Upon hitting the ground, Jin realized that the Satsui no Hado seemed to have drastically boosted his adversary’s strength and speed. He looked back up and found that Ryu was now heading toward him, his fist reeled back with the intent to continue his combo.

Refusing to let that happen, the Lightning of Fate began to focus his ki, causing it to begin spiraling around him as he cocked one arm behind. With a deep grunt, this ki began to change form, shifting to an aura of electricity that coated his entire arm. As the Dark Hado user came within striking range and threw out his fist, Jin responded in kind, slamming into Ryu’s abdomen. Upon impact, the Eighth Gate of Hell sent the Wandering Warrior flying through several trees, reducing them to splinters. Grunting in annoyance as he finally hit the ground, the bloodthirsty combatant cupped both hands to his side and began charging a fiery, orange ki.

“Shakunetsu!” He declared as he threw both hands forward, producing an orange fireball that rocketed toward Jin. As it approached him, the Child of Destiny responded by thrusting out his arm, which still surged with electricity, and summoned an orb of ki that intercepted the fireball mid-flight, causing both to dissipate.

Once the opposing projectiles had died out, Jin saw that his transformed opponent was rushing toward him once more, having lifted one knee as he glided forward. As the corrupted warrior drew closer, Kazama threw his fist forward, but to his surprise his fist phased through its intended target, almost as if it were an illusion. Before he could question what this ability was, he was suddenly sucker-punched as Ryu drove his fist into his stomach.

Despite feeling his knees buckle, Jin refused to collapse onto the ground as he had previously. As if through sheer willpower, he instead forced himself to stay upright before countering his opponent’s surprise attack with a vicious headbutt that shattered the Street Fighter’s nose. As his opponent cried out in pain and stumbled back, Jin entered the Kazama-ryu Kobujustu’s Power Stance, signified by his fists suddenly being surrounded in electricity, and immediately went in for another combo as he covered his left fist in fire. He began with a kick to the stomach, followed up with another kick that struck the wanderer in the face and sent him airborne once more.

As the Ansatsuken practitioner began descending, Jin delivered a right jab to the stomach, a kick to the legs, and sent him heading back to the ground with a hard kick to the back. Before his opponent could get back to his feet, however, Jin continued his assault with a low kick that forced Ryu back up, delivered a left jab to the face, leaving visible burns in the process, and finally ended his combo with a knee strike to the stomach.

The Hado user got back to his feet, panting heavily while doing so. Taking notice of this, Jin thought back to his opponent’s actions upon entering this form and began analyzing them. From what he had seen and experienced, the Satsui no Hado had drastically boosted Ryu’s physicality, but at the cost of having become more offensive in order to compensate for lower defenses and, if the heavy breathing was any indication, lower stamina. Now aware of the transformation’s fatal flaws, the muscular CEO adjusted his stance once again, lowering himself into Mental Alertness. Upon seeing his opponent’s new posture, Ryu scoffed.

“Such foolishness! Do you really believe that changing your stance will be enough to save you from your destruction?” He questioned rhetorically before rushing forward. “Let me show you the error of your ways!” As he drew closer, the corrupted student delivered another Shoryuken, but what happened next caused his battle-hungry expression to shift into one of surprise.

Rather than make an attempt to avoid or even block the oncoming attack, his opponent simply took it head-on, not even flinching. This momentary confusion was soon replaced with pain as Jin lunged forward and delivered a punch to the stomach, causing Gouken’s pupil to cough out spittle as he was knocked back onto the ground. Quickly rolling out of the way of a heel meant to slam into his chest, Ryu got back to his feet and delivered a counter.

“Ryusokyaku!” He shouted, lifting his left leg up and preparing to bring it down on Kazama’s head. To his annoyance, Jin managed to block the axe kick by suddenly raising one arm, with his studded gauntlets absorbing the impact. Not missing a beat, Jin countered by delivering an electrified sweep kick that sent his bloodthirsty opponent crashing onto the ground. Gritting his teeth, the downed combatant used the Ashura Senku to move out of the way just as Kazama prepared another strike.

Believing his opponent was left open, Ryu prepared to deliver a roundhouse kick to the face, but he was proven wrong as Jin managed to simply duck underneath it. Before he could recover, the corrupted martial artist felt Jin slam into him with a right punch. The pain was only increased as Jin delivered a rapid flurry of jabs before delivering an even faster series of five body blows, each one targeting a weak point ranging from his face, to his stomach, his ribs, and even his abdomen. As he ended the Median Line Destruction, the musclebound CEO reeled his fist back, charging it with electricity, and finished his combo with a right punch that sent Ryu flying.

Despite hitting the ground back-first, the Hado user was able to almost immediately pull himself back up and began going on the offensive with a Tatsumaki Zankukyaku as he approached the Mishima outcast. To his annoyance, his opponent was able to block each kick with ease, almost as if he wasn’t even trying.

“Enough of this!” The bloodthirsty warrior roared as his tornado kick ended. Before the King of Iron Fist could react, Ryu shattered his defenses with two hard-hitting Shoryukens that sent him into the air. While his opponent was still airborne, the Ansatsuken practitioner delivered another Shoryuken, with this one sending both of them further into the air. Ryu then ascended further, positioned himself so that he was above his rival, and began gathering dark energy into his hand. Once he had gathered enough, he slammed his fist into Jin’s face.

“Death’s embrace awaits!” Gouken’s corrupted student declared as he drove Kazama into the ground, whereupon the ki in his fist was released. A massive explosion of dark energy erupted outward, its size being large enough that it could be seen from space. Then, after several seconds, it dissipated, revealing the fates of the two combatants.

[Stop music]

Ryu stood triumphantly over Jin’s limp body, which was now adorned with severe burns across his face. Upon looking down at his opponent’s beaten form, the battle-hungry martial artist gave a sadistic grin. “Your strength was impressive… for a human. But it doesn’t compare to the fists of a de-“

Before the purple-clad fighter could finish his boast, he noticed Jin’s body twitch slightly, earning an expression of annoyance and slight intrigue. This expression grew further as the ‘corpse’ began having convulsions.

Jin felt like his mind was on fire. He could hear dozens of voices, all sounding the same, urging him to give in to the power he had been holding back since this fight had begun.

‘Do it.’

‘It is the only way.’

‘Use it. Give in to the Devil’s power!’

‘If you die here, who will be left to destroy the Devil Gene?’

‘Use it. Give in and embrace the strength needed to avenge your mother and destroy the Devil Gene…’

‘Accept the power that can overcome the Satsui no Hado.’

‘Rise! Jin Kazama! Rise and give in!’

With that, a massive burst of invisible energy erupted out of his body, sending Ryu flying halfway across the impact crater he had created. As he looked back up to his opponent, he was surprised to see his adversary’s unconscious form rise up, almost as though it were a puppet bound by strings, and what he saw intrigued him.

Jin’s skin had noticeably become pale, with his body and forehead now being covered in black markings similar to the tattoo on his left shoulder. Horns emerged from the sides of his head as a pair of pitch-black wings sprouted from his back. Once these new limbs had formed, Jin’s forehead suddenly split open as a crystal emerged from the middle, with the black markings seeming to converge around it. His attire had also changed, with his gauntlets now having become adorned with spiked tips and fingers, his boots were now studded, and chains had wrapped themselves around his arms, legs, and waist. The transformed CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu then opened his eyes, revealing that they were now glowing a bright gold.

Jin Kazama was no more… In his place was another being in its entirety, one that had lived inside him for years, and he was only known by one name: Devil Jin.

Upon looking at his opponent, the Devil gave a wide grin and spoke five words, his voice having become noticeably deeper.

“Fear the wrath of God!” Upon hearing this, Evil Ryu scoffed.

“I have fought many self-proclaimed gods before, and in the end they have all fallen before my fists!” Ryu boasted as he raised one leg and stomped on the barren ground, causing his ki to flare up once more. “If you wish to prove your godhood, then come forth and do your best to slay the demon that stands before you!”






Devil Jin immediately accepted the challenge as he flew forward at full speed, with Evil Ryu doing the same. As they met each other, both transformed fighters threw their fists forward, creating a cross-counter as their fists slammed into each other’s cheeks. They reeled back for a brief second before going back in with a headbutt, Jin letting out a cry of “DAH!” as he slammed his forehead against Ryu’s. For a brief moment it seemed as though they were locked in another stalemate, but a winner soon became clear as Kazama grabbed his opponent by the neck and momentarily flew into the air before sending them both crashing back toward the ground. As Ryu got back to his feet, he looked up just in time to see the soles of Devil Jin’s studded boots about to impact him.

A sickening crunching sound could be heard as Jin’s leaping sidekick made contact with Ryu’s face, reducing his already broken nose to an unrecognizable mess and sending him flying into the air. Before he could land, the wanderer found himself subjected to yet another of his opponent’s combos. This one began with two rising uppercuts, before following up a roundhouse kick. Just as his adversary began to hit the ground, the Devil forced him back up with another kick, delivered a backhand, a jab to the chest, threw out a high kick to the face, and then finished with a dive kick as he was coming back down. As the wandering warrior began getting back to his feet, he suddenly felt an invisible force grip his neck tightly and force him to look his opponent directly in the eye.

“How pathetic. I can see why you shunned this power. You lacked the ability to control it, and now its influence has corrupted you. You’ve sacrificed defense and tactics in exchange for strength and savagery. In the end, the Satsui no Hado has left you no better than a rabid animal, a mindless savage destined to eventually meet its end.” Devil Jin insulted as he kept the Hado user in his telekinetic grip.

“That’s… where you’re… wrong… Kazama!” The Wandering Warrior struggled to speak as the hold on his neck began growing tighter. Cupping both hands to his side, he desperately fired off a Hadouken, striking the Devil in the face. While minimum, the pain was enough that Jin was forced to drop Ryu, allowing the purple-clad martial artist to drop to the ground. Not wasting a second of the small opportunity he had been granted, Ryu performed the Ashura Senku, gliding toward his opponent at supersonic speeds. Once he was close enough, the bloodthirsty combatant grabbed hold of Jin and spoke one word.



