Mileena (MK1) Reigns Over Death Battle

Mileena MK1 DB TN by Br3ndan5
Aliases: Your Loveliness
Age: 10,000 years old
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Empress of Outworld,  formerly princess
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat 1 (September 14, 2023)

-Oversaw the martial arts tournament between Earthrealm and Outworld alongside Sindel and Kitana
-While driven mad by Tarkat, she fought Kenshi, but was defeated
-Blinded Kenshi
-Fought Li Mei, but was defeated
-Aided Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Kitana, Sindel, and Tanya in their raid against General Shao, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi
-Helped shut down Quan Chi’s soul stealers
-Defeated Ermac, and in the process broke Quan Chi’s spell that bound his souls together
-Reunited with Jerrod, her deceased father who’d gained full control of Ermac’s body
-Defeated Shang Tsung
-Helped fight off the forces of Titan Shang Tsung, an alternate version of the sorcerer who’d conquered his own timeline
-Defeated Dark Raiden and Dark Sindel
-Was appointed Outworld’s new empress by a dying Sindel
-Helped the heroes, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi defeat Shao’s Dragon Army
-Aided the heroes in the Battle of Armageddon
-Depending on the player’s choice, a Titan version of her can be the one that helps Fire God Liu Kang defeat Titan Shang Tsung and Titan Quan Chi
-Began ruling Outworld following Titan Shang Tsung’s defeat
-Helped integrate the Tarkatans into Outworld’s society

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-At least Large Planet Level from defeating Dark Sindel, who was repeatedly stated and shown to have the power to defeat Cetrion, who can grow larger than Earth; Universe+ if you choose Titan Mileena during Armageddon since she defeats Titan Shang Tsung, whose existence sustained an entire timeline
-Before fighting, Kitana tells Raiden a fight with her would be no easier than fighting Mileena
-Snapped off the restraints tying her to a chair
-Cut Johnny three times with her claws
-Can trade blows with Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Broke out of the combined grip of Kung Lao and Johnny, elbowing and backhanding the former before strangling the latter
-Gouged out Kenshi’s eyes with her sai
-Punched Li Mei and kicked her away
-Pushed Sindel to the ground
-Stabbed a guard through the head
-Can shatter the Dragon Army’s soldiers (living terracotta statues) with a single strike

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-Can parkour up several chunks of debris launched by Ermac

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-At least Sub-Relativistic from fighting Sindel, who kept up in battle with Cetrion, who could fire a beam that reaches Earth in a short amount of time and move her arms while planet-sized; possibly Relativistic by scaling to Kotal Kahn (a jobber Sindel would naturally be superior to), who can react to sunlight
-Can keep up with Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Rapidly traded blows with Li Mei and blocked her attacks
-Leapt out of the way of Dark Raiden’s wave of lightning

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-Scaling to her strength, at least Large Planet, Universe+ with Titan Mileena
-Can take attacks from Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Regularly withstands the pain of her Tarkatan transformation
-Got kicked in the face by Li Mei
-Withstood Ermac telekinetically slamming her to the ground and into a stone wall
    -This same attack broke Tanya’s ribs
-Survived hearing the screams of Dark Sindel
-Got blasted by Dark Raiden’s lightning hard enough to launch her into some debris, only to get back up
-Was sweep-kicked by Dark Sindel


Expert Martial Artist:
-Has been trained in martial arts by Li Mei, a member of the Umgadi (Outworld’s highest-ranking warrior priestesses) renowned for her skill in hand to hand combat
-Tanya, another Umgadi, commends her skills and says that in another life she could’ve been one of them

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Expert Marksmanship:
-Can accurately fire shots from a massive crossbow

[7:41 to 8:33]
Expert Actor:

-Deceived Shang Tsung and Quan Chi into thinking she was uninterested in ruling Outworld and had helped Shao depose Sindel

