Death Battle: Slayer vs Demitri Maximoff

Slayer vs Demitri Interlude

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Slayer’s Mansion, Villa Vampir, January 2188

The full moon shone in the night sky, its light serving to illuminate the mansion set around the lakeside. Hundreds of vines and leaves covered the mansion’s sides, which were supported by a set of chains that vanished beneath the murky waters below. Under most circumstances, the appearance of this building would’ve led others to believe it had been abandoned for some time, but this couldn’t have been further from the truth. A bright light could be seen shining through its halls, and with its presence came the silhouette of a rather tall man.

Inside of the castle, the first of its two occupants could be seen making the rounds through his home. The way he moved gave off a sense of elegance and refinement, something that was also reflected quite well in his appearance. He wore a white undershirt beneath a professional-looking gray suit, the latter of which contained red, cross-shaped emblems across its sleeves. A red tie ran down his middle which, when combined with a red stripe that ran across his undershirt, formed another cross on his attire; though whether this was intentional was unknown. A pair of gray dress pants covered his legs, with brown shoes obscuring both of his feet. His brown hair was slicked to the side, accompanied by a thin mustache and well-kept beard. A monocle sat atop his left eye, and he held an old-fashioned, wooden pipe in his right hand.

This was Slayer, vampiric gentleman and semi-retired founder of the Assassin’s Guild. Normally he would’ve been enjoying himself this late at night, taking in the sights of the world as he wrote haiku. But tonight his attention was focused more on observing the structure of his own home. It had been one month since the mansion’s destruction at the hands of the narcoleptic hitman known as Bedman, and the attempts at repairing it had taken far longer than expected. Every framed painting, every repaired window, and every board of wood had been painstakingly replicated and put back into position, but Slayer still wasn’t pleased. Even with the assistance he had been given from his former associates, the vampire wanted to see for himself that his home had been returned to its former glory.

As he began to walk past a nearby bookshelf, Slayer noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Turning to face it with a surprised “Hm,” he found his attention drawn to a book in the middle of the third row. Its cover was mostly black, bound with cloth that was a deep shade of red.

Pulling it out, Slayer began flipping through its pages and found that there were ent sections dedicated to chronicling the history of Makai. As he skimmed through the book, he eventually stopped at a random page, and upon peering down he was met with a spread describing in detail the history of its rulers. Skimming through the chapter with a bemused expression, Slayer’s eyes brushed past the Aensland and Dohma Clans, only stopping when he came across a familiar name.

“Maximoff.” Slayer read aloud. It had been centuries since he’d heard that name, yet he vividly remembered all of the rumors and tales he’d heard regarding that particular clan.

Centuries ago, its leader, Demitri, had attempted to challenge Makai’s ruler, Belial Aensland, in a bid for power. Unfortunately, the vampire’s arrogance would be his undoing, and as punishment for his treachery Belial would have him stripped of his rank and exiled. According to the rumors Slayer had heard, the castle Demitri had lived in, Zeltzereich, had also accompanied him in his exile and was now located in the Romanian mountains. And if the local legends were to be trusted, Zeltzereich would only appear under the presence of a full moon.

A full moon, much like tonight’s.

As he stared out of the window, illuminated under the pale light, a smile slowly spread across Slayer’s face as he closed the book, placing it back in its original position.

“Perhaps I should pay this young man a visit, then. After all, it’s been some time since I’ve encountered another vampire in this world.” Looking over his shoulder, Slayer glanced at the raven-haired woman currently reading through her own book. “What do you think, Sharon? Would you care to take a stroll?”

“Of course. I’d love to accompany you, darling.” She responded, smiling as she closed her book and began approaching him. Wrapping his arm around hers, the two began to head toward the front door, casually making their way to Zeltzereich.

[Stop music]

Roughly an hour later, the two had approached the hillside containing the castle, staring up at the enormous structure that floated above them.

“Hm, it seems rather unaccommodating for our host to be so high up, doesn’t it?” Slayer mused as he took in the sight of Castle Zeltzereich suspended above them. “Very well then. I suppose I could use a bit of a warm-up before our main event.”

Wrapping an arm around Sharon, Slayer then shot into the air, his cloak billowing in the wind as he flew higher and higher. In only a matter of seconds, the duo had managed to reach the top, with Slayer gently allowing his wife to step down before holding the door open to escort her inside. 

Continue reading Death Battle: Slayer vs Demitri Maximoff

Prelude: Slayer vs Demitri Maximoff

Slayer vs Demitri 3

Vampires, the bloodsucking creatures of the night. Throughout the centuries, these undead monsters have had many interpretations, from merciless, corpse-like beasts that drain innocent lives without remorse, protectors of humanity willing to slay their own kind, or even protagonists of romance novels. But out of their many reimaginings, one of the most notable is that of the noble, refined gentlemen. And today, we’re going to pit two vampiric combatants of this archetype against each other!

Slayer, the Original Assassin!

And Demitri Maximoff, the lord of Castle Zeltzereich!

I’m Br3ndan5, and it’s my job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

—————————————————— Continue reading Prelude: Slayer vs Demitri Maximoff