As that lone word left his adversary’s mouth, Jin felt a barrage of punches made contact. It started off somewhat slowly with one slamming into the right side of his jaw, followed up with another aimed at the left, a third hitting him in the midsection of his back. After that, the speed behind each punch drastically increased with each hit. It was enough that the Lightning of Fate could barely keep up. After what seemed like an eternity, the barrage of punches ended, revealing Ryu standing triumphantly, his back facing his supposedly fallen rival.

“Victory… means utter destru-“

The Hado user’s supposed victory was interrupted as he felt something swoop under him, sending him into the air. As he saw who it was, Ryu became visibly shocked. What he was witnessing should’ve been impossible, yet standing before him was Jin Kazama, somehow completely unharmed despite taking the full brunt of the Raging Demon. Before he could question how his opponent had survived, the Street Fighter was rapidly struck as Devil Jin flew through him five times, leaving deep scratches as he dragged Ryu further through the air.

After hitting Ryu a fifth time, the Mishima Zaibatsu’s CEO flew past him, positioning himself several feet away before turning to face the corrupted warrior. A bright red light began to gather in the middle of Jin’s forehead, but before Ryu could put up his guard, Jin unleashed it, firing off a massive beam of red light. The Devil Beam struck Ryu almost immediately, hitting with enough force that he was slammed into the ground. Upon impact, the purple-clad warrior opened his mouth to scream, but the only thing to emerge was a choked cough as blood spewed from his mouth.

As he looked up, Ryu’s eyes widened as Jin suddenly came down at full force, slamming his fist into the corrupted warrior’s body and causing him to scream in pain. These screams were quickly silenced, however, as the Devil then grabbed him by the neck and hoisted him up.

[Stop music]

“How…” Evil Ryu struggled to ask while in his opponent’s vice-like grip. “How were you not affected by the Shun Goku Satsu?”

“My mother’s blood.” Kazuya’s son answered. Before he could question what the hell that was supposed to mean, Ryu was silenced as the energy of the Satsui no Hado began to quickly drain from his body. With each second that passed, the muscles in Jin’s body rippled as his skin shifted to an obsidian color, signifying his absorption of the malevolent energy. In a desperate attempt to free himself, Ryu grabbed at his captor’s arm and tried to push it back, but it was in vain as the last of the Dark Hado was drained from his body, reverting him to his original form and knocking him out.

Dropping the unconscious Ryu to the ground, Jin began to revel in the power he had absorbed. Closing both fists, the muscles in his arms slowly expanded outward, causing his body to begin increasing in mass. At the same time, his skin began to shift in color, becoming a shadowy shade of blue before shedding itself away and revealing a scaled, armor-like plating underneath.

Within seconds, the other features of his evolution began to manifest themselves. His teeth sharpened, becoming two separate rows of canines. At the same time, his fingernails were elongating, transforming into a set of monstrous claws. The horns on his head followed suit, growing in size until they reached the edge of his jawline. Falling down onto all fours, Kazama began grunting in pain before looking skyward and emitting an animalistic scream that would have chilled even the most stone-faced of men to the bone. This scream only increased in intensity as his spinal area began to violently contort, with the cries only ceasing when a massive, spiked tail tore itself out of his backside. Once that was complete, the final sign of Jin’s transformation occurred as his eyes shifted in color, going from brown to a dull gold as his mind began to fade away.

And with that, Devil Jin had evolved into a new form, a form known only as Primal Devil Jin.

[Stop music]

With a savage, hellish screech as his intelligence left him, the newly-evolved Jin spread his wings, releasing a massive shock wave that sent the unconscious Ryu flying some distance away. Upon hitting his head against the ground, the white-clad warrior woke up with a start and found himself looking straight at the beast that currently lay on all fours some distance away. While at first he wasn’t sure what it was, upon sensing its ki he was surprised to find that it was identical to Jin’s.

As he felt the transformed Kazama’s ki, Ryu realized that he was in no condition to take Jin on, but he quickly cast this worry aside. If he let himself be ruled by his emotions, then it would be impossible to defeat this beast. As he began setting his emotions aside, Ryu’s body became surrounded in a faint, light-blue aura. Once it had covered him entirely, the Street Fighter opened his eyes, revealing that they were now focused.

Sensing the spiritual change in its opponent, the bestial Kazama let out a roar, challenging him. In response, the wanderer merely tightened his headband as the Power of Nothingness flowed through him.

“Jin, while we may currently be enemies, I will do everything I can to free you from this corruption!” Gouken’s pupil announced before rushing forward, with his opponent responding in kind.




As they drew closer, Primal Jin swiped at the Shotokan user, but his opponent saw the attack coming a mile away as he parried the oncoming swing. Not wasting a beat, the martial artist grabbed the outstretched arm, repositioned himself so that he was behind the limb, and proceeded to deliver a chop, dislocating the forearm and eliciting a cry of pain from his mindless adversary. Before the monster could attempt to retaliate, Ryu delivered a quick Shoryuken, sending it into the air.

As it repositioned itself, Primal Jin let out a revenge-fueled roar as it began gathering energy into the crystal embedded in its forehead. Almost instantly, the demon released its pent-up energy in the form of a massive beam that completely consumed Ryu. As the wave of ki faded, the mindless creature gave a confused grunt at what it saw.

While the beam had left destruction in its path, easily reducing their surroundings and several mountains to rubble, its intended victim remained unharmed, with even his clothes still remaining perfectly intact. This confusion was quickly replaced with unbridled rage as it took further into the air, rapidly firing five blasts from its forehead crystal, but each one had no effect on the Wandering Warrior. If anything, these blasts were only succeeding in destroying more of the battlefield. Before it could fire off a sixth shot, Ryu shot forward at hypersonic speeds and leapt toward his gargantuan adversary.

“SHINKU TATSUMAKI SENPUKYAKU!” He shouted as he placed his foot outward and began spinning with such intensity and speed that a vacuum formed around him, sucking in the savage Devil and repeatedly striking it with a series of kicks. Once that had ended and his opponent began descending back toward the ground, Ryu cupped both hands to his side as a mixture of ki and electricity began manifesting between his palms. In spite of its savage mindset, Devil Jin could still remember what had occurred the last few times its opponent had taken that stance. Not wanting to risk another repeat, it began charging up another beam, but just before it could fire-


-it was interrupted as an electrically-charged wave of ki struck it in the stomach. As it crashed onto the ground, the beast cried out in pain as it felt a fiery pain course through its body. Upon looking down at its torso, it found the cause: each blow, be it by fist, foot, or ki, had left imprints filled with the same blue ki that surrounded its adversary. These imprints were spreading like wildfire, eating away at its plated flesh in a manner similar to acid. In its pained state, Primal Devil Jin failed to notice Ryu coming down onto its face, his hand extended outward as he grabbed the feral beast by the head.

“Now, Jin, free yourself from the corruption and wake up!” He commanded as sky-blue ki emerged from his palm and began entering the demon’s body, to no effect. His eyes widening in surprise, the Street Fighter leapt back to avoid a swipe from the beast’s claws.

‘How could the Power of Nothingness have failed?’ Ryu thought to himself as his opponent pushed himself back up and let out a roar of mindless fury and bloodlust. Realizing his gargantuan foe could attack at any moment, Gouken’s pupil kept his guard up and prepared to leap back should he see Jin so much as twitch. And it was then that something… bizarre happened. Jin’s eyes flashed for a brief moment as they faded from a glowing orange to a pale white.

[Stop music]

Ryu’s confusion only grew further as the changes caused by the transformation started to reverse themselves. Within seconds, the savage monster began to shrink in size, returning to his original height. At the same time, his muscle mass was following suit, reverting itself to the still-impressive figure Jin sported previously. His horns and tail were the last to go as they forced themselves back into the skull and spinal area, respectively. Yet in spite of these changes, Ryu could tell that Jin seemed to have undergone yet another transformation.

His skin had returned to its former composition, but it was still shadow blue in color. His arms were now covered by a pair of armored gauntlets that extended up to his shoulders. His legs had also been given protection in the form of an armor-like plating that obscured his feet and reached up to his waist. Even his wings had been armored, with each feather having substituted itself for razor-sharp blades of varying size. Much like before, there was a crystal embedded in his forehead, though this time it was set just a few inches below the CEO’s now-metallic hair.

“How do you feel, Jin?” Ryu asked, still keeping his guard up. Noticing his opponent’s mannerisms, Jin responded, his voice somewhat distorted.

“You don’t need to be cautious. I can control it this time.” Upon hearing this, Ryu was slightly relieved. “But that doesn’t mean our fight has ended.”

In less than a second, the fully-powered Devil Jin rushed forward and began rapidly delivering two jabs before following up with a knockdown punch that sent Ryu hurtling across their barren battlefield. As he began skidding to a halt, the Shotokan user noticed that his opponent was rushing toward him. Putting both arms up, the white-clad martial artist managed to successfully block several punches before his opponent suddenly disappeared from sight.

Keeping his guard up, Ryu began sensing the area for Jin’s ki, mentally preparing himself for where the Devil would strike next. Raising his arm, he managed to successfully parry an oncoming kick from behind and quickly whirled around, driving his fist into the blue-skinned combatant’s stomach. Jin lurched over in pain, but before he could recover, Ryu began throwing out a combo of punches and kicks, each one aimed to give Jin little time to escape or counter. After roughly twenty-three hits, the Wandering Warrior ended his combo by bringing his hands to his side.

“SHINKU HADOKEN!” He screamed out as he threw both hands forward, creating a massive fireball that collided with Kazama’s body almost immediately and sent him hurtling across the barren crater. Despite this, the Child of Destiny was able to recover quickly and stopped himself in midair, repositioning himself so that he would have his opponent in his sights. Almost immediately, the Devil Gene bearer began charging up energy into the crystal in his forehead.

Noticing this and now knowing what to expect, Ryu rolled out of the way just as Jin fired the Devil Beam. At first, he believed himself to be safe, but then he felt the agonizing, burning pain as the beam consumed him. While he had no way of knowing it, Jin had bent the trajectory of his Devil Beam as soon as he had rolled to the side, ensuring that it would still hit him.

Once the beam had faded, Ryu could be seen, having taken the full brunt of the laser, and it did not look pretty. His body was covered in horrible burns, yet by some miracle he still had enough willpower to just barely remain standing. While he was attempting to push through the pain and continue fighting, Jin took his chances and rushed toward him, preparing to end the fight.

