Death Battle: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Spider-Girl (Infinity) vs Jolyne by Br3ndan5

Prelude: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!



To say that it was a hot summer day in Port St. Lucie would’ve been an understatement. The Sun’s intense heat was mercilessly beating down on Florida’s citizens, though they paid it no mind. Whether they were regular civilians or tourists, everyone had managed to find some way to ignore the heat. In fact, one such example of the latter could be seen making her way across the streets.

Clad in her red and blue spandex costume, Mayday Parker was busy swinging through the streets of Florida. Normally she and her family would’ve been in New York, but this was a special occasion. Midtown High School’s spring break had just started, and as a way to celebrate, the Parkers had decided to take a vacation to Florida. It had taken them over a day to reach their destination, but it had been worth it. After 2 months of studying for exams, keeping up with her assignments, and balancing her academic life with her heroic career, she would finally have the chance to just kick back, relax, and enjoy some fun in the sun. Well, that’s what she expected, anyway.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the old Parker Luck had decided to rear its ugly head. From the moment the Parkers had arrived, Florida’s TV networks and radio stations had been flooded with updates seemingly at every hour, all of them focusing on an extremely odd case. From what May and the rest of her family had heard, a group of convicts had escaped Green Dolphin Street Prison. 

According to the reports, the escapees were Jolyne Cujoh, a woman convicted for a hit-and-run while DUI; Atroe, a woman who had been arrested for kidnapping; and a murderer by the name of Narciso Anasui. How these two had escaped and what their reason was for being together remained a mystery. Some had suggested they paid off a guard to smuggle them in a boat, while others believed they had disguised themselves to escape. Regardless of the disagreements, all of them gave the same warning: avoid these people at all costs. For May, however, this warning served the opposite purpose: it convinced her to take action. That’s not to say this decision had flown past her parents’ radar, though.

Roughly 40 minutes prior

“May, are you up there?” The door to May’s hotel room opened, and Peter walked in soon after. “We were just discussing plans for dinner and I was wondering how you’d feel about…” Peter’s voice trailed off as he noticed his daughter’s current position.

To an outsider, the situation would’ve looked extremely surreal. May stared at her father, looking somewhat surprised as she clutched her currently thigh-length right legging. Peter stared back, allowing his daughter to witness his brown khakis and light blue shirt covered with images of pineapples. There was a brief, awkward silence between them, something Peter would break as he spoke first.

”I… thought we agreed you’d lay off web-swinging while we’re on vacation.” He said awkwardly.

“I know, and I thought I’d be able to stick with that, but,” May paused as she pulled her legging up, “It’s still my responsibility to protect people from harm. And with those two criminals out there-“

“You don’t have to explain. I understand.” Peter responded as he began closing the door. “Just don’t take too long, okay?”


May flipped through the air, feeling the wind rush past her as she landed on one of the nearby skyscrapers. The moment she collided with the window, an audible- if somewhat muffled- THUNK could be heard. Placing her hands against the glass, Spider-Girl took a brief moment to pause as she looked around.

’Hoo-boy!’ She sighed. ‘I get that I’m searching out an entire city for three people, but you think they’d be easier to spot! I mean, who else would go out in public with those weird outfits?‘

Little did May know, one of the people she was searching for was currently a few blocks away, running down the street at top speed. 

‘I feel like I’ve swept half the city, but there’s still no sign of it. Dammit!’ Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo, swore under her breath. Currently, she was on a mission to retrieve the Green Baby, a creature made by the fanatical Enrico Pucci. To Pucci, the Green Baby was essential to his plan of attaining Heaven, and Jolyne had made it her goal to prevent that from happening. Unfortunately, it seemed that fate had other plans in store for her.

One day ago

“‘Hydrangea!’ ‘Rhinoceros beetle!’ ‘Singularity point!’” Pucci declared as he stood above the Green Baby, his arms already outstretched to grasp the creature. Then, to fully awaken it, the priest spoke the final phrase: “‘The Secret Emperor!’”

Upon hearing this final word, the creature’s red eyes snapped open, and it found itself staring at Pucci. For a brief moment, a poignant silence filled the air, but it would soon end as a pale, ghostly arm punched through Pucci’s hand. Blood spilled out of the wound as bone suddenly erupted out from the gash. Rather than worry about this, however, Pucci instead grabbed hold of the bone and pulled it free from his hand. Offering it to the Green Baby, which had begun to reach for item, he spoke again.

“Are you interested in me, now? Are you curious? Are you going to come to me?” He pressed it with questions. For a brief moment, he could’ve sworn the grass around the Baby had rustled, followed by a brief glow of orange, but he put it aside. “Is this going to mark the beginning of everything that is to come?”

There was a brief pause, and with it Pucci’s expression grew tighter. Was it possible he had failed? Could he have misremembered one of the phrases? Before he could question himself any further, he noticed the grass rustle again, followed by an almost drill-like sound. In tandem with this, the orange glow seemed to be growing stronger. Its illumination lit up Pucci’s face, highlighting his tense expression and the sweat running down his forehead. Just what was this item? Could it perhaps have something to do with DIO’s plan?

Enrico would soon get his answer as the item broke through the surface, revealing a smooth, glowing orange gemstone. Though his expression remained the same as before, Pucci’s eyes told a different story. His pupils showed three emotions: surprise, intrigue, and a slight hint of fear. Surprise at the item’s arrival, intrigue at the power he was sensing from it, and fear as he noticed the Green Baby start to turn its attention toward the gem.

‘No! I’m so close! If I could just regain its attention, I might-‘ unfortunately, Pucci’s thoughts would soon be cut short as the Green Baby suddenly grabbed hold of the orange gem. Both the creature and its jewel began to glow a bright orange, and then-


Pucci suddenly disappeared in a flash of orange light, with Jolyne, Foo Fighters, and a bloodied Anasui vanishing not long after. The next thing she knew, Jolyne had found herself in the middle of Port St. Lucie, fully healed of her injuries, but something was wrong. Rather than the dead of night, it was now the middle of the day, and she was the only one here. No matter where she looked, she couldn’t find any sign of Foo Fighters, Anasui, or even Pucci for that matter! Then there was what really worried her. When she checked the nearby clocks and displays, they read March 19. Somehow, she’d been sent an entire day into the future, but how could that be? As far as she knew, there weren’t any Stand users who could manipulate time like this. She quickly put that aside, however, as there were more important matters to deal with. 


Anasui’s dying body had been injected with Jotaro’s memory disc, the latter of which was on the verge of shattering; Foo Fighters had also been on her death bed, and unless she’d been sent somewhere with water, it was unlikely she’d survive. It didn’t help that there were now only 3 days before Pucci could enact his plan to obtain Heaven, and that was assuming he hadn’t already gotten his hands on the Green Baby!

As these thoughts swam through her mind, Jolyne had begun searching the city, hoping she’d be able to find some sign of either her friends or the baby. Unfortunately, she’d had no such luck. It was close to an hour at this point, and the only thing she’d accomplished was getting herself lost. After letting out an annoyed sigh, the escaped convict began speaking aloud.

”Anasui? F.F.? Is anyone out here?” For a brief moment, she received no response, but then she heard something. It was a barely audible groan, but then it evolved into something louder.

”J-Jolyne?” Recognizing the voice, Jolyne took off toward its direction, and she soon found herself staring down at the body of Narciso Anasui. He was laying limply on the ground. Blood ran down his chest, painting the concrete beneath him a deep shade of crimson, though it seemed his wound had sealed itself shut. As she drew closer, Jolyne noticed a trail of golden smoke gather from where his wound had been. With each second that passed, the trail began to take on a more humanoid appearance, forming arms, a more pronounced chest, and an outline of hair.

“Th… this… N-no way! It can’t be!” Jolyne stammered as she watched the smoke’s appearance continue to evolve. “Anasui!”

”No… Jolyne…” a feminine voice responded as the smoke began to form a lower jaw. “Don’t worry… it’s not him…”

“I’m glad…” the cloud said as it took on a face and hairstyle. Turning to face her, Foo Fighters continued speaking. “Anasui… he got the disc back.”

As she said this, the former Stand gestured to Anasui, revealing a silver disc laying next to him.

‘It’s not Anasui!’ Jolyne realized. “Is that you, F.F.? Is that you, talking?”

”What I was scared most of, was not being able to even say goodbye to my friends. To forget how to say goodbye.” F.F. admitted. “But… at the very end, I still remembered that I have to say it.” Turning to Jolyne, she continued.

“Jolyne, when Anasui wakes up, tell him that his body is his. That I used his intelligence and his strength to cure his wounds.”

”Wait a second! What are you talking about, F.F.?” Jolyne asked.

”Goodbye, Jolyne. I can’t stay here any longer. F.F. is going to disappear.”

”What are you saying?” Jolyne demanded. “D-don’t be stupid!”

“Look at me, Jolyne.” Foo Fighters responded, gesturing to herself. “This is my ‘spirit’… This is my ‘intellect’… I was alive.”

“I’m going to get your disc back from the priest! Your Foo Fighters disc! Then you can come back!” Jolyne pleaded.

”But that will probably be another Foo Fighters. It probably won’t be ‘me.’ ‘This’ is me.” She said calmly. “This is me saying goodbye.” Turning her back to her friend, Foo Fighters continued.

”I’m glad I was able to say my goodbyes to you, Jolyne. It’s alright, Jolyne. It’s alright.” She said reassuringly. “I’m glad I got your disc back…”

As she spoke these final words, a sharp gust of wind blew through the area, taking the misty form of Foo Fighters with it.

”F.F.?” Jolyne asked as she watched her friend get swept up. Upon receiving no answer, she looked around and tried again. “F.F.?” She tried a third time, only to receive the same response. In desperation, she began calling out in an even louder voice.

“Answer me! WHERE ARE YOU? F.F.?” She cried out, her voice cracking as she screamed the name of her deceased friend. Nothing answered her. Nothing, save for another draft of wind blowing past her ears. Realizing she was alone, tears streaked down Jolyne’s face as she bent down,  picking up the memory disc and Anasui’s unconscious body.

Meanwhile, Spider-Girl was still scanning the area when the distant sounds of screaming filled her ears. With her mind kicking into high gear, the daughter of Spider-Man began swinging as fast as she could, and within seconds she had managed to close in on its source. 

Placing herself atop a perch, Spidey watched as Jolyne stood over an unconscious Anasui, currently in the middle of placing something in her pockets. While the distance made it difficult to tell what it was, it appeared to be some kind of disc. After placing it in her pocket, Jolyne began looking around, stopping as she noticed a pay phone on the other side of the street. With a sudden burst of energy, the escaped convict took off toward the booth, and it was at this same time that Spider-Girl decided to reveal herself.

After slowly lowering herself from a web line, May immediately rushed toward Anasui. With the amount of blood on his chest, she doubted he had that much longer to live, but if she acted fast enough, she could at least get him to a hospital! Once she was close enough, Spider-Girl knelt down and checked his pulse, but that’s when she noticed something odd.

”That can’t be right.” She muttered under her breath. Confused, she checked again, only to find that the feedback was now a bit stronger. There was no doubt about it. Somehow, even with the apparent blood loss, Anasui was completely healthy!

‘With how that blood is coming down, there’s no doubt it’s his, and it’s still wet enough to be recent, but…’ her eyes narrowed, ‘how did he heal so quickly?’

Last she checked, there was nothing that suggested the inmates had powers, much less a healing factor of this magnitude. Either way, it didn’t change that with how quickly he was recovering, he would be coming around soon enough. While this brought her some relief, May also recognized the potential danger of leaving him unattended, especially with how quickly he seemed to be recovering! Seeking to nip this in the bud, she threw out her right arm and fired a thin strand of webbing. The white fluid wrapped itself around Anasui’s torso, hardening instantly and binding him to the green bench he was laying in.

”Phew! Alright, one down,” May turned to the phone booth, eyeing the remaining prisoner, “two more to go.”

Meanwhile, Jolyne had just gotten off the payphone, breathing a sigh of relief as she did so. She’d managed to get through to the Speedwagon Foundation, and according to her contact, one of their agents was coming to retrieve her father’s disc in the next hour or so. Though this set her mind at ease, she couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander back to Green Dolphin Street. Her friends were still back there, stuck in prison with no way of knowing if she was still alive or not. She thought about calling Ermes and giving her an update, but right when she was about to do so, she heard someone call out to her.

“Look, I know it’s hard being on the run and all, but I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to keep a low profile.” A new voice called out from behind her. It was feminine and definitely belonged to a teenager, but not one she’d heard before. Confused by this, Jolyne attempted to turn around, only for a vague blur to soon land in front of her. When this mysterious figure stood up, Jolyne found herself staring at a girl in a red and blue costume, which only seemed to confuse her further.

“What?” Jolyne questioned, completely caught offguard by both this girl’s sudden appearance and what she’d said.

”Okay, that might be bad advice coming from someone in red and blue spandex, but girl-to-girl, you should try a change of clothes. That Britney Spears look is a bit ‘14 years ago.’ If you want my advice, I’ve heard orange jumpsuits are lovely this time of year, especially among escaped convicts!”

