Death Battle: Black Cat vs Catwoman

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


New York City, nighttime

A leather clad woman with platinum blonde hair and a black domino mask was busy jumping acrobatically through the city when she suddenly came across a museum. The cat burglar pulled out a grappling hook and quickly zipped up to the roof, landing silently. After checking to make sure no one saw her, the woman peered through the skylight. Something caught her eye: a large diamond in the middle of the room. The thief became amazed at its size, estimating that it must be worth at least several billion dollars. Purring with excitement, she quickly unsheathed her retractable claws and carved a hole into the glass roof. She then grabbed the piece she just carved out and set it aside before opening the window and using her grappling hook to support herself as she slowly slid down. She quickly made her way over to the jewel and quickly carved a hole through the glass case. Setting it aside carefully, she then grabbed the diamond before carefully placing the glass right where it had been before. With her prize now in hand, the Black Cat zipped out of the hole she had made, unaware that she was being watched.

The person watching her was a fellow cat burglar dressed in leather, but this one was wearing red goggles over a black mask that covered half of her face. Catwoman had been watching this rival thief for the past few minutes, waiting to see what she would steal. To her dismay, she saw the blonde steal the jewel she had wanted. Deciding not to let this amateur get too far, Selina Kyle quickly sprung into action and kicked her rival just as she left the building. Felicia fell onto the ground, dropping her diamond in the process, but her attacker managed to grab hold of it with her whip.

“I’ll be taking that off your hands, if you don’t mind.” Catwoman said as she pulled the diamond closer.

“Why don’t you rob some other museum? I’m pretty sure there’s one for a less experienced cat burglar.” Felicia insulted as she got back up and fired a grappling hook, snatching the gem from her attacker’s grasp.

“Funny. I was going to say the same to you.” The Princess of Plunder taunted before delivering a kick to the stomach. She then followed this up by tackling her blonde rival to the ground, forcing Felicia to drop the diamond. She threw a punch at Black Cat’s face, but found her fist caught in the Hardy’s right hand. Annoyed by this, she decided to try again, but this had the same result.

The two struggled against each other for a brief moment, with it only ending when Black Cat kicked Selina with enough force to send her flying off of the building. The Cat smirked as she looked over the ledge, checking to see if the vigilante was still alive. Upon doing so, she felt something wrap around her ankle, eliciting a yelp as a sharp tug forced her to follow.

The two cat burglars fell toward the ground at an alarming rate, but Black Cat managed to use her Cat’s Claw to swing to safety and took Selina with her, kicking the felonious feline through a wall. The two crashed into an abandoned warehouse and quickly fell to the ground, Hardy laying on top as Kyle hit her head against the cement floor. The Princess of Plunder groaned before pushing the blonde off of her. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she turned to Felicia and glared.

“You brat. That was supposed to be my job. I’d been planning on stealing that for weeks.” Catwoman said angrily.

“Well, you’re a bit slow, then. I’d been planning on stealing it since I laid my eyes on it a few minutes ago. How about a deal? Seeing as how I’m the superior thief, why don’t you just let me have it and in exchange, I’ll let you walk away with all your teeth.” Black Cat responded with a smirk.

“That’s not going to happen.” Selina responded as she unsheathed her claws.

“That’s a shame. Guess I’ll prove my superiority by beating it into you.” Hardy said as she unsheathed her own claws. The two women ran at each other, claws extended.

Continue reading Death Battle: Black Cat vs Catwoman

Prelude: Black Cat vs Catwoman

The cat burglar has often been described as someone who uses their agility to enter a building undetected, and these two have taken the cat part of this persona to its extreme.

Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat.

Selena Kyle, the Catwoman.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Black Cat by Br3ndan5

Black Cat

AKA: Felicia Hardy, Ashley Moon, Felicity Harmon, Cat, Licia, Leesh, Fee-Fee, Kitten
Height: 5’10
Weight: 120 lbs
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979)

-Beat Sabretooth
-Beat Scorpion while protecting a depowered Spider-Man
-Held her own against Tarantula, Scorpion, and several less significant Spider-Man rogues
-Defeated Hydroman despite losing her powers
-Beat the Lizard in hand to hand combat
-Became the leader of a mob in Dan Slott’s run of Spider-Man

Black Cat strength by Br3ndan5

-Climbed a building while carrying a fully grown man
-Kicked Carnage out of the air
-Staggered Mr. Hyde
-Kicked Mr. Hyde’s legs out from under him while he was distracted
-Held down Spider-Man’s wrists
–Costume further enhances strength (See “Weapons and Equipment” below)

Continue reading Prelude: Black Cat vs Catwoman