Upon drawing closer, Jin began his assault with a spinning roundhouse kick that struck Ryu in the side, followed up with an aerial spin kick that changed into four grounded spin kicks, three incredibly quick punches, and finally finished with a leaping uppercut. Jin had just performed his own variant of the Mishima-style 10-hit combo, and it proved rather effective as it knocked Ryu out cold.

[Stop music]

As his opponent collapsed onto the ground, Jin turned his back to him before taking to the air. While he ascended, the transformed Devil gave his opponent some parting words.

“You were quite a challenge, Ryu. But your lack of speed left you open. Work on it, and perhaps you may have a chance next time we meet.” With that, he began taking off, unaware of the fact that Ryu wasn’t ready to give up just yet.

Ryu’s Subconscious

Ryu found himself in the middle of a forest, standing in front of a calm stream of water that separated two paths. Before he could even question how he had gotten here, his ears picked up the sounds of combat nearby. Turning toward the direction it was coming from, he was surprised at what he saw.

Locked in combat was… himself, corrupted by the Satsui no Hado. His opponent, strangely enough, was another Ryu, this one covered in the blue aura of the Power of Nothingness. The two doppelgängers had locked arms, one struggling to overpower the other.

“Pathetic! You filled Ryu’s mind with weakness and light, led him to believe that by relying on you he would be able to defeat Kazama!” Evil Ryu declared.

“You are mistaken.” The other one, armed with the Power of Nothingness, responded as he broke off their struggle with a kick to Evil Ryu’s chin, sending the evil copy staggering back. “I had no influence on Ryu’s decision. He chose to rely on me in order to survive and purify Jin of his corruption.”

“And look where it got him!” His tan-skinned counterpart responded while delivering a Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, striking his opponent in the stomach multiple times.

“By attempting to purify him, Ryu gave Kazama the upper hand. Relying on mercy and hope while fighting an opponent has brought him to near-death! It was only by relying on the darkness and lust for battle that he had a chance. By attempting to purge his true self from him, Ryu was left fighting a losing battle, but no longer!” With that, Evil Ryu stopped his attack, causing the white-clad Ryu to skid against the ground. His back was facing the cliff, revealing that it hung over an endless abyss.

“By purging you and your frailty from his soul, Ryu will realize that the Dark Hado is who he truly is!” The purple-clad doppelgänger declared as he threw a punch set to end their match, only to scowl as it was caught mid-strike.

“Neither one of us is Ryu’s true nature.” The white-clad copy responded as he began pushing his opponent back. “He will never know who he is until all distinction and duality between us has been removed. He needs to realize he is neither of us, yet he is both! Upon hearing these words, Evil Ryu’s facial expression shifted to one of horror.

“No! You can’t mean this! It would be the end of both of us!”

“I know.” The Power of Nothingness’ manifestation responded as he grabbed his opponent and fell onto the ground, kicking him over the cliffside.

“NO!” Evil Ryu’s horrified screams echoed throughout the abyss as his body became consumed by the abyss. Getting back to his feet, the survivor turned and spoke directly to Ryu.

“Fear yourself no longer, Ryu. You are who you are. Know this now, and find your true power!”

With that, the Nothingess-powered copy leapt over the side, disappearing into the void with his counterpart.

[Stop music]

Ryu’s eyes snapped open, revealing that his left eye was now glowing red. As he sat up, he noticed that his body had somehow managed to heal itself, as well as having become surrounded by the multicolored aura from before. Despite the aura quickly fading away, Ryu could feel the power of this new transformation coursing through his body. Perhaps now he would be able to stand a chance against Jin.

As he looked to the sky, the enlightened martial artist began scanning the entire planet for his opponent’s ki signature. Upon locating it, the balanced warrior teleported toward its current location and found himself standing in the middle of a volcano that had long since gone dormant. Looking up to the sky, he noticed Devil Jin descending onto his current position. Upon landing, cracking the dried volcanic terrain him in the process, the armored Devil’s stoic expression shifted to one of intrigue as he looked up and sensed his opponent’s ki.

“It seems you can still fight. Just how far are you willing to go before you admit defeat, Hoshi?” Jin questioned as he saw his miraculously-healed opponent.

“I’ll never stop fighting. Not until I draw my last breath.” Ryu responded as he entered his fighting stance once more.

“If that’s the case, then I would suggest you do so while you still have time…” Jin advised as he charged electricity into his fists. “…because as of now, I will no longer be holding back!”

Ryu vs Jin Final Round by Br3ndan5




[If rooting for Ryu]
[If rooting for Jin]

With that, both men tensed their muscles as they began the final round of their fight. For a brief moment, nothing could be heard save for the breathing of both combatants. This changed as the two transformed warriors rushed forward at hypersonic speeds, meeting in the middle of the volcano and throwing out a rapid series of blows. Despite most of their strikes either being blocked or parried, the two men struck each other with enough force that their collisions produced shock waves powerful enough to begin cracking the rock underneath. These eruptions were becoming increasingly frequent, but the two fighters were so locked in battle that they didn’t notice.

On top of this, they had been moving so fast that their surroundings may as well have been frozen. The only point where time seemed to resume flowing was the brief moment where one would land a successful blow on the other. After a full thirty seconds of stalemating each other without a clear winner, the struggle ended as Jin threw an overhead punch, only for Ryu to suddenly disappear from sight. As the Devil’s enhanced senses picked up the sound of movement behind him, he was suddenly struck by a strong kick to the back, launching him into the air.

“TATSUMAKI GORASEN!” The enlightened fighter called out as he leapt into the air and quickly followed up with two kicks that sent his opponent flying across the battlefield and into the path of a sudden explosion of lava. Before the Lightning of Fate could catch himself mid-flight, he was suddenly forced back to the ground by a hard-hitting axe kick to the skull, courtesy of the teleporting Shotokan practitioner. As he slammed into the ground, Kazama looked up to see Ryu standing in front of him, preparing to deliver a strike to the face. Rather than let this happen, his would-be target retaliated by firing off a short burst of telekinetic energy, sending the Street Fighter skidding back.

While his opponent was disoriented, Jin took the opportunity to fly toward him, grab him by the neck, and began grinding his face against the dried volcanic ground, leaving a trail of lava behind them. After crossing a fourth of the volcano’s diameter, the Mishima Zaibatsu CEO took to the air before chucking his opponent onto the ground. Upon opening his eyes and being greeted with the sight of Jin charging up a Devil Beam, Ryu responded to this by suddenly teleporting away, leaving the beam to fire with enough force that it drilled through the volcanic rock and instead struck the liquid underneath. As a result, a small pillar of orange, molten lava exploded onto the surface, forcing the Child of Destiny to descend back onto the slowly-sinking battlefield.

Cursing under his breath, the Devil was suddenly surprised as Ryu teleported back in, only several inches from his face. Before he could even think of attacking, Gouken’s pupil had slammed his fist into Kazama’s chest.

“METSU SHORYUKEN!” Ryu shouted as he drove his fist upward, striking with enough force that he tore Jin’s chest open, but that wasn’t the only injury the Rising Dragon Fist had inflicted. Upon making contact with it, Jin’s jaw was almost completely crushed by the power behind the uppercut as it hurled him into the air. Before the winged warrior could regain control of his path, his opponent suddenly teleported behind him once again, charging blue ki between his cupped hands.

“Ren Hadoken!” The enlightened student shouted as he threw his hands forward, releasing five Hadokens that each hit their mark and sent the King of Iron Fist crashing back toward the ground. As he got back to his feet, clutching at the bloodied scar on his chest, Devil Jin looked up at Ryu just in time to be hit by another Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Quickly recovering, Jin ducked underneath one of the many kicks and countered with a powerful Rising Uppercut that briefly sent his opponent into the air. Not wasting a beat, the Lightning of Fate took the opportunity to start another combo.

He started off by delivering two uppercuts, each one meant to keep Ryu from hitting the ground and potentially regaining his focus. He then followed it up with three jabs to the midsection before sending him flying with a hard right hook. As he tumbled on the ground, Devil Jin quickly closed the distance with a Mist Step and continued his barrage with a right jab and another uppercut.

While his opponent was still airborne, the raven-winged fighter fired out a Devil Beam, sending a paralyzing shock through its unfortunate victim and forcing him further into the air. As Kazama flew up to his airborne adversary, he threw out an uppercut in an attempt to juggle Ryu once more, but the would-be victim managed to teleport out of the way once again.

Using his enhanced senses, Jin heard the sound of air currents shifting underneath the roaring lava. Turning to the direction of the source, he raised his arms just in time to block a sudden roundhouse kick, with his studded gauntlets absorbing most of the impact. With his opponent left open by the attack, the armored CEO took advantage almost immediately as he threw out a hard punch to the chest, causing Ryu to cough up blood as he felt several more of his ribs break

Before he could recover, the Shotokan user was hit by a left hook to the jaw, a kick to the stomach, a backhand, a right jab, and an uppercut that sent him far into the air. As he began descending onto the ground, Jin briefly crouched as electricity began arcing through his body once more, causing his fists to begin glowing. With Supercharger reactivated, he rushed toward his falling opponent and finished with another Median Line Destruction, sending him flying with a final punch to the jaw that left the sickening CRUNCH of breaking bones as it made contact.

Thanks to the added buff from Supercharger, Ryu lay on the ground in excruciating pain. While Jin’s final punch had left his jaw horribly broken, that was minimal compared to the other damage he had received from the barrage. The flurry of punches had left most of his ribs cracked, if not completely broken, and his previously-broken bones had been reduced to splinters. The rest of his upper body had also been left in excruciating pain, with his stomach and abdominal regions having taken the most punishment. Yet, either by some miracle or through sheer willpower alone, Ryu forced his nearly-crippled body to rise to his feet.

Though he refused to say it aloud, Jin’s facial expression showed that he was left in awe as he witnessed his broken opponent stand back up. But at the same time he couldn’t help but question why. Did Ryu really believe he could fight in his current condition? Was he serious when he said he would fight until his last breath?

Quickly putting his questions aside, the metal-winged Devil brought up both fists as his heavily-injured opponent attempted to hit him with a Tatsumaki Gorasen. Despite the force sending him skidding back, the blue-skinned CEO was quick to recover as he rushed forward and countered with a spinning, low-legged kick meant to sweep Ryu off his feet.

