Death Battle: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Spider-Girl (Infinity) vs Jolyne by Br3ndan5

Prelude: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!



To say that it was a hot summer day in Port St. Lucie would’ve been an understatement. The Sun’s intense heat was mercilessly beating down on Florida’s citizens, though they paid it no mind. Whether they were regular civilians or tourists, everyone had managed to find some way to ignore the heat. In fact, one such example of the latter could be seen making her way across the streets.

Clad in her red and blue spandex costume, Mayday Parker was busy swinging through the streets of Florida. Normally she and her family would’ve been in New York, but this was a special occasion. Midtown High School’s spring break had just started, and as a way to celebrate, the Parkers had decided to take a vacation to Florida. It had taken them over a day to reach their destination, but it had been worth it. After 2 months of studying for exams, keeping up with her assignments, and balancing her academic life with her heroic career, she would finally have the chance to just kick back, relax, and enjoy some fun in the sun. Well, that’s what she expected, anyway.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the old Parker Luck had decided to rear its ugly head. From the moment the Parkers had arrived, Florida’s TV networks and radio stations had been flooded with updates seemingly at every hour, all of them focusing on an extremely odd case. From what May and the rest of her family had heard, a group of convicts had escaped Green Dolphin Street Prison. 

According to the reports, the escapees were Jolyne Cujoh, a woman convicted for a hit-and-run while DUI; Atroe, a woman who had been arrested for kidnapping; and a murderer by the name of Narciso Anasui. How these two had escaped and what their reason was for being together remained a mystery. Some had suggested they paid off a guard to smuggle them in a boat, while others believed they had disguised themselves to escape. Regardless of the disagreements, all of them gave the same warning: avoid these people at all costs. For May, however, this warning served the opposite purpose: it convinced her to take action. That’s not to say this decision had flown past her parents’ radar, though.

Roughly 40 minutes prior

“May, are you up there?” The door to May’s hotel room opened, and Peter walked in soon after. “We were just discussing plans for dinner and I was wondering how you’d feel about…” Peter’s voice trailed off as he noticed his daughter’s current position.

To an outsider, the situation would’ve looked extremely surreal. May stared at her father, looking somewhat surprised as she clutched her currently thigh-length right legging. Peter stared back, allowing his daughter to witness his brown khakis and light blue shirt covered with images of pineapples. There was a brief, awkward silence between them, something Peter would break as he spoke first.

”I… thought we agreed you’d lay off web-swinging while we’re on vacation.” He said awkwardly.

“I know, and I thought I’d be able to stick with that, but,” May paused as she pulled her legging up, “It’s still my responsibility to protect people from harm. And with those two criminals out there-“

“You don’t have to explain. I understand.” Peter responded as he began closing the door. “Just don’t take too long, okay?”


May flipped through the air, feeling the wind rush past her as she landed on one of the nearby skyscrapers. The moment she collided with the window, an audible- if somewhat muffled- THUNK could be heard. Placing her hands against the glass, Spider-Girl took a brief moment to pause as she looked around.

’Hoo-boy!’ She sighed. ‘I get that I’m searching out an entire city for three people, but you think they’d be easier to spot! I mean, who else would go out in public with those weird outfits?‘

Little did May know, one of the people she was searching for was currently a few blocks away, running down the street at top speed. 

‘I feel like I’ve swept half the city, but there’s still no sign of it. Dammit!’ Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, swore under her breath. Currently, she was on a mission to retrieve the Green Baby, a creature made by the fanatical Enrico Pucci. To Pucci, the Green Baby was essential to his plan of attaining Heaven, and Jolyne had made it her goal to prevent that from happening. Unfortunately, it seemed that fate had other plans in store for her.

One day ago

“‘Hydrangea!’ ‘Rhinoceros beetle!’ ‘Singularity point!’” Pucci declared as he stood above the Green Baby, his arms already outstretched to grasp the creature. Then, to fully awaken it, the priest spoke the final phrase: “‘The Secret Emperor!’”

Upon hearing this final word, the creature’s red eyes snapped open, and it found itself staring at Pucci. For a brief moment, a poignant silence filled the air, but it would soon end as a pale, ghostly arm punched through Pucci’s hand. Blood spilled out of the wound as bone suddenly erupted out from the gash. Rather than worry about this, however, Pucci instead grabbed hold of the bone and pulled it free from his hand. Offering it to the Green Baby, which had begun to reach for item, he spoke again.

“Are you interested in me, now? Are you curious? Are you going to come to me?” He pressed it with questions. For a brief moment, he could’ve sworn the grass around the Baby had rustled, followed by a brief glow of orange, but he put it aside. “Is this going to mark the beginning of everything that is to come?”

There was a brief pause, and with it Pucci’s expression grew tighter. Was it possible he had failed? Could he have misremembered one of the phrases? Before he could question himself any further, he noticed the grass rustle again, followed by an almost drill-like sound. In tandem with this, the orange glow seemed to be growing stronger. Its illumination lit up Pucci’s face, highlighting his tense expression and the sweat running down his forehead. Just what was this item? Could it perhaps have something to do with DIO’s plan?

Enrico would soon get his answer as the item broke through the surface, revealing a smooth, glowing orange gemstone. Though his expression remained the same as before, Pucci’s eyes told a different story. His pupils showed three emotions: surprise, intrigue, and a slight hint of fear. Surprise at the item’s arrival, intrigue at the power he was sensing from it, and fear as he noticed the Green Baby start to turn its attention toward the gem.

‘No! I’m so close! If I could just regain its attention, I might-‘ unfortunately, Pucci’s thoughts would soon be cut short as the Green Baby suddenly grabbed hold of the orange gem. Both the creature and its jewel began to glow a bright orange, and then-


Pucci suddenly disappeared in a flash of orange light, with Jolyne, Foo Fighters, and a bloodied Anasui vanishing not long after. The next thing she knew, Jolyne had found herself in the middle of Port St. Lucie, fully healed of her injuries, but something was wrong. Rather than the dead of night, it was now the middle of the day, and she was the only one here. No matter where she looked, she couldn’t find any sign of Foo Fighters, Anasui, or even Pucci for that matter! Then there was what really worried her. When she checked the nearby clocks and displays, they read March 19. Somehow, she’d been sent an entire day into the future, but how could that be? As far as she knew, there weren’t any Stand users who could manipulate time like this. She quickly put that aside, however, as there were more important matters to deal with. 


Anasui’s dying body had been injected with Jotaro’s memory disc, the latter of which was on the verge of shattering; Foo Fighters had also been on her death bed, and unless she’d been sent somewhere with water, it was unlikely she’d survive. It didn’t help that there were now only 3 days before Pucci could enact his plan to obtain Heaven, and that was assuming he hadn’t already gotten his hands on the Green Baby!

As these thoughts swam through her mind, Jolyne had begun searching the city, hoping she’d be able to find some sign of either her friends or the baby. Unfortunately, she’d had no such luck. It was close to an hour at this point, and the only thing she’d accomplished was getting herself lost. After letting out an annoyed sigh, the escaped convict began speaking aloud.

”Anasui? F.F.? Is anyone out here?” For a brief moment, she received no response, but then she heard something. It was a barely audible groan, but then it evolved into something louder.

”J-Jolyne?” Recognizing the voice, Jolyne took off toward its direction, and she soon found herself staring down at the body of Narciso Anasui. He was laying limply on the ground. Blood ran down his chest, painting the concrete beneath him a deep shade of crimson, though it seemed his wound had sealed itself shut. As she drew closer, Jolyne noticed a trail of golden smoke gather from where his wound had been. With each second that passed, the trail began to take on a more humanoid appearance, forming arms, a more pronounced chest, and an outline of hair.

“Th… this… N-no way! It can’t be!” Jolyne stammered as she watched the smoke’s appearance continue to evolve. “Anasui!”

”No… Jolyne…” a feminine voice responded as the smoke began to form a lower jaw. “Don’t worry… it’s not him…”

“I’m glad…” the cloud said as it took on a face and hairstyle. Turning to face her, Foo Fighters continued speaking. “Anasui… he got the disc back.”

As she said this, the former Stand gestured to Anasui, revealing a silver disc laying next to him.

‘It’s not Anasui!’ Jolyne realized. “Is that you, F.F.? Is that you, talking?”

”What I was scared most of, was not being able to even say goodbye to my friends. To forget how to say goodbye.” F.F. admitted. “But… at the very end, I still remembered that I have to say it.” Turning to Jolyne, she continued.

“Jolyne, when Anasui wakes up, tell him that his body is his. That I used his intelligence and his strength to cure his wounds.”

”Wait a second! What are you talking about, F.F.?” Jolyne asked.

”Goodbye, Jolyne. I can’t stay here any longer. F.F. is going to disappear.”

”What are you saying?” Jolyne demanded. “D-don’t be stupid!”

“Look at me, Jolyne.” Foo Fighters responded, gesturing to herself. “This is my ‘spirit’… This is my ‘intellect’… I was alive.”

“I’m going to get your disc back from the priest! Your Foo Fighters disc! Then you can come back!” Jolyne pleaded.

”But that will probably be another Foo Fighters. It probably won’t be ‘me.’ ‘This’ is me.” She said calmly. “This is me saying goodbye.” Turning her back to her friend, Foo Fighters continued.

”I’m glad I was able to say my goodbyes to you, Jolyne. It’s alright, Jolyne. It’s alright.” She said reassuringly. “I’m glad I got your disc back…”

As she spoke these final words, a sharp gust of wind blew through the area, taking the misty form of Foo Fighters with it.

”F.F.?” Jolyne asked as she watched her friend get swept up. Upon receiving no answer, she looked around and tried again. “F.F.?” She tried a third time, only to receive the same response. In desperation, she began calling out in an even louder voice.

“Answer me! WHERE ARE YOU? F.F.?” She cried out, her voice cracking as she screamed the name of her deceased friend. Nothing answered her. Nothing, save for another draft of wind blowing past her ears. Realizing she was alone, tears streaked down Jolyne’s face as she bent down,  picking up the memory disc and Anasui’s unconscious body.

Meanwhile, Spider-Girl was still scanning the area when the distant sounds of screaming filled her ears. With her mind kicking into high gear, the daughter of Spider-Man began swinging as fast as she could, and within seconds she had managed to close in on its source. 

Placing herself atop a perch, Spidey watched as Jolyne stood over an unconscious Anasui, currently in the middle of placing something in her pockets. While the distance made it difficult to tell what it was, it appeared to be some kind of disc. After placing it in her pocket, Jolyne began looking around, stopping as she noticed a pay phone on the other side of the street. With a sudden burst of energy, the escaped convict took off toward the booth, and it was at this same time that Spider-Girl decided to reveal herself.

After slowly lowering herself from a web line, May immediately rushed toward Anasui. With the amount of blood on his chest, she doubted he had that much longer to live, but if she acted fast enough, she could at least get him to a hospital! Once she was close enough, Spider-Girl knelt down and checked his pulse, but that’s when she noticed something odd.

”That can’t be right.” She muttered under her breath. Confused, she checked again, only to find that the feedback was now a bit stronger. There was no doubt about it. Somehow, even with the apparent blood loss, Anasui was completely healthy!

‘With how that blood is coming down, there’s no doubt it’s his, and it’s still wet enough to be recent, but…’ her eyes narrowed, ‘how did he heal so quickly?’

Last she checked, there was nothing that suggested the inmates had powers, much less a healing factor of this magnitude. Either way, it didn’t change that with how quickly he was recovering, he would be coming around soon enough. While this brought her some relief, May also recognized the potential danger of leaving him unattended, especially with how quickly he seemed to be recovering! Seeking to nip this in the bud, she threw out her right arm and fired a thin strand of webbing. The white fluid wrapped itself around Anasui’s torso, hardening instantly and binding him to the green bench he was laying in.

”Phew! Alright, one down,” May turned to the phone booth, eyeing the remaining prisoner, “two more to go.”

Meanwhile, Jolyne had just gotten off the payphone, breathing a sigh of relief as she did so. She’d managed to get through to the Speedwagon Foundation, and according to her contact, one of their agents was coming to retrieve her father’s disc in the next hour or so. Though this set her mind at ease, she couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander back to Green Dolphin Street. Her friends were still back there, stuck in prison with no way of knowing if she was still alive or not. She thought about calling Ermes and giving her an update, but right when she was about to do so, she heard someone call out to her.

“Look, I know it’s hard being on the run and all, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to keep a low profile.” A new voice called out from behind her. It was feminine and definitely belonged to a teenager, but not one she’d heard before. Confused by this, Jolyne attempted to turn around, only for a vague blur to soon land in front of her. When this mysterious figure stood up, Jolyne found herself staring at a girl in a red and blue costume, which only seemed to confuse her further.

“What?” Jolyne questioned, completely caught offguard by both this girl’s sudden appearance and what she’d said.

”Okay, that might be bad advice coming from someone in red and blue spandex, but girl-to-girl, you should try a change of clothes. That Britney Spears look is a bit ‘14 years ago.’ If you want my advice, I’ve heard orange jumpsuits are lovely this time of year, especially among escaped convicts!”

“Uh… Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m not too interested in fashion tips from the girl in a brightly-colored gimp suit.” Jolyne said in a deadpan tone.

“Gimp suit?!” Spider-Girl repeated, clearly offended. “This is a classic! Besides, it’s not like your buddy over there is the king of modesty!” May’s words caused Jolyne to look over at Anasui, and her eyes went wide with shock. Anasui was still unconscious, but now he was completely covered in a strange, white, web-like substance. “It’s a good thing I covered him up when I did. He’s like an indecent exposure charge waiting to happen!”

”What is that stuff? What the hell did you do to Anasui?” Jolyne asked, narrowing her eyes as she glared at Mayday.

”Don’t worry. It’s not like it’ll hurt him. I just needed to make sure he wouldn’t bleed out. It’ll dissolve by the time the police arrive.”

”Police?” Jolyne repeated, her eyebrow raising in confusion. “Look, I appreciate the concern…” she trailed off.


”Spider-Girl. But I already called for medical attention.“

“That’s good.” Spider-Girl nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna let you go. You are still a criminal, and he’s still an accomplice, so I hope you don’t mind-“

All of a sudden, May cut herself off, her eyes widening as she felt a familiar tingling sensation in the back of her skull. Though she couldn’t see anything, her Spider-Sense was warning her of some kind of danger in front of her. And whatever it was, it was coming in-



Moving far faster than Spider-Girl could’ve reacted, this new arrival suddenly lunged for her, burying its fist right in her face. Her head snapped back from the force as she was sent flying, but with a quick backflip, she managed to land gracefully on her feet.

’What the heck was that?’ May thought to herself as she clutched her aching cranium. ‘I didn’t see anything coming toward me, but that… whatever it was just came out of nowhere and took a shot at me!’

While she gathered herself, May heard Jolyne’s boots clamping against the ground as she walked toward her. “How did you do that?” Spider-Girl asked as she looked Jolyne’s way.

“Doesn’t matter if I give you an answer. This’ll be over in a few seconds.” 

Almost immediately, Spider-Girl backflipped as the ground where she’d just stood suddenly cratered.

“Time’s up.” May said cheekily as she lowered herself into a fighting stance. “I guess I’ll just have to beat the answer out of you.”

Spider-Girl leapt toward Jolyne, aiming a kick at her stomach, only to feel that same force from before block her attack. It then pushed back, causing Spider-Girl to backflip a few feet away. The instant she hit the ground, May, in an attempt to test the waters, threw out three punches and a kick, but her invisible opponent managed to block each one. A right hook hit her at full force, with three equally strong body blows following immediately after.

Spider-Girl staggered back from the pain, leaving her open as Stone Free battered her with a barrage of hard, swift punches. A scream of “ORAORAORAORA” escaped the Stand’s lips as it pummeled Spider-Girl, ending with a right hook that sent Spider-Girl soaring into the air. A pained groan escaped the heroine’s lips as she shot a web line toward a nearby building, reeling herself closer as she gathered her thoughts.

‘Okay, so taking her down the old-fashioned way is a no-go. And whatever’s helping her out has some serious anger issues.’She thought as she stuck to the wall. Trying to alleviate the pain, she called out to Jolyne, “Man, you know how to throw a mean right hook! I guess all that time wrestling sewer gators really paid off!” Spider-Girl joked.

”Thanks, but I can’t exactly take all the credit. Those last attacks were all Stone Free’s doing.” Jolyne responded, gesturing to the thin air behind her.

“Huh. I didn’t take you for a Hendrix fan. With that outfit, I could’ve sworn you were more of a Brittany girl.” May admitted, mostly to mask her confusion. ‘What’s she mean, ‘Stone Free’? Is that some sort of code word?’ As she wondered about her opponent’s words, Spider-Girl threw out both arms. “But since we’re on the topic of music, I’ve always been a bit partial to Sticky Fingers!”


Three web lines were quickly fired at Jolyne, who leapt back to avoid them. A fourth one was sent spiraling Jolyne’s way, but she quickly sidestepped it. Grabbing hold of the web line, she gave a sharp tug, pulling May in for what should’ve been a left hook! Fortunately for the wall-crawler, the buzz from her Spider-Sense alerted her just in time to twist her body. Feeling the air from the punch rush past her, Spider-Girl used her momentum to spin through the air and grabbed Jolyne with her legs!

With a quick twist, Jolyne was flung across the street, trailed by a quick series of THWIPs from May’s web-shooters. Jolyne let out a grunt as she slammed into a nearby car, only to then be pelted with white, sticky globs one after the other. Each one targeted her arms and legs, hardening instantly. With her arms and legs quickly tied up, all Jolyne could do was grit her teeth as she watched Spider-Girl pull her forward, ready to end the fight with a hook of her own!

As the fist flew toward her, Jolyne’s mind went into overdrive. She ducked her head as she threw out her left arm, unraveling her hand into a wide net of strings that spread out, searching for something, anything she could grab that would fend off Spider-Girl’s inevitable attempt at a comeback.


Spider-Girl’s fist smashed into the car window at full force, shattering it on impact. As the glass shards rained down, so too did time seem to slow as multiple actions occurred all at once. Jolyne found what she needed and pulled it forward, sending a speeding object hurtling toward Spider-Girl. At that same time, Stone Free had grabbed one of the fallen shards of glass and used it to cut into Jolyne’s restraints. Jolyne threw out one leg, hoping to catch her opponent off guard. And during all of it, Spider-Girl’s Spider-Sense was keeping track of everything.

Using the heads-up she’d received, Spider-Girl ducked her head to avoid the oncoming projectile, then lifted her legs to avoid Jolyne’s sweep kick. Placing both hands against the ground, Spider-Girl sprang forward and nailed Jolyne with a somersault kick, but JoJo pushed through the pain and responded with a hard tug of her strings! A warning signal flashed in May’s mind for a split second, but the –


A groan escaped May’s lips as a baseball hit her from behind at full force. She staggered forward, briefly disoriented by the pain, and before she could do anything else, Stone Free acted!


Spider-Girl stifled a cry of pain as a sharp piece of glass was jammed into her leg. An intense sting ran across her her thigh, and in her pain, she found herself smacked in the face by the same object from before. And now that it was right in front of her, she could see it: a baseball!

Questions swarmed through May’s mind: where had it come from, how did Jolyne get it, how did it outspeed her Spider-Sense, but all of it was drowned out by Jolyne continuing the assault!



Using Spider-Girl as a practice board, Stone Free threw the baseball like mad, smashing it into May’s body so hard it bounced back into her grip, only to be flung forward again. Each throw seemed harder than the last, and the interval between them was growing. May couldn’t even keep track of where they were at by this point. 50? 100? 200? All she knew was that every inch of her was feeling sore, and she was getting really sick of being used as target practice!

Beneath her mask, the teenager grit her teeth, and pushing through the pain, she slowly raised her arm, extending her palm as she swung through the air. The FWAP of rubber colliding with fabric was like music to her ears, and with the pummeling briefly stopped, she finally had some time to come up with her own plan.

“Think I might be getting a bit rusty if my dad’s old practice method’s starting to do a number on me! Then again…”

In a sudden burst of kinetic energy, the baseball rocketed out of Spider-Girl’s hand and was sent flying straight toward Jolyne. Her eyes widening in shock, Jolyne threw herself to the left, narrowly avoiding the attempted beanball.

“I was always quick to pick myself up after a fall!”

Spider-Girl’s one-liner caused alarm bells to run through Jolyne’s mind, and with some quick thinking, she leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding a sweep kick! With a quick, stylish flip, Jolyne landed on the ground, immediately taking notice of Spider-Girl’s posture.

The glass shard she’d been stabbed with had been torn out, replaced by a makeshift bandage of webbing. Any injuries or bruises she may have gained from that recent beating weren’t even acknowledged as she reentered her fighting stance. Somehow the daughter of Spider-Man still seemed raring to go. It was almost as if the past 10 seconds hadn’t so much as affected her!

“So you’re still ready to fight after that?” Jolyne raised an eyebrow before letting out an annoyed sigh. “Good grief. You’re one persistent bitch.”
“EXCUSE ME?” Spider-Girl said, sounding heavily offended as she clocked Jolyne hard in the jaw. Jolyne’s head snapped to the side, and a grunt escaped her lips as blood flew from her mouth. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to say that to another woman!?”
Jolyne staggered for a moment, but she quickly regained her balance. Wiping the blood spilling down her lip, she flashed Mayday an amused smirk.

“Heh. I guess you could say I take more after my old man. We’ve got the same attitude, the same type of Stand, but most of all-“

As she spoke, Jolyne unraveled parts of her back, commanding the strings to burrow into the ground and snake toward Spider-Girl. The strings raced toward May, burrowing through cement and dirt to ensnare the teenager. May’s Spider-Sense flared up at this, trying to warn her of the oncoming danger, but the strings proved far faster! By the time the warning flared through her mind, Stone Free’s strings had already burst out of the streets. 

“Whoa!” May cried out, completely shocked as dozens of invisible strings tied themselves around her arms and legs. A sharp tug then pulled her limbs back, leaving her defenseless!

”We’ve got the same drive to kick ass!” Jolyne announced as she threw a kick straight to Spider-Girl’s stomach. Jolyne’s foot buried itself deep into her gut, causing her to double over. Before the pain could even leave her mind, Jolyne added to it by unleashing a heavy barrage of kicks, her legs moving far faster than May could hope to react. The Stand user buried her feet into Spider-Girl’s stomach, chest, shoulders, forearms, thighs; any weak point she could target in the heroine’s body! Finally, after nearly 20 kicks, Jolyne ended her combo with a roundhouse to the jaw!

Spider-Girl’s head snapped back as she flew through the air, reeling from the beating she had taken. ‘Ugh! I guess that speed’s not just exclusive to her invisible partner!’ She thought. Her sight was blurred and her body ached from where she’d been hit, but she quickly blinked and tried to regain her focus. She was just in time, too, as she realized she was flying straight toward a building.

Her eyes widening in alarm, Spider-Girl performed a quick backflip through the air. ‘And more importantly,’ she landed feet-first against the wall, allowing herself a brief rest, ‘what did she do to activate my Spider-Sense? It felt like she was tying me up in strings, but-‘

May’s thoughts were interrupted as her Spider-Sense flared up once again. Looking up, her eyes widened as she noticed the baseball from earlier, now flying toward her fast enough that it had caught fire! With the ballistic sports ball closing in, Spider-Girl unleashed a quick reversal of her wall-crawling, she burst off the wall and vaulted into the air! She was just in time too, as she noticed the ball crater against the bricks.

‘And now that ball’s coming back to haunt me! Just what kind of power is this girl using?’ Spider-Girl wondered. ‘My Spider-Sense is telling me that whatever’s attacking me has some connection to her, but how are they moving so quickly?’

As she landed on the ground cat-footed, May thought back to a distant memory.

‘Dad mentioned fighting a guy called The Spot back in the old days. Apparently he could use the portals on his body to attack faster than Dad’s Spider-Sense. Is she doing something like that?’ 

Spider-Girl focused her Spider-Sense, trying to sense if there was anything amiss about her surroundings. At the same time, Jolyne, seeing the seemingly prone Spider-Girl, commanded Stone Free to commence its attack. The Stand rushed toward Mayday from behind, ready to bash her skull in-

‘There you are!’

Thinking quickly, Spider-Girl ducked under the attack and spun around, hitting Stone Free with a spin kick. Then, just as quickly, she followed up with a backflip that struck Stone Free in the jaw, causing its head to snap back. With her spectral attacker now dazed, May brought her legs up, planting them onto Stone Free’s chest, and kicked off!

Using her opponent as a springboard, Spider-Girl launched the Stand out of its range, forcing it to unravel as she shot toward Jolyne. Sensing her invisible opponent’s sudden disappearance, Spider-Girl decided to test something. A series of razor sharp needles flew from the tips of her web-shooters, each one hitting their mark as Jolyne raised her arms to block them.

‘Huh. Her ghostly pal didn’t come to save her this time.’ Spider-Girl noted as she clenched her fist. She could feel a bit of guilt over using the stingers on a seemingly helpless criminal, but she pushed it aside. She was already descending toward Jolyne, and if she was going this far, the least she could do was end the fight early!

Spider-Girl swung her fist, throwing out a hard punch to the gut, but right when her fist connected, something odd happened!

”What?” She asked in shock, staring down at what she’d just struck- or rather, what she hadn’t struck. It looked as if her punch had phased right through Jolyne’s stomach. Before she could pull her arm back, a hard kick slammed into her gut. The wind was instantly knocked out of her as she staggered back, giving Jolyne’s enough time to press her advantage!


A swift combo of punches struck her Spider-Girl all at once, the final one sending her flying back several feet. Though she managed to right her position with a flip, she was still reeling hard from Jolyne’s combo. Her mind was so flooded with pain that she barely noticed her Spider-Sense flaring back up. Out of instinct she leaned back, feeling something sharp graze her cheek. When she looked back toward its direction, she let out a small gasp.

It seemed that Jolyne’s invisible friend had chosen to attack in her stead. Each of the stingers were being picked off of Jolyne’s body, and now five of them were headed straight for Spider-Girl!

Time seemed to slow down as May spun through the air, twisting her body to narrowly avoid the first two. As she’d finished this 180° spin, she left the ground once again by leaping into the air, dodging the next three being shot at her. She attempted to counter with an axe kick, but something blocked her attempt before pushing back!

May staggered back, and as she was off balance, an invisible force clamped down HARD on her right wrist. Before she could properly react, that same force pulled her forward, causing her to let out a surprised “WHOA” before her body was pulled directly into the path of her own stingers!


The teenager groaned underneath her mask as she felt the razor sharp darts pierce her skin. It wouldn’t cause any lasting damage, but that didn’t stop it from hurting like hell! It didn’t help that right after the stingers pierced her, Jolyne added to the damage with a knee to the gut and a roundhouse kick to the face!

May staggered back, spinning slightly as the telltale buzz of her Spider-Sense flashed through her mind. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t have time to act on it before Jolyne let out a cry of “ORAORAORAORA.” In tandem with the strange war cry, the remaining stingers were launched toward her back, and right as May prepared to jump out of their range-

“RRGH!” Jolyne gave a sharp tug, and the pressure on Spider-Girl’s wrist returned as she was pulled forward. But this time, Spider-Girl was ready as she backflipped over the stingers and Jolyne. As she sailed overhead, Spider-Girl used her position to reach out with her legs, wrapping them tightly around Jolyne’s head as she let her momentum do the rest.

The world around Jolyne morphed into a blur as she was slammed face first into the ground. Groaning as she got back to her feet, the ex-convict heard a THWIP and quickly brought up her arm, causing Spider-Girl’s webbing to instead get caught on the chains connecting them!

Spider-Girl’s eyes widened in surprise before morphing into a more understanding gaze. ‘So that’s what she was using!’ She thought to herself. 

Three web shots were launched at Jolyne, but each one was quickly blocked as Stone Free punched them aside. Meanwhile, Jolyne grabbed hold of the chain and yanked it hard, dragging Spider-Girl closer. As she was reeled in, May noticed her opponent raising a leg and jerked her head to the side, feeling the air brush past her head. In tandem with this failed kick, May raised her free arm and pressed the trigger on her web shooter.


The sound of a discharge caused Spider-Girl to raise an eyebrow. ‘It clogged up? But that shouldn’t be-‘



In her distracted state, Spider-Girl found herself victim of a sucker punch from Stone Free, causing her head to snap to the side as blood leaked from her mouth.

”Nice try, but I already had a priest try that same trick. And I’m not repeating the same mistake twice.” Jolyne said coldly as she tightened her hold on the strings. Almost instantly, another set of cuffs fastened around Spider-Girl’s other wrist, and with her opponent secure, Jolyne unleashed Stone Free. The Stand lunged forward, ready to pummel the newly restrained Spider-Girl, but May had other ideas in mind.

“Then thank God I have a contingency!” 

Using the split second warning from her Spider-Sense, Spider-Girl leapt into the air, moving far out of Stone Free’s range, and thanks to the handcuffs connecting them, Jolyne found herself along for the ride.

”WHAT THE HEEELLL?!” Cujoh yelled as she and Spider-Girl suddenly flew through the air, the younger girl suddenly taking the lead. 

“Since you got rid of my web shooters, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed these for a bit, would you?” Spider-Girl asked playfully as she grabbed hold of the chains and swung Jolyne through the air at high speeds. The world around JoJo became a dizzying blur, and as she finished her rotation Spider-Girl threw the ex-convict to the ground, feeling the chains drag her along for the ride. Keeping a firm grip on them, Spider-Girl gave a hard tug, slingshotting into Jolyne with a drop kick to the stomach!

The instant she felt the blow connect, all of the wind was knocked out of Jolyne as she slammed into the ground, her impact cratering the concrete. Flecks of spit and blood flew from her lips as pain shot across her back. Meanwhile, her opponent backflipped off her body while simultaneously snapping the cuffs’ chains through raw strength. Instantly, the strain from the cuffs vanished as they seemed to unravel like string, causing May to breathe a sigh of relief.

”Phew! That’s better.” May said as she began fiddling with the web shooters. “Heroes like us don’t really do cuffs all that well. You, on the other hand…”


A string of web fluid covered Jolyne’s stomach, hardening instantly.

”I’d say you’ve got a good, long time to make them work when you get back.” Spider-Girl finished. Jolyne’s expression hardened at this, and with only a subconscious thought, she unraveled the afflicted area and pushed herself back up. 

Spider-Girl shot several more webs, but they didn’t even seem to slow Jolyne down. Each time they came close, Jolyne almost seemed to phase through them. ‘What’s going on here?’ May thought. ‘Invisible summons, strings, intangibility… It’s like she’s some kind of superpower grab bag!’ Beneath her mask, her gaze became a bit more serious. ‘Normally I’d try and get a feel for this with my Spider-Sense, but that ‘Stone Free’ thing is outmaneuvering me hard!’

Little did she know Jolyne was in the same boat. ‘Something feels off about all this. She’s clearly not a Stand user, but then how the hell is she reacting to my attacks? And what she just did with those cuffs…’ Jolyne looked down at the strings of fabric now littering the street, visible only to the eyes of another user. ‘Whatever her powers are, she seems to have a knack for bouncing all over the place.’

Her eyes darted around the area, noting the tall buildings and wide streets around her. ‘It doesn’t help that this street is open enough for her to use it. If I want to get her in Stone Free’s range, I’ll need to get her into a more enclosed space. But how?’

Noticing a nearby warehouse behind her, the gears in Jolyne’s head began turning. It was a huge gamble, but if she wanted any chance of taking this Spider-Bitch down, she’d need to take that risk.

“I gotta admit, you’ve been doing a pretty good job holding me off.” Jolyne admitted as she returned her gaze to May. “Especially for someone that isn’t a Stand user.” Jolyne’s expression hardened. “But don’t think that means you’ve beaten me just yet! We Cujohs- no, we Joestars aren’t limited to brute force. We rely more on strategy to overcome any obstacle!” Slipping into a combat stance, she continued, “And if all else fails, there’s one last trick we can fall back on, the ultimate technique that’s been passed down my family for generations!”

Jolyne’s words were spoken with such confidence that Spider-Girl was immediately put on edge. ‘Ultimate technique? So she had an extra trick up her sleeve all this time?’ As if to add to her alertness, her Spider-Sense flared up, giving May a sudden warning as to what her opponent had planned. But when that warning came to her, Spider-Girl’s caution became confusion. ‘No, there’s gotta be some kind of mistake! There’s no way that’s what she has in mind!’

As if in answer to these shocked thoughts, Jolyne’s legs tensed up, and then in a sudden burst of speed, she proceeded to book it in the opposite direction! She ran like an accomplished track star, sprinting at top speed to get as far away from Spider-Girl as possible! Unfortunately, she’d soon realize her opponent had her own tricks up her sleeve!

“That’s an impressive trick, but I’d prefer if you stuck around!” May announced as she slammed her open palm against the concrete. Jolyne was still taking off, preparing to continue her retreat when something seemed to tug hard at her! A shocked gasp escaped her lips as she clumsily stumbled forward, her left leg landing at an awkward, crossed angle. She looked back, trying to lift her right leg, only to find that it was completely stuck to the floor! 

“The hell’s going on here? Why can’t I move?” She asked irritably, trying in vain to lift her left leg off the concrete.

“Well, I figured if you wanted to show off your secret technique, I’d go ahead and show you mine! Call it a final courtesy before the boys in blue haul you and your boyfriend back to jail!” As she spoke, Spider-Girl fired off several balls of Impact Webbing, each one set to envelop a different part of Jolyne’s body. But Jolyne was nothing if not efficient!

As the balls flew toward her, Jolyne calculated the flight path of each one in her head. Then, right as they were about to hit her, she forced each area to take on a spinning, 3D shape: a Mobius strip. The moment the Impact Webbing made contact, each one became entangled in Mobius strip’s endless cycle, left to accelerate as it spun from one section to the other. And with nothing to stop them, the web balls kept going, moving faster and faster until Jolyne released them, sending the Impact Webbing back in droves!

With equally quick precision, Spider-Girl flipped and twisted her body, easily avoiding the reflected attacks. As she descended toward Jolyne, May extended her arm out, firing a web that latched onto a nearby building. Using her momentum to her advantage, Spider-Girl then swung through the air, landing a hard kick to the stomach. Jolyne’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as she coughed up spittle, while Spider-Girl carried her through the air feet-first. And upon reaching the peak of her ascent, May unleashed a blast of bio-magnetism from her soles, repelling Jolyne further into the air!

‘Dammit! She hits a lot harder than she looks! Any harder and she might’ve knocked me out cold!’ Jolyne thought as she felt the wind rush past her. ‘Still, it at least got me closer to the warehouse. Now all that’s left is to get her boxed in!’ 

Extending her arm out, Jolyne fired off a few strings and wrapped them around the top of a nearby rooftop. Grabbing hold of it with both hands, the sixth JoJo used her momentum to dip toward the ground before slinging back into the air at a higher rate!

”Hey, watch it with the web-slinging!” Spider-Girl joked as she swung after Jolyne. “That’s my thing, and I’m not too keen on imitators!”

”What, you think you’re the first person to swing through the air?” Jolyne scoffed.

”Nah, but my dad was.” May informed as she swung toward Jolyne. She threw out a brief combo of kicks and punches. “And I’d rather-“

A buzz of Spider-Sense flashed through May’s head, giving her enough of a warning to twist her body.

”Keep his trademark moves-“



An uppercut struck Jolyne in the chin. She tried to counter with a blow from Stone Free, but her opponent flipped over, skirting beneath her a bit. Jolyne watched Spider-Girl’s trail with her eyes, her pupils shrinking in shock as Mayday came back in with a hard kick to the stomach.

”Safe from a cheap copycat!”

As she finished her thoughts, Spider-Girl smashed into Jolyne’s gut, dragging both herself and JoJo forward and launching both of them toward the high rise windows behind them. Cracks rang out a split second before Jolyne crashed through the window, only half aware of the shattered glass that was raining down alongside her. Down into the depths the Stand user and superhero fell as their surroundings became mired in the darkness of the wide, spacious, abandoned storage room. 

It was only seconds later that Jolyne would feel something other than the air rushing past her, as she slammed hard into the wood floor, accompanied by a cacophony of glass PLINKing against the ground. She could feel some of that glass adding to the pain as it dug into her skin, but she refused to yell or even cry out in pain. The cuts might’ve hurt like hell, but she wasn’t going to let that impair her decision to fight!

Pushing the warm, unnerving feeling out of her mind, Jolyne focused on the surrounding area. The lighting was dim, but she could make out the dusky outline of Spider-Girl’s costume heading her way, as well as two silver glints.

Two THWIPs rang out, and Jolyne was on the move, scrambling away as she watched two white balls crash into the floor, exploding into puddles of sticky gunk. Seeing Spider-Girl land in front of her, Jolyne commanded Stone Free to let her have it!

”ORA!” An overhead punch was sent toward Spider-Girl, but she immediately leapt out of the way, leaving Stone Free’s punch to miss by a mile. As she ascended through the air, Mayday tried to recover her advantage with a rapid series of web lines, but Jolyne leapt after her, using Stone Free’s crossed arms to barrel through each one. And once Spider-Girl was in range, Jolyne let her have it!


A steady burst of machine gun-like punches battered Spider-Girl’s body, striking her from every conceivable angle in only a few microseconds. And by the time she’d begun to fall toward the ground, Jolyne left the web-slinger with a final punch!


A left hook struck Spider-Girl at full force, cracking one of her goggles and launching her deeper into the shadows. Jolyne heard the sound of something land against the wall, and when she squinted her eyes she could just make out Spider-Girl, her short hair now exposed and half-tussled.

”The hell are you doing up there?” JoJo asked.

”Staying away from you.” May said, sounding rather cheerful for someone who’d just been battered senseless.

“Why? You scared to fight woman to woman?” Jolyne smirked.

”I don’t suppose I could convince you to come up here and fight like a spider?” Spider-Girl joked. Jolyne was about to make a retort, but something in May’s words struck a cord.

”Fight like a spider, huh?” Her smirk widened a little. “Fine. I’ll just beat you at your own game.”

[If rooting Spider-Girl]
[If rooting Jolyne]

In an instant, strings shot out from Jolyne’s fingertips. Sensing something heading her way, May leapt further into the shadows, feeling the Spider-Sense continue to buzz in her mind. The invisible strings were back, and if her Spider-Sense was accurate, each one was being spread throughout the room, moving from wall to pillar to crate in a vast, interconnected web.

‘Huh… that’s not a bad idea.’ Spider-Girl thought as she steadily crawled across the walls, keeping a low profile. While she couldn’t necessarily see them, the subtle cues from her Spider-Sense were giving May a good sense of where they were. She went through a few possibilities in her head, trying to think of the best way out of this. Trying to rush Jolyne down would end in disaster, and with how fast they’d moved before, snapping the strings would just alert Jolyne to where she was.

‘Unless…’ May mused as she looked down at her web shooter. Eager to test her hypothesis, the scientist’s daughter fired off a few stingers. They approached the strings at bullet-like speeds, but instead of snapping them in two, the darts seemed to phase through and embed into the ground.

The sound of something hitting the ground transferred through Jolyne’s strings like a telephone wire, and with a determined look, she went to work on ensnaring the culprit!

Spider-Girl clutched her head as her Spider-Sense flared up, alerting her of the strings’ rapid shift in location. An unconscious groan made its way out of her lips. Big mistake, since the strings seemed to react to that and began swarming her!

‘Oh God!’ She thought as she instinctively leapt to higher ground, twisting her body in unnatural and inhuman forms to avoid the strings. But the instant she landed on the ceiling on all fours, the strings were back at it again!

Fighting the growing worry inside her, Spider-Girl began flipping and cartwheeling like mad, doing whatever she could to avoid capture. The strings were threatening to snag her in midair, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to avoid their grasp. Still, that didn’t mean she’d stopped fighting! 

Even as she had a few close calls, Spider-Girl returned the favor by targeting Jolyne with her webs. Web lines and web balls were launched her way, and with May out of its range, all Stone Free could manage was blocking and pulling on the lines in an attempt to make Spider-Girl see the light. Less successful, however, were the attempts to block the stingers.

With the darkness as her cover and the Spider-Sense as her guide, Mayday was making up for her lack of direct confrontation by landing direct shots. Thanks to the near lack of lighting in the area, the stingers came without any warning and stabbed Jolyne without fail. None of them were targeting her major organs, but she would’ve lied if she said they didn’t hurt like a bitch!

The only good news about this was that each of the stingers seemed to be firing from a closer location, and it was only a matter of time before Spider-Girl slipped up and got too close! 

All of a sudden, Jolyne could feel another presence in front of her. Something was coming out of the shadows, something that seemed pretty big, with arms and legs outstretched to tackle her.

”So you finally decided to show yourself? Good! Because I’ve got something special planned for you!” Jolyne announced as she focused all of her strings, wrapping each one around Spider-Girl until she was fully covered. Reeling her closer, Jolyne threw out her leg, kicking straight through her opponent’s web-like, pale flesh!

[If rooting for Jolyne, play this and start at 0:34]

“What?!” Jolyne asked in shock. Whatever she just struck wasn’t Spider-Girl. It was some massive decoy, one that quickly fell on top of Jolyne, enshrouding her in a sheet of sticky white gel. “It’s a dummy!”

”Oh, don’t insult it like that!” Spider-Girl called out from behind as a drop kick slammed into Jolyne from behind. Flipping off of her, May continued, “I’d say the only dummy here is the girl that abandoned her strategy without double checking her surroundings!”

Two web lines shot out from the web shooters, but Jolyne managed to move out of their way with a quick roll. Spider-Girl trailed her with a few more shots from her webs and Impact Webbing, but Jolyne strafed between each one. From her surveying of the surrounding area, she knew the area in front of her was little more than a dead end, but it wasn’t the wall that had caught her interest. It was what was above her.

Feeling the draft blow past her hair, Jolyne couldn’t help but smile as she looked up at the vent northwest of her. 