“Uh… Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m not too interested in fashion tips from the girl in a brightly-colored gimp suit.” Jolyne said in a deadpan tone.

“Gimp suit?!” Spider-Girl repeated, clearly offended. “This is a classic! Besides, it’s not like your buddy over there is the king of modesty!” May’s words caused Jolyne to look over at Anasui, and her eyes went wide with shock. Anasui was still unconscious, but now he was completely covered in a strange, white, web-like substance. “It’s a good thing I covered him up when I did. He’s like an indecent exposure charge waiting to happen!”

”What is that stuff? What the hell did you do to Anasui?” Jolyne asked, narrowing her eyes as she glared at Mayday.

”Don’t worry. It’s not like it’ll hurt him. I just needed to make sure he wouldn’t bleed out. It’ll dissolve by the time the police arrive.”

”Police?” Jolyne repeated, her eyebrow raising in confusion. “Look, I appreciate the concern…” she trailed off.


”Spider-Girl. But I already called for medical attention.“

“That’s good.” Spider-Girl nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna let you go. You are still a criminal, and he’s still an accomplice, so I hope you don’t mind-“

All of a sudden, May cut herself off, her eyes widening as she felt a familiar tingling sensation in the back of her skull. Though she couldn’t see anything, her Spider-Sense was warning her of some kind of danger in front of her. And whatever it was, it was coming in-



Moving far faster than Spider-Girl could’ve reacted, this new arrival suddenly lunged for her, burying its fist right in her face. Her head snapped back from the force as she was sent flying, but with a quick backflip, she managed to land gracefully on her feet.

’What the heck was that?’ May thought to herself as she clutched her aching cranium. ‘I didn’t see anything coming toward me, but that… whatever it was just came out of nowhere and took a shot at me!’

While she gathered herself, May heard Jolyne’s boots clamping against the ground as she walked toward her. “How did you do that?” Spider-Girl asked as she looked Jolyne’s way.

“Doesn’t matter if I give you an answer. This’ll be over in a few seconds.” 

Almost immediately, Spider-Girl backflipped as the ground where she’d just stood suddenly cratered.

“Time’s up.” May said cheekily as she lowered herself into a fighting stance. “I guess I’ll just have to beat the answer out of you.”

Spider-Girl leapt toward Jolyne, aiming a kick at her stomach, only to feel that same force from before block her attack. It then pushed back, causing Spider-Girl to backflip a few feet away. The instant she hit the ground, May, in an attempt to test the waters, threw out three punches and a kick, but her invisible opponent managed to block each one. A right hook hit her at full force, with three equally strong body blows following immediately after.

Spider-Girl staggered back from the pain, leaving her open as Stone Free battered her with a barrage of hard, swift punches. A scream of “ORAORAORAORA” escaped the Stand’s lips as it pummeled Spider-Girl, ending with a right hook that sent Spider-Girl soaring into the air. A pained groan escaped the heroine’s lips as she shot a web line toward a nearby building, reeling herself closer as she gathered her thoughts.

‘Okay, so taking her down the old-fashioned way is a no-go. And whatever’s helping her out has some serious anger issues.’She thought as she stuck to the wall. Trying to alleviate the pain, she called out to Jolyne, “Man, you know how to throw a mean right hook! I guess all that time wrestling sewer gators really paid off!” Spider-Girl joked.

”Thanks, but I can’t exactly take all the credit. Those last attacks were all Stone Free’s doing.” Jolyne responded, gesturing to the thin air behind her.

“Huh. I didn’t take you for a Hendrix fan. With that outfit, I could’ve sworn you were more of a Brittany girl.” May admitted, mostly to mask her confusion. ‘What’s she mean, ‘Stone Free’? Is that some sort of code word?’ As she wondered about her opponent’s words, Spider-Girl threw out both arms. “But since we’re on the topic of music, I’ve always been a bit partial to Sticky Fingers!”


Three web lines were quickly fired at Jolyne, who leapt back to avoid them. A fourth one was sent spiraling Jolyne’s way, but she quickly sidestepped it. Grabbing hold of the web line, she gave a sharp tug, pulling May in for what should’ve been a left hook! Fortunately for the wall-crawler, the buzz from her Spider-Sense alerted her just in time to twist her body. Feeling the air from the punch rush past her, Spider-Girl used her momentum to spin through the air and grabbed Jolyne with her legs!

With a quick twist, Jolyne was flung across the street, trailed by a quick series of THWIPs from May’s web-shooters. Jolyne let out a grunt as she slammed into a nearby car, only to then be pelted with white, sticky globs one after the other. Each one targeted her arms and legs, hardening instantly. With her arms and legs quickly tied up, all Jolyne could do was grit her teeth as she watched Spider-Girl pull her forward, ready to end the fight with a hook of her own!

As the fist flew toward her, Jolyne’s mind went into overdrive. She ducked her head as she threw out her left arm, unraveling her hand into a wide net of strings that spread out, searching for something, anything she could grab that would fend off Spider-Girl’s inevitable attempt at a comeback.


Spider-Girl’s fist smashed into the car window at full force, shattering it on impact. As the glass shards rained down, so too did time seem to slow as multiple actions occurred all at once. Jolyne found what she needed and pulled it forward, sending a speeding object hurtling toward Spider-Girl. At that same time, Stone Free had grabbed one of the fallen shards of glass and used it to cut into Jolyne’s restraints. Jolyne threw out one leg, hoping to catch her opponent off guard. And during all of it, Spider-Girl’s Spider-Sense was keeping track of everything.

Using the heads-up she’d received, Spider-Girl ducked her head to avoid the oncoming projectile, then lifted her legs to avoid Jolyne’s sweep kick. Placing both hands against the ground, Spider-Girl sprang forward and nailed Jolyne with a somersault kick, but JoJo pushed through the pain and responded with a hard tug of her strings! A warning signal flashed in May’s mind for a split second, but the –


A groan escaped May’s lips as a baseball hit her from behind at full force. She staggered forward, briefly disoriented by the pain, and before she could do anything else, Stone Free acted!


Spider-Girl stifled a cry of pain as a sharp piece of glass was jammed into her leg. An intense sting ran across her her thigh, and in her pain, she found herself smacked in the face by the same object from before. And now that it was right in front of her, she could see it: a baseball!

Questions swarmed through May’s mind: where had it come from, how did Jolyne get it, how did it outspeed her Spider-Sense, but all of it was drowned out by Jolyne continuing the assault!



Using Spider-Girl as a practice board, Stone Free threw the baseball like mad, smashing it into May’s body so hard it bounced back into her grip, only to be flung forward again. Each throw seemed harder than the last, and the interval between them was growing. May couldn’t even keep track of where they were at by this point. 50? 100? 200? All she knew was that every inch of her was feeling sore, and she was getting really sick of being used as target practice!

Beneath her mask, the teenager grit her teeth, and pushing through the pain, she slowly raised her arm, extending her palm as she swung through the air. The FWAP of rubber colliding with fabric was like music to her ears, and with the pummeling briefly stopped, she finally had some time to come up with her own plan.

“Think I might be getting a bit rusty if my dad’s old practice method’s starting to do a number on me! Then again…”

In a sudden burst of kinetic energy, the baseball rocketed out of Spider-Girl’s hand and was sent flying straight toward Jolyne. Her eyes widening in shock, Jolyne threw herself to the left, narrowly avoiding the attempted beanball.

“I was always quick to pick myself up after a fall!”

Spider-Girl’s one-liner caused alarm bells to run through Jolyne’s mind, and with some quick thinking, she leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding a sweep kick! With a quick, stylish flip, Jolyne landed on the ground, immediately taking notice of Spider-Girl’s posture.

The glass shard she’d been stabbed with had been torn out, replaced by a makeshift bandage of webbing. Any injuries or bruises she may have gained from that recent beating weren’t even acknowledged as she reentered her fighting stance. Somehow the daughter of Spider-Man still seemed raring to go. It was almost as if the past 10 seconds hadn’t so much as affected her!

“So you’re still ready to fight after that?” Jolyne raised an eyebrow before letting out an annoyed sigh. “Good grief. You’re one persistent bitch.”
“EXCUSE ME?” Spider-Girl said, sounding heavily offended as she clocked Jolyne hard in the jaw. Jolyne’s head snapped to the side, and a grunt escaped her lips as blood flew from her mouth. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to say that to another woman!?”
Jolyne staggered for a moment, but she quickly regained her balance. Wiping the blood spilling down her lip, she flashed Mayday an amused smirk.

“Heh. I guess you could say I take more after my old man. We’ve got the same attitude, the same type of Stand, but most of all-“

As she spoke, Jolyne unraveled parts of her back, commanding the strings to burrow into the ground and snake toward Spider-Girl. The strings raced toward May, burrowing through cement and dirt to ensnare the teenager. May’s Spider-Sense flared up at this, trying to warn her of the oncoming danger, but the strings proved far faster! By the time the warning flared through her mind, Stone Free’s strings had already burst out of the streets. 

“Whoa!” May cried out, completely shocked as dozens of invisible strings tied themselves around her arms and legs. A sharp tug then pulled her limbs back, leaving her defenseless!

”We’ve got the same drive to kick ass!” Jolyne announced as she threw a kick straight to Spider-Girl’s stomach. Jolyne’s foot buried itself deep into her gut, causing her to double over. Before the pain could even leave her mind, Jolyne added to it by unleashing a heavy barrage of kicks, her legs moving far faster than May could hope to react. The Stand user buried her feet into Spider-Girl’s stomach, chest, shoulders, forearms, thighs; any weak point she could target in the heroine’s body! Finally, after nearly 20 kicks, Jolyne ended her combo with a roundhouse to the jaw!

Spider-Girl’s head snapped back as she flew through the air, reeling from the beating she had taken. ‘Ugh! I guess that speed’s not just exclusive to her invisible partner!’ She thought. Her sight was blurred and her body ached from where she’d been hit, but she quickly blinked and tried to regain her focus. She was just in time, too, as she realized she was flying straight toward a building.

Her eyes widening in alarm, Spider-Girl performed a quick backflip through the air. ‘And more importantly,’ she landed feet-first against the wall, allowing herself a brief rest, ‘what did she do to activate my Spider-Sense? It felt like she was tying me up in strings, but-‘

May’s thoughts were interrupted as her Spider-Sense flared up once again. Looking up, her eyes widened as she noticed the baseball from earlier, now flying toward her fast enough that it had caught fire! With the ballistic sports ball closing in, Spider-Girl unleashed a quick reversal of her wall-crawling, she burst off the wall and vaulted into the air! She was just in time too, as she noticed the ball crater against the bricks.

‘And now that ball’s coming back to haunt me! Just what kind of power is this girl using?’ Spider-Girl wondered. ‘My Spider-Sense is telling me that whatever’s attacking me has some connection to her, but how are they moving so quickly?’

As she landed on the ground cat-footed, May thought back to a distant memory.

‘Dad mentioned fighting a guy called The Spot back in the old days. Apparently he could use the portals on his body to attack faster than Dad’s Spider-Sense. Is she doing something like that?’ 

Spider-Girl focused her Spider-Sense, trying to sense if there was anything amiss about her surroundings. At the same time, Jolyne, seeing the seemingly prone Spider-Girl, commanded Stone Free to commence its attack. The Stand rushed toward Mayday from behind, ready to bash her skull in-

‘There you are!’

Thinking quickly, Spider-Girl ducked under the attack and spun around, hitting Stone Free with a spin kick. Then, just as quickly, she followed up with a backflip that struck Stone Free in the jaw, causing its head to snap back. With her spectral attacker now dazed, May brought her legs up, planting them onto Stone Free’s chest, and kicked off!

Using her opponent as a springboard, Spider-Girl launched the Stand out of its range, forcing it to unravel as she shot toward Jolyne. Sensing her invisible opponent’s sudden disappearance, Spider-Girl decided to test something. A series of razor sharp needles flew from the tips of her web-shooters, each one hitting their mark as Jolyne raised her arms to block them.

‘Huh. Her ghostly pal didn’t come to save her this time.’ Spider-Girl noted as she clenched her fist. She could feel a bit of guilt over using the stingers on a seemingly helpless criminal, but she pushed it aside. She was already descending toward Jolyne, and if she was going this far, the least she could do was end the fight early!

Spider-Girl swung her fist, throwing out a hard punch to the gut, but right when her fist connected, something odd happened!

”What?” She asked in shock, staring down at what she’d just struck- or rather, what she hadn’t struck. It looked as if her punch had phased right through Jolyne’s stomach. Before she could pull her arm back, a hard kick slammed into her gut. The wind was instantly knocked out of her as she staggered back, giving Jolyne’s enough time to press her advantage!


A swift combo of punches struck her Spider-Girl all at once, the final one sending her flying back several feet. Though she managed to right her position with a flip, she was still reeling hard from Jolyne’s combo. Her mind was so flooded with pain that she barely noticed her Spider-Sense flaring back up. Out of instinct she leaned back, feeling something sharp graze her cheek. When she looked back toward its direction, she let out a small gasp.