As it was about to make contact, Jin’s target suddenly leapt into the air and fired a midair Hadoken that struck him in the face. Despite this, the metal-winged combatant quickly recovered and responded by reeling his fist back as electricity arced through his body. Realizing what his opponent was planning, the wanderer cocked his own fist back, allowing ki to course through it. Then, the Eight Gate of Hell met with the ki-infused blow.

Upon colliding, a sickening series of crunches could be heard as both combatants’ hands broke from the force of the collision. The difference was that one proved to be far luckier than the other. The unfortunate other screamed in agony as the force behind his opponent’s blow was enough to rip the arm from its socket, launching it into a nearby pool of lava.

Despite the ungodly amount of pain that was wracking his mind, Ryu grit his teeth in frustration and continued pushing on. As his winged rival rushed forward, his fist reeled back to deliver a blow that would end this fight once and for all, the one-armed wanderer brought his remaining limb up to his chest. As ki began gathering beneath his feet, the Shotokan user pushed his hand toward the ground as he uttered one word:




[Stop music]

With that, a massive shockwave of blue ki exploded out of Ryu’s body. This eruption expanded outward, reducing the remaining volcanic rock to small bits of rubble, allowing lava to begin boiling to the surface. In the process, the wave succeeded in catching Jin in its midst, launching him dangerously high into the air. As he approached the edge of the volcano, the Lightning of Fate managed to stop himself mid-flight and looked down in surprise at what he saw.

Standing in the middle of a small, raft-sized slab of stone was Ryu, who currently seemed to be charging up another attack. His fist was glowing a light blue, similar to that of the Hadoken. Looking up at his airborne adversary, the Wandering Warrior gave a light grin.

“It seems this is where we part ways, Jin.” He admitted as the ki in his fist began to grow in length, spreading down to his forearm as he spoke. “But even if I am to die here, I want to thank you. You’ve been the first in a long time to push me this far, and in doing so you helped me to finally achieve enlightenment and figure out who I truly am. While I cannot foresee the outcome of this battle, I will accept whatever the results may be.” At this point, the ki was beginning to reach up to his shoulder. “But we won’t know what that is until we’ve finished this!”

Leaping up into the air, Gouken’s student thrust his arm upward, causing the ki to begin emerging from his body.


With that scream, Ryu released all of the ki within his body in the form of a massive beam. While its size was rather minute in comparison to the volcano, Jin could feel the immense power held within it and responded by charging ki into the gem in his forehead. Within less than a second, the blue-skinned Devil let out a battle cry that echoed for miles as he released the pent-up energy, firing a beam equal in size to the oncoming wave of ki.

The two beams met in midair, with it seeming as though either one could overpower the other. Their creators seemed determined to prove that notion, as they continued pouring more of their energy into their respective blasts. Unfortunately, it seemed that no matter how hard they struggled, neither man could overpower the other. Ryu continued to fly toward Jin, gritting his teeth as he attempted to put more energy into the Hadou Shoryuken. The energy in his arm continued building up, slowly pushing him forward and overpowering the Devil Beam. He was only ten feet away from making impact, but Jin refused to let that happen!

After several seconds of struggling, Kazama roared in determination as the gem in his forehead darkened. It began crackling with more energy, its red shade growing darker in conjunction with his fury. Then, once his will to survive had hit its peak, Jin released his pent-up energy into the Devil Beam, causing it to drastically grow in size until it completely dwarfed the Hadou Shoryuken. The blast cleaved through the Hadou Shoryuken like a hot knife through butter, moving so quickly that Ryu didn’t even have time to fight it. With only a split second to react to the sight of his oncoming death, the enlightened Street Fighter stayed true to his word. He didn’t spend his last moments cursing his opponent’s name, nor did he attempt to make a last-ditch effort to try and survive.

Instead, he merely closed his eyes, wordlessly accepting his fate as the Devil Beam washed over him.

[Stop music]

Jin watched as the massive wave of ki faded, revealing that nothing remained of where the humble warrior Ryu Hoshi had once stood. He looked down at the volcano, which was violently spewing out lava onto the island below, and breathed a deep sigh. As he flew away from the former battlefield, the King of Iron Fist looked at the sunset before looking down at his scar. It was almost completely gone, having healed itself over the course of their fight. He then looked back at where Ryu once stood and, though he knew the deceased warrior could no longer hear him, spoke some parting words.

“You were a skilled warrior, Ryu. I only hope that wherever you are now, you can forgive me.”

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5



And my first two-parter draws to a close! And all at the low cost of one of my favorite Street Fighters dying after being mutilated and broken. God, I hope my next fight’s a bit more lighthearted.

Anyway, onto the verdict.

In terms of physicality, Jin would take it whether you used canon or composites. First, let’s start with strength and durability. If we only go by canon material, Ryu’s highest feat would be when he survived being hit by Akuma’s island-destroying Kongou Kokuretsuzan. This destruction clocks in at about 6 megatons, which is enough to destroy a city. Further evidence of Ryu being City Level comes from M. Bison’s ending in Alpha 3, where Bison channels Ryu’s power into a laser beam that destroys an entire city.

If we include the UDON comics, things get a bit more interesting. One of the greatest shows of Attack Potency came from Gill, who casually destroyed a meteor that was prophesied to wipe out mankind. In order to wipe out mankind, this means the meteor would have needed to impact the Earth with enough force to wipe out the surface of the planet, which requires at least Multi-Continent Levels of strength. And considering that Ryu was able to defeat Gill without much trouble as Shin Ryu, this means he should scale to him, but only as Shin Ryu since Gill had previously beaten Ryu’s base and evil forms without much trouble.

Jin, on the other hand, is a different story. Going by canon material only, he would be at least Large City level thanks to scaling off of a JACK robot, which survived being hit by a beam that destroyed an entire mountain range. If we take non-canon material, such as Tekken Tag Tournament 2, into account, the highest feat is still caused by a JACK robot. More specifically, a single JACK was able to destroy a meteor that would have collided with the planet. This destruction has been calculated to be 21 petatons, or Multi-Continent Level.

Next up is speed, which is comparatively easier to figure out. Ryu is capable of moving at supersonic speeds, can dodge bullets, and has Massively Hypersonic reflexes thanks to dodging Gou Hadokens from Akuma, which could shoot up into space within a few seconds. Compare this to Jin, who can casually dodge gunfire and missiles while on a motorcycle, and is able to fly into the atmosphere within seconds in his Devil form. There’s also his lasers, which can reach speeds up to 67 times the speed of light. Though this speed only applies to his lasers, and not Jin himself since the beams have only been avoided due to aim-dodging.

Now, let’s move on to the thing everyone eventually talks about when it comes to this fight: the transformations. Right off the bat, Ryu would have been at a loss. While both of their stats are boosted by each transformation, his first form, Evil Ryu, suffers from a drawback: he has never shown the ability to control it. As soon as it activates, he becomes warped into a bloodthirsty warrior, and while it may boost his stats, it also lowers his defenses and stamina. While this wouldn’t be much of a problem against an opponent of similar physicality, Jin’s superior speed and durability would allow him to avoid or withstand any of Ryu’s attacks. There’s also the fact that unlike his opponent, Jin is able to control his Devil form, and its further-boosted stats and new powerset could majorly inconvenience Ryu. He would have better mobility thanks to his flight, could heal off any damage thanks to his healing factor, easily restrain Ryu with telekinesis, grow more powerful by absorbing his energy, or just attack from a distance with his Devil Beams. Now, some could argue that Evil Ryu’s ability to use the Raging Demon could put Jin down, but I say it’s highly unlikely. For starters, Jin’s been able to resist having his soul manipulated before, as seen in his ending in Tekken 4. Even if he wasn’t able to resist it, Jin could just as easily avoid it by using his superior speed and flight to dodge it, or he could use his telekinesis to stop Ryu before he could pull it off.

There’s also their other forms to consider. The Power of Nothingness would be able to aid Ryu in battle for a short time due to granting its wielder temporary invulnerability on top of boosting the power of his attacks, but it’s useless otherwise. Its ability to repel the Satsui no Hado would ultimately prove ineffective, as the Devil Gene is not energy-based like the Satsui no Hado. As its name suggests, the Devil Gene is passed down through blood, and unless you were also a member of the Kazama family, you would be unable to neutralize it. Shin Ryu, while granting Ryu a major stat boost and the ability to teleport, wouldn’t help him much, as Jin would still surpass him via the higher forms of his Devil power.

In comparison, Primal Devil Jin would only hurt Jin more than help him, as his lack of control over it would give Ryu the chance to even the odds a bit. Then there’s the fully-powered Devil Jin, which boosts his stats dramatically and increases his Devil Beam’s power even further. Against this, Ryu would be lucky if he could even last long enough to reach his full power.

Even if we left things like stats and transformations out of the equation, Ryu’s only advantages would be his better long-range options and superior experience. Ryu has been training since he was 10, while Jin only began training at 15. In terms of their fighting styles, the Kazama-ryu Kobujutsu and Mishima-ryu Kenka Karate ultimately proved superior in comparison to the Ansatsuken and Shotokan. While the latter granted Ryu more options to dish out damage, the former granted Jin more options to work with. The Kazama-ryu Kobujutsu grants him better mobility and could let him switch between a passive, aggressive, offensive, and defensive play, or even combine them all at once. The Mishima Karate, while at the cost of sacrificing his defensive options, would more than make up for it with its savage strength and speed.

It seems Ryu didn’t stand much of a chance when it came to Tekken Jin on.

The winner is Jin Kazama.