MK1 Mileena on throne by Br3ndan5
-Unlike her previous counterparts, this version of Mileena is a patient, mature, and noble woman who hopes to prove a worthy successor to her mother
-Approaches matters in an honest and just manner, and welcomes even the outcasts of society into her kingdom
-Due to the divided public perception about who should be next in line to rule, she was initially insecure about her worthiness to the throne and would risk her life to prove herself
-After ascending to the throne, she eventually overcame her insecurities and began ruling Outworld with a firm, yet compassionate fist
-Hates keeping secrets from others, whether it involves her affliction or her relationship with Tanya (which her people would consider sacrilege for violating the Umgadi’s vow of chastity)
-Due to suffering from the mind-ravaging effects of the Tarkata disease, Mileena will occasionally suffer bouts of uncontrollable rage and bloodlust
    -During these bouts, she has little self-control, maiming opponents indiscriminately and giving in to the disease’s cannibalistic urges
-Despite initially struggling to suppress her Tarkat symptoms, she gains control over them as the game goes on, going from mindlessly attacking others to targeting specific threats and keeping a clear head

Weapons and Equipment:

MK1 Mileena Sai by Br3ndan5
-A type of dagger traditionally used in ninjutsu and kobujutsu
-Found in Shang Tsung’s lab
-Can be charged with pink energy and used as projectiles
-Used to gouge out Kenshi’s eyes

Mileena veil by Br3ndan5Veil:
-A mask used to hide her Tarkatan features

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-Razor-sharp teeth that are the result of Mileena’s Tarkat infection

-Are strong enough to tear through flesh and bone

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Arm Blades:
-Retractable, forearm-length blades that are another symptom of Tarkat
-Are permanently sharp, and can casually pierce through flesh and bone
-Only uses them during enhanced special moves

The following is exclusive to Titan Mileena:

Hourglass MK by Br3ndan5

-An ancient artifact originally used by Kronika, the Titan of time and inherited by this version of Mileena after killing her
-Grants its user complete control over time, letting them stop or rewind it
    -This can even be used to summon others from different points in time or other timelines, and it’s been used to reset the universe countless times
-Can alter the destinies of everyone in the universe, ensuring they’ll live a specific way long before they’re even born
-This can be used to weaken specific people, grant them powers, or take them away
-Can convert others into sand to fuel itself


Tarkatan Physiology:
-As one of the many victims of Tarkat, Mileena’s body will sometimes shift from a human appearance to a more monstrous one
    -This transformation starts off as temporary, but as time goes on it will eventually become permanent
-Upon transforming, she gains red eyes, clawed fingers, a raspier voice, an enhanced sense of smell, a prehensile tongue, a mouth of razor sharp fangs, and retractable arm blades
-This transformation also affects her mental state, making her more violent, bloodthirsty, and cannibalistic
-Through prolonged physical contact, she can gradually spread Tarkat to others
-Dialogue between Sindel and Baraka
implies Tarkat can infect souls

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-Can teleport short distances, allowing for sneak attacks

Just the Tip:

-Mileena performs a quick stab with her sai

Ambitious Strikes:
-A quick stab, followed by a swift overhead slash
-If this lands, she’ll end the combo by spreading both arms, delivering a slash to the chest that briefly staggers her opponent

Feral Gashes:
-Mileena performs Ambitious Strikes, jumps into the air, and delivers a hard overhead slash that slams her opponent into the ground. She then follows up by stabbing their shoulder blades three times

Bird of Prey:
-An outward, upward slash

Karrion Kuts:
-A follow-up to Birds of Prey consisting of two quick stabs to the stomach and a sweep kick that knocks her opponent into the air

-Mileena quickly stabs her opponent in the leg

Bitter Slice:
-An overhead slash to the face that briefly staggers the opponent

The Right Sais:
-A follow-up to Bitter Slice where Mileena turns around and stabs her opponent in the stomach

Ballerinal Failure:
-A follow-up to Bitter Slice where Mileena performs a jumping, twirling slash to the head, drags her enemy to the opposite side, and kicks them across the stage

-A swift jab to the nose using her sai

-A low kick used to follow-up Krucifixion

Bloody Fusion:
-Mileena performs a double handed strike to the chest and stomach, using her energy-infused sai to knock her enemy away
-Used as a follow-up to Rugsweeper

Twin Sovereigns:
-An alternate follow-up to Rugsweeper where Mileena performs two spinning slashes that knock her opponent back

Sai to Eye:
-An upward slash that launches her opponent through the air

Entry Point:
-Mileena performs a handstand and kicks her opponent in the face

Stepping Stone:
-A follow-up to Entry Point where Mileena uses her other leg to unleash a second kick, sending her opponent sliding across the ground face-first

