Prelude: Mai Shiranui vs Kasumi

Claim: Mai Shiranui vs Kasumi by Br3ndan5

Kunoichi, a term used to describe the female practitioners of ninjutsu. Throughout fiction, there have been countless examples of this archetype, but none are quite as big- or as bouncy– as these two.

Mai Shiranui, Heiress of the Shiranui Clan.

And Kasumi, the Kunoichi of Destiny.

I’m Br3ndan5, and it’s my job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to Strunton for the Kasumi bio.


Mai Shiranui by Br3ndan5


Mai Shiranui
Title: The Alluring Ninja Girl
Age: 19 (Fatal Fury 2), 20 (KOF‘94), 21 (Fatal Fury 3, KOF‘95), 23 (Real Bout Special), 24 (Real Bout Special Dominated Mind)
Height: 5’5
Weight: 106 lbs
Occupation: Ninja, Heiress of the Shiranui Clan
First Appearance: Fatal Fury 2 (December 10, 1992)

-Was trained in the ways of ninjutsu by her grandfather Hanzo and his rival/old friend Jubei Yamada
-Is a regular in the King of Fighters tournaments
-Is somehow able to always find Andy no matter where he goes

Fatal Fury
-Defeated Wolfgang Krauser
-Defeated Jin Chonshu and Jin Chonrei

King of Fighters
-Formed the Woman’s Team alongside King and Yuri Sakazaki
-Alongside King and Yuri, defeated Rugal Bernstein
-With help from King and Yuri, defeated Omega Rugal
-Defeated Chizuru Kagura and Goenitz with help from Kasumi and King
-Alongside Chizuru and King, defeated Orochi

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact:
-Defeated Duke

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2:
-Defeated Luise Meyrink and Jivatma

Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle
-Tricked Andy into taking her on a shopping spree
-Fought Laurence Blood, though she was ultimately defeated

Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture
-Fought Hauer, a servant of Laocorn, but ultimately lost
-Defeated Panni, another of Laocorn’s servants
-Participated in the final battle against Laocorn

King of Fighters: Destiny
-Alongside Yuri Sakazaki and King, defeated a group of thugs
-Formed the Queens Team with Yuri and King
-While corrupted by the Black Crystals, fought and defeated Andy
-With help from Athena, Yuri, and Benimaru Nikaido, distracted Rugal Bernstein long enough for Kyo to recover

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact (manga):
-Fought Lien Neville, a top ranked assassin
    -Though she lost
-Interrupted Lien’s attempt to snap Athena’s neck


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-Can lift and throw enemies far heavier than her
-Her elbow strikes are strong enough to break through enemy defenses
-Knocked Laurence flat on his face with a Ryuuenbu, burning him in the process
-Knocked Hauer down a flight of stairs with a Ryuuenbu
-Judo-flipped Panni
-Knocked out Panni with a Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
-Can throw her Kachousen (See “Weapons and Equipment” below) with enough force to knock out a fully grown man
    -She’s also been shown to throw it hard enough to knock Andy off his feet
-Her punches and kicks are strong enough to harm Andy
-Traded blows with Luise and Jivatma
-Used her ninjutsu training to blow back Lien, who was in the middle of choking her out
-Traded blows with Lien
-Sent Lien flying with a strike from her Kachousen

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-Regularly performs flips and backflips while airborne
-Can leap across stone pillars with ease
-Can walk on water
-Leapt up a flight of stairs to avoid a wind attack from Hauer
-Avoided a stone-shattering kick from Lien by backflipping

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-Can change into another pair of clothes within one second
-Can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Outran Black Noah’s explosion
-Escaped a NESTS base that was seconds from exploding
-Avoided a rapid series of sword swipes from Laurence
-Can move fast enough that she appears as a blur
-Avoided an electrified chain being hurled at her
-Can outspeed Andy
-Kept up with Jivatma
-Intercepted a punch from Lien, who can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Interrupted Lien’s attempt to snap Athena’s neck by throwing a fire-infused Kachousen at the assassin’s wrist
-Backflipped to avoid a kick from Lien that destroyed multiple stone tiles
-Dodged multiple attacks from Lien

Mai Durability by Br3ndan5Durability:
-Traded blows with Andy, whose punches can break ribs
-Unharmed after being knocked into a freezing lake by Andy’s Hishouken
-Withstood wind attacks from Hauer, whose aerokinesis is powerful enough to slice through steel
-Was fine after Laocorn kicked her into the stone floor of the temple they were fighting in, though she lost consciousness soon after
-Took multiple hits from Jivatma
-Remained conscious after Lien attempted to choke her out
-Took a knee strike to the stomach from Lien
-Continued fighting Lien even after being hit hard enough that she was left coughing up blood


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Master of Disguise:

-Thanks to her training in Hensōjutsu, Mai can flawlessly disguise herself to resemble other people and even mimic their voices