It seemed that Jolyne’s invisible friend had chosen to attack in her stead. Each of the stingers were being picked off of Jolyne’s body, and now five of them were headed straight for Spider-Girl!

Time seemed to slow down as May spun through the air, twisting her body to narrowly avoid the first two. As she’d finished this 180° spin, she left the ground once again by leaping into the air, dodging the next three being shot at her. She attempted to counter with an axe kick, but something blocked her attempt before pushing back!

May staggered back, and as she was off balance, an invisible force clamped down HARD on her right wrist. Before she could properly react, that same force pulled her forward, causing her to let out a surprised “WHOA” before her body was pulled directly into the path of her own stingers!


The teenager groaned underneath her mask as she felt the razor sharp darts pierce her skin. It wouldn’t cause any lasting damage, but that didn’t stop it from hurting like hell! It didn’t help that right after the stingers pierced her, Jolyne added to the damage with a knee to the gut and a roundhouse kick to the face!

May staggered back, spinning slightly as the telltale buzz of her Spider-Sense flashed through her mind. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t have time to act on it before Jolyne let out a cry of “ORAORAORAORA.” In tandem with the strange war cry, the remaining stingers were launched toward her back, and right as May prepared to jump out of their range-

“RRGH!” Jolyne gave a sharp tug, and the pressure on Spider-Girl’s wrist returned as she was pulled forward. But this time, Spider-Girl was ready as she backflipped over the stingers and Jolyne. As she sailed overhead, Spider-Girl used her position to reach out with her legs, wrapping them tightly around Jolyne’s head as she let her momentum do the rest.

The world around Jolyne morphed into a blur as she was slammed face first into the ground. Groaning as she got back to her feet, the ex-convict heard a THWIP and quickly brought up her arm, causing Spider-Girl’s webbing to instead get caught on the chains connecting them!

Spider-Girl’s eyes widened in surprise before morphing into a more understanding gaze. ‘So that’s what she was using!’ She thought to herself. 

Three web shots were launched at Jolyne, but each one was quickly blocked as Stone Free punched them aside. Meanwhile, Jolyne grabbed hold of the chain and yanked it hard, dragging Spider-Girl closer. As she was reeled in, May noticed her opponent raising a leg and jerked her head to the side, feeling the air brush past her head. In tandem with this failed kick, May raised her free arm and pressed the trigger on her web shooter.


The sound of a discharge caused Spider-Girl to raise an eyebrow. ‘It clogged up? But that shouldn’t be-‘



In her distracted state, Spider-Girl found herself victim of a sucker punch from Stone Free, causing her head to snap to the side as blood leaked from her mouth.

”Nice try, but I already had a priest try that same trick. And I’m not repeating the same mistake twice.” Jolyne said coldly as she tightened her hold on the strings. Almost instantly, another set of cuffs fastened around Spider-Girl’s other wrist, and with her opponent secure, Jolyne unleashed Stone Free. The Stand lunged forward, ready to pummel the newly restrained Spider-Girl, but May had other ideas in mind.

“Then thank God I have a contingency!” 

Using the split second warning from her Spider-Sense, Spider-Girl leapt into the air, moving far out of Stone Free’s range, and thanks to the handcuffs connecting them, Jolyne found herself along for the ride.

”WHAT THE HEEELLL?!” Cujoh yelled as she and Spider-Girl suddenly flew through the air, the younger girl suddenly taking the lead. 

“Since you got rid of my web shooters, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed these for a bit, would you?” Spider-Girl asked playfully as she grabbed hold of the chains and swung Jolyne through the air at high speeds. The world around JoJo became a dizzying blur, and as she finished her rotation Spider-Girl threw the ex-convict to the ground, feeling the chains drag her along for the ride. Keeping a firm grip on them, Spider-Girl gave a hard tug, slingshotting into Jolyne with a drop kick to the stomach!

The instant she felt the blow connect, all of the wind was knocked out of Jolyne as she slammed into the ground, her impact cratering the concrete. Flecks of spit and blood flew from her lips as pain shot across her back. Meanwhile, her opponent backflipped off her body while simultaneously snapping the cuffs’ chains through raw strength. Instantly, the strain from the cuffs vanished as they seemed to unravel like string, causing May to breathe a sigh of relief.

”Phew! That’s better.” May said as she began fiddling with the web shooters. “Heroes like us don’t really do cuffs all that well. You, on the other hand…”


A string of web fluid covered Jolyne’s stomach, hardening instantly.

”I’d say you’ve got a good, long time to make them work when you get back.” Spider-Girl finished. Jolyne’s expression hardened at this, and with only a subconscious thought, she unraveled the afflicted area and pushed herself back up. 

Spider-Girl shot several more webs, but they didn’t even seem to slow Jolyne down. Each time they came close, Jolyne almost seemed to phase through them. ‘What’s going on here?’ May thought. ‘Invisible summons, strings, intangibility… It’s like she’s some kind of superpower grab bag!’ Beneath her mask, her gaze became a bit more serious. ‘Normally I’d try and get a feel for this with my Spider-Sense, but that ‘Stone Free’ thing is outmaneuvering me hard!’

Little did she know Jolyne was in the same boat. ‘Something feels off about all this. She’s clearly not a Stand user, but then how the hell is she reacting to my attacks? And what she just did with those cuffs…’ Jolyne looked down at the strings of fabric now littering the street, visible only to the eyes of another user. ‘Whatever her powers are, she seems to have a knack for bouncing all over the place.’

Her eyes darted around the area, noting the tall buildings and wide streets around her. ‘It doesn’t help that this street is open enough for her to use it. If I want to get her in Stone Free’s range, I’ll need to get her into a more enclosed space. But how?’

Noticing a nearby warehouse behind her, the gears in Jolyne’s head began turning. It was a huge gamble, but if she wanted any chance of taking this Spider-Bitch down, she’d need to take that risk.

“I gotta admit, you’ve been doing a pretty good job holding me off.” Jolyne admitted as she returned her gaze to May. “Especially for someone that isn’t a Stand user.” Jolyne’s expression hardened. “But don’t think that means you’ve beaten me just yet! We Cujohs- no, we Joestars aren’t limited to brute force. We rely more on strategy to overcome any obstacle!” Slipping into a combat stance, she continued, “And if all else fails, there’s one last trick we can fall back on, the ultimate technique that’s been passed down my family for generations!”

Jolyne’s words were spoken with such confidence that Spider-Girl was immediately put on edge. ‘Ultimate technique? So she had an extra trick up her sleeve all this time?’ As if to add to her alertness, her Spider-Sense flared up, giving May a sudden warning as to what her opponent had planned. But when that warning came to her, Spider-Girl’s caution became confusion. ‘No, there’s gotta be some kind of mistake! There’s no way that’s what she has in mind!’

As if in answer to these shocked thoughts, Jolyne’s legs tensed up, and then in a sudden burst of speed, she proceeded to book it in the opposite direction! She ran like an accomplished track star, sprinting at top speed to get as far away from Spider-Girl as possible! Unfortunately, she’d soon realize her opponent had her own tricks up her sleeve!

“That’s an impressive trick, but I’d prefer if you stuck around!” May announced as she slammed her open palm against the concrete. Jolyne was still taking off, preparing to continue her retreat when something seemed to tug hard at her! A shocked gasp escaped her lips as she clumsily stumbled forward, her left leg landing at an awkward, crossed angle. She looked back, trying to lift her right leg, only to find that it was completely stuck to the floor! 

“The hell’s going on here? Why can’t I move?” She asked irritably, trying in vain to lift her left leg off the concrete.

“Well, I figured if you wanted to show off your secret technique, I’d go ahead and show you mine! Call it a final courtesy before the boys in blue haul you and your boyfriend back to jail!” As she spoke, Spider-Girl fired off several balls of Impact Webbing, each one set to envelop a different part of Jolyne’s body. But Jolyne was nothing if not efficient!

As the balls flew toward her, Jolyne calculated the flight path of each one in her head. Then, right as they were about to hit her, she forced each area to take on a spinning, 3D shape: a Mobius strip. The moment the Impact Webbing made contact, each one became entangled in Mobius strip’s endless cycle, left to accelerate as it spun from one section to the other. And with nothing to stop them, the web balls kept going, moving faster and faster until Jolyne released them, sending the Impact Webbing back in droves!

With equally quick precision, Spider-Girl flipped and twisted her body, easily avoiding the reflected attacks. As she descended toward Jolyne, May extended her arm out, firing a web that latched onto a nearby building. Using her momentum to her advantage, Spider-Girl then swung through the air, landing a hard kick to the stomach. Jolyne’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as she coughed up spittle, while Spider-Girl carried her through the air feet-first. And upon reaching the peak of her ascent, May unleashed a blast of bio-magnetism from her soles, repelling Jolyne further into the air!

‘Dammit! She hits a lot harder than she looks! Any harder and she might’ve knocked me out cold!’ Jolyne thought as she felt the wind rush past her. ‘Still, it at least got me closer to the warehouse. Now all that’s left is to get her boxed in!’ 

Extending her arm out, Jolyne fired off a few strings and wrapped them around the top of a nearby rooftop. Grabbing hold of it with both hands, the sixth JoJo used her momentum to dip toward the ground before slinging back into the air at a higher rate!

”Hey, watch it with the web-slinging!” Spider-Girl joked as she swung after Jolyne. “That’s my thing, and I’m not too keen on imitators!”

”What, you think you’re the first person to swing through the air?” Jolyne scoffed.

”Nah, but my dad was.” May informed as she swung toward Jolyne. She threw out a brief combo of kicks and punches. “And I’d rather-“

A buzz of Spider-Sense flashed through May’s head, giving her enough of a warning to twist her body.

”Keep his trademark moves-“



An uppercut struck Jolyne in the chin. She tried to counter with a blow from Stone Free, but her opponent flipped over, skirting beneath her a bit. Jolyne watched Spider-Girl’s trail with her eyes, her pupils shrinking in shock as Mayday came back in with a hard kick to the stomach.

”Safe from a cheap copycat!”

As she finished her thoughts, Spider-Girl smashed into Jolyne’s gut, dragging both herself and JoJo forward and launching both of them toward the high rise windows behind them. Cracks rang out a split second before Jolyne crashed through the window, only half aware of the shattered glass that was raining down alongside her. Down into the depths the Stand user and superhero fell as their surroundings became mired in the darkness of the wide, spacious, abandoned storage room. 

It was only seconds later that Jolyne would feel something other than the air rushing past her, as she slammed hard into the wood floor, accompanied by a cacophony of glass PLINKing against the ground. She could feel some of that glass adding to the pain as it dug into her skin, but she refused to yell or even cry out in pain. The cuts might’ve hurt like hell, but she wasn’t going to let that impair her decision to fight!

Pushing the warm, unnerving feeling out of her mind, Jolyne focused on the surrounding area. The lighting was dim, but she could make out the dusky outline of Spider-Girl’s costume heading her way, as well as two silver glints.

Two THWIPs rang out, and Jolyne was on the move, scrambling away as she watched two white balls crash into the floor, exploding into puddles of sticky gunk. Seeing Spider-Girl land in front of her, Jolyne commanded Stone Free to let her have it!

”ORA!” An overhead punch was sent toward Spider-Girl, but she immediately leapt out of the way, leaving Stone Free’s punch to miss by a mile. As she ascended through the air, Mayday tried to recover her advantage with a rapid series of web lines, but Jolyne leapt after her, using Stone Free’s crossed arms to barrel through each one. And once Spider-Girl was in range, Jolyne let her have it!


A steady burst of machine gun-like punches battered Spider-Girl’s body, striking her from every conceivable angle in only a few microseconds. And by the time she’d begun to fall toward the ground, Jolyne left the web-slinger with a final punch!


A left hook struck Spider-Girl at full force, cracking one of her goggles and launching her deeper into the shadows. Jolyne heard the sound of something land against the wall, and when she squinted her eyes she could just make out Spider-Girl, her short hair now exposed and half-tussled.

”The hell are you doing up there?” JoJo asked.

”Staying away from you.” May said, sounding rather cheerful for someone who’d just been battered senseless.

“Why? You scared to fight woman to woman?” Jolyne smirked.

”I don’t suppose I could convince you to come up here and fight like a spider?” Spider-Girl joked. Jolyne was about to make a retort, but something in May’s words struck a cord.

”Fight like a spider, huh?” Her smirk widened a little. “Fine. I’ll just beat you at your own game.”

[If rooting Spider-Girl]
[If rooting Jolyne]

In an instant, strings shot out from Jolyne’s fingertips. Sensing something heading her way, May leapt further into the shadows, feeling the Spider-Sense continue to buzz in her mind. The invisible strings were back, and if her Spider-Sense was accurate, each one was being spread throughout the room, moving from wall to pillar to crate in a vast, interconnected web.