“Looks like someone took a wrong turn at Albuquerque!” May quipped, but Jolyne didn’t seem to hear her. The convict’s legs were visibly tensing up as she looked toward the vent. “Uh… hey, JoJo. I’m not sure what you have in mind, but…” Jolyne continued to ignore her as she ran forward unopposed. “That’s not really a way for you to…” May’s voice trailed off as Jolyne leapt through the air and swung her arm out. The moment her fingertips touched the metal grating, Jolyne’s body seemed to phase through the air vent, sneaking inside like some kind of snake.


”Escape…” May finished awkwardly, her brain reeling as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Looking around, she called out, “Uh… hello? Are you still there? Hello?”

When nobody answered her question Spider-Girl began swinging through the building, searching for some sign of Jolyne. “Marco.” She called out as she leapt from a high ledge and flipped onto the floor below. 

Still receiving no response, she casually strolled around, surveying the stacks of crates and metal parts. Trying again, she yelled, “Marco.” Still nothing. Spider-Girl sighed. ‘Fine. If she doesn’t want to play along, I’ll just have to zero in on her.’

With that, the teenager began concentrating her Spider-Sense, and the mild buzz she received told her that Jolyne was only one floor beneath her. But then a louder buzz flashed through her mind. Something of Jolyne’s was racing toward her!

“Polo.” A familiar voice cut off her thoughts. May’s eyes widened in realization, but in the microsecond it took for her to register-


[Start at about 1:11]

A choked gasp emerged from her lips as something tightened around her neck. Then, with a sharp tug, the heroine found herself pulled through the catwalk, falling wildly through the air before smacking her head against one of the I-beams.


The hollow ringing in May’s skull elicited a low groan, but another pull of the string forced it to morph into a strangled gasp. The rope-like bindings around her neck were slowly tightening, cutting off her air supply. Her vision was starting to blur, and her head felt like it was spinning. But even in her delirious state, she could still feel Jolyne’s strings reaching up and piling on top of her. They wrapped around her arms and pulled them back, forcing her to release her grip on Jolyne’s noose. 

From the floor below, Jolyne could sense her adversary’s waning strength, and eager to get this over with, she began spreading her strings to the rest of May’s body. The sharp, wire-like ropes began digging into Spider-Girl, forcing rivulets of blood to seep out onto her costume. A pained, infuriated grunt escaped May’s gritted teeth as she placed her feet against the floor. Bio-magnetism surged through her soles and she rocketed into the air, her hopes of escape rising much like her body…

Only to be mercilessly ripped away as Jolyne’s strings slammed her into the ground! Flecks of blood escaped as May let out a haggard cough, feeling the choking coils tighten around her.

”I’ll give you this, kid. You’ve got a lot of spunk.” Jolyne commended, but her tone dropped an octave, becoming more serious as she continued. “But at this rate you’ve only got two options left: either bleed out or tap out. Now which will it be?”

In tandem with her ultimatum, Jolyne tightened the strings once again, slowly forcing Spider-Girl to constrict in place.

’Does she even need to ask?’ May thought to herself. True, she was low on air, and she could feel the blood loss sapping away at her strength, but she refused to give up like this. ‘I don’t care how hard I have to fight! I won’t just give up here!’ 

Gritting her teeth, May continued to push against her restraints. Feeling this from beneath her, Jolyne’s expression hardened.

”So you want it the hard way, then? Good grief… Well, just remember, it was your call.” Jolyne stated as she forced the bindings to grow even tighter. May grit her teeth, fighting back an urge to groan as more blood continued to spill from her cuts.

’Stay calm. You can do this, girl!’ May reassured herself. ‘You’re way stronger than any bundle of string this lady can throw out!’

As if in response to this taunt, the strings rewrapped themselves, dragging against different angles they hadn’t snagged before.

‘AAARRRGGGHH!’ May screamed internally. ‘No, don’t acknowledge the pain. Just focus…’

Pulling with all her might, Spider-Girl felt her arms strain against the spiritual bindings. Her arms slowly moved up, struggling as pain coursed through every inch of them. ‘Just need to… gather my strength… Put everything I have… into escaping this death trap!’

As these thoughts ran through her mind, Spider-Girl began to strain against her bindings. She didn’t care that her muscles ached from how much she was exerting herself. She didn’t care that she could feel blood dripping out as the strings dug into her skin. All that mattered at this moment was getting herself free! Her arms were slowly moving up, dragging themselves higher along her body.

‘Just keep pushing, no matter how hard it hurts!’

With a heavy strain, Spider-Girl grabbed hold of the noose around her neck and tugged with all her might! Her muscles ached with exertion, and Jolyne’s strings dug into her fingers and neck. Blood was seeping through her suit, dripping down her hands, but this pain only seemed to motivate her!

’Yeah! YEAH!’ She thought as she continued pulling, hearing each of the strings start to snap. With this sound driving her motivation, Mayday doubled down on her efforts and pulled even harder!


‘Oh, YEAH!’ Spider-Girl thought as her main binding gave way. In her jubilation, the wall-crawler threw out her arms and puffed out her chest. The muscles in her torso expanded by a few inches, and with this growth, the rest of her snares were torn to shreds!

However, any joy Spider-Girl felt was replaced horror as she heard a blood curdling scream from the floor below. Her sense of heroism overriding her pain, Mayday leapt to the floor below, and her eyes widened at what she saw. 

Standing before her was Jolyne Cujoh, her body covered with bloody, open wounds. Various cuts adorned her side, blood was spraying out from her stomach, and May could see decently-sized wounds just above her chest and collar.

“Oh God… Did I cause that?” Spider-Girl asked, completely horrified by Jolyne’s brutalized body.

“What do you think?” Jolyne asked in annoyance. Her words hit Spider-Girl like a truck, filling the heroine with a deluge of shame and guilt.

”I… I’m so sorry! I didn’t think this would happen! I- I just wanted to escape those traps you set up.” Her terrified response didn’t seem to change Jolyne’s expression.

”Oh, don’t give me that bull. You were just doing what you needed to survive. I would know.” Jolyne said, holding one of her arms out. Spider-Girl grabbed it, but the instant she did so, her Spider-Sense went off. “After all…”


“I’m doing the same!”

Prelude: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Mayday Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Girl!

And Jolyne Cujoh, the string-slinging daughter of Jotaro Kujo!

Heroes are often admired by the public for a multitude of reasons, whether it’s for their amazing powers, their sense of justice, or their willingness to help out those in need. But it’s easy to forget that at the end of the day, these heroes are just as human as the rest of us. They’ll eventually have to grow up, get a job, and may even put their adventurous careers aside to start a family. And while their days of heroism may have ended, it’s inevitable that their children will carry on their legacy.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!


Picture this: you’re a Spider-Man fan in the early 90s, and the comics are currently in the middle of this little thing called the Clone Saga. After a DNA test that led him to believe he was a clone, Peter Parker’s decided to pass his threads on to his supposed progenitor, Ben Reilly, while Peter himself enters an early retirement alongside his pregnant wife, Mary Jane Watson. Everything seems to be going fine. Peter doesn’t have to worry about being Spider-Man anymore and can live out a perfect family life, and Ben can protect the streets of New York while making a name for himself as the new Spider-Man. It should be great, right?

Unfortunately for the former Spider-Man, his old nemesis Norman Osborn didn’t see it that way. Enraged that Peter had the nerve to enter an early retirement, Norman hired the services of conwoman Allison Mongrain and began work on a plan that would drive the Parker family to the brink. Disguising herself as a waitress, Allison infiltrated the Daily Grind coffee bar and served Mary Jane some poisoned chicken gumbo. The moment Mary Jane ingested the powder, something in it accelerated her pregnancy, and she suddenly went into labor.

After an emergency trip to the hospital, Mary Jane was forced to endure the pain of giving birth as the poison flowed through her system, but eventually she managed to pull it off. Now fully out from her mother’s womb, Mary Jane could finally welcome her beautiful daughter into the world!

Or at least, that’s what she’d hoped. Unfortunately for the expecting mother, this joyous occasion quickly fell into shambles when she realized her daughter wasn’t crying. In fact, she didn’t seem to be breathing at all. The daughter she’d been looking so forward to welcoming into the world… was a stillborn.


As Mary Jane was left to wallow in the loss of her baby, the midwife carted the child outside and revealed herself as Allison, while also providing the waiting Norman with proof that her job was done. Pleased by these results, Norman ordered Allison to dispose of the child and paid her off, sending her off on a trip to Europe as a bonus.


But what if Mary Jane had never lost the baby? What if Spider-Man had a Spider-Girl?

Welcome to Earth-982! On this world, the Age of Heroes has long since passed, and the superheroes of the past have either grown up, grown old, retired, or passed away. And with this next generation, there have also come new groups. The Fantastic Four are now the Fantastic Five, the X-Men are now the (stupidly named) X-People, and the Avengers have reorganized into a group of next-gen heroes. And among these next-gen heroes is Mayday Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Girl!

Spider-Girl by Br3ndan5

But don’t let her colorful costume and outlook fool you. Though the reality she appears in may suggest otherwise, May’s past isn’t all sunshine and roses. From her birth, she was kidnapped by Allison and replaced with a recent stillborn to trick Mary Jane. When Allison gave the baby to Norman, he decided to give her a sizable bonus in order to let the baby accompany her on her trip to Europe. After several months of letting Allison bond with the kidnapped infant, Norman separated the two and chose to enact his ultimate revenge scheme, Project: Changeling.

Using his knowledge of genetics, Norman cloned May and performed some “genetic tinkering” on the two infants, ensuring that their spider powers would manifest earlier than usual. Once he’d finished modifying one of the girls, he passed her off to his good friend Philippe DeJunae and let her be returned to her parents.

For the next two years, Peter and Mary Jane would continue living out their lives, taking care of their daughter while Peter continued his work as Spider-Man. This eventually came to a head during his final encounter with the Green Goblin, where the premature detonation of a Pumpkin Bomb cost Norman his life and Peter his right leg. The loss of his leg seemed to give Peter a serious wake-up call, and with his greatest enemy gone, he hung up his threads for good to focus on raising his daughter.

Over the years, May would go on to become an exceptional student, achieving straight-A’s in her classes and playing starter for the Midtown High girls’ basketball team. She was so skilled in basketball that it earned her the nickname “Mayday” and a pathway to going pro.

But that all changed when she turned 15. During a basketball game at Midtown High, May began exhibiting some impressive physical feats. So impressive, you could even call them superhuman, like jumping well above the backboard’s height and shattering it when she performed a slam-dunk. Though her parents were concerned by this, they tried their best to play it off and congratulate her, unaware that a figure from their past had been watching them.

As it turned out, Normie Osborn, grandson of the Green Goblin, had decided to take up the family business. Blaming Peter for the deaths of his father and grandfather, Normie confronted May and her friends, telling her to let her dad know they had unfinished business at “the bridge.”

Wanting answers, May confronted her parents about this. Peter tried to remain vague and took matters into his own hands, but once he’d left the house, Mary Jane explained to May her father’s career as Spider-Man and his history with the Osborns. Inspired by her dad’s actions, May donned the costume of her “uncle” Ben and fought Normie head-on, kicking off her career in superheroing in more ways than one.


Unfortunately, despite her victory, her parents didn’t approve. Fearing their daughter could die in the line of duty, they forbade her from being Spider-Girl. But being a rebellious teenager, May went against their wishes and did it anyway. Naturally, she was eventually caught, but after a few arguments and saving the day a couple times she managed to win them both over. Now fully supported by both of her parents, Spider-Girl was now able to enter the world as one of its newest heroes.

Note: Spider-Girl’s name was chosen by her creators because they wanted something more unique and believed the name “Spider-Woman” was cursed. Considering all of the Spider-Women’s series were quickly canceled, while Spider-Girl became the first Marvel heroine to reach 100 issues, they may have been onto something. Her original series even makes a joke about this.

As Spider-Man’s daughter, May naturally inherited all of his abilities and more. She has superhuman strength, speed, and agility; an enhanced equilibrium that allows her to perfectly balance herself atop any object, and her advanced musculature gives her far more stamina than the average human. She can fight for over an hour without any signs of fatigue, and even when she’s completely drained, all she needs is a five hour nap to get back to full strength.

But out of all her powers, she’s got two that definitely outclass her old man’s.

Spider-Girl wall crawling

Like Peter, she can alter the inter-atomic bindings of her body, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them. At first she had trouble with this, since she needed to concentrate for it to work, but over time she got enough experience that it pretty much comes to her naturally.

And after a brief period of losing and regaining her powers (because what superhero hasn’t lost their powers at some point?), she discovered the electric shock that restored her had also affected her wall-crawling. Now she could transmit its electrostatic “stickiness” across whatever surface she touched, allowing her to stick any objects or people in place. She even learned she could repel them, or herself, which she quickly began utilizing in battle.


But her biggest upgrade compared to Peter’s is easily her Spider-Sense. This omnidirectional sixth sense allows May to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings, but hers comes with a few added perks. Spider-Man’s merely provided a general signal for danger, but Spider-Girl’s allows her to recognize the source of the danger. This includes if the source is a familiar threat or someone new, even if she isn’t aware what triggered the Spider-Sense. She can even tell if the source is a regular person or if they have superpowers.

And since it gives her a full awareness of her surroundings, it’s impossible for anyone  to sneak up on her. She’s detected opponents invisible to the naked eye, seen through illusions, and can track others even in a pitch-black area. And after receiving some training, she learned how to use her Spider-Sense as a second set of eyes in case she’s ever blinded.

But that’s not even the wildest thing it can do. One day, an army of demons decided to invade New York and tear it to shreds. Despite not being able to see them at all, Spider-Girl’s Spider-Sense was able to not only tell her where they were, but also led her to the dimensional rift they were coming from! And despite the demons and their home still being invisible to her, she could still sense them with her Spider-Sense!

If that wasn’t enough for you, she can focus the Spider-Sense to locate weaknesses, whether it’s coming from an enemy or a nearby structure. And after some martial arts training from Elektra, one of the deadliest assassins in the world, she learned how to hone her Spider-Sense at such a level that she could let it take full control of her body. In this state, she can avoid attacks based purely on instinct, moving at such an advanced level that not even she knows what she’ll do next! That’s right. This 16 year-old girl managed to pull off Ultra Instinct nearly 13 years before Goku!

Unfortunately for May, even with all of these powers, she still had trouble convincing her parents to let her follow in her dad’s footsteps. Fearing she could be killed in action, Peter and Mary Jane forbade May from being Spider-Girl, but being a rebellious teenager, May refused to listen and struck out on her own. Though her parents were furious at first, as time went on, they began to notice just how much good she was doing.

With Spider-Girl’s help, older heroes were being encouraged to get back in the game and aid the next generation, and several villains had begun turning their lives around for the better. She even managed to gain the approval of J. Jonah Jameson! Peter himself even got inspired enough to step back into the limelight, but when he realized he was out of practice, he stuck to the next best thing: teaching May everything he knows. And as an added bonus, he also gave her a few upgrades!

Spider-Girl costume by Br3ndan5

Modeled after the suit worn by her late “uncle,” the Spider-Girl costume is created with agility and flexibility in mind, allowing May to use her spider-like agility both in and out of combat. The mask also muffles her voice and contains polarized lenses to protect her from dust particles and the glare of the Sun as she swings through New York.

Spider-Girl Web-Shooters by Br3ndan5

And to complete the spider motif, May wears a pair of wrist mounted web shooters. By pressing the trigger with her middle fingers, she can unleash a pressurized web-fluid that possesses a tensile strength of 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section. For those of us who don’t speak math, this means it’s as hard as steel, and unlike Peter’s, which lasts only a hour before dissolving, May’s lasts twice as long.

While it’s mainly used to swing across buildings or restrain others, May’s ingenuity during battle has allowed her to form it into various tools. From shields capable of blocking lightning and explosions, to cocoons, slingshots, a dam, life-sized decoys, and even a parachute! She can even form a layer of webbing around her arms to act as makeshift boxing gloves, further enhancing her strength and durability.


But the web-shooters’ capabilities don’t end with web-spinning! They’re also equipped with a Spider signal that lets her announce her presence to criminals or illuminate a dark area. And thanks to some modifications from her father, she can spice things up in battle with Stingers and Impact Webbing.


Originally used by Ben during his Scarlet Spider days, Stingers are metal darts capable of piercing their target from far away, but since May believes they’re too brutal, she’s extremely reluctant to use them on a living target. Instead, she’s more likely to use them as a means of distracting someone or countering their projectiles, only using them for attacks if she’s desperate.


And if she wants to quickly dispatch her opponents, she can fire a ball of Impact Webbing. Another invention of the Scarlet Spider, Impact Webbing consists of a web pellet that immediately ensnares its target upon contact, wrapping them in a mess of tendrils. And since it can cover anywhere from an entire head to most of the body, it’s extremely difficult to escape from.


Even if her targets do manage to escape her, May can always hit them with a spider tracer. These miniature tracking devices emit a signal that covers up to 100 yards, and are so small that most don’t even notice their existence. There’s just one small problem. While Peter can track them with his Spider-Sense, the same can’t be said for May, who needs a receiver since hers operates on a different frequency.

Note: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11, which was released near the end of Spectacular Spider-Girl, claims that Spider-Girl can track the spider tracers with her Spider-Sense. However, this is never shown in the comics themselves, and issues released around that book’s publication still depict her needing the receiver

With these gadgets and powers in hand, Spider-Girl’s managed some pretty impressive feats. She’s defeated several of Peter’s old enemies, helped found the New Warriors, took down the league of assassins known as the Scriers, and helped end a gang war that was threatening all of New York.

Even without her powers, she was able to end the Spider/Goblin war that had plagued her family for years! She did this, not by throwing a punch, but by appealing to Normie’s conscience and assuring him that they could end their family rivalry, not by killing each other, but by helping each other.


And with her help, Normie actually managed to turn his life around! He became a legitimate businessman and even got engaged to another villain May had reformed.

Unfortunately, not everyone approved of the two families burying the hatchet. As it turned out, the original Green Goblin had amassed a cult of worshippers, and they weren’t too pleased when they found out his grandson had made peace with the enemy. Viewing his decisions as sacrilege, the Order of the Goblin at first tried to course correct by infecting him with the Venom symbiote, but when he tamed it and began using it for good, they resorted to plan B.

Using the notes and journals they’d gathered from Norman’s research, the Goblin Cult began working to resurrect their dead master. After kidnapping Peter Parker, they hooked him up to a machine that infused him with Norman’s brainwaves. Everything- the memories, experiences, and even emotions, the very “essence” of Norman Osborn- was transplanted into Peter’s mind, and when it was done, the original Green Goblin was reborn.


With his newly obtained body, “Norman” sought to tie up any remaining loose ends and attacked May’s friends and family. He even managed to coerce the clone he’d created into joining his side and merging with him, transforming him into the Goblin God! But since May wasn’t willing to let her dad be taken over, she leapt between them, sucking her inside Peter’s mind.

There, deep in the recesses of Peter’s mindscape, May would do battle with Norman and her clone, aided by the efforts of Peter and the ghost of Aunt May. As the battle raged on, their merged psyches allowed everyone to begin living through each other’s memories, letting May’s clone witness the good she’d done and the people she’d reformed. Inspired by the words May had given Normie, her clone turned against her former master and joined the fight against Norman.


With the combined power of three generations of Parkers, May was able to finally put an end to Norman, purging him from Peter’s mind, and with it, the last of the Goblins was no more. The nightmare that had plagued her family for years had come to an end.


Everything was back to normal, save for a new addition to the family: May’s clone. While May and Mary Jane welcomed her into the family with open arms, Peter remained distant and uneasy around her, and for good reason.

Despite May’s best efforts to steer her on the right path, the clone- now going by April- wasn’t having any of it. She felt jealous of May, believing she was constantly in her shadow and ignored by the rest of the Parkers. This, combined with Peter’s colder attitude around her, would cause April to have violent outbursts whenever she was on patrol. And despite May’s best attempts to help her control this anger, this only added fuel to the fire. Over time, April’s impulsiveness and violent tendencies resulted in a city-wide gang war, which ended with her and May bitterly parting ways.


April would then go on to enact her own brand of vigilante “justice” across the city, now rechristening herself as “Mayhem.” Horrified by April’s actions and blaming herself for not seeing the signs, May began pursuing her “cousin” to bring her to justice. After meeting her on the rooftops and failing to make her see reason, things broke out into a fight, which culminated in the warehouse they were in catching fire. With the blazing inferno threatening to consume them both, Spider-Girl took matters into her own hands and ensured at least one of them would survive. 


But if she hoped her death would help April see the light, she was sadly mistaken. Once they learned of their daughter’s death, the Parkers disowned April and forced her out of the house. With no one left to turn to, Mayhem snapped and doubled down on her murderous crusade. It became so bad the US military had to step in, and then things got worse!

Using samples of the Carnage symbiote, the military hoped they could fight fire with fire by sending a squad of trained mercenaries after April. But surprise, surprise, it turns out injecting a bunch of hardened, well-trained killers with a psychotic parasite wasn’t the best idea.


For the next few decades, these “Bio-Preds” would ravage the Earth, slaughtering the populace or adding them to their ranks. The only one truly immune to this threat, ironically, was Mayhem herself, who now found herself as the protector of all humanity.


After witnessing the carnage and lives that had been lost due to her actions, April began working on a plan to fix everything. Using Dr. Doom’s old time machine and some help from Cassie Lang, she was able to go back in time and successfully altered the past, with both Aprils sacrificing themselves in the process.


Though her “cousin” may have died, she managed to ensure that Spider-Girl would live to fight another day. And she’s more than proven her worth as the daughter of Spider-Man!

She’s beaten down her fair share of Spidey’s old foes, like the unstable Spider-Man clone Kaine, the monstrous Man-Wolf, and Doc Ock’s next-gen successor Lady Octopus. She’s even fought Peter himself on several occasions! Whether it’s a younger version from the past, an evil alternate version still in his prime, or her dad being controlled by a past enemy, she’s battled him all the same and often come out on top.

Note: Spider-Girl’s strength and fighting prowess were further refined thanks to martial arts training from the Ladyhawk twins and Elektra.

Though there is a weird stigma about whether or not she’s stronger than Peter. Spider-Girl Annual #1 notes that she can only lift 5 tons compared to Spider-Man’s 10, but in terms of striking strength, she’s been able to harm a past version of Spider-Man and her dad while he was amped by the Venom symbiote. However, when she later fought an evil, alternate Peter, he stated he held the edge in strength over her.

But later on in that same series, Spider-Man’s old partner Araña decided to test May’s abilities by sending a killer robot after her. And after seeing her in action, she said that May appeared to be just as strong as her dad.

And near the end of her final series, Spectacular Spider-Girl, she might’ve actually become stronger than Peter, considering she managed to knock him out with a single punch.

With all this in mind, it would make sense for her to be around Peter’s level of power, and this is where things start to get wild!

Early on in his career as Spider-Man, he was believed by the public to have murdered Norman Osborn, and the hero for hire Luke Cage was brought on to bring him in. Though Spidey gained the upper hand in their first fight, when they had a rematch, Peter realized they were so evenly matched they’d wind up killing each other. This is pretty impressive, considering Luke was able to survive getting caught in an explosion from Ultron’s sentries, which destroyed Manhattan. Given the size of this blast, the explosion would come out to 54 megatons of TNT, enough energy to destroy an entire city! Spider-Man himself has even matched that level of power when he was hit by an explosion
explicitly stated to be capable of destroying a city and emerged unharmed!

Note: Adding further credence to this scaling, SHIELD ranks Spider-Man and Luke as having the same power level, and Spider-Man has been shown to match and overpower Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke.

Note 2: Spider-Girl can also be scaled to Electro through one-shotting his daughter, Aftershock, who has the same powers as him and survived being bombarded by his electricity when their powers went haywire. For comparison, a stable Electro could power a particle engine that would destroy New York and once absorbed all the energy in New York, which would yield 316 megatons and 754 megatons, respectively.

But strength isn’t important unless you’ve got the speed to back it up, and Spider-Girl’s got that in spades! She’s regularly dodged bullets, even once avoiding a sniper shot while distracted; dodged explosions from Hobgoblin’s pumpkin bombs, and regularly avoided arcs of electricity while fighting Aftershock; and she did that last one while still healing her broken ribs.

She’s even moved fast enough to dodge lasers. And yes, these are actual lasers. They travel in a straight linebounce off reflective surfaces , and burn on contact, meaning they’re light-based in nature. With this in mind, and considering the distance May would need to jump to avoid it, this would require her to react at 33% the speed of light.

Note: Factoring May’s 119 lb weight into this calculation, moving at this speed would generate a kinetic energy worth 70.75 megatons of TNT, further supporting her being City Level.

Her speed’s even been stated to be superior to Spider-Man’s, both by the narrator and Peter
himself. To put into context how impressive that is, Peter has regularly shown the ability to react to light speed lasers, and even early in his career was able to blitz Daredevil, whose enhanced senses allow him to sense the passing of a nanosecond and attack within that same timeframe. With this in mind, this would put Peter anywhere from baseline faster than light speeds to 5 times that! And, again, May is faster than him!

And when it comes to durability, Spider-Girl’s no slouch there either. She’s tougher out getting stabbed in the ribs, shaken off bolts of electricity from Aftershock, who could leave regular people near death if they so much as touched her; and has withstood being beaten to near death by Mayhem; only to get back up with little issue.

But Spider-Girl’s greatest feats don’t come from things like strength, speed, or durability. It’s her compassion and ability to push through any limits to achieve her goals. She’s a firm believer that everyone can change no matter what actions they committed before, and it’s that exact reason she refuses to take a life.

In her mind, doing so would be a complete betrayal of everything her parents taught her, and even failing to save the worst of criminals still leaves her reeling. Like when the murderous lunatic Crazy Eight died in a shootout. Despite everything he’d put her through and how many times he tried to kill her, she was still wracked with guilt that she couldn’t save him, and visited his abandoned grave just so she could mourn him.

It’s also this refusal to let anyone die that leads her to constantly try and find ways around fighting others. She’d rather settle things diplomatically than resort to violence, since she believes that doing so would just bring about a cycle of vengeance.

But don’t think that means she’s a complete pushover. While she does hold back to avoid hurting others, should the situation become dire enough, she’s more than willing to start playing dirty and stop holding back. And she’ll push herself to hell and back to get the job done!

She’s torn herself free from a crucifixion at the bottom of the ocean and swam to the surface, all while low on oxygen. She’s powered through a psychic illusion that was draining her life force, and has forced herself through a concussion and some serious self-loathing to find civilization while lost in the Pine Barrens. She’s even survived a beating from Seth, the Egyptian god of death and old enemy of the mighty Thor! Even with her costume shredded and her body a battered, bloody mess, May refused to break, and kicked him in the balls to prove it!

Unfortunately, those greatest strengths are also possibly her greatest weaknesses. Her sense of responsibility may be what motivated her to become a hero, but it’s also led to her regularly putting herself in harm’s way to protect others, even if those people are villains. It’s even what led to her death in the original timeline.

She also has a major guilt complex when it comes to failure. If she’s on duty and anyone around her gets hurt or killed, chances are she’ll find some way to blame herself, even if the circumstances were completely beyond her control.

And while her willpower’s let her push through immense pain before, there have been times where she’s been a bit too stubborn. You know how I said she tore herself free from a crucifixion and swam back to the surface? Yeah, right after she did that, she went to confront Seth… and immediately collapsed since she was barely conscious and didn’t have any strength in her attacks.

So it’s clear that not everything she inherited from her dad was positive. In fact, her spider powers have their fair share of downsides, like a weakness to ethyl chloride. To be fair, it won’t drain her of her powers like it did with Peter, but it will leave her nauseous and disoriented, at least for a moment. And while her Spider-Sense might trump Peter’s own, she still needs to be able to react to what’s coming toward her, meaning a fast enough opponent can blitz her. And with the right sonic frequency, it can even be nullified or turned against her.

But the biggest weakness May inherited from her father is the “Parker luck,” where no matter what good she does as Spider-Girl, it will always negatively affect her civilian life. This has cost her several boyfriends, caused her to miss her 16th birthday party, led her to drop out of the race for student council president, and even strained her friendships on more than a few occasions.

At its worst, it’s actually led to her retiring twice, but whether it’s because of the morals taught by her parents, or the result of some cosmic coincidence, she always finds herself coming back. Because no matter what pain or misery awaits her, this is a Spider-Girl world!

Mayhem is Unleashed Upon Death Battle!

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Real Name: May “Mayday” Parker (supposedly)
Age: 16, unknown, but visibly elderly (alternate timeline, Spider-Girl: The End)
Aliases: Goblin God (while fused with Norman), Spider-Girl, Blue Spider-Girl, Spider-Clone, April Parker, M (alternate timeline), Auntie M
Height: 5’7
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: High School Student, Superhero (formerly), Vigilante
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Girl #20 (May 2008)

-Was the first successful attempt at creating a human/symbiote hybrid
-Was created by Norman Osborn as part of Project: Changeling, a final revenge scheme that would torment the Parker family by making them doubt who their real daughter was

The Amazing Spider-Girl
-After escaping her stasis pod, she encountered and fought Spider-Girl, but was defeated
-Impersonated May after the real one was rendered comatose during a fight with Nucleus
-While impersonating May, she humiliated May’s ex-boyfriend Gene Thompson, who was trying to pay May back for dumping him in front of the football team
-While assuming Spider-Girl’s identity, she teamed up with Golden Goblin, Darkdevil, Kaine, and Raptor to track down Peter Parker and free him after he’d been kidnapped by the Order of the Goblin (a cult dedicated to the Green Goblin)
-Fought Fury, one of the Order’s members, but was defeated after Fury knocked her back with a Goblin Blaster
-Worked with Norman (who had been revived by using Peter as his vessel) to try and kill May so she could permanently assume May’s identity
-After Norman betrayed her, she worked with Peter, May, and Aunt May’s ghost to defeat him while in the subconsciousness of Peter’s mind
-After Norman’s defeat, she convinced the Parkers to welcome her into their family

The Spectacular Spider-Girl
-Helped Spider-Girl stop a gang war
-Assumed the identity of May’s cousin, April Parker, and enrolled in Midtown High School
-Worked with Spider-Girl to track down Connie Fredrickson (who was disguised as Ben Reily’s daughter)
-Humiliated Simone DeSantos and Lindsey, the Midtown High mean girls, after they insulted her clothes
-Saved a family from a burning hotel
-Killed three muggers that were trying to rob a woman, then used the money they’d stolen to buy a cell phone
-Disguised herself as May in an attempt to seduce Wes, who had previously rejected her
-Fought Tombstone and killed him after he revealed that he had (supposedly) killed May
-Impersonated May for a brief period of time
-After being kidnapped by Fury and having a bomb collar strapped to her neck, she involuntarily helped her fight Spider-Girl and Darkdevil
-After removing the bomb collar, she helped defeat Fury and would’ve killed her if she hadn’t noticed Spider-Girl and Darkdevil watching her
-Stopped a gang war between Silverback and Black Tarantula’s men
-Adopted the name Mayhem after taking a job from Man-Mountain Marko
-Began dating Gene
-Jeopardized Black Tarantula’s planned meeting with the police by leaking its location to Silverback and his gang
-Worked with Spider-Girl to try and end Black Tarantula’s gang war, but gave up after she got bored
-Defeated Spider-Girl after she failed to convince April to not follow the Punisher’s example
-Broke into Black Tarantula’s base and attempted to kill him, but was stopped by May
-Beat May to near death
-Saved May’s life by killing Hobgoblin before he could shoot her
-After killing Hobgoblin, she left to pursue her own life as a vigilante

Spider-Girl: The End
-Began a killing spree on all criminals in New York, which earned the attention of the police, the Fantastic Five, and the Avengers

-Fought Spider-Girl and accidentally started a fire at Midtown High School
Original Timeline:
-Attempted to save Spider-Girl as payback for May saving her, but was stopped after May used impact webbing to send her away before the building exploded
-After being rejected by Mary Jane (the only one who still had any hope for her), she began slaughtering everyone in the supervillain community
-Killed Arthur Weadon’s team, which consisted of Kaine, Killerwatt, Earthshaker, and Mr. Abnormal
-Accidentally killed American Dream
-Eventually became so dangerous that the government hired Blackworks Paramilitary Services to stop her by creating a series of Carnage-enhanced super soldiers called the Bio-Predators
-Began working to atone for her past by helping humanity defend itself against the Bio-Preds
-Became a guardian to the last remnants of humanity and helped inspire them by telling stories about Spider-Girl’s exploits
-Worked with Cassie Lang on The Mulligan, a plan that involved using Dr. Doom’s time platform to go back in time and teach morality to April’s younger self
Altered Timeline:
-As M, after an error led to her being teleported into a wall and slowly suffocating, she used her last moments to transfer her memories to her past self
-As Mayhem, she sacrificed herself to make sure Spider-Girl would live

Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5
-City Level due to being able to overpower Spider-Girl, who is in turn comparable to street tiers like Spider-Man and Kaine
    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man is said to be comparable to Luke, has shown the ability to harm him, and has matched and overpowered characters like Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city. Kaine was able to easily defeat him, and Mayhem was shown to be capable of killing Kaine
-According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, she can lift up to 25 tons
-After waking up, she destroyed her stasis pod, then grabbed Normie by the neck and lifted him into the air
-Slammed a metal door open
-Tackled Spider-Girl while she was in the middle of swinging
-Grabbed Gene by the arm, then flung him over her shoulder and into a table hard enough to destroy it
-Lifted a vacuum cleaner while hanging upside down
-Kicked Fury in the face
-Punched Fury in the face
-Crashed through a window
-Kicked Spider-Girl in the stomach
-Unintentionally stabbed Black Tarantula through the back with her blades
-Wrapped herself around Spider-Girl’s neck and began choking her out
-Struggled against Spider-Girl’s grip before quickly overpowering her and pinning her to the ground
-Sliced the side of a bridge while trying to claw at Spider-Girl
-Knocked Norman away with a punch
-Kicked a gangster in the face while punching his partner over the head
-Cut open Simone and Lindsey’s skirts
-Supported the weight of an entire family while escaping a burning hotel
-Kicked three robbers in the face
-Sliced two robbers’ chests open
-Punched Tombstone hard enough to knock him back
-Punched Tombstone again, to no effect
-Made Tombstone scream in pain when she slashed him with her claws
-Tombstone’s skin is as hard as diamond
-Her tendrils are strong enough to restrain Tombstone
-Wrapped herself around Darkdevil’s ankle and threw him at a chamber hard enough to crack it
-Restrained Darkdevil by wrapping a tendril around his neck
-Threw her bomb collar at Fury
-Knocked several gang members away by kicking them or slicing at their faces
-Grabbed a gang member, swung him into his partners hard enough to knock them out, then slammed him into the side of a truck
-Hit a baseball so hard that it destroyed the pitching machine
-Her hair tendrils are strong enough to effortlessly lift Spider-Girl, who weighs 119 lbs, and swing her through the air
-Destroyed a chimney after failing to tackle Spider-Girl
-Backhanded Spider-Girl off a roof
-Crashed through a window
-Knocked Chesbro back several feet
-Used one of her tendrils to throw Araña into a wall
-Dropkicked Black Tarantula and Spider-Girl through a window, then tackled them through a glass banister
-Tackled Spider-Girl onto a rooftop and beat her to near death
-Cut a web line Spider-Girl had shot at her
-During a fit of rage, she destroyed an entire rooftop with her tendrils and slammed Spider-Girl into a chimney
-While having a brief mental breakdown, she backhanded Mary Jane hard enough to give her a black eye
-While enraged, she ripped apart another rooftop and used her tendrils to lift and throw the debris
-Killed Hobgoblin by stabbing him in the back
-One of her tendrils managed to draw blood by scratching Spider-Girl’s cheek
-Effortlessly broke out of a web cocoon
-Tackled Spider-Girl off a rooftop and through a window
-Using her tendrils, she managed to tear the metal plating off of a wall
Original Timeline:
-Knocked Spider-Girl back and cut her face with a swing of her tendrils
-Strangled Kaine and Mr. Abnormal to death by wrapping her tendrils around their necks
-Stabbed American Dream through the back
Altered Timeline:
-Used her tendril to smack Spider-Girl away and prevent her from being crushed

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Flipped through the air and landed on her feet after using her wall-crawling to vacuum the curtains
-Flipped through the air and landed on the side of a truck, then leapt off of it to grab a man while in mid-flight

Spider-Girl Speed by Br3ndan5
Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+ by scaling to Spider-Girl, who is faster than Spider-Man
-Moved out of the way before Gene could tackle her
-Dodged Gene attempting to swipe at her
-Dodged a kick from Spider-Girl, who was in Araña’s body at the time
-Ducked under a swipe from the body-swapped Spider-Girl
-Jumped out of a building in under two seconds
-Dodged several pipes that Tombstone had launched at her
-Dodged a kick from Darkdevil by manipulating her body
-Shapeshifted her body into its symbiote form in the time it took her to run into an alley and approach a wall

Mayhem Durability by Br3ndan5
-City Level by scaling to her strength
-Survived a shot from Fury’s Goblin Blaster
-Got back up immediately after Spider-Girl (in Araña’s body) restrained her in midair and they slammed her into a rooftop several feet below
-Got punched by Araña hard enough to tear part of her costume
-Was unharmed after crashing through a window
-Took a kick to the face from Spider-Girl
-Got knocked back by a punch from Spider-Girl
-Withstood Spider-Girl squeezing both legs around her neck in an attempt to knock her out
-Recovered almost immediately after Norman threw Peter at her
-Got back up seconds after crashing into a rooftop
-Withstood Tombstone repeatedly bludgeoning her with a pipe
-Took a backhand from Tombstone before being tackled to the ground
-Survived being blasted by Black Tarantula’s eye beams, which are strong enough to incinerate a normal man
-Shrugged off a punch from Black Tarantula
-Took a kick from Spider-Girl
Original Timeline:
-Survived the pain of using the time platform
Altered Timeline:
-Showed no signs of pain after being crushed by flaming rubble


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Pragmatic:
-While trapped with Norman, Peter, Spider-Girl, and Aunt May’s ghost in a psychic plane of Peter’s memories, she disguised herself as Gwen Stacy so May would have her guard dropped and be open to attack
-Escaped May’s grip by using her body’s malleability
-Tried to break up May and Wes by disguising herself as May and seducing him
-After realizing she couldn’t harm Tombstone normally, she got around it by restraining him, stuffing her tendrils down his throat, and spreading them through his body until he suffocated
-Used her body’s malleability to remove a bomb collar that had been wrapped around her neck
-Used emotional manipulation to throw Spider-Girl off her game while fighting her

Mayhem personality by Br3ndan5
-Is the exact opposite of Spider-Girl, being a sociopathic, irresponsible loose cannon that’s prone to violent and aggressive reactions
-Originally, she was conditioned to believe that Norman Osborn was her father and was willing to do whatever he asked
-After being betrayed by Norman, she switched sides and joined the Parker family to try and gain their acceptance
-Despite her best attempts to fit in, Peter’s distrust of her and the Parkers’ constant approval of May eventually caused her to have a mental breakdown. After calming down, she started believing that everyone she knew (including May’s friends and the Parkers) hated her, and the only way she could gain the Parkers’ love was by killing everyone involved in Silverback and Black Tarantula’s gang war
-Believes herself to be the May Parker that Norman had kidnapped and resents Spider-Girl (who she sees as her clone) for supposedly stealing her life and her family’s love
-If someone brings up May while she’s around, she’ll grow annoyed and will even contemplate hurting the one responsible
-If someone suggests that she’s a clone, she’ll vehemently deny it and assert that she’s the original while May’s the clone
-Will take any opportunity she can to prove herself as the original May, and claims that she’ll eventually prove to everyone that she’s the original
-Even her decision to fight crimes is mainly motivated by a desire to upstage May and prove she’s better than her
-Is regularly annoyed at how May has everything she doesn’t, whether that’s the love of the Parker family, her having a cell phone, or having a large group of friends
-This has made her obsessed with taking everything May has as revenge for stealing the life that should’ve been hers
-Is willing to maim and kill criminals, even if they’re just random muggers, and enjoys seeing their reactions when she does so
-This willingness to kill later evolved after witnessing the Punisher’s actions, which convinced her that she could save innocents and eventually end all crime by emulating him. She even began to enjoy killing criminals and became disappointed when the Punisher killed Silverback before she could
-Believes that the world has no need for traditional upbeat superheroes. Instead, she feels that in order to be a real hero, you need to adapt your style to stick with the times, even if it means killing your enemies
-Unlike Spider-Girl, who will save civilians even if it leaves her open to attacks, Mayhem sees no point in doing so and believes it would only put her at a disadvantage
-Is dismissive and apathetic towards stopping crime and sees victims as idiots who deserve what they get
-She’ll only step in to help if she thinks it could be fun, will reward her with praise and money, or prove her superiority to May. Otherwise she sees it as a waste of time
-Sees no point in settling things peacefully with her enemies, instead preferring to fight them head-on
-Despite resenting May, she didn’t want to kill her, and even offered to spare her life if she gave up being Spider-Girl and admitted to being the clone
-Finds her true face hideous and attempts to hide it to protect the Parkers
-Hates when others interrupt her
-Enjoys flirting with cute boys
-Despite her sociopathic, murderous tendencies, she was still willing to act selflessly and do the right thing, as she chose to sacrifice herself so May would live and M’s future wouldn’t come to pass
As M:
-After being completely rejected by Mary Jane, she went berserk and doubled down on her work as a vigilante, slaughtering all of the supervillain community without discrimination
-After witnessing the death and destruction caused by the Bio-Preds, she began growing a conscience and started regretting everything she’d done in the past
-She even accepted that May was the original and she was the clone
-Over the years, she eventually grew to understand the Parker family’s motto of “With great power, there must also come great responsibility,” and will correct those who misquote it to emphasize the importance of the motto
-Regularly tells the younger generations stories about Mayday’s past and her relationship with April, partially to inspire them, and partially to make sure that history never forgets about her past sins
-Despite helping humanity survive for decades underground, she still feels angry and disgusted at herself for being responsible for their current state

Weapons and Equipment:

Mayhem with her phone by Br3ndan5
-A cell phone she bought using money stolen from dead muggers
-Stored inside her body when she’s not using it
-Uses it to call and text people (obviously)


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Like Spider-Man and Spider-Girl, Mayhem can alter the inter-atomic bindings of matter, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them
-While she’s never shown using this herself, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe confirms that she possesses Spider-Girl’s ability to transmit her electrostatic “stickiness” through whatever surface she touches
    -This allows her to leave any people or objects on it stuck in place for several seconds
–In Spider-Girl’s case, she’s been able to affect beings as large and heavy as The Thing, who weighs 500 lbs
-She can also reverse this stickiness to propel off of a surface, allowing her to add power to her jumps. Alternatively, she can use this ability to repel people or nearby objects away from her

Mayhem spider-sense by Br3ndan5
-An omnidirectional sixth sense that allows Mayhem to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings
-Can use this to keep track of others from afar, as seen during her first fight with Fury
-Could sense a bomb hidden in the room she and Spider-Girl were in
-Is able to sense the exact locations of others and track their movements
-Informed her where Tombstone was and later that he was going to attack her from behind
-Warned her that Spider-Girl was watching her from afar
-Should be comparable to Spider-Girl’s, which can do the following:
-Sense the exact position a potential danger is coming from and what direction they’ll flee to when caught
-Automatically tells her if the danger is posed by a familiar target (such as an attack from an opponent she’s met before) or if it’s a new threat entirely
-Lets her know if she’s in a hallucination
-Tells her if someone is a shapeshifter or if they’re disguised as someone else
-Can find an opponent’s weak spots
-Can locate dimensional rifts, find where a teleporter will materialize, track opponents who are invisible or in an astral form, use it as a second set of eyes if she’s ever blinded, or track someone’s movements in a pitch-black area

Mayhem shapeshifting by Br3ndan5
-Due to her symbiote DNA, Mayhem’s entire body is malleable, allowing her to alter the shape of her body in any way she wants
-She can change her clothes, height, weight, appearance, and voice
-Changed her face from a deformed, monstrous version of Spider-Girl’s into a more Venom-esque one
-Reshaped her entire body to resemble Gwen Stacy’s
-Altered her body to make herself look distinct from Spider-Girl in both her costumed and civilian identities
-Disguised herself as May and Spider-Girl
-Created fake web shooters on her Spider-Girl disguise

Mayhem elasticity by Br3ndan5
-Can stretch her body in any way and as long as she desires
-Wrapped her body around Spider-Girl’s waist and neck to begin choking her out
-Can stretch her body to dodge attacks or escape another person’s grip
-Used her body’s malleability to remove the bomb collar attached to her neck
-Wrapped her hair tendrils around Spider-Girl’s neck to choke her
-Contorted her body to escape an enormous web ball Spider-Girl had trapped her in

Mayhem webbing by Br3ndan5
Webbing Generation:
-Is able to generate strands of webs from her hands
-Regularly uses it to swing from buildings or restrain others

Mayhem shapeshift by Br3ndan5
Constituent-Matter Generation:
-Can manipulate the matter in her body and form it into weapons
-Has transformed her hands into claws, a set of elongated blades, axe blades, and swords
-Can form tendrils to restrain others

Mayhem healing by Br3ndan5
Healing Factor:
-Healed her wrist seconds after Tombstone smashed it with a lead pipe hard enough to break it

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Memory Manipulation:
-Can enter another person’s mind, allowing her to view their memories
-She can also transfer her memories to others, as seen when M transferred her memories to her past self

Mayhem infection immunity by Br3ndan5
Immunity to Infection:
-Is immune to the effects of the Bio-Preds, who can infect others into joining their ranks

Mayhem weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Due to being half symbiote, she shares their weaknesses to sonic attacks and extreme heat
-Often ignores her Spider-Sense, which leaves her open to sneak-attacks

(“Everyone calls me April, but I’m the real May Parker. Mayday is actually my clone. She’s the fake. The imposter who lives the life that should have been mine. I’m tired of following her lead. Of doing things her way– with that hopelessly outdated ‘no one dies’ bushwah. I can prove I’m the real daughter of Spider-Man by ending the gang war! All I have to do is KILL everyone who gets in my way– and that includes SPIDER-GIRL!”)

