Mayhem is Unleashed Upon Death Battle!

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Real Name: May “Mayday” Parker (supposedly)
Age: 16, unknown, but visibly elderly (alternate timeline, Spider-Girl: The End)
Aliases: Goblin God (while fused with Norman), Spider-Girl, Blue Spider-Girl, Spider-Clone, April Parker, M (alternate timeline), Auntie M
Height: 5’7
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: High School Student, Superhero (formerly), Vigilante
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Girl #20 (May 2008)

-Was the first successful attempt at creating a human/symbiote hybrid
-Was created by Norman Osborn as part of Project: Changeling, a final revenge scheme that would torment the Parker family by making them doubt who their real daughter was

The Amazing Spider-Girl
-After escaping her stasis pod, she encountered and fought Spider-Girl, but was defeated
-Impersonated May after the real one was rendered comatose during a fight with Nucleus
-While impersonating May, she humiliated May’s ex-boyfriend Gene Thompson, who was trying to pay May back for dumping him in front of the football team
-While assuming Spider-Girl’s identity, she teamed up with Golden Goblin, Darkdevil, Kaine, and Raptor to track down Peter Parker and free him after he’d been kidnapped by the Order of the Goblin (a cult dedicated to the Green Goblin)
-Fought Fury, one of the Order’s members, but was defeated after Fury knocked her back with a Goblin Blaster
-Worked with Norman (who had been revived by using Peter as his vessel) to try and kill May so she could permanently assume May’s identity
-After Norman betrayed her, she worked with Peter, May, and Aunt May’s ghost to defeat him while in the subconsciousness of Peter’s mind
-After Norman’s defeat, she convinced the Parkers to welcome her into their family

The Spectacular Spider-Girl
-Helped Spider-Girl stop a gang war
-Assumed the identity of May’s cousin, April Parker, and enrolled in Midtown High School
-Worked with Spider-Girl to track down Connie Fredrickson (who was disguised as Ben Reily’s daughter)
-Humiliated Simone DeSantos and Lindsey, the Midtown High mean girls, after they insulted her clothes
-Saved a family from a burning hotel
-Killed three muggers that were trying to rob a woman, then used the money they’d stolen to buy a cell phone
-Disguised herself as May in an attempt to seduce Wes, who had previously rejected her
-Fought Tombstone and killed him after he revealed that he had (supposedly) killed May
-Impersonated May for a brief period of time
-After being kidnapped by Fury and having a bomb collar strapped to her neck, she involuntarily helped her fight Spider-Girl and Darkdevil
-After removing the bomb collar, she helped defeat Fury and would’ve killed her if she hadn’t noticed Spider-Girl and Darkdevil watching her
-Stopped a gang war between Silverback and Black Tarantula’s men
-Adopted the name Mayhem after taking a job from Man-Mountain Marko
-Began dating Gene
-Jeopardized Black Tarantula’s planned meeting with the police by leaking its location to Silverback and his gang
-Worked with Spider-Girl to try and end Black Tarantula’s gang war, but gave up after she got bored
-Defeated Spider-Girl after she failed to convince April to not follow the Punisher’s example
-Broke into Black Tarantula’s base and attempted to kill him, but was stopped by May
-Beat May to near death
-Saved May’s life by killing Hobgoblin before he could shoot her
-After killing Hobgoblin, she left to pursue her own life as a vigilante

Spider-Girl: The End
-Began a killing spree on all criminals in New York, which earned the attention of the police, the Fantastic Five, and the Avengers

-Fought Spider-Girl and accidentally started a fire at Midtown High School
Original Timeline:
-Attempted to save Spider-Girl as payback for May saving her, but was stopped after May used impact webbing to send her away before the building exploded
-After being rejected by Mary Jane (the only one who still had any hope for her), she began slaughtering everyone in the supervillain community
-Killed Arthur Weadon’s team, which consisted of Kaine, Killerwatt, Earthshaker, and Mr. Abnormal
-Accidentally killed American Dream
-Eventually became so dangerous that the government hired Blackworks Paramilitary Services to stop her by creating a series of Carnage-enhanced super soldiers called the Bio-Predators
-Began working to atone for her past by helping humanity defend itself against the Bio-Preds
-Became a guardian to the last remnants of humanity and helped inspire them by telling stories about Spider-Girl’s exploits
-Worked with Cassie Lang on The Mulligan, a plan that involved using Dr. Doom’s time platform to go back in time and teach morality to April’s younger self
Altered Timeline:
-As M, after an error led to her being teleported into a wall and slowly suffocating, she used her last moments to transfer her memories to her past self
-As Mayhem, she sacrificed herself to make sure Spider-Girl would live

Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5
-City Level due to being able to overpower Spider-Girl, who is in turn comparable to street tiers like Spider-Man and Kaine
    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man is said to be comparable to Luke, has shown the ability to harm him, and has matched and overpowered characters like Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city. Kaine was able to easily defeat him, and Mayhem was shown to be capable of killing Kaine
-According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, she can lift up to 25 tons
-After waking up, she destroyed her stasis pod, then grabbed Normie by the neck and lifted him into the air
-Slammed a metal door open
-Tackled Spider-Girl while she was in the middle of swinging
-Grabbed Gene by the arm, then flung him over her shoulder and into a table hard enough to destroy it
-Lifted a vacuum cleaner while hanging upside down
-Kicked Fury in the face
-Punched Fury in the face
-Crashed through a window
-Kicked Spider-Girl in the stomach
-Unintentionally stabbed Black Tarantula through the back with her blades
-Wrapped herself around Spider-Girl’s neck and began choking her out
-Struggled against Spider-Girl’s grip before quickly overpowering her and pinning her to the ground
-Sliced the side of a bridge while trying to claw at Spider-Girl
-Knocked Norman away with a punch
-Kicked a gangster in the face while punching his partner over the head
-Cut open Simone and Lindsey’s skirts
-Supported the weight of an entire family while escaping a burning hotel
-Kicked three robbers in the face
-Sliced two robbers’ chests open
-Punched Tombstone hard enough to knock him back
-Punched Tombstone again, to no effect
-Made Tombstone scream in pain when she slashed him with her claws
-Tombstone’s skin is as hard as diamond
-Her tendrils are strong enough to restrain Tombstone
-Wrapped herself around Darkdevil’s ankle and threw him at a chamber hard enough to crack it
-Restrained Darkdevil by wrapping a tendril around his neck
-Threw her bomb collar at Fury
-Knocked several gang members away by kicking them or slicing at their faces
-Grabbed a gang member, swung him into his partners hard enough to knock them out, then slammed him into the side of a truck
-Hit a baseball so hard that it destroyed the pitching machine
-Her hair tendrils are strong enough to effortlessly lift Spider-Girl, who weighs 119 lbs, and swing her through the air
-Destroyed a chimney after failing to tackle Spider-Girl
-Backhanded Spider-Girl off a roof
-Crashed through a window
-Knocked Chesbro back several feet
-Used one of her tendrils to throw Araña into a wall
-Dropkicked Black Tarantula and Spider-Girl through a window, then tackled them through a glass banister
-Tackled Spider-Girl onto a rooftop and beat her to near death
-Cut a web line Spider-Girl had shot at her
-During a fit of rage, she destroyed an entire rooftop with her tendrils and slammed Spider-Girl into a chimney
-While having a brief mental breakdown, she backhanded Mary Jane hard enough to give her a black eye
-While enraged, she ripped apart another rooftop and used her tendrils to lift and throw the debris
-Killed Hobgoblin by stabbing him in the back
-One of her tendrils managed to draw blood by scratching Spider-Girl’s cheek
-Effortlessly broke out of a web cocoon
-Tackled Spider-Girl off a rooftop and through a window
-Using her tendrils, she managed to tear the metal plating off of a wall
Original Timeline:
-Knocked Spider-Girl back and cut her face with a swing of her tendrils
-Strangled Kaine and Mr. Abnormal to death by wrapping her tendrils around their necks
-Stabbed American Dream through the back
Altered Timeline:
-Used her tendril to smack Spider-Girl away and prevent her from being crushed

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Flipped through the air and landed on her feet after using her wall-crawling to vacuum the curtains
-Flipped through the air and landed on the side of a truck, then leapt off of it to grab a man while in mid-flight

Spider-Girl Speed by Br3ndan5
Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+ by scaling to Spider-Girl, who is faster than Spider-Man
-Moved out of the way before Gene could tackle her
-Dodged Gene attempting to swipe at her
-Dodged a kick from Spider-Girl, who was in Araña’s body at the time
-Ducked under a swipe from the body-swapped Spider-Girl
-Jumped out of a building in under two seconds
-Dodged several pipes that Tombstone had launched at her
-Dodged a kick from Darkdevil by manipulating her body
-Shapeshifted her body into its symbiote form in the time it took her to run into an alley and approach a wall