‘Huh… that’s not a bad idea.’ Spider-Girl thought as she steadily crawled across the walls, keeping a low profile. While she couldn’t necessarily see them, the subtle cues from her Spider-Sense were giving May a good sense of where they were. She went through a few possibilities in her head, trying to think of the best way out of this. Trying to rush Jolyne down would end in disaster, and with how fast they’d moved before, snapping the strings would just alert Jolyne to where she was.

‘Unless…’ May mused as she looked down at her web shooter. Eager to test her hypothesis, the scientist’s daughter fired off a few stingers. They approached the strings at bullet-like speeds, but instead of snapping them in two, the darts seemed to phase through and embed into the ground.

The sound of something hitting the ground transferred through Jolyne’s strings like a telephone wire, and with a determined look, she went to work on ensnaring the culprit!

Spider-Girl clutched her head as her Spider-Sense flared up, alerting her of the strings’ rapid shift in location. An unconscious groan made its way out of her lips. Big mistake, since the strings seemed to react to that and began swarming her!

‘Oh God!’ She thought as she instinctively leapt to higher ground, twisting her body in unnatural and inhuman forms to avoid the strings. But the instant she landed on the ceiling on all fours, the strings were back at it again!

Fighting the growing worry inside her, Spider-Girl began flipping and cartwheeling like mad, doing whatever she could to avoid capture. The strings were threatening to snag her in midair, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to avoid their grasp. Still, that didn’t mean she’d stopped fighting! 

Even as she had a few close calls, Spider-Girl returned the favor by targeting Jolyne with her webs. Web lines and web balls were launched her way, and with May out of its range, all Stone Free could manage was blocking and pulling on the lines in an attempt to make Spider-Girl see the light. Less successful, however, were the attempts to block the stingers.

With the darkness as her cover and the Spider-Sense as her guide, Mayday was making up for her lack of direct confrontation by landing direct shots. Thanks to the near lack of lighting in the area, the stingers came without any warning and stabbed Jolyne without fail. None of them were targeting her major organs, but she would’ve lied if she said they didn’t hurt like a bitch!

The only good news about this was that each of the stingers seemed to be firing from a closer location, and it was only a matter of time before Spider-Girl slipped up and got too close! 

All of a sudden, Jolyne could feel another presence in front of her. Something was coming out of the shadows, something that seemed pretty big, with arms and legs outstretched to tackle her.

”So you finally decided to show yourself? Good! Because I’ve got something special planned for you!” Jolyne announced as she focused all of her strings, wrapping each one around Spider-Girl until she was fully covered. Reeling her closer, Jolyne threw out her leg, kicking straight through her opponent’s web-like, pale flesh!

[If rooting for Jolyne, play this and start at 0:34]

“What?!” Jolyne asked in shock. Whatever she just struck wasn’t Spider-Girl. It was some massive decoy, one that quickly fell on top of Jolyne, enshrouding her in a sheet of sticky white gel. “It’s a dummy!”

”Oh, don’t insult it like that!” Spider-Girl called out from behind as a drop kick slammed into Jolyne from behind. Flipping off of her, May continued, “I’d say the only dummy here is the girl that abandoned her strategy without double checking her surroundings!”

Two web lines shot out from the web shooters, but Jolyne managed to move out of their way with a quick roll. Spider-Girl trailed her with a few more shots from her webs and Impact Webbing, but Jolyne strafed between each one. From her surveying of the surrounding area, she knew the area in front of her was little more than a dead end, but it wasn’t the wall that had caught her interest. It was what was above her.

Feeling the draft blow past her hair, Jolyne couldn’t help but smile as she looked up at the vent northwest of her. 

“Looks like someone took a wrong turn at Albuquerque!” May quipped, but Jolyne didn’t seem to hear her. The convict’s legs were visibly tensing up as she looked toward the vent. “Uh… hey, JoJo. I’m not sure what you have in mind, but…” Jolyne continued to ignore her as she ran forward unopposed. “That’s not really a way for you to…” May’s voice trailed off as Jolyne leapt through the air and swung her arm out. The moment her fingertips touched the metal grating, Jolyne’s body seemed to phase through the air vent, sneaking inside like some kind of snake.


”Escape…” May finished awkwardly, her brain reeling as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Looking around, she called out, “Uh… hello? Are you still there? Hello?”

When nobody answered her question Spider-Girl began swinging through the building, searching for some sign of Jolyne. “Marco.” She called out as she leapt from a high ledge and flipped onto the floor below. 

Still receiving no response, she casually strolled around, surveying the stacks of crates and metal parts. Trying again, she yelled, “Marco.” Still nothing. Spider-Girl sighed. ‘Fine. If she doesn’t want to play along, I’ll just have to zero in on her.’

With that, the teenager began concentrating her Spider-Sense, and the mild buzz she received told her that Jolyne was only one floor beneath her. But then a louder buzz flashed through her mind. Something of Jolyne’s was racing toward her!

“Polo.” A familiar voice cut off her thoughts. May’s eyes widened in realization, but in the microsecond it took for her to register-


[Start at about 1:11]

A choked gasp emerged from her lips as something tightened around her neck. Then, with a sharp tug, the heroine found herself pulled through the catwalk, falling wildly through the air before smacking her head against one of the I-beams.


The hollow ringing in May’s skull elicited a low groan, but another pull of the string forced it to morph into a strangled gasp. The rope-like bindings around her neck were slowly tightening, cutting off her air supply. Her vision was starting to blur, and her head felt like it was spinning. But even in her delirious state, she could still feel Jolyne’s strings reaching up and piling on top of her. They wrapped around her arms and pulled them back, forcing her to release her grip on Jolyne’s noose. 

From the floor below, Jolyne could sense her adversary’s waning strength, and eager to get this over with, she began spreading her strings to the rest of May’s body. The sharp, wire-like ropes began digging into Spider-Girl, forcing rivulets of blood to seep out onto her costume. A pained, infuriated grunt escaped May’s gritted teeth as she placed her feet against the floor. Bio-magnetism surged through her soles and she rocketed into the air, her hopes of escape rising much like her body…

Only to be mercilessly ripped away as Jolyne’s strings slammed her into the ground! Flecks of blood escaped as May let out a haggard cough, feeling the choking coils tighten around her.

”I’ll give you this, kid. You’ve got a lot of spunk.” Jolyne commended, but her tone dropped an octave, becoming more serious as she continued. “But at this rate you’ve only got two options left: either bleed out or tap out. Now which will it be?”

In tandem with her ultimatum, Jolyne tightened the strings once again, slowly forcing Spider-Girl to constrict in place.

’Does she even need to ask?’ May thought to herself. True, she was low on air, and she could feel the blood loss sapping away at her strength, but she refused to give up like this. ‘I don’t care how hard I have to fight! I won’t just give up here!’ 

Gritting her teeth, May continued to push against her restraints. Feeling this from beneath her, Jolyne’s expression hardened.

”So you want it the hard way, then? Good grief… Well, just remember, it was your call.” Jolyne stated as she forced the bindings to grow even tighter. May grit her teeth, fighting back an urge to groan as more blood continued to spill from her cuts.

’Stay calm. You can do this, girl!’ May reassured herself. ‘You’re way stronger than any bundle of string this lady can throw out!’

As if in response to this taunt, the strings rewrapped themselves, dragging against different angles they hadn’t snagged before.

‘AAARRRGGGHH!’ May screamed internally. ‘No, don’t acknowledge the pain. Just focus…’

Pulling with all her might, Spider-Girl felt her arms strain against the spiritual bindings. Her arms slowly moved up, struggling as pain coursed through every inch of them. ‘Just need to… gather my strength… Put everything I have… into escaping this death trap!’

As these thoughts ran through her mind, Spider-Girl began to strain against her bindings. She didn’t care that her muscles ached from how much she was exerting herself. She didn’t care that she could feel blood dripping out as the strings dug into her skin. All that mattered at this moment was getting herself free! Her arms were slowly moving up, dragging themselves higher along her body.

‘Just keep pushing, no matter how hard it hurts!’

With a heavy strain, Spider-Girl grabbed hold of the noose around her neck and tugged with all her might! Her muscles ached with exertion, and Jolyne’s strings dug into her fingers and neck. Blood was seeping through her suit, dripping down her hands, but this pain only seemed to motivate her!

’Yeah! YEAH!’ She thought as she continued pulling, hearing each of the strings start to snap. With this sound driving her motivation, Mayday doubled down on her efforts and pulled even harder!


‘Oh, YEAH!’ Spider-Girl thought as her main binding gave way. In her jubilation, the wall-crawler threw out her arms and puffed out her chest. The muscles in her torso expanded by a few inches, and with this growth, the rest of her snares were torn to shreds!

However, any joy Spider-Girl felt was replaced horror as she heard a blood curdling scream from the floor below. Her sense of heroism overriding her pain, Mayday leapt to the floor below, and her eyes widened at what she saw. 

Standing before her was Jolyne Cujoh, her body covered with bloody, open wounds. Various cuts adorned her side, blood was spraying out from her stomach, and May could see decently-sized wounds just above her chest and collar.

“Oh God… Did I cause that?” Spider-Girl asked, completely horrified by Jolyne’s brutalized body.

“What do you think?” Jolyne asked in annoyance. Her words hit Spider-Girl like a truck, filling the heroine with a deluge of shame and guilt.

”I… I’m so sorry! I didn’t think this would happen! I- I just wanted to escape those traps you set up.” Her terrified response didn’t seem to change Jolyne’s expression.

”Oh, don’t give me that bull. You were just doing what you needed to survive. I would know.” Jolyne said, holding one of her arms out. Spider-Girl grabbed it, but the instant she did so, her Spider-Sense went off. “After all…”


“I’m doing the same!”

Alear Engages with Death Battle!

This was commissioned by ZMusok.

Aliases: The Divine Dragon, Divine One, The Connector, Dragon Divine, The Thirteenth Emblem, The Fire Emblem
Age: 17 (physically), 1000+ (chronologically)
Occupation: Prince/Princess of Lythos
First Appearance: Fire Emblem Engage (January 2, 2023)

-Defeated Sombron with the help of the 12 Emblems in the ancient past
-After being killed by Sombron, they were resurrected as a Divine Dragon by their mother Lumera
-With Marth’s help, they saved Clanne and Framme from the Corrupted (corpses resurrected through black magic)
-Teamed up with Alfred, Etie, Boucheron, Louis, and Celine to defend Lythos Castle from Elusian forces
-Saved a village from the Corrupted and recruited Jean into their army
-Defeated Hortensia’s army and forced her to retreat
-Defeated the Elusian Princess Ivy and obtained the Ring of the Sage Lord
-Defeated Ivy again despite her commanding an Elusian army and being blinded by a snowstorm
-Defeated Hyacinth, the Sage King of Elusia
-Recruited Ivy into their team and obtained the Ring of the Lady of the Plains  and the Ring of the Princess Exalt
-Helped the Sentinels of Soln defeat a group of Corrupted
-Sqved Queen Seforia from a brainwashed Hortensia
-Broke Hortensia’s brainwashing and converted her to their side
-Saved Seadall from the Corrupted and obtained the Ring of the Crux of Fate
-Regained most of the Emblem Rings after they were stolen by Sombron’s forces
-Defeated Marni and Mauvier and regained the Ring of the Dawn Maiden and Ring of the Young Lion
-Defeated Griss and regained the Ring of the Caring Princess
-Learned they were Sombron’s child
-Defeated each of the Emblem Rings in mock battles meant to test their skills and strengthen their bonds
-Regained the Ring of the Hero King after defeating Veyle and freeing her from mind control
-Sacrificed their life to save Veyle from Sombron
-Upon dying, they devised a plan to have Veyle resurrect them as a self-aware Corrupted
-Was judged as worthy to be revived by the Twelve Emblems, resurrecting them through the Ring of the Connector
-Defeated the Four Hounds and destroyed the Fell Dragon Shard
-Shattered another Fell Dragon Shard after being sent back in time
-Defeated their past self, which unintentionally led to them being reformed by Lumera
-Killed Corrupted Lumera and broke the final Fell Dragon Shard
-Killed Sombron
-Became the Divine Dragon King/Queen of Lythos

Planet Level to Large Planet Level from harming the Emblems, which are exact copies of the originals. This includes Ike, who could damage Ashera, who flooded the world in the past
-Maximum strength of 41
-Maximum magic stat of 25
-Mortally wounded Sombron
-Can kill undead guards in one swing
-Staggered and killed a Corrupted with Marth’s help
-Can harm the Emblems
    -Byleth’s sword is stated to be able to slice a mountain in half and possesses the power of Sothis, who could sink the world down to the watery depths
    -Edelgard, while working with Byleth, could defeat Rhea, who survived (but was injured by) multiple Javelins of Light. For comparison, a single Javelin transformed Ailell into a burning canyon
    -Regular party members in other games, who the series protagonists should be above, can survive being hit by Meteor
  -Robin, Chrom, and Lucina fought and killed Grima, who could generate this much energy by flying