Death Battle: Power Girl vs Carol Danvers

Power Girl vs Carol Danvers Interlude by Br3ndan5

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Metropolis, New York

Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow. Throughout this bustling city lay numerous skyscrapers and technology the likes of which the rest of the world could only dream of. But there was one aspect that everyone knew of: its protector. An alien who, despite his immense power and abilities, still took it upon himself to protect humanity. He went by many names: Clark Kent, Kal-El, but to most of the people in this city, he was known as Superman. While most of Metropolis’ denizens admired him and were grateful for his actions, there were still some exceptions to this rule, and one such person was currently making her way toward the city.

Her outfit consisted of a blue spandex suit with red fabric covering her collar and shoulders. A golden star symbol adorned her chest, and diagonal lines of matching color spread across the shoulders, separating the red and blue. Her hands were covered by a pair of red gloves, while her feet were adorned with red boots. Wrapped around her waist was a red sash, held in place by a circular gold piece.

This was Carol Danvers, formerly known as Ms. Marvel and currently the seventh person to bear the name Captain Marvel. Currently, she was flying through the air, staring straight ahead at the City of Tomorrow. For what reason, you may ask?

While on a mission for SHIELD, she had come across some records about experiments involving genetic modification. She’d scanned through the reports, most of it she dismissed as being the standard mad scientist “take-over-the-world” schlock, but there was one word that caught her attention. Apparently one of the subjects had been experimented on with the DNA of a Kryptonian. The moment she read that word, Carol couldn’t help but recall something she’d seen some time ago. It was from a newspaper article discussing the city of Metropolis and its hero, a Kryptonian named Superman.

Once she had completed her mission, the former military brat decided to take a small detour on her way back home. It wasn’t going to be that much of an issue. All she planned to do was make sure Superman is as good as people claimed. If it turned out he was, she’d leave. Otherwise, she’d prepare for the worst and fight him.

Unfortunately, it seemed she wouldn’t get that far in her plan. She’d reached the city in no time, but it was over an hour later and she was still searching. Despite her best efforts, the former Ms. Marvel had found nothing, not even a sign of him. The only thing she’d managed to accomplish was ensuring that everyone in Metropolis had seen her. Not helping her case was that no one seemed to know where Superman was. She’d asked several people, but their responses didn’t answer her questions in the slightest. As she continued flying through the air, Carol let out an annoyed sigh.

“Maybe I should just throw in the towel. Seriously, it’s been an hour and still no sign of Superman. Where the hell is he?”

”If you’re looking for Superman, you’ll have to wait. He’s a little busy with the League at the moment.” Hearing this new voice, Captain Marvel looked toward its direction. Upon doing so, she found herself staring at another heroine, though what Carol paid more attention to was her costume.

Floating in front of Carol was a tall woman who towered above her by 4 inches. Her blonde hair was put up in a bob, and her outfit mainly consisted of a legless, long-sleeved white bodysuit that hugged at her figure. A pair of blue elbow-length gloves covered her hands, while thigh-length boots obscured her feet. A red belt was wrapped around her waist, while a matching cape billowed behind her. The most striking feature, however, was in the chest section of her bodysuit. A massive rectangular hole had been carved out, revealing her overabundance of cleavage to the world.

After getting over her initial surprise at this woman’s appearance, Carol gave an annoyed sigh.

“Well, that’s just great.” She muttered. “And you are?”

”Power Girl.” The woman responded as she extended her arm outward.

”Captain Marvel.” Carol introduced herself as she returned the handshake.

”Pretty sure that name’s already taken, but anyway, why do you want to meet Superman so badly?”

”I just want to make sure he can be trusted. I don’t know that much about him, definitely not enough to be a fan, but I wanna at least get a general bit of knowledge. Just to make sure we don’t have any alien troubles. I’ve seen that crap way too much, and I really don’t want a repeat of the Skrull incident.”

”Well, there’s nothing you need to worry about. Superman’s a hero. He’s been that way for over ten years. What makes you think he’d suddenly snap and turn evil?” Power Girl pointed out.

”Tell me, have you ever heard of the Sentry? He was the exact same. Extremely powerful, everyone liked him, then one day he snapped and nearly killed everyone. And from what I can tell, Superman already ticks off two of those boxes. Call me pessimistic, but I’m pretty sure if he’s not kept in check, we’ll see a repeat.”

“And I’m telling you there’s no way that would ever happen. So I’ll give you two options. If you want to meet him, you can wait for a few more minutes. Otherwise, you can turn around and leave.”

“How about I choose option 3? I’ll look for him myself!” Carol countered as she took off, shooting right past Power Girl. She wouldn’t get far, however, as Karen suddenly flew in front of her and pushed her back. The Avenger shot several feet through the air, but she eventually managed to stop herself mid-flight. Looking back, she noticed Power Girl flying toward her, with the Kryptonian stopping only a few feet away.

“I’m not giving you another warning. Leave, or else.” Upon hearing this, Danvers scoffed.

”Like I’d actually choose to leave!” She said as she lowered herself into a fighting stance, energy resonating in the palms of her hands.

“Fine. When you’re down, just remember that I gave you the chance to settle this peacefully.” Power Girl responded as she entered her own stance.

Power Girl vs Carol Fight by Br3ndan5

In a sudden burst of speed, Captain Marvel shot toward Power Girl, having already reeled back an energy-enhanced fist. Once she was close enough, Carol threw out a right hook, only for her supposed target to effortlessly catch it. Then, with the greatest of ease, the Kryptonian countered with a hook of her own, striking hard enough to send Carol hurtling back. The Kree hybrid didn’t even have time to recover before Power Girl continued her assault, throwing out dozens of body blows. Even with her enhanced reflexes, Marvel was still having trouble registering Power Girl’s attacks. That didn’t mean she couldn’t feel them, however.

Each passing second was accompanied by several more punches and kicks, all of them seemingly aimed at her vulnerable spots. But even with this pain overwhelming her mind, Carol refused to give up, which she was all too willing to show Kara. Gritting her teeth, the captain began channeling a glowing orange energy into her hands.

“Back off!” Marvel demanded as she swung her arm outward, firing a crescent-shaped blast of energy that sent Power Girl skidding back. Willing to exploit this to her advantage, Carol lunged forward and struck her in the stomach, eliciting a grunt of pain from her opponent. A rapid series of hooks and jabs then followed this gut punch, with each one targeting Power Girl’s chest, face, and shoulders. In the middle of this combo, however, Karen had managed to recover from the pain, and she proved quick to adapt to her opponent’s tactics.

Using her superior speed, Earth-Two’s Woman of Steel began weaving through the hits while countering with her own. Every hit Carol threw missed its mark as Karen leapt out of her range, which was then followed by the Kryptonian retaliating with another attack. Each of these blows were slowly overwhelming the Avenger, but they were also having another effect: really pissing her off!

Channeling energy into her palms, Captain Marvel thrust both of her hands forward and fired off a massive golden beam. It was large enough that it could have easily encompassed Power Girl, but she proved quick to react as she descended beneath it. Once the attack had dispersed, Power Girl soared back up to Carol’s level, emphasizing this by swiftly delivering an uppercut to the jaw. The moment the fist made contact with her chin, Carol found herself shooting through the air at hypersonic speeds. A mach cone formed around her body, but she proved quick to right herself in midair, producing a sonic boom in the process.

Once she had come to a complete stop, Carol looked back down at Metropolis, now receiving a bird’s eye view. She expected to see Power Girl flying toward her, likely reeling a fist back to prepare another combo, but instead all she found was a bustling futuristic city. Keeping her guard up, the captain began feeling a familiar buzzing sensation in her head. Immediately recognizing what was causing it, she whirled around, preparing a roundhouse-


[Stop music]

-only to be cut off as Power Girl delivered a sledgehammer to the back of her skull. The impact of the punch sent Carol hurtling through the air, a cone of fire surrounding her body as she did so. She could only briefly notice her surroundings, which were now whipping past her with how fast she was going. She couldn’t tell where she was heading, nor how far she was going. She wouldn’t even have time to correct her path, as her body slammed back-first into a billboard before she could even think of doing so.



The moment Danvers slammed into the panels, an explosion of electricity erupted out of the destroyed advertisement, creating arcs that shot out from every direction. These arcs traveled several feet away from the sign, producing a sight that caused several citizens to look up in surprise. Upon doing so, they were met with a rather unnatural sight. Instead of dispersing, the electricity seemed to shrink back, almost as if time was reversing itself! With each passing second, the electricity continued decreasing in size, rapidly losing its mass until there was nothing left- nothing, save for one person.

As she pulled herself out of the destroyed panel, Captain Marvel’s annoyance soon morphed into confusion when she noticed something familiar about her surroundings. From everywhere she looked, old-fashioned skyscrapers stared her in the face, nothing like the futuristic ones found in Metropolis. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a building with the words “Daily Bugle” displayed in massive letters.

‘Did she hit me hard enough to send me all the way from Metropolis to Manhattan?’ Carol thought to herself. Upon realizing this was the case, her expression morphed into an annoyed glare.

“Alright, she’s a bit stronger than I thought.” Carol admitted, only to stop as she noticed an arc of electricity emanating from her arm. Clenching her fist, the heroine smirked as she watched the energy explode out of her hand. “But let’s see how she handles this!”

As these words left her mouth, Captain Marvel once again took to the air, now coated in an aura of electricity as she flew back to Metropolis. Unbeknownst to her, Power Girl was in the midst of doing the same when her super-hearing picked up an odd sound. She could hear the sound of wind rushing past someone, and this person’s body seemed to be constantly crackling with electricity. Turning toward its direction, Karen prepared to defend herself from this new arrival-


-but was cut off by an energy-enhanced punch to the face, causing her to reel back.

”You didn’t think you’d get rid of me that easily, did you?” Captain Marvel asked.

”A small part of me was hoping it’d be that easy, but since you seem to be so persistent-“ Karen cut herself off as she lunged toward Carol and threw out two straight punches. “I guess we’ll just have to do this the hard way!”

As these words left her mouth, Power Girl grabbed hold of Marvel’s outstretched leg. Then, with the greatest of ease, she began spinning the heroine around in circles, moving faster and faster with each rotation. In only a few seconds, a whirlwind had formed around the two blondes, and both were moving so quickly they couldn’t even be seen! This would soon change, however, when Starr released her grip, flinging the helpless captain across the city. As she soared past numerous city blocks, Danvers proved quick to backflip through the air, managing to level herself out. In the process of doing so, her seventh sense started acting up again, this time warning her of an attack that was approaching her front!

Looking toward its direction, Captain Marvel found that Power Girl was now in front of her, having already thrown out a straight punch. Despite having little time to react, Carol, through what could only be described as a miracle, put up her arm just in time to block the strike. As she parried the blow, Carol countered with a right hook to the face, sending Power Girl staggering back. Then, before the Kryptonian could recover, she followed up with two more hooks to the face, a knee strike to the stomach, and a roundhouse to the jaw. The moment this kick struck her, Power Girl found herself launched through the air at hypersonic speeds, but her attacker still wasn’t done!

Using her newly amped speed, Danvers charged toward Kara and began unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks at faster-than-light speeds. Each of these blows struck her in either the face or stomach, while also sending her flying back even further. This combo would only end once Carol had slammed her into a building via a punch to the ribs. The moment her body collided with it, every window in the skyscraper exploded outward and began raining down onto the streets below.

As Metropolis’ citizens ran away in an attempt to avoid their fates, Marvel grabbed the Woman of Steel by her cape and quickly took to the air, dragging Karen along for the ride. As they continued their ascension, Carol took the time to grind her opponent against the metal frame. Rather than hurt her, however, all this seemed to do was piss Power Girl off. With each inch they traveled, her anger only grew further, and eventually she’d hit her breaking point!

“CUT THAT OUT!” She demanded in annoyance as she whirled around, slamming into Carol’s face with a right hook. Upon contact, a sonic boom erupted outward as Captain Marvel’s jaw gave a resounding CRACK! The heroine then felt herself get launched through the air, with an angered Power Girl not far behind.

In a matter of femotseconds, the Kryptonian had managed to close the distance between them, emphasizing it with a left hook to the temple. Carol was sent spiraling toward the ground, but she wouldn’t have the chance to hit it as Karen sped past her, landing on the concrete below. As the corkscrewing captain approached her, Power Girl threw out a right cross, swinging her arm as hard as she could! The moment the blow made contact with her skull, Danvers found herself sent hurtling across the street, only stopping once she slammed into a car back-first. The impact caused her to lurch over and cough up spittle, but she proved quick to shrug it off and began pushing herself back up. As she did so, she felt her seventh sense buzz through her skull. Much like before, it was coming from the front, but now she was getting attacked from… two directions?

[Stop music]

Looking up in confusion, the Kree hybrid found herself staring at a pair of red beams, both of which were approaching her at alarming speeds. Most people who witnessed this would’ve been scared or at the very least somewhat nervous, but Carol Danvers was not most people! As the beams approached her, her only response was to raise her arms in defense and plant her feet firmly into the ground. A smirk appeared on her face, but it soon faltered as she realized something. Even from where she was standing, the temperatures those beams were giving off seemed to be pretty… hot.

Carol’s eyes widened in realization, but she wouldn’t have time to correct her mistake before Power Girl’s heat vision blasted her. The moment it collided, it took everything Carol had not to black out. The beams seared through her body, having already eaten away at her costume and now moving onto her skin. Her arms were immediately covered in burns, and each passing millisecond was only making it worse. But even with this pain threatening to overtake her, Captain Marvel still stood her ground. Planting both feet firmly into the ground, the hybrid then began focusing all of her energy into another part of her Kree physiology: her absorption powers.

“What?!” Power Girl questioned, surprised by what she was seeing. Rather than harming Carol, the thermal beams seemed to be getting absorbed into her body. Upon realizing this, the Earth-2 heroine immediately ceased using it, but the damage had already been done.

[Stop music]

As the last of Power Girl’s heat vision became absorbed into her body, Carol brought both arms back and flexed, letting out a brief war cry as a wave of energy erupted out of her body. It proved quick to disperse, revealing that her appearance had changed once again.

The most noticeable change in Carol’s body was the new aura she was surrounded by. Much like before, electricity was crackling around her body, but now a red aura of heat had entered into the mix. Her tattered sleeves hung loosely at her sides, revealing that the absorption had done more than give her a new aura. Rather than being covered in burns, her arms seemed to be completely fine, though Power Girl noticed they seemed a bit more muscular than before. Although she was curious as to why that was, she wouldn’t get the chance to investigate, as Carol cut her off.

[Start at 0:15]

“Turn up the heat as much as you’d like! I’ll be sure to pay you back tenfold!” As these words escaped her lips, Danvers’ hands began glowing with energy. Then, in a surprising burst of speed, she swung her arms through the air, firing off three photon blasts. Power Girl responded by swatting each one aside, sending them crashing into the nearby concrete, but before she could prepare herself for the next attack-


Carol slammed into her with a straight punch, having moved so quickly that she seemed to teleport. A gut punch followed this, then a backfist to the face. Karen was sent flying back, but Marvel used her boosted speed to suddenly reappear behind her. A cross to the spine stopped Karen’s momentum, striking hard enough to make her bend over backwards. A pained grunt escaped her lips, which would only increase as a knee strike slammed into her shoulder blade. The alien heroine felt her back seize up from the strike, and Carol proved quick to exploit this!

Before Karen even had the chance to recover, Carol slammed into her with a jumping roundhouse to the nape, sending the Kryptonian flying. As she reached the apex of her ascension, Power Girl proved quick to flip through the air, evening herself out. Then, as she began descending onto the street, she planted her left hand into the ground, slowly grinding to a halt. Once she had come to a complete stop, the heroine’s super-hearing began to pick up the sound of someone rapidly approaching her. From the sounds of things, they seemed to be coming from behind, and that meant-

“Too slow.” A familiar voice called out. Power Girl turned toward it, while at the same time twisting her body. Carol’s blast erupted from her hand, missing its target by a few centimeters, and said target responded by slamming into her jaw with a powerful elbow strike.

”Sorry, what was that?” Power Girl asked rhetorically as she smirked. “I thought you said I was too slow. Well, tell me. Does this look too slow to you?

As these words escaped her lips, the Kryptonian intercepted the recovering Kree with an uppercut that sent her airborne. Before Carol even had the chance to react, Power Girl began pinballing her through the air, leaving the Kree hybrid reeling as she was rapidly dragged up and down. With each hit, the Woman of Steel only seemed to grow faster, throwing out numerous punches and kicks at ludicrous speeds. As she landed her 20th hit, Power Girl clasped both hands together, brought them back, and delivered a swift hammerstrike to the skull.


The moment it made contact, a massive shockwave erupted outward, causing brief tremors to erupt throughout Metropolis. The surrounding buildings began to shake, and various citizens looked around in a mixture of worry and confusion.

While all of this was occurring, Captain Marvel found herself descending onto the streets, courtesy of the blow she had just taken. A small streak of blood ran down her face, but this was the least of her problems. Her head throbbed from where she’d been hit, her ears rang like an alarm was going off inside them, and her vision was so blurred that all she couldn’t even make out her surroundings. After blinking it away, however, the Avenger began recovering her senses, and the first thing she did was balance herself.

Flipping through the air, Marvel suddenly forced herself to stop, her body levitating only an inch away from the concrete. She wiped the blood from her brow, narrowed her eyes at the sight, and then flashed a baleful glare at Power Girl. Eager to get some payback, Danvers brought her fists back up, allowing them to erupt with energy before throwing them forward. Unlike before, this time they were clasped together, with all of her fingers pointed directly at Kara.

A massive beam erupted out from her palms, instantly hitting the Kryptonian heroine dead-on. While her opponent staggered back, Marvel took the opportunity to charge an orb of energy in her palm and swiftly closed the distance. Once she was close enough, Carol slammed the orb into Power Girl’s stomach and forcibly detonated it, creating a massive explosion. As said explosion forced her to skid back, Power Girl noticed something odd. She’d had her suspicions due to the changed appearance, but now there was no doubt about it: Carol’s attacks were getting stronger.

In an attempt to find answers, the former Earth-2 denizen began looking Carol over, all while putting up an arm to block an oncoming punch. Annoyed by this, Danvers continued her assault, throwing out punch after punch, but her target was having none of it!

As each blow came her way, whether energy-enhanced or projectile-based, Starr blocked them with the greatest of ease. At the same time, she looked her fellow heroine over, scanning the Kree hybrid from head to toe. Thanks to her x-ray vision, Kara could now see the energy filtering itself through Carol’s body, but she noticed something was off. Squinting her eyes, the Kryptonian then applied her microscopic vision, allowing her to get a close-up of the energy’s molecular structure. Dozens of volts of electricity, a surplus of heat cells, and thousands of photon particles were spreading throughout Carol’s body, all of them moving equally across her body.

’So you can absorb energy, huh? Alright, then let’s switch things up a bit!’ Power Girl thought just as Carol threw out an underhanded blast. The orb was intended to smash into Karen’s jaw, but she quickly leaned back, allowing it to sail past her. Undeterred, her attacker used the momentum of her swing to leap into the air. Then, after summoning another orb in her free hand, Carol descended with a diagonal lunge. Unfortunately, this also seemed destined to miss, as the Woman of Steel quickly leapt out of range. Growing more frustrated with her inability to hit Power Girl, the captain’s attacks grew increasingly speedy and erratic, while her supposed target casually moved out of the way.

As her attacks continued to miss their mark, Marvel grit her teeth before pouring more energy into her body. Then, in a sudden burst of speed, she begin flying circles around Power Girl, rapidly pelting her with photon blasts and energy-infused blows. Each one slammed into the Kryptonian’s body, producing a miniature explosion upon contact. Despite this, neither one seemed to be accomplishing much. Sure, Power Girl was letting out audible grunts of pain at her stronger attacks, but other than that she wasn’t really showing any signs of pain. If anything, her costume seemed to be taking more punishment than she was! The white bodysuit that clung to Karen’s body was now covered in burns, with some mild tears here and there. The cape had also been affected, as evidenced by the multiple burn marks that had torn through its fabric. But Power Girl herself? At worst, she only had a few bruises or scuff marks! The sight of this left Carol both astounded and annoyed. Just how durable were Kryptonians?

Although Carol wasn’t aware of it, she wasn’t the only one feeling annoyed at this situation. Each time a blast hit her, Power Girl felt herself grow more and more irritated. Normally in this situation, she would’ve used her attacker’s speed against them and decked them in the face, but there was just one problem: Carol’s strategy. In the interval between blasts, she would purposefully move out of range, leaving Karen to be stunned by another blast when she tried to attack. The paralysis would only last for a few microseconds, but this was still enough time for Danvers to go in for a punch before repeating the process.

Needless to say, the constant hit-and-run tactics were getting on Power Girl’s nerves. She’d spent the time between each hit trying to cool off, making sure she’d have a clear head so she could think up a way to counter these attacks. Unfortunately, it seemed that Carol wasn’t willing to give her the time of day.

Wait, “cool off?”

An idea suddenly entered into Kara’s mind, one that caused her look of irritation to morph into a smug expression. At the same time, Carol moved in for her next attack, this one a straight punch to the Kryptonian’s face. Upon seeing her adversary’s new expression, however, Marvel cocked an eyebrow.

’What could she be planning now?’ The Kree heroine thought to herself. As if to answer her question, Power Girl inhaled, only to just as quickly exhale. The moment she did so, a massive gust of wind slammed into Captain Marvel at full force. Despite nearly being blown back by the frigid air, Carol continued moving forward, but she soon noticed that she was drastically slowing down. A thin layer of frost had already spread across her body, and it was quickly evolving into small patches of ice. Gritting her teeth, Danvers continued to push herself forward, ignoring the ice that impeded her movement. Unfortunately, this stubborn attitude would prove costly, as the ice continued to spread across her body. Not helping was that her rapidly freezing body was slowly being pushed back by the wind, impeding whatever progress she had made.

Noticing this, Carol began putting her Kree biology to work as she focused all of the stored energy into her cells. Each one began to vibrate at an increasingly fast rate, rapidly building up heat to combat the opposing cold. In no time at all, her body had coated itself in an aura of flame, which melted the surrounding ice and allowed her to keep moving. She cocked her fist back, ready to slam it directly into Power Girl’s jaw-



[Stop music]

Unfortunately for the captain, her target was quicker on the draw, having thrown out her own right hook to the face. The punch struck with enough force that Danvers was launched out of Metropolis, her body descending through the air until she landed in West River with a loud SPLASH!

The moment her body became submerged in water, a jolt went through Carol’s nervous system. Out of reflex, she nearly opened her mouth, but she forced it to remain shut at the last second. At the same time, she noticed a familiar white-and-blue figure through her blurred vision, causing her to smirk as her hands lit up once again.

Back on the surface, Power Girl was using her telescopic vision to scan through the river for some sign of Marvel. A familiar blue outfit entered her line of sight-


[Start at 0:09]

-followed by an orange photon blast erupting out of the water, causing her to pull back. Undeterred by this, Carol threw out several more blasts, all of which Power Girl continued strafing through. As she drew closer to Marvel’s current location, Karen noticed her opponent’s muscles were tensing up. Then, in a sudden burst of speed, Captain Marvel shot out of the river, having already prepared an uppercut for the Kryptonian! She closed the distance between them in an instant, throwing her fist out with as much force as she could muster! It flew forward…

Only to miss as Power Girl leaned back, causing Carol’s fist to lightly brush past her chin. The captain soared past her white-clad adversary, her grin contorting into a look of horror as she realized she’d missed. Before she had time to rectify this mistake, Karen took advantage of the newfound opening as she lunged forward, slamming her fist into Marvel’s gut. The moment it struck, Carol doubled over, her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as she felt the wind get knocked out of her. If she expected Power Girl to stop at this, however, she was dead wrong!

Instead, the Woman of Steel was throwing out hundreds of body blows at faster-than-light speeds, each one specifically targeting a vulnerable part of Carol’s body. All of them were delivered with enough force that, had she been an ordinary person, her bones may have been shattered to pieces. Hell, even with her Kree physiology, these punches were still threatening to break her bones, and their rapid delivery wasn’t helping matters!

As each of these punches slammed into her, Carol’s desperation to survive only seemed to grow further. She began doing her best to fight through the pain, slowly bringing her arms up and focusing energy through them. Then, just as Power Girl was about to throw out a final right hook-


She found herself thrown back as Captain Marvel unleashed the dormant energy, producing a massive explosion that sent her soaring across Metropolis’ streets. As she uncontrollably flew through her cousin’s home, Power Girl desperately tried to avoid crashing through its buildings, but it seemed her attacker wasn’t willing to comply!

Carol was relentlessly bombarding her with photon blasts, and each one sent her flying further across the city. But even as this onslaught continued to hit her, Karen realized something: each blast seemed to be getting weaker, and she wasn’t the only one to notice this.

As she continued throwing out photon energy, Carol could feel her boost in power slowly leave her. Each one required her to expend more of her supply, and she was quickly running out. If she wanted to keep this up, she’d need to find some way to refuel, but given her current situation, it wasn’t going to be easy. She’d need some kind of distraction first!

Throwing both arms forward, Danvers fired off a massive beam in Power Girl’s direction. It slammed into the Kryptonian at full force, eliciting a grunt of pain as she was sent flying through the air. Realizing the opportunity wouldn’t last long, Carol immediately took off toward the west, flying through Metropolis as fast as she could! She recalled that earlier, while searching for Superman, she had noticed a nuclear power plant laying somewhere toward the west. If she wanted to put her plan into action, she needed to find it, and fast!

As she scanned her surroundings, Captain Marvel’s expression lit up as she spotted the power plant, which stood several hundred feet away. With her objective now in sight, the Kree heroine took off toward its direction, moving so quickly that a mach cone formed around her. Once she was close enough, Carol crashed through the roof and crashed onto the ground.

[Stop music]

Looking up, she smirked as she stared straight ahead at what she’d been looking for: a nuclear reactor. Grabbing hold of it, Danvers then began focusing her Kree powers to their fullest extent, rapidly siphoning the energy from the reactor. With each second that passed, Carol felt more power flow through her, and it was slowly starting to affect her appearance. Her skin was losing its original color, slowly fading into a bright red. Her eyes had also begun changing in color, now rapidly shifting between blue and gold. As the last of the reactor’s energy was drained into her, Carol smirked as she opened her eyes, revealing that they now shone a bright gold.

Meanwhile, Power Girl was soaring through Metropolis, using her x-ray vision to scan every inch of her surroundings. Given Carol’s ability to absorb energy, it was safe to assume that she had retreated to power herself back up. All that was left to figure out was where she’d gone. There were several places in Metropolis that held enormous power output, but narrowing them down was-


The sound of crackling electricity filled Power Girl’s ears, causing her to stop and look to the right. The moment she did so, she noticed two things: the first was the nuclear power plant, currently drained of its energy. The second, and more important of the two, was the red, blue, and gold blur that was currently speeding toward her at faster-than-light speeds! Although its arrival left her surprised for a brief moment, Kara proved quick to regain her bearings and brought her arms up, reacting just in time to block a left cross.


The moment the blow collided with her arm, a massive shockwave erupted outward, causing the landscape around them to violently shake! The force sent Power Girl reeling back, and her attacker proved quick to exploit this. Leaping into the air, the golden blur then came down with a diagonal punch, slamming into her left temple. The moment it struck, Power Girl was sent hurtling to the ground, blood now leaking from where the blow had connected. Although she was left somewhat dazed by the strike, Karen quickly evened herself out, preventing her body from hitting the pavement. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t stop her assailant, who smashed into her with a two-handed punch.

Upon impact, the heroine from Earth-2 found herself coughing up flecks of blood, but this was the least of her problems. A right hook smashed itself into her jawline, sending her hurtling through the air. The golden blur flew after her, stopping her ascent with a powerful knee strike to the stomach, forcing her to lurch over. As she coughed up a combination of spit and blood, Power Girl noticed something familiar about her attacker- or more specifically, her costume. The knee currently planted in her stomach was clad in blue spandex, and she could see a brief portion of a red sash wrapped around its waist. With her suspicions confirmed, Karen attempted to intercept the next attack, but her opponent proved quicker to act. Just before Power Girl could look up, an elbow struck her spine, sending her crashing into the streets below.

As she lifted herself out of the concrete, Starr immediately looked toward her attacker’s direction. Currently suspended above her was Carol Danvers, as she’d suspected, though her appearance had undergone a drastic change. Her skin was now a deep shade of red, while her eyes had gone blank, their blue irises now replaced by a bright gold. Her hair seemed to be lit aflame, and this same energy crackled from her palms.

Thanks to the surplus of energy within her body, Carol had managed to evolve, ascending from a mere human to something else. No longer was Power Girl facing Carol Danvers, the seventh Captain Marvel. Now she stood face-to-face with the pinnacle of Kree evolution: Binary!

As she looked the transformed heroine over, Power Girl couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. Noticing this, her opponent responded with a smirk.

”What’s the matter? Not used to fighting someone on your level?” Binary taunted as she used her boosted speed to suddenly appear in front of Karen. The evolved being then threw out a right hook, aiming it right at the heroine’s jaw.

”Cute.” Power Girl responded, smirking as she casually grabbed the fist mid-strike.

”That you think you still stand a chance at fighting me one-on-one?” Carol asked as she prepared to deliver another punch.

”No. It’s that you think you can beat me with a sunburn and some burning hair.” Power Girl responded as she cut her opponent off with a hook of her own. It struck Danvers in the jaw, causing her to stagger back. She proved quick to recover, however, and retaliated with a sudden blast from her eyes. Power Girl proved quick to duck under this, countering the beams with a hard uppercut to the chin. The punch sent Binary hurtling through the air, but she proved quick to regain control. Once she had stopped in midair, the heroine looked back up toward Power Girl’s direction, only to notice the Kryptonian was no longer there!

Before she could even question where Karen had gone, Carol’s seventh sense flared up yet again. Turning toward its direction, the Kree hybrid instinctively threw her hand forward, firing off a beam of photon energy directly into Power Girl’s chest. The beam sent her hurtling back, and before she could fully recover, Binary activated another of her powers. With a simple gesture, Power Girl suddenly felt herself grow heavier, and she soon fell toward the ground. Though this left her somewhat surprised, Starr proved quick to regain her bearings and, with some mild difficulty, repositioned herself in midair.

Upon landing, a massive crater formed beneath her feet, and it only seemed to grow deeper with each passing microsecond. In tandem with this, Power Girl began to notice something odd. Despite her best attempts, it was getting harder for her to support her own weight. As the crater grew deeper, she collapsed onto all fours, slowly sinking deeper into the ground.

Gritting her teeth, Power Girl began pushing herself back up. Every muscle in her body ached, her bones felt like they were all supporting a heavy weight, and the exertion was causing her to sweat up a storm. But even with these setbacks, she refused to give in!

With a heavy struggle, Power Girl managed to raise one foot and planted it into the ground. Then, as she pushed with all her might, the Kryptonian managed to prop herself up on one knee. She let out an annoyed huff, but before she could continue getting back to her feet, she noticed a shadow rapidly approaching her from above. Realizing it could only be one person, Kara attempted to defend against the inevitable attack, but her increased gravity made that harder than she’d expected. She hadn’t even fully raised them before-


-a left hook slammed into her jaw, sending her flying across the street. As she watched the Woman of Steel fly through the air, Carol responded by shooting forward, closing the distance between them almost instantly! A white flash briefly flashed in her clenched fist, and once it had faded, she revealed her new weapon. From the looks of things, they seemed to be twin strips of gold energy, both solid in composition and adorned with spikes.

With a smirk, Binary threw out a right hook, taking the opportunity to slam the knuckles into Power Girl’s face. The blow produced four cuts on the Kryptonian’s cheek, but she wouldn’t have long to worry about it. A left hook smashed into her other cheek, producing a similar reaction. Though pain flared through her mind, Power Girl turned back to Carol and flashed her a glare. The moment their eyes met, Danvers’ seventh sense began to flare up, and she responded by raising her left arm. This proved to be an appropriate choice, as Kara had immediately thrown out a left hook. As the fist made contact with her forearm, Binary retaliated with a right gut punch, eliciting a grunt of pain from the Kryptonian. Three rapid hooks then followed, each one producing bloody cuts on Power Girl’s cheeks and forcing her to stagger back. To finish her combo, Carol threw out a powerful uppercut, slamming into Power Girl’s chin. The moment it made contact, Binary began focusing her energy into the knuckles, charging each of their atoms at a rapid rate. With each millisecond, the construct’s composition would grow more unstable, evidenced by its rapid vibrating, until finally-


-the knuckles erupted into a massive explosion of thermal energies, sending Power Girl flying through the air. Rather than let it end at that, however, Carol flew after her, continuously throwing out punch after punch. Normally, these wouldn’t have affected Power Girl, but thanks to the added power of Binary, she was left reeling from each one. With every punch she took, Starr was sent further through the air, and by this point she was coming dangerously close to exiting the stratosphere. Unfortunately for her, it seemed this was what Carol had intended, as the former captain reeled her fist back and began gathering energy between it. Then, once it had filled to the brim, she threw it forward, letting loose a massive explosion of energy!



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The moment it slammed into her face, Power Girl let out an annoyed scream as she found herself soaring through the air at a rapid rate. Her body grew faster with each passing millisecond, forming a cone of fire as she passed through the layers of Earth’s atmosphere. Meteors became nothing more than vague blurs, and the colorful gases of the thermosphere didn’t even register until she had passed through them. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem that her trip was destined to end there, as she continued to fly through space, only stopping when her back slammed into something solid. The moment she did so, a massive cloud of dust kicked up, completely obscuring her vision, but it proved quick to fade. Once it had, Power Girl began to get a better look at her surroundings.

Surrounding her field of vision was a pitch-black sky, with Earth laying directly in front of her. The pale ground beneath her was filled with craters, no matter where she looked. Quickly realizing where she was, Kara sighed as she pulled herself back up. The moment she did so, she was surprised to find that Carol’s powers weren’t weighing her down. In fact, she’d gotten up with no trouble at all.

‘Looks like your powers don’t work if there’s no gravity to manipulate!’ Power Girl thought as she smirked, only for it to drop as her super-hearing picked up a new sound. A confused “Hm?” emerged from her throat as the sound of crackling energy filled her ears. Looking up, she watched as a trail of energy shot through the air at blinding speeds, touching down onto the Moon in no time! The moment it did so, a massive cloud of dust kicked up, quickly dispersing to reveal Binary. Upon seeing that Power Girl was still alive, the evolved heroine couldn’t help but smirk.

‘Seems she’s a bit tougher than I gave her credit for.’ She thought to herself. ‘Good. I was looking for an excuse to start cutting loose, anyway!’

As this thought entered through her mind, Carol rushed toward her at top speed, moving so quickly that a trail of rubble emerged beneath her. An energy-enhanced punch seemed dead-set to make contact with Power Girl’s jaw, but the Woman of Steel leapt to the side before intercepting it with a right hook. The force of the blow caused her head to snap to the right, but other than that Binary showed no signs of pain.

”That all you got?” She asked. While the vacuum of space would’ve normally muted this taunt, Power Girl’s enhanced hearing allowed her to pick up on it. Even if she hadn’t, Carol’s next actions would’ve gotten the point across. No sooner than these words had left her mouth did the Kree retaliate with a backhand. It struck hard enough that Power Girl found herself flying across the satellite, her body hopelessly tumbling across the rocky terrain. This would continue for three seconds before Karen planted her hand into the ground, letting her grind to a halt. Upon doing so, however, her hearing picked up a new sound: a familiar, crackling sound.

Her eyes widening as she realized what it was, Power Girl wasted no time in throwing herself forward, intent on escaping the blast’s radius. Unfortunately, it was clear from Binary’s smirk that Karen had greatly misjudged the amount of energy she’d expended. When she heard it beneath her, Power Girl had expected a blast of energy that was roughly her height and width, maybe a bit larger for Binary to ensure she’d be caught in the crossfire. What she hadn’t expected was this!


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An enormous pillar of energy erupted from beneath the Moon’s surface, its size large enough to encompass multiple city blocks, and it only seemed to keep growing! With each millisecond that passed, the column of combined photon and heat would only expand further. In roughly five seconds, it had increased to the point of being comparable to a nuclear bomb, and so too did its power! The energy began to eat away at Power Girl’s costume, exposing more of her skin to the bombardment. Burns were starting to form across her body, and the energy it was outputting had nearly caused her to black out. Even with her best efforts, she could still see black dots dancing in her eyes, and they seemed to be growing larger with each second that passed. Any second now, Power Girl was going to lose consciousness. Carol was going to win, and there was nothing Karen could do to stop it.

‘Bullshit!’ Karen thought defiantly as she clenched her fist. ’I haven’t survived this long just to lose like this! I’ve survived numerous Crises-‘

Starr worked up the courage to place her foot through the air and brought it down, taking a step forward.

‘I’ve taken on Superboy Prime without any trouble-‘

Another step forward.

‘-faced off against the Black Lanterns-‘

A third step soon turned into a fourth. A fifth became a sixth. In no time at all, the Kryptonian had rapidly built up speed, and she was using it to her fullest extent run through the column of energy.

‘-and battled mad New Gods. Compared to them-’

The blast continued to eat away at her stamina. Every muscle in her body screamed at her to give in, but she wasn’t going to give up so easily.

”THIS IS NOTHING!” Power Girl declared as she leapt out from the column of energy.