Mayhem Durability by Br3ndan5
-City Level by scaling to her strength
-Survived a shot from Fury’s Goblin Blaster
-Got back up immediately after Spider-Girl (in Araña’s body) restrained her in midair and they slammed her into a rooftop several feet below
-Got punched by Araña hard enough to tear part of her costume
-Was unharmed after crashing through a window
-Took a kick to the face from Spider-Girl
-Got knocked back by a punch from Spider-Girl
-Withstood Spider-Girl squeezing both legs around her neck in an attempt to knock her out
-Recovered almost immediately after Norman threw Peter at her
-Got back up seconds after crashing into a rooftop
-Withstood Tombstone repeatedly bludgeoning her with a pipe
-Took a backhand from Tombstone before being tackled to the ground
-Survived being blasted by Black Tarantula’s eye beams, which are strong enough to incinerate a normal man
-Shrugged off a punch from Black Tarantula
-Took a kick from Spider-Girl
Original Timeline:
-Survived the pain of using the time platform
Altered Timeline:
-Showed no signs of pain after being crushed by flaming rubble


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Pragmatic:
-While trapped with Norman, Peter, Spider-Girl, and Aunt May’s ghost in a psychic plane of Peter’s memories, she disguised herself as Gwen Stacy so May would have her guard dropped and be open to attack
-Escaped May’s grip by using her body’s malleability
-Tried to break up May and Wes by disguising herself as May and seducing him
-After realizing she couldn’t harm Tombstone normally, she got around it by restraining him, stuffing her tendrils down his throat, and spreading them through his body until he suffocated
-Used her body’s malleability to remove a bomb collar that had been wrapped around her neck
-Used emotional manipulation to throw Spider-Girl off her game while fighting her

Mayhem personality by Br3ndan5
-Is the exact opposite of Spider-Girl, being a sociopathic, irresponsible loose cannon that’s prone to violent and aggressive reactions
-Originally, she was conditioned to believe that Norman Osborn was her father and was willing to do whatever he asked
-After being betrayed by Norman, she switched sides and joined the Parker family to try and gain their acceptance
-Despite her best attempts to fit in, Peter’s distrust of her and the Parkers’ constant approval of May eventually caused her to have a mental breakdown. After calming down, she started believing that everyone she knew (including May’s friends and the Parkers) hated her, and the only way she could gain the Parkers’ love was by killing everyone involved in Silverback and Black Tarantula’s gang war
-Believes herself to be the May Parker that Norman had kidnapped and resents Spider-Girl (who she sees as her clone) for supposedly stealing her life and her family’s love
-If someone brings up May while she’s around, she’ll grow annoyed and will even contemplate hurting the one responsible
-If someone suggests that she’s a clone, she’ll vehemently deny it and assert that she’s the original while May’s the clone
-Will take any opportunity she can to prove herself as the original May, and claims that she’ll eventually prove to everyone that she’s the original
-Even her decision to fight crimes is mainly motivated by a desire to upstage May and prove she’s better than her
-Is regularly annoyed at how May has everything she doesn’t, whether that’s the love of the Parker family, her having a cell phone, or having a large group of friends
-This has made her obsessed with taking everything May has as revenge for stealing the life that should’ve been hers
-Is willing to maim and kill criminals, even if they’re just random muggers, and enjoys seeing their reactions when she does so
-This willingness to kill later evolved after witnessing the Punisher’s actions, which convinced her that she could save innocents and eventually end all crime by emulating him. She even began to enjoy killing criminals and became disappointed when the Punisher killed Silverback before she could
-Believes that the world has no need for traditional upbeat superheroes. Instead, she feels that in order to be a real hero, you need to adapt your style to stick with the times, even if it means killing your enemies
-Unlike Spider-Girl, who will save civilians even if it leaves her open to attacks, Mayhem sees no point in doing so and believes it would only put her at a disadvantage
-Is dismissive and apathetic towards stopping crime and sees victims as idiots who deserve what they get
-She’ll only step in to help if she thinks it could be fun, will reward her with praise and money, or prove her superiority to May. Otherwise she sees it as a waste of time
-Sees no point in settling things peacefully with her enemies, instead preferring to fight them head-on
-Despite resenting May, she didn’t want to kill her, and even offered to spare her life if she gave up being Spider-Girl and admitted to being the clone
-Finds her true face hideous and attempts to hide it to protect the Parkers
-Hates when others interrupt her
-Enjoys flirting with cute boys
-Despite her sociopathic, murderous tendencies, she was still willing to act selflessly and do the right thing, as she chose to sacrifice herself so May would live and M’s future wouldn’t come to pass
As M:
-After being completely rejected by Mary Jane, she went berserk and doubled down on her work as a vigilante, slaughtering all of the supervillain community without discrimination
-After witnessing the death and destruction caused by the Bio-Preds, she began growing a conscience and started regretting everything she’d done in the past
-She even accepted that May was the original and she was the clone
-Over the years, she eventually grew to understand the Parker family’s motto of “With great power, there must also come great responsibility,” and will correct those who misquote it to emphasize the importance of the motto
-Regularly tells the younger generations stories about Mayday’s past and her relationship with April, partially to inspire them, and partially to make sure that history never forgets about her past sins
-Despite helping humanity survive for decades underground, she still feels angry and disgusted at herself for being responsible for their current state