Sub-Relativistic from scaling to Emblem Marth, whose original counterpart could dodge meteors being pulled from space
-Maximum speed stat of 43
-Maximum skill stat of 36
-Maximum luck/avoidance (chance of avoiding attacks or landing hits) of 35
-Can dodge swords, axes, lances, arrows, fireballs, blasts of ice, lightning spells, fire breath
-Dodged a Corrupted’s axe swing
-Can dodge attacks from the Emblems
    -Dimitri can react to meteors and lightning
    -Regular party members, who the Emblems’ original counterparts should be above, can dodge lightning

-Planet Level from scaling to their strength
-Maximum defense stat of 35
-Maximum resistance stat of 25
-Can take attacks from swords, axes, lances, arrows, fireballs, blasts of ice, lightning spells, fire breath
-Can withstand attacks from the Emblems
-In the distant past, they stayed alive for over a minute after being impaled through the chest by Sombron’s dark magic, though it eventually killed them
-After being hit by a massive beam from Sombron, they stayed alive for over a minute before succumbing to their wounds

-After dying, they devised a plan to revive using Veyle’s ability to resurrect the dead as Corrupted

-Originally, Alear was jaded, stoic, and emotionally broken from witnessing their siblings’ deaths at Sombron’s hands
-Hated the Corrupted due to their role in their siblings’ deaths, and feared they would one day share the same fate by failing Sombron
-After being beaten in a fight by their future self and rescued by Lumera, they became more expressive and rebellious toward Sombron, eventually fully defecting from his cause
-In the modern day, Alear is polite, positive, and courteous toward others thanks to suffering amnesia
-Despite their status as a Divine Dragon, they prefer not to be addressed formally and would rather be referred to be name
-Is uncomfortable with the idea of being worshiped, but admires the faith people place in them
-Is initially scared of the Corrupted due to their unnatural appearance and aura, but overcomes this as the game goes on
    -It’s later revealed this is because they subconsciously remember how their siblings were killed by the Corrupted in the distant past
-Tends to act as the voice of reason during conflicts, but is more direct and blunt when confronting others
-Refuses to let anyone on their side die and will do everything in their power to ensure their safety
-Refuses to kill without reason and will actively spare their enemies or try to convert them to their side
-Is willing to sacrifice their life to save others and end the war, and will go to any length to do it, even if it means coming back as a Corrupted
-Upon learning they were part Fell Dragon, they had a brief identity crisis, but it’s resolved when Sigurd explains that Alear uses power from both sides and the party still expresses their support


Alear Dragon Child by Br3ndan5
Dragon Child:
-A class exclusive to Alear and the default starting class
-Focuses explicitly on swords
-Can be promoted to Divine Dragon

Alear Divine Dragon by Br3ndan5
Divine Dragon:
-A promoted class of Dragon Child
-Focuses on swords and martial arts


Alear Divinely Inspiring by Br3ndan5
Divinely Inspiring:
-Causes adjacent allies to deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage

Weapons and Equipment:

Iron Sword FE by Br3ndan5
Iron Sword:
-Alear’s starting sword in Fire Emblem Engage
-Considered the weakest of all words

Steel Sword FE by Br3ndan5
Steel Sword:
-Considered the second tier of swords
-Stronger than the Iron Sword, but slightly lowers Alear’s attack speed

Alear Liberation by Br3ndan5
-An ancient blade that can only be wielded by Divine Dragons
-Originally wielded by Lumera, but was passed down to Alear
-In-game, it fills the engage meter by 1 when Alear attacks and defeats a foe in a single turn

Alear Wille Glanz by Br3ndan5
Wille Glanz:
-A powerful sword that lets Alear attack from a range

Vulnerary FE by Br3ndan5
-A medical solution that heals wounds either through drinking it or rubbing it on the affected areas
-Can heal up to 15 HP
-Can only be used up to 3 times

Emblem Rings and Bracelets:
Alear: Emblem Rings + Emblem Bracelets


Emblem Alear M by Br3ndan5Emblem Alear F by Br3ndan5
Emblem Alear:
-The result of Alear being resurrected by the other Emblems
-Purges the Fell Dragon’s influence from Alear, turning their hair and eyes fully blue
    -Though this only applies for the Emblem state, as rematerializing their physical body restores their red hair and eye
-Unlike other Emblems, Alear is independent due to having their Emblem Ring already on their finger, though they can still Engage with other units or Emblems
-Can swap between physical form and their Emblem state at will

Fire Emblem Engage: No Context by Br3ndan5
-Is a bit naive and overly trusting, though they get over this as the game goes on
-Thanks to their low Resistance stat, they’re particularly susceptible to magic attacks
-Outside of a few skills from Emblem Rings, Alear is strictly a close quarters fighter
-The Emblem Rings are vulnerable to corruption through dark magic, and Alear will lose access to their abilities if they’re stolen
-If the Ring of the Connector is stolen from them, they’ll become subservient to whoever wears it

Shinji Ikari Rebuilds Death Battle

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.

Shinji Ikari
Aliases: The Third Child, Idiot Shinji, Brat Shinji, Puppy Boy
Age: 14 (1.0 and 2.0), 28 (3.0 and 3.0+1.0)
Occupation: Pilot of Eva Unit-01, Businessman (rewritten world)
First appearance: Evangelion 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (September 1, 2007)

-Was chosen by NERV to pilot Eva Unit-01
-Killed Shamshel
-Killed Ramiel with Rei’s help
-Worked with Asuka and Rei to kill Sahaquiel
-Killed Bardiel, the infected Eva Unit-03, and killed its pilot, Asuka
    -Though Shinji wasn’t in control of his Eva at the time
-Nearly caused the Third Impact by saving Rei from Zeruel, which forced Unit-01 to evolve and merge with Zeruel’s core
-Piloted Evangelion 13 with Kaworu to obtain the Lance of Longinus and undo the Near Third Impact
-Effortlessly defeated Unit-02
-Unintentionally kickstarted the Fourth Impact
-Willingly piloted Unit-01 to fight Gendo, who had taken control of Evangelion 13
-Obtained infinite synchronization with Unit-01
-While merged with humanity during instrumentality, he helped his father, Asuka, Kaworu, and Rei on their journeys of self-realization
-Used the Lance of Gaius to initiate Neon Genesis, recreating the universe without the Evangelions

-With Misato’s help, pushed a car back into place after it was flipped on its side
-Punched Toji, one of his class bullies
-Tore through Sachiel’s AT Field with its bare hands
-Crushed Sachiel’s arm, kicked it into a water tower hard enough to topple it, pushed it and a massive building dozens of feet, then beat it down, tore off its horns, and repeatedly stabbed it in the chest
-Threw Shamshel back
-Stabbed through Shamshel’s core
-The shockwaves from it breaking the sound barrier kicked up massive amounts of dust, destroyed buildings, and flipped cars that were miles away
-Held back Sahaquiel with its full power AT Field even after being stabbed through the hands and arms
-While in Berserker mode, it overpowered Bardiel’s chokehold, strangled it until its neck broke, lifted it, slammed it into the ground, dismembered it, crushed its skull with a palm strike, then continued butchering it
-Crushed Unit-03’s entry plug in one bite
-Shinji claims he could use Unit-01 to destroy half of NERV’s headquarters in 285 seconds, and a member of Mission Control backs him up
-Created dents in the roof of NERV’s headquarters by stomping on it
-Punched Zeruel through a wall
-While only having one arm, it kicked Zeruel in the stomach and slammed it into a wall
-Smashed Zeruel into the ground, repeatedly punched it, and nearly ripped off its arm
-In its Pseudo Evolution, it launches Zeruel miles away with an energy blast from its AT Field, then does the same with its eye beams
    -This is despite the fact that Zeruel had deployed its AT Field, which should’ve protected it
-A second use of the eye beams completely tear through the AT Field and split Zeruel in half
-Destroyed Evangelion Mark.04A with its eye beams
-Strangled Eva 13 and kneed it in the stomach
-Its feet dragging across the ground uprooted and knocked aside several houses
-Clashing evenly with Eva 13 multiple times, with their first clash creating a shockwave that spread across an entire classroom
-Stabs itself and Eva 13 in the chest with 13’s help
Eva 13:
-Its footsteps can crush the skulls of giants
-Grabs Unit-02’s knives by their blades and holds them back, then throws Unit-02 to the ground
-Using all 4 arms, it rips two Lances of Longinus out of Lilith
-Casually destroys Unit-02’s beast form in one hit
-Threw Unit-01 multiple times
-Clashed with Unit-01 multiple times
-Its lance strikes repeatedly knocked Unit-01 back even while it was guarding
-Threw Unit-01 hundreds of feet into the air like it was nothing
-Helps Unit-01 stabs both of them in the chest

-Reacted to Shamshel’s whip strike and piloted Unit-01 to dodge it
-Dodged Shamshel’s whip and grabbed it mid-lash
-Can run fast enough that a Mach cone forms around it
-Kept up with Evangelion 13
-Blocks the Lance of Longinus
Eva 13:
-Its RS Hoppers are fast enough to rapidly block Unit-02’s attacks
-Dodged Unit-02’s spear thrust and stops its sword attacks mid-strike
-Flies from deep underground to above the clouds in 20 seconds

-Withstands Unit-01’s pain of having its arm snapped and being repeatedly shot in the head
-Took a punch from Toji
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 holding Shamshel’s energy whips, which left its hands horrifically burned
-Experienced the pain of Unit-01 being stabbed through the stomach, but pushed through it
-Is more surprised than hurt after Rei slaps him
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 getting shot in the chest, though it left him in critical condition
-Survives feeling a full power blast from Ramiel, though he’s left in critical condition
-Takes a kick to the face from Asuka
-Endures the feeling of two blades stabbing through his hands all the way down to his forearms
-Gets back up after Mari slams into him while parachuting
-Experiences Unit-01’s pain from being dropkicked
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 being choked by Bardiel
-Continued fighting after experiencing the pain of Unit-01 losing its left arm
-Endures Unit-01 being stabbed in the chest, though it causes him to vomit blood
-Shows no signs of pain when his hands are being cut from Eva 13 grabbing Unit-02’s swords
-Withstands Eva 13’s pain from being impaled in the chest
-Got kicked by Asuka
-Was slapped by Sakura
-Had its arm snapped by Sachiel, then was repeatedly shot in the head and launched into a building
-Tanked being blasted by Sachiel’s eye beams, which encompassed entire city blocks
-Completely tanked Sachiel’s self-destruction
-Was thrown across Tokyo and into a hillside by Shamshel
-Held onto Shamshel’s energy whips even as they burned its hands
-Kept fighting after it was stabbed through the stomach by Shamshel’s whips
-Survives being shot in the chest by Ramiel, then tanks a blast that encompasses its entire body
    -Ramiel’s blasts can tear through buildings
-Was stabbed through its hands and forearms, but held its ground even as the strain caused blood to burst from its forearms
-Survives being crushed under Sahaquiel’s corpse, which engulfed an entire city and flooded it with blood
-Got back up after being dropkicked by Bardiel, then withstood being choked by it and slammed into a hillside
-Kept fighting after its arm was shot off by Zeruel
-Stabbed through the chest by Zeruel’s bladed tendrils, then gets slammed into a mountainside
-Survived being impaled by the Lance of Longinus
-Gets smacked by the Lance of Longinus, dragged along the ground, thrown across a street, and thrown across a city
-Withstands being slashed at and kicked through a wall
-Gets back up immediately after Eva 13 threw it
-Withstands being choked and thrown across a train station by Eva 13
Eva 13:
-Grabs Unit-02’s swords by the blades, which cuts into its skin
-Is unharmed when the AAA Wunder rams into it at full speed
-Survives impaling itself with the Lances of Longinus

-Could tell he was being followed by NERV agents while walking


-Is noted to be an exceptional cook, and is especially good at grilling and seasoning meat

-Despite lacking any confidence in his skills, he was able to perform a duet with Kaworu while playing for the first time
-With Kaworu’s help, he was able to improve to the point of actively keeping up with him

-Like his original counterpart, Shinji is an emotionally fragile, self-loathing wreck who craves praise and fears being hated or hurt
-Blames himself for his father leaving him, and will do anything he can to earn his love and praise
    -This was his main motivation for piloting Unit-01
-Due to his self-loathing, he believes he isn’t worth protecting, nobody in NERV cares about him, and they’re only using him to pilot the Eva
    -He also doubts his abilities and believes everyone else does too
-Unlike the TV version, this Shinji is a lot angrier about his situation and more willing to call out NERV for their immoral actions and how they don’t care about their pilots
-This Shinji is also less introverted and actively participates in social situations
-Is unwilling to kill humans while piloting Unit-01 and will actively refuse to fight them
-Over the course of Evangelion 2.0 Shinji becomes a lot more pessimistic, growing to hate his father and the world as a whole, believing that the only good things in the world are eventually destroyed
-After witnessing Kaworu’s death, Shinji undergoes a brief depression that leaves him catatonic, emotionally numb, and unable to eat, but he eventually overcomes this with Rei’s help
-After overcoming his grief and bonding with his father, Shinji matured and became more sympathetic toward those around him, which culminated in him rewriting the universe to improve everyone’s lives

