Jack Garland: Jobs

-Abilities and classes that Jack unlocks over the course of his quest
-Are split into basic jobs, advanced jobs, and expert jobs
-Each job has its own unique job action that boosts Jack during battle
-Can switch between them on the fly, allowing him to combine their abilities and deliver devastating combos

Basic Jobs:

Swordfighter Attack.gif
-Uses swords and shields
-Interception: Nullifies damage and counters an enemy after guarding a blockable attack
-Shield Bash: Staggers the enemy by smacking them with a shield. Costs 100 MP and requires a shield
-Slash & Soar: A diagonal slash followed by a series of spinning slashes that knock the enemy back
-Cross Slash: A horizontal slash followed by a vertical slash
-Dayflash: A heavy diagonal swing that sends opponents flying. Used at the end of combos
-Interception: An auto-counter where Jack blocks an attack and delivers a diagonal slash. Is invincible while performing the counter
-Beatdown: Jack leaps into the air and brings his sword down on his opponent’s head

Continue reading Jack Garland: Jobs

Jack Garland: Weapons and Equipment

-Used to call or text others
-Has nu metal downloaded into its library

Dark Crystal by Br3ndan5
Dark Crystal:
-A crystal given to Jack by the Lufenians
-Erases its user’s memories and replaces them with a strong desire, which in Jack’s case, is a desire to kill Chaos
   -This desire is proportional to how much storage is left, so if its storage is full, the desire will be removed

-Easy to use weapons that can be wielded with one hand and have greater attack speed compared to heavier weapons
-Used by Swordfighters
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Blessed Blade: Heals Jack upon hitting an enemy
    -Sacred Blade: Imbues the sword with Holy magic, causing it to glow with a sacred, heavenly power
    -Rapid Thrust: Jack performs a series of thrusts before delivering a final stab that knocks his opponent away
    -Piercing Lunge: A thrusting stab that fires a blast which travels across the screen, piercing through any enemies in its path. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Swift Slash: Jack lunges forward and unleashes two quick, spinning slashes. The slashes can be changed mid-direction to focus on a specific target
    -Nimble Maneuver: Jack lunges forward, briefly disappearing before delivering two quick slashes and backrolling away
    -Nightglow: A darkness-infused stab that knocks enemies away
    -Tenebrous Blade: Jack performs three slashes, with each one creating a wave of energy that travels across the screen

Broadsword by Br3ndan5
-Spirit +1%
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-HP +11
-Can use Blessed Blade

Warlord by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.4%
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.5%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +0.9%
-Can use Rapid Thrust and Piercing Lunge

Braveheart by Br3ndan5
-Imbue Holy +0.5%
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.4%
-Ability Damge Dealt +0.7%

Sun Blade by Br3ndan5
Sun Blade:
-Can use Blessed Blade

Wing Edge by Br3ndan5
Wing Edge:
-Can use Swift Slash and Nimble Maneuver

Blood Sword by Br3ndan5
Blood Sword:
-Ability Break Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Critical: HP Recovery +4.6%
-Can use Nightglow and Tenebrous Blade

Extreme Edge by Br3ndan5
Extreme Edge
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1%
-Action Ability MP Cost -1.2%
-Ability Break Damage Dealt +0.9%

Enhancer by Br3ndan5
-Spirit +2
-Break Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.2%
-HP Recovery Amount +2.1%
-Can use Sacred Blade and Blessed Blade

Rakshasa Blade by Br3ndan5
Rakshasa Blade:
-Lightbringer Duration +1.3%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.7%
-Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Nightglow and Tenebrous Blade

-Balanced slashing weapons that require the use of both hands
-Have great damage at the cost of low attack speed
-Used by Swordsmen and Warriors
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Power Impact: Jack holds his greatsword in front of himself as he charges forward, smashing into the enemy with the flat of his blade
    -Batter: Jack rapidly smashes his greatsword against his opponent four times
    -Tenebrous Blast: Jack leaps forward, spins through the air, and slashes his enemy
    -Twister: Jack lunges and unleashes a trio of spinning slashes. Can switch targets between each slash
    -Spiritual Sword: Jack channels fire through his greatsword, turning it into a massive fiery blade and delivering a horizontal slash that burns anything in its path. After this, the greatsword will stay on fire for a few seconds, boosting its strength and letting it burn enemies
    -Aura Edge: Jack channels fire through his greatsword and throws out two slashes, sending waves of fire across the screen. Like Spiritual Sword, the greatsword will stay on fire for a few seconds following completion
    -Dragon Tail: A chargeable slash where Jack slams his greatsword into the ground and uses it to pole vault a few steps ahead
    -Skybreaker: A chargeable thrust that Carrie’s Jack across the stage