”What?!” Binary asked, audibly shocked just before a left hook nailed itself into her jaw. The force of the blow sent the Kree heroine rocketing through the air, moving so quickly that fire began to surround her entire body. Rather than worry about this, however, she instead began focusing, allowing her body to begin absorbing the energy of reentry. Once she had come to a stop, Carol looked down just in time to see Power Girl soaring toward her at faster-than-light speeds. In an attempt to stop her Kryptonian adversary, Binary thrust her hand forward, exerting her control of gravity-


-only for a right hook to suddenly smash itself into her jaw! The blow sent Danvers reeling back and hurtling through space, but Karen wasn’t finished! With a sudden burst of speed, Power Girl slammed into Binary with a double-handed punch to the stomach. As the Kree heroine was sent flying further through the depths of space, her opponent responded by using her speed to immediately close the distance. Another punch or kick would then impact against Danvers’ body, resulting in a seemingly endless process of punching, launching, and closing in. Or at least that’s what it seemed.

Several punches later, and the Kree punching bag felt something solid slam into her back. Though the thought of what she landed on briefly crossed her mind, it was quickly silenced as another punch sent her crashing through the ground. She wouldn’t even have the chance to recover, as the surrounding reddish-brown debris began to collapse on top of her.

[Stop music]

As the Venusian rubble collapsed over Carol, Power Girl immediately boosted through the air, her destination laying straight ahead: the Sun. Her previous clashes with Carol had taken a lot out of her, and if she wanted to keep this up, she’d need to refuel.

’I don’t have much time, though.’ She thought to herself. ‘She’s probably digging her way out as I speak.’

Little did Karen know, her assumption was correct. While she was busy drawing closer to the Sun, Binary had thrust her hand forward, firing a column of energy that tore through the planet’s mantle. Now free of her prison, the fiery heroine soared through the air, her gaze focused solely on her surroundings.

‘Now, where is she?’ Binary thought suspiciously as she scanned through the depths of space. While in the middle of doing so, however, she suddenly let out a scream and clutched her head.

For some reason, her head suddenly began to throb, and it only seemed to be getting worse. Her seventh sense was acting up again, but if it was having this kind of reaction, then it must’ve been serious! As this realization came to her, the former Ms. Marvel opened her eyes, and it was then that she was met with an extremely chilling vision.

Standing before her was Power Girl, fully healed of her injuries with her right arm currently outstretched. Binary looked down, unintentionally coughing up blood as she found the Kryptonian’s fist was embedded in her stomach. No, embedded didn’t fully cover it.

Power Girl’s fist had torn through Binary’s stomach, leaving a fist-sized hole that bore straight through her abdomen. Binary let out several strangled gasps, trying in vain to form some sort of plea for mercy, but she found herself unable to speak. Noticing this, Karen raised her arm higher, carrying the disemboweled heroine by her newly-created stomach cavity. The two alien heroines now met each other’s gaze, Carol’s gold eyes staring directly into Karen’s blue. The Kryptonian’s eyes flashed red for a split second, and then everything went black.

A gasp of shock emerged from Binary as the vision ended, allowing her to return to reality. She blinked several times before looking around, keeping her guard up just in case. With the vision she’d just received, she knew that Power Girl would likely attack from anywhere. And with what she had just been shown, it seemed her current state wasn’t going to cut it. If she wanted to survive, she’d need more power!

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As this thought ran through her mind, Carol noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Turning to face it, the hybrid found herself staring directly into the Sun, but rather than being blinded, she responded with a smirk. It seemed she’d just found the answer to her dilemma!

Meanwhile, floating along the Sun’s surface was Power Girl, who was currently stretching her arms. Though it had only been a few seconds, the Kryptonian had already absorbed enough energy to give herself a drastic boost in power. Her muscles were flowing with renewed energy, and the injuries she’d previously sustained had now healed in their entirety. Just a few more seconds, and then she’d… wait a minute.

Focusing her telescopic vision, Karen managed to get a closer look at who was approaching, though she already had a feeling she knew who it was.

’Yeah, that’s her, alright.’ Power Girl thought to herself as she watched Carol stop and extend both arms forward. The moment she saw this, Starr’s eyes widened slightly. ‘Wait. Is she planning to-‘

Kara wouldn’t get the chance to finish her thoughts, as Carol began extracting energy. Two massive wisps of flame emerged from the star’s surface, meeting in the middle of her palms.

For some reason, her head suddenly began to throb, and it only seemed to be getting worse. Her seventh sense was acting up again, but if it was having this kind of reaction, then it must’ve been serious! As this realization came to her, the former Ms. Marvel opened her eyes, and it was then that she was met with an extremely chilling vision.

Standing before her was Power Girl, fully healed of her injuries with her right arm currently outstretched. Binary looked down, unintentionally coughing up blood as she found the Kryptonian’s fist was embedded in her stomach. No, embedded didn’t fully cover it.

Power Girl’s fist had torn through Binary’s stomach, leaving a fist-sized hole that bore straight through her abdomen. Binary let out several strangled gasps, trying in vain to form some sort of plea for mercy, but she found herself unable to speak. Noticing this, Karen raised her arm higher, carrying the disemboweled heroine by her newly-created stomach cavity. The two alien heroines now met each other’s gaze, Carol’s gold eyes staring directly into Karen’s blue. The Kryptonian’s eyes flashed red for a split second, and then everything went black.

A gasp of shock emerged from Binary as the vision ended, allowing her to return to reality. She blinked several times before looking around, keeping her guard up just in case. With the vision she’d just received, she knew that Power Girl would likely attack from anywhere. And with what she had just been shown, it seemed her current state wasn’t going to cut it. If she wanted to survive, she’d need more power!

[Stop music]

As this thought ran through her mind, Carol noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Turning to face it, the hybrid found herself staring directly into the Sun, but rather than being blinded, she responded with a smirk. It seemed she’d just found the answer to her dilemma!

Meanwhile, floating along the Sun’s surface was Power Girl, who was currently stretching her arms. Though it had only been a few seconds, the Kryptonian had already absorbed enough energy to give herself a drastic boost in power. Her muscles were flowing with renewed energy, and the injuries she’d previously sustained had now healed in their entirety. Just a few more seconds, and then she’d… wait a minute.

Focusing her telescopic vision, Karen managed to get a closer look at who was approaching, though she already had a feeling she knew who it was.

’Yeah, that’s her, alright.’ Power Girl thought to herself as she watched Carol stop and extend both arms forward. The moment she saw this, Starr’s eyes widened slightly. ‘Wait. Is she planning to-‘

Kara wouldn’t get the chance to finish her thoughts, as Carol began extracting energy. Two massive wisps of flame emerged from the star’s surface, meeting in the middle of her palms.

”Hell. No.” Power Girl said irritably as she rushed forward, hellbent on preventing Danvers from absorbing anymore energy. While she did so, Carol noticed a blur briefly emerge from the sun, causing her to put her guard up. Her eyes shifted around the area, searching for where her opponent was going to strike next. Her seventh sense alerted her to an attack directly in front of her, causing her to instinctively leap away from Power Girl’s gut punch. As she watched the fist fly past her, Danvers let out a sigh of relief. If she’d been a second too late, that vision may have come to-

Her thoughts cut themselves off as another buzz entered her mind, this time warning about an attack from her right. She whirled around, attempting to block it with her arm-


-only for Power Girl’s fist to break through her defenses with a left hook, sending the Kree flying back. As she came to a stop, Carol began focusing her newfound energy, forcing it to manifest into a new shape. The energy trails began extending outward, quickly solidifying into a pair of golden blades. Now armed with her new weapons, Binary boosted toward Power Girl, instinctively throwing out her arm to deliver an outward slash. In response, Kara quickly leaned back, allowing the blade to just barely graze her top. Undeterred, Danvers used the momentum of her attack to whirl around and deliver a spinning slash. The blade descended through the air, but it would meet the same result as Karen leapt back. Two slashes, both in an X pattern, followed suit, with their target ducking under each.

Before Carol could attempt a third attack, Power Girl rocketed forward, slamming into her with a punch to the stomach. The force of the blow sent Danvers hurtling back, coughing up several flecks of blood. She wasn’t sure, but she felt like that punch had done some significant damage to her insides. If she’d been in her regular, human form…

Binary quickly shook the thought from her mind. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking about possibilities and “what-ifs.” Right now, the only thing that mattered was beating Power Girl!

With this thought in mind, Carol began drawing more energy from her surroundings and channeled all of it into two sources: her hands. The blades that surrounded them began to grow in length, rapidly increasing with each millisecond that passed, and Carol was more than ready to use them!

In a sudden burst of speed, Binary appeared in front of Power Girl, thrusting her powered-up construct forward like a javelin! Though her opponent’s newfound speed briefly caught her off guard, Kara proved quick to recover as she grabbed hold of the blade, stopping it only an inch from her stomach. Gritting her teeth, Binary began exerting herself even further, slowly pushing her construct forward. Starr responded by slowly pushing back, ignoring how the sword was digging into her fingers. What she did acknowledge was the strength behind Carol’s construct. With every second that passed, Binary continued to push her sword further, but she wasn’t the only one who could absorb energy!

Thanks to being in close proximity to the Sun, Power Girl’s strength was increasing rapidly. Whatever Binary had absorbed, it was nothing compared to the solar energy Kara was taking in, and this was beginning to show itself. As the energy continued adding to her strength, Power Girl’s grip grew tighter, and with it she continued to push the blade away from her stomach. Noticing this, Carol attempted to swing her free hand, but just as she brought it into the air Karen twisted her captive arm to the side.



[Stop music]

Had they been on Earth, the sound of Binary’s bones snapping, followed by her blood-chilling scream, would have echoed throughout several city blocks. As the pain overloaded her mind, Carol instinctively swung her free arm through the air. The construct slashed across Karen’s face, producing a massive gash and eliciting an annoyed grunt. Although the nearby solar radiation ensured that it would heal, the pain had been enough to make her release Carol, which the ex-captive quickly took advantage of!

Now free from the Kryptonian’s grip, Danvers wasted no time in delivering a counter attack, this time thrusting her free arm forward and converting the construct into something else. Rather than a blade, the Kree heroine decided to aim for something a bit more… blunt.

As a flattened end appeared in front of her, Carol threw her newly formed battering ram as hard as she could. The bludgeon smashed into Power Girl’s stomach, eliciting a cough of spittle and blood from the Kryptonian as she was sent flying through the air. The head of Starrware hurtled through space, unable to stop herself, and Binary wasn’t willing to give her the time of day!

With the surplus of solar energy now coursing through her veins, Danvers rushed toward the helpless Karen at top speed. Once she was close enough, the Kree heroine wasted no time in wailing on her. Energy-infused punches and kicks slammed into her without any semblance of mercy, sending Power Girl flying further through the depths of space. Each one threatened to break her bones, and the intensity of these attacks only seemed to increase that risk. She could already feel her bones reaching their limit, and if this continued any longer she’d be fighting with a handicap. But if this idea worried her in any way, she didn’t show it. If anything, it seemed to have the opposite reaction: it was really starting to piss her off!

As more body blows continued to smash into her body, Karen clenched her fist in anger. Then, in a sudden burst of rage-fueled strength, she threw out a left hook as hard as she could muster! The resulting impact was enough to send Carol’s body flying dozens of feet away, a silent scream adorning her face as she soared through space. Once she had come to a stop, the former Ms. Marvel felt that something was off. Placing her hand against her jaw, Carol was surprised to find that it had been completely broken. Even with her healing factor, this was still going to take some time. She wouldn’t have this luxury, however, as Power Girl had already closed the distance between them!

Using her newly restored energy, Karen combined both speed and strength to deliver a nonstop barrage of punches and kicks. Each one struck a designated area of Carol’s body, from pressure points to vital organs, and the ever-increasing speed was only making the damage worse! Carol could feel each of her bones crush themselves under the weight of Karen’s blows, and her organs were suffering a similar fate. Not even her regeneration seemed to help, as Power Girl was actually throwing her blows out faster than the healing factor could act! And it was this fact that ultimately proved to be the last straw.

While she normally would’ve been able to hold out, the constant punishment she was taking left Carol nigh-defenseless. She would briefly black out from the pain, only for another strike to force her to wake up. But even as she suffered this seemingly endless combo, Carol still found it in her to resist!

With great difficulty, she managed to bring her miraculously still functional left arm up. Then, after swiping it through the air, the heroine had- through what was either coincidence of sheer dumb luck- managed to grab hold of Power Girl’s wrist. She began focusing her Kree genetics, trying to sap some more of Kara’s energy for herself, but then-


Starr had grabbed hold of the outstretched arm and casually applied pressure, reducing the limb to splinters of bone. A scream threatened to emerge from Carol’s mouth, but a quick exhale of ice breath silenced any chance of that happening. The surrounding molecules began to slow down, shifting into chunks of ice around Danvers’ head. These chunks grew at an alarming rate, increasing in size with each millisecond until a massive block had coated Carol’s entire face. Realizing this, she began attempting to focus her remaining energy into thawing it out, but this proved to be the opening Power Girl needed!

Grabbing hold of the frozen heroine’s arms, Karen then tugged on them, dragging their owner into a knee strike that caused the ice to shatter like glass and send its captor flying back. Rather than let it end there, however, Power Girl rushed toward her, nailing the hybrid with a left straight punch. The moment it made contact, Carol was sent soaring toward the planet Mercury, desperately trying to stop her trajectory. This effort would prove futile, as Power Girl lunged forward and smashed into her with a right hook. The impact sent her Kree adversary crashing onto the planet’s surface, eliciting an involuntary cough of blood and spittle.

Not one to give up so easily, Captain Marvel placed her hand on the ground and began working up the strength to push herself back up. Unfortunately, it would seem that fate wasn’t on her side. The moment she began pushing, a flare of pain surged through her body, and she immediately collapsed. As she lay on the gray, rocky terrain, desperately gasping for breath, Carol noticed a familiar shadow floating above her.

‘Shit.’ She thought as she tried pushing once again, this time focusing all of her energy into acting as an adrenaline boost. She began propping herself back up, using her unbroken arm to support her weight, but before she could continue this struggle, Power Girl descended onto her like a hawk. Once she was close enough, the heroine from Earth-2 threw her right fist forward, causing Carol’s eyes to widen in horror just as-

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[Stop music]

A massive explosion erupted outward, large enough that it could be seen from space. For several seconds, a massive cloud of dust covered most of the planet’s surface, but once it had faded the aftereffects could be seen clear as day. Captain Marvel’s body lay perfectly still, though with one major difference: it no longer possessed a head. The moment Power Girl’s fist collided with Carol’s face, it had completely torn through her skull, though there was little evidence to suggest this. The explosion had vaporized any possible blood or skull fragments, while its heat had cauterized the decapitated stump. The only signs of Marvel’s fate were the fist-shaped imprint where her head had once been, as well as the now bloodied glove of Power Girl. Speaking of which…

Power Girl looked down at Carol’s body, a mix of emotions stirring inside her. While she felt some slight relief that the fight was over, it was overwhelmed by the other feelings within her: horror at what she’d just done, guilt for taking someone’s life, and anger at herself for not seeing the signs and pulling her punch at the last second. A sigh emerged from her lips as she looked down at the captain with a somber expression. She hadn’t meant for it to end like this. That last punch should’ve only knocked Carol out, but instead it had been the blow to unintentionally take the captain’s life.

”I know you can’t hear me, but I’m sorry it had to end like this.” She said aloud, her voice somehow carrying through the vacuum of space. Her eyes flashed red for a brief moment, and then-


Two beams of heat vision emerged from Kara’s eyes, consuming Captain Marvel’s body. Under the intense heat, the corpse was rendered charred and blackened almost immediately. A split second later and the body would collapse, now reduced to nothing more than ashes. As the heat vision dispersed, the last remains of Carol Danvers were swept up by a sudden gust of wind, scattering them throughout the planet’s surface.

Power Girl watched for several seconds as the wind blew away at Carol’s remains, her emotions still stirring up inside of her. Then, with a melancholic sigh, she turned her back to where Carol had once lain and took to the air, ready to begin a long journey back to Earth.

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5


Well, looks like Marvel has just lost its flagship character!

From the start, this match was pretty clear-cut. When it came to strength and durability, Power Girl and Captain Marvel both had some impressive feats, as they’ve regularly contended with some of their universe’s heavy hitters. The difference comes when you look at who they’ve fought against. When it came to strength, Carol’s shown the ability to knock out the Gray Hulk, who was able to destroy an asteroid that was twice the size of Earth. This feat has been calculated as 169 zettatons, or Planet Level. Additionally, she’s been able to trade blows with Iron Man, who survived being stuck in a black hole. Trading blows with Iron Man, by proxy, would make her superior to The Thing, who has consistently fought the star-creating Miracle Man.

But then we look at where Power Girl lies in these departments, and the difference in power becomes clear as day. She’s repeatedly been shown to damage Captain Atom, who was able to destroy and recreate the universe so casually that he didn’t even realize he’d done so. Additionally, she’s stronger than Supergirl, who is as strong as Superman, someone Karen has shown to be more than capable of knocking out. Plus, since Power Girl wasn’t affected by the Crisis on Infinite Earths, this means that she would also scale to characters like Pre-Crisis Superman, who generated enough energy to restore the multiverse after it was destroyed. And this isn’t some kind of weird outlier, either. One of her Earth’s fellow Kryptonians, the Golden Age Superman, has shown that he can fight on par with both Pre-Crisis and Post Crisis Superman, mutually KO’ing the former and nearly destroying the universe while fighting the latter.

So Power Girl takes strength and durability, but what about speed? Well, Carol would once again scale to Iron Man, who was able to fly to the planet Baluur and back within a short amount of time. This feat was calculated as being 111,506 times FTL, and while it’s certainly impressive, it still paled in comparison to Power Girl had. She’s shown to be capable of blitzing Wonder Woman, who can react anywhere from 2.72 to 16.34 quattuordecillion times FTL, and has kept up with Black Adam, who’s said to be faster than Superman.

Keep in mind that these are all feats from the Post Crisis era. By scaling her to Pre-Crisis feats, she’d once again be comparable to Pre-Crisis Superman, who can move fast enough to tear through the fabric of spacetime and fly faster than infinity.In short, Power Girl completely decimates Captain Marvel in the stat trinity, but what about the other factors?

Well, experience is a bit hard to decide. Both have fought their fair share of supervillains and served as members for numerous superhero teams, but in the end I’d just barely give this to Carol, as her time in the military would’ve given her an earlier start in her career. This military experience would’ve also included training in both armed and unarmed combat, though Power Girl’s tutelage under martial arts masters like Wildcat and Mongo Krebs would let her trump Carol in CQC. She’d also have the edge in terms of intelligence, since her Kryptonian DNA gives her superior mental capacities and enhanced memorization skills.

When it came to powers, both were evenly matched in mobility due to their flight, though other than that they each had their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, Carol’s energy absorption rendered Power Girl’s heat vision useless, it gave her a way to heal herself, and she could use it to boost her stats. Her photon blasts gave her an edge in versatility when it came to long-range, and she could even morph her stored energy into constructs, giving her an edge in unpredictability. There’s also her seventh sense, which seems like it would be beneficial since it lets her predict her opponent’s next move. The only problem is that it activates at random, and while she’s used it to dodge a blast moving at faster than light speeds, Power Girl’s speed is so far beyond hers that Carol would get blitzed before she could even react.

It didn’t help that nearly all of Power Girl’s powers gave her an edge over Carol. For example, she could counter Marvel’s energy absorption by drawing more energy from the Sun, which would provide a further boost to her stats. The super breath could be used to freeze Danvers over or blow her back, and the x-ray and microscopic visions could allow her to discover Carol’s energy absorption. Even if she didn’t and Carol tried to surprise her by, say, sucking out her energy, Power Girl’s withstood similar drains before and kept fighting. Hell, with her vastly superior stats and penchant for close-quarters, it’s likely Carol wouldn’t even get that far before being taken out.

And it’s not like going Binary would help out either. Sure, it increases her stats, gives her better energy manipulation and gravitokinesis, but there are quite a few drawbacks with it. The main problem is that to obtain this form in the first place, Carol needs to absorb a massive amount of energy, which she wouldn’t have the chance to do before Power Girl blitzes her and one-shots. And I already went over why Karen would resist her absorption, so that’s out too.

Even if we ignore all this and assume Carol entered this form from the start, it wouldn’t change the verdict, since Power Girl would still hold a massive edge in stats. There’s also the fact that one of Binary’s more overpowered abilities, transmuting an opponent’s molecular structure, wouldn’t work on Power Girl, who was unaffected by a blast that was meant to rearrange her atoms.

In the end, while Carol may have held an edge in experience, Power Girl far exceeded her in every other category: physicality, fighting skills, intelligence, and powerset. In short, this was one opponent that Carol just couldn’t power through.

The winner is Power Girl.

WinnerPowerGirl by Br3ndan5
Power Girl (Winner)
+ Eclipsed Carol in the stat trinity
+ Better combat training
+ More intelligent
+ Larger array of powers
+ Could resist Carol’s energy absorption and Binary’s abilities
+ Would be able to blitz Carol before Binary ever becomes an issue
= Mobility
= Both could boost their stats by absorbing energy (Power Girl via solar radiation and Carol via her surroundings)
– Less experienced
– Heat vision was useless due to Carol’s energy absorption
    + Though this wouldn’t matter due to her preference for close-quarters
– Carol’s seventh sense could let her predict Power Girl’s moves
    + If it weren’t for the fact that it activates at random and Power Girl could blitz her before it activates

LoserCarol by Br3ndan5
Carol Danvers (Loser)
+ More experienced
+ Energy absorption rendered Power Girl’s heat vision useless
    – Though this wouldn’t matter due to Power Girl’s preference for close-quarters
+ Photon energy gave her an edge in versatility and unpredictability
+ Seventh sense could let her predict Power Girl’s moves
    – If it weren’t for the fact that it activates at random and Power Girl could blitz her before it activates
= Mobility
= Both could boost their stats by absorbing energy (Power Girl via solar radiation and Carol via her surroundings)
– Even with Binary, she was still outclassed in stats
– Wouldn’t be able to access Binary before getting blitzed
– Inferior combat training
– Less intelligent
– Smaller array of powers
– Power Girl could resist her energy absorption and Binary’s abilities





Prelude: Power Girl vs Carol Danvers

Power Girl vs Carol Danvers by Br3ndan5

When it comes to superheroines, there are plenty to choose from. From Supergirl and Batgirl to She-Hulk and Spider-Girl, it’s safe to say there’s no end to the amount of heroines one can find in comics, and each one has left their mark on the industry in some way, shape, or form. Such is the case for today’s blonde, beautiful powerhouses!

Power Girl, the Woman of Steel from Earth-Two!

And Carol Danvers, sixth successor to the legacy of Captain Marvel!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to Dynamo1212 for the Power Girl bio and MadnessAbe for the Carol bio.


Power Girl by Dynamo1212

Power Girl
AKA: Kara Zor-L, Karen Starr, Kara of Atlantis, Nightwing, Karen Danvers, Karen Steele, Supergirl, Galatea, The Girl Of Steel, The Woman Of Steel, Power Woman, Powergirl
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 200 lbs
Occupation: Businesswoman, Superhero
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #58 All Star Super Squad (February 1976)

-Was the Supergirl of Earth 2
-Is a member of the Justice Society of America
-Founded her own technology company Starrware
-Was one of the founding members of Infinity Inc
-Was a member of Justice League Europe
-Used to work with the Birds of Prey
-Teamed up with Supergirl to free Kandor from Ultraman
-Along with Atlee, saved Manhattan from Ultra-Humanite
-Helped Vartox cure his people of a contraceptive bomb
-Worked with the Justice League to hunt down Maxwell Lord
-Stopped a cyborg called C.R.A.S.H. from destroying New York City

Born on the dying planet Krypton, Kara Zor-L was rocketed off of her home planet by her parents Zor-L and Allura In-Z in an attempt to save their daughter from their own inescapable fate. The rocket, known as a Symbioship, kept the infant in stasis, as she was still developing at the time. During its trek through space, the ship’s AI would run a virtual reality program, allowing her to interact with life-like copies of everyone on Krypton, including her own parents.

Twenty years later, the Symbioship would find its destination and land on Earth, where she would meet Kal-L, her cousin and a fellow survivor of Krypton, as well as his wife, Lois Lane. The two would welcome her into the family with open arms and help her adjust to life on Earth. During this time, she would take on the secret identity of a computer programmer named Karen Starr, while also using her Kryptonian powers to fight crime as the superhero Power Girl.

Unfortunately for Karen, this life wasn’t destined to last. Several years later, a creature known as the Anti-Monitor would begin his quest to wipe out the multiverse, forcing Karen to team up with an army of various heroes and villains from other Earths in an attempt to defeat him. While they proved successful in doing so, it would come at the cost of multiple Earths being destroyed, with Karen’s being among the casualties.

With her home destroyed, Power Girl was left to live in the New Earth universe, though the world was having trouble adjusting to her existence. Since she wasn’t supposed to exist there, Kara’s memories became scrambled, and she was given a new origin. According to this new history, she was the daughter of an Atlantean sorcerer and had been frozen in suspended animation for several millennia before waking up in the present day. Unaware of this change, Power Girl would make history in New Earth, joining teams such as the Justice League Europe and the Justice Society of America.

It wouldn’t be until an encounter with the sociopathic empath Psycho Pirate that Power Girl would regain her memories, with the Superman of her Earth later returning and revealing that he and several others had survived the Crisis. He also revealed to her that he intended to recreate Earth-Two, as he felt that the new Earth had become too desolate and grim.

Although she was at first conflicted, she ultimately began to oppose the idea upon learning that another co-conspirator in the plan, Alexander Luthor, was actually planning to destroy New Earth in an attempt to bring back the multiverse. Although she tried to fight him, she was captured and placed inside of the machine he had built. She would later be freed and partake in the final battle, which would end in a tearful farewell to the dying Earth-Two Superman.

After this, Kara would continue her role as a hero, playing a pivotal role in the revival of the Justice Society. At the same time, she would create Starrware Industries, a company designed to help provide solutions to the Earth’s environmental problems; began mentoring the young heroine Atlee; and would continue fighting crime as Power Girl.


Strength by Dynamo1212
-Shattered a giant magic sword
-With Martian Manhunter, Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and Green Lantern, pushed a giant ball of space junk
-Easily broke out of Green Lantern constraints
-Punched Wonder Woman hard enough to send her to Canada
-Beat up an alternate universe version of Superman
-Is stronger than Supergirl
-Staggered the Kingdom Come Green Lantern
-Caught a giant alien space ship that was hurling towards earth
-Strong enough to hurt Captain Atom with her blows
-Hit Despero hard enough to make him scream
-Knocked around an alternate Mary Marvel
-Choked out Guy Gardner
-Managed to knock down Black Adam with her blows

Speed by Dynamo1212
-Is fast enough to outpace Wonder Woman
-Can keep up with the likes of Superman
-Kept up with Black Adam, who is said to be faster than Superman
-Managed to take a gun from someone without them noticing
-Moved through a city in seconds
-Caught one of the Crimson Avenger’s bullets and tossed it back at him
-Caught up with a missile and diverted its direction

Durability by Dynamo1212
-Tanked blows from a powerful demon
-Shrugged off a blast that rearranges atoms
-Is mildly annoyed after getting hit hard enough to send her to the moon
-Endured several hits from Wonder Woman without a scratch
-Withstood hits from Superman
-Took blasts from Booster Gold, Fire, and Ice
-No-sold a punch from Aquaman
-Took a laser blast to the face and is barely scratched
-Survived a brutal beating by Superboy Prime
-Endured being strangled by Black Adam
-Suffered no damage after taking Supergirl’s heat vision at point-blank

Skills and Abilities:

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant:
-Has trained under several martial artists
-Trained under Wildcat, a world renowned boxer and hand to hand combatant
-Knows Karate after receiving training from Mongo Krebs

Genius Intellect:
-Kryptonians naturally have superior mental capacities than most humans
-Has shown enhanced memorization, intelligence and computational abilities
-Is a capable business leader and manager
-Assembled a device that took Mr. Terrific several days to make


Solar Energy Absorption by Dynamo1212
Solar Energy Absorption:
-Kryptonians gain their powers through exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun
-The closer she is to a sun and the longer the exposure, the stronger she becomes
-Exposure to blue sun radiation increases her capabilities greatly

Heat Vision by Dynamo1212
Heat Vision:
-Can fire beams of intense heat from her eyes
-The intensity and area of effect can be increase or decreased at will
-Her eye beams can hurt the likes of Black Adam and stagger the Kingdom Come Superman

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision:
-Can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Can see and identify radio and television signals along with other broadcast frequencies
-Able to avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods with this ability
-This ability allows her to see the aura generated by living beings

Super Hearing:
-Can hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-With enough skill and concentration, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific frequency

Telescopic Vision
-Can see things at extremely great distances
-Able to see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness

Microscopic Vision:
-Can see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level


X-Ray Vision by Dynamo1212
X-Ray Vision:
-Can see through any volume of matter except lead
-Able to focus this ability to “peel back” layers of an object, allowing hidden images or inner workings to be observed
-Scans a laboratory with her X-Ray vision
-Uses X-Rays to locate Hakkou

Flight by Dynamo1212
-Can defy the force of gravity to fly
-Capable of flying at faster than light speeds

Freeze Breathe by Dynamo1212
Super Breath:
-Able to create hurricane force winds by breathing really hard
-Can also freeze whatever she breathes on
-Can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air into her lungs
-Froze an IX Negaspike, a monster that can eat an entire planet
-Freezes Supergirl’s Sanctuary


Weaknesses by Dynamo1212
-If exposed to Kryptonite, she will become weaker and eventually die if she’s around it for too long
    -Though it should be noted that only Kryptonite from her Earth can affect her this way, otherwise she’s immune to it
-Vulnerable to magic
-Gradually loses her powers when away from yellow solar radiation
-For some reason, drinking diet soda makes her act aggressive and erratic
-Her portrayal in Injustice 2

(“Atlee, I fought Superboy Prime, Black Lanterns, mad New Gods and survived multiple Crises. I think I understand more about evil than you probably ever-“)



3498579-capmarv2014001cov-7ff9e by MadnessAbe
Captain Marvel 
Real Name: Carol Susan Jane Danvers
Other Aliases: Ms. Marvel, Warbird, Captain Whiz Bang, Binary
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 165 lbs 
Occupation: Superhero/Adventurer, Commander of the Alpha Flight Space Program, Formerly U.S. Air Force Captain, NASA Head of Security, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (March 1968)

-Prior to gaining her powers, worked as a Special Operations agent for the U.S. Air Force, participating in several covert missions across the globe
    -Among these missions, worked alongside Wolverine and The Thing and battled the likes of Sabretooth and Black Widow 
    -During another mission, underwent several hours of electric torture without breaking and manipulated her torturer into unintentionally freeing her, allowing her to kill him with her bare hands, gain the intel she was sent to find, and escape 
-Survived being knocked into a Kree weapon that altered her DNA, making her half-Kree as a result
-Became a member of both the Avengers and X-Men 
-After being hit with a ray that evolved her into a higher being, became known as Binary and traveled and explored across space alongside the Starjammers 
-A decomposing clone of Carol, made up from her memories absorbed by Rogue, managed to nearly defeat her and only lost due to Magneto’s intervention
-Utilized all of her cosmic energies to save the Sun, causing her to become human once more and rejoined the Avengers as ‘Warbird’
-Played an instrumental part in defeating Kang the Conqueror during the Kang Wars
-Became the most popular hero on Earth following the fusion of the mainstream Marvel Universe with the House of M alternate reality 
-Became the leader of the Mighty Avengers, the New York-based heroes group following the Civil War 
    -During this time, battled the returning Hulk and his Warbound, M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. forces, and the Brood
-During the Skrull Invasion, battled and single-handedly killed several Skrulls and Super-Skrulls, and led an effort to bring survivors to the Raft 
    -All this after being shot by Nick Fury, who mistakenly thought she was a Skrull in disguise
-Following an assassination attempt on her ordered by Norman Osborn, split into four energy beings that managed to reform back together into her main body 
-Alongside with Spider-Man and Marvel Boy, battled the Hulk after he had become Nul, Breaker of Worlds
-Saved New York City from a Kree attack, though suffered brain damage and memory loss
    -The memory loss was the result of her having a brain tumor that grew worse with the usage of her powers, and she still did all this anyway 
    -During this time as an amnesiac, became a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy
-Was one of the survivors of the initial destruction of the Multiverse, leading to Battleworld
    -During this time, was corrupted by Mister Sinister, and killed Madeline Pyror
-Became the commander of the Alpha Flight Space Program, the first of Earth’s lines of defense against space-based threats
-Took on the entire Spartax Armada by herself, forcing them to back off from the planet they intended to invade and colonize

Born to an abusive household and under poor living conditions, Carol Danvers often worked hard in an attempt to get her father to see her as equal to him. Unfortunately, her father refused to believe men and women could be equals, and when the time came to pick someone to send off to college, he chose his eldest son, Steve, despite Carol having better grades.

Unfazed by this, Carol would eventually join the military at 18, becoming the top member of her Air Force class and eventually rising into the force’s intelligence ranks. She would later resign from the Air force to join the Navy, where she met and befriended the Kree superhero Mar-Vell. During a battle with an invader named Yon-Rogg, Carol was knocked into the Psyche-Magnitron, a Kree device that turns imagination into reality. This machine altered her DNA and gave her the abilities of a Kree warrior, though she wasn’t aware of this at first since she’d constantly black out whenever they appeared.

After this incident, NASA would fire Carol due to her repeatedly showing an inability to maintain control over the various superhuman occurrences. Being extremely pissed-off, Carol did the same thing that other people do on Twitter when they can’t do their jobs properly: write a story that blames your problems on everyone but yourself. Unlike the vast majority of Twitter users, however, she actually published it as a book, making her a minor celebrity and even getting her a job as an editor.

After suffering several more black outs, Carol would manage to fix this problem with the help of the god Hecate and the Kree inquisitor Ronan the Accuser. Now able to use her powers without going unconscious, she took on the title of Ms. Marvel and began working alongside New York’s other heroes, even earning a spot on the Avengers.

Years later, after the death of Mar-Vell, Carol would take on his mantle, becoming the sixth person to succeed him as the superhero Captain Marvel. In this role, she’d fight off an invasion from the Brood, briefly work with the Guardians of the Galaxy, started a second Civil War, and defended Earth from the alien empire known as the Chitauri. 



MsMarvel02 by MadnessAbe
-Her normal strength level is said to be between Class 25 and Class 90, or likely at Class 75 
    -This would mean she could normally lift 75 tons, or 150,000 lbs 
-Backhanded a military tank being hurled at her
-Can destroy metal and concrete with her bare hands 
-Can easily lift and throw cars, often weaponizing them as battering rams or projectiles
-Is strong enough to hurt and kill powerful alien races such as the Brood, Kree, and Skrulls
-Strong enough to knock out Cassandra Lang/Stature, when she grew to her full height 
-Supported the full weight of a collapsing tower 
-Even when weakened, lifted and pulled a full subway train by herself 
-Punched an alien into space with a single strike of her left arm, which Carol admits is her weaker arm

BesVkXy by MadnessAbe
-Is capable of moving at speeds far greater than any human athlete, and beyond the speeds a human eye can react to
-Her reflexes are quick enough that she can react to speeds far greater than that of any human being
-Is fast enough to evade machine gun rounds and lasers

WnEpPSi by MadnessAbe
-Is capable of withstanding high-caliber rounds, great impacts from powerful beings, falls from great heights, exposure to extreme temperatures and pressure, and immensely powerful energy blasts 
-Can survive the vacuum of space 
-Has repeatedly survived falls from outer space to Earth
-Shrugged off using her own body to keep a train with passengers from crashing
-Took several punches from a bloodlusted Wonder Man, all of which sent across a city
-Took several high powered magical blasts and spells from the Traveler, and still won while suffering a broken arm
-Survived being point blank in a nuclear explosion and was perfectly fine and alive 12 hours later
-Survived being within the explosion of the Psyche-Magnetron, which was of similar if not greater size than a nuclear explosion, and was only briefly stunned 

Superhuman Stamina:
-Can extert herself up to 24 hours before needing to take a rest
-Fought off a Skrull invasion on New York for an entire day without resting so she could save time for reinforcements 

Skills and Abilities:

Expert Combatant:
-Extensively trained in hand-to-hand combat and armed combat through her military training 
-Is a skilled markswoman as well

Expert Pilot:
-Is trained in piloting multiple vehicles due to her Air Force training
-Can fly both human-made airplanes and jets, as well as alien starships from the Kree, Shi’ar, and other similar races 

Experienced Spy:
-Did undercover work all over the globe prior to gaining her powers
-Has developed highly advanced espionage skills, including infiltration, surveillance, interrogation, and disguise

-Can fluently speak English, German, Russian, Japanese, and even the alien languages of the Kree and Shi’ar


X9m14qj by MadnessAbe
-Can propel herself into the air and fly at immensely high speeds
-Has been shown to fly at three to six times the speed of sound for several hours, but this is not her true limit
    -This can range from 2,301 to 4,602 mph 
-Has flown to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere in just under two minutes, and on two separate occasions

Flash Precognition:
-A form of seventh sense
-Allows Carol to predict her opponent’s next moves and counter them
-Is unreliable and activates at random 

Toxin/Poison Immunity:
-A result of her human/Kree physiology


Ms. Marvel Vol 2 46 page - Carol Danvers (Earth-61 by MadnessAbe
Photonic Blasts:
-Can fire powerful concussive blasts of photon/stellar energy from her hands and fingertips
-Can be fired in the form of beams, orbs of energy, shockwaves along the ground, or beams that can split and hit multiple opponents 
-Powerful enough to incinerate zombies, overload the systems of the robot Sappers, and deal immense damage to Count Nefaria, who can match up to the likes of Thor

wUCBBNu by MadnessAbe
Energy Absorption:
-Body is capable of absorbing different types of energy, down to magical energy, to temporarily enhance her own powers 
-With enough power, can augment her strength and energy blasts to the power of nuclear weapons
-Can regenerate from injuries by absorbing energy 
    -Absorbing the power of an entire city allowed her to curbstomp Iron Man
    -Absorbing the power of a nuke allowed her to have enough power to match the Sentry 
    -Absorbing Monica Rambeau, who can transform into energy, allowed her to easily destroy a giant robot
-By absorbing enough power, Carol can transform into her Binary form


2186920-725649 Binary Code Super by MadnessAbe
-Carol’s higher evolution into a being of cosmic energy
-Was created when Carol absorbed the powers of a white hole

QCfsKgd by MadnessAbevRI2bKe by MadnessAbe
-Can generate extremely powerful amounts of heat, radiation, light, and other forms of energy in this state, augmenting her power even further
-Lets her manipulate gravity, breathe in the vacuum of space, become cosmically aware enough to sense all energies and disruptions across the galaxy, and fly at FTL speeds


VxjBX5X by MadnessAbe
-Is suseptible to telepathic attacks and immensely powerful magic
-While she can absorb energy, she won’t be able to absorb it if there’s too much for her to handle
-Has gone through periods of alcoholism that put Tony Stark to shame
-The infamous comic where she was forcibly impregnated
-Modern-day Marvel

(“Who’s up for a little first contact?”)

Spider-Girl Swings Into Death Battle!