Weapons and Equipment:

-A form-fitting blue body suit that, when combined with the Interface Headset, grants Shinji better synchronization with his Eva
-Lets its user withstand extremely temperatures, as Shinji was able to open a superheated entry plug without burning his hands

Evangelion Unit-01:
-Also called Evangelion Test Type-01
-Said to be the ultimate multipurpose decisive combat weapons system created by man
-Is covered in metal, armor-like bindings to suppress its full power
-Houses the soul of Shinji’s mother, Yui, who can independently control the Eva to protect Shinji from harm
    -Her soul can even eject Shinji from Unit-01 to protect him
-While piloting it, Shinji is surrounded in LCL, an amber liquid that mentally links his nervous system with Unit-01’s
-Is equipped with electrically-powered Umbilical Cables, which connect it to external power sources
    -If these cables are severed, Unit-01 can continue fighting via its internal battery, albeit for a short time
-Possesses a minor healing factor, allowing it to regenerate from having its arm snapped

A.T Field:
-Short for “Absolute Terror Field,” it’s a barrier that Evas and Angels can manifest to protect themselves
-Are normally invisible, though collisions with other objects or people will expose its true form of orange, octagonal waves
-Vary in strength depending on the pilot’s synchronization with the Eva
-Is unable to be pierced by man made weapons
-Becomes stronger as Unit-01 evolves

PKN-01C Progression Knife:
-A massive jackknife stored in Unit-01’s left shoulder pylon
-Can be creased for safer storage

Gatling Gun:
-Also called the EM-226 Evangelion Portable Revolving Multi-Barrel Machine Gun or EM-226 440mm Gatling Gun
-Has a caliber of 440mm
-Its shells are large enough to crush cars
-Used while fighting Shamshiel

Positron Cannon:
-An advanced prototype rifle powered by high voltage superconductor transformers
-Fires a massive laser capable of reaching thousands of feet
-Thanks to Earth’s rotation, magnetic field, and gravity, the rifle can’t fire straight shots
-Due to the high levels of energy needed to power it, Shinji can’t change his firing position

-A black and blue variant of the plugsuit given to Shinji when he copiloted Evangelion 13

Evangelion 13:
-An Eva Unit piloted by both Shinji and Kaworu for the purpose of undoing the Near Third Impact
-Is utterly massive and eclipses all other Evas in size
-Unlike other Evas, 13 lacks any batteries or cables and seems to have independent power
-Under most circumstances it requires the use of 2 pilots, but its control system allows for a single pilot to take control
-Lacks an AT Field and instead uses RS Hoppers, jellyfish-like drones that emulate AT Fields for defense and disintegrate oncoming projectiles
    -It can also fire these emulations to attack others, with the blasts being strong enough to stagger Unit-02
    -Should the RS Hoppers be damaged, they’ll explode and knock their attacker back
-Has two additional arms locked across its chest, which can be released to give it a strength boost

Lance of Longinus:
-An extraterrestrial artifact created by the ancient progenitors of life

Lance of Cassius:
-Also called the spear of hope
-An evolved form of the Lance of Longinus obtained when Shinji reclaimed it from his father

Lance of Gaius:
-Also called the Spear of WILLE
-A formless, shapeshifting spear created from the remains of the battleship AAA Wunder
-Has no definitive size or shape, letting it range from small enough to fit in Shinji’s palm to large enough to fit in Unit-01’s
-Has the power to remake the entire universe and erase specific beings from existence


The following are exclusive to Unit-01:

Berserker Mode:
-A state Unit-01 can assume when its power is completely drained and/or Shinji is mortally wounded or compromised
-During this time, Yui’s soul takes full control of Unit-01, turning it violent and mindless

Pseudo Evolution: “Initial Arousal Phase”:
-The result of Unit-01 unleashing its innate powers and transcending its physical limits
-Originally obtained by Shinji’s desperation to save Rei
-Signified by the appearance of a halo and its eyes, mouth, and luminescent armor glowing red
-In this state, Unit-01 gains a wider range of abilities
    -The AT Field’s defensive abilities are greatly enhanced, and it can even be used for offensive purposes like creating complex constructs and energy blasts
    -Its healing factor is boosted to the point of letting it instantly regenerate lost limbs
    -It gains the ability to fire eye beams capable of knocking back Angels even with their AT Fields
-While in this state, Shinji begins transforming into a being of pure energy

Pseudo Evolution: “Radiant Giant”:
-The result of Unit-01 absorbing Zeruel’s core and merging with Rei
-Transforms Unit-01 into a being of pure energy

The following are exclusive to Evangelion 13:

Awakened State: “Giant of Light”
-The result of Eva 13 awakening its full power
-Transforms Eva 13 into a glowing white being of pure energy with crystalline wings and two halos

-When synchronized with Unit-01 or Eva 13, Shinji feels the pain of any injury it sustains, and if the damage is severe enough, he’ll die of shock
-Without the Umbilical Cables, Unit-01 can only fight for 5 minutes before its backup batteries are completely drained
    -This is rendered moot by its transformations
-Shinji is unable to control Unit-01 in Berserker Mode

Shinji Ikari Pilots the Eva Into Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.
Shinji TN by Br3ndan5
Shinji Ikari

Aliases: The Third Child, Mr. Big Shot
Age: 14
Occupation: Pilot of Eva Unit-01 (reluctantly)
First Appearance: Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 1: “Angel Attack” (October 4, 1995)

-Was chosen by NERV to pilot Eva Unit-01
-Killed Shamshel
-With Rei’s help, he managed to kill Ramiel while still recovering from hospitalization
-Helped Misato deactivate the Eva replacement Jet Alone after it went out of control
-Copiloted Eva Unit-02 with Asuka Langely as part of a plan to kill Gaghiel
-Helped Asuka fight Israfel, but was defeated
-Became perfectly in-sync with Asuka during the six day training regiment for their rematch against Israfel
-Helped Asuka defeat Israfel in 62 seconds
-Killed Matarael with help from Asuka and Misato
-Worked with Asuka and Misato to kill Sahaquiel
-Killed Bardiel, the infected Eva Unit-03, and critically injured its pilot
    -Though Shinji wasn’t in control of his Eva at the time
-While in its Berserker Mode, Unit-01 killed Zeruel and gained a power boost by devouring its S2 Engine
-Killed Kaworu, a humanoid Angel who’d taken control of Unit-02
-In the series final episode, he overcame his self-hatred and learned to gain confidence in himself
    -This is completely ignored during End of Evangelion
-Kickstarted the Third Impact and forced all of humanity into a state of Instrumentality, merging them into a unified consciousness
-After becoming overwhelmed by the unified consciousness, he reversed the Instrumentality, allowing him and Asuka to regain their sense of self

Animated GIF
-Multi-Continent after absorbing the Lance of Longinius, which could visibly split the clouds from space, Small Planet at its peak from killing the Rei/Adam/Lilith hybrid, which could produce this level of energy with its wings
-With Misato’s help, pushed a car back into place after it was flipped on its side
-Pulled open the door to Unit-00’s cockpit
-Strangled Asuka
Eva Unit-01:
-The impact of its steps can shatter the glass in surrounding areas
-Tore through Sachiel’s AT Field with its bare hands
-Crushed Sachiel’s arm, kicked it into a water tower hard enough to topple it, pushed it and a massive building dozens of feet, then beat it down, tore off its horns, and repeatedly stabbed it in the chest
    -Sachiel could survive being hit by an N2 mine
-Threw Shamshel back
-Stabbed through Shamshel’s core
-Tore out Unit-00’s entry plug
-Held back Jet Alone
-Uppercut Israfel and kicked it away, then dropkicked it across the city so hard its core exploded
-Forced itself to a halt while falling down a shaft and under the combined weight of Units 00 and 02
-Held back Sahaquiel with help from Units 00 and 02
-Tore itself out of Laleil while in berserk mode
-Strangled Bardiel until it’s neck was broken, then crushed its head and butchered it
-Crushed Unit-03’s Entry Plug
-Punched Zeruel and pushed it through a wall
-While only having one arm, it kicked Zeruel in the stomach and slammed it into a wall
-Repeatedly punched Zeruel and nearly ripped its head off
-Grabbed Zeruel by its bladed tendrils, pulled it forward, then kicked it away while simultaneously severing its left arm
-Threw Zeruel’s tendrils hard enough to penetrate its AT Field and mortally wound it
-Tore into Zeruel with its teeth
-After eating Zeruel, its strength increased to the point that its bindings exploded off its body
-Grappled with Unit-02 and struggled against its Progression Knife
-Stabbed Unit-02 in the neck and forehead
-Crushed Kaworu in its grip
-Broke out of a bakelite prison
-Bit Gendo in half
-Tore the Lance of Longinus out of itself

Animated GIF
-Relativistic from reacting to the Lance of Longinius as it traveled from the moon to Earth
-Reacted to Shamshel’s whip strike and piloted Unit-01 to dodge it
Eva Unit-01:
-Snapped its right arm free from its restraints and shielded Shinji from some falling debris
-Dodged a whip strike from Shamshel
-Outran Shamshel’s whip attacks
-Grabbed Shamshel’s whips mid-lash
-Cartwheeled away from Israfel’s eye beams and dodged its claw strike
-Dodged Armisael’s tentacles flying toward it

Animated GIF
-From scaling to its strength, Multi-Content to Small Planet
-Survived being caught in the shockwave from an N2 mine, which flipped the car he and Misato were in
-Withstands Unit-01’s pain of having its arm snapped and being repeatedly shot in the head
    -While he didn’t suffer the injuries themselves, he was still left hospitalized from the pain
-Took a punch from Toji, one of his class bullies
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 holding Shamshel’s energy whips, which left its hands horrifically burned
-Experienced the pain of Unit-01 being stabbed through the stomach, but pushed through it
-Is more surprised than hurt after Rei slaps him
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 getting shot in the chest, though it left him in critical condition
-Got kicked in the back by Asuka
-Was repeatedly kicked in the face by Asuka, then survived falling out of an air vent and crashing to the ground
-Withstood being forced to hold his breath for 31 seconds while Asuka kissed him
-Withstood the pain of Unit-01 being choked by Bardiel
-Continued fighting after experiencing the pain of Unit-01 losing its left arm
-Had no reaction to Unit-01’s chest exploding and being repeatedly stabbed
-Survived Unit-01 getting stabbed in the chest
-Endures the pain of being crucified
Eva Unit-01:
-Unharmed after several pieces of debris hit its hand
-Had its arm snapped by Sachiel, then was repeatedly blasted in the face and launched into a building
-Tanked being blasted by Sachiel’s eye beams, which encompassed entire city blocks
-Completely tanked Sachiel’s self-destruction
-Gets thrown across Tokyo and into a hillside by Shamshel
-Held onto Shamshel’s energy whips even as they burned its hands
-Got stabbed through the stomach by Shamshel’s whips, but kept fighting
-Survives being shot in the chest by Ramiel, whose blasts can tear through buildings
-Held onto Unit-00’s entry plug
-Tanked Israfel’s core exploding
-Shrugged off Units 00 and 02 crashing on top of it
-Survived Sahaquiel’s explosion, but was damaged to some unknown extent
-Was unaffected while being choked by Bardiel
-Kept fighting after its arm was shot off by Zeruel
-Had its chest explode, then survived being stabbed in its exposed muscles
-Was unharmed after getting caught in Unit-00’s self-destruction
-Got stabbed in the chest by Unit-02’s Progression Knife
-Survived being crucified by a squad of mass produced Evangelions, then tanks their self-destruction that engulfs most of Japan

-Memorized the positions of the Eva’s emergence points, emergency power junctions, armament buildings, and recovery zones


Adept Violinist:
-Despite not viewing his performances that highly, he’s surprisingly good at playing the violin
-Has been studying since he was five

-Due to his father abandoning him at a young age, Shinji is an emotionally fragile, unstable wreck who craves the praise of others and fears being hated or hurt
-Blames himself for his father leaving him, and will do anything he can to earn his love and praise
    -This was his main motivation for piloting Unit-01
-Because of the little contact he’s had with others, he’s extremely introverted and uncomfortable in social situations, leaving him with no friends
-Has a hard time letting go of the past and is willing to sacrifice anyone’s lives (even his own) to save a single person
-Despises violence and bloodshed, and will flee from battle in order to avoid harming others in his Eva
    -It gets to the point where he sometimes has to be goaded into piloting Unit-01. And even then, he’ll sometimes have to motivate himself by repeatedly telling himself “I musn’t run away!”
-Is unwilling to kill humans while piloting Unit-01 and will actively refuse to fight them
-By End of Evangelion, the constant traumas he suffered caused him to become depressed and self-loathing

Weapons and Equipment:

Shinji render by Br3ndan5
-A form-fitting blue body suit that, when combined with the Interface Headset, grants Shinji better synchronization with his Eva
-Lets its user withstand extremely temperatures, as Shinji was able to open a superheated entry plug without burning his hands
-Has a timer on the left wrist that lets Shinji see how much time he has during life support mode

