Shinji Ikari Pilots the Eva Into Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.
Shinji TN by Br3ndan5
Shinji Ikari

Aliases: The Third Child, Mr. Big Shot
Age: 14
Occupation: Pilot of Eva Unit-01 (reluctantly)
First Appearance: Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 1: “Angel Attack” (October 4, 1995)

-Was chosen by NERV to pilot Eva Unit-01
-Killed Shamshel
-With Rei’s help, he managed to kill Ramiel while still recovering from hospitalization
-Helped Misato deactivate the Eva replacement Jet Alone after it went out of control
-Copiloted Eva Unit-02 with Asuka Langely as part of a plan to kill Gaghiel
-Helped Asuka fight Israfel, but was defeated
-Became perfectly in-sync with Asuka during the six day training regiment for their rematch against Israfel
-Helped Asuka defeat Israfel in 62 seconds
-Killed Matarael with help from Asuka and Misato
-Worked with Asuka and Misato to kill Sahaquiel
-Killed Bardiel, the infected Eva Unit-03, and critically injured its pilot
    -Though Shinji wasn’t in control of his Eva at the time
-While in its Berserker Mode, Unit-01 killed Zeruel and gained a power boost by devouring its S2 Engine
-Killed Kaworu, a humanoid Angel who’d taken control of Unit-02
-In the series final episode, he overcame his self-hatred and learned to gain confidence in himself
    -This is completely ignored during End of Evangelion
-Kickstarted the Third Impact and forced all of humanity into a state of Instrumentality, merging them into a unified consciousness
-After becoming overwhelmed by the unified consciousness, he reversed the Instrumentality, allowing him and Asuka to regain their sense of self

Animated GIF
-Multi-Continent after absorbing the Lance of Longinius, which could visibly split the clouds from space, Small Planet at its peak from killing the Rei/Adam/Lilith hybrid, which could produce this level of energy with its wings
-With Misato’s help, pushed a car back into place after it was flipped on its side
-Pulled open the door to Unit-00’s cockpit
-Strangled Asuka
Eva Unit-01:
-The impact of its steps can shatter the glass in surrounding areas
-Tore through Sachiel’s AT Field with its bare hands
-Crushed Sachiel’s arm, kicked it into a water tower hard enough to topple it, pushed it and a massive building dozens of feet, then beat it down, tore off its horns, and repeatedly stabbed it in the chest
    -Sachiel could survive being hit by an N2 mine
-Threw Shamshel back
-Stabbed through Shamshel’s core
-Tore out Unit-00’s entry plug
-Held back Jet Alone
-Uppercut Israfel and kicked it away, then dropkicked it across the city so hard its core exploded
-Forced itself to a halt while falling down a shaft and under the combined weight of Units 00 and 02
-Held back Sahaquiel with help from Units 00 and 02
-Tore itself out of Laleil while in berserk mode
-Strangled Bardiel until it’s neck was broken, then crushed its head and butchered it
-Crushed Unit-03’s Entry Plug
-Punched Zeruel and pushed it through a wall
-While only having one arm, it kicked Zeruel in the stomach and slammed it into a wall
-Repeatedly punched Zeruel and nearly ripped its head off
-Grabbed Zeruel by its bladed tendrils, pulled it forward, then kicked it away while simultaneously severing its left arm
-Threw Zeruel’s tendrils hard enough to penetrate its AT Field and mortally wound it
-Tore into Zeruel with its teeth
-After eating Zeruel, its strength increased to the point that its bindings exploded off its body
-Grappled with Unit-02 and struggled against its Progression Knife
-Stabbed Unit-02 in the neck and forehead
-Crushed Kaworu in its grip
-Broke out of a bakelite prison
-Bit Gendo in half
-Tore the Lance of Longinus out of itself

Animated GIF
-Relativistic from reacting to the Lance of Longinius as it traveled from the moon to Earth
-Reacted to Shamshel’s whip strike and piloted Unit-01 to dodge it
Eva Unit-01:
-Snapped its right arm free from its restraints and shielded Shinji from some falling debris
-Dodged a whip strike from Shamshel
-Outran Shamshel’s whip attacks
-Grabbed Shamshel’s whips mid-lash
-Cartwheeled away from Israfel’s eye beams and dodged its claw strike
-Dodged Armisael’s tentacles flying toward it