Master of Stealth:
-Her training in Shinobi-iri has made her adept in sticking to the shadows
-Has yet to show this onscreen, however

Mai Shiranui personality by Br3ndan5
-Extremely cheerful and temperamental
-Somewhat airheaded
-Admires any kind of beauty or attractiveness
-Compares boys who flirt with her or acknowledge her beauty to Andy, but says they aren’t as cute as him
-Dreams of getting married to Andy Bogard and will go to lengths that can even creep him out
-Is extremely defensive of her attire
    -Should it be criticized, Mai will either attempt to explain that it is traditional garb for the women of the Shiranui Clan, or she will become insulted and confrontational
-Somewhat arrogant, often boasting herself to be number 1
-During battle, she tends to be somewhat cocky, often taunting her opponent whenever she gains the upper hand
    -That said, she knows when to get serious, especially if Andy’s life is on the line
-Can become extremely crass and vulgar when angered

Weapons and Equipment:


Mai fans by Br3ndan5
-Also called the Butterfly Fan or folding fan
-Has a seemingly infinite amount of them
-Mai uses them for both long range and close range attacks (See “Techniques” below)
-Can infuse them with fire for greater power (See “Powers” below)


Mai Shiranui pyrokinesis by Br3ndan5
-Allows Mai to generate flames and control them
-Can use this to infuse her attacks with fire
-Can channel fire through her clothes, weapons, or anything she touches
Makes her resistant to fire

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-Can pull out a seemingly infinite number of weapons and items from nowhere
-As seen above, she can pull out an entirely different outfit from an umbrella and instantly change into it

Surface Scaling:
-Thanks to her training in Shinobi-iri, Mai is capable of climbing any surface

Fighting Style:

Shiranui-Ryuu Style:
-Mai’s fighting style
-It consists of 18 disciplines:
    -Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
    -Taijutsu – unarmed combat
    -Kenjutsu – sword techniques
    -Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
    -Sōjutsu – spear techniques
    -Naginatajutsu – naginata techniques
    -Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques
    -Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
    -Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics
    -Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
    -Shinobi-iri – stealth and entering methods
    -Bajutsu – horsemanship
    -Sui-ren – water training
    -Bōryaku – tactics
    -Chōhō – espionage
    -Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
    -Tenmon – meteorology
    -Chi-mon – geography
-She generally focuses on Taijutsu, Kayakujutsu, Hensōjutsu, and Shurikenjutsu
-Allows her to latch onto walls



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-Mai throws one of her fans at her opponent
-Can infuse it with fire for added damage

Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi GIF

Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi:
-Mai performs a cartwheel kick before following up with an elbow strike
-Has an enhanced version where Mai covers herself in fire to deal more damage

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Fuusha Kuzushi:
-Mai grabs the opponent with her legs, flips them over, and slams them into the ground

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-Mai grabs an aerial opponent and knee drops them, landing far away

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Sayo Chidori:
-Mai performs a heavy swing with her fans
-Can be used to negate projectiles

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-Mai imbues her kimono’s tassels with flames and spins around, striking the opponent
-Can be used to negate projectiles or inflict major burns on anyone that gets close to her

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Hishou Ryuuenjin:
-Mai performs a fire-infused front flip kick

Musasabi no Mai GIF

Musasabi no Mai:
-Mai leaps into the air and dives toward the opponent

Shiranui Kyuukyoku Ougi:
-A more powerful version of the Musasabi no Mai

Burning Mai by Br3ndan5Burning Mai 2 by Br3ndan5Burning Mai:
-Mai unleashes a torrent of flame that sends her opponent flying back

Swallow Saturnalia by Br3ndan5Swallow Saturnalia:
-Mai performs a flipping blade kick

Dragon Flame Romp by Br3ndan5Dragon Flame Romp:
-Mai spins through the air, repeatedly striking her opponent with fire-infused Kachousen

Blossom Storm by Br3ndan5
Blossom Storm:
-Mai begins spinning rapidly, producing a miniature hurricane
-Can only be used in water

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Hakuro no Mai:
-Mai performs a quick dance move where she hits the opponent with her fans

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Sui Chou no Mai:
-Mai throws out three consecutive Kachousen
-Can infuse them with fire for extra power

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Houou no Mai:
-Mai leaps into the air and performs a fiery cartwheel, battering her opponent repeatedly before kicking them away

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Kagerou no Mai:
-Mai surrounds herself in a spiral of flames, dealing massive damage to nearby opponents
-Has a variant where she creates two clones made of fire

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-Mai rushes toward the opponent and repeatedly strikes them with her fans as they rise through the sky

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Shiranui-Ryuu Kyuubi no Kitsune
-Mai pounces on the enemy and blitzes them while covering them in flames
-Once this move is completed, the flames explode

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Shiranui Ryuu Kunoichi no Mai:
-Mai strikes the enemy into the air and repeatedly dashes past them, creating flames in the shape of the 女 kanji. Afterwards, she strikes a pose, causing the flames to explode
-An alternate version has her use her speed to blitz the opponent before grabbing them with her legs and slamming them into the ground

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-Has yet to win a King of Fighters tournament
-More used to fighting on a team
-Favors speed over power
-Can be somewhat ditzy at times
-Her cocky attitude during battle will often lead to her prolonging the fight
    -Though she has also shown that she knows when to drop it and get serious
-Pyrokinesis only extends to the flames she creates, and it doesn’t protect her from other types of fire
-Her win/loss record is pathetic
Way too obsessed with Andy

(“With a body and strength like this, you thought you had a chance?”)