High Class:
-A kick to the face

Twice Scorned:
-A follow-up to High Class where Mileena kicks her enemy in the crotch and delivers another kick to the face

Can’t Fight It:
-Mileena leaps into the air, curls up into a ball, and performs an energy-enhanced spin before knocking her opponent back with a kick to the face

Teasing Toe:
-A hard-hitting kick to the ankles

High Heel:
-A roundhouse kick that causes the opponent to spin around
-Mileena can use this brief disorientation to perform combos

-A cartwheel kick that knocks the opponent to the ground

Low Point:
-A sweep kick that knocks the opponent off their feet and onto the ground

Slash Kick:
-A hard kick that knocks one of the opponent’s legs out from under them

High Life:
-An aerial jab with her sai

-A slash to the face used as a follow-up from High Life

-A trio of hard-hitting overhead slashes, with the final one sending the opponent to the ground
-Only usable in midair

Torn Limbs:
-An aerial overhead slash to the back

Battered Bones:
-An upward slash that can be used after Torn Limbs

Kicked Out:
-An aerial combo consisting of an overhead slash, an upward slash, and a kick to the jaw that sends the opponent crashing to the ground

Graceful Kick:
-A kick to the face used in midair that knocks her opponent back

-Mileena grabs her opponent and stabs them in the face. She then leaps on top of them, straddles herself between their neck, stabs them in the back of the head four times, and throws them to the opposite side with her legs

Straight Sai:
-Mileena hurls two energy-enhanced sai at her opponent
-These sai have a limited range, only reaching half of the screen before dissipating
-Has an enhanced version where the sai travel fully across the screen. If they hit, she’ll teleport onto the opponent, bite at their neck, and backflip off of them.
    -This damage leaves her victim stunned for a few seconds, giving her the option to combo

Teleport Down:
-Mileena teleports behind the opponent and hits them with an energy-enhanced kick to the face before landing in front of them
-Has an enhanced version where her kick knocks the opponent to the ground. If it lands, Mileena will get on top of them and unsheathe her arm blades. She then slices at their chest several times, stabs them in the stomach, and throws them forward
-Both versions can be performed in midair

Teleport Up:
-Mileena teleports away and strikes her opponent from below with a rising kick
-Can use this to perform aerial combos
-Can only be performed on the ground

Low Sai:
-Mileena crouches down and turns around to the row both sai at the opponent’s ankles
-Like Straight Sai, this attack only reaches half the screen
-Has an enhanced version that reaches full screen and knocks her opponent back several feet

-Mileena curls into a ball, coating herself in pink energy as she rolls into her opponent, knocking them into the air
-Has an enhanced version where instead of launching her opponent, she’ll stab them through the feet with her sai. As they scream, she unsheathes her arm blades, slashes across the chest, stabs them in the gut, then through the jaw, and knocks them back with a kick to the face

(Air) Ball:
-Mileena rolls in midair, sending out three sai (one diagonally downward, one in front of her, and one diagonally up) that launch her opponent

(Air) Homing Ball:
-While in midair, Mileena curls into a ball, homing in on her opponent as she spins toward them
-She can also fake her opponent out by either delaying this move for several seconds (increasing her air time in the process) or canceling it

Fatal Blow:

[5:23 to 5:30]

Serving Tarkat:
-Mileena charges in, leaps into the air, and pins her foe to the ground by stabbing them through the wrists. She then takes four bites out of their chest before ripping out their throat and getting off of them


[12:19 to 12:45]

-Mileena uses one of her sai to stab the opponent in the side of the head and forces them to turn around. She then stabs them in the shoulders, forcing them to kneel. With her opponent helpless, she bites into their head, sucking out the brains and eyes and swallowing them whole. She then eats the head’s upper half in two bites before pulling away, licking the blood from her fingers as she watches the corpse fall to the ground

A Little to the Left:
-Mileena slices the opponent’s stomach open, causing them to hunch over, then impales the sides of their head with her sai. She twists their head to the side, breaking the neck until the head’s twisted upside down. She then leaps onto their back and backflips off, ripping the head free with her sai. Upon landing, she casually tosses the head (still attached to her sai)  back to the body.