Greatsword by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-HP +11
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Rebellion by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +1.1%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +2.1%

Barbarian by Br3ndan5
Barbarian’s Sword:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Imbue Fire +0.6%
-Can use Dragon Tail and Skybreaker

Defender by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.5%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -1.1%
-Can use Tenebrous Blast

Organyx by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.6%
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Claymore by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Can use Tenebrous Blast and Twister

-Can use Tenebrous Blast and Twister

-Can use Dragon Tail and Skybreaker

Hardedge by Br3ndan5
-Buff Duration +0.8%
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Potion Recovery Amount +4.4%
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Hero’s Greatsword:
-Can use Spiritual Sword and Aura Edge

Excalibur by Br3ndan5
-Can use Spiritual Sword and Aura Edge

Accelerator by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +1.4%
-Agility +2
-Soul Shield: MP Recovery +5%
-Can use Swift Slash

-A two-handed blade that allows for swift, focused slashes
-Used by Ronin
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Issei-Teppa: Jack thrusts his katana forward, knocking an enemy back
    -Suimen: An overhead slash
    -Enpi: A rising, uppercutting slash followed by a diving, sweeping slash
    -Dan’un: Jack spins through the air before delivering a slash that creates a wave of light which travels across the screen
    -Rengoku: Jack channels darkness through his katana and performs an overhead slash. When his blade hits the ground, it creates a pillar of darkness beneath the enemy for extra damage. Once this move is completed, the blade will be engulfed in darkness for a few seconds, giving it extra power. Using this drains Jack of some of his health
    -Kuroageha: Jack channels darkness through his katana and creates an exploding X-shaped slash in front of himself. Using this drains Jack of some of his health
    -Goten: Jack holds his katana in front of himself and raises it to the heavens, causing it to be struck by lightning. He then swings the lightning-infused katana in front of him, firing a wave of electricity that travels through the area
    -Magatsukaze: Jack spins around before slashing, creating a massive tornado in front of himself

Genbu by Br3ndan5
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Strength +1
-Buff Duration +0.5%
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Tachi by Br3ndan5
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Strength +1
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.6%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

Genji Blade by Br3ndan5
Genji Blade:
-Can use Goten and Magatsukaze

Mutsunokami by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.4%
-Agility +2
-Agility +2
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Kazekiri by Br3ndan5
-Agility +2
-Buff Duration +0.7%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

Kikuichimonji by Br3ndan5
-Agility +1
-Physical Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Gekko by Br3ndan5
Gekko and Nikki:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.8%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1.6%
-Status Ailment Accumulation +3.3%
-Can use Nightjar and Shadow Fang

Masamune by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Strength +1
-Action Ability MP Cost -1.7%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

-Can use Goten and Magatsukaze

-Can use Rengoku and Kuroageha

Yoto-Ryu by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Near Death: Damage Dealt +2.7%
-Can use Rengoku and Kuroageha

-Dual blades that possess great attack speed and allow for critical hits regardless of where Garland is aiming
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Throw: Jack throws both daggers directly in front of him
    -Blade Turbine: Jack performs a spinning slash, leaps into the air, and follows up with a downward diagonal slash
    -Evisceration: Jack stabs in front of himself, then swings around with his blades
    -Sawblade Storm: A series of overhead diagonal slashes. Jack can slash anywhere from 3 to 8 times
    -Nightjar: Jack briefly disappears as he lunged forward, only for a trail of afterimages to show up as he performs a cross-shaped slash
    -Shadow Fang: Jack lunges forward as his blades are coated in darkness. If he hits an enemy, he’ll slash them across the stomach
    -Free Energy: Jack sits down cross-legged, briefly charging his energy before unleashing a massive, arcing, water-infused slash
    -Force Wall: Jack stabs in front of himself, creating a massive stream of water that blasts his opponent. He then punches the stream, causing it to explode. The stream can be charged, allowing it to last longer

Swordbreaker by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Can perform Evisceration and Sawblade Storm

Mage Masher by Br3ndan5
Mage Mashers:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Agility +1
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.1%
-Can use Throw and Blade Turbine