WinnerJin by Br3ndan5
Jin Kazama (Winner)
+ Stronger if we go by canon events only. Using composite versions make them roughly equal
+ Faster
+ More durable   
+ Devil Jin and its higher forms increase the gap in physicality
+ Resistance to Soul Manipulation renders the Raging Demon moot
    +Even if he didn’t have resistance to it, his superior speed, flight, and telekinesis could be used to avoid it
+ Fighting styles grant him more versatility in hand-to-hand combat
+ Could maintain control of Devil Jin, unlike Ryu’s situation with Evil Ryu
+ Lasers are faster than Ryu
+ Could avoid Ryu’s long-range attacks with his barriers or flight
+ Devil Jin’s healing factor would make it more difficult to put him down
+ Devil Jin’s flight grants him superior mobility
+ Devil Jin’s telekinesis could be used to restrain Ryu should he try to get up-close
+ Devil Jin’s energy absorption could boost his power
+ Power of Nothingness wouldn’t be able to nullify the Devil Gene
– Less long-range options
– Less experienced
– Lacks control over Primal Devil Jin
Ryu (Loser)
+ Transformations could lessen the gap in physicality
+ Superior pain tolerance
+ More experienced
+ Better long-range options
    -Though Jin could easily avoid them
+ Could last a bit longer thanks to the Power of Nothingness’ temporary invulnerability and its ability to greatly empower his attacks
– Weaker if we’re only using canon versions. Composites are roughly equal in strength
– Slower
– Less durable
– Jin’s lasers are faster than he is
– Less versatile fighting styles
– Lacks control over Evil Ryu
– Raging Demon would be useless thanks to Jin’s resistance to Soul Manipulation
    -Even if he didn’t have resistance to it, Jin’s superior speed and his powerset as Devil Jin could let him avoid it
– No counter to Devil Jin’s healing factor, telekinesis, or energy absorption
– Power of Nothingness wouldn’t be able to neutralize the Devil Gene

Prelude: Ryu vs Jin Kazama

Ryu vs Jin Kazama by Br3ndan5

Disclaimer: This was originally written on Deviantart before Death Battle’s version of the fight. I am only submitting it here for archiving purposes.

Fighting games. One of the most popular genres in gaming. Beloved for their fantastic looking super moves, memorable soundtracks, rosters of badass characters,  and many other reasons, it is easy to see why this genre has lived on to see the modern day. And with each fighting game, there come the protagonists. These range from Kung Fu masters, to brooding antiheroes, to the lighthearted characters who just want a good fight. And today the ring of Death Battle shall be greeted by two protagonists representing the genre’s most popular titles.

Ryu, the Wandering Warrior from Street Fighter.

And Jin Kazama, the Child of Destiny from Tekken.

Both of these fighting game icons will be facing off in a no-holds-barred fight to the death. For research, I will be allowing every source of media the characters have appeared in with the exception of their crossovers or guest appearances. In other words, no Asura’s Wrath, Marvel vs Capcom, Namco x Capcom, or Project X Zone.

Anyway, I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to Brave-King-Shishio for the Ryu bio, DoctorMooDB for the information found in the manga, and NocturnBros and GokuvsSuperman117 for Jin’s bio.

Ryu SF by Wildgun-Edge

Height: 5’9” (1.75 m)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Occupation(s): Martial Artist; Wanderer
Fighting Style: Ansatsuken; Shotokan
lignment: Good
First Appearance: Street Fighter (1987)

-Has trained under martial arts experts such as Gouken and Oro
-Took part in, and won, the First World Warriors Tournament
-Defeated the World Warrior Champion, Sagat, through using the Satsui no Hado, and striking with enough force to rip through his chest and nearly kill him
-Was able to fight Akuma on equal footing (albeit, Akuma was holding back his full power, intent solely on testing Ryu)
-Is the only Street Fighter NOT named Akuma to defeat M. Bison in a one-on-one fight, doing so without the use of a sneak attack, even when Bison had taken the form of Final Bison, all whilst resisting the temptation of the Satsui no Hado (albeit, thanks to earlier motivation)
-Overpowered and defeated the genetically-enhanced, Tanden Engine-infused Seth, capable of copying moves such as his own Hadoken, Dhalsim’s unique ability to stretch his limbs and Guile’s Sonic Boom, whose ki and power was augmented to such an extent that he could create miniature black holes
-Obtained the Power of Nothingness and used it to prevent Necalli from eating his soul

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
-Endured a savage beating from a brainwashed Ken
-Alongside Ken, defeated M. Bison

Street Fighter II V
-Alongside Ken, defeated a group of military thugs
-Fought Guile, though he ultimately lost
    -Despite this, he managed to impress Guile with his refusal to stay down
-Defeated all of the fighters in the Devil’s Battle Cage martial arts tournament
-One of these fighters was Damnd, a skilled martial artist who had been undefeated for 15 years
-Alongside Ken, defeated Sodom and Gomorrah
-With Ken, defeated the Ashura Crime Syndicate, an organization of expert Muay Thai practitioners
-Endured brutal torture from the corrupt prison warden Nuchi
-Impressed Sagat to the point where their fight ended in a stalemate
-Alongside Sagat, beat Nuchi when he attempted to shoot both of them
-Defeated the rest of the Ashura Crime Syndicate
-Passed the trial of the Cave of Ancients
-Gained access to ki while training under Dhalsim
-Perfected the Hadou Ken while training in the Cave of Ancients
-Saved two children from a charging bull
-Mastered the Hadou Ken
-Alongside Chun-Li, was brainwashed into becoming the first of M. Bison’s Cyber Warriors
-Fought Ken while brainwashed
-Alongside Ken, fought M. Bison at the focal point of the universe
-Defeated M. Bison with the Hadou Ken

UDON comics
-Scarred Sagat with a Metsu Shoryuken
-Defeated Balrog
-Easily defeated M. Bison
-Defeated Twelve, an android that uses an amalgamation of several fighting styles
-Took on Sakura Kasugano as his student
-Freed Sakura from the corruption of the Satsui no Hado by absorbing it into himself
-As Evil Ryu, fought Oni to a stalemate, with their fight only ending after it was interrupted by Gill
-Obtained perfect balance between the Satsui no Hado and Power of Nothingness, allowing him to become Shin Ryu
-As Shin Ryu, effortlessly defeated Gill before going on to have a rematch with, and completely dominate, a full-powered Oni


Superhuman Strength
-Lifting Strength Class: At least Class 30, likely Class 40+
   ➣Lifted a large boulder, roughly the size of a small house (est. 30-40 tons), for months
-Striking Strength Class: At least Class GJ (Gigajoules)
   ➣Strong enough to overpower veteran martial arts masters, such as Ken Masters and M. Bison
   ➣Strong enough to punch through walls; ki projection strong enough to blow down buildings, or tear down chunks of skyscrapers
-Can knock out peak humans in one blow
-Pushed an extremely muscular prisoner off of his back with enough force to send him flying across the room
-Traded blows with Sagat, an expert Muay Thai fighter who could knock out most men with one punch
-Cracked three of Ken’s ribs with one punch
-Brought Zangief to his knees by elbowing him in the stomach
-Can destroy an entire room just by focusing his ki
-Overpowered M. Bison while grappling with him
-Was able to harm M. Bison with his attacks, something that no fighter had been able to do previously
-Threw off a large group of guards with a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Left a small crater after hitting the ground with a Satsui no Hado-infused punch
-Punched Ken through a wooden door
-Defeated Dee Jay with one punch, launching him across the arena and into a wall
-Defeated a bio-engineered warrior that was strong enough to defeat Ken, Chun-Li, and Birdie simultaneously

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes
-Speed Level: At least Supersonic (Mach 1.2-5: 410–1,710 m/s / 915-3,840 mph); at least Mach 2+ reaction speed / Likely Massively Hypersonic+ reflexes
  ➣Can react to, and dodge, Guile’s Sonic Boom (Mach 2: 680.58 m/s)
  ➣Fast enough to dodge point-blank gunfire
  ➣Fast enough to react to and avoid a Gou Hadoken from a bloodlusted Akuma, which shot up into outer space afterwards
-Dodged a charging bull
    -Bulls can run at speeds up to 35 mph
-Dodged a speeding car at the last second
-While brainwashed, rapidly launched multiple slabs of rock at Ken
-Can move so fast that he appears to others as a blur
-Dodged multiple attacks from M. Bison, who is fast enough to leave afterimages
-Effortlessly avoided a surprise attack from Ken
-Easily avoided a volley attacks from Adon
-Kept up with Gen, a martial artist who trained Chun-Li
-Dodged bullets while saving a hostage

Superhuman Stamina and Durability
-Survived impalement and severe beatings regularly
   ➣Has endured strikes from Akuma, who is strong enough to sink an island with a single blow (albeit, Akuma was likely holding back)
-Regularly travels the world, surviving in harsh conditions
-Withstood a brutal beating from a brainwashed Ken
-Endured repeated lashes from Nuchi’s whip without screaming in pain
-Took multiple hits from Sagat
-Shrugged off a bullet to the shoulder
-Jumped from a tall building and landed feet first onto a truck without injury
-Endured a brutal beating from the Crime Lord Zochi
    -One part of the beating involved Zochi grinding his cane into Ryu’s bullet wound
-Kept fighting despite suffering from a broken leg and being rendered half-blind
-Was unscathed after being struck by lightning while training in the Cave of Ancients
-Got to his feet immediately after being launched across the room by M. Bison’s Psycho Power
-Survived an explosion created by his ki colliding with Bison’s Psycho Power, though he was left unconscious
-Remained uninjured by the explosion that resulted from the Hadou Shoryuken’s collision with the Hadou Ken
-Took multiple Psycho Power-fueled attacks from M. Bison, such as the Double Knee Press and Psycho Crusher, the latter of which can kill normal men
-Withstood Akuma breaking his hand
-Shrugged off Akuma transferring a Hadoken inside of his body and detonating it
-Survived Akuma punching a hole through his chest
-As Evil Ryu, he survived a brutal beating from Gill followed by being frozen solid


Fighting Styles:

Japanese for “Assassination Fist” (暗殺拳)
Formerly an assassination art, adapted by Gouken into a non-lethal fighting style
Incorporates elements of Karate, Kenpo and Judo
   ➣Country of Origin: Japan
   ➣Adapted from indigenous martial arts of Ryukyu Islands, and Chinese martial arts such as Fujian White Crane
   ➣Modern Karate focuses on striking; using punches, kicks, knee strikes, and elbow strikes
   ➣Also incorporates a number of open-hand techniques, such as knife-hands (also popularly known as the karate chop), spear hands, and palm strikes
   ➣Historical Karate – and some modern schools – also incorporated joint-locking, vital point strikes, grappling, throws and restraints
   ➣Countries of Origin: Japan; China
   ➣Self-defensive art; focused almost entirely on counters and ending the fight as quickly as possible
   ➣Consists of several forms of defending – against strikes, weapons, grabs, etc. – that are required to be mastered to advance
   ➣Almost exclusively a standing-up martial art; using various hand strikes, kicks, elbows, knees, throws and joint locks
   ➣Country of Origin: Japan
   ➣Focuses on grapples and throws
   ➣Throwing techniques (nage waza) are divided into multiple classes and sub-categories; from tachi-waza (standing techniques, in which the thrower maintains an upright position) to sutemi-waza (sacrifice techniques, in which the thrower “sacrifices” their upright position to execute the throw)
   ➣Grappling techniques are divided into sub-categories such as osaekomi-waza (holding or pinning techniques), shime-waza (strangulation techniques) and kansetsu-waza (joint techniques)
   ➣Strikes rarely incorporated, except in pre-arranged forms or kata, and are not allowed in judo tournaments or free practice

Gouken’s variant of the Ansatsuken
-Another name given to Ryu and Ken’s fighting style
-Bears little resemblance to real-life Shotokan
-Balanced, well-rounded fighting style
-Eliminates the usage of the Satsui no Hado, instead embracing the peaceful and spiritual side of the Ansatsuken
   ➣Focuses chiefly on two philosophies, common in Japanese martial arts
-Do: Focuses more on personal development and
-Jutsu: Focuses on practical application and technique
Ryu’s variant of Shotokan focuses on “Jutsu” principle
-Focuses more on single strikes and ki manipulation over combination attacks
   ➣Often strikes vulnerable areas, such as the collarbone or the solar plexus

Powers and Abilities

SF II V Ryu ki by Br3ndan5
Japanese for “Spirit” (気)
Preternatural energy form found in all living beings
Can be harnessed via martial arts and other forms of physical activity
-Quantified by the strength and build of one’s body, as well as their health, finesse and muscle
Ryu’s ki is exceptionally strong; stronger than that of Chun-Li’s, who was able to create a large crater with a full-power explosion of energy
Can be converted into elemental power by some
-Elemental affinities take the form of the element most sympathetic with the user
   ➣Ryu’s affinity is Lightning: due to his focus on energy manipulation in his fighting style


Hadoken-2 by Wildgun-Edge
Japanese for “Surge Fist” or “Wave Motion Fist” (波動拳)
One of Ryu’s signature techniques
A surging energy wave, which produces a punching force travelling through the air
-Manifests in the form of a “fireball”
Ryu, as a proficient user of “jutsu”, has created a number of variations of the Hadoken
-Shakunetsu Hadoken
   ➣Japanese for “Scorching Heat Surge Fist” (灼熱波動拳)
   ➣A Hadoken imbued with thermal energy, setting it alight in the form of a REAL fireball
   ➣Charges faster than Akuma’s, albeit strikes with less power
-Denjin Hadoken 
   Japanese for “Electric Blade Surge Fist” (電刃波動拳)
   A Hadoken imbued with electricity, enhancing its power further and causing it to release a powerful discharge upon impact
   ➣ Stuns the opponent for a short period of time (Stun: an ailment that disables movement for the individual afflicted by it)
   Can be charged to increase damage output and stun it inflicts; Ryu’s can hit a maximum of five times when fully charged and is guaranteed to stun
-Shinku Hadoken
   Japanese for “Vacuum Surge Fist” (真空波動拳)
   A large, multi-hitting Hadoken that encompasses an entire stage, but can be jumped over more easily
   Can easily overpower most projectile attacks
-Metsu Hadoken
   Japanese for “Destroying Surge Fist” (滅・波動拳)
   A Hadoken energized by the Satsui no Hado to increase its power, however Ryu does not succumb to it
   In Street Fighter IV, the strongest projectile attack, barring the Yoga Catastrophe
-Ren Hadoken
  ➣Japanese for “Chain Surge Fist” (連波動拳)
Five Hadoken blasts fired in rapid succession of each other, albeit each one having a much shorter range
-Baku Hadoken
   Japanese for “Bursting Surge Fist” (爆波動拳)
   A charged Hadoken that, when released, briefly vanishes from sight before reappearing, and detonating with explosive force when it connects


Japanese for “Rising Dragon Fist” (昇龍拳)
The signature move of Ken Masters
-Ryu’s Shoryuken – by comparison – focuses more on hard-hitting, with a single blow to knock their opponents on their back; weaker than Ken’s, but still powerful and with a faster recovery time
A jumping uppercut, during which the user spins, that knocks the opponent into the air and then onto the ground
-Designed to act as an anti-air move, but can also be used as a counter-attack for most other attacks
Much like the Hadoken, Ryu has knowledge of other variations of the Shoryuken
-Shin Shoryken
   ➣Japanese for “True Rising Dragon Fist”

   A hard, powerful strike in the midsection (via elbow or punch), followed by a powerful Shoryuken
-Metsu Shoryuken
   Japanese for “Destroying Rising Dragon Fist” (滅・昇龍拳)
   An extremely powerful Shoryuken, using the power of the Satsui no Hado, albeit under Ryu’s control
   Possesses enough power to completely crush an opponent’s jaw, and blast them into the air with the force of the uppercut
-Hado Shoryuken
   Japanese for “Surging Rising Dragon Fist” (波動・昇龍拳)
   Empowers his Shoryuken’s striking force with the blue ki of Hadoken; the strike sending a Hadoken firing directly up, striking the airborne opponent

Ryu-tatsu by Wildgun-Edge
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
Japanese for “Tornado Whirlwind Leg” (竜巻旋風脚)
A spinning, midair kick that involves the user jumping up and rotating their legs
-Ryu can use it to hit either three times, or once with a stronger, harsher blow
-Can sometimes lift Ryu high enough to fly over projectiles
Like Hadoken and Shoryuken, Ryu has a further variation of the technique
-Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
   ➣Japanese for “Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Leg” (真空竜巻旋風脚)

   Performs a stationary Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, that creates a vacuum wave; pulling opponents in and damaging them
Tatsumaki Gorasen
   ➣Japanese for “Tornado Strong Spiral” (
   Performs a strong, vertical Tatsumaki; the first hit launches the opponent into the air, and Ryu follows with the subsequent kicks, the last of which launches the opponent away

Joudan Sokutogeri:
Japanese for “High Level Leg Blade Kick” (上段足刀蹴り)
-Also known as the Donkey Kick
-According to Google Translate, means “And Diarrhoea Joke Foot”
A simple, yet strong, forward stepping kick
-Sends the opponent flying upon contact
-Step range and power determined by amount of force put into the attack
   Light: Flips legs and kicks for lighter damage
   Heavy: Steps forward and kicks opponent for high damage

-Slow and easy to parry
-Can also bounce opponents off of walls
Unlike Ryu’s other special moves, does not have any variations


Evil Ryu:
A transformation that Ryu undergoes when he fully succumbs to the Satsui no Hado
-Augments Ryu’s physicality and ki levels greatly
   -In the UDON comics, Ryu, while in this form, was able to fight Oni to a standstill
-Transforms him into a cold-blooded, arrogant warrior, thirsty for blood and death
Transforms his fighting style into a mix of his own and Akuma’s: crossing his simplistic style with Akuma’s brutal power and combos
-Has minimal defense options; reflected in-game by low stamina
Due to the power of the Satsui no Hado, Ryu acquires new moves that he can use in-battle
-Messatsu Gou Hadou
   Japanese for “Annihilating Great Surge” (滅殺豪波動)
  A larger, much stronger Shinku Hadoken, using the dark ki of the Satsui no Hado
  Can hit up to at least eight times
-Tatsumaki Zankukyaku
  Japanese for “Tornado Slashing Air Leg” (竜巻斬空脚); also known as the Hurricane Scythe Kick
  Similar to the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
  Hits multiple times, like Ken’s, but is as strong as Ryu’s and even faster, but harder to control
  ➣Can also take on lightning-elemental properties
  Japanese for “Dragon Claw Leg” (竜爪脚)
  A fierce axe-kick, the power of which varies depending if it was a light or heavy attack
  Useful for evading, and then punishing, attempted jabs and/or short attacks

-Ashura Senku
   Japanese for “Fighting Demon Flashing Air”
   Allows the user to glide along the ground from one location to the other; preventing them from being hit during the execution
   Believed to be a form of projection that allows the body to act as a phantasm
   Japanese for “Annihilating Great Rising Dragon” (滅殺豪昇龍)
   Strikes with a powerful barrage of Shoryuken hits, before then infusing dark ki into their fist to drive the opponent’s face into the ground
   Can scorch the foe with dark-purple flames 

-Raging Demon/Shun Goku Satsu
   ➣Japanese for “Instant Hell Murder”

   A forbidden move, taught in the original principles of Ansatsuken
   When performed, the user of the Satsui no Hado would rage out of control; their wrath only able to be quelled by the death of the opponent
   A barrage of blows said to inflict punishment onto one’s soul with the weight of their sins, completely destroying their spirits
   Very few have survived the attack
Hqdefault by Wildgun-Edge
Power of Nothingness:
Japanese Name: Mu no Ken (無の拳; “Fist of Nothingness”)
A state of consciousness transcending normal perspective
-Can only be learned through spiritual and mental refinement
-The power to act without letting emotions – such as greed, pride, anger, etc. – act as guidance
The opposite of the Satsui no Hado in every way
-Can be used to seal away and repel the Satsui no Hado
Grants the user exceptional power to use in battle
-Renders them temporarily invulnerable to damage, and capable of greatly-empowered attacks
Shin Ryu by Br3ndan5
Shin Ryu:
A transformation obtained when Ryu managed to achieve enlightenment by perfectly balancing the Satsui no Hado with the Power of Nothingness
-Boosts his stats higher than his previous transformations combined, allowing him to easily defeat Gill, who had previously been shown to effortlessly defeat both Oni and Evil Ryu simultaneously
Grants Ryu the ability to teleport
Allows him to use the following moves in battle:
➣Japanese for “Immovable Quake”
➣Presses both hands down, creating a powerful shockwave