Spider-Girl by Br3ndan5
Real Name: May “Mayday” Parker
Aliases: Hotshot, Red Hoodie Girl, Webs, Spidey, Web-Spinner, Web-Swinger, Wall-Crawler, Web-Slinger, Araña, Cell Phone Girl
Age: 15 (start of series), 16 (post-issue 66 of Spider-Girl)
Height: 5’7
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: Basketball Player (formerly), High School Student, Superhero, Member of the New Warriors, Member of the Avengers
First Appearance: What If? Vol 2 #105 (February 1998)

-Originally existed as a one-shot character in Marvel’s What If? series, but proved so popular that she got her own series
-Unlike her father, she actually managed to gain a positive relationship with the public, to the point where the Daily Bugle began treating her as a hero
    -She even managed to gain the approval of J. Jonah Jameson
-Became a member of the Avengers and the New Warriors (a team consisting of herself, The Buzz, Ladyhawk, and the Phil Urich Green Goblin)
-Is the only Marvel heroine to reach 100 issues without a relaunch or break

What If?
-Prior to becoming a superhero, she served as one of the top members in her high school’s basketball team
-Before discovering her powers, saved Jimmy Yama and Courtney Duran from an exploding Pumpkin Bomb
-After discovering her father’s secret identity, donned the costume of her late uncle, Ben Reily, to fight Normie Osborn, the latest Green Goblin
-Defeated Green Goblin by tricking him into activating his shock gloves while he was still holding a Pumpkin Bomb
-Saved Green Goblin just as he was about to get hit by a truck

-Prevented an assassination attempt on Peter Parker
-Despite lacking any formal training at the time, her agility and hand-to-hand combat skills were impressive enough that Mr. Nobody, a teleporting hitman, mistook her for an expert assassin
-Defeated the explosive-themed psychopath Crazy Eight
-Defeated Dragon King
-Saved a man from falling to his death after he’d been dropped off a bridge by Spider-Venom
-With help from Phil Urich, returned Spider-Venom to normal
-Began training under Phil
-Due to a misunderstanding, fought both Ladyhawks in a two-on-one fight, with the match ending inconclusively due to Phil’s interference
-Fought and defeated Darkdevil due to a misunderstanding
-Eventually managed to persuade both of her parents to let her continue being Spider-Girl, even convincing Peter to train her
-Attempted to fight Killerwatt, but was defeated
    -Later had a rematch, where she knocked him out in one punch
-After being sent to the past while attempting to stop Spyral, did the following:
    -Briefly fought Spider-Man due to a misunderstanding, which ended inconclusively due to a mugging interrupting them
   -Convinced Aunt May to continue trying to get Peter to meet with Mary Jane
    -Escaped the Spider-Slayer, which had mistaken her for Spider-Man
    -Got into a brief fight with the Human Torch
    -Teamed up with Spider-Man and the Human Torch to fight Spyral
    -Returned back to her time with Spyral and immediately knocked him out
-Fought and defeated Wild Thing, the daughter of Wolverine and Elektra
-After realizing they were on the same side, teamed up with Wild Thing to fight her brother, Sabreclaw
-Protected movie star Leonard Groote from his ex-girlfriend, Melissa Carsdale AKA Misery
-While trapped inside of Misery’s Grief Machine, realized she was trapped in a hallucination and broke out
-It’s revealed in the Spider-Girl Annual that while Peter has the better strength and stamina, May’s his superior when it comes to speed and athleticism
-Joined the Avengers after nearly winning a game of Capture the Flag
-Attempted to fight Kaine, but was defeated
-Teamed up with Speedball to defeat Mister Abnormal
-Briefly sparred with Stinger
-Teamed up with her dad (who had decided to briefly return to his career as Spider-Man) to fight a group of corrupt cops and prevent Kaine from killing the Kingpin
-Had a rematch with Kaine, where she quickly defeated him
-Teamed up with The Buzz to defeat Raptor, the daughter of the second Vulture
-Defeated the Soldiers of the Serpent, a militaristic hate group dedicated to the extermination of mutants or anyone they deem troublesome
-With help from Phil and her mom, defeated Green Goblin after he tried to get revenge
    -In the process of doing so, she convinced Phil to reenter the superhero business as the Golden Goblin
-With the help of Golden Goblin and Ladyhawk, defeated Earthshaker
-Helped Darkdevil and The Buzz fight off the supervillain Funny Face
-Fought off a gang of teenagers who were attempting to steal an elementary school student’s bike and lunch money
-Teamed up with Iron Fist to fight Dragonfist, a martial artist who seemingly possessed the same powers as him
-Helped Iron Fist defeat Dragonfist by using her Spider-Sense to find his weak points and directing Danny to attack them
-Fought Mister Abnormal, Sabreclaw, Dragon King, and Killerwatt during their team-up with Crazy Eight and Funny Face
-While deprived of her powers after the events of the above fight, managed to end the feud between the Spider-family and the Goblins by talking it over with Normie and convincing him to give up
-Fought Raptor by using Golden Goblin’s glider and Pumpkin Bombs, but was defeated
-Reluctantly teamed up with Nova to fight a superpowered Jim “Rhodey” Rhodes
-After a misunderstanding, teamed up with The Buzz and reluctantly fought Bluestreak, Freebooter, and Mainframe of the Avengers
-Helped Steel Spider regain faith in the superhero business after his life went downhill due to his career
-Teamed up with American Dream and Steel Spider to fight the Soldiers of the Serpent
-The sight of her acting as a hero without her spider powers was enough to convince Moose Mansfield to continue his career in football after he’d been prepared to quit due to breaking his leg
-While fighting Gerry Drew (the second Spider-Man), regained her powers after he accidentally blew up the Goblin Glider while she was still riding it
-During the above fight, discovered she has the ability to transfer her wall-crawling’s “stickiness” to other objects or people
-Became infamous enough among the criminal underworld that a bounty was placed on her
-Saved Gerry after he’d almost been shot by a group of bounty hunters
-Teamed up with Gerry to fight Funny Face
-While suffering from sleep-deprivation, prevented a gang war with help from Gerry
-With help from the new Green Goblin (who was actually Phil), fought off Crazy Eight and Funny Face
-Saved Gerry from being shot by Mr. Nobody
-Formed the New Warriors with the goal of ending the rampages caused by Funny Face and his mom, Angel Face
-Briefly convinced Angel Face to give up on getting revenge by pointing out how her plans would just lead to an endless cycle of violence
-Helped the wannabe superhero Charlie Phillips regain control of his magnetic harness after it had gone haywire
-Discovered that Felicity Thompson had managed to find out her secret identity and steal her costume
-Alongside her dad and the Fantastic Five, defeated Apox, a cybernetically-enhanced, Power Cosmic-infused Skrull
-Saved her dad after he’d been kidnapped by a vengeful Angel Face and Funny Face
-Convinced Allison Mongrain (the woman who kidnapped May when she was a baby) to give up her quest to kill Normie for his brief career as the Green Goblin
-With help from Scarlet Spider (Felicity) and Meagyn Brady, defeated Quickwire
-Defeated a gang of thugs who were all dressed as Santa Claus
-Fought off a group of the Soldiers of the Serpent
-While strapped to one of the SotS’ torture devices, submerged underwater, and almost out of oxygen, mustered up the strength to free herself and swim to the surface
-Alongside American Dream and Thunderstrike, traveled to Earth-9907 and fought off an army of rock monsters
-Defeated Earth-9907’s Spider-Man, freeing a captive Thor and Captain America in the process
-Survived a brutal beating from Seth, the SotS’ leader, long enough for the Avengers and Fantastic Five to defeat him
-Saved Darkdevil after he’d been captured and was about to be killed by Mr. Nobody
-Figured out that Canis was the one responsible for killing the Kingpin and several of New York’s other crime lords
    -Later helped aid in his defeat and jail sentence
-Helped console Sandra Healy after learning of her abusive relationship with Howard Kavanagh
-Rescued the Buzz after he’d been captured by Dr. Jade’s minions
-Fought Carolyn Trainer, the Lady Octopus
-Defeated Man-Wolf (a brainwashed John Jameson) after he nearly killed the Buzz
-Alongside Juggernaut and Doc Magus, fought Nemesus and an army of demons
-Briefly fought Claw, an extremely dangerous cat burglar
-Saved a civilian from an exploding semi truck
-Learned martial arts by training under Elektra
-Fought Kodiak, Canis’ enforcer
-Teamed up with the New Warriors and Canis to fight off rogue members of his gang
-Defeated Lady Octopus while blindfolded
-Teamed up with Raptor to rescue Normie after he’d been captured by Fury, a member of the Order of the Goblin (a cult dedicated to the Green Goblin)
-Managed to repair her friendship with Davida Kirby, which had been ruined due to a disagreement during her basketball career
-Alongside the Avengers and Spider-Man, helped Electro reconcile with Aftershock, his estranged daughter
-Attempted to fight Normie after he’d been possessed by the Venom symbiote, but was defeated after Fury joined in to help him
-During her rematch with Venom, helped Normie break free of its influence and learn to control it
-Defeated Funny Face after he’d taken Peter hostage
-Consoled Moose after he began having a nervous breakdown due to the news of his father being diagnosed with cancer
-Helped the Fantastic Five defeat a vengeful Apox
-Fought off Howard after he went berserk and tried to shoot her
    -After the above, stopped Moose from beating Howard to death after Howard had mocked him for being concerned about Courtney (Moose’s girlfriend, who Howard had beaten to the point of hospitalization in a fit of rage)
-With help from Aunt May’s ghost, broke out of Misery’s dream world and defeated her
-With help from her mom and the girls at her school, fought off La Fantome, a costumed vigilante who was trying to become famous by holding everyone in the Spider Shoppe (a store dedicated to Spider-Girl merchandise) hostage
-Teamed up with the X-People member Push (who was actually Nancy) and defeated Charlie, who had disguised himself as Magneto
-Alongside the Avengers and Venom, defeated a berserk Rhodey
-Defeated a member of the Scriers, a group of highly-trained assassins, who had taken Scarlet Spider hostage
-Defeated Phil (who had returned to being the Golden Goblin) in a sparring match meant to test her speed and reflexes in preparation for her fight with the other Scriers
-Helped get Raptor, The Buzz, and both Ladyhawks to the hospital after the Hobgoblin tortured them to the point of near-death
-Saved Phil after the Hobgoblin had left him to die in an exploding warehouse
-Teamed up with Kaine to fight off dozens of Scriers
-Defeated Hobgoblin

Fantastic Five
-Teamed up with Psilord to fight Binder, Dominator, and Impact of the Wizard’s Warriors

The Buzz
-Saved J. Jonah Jameson from falling to his death
-Teamed up with The Buzz to fight Dr. Jade and a revived Doctor Octopus

Last Hero Standing
-Teamed up with the New Warriors, Avengers, Fantastic Five, Wild Thing, and Captain America to investigate the mysterious disappearances of various superheroes across the country
-Alongside the above group, fought off an army of armored trolls in Asgard
-After everyone else was defeated and captured, teamed up with Juggernaut and freed them
-Used her Spider-Sense to locate Loki, who had brainwashed the captured heroes to fight each other, and helped aid in his defeat

Spider-Man Family
-Began investigating Heartland Enterprises, a company owned by Jack O’ Lantern (Maguire Beck), after discovering they’d released a DVD of “Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham”
-Destroyed a robot copy of Jack O’ Lantern that was sent by Araña to test her abilities

Last Planet Standing
-Saved a depowered Thunderstrike from being killed by Sabreclaw
-Stopped a group of people who had started a riot due to thinking the world was going to end
-Worked with the rest of the Avengers to stop a flood
-Alongside American Dream, helped encourage Juggernaut to muster up the strength he needed to push away a wave of debris that threatened to crush several city blocks
-Alongside Stinger and American Dream, infiltrated Galactus’ ship and prevented him from enacting his plan to recreate the Big Bang

The Amazing Spider-Girl
-Saved Charlie Kurkle from a group of thugs
-Saved a group of people at St. Andrews Shelter from an exploding car
-Saved Bitter Frost, Caitlan Leiber, and Detective Drasco after the building they were in started burning down
-Teamed up with the reality TV show host/bounty hunter Mad Dog to fight a group of assassins that had been hired to kill him
    -Later teamed up with him again to save Mona Carlo from assassins
-Saved Heather Noble after she’d been kidnapped by Hobgoblin
-Teamed up with Ladyhawk to find Hobgoblin’s whereabouts
-Convinced Sara Hingle to calm down after she was going berserk due to how her powers were ruining her life
-Fought a group of SHIELD agents after a misunderstanding
-While not in costume, fought off Carnage, with the battle ending inconclusively due to him leaving in the middle of it
-Saved her little brother Benjy after Carnage threw him out of a hospital window
-Alongside her dad, defeated Carnage and cured Benjy after he was infected by the symbiote, though the former resulted in her earning Moose’s ire
-Convinced the Avengers and New Warriors to aid her during her fight against Hobgoblin and Mindworm
-Powered through a vivid psychic illusion generated by the mutant Mindworm
-Accidentally crashed a wedding while searching for the invisible assassin Deadspot
-Reluctantly teamed up with Hobgoblin to fight an army of mob bosses who were brainwashed by Mindworm
-Stopped a supervillain auction
-Repaired her relationship with her boyfriend, Gene Thompson, after her career as Spider-Girl led them to break up
-Fought Sara Hingle, who had become the supervillain Nucleus due to a misunderstanding between them
-Won a sparring match with Push
-Escaped after she and Push had been kidnapped by the Sisterhood of Mutants
-Stopped the anti-mutant hate group Humanity First from attacking Davida over her support of mutants
-Managed to calm Nucleus down again and would’ve convinced her to give up being a villain had Magneta not interfered
-With help from Aunt May’s ghost, confronted her insecurities about being Spider-Girl and recovered from the coma that resulted from the above explosion
-Regained control of her body after Araña hijacked it
-Convinced Black Tarantula and his gang to team up with the New Warriors so they could take down the Cult of the Goblin
-Prevented Norman Osborn (who had been revived by using Peter as his vessel) from killing Kaine
-Alongside Peter, her clone, and Aunt May’s ghost, defeated Norman while in the subconsciousness of Peter’s mind
-While saving Peter and her clone, created a fully functional web parachute, which was something Peter himself admitted to having trouble doing

Avengers Next
-Teamed up with the Avengers to fight Ultron, Ulik, Warp, and Sylene
-Discovered that Sylene had disguised herself as Thunderstrike, which was a disguise so perfect that not even Sabreclaw could detect it

The Spectacular Spider-Girl
-Stopped a gang war with help from her clone, April AKA Mayhem
-While investigating the murder of Connie Fredrickson (who was disguised as Ben Reily’s daughter), fought Tombstone, but was defeated
-Fought off the thugs who had been prepared to abandon her in the Pines Barren and returned to New York with help from the priest Father Santini
-Saved Rene DeSantos and Wes Westin from being killed by Fury
-Alongside Darkdevil, fought off Fury and Mayhem (who had been forced into helping Fury)
-Teamed up with Black Tarantula to fight off a rival gang
-Helped a group of firemen rescue civilians who were trapped in a building that had been firebombed
-Fought Mayhem while trying to prevent her from killing Black Tarantula, but was defeated
-Defeated the mysterious vigilante Wild Card (who was actually Peter in disguise)
-Alongside American Dream and the New Warriors, ended the gang war between Black Tarantula and Silverback
-Saved the New Warriors and American Dream after Hobgoblin dropped them with the intent of letting them fall to their deaths

Spider-Girl: The End
-In the previous timeline, sacrificed herself to save Mayhem after their fight had accidentally started a fire at Midtown High School
-Became a heroic icon in the above timeline’s future thanks to M (an elderly, remorseful Mayhem) telling each generation stories of her exploits
-In the altered timeline, began dating Wes, who she learned had discovered her secret identity

Spider-Girl Strength 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Strength 2 by Br3ndan5

-City Level due to being comparable to her father and others comparable to him, such as Kaine
    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man is said to be comparable to Luke, has shown the ability to harm him, and has matched and overpowered characters like Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city, and Kaine was able to easily defeat him

-While first manifesting her spider powers, destroyed a backboard by slamming a basketball into a hoop
-Kicked Green Goblin in the face hard enough to stagger him, followed soon after by another to the back
-Pulled Green Goblin out of the way of an oncoming truck before proceeding to one-shot him
-One-shot an assassin by hitting him over the head with a garbage can
-One-shot Crazy Eight
-Kicked Spyral in the face
-Kicked Spider-Venom hard enough that the glass behind him shattered
-While enraged, repeatedly staggered Spider-Venom with her blows
-Effortlessly snapped Ladyhawk’s metal Ladyhawk Hoops (basically metal restraints)
-Knocked Darkdevil out in only two hits
-Casually tore a brick wall open and threw it at Nova
-Nova said that her strength was comparable to his
-Ripped Mr. Nobody’s teleporter suit open
-Has been shown to one-shot Killerwatt numerous times, even once doing so while almost entirely drained of stamina
-Effortlessly tore herself free from Spider-Man’s webbing
-Tackled Darkdevil through a window
-Kicked Darkdevil in the back of the head
-Sent Wild Thing flying multiple meters away with a single punch
-Alongside Wild Thing, knocked Sabreclaw out with a single punch, though her knuckles hurt afterwards
-Shattered the Grief Machine with a single punch
-Knocked Misery out with a single left hook
-Alongside Speedball, one-shot Mister Abnormal with a right hook
-Her punches were strong enough to stagger and eventually knock out Kaine, who is comparable to the original Spider-Man
-Punched Green Goblin through a stone pillar
-Staggered Earthshaker with a few blows
-Kicked Funny Face while he was busy ranting
-Knocked Dr. Jade into a chimney hard enough that it collapsed on top of her
-Shattered her prison cell like glass with a single punch
-Slammed Raptor into a wall hard enough to crack it
-Backhanded Gerry, punched him through a wall, and knocked him into the air with an uppercut
-Swung around a piece of rebar with Gerry attached to its end
-Effortlessly snapped Gerry’s webbing in two just by flexing
-Casually lifted a large metal pole with The Thing stuck to its end
    -The Thing weighs 500 lbs
-Sent several thugs flying with a single punch
-Tore Felicity’s cat-o-nine-tails in two with ease
-While frustrated, she tore a lead pipe free from the roofing tile and crushed it in her hand
-Her blows were strong enough to stagger Apox
-One-shot Aftershock
-Dropkicked Quickwire in the stomach
-Launched several Soldiers of the Serpent members through the air while swinging a massive gun
-While submerged underwater and low on oxygen, still worked up the strength to rip herself free from her restraints
-After the above, still had the strength to swim to the surface despite being close to blacking out
-After launching herself off of a wall, slammed into Psi-Slayer (Earth-9907’s Psilord) hard enough to send him into a computer tower
-Punched Earth-9907’s Spider-Man and briefly grappled with him
-Knocked Earth-9907’s Spider-Man into the air with a punch
-After webbing him up, pulled Earth-9907’s Spider-Man off of a wall and slammed him into some nearby machines hard enough to weaken him
-Dropkicked Seth hard enough that he uprooted a lamppost upon crashing into it
-Kicked Seth and sent him flying into a stack of propane tanks
-While weakened from being choked and repeatedly punched by Seth, still had the strength to make him double over with a kick to the balls
-Just grabbing Howard’s hand mid-strike was enough to break it
-Overpowered a winch that could rip apart armored vehicles
-Tore a steel net apart
-Tackled Dr. Jade into a chimney
-Knocked out Man-Wolf in only 4 blows
-One-shot several demons
-Knocked Kodiak on his ass with a kick to the face, sent him to the ground with a left hook, and made him wince with a chop to the neck
-Kicked Kodiak down a flight of stairs
-Kicked Kodiak in the stomach, then used that same leg to lift him into the air and throw him over her
-Beat Kodiak into unconsciousness while enraged
-Tore Lady Octopus’ tentacles from her harness and knocked her out by slapping her
-Her punches were strong enough to launch Fury through the air multiple times
-Tore herself out of Venom’s body after he absorbed her
-One-shot a troll by kicking him in the face
-Staggered Loki with a kick
-Decapitated a Jack O’ Lantern robot with a single punch
-After seeing her abilities in action, Araña commented that she seemed just as strong as Spider-Man
-Crushed a pistol in her hand
-Her blows were strong enough to stagger Rhodey, whose nanomachines had rendered his body nigh-invulnerable and hard as steel
-Beat a Scrier to the point of unconsciousness while angered
-Jumped into a window with enough force to shatter it
-While bonded with the Venom symbiote, staggered Hobgoblin with two punches and slammed him into a stone wall
-Slammed Spider-Man into a stone wall while enraged
-With a single punch, sent Hobgoblin crashing into a brick wall several feet away
-Knocked out Hobgoblin with two punches
-Kicked a molotov cocktail out of Charlie Kurkle’s hands
-Ripped a car door off its hinges
-Kicked Sabreclaw in the face
-Kicked Reverb through a fence
-Casually lifted Reverb through the air
-Leapt off of Reverb with enough force that he was submerged in the cement beneath him
-Kicked Bitter Frost into a wall
-Staggered Sylene with a kick
-Put Ladyhawk in a chokehold she couldn’t escape from
-Dropkicked a SHIELD agent, then one-shot three more of them while avoiding gunfire
-Pushed a group of SHIELD agents off after they dogpiled on her
-Tossed a cup of hot coffee at Carnage
-Destroyed a chimney top with a single punch while stressed out
-Staggered Carnage with a punch
-Threw one robber into another using her webbing
-While submerged underwater, tore her way out of a bubble-like prison cell by pulling its shackles out
-Often kicks her way through glass windows with enough force to shatter them
-With two palm strikes and a kick, managed to throw Delilah, Man Mountain Marko, and Fancy Dan off after they dogpiled on her
-Kicked Delilah off of her
-Pushed a group of mob bosses off after they dogpiled on her
-One-shot Mindworm
-Kicked Deadspot several feet away into a freight car
-Knocked Deadspot out with only 4 punches
-Traded blows with Araña
-Punched Araña hard enough to knock her out of her armored exoskeleton
-Lifted Nucleus with her legs and threw her into the air
-Threw a piece of metal debris back at Push
-After being pinned down by her, managed to grab Mayhem by the wrists, lifted her up, and flung her off of a rooftop
-While Araña was in her body, knocked a thug out by dropkicking him, knocked his partners out by swinging another member into them, then downed a fifth member with a punch that also chipped one of his teeth
-Dropkicked Norman hard enough to stagger him
-Punched Norman four times in quick succession
-Gripped a web line connected to the Goblin Glider so tightly that the glider wouldn’t budge
-Tackled Norman through the roof of her house while beating on him
-Beat Norman over the head repeatedly
-Pulled Mary Jane and Benjy free from Norman’s grip
-Knocked Montana down with a kick to the face
-Could support the combined weight of herself and Mayhem even while being choked out
-Knocked Mayhem back with a punch
-Briefly restrained Mayhem by wrapping both legs around her neck
-Knocked Norman back with two punches, then sent him flying with a third punch
-Did the following while suffering a concussion:
    -Effortlessly snapped multiple chains in half by flexing
    -Made the Jersey Devil scream by punching it
-Supported the weight of an occupied, armored limo while still recovering from a sprained ankle
-Lifted a pile of flaming debris off her back
-Pushed Fury through a steel wall
-Effortlessly threw a mob boss across a bar room
-Kicked the Punisher hard enough to destroy his machine gun and send him to the ground
-Kicked Mayhem in the face hard enough to send her flying
-Traded blows with Mayhem, her physically equal clone
-One-shot Wild Card
-Pulled Punisher’s sniper rifle out of his hands and snapped it in half
-Backhanded the Punisher hard enough to send him crashing into a nearby chimney
-Kicked the Hobgoblin in the face three times
-While using only one arm, she managed to support the weight of American Dream and each of the New Warriors after they fell into her massive net

Spider-Girl agility by Br3ndan5
-Possesses agility, balance, and coordination far beyond even the finest human athlete
-Is more advanced than Spider-Man’s
-Often employs flips, backflips, or cartwheels to avoid attacks, making it harder to hit her
-Is able to ricochet off walls
-Can perfectly balance herself on any object, no matter how small or narrow
-Is an expert at parkour, being able to leap from one building or surface to another with the greatest of ease
-Can backflip multiple times in a row
-While first manifesting her powers, was able to leap above a backboard
-Backflipped over several thugs who were attempting to hit her, which was then followed by another backflip to avoid a stream of gunfire
-Performed multiple flips and twisted her body through the air to avoid being hit by Crazy Eight’s 8-balls
-After being attacked, backflipped through the air to land on her feet
-Rolled out of the way of the Human Torch’s flames
-Avoided a storm of jacks by backflipping
-While in the middle of web-swinging, backflipped out of the way of a sniper round that had been aimed at her head
-Flipped over a web line from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man
-Twisted her body while in midair to avoid being crushed by Lady Octopus’ tentacles
-While blindfolded, flipped and twisted her body through the air to avoid a swarm of razor-sharp blades being thrown at her by Elektra
-Backflipped away from a troll who was attempting to bludgeon her with a club
-Weaved between bullets fired from Howard’s pistol
-Twisted her body to avoid being hit by several manhole covers that were launched at her by Charlie Phillips
-Backflipped through the air and landed on her feet after being hit by one of Nucleus’ ribbons
-Flipped over multiple ribbons from Nucleus
-Twisted her body to avoid gunfire from multiple SHIELD agents
-Flipped over Carnage’s tendrils multiple times
-After Push broke part of the building she’d attached to, she managed to recover by flipping through the air and landing on her feet
-Bent over backwards to avoid a backfist from Peter, who had mistaken her for Darkdevil
-Performed a backwards cartwheel to get back to her feet after Norman backhanded her
-Flipped out of the way of Fury’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times despite her ankle being sprained
-Leapt away from an explosion and rolled back to her feet
-Using a lamp post as support, flipped herself through the air to save Wes from falling to his death
-Backflipped over a barrage of darts from Wild Card
-Using the horns of Hobgoblin’s glider as support, she managed to swing herself around and kick him in the face
-Twisted her body to avoid dozens of spiked balls launched at her by Hobgoblin
-Backflipped through the air to recover from Mayhem tackling her

Spider-Girl Speed by Br3ndan5
At least Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+, as it’s been said multiple times that her reflexes are superior to her father’s
-Says she can move 40 times faster than the average teen
-Often casually avoids machine gun fire
-Has repeatedly been shown to avoid Darkdevil’s hellfire-enhanced billy clubs, even when they’re thrown at point-blank range
-Has leapt away from lasers fired by Funny Face’s puppet, Bunky, on multiple occasions
-Dodged Crazy Eight’s explosive 8-balls numerous times
-Is often shown to casually keep up with Felicity
-Avoided multiple laser blasts from Apox
-Repeatedly avoided being crushed by Lady Octopus’ tentacles
-Reacted to blasts from Dr. Jade’s gauntlets multiple times
-Before discovering her powers, managed to push Jimmy and Courtney away from a Pumpkin Bomb’s explosion
-Dodged a zap-blast from Green Goblin’s gloves
-Leapt out of the way just as Green Goblin’s razor bats were about to hit her
-Was untouchable to a group of thugs
-Grabbed a prop of Silver Surfer’s board and placed it in front of herself within the same amount of time it took for a knife to fly toward her
-Dodged a punch from The Thing
-Leapt out of Dragon King’s range just as he was about to crush her
-Avoided Dragon King’s eye beams
-Evaded multiple attacks from Spider-Venom
-Casually avoided all of Ladyhawk’s attacks
-Just barely avoided being hit by Nova while he was flying toward her
-Briefly outsped Nova
-Dodged multiple arcs of electricity from Killerwatt
-Kept up with Spider-Man
-Avoided being tagged by the Spider-Slayer
-While blindfolded, leapt over hundreds of rapidly-fired tennis balls as part of her training
-Pulled Psilord out of the Fantasticar moments before it was blown up by the Wizard’s Warriors
-Dodged automatic fire from behind
-Leapt away from one of Bullet’s explosive pellets just as it detonated
-Evaded multiple electric blasts from The Buzz’s gauntlets
-Barely managed to duck under an attempted backhand from Darkdevil
-Dodged claw swipes from Wild Thing
-Instinctively dodged Misery’s shock gloves
-Leapt out of the way just as the Avengers’ security systems (metal tentacles) were about to wrap around her
-Evaded Mr. Abnormal’s attacks
-Ducked under a slash from Raptor’s talons
-Leapt out of the way of Green Goblin’s zap-blast
-By combining it with her Spider-Sense, she moved fast enough that Earthshaker couldn’t hit her
-Dodged Doc Ock’s tentacles just as they were about to crush her body
-Dodged a laser fired from Dr. Jade’s gauntlet
-Her reflexes were fast enough that Dragonfist, an accomplished martial artist, was mostly unable to hit her
    -The only attack he landed (a kick to the face) was a lucky shot more than anything
-Dodged numerous attacks from Sabreclaw
-Did the following while depowered and on the Goblin Glider:
    -Barely dodged a massive vent thrown at her by Rhodey
    -Dodged Stinger’s energy blasts and a shield toss from American Dream at the last second
    -Barely dodged one of Mainframe’s lasers
-Immediately after recovering her powers, effortlessly avoided all of Gerry’s attacks
-Pushed Gerry out of the way just as he was about to get hit by a hail of machine gun fire
    -Later did the same when he was about to be shot by Mr. Nobody
-Pulled a wheelchair-bound Courtney out of the way seconds before Quickwire could land on both of them
-Dodged a punch from a speed-boosted Quickwire
-Dodged psychic blasts from Psi-Slayer
-Was said by Earth-9907’s Spider-Man to have reflexes sharper than his
-Dodged several web lines from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man 
-Escaped the Web site (a warehouse that was serving as her secret hideout) immediately after her Spider-Sense warned her that a bomb was planted inside of it
-Pushed a man out of the way just as he was about to be run over by a Daily Bugle truck
-Leapt away from Man-Wolf just as he was about to tackle her
-Dodged Claw’s gas grenades
-Blitzed Claw to a nearby rooftop so quickly that he didn’t even realize she’d moved
-Dodged hits from Kodiak
-Dodged a bullet while suffering from sleep-deprivation
-Avoided multiple punches from Fury, who had her speed enhanced due to bathing in the Goblin formula for several years
-Pushed Davida out of the way just as Dragon King’s fire breath was about to roast her
-Dodged numerous bolts of lightning from Aftershock
-Avoided multiple attacks from Venom, who’s just as fast as Spider-Man
-Pushed Chris to the ground before Fury’s Goblin Glider could hit him
-Blitzed Apox
-Dodged several punches and explosives from the Jack O’ Lantern robot
-According to Araña, she moves just as fast as Spider-Man
-Pushed Push out of the way just as a car was about to run both of them over
-Dodged multiple blasts from Rhodey
-While suffering from sleep-deprivation, narrowly avoided being impaled by several shurikens thrown at her by a Scrier
-Kept up with one of the Scriers in battle
-Ripped Scrier’s sword from his hands fast enough that he didn’t even have the chance to slit Scarlet Spider’s throat
-Dodged multiple blasts from Hobgoblin’s Goblin Blasters
-Dodged Sylene’s magic blasts
-Ducked under a swing from Thena’s hammer, then leapt out of the way before it could crush her
-Dodged lightning from Thena’s hammer
-Avoided multiple sound-based blasts from Reverb’s suit
-Dodged several icicles fired by Bitter Frost
-Pushed Mad Dog away just as he was about to be hit by machine gun fire
-Dodged an attempted sneak attack from Warp, a teleporter
-Dodged Ultron’s Death Rays
-Dodged Hobgoblin’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times
-Avoided multiple hits from an enraged Ladyhawk
-Dodged shots from several pistols all at once
-Leapt out of the way just as Carnage was about to tackle her
-Dodged several of Carnage’s tendrils
-Instinctively dodged a bullet just as it was centimeters from her head
-Evaded multiple hits from Araña
-Dodged multiple ribbons from Nucleus
-Dodged metal debris launched at her by Push
-Pushed Push out of the way just as a giant structure was about to crush her
-Repeatedly dodged Black Tarantula’s eye beams, which could reflect off of multiple surfaces
-Ducked just before Mayhem could slam into her from behind
-Avoided blasts from Norman’s Goblin Blasters
-Dodged Norman’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times
-Dodged a claw strike from Mayhem
-Pushed Mayhem out of the way before she could be hit by Norman’s Goblin Blaster
-Jumped out of a building in under two seconds
-While disoriented from the pain of hitting him, dodged blows from Tombstone
-Even while recovering from the injuries inflicted during the above fight, managed to dodge Fury’s razor bats
-Dodged Wild Card’s flash cards
-Dodged numerous swings from a mob boss who had armed himself with a pool cue
-Moved out of the way before Mayhem could tackle her
-Dodged the Punisher’s shots while using her Spider-Sense as a guide
-Intercepted Black Tarantula’s eye beams with her webbing
-Outsped Wild Card
-Caught Wild Card’s sonic card, which was specifically tailored to move faster than her
    -When she did so, Wild Card was surprised and admitted that not even he could’ve moved that fast
-Jumped out of the way of a Pumpkin Bomb
-Dodged the lasers fired from Hobgoblin’s wrist guns
-Moved faster than the rapid-fire shots from Hobgoblin’s SMG
-In the original timeline, she managed to push Mayhem out of the way just as some flaming debris was about to crush her


Spider-Girl Durability 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Durability 2 by Br3ndan5
City Level by scaling to her strength
-Was only mildly stunned after getting hit by Crazy Eight’s sonic grenade
-Shrugged off being slammed into a model of Galactus
-Took a hit from the Dragon King’s tail, though it left her disoriented for a brief moment
-Only momentarily stunned after being zapped by Killerwatt’s electricity
-Shrugged off a slash to the back from Sabreclaw
-Powered through a sucker punch from Bluestreak
-Took numerous hits from Kaine, including one that slammed her into a steel beam hard enough to dent it
-Took hits from both Ladyhawks
-Shrugged off repeated blows from Raptor
-Was only briefly staggered after The Buzz backhanded her
-Survived a fall from several hundred feet
-Only briefly stunned from Dragonfist’s kick
-Powered through the immense amounts of electricity from Killerwatt’s explosion, though it temporarily removed her spider powers
-Withstood the following while depowered:
    -A beating from Green Goblin, which left her with a black eye
    -Being tackled through the air by Raptor and getting slammed back-first onto solid concrete
    -Getting kicked in the stomach by Ladyhawk
    -Gerry tackling her from behind
    -Was unharmed after slamming into some generators, which caused the Goblin Glider to explode beneath her feet, electrocuted her, and restored her powers
-Was only momentarily dazed after being telekinetically slammed into a locker
-Took multiple blasts of electricity from Aftershock, whose electrokinesis is strong enough to bring a man to the brink of death
-Got tackled through a wall by Angel Face
-Was only briefly stunned after a monitor smashed against her head
-Tanked multiple rapid punches from Quickwire
-Withstood repeated electrocution from one of the Soldiers of the Serpent’s devices
-Took a headbutt and a punch from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man that sent her through a computer
-Recovered immediately after Earth-9907’s Spider-Man dropkicked her into several machines
-Survived a stack of propane tanks exploding in front of her, which destroyed an entire construction site
-After the above, she survived another explosion when Seth freed himself from the debris
-Though it eventually knocked her out, she survived being choked out and repeatedly punched by Seth, who was strong enough to rival Thor and was striking her with intent to kill
-After the above, she survived a backhand from Seth that sent her flying across the wrecked construction site
-Shrugged off being thrown through machinery
-Took hits from Lady Octopus’ tentacles, which are made from a combination of steel and titanium
-Withstood being strangled, electrocuted, and slammed into a stone wall by Lady Octopus’ tentacles multiple times, with the latter leaving a crater upon impact
-Survived (and was still conscious after) getting crushed beneath a pile of stone and rubble
-Shrugged off having the blunt end of one of Elektra’s sai smack her across the face
-Took multiple hits from Kodiak
-Tanked multiple hits from Fury, most of which was after being stabbed in the ribs
-Survived a brutal beating from a tag team of Fury and Venom
    -Venom is several times stronger than Spider-Man
-According to herself, being hit by La Fantome stung more than it hurt
-Recovered shortly after being shocked by a modified taser
-Tanked electrocution from Funny Face’s shock gloves
-Withstood a magic shockwave from Loki, with her only injury being a broken arm after she landed on it wrong
-Survived being blasted by Rhodey, though it knocked her out
-Withstood Golden Goblin’s Lunatic Laugh, which is loud enough to weaken a symbiote and shatter eardrums
-Was unharmed after jumping through a window
-Took hits from the Hobgoblin
-Shrugged off multiple lacerations from Hobgoblin’s heat-seeking razor bats
-Remained conscious after multiple blasts from Hobgoblin’s Goblin Blasters, which were strong enough to nearly incapacitate Spider-Man with one shot
-Survived being stabbed through the chest, though she was left near-death and only survived because Venom bonded with her
-Got back up after Sabreclaw slammed her into the ground
-Took multiple sonic blasts from Reverb
-Tanked being slammed into a wall by Bitter Frost’s aerokinesis
-Survived being in the Avengers’ Quinjet when it exploded, though she was knocked out
-Was unharmed after Sylene knocked the Avengers back with a massive explosion
-Survived being knocked away and slammed into a wall by Nucleus’ ribbons
-Recovered almost immediately after being hit by one of Nucleus’ ribbons
-Shrugged off Carnage repeatedly slamming her into a metal wall
-Was slammed through a door by Carnage and recovered almost immediately
-Tanked repeated scratches and being bitten in the shoulder by a Carnage-infected Benjy
-Survived being caught in one of Hobgoblin’s explosions
-Took a punch from Man Mountain Marko
-Survived being tackled by Delilah and Cottonmouth
-Took hits from Araña
-Could keep fighting after being hit by Nucleus’ ribbons, which are strong enough to destroy a building
-Quickly recovered after Mayhem tackled her from behind
-Was unharmed after Mayhem tackled her onto a rooftop and punched her
-Survived being in the center of this explosion generated by an out of control Nucleus, though it left her hospitalized
-While Araña was in her body, she withstood a backhand from Black Tarantula and survived being blasted by his eye beams, which are strong enough to incinerate a normal man
-Withstood Norman repeatedly stomping on her and punching her until she was spitting up blood
-Got kicked in the stomach by Mayhem
-Survived being choked by Mayhem, who had wrapped herself around her neck
-Recovered shortly after being hit in the back of the head by several bricks
-Powered through the pain of repeatedly punching and kicking Tombstone, whose skin is as hard as diamond
-Took a beating from a bloodlusted Tombstone, though it left her with a concussion
-While suffering the above concussion, she withstood the Jersey Devil throwing her, slamming her into a tree, and dropping her several hundred feet onto solid ground
-Survived being crushed by a pile of flaming debris
-Only felt mild discomfort after dislocating her shoulder and having it popped back into place
-Tanked electrocution from Fury’s gauntlets
-While low on stamina, recovered from being slammed back-first into a monitor
-Survived crashing onto a rooftop and rolling through several pieces of metal debris
-Withstood Mayhem choking her with her hair tendrils and slamming her into a chimney
-Quickly recovered after Mayhem backhanded her off a roof
-Survived a bloodlusted Mayhem tackling her onto a rooftop and beating her to near death
-Shrugged off the Punisher shooting her in the wrist
-Showed no reaction to Mayhem’s tendril scratching her cheek hard enough to draw blood
-Was unharmed after Mayhem tackled her off a rooftop and through a window
-Got back up shortly after being knocked back and cut across the face by one of Mayhem’s tendrils
-In the original timeline, after being crushed under some debris, she survived long enough to get Mayhem out of the building they were in



-Due to May’s advanced musculature, her body produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the average human. This allows her to physically exert herself for long periods of time without growing tired

-Sparred with Elektra for 70 minutes and showed no signs of fatigue afterwards
-After being on the verge of exhaustion from getting beaten to near-death, she only needed 5 hours of sleep to completely recover her energy


Spider-Girl Intelligence by Br3ndan5
-Knows how to perform CPR
-Discovered that Canis was the one responsible for killing the Kingpin and several of New York’s other crime lords

-While fighting a group of invisible demons, used her Spider-Sense to detect where they were coming from and calculated the right moment to attack whenever they got close
    -Later did the same while locating Loki, who had turned himself invisible

-Pieced together that her mom was the Spider Shoppe’s owner
-Deduced that the Magneto she and Push fought was actually Charlie Phillips based on his actions, voice, and insecure personality
-Figured out that Carnage was actually Moose based on his reaction to Courtney and how he’d called several of her classmates by name
-Is able to recreate the formula for web-fluid


Spider-Girl cunning by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Clever:
-According to herself, she isn’t a strategist; rather, she just follows her instincts and reacts to each new event as it comes
-Can exploit the environment to her advantage should the situation call for it
    -She often does this by using an object in her surroundings as an impromptu weapon
-Tricked Green Goblin into activating his shock gloves while he was still holding onto a Pumpkin Bomb
-Made it seem like she was retreating so Crazy Eight would lower his guard, then swung back around and knocked him out before he could react
-Exploited Dragon King’s obsession with his dragon statues by tossing one at a wall, causing him to run into it and electrocute himself on the room’s main
-Threw Nova off her trail by tricking him into almost flying into a building, retreating into the shadows while he tried to reposition himself
-Escaped the Human Torch by making him fly into a construction site, then tying him up with cables and throwing him into wet cement while he was distracted
-Created a web cocoon to distract Wild Thing, leaving her vulnerable enough for May to deliver a sneak attack
-During a game of Capture the Flag, manipulated almost all of the Avengers into entering positions that would allow her to effortlessly steal their flags for herself
-Distracted Stinger with a web-construct of herself and attacked while her guard was down
-Tricked Dominator into flying into an area full of metal as the dump’s magnet activated, trapping her inside
-Took advantage of Raptor being distracted by webbing her to the rooftop while she was busy arguing with her mission control
-With help from The Buzz, used Raptor’s growing desperation against her by tricking her into flying straight into a giant web
-Used the surrounding environment to trick Mister Abnormal into tying himself up
-Tricked a bloodlusted Sabreclaw into trying to slash open a slab of meat that was covered in her webs, causing him to get stuck
-Made Dragon King knock himself out by covering his arms in webs while he was trying to lift a boxcar. The moment he tried to rip it off, the car crushed him beneath its weight and KO’d him
-Used her wall-crawling to stick the Gerry Drew Spider-Man to a piece of rebar and proceeded to launch him across the building they were fighting on
-Covered a Pumpkin Bomb (See “Weapons and Equipment” below) with webbing to produce a flashbang
-Stunned Crazy Eight and Funny Face by using her wall-crawling to repel a tire that hit both of them in the face
-Used her Spider-Sense and agility to prevent Apox from targeting civilians with his blasts
-After being caught by Seth, she freed herself by placing both feet against his face and rapidly transferring her wall-crawling’s attraction and repulsion against his face
-Tricked Mr. Nobody into materializing in front of a live wire, which knocked him out the moment it made contact
-Used pieces of rubble as makeshift boxing gloves while fighting Kodiak
-After realizing she couldn’t beat Venom physically, went for a stealth approach by creating a blackout and using her Spider-Sense to track his movements
-Used Funny Face’s attachment to Bunky against him by threatening to hurt the doll if he shot Peter
-After discovering that Funny Face’s costume was now padded to negate her strongest blows, one-shot him with a single punch to the face
-Distracted Apox with nonstop talking while leading him to the path of two telekinetically-manipulated asteroids from Psilord
-Prevented Reverb from using his sound-based weaponry by dunking him in cement
-Used the knowledge that Moose’s dad had cancer to manipulate a Carnage-possessed Moose into moving the battle away from civilians and toward Peter (who had armed himself with Reverb’s suit)
-Used her Spider-Sense to track Deadspot and distracted her with webbing long enough to get the drop on her
-Used her Spider-Sense to navigate through Nucleus’ ribbons and find the best spot to restrain her 
-Used the momentum from her attempt at stopping Norman to launch herself into him
-While lacking the use of her web-shooters, came up with a complex plan to save Wes by using the surrounding trees to slow their descent and combining it with her wall-crawling to help them reach a safe distance for her to drop him

Spider-Girl Dirty Fighting by Br3ndan5
Dirty Fighting:
-Willing to feign defeat or play dead if it means she can gain an advantage