Weapons and Equipment:

Mayhem with her phone by Br3ndan5
-A cell phone she bought using money stolen from dead muggers
-Stored inside her body when she’s not using it
-Uses it to call and text people (obviously)


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Like Spider-Man and Spider-Girl, Mayhem can alter the inter-atomic bindings of matter, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them
-While she’s never shown using this herself, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe confirms that she possesses Spider-Girl’s ability to transmit her electrostatic “stickiness” through whatever surface she touches
    -This allows her to leave any people or objects on it stuck in place for several seconds
–In Spider-Girl’s case, she’s been able to affect beings as large and heavy as The Thing, who weighs 500 lbs
-She can also reverse this stickiness to propel off of a surface, allowing her to add power to her jumps. Alternatively, she can use this ability to repel people or nearby objects away from her

Mayhem spider-sense by Br3ndan5
-An omnidirectional sixth sense that allows Mayhem to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings
-Can use this to keep track of others from afar, as seen during her first fight with Fury
-Could sense a bomb hidden in the room she and Spider-Girl were in
-Is able to sense the exact locations of others and track their movements
-Informed her where Tombstone was and later that he was going to attack her from behind
-Warned her that Spider-Girl was watching her from afar
-Should be comparable to Spider-Girl’s, which can do the following:
-Sense the exact position a potential danger is coming from and what direction they’ll flee to when caught
-Automatically tells her if the danger is posed by a familiar target (such as an attack from an opponent she’s met before) or if it’s a new threat entirely
-Lets her know if she’s in a hallucination
-Tells her if someone is a shapeshifter or if they’re disguised as someone else
-Can find an opponent’s weak spots
-Can locate dimensional rifts, find where a teleporter will materialize, track opponents who are invisible or in an astral form, use it as a second set of eyes if she’s ever blinded, or track someone’s movements in a pitch-black area

Mayhem shapeshifting by Br3ndan5
-Due to her symbiote DNA, Mayhem’s entire body is malleable, allowing her to alter the shape of her body in any way she wants
-She can change her clothes, height, weight, appearance, and voice
-Changed her face from a deformed, monstrous version of Spider-Girl’s into a more Venom-esque one
-Reshaped her entire body to resemble Gwen Stacy’s
-Altered her body to make herself look distinct from Spider-Girl in both her costumed and civilian identities
-Disguised herself as May and Spider-Girl
-Created fake web shooters on her Spider-Girl disguise

Mayhem elasticity by Br3ndan5
-Can stretch her body in any way and as long as she desires
-Wrapped her body around Spider-Girl’s waist and neck to begin choking her out
-Can stretch her body to dodge attacks or escape another person’s grip
-Used her body’s malleability to remove the bomb collar attached to her neck
-Wrapped her hair tendrils around Spider-Girl’s neck to choke her
-Contorted her body to escape an enormous web ball Spider-Girl had trapped her in

Mayhem webbing by Br3ndan5
Webbing Generation:
-Is able to generate strands of webs from her hands
-Regularly uses it to swing from buildings or restrain others

Mayhem shapeshift by Br3ndan5
Constituent-Matter Generation:
-Can manipulate the matter in her body and form it into weapons
-Has transformed her hands into claws, a set of elongated blades, axe blades, and swords
-Can form tendrils to restrain others

Mayhem healing by Br3ndan5
Healing Factor:
-Healed her wrist seconds after Tombstone smashed it with a lead pipe hard enough to break it

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Memory Manipulation:
-Can enter another person’s mind, allowing her to view their memories
-She can also transfer her memories to others, as seen when M transferred her memories to her past self

Mayhem infection immunity by Br3ndan5
Immunity to Infection:
-Is immune to the effects of the Bio-Preds, who can infect others into joining their ranks

Mayhem weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Due to being half symbiote, she shares their weaknesses to sonic attacks and extreme heat
-Often ignores her Spider-Sense, which leaves her open to sneak-attacks

(“Everyone calls me April, but I’m the real May Parker. Mayday is actually my clone. She’s the fake. The imposter who lives the life that should have been mine. I’m tired of following her lead. Of doing things her way– with that hopelessly outdated ‘no one dies’ bushwah. I can prove I’m the real daughter of Spider-Man by ending the gang war! All I have to do is KILL everyone who gets in my way– and that includes SPIDER-GIRL!”)