Unit-01 by Br3ndan5
Evangelion Unit-01:
-Also called the EVA-01 TEST TYPE
-An artificial human created by Shinji’s father Gendo
-Said to be the ultimate multipurpose decisive combat weapons system created by man
-Is covered in metal, armor-like bindings to suppress its full power
-Houses the soul of Shinji’s mother, Yui, who can independently control the Eva to protect Shinji from harm
-While piloting it, Shinji is surrounded in LCL, an amber liquid that mentally links his nervous system with Unit-01’s
-Is equipped with electrically-powered Umbilical Cables, which connect it to external power sources
    -If these cables are severed, Unit-01 can continue fighting via its internal battery, albeit for a short time
-Possesses a minor healing factor, allowing it to regenerate from having its arm snapped
    -It can also absorb an Angel’s severed limbs to substitute the loss of its own
-If it’s energy is completely drained, it will go into life support mode, which can protect Shinji for up to 16 hours

AT Field by Br3ndan5
AT Field:
-Short for “Absolute Terror Field,” it’s a barrier that Evas and Angels can manifest to protect themselves
-Are normally invisible, though collisions with other objects or people will expose its true form of orange, octagonal waves
-Vary in strength depending on the pilot’s synchronization with the Eva
-Is unable to be pierced by man made weapons

Progression Knife by Br3ndan5
Progression Knife:
-A massive Bowie Knife housed in Unit-01’s left shoulder pylon
-Vibrates at an extremely high frequency, allowing it to cut through a target at the molecular level

Handgun by Br3ndan5
-Resembles a Desert Eagle Mark XIX
-Used in the fight with Leliel and was never seen again

Pallet Rifle by Br3ndan5
Pallet Rifle:
-Also called the Pallet Gun
-A standard issue rifle used by Eva units that rapidly fires bolts of energy
-Strong enough to kill an Angel in six shots

Positron Sniper Rifle by Br3ndan5
Positron Rifle:
-Also called the Self-Propelled Positron Cannon
-An advanced prototype rifle from SSDF Tech HQ
-Uses the entire electrical output of Japan to power its positron blasts, which contain 180 gigawatts
-Upon hitting something, its shots explode into massive pillars of energy
-Strong enough to pierce through Ramiel’s AT Field, which was unharmed after being hit by a Mortar 12

S2 Engine by Br3ndan5
Super Solenoid Engine:
-Also called the S2 Engine or the Fruit of Life
-An organ, usually located in an Angel’s core, that grants its host unlimited energy
-Unit-01 obtained one of its own after devouring Zeruel’s

Lance of Longinius by Br3ndan5
Lance of Longinus:
-An extraterrestrial artifact created by the ancient progenitors of life
-Is able to penetrate any AT Field and has the power to immobilize godlike beings
-Is sentient and possesses a will of its own
-By impaling Unit-01’s core, the lance and Eva  will merge, becoming the Tree of Life


Evangelion Unit 01 (Berserk) by Br3ndan5
Berserker Mode:
-A state Unit-01 can assume when its power is completely drained and/or Shinji is mortally wounded or compromised
-Usually depicted by Unit-01’s eyes opening and (after episode 20) by its bindings being destroyed
-During this time, Yui’s soul takes full control of Unit-01, turning it violent and mindless
-Increases its sync rate with Shinji by 400%, which causes him to become absorbed into Unit-01

Tree of Life by Br3ndan5
Instrumentality by Br3ndan5
Tree of Life:
-A form obtained when Unit-01 absorbs the Lance of Longinus into its core
-Upon obtaining this power, Shinji is encased into an enormous, red, crucifix-like structure that responds to his wishes, causing all of humanity to dissolve into LCL and merge their minds into a single body
-Should he or any other human wish to regain their consciousness and return to their human form, they can do so and be freed from the Tree of Life

Shinji in the Chair by Br3ndan5
-Has barely any formal training when it comes to piloting the Eva
-Suffers from severe PTSD, which can sometimes leave him too emotionally devastated to continue fighting
-Has little sense of self-preservation, and is willing to sacrifice himself to save others
-When synchronized with Unit-01, Shinji feels the pain of any injury it sustains, and if the damage is severe enough, he’ll die of shock
-If there are multiple people in Unit-01’s entry plug, it can flood the Eva with “thought noise,” creating static interference between Unit-01 and Shinji
-Without the Umbilical Cables, Unit-01 can only fight for 5 minutes before its backup batteries are completely drained
    -This time becomes shorter if Unit-01 uses its full power, leaving Shinji with only one minute before it’s drained
    -The above points were rendered moot after it absorbed the S2 Engine
-Shinji is unable to control Unit-01 in Berserker Mode
-The Tree of Life’s assimilation can overwhelm Shinji’s mind, and while he can free himself from it, doing so will leave him in the desolate wasteland left behind on Earth

Prelude: Spider-Girl vs Jolyne Cujoh

Mayday Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Girl!

And Jolyne Cujoh, the string-slinging daughter of Jotaro Kujo!

Heroes are often admired by the public for a multitude of reasons, whether it’s for their amazing powers, their sense of justice, or their willingness to help out those in need. But it’s easy to forget that at the end of the day, these heroes are just as human as the rest of us. They’ll eventually have to grow up, get a job, and may even put their adventurous careers aside to start a family. And while their days of heroism may have ended, it’s inevitable that their children will carry on their legacy.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!


Picture this: you’re a Spider-Man fan in the early 90s, and the comics are currently in the middle of this little thing called the Clone Saga. After a DNA test that led him to believe he was a clone, Peter Parker’s decided to pass his threads on to his supposed progenitor, Ben Reilly, while Peter himself enters an early retirement alongside his pregnant wife, Mary Jane Watson. Everything seems to be going fine. Peter doesn’t have to worry about being Spider-Man anymore and can live out a perfect family life, and Ben can protect the streets of New York while making a name for himself as the new Spider-Man. It should be great, right?

Unfortunately for the former Spider-Man, his old nemesis Norman Osborn didn’t see it that way. Enraged that Peter had the nerve to enter an early retirement, Norman hired the services of conwoman Allison Mongrain and began work on a plan that would drive the Parker family to the brink. Disguising herself as a waitress, Allison infiltrated the Daily Grind coffee bar and served Mary Jane some poisoned chicken gumbo. The moment Mary Jane ingested the powder, something in it accelerated her pregnancy, and she suddenly went into labor.

After an emergency trip to the hospital, Mary Jane was forced to endure the pain of giving birth as the poison flowed through her system, but eventually she managed to pull it off. Now fully out from her mother’s womb, Mary Jane could finally welcome her beautiful daughter into the world!

Or at least, that’s what she’d hoped. Unfortunately for the expecting mother, this joyous occasion quickly fell into shambles when she realized her daughter wasn’t crying. In fact, she didn’t seem to be breathing at all. The daughter she’d been looking so forward to welcoming into the world… was a stillborn.


As Mary Jane was left to wallow in the loss of her baby, the midwife carted the child outside and revealed herself as Allison, while also providing the waiting Norman with proof that her job was done. Pleased by these results, Norman ordered Allison to dispose of the child and paid her off, sending her off on a trip to Europe as a bonus.


But what if Mary Jane had never lost the baby? What if Spider-Man had a Spider-Girl?

Welcome to Earth-982! On this world, the Age of Heroes has long since passed, and the superheroes of the past have either grown up, grown old, retired, or passed away. And with this next generation, there have also come new groups. The Fantastic Four are now the Fantastic Five, the X-Men are now the (stupidly named) X-People, and the Avengers have reorganized into a group of next-gen heroes. And among these next-gen heroes is Mayday Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Girl!

Spider-Girl by Br3ndan5

But don’t let her colorful costume and outlook fool you. Though the reality she appears in may suggest otherwise, May’s past isn’t all sunshine and roses. From her birth, she was kidnapped by Allison and replaced with a recent stillborn to trick Mary Jane. When Allison gave the baby to Norman, he decided to give her a sizable bonus in order to let the baby accompany her on her trip to Europe. After several months of letting Allison bond with the kidnapped infant, Norman separated the two and chose to enact his ultimate revenge scheme, Project: Changeling.

Using his knowledge of genetics, Norman cloned May and performed some “genetic tinkering” on the two infants, ensuring that their spider powers would manifest earlier than usual. Once he’d finished modifying one of the girls, he passed her off to his good friend Philippe DeJunae and let her be returned to her parents.

For the next two years, Peter and Mary Jane would continue living out their lives, taking care of their daughter while Peter continued his work as Spider-Man. This eventually came to a head during his final encounter with the Green Goblin, where the premature detonation of a Pumpkin Bomb cost Norman his life and Peter his right leg. The loss of his leg seemed to give Peter a serious wake-up call, and with his greatest enemy gone, he hung up his threads for good to focus on raising his daughter.

Over the years, May would go on to become an exceptional student, achieving straight-A’s in her classes and playing starter for the Midtown High girls’ basketball team. She was so skilled in basketball that it earned her the nickname “Mayday” and a pathway to going pro.

But that all changed when she turned 15. During a basketball game at Midtown High, May began exhibiting some impressive physical feats. So impressive, you could even call them superhuman, like jumping well above the backboard’s height and shattering it when she performed a slam-dunk. Though her parents were concerned by this, they tried their best to play it off and congratulate her, unaware that a figure from their past had been watching them.

As it turned out, Normie Osborn, grandson of the Green Goblin, had decided to take up the family business. Blaming Peter for the deaths of his father and grandfather, Normie confronted May and her friends, telling her to let her dad know they had unfinished business at “the bridge.”

Wanting answers, May confronted her parents about this. Peter tried to remain vague and took matters into his own hands, but once he’d left the house, Mary Jane explained to May her father’s career as Spider-Man and his history with the Osborns. Inspired by her dad’s actions, May donned the costume of her “uncle” Ben and fought Normie head-on, kicking off her career in superheroing in more ways than one.


Unfortunately, despite her victory, her parents didn’t approve. Fearing their daughter could die in the line of duty, they forbade her from being Spider-Girl. But being a rebellious teenager, May went against their wishes and did it anyway. Naturally, she was eventually caught, but after a few arguments and saving the day a couple times she managed to win them both over. Now fully supported by both of her parents, Spider-Girl was now able to enter the world as one of its newest heroes.

Note: Spider-Girl’s name was chosen by her creators because they wanted something more unique and believed the name “Spider-Woman” was cursed. Considering all of the Spider-Women’s series were quickly canceled, while Spider-Girl became the first Marvel heroine to reach 100 issues, they may have been onto something. Her original series even makes a joke about this.

As Spider-Man’s daughter, May naturally inherited all of his abilities and more. She has superhuman strength, speed, and agility; an enhanced equilibrium that allows her to perfectly balance herself atop any object, and her advanced musculature gives her far more stamina than the average human. She can fight for over an hour without any signs of fatigue, and even when she’s completely drained, all she needs is a five hour nap to get back to full strength.

But out of all her powers, she’s got two that definitely outclass her old man’s.

Spider-Girl wall crawling

Like Peter, she can alter the inter-atomic bindings of her body, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them. At first she had trouble with this, since she needed to concentrate for it to work, but over time she got enough experience that it pretty much comes to her naturally.

And after a brief period of losing and regaining her powers (because what superhero hasn’t lost their powers at some point?), she discovered the electric shock that restored her had also affected her wall-crawling. Now she could transmit its electrostatic “stickiness” across whatever surface she touched, allowing her to stick any objects or people in place. She even learned she could repel them, or herself, which she quickly began utilizing in battle.


But her biggest upgrade compared to Peter’s is easily her Spider-Sense. This omnidirectional sixth sense allows May to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings, but hers comes with a few added perks. Spider-Man’s merely provided a general signal for danger, but Spider-Girl’s allows her to recognize the source of the danger. This includes if the source is a familiar threat or someone new, even if she isn’t aware what triggered the Spider-Sense. She can even tell if the source is a regular person or if they have superpowers.

And since it gives her a full awareness of her surroundings, it’s impossible for anyone  to sneak up on her. She’s detected opponents invisible to the naked eye, seen through illusions, and can track others even in a pitch-black area. And after receiving some training, she learned how to use her Spider-Sense as a second set of eyes in case she’s ever blinded.

But that’s not even the wildest thing it can do. One day, an army of demons decided to invade New York and tear it to shreds. Despite not being able to see them at all, Spider-Girl’s Spider-Sense was able to not only tell her where they were, but also led her to the dimensional rift they were coming from! And despite the demons and their home still being invisible to her, she could still sense them with her Spider-Sense!

If that wasn’t enough for you, she can focus the Spider-Sense to locate weaknesses, whether it’s coming from an enemy or a nearby structure. And after some martial arts training from Elektra, one of the deadliest assassins in the world, she learned how to hone her Spider-Sense at such a level that she could let it take full control of her body. In this state, she can avoid attacks based purely on instinct, moving at such an advanced level that not even she knows what she’ll do next! That’s right. This 16 year-old girl managed to pull off Ultra Instinct nearly 13 years before Goku!