1 by Strunton
AKA: The Kunoichi of Destiny, Female Ninja in Captivity, A Kunoichi’s Destiny, Super Hot Ninja
Age: 19
Height: 5′ 2
Weight: 106 lbs
First Appearance: Dead or Alive (November 26, 1996)

-With the help of Christie, escaped the Mugen Tenshin Village
-Fought and defeated her rival, Ayane, multiple times
-Won the first Dead or Alive tournament
-Defeated Bayman, Gen Fu, Bass, Zack, Lei Fang, Tina, and Jann Lee
-Killed Raidou and avenged her brother
-Defeated Kasumi α, a clone of Kasumi
-Defeated Helena and Kokoro
-Defeated her brother, Hayate
-Defeated Christie and Rig
-Defeated Alpha-152, another clone of Kasumi, twice
Defeated the building sized Obaba
-Can defeat enemies and bosses that challenge Ryu Hayabusa, including Evil Ryu

Born the daughter of Shiden and Ayame, Kasumi was born into the Mugen Tenshin’s head family, making her second-in-line to the title of clan leader, after her older brother Hayate. Things were looking pretty good, until the day the rouge ninja, Raidou, returned to the village and obtained a powerful ninpo spell. Raidou left Hayate in a death-like coma, which caused Kasumi to leave her village, causing her to become a nukenin in the process, and enter the first Dead or Alive Tournament to take down Raidou.


1 by Strunton
-Can grab and toss Bass Armstrong, who weighs 346 lbs
-Can launch Tengu, who weighs 496 lbs, nearly 7 feet into the air in less than a second
-Sent Ayane flying back with a single strike
-Can slice through armored men, metals, and monsters like butter
-Overpowered Regent of the Mask
-Slams people into the ground with enough force to make their upper torso explode
-Scales to Ryu Hayabusa, who can do the following:
    -Defeat the possessed Statue of Liberty
    –Block a massive sword swung by a building-sized goddess

    -Defeat the Tengu of Destruction, who dispersed a large amount of clouds
    -Defeat the Demon Statue in his NES game which was considered a planetary threat, capable of destroying an entire country and above using nuclear weaponry on

1b by Strunton
-Incredibly nimble and agile
-Can run along walls
-Dodged Ayane’s kunai tossed at her
-Dodged Ayane’s Torn Sky Blast Technique
-Can outpace other shinobi
-Can leave behind afterimages
Dodged a RPG-7 missile in midair
-Can block and evade automatic gunfire at point blank range
-Scales to Ryu Hayabusa, who can react to and dodge lightning

1 by Strunton
-Survived a series of explosions that spanned a large room
-DOA characters can keep fighting after being electrocuted
-Can survive falls from hundreds of feet with no issues
-Endured hits from Jann Lee, who could destroy a tree with a single strike
-Can endure being rammed into by a charging dinosaur
-Can tank hits from Evil Ryu
-Scales to Ryu Hayabusa, who survived being at ground zero of an explosion that consumed most of Mt. Fuji

Weapons and Equipment:

1a by Strunton
Shrouded Moon: 
-Kasumi’s main weapon 
-An elegant wakizashi, imbued with the mystical powers of the words “mist” and “moon”

1b by Strunton
-Versatile combat knives
-Forms six kunai to create a Windmill Shuriken

Skills and Abilities:

Fighting Style: 
-Mainly uses 
Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu
-Focuses on evasion and defense
-Utilizes grapples and tackles
-Defeated Alpha-152, a clone that could use Kasumi’s, Ayane’s, Hayate’s, and Ryu Hayabusa’s fighting styles

1 by Strunton
Expert Swordsman:
-Skilled enough to take down hordes of armed men by herself
-Has held her own against enemies that can challenge Ryu Hayabusa
-Defeated an evil clone of Ryu Hayabusa

1a by Strunton
Stealth Expert:
-Trained in the art of stealth and espionage
Can mask her presence in smoke-filled areas 
-Hardly uses this in combat, however

1c by Strunton
-Teleports short distances 
-Accompanied by sakura pedals

Ki Manipulation:

1b by Strunton
Spiritual Regeneration: 
-Uses ki to heal herself
-Can do this until her ki runs out

1 by Strunton

Torn Sky Blast Technique:
-Also known as the 
Art of Rending Wind
A powerful Mugen Tenshin technique that releases ki through an open palm

1a by Strunton

-Has been defeated by the likes of Hayate
-Has a finite amount of ki
Dislikes violence and will only kill if necessary 
-Was tricked into going to Zack Island… twice

(“I can’t avoid this fight!”)