Expert Martial Artist:
-Received training from the Ladyhawks (a duo of highly-trained fighters) and Elektra (an assassin who knows several martial arts and has regularly fought some of the world’s best close-quarters fighters)

Expert Marksman:
-Landed 20 shots in a row with a basketball
-Disarmed Ladyhawk with a snowball
-Landed a shot on an insect-sized Stinger
-Threw a tire at enough of an angle that it ricocheted off Crazy Eight’s head and slammed into Funny Face’s
-Fired her stingers with enough precision that she canceled out Wild Card’s darts

Expert Chemist:
-After some coaching from her dad, learned how to create web-fluid

Spider-Girl Willpower by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Willpower 2 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Willpower 3 by Br3ndan5
Immense Willpower:
-Will push through immense amounts of fear, exhaustion, or grievous injuries to keep fighting
-Forced herself to fight Kaine during their rematch even though she was completely terrified of him
-Despite being submerged underwater and close to passing out, managed to work up the strength to free herself from a torture device and swim to the surface
    -After this, she forced herself to keep fighting against the Soldiers of the Serpent even though she hadn’t even fully recovered
-Powered through the injuries inflicted on her by Carnage so she could save Benjy and prevent Carnage from infecting Moose’s dad
-Forced herself to wake up from Mindworm’s psychically-generated illusion even though it was draining her life
-Despite suffering from a concussion and her self-esteem being low enough point that she was willing to accept dying there, forced herself to stay alive and try to find civilization while wandering the Pine Barrens

Spider-Girl Stealth 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Stealth 2 by Br3ndan5
Master of Stealth:
-While in her black suit, rendered herself invisible by sticking to the shadows during a blackout
-Snuck up on Venom, who couldn’t detect her even with his Spider-Sense
-Briefly used this during her fight with Hobgoblin to get into the right position so she could end their fight
-Evaded the grasp of numerous SHIELD agents by using her wall-crawling to stick to the underside of a nearby ledge

Spider-Girl Personality by Br3ndan5
-When not in-costume, May is usually serious and focused when trying to accomplish a goal, though she’s otherwise relaxed and easygoing
-As is the case with most teenage girls, she enjoys shopping and looking at boys, even sometimes commenting on their butts
-Much like her father, she often jokes around or talks a lot to serve as a coping mechanism so the stress doesn’t get to her
    -She’ll also do this deliberately to make her opponent more predictable by irritating them
-As one would expect from having Spider-Man as a parent, May is devoted to maintaining responsibility, often doing the right thing even if it comes at the cost of her happiness
    -This extends to the point where she refuses to kill anyone, as she feels that doing so would betray her sense of responsibility
-Often strives to improve herself and help others in need, regardless of whether they’re friend or foe
-Should she need to, she will attempt to defuse a situation by talking someone out of whatever they’re doing
-Refuses to let anyone die, even if they’re her worst enemies, and will become angry with herself if she’s unable to save someone or saddened if she thinks she killed someone
    -She’s also been shown to get furious at the sight of excessive violence from other heroes
-Tends to blame herself if something goes wrong
-Is a huge fan of the Fantastic Five, believing them to be the world’s greatest team of superheroes
    -She’s also been shown multiple times to have a crush on Psilord
-Will become pissed-off if someone calls her a bitch
-Prefers being called Spider-Girl, since she thinks Spider-Woman makes her sound like someone’s mom
-Said by her mom to have an infamous sweet tooth
-Tends to butt heads with her parents (mainly her dad) over her duties as Spider-Girl, though this became less of an issue as the series went on

Weapons and Equipment:

Spider-Girl Costume:
-A red and blue spandex costume Mayday sewed by herself
-The mask contains polarized lenses, which protect her from dust particles and the glare of the sun while swinging through New York
    -It also conceals her identity by muffling her voice, making it unrecognizable to others

Spider-Girl Web-Shooters by Br3ndan5
-By pressing her middle fingers against the trigger, May can fire pressurized web-fluid that possesses a tensile strength of 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section
-Often uses her webs to swing across the buildings of New York
-Can form it into various tools, such as a shield (which is durable enough to survive Pumpkin Bombs and constant exposure to fire), life-sized decoys, cocoons, slingshots, a dam, and a parachute
-Can use it to plug up guns
-Elastic enough to repel a bank vault door
-By wrapping the webbing around her hands or arms, she can increase her striking strength and form makeshift armor to greatly reduce damage
-Lasts up to 2 hours before dissolving into powder
-Each web-shooter comes equipped with a Spider-Signal, which she uses to either announce her arrival to criminals or illuminate a dark area

Spider-Girl Stingers by Br3ndan5
-Metal darts fired from the tops of her web-shooters
-Since she feels they’re too brutal, she only uses them if the situation is desperate enough or if she’s pissed-off

Spider-Girl Impact Webbing by Br3ndan5
Impact Webbing:
-A pellet that explodes into web tendrils and ensnares whatever it makes contact with
-Also fired from the tops of her web-shooters
-Can use it to restrain others or rescue them if they’re falling in midair

Spider-Girl Black Suit by Br3ndan5
Black Costume:
-An alternate outfit commissioned by Black Tarantula to replace her old one after it was destroyed
-Has several dozen spares on hand in case one is destroyed
-Often wears this when she wants to go for a stealth approach during a fight, as the black cloth renders her nigh-invisible while in the shadows
    -Though she’s also been known to wear it whenever she needs a change of pace

Spider-Girl Glider by Br3ndan5
Goblin Glider:
-A method of transportation that was originally used by the Green Goblin
-Convinced Normie to lend it to her after she temporarily lost her powers
-Its front can be used to pierce through a person’s flesh
-Has a smoke exhaust that makes it difficult for others to breathe

Spider-Girl Pumpkin Bomb by Br3ndan5
Pumpkin Bombs:
-Pumpkin-shaped explosives that contain a high level of power
-Another item May convinced Normie to let her use while she was powerless
-Has three variants: regular, gas grenades, and EMPs
-Carries a few dozen on hand whenever she uses them
-By combining them with her webbing, she can produce makeshift flashbangs

Spider-Girl Phone by Br3ndan5
-A cell phone that resembles one of her web cartridges
-Given to her by Normie as a gift
-Small enough to be inserted into her web-shooters
-Uses it to call and text people (obviously)

Spider-Tracer by Br3ndan5
-A tracking device that May can attach to a person or object, either by firing them from her web-shooters or by manually placing them on targets
-Emits a signal that covers a 100-yard radius
-Small enough that most targets don’t notice their existence
-Unlike her father, who could track them with his Spider-Sense, May needs to use a receiver since hers operates on a different frequency

Venom symbiote by Br3ndan5
Venom Symbiote:
-An inorganic, amorphous, parasitic alien that originally bonded to Eddie Brock, was later passed onto Normie, and eventually bonded with May
-According to May, the symbiote is female
-Gives May access to the memories of its previous hosts, which includes Peter, Eddie, and Normie
-Provides a massive boost to May’s strength, speed, durability, and regeneration; which can be augmented further by letting it feed off of her negative emotions
-Lets her create an unlimited amount of webbing, shapeshift her body into different weapons and forms, camouflage with her surroundings to make her invisible, and stretch her limbs to ensnare others
-While wearing it, May becomes more violent and aggressive
-No longer in her possession, as Venom sacrificed itself to save May and Peter


Spider-Girl Wall Crawl by Br3ndan5
-Like her father, May has the ability to alter the inter-atomic bindings of matter, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them
-Said to be more powerful than Peter’s
-Unlike her father, May has two unique abilities tailored to this power:
    -Can transmit her electrostatic “stickiness” through whatever surface she touches, allowing her to leave any people or objects on it stuck in place for several seconds
    –This ability has been shown to affect beings as large and heavy as The Thing
    -She can reverse this stickiness to propel off of a surface, allowing her to add power to her jumps. Alternatively, she can use this ability to repel people or nearby objects away from her

Spider-Girl Spider-Sense by Br3ndan5
-An omnidirectional sixth sense that allows May to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings
-Much like her wall-crawling, her version of this ability is more effective than her father’s
-Lets her sense the exact position a potential danger is coming from and what direction they’ll flee to when caught
-Automatically tells her if the danger is posed by a familiar target (such as an attack from an opponent she’s met before) or if it’s a new threat entirely
    -For example, if she’s being spied on by multiple people on different occasions, she can tell whether or not the observer is the same as one from a previous incident
-Lets her know if she’s in a hallucination
-Tells her if someone is a shapeshifter or if they’re disguised as someone else
-By concentrating, she can use it to find an opponent’s weak spots
-Can use it to locate dimensional rifts, find where a teleporter will materialize, track opponents who are invisible or in an astral form, see through illusions to discern her real target, use it as a second set of eyes if she’s ever blinded, or track someone’s movements in a pitch-black area

Healing Factor:
-Allows her to heal from injuries at a faster rate than a normal person
-Healed from a stab wound in the span of 2 days
-Fully recovered from a sprained ankle in only a few hours

Spider-Girl Weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Is only half as strong as the original Spider-Man
-Will become nauseous and disoriented if she’s exposed to ethyl chloride, though this only lasts for about three seconds
-Her willpower, while immense, has its limits
    -It’s also not proportionate to her stamina, as she’s been shown to sometimes push herself to the point of barely being conscious and lacking any strength in her attacks
-Selfless attitude can be used against her
    -For example, targeting civilians will cause her to put aside whatever she’s doing to try and save them, which can leave her vulnerable to attacks
-Her web-shooters can be damaged or even broken with enough force
-Web-fluid, stingers, and impact webbing all have limited ammo
    -Though the issue of web-fluid is slightly mitigated since she often brings spare cartridges
-The Goblin Glider, Pumpkin Bombs, and Venom symbiote aren’t standard equipment
    -Even if they were, May only had the Venom symbiote for three pages, which means she has very little experience using it
-The symbiote is weak to sonic attacks and extreme heat
-Needs to concentrate if she wants to stick to a surface
-Her Spider-Sense can be nullified by certain gases or noises that are at a high enough frequency
-Much like her dad, she suffers from the infamous “Parker Luck,” where no matter what good she does as a superhero, it will negatively affect her civilian life
-Despite her constant attempts to try and avoid it, she always finds herself fighting other heroes because of misunderstandings

(“It’s my job to protect the innocent from the monsters! That’s why I first donned this costume. It’s why I was born to be SPIDER-GIRL!”)

Spider-Boy Swings Into Death Battle!

Spider-Boy by Br3ndan5
Real Name: Peter “Pete” Ross
Aliases: Arach-Kid, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Boy, Wall-Walker, S.B., Mall-Crawling Wall-Crawler
Height: Unknown, but likely 5’6 – 5’9 given his fusees’ heights
Weight: Unknown, but likely 150 – 165 lbs given his fusees’ weights
Occupation: Photographer, Adventurer, Vigilante
First Appearance: Spider-Boy #1 (April 1996)

-Was created during the Marvel vs DC event as a fusion of Superboy and Spider-Man
-Was created by Project Cadmus as an attempt at recreating the legendary hero Super-Soldier
-Became a photographer for the Daily Bugle
-Defeated Bizarnage by tricking the symbiote into entering its energy containment cell
-Defeated a giant-sized King Lizard by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core
-Foiled Scavulture’s plan to steal the Black Diamond Soul Gem

-Apparently caused the timeline to get rebooted after being sent to 2099, getting launched into 2104 by the Time Square, and returning to 2099
-Got engaged to, and would later go on to marry, Mary Jane Watson AKA Insect Queen
-Became an inspiration to heroes in the future, with his existence being credited as the reason for the creation of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099

Spider-Boy Strength by Br3ndan5
-Kicked King Lizard, to no effect
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy Speed by Br3ndan5
-Dodged an attack from Bizarnage
-Avoided a tail swipe from King Lizard
-Dodged a punch from a giant-sized King Lizard
-Avoided a laser shot from Scavulture’s Evil Eye
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy durability by Br3ndan5
-Was hit by King Lizard’s tail and got back up almost immediately
-Got up immediately after being tackled through a window by Scavulture
-Survived the explosion of Kang the Time-Conqueror’s Limbo dimension


Spider-Boy strategy1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Boy strategy2 by Br3ndan5
Expert Strategist:
-Used Bizarnage’s obsession with him to trick the symbiote into its cell
-Used King Lizard’s rage against him by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core, shrinking him in size

Spider-Boy personality by Br3ndan5
-Due to being a combination of Spider-Man and 90’s era Superboy, Spider-Boy often acts like an irresponsible teenager
-Tends to make sarcastic quips, jokes, and occasional pop culture references during battle to deliberately anger opponents and make them act sloppy
-Due to being dismissed as a kid during the incident that killed his Uncle “Gen” Thunderbolt Ross, he’s sworn to face any danger by himself and become the center of attention so others wouldn’t get hurt
-Is obsessed with his own self-image and celebrity status, occasionally making remarks about his merchandising both in and out of battle
-Refuses to allow bystanders to get hurt, and will feel immense guilt should it happen

Weapons and Equipment:

Spider-Boy Web-Pistol by Br3ndan5
-Also called the Web-Shooter
-Fires strands of synthetic webbing that are extremely durable and possess great adhesive properties
-Will dissolve into powder after 1 hour
-Can use its webs to swing across buildings

Spider-Boy Legion Ring by Br3ndan5
Legion Anti-Grav Ring:
-Given to him by the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099
-Allows him to fly off in any direction he wants just by thinking about it


Spider-Boy Gravitokinesis by Br3ndan5
-While his power was originally the ability to control all forms of gravity, Spider-Boy’s sabotaged cloning process left him with the ability to redirect his own personal gravity
-Can increase his gravity to pull himself toward large objects, allowing him to walk or crawl up walls and buildings
-By focusing his inner gravity, Spider-Boy can boost his strength and speed to superhuman levels
-Can lower his gravity to jump higher and increase his agility

Spider-Boy Weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Lack of feats due to only having 2 appearances before Amalgam Comics got canceled
-Doesn’t have many of his fusees’ powers, as he noticeably lacks a Spider Sense
-Can easily be disarmed of his Web-Pistol
-Lacks experience using the Anti-Grav Ring

-Somewhat cocky at times

(“That’s when I knew I had to make sure I was never just a kid who got ignored while other people got hurt! That’s when I made the costume… got on TV… and that’s when I really learned what uncle Gen said was totally solid! With great power does come great responsibility… and way too much fun!”)

Death Battle: Black Adam vs Apocalypse

Black Adam vs Apocalypse Interlude by Br3ndan5

Prelude here:


Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Throughout the vast desert of Egypt, thousands of miles away from any form of civilization, a series of muffled crunches could be heard as several pairs of boots or shoes slammed against the sand-coated terrain. The ones responsible for these sounds were a rather… interesting group. There were four of them in all, with each one bearing a different appearance.
The first was a man who appeared to be made almost entirely out of ice. His hair consisted of icy spikes fashioned in a slicked-back manner, with similar spikes jutting out of his shoulders. His eyes were completely white, surrounded by black paint that gave him an almost otherworldly appearance. His ears were also pitch-black, sporting some sort of line that ran diagonally from his ears all the way down to his lips, which were the same color. His only clothing lay in the form of a pair of form-fitting black pants that went down to his ankles, revealing his bare feet. This was Bobby Drake, normally referred to as Iceman, but recently he had begun going by a new name: the Horseman of Death.
The second was a redheaded woman clad only in a black-and-blue leotard that left little to the imagination. Her feet were covered by a pair of boots that went up to her thighs, and her legs were covered by small branches and leaves that somehow managed to stay healthy and green despite the searing heat. One of the more striking features about her appearance was her skin, which seemed to be a light shade of green. Previously, this woman had been known as Pamela Isley, or if you went by her criminal record, Poison Ivy. Currently, though, she had adopted a new identity: Pestilence.
Standing behind the two of them was a large figure with purple skin. He towered over them by several inches, his very body rippling with muscles that would have made most bodybuilders feel self-conscious. Unfortunately, this was where any positive notions about his appearance ended, as his face was rather unsightly to look at. His head was completely bald, and his eyes appeared to be sunken in. In addition to this, his mouth seemed more akin to the gaping maw of a demonic sea creature than anything that belonged on this planet.
Barring the loincloth he had been graciously provided, the man wore nothing at all, revealing a series of white lines that ran down his neckline, converged at his chest, and descended onto the loincloth until its middle had been completely covered by the massive white streak.
To the people of Metropolis, this man would have been recognized as Rudy Jones, the infamous power-sapping criminal known as Parasite. For the men and women who lived in this country, however, his greed and voracious hunger had earned him a different alias, one that described the results they suffered as a result of his gluttonous behavior: Famine.
Standing at the front of these three was their leader, a seven foot tall giant covered almost entirely in a brown robe. The only feature of his that did not remain obscured came in the form of the lower half of his jawline, which revealed his light gray skin.
As this enigmatic giant strode through the nigh-endless expanse of sand that lay before him, he suddenly halted, with his followers doing the same. Looking up, the gray-skinned man took a brief moment to glance upward, allowing him to see something in the distance. From the looks of things, it appeared to be a city, one that contained thousands of buildings. Standing directly in the middle of the minuscule town was a massive palace, large enough that it could be seen even from this far away.
Shifting his gaze back down, the mysterious traveler grinned, revealing a pair of blue lips.

“Perfect.” He declared in a deep, booming voice before turning to his men. “Lay waste to this city, enough that you might be able to spur him from his temple.”
As soon as this command had left their master’s mouth, the three leapt into action instantly. Death brought his hands to the floor and began creating a slide of ice as he rocketed toward one of the kingdom’s many cities. Pestilence responded by summoning several mutated plants, all of which began to swiftly approach a city far off from Death’s own. In contrast with his associates, Famine simply charged forward before leaping through the air and landing in one of the hundreds of cities with a loud CRASH!
While watching this from afar, the hooded man gave a wide grin. If this went as he had planned, then his target should make himself known-


Right now.
As the deep, powerful voice shouted that lone word, one which echoed throughout the entire kingdom of Kahndaq, something impossible happened. Despite there not being a single cloud in the sky, a lightning bolt suddenly came down from the heavens, striking the massive temple that lay in the middle of Shiruta. This caused everyone, even the Horsemen and their leader himself, to stop what they were doing and look toward its direction with an expression of confusion, relief, or intrigue.
Then, before any of them could react, a black blur suddenly rushed forward, grabbing Death by the neck and lifting him into the air. The blur then began to clear up, revealing a figure that made Kahndaq’s citizens breathe a sigh of relief while the robed man’s grin only grew further.
He was extremely well-built, possessing a frame that seemed second only to Parasite’s in terms of musculature. His attire consisted of a black spandex costume with a yellow lightning bolt across the chest. The costume had golden cuffs around its wrists, a yellow sash around the waist, and a pair of yellow boots that completely covered his feet. Billowing behind him was a cape containing the colors black and gold. His eyes were completely white, with sparks of lightning briefly coming out every few seconds. In fact, lightning seemed to be arcing around his body as he kept his firm grip on the mutant’s neck.
“You.” Black Adam said, his voice dangerously low. “You dare to attack my city… my people?” In his anger, the tyrant began applying pressure to Bobby’s neck, eliciting a choked series of gasps from the former X-Man. “Tell me who you serve, and perhaps I shall be willing to grant you the lenience of a swift death.”

“That won’t be necessary.” A voice suddenly called out, causing Adam’s gaze to shift toward its direction. Upon doing so, he was met with the sight of their leader, who was still obscured in his robes. “Teth-Adam.” The mysterious assailant declared with a grin. “It seems as though the legends regarding your abilities were true after all.”
Rather than respond to the comment, the monarch’s expression remained stone-cold as he instead chose to cut straight to business.
“Explain yourself. Who are you, and why have you chosen to attack my city?” The enigmatic figure responded to these questions by giving a wider grin before responding.
“I’ve been called many different names over many lifetimes – Huitxilopochti, Kali-Ma, Set. But perhaps one as well-versed in history as yourself would recognize the name…”
The man grabbed hold of his robes and threw them off, revealing his true appearance.
His head was shaved bald, and his eyes completely blank, covered in a red glow. The entirety of his body from the neck down was covered by a futuristic suit of blue-and-gray armor that gave him a bulky appearance. He stood over Adam by about nine inches, and looked down at the dictator with a smug expression.
“…En Sabah Nur.” He introduced himself, still sporting a grinning visage.
“En Sabah Nur? Of course I recognize that name. It would be difficult to ignore the existence of one of the longest ruling pharaohs in Egypt’s history. Though you still haven’t answered my other question: why are you here?” Adam questioned once more, emphasizing it by placing more pressure onto Iceman’s neck. At this point, the tyrant’s fingers were beginning to dig into the Horseman’s skin, eliciting further strangled gasps as blood began to drip down Bobby’s neck.
“There is no need for such hostilities, Adam. I have merely come to offer you a proposition: Swear your allegiance to me and join as my Horseman of War, and in return I shall grant Kahndaq a position of power in the new world. Otherwise-“
“I will do no such thing!” Adam roared angrily as he clenched his fist, crushing through Iceman’s neck as though it were glass. As both the severed head and its body fell to the ground, the corrupted champion rushed forward, intent on shoving his fist through the mutant’s stomach. Just when he was inches away from doing so, however, he felt something wrap around his arm and pull him back. Looking over his shoulder, the former archeologist found what- or rather, who- was responsible.
“You will not harm the master.” Poison Ivy declared with a scowl before raising both arms. Upon doing so, thousands of roots and vines began to wrap themselves around his body. As they began to constrict themselves around his struggling form, Adam noticed something out of the corner of his eye. It was pulling itself to the surface, visibly connected by the roots and vines. Its red maw was the most visible thing about it, with the leaves that surrounded it just barely being visible.
While his restraints began pulling him toward the mutated flora, Adam continued to resist, mustering his strength and pulling in an attempt to tear himself free. He could hear it working already, as the SNAP of several vines tearing made its way to his ears. Giving a light grin, Adam continued struggling until he had managed to free both of his arms. Then, grabbing hold of the vines and roots that still held him, the Egyptian dictator began focusing as much electricity as he could through his hands, conducting it through his former restraints and into the massive Venus flytrap. The giant plant opened its leaves further, making it look as though it were screaming in pain, before its body began to blacken and char, causing it to slump over and rapidly decay.
“No, my ba- GAH!” Ivy’s horrified response was cut off as her “baby’s” killer threw one of the vines forward like a whip, causing it to wrap around her neck. Then, with a hard tug, Adam flung her around himself and threw her directly into the way of an oncoming Parasite. Upon the two Horsemen making contact with each other, Adam fired off a massive bolt of lightning from his hands that consumed both of them instantly. As it dispersed, the villains were nowhere to be seen, their bodies having been completely vaporized.
With the two of them dealt with, Adam turned back to face Apocalypse just in time for the mutant to thrust his hand forward, firing off a massive blast of energy that threatened to consume him. In response, Adam crossed both arms in front of himself, taking the full brunt of the blast. Once it had dispersed, he wasted no time and rushed forward, throwing out a right hook that struck the pharaoh in the face with enough force to launch him out of the city!
Upon hitting the sand-covered outskirts of Kahndaq some thousands of miles away, Apocalypse got back up almost immediately, though while doing so he could feel something trickling down his lip. Upon bringing his finger up to touch it, he realized what it was: blood.
‘Interesting. To think that there could exist someone powerful enough to draw my blood with but one blow…’
Apocalypse’s musings were cut off as a massive BOOM made its way to his ears, indicating that something had just broken the sound barrier. Upon looking up, he found what was responsible: Black Adam, currently flying toward him with an angered look on his face and his right fist reeled back. As he watched the king approach him, Apocalypse’s grin returned as he began following suit.


Db Fight! by Br3ndan5

Once they had drawn close enough, Adam threw his fist forward, intent on delivering a blow that would shatter the mutant’s right jaw. Unfortunately for the king, Apocalypse proved faster than expected as he put up his own hand, effortlessly catching the punch and stopping the tyrant’s momentum. In response, Adam threw out another fist, only for that to be caught as well. The two struggled against each other for a brief moment, intent on pushing the other back, but they seemed to be at an impasse. Realizing this, Apocalypse began using his molecular manipulation to subtly build up bulk in his arms, adding to his strength and ending the stalemate as he began to push Adam back. Noticing this, Adam responded by delivering a wicked headbutt, causing Apocalypse to cry out in pain as he stumbled back. Before he could fully recover, Apocalypse felt several rapid punches slam into his face, each one shattering bone and forcing blood from his mouth. Just as he was regaining orientation, Apocalypse looked back toward his opponent just in time for Adam to throw his fist forward, ramming it through the mutant’s stomach and exiting out of his back…
Or at least that’s what he expected would happen. Just before it could make contact, his target’s body suddenly spread out, creating a massive hole that resulted in Adam’s fist going straight through. Before he could attempt to rectify this mistake, the hole immediately closed back up, ensnaring the spandex-clad limb inside of Apocalypse’s abdomen. The corrupted champion grit his teeth and tugged in an attempt to remove his captured arm, but to no avail. He looked back up and found that his opponent was smirking, his face having completely healed itself within the few seconds that had transpired.
“Such a foolish mistake, and one that will come at a grave cost!” Apocalypse taunted before decking his opponent with his bulked-up right arm, striking with enough force to draw blood. He then continued with a left hook, causing more blood to spew from his captive’s face. Just as Adam was beginning to recover from the blow, his captor delivered a knee strike to the chin, hitting with enough force that it ripped his arm free from its prison and sent him flying.
While still airborne, Adam managed to catch himself mid-flight and stared down at where Apocalypse had been. Upon doing so, however, he instead found that the mutant was nowhere to be seen! Before he could question where his adversary had vanished to, Adam’s ears picked up the sound of the wind currents shifting, signifying that something was attempting to ambush him from behind. In response, he turned around and delivered a vicious elbow strike that struck the oncoming pharaoh’s face, audibly breaking his nose and sending him hurtling toward the ground with a loud THOOM!


As his healing factor made quick work of his injury, Apocalypse let out an angered roar as he thrust his hand forward, firing a massive beam of energy at Shazam’s fallen successor. While the laser was still several feet away, Adam responded by bringing both of his hands forward, delivering a sonic clap that dispersed the beam in its entirety and sent his attacker skidding back slightly.
Not willing to let his opponent recover, Adam flew toward him at speeds that far surpassed even light itself. He drove his hands forward and, unlike before, managed to successfully tear through both the warlord’s armor and his skin. Apocalypse opened his mouth to let out a cry of pain, but he instead found himself vomiting up a small amount of blood, staining the sand a deep crimson. Refusing to waste a precious second, Adam grabbed hold of both sides of the hole and tugged with all his might, ripping through the mutant’s body as if it was made from paper-mâché. Both halves then fell to the ground, accompanied by a disgusting SPLAT as blood began to leak out and coat the sand even further.
“Hmph. If this was the extent of your power, then I fail to see how one such as you could have ruled for so long.” Adam declared before flying back to Kahndaq, unaware that his opponent wasn’t finished just yet.
Back at the scene of his “death,” Apocalypse’s vivisected body had managed to succeed in healing itself, with its owner regaining consciousness both halves collided. Letting out a groan of pain as he pushed himself up, the mutant immediately began scouring the area, looking for where Adam had flown off to. Upon spotting the spandex-clad monarch and finding that his back was currently exposed, Apocalypse gave a wide grin, the gears in his head turning rapidly as he began formulating his next course of action.

While still halfway from his city, Adam couldn’t help but feel as though someone was watching him from afar. Turning his head for a brief moment, the king noticed something that caused him to fully turn around. In the midst of doing so, the blue-and-gray figure he had spotted suddenly appeared in front of him, delivering a left hook that struck him in the jaw and sent him crashing onto the sandy dunes below. As he began getting back to his feet, spitting out both a tooth and glob of blood in the process, Adam cursed himself under his breath. How could he have allowed himself to fall for a trick his opponent had already tried?
As he questioned this, the corrupted champion noticed a massive shadow descending onto his current position. In response, he suddenly vanished as his body became consumed by flash of lightning, teleporting just as Apocalypse was about to crush him underfoot.
“A rather impressive reaction time, Adam…” En Sabah Nur began, only briefly cutting himself off to turn toward where the tyrant had reappeared. “Yet you still fall short when compared to Apocalypse!” With this declaration, Apocalypse threw his arm forward, firing out a blast of orange energy. Adam’s response was immediate as he crossed both arms in front of himself, blocking most of the damage at the cost of being sent skidding back. Once the energy had dispersed, Adam uncrossed both arms and glared at his attacker.
“That’s where you’re wrong, ‘Apocalypse.’ If anything, it is you who falls short compared to me!” As this statement left his mouth, Adam rushed forward, his fists crackling with electricity. His adversary scoffed before responding in kind, with both throwing their arms out and catching each other’s hands. As their hands locked together it seemed for a moment that history would repeat itself, though this soon changed when Adam delivered a powerful knee strike to Apocalypse’s stomach, forcing the mutant to lurch over.

Refusing to let up, Adam gripped the mutant by the neck and flew through the air, dragging his darwinistic adversary across the ground. Apocalypse grit his teeth, fighting back the urge to scream in pain as both his armor and skin were rapidly ground away. After what felt like an eternity, Adam finally let up as he ascended further into the air, taking Apocalypse with him. Then, once he felt he was at a large enough height, Adam reeled back the hand that contained Apocalypse and threw it forward, releasing his grip on the blue-clad conqueror in the process. Upon doing so, En Sabah Nur was sent hurtling through the air, his prone body crashing through a distant pyramid.

As he watched this from afar, Adam raised his arm into the air and summoned a mass of black clouds above himself. Then, with a forward thrust of his arm, he called forth a storm of lightning to strike down. As they flew toward their target, each of the streaks began converging on each other, quickly forming into a massive thunderbolt. With their added power and combined size, this abnormally large flash struck the airborne Apocalypse in the chest, eliciting a roar of pure, unadulterated agony from its target. Unfortunately for him, this pain would only grow further as he crashed through the other side of the pyramid, hitting the sand-covered ground with a muffled THOOM! This noise, combined with the destruction of one of the many pyramids that littered the country, caused the citizens and tourists who were wandering Egypt to stop what they were doing and look toward the source. Upon doing so, their expressions all contorted into ones of disgust or horror before they either looked away, lurched over and proceeded to vomit, or ran away out of horror at what they saw.

While he could see their reactions, Apocalypse wasn’t paying their reactions any mind, as he was dealing with his own troubles. For starters, he could hear nothing save for a hellish ringing, no doubt the result of his eardrums being ruptured by the lightning. In addition to this, he couldn’t move without a searing pain shooting through his body. Not helping matters were the winds buffeting his body with sand, which was an experience that could only be compared to pouring salt onto an open wound. This was due to the lightning having flash-fried his skin away, revealing the raw muscle that lay underneath. 

In an attempt to get this pain to stop, Apocalypse summoned a force field around himself and began focusing as hard as he could, concentrating his healing factor onto regenerating all of his flayed skin and missing armor. Within the span of a few seconds he’d managed to restore a good majority of what he had lost. It wasn’t fully healed, but it was at least enough that the barrier was no longer necessary. With only a thought, he disabled the force field and started the slow process of pushing himself back up.

While he was in the middle of propping himself onto one knee, Apocalypse looked up to find that his opponent had suddenly appeared in front of him. In an attempt to take advantage of the situation, Apocalypse threw his fist forward, aiming to strike at Adam’s chest, but his would-be target responded by grabbed hold of his outstretched arm, trapping the wrist in a vice-like grip. Then, without missing a beat, the king violently twisted the encaptured limb, producing an audible SNAP as he forced it to bend at an uncomfortable angle. While this was able to elicit a cry of pain from his captive opponent, it would only grow in intensity as Adam continued applying pressure and twisting. Each time he did so, an orchestra of tearing muscles, ripping veins, and splitting tendons emerged from inside of the arm. In tandem with this, Apocalypse’s screams only increased in volume, allowing the citizens of Egypt to hear the traumatizing roars of agony that emerged from the mouth of history’s most persistent conqueror. These cries would eventually reach their peak when Adam gave a hard tug, tearing the outstretched limb clean from its socket.

Without missing a beat, Adam crushed the severed arm in his grip, reducing it to an unrecognizable puddle of blood. As he wiped the blood from his hand, he took note of his opponent’s current state. The stump of Apocalypse’s amputated limb was now spurting blood, though the Eternal Pharaoh paid this no mind. His screams of pain had ceased, and in their place was a guttural, animalistic snarl as he stared Adam dead in the eye. His furious, seething expression contrasted heavily with the king’s cold, judging look. 

With his fury growing as he looked Adam in the eye, Apocalypse opened his mouth and let loose a roar of anger before rushing forward, moving faster than the tyrant had expected. Quickly regaining his focus, Adam brought his arm up as Apocalypse threw his remaining arm forward. For a split-second, he believed that history would repeat itself, but he was left visibly surprised when Apocalypse’s limb changed form, shifting into a clamp that restrained the defending limb.

Before the electrokinetic king could attempt to recover, his captor viciously slammed his head against his own. The strength behind this headbutt produced a massive shock wave, sending both the surrounding crowd and his intended target flying back. After several seconds of soaring through the air, Adam managed to reposition himself and violently slammed both feet against the ground, forcibly grinding to a halt. Upon stopping, he looked back up just in time to see that Apocalypse’s amputated limb was regenerating at a rapid rate. In an adamant refusal to allow his opponent a chance to recover, Adam flew toward En Sabah Nur, closing the distance in less than a second. In the time it took for Apocalypse’s mind to register that his opponent had moved, he also found himself hurtling through the air at hypersonic speeds, his limbs removed once again. While he was in the middle of realizing this, a familiar shout made its way to the mutant’s ears:


Immediately after that word was announced, another bolt of lightning came down from the sky. While he didn’t have much time to react, the Eternal Pharaoh was still able to hastily erect a barrier of energy in front of himself. Despite the force field doing its job, in that it managed to protect its creator from any major damage, it still couldn’t hold up against the sheer power of the lightning. In fact, the moment the bolt made contact, it exploded into a mass of white that shattered the barrier like glass and sent Apocalyose hurtling toward the sand-coated terrain below. While he was in the midst of descending, however, Apocalypse managed to regain enough focus to teleport away at the last second. As he watched this from afar, Adam scoffed.

“Do you really intend to rely on the same strategy twice?” He questioned. Upon receiving no response, his brow furrowed as he began looking around, searching for where his opponent could have disappeared to. Several seconds later, Adam noticed that his surroundings had suddenly grown darker. Looking behind himself, the former archeologist had little time to react as Apocalypse’s now gargantuan fist barreled into him, with the impact sending him flying through the air at hypersonic speeds. Before he could attempt to reposition himself, however, Apocalypse’s voice rang out, now loud enough that he could be heard throughout the city.

“You will not escape me so easily!” The kaiju-sized Egyptian roared, a grin adorning his face as he elongated his arm to catch the fleeing tyrant and reel him back in. Once he had drawn Adam in close enough, Apocalypse’s vice-like grip became tighter, eliciting a loud series of sickening crunches as several of his captive’s bones were audibly broken. Despite the pain that coursed through his body, Black Adam fought back the urge to scream. Famous conqueror or not, he refused to allow this invader the pleasure of hearing his pain become verbalized. As if in response to this stubbornness, his captor spawned a series of blades out from his fingers, with each one digging into Adam’s limbs, chest, and back. The spandex-clad Egyptian’s eyes widened in shock for a brief moment as he coughed out copious amounts of blood.

“Do you now see the difference between us, Adam? Your abilities and strength are formidable, that I will admit, but in the end they amount to nothing.” As he spoke these words, En Sabah Nur began applying more pressure as he added more blades to his grip, forcing more blood to spill out from the monarch’s body. “Had you accepted my offer you would have been granted countless blessings. Your powers would have been augmented beyond their limits, and your people’s safety would have been assured-“

“After you threatened their lives!” Adam cut him off, slowly straining as he attempted to rip himself free from his restraints.

”You mistake my intentions. I had only done what was necessary to gain your attention.” Apocalypse explained. “After all, it’s likely you would’ve paid us no mind had we simply entered your kingdom like common vagabonds and requested a meeting. Though now I see that I had made an error in judgment. Despite your powers and strength being enough to match my own, your mindset is the same as the modern world’s leaders. You’re blinded by your own arrogance, obsessed with maintaining your rule through fear and intimidation. And because of this, your people view you as a god.” As he venomously spat out the last portion, Apocalypse’s hands began to relax their grip, though this was not out of mercy. Instead, his fingers slowly changed shape, becoming thicker and stronger until they had almost completely restrained Adam’s body. The vice-like grip would only become more uncomfortable for Adam as his restraints constricted even further, drawing blood as they dug into his skin. Kahndaq’s king let out several grunts of pain as the widened digits burrowed themselves in even further, causing his bones to emit a series of nightmarish snaps.

”Once the world has been remade, there will exist no more blind leaders, no more false gods.” The giant’s voice boomed throughout the city. “With your death, the people of Kahndaq will realize that they were lost and seek solace in me. Any who remain loyal to you will perish, their skulls crushed into dust beneath our feet.” As if to emphasize this point, the First Mutant relinquished his grip on Adam before proceeding to kick him with as much force as he could muster. The former champion of Shazam could feel himself whipping through the air, his prone body slamming into multiple objects and structures back-first. Buildings, homes, pyramids, and shops found themselves quickly destroyed by the ballistic comet that was Black Adam. This immense destruction would only come to an end when the former archeologist slammed into his fifth pyramid thus far, exiting out of the opposite side and hitting one of the many sand-coated dunes that dotted the landscape. While in the middle of getting up, however, Adam suddenly found himself forced onto his back by a sudden blast of energy. It hadn’t been enough to harm him, in fact the only damage he’d suffered was that more of his costume was burnt away, but it was strong enough to stagger him for a brief moment. Realizing his opponent’s disorientation wouldn’t last, Apocalypse decided it would be best to act now.

Raising both hands into the air, the mutant began concentrating his telekinesis, making sure to spread its influence as far as it could possibly go. Then, as a grin began making its way onto his face, Apocalypse brought both hands higher. In tandem with this action, his telekinetic grip had begun exerting its pull as he forcibly ripped several structures from their foundations. Citizens began to panic at what they were witnessing as six of the pyramids that surrounded their city began floating through the air, each one rapidly converging onto one point. But their fear was about to be eclipsed by the arrival of something else, something that was being dragged from several thousand kilometers away.

Back in the city of Shiruta, the people of Kahndaq could feel a violent tremor spread throughout their city. Entire markets and houses began collapsing from the sheer force behind the earthquake, and the citizens were reacting with appropriate horror. Most had begun escorting their family and friends from the destruction, with others choosing to stay behind in order to help those who were unfortunate enough to be caught inside of the collapsing structures. While these rescues were still occurring, some of the family members had begun praying, begging for their king to intervene and save them from their plights. In the midst of these prayers, however, their ears were suddenly assaulted by a deafening cacophony of stone and concrete being torn asunder. In tandem with this was the new sight of a massive shadow looming from above, rapidly flying across the city at hypersonic speeds. In a mixture of curiosity and confusion, all of the civilians looked up, and what they saw caused their expression to shift into ones of awe and horror. Even those that were in the midst of praying went silent at what they witnessed.

Suspended over their heads by some several thousand meters, flying far above even the tallest of Kahndaq’s structures, was its crown jewel of architecture, the city’s palace. The massive temple towered over its onlookers, drastically eclipsing them in size. As they watched this from the surface, all of the astonished citizens found their minds filled with only one question: ‘Why is this happening?’

They wouldn’t receive an answer, and this question would continue to burn through their minds even after they pushed through their fear and continued their evacuations. While this was occurring, their thoughts also drifted to their king, with most wondering what was happening to him in order for this to occur.

While Kahndaq’s people were busy worrying, their invader continued his assault as he dragged the monarch’s temple to his current position. Once the dozens of pyramids and buildings had been perfectly aligned, Apocalypse looked down at Adam. Currently, the ex-champion was beginning to regain his orientation, and it was at this moment Apocalypse decided to act.

Thrusting both hands forward, Apocalypse shoved each of the structures toward Adam’s direction. All seven of the makeshift weapons converged onto his target, with the resulting impact creating a massive explosion of dust, limestone, and debris from the temple. Once the dust had settled, it revealed what remained of the massive buildings: a heap of rubble, one that was equal in size to the many sand dunes that surrounded the city. Despite knowing that his opponent was buried underneath the mountain of debris, Apocalypse knew that he wouldn’t die so easily, especially not after what he’d endured beforehand.

His hypothesis was revealed to be correct as, only seconds after the dust had settled, a fist burst out from the rubble, soon followed by a blast of electricity that blew away the surrounding pile. Adam rose up from the epicenter, visibly unharmed by the assault and only looking pissed-off. From the looks of things, his injuries had completely healed, almost like they were never there to begin with. As he noticed this from afar, Apocalypse found that Adam had turned toward his direction, currently sporting a hate-filled glare as they locked eyes.

”Surely you didn’t believe that such a weak assault would be enough to kill me?” Adam questioned, his tone having a cocky edge to it. Before his opponent could open his mouth to answer the question, Adam flew forward, moving at faster than light speeds and slamming into his jaw with a left hook. “If so, then you are more of a pathetic fool than I realized.” As this sentence left his mouth, he flew over to the other side, following up with a right hook that sent the conqueror staggering back. “But not just that, you are also a hypocrite! For all your talk of changing the world and being different from its leaders, in the end you are nothing more than the very embodiment of what you claim to despise!”

An electricity-enhanced punch to the abdomen forced En Sabah Nur to lurch over, coughing up a mixture of spittle and blood before his mouth was forced shut by a sudden uppercut.

”You say that I am blinded by arrogance, yet you believed that you could force me to kneel before you through reputation alone!” As this statement left his mouth, Adam cupped both hands together and reeled back for a brief moment before slamming his fists directly into Apocalypse’s forehead, striking with enough force that he sliced through the pharaoh’s skin. Nur let out a cry of pain as he stumbled back, blood oozing out of his now-torn flesh, though his opponent refused to relent, either in his beating or insults. He continued the assault with a dive kick that slammed into the darwinist’s Adam’s apple. The armored giant sputtered in pain as he collapsed onto his back, kicking up a massive cloud of dust from beneath.