The Klassic:
-Mileena uppercuts her opponent’s head off

Did That Hurt?:
-Mileena unleashes a quick left hook, a jab to the nose, and a variant of Brainstorm where after stabbing the opponent four times, she drives her sai into their eyes. Their blood then spills onto her as she backflips off, letting them fall to the ground

Maybe Next Time:
-Mileena performs a swift combo consisting of Bitter Slice, the Right Sais, and a Ballerinal Failure that decapitates the opponent. As their headless corpse showers her in blood and collapses, Mileena removes her mask and eats their face

The Best Part:
-Mileena performs an enhanced Teleport Down, but instead of throwing the opponent forward, she ends the combo by stabbing them through the skull

Early Lunch:
-Mileena performs an enhanced Roll and stabs her opponent through the feet. She then removes her mask, wraps her tongue around their neck, and pulls them in. After a few seconds of gnawing on their face, she reels back, revealing the opponent’s been reduced to a skull

High Roller:
-Mileena performs a Roll that obliterates the opponent’s legs


Titan Mileena by Br3ndan5Titan Mileena:
-Also known as Keeper of Time Mileena
-The result of an alternate timeline where Mileena defeated her version of Kronika and gained control over the Hourglass of Time
-Was summoned by Liu Kang to take part in the Battle of Armageddon
-Is far above the other Mileenas in terms of power


Mileena defeated by Br3ndan5
-Tarkat’s effects become more potent as time goes on, making it harder to resist its urges
    -While this can be nullified through use of a special serum, it’s only a temporary cure and will eventually wear off
-If she doesn’t receive a permanent cure, her infection will eventually become lethal

(“You count yourselves among my doubters? I will count you among the dead.”)

Mileena Devours Death Battle!

Mileena by Br3ndan5

Aliases: Kitana (assumed identity, original timeline), The Mad Empress
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Assassin, Princess of Edenia (formerly, original timeline), Empress of Outworld (formerly, current timeline)
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat II (June 25, 1993)

Continue reading Mileena Devours Death Battle!

One Minute Melee: Cammy vs Mileena

Two Fighters!

No Research!

Sixty Seconds!

One Minute Melee!

Shao Kahn’s Arena, Outworld


Shao Kahn’s announcement echoed throughout the arena, causing the crowd to go wild as his “daughter” danced off of the arena, a manic grin still on her face. Their excitement soon ended, however, when their leader sat up from his throne and raised a hand, causing the spectators to become silent. Whatever he was telling them seemed to be important, but by the time he spoke Mileena was already far out of earshot. As she walked back through the arena’s hallways, still reveling in her victory over her “sister,” the veiled kombatant’s ears picked up the nigh-inaudible sound of footsteps in the shadows. Unveiling her sai, she proceeded to throw one at whatever had made the sound, only for a green-and-red blur to suddenly leap out from the shadows and over the airborne blade.

“Cannon Strike!” The blur shouted in a feminine, British-accented voice as it stuck out its leg, intent on kicking Mileena in the face. Just as its foot was about to make contact, the Tarkatan hybrid managed to bring both of her arms up, blocking the attack with little effort. As her attacker kicked off and landed back on the ground, the emperor’s daughter put both arms down to get a better look at who had just attempted to hit her.

She was a blonde woman with long braided pigtails and blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a sleeveless green thong leotard, a red beret, red socks with black calf-high combat boots, and studded red gauntlets. One thing Mileena noted, aside from her opponent’s visibly muscular physique, was her legs, which seemed to have been decorated in some sort of green camouflage paint.

“Well, it looks like I’ve caught a rat trying to sneak into the arena.” Mileena said smugly. “And one from Earthrealm, too. It’s been a long time since one of you tried to invade our home.” As she said this, the pink-clad woman noticed her target attempting to escape and responded by tackling her onto the ground. Just before she could pin Cammy, the British bombshell brought her legs up, kicking her veiled opponent over her. Unfortunately, her opponent was able to reposition herself while still in midair, landing perfectly on her feet.

“I don’t have time to deal with you, so let’s make it quick.” Cammy said as she positioned herself into a fighting stance. Mileena responded by chuckling as she brought her hand up, causing her discarded sai to rematerialize itself in her grip via a puff of pink energy.

“I couldn’t agree more!” She declared, briefly fantasizing about how she’d devour this woman as she entered a stance of her own.