King Gives Death Battle Everything She’s Got!

King KOF XV by Br3ndan5
Title: The Beautiful Kick’s Illusion
Age: 22 (AOF2), 23 (KOF‘94), 24 (KOF‘95)
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs (
AOF2, KOF‘94-2001), 130 lbs (KOF2003-XIII)
Occupation: Bartender of Illusion Bar, Bouncer for Mr. Big (former)
First Appearance: Art of Fighting (September 24, 1992)

Art of Fighting
-Defeated a famous Muay Thai champion
-Successfully disguised herself as a man for years without anyone realizing she was a woman the entire time
-Helped Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia take down her boss, Mr. Big
-Defeated Geese Howard
-Succeeded in getting money for her brother Jan’s surgery

King of Fighters
-Formed the Woman’s Team alongside Mai Shiranui and Yuri Sakazaki
-Successfully opened up her own bar, the “Illusion”
-Alongside Mai and Yuri, defeated Rugal Bernstein
-With help from Mai and Yuri, defeated Omega Rugal
-Alongside Kasumi and Mai, defeated Chizuru Kagura and Goenitz

-Alongside Chizuru and Mai, defeated Orochi
-Proved her worth to Robert via an extensive kicking contest
-With help from Mai and Blue Mary, defeated Magaki

King of Fighters: Destiny
-Began working as a bodyguard for Mr. Big
-Guarded Yuri after she’d been kidnapped
-Fought Ryo, but was defeated
-Entered the King of Fighters tournament to get money for Jan’s surgery
-Alongside Yuri and Mai, defeated a group of thugs
-Formed the Queens Team alongside Mai and Yuri
-While corrupted by the Black Crystals, fought and defeated Terry Bogard

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-Small Country Level, as her team is capable of fighting Verse more efficiently than Antonov, who was able to survive an attack from him
    -Verse was able to create a storm above a stadium and contains the souls of several dead characters from the King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown series. This includes Orochi, whose power can manipulate the weather and create lava, and Mizuki Rashojin, who created a storm that enveloped the entire world
-Knocked out a man with a kick
-Her kicks are strong enough to shatter concrete and crack metal
-Threw a rose with enough force that it pierced through the center of a dartboard
-Kicked Ryo with enough force that he destroyed a metal door upon impact
-Traded blows with Ryo
-Kicked Robert hard enough to send him flying several feet through the air
-Kicked a thug, tripped him with a sweep kick, and sent him flying with a flip kick
   -While working with Yuri, kicked this same thug into another gang member hard enough to knock both out
-Sent a gang leader into a wall with a combo of kicks
-Kicked the gang leader hard enough to knock him out, knock two of his teeth, and send him flying through the air

-Kicked Terry through a wall
Kicked Terry with enough force to send him airborne
-Knocked the wind out of Terry with a punch to the stomach and knocked him out with a chop to the neck

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Relativistic due to being superior to fighters like Takuma, who could intercept and reflect the Zero Cannon’s beam
-Can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Could keep up with Ryo and Robert
-Can deliver a rapid series of kicks within the span of a second
-Outran Black Noah’s explosion
-Escaped a NESTS base that was seconds from exploding
-Ducked beneath a punch from Ryo
-Blocked and ducked under several punches from a gang leader
-Ducked beneath a kick from Terry, followed by blocking a punch from him
-Dodged Terry’s Power Dunk
-Blocked Terry’s Rising Tackle
-Intercepted Terry mid-strike

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-By scaling to her strength, Large Island Level, possibly Small Country
-Took multiple hits from Ryo
-Took a Haoh Shoukou Ken to the stomach
-Unfazed after being hit by Terry’s Power Wave
-Unharmed after being in the epicenter of an explosion caused by Joe’s Hurricane Upper and Terry’s Power Wave

King personality by Br3ndan5
-Kind and trustworthy, but violent
-Unquestionably loyal to her friends, but relentlessly unforgiving toward enemies
-Has an affinity for fine wine
-Tends to obsess over money in order to pay Jan’s medical bills
-Acts masculine most of the time, only occasionally displaying signs of femininity


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Venom Strike:
-King delivers a kick that fires a long-range projectile

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Air Venom Strike:
-King performs a Venom Strike in midair

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Double Strike:
-2 Venom Strikes performed in quick succession

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Top Venom:
-An airborne Venom Strike launched at the opponent’s head

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Under Venom:
-A Venom Strike launched at the opponent’s legs