“How pitiful! For all that history and the various legends built you up as, in the end you are nothing more than a deranged madman holding onto delusions of grandeur from times that have long since passed.” As he heard the king’s baritone voice call out to him, an enraged Apocalypse grit his teeth before propping himself up with one arm. He scanned the area for a brief moment, hoping to find some sign as to where his opponent had gone. While he was in the middle of turning to the right, however, his ears picked up the sound of something… bubbling, and from the sounds of things, whatever it was had quickly made its way to the surface.

Realizing he had little time to dodge what was coming, the Forever Walker erected a barrier around himself just in time for a pillar of lava to erupt from underneath, forcing him to soar through the air along with it. While the barrier had managed to shield him any damage, it hadn’t been successful in shielding him from the heat. In fact, the moment it had made contact with his skin, Apocalypse’s body violently burst into flames from the temperature alone. The fire ate away at his body, but he fought through the pain as hard as he could, focusing his efforts on escaping the molten liquid. With an immense amount of strain and a scream of desperation, Nur managed to force his teleportation to work in spite of his current condition, disappearing in a bright flash of light.

Some several thousand feet away, obscured by the shade of one of the few remaining pyramids, Apocalypse reemerged. He had decreased in height, having reverted back to his original size, and he appeared to be in terrible condition. Despite his healing factor lessening the results, he was still covered in major burns from head-to-toe, his armor had mostly been melted away, and his breathing had gone ragged. He leaned against one of the pyramid’s walls for support, taking slow, ragged breaths as he lay deep in thought.

‘His power… it’s more than what I expected, more than the legends had described. Perhaps it even surpasses my own!’ The warlord’s eyes widened in shock at this realization, but he quickly shook it off. ‘I must learn how he obtained these abilities! Self-experimentation? The Celestials? Magic?’ He looked down and found that his hand was… trembling? Was he… scared of Adam’s powers? ‘No! I will learn how he gained these powers and obtain them for myself!’

As that thought entered into his mind the mutant began focusing his telepathic abilities, utilizing as much of his psychic prowess as he could muster. The moment he attempted to enter Adam’s mind, however, a pang of pure, unadulterated pain entered into his conscience. No, just describing this sensation as “pain” didn’t cut it. This was a feeling more akin to having several thousand red hot needles being simultaneously jammed into his brain. It was agonizing enough that it overwhelmed the High Lord, forcing him to collapse onto all fours as a tortured, bloodcurdling cry was forced out of his mouth. 

“Are you really so eager to know the source of my powers that you would attempt to pry into my mind?” The familiar voice caused Apocalypse to look back up just in time for Adam to grab hold of his neck and hoist him into the air. “As you said before, ‘such a foolish mistake, and one that shall come at a grave cost.’ But be grateful, Apocalypse, because I’m willing to grant you a personal demonstration.”

Quickly reeling his arm back, Adam then proceeded to chuck his captive with as much strength as he could, sending Apocalypse hurtling through the air. Before he could even hit the peak of his ascension, the High Lord found himself forced back to the ground by a hammer strike, resulting in a massive crater upon landing. He wasn’t even allowed a chance to get up before Adam forced him further into the ground by slamming a foot into his chest.

”Shu grants me the endurance needed to power through your petty tricks.” A sudden kick to the chin sent the Eternal Pharaoh rolling across the sand-coated terrain, only stopping when he placed his hand against the ground and forced himself to skid to a halt. He looked back up toward Adam’s direction, only to find that the king had disappeared completely!


…or perhaps not, as a left hook slammed itself into Apocalypse’s jaw. Before he had a chance to stagger back, another hook slammed into his face! These punches would only grow further in speed and intensity, with each one shattering a different part of his armor and bone. Despite still being in the middle of reeling in pain, Apocalypse could hear his opponent’s voice ring out.

“Heru grants me incredible speed and the ability of flight. Amon blesses me with strength far beyond most other men.” Captain Marvel’s nemesis explained, emphasizing his point by moving even faster than before, landing millions of devastating punches with each passing second. By this point, Apocalypse’s bones had been broken so thoroughly that not even his healing factor could counteract the constant damage he received. After a full 30 seconds of mercilessly beating the invader, Adam finally ended the onslaught with a final strike to the chest, forcing Apocalypse to spit out blood as his ribs were shattered into small fractures of bone. As he felt this pain shoot through his body, the conqueror realized he would need to change tactics, though this would be nigh-impossible given his current situation.

Out of desperation, Apocalypse began attempting to push through the agonizing pain, and through some miracle he was able to teleport away just as Adam attempted to grab hold of him. Upon seeing that his opponent had evaded him, the monarch began scanning the desert, using a combination of his own reliance on war tactics and the Wisdom of Zehuti to pinpoint where Nur would reappear.

As it turned out, the darwinist had reappeared a good distance away, but upon doing so he heard the sound of something rapidly approaching him. Out of instinct, Apocalypse attempted to summon a barrier in front of himself, but his attacker, seeming to expect this, intercepted it by summoning a bolt of lightning. The moment they collided, the energy shield shattered like glass, but before Apocalypse could even react to this, something smacked him across the face, knocking loose several of his teeth. He began staggering back from the pain, but soon recovered and turned to face his attacker, preparing to fire a beam of energy from his eyes. He wouldn’t even have time to begin this attack, however, as his assailant, almost seeming to predict his actions, proceeded to jam… something into his eyesockets. Screams of agony began emerging from the now blinded Apocalypse, but they quickly died in his throat as he felt something grab hold of his neck.

”So now you attempt to sneak away from our fight? It seems as though with each action you take you only succeed in irritating me further.” Nur responded to Adam’s statement with a series of choked gasps, though he still managed to croak out one question.

“How… did you… find me?”

“The Wisdom of Zehuti grants me intelligence beyond all others. Anything you can try, anything you plan,” the king temporarily cut himself off as he felt his captive rapidly slim down, his frame growing skinnier with each passing millisecond. Once he was slim enough, the snake-like shapeshifter attempted to escape from the vice-like grip he was being held in, but it was all for naught as the Egyptian’s grasp grew tighter, securing Apocalypse’s position between his palm. As he looked the blinded, serpentine mutant in the eye, Adam finished by declaring, “I will outwit it.”

Apocalypse continued his attempts at evading capture, trying to use his control over molecules as a means to escape, but no matter what he tried, it ultimately proved ineffective. While he was still in the middle of writhing around, Adam’s fists began crackling with electricity, which he then proceeded to charge through the pharaoh, forcing his skin to char and blacken.

“With the Power of Aton, I wield the lightning of the gods themselves.” As if to emphasize this statement, Shazam’s fallen successor began to discharge more electricity into his hapless victim, eliciting a chilling, primal scream of agony. He attempted to attack by forcing his body to shift into a mass of blades, each one digging itself into Adam’s skin, but his captor only gave an annoyed grunt in response before tossing him toward the ground. Upon landing, the High Lord quickly morphed back into his original form and rushed forward, planning to take advantage of Adam’s injuries while they were still fresh. One could only imagine his surprise when, rather than slamming into Adam’s body and sending it reeling back, he was instead stopped mid-momentum as the corrupt champion pushed back using equal, if not superior strength. Much to Apocalypse’s surprise, it appeared that Adam’s wounds had already managed to completely heal themselves.

”How is it that you can still stand? And your healing abilities! How is it possible for a mere mortal to regenerate so quickly? Is this another of your supposed God-given powers?”

”They aren’t ‘supposed,’ Apocalypse! They are! It’s thanks to the Courage of Mehen that I’m granted an infallible mental fortitude, in addition to a healing ability powerful enough to shrug off whatever damage you might be lucky enough to inflict.” Upon hearing his adversary’s boast, the armored pharaoh scoffed.

”So you attribute all of your blood I’ve spilled to luck alone?” He chuckled for a brief moment before continuing to speak. “Tell me, if all I’ve done thus far has been nothing more than mere luck, why is it that this fight still continues to progress?”

”The only reason this has gone as far as it has,” Adam responded as he began overpowering his opponent, “was because I had difficulty in finding a weakness to exploit in your abilities.” He then broke into a grin as his eyes and hands began crackling with electricity, further weakening the conqueror by leaving horrific burns on his hands. The current then began to spread further, quickly ascending up to the mutant’s forearms. In tandem with this, Nur’s grip began to grow weaker, allowing his spandex-clad rival to push him further back. “But that is no longer the case! Now I know what I can use to end this pitiful farce before it goes any further!”

As this statement left his mouth, a massive gust of wind suddenly blew forward, striking Apocalypse in the chest and breaking his grip on the king’s hands. While he was still in the middle of skidding back from the force of the gale he could feel himself being pulled into something. Upon looking over his shoulder, he saw what was trying to reel him in: it was starting off slowly, but quickly grew in speed with each passing second. The mountain of rubble from several minutes ago was quickly being swept into its grasp, forming a barrier of debris that would tear apart anything it came near. Entire pyramids were being ripped asunder, their limestone bricks being ripped out of their sealant and into the gaping maw of the funnel. The pharaoh turned back to face Adam, but whatever he was about to say wound up dying in his throat as Adam slammed a golden boot into his chest. As a result of this, the self-proclaimed deity found himself knocked off balance and sucked into the powerful tornado. Upon being dragged in, he found himself buffeted by the thousands of pieces of debris, yet these only seemed to break upon making contact with his skin. In response to these ineffective attacks, Apocalypse merely grinned.

’So he believes that after everything he’s thrown against me, that a mere force of nature can end my life? FOOL! It’s clear he still remains ignorant of who he faces!’ Unbeknownst to him, his adversary was only getting started. Raising his hand, Adam began summoning a mass of dark clouds, seemingly from out of nowhere, and with nothing more than a thought, proceeded to coat the entire city in dark storm clouds.

”Witness the power… OF ISIS!”

As he barked these words aloud, so much that they could be heard even over the deafening roar of the cyclone, Adam thrust his arm forward as he commanded the sea of clouds to rain lightning down upon one singular target: the tornado. Each bolt descended from the heavens, striking their target simultaneously. Upon doing so, something occurred that should have been impossible: each stroke of lightning merged, assimilating into one as the mass of winds absorbed the electricity into itself. To make matters worse for Apocalypse, he was the first to experience the power behind this newfound creation firsthand.

His screams were deafening, though the combination of howling winds and booming lightning rendered them nigh-inaudible. With each passing millisecond he could feel more of his skin become reduced to ash as his muscles and tendons were flash-fried. His body fat became fried into a disgusting gristle by the combined heat of the electricity, with each of his internal organs exploding into what could only be described as liquidated chunks.

Yet in spite of this hellish, agonizing pain he was experiencing, En Sabah Nur refused to black out. He hadn’t come this far in his journey, lived for thousands of years, and built his reputation this far just to fall before this arrogant mortal. He would persevere! Adam’s powers were amazing, he would even admit to them being superior to his own, but even the might of the Egyptian gods couldn’t compare to his ultimate weapon!

With little time to spare, the mutilated darwinist quickly reached into his armor and fished out an object from within. It was small, roughly the size of a skipping stone, and crystalline in shape. Adorning its frame were multiple veins, each one coursing with a mysterious pink energy.

This was the Death Seed, a cosmic relic that had been forged by the Celestials themselves. Under normal conditions, Apocalypse would use this to convert a worthy candidate into his Horseman of Death, but in this case he had a different target in mind.

With the rate of his blackening vision rivaled only by his desperation to survive, En Sabah Nur jammed the Death Seed into his chest, his healing factor absorbing the relic into his body. Upon doing so, an explosion of blue energy erupted out from his body, causing the tornado and surrounding storm clouds to disperse. With its space now unrestricted, the burst of energy began to grow further in size, consuming the entire city within the span of a few milliseconds.

Unfortunately for Adam, not even the Wisdom of Zehuti could warn him of the sudden explosion. As a result, the energy immediately overtook him, causing an excruciating, burning pain to spread throughout his body.

Quickly regaining his senses, the former champion of Shazam began struggling as he attempted to stand his ground, crossing both arms in front of his face and gritting his teeth in the process. The energy was searing away at his body, burning through his spandex costume and eating away at his skin. Despite this, he planted his feet further the ground, leaving craters as he stubbornly tried to remain firm. The pain he was experiencing was immense, that he was willing to admit, but he refused to let himself be done in by this invader.

Gritting his teeth, Adam began doing his best to push himself forward, violently fighting against the opposing energy. With a heavy struggle, he lifted one of his legs into the air before slamming it against the ground as he took one step forward. This was repeated by the opposite foot, allowing him to steadily grow closer to his adversary. As though it were sensing this, the energy then grew in intensity before bursting outward once more, sending its stubborn target skidding back several meters. Then, once he had come to a complete stop, the energy finally dispersed.

As he put both arms down, the heavily burned and shirtless monarch looked up, allowing him to see a familiar silhouette staring down at him. The transformed mutant then began speaking, his voice booming loud enough that the entire city could hear him.

“Your powers were given to you by the gods, correct? To gain the attention of your deities, much less their blessings, is indeed an impressive feat! But even gods are not destined to last! No matter their accomplishments, they will be forgotten, their names and identities snuffed out from history like a candle’s flame! There is but one constant throughout this universe, the one concept that is feared by many, admired by others, and has spread its influence throughout the world! It matters not what your powers are, nor where they come from, because in the end…”

Apocalypse stepped forward, revealing that the Death Seed’s influence had had a major influence on him. In addition to granting a major boost to his healing factor, as every one of his injuries seemed to have completely vanished, it had also drastically altered his appearance. His blue armor had darkened, becoming a black hue that seemed more appropriate for the night sky. The gray wires, wrists, and the A belt buckle adorning his waist were also affected, as all of them had become a rich shade of cobalt. Even his skin had changed in tone, going from light gray to the same color as the once-gray armor. One of the more noticeable changes, however, was in his chestplate. It had parted slightly, revealing that the Death Seed had fused itself into his skin.

”Not even one who has been granted the powers from the divine can escape from the cold grasp of death!” He boasted, his voice returning to normal as he looked at the tyrant with a smug sense of superiority. 

“Escape death? I have lived for over 3000 years, and not once has there existed a man capable of bringing me to such a point.” Eyeing the device that lay in his opponent’s chest, Adam briefly cocked an eyebrow as his expression momentarily shifted to intrigue, only for it to quickly return to neutrality. “But if you believe that a mere jewel can grant you the strength to do such a thing, then come!”

Apocalypse response to this ultimatum? A wicked grin, soon followed by a swift lunge. His limb flew forward, milliseconds away from making contact, only to hit thin air as its target disappeared from sight. A sudden counter struck the High Lord in the back of his tibia, causing his left knee to buckle before he collapsed onto the ground. Fortunately, he proved quick to recover and pushed himself back up, moving fast enough to intercept an oncoming blow to his side and counter with an elbow to the stomach. Adam didn’t even have a chance to begin skidding back before the Death Seed-infected pharaoh stretched his arm out, wrapping it around his neck and pulling him closer. While this was occurring, Apocalypse shifted his free arm into a cannon, one that was already crackling with white energy, and proceeded to release his grip on Adam, allowing the Egyptian’s momentum to continue carrying him forward. Then, with a smirk on his face, Apocalypse unleashed the full extent of his pent-up energy.


Adam cried out in pure, unadulterated agony as the beam of energy struck him at full force, pushing him several meters away in the process. It burned away at his skin and slowly began eating away at his muscle tissue, revealing raw bone. Normally, this would have been impossible, but it was thanks to the Death Seed’s amplification of his powers that Apocalypse had managed to accomplish such a feat. Yet in spite of this immense power, the corrupt champion refused to let himself be done in!

With great difficulty, Adam began pushing through the massive laser, slowly taking steps toward the transformed limb as he crossed both arms in front of himself in an attempt to defend himself. While he was still in the middle of his struggles, the tyrant began focusing the Power of Isis, using it to project a psychic barrier around himself. Within the span of a microsecond the shield had surrounded Adam’s entire frame, allowing him to uncross his arms and launch himself at the transformed mutant. Apocalypse wouldn’t realize this until it was far too late, when his victim’s right hand shot out from the beam and violently seized the arm cannon.

”What?!” He questioned, followed by a cry of pain as Adam casually snapped the transformed limb like a twig. Fighting back the overwhelming urge to scream, Apocalypse instead gnashed his teeth in anger as he once again tried to use his shapeshifting, this time in an attempt to throw Adam off. Morphing his free hand into a spiked mace, Apocalypse swung toward Adam’s head, only for his anger to morph into shock as he felt it bounce off of an invisible force. Apocalypse didn’t even have time to regain his focus before Adam grabbed hold of the other arm and, with a harsh tug, attempted to rip them from their sockets. Much to his surprise, however, this didn’t occur. Instead, the structure of Apocalypse’s muscles and bones seemed to grow in rigidness and density, preventing them from even budging. Adam didn’t even have the time to think up another strategy before his captive managed to free himself, using his molecular control to loosen his arms and slip them from Adam’s grip. Then, just as quickly as he had freed himself, Apocalypse lunged forward, bringing both arms toward the Egyptian’s chest. While it was mostly nullified by the barrier, the blows had done their job as the psychic shield was shattered, with a third strike sending its summoner shooting across the desert and tumbling across the ground.

As he placed his hand against the sand-coated terrain, slowly crawling to a halt, Adam looked up just in time for Apocalypse to teleport in front of him and grab him by the head. Then, almost effortlessly, the First Mutant lifted him into the air.

“Do you realize your mistakes now, Adam?” Apocalypse asked, a psychotic grin slowly making itself visible as he threw out another punch, forcing the monarch to spit out blood. “You were arrogant enough to judge the Death Seed based on its appearance, unaware of the true power it holds within!” The transformed conqueror continued his beating by releasing his grip and delivering an overhead strike, hitting with enough force that Adam found himself embedded in the ground. “In the hands of lesser beings, the seed raises their power to the point of being comparable to the Celestials themselves! But when under my possession, it allows for more than that!”

With a snap of his fingers, a pillar of violet energy erupted from underneath Adam, consuming his mutilated body in its entirety. A scream of anger and pain emerged from the disgraced champion as he was sent hurtling through the air. Just as he was about to hit the peak of his ascension, Apocalypse suddenly teleported, rematerializing above him and delivering a dive kick to the chest. Adam fought back a pained grunt as he felt his ribs compress against his chest, an audible crack accompanying the impact. He hurtled through the air like a spandex-clad meteor, rapidly approaching the nearby Egyptian city. Within the span of a few seconds he felt his back repeatedly slam through dozens of structures, with each one collapsing immediately after the impact. His trip would only end once he hit one of the city’s paved streets, burying him several feet underground and forming a massive crater around where he’d landed.

Despite the rough landing he had just endured, Adam still managed to push himself back up, seemingly without too much difficulty. There was a good reason for this, as the Courage of Mehen had already gone to work with healing his injuries. By this point his skin and muscle tissue had fully regenerated, and even his recently fractured ribs had healed themselves. Yet he could still feel himself reeling from the blows Apocalypse had inflicted on him. It was almost enough to get Adam to respect him. Almost being the keyword.

His thoughts were soon interrupted as the Wisdom of Zehuti alerted him to a sudden attack. Realizing it could come from any direction, Adam teleported out of the crater, and he proved to be just in time. The moment he had done so, another explosion of energy erupted out from the crater, one that likely would’ve ended up burning through him had he not moved out of the way. Just as he had respawned some distance away, Adam heard his opponent’s voice call out again.

“My powers are enhanced beyond the shackles of this mortal body!” Apocalypse boasted as he suddenly charged forward, attempting to shoulder-tackle the tyrant. Despite having little time to react, Adam was still able to put both arms in front of himself, taking the full brunt of the tackle before pushing back with equal strength. The two seemed to be at a stalemate, locked in an unending struggle against each other. They looked each other in the eye, Adam’s glare meeting Apocalypse’s cold, smug expression. The two continued to struggle against each other’s strength, with Nur slowly gaining an edge as he started bulking up his muscles. A grin began to make its way onto Apocalypse’s face as he continued pushing Adam back, and soon he continued boasting.

“With the Death Seed in hand, I’m able to effortlessly cull out the weak from the strong!” As if to emphasize his point, the mutant gripped his opponent’s arms and pulled him forward, slamming his foot directly into the monarch’s chest. Before Adam could even try to get back to his feet, he found himself forcibly slammed into the ground by his adversary’s armored boot. “The worthy shall finally be allowed to flourish without being obstructed any further by their unfit counterparts!“ Orange energy began to crackle in the pharaoh’s eyes and hands as he continued speaking. “And I shall gladly start by ridding the world of one of the vestiges of its old gods!”

Once this statement had left his mouth, Apocalypse let loose a powerful roar as he fired beams of energy from his eyes, blasting Adam directly in the face. Had these lasers hit another being, they would have found themselves immolated, the agonizing pain overtaking their mind for a brief moment before the lasers’ heat stripped them down to the bone. But Adam was not most men. Through a combination of Shu’s Stamina, Mehen’s Courage, and his own nigh-limitless willpower, the leader of Kahndaq was managing to push through the flesh-searing heat. The muscles in his arms began to flex and pulse as he pushed himself up, slowly overpowering the conqueror’s grip. Noticing this, Apocalypse also responded by gnashing his teeth.

”You will stop resisting and STAY DOWN!” He barked, applying more pressure to his boot and eye beams.

”As though I’d yield to someone like you!” Adam roared back as he suddenly pushed himself back up, throwing Apocalypse off balance and forcing him to stumble back. He wouldn’t have a chance to recover, however, as his former captive was eager for revenge. Apocalypse didn’t even have the time to put his leg down before Adam suddenly landed a devastating uppercut to the chin. The punch struck with enough force that it sent the relic-enhanced warlord crashing into a nearby structure, with said structure’s remains instantly collapsing and burying him underneath. Just as quickly as he’d been engulfed, however, Apocalypse burst out of the mountain of rubble, his expression showing that he was more pissed than hurt. Upon fully making his way to the surface, Nur was immediately grabbed by the neck and hoisted into the air by Adam, who glared daggers into his eyes.

”I expected better from you, Apocalypse. Given your reputation, I thought you’d prove a worthy adversary, but instead I find myself fighting against a pitiful shell of a king.” As he said this, Adam started applying pressure to his attempted usurper’s neck, ready to let him meet the same fate as his deceased henchman. ”I will admit this: that ‘Death Seed’ as you call it is certainly powerful, perhaps it can even match the powers given to me by the wizard! In worthy hands, its wielder would be virtually unstoppable!” Adam then began clenching his fist, slowly crushing Apocalypse’s neck in his grasp. “Such power is wasted on you! Only the strength and resolve of a TRUE king can harness its true potential!”

Once he had finished this thought, Adam thrust his hand forward, fully intent on ripping the Death Seed from Apocalypse’s chest. Much to his surprise, it suddenly halted mid-momentum thanks to a sudden burst of telekinetic force.

”Do you really think… that I would allow someone as insubordinate as yourself… to steal the Death Seed from me so easily?” The bald darwinist asked as he struggled to hold Adam back. Even with the power boost from the Death Seed, his strength was still being rivaled by the augmentation granted by Adam’s Power of Isis. “You aren’t worthy of its power, much less of surviving as long as you have.”

”Is that so?” Kahndaq’s sovereign asked as he continued pushing forward, his fingers slowly jamming themselves into the mutant’s chest. “Because from what I’ve seen, it’s you who lacks the strength to survive! For all your talk of superiority and culling of the weak, you-”


Apocalypse’s roar of fury echoed throughout all of the city, causing the citizens to stop panicking and look up. Upon doing so, they were met with the sight of a blue-skinned mutant breaking free from the grip of a spandex-clad man, which was soon followed by said mutant tackling his former captor and slamming him against the ground. Their surrounding audience looked on in terror as Apocalypse continued to beat against his royal adversary.

“You know NOTHING of me, nor do you hold any right to judge my philosophy!” He proceeded to punctuate this sentence via an overhead punch, using his molecular control to enlarge his fist for further strength. A crater formed beneath Adam’s body, with its impact being accompanied by a massive tremor rocking the entire city. Adam prepared to get back up, but he soon found himself forced back into the ground as his opponent’s fist slammed against his face. “From a young age, I was taught that only the strong are fit to survive, and I have held by those teachings for my entire life.”

Another punch, this one being strong enough to tear away at Adam’s skin and leave a crater beneath his skin.

“Entire civilizations have fallen before me, either in worship or defeat, for centuries.”

A third strike, this one smashing the monarch’s face further into the ground.

“Those who survived were considered worthy of life, and those who fell would only prove to be worthy sacrifices to my cause!”

A fourth punch, this one audibly breaking Adam’s nose.

“That is the creed I have lived by my entire life, and through it I have seen one thing: that power is the only way to survive! And throughout the centuries I have lived, I have realized that there are none more fit to survive than me!”

As he said this, Apocalypse attempted to throw another punch, this one being strong enough that it likely would’ve been enough to crush his skull. Much to his surprise, however, Adam managed to effortlessly catch the enlarged fist mid-flight. Shocking him even further was that Adam was even managing to push his arm back, quickly overpowering him. In response, Apocalypse grit his teeth and attempted to use his molecular manipulation once again, but his former captive proved quicker on the draw in more ways than one.

Using his superior speed, Adam threw out multiple body blows, each one destroying the warlord’s armor or tearing through skin as he was pushed further back. Despite this, Apocalypse’s body was quickly regenerating, though even the Death Seed was having trouble keeping up with the damage. As if realizing this, Apocalypse began pushing through the pain and doing his best to fight back. Thrusting his arms forward, he fired off a massive beam of red energy that blasted the former archeologist in the chest, burning his skin and sending him skidding back.

Seeing a chance to get a leg up on his opponent, Apocalypse wasted no time in stretching his arm out and pulling his Egyptian captive forward. Once he had closed the distance between them, the mutant shifted his hand into a massive blade, which he then proceeded to ram into Adam’s chest. Oddly enough, the pain didn’t even seem to register with Adam, as he effortlessly pushed through and proceeded to throw out a lunging jab to Apocalypse’s own chest. The punch made direct contact with the First Mutant, forcing his blade-hand out of Adam’s chest. Much like his opponent, however, Apocalypse proved quick to recover and charged back in, with both throwing out punches that struck each other directly in the face. The impact resulted in a massive shock wave shooting throughout the city, creating yet another tremor that rocked the surrounding area. Additionally, it had sent both men flying back, though their unwillingness to give up so easily led to them quickly recovering. Unfortunately, one proved a bit slower to recover, which the poor victim would only realize when he looked back to see Adam’s fist preparing to nail itself into his face.

Despite having little time to react, Apocalypse was still able to put his arm up, allowing him to block the strike with little trouble. Then, with surprising reflexes, he threw out a counterblow, striking with enough force that another shock wave ripped through the air. While his opponent was still in the midst of recovering, Nur began throwing out five blows, using his shapeshifting to make each one stronger by either turning his hands into bludgeons or increasing their size. Unfortunately for him, these were the only free hits he’d be able to land, as Adam managed to regain focus and retaliated with his own series of blows. Each of these punches, kicks, and lunges were thrown out at faster than light speeds, allowing the king to throw out millions of strikes within the span of a few seconds. Unfortunately, his armored opponent was quick to recover from this seemingly endless combo and quickly responded by dishing out his own onslaught of equally powerful blows.

The two men continued struggling against each other’s strength, seemingly at a stalemate. It didn’t matter what they tried, Apocalypse’s molecular manipulation, energy blasts, size-shifting, and even his attempts at teleporting found themselves countered by Adam’s superior hand-to-hand expertise and his own immense powerset. It seemed as though this clash of fists, feet, and occasional energy blasts would last for an eternity, and neither man was willing to give in.

Unbeknownst to either of the Egyptian tyrants, their unending stalemate was causing immense amounts of destruction to their surrounding area, resulting in widespread panic. The population watched in horror as the various buildings and other structures began shaking, with their foundations rapidly collapsing in on themselves. The city’s architecture continued to deteriorate, and each passing second was accompanied by yet another structure collapsing in on itself.  

As their surroundings crumbled to rubble, the citizens began running in terror, hoping they’d be able to evacuate from their collapsing home before they found themselves another casualty of the chaotic destruction. As this abject fear consumed their minds and fueled their desire to flee, the townspeople were unknowingly fueling something else as well. To be more specific, it was fueling something that lie in wait a whole universe away.

On the planet Qward, which lay in another world known as the Antimatter Universe, a yellow ring suddenly emitted a gold flash as it picked up a spike in emotion. As if in response to this surge of fear, the ring activated and began speaking, its voice low and mechanical.

“Sinestro Corp ring online.” It announced before suddenly taking off, exiting the planet and reaching the depths of space in less than a nanosecond. While in the midst of its travels, the yellow piece of jewelry spoke out once more, this time declaring “Seeking suitable candidate.” After three milliseconds of searching, the Power Ring sped off, approaching its desired target at trillions of times the speed of light.

Back on Earth, the seemingly endless exchange of blows between the two dictators was finally drawing to a close as Adam charged his fists with electricity and lunged forward, throwing an overhead punch that caused Apocalypse to briefly descend through the air, with the mutant only managing to stop himself several feet away from the ground. He looked up at where Adam had been, fully prepared to retaliate with his own attack, only to find that the king had teleported once again. Realizing that he could attempt to attack from any angle, the mutant prepared to erect a barrier at the exact moment he noticed any sign of his opponent appearing.

The trademark flash of light from Adam’s teleportation appeared from behind, and Nur immediately erected a psychic barrier around himself. Kahndaq’s sovereign hurled a bolt of lightning at him, with the electric arc bypassing the shield’s defense and striking him directly. Apocalypse cried out in pain, involuntarily lurching over as he felt paralysis overtake him. Quickly shrugging it off, the First Mutant turned around, retaliating with a blast of energy that Adam was just barely able to react to. Once the blast had dispersed, Adam prepared to throw out another attack, but his opponent proved quicker on the draw. Teleporting behind him, Apocalypse wasted no time in slamming into Adam’s back with both hands, forcing the monarch to let out a pained cry as he was sent flying through the air. Unfortunately for him, Apocalypse wasn’t willing to let his opportunity for revenge end there.

Just when it seemed like Adam was about to reach the height of his ascension, Apocalypse suddenly rematerialized directly in front of him and delivered a double axe handle to his head, sending him crashing onto the paved road below. As he looked down at the spandex-clad dictator, Nur’s expression was one of smug superiority. He could feel victory close at hand.

“I have wasted enough of my time on you, Adam! Already I have proven my superiority, yet you keep attempting to fight out of some misguided sense of nationalism! You are certainly powerful, even enough to rival my current state, but that in no way means you are justified in your irksome persistence! But now you shall interfere no longer!” As he said this, the mutant raised his hands into the air, rapidly pouring his energy into the palms of his hands. This violet sphere grew in size with each passing microsecond, starting off the size of a tennis ball and rapidly expanding. Within the span of three seconds it had already become the size of Apocalypse himself, and still it continued to grow larger. While this was occurring, though, something happened that confused him: a sudden gust of wind barreled into him, and he could have sworn he saw some kind of golden streak. Realizing it could likely be something that would impede his progress, the conqueror proceeded to chuck the massive energy ball as hard as he could, unaware that he was already too late.

Exactly one nanosecond after the Death Seed user had felt that “gust of wind,” Black Adam had ripped himself free from the several meter deep hole he’d created upon landing. At the exact moment he’d erupted out of the crater, the disgraced successor immediately took note of the swelling orb and prepared to intercept it, but before he could do so he noticed something else stop directly in front of him. Upon laying eyes on it, Adam immediately realized what it was: a yellow Power Ring. It was a device he was well familiar with, one he had even wielded previously, and now it seemed as though history would repeat itself.

“Teth-Adam of Earth. You have the ability to instill great fear.” The ring’s mechanical voice spoke aloud before placing itself on the middle finger of his left hand. Upon doing so, Adam’s body became doused in a blinding yellow light. Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the yellow flash dispersed, revealing a drastic change in the Egyptian’s attire. For starters, the light seemed to have repaired his black spandex outfit, though the ring seemed to have had a major influence on its appearance. The cloth was now adorned with yellow star-like pieces of fabric that covered his shoulders, came down over his biceps and part of his side, and met around the lightning bolt that adorned his chest. One of the more notable changes was the sudden appearance of a silver belt around his waist, parted around the middle to not block off the aforementioned lightning logo.

As the feeling of this newfound power coursed through his veins, the Egyptian monarch heard the ring spoke one last message, one that he had heard only once before:

“Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.”

As these words echoed through his mind, Adam rocketed into the air, a yellow aura surrounding his body as he flew toward Apocalypse just as the pharaoh chucked his pyramid-sized sphere of death. Just when it seemed like the ball of energy was about to consume him, the newly reinstated Sinestro Corps member responded by thrusting his arm forward, firing out a beam from the Power Ring. Upon making contact, the yellow laser began spreading out, instantly surrounding the opposing projectile in a field of energy that stopped it mid-momentum. Then, with the greatest of ease, Adam slung the energy ball around and proceeded to chuck it back to its original owner. As he watched this occur, Apocalypse’s only response was to raise his arm and release a burst of telekinetic energy, dispersing his redirected attack in its entirety. Once he had seen the attack dissipate into nothingness, however, something immediately struck him in the chest, eliciting a cry of pain as he was sent him skidding back. The High Lord looked back at his opponent, quickly noticing both the new costume and newfound ring.

”So you berate me for relying on the Death Seed to gain more power, yet you see no problem in doing the same with your ring there?” Nur questioned.

”I’m not relying on its abilities. This is just to ‘level the playing field,’ as the saying goes.” Adam responded.

”Is that so?” Apocalypse asked, stifling a chuckle. “Then let’s see how well you can wield it!”

Once those words had left his mouth, Apocalypse shot out a burst of red energy. It only traveled about 4 feet from its creator before suddenly being intercepted by an opposing blast from the ring. Apocalypse didn’t have the time to properly react before his opponent slammed into him with a construct, sending the darwinist crashing into the sand-coated terrain. Letting out an annoyed grunt as he pushed himself back up, Apocalypse’s first action upon getting back to his feet was to look up, allowing him to see what had hit him: a construct of a battering ram. Gritting his teeth, the mutant let a furious scream as he stretched his arm out, attempting to grab hold of Adam and pull him forward. Just when it seemed like the Egyptian tyrant was about to be grabbed, he suddenly vanished into thin air!
Apocalypse didn’t even have a chance to react before he felt something slice across his back. While he wasn’t aware of it, this was because Adam had conjured up an axe and used it to slice his back open!

Letting out a muffled cry of pain, Apocalypse turned around and attempted to throw out a punch, but his opponent, as if predicting this, suddenly teleported away. The Eternal Pharaoh prepared himself, waiting to see where his opponent would strike next. A bright light suddenly flashed behind him, causing him to turn toward its direction and hurl a bolt of azure energy at it, but Adam responded almost immediately by warping once again. He quickly reappeared at En Sabah’s side, throwing out a swift punch that shattered the sides of the conqueror’s ribs. Apocalypse attempted to fight through the pain and throw out another attack, but he quickly found himself intercepted via a teleporting punch to the stomach. As he lurched over, the X-Men’s nemesis felt a knee strike slam into his face, shattering his nose and sending him crashing onto his back.

As he got back up to his feet, allowing his amplified healing factor to quickly regenerate his injuries, Apocalypse could feel the return of an all-too familiar sense of dread. His hands had already begun shaking, and his skin had broken out into a cold sweat. Yet in spite of this growing sense of fear, the mutant tried his best to force himself to remain calm. Adam’s new ring may have given him some new abilities, but they still couldn’t compare to the power of the Death Seed!

Meanwhile, Adam had rematerialized, now a considerably safe distance from where Apocalypse was attempting to recover. At the exact moment of his reappearance, however, something odd occurred: a golden light flashed from the Power Ring, and with it, a message began to emerge.

”Nearby influx of fear located and steadily rising.” As he heard this, the corrupt champion looked up to see something interesting. The ring was showing him his opponent’s placement in the emotional spectrum, with his body being represented by two colors: the first was black, the color of death, which seemed to comprise a majority of his body. The second color was much smaller, but he could still see it: a wave of yellow, which was slowly growing in size.

Recognizing the yellow as being a physical representation of fear, Adam couldn’t help but grin. It seemed that his persistence was taking its toll on his opponent’s arrogant nature. Now just one question remained: how would he capitalize on this steadily growing advantage? Within the span of a nanosecond, a solution had come to his mind, one that caused his expression to become a devious grin. Quickly flying toward Apocalypse, the ring-wielding nemesis of Captain Marvel began to make further use of the device’s abilities. With nothing more than a thought, the tyrant caused a gold flash to emit from the Power Ring. To an outsider this may have seemed like an ineffective strategy, but as it turned out this light did serve a purpose. While it may not have seemed like it, the flash was preying on the transformed mutant’s fear, leeching off of it to power itself up while at the same time furthering the amount of fear that already existed within its target.

As he watched the yellow-clad monarch fly toward him, the armored darwinist could feel his preexisting dread continue to grow. But why? He couldn’t fear such an inferior being, could he? No, that was impossible! He was the ultimate being, the apex of evolution! To think that he could even feel a twinge of intimidation toward this inferior creature was laughable. It wasn’t possible, and he would prove it!

With that thought echoing through his mind, Apocalypse sought to prove it as he thrust his arm forward, stretching it out toward the Egyptian with the intent to knock him out of the air. Much to his surprise, his fist didn’t make contact with its target. Instead, Adam seemed to phase through it, almost like he was some sort of ghost!

Before he had a chance to question how this was possible, Apocalypse felt himself lurch over as his attacker suddenly drove an elbow into his stomach. Then, with surprisingly quick speed, Adam delivered a double axe handle that sent him crashing onto the ground. Apocalypse was still in the middle of getting back to his feet when he suddenly felt something grab hold of him. Upon looking down, he saw what it was: yellow chains, wrapped tightly around his torso and only growing tighter with each second.

“You can feel it, can’t you?” Apocalypse looked up, only to be nearly blinded by the intense golden light. Oddly enough, the longer he faced this yellow glare the more his sensation of fear seemed to increase. Despite this, he refused to let his spike in emotion show. He wouldn’t allow himself to show any sign of weakness, let alone in front of this inferior being!

”What am I supposed to feel? Infuriation at your poorly thought-out attempts at capture? Or perhaps amusement that after all you’ve done to me you believe that mere chains will be enough to stop me?” Nur responded, attempting to deny his sudden spike in fear.

“The answer is neither, because I can sense it: you’re in denial. You’re attempting to mask it with taunts and mockery, but there’s no mistaking this feeling: you’re afraid.” His opponent informed him, a smirk appearing on his face. “And with good reason.” As he spoke these words, Adam commanded a pillar of yellow fire to erupt from the ring, instantly consuming his target. He watched this with mild interest for several seconds before deciding that this was not enough. The mutant needed to suffer more, and the Yellow Lantern knew just how to do that!

While the flames continued to eat away at Nur, who was still thrashing about in an attempt to extinguish them, their creator ushered a telepathic command. Using a combination of his own knowledge of torture and the ring’s construct creation, he forced the pillar of fire to grow in size. The flames responded instantly, growing by several feet with each second. In tandem with this growth, several changes began to occur in the construct’s shape.

The first change occurred when two additional pillars began to grow out from the formless mass, their size increasing until they were equal in length to the pyramids below. Four extensions then emerged from these pillars, quickly morphing into paws. With these paws came further additions to the fiery creation: the first being a pair of blank eyes, created by a small parting in the flames, and the second being a maw of fangs.

With a savage roar, the fiery lion charged forward, using its front paws to tackle Apocalypse into the ground. Then, once it had made sure its prey was secure, the construct bit down on his neck, fully intent on tearing his throat out. Despite the immense pain that assaulted his mind, the armored warlord forced himself to look up, firing a beam from his eyes that phased through the lion, instead striking Adam in the chest and sending him flying back. As its master was sent flying back, the lion suddenly dispersed, freeing Apocalypse from its grasp. Upon hitting the ground, Nur immediately stood back up and looked toward the recovering Sinestro Corps member

“Afraid?” Apocalypse questioned as a grin spread onto his face. “What would I have to fear from you? Before the Death Seed, you are nothing more than a child wielding an advanced piece of jewelry.” In response to this, Adam merely smirked.

“You can deny it as much as you like, but this ring’s analysis tells the truth: your mind is slowly becoming consumed.”

”Is that so? Well, perhaps your readings are-“ Nur didn’t have time to finish his response before the ring began glowing yellow, and with it his emotional state went haywire. He could feel all of his emotions give way, quickly becoming consumed by one thing: fear. While he had been trying to deny it, his current mentality didn’t lie. He was terrified. If his emotional readings weren’t enough proof, his body had begun breaking out into a cold sweat, with his hands shaking uncontrollably. His vision had even begun blurring, though he wasn’t sure why until his eyes drifted to a certain device: the Power Ring. His mind quickly pieced the connection together, and he grit his teeth in anger.

“You think you can make me fear you with that ring?!” He roared angrily, taking a step forward. “FOOL! I am Apocalypse!” As he made this declaration, the mutant charged forward, his footsteps crashing against the paved terrain before he suddenly crouched down. “And I…” pressure built up in his legs for a brief moment, and then he released.



He boasted as he leapt into the air, flying toward Adam at faster than light speeds. Within less than a second he had managed to close the distance between them, throwing out a powerful left hook that was suddenly caught. Surprisingly enough, this wasn’t because of his would-be target using his own hand to catch it. Instead, it was thanks to a yellow arm that spawned from the ring.