Heavily reliant on close-quarters combat
Jack-of-All-Trades, Master of None
-Is not yet a master in neither controlling the Satsui no Hado fully nor harnessing the Power of Nothing to its maximum potential
–This does not seem to apply to Shin Ryu, which he has seemed to have mastered
Attacks can leave him vulnerable and open to counter-attacking, if they fail
Evil Ryu is arrogant, prolonging the kill to savor the battle
-Also has less defensive options, favoring a purely aggressive fighting style
(Ryu: The answer lies in the heart of battle!)
Jin by NocturnBros
Jin Kazama
King of Iron Fist, Evil Angel, Pitch Black Wings, Child of Destiny, Lightning of Fate, Fatal Lightning
First Appearance: Tekken 3 (1997)
Age: 21
Yakushima, Japan
Species: Human/Devil
Classification: Fighter
Height: 1.80 m (5′11″)
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs)
Occupation: Martial Artist, CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, 
Mechanical Engineer (Former)

-Mastered the Mishima Martial Art within a few months at a young age
-Won several King of Iron Fist Tournaments
-During his first tournament, Jin defeated Heihachi Mishima, Ogre, and True Ogre
-During his second tournament, Jin made it to the seventh round before being ambushed by the Tekken Force. While he fought off most, he was eventually captured and chained up in Honmaru. Afterwards, he defeated Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi before flying away
-Before the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Jin went on a journey to master his powers. This journey led him to fight multiple goons, monsters, a modified Gun Jack that could fire missiles and electrical bursts, a Heihachi Mishima clone that could eventually morphed into three clones, a ball of light that could spawn monsters, and True Ogre, who would turn into his much more powerful form Monstrous Ogre; this form was twice the size of True Ogre and could summon fire tornadoes
-During his third tournament, Jin defeated the reawakened Jinpachi Mishima, who could launch fireballs and was controlled by a demon. He also fought off the influence of the Devil Gene throughout their battle, which went berserk when Jinpachi first resurfaced
-Took over the Mishima Zaibatsu shortly after defeating Jinpachi
-Started World War 3 to draw out the ultimate evil, Azazel, and sacrifice himself to kill the god in order to free the world of the Devil Gene. It half-worked; Azazel was indeed destroyed, but Jin survived, the Devil Gene still intact

Stronk by NocturnBros
-Can match and even surpass the strength of Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima (Both of whom displayed the ability to tear through several Jack-4 robots like paper, able to pick up grizzly bears weighing close to 500 lbs. and hoist them up with one arm before chucking them away at least 15 ft., and easily overpower beings who can lift 80 tons)
-Far stronger than Paul Phoenix (who can punch through stone walls and huge boulders with a single punch), Bruce Irving (who can punch a speeding car over his head), Kuma & Panda (Bears close to the size of 500 lbs. and are stronger than both men), and every one of the Jack robots (machines that are far stronger than normal combatants)
-Able to launch the demon Azazel (who weighs a ton) several feet into the air.
-Pushed Heihachi through a wall
-Casually beats down Tekken Force soldiers
-Destroyed some chains that had the power to weaken the power of the Devil Gene
-Devil Jin destroyed a whole wasteland just by spreading his wings
-Devil Jin destroyed Hwoarang’s bike
-Destroyed an entire forest
-The sheer pressure of one of his punches was enough to destroy all of the windows in a skyscraper
-Killed Azazel in one punch
-Punched Heihachi off a cliff
-Devil Jin sliced down an entire temple with his beams
-Devil Jin sliced the mountain-sized Spirit Kyoto in half

Speed by NocturnBros
-Capable of driving a motorcycle directly into gunfire and missiles; he is unscathed and is able to dodge every single obstacle
-Scales to Kazuya and Heihachi, the latter of which caught a 9mm bullet with his teeth no sweat
-Overmatched Lars Alexanderson, who was even faster than Kazuya Mishima.
-Devil Jin’s beam was able to tag Combot DX, which neither Heihachi, Kazuya or him were able to touch
-Flew to out of the atmosphere in a few seconds
-Can keep pace with Kazuya and Heihachi, who are massively superior to JACK robots
    -JACKs are able to fly out of orbit in just a few seconds
-Superior to Tekken’s many fodder bullet-timers, like Bob

Durabeee by NocturnBros
-In his first tournament win, Jin outlasted Heihachi Mishima, Ogre, and True Ogre in a rapid succession
-Scales to Kazuya (Who fell down a cliff as a child and climbed back up thanks to the Devil Gene. He also was dropped into the mouth of a volcano and survived) and Heihachi (Who was dropped down the same cliff as Kazuya and climbed back up without the use of the Devil Gene since he doesn’t have it. He was also blown up in an explosion that leveled a pagoda and crashed underneath a cemetery, where he was buried for several weeks) 
-Able to fight in the arctic or a volcanic atmosphere without any signs of distress
-Can headbutt a Jack-5 multiple times without the risk of a concussion
-In the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Jin was able to take down several Tekken Force members without tiring.
-Capable of fighting 3 Heihachis (All of which scaled to the original in physicality and mentality) at once
-During the final battle with Azazel, Jin plunged himself and the deity at least thousands of feet into an abyss before continuing a fight for a short time
-Took blows from Devil Kazuya
-Survived a fall from orbit
-Survived the explosion of a helicopter from within
-Survived getting crushed by a temple
-Got punched through a boulder by Asuka
-Survived getting thrown off a helicopter
-Tanked getting shot several times

Skill by NocturnBros
-Started a war with G Corporation using the Zaibatsu’s resources
-Indirectly caused the death of Miguel’s sister
-Obtained the Mishima Zaibatsu after defeating Jinpachi
-Fought against Lars Alexandersson
-Defeated Kazuya and Heihachi while injured
-Defeated Jinpachi Mishima

-Defeated Ogre
-Has managed to keep on living without being overtaken by the Devil Gene

Cold & Pragmatic
-As the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jin is a calculating individual and oppurtunist
-He has become a brilliant tactician and engineer
-Pushes people away and prefers to be alone
Sweet & Gentle
-However, according to his closest friends, the stoic demeanor is a facade. Jin is actually a gentle soul deep down
-He pushes people away so he doesn’t endanger them with the Devil Gene. He’s also quite shy
-Doesn’t like deception or doing evil in any case, even if it’s for the right thing

Fighting Styles:

Kazuma-ryu Kobujutsu:
-Jin’s main fighting style which he adopted after shunning the Mishima bloodline
-It is the Kazama traditional fighting style and focuses on a passive yet stern role in combat
-The fighting style incorporates traditional Japanese arts such as Aikido, Karate, and Judo, but primarily focuses on Daito-ryu Aiki-Jiujitsu and Kyokushinkaikan
-Jin’s usage of the form is similar to his mother’s except it is overall stronger and faster while staying unique to him
-The way Jin uses his moveset allows him to be a masterful technician; he can be passive, aggressive, offensive, and defensive all at once. He is also quite mobile, implementing several quick steps (called Mist Steps in form) and quick parries
-The style has a signature 5-hit combo called the Kazama Fury that implements all of its best strikes. Jin can lead into it with a splits kick, leading to the legendary Kazama 6-Hit Combo
-It has two specific stances that allow Jin to fight in different positions. Mental Alertness gives Jin a better defensive position while Power Stance gives Jin a better offensive form
-Jin has one 10-hit combo in this form. It starts off with an elbow before leading into a string of kicks, a series of spinning elbows, and then finished off with a quick succession of punches

Mishima-ryu Kenpa Karate:
-Jin’s original fighting style that he ultimately discarded once his grandfather Heihachi betrayed him
-However, once Jin enters his Devil Form, his blood shall fall back on the ways of the Mishima bloodline
-Devil Jin’s usage of the martial art incorporates Shito-ryu, a combination style that incorporates the diverse roots of karate. Shorin-ryu and Shotokan (styles that focus on long powerful stances and powerful strikes) blend with Uechi-ryu and Goju-ryu (styles that emphasize circular and eight-directional movements, breathing power, and hard and soft variations). Shito-ryu has 60 forms in its arsenal
-While each Mishima uses a variant of the style, each moveset shares these thirteen moves: 

  • Mist Step (The universal quick step that allows a user to advance forward and evade high attacks)
  • Rising Uppercut (A quick step followed by a quick and powerful uppercut) 
  • Dragon Uppercut (A quick step into a leaping uppercut) 
  • Flash Punch Combo (A double jab led into a knockdown punch) 
  • Demon Slayer (A 1-2 into a spinning backhand) 
  • Demon Backhand Spin (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Right Splits Kick (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Left Splits Kick (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Tsunami Kick (A leaping spin kick that turns into a repetition of ground spin kicks) 
  • Spinning Demon (A powerful lightning uppercut that charges up from spins) 
  • Demon Scissors (A frontflip that brings the weight of both legs crashing on top of an opponent) 
  • Stonehead (A powerful headbutt) 
  • Rising Sun (A quick step into a double spinning leg sweep)

-There are two 10-hit combos in this form. One is shared among all practitioners (This variant starts with a quick step before being followed up by a flurry of punches, a few kicks, and ended with a Dragon Uppercut) and another is unique to Devil Jin (This one starts with a spinning roundhouse followed up by a Tsunami Kick, a few punches, and ended with a Dragon Uppercut)
-Devil Jin focuses on a strong style that favors offense over defense



Electricity Manipulation by NocturnBros
Electricity Manipulation:
-Jin’s aura manifests itself as electricity
-Jin can use it to enhance the power of his attacks
-However, he can’t use it for anything else

Fire by NocturnBros
Fire Manipulation:
-Can imbue some of his attacks with fire

Devil Gene by NocturnBros
Devil Gene:
-The supernatural genetic abnormality found within the Mishima bloodline that allows them to tap into an evil spirit’s power
-Manifested in Jin at age 15 by forming a tattoo on his shoulder
-Capable of enhancing Jin’s abilities at the risk of turning him bloodlusted and insane
-Jin’s connection to the Devil Gene was powerful enough to tear through chains specifically designed to neutralize the powers of the Devil Gene and render a user unconscious in minutes
-Depending on the user, the Gene can control or be controlled
-The Gene gives Jin an intimidating presence and electrical abilities
-The Gene can save Jin from fatal injuries, such as gunshot wounds and a fall thousands of feet long
-Jin has achieved almost full control of it and can use some of its abilities without tapping into his Devil Form
Can fire lasers out of his forehead
Barrier by NocturnBros
-Can form spiritual barriers around Jin that protect him from multiple lasers from a Golden Azazel