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Mirage Kick:
-A rushing 4 kick combo

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Tornado Kick:
-An ascending, spinning kick attack

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Trap Shot:
-King performs a crescent kick. Should it connect she will follow up with a series of thrusting kicks

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Surprise Rose:
-A rising knee strike followed by several downward kicks

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Silent Flash:

-King delivers 2 high backflip kicks, with the second one launching her opponent into the air

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Phantom Strike:
-King delivers 8 Venom Strikes in quick succession at different levels

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Illusion Dance:
-King leaps backwards before taking a forward leap. Should it connect, she will unleash a flurry of kicks before finishing with a flash kick and a tornado kick that sends her opponent flying through the air

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Venom Shot:
-King jumps into the air and delivers a kick, spraying out multiple projectiles that proceed to burst like bubbles

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-Has yet to win a King of Fighters tournament
-More used to fighting on a team
-Most of her moves focus on speed over power

(“In battle, one’s sex means nothing. Who’s left standing is what matters.”)

Yuri Sakazaki Shows Kyokugenryu to Death Battle!

Yuri KOF XV by Br3ndan5

Yuri Sakazaki
Title: Wild Flying Swallow
Age: 17 (AOF), 18 (AOF2-AOF3), 19 (KOF’94), 20 (KOF’95)
Height: 5’6
Weight: 110 lbs (
AOF2-KOF’94-’98), 119 lbs (KOF’99-2002), 117 lbs (KOF2003-XIV)
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: Art of Fighting (September 24, 1992)

Art of Fighting
-Was taught Kyokugenryu Karate by her father, Takuma
-Arranged her style of Kyokugenryu to better fit her physique
-Defeated Geese Howard

King of Fighters
-Entered the King of Fighters tournament against her brother Ryo’s wishes
-Formed the Woman’s Team alongside Mai Shiranui and King
-Alongside Mai and King, defeated Rugal Bernstein
-With help from Mai and King, defeated Omega Rugal
-Alongside Ryo and Robert, defeated Chizuru Kagura and Goenitz

-Defeated Orochi with help from Ryo and Robert
-Entered the 2001 KoF Tournament with her boyfriend Robert in order to win the prize money and help out his family business
-With help from Ryo and Robert, defeated Magaki

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
-Defeated Duke

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2
-Defeated Luise Meyrink and Jivatma

King of Fighters: Destiny
-Ran away from her home to participate in the King of Fighters tournament
-Convinced King to join the King of Fighters
-Alongside Mai and King, defeated a group of thugs
-Formed the Queens Team alongside Mai and King
-While corrupted by the Black Crystals, fought and defeated Joe Higashi, a Muay Thai champion
-With help from Athena, Mai, and Benimaru Nikaido, distracted Rugal Bernstein long enough for Kyo to recover

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Large Island Level, possibly Small Country, as her team is capable of fighting Verse more efficiently than Antonov, who was able to survive an attack from him
    -Verse was able to create a storm above a stadium and contains the souls of several dead characters from the King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown series. This includes Orochi, whose power can manipulate the weather and create lava, and Mizuki Rashojin, who created a storm that enveloped the entire world
-Brought Ryo to his knees with a Ko-Ou Ken
-Traded blows with Luise
-Traded blows with Jivatma
-Threw an apple at a gang leader
-Kicked a thug hard enough to send him into a wall several feet away
    -Later performed her Hyakuretsu Binta and knocked him into another gang member
-While working with King, knocked out the above-mentioned thug by slamming into him with her ass
-Stepped on a chain hard enough to prevent it from being pulled away by a muscular gang leader
-Knocked the gang leader back with her Hien Hou’ou Kyaku and sent him flying several feet with her Ko-Ou Ken
-Wore down and eventually broke Joe’s guard with her Chou Mawashi-Geri
    -Did the same seconds later with her Hien Hou’ou Kyaku, which also knocked him back
-Traded blows with (and eventually knocked out) Joe

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-Relativistic due to being superior to fighters like Takuma, who could intercept and reflect the Zero Cannon’s beam
-Can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Can rapidly slap people with her Hyakuretsu Binta
-Outran Black Noah’s explosion

-Escaped a NESTS base that was seconds from exploding
-Avoided an electrified chain being hurled at her
-Dodged attacks from Joe
-Dodged attacks from Luise
-Kept up with Jivatma

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-By scaling to her strength, Large Island Level, possibly Small Country
-Took hits from Luise
-Shrugged off attacks from Jivatma
-Tanked multiple hits from Joe
-Unharmed after being hit by Joe’s Hurricane Upper
-Unharmed after being in the epicenter of an explosion caused by Joe’s Hurricane Upper and Terry’s Power Wave

Yuri personality by Br3ndan5
-Is extremely friendly toward others
-Constantly finds ways to improve herself through change
-Often argues with her father and Ryo over matters regarding her independence