Twin Gladii by Br3ndan5
Twin Gladi:
-Can perform Evisceration

Orichalcum by Br3ndan5
Orichalcum Dirks:
-Drop Rate +0.9%
-Critical Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Instant Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%

Sasuke by Br3ndan5
Sasuke and Saizo:
-Agility +2
-Critical Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Afflicted Enemy: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Can use Nightjar and Shadow Fang

Main Gauches by Br3ndan5
Main Gauches:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +1
-Enables Free Energy
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Can use Free Energy and Force Wall

Ripper Knives by Br3ndan5
Ripper Knives:
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.4%
-Critical Damage Dealt +1.3%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max Break +1.3%
-Can use Throw and Blade Turbine

Zwill by Br3ndan5
Zwill Crossblades:
-Magic Damage Dealt +1%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1.6%
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Free Energy and Force Wall

-Weapons that inflict bludgeoning damage and can be wielded with one hand
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Terror’s Grip: A combo of four swings
    -Chopper: Jack swings his mace in front of himself then turns and performs a 180° spin, leaving a trail of energy behind him
    -Penitence: Jack charges his mace with holy magic and slams it into the ground, creating a pillar of energy that engulfs his target
    -Ray of Absolution: Jack raises his mace to the heavens and unleashes a shockwave of holy magic
    -Cascade: Jack performs a diagonal swing, flips through the air, then follows up with a leaping overhead swing
    -Bonecrusher: Jack charges his mace with magic and performs a 4-hit combo
    -Crimson Halo: Jack lunges forward and delivers a fire-infused swing. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Lacerate: Jack performs two fire-infused upward swings. Can be charged up to 3 levels

Hermit Club by Br3ndan5
Hermit Club:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +1
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +0.9%
-Can use Terror’s Grip and Chopper

Rod of Wisdom by Br3ndan5
Rod of Wisdom:
-Spirit +1
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Action Ability MP Cost -0.8%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

Magister's Club by Br3ndan5
Magister’s Club:
-Intellect +2
-Imbue Lightning +0.7%
-Afflicted Enemy: Magic Damage Dealt +1.3%
-Can use Terror’s Grip and Chopper

Ogre Hammer by Br3ndan5
Ogre Hammer:
-Strength +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Charge Attack Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Can use Crimson Halo and Lacerate

Stardust Rod by Br3ndan5
Stardust Rod:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +3
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery 1.7%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

Magical Mace by Br3ndan5
Magical Mace:
-Intellect +1
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery 1.7%
-Magic Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Cascade and Bonecrusher

Seraphim by Br3ndan5
Seraphim’s Mace:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Imbue Ice +0.7%
-Status Ailment Accumulation +3.2%
-Can use Cascade and Bonecrusher

Thor's Hammer by Br3ndan5
Thor’s Hammer:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-During Lightbringer: Break Damage +2.1%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Crimson Halo and Lacerate

Wizard Rod by Br3ndan5
Wizard’s Rod:
-Spirit +3
-Intellect +3
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

-Two-handed weapons that provide great damage at the cost of low attack speed
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Wheeling Thrust: A series of 5 rotating, spinning slashes. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Fell Cleave: Jack swings his axe around himself, creating an X-shaped whirlwind around his body that blows nearby enemies away
    -Reanimating Sickle: Jack swings his axe on the right, then turns around and thrusts it forward. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Soulsteal: A diagonal slash. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Dark Detonation: A spinning, darkness-infused swing. Drains Jack’s health while he’s charging it. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Exorcising Torrent: Jack slams his axe into the ground, causing a massive pillar of darkness to erupt for several seconds. Drains Jack’s health while he’s charging it. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Fatal Crush: Jack slams his axe into the ground 3 times as he walks forward. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Furious Blow: A fire-infused upward swing that can be charged up to 3 levels

Battle axe by Br3ndan5
Battle Axe:
-Strength +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Break Damage Dealt +0.6%

Destroyer by Br3ndan5
-Can use Wheeling Thrust and Fell Cleave

Alkaid by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Near Death: Damage Dealt +2.3%
-Can use Dark Detonation and Exorcising Torrent

Eclipse by Br3ndan5
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.9%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -0.9%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

Bardiche by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Charge Attack Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Can use Fatal Crush and Furious Blow

War Scythe by Br3ndan5
War Scythe:
-Stamina +1
-Physical Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -0.8%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

-Can use Wheeling Thrust and Fell Cleave

Gigant Axe by Br3ndan5
Gigant Axe:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +2.7%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Can use Fatal Crush and Furious Blow