Animated GIF
-From scaling to its strength, Multi-Content to Small Planet
-Survived being caught in the shockwave from an N2 mine, which flipped the car he and Misato were in
-Withstands Unit-01’s pain of having its arm snapped and being repeatedly shot in the head
    -While he didn’t suffer the injuries themselves, he was still left hospitalized from the pain
-Took a punch from Toji, one of his class bullies
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 holding Shamshel’s energy whips, which left its hands horrifically burned
-Experienced the pain of Unit-01 being stabbed through the stomach, but pushed through it
-Is more surprised than hurt after Rei slaps him
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 getting shot in the chest, though it left him in critical condition
-Got kicked in the back by Asuka
-Was repeatedly kicked in the face by Asuka, then survived falling out of an air vent and crashing to the ground
-Withstood being forced to hold his breath for 31 seconds while Asuka kissed him
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 being choked by Bardiel
-Continued fighting after experiencing the pain of Unit-01 losing its left arm
-Had no reaction to Unit-01’s chest exploding and being repeatedly stabbed
-Survived Unit-01 getting stabbed in the chest
-Endures the pain of being crucified
Eva Unit-01:
-Unharmed after several pieces of debris hit its hand
-Had its arm snapped by Sachiel, then was repeatedly blasted in the face and launched into a building
-Tanked being blasted by Sachiel’s eye beams, which encompassed entire city blocks
-Completely tanked Sachiel’s self-destruction
-Gets thrown across Tokyo and into a hillside by Shamshel
-Held onto Shamshel’s energy whips even as they burned its hands
-Got stabbed through the stomach by Shamshel’s whips, but kept fighting
-Survives being shot in the chest by Ramiel, whose blasts can tear through buildings
-Held onto Unit-00’s entry plug
-Tanked Israfel’s core exploding
-Shrugged off Units 00 and 02 crashing on top of it
-Survived Sahaquiel’s explosion, but was damaged to some unknown extent
-Was unaffected while being choked by Bardiel
-Kept fighting after its arm was shot off by Zeruel
-Had its chest explode, then survived being stabbed in its exposed muscles
-Was unharmed after getting caught in Unit-00’s self-destruction
-Got stabbed in the chest by Unit-02’s Progression Knife
-Survived being crucified by a squad of mass produced Evangelions, then tanks their self-destruction that engulfs most of Japan

-Memorized the positions of the Eva’s emergence points, emergency power junctions, armament buildings, and recovery zones


Adept Violinist:
-Despite not viewing his performances that highly, he’s surprisingly good at playing the violin
-Has been studying since he was five

-Due to his father abandoning him at a young age, Shinji is an emotionally fragile, unstable wreck who craves the praise of others and fears being hated or hurt
-Blames himself for his father leaving him, and will do anything he can to earn his love and praise
    -This was his main motivation for piloting Unit-01
-Because of the little contact he’s had with others, he’s extremely introverted and uncomfortable in social situations, leaving him with no friends
-Has a hard time letting go of the past and is willing to sacrifice anyone’s lives (even his own) to save a single person
-Despises violence and bloodshed, and will flee from battle in order to avoid harming others in his Eva
    -It gets to the point where he sometimes has to be goaded into piloting Unit-01. And even then, he’ll sometimes have to motivate himself by repeatedly telling himself “I musn’t run away!”
-Is unwilling to kill humans while piloting Unit-01 and will actively refuse to fight them
-By End of Evangelion, the constant traumas he suffered caused him to become depressed and self-loathing

Weapons and Equipment:

Shinji render by Br3ndan5
-A form-fitting blue body suit that, when combined with the Interface Headset, grants Shinji better synchronization with his Eva
-Lets its user withstand extremely temperatures, as Shinji was able to open a superheated entry plug without burning his hands
-Has a timer on the left wrist that lets Shinji see how much time he has during life support mode

Unit-01 by Br3ndan5
Evangelion Unit-01:
-Also called the EVA-01 TEST TYPE
-An artificial human created by Shinji’s father Gendo
-Said to be the ultimate multipurpose decisive combat weapons system created by man
-Is covered in metal, armor-like bindings to suppress its full power
-Houses the soul of Shinji’s mother, Yui, who can independently control the Eva to protect Shinji from harm
-While piloting it, Shinji is surrounded in LCL, an amber liquid that mentally links his nervous system with Unit-01’s
-Is equipped with electrically-powered Umbilical Cables, which connect it to external power sources
    -If these cables are severed, Unit-01 can continue fighting via its internal battery, albeit for a short time
-Possesses a minor healing factor, allowing it to regenerate from having its arm snapped
    -It can also absorb an Angel’s severed limbs to substitute the loss of its own
-If it’s energy is completely drained, it will go into life support mode, which can protect Shinji for up to 16 hours