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Ko-Ou Ken:
-Yuri focuses chi into her hands before releasing it in the form of a pink fireball

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Chou Upper:
-Yuri slides forward before performing a jumping uppercut
-Can be easily spammed, as shown during her fight with Joe

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Double Chou Upper:

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Chou Knuckle:
-Yuri charges forward with her arm extended

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Chou Mawashi-Geri:
-Yuri jumps and, while in the air, rotates her legs, kicking her opponent 7 times

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Hyakuretsu Binta:
-Yuri rapidly slaps her opponent

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-Yuri jumps into the air and fires a projectile from her fists

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-Yuri brings her arms forward, creating an energy barrier that nullifies projectiles
-Can be used at close range to knock back nearby opponents

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-Yuri charges at her opponent rear-first, slamming into them

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Haoh Shoukou Ken:
-A faster, more powerful version of the Ko-Ou Ken

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Hien Hou’ou Kyaku:
-Yuri runs at the opponent, then climbs their body by kicking them repeatedly before finishing by knocking them to the ground

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Yuri Chou Reppa:
-A combo of several Chou Uppers performed in rapid succession

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Chou Saiha:
-A Saiha that does massive damage when used at close range. Once finished, the Saiha explodes, knocking both Yuri and her opponent back

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Shin Chou Upper:
-Yuri does two hard punches followed by a powerful Chou Upper

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Yuri Chou Enbu:
-Yuri runs toward the opponent. If she makes contact, the screen goes black as she does several unseen attacks, then the screen returns to show the victim at Yuri’s feet while she displays a double V-sign

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Denjin Haoh Shoukou Ken:
-An unblockable fireball that can be charged for more damage
-Renders the opponent dizzy after dissipating

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-Yuri performs a quick forward somersault. Upon becoming airborne, she can follow up with four different options
    -Hien Souha, an overhead attack
    -Yuri Raijin Kyaku, a dive kick
    -Tsubame Otoshi, an air throw
    -An aerial variant of the Raiou Ken


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Haoh Raiou Ken:
-A more powerful variant of the Raiou Ken that explodes upon contact

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Chou Ryuuko Ranbu:
-Yuri delivers a rapid combo consisting of two punches (one to the stomach and one to the face), flashes a peace sign, delivers a kick and uppercut, slaps her butt twice, delivers a knee strike, follows up with a Double Axe Handle, performs an En’yoku, another uppercut, then winds up her arm before finishing with a Chou Upper. As her opponent falls to the ground, Yuri gives her signature thumbs-up pose

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-Has yet to win a King of Fighters tournament
-More used to fighting on a team
-Was trained with only the low-level of Kyokugenryu, meaning her moves are basic and not as powerful as they could be
-Rather lacking in stamina


(“I am the grandmaster of Kyokugen style. You didn’t stand a chance against me!”)

Mai Shiranui is Death Battle’s Number 1!

Mai KOF XV by Br3ndan5Mai Shiranui
Title: The Alluring Ninja Girl
Age: 19 (Fatal Fury 2), 20 (KOF‘94), 21 (Fatal Fury 3, KOF‘95), 23 (Real Bout Special), 24 (Real Bout Special Dominated Mind)
Height: 5’5
Weight: 106 lbs
Occupation: Ninja, Heiress of the Shiranui Clan
First Appearance: Fatal Fury 2 (December 10, 1992)

-Was trained in the ways of ninjutsu by her grandfather Hanzo and his rival/old friend Jubei Yamada
-Is a regular in the King of Fighters tournaments
-Is somehow able to always find Andy no matter where he goes

Fatal Fury
-Defeated Wolfgang Krauser
-Defeated Jin Chonshu and Jin Chonrei

King of Fighters
-Formed the Woman’s Team alongside King and Yuri Sakazaki
-Alongside King and Yuri, defeated Rugal Bernstein
-With help from King and Yuri, defeated Omega Rugal
-Defeated Chizuru Kagura and Goenitz with help from Kasumi and King
-Alongside Chizuru and King, defeated Orochi

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact:
-Defeated Duke

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2:
-Defeated Luise Meyrink and Jivatma

Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle
-Tricked Andy into taking her on a shopping spree
-Fought Laurence Blood, though she was ultimately defeated

Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture
-Fought Hauer, a servant of Laocorn, but ultimately lost
-Defeated Panni, another of Laocorn’s servants
-Participated in the final battle against Laocorn

King of Fighters: Destiny
Alongside Yuri Sakazaki and King, defeated a group of thugs
-Formed the Queens Team with Yuri and King
-While corrupted by the Black Crystals, fought and defeated Andy
-With help from Athena, Yuri, and Benimaru Nikaido, distracted Rugal Bernstein long enough for Kyo to recover

King of Fighters: Maximum Impact (manga):
-Fought Lien Neville, a top ranked assassin
    -Though she lost
-Interrupted Lien’s attempt to snap Athena’s neck