Mileena struck first as she rushed forward, attempting to jab at the former Doll with her left sai, but the Delta Red agent proved quicker than she’d expected, as she suddenly ducked beneath the blade when it was just inches from her face.

”Cannon Spike!” White shouted as she delivered a rising kick that sent her cat-eyed adversary into the air. Just when Mileena had reached the peak of her ascent, Cammy leapt after her and wrapped her legs around the hybrid’s neck. She then began descending onto the ground, intent on driving her opponent’s face into the dirt, but before she could do so the emperor’s daughter chucked one of her weapons as hard as she could, embedding it in the ground. As it did so, Cammy brought both legs into the ground just as a burst of pink flames briefly clouded her vision. Once it had faded, the blonde heard the sounds of rapid footsteps and turned just in time to see Mileena lunging toward her with the intent to impale her on the sai.

”Spiral Arrow!” Cammy declared as she performed her signature attack, propelling herself at high speeds while spinning like a drill. This corkscrew-like kick wound up tripping Kitana’s savage-minded clone, causing her to trip for a brief second. Just when it seemed like she was about to hit the ground, the MI6 operative suddenly backflipped, wrapping her legs around the carnivorous princess’ torso as she did so. With Mileena secured, she then began rotating her body twice before releasing her grip and slamming both feet onto the pink-clad kombatant’s back, embedding her into the ground. Quickly backflipping off of her opponent’s body, Cammy watched as the  ninja suddenly teleported once again.

Now knowing what to expect this time, the Delta Red agent listened out for a sign of Mileena’s teleporting. Upon hearing something, she turned toward its direction and raised her fists as defense, allowing her to block an oncoming sai strike with little difficulty at all. Unperturbed by this, Shao Kahn’s spawn teleported once again, this time from behind. Cammy attempted to turn and attack, but Mileena was quicker on the draw as she drove her sai into the Brit’s side. A cry emerged from Cammy’s throat, but it soon turned to anger as she threw out a right hook. Unfortunately, her attack would hit thin air as Mileena teleported once again.

Before Cammy could locate where Mileena would strike next, the Tarkatan hybrid suddenly reappeared in front of her and jammed her blade into her stomach. A sharp pain flared through Cammy’s mind as she felt the blade dig into her large intestine. She attempted to push through it, but this proved difficult as Mileena drove her sai into the other side of her stomach. Three blows slammed into her torso, each one sending the Brit staggering back and causing her to cough up blood. A rising knee strike then struck her in the chin, sending both women through the air. While they were in the midst of ascending, Mileena decided to take a page out of her opponent’s book and wrapped her legs around her neck. Then, as they reached the height of their ascension, the ninja somersaulted through the air and slammed Cammy into the ground!

An audible CRACK rang out as Cammy’s face hit the dirt, causing blood to begin leaking down her forehead. As Mileena released her grip, Cammy grit her teeth in irritation before throwing out a sweep kick, intent on regaining the edge she’d originally had. Unfortunately, it seemed the Edenian had other ideas, as she suddenly vanished into pink flames, causing Cammy’s attack to whiff.

Realizing this, the Killer Bee pushed herself back up, but before she could put her guard up-


A boot suddenly slammed into her face, causing her head to snap back. Immediately after this, another kick nailed her in the atlas, causing her to stagger. Before Cammy even had the chance to regain her bearings, Mileena struck her in the chest with a third kick, reversing her momentum and sending her skidding back. With her opponent now disoriented, Mileena lunged forward and swung her sai, intent on stabbing them into Cammy’s ears. Unfortunately, it seemed that she had severely misjudged Cammy’s reaction time.