AT Field by Br3ndan5
AT Field:
-Short for “Absolute Terror Field,” it’s a barrier that Evas and Angels can manifest to protect themselves
-Are normally invisible, though collisions with other objects or people will expose its true form of orange, octagonal waves
-Vary in strength depending on the pilot’s synchronization with the Eva
-Is unable to be pierced by man made weapons

Progression Knife by Br3ndan5
Progression Knife:
-A massive Bowie Knife housed in Unit-01’s left shoulder pylon
-Vibrates at an extremely high frequency, allowing it to cut through a target at the molecular level

Handgun by Br3ndan5
-Resembles a Desert Eagle Mark XIX
-Used in the fight with Leliel and was never seen again

Pallet Rifle by Br3ndan5
Pallet Rifle:
-Also called the Pallet Gun
-A standard issue rifle used by Eva units that rapidly fires bolts of energy
-Strong enough to kill an Angel in six shots

Positron Sniper Rifle by Br3ndan5
Positron Rifle:
-Also called the Self-Propelled Positron Cannon
-An advanced prototype rifle from SSDF Tech HQ
-Uses the entire electrical output of Japan to power its positron blasts, which contain 180 gigawatts
-Upon hitting something, its shots explode into massive pillars of energy
-Strong enough to pierce through Ramiel’s AT Field, which was unharmed after being hit by a Mortar 12

S2 Engine by Br3ndan5
Super Solenoid Engine:
-Also called the S2 Engine or the Fruit of Life
-An organ, usually located in an Angel’s core, that grants its host unlimited energy
-Unit-01 obtained one of its own after devouring Zeruel’s

Lance of Longinius by Br3ndan5
Lance of Longinus:
-An extraterrestrial artifact created by the ancient progenitors of life
-Is able to penetrate any AT Field and has the power to immobilize godlike beings
-Is sentient and possesses a will of its own
-By impaling Unit-01’s core, the lance and Eva  will merge, becoming the Tree of Life


Evangelion Unit 01 (Berserk) by Br3ndan5
Berserker Mode:
-A state Unit-01 can assume when its power is completely drained and/or Shinji is mortally wounded or compromised
-Usually depicted by Unit-01’s eyes opening and (after episode 20) by its bindings being destroyed
-During this time, Yui’s soul takes full control of Unit-01, turning it violent and mindless
-Increases its sync rate with Shinji by 400%, which causes him to become absorbed into Unit-01

Tree of Life by Br3ndan5
Instrumentality by Br3ndan5
Tree of Life:
-A form obtained when Unit-01 absorbs the Lance of Longinus into its core
-Upon obtaining this power, Shinji is encased into an enormous, red, crucifix-like structure that responds to his wishes, causing all of humanity to dissolve into LCL and merge their minds into a single body
-Should he or any other human wish to regain their consciousness and return to their human form, they can do so and be freed from the Tree of Life

Shinji in the Chair by Br3ndan5
-Has barely any formal training when it comes to piloting the Eva
-Suffers from severe PTSD, which can sometimes leave him too emotionally devastated to continue fighting
-Has little sense of self-preservation, and is willing to sacrifice himself to save others
-When synchronized with Unit-01, Shinji feels the pain of any injury it sustains, and if the damage is severe enough, he’ll die of shock
-If there are multiple people in Unit-01’s entry plug, it can flood the Eva with “thought noise,” creating static interference between Unit-01 and Shinji
-Without the Umbilical Cables, Unit-01 can only fight for 5 minutes before its backup batteries are completely drained
    -This time becomes shorter if Unit-01 uses its full power, leaving Shinji with only one minute before it’s drained
    -The above points were rendered moot after it absorbed the S2 Engine
-Shinji is unable to control Unit-01 in Berserker Mode
-The Tree of Life’s assimilation can overwhelm Shinji’s mind, and while he can free himself from it, doing so will leave him in the desolate wasteland left behind on Earth