Animated GIF
Large Island Level, possibly Small Country, as her team is capable of fighting Verse more efficiently than Antonov, who was able to survive an attack from him
     -Verse was able to create a storm above a stadium and contains the souls of several dead characters from the King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown series. This includes Orochi, whose power can manipulate the weather and create lava, and Mizuki Rashojin, who created a storm that enveloped the entire world
-Can lift and throw enemies far heavier than her
-Her elbow strikes are strong enough to break through enemy defenses
-Knocked Laurence flat on his face with a Ryuuenbu, burning him in the process
-Knocked Hauer down a flight of stairs with a Ryuuenbu
-Judo-flipped Panni
-Knocked out Panni with a Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
-Can throw her Kachousen (See “Weapons and Equipment” below) with enough force to knock out a fully grown man
     -She’s also been shown to throw it hard enough to knock Andy off his feet
-Her punches and kicks are strong enough to harm Andy
-Traded blows with Luise and Jivatma
-Elbowed a thug, kicked him in the face, and sent him back with a flip kick
-Staggered a second thug by throwing her Kachousen at him
-Kicked a thug that was trying to sneak-attack her
-While restrained, kicked one of the thugs hard enough to send him back several feet
-Kicked her Kachousen hard enough to send it flying into a gang leader’s face
-Kicked the gang leader in the stomach
-Slapped the gang leader hard enough to stagger him before doing the same with her Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
-Knocked Ryo out of the KOF ring with a Houou no Mai
-Sent Andy flying with a Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi
-Used her ninjutsu training to blow back Lien, who was in the middle of choking her out
-Traded blows with Lien
-Sent Lien flying with a strike from her Kachousen

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-Regularly performs flips and backflips while airborne
-Can leap across stone pillars with ease
-Can walk on water
-Leapt up a flight of stairs to avoid a wind attack from Hauer
-Balanced herself on top of an extended chain and leapt off of it
-Cartwheeled away from a punch
-Avoided a stone-shattering kick from Lien by backflipping

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-Relativistic due to being superior to fighters like Takuma, who could intercept and reflect the Zero Cannon’s beam
-Can change into another pair of clothes within one second
-Can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Outran Black Noah’s explosion
-Escaped a NESTS base that was seconds from exploding
-Avoided a rapid series of sword swipes from Laurence
-Can move fast enough that she appears as a blur
-Kept up with Jivatma
-Parried a thug that was trying to hit her
-Blocked a punch from the above-mentioned thug, ducked under a second punch, kicked a second thug that was trying to sneak-attack her, and ducked beneath a third punch from the former while he was behind her
-Pushed Yuri out of the way of an electrified chain
-Blocked a hit from a gang leader then deflecting two punches from him
-Can outspeed Andy
-Intercepted a punch from Lien, who can move fast enough to leave afterimages
-Interrupted Lien’s attempt to snap Athena’s neck by throwing a fire-infused Kachousen at the assassin’s wrist
-Backflipped to avoid a kick from Lien that destroyed multiple stone tiles
-Dodged multiple attacks from Lien

Mai Durability by Br3ndan5Durability:
-Small Country Level via scaling to her strength
-Traded blows with Andy, whose punches can break ribs
-Unharmed after being knocked into a freezing lake by Andy’s Hishouken
-Withstood wind attacks from Hauer, whose aerokinesis is powerful enough to slice through steel
-Was fine after Laocorn kicked her into the stone floor of the temple they were fighting in, though she lost consciousness soon after
-Took multiple hits from Jivatma
-Remained conscious after Lien attempted to choke her out
-Took a knee strike to the stomach from Lien
-Continued fighting Lien even after being hit hard enough that she was left coughing up blood


-Could tell that Lucky Glauber’s leg had been broken from Goro Daimon’s kick



Animated GIF
Adept Marksmanship:
-Threw one of her Kachousen at a thug at enough of an angle that it bounced off and hit his partner in the face
-Hit a gang leader in the head with her Kachousen while airborne

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Master of Disguise:

-Thanks to her training in Hensōjutsu, Mai can flawlessly disguise herself to resemble other people and even mimic their voices

Master of Stealth:
-Her training in Shinobi-iri has made her adept in sticking to the shadows
-Has yet to show this onscreen, however


Mai Shiranui personality by Br3ndan5
-Extremely cheerful and temperamental
-Somewhat airheaded
-Admires any kind of beauty or attractiveness
-Compares boys who flirt with her or acknowledge her beauty to Andy, but says they aren’t as cute as him
-Dreams of getting married to Andy Bogard and will go to lengths that can even creep him out
-Is extremely defensive of her attire
     -Should it be criticized, Mai will either attempt to explain that it is traditional garb for the women of the Shiranui Clan, or she will become insulted and confrontational
-Somewhat arrogant, often boasting herself to be number 1
-During battle, she tends to be somewhat cocky, often taunting her opponent whenever she gains the upper hand
     -That said, she knows when to get serious, especially if Andy’s life is on the line
-Can become extremely crass and vulgar when angered