-Can use Dark Detonation and Exorcising Torrent

Soul Eater by Br3ndan5
Soul Eater:
-Lightbringer Duration +1.4%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.4%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

-Piercing weapons that allow for great damage at a long reach
-Requires both hands in order to be used
-Mainly used as crowd control against multiple enemies
-Used by Lancers and Dragoons
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Rising Rocket: An ascending aerial slash followed by a horizontal slash that sends opponents flying
    -Coup de Grace: A rising upper slash followed by a downward thrust
    -Nightfall: Two spinning slashes, followed by an overhead slash
    -Dawnhammer: An overhead strike followed by an upward swing that knocks enemies away
    -Dragon Fang: Two upward diagonal swings followed by a horizontal swing
    -Dragon Claws: An outward slash followed by a heavier outward slash
    -Thunder Lance: Jack thrusts his Lance forward and fires a ball of electricity that quickly travels across the screen
    -Shocking Pulse: A burst of electricity fired from the lance’s tip. Can hit multiple enemies at once. By using MP, Jack can make it last for longer periods of time before it disperses

Halberd by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Pierce Break Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

Heavy Lance by Br3ndan5
Heavy Lance:
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Agility +1
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Trident by Br3ndan5
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Intellect +2
-Imbue Lightning +0.6%
-Can use Thunder Lance and Shocking Pulse

Blitz Lance by Br3ndan5
Blitz Lance:
-Strength +2
-Enemy Weakness Physical Break Damage Dealt +1%
-HP Recovery Amount +1.4%
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

Partisan by Br3ndan5
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.7%
-HP Recovery Amount +1.8%
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Radiant Lance:
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

-Can use Thunder Lance and Shocking Pulse

Dragoon Lance:
-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Dragon Whisper:
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

Wind Spear by Br3ndan5
Wind Spear:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Soul Shield: MP Recovery +3.9%
-Soul Shield Break Cost -1.2%
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

-Allows Jack to perform swift strikes that quickly wear down his opponent’s defenses
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
   -One-Inch Punch: Jack stomps on the ground, creating a shockwave to disorient the opponent, then delivers a punch to the chest that staggers them and knocks them back
   -Cross Counter: Jack lunges forward and throws out a hard jab to the face
   -Spiraling Claw: Jack lunges forward, spinning through the air, then unleashes a set of diagonal claw strikes
   -Death Claw: A series of overhead claw strikes ending with a right hook
   -Exsanguination: Jack lunges forward and stretches his arms out as he spins around, covering a wide area before ending with a left hook
   -Energy Smash: Jack launches 4 green fireballs at his target, with the final one being significantly larger than the rest
   -Meteor Strike: Jack cups his hands together and performs an overhead strike that sends a trail of spikes toward his opponent
   -Brutal Bash: Jack strikes a defensive pose. If attacked, he will throw out both arms, create a shockwave that staggers his opponent, and kick them in the air. He then leaps after them, grabs them by the shoulders, spins them around, and slams them to the ground

Killer Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Killer Knuckles:
-Stamina +1
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Can use One-Inch Punch and Cross Counter

Spartan Cesti by Br3ndan5
Spartan Cesti:
-Spirit +1
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +1.5%
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Savage Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Savage Claws:
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Tiger Fangs by Br3ndan5
Tiger Fangs:
-Can use Meteor Strike and Brutal Bash

Raptor Claws by Br3ndan5
Raptor Claws:
-Stamina +2
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Damage Dealt at Max Break +0.5%

Phantom Baghnakhs by Br3ndan5
Phantom Baghnakhs:
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Imbue Wind +0.6%
-Can use One-Inch Punch

Sonic Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Sonic Knuckles:
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.9%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.2%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max Break +1.2%
-Can use One-Inch Punch and Cross-Counter

Maverick’s Knuckles:
-Can use Meteor Strike and Brutal Bash

Kaiser Knuckles:
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Godhands by Br3ndan5
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +1%
-Lightning Break Damage Taken -2.7%
-Slow Resistance +19.1%

Inferno Claws by Br3ndan5
Inferno Claws:
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.8%
-Damage Dealt at Max Break +0.8%
-Slash Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Can use Spiraling Claw and Death Claw

Kite Shield by Br3ndan5 Lustrous Shield by Br3ndan5 Spiked Shield by Br3ndan5
-Used to block attacks
-Can be used as an impromptu weapon

-Worn upon becoming Garland

-A massive sword used upon becoming Garland