Resistance to Mind and Soul Manipulation:
-Thanks to Jun Kazama’s blood, Jin can prevent the Devil Gene from taking over his mind completely
-In addition to that, Jun’s blood was able to damage Kazuya when he was trying to steal Jin’s soul


Fighting Gauntlets:
-Jin’s personal gauntlets
-Are outfitted with metal stud patterns that are used for blocking and backhands
-The crest of the Kazama or a triangular pattern lays atop the fist

Red Footpads
-Footpads Jin wears
-Protects his feet from damage


-An ability that allows Jin to deal extra damage with one of his strikes
-The damage carries over if a combo is set in place
-It will be telegraphed when Jin crouches and charges up electrical currents within his body, which causes his fists to glow

Mental Alertness:
-One of Jin’s two martial stances
-Gives Jin a better defense position with his low stance
-Can absorb a hit before Jin would retaliate
-Can lunge kick into the air, give a quick strike, give a lunge punch combo, and an electrified sweep kick

Power Stance:
-Jin’s other martial stance
-Charges up Jin’s fists with electricity
-Gives Jin better offensive capabilities for a short time
-Can reverse an attack before Jin would capitalize on the opponent’s exposed position
-Able to stack up with a Supercharger, giving Jin double the power within his fists

Penetrating Fist:
-Jin condenses ki into his palm before thrusting it forward, which summons an orb of energy
-Is mostly used as a defensive asset
-Can throw two out at different locations

Eighth Gate of Hell:
-Jin charges up electricity in his body and readies his arm for a powerful thrust
-If he connects with the punch, massive damage follows

Median Line Destruction:
-Jin unleashes a flurry of punches that can cripple an opponent if he or she gets caught within it
-The punches are aimed at weak points such as the face, stomach, abdomen, and ribs
-With the last punch, Jin sends the opponent flying


Devil Jin by NocturnBros
Devil Jin:
-When Jin either loses himself or willingly uses the Devil Gene, he assumes a demonic form that enhances his physicality
-Whether reached through instinct or will, Jin will sprout two black avian wings out of his back and tattoos will form on his body
-If Jin is out-of-control, he will also form horns atop his head, sharp teeth, a paler skin tone, beast-like eyes, gauntlets with spiked tips and fingers, studded boots, and chains will be summoned around his arms, legs, and waist.
-Devil Jin can also create powerful shockwaves that can ripple an area just from landing. When he first awakened in a forest, a few shockwaves was all it took to completely obliterate it
-Though in pain when he transforms, Devil Jin gains access to a healing factor.
-Gains access to a whole slew of new powers.

Enhanced Senses
-Can smell out opponents from miles away

Soul Detection
-Allows him to read the hearts of his opponents and track them down by their ki signatures

Laser by NocturnBros
Laser Beam:
-Devil Jin can fire powerful laser beams from the crystal on his forehead
-They’re more powerful than the ones Jin can use in his base form
-Can stun or electrocute opponents
-If caught in the air, Jin can juggle them for a long period of time

Flight by NocturnBros
-As you could expect, Devil Jin can use his huge wingspan to fly at high speeds
-This ability can also be incorporated into his moveset

Choke me daddy by NocturnBros
-Devil Jin can use telekinesis to choke opponents or blast opponents away
-It was also used to destroy Hwoarang’s motorcycle from a few meters away

Energy by NocturnBros
Energy Absorption
-Devil Jin is able to absorb the life energy of his enemies
-He can use this ability to gain a new surge of power

Primal Devil Jin:
-When Jin uses the higher echelons of the Devil Gene, he transforms into a far more monstrous version of his Devil counterpart
-The form grows larger clawed hands, sharper teeth, bigger horns, a tail, a larger muscle mass, and  scale-plate skin
-Able to level several buildings with an amplified version of his standard laser. He can keep it firing for longer periods of time and bend its trajectory
-This form of Jin is completely out of control

Full-Power Devil Jin:
-When Jin finally gets his Devil Gene under his control, he can tap into the peak of his power
-Jin’s form becomes humanoid, gaining armored gauntlets, boots, and armored wings
-Along with Jin’s newfound control, his stats are increased dramatically once more, able to cover hundreds of yards in a moment with flight
-He also has an even more powerful beam that can slice through a giant Mokujin golem
-Fought off both Devil Kazuya and Heihachi while he was controlling a Mokujin golem taller than the pagodas he was near

When You Try To Nut But It Doesn't Come Out by NocturnBros
-Jin is a primarily close-range fighter at base, lacking any true projectiles most fighting game protagonists have at their disposal
-Jin’s normal fighting style lacks a high scale of damage
-Devil Jin’s fighting style, while savage in strength and speed, sacrifices much of Jin’s original defensive advantages
-While Jin is capable of controlling the Devil Gene by his own will, too much dark energy can cause him to lose control of himself
-Devil Jin is sadistic in nature and prefers to torment his opponents instead of going for the kill
-Anyone who bears Kazama blood can calm or even depower Jin from his Devil form
-His mixed blood is a major reason for when he loses control of himself. His Kazama and Mishima genes are constantly at war, which causes Jin to stay relatively distant and emotionless so he doesn’t accidentally hurt anyone he cares about
-Constantly restraining his true power
-Has lost fights to rather weak opponents, like Hwoarang or Miguel

(“The Mishima bloodline ends here.”)

SF II V Ken Hadou Shoryukens Into Death Battle!

SF II V Ken by Br3ndan5

Ken Masters
Age: 17

Height: 5’9
Weight: 169 lbs
First Appearance: “The Beginning of a Journey” (April 10, 1995)

-Alongside Ryu, defeated a group of military thugs
-Attempted to get revenge on Guile for injuring Ryu during their fight
-He failed
-Alongside Ryu, defeated Sodom and Gomorrah
-Was chosen by Fei Long to participate in a fight scene for his upcoming movie
-Fei Long later admitted that Ken gave him “one hell of a fight” and vowed that one day they’d have a rematch
-With Ryu, defeated the Ashura Crime Syndicate, an organization of expert Muay Thai practitioners
-Organized a search team to clear Ryu’s name and free him from prison
-Defeated Zochi, the head of the Ashura Crime Syndicate
-Passed the trial of the Cave of Ancients
-Defeated Vega in a cage match for Chun-Li’s love
-Impressed M. Bison due to how he defeated Vega
-Discovered how to use ki and used it to escape capture from Shadowlaw
-Freed Ryu from his brainwashing with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Alongside Ryu, fought M. Bison at the focal point of the universe

Animated GIF
-Can knock out fully grown men with one blow
-Traded blows with Fei Long, a martial artist comparable to Bruce Lee
-Casually ripped off Zochi’s chainsaw arm
-Broke Ryu’s leg and rendered him half-blind with only a few blows
-With some coaching from Vega, knocked out a bull in two hits
-Landed an overhead strike inside Vega’s chest
-Broke four of Vega’s ribs with a punch
-Caught a falling Vega without any difficulty
-Broke out of steel chains using his ki
-Destroyed a ceiling with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Destroyed a steel wall with the Hadou Shoryuken
-Can destroy an entire room just by focusing his ki

Animated GIF
-Dodged attacks from Zochi’s chainsaw arm
-Dodged a charging bull at the last second
-Bulls can run at speeds up to 35 mph
-Effortlessly avoided multiple attacks from Vega, an extremely swift and agile fighter
-Deflected slabs of stone rapidly launched at him by a brainwashed Ryu
-Evaded multiple attacks from a brainwashed Ryu

Animated GIF

-Withstood blows from Guile, though he was left hospitalized
-Took multiple hits from Fei Long, who had previously been shown to incapacitate trained stuntmen with just one punch
-Jumped from a tall building and landed feet first onto a car without any injury
-Shrugged off a brutal beating from the crime lord Zochi
-Could still fight and walk despite having three cracked ribs
-Barely flinched after a bull scraped his side
-Endured repeated lacerations, massive amounts of blood loss, and having both of his feet broken during his fight with Vega
-Regarded his feet being sliced open as “just a little scratch”
-Took hits from a brainwashed Ryu
-Was uninjured by the explosion created from the Hadou Shoryuken’s collision with the Hadou Ken
-Took multiple Psycho Power-fueled attacks from M. Bison, such as the Double Knee Press and Psycho Crusher, the latter of which can kill normal men

SF II V Ryu Ken stamina by Br3ndan5
-Fought Fei Long through a majority of Hong Kong, with neither one feeling exhausted by the end of it
-Meditated for an entire day, remaining motionless the entire time
-Fought through broken feet and massive amounts of blood loss to continue his fight with Vega
-Got back to his feet almost immediately after the explosion that resulted from the Hadou Ken and Hadou Shoryuken’s collision
-Continued fighting even after a brutal beating from M. Bison

SF II V Ryu Ken Personality by Br3ndan5
-Roughly the same as his canon counterpart
-Generally kind and friendly
-Somewhat brash and cocky
-Was extremely hotheaded, though this is no longer the case after episode 12
-Refuses to back down from a fight no matter how difficult it gets or the injuries he sustains

-Realized the “monster” he was fighting in the Cave of Ancients was actually Ryu by noticing its refusal to give up


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-A form of energy found in all living beings
-Is said to be more powerful than Psycho Power
-Ken’s ki in particular is indicated by an aura of lightning and violent gusts of wind
-Ken can use his ki to sense other people and their current situations
-In times of desperation he can absorb ki from his surroundings, allowing him to enhance his physicality

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-Ken jumps into the air, spinning upward as he does so, before delivering a rising uppercut that launches his opponent dozens of feet into the air
-Used to defeat Vega

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Hadou Shoryuken:

-Also referred to as Hadou Shoryu
-Ken focuses his ki into his fist before delivering a Shoryuken that releases a powerful beam of energy. Once the beam subsides, there is a chance the leftover energy will form a massive tornado
-Strong enough to overpower the Hadou Ken
-Used to free Ryu from his brainwashing

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-Still susceptible to poisons and drugs
-Not as experienced as Ryu when it comes to using ki
-Lacks many of his techniques from the games
-Nowhere near as powerful as his canonical counterpart