Just when it seemed that the blades’ tips were about to pierce her eardrums, Cammy suddenly brought her hands up and grabbed hold of Mileena’s wrists. The sai were stopped inches from their targets, and while Cammy was relieved that she had acted in time, this wouldn’t be enough. Mileena’s eyes flared in rage, and in tandem with this anger, a burst of strength seemed to flow through her. Despite this, it seemed that her anger was only rivaled by Cammy’s stubbornness, as the Brit pushed back with equal force. While doing so, she furthered her vice-like grip on the Mileena’s wrists, slowly applying pressure until-


The hybrid let out a pained cry as Cammy effortlessly snapped her wrists in two. Before she could do anything further, Cammy delivered a hard punch to her stomach, firing off a concussive blast from her bracers that caused the veiled princess to lurch over. Taking advantage of her opponent’s dazed state, the blonde pulled out some garrote wire and flipped over Mileena, wrapping the wire around her neck as she did so. The moment her feet hit the ground, Cammy bent over and began tugging, forcing her target’s spine to bend at an uncomfortable angle as the wire dug into her neck, causing a thin line of red to begin leaking out. With each second, the Killer Bee tugged the garrote harder, eliciting more choked gasps from her captive as it dug further into her skin. As her vision began to grow black, Mileena grew more desperate to stay conscious, and with this desperation came some sort of transformation. Red markings began to cover her arms, while her skin grew paler as each one appeared.

Having tapped into her Ethereal fighting style, the cannibalistic ninja wasted no time in teleporting out of her restraints, causing Cammy to briefly stumble as she found herself tugging at thin air. She looked back for a brief moment, and upon finding that Mileena was no longer there, attempted to put her guard back up. Unfortunately, she was too slow as her adversary suddenly barreled toward her, curled up into the shape of a ball. As the former Doll fell onto her back, Mileena suddenly uncurled herself and lunged forward, preparing to drive her sai into her opponent’s back. To an outsider, it would have seemed like this was the end for the Killer Bee.

The keyword being seemed.

With only milliseconds to react, Cammy placed both hands against the ground and pushed herself up, backflipping through the air and toward Mileena, much to the hybrid’s surprise. Before she could react, the Delta Red agent wrapped her legs around the princess’ neck, spun through the air twice, and quickly slammed her captive into the ground! Upon impact, the cannibal bounced through the air, but just before she could start descending, Cammy slammed into her with a kick to the jaw. The moment it connected, Mileena was launched through the air, and Cammy responded by leaping after her.

“Operation start!” She declared. Then, much like a certain cybernetic ninja from Capcom, she began striking the emperor’s daughter with a series of aerial kicks from every possible angle. In fact, she was moving so quickly that Mileena couldn’t even keep track of her. The only thing she realized was that with each kick, Cammy was carrying her higher through the air.

”Acceleration!” As soon as the word escaped her lips, Delta Red’s hand-to-hand expert launched herself at Mileena, ramming into her back at full speed and crushing the ninja’s spine. Cammy then began spinning herself through the air like a drill, propelling both of them forward until they slammed into a nearby wall.

“You’re finished!” The Killer Bee declared as Mileena screamed in a combination of rage and pain. The speed and agony was getting to be too much for the cat-eyed woman to handle, and it was only increasing with each second until finally…


Cammy had drilled straight through her body, causing Mileena’s scream to hit its peak before abruptly dying as the Brit’s feet exited out her back and made contact with the stone wall behind her. Still not finished, the Delta Red agent proceeded to perform a split, severing the two halves of her adversary.


The now-bifurcated kombatant hit the ground, both parts landing with a disgusting SPLAT! Cammy landed almost immediately afterwards, her catlike grace greatly contrasting with both her bloodsoaked appearance and the messy landing of her former opponent. After taking a brief moment to look back at Mileena’s bloodied halves, Cammy clutched at her wound, cringing as she felt blood ooze through her outfit. As she fought back the urge to cry out in pain, she brought her communications device to her ear.

”This is Cammy White, requesting the current location of Shao Kahn.”

”Oh, about that, there’s a slight change of plans, Cammy.” Keith responded.

”This far into the operation?”

”Yeah, it turns out there’s some green-haired guy in a yellow hood already trying to fight him. We couldn’t find any records on him, and Interpol didn’t have anything on him either. Try to lay low until their fight blows over, then apprehend them while they’re distracted.” He advised.

”Got it.” She responded before hanging up. As she did so, she couldn’t help but wonder who this “green-haired guy in a yellow hood” was. It didn’t match any of the records she’d read up on during her mission briefing, and that description didn’t match anyone she was aware of.

As these thoughts echoed through her mind, Cammy began stealthily making her way toward the colosseum, unaware of the carnage that had already taken place there while she’d fought Mileena.

This Melee’s winner is…

Cammy Udon Art by Br3ndan5

Cammy White!