“Then you will learn to fear me!” Adam responded as he forced his construct to violently twist his attacker’s arm, snapping it in half. Before he could attempt to recover or heal from this injury, however, Apocalypse found himself clocked in the stomach by a sudden punch from another arm that emerged from the ring. Before he could question what this creature was, the warlord found his question answered as the ring bearer’s latest creation emerged: a pharaoh. As this being materialized into existence, something happened that would have caused the jaws of any who witnessed it to drop in shock: it immediately grew in size, increasing to the point where it dwarfed Apocalypse in size by roughly 700 feet.

Once its size had fully stabilized, the construct of royalty threw one of its massive fists forward, only being stopped as Apocalypse brought his hand up and proceeded to casually block the oncoming limb. Then, without missing a beat, he proceeded to counter with a right hook of his own. The golden-skinned pharaoh was staggering back from the force of the blow, but it quickly shook off the punch before cracking its knuckles and putting its fists back up, raring to go for more. Another punch flew toward the mutant, but much like before it was quickly stopped. This time, however, Apocalypse’s body began to grow in size, increasing to the point where he matched the light-created being in height. Once he had, he gave an eager grin and proceeded to throw another counter punch, this one being a left hook that cracked his opponent’s “skin.” The construct grimaced in pain as its head snapped back, only for it to suddenly snap forward as its head made contact with En Sabah’s. An audible CRACK emphasized the strike as the construct reduced his nose to a bloody mess. Despite this, Apocalypse paid it no mind, instead choosing to throw his arm forward, stretching it around the construct’s neck and pulling him forward. Once it was close enough, he proceeded to fire off a blast of blue energy that struck it in the chest and left more chips in its flesh.

Yet despite these positive developments, Apocalypse still wasn’t able to shake off his overgrowing sense of fear that was still building up within him! He could feel his mind slowly becoming overwhelmed, and while he was managing to stave it off enough to continue fighting he could feel it growing more difficult to maintain control over his actions. Each punch or step was accompanied by a pang of primal terror that continued to spread itself throughout his subconscious. 

In tandem with this spreading fear, the mutant was coming to another realization: each of the construct’s attacks were growing stronger, and he could easily piece together why that was. And he hated it!

With a furious scream, Apocalypse began using his molecular manipulation to continue bulking up his body. Energy began to surge through his body, fueling his increasing strength even further as he reeled both of his arms back. Then, in what could only be described as an adrenaline-fueled smackdown, he began throwing out energy-enhanced punch after energy-enhanced punch. Each one produced an explosion that tore further away at the construct’s light skin, and with each successful blow the Forever Walker’s speed only grew further in intensity. Unfortunately for him, his opponent wasn’t just going to take this. No, if anything, it planned to fight back with equal force!

Gritting its teeth, the massive construct responded by pushing through the onslaught of blows and threw out a left hook of its own. The pharaoh’s knuckles made direct contact with Apocalypse’s jaw, forcing him to stagger back. He proved quick to recover, however, and immediately went back in to retaliate! As they drew closer to each other, the two giants threw their fists out, smashing their knuckles against each other’s. This collision caused the bones in Nur’s knuckles to let out a nightmarish CRACK, while visible cracks began to form on the construct’s fists. If one expected this to keep the two down, however, they were dead wrong! Instead, the giants continued to beat against each other, with their stalemate seeming to be unending. Or at least that’s what it seemed.

As if sensing the idea of history repeating itself in the form of an unending clash of fists, Adam decided he would do something to switch things up. Conjuring up a sea of clouds above the entire city, he began applying his powers to various degrees. Using the Power of Isis, he had forced it to start manipulating the environment to his advantage. With a thought, the entire battleground began to violently shake, throwing Apocalypse off balance and allowing for the ring-generated construct to begin throwing out a savage beating. Using its target’s fear to further fuel its power, the golden creation had begun throwing out millions of punches per second, each one resulting in a nightmarish symphony of cracks and snaps as bones were quickly chipped to pieces. This pain, combined with the pre-existing maelstrom of fear, proved enough that the mutant’s mind nearly shut down from the overload of emotion.

But despite this, Apocalypse continued to push on. He didn’t care about his deteriorating mental stability, nor did he pay the agony of multiple broken bones any mind. He would fight on, to his last breath!

He took a step forward, preparing to use his shapeshifting to morph his broken arms into new weaponry. Unfortunately, his attempts were ultimately for naught, as something erupted out from underground and wrapped itself around his legs, ensnaring him in its grasp. Looking down, he found the cause: a massive set of vines, each one digging into his skin and preventing him from moving. Annoyed by this, he attempted to contort his body into a new form, but he soon found his attempts halted by another legion of vines. These ones wrapped themselves around his arms and neck, forcibly dragging him toward the ground below while also situating themselves in such a way that he wouldn’t even be able to budge an inch. Fortunately, he seemed to realize this and, in response, managed to teleport himself out of the floral binds.

Almost immediately, a bright flash of light suddenly flashed some distance away, revealing that Apocalypse had now reverted back to his normal size, and quickly spotted Adam. The thought of attacking him briefly crossed his mind, but Apocalypse quickly realized there were two major problems with that action: the first was that even with the Death Seed’s enhancement to his powers, his healing factor was still proving too slow to keep up with the injuries that had been inflicted. The second issue was that the giant pharaoh construct was still around, fully prepared to continue fighting against Apocalypse… at least until said construct was quickly dispersed by Adam, seemingly for no reason.

Although the action left him heavily confused, Apocalypse soon found out why his opponent had done such a thing. In less than a second, Adam had closed the distance far faster than the mutant could have hoped to react. In fact, the Forever Walker didn’t even realize his opponent had moved until a powerful left hook nailed itself into his face. With a sickening soundtrack of bones cracking and flesh tearing, the lower half of Apocalypse’s jaw was sent flying away, crashing onto the sand with a muffled THUD!

His body had already started healing itself, but Adam put an end to that as he drilled his hand into the mutant’s throat. Blood gushed from Apocalypse’s neck, but it quickly began repairing itself. Adam paid this no mind, however, as he grabbed the attempted invader up and hoisted him into the air. As he watched the self-proclaimed god struggle against his vice-like grip, Black Adam gave a malicious grin before opening his mouth and shouting one word:


Once the word left his mouth, a bolt of lightning flew down from the heavens and struck Apocalypse’s body directly. Once it had, the Eternal Pharaoh roared in pain as pure, unadulterated agony spread through his body. All he could hear was a hellish ringing in his ears, ringing that only grew worse as a fiery pain spread through his body. It felt as though every nerve in his body had been lit on fire, and each of his atoms felt as though they would explode any second. He silently prayed that the Death Seed would be able to heal off this damage, but that was when something happened that caused his eyes to widen in horror. Even with the deafening ring preventing him from hearing it, he could still feel the Death Seed shatter like glass, forcing him to revert back to his base form. The mutant looked down at the minuscule shards in surprise, but this surprise was soon replaced a completely different emotion.

”Eheheh… Heheheheheh… AHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Much to Adam’s surprise, his opponent wasn’t screaming in horror, nor was he cursing him in blind rage. Instead, he was laughing! 

“Why are you laughing? Have you gone mad?” The king demanded.

”Ehehehe… no, the reason I’m laughing is because you’ve proven my point. I told you earlier that my creed is that only the strong are fit to rule, and no matter what I tried I still remained too weak to challenge you. By besting me, you’ve proven your superiority, and in turn that I was the one who was too weak to survive! Since you’ve proven yourself my superior, I leave your fate in my hands. Do with me as you wish!” As these words echoed throughout his mind, Adam gave a malicious grin before speaking.

“Very well, then. As king, I give you this one commandment: that you rest, and never return to this world!” Once those words had left his mouth, Captain Marvel’s nemesis lifted his captive further into the air and proceeded to open his mouth once again, barking out the word that granted him his power:


Another bolt struck Apocalypse’s body, this time yielding worse results than before. His skin and muscle tissue were quickly vaporized, revealing raw bone that soon became blackened and charred under the lightning’s heat. Much like earlier, his body fat and organs were completely destroyed, and their liquidated remains permeated the Celestial armor with a vile aroma. It was so sickening, so nauseatingly foul, that even the most hardened of men would have lost their lunch. Yet despite the smell, which even he would admit was assaulting his senses, Adam remained stationary. He stayed in the air, waiting for some sign of confirmation as to whether or not Apocalypse still lived. After seeing that the body- if it could even be called that- remained in its current state, Adam smirked.

”With your death, the last vestiges of your so-called ‘new world’ will die with you. Your fates are now one and the same…”

Bringing both hands back, Black Adam then brought them forward as he delivered a clap, producing a massive sound wave that shot out and spread through the sky. Upon making contact, En Sabah Nur’s mutilated remains crumbled apart, breaking down into dust that was quickly scattered by the Egyptian winds. Once he was certain his opponent had finally been finished off, Adam turned his back to where Apocalypse had previously lain, only looking back to speak ten more words.

“…reduced to nothing more than ashes scattered throughout the wind.” He finished before flying away from their battlefield, creating a massive BOOM as he rocketed back toward Kahndaq.

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5


With this fight, DC’s managed to claim its first victory in my Death Battles, and when comparing the stats of both it’s rather easy to see why that is.

First, there’s the matter of strength and durability. Both Adam and Apocalypse are immensely powerful, being able to trade blows with some of their universe’s strongest heroes, but Adam edged out in this category since he’s been able to contend with the likes of Captain Marvel, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Orion. Adding further credence to this is the time where he managed to overpower Martian Manhunter, a being that even Superman’s scared to fight. By comparison, Apocalypse’s best feats of strength came in the form of fighting against the likes of Thor and the Hulk, who are both certainly powerful, but ultimately fall short when compared to the people Adam’s faced off against.

Next is the matter of speed. Apocalypse has been able to tag Quicksilver and keep up with Thor, the former of whom can outrun radio waves and is calced as being able to move at 4.94 times the speed of light. Thor, on the other hand, has been shown to have multiple MFTL+ feats. Admittedly, being able to keep up with either of them is certainly impressive, but how do these compare to Adam’s feats? The short answer is they don’t. At all.

Let me explain. Adam’s been able to keep up with higher tier Justice League members such as Superman and Wonder Woman. Superman is able to move fast enough to keep up with the likes of The Flash and Professor Zoom, while Wonder Woman’s managed to move fast enough to block the Shattered God, a feat that’s calculated to be anywhere from 2.72 to 16.34 quattuordecillion times FTL (See here: DC Speed Revisited)

In short, Adam takes the stat trinity pretty handily. What about the other factors?

Well, they would both be even in experience and intelligence, seeing how they’ve been alive for centuries and fought in multiple wars. That said, Adam would have the advantage in close quarters due to his expertise in hand-to-hand combat and his no-nonsense approach to fighting meant that every hit would strike with the intent to kill Apocalypse, and given his already superior physicality he would eventually succeed. So why did this fight go on for as long as it did? The answer, if we’re excluding the main reason of entertainment purposes, is because of the next category: their powers.

While Apocalypse’s physical stats fell short compared to Adam’s own, he was ultimately able to keep himself in the game thanks to a combination of his Celestial armor and molecular manipulation. With the latter, he would be able to have a sense of unpredictability, on top of being able to lessen the gap in physicality and avoid some of Adam’s attacks. Add in his comparatively superior healing factor, and it would make Adam’s fight much more difficult than before. Unfortunately, these advantages wouldn’t be able to net him the win, as Apocalypse’s remaining powers were either countered or trumped by Adam’s own. More specifically, telepathy could easily be ruled out since Adam’s indomitable willpower has let him fight off the psychic attacks of Martian Manhunter, the strongest telepath in the DC universe. The only point where their powers are roughly even come in the form of both being able to fly and teleport, leaving them equal in terms of mobility. Besides that, Adam took every other advantage in terms of powerset.

He could call upon the lightning of Shazam to deal some serious damage to Apocalypse (which might even be enough to kill the mutant, seeing how it’s been able to incapacitate stronger beings like Martian Manhunter), use the Stamina of Shu to outlast Nur, and could even manipulate the battlefield to his advantage with the Power of Isis, which would also further boost his physicality.

Finally, let’s move onto their trump cards: the Yellow Power Ring and the Death Seed. The ring grants Adam more versatility thanks to its ability to create constructs, could boost his physical stats even further, and would likely grant him more powers considering that other characters who use these rings gain some new abilities in the process. In Apocalypse’s case, the Death Seed could boost his strength further, likely to the point of matching Adam’s own considering what we’ve seen from other hosts, but that’s really it. He wouldn’t be able to close the gap anywhere else, and given Adam’s far more brutal nature and superiority in almost all other stats, it’s unlikely he’d even be able to use it in the first place.

In short, this fight seemed close when looking at it from the surface, but upon digging deeper it became clear that this was a massive stomp. 

Adam’s power left Apocalypse thunderstruck.

The winner is Black Adam.

WinnerBlackAdam by Br3ndan5
Black Adam (Winner)
+ Completely dominated Apocalypse in the stat trinity
+ Superior stamina
+ Better hand-to-hand combatant
+ No-nonsense approach to fighting meant he’d be likely to end the fight early
+ Shazam lightning could easily take Apocalypse out
+ Indomitable willpower rendered Apocalypse’s telepathy useless
+ Power of Isis would allow him to manipulate the environment to his advantage, on top of boosting his already superior physicality
+ Yellow Power Ring allows for more versatility, a boost in physicality, and possibly more powers
= Mobility
= Experience and intelligence
– Less variety in terms of powerset
– Apocalypse’s molecular manipulation and shapeshifting made him more unpredictable
    + Though Adam would be familiar with these abilities since he’s faced an opponent with similar powers (Martian Manhunter)

Apocalypse (Loser)
+ Powerset had more variety
+ Armor and molecular manipulation would let him keep up with Adam for awhile
   – Though it still doesn’t change the fact that he’s physically outclassed
+ Molecular manipulation and shapeshifting give him an edge in unpredictability
   – Though Adam would be familiar with these abilities since he’s faced an opponent with similar powers (Martian Manhunter)
+ Better healing factor
+ Death Seed could boost his strength to the point of matching Adam’s own
= Mobility
= Experience and intelligence
– Adam’s no-nonsense approach to fighting, when combined with the aforementioned superior physicality, ultimately spelled doom
– Inferior stamina
– Less skilled in hand-to-hand combat
– Adam’s willpower rendered his telepathy worthless
– Shazam lightning would easily be able to take him out
– Power of Isis let Adam control the environment and furthered the gap in physicality
– Yellow Lantern Power Ring granted Adam more versatility, another physicality boost, and possibly more powers

Prelude: Black Adam vs Apocalypse

Black Adam vs Apocalypse by Br3ndan5

Ancient Egypt, the start of civilization. This mighty empire stretched out over a thousand years, and has produced some of the most recognizable objects and people. From pyramids, to hieroglyphs, to mummies, to pharaohs like King Tut, it’s safe to say the civilization left its mark on the world. And if today’s two combatants are any indication, it’s likely the ancient Egyptians are still leaving their mark, albeit by threatening the world.
Like with Black Adam, the ruler of Kahndaq
And Apocalypse, the First Mutant.
I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to AdamGregory04/AdamTheFifth for the Black Adam bio and BangJang96 for the Apocalypse bio
Black Adam
Real Name: Teth-Adam
Residence: Kahndaq, Egypt
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 250 lbs (113 kg)
Occupation: Archaeologist (formerly), Dictator, Ruler of Kahndaq

Debut: The Marvel Family #1 (1945)

-Became the ruler of Kahndaq
-Affiliated with the Secret Society of Supervillains, Injustice Society, and Injustice League
-Killed Psycho Pirate through poking his eyes
-Has consistently fought on par with the likes of Shazam, Superman, and other comparable heroes
    -Can easily be scaled to Shazam since they share the same power source and Adam has more experience with the power
-Killed a yeti without any of the powers of the Egyptian gods
-Killed millions of people in 36 hours
-Defeated Billy Batson after he became the new Wizard
-Beat the crap out of Death, who was amped by the destruction of millions of people
-Solo’d the Justice Society of America
    -Which consisted of heroes such as Power Girl, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Jay Garrick Flash
-Managed to fight off Martian Manhunter on a couple of occasions
-Has fought on par with Orion


-Possesses the strength of Amon
-Can fight on par with Superman and other comparable characters
-Beat Hawkman while he was weakened
-Shattered a force field built to withstand a meteor of the kind that killed the dinosaurs
-Casually tossed an aircraft liner, which can weigh 400,000 pounds
-Knocked out Power Girl with a sonic clap
-Captain Marvel failed to restrain him
-Broke through Kyle Rayner’s Green Lantern constructs
-Shattered multiple buildings with a sonic clap
-Punched holes in the Specter’s physical body
-Ripped AMAZO’s head off

-Jay Garrick had to exert himself in order to keep up with him
    -Jay Garrick is a Flash, and has access to the Speed Force
-Blitzed the entire Marvel family
-Threw a bomb and ripped off a man’s arm seconds before the bomb detonated
-According to Egg Fu’s computer, could move hundreds of miles in seconds
-Can keep up with Superman in battle

-Can shrug off attacks from the Marvel Family
-Took attacks from Martian Manhunter
    -Including a point-blank laser directly to his face
-Laughed off lightning from Doctor Fate
-Stood back up after taking a blow from a bloodlusted Superman
-Resisted Martian Manhunter’s telepathy and actually turned it against him (Mental endurance)
-Simply walked off Power Girl’s heat vision

-Is a strict dictator when ruling Kahndaq
-Has been corrupted by the Wizard’s power; Craves dominance
-Possesses the Wisdom of Zehuti
    -Grants him a photographic memory, clairvoyance, and makes him skilled in mathematics and war tactics
-Was willing to take a punch that Superman said could split a moon in half because he turned his back to him
-Possesses the Courage of Mehen
-Does not tend to fear or respect his opponents unless they have earned it
-No problems with killing others whatsoever
-Possesses indomitable willpower

Powers and Abilities:

Shazam Lightning:
-By saying “Shazam,” summons a lightning bolt that transforms him from Teth-Adam to Black Adam and back
-Adam uses this offensively by throwing his opponents into the lightning’s crosshairs
-Powerful enough to incapacitate Martian Manhunter
-Upon transforming, obtains the powers of the Egyptian gods

Untiring Stamina:
-Possesses the Stamina of Shu
    -Grants him the ability to survive without food, water, sleep, or air
-Able to fight on par with multiple superheroes at once

-Exactly what it says on the tin

-Does not age so long as he remains in his empowered form

Hand-to-Hand Combat:
-Was proven to be a highly skilled warrior before being granted his powers
-Fights on par with the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman


-Can channel electricity from his body
-Electricity is magical in nature
-Can even generate small storm clouds to further channel his lightning

-Exactly what it says on the tin
-Can access the Rock of Eternity

-Courage of Mehen grants him accelerated healing
-Allows him to recover from most wounds

Nature Control:
-The Power of Isis grants him the ability to control all of the elements
-Can easily conjure massive tornadoes or cause geysers of lava to erupt from the ground

-The Power of Isis also allows Adam to move objects with his mind

Augmentation of Previous Powers:
-The Power of Isis augments his powers to greater levels

Weapons and Equipment:

Black Adam Joins The Sinestro Corps – Comicnewbies
Yellow Power Ring:
-Was deemed fearful enough to dawn a power ring of the Sinestro Corps
-Grants him the ability to project constructs of yellow energy
-Should be comparable to other Lanterns with this equipped
    -Especially since he had already fought on par with Lanterns like Kyle Rayner without it
    -Green Lantern John Stewart created an entire solar system using his ring after fully exerting himself

Black Adam gets his jaw broken by Br3ndan5Weaknesses:
-Arrogant and stubborn
-Is vulnerable to magic
-Powerless as Teth-Adam

(“I am not a villain – not in the narrow definition of the word according to the self-named ‘modern’ world. I fought alongside the Justice Society and for a time, made them my allies… but I never earned their trust.”)


X-men-apocalipsis-645x512 by BangJang96
Real name: En Sabah Nur
Aliases: High Lord, Forever Walker, Son of the Morning Fire, “The First One,” Set, Huitxilopochti, Sauru, Kali-Ma, Aten
Height: 7′ 0″ (Variable)
Weight: 725 lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: Red
Occupations: Mutant, Conquerer, Rebel Leader, Nomad
First Appearance: X-Factor #5 (cameo) (June 1986)
-Founded the Alliance of Evil, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, & the Riders of the Storm
-Took on the role of Apocalypse, and sought out to remake the world (like all big and bulky but serious looking comic villains)
-Made an appearance in the FOX X-Men movies
    -But it sucked
He is the end of all that is.
-One of the most powerful mutants in Marvel
-Has almost all the powers of almost every mutant (Keyword: Almost)
-Got his powers through exposure to the blood of Nathan Summer’s techno-organic virus, turning him into the powerhouse that he is today
-Sired the ancestors of Clan Akkaba
-His conquests throughout the ancient past
-Has been rivals with Dracula for centuries
-Restrained the Hulk, making him his Horseman of War
-Can withstand a scream from Black Bolt, as well the combined attacks of the Inhumans and X-Factor
-Using Professor X as a medium, Apocalypse disarmed the world’s nuclear weapons


7ebiOAb by BangJang96
-Kills Stryfe by smashing him into the ground (as shown above)
-Low-end Apocalypse is put in the 75-100 tons range
Hits Thor so hard, he goes flying into a barn
-Then headbutts him right after
Holds Loki in his grasp for a moment
-Fights on par with the High Evolutionary
-Takes down Eternal Ikkaris
Brings the Hulk to his knees
-Physically restrains the Hulk
Takes on the X-Men in under sixty seconds
-Chokes She-Hulk
-One-shots Frenzy, who was amped at the time
Takes down Cable in one hit
Pulse finds Apocalypse’s strength incredible
Killed a celestial, but it was unspecified how
Owns the Monolith
r040yM0 by BangJang96
-Caught Quicksilver off-guard and tagged him (as shown above)
-Does the same thing with Beast. Though Beast is not that fast
-Dodges attacks from Iceman and Cyclops
-Reacts to and catches an axe thrown by Thor

EswanlP by BangJang96
-Further enhanced with his armor
-Tanked the combined efforts of all the X-Men (including Black Bolt) [as shown above]
    -Note: Black Bolt’s whispers were enough to fuel a bomb which ripped a hole in space-time parsecs across
-Fought Stryfe at his weakest
        –Still took him down handily
-Tanks a direct hit from Stryfe
-Survived getting stabbed by Cable, and withstanding his full power. Still survived.
Armor can block hits from Cable, and Cyclops
-Took Cyclops’ Optic Blast to the face
Survived a lethal fall without his armor
-No-sells a blast from the High Evolutionary
Tanks Cyclops’ full power, then a blast from Jean Grey
Survived getting bitten by Dracula, then being manipulated after
Tanks Beast throwing a large object at him
High Evolutionary’s punches don’t hurt Apocalypse
Enduring the combined attack of Magneto’s magnetic blast and pre-shaman Nate Grey’s psionic spikes

Powers & Abilities:

T9Y3xKE by BangJang96
Molecular Control/Matter Manipulation:
-Apocalypse can control not only the molecules/matter around him, but with his own armor. And as such, he can use it to make lots of weapons (as shown above)
Can open holes in his armor to evade hits from Cyclops
-Turned his arms into clamps and his body into a spike
-Capable of growing gills to swim and breathe underwater
-Turned his hand into three giant spikes
Turning an arm into a cannon, the other into a latch, and finally a giant head that harms Loki
-Turns into a manta-ray thing…to fly in space
-Can turn his arms into tentacles
-Turns Ozymandias into a being made out of pure stone
-Creates a mantis creature out of his limb
Turns his harbinger into a bomb

ENEEzJb by BangJang96
-Along with many mutants, is a telepath
-Telepathically calls Archangel (as shown above)
Reading Ozymandias’ mind
In order to get to the astral plane he needs Cable’s help, and Apocalypse understands the astral plane pretty well
Taking a full force psychic attack from Jean Grey and reversing it
Psychic Combat with Jean and then Cyclops joins in as well. Being able to contend with two psychic entities at once, and one of whom is a very powerful telepath
-Can mentally control his Celestial tech
Takes a full telepathic blast from Exodus, and it has no effect
-Mind blasts Charles Xavier
Palacerise by BangJang96
-Another common mutant power granted to Apocalypse
-Lifts his palace telepathically (as shown above)
-Pulls a man’s skeleton out of his body
TLybWJF by BangJang96
Energy-Based Attacks:
-Can not only fire energy, but also lightning (as shown above)
Shot Beast and Storm out a window with an energy blast
-Can also create force fields. And as such, battles with Sue Storm’s force fields
Blasting and destroying ground near Cyclops
Blasting Iceman and then growing in size to break the ice around him
-Shoots a projectile from his arm
Energy fields to throw off Iceman
-Can disintegrate humans with energy beams
-Can also shoot them from his eyes. Does it to Thor
-Snaps his fingers to cause an energy explosion
Using some attack on Bishop
Killing a Madrox clone with a blast
uEUptuV by BangJang96
Power Absorption:
Has been shown to absorb the powers of other mutants
-Absorbed Archangel’s feathers to restore power (as shown above)
Drains Cyclops of his energy to the bone
cEJ2lhl by BangJang96
Size Manipulation:
-Can seemingly increase his size while he fought Magneto (as shown above)
-Can most likely do it otherwise via matter manipulation with his own body
Supersizing his arm to knock out Bishop
QPc7Bes by BangJang96
-Teleports away from Beast (as shown above)
Teleporting High Evolutionary
-The X-Men call him a teleporter
SwqzEZo by BangJang96
-Can turn into anyone he wants (as shown above)
-The X-Men confirm he’s a shapeshifter
Apocregernate by BangJang96
Healing Factor:
-It should be noted somewhere that he has a healing factor, and has demonstrated it in many of his fights
-Healed from a puddle of mush (as shown above)
Regenerated after a fight with the X-Men
Blew himself up only to have regenerated after

Weapons and Equipment:

FinalExecutionApocalypsesArmor by BangJang96
Cybernetic Celestial Armor:
-Granted to him by a celestial, that were implanted into his body (in an Iron Man kinda way).
Gained access to it via his celestial ship
-Armor can take hits from Cyclops, Cable, and more
-Can be physically altered at will as the armor itself is linked as physical part of Apocalypse’s body
-Contains many different types of devices including a teleportation device, psychic dampening arrays, and sensors powerful enough to see the High Evolutionary if he’s invisible
-Makes him look really buff, despite its normal size
CelestialDeathSeed by BangJang96
The Death Seed:
-One of Apocalypse’s most powerful equipment
       -Didn’t last long
The Death Seed is a gift that gives the user cosmic power on par with the Phoenix Force. So if the host dies it passes the power onto the next person
-With it, Wolverine blew up a city, Jean Grey killed celestials, and Archangel fights on par with Phoenix

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-Has an insane God complex. Thinks he’s the only one who will prevail
-Died in Age of Apocalypse, and lost the Death Seed
-Frequently gets defeated by some of the X-Men
-Has failed to conquer Earth a lot more than it seems

(“You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!”)

Death Battle: Batman vs Green Goblin

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Bruce Wayne sat at the BatComputer, analyzing some evidence for a case that involved a string of murders. The billionaire had spent the past few days investigating a case that was occurring throughout New York. According to the various newspapers and tabloids, there had been a string of murders with the businessmen of Oscorp and Wayne Enterprises as the victims. While the reasoning behind these murders was unknown, it was known that the victims had died in an explosion. Bruce had investigated and found that the bombs’ residue matched chemicals that were being used in the labs at Oscorp. This easily narrowed the murderer down to someone at Oscorp, but who could it have been? The motive was easy to find: anger at being forced to merge businesses with WayneTech. The agreement between the two companies had been all over the news, with various channels and articles proclaiming “​OSCORP’S FUNDS DWINDLING! BOARD SUGGESTS MERGING COMPANIES!” or “HOSTILE TAKEOVER PENDING! THE END OF OSCORP?” Bruce, now aware of the killer’s motive, began to check for any suspects. Within several seconds, the billionaire had found one of the more recent articles, “OSCORP BUSINESSMEN OVERRIDE NORMAN OSBORN’S REFUSAL TO MERGE WITH WAYNETECH.” With this information in mind, Bruce got up from his seat and walked toward his Batsuit just as his butler, Alfred, had started to walk down the steps.

“I take it you’re investigating more of those murders, Master Wayne?” the butler asked.

“No, Alfred. I’m ending these murders. And I think I just found the prime suspect.”

Several minutes later

The Batmobile’s engine roared as it drove through New York toward its destination: the Osborn mansion. As he began approaching the mansion, however, Batman had noticed a vaguely bat-shaped object in the sky some distance away. Upon further inspection, he noticed there was a person standing on top of it, currently taking something out of what appeared to be a purse. The figure then tossed the object to the Batmobile, exploding as soon as it made contact. Both car and driver were thrown off-course as the heavily-armored vehicle crashed into the side of the road. With some difficulty, Batman jumped out of the hole that the explosive had created before landing on the ground. The Caped Crusader looked around, attempting to find who had attacked him. He found his answer when a bat-shaped glider suddenly landed near him, revealing its grinning occupant. The man in question was dressed in what appeared to be green body armor with a purple overshirt, gloves, and boots. He had covered his face with a green mask that had bulging, yellow eyes, and a purple stocking cap over it. While the Dark Knight didn’t know it, the man standing before him was Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin.

“Easy there, Tall, Dark, and Gothic. You shouldn’t have been speeding. Don’t you know you could have hit someone?” the Goblin asked with a grin.

“I’m busy investigating a string of murders, so if you have anything to say, spit it out.” The Dark Knight said bluntly.

“I do, in fact. You’ve caught the culprit himself red-handed.” Norman said, his grin widening.

“Then I’ll be sending you to Arkham Asylum right now.” Batman declared as he got into a fighting pose.

“I’d like to see you try!” Osborn declared as he reached into his satchel and pulled out a Pumpkin Bomb. Priming the explosive, Norman threw it toward the Dark Knight, who responded by throwing a batarang.

The two projectiles collided in the air, causing the bomb to explode prematurely and cover the street in smoke. From the smoke emerged Batman, rushing toward the Goblin and kicking him in the chest. The Caped Crusader then followed up with a barrage of punches and kicks, but before he could land his last blow, he felt the Goblin grip his wrists and deliver a headbutt that knocked him back slightly. As the billionaire was briefly disoriented, Norman grabbed him by his cape before flinging him into the wall of a nearby building, the impact causing several bricks to loosen or crack. The World’s Greatest Detective got himself back to his feet just in time to feel four razor-sharp bat-shaped blades embed themselves in his body, two in his arms and two in his chest. The Dark Knight groaned in pain just as the Goblin delivered a kick to his stomach, destroying a portion of the brick wall behind them and sending Bruce flying across the room. The Goblin laughed before walking inside.

“Well that was boring. Already out after a few love taps. Come on, Batman! Even Spider-Man on his worst days lasted longer than you. AHAHAHA- agh!” Osborn was cut off as he felt several sharp blades pierce his armor and stab into his body. The bat-shaped blades had entered his arms, legs, and stomach. These were not Norman’s blades that had previously injured The Bat. No. These were blades of Bruce’s own design, the batarangs.

“Well, I didn’t think you admired my work,” Goblin said as he pulled the batarangs out of his body and tossed them aside, “but you know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form of-“ he looked up to see that the Dark Knight had suddenly disappeared, the only evidence of his appearance being some slightly bloodied razor bats. “-flattery.” he finished before looking around in an attempt to find Batman. A cloud of smoke began to coat the room, but the Goblin was more annoyed by this than anything. He looked through the thick smoke for any sign of the Dark Knight, unaware that his opponent had suddenly dropped down behind him and kicked him to the ground. The Emerald Elf turned to confront his assailant, but he had suddenly disappeared, as though he were a mirage. He continued to look around, unaware that his opponent was only a few feet away, staring at one of the bloodstained batarangs.

“Oracle,” he spoke to a communicator in his mask, “run a test to see if anyone matches this blood sample.”

“On it.” A female voice responded. “Oh my God.” She said as the results came up.

“Who is it?” Bruce asked. A display of the medical records told him who he was currently facing. “I thought so.”

“Do you need me to do anything else?” Barbara asked.

“Send these records to the police. Have them send an investigative group to the Oscorp Mansion.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to end this.” Bruce said as he looked down at the Goblin. “One way or another.”

Back on the ground, the Green Goblin’s eyes darted around as he attempted to look past the smoke. His eyes widened in surprise as two batarangs suddenly burst from the smoke and flew toward him. His surprise quickly changed to a smug grin as he caught the projectiles mid-flight. He prepared to say something, only for the batarangs to begin beeping. Quickly realizing what they were, Norman threw the batarangs to the side as he attempted to jump out of harm’s way. Instead, the batarangs detonated prematurely, sending him flying into the floor. He got back up, groaning, before pulling out another pumpkin bomb.

“Alright, Batman, let’s see how you deal with THIS bomb!” he laughed as he primed the explosive before throwing it to the ground. Upon detonating, the bomb released a cloud of gas that quickly spread throughout the room. Batman noticed this and fired his Grapple Gun, pulling himself higher as he put on a gas mask. The Caped Crusader kept himself in the dark as he watched the Goblin search for him, activating Detective Mode to check the madman’s vitals after suffering blood loss. Surprisingly enough, he seemed to be perfectly fine, no injuries at all. The Dark Knight took note of the Goblin’s gloves, and upon scanning, found the circuitry inside appeared to work in a similar manner to a taser. Now weary of his opponent, Bruce decided the best course of action for now would be a stealth attack. As quietly as possible, Batman snuck around the Goblin before eventually dropping down on him from above and dropkicking him.

Before the Green Goblin could recover, the Bat delivered several punches to his face and stomach until delivering one last punch that caused Osborn to hit a window, shattering it. He stumbled forward before ducking under a punch from Batman and driving his fist into the Dark Knight’s stomach, sending him flying back. Norman laughed as he watched the Dark Knight’s dazed reaction.

“Well, Batman, it’s been fun, but I’m afraid you won’t be getting your man tonight.” the Green Goblin declared as he pulled out another device from his bag of tricks and threw it forward. This device appeared to be some sort of bat that began circling around the Caped Crusader. Norman laughed as he watched the Dark Knight struggle through the smokescreen before priming another pumpkin bomb and throwing it to the ground. Batman jumped through the smoke just in time to see the Goblin summon his glider.  Norman turned to the billionaire and gave him a mock salute before flying away from the building. Just as Bruce attempted to follow, the pumpkin bomb exploded, causing the building around him to collapse. Osborn viewed the destruction from a safe distance before laughing as he began flying away from the wreckage.

Unfortunately for the Goblin, his opponent was not going to be defeated so easily. A grappling line shot out from the wreckage and latched itself onto the glider, pulling Batman out of the rubble and taking him for a ride. Norman felt the additional weight that Bruce was adding and looked back to find the Caped Crusader drawing closer. Before Osborn could react, the World’s Greatest Detective had delivered a brutal uppercut that caused him to stumble back. As he prepared to deliver another blow, the Goblin caught the fist in his hand and activated his Goblin Blasters, causing thousands of volts of electricity to course through Batman’s suit. Bruce fought through the pain and attempted to deliver a headbutt, only to get cut off as Norman switched his grasp from hand to neck and began squeezing.

“Well, Batman, you’ve just signed your own death warrant. You could have avoided this had you just stayed in that building, but you just had to play the hero. Now look where it’s got you. A slow, agonizing death as I squeeze the life out of you.” Norman said, emphasizing his point by applying more pressure. Just as it seemed the Dark Knight was about to finally lose consciousness, he brought both arms up before bringing them down on the Goblin’s arms, his wrist blades slicing through Norman’s armor and skin. The Goblin let out a pained screech as he dropped Batman to the ground, allowing the Caped Crusader to catch his breath before putting his plan into action.

Bruce pulled out a batarang and stabbed it into the Goblin’s heel, causing him to cry out in pain. The pain was magnified further as a screeching sound emitted from the blade, causing Osborn to cover his ears in pain. Surprisingly, the screeching appeared to increase in volume. Upon looking up, Norman saw why. A MASSIVE swarm of bats were flying toward him, their teeth bared. The president of Oscorp was mostly unaffected, save for the exposed parts of his armor, which allowed the flying mammals to bite at him. Just as the swarm was about to clear, Batman drove one foot forward as he knocked Norman off of his glider. Just as it seemed the Goblin would fall to his death, he managed to grab on at the last second, though his grip was slipping.

“Help me!” Norman said with fear in his eyes. Bruce looked at the Goblin, as though contemplating whether he should. Upon receiving no response from the Dark Knight, Osborn held out his other hand. Bruce prepared to grab onto it, but at that exact moment the Goblin’s hand slipped and he fell, screaming. Not willing to let Osborn die, Bruce jumped after him. As he drew closer, the Caped Crusader grabbed onto the Goblin and pulled out his Grapple Gun. A line shot up and latched onto the roof of a nearby building, allowing the Dark Knight to pull both of them to safety. As they landed on the rooftop, the Green Goblin began laughing.

“I knew you didn’t have it in you to let me fall.” Osborn declared, but before he could laugh any further he was cut off as Batman delivered a right hook to his face. The World’s Greatest Detective then began wailing on the Emerald Elf as he unleashed a furious combo of punches. He brought his fist forward to deliver a blow that would incapacitate the murderous millionaire, but it was caught mid-punch.

 “You want to know what sets the two of us apart? You’re not willing to kill. While I, on the other hand…” Norman pressed a button on one of his gloves. Bruce turned as he heard the sound of a rocket going off. He broke the Goblin’s guard and attempted to move out of the way, but his opponent quickly recovered and forced him back down by pulling on his cape at the last second. Bruce gasped in pain as he felt the blades on the glider’s headpiece pierce through his chest. “…am more than willing to do whatever I need.” He finished as the glider drove into the ground, pinning Batman. The Dark Knight attempted to remove the glider, but his attempts were interrupted as the Goblin stepped on one of his arms, breaking it. The Caped Crusader grimaced in pain as the Green Goblin grinned. He brought his hand up to the Dark Knight’s mask and, with a swipe of his hand, removed it, revealing Bruce Wayne. Norman’s expression shifted in surprise for a moment, but he continued grinning upon seeing the true identity of his opponent.

“Well, I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting this. Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne secretly dresses up as a bat and beats up criminals every night? I mean, I always thought you had some secrets, Bruce, but I never thought it was something like this. Oh well, at least I’ve managed to kill two birds with one stone. With you out of the way, Gotham City’s crime rate’s going to rise and I’ll be watching it from your company’s headquarters.” The Goblin said as he began chuckling. His chuckling began to rise into uproarious laughter before Batman cut him off.

“That won’t happen, Osborn.” Upon hearing his name, the Green Goblin turned to the Dark Knight.

“What was that?” The Dark Knight ignored his surprised opponent and contacted Oracle.

“Oracle, have you sent the samples to the police?”

“Already done.” She responded. “The police are investigating the Oscorp mansion as we speak.”


“What do you mean by that? What’s good?” the Goblin asked furiously as he grabbed Bruce by his costume.

“During our fight I had my assistant analyze the samples of your blood. Once she found a match the police were notified. Right now they’re conducting an in-depth investigation of your mansion. Face it, Osborn. Even if you win this battle by killing me, you’ve only succeeded in shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.” As those words echoed through his ears, Norman’s face contorted in rage as he grabbed Bruce by the neck and held him close.

“Even if my reputation’s going under, it doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun by killing you first.” He said in an unnervingly quiet voice. Moving at a surprisingly fast speed, the Goblin removed Bruce from the glider and began choking him. The Batman’s breathing began to slow as Norman applied more pressure until his movements stopped entirely. Grinning at his handiwork, the Green Goblin picked up Bruce’s body and threw it off the building, watching it land on a car with a loud CRUNCH!

Norman looked gleefully at Batman’s corpse, his smile only faltering as he heard sirens quickly making their way to him. Within seconds several police cars and a helicopter caught up to where he was.

“Norman Osborn!” A policeman called out. “We have you surrounded! Put your hands on your head and come quietly or we will be forced to shoot!” Upon hearing this, the Goblin raised his hands in surrender, but quickly pulled out a pumpkin bomb and tossed it into the air. The bomb unleashed a narcotic gas, blocking the policemen’s view as he got back on to his glider and flew away. It would take a while, but he would have to lay low until this could blow over.

DB KO! by Br3ndan5


After nearly 5 months of real life cutting into my free time, I was finally able to finish the fight. Anyway, let’s get on to why the Goblin wins this.

While both combatants are certainly formidable, and each have certain advantages that could net them the win, Goblin is superior physicality-wise due to taking on Spider-Man, and both his healing factor and superior armor would allow him to withstand everything the Dark Knight could throw at him. It doesn’t help that while Batman’s arsenal could be used to kill, it is easily trumped by Norman’s weapons and gadgets, which are designed specifically to kill.

Intelligence wise, both are pretty even, though the Goblin edges out only slightly due to his more scheming nature allowing him to study and manipulate the Dark Knight.

Though that doesn’t mean the Caped Crusader is completely screwed. His stealth could allow him to study the Goblin, and his Detective Mode could alert him to what weapons the Goblin could use. There’s also the fact that he’s had more experience in fighting hand to hand, though the Goblin’s superior durability and armor would render this moot. Though these would only delay the inevitable until the Goblin could eventually gain the upper hand.

The winner is the Green Goblin.

WinnerGreenGoblin by Br3ndan5

Green Goblin (Winner)
+Physically superior
+Better armor
+Arsenal is designed to kill

+His healing factor could let him shrug off Batman’s blows
+Slightly more intelligent
-Less experienced fighting hand-to-hand
-No way to counter Batman’s stealth or Detective Mode

Batman (Loser)
+More experienced fighting hand-to-hand

+Goblin has no way to counter his stealth
+Detective Mode could allow him to see what weapons the Goblin has on hand
-Physically inferior
-Inferior armor
-While his arsenal could be used to kill, it isn’t designed to do so