Weapons and Equipment:


Mai fans by Br3ndan5
-Also called the Butterfly Fan or folding fan
-Has a seemingly infinite amount of them
-Mai uses them for both long range and close range attacks (See “Techniques” below)
-Can infuse them with fire for greater power (See “Powers” below)


Mai Shiranui pyrokinesis by Br3ndan5
-Allows Mai to generate flames and control them
-Can use this to infuse her attacks with fire
-Can channel fire through her clothes, weapons, or anything she touches
Makes her resistant to fire

Animated Sticker
-Can pull out a seemingly infinite number of weapons and items from nowhere
-As seen above, she can pull out an entirely different outfit from an umbrella and instantly change into it

Surface Scaling:
-Thanks to her training in Shinobi-iri, Mai is capable of climbing any surface

Fighting Style:

Shiranui-Ryuu Style:
-Mai’s fighting style
-It consists of 18 disciplines:
    -Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
    -Taijutsu – unarmed combat
    -Kenjutsu – sword techniques
    -Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
    -Sōjutsu – spear techniques
    -Naginatajutsu – naginata techniques
    -Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques
    -Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
    -Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics
    -Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
    -Shinobi-iri – stealth and entering methods
    -Bajutsu – horsemanship
    -Sui-ren – water training
    -Bōryaku – tactics
    -Chōhō – espionage
    -Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
    -Tenmon – meteorology
    -Chi-mon – geography
-She generally focuses on Taijutsu, Kayakujutsu, Hensōjutsu, and Shurikenjutsu
-Allows her to latch onto walls




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-Mai throws one of her fans at her opponent
-Can infuse it with fire for added damage

Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi GIF

Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi:
-Mai performs a cartwheel kick before following up with an elbow strike
-Has an enhanced version where Mai covers herself in fire to deal more damage

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Fuusha Kuzushi:
-Mai grabs the opponent with her legs, flips them over, and slams them into the ground

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-Mai grabs an aerial opponent and knee drops them, landing far away

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Sayo Chidori:
-Mai performs a heavy swing with her fans
-Can be used to negate projectiles

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-Mai imbues her kimono’s tassels with flames and spins around, striking the opponent
-Can be used to negate projectiles or inflict major burns on anyone that gets close to her

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Hishou Ryuuenjin:
-Mai performs a fire-infused front flip kick

Musasabi no Mai GIF

Musasabi no Mai:
-Mai leaps into the air and dives toward the opponent

Shiranui Kyuukyoku Ougi:
-A more powerful version of the Musasabi no Mai

Burning Mai by Br3ndan5Burning Mai 2 by Br3ndan5Burning Mai:
-Mai unleashes a torrent of flame that sends her opponent flying back

Swallow Saturnalia by Br3ndan5Swallow Saturnalia:
-Mai performs a flipping blade kick

Dragon Flame Romp by Br3ndan5Dragon Flame Romp:
-Mai spins through the air, repeatedly striking her opponent with fire-infused Kachousen

Blossom Storm by Br3ndan5
Blossom Storm:
-Mai begins spinning rapidly, producing a miniature hurricane
-Can only be used in water

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Hakuro no Mai:
-Mai performs a quick dance move where she hits the opponent with her fans

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Sui Chou no Mai:
-Mai throws out three consecutive Kachousen
-Can infuse them with fire for extra power

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Houou no Mai:
-Mai leaps into the air and performs a fiery cartwheel, battering her opponent repeatedly before kicking them away

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Kagerou no Mai:
-Mai surrounds herself in a spiral of flames, dealing massive damage to nearby opponents
-Has a variant where she creates two clones made of fire

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-Mai rushes toward the opponent and repeatedly strikes them with her fans as they rise through the sky

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Shiranui-Ryuu Kyuubi no Kitsune
-Mai pounces on the enemy and blitzes them while covering them in flames
-Once this move is completed, the flames explode

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Shiranui Ryuu Kunoichi no Mai:
-Mai strikes the enemy into the air and repeatedly dashes past them, creating flames in the shape of the 女 kanji. Afterwards, she strikes a pose, causing the flames to explode
-An alternate version has her use her speed to blitz the opponent before grabbing them with her legs and slamming them into the ground

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-Has yet to win a King of Fighters tournament
-More used to fighting on a team
-Favors speed over power
-Can be somewhat ditzy at times
-Her cocky attitude during battle will often lead to her prolonging the fight
     -Though she has also shown that she knows when to drop it and get serious
-Pyrokinesis only extends to the flames she creates, and it doesn’t protect her from other types of fire
-Her win/loss record is pathetic
Way too obsessed with Andy

(“With a body and strength like this, you thought you had a chance?”)