Unfortunately for May, even with all of these powers, she still had trouble convincing her parents to let her follow in her dad’s footsteps. Fearing she could be killed in action, Peter and Mary Jane forbade May from being Spider-Girl, but being a rebellious teenager, May refused to listen and struck out on her own. Though her parents were furious at first, as time went on, they began to notice just how much good she was doing.

With Spider-Girl’s help, older heroes were being encouraged to get back in the game and aid the next generation, and several villains had begun turning their lives around for the better. She even managed to gain the approval of J. Jonah Jameson! Peter himself even got inspired enough to step back into the limelight, but when he realized he was out of practice, he stuck to the next best thing: teaching May everything he knows. And as an added bonus, he also gave her a few upgrades!

Spider-Girl costume by Br3ndan5

Modeled after the suit worn by her late “uncle,” the Spider-Girl costume is created with agility and flexibility in mind, allowing May to use her spider-like agility both in and out of combat. The mask also muffles her voice and contains polarized lenses to protect her from dust particles and the glare of the Sun as she swings through New York.

Spider-Girl Web-Shooters by Br3ndan5

And to complete the spider motif, May wears a pair of wrist mounted web shooters. By pressing the trigger with her middle fingers, she can unleash a pressurized web-fluid that possesses a tensile strength of 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section. For those of us who don’t speak math, this means it’s as hard as steel, and unlike Peter’s, which lasts only a hour before dissolving, May’s lasts twice as long.

While it’s mainly used to swing across buildings or restrain others, May’s ingenuity during battle has allowed her to form it into various tools. From shields capable of blocking lightning and explosions, to cocoons, slingshots, a dam, life-sized decoys, and even a parachute! She can even form a layer of webbing around her arms to act as makeshift boxing gloves, further enhancing her strength and durability.


But the web-shooters’ capabilities don’t end with web-spinning! They’re also equipped with a Spider signal that lets her announce her presence to criminals or illuminate a dark area. And thanks to some modifications from her father, she can spice things up in battle with Stingers and Impact Webbing.


Originally used by Ben during his Scarlet Spider days, Stingers are metal darts capable of piercing their target from far away, but since May believes they’re too brutal, she’s extremely reluctant to use them on a living target. Instead, she’s more likely to use them as a means of distracting someone or countering their projectiles, only using them for attacks if she’s desperate.


And if she wants to quickly dispatch her opponents, she can fire a ball of Impact Webbing. Another invention of the Scarlet Spider, Impact Webbing consists of a web pellet that immediately ensnares its target upon contact, wrapping them in a mess of tendrils. And since it can cover anywhere from an entire head to most of the body, it’s extremely difficult to escape from.


Even if her targets do manage to escape her, May can always hit them with a spider tracer. These miniature tracking devices emit a signal that covers up to 100 yards, and are so small that most don’t even notice their existence. There’s just one small problem. While Peter can track them with his Spider-Sense, the same can’t be said for May, who needs a receiver since hers operates on a different frequency.

Note: The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11, which was released near the end of Spectacular Spider-Girl, claims that Spider-Girl can track the spider tracers with her Spider-Sense. However, this is never shown in the comics themselves, and issues released around that book’s publication still depict her needing the receiver

With these gadgets and powers in hand, Spider-Girl’s managed some pretty impressive feats. She’s defeated several of Peter’s old enemies, helped found the New Warriors, took down the league of assassins known as the Scriers, and helped end a gang war that was threatening all of New York.

Even without her powers, she was able to end the Spider/Goblin war that had plagued her family for years! She did this, not by throwing a punch, but by appealing to Normie’s conscience and assuring him that they could end their family rivalry, not by killing each other, but by helping each other.


And with her help, Normie actually managed to turn his life around! He became a legitimate businessman and even got engaged to another villain May had reformed.

Unfortunately, not everyone approved of the two families burying the hatchet. As it turned out, the original Green Goblin had amassed a cult of worshippers, and they weren’t too pleased when they found out his grandson had made peace with the enemy. Viewing his decisions as sacrilege, the Order of the Goblin at first tried to course correct by infecting him with the Venom symbiote, but when he tamed it and began using it for good, they resorted to plan B.

Using the notes and journals they’d gathered from Norman’s research, the Goblin Cult began working to resurrect their dead master. After kidnapping Peter Parker, they hooked him up to a machine that infused him with Norman’s brainwaves. Everything- the memories, experiences, and even emotions, the very “essence” of Norman Osborn- was transplanted into Peter’s mind, and when it was done, the original Green Goblin was reborn.


With his newly obtained body, “Norman” sought to tie up any remaining loose ends and attacked May’s friends and family. He even managed to coerce the clone he’d created into joining his side and merging with him, transforming him into the Goblin God! But since May wasn’t willing to let her dad be taken over, she leapt between them, sucking her inside Peter’s mind.

There, deep in the recesses of Peter’s mindscape, May would do battle with Norman and her clone, aided by the efforts of Peter and the ghost of Aunt May. As the battle raged on, their merged psyches allowed everyone to begin living through each other’s memories, letting May’s clone witness the good she’d done and the people she’d reformed. Inspired by the words May had given Normie, her clone turned against her former master and joined the fight against Norman.


With the combined power of three generations of Parkers, May was able to finally put an end to Norman, purging him from Peter’s mind, and with it, the last of the Goblins was no more. The nightmare that had plagued her family for years had come to an end.


Everything was back to normal, save for a new addition to the family: May’s clone. While May and Mary Jane welcomed her into the family with open arms, Peter remained distant and uneasy around her, and for good reason.

Despite May’s best efforts to steer her on the right path, the clone- now going by April- wasn’t having any of it. She felt jealous of May, believing she was constantly in her shadow and ignored by the rest of the Parkers. This, combined with Peter’s colder attitude around her, would cause April to have violent outbursts whenever she was on patrol. And despite May’s best attempts to help her control this anger, this only added fuel to the fire. Over time, April’s impulsiveness and violent tendencies resulted in a city-wide gang war, which ended with her and May bitterly parting ways.


April would then go on to enact her own brand of vigilante “justice” across the city, now rechristening herself as “Mayhem.” Horrified by April’s actions and blaming herself for not seeing the signs, May began pursuing her “cousin” to bring her to justice. After meeting her on the rooftops and failing to make her see reason, things broke out into a fight, which culminated in the warehouse they were in catching fire. With the blazing inferno threatening to consume them both, Spider-Girl took matters into her own hands and ensured at least one of them would survive. 


But if she hoped her death would help April see the light, she was sadly mistaken. Once they learned of their daughter’s death, the Parkers disowned April and forced her out of the house. With no one left to turn to, Mayhem snapped and doubled down on her murderous crusade. It became so bad the US military had to step in, and then things got worse!

Using samples of the Carnage symbiote, the military hoped they could fight fire with fire by sending a squad of trained mercenaries after April. But surprise, surprise, it turns out injecting a bunch of hardened, well-trained killers with a psychotic parasite wasn’t the best idea.


For the next few decades, these “Bio-Preds” would ravage the Earth, slaughtering the populace or adding them to their ranks. The only one truly immune to this threat, ironically, was Mayhem herself, who now found herself as the protector of all humanity.


After witnessing the carnage and lives that had been lost due to her actions, April began working on a plan to fix everything. Using Dr. Doom’s old time machine and some help from Cassie Lang, she was able to go back in time and successfully altered the past, with both Aprils sacrificing themselves in the process.


Though her “cousin” may have died, she managed to ensure that Spider-Girl would live to fight another day. And she’s more than proven her worth as the daughter of Spider-Man!

She’s beaten down her fair share of Spidey’s old foes, like the unstable Spider-Man clone Kaine, the monstrous Man-Wolf, and Doc Ock’s next-gen successor Lady Octopus. She’s even fought Peter himself on several occasions! Whether it’s a younger version from the past, an evil alternate version still in his prime, or her dad being controlled by a past enemy, she’s battled him all the same and often come out on top.

Note: Spider-Girl’s strength and fighting prowess were further refined thanks to martial arts training from the Ladyhawk twins and Elektra.

Though there is a weird stigma about whether or not she’s stronger than Peter. Spider-Girl Annual #1 notes that she can only lift 5 tons compared to Spider-Man’s 10, but in terms of striking strength, she’s been able to harm a past version of Spider-Man and her dad while he was amped by the Venom symbiote. However, when she later fought an evil, alternate Peter, he stated he held the edge in strength over her.

But later on in that same series, Spider-Man’s old partner Araña decided to test May’s abilities by sending a killer robot after her. And after seeing her in action, she said that May appeared to be just as strong as her dad.

And near the end of her final series, Spectacular Spider-Girl, she might’ve actually become stronger than Peter, considering she managed to knock him out with a single punch.

With all this in mind, it would make sense for her to be around Peter’s level of power, and this is where things start to get wild!

Early on in his career as Spider-Man, he was believed by the public to have murdered Norman Osborn, and the hero for hire Luke Cage was brought on to bring him in. Though Spidey gained the upper hand in their first fight, when they had a rematch, Peter realized they were so evenly matched they’d wind up killing each other. This is pretty impressive, considering Luke was able to survive getting caught in an explosion from Ultron’s sentries, which destroyed Manhattan. Given the size of this blast, the explosion would come out to 54 megatons of TNT, enough energy to destroy an entire city! Spider-Man himself has even matched that level of power when he was hit by an explosion
explicitly stated to be capable of destroying a city and emerged unharmed!

Note: Adding further credence to this scaling, SHIELD ranks Spider-Man and Luke as having the same power level, and Spider-Man has been shown to match and overpower Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke.

Note 2: Spider-Girl can also be scaled to Electro through one-shotting his daughter, Aftershock, who has the same powers as him and survived being bombarded by his electricity when their powers went haywire. For comparison, a stable Electro could power a particle engine that would destroy New York and once absorbed all the energy in New York, which would yield 316 megatons and 754 megatons, respectively.

But strength isn’t important unless you’ve got the speed to back it up, and Spider-Girl’s got that in spades! She’s regularly dodged bullets, even once avoiding a sniper shot while distracted; dodged explosions from Hobgoblin’s pumpkin bombs, and regularly avoided arcs of electricity while fighting Aftershock; and she did that last one while still healing her broken ribs.

She’s even moved fast enough to dodge lasers. And yes, these are actual lasers. They travel in a straight linebounce off reflective surfaces , and burn on contact, meaning they’re light-based in nature. With this in mind, and considering the distance May would need to jump to avoid it, this would require her to react at 33% the speed of light.

Note: Factoring May’s 119 lb weight into this calculation, moving at this speed would generate a kinetic energy worth 70.75 megatons of TNT, further supporting her being City Level.

Her speed’s even been stated to be superior to Spider-Man’s, both by the narrator and Peter
himself. To put into context how impressive that is, Peter has regularly shown the ability to react to light speed lasers, and even early in his career was able to blitz Daredevil, whose enhanced senses allow him to sense the passing of a nanosecond and attack within that same timeframe. With this in mind, this would put Peter anywhere from baseline faster than light speeds to 5 times that! And, again, May is faster than him!

And when it comes to durability, Spider-Girl’s no slouch there either. She’s tougher out getting stabbed in the ribs, shaken off bolts of electricity from Aftershock, who could leave regular people near death if they so much as touched her; and has withstood being beaten to near death by Mayhem; only to get back up with little issue.

But Spider-Girl’s greatest feats don’t come from things like strength, speed, or durability. It’s her compassion and ability to push through any limits to achieve her goals. She’s a firm believer that everyone can change no matter what actions they committed before, and it’s that exact reason she refuses to take a life.

In her mind, doing so would be a complete betrayal of everything her parents taught her, and even failing to save the worst of criminals still leaves her reeling. Like when the murderous lunatic Crazy Eight died in a shootout. Despite everything he’d put her through and how many times he tried to kill her, she was still wracked with guilt that she couldn’t save him, and visited his abandoned grave just so she could mourn him.

It’s also this refusal to let anyone die that leads her to constantly try and find ways around fighting others. She’d rather settle things diplomatically than resort to violence, since she believes that doing so would just bring about a cycle of vengeance.

But don’t think that means she’s a complete pushover. While she does hold back to avoid hurting others, should the situation become dire enough, she’s more than willing to start playing dirty and stop holding back. And she’ll push herself to hell and back to get the job done!

She’s torn herself free from a crucifixion at the bottom of the ocean and swam to the surface, all while low on oxygen. She’s powered through a psychic illusion that was draining her life force, and has forced herself through a concussion and some serious self-loathing to find civilization while lost in the Pine Barrens. She’s even survived a beating from Seth, the Egyptian god of death and old enemy of the mighty Thor! Even with her costume shredded and her body a battered, bloody mess, May refused to break, and kicked him in the balls to prove it!

Unfortunately, those greatest strengths are also possibly her greatest weaknesses. Her sense of responsibility may be what motivated her to become a hero, but it’s also led to her regularly putting herself in harm’s way to protect others, even if those people are villains. It’s even what led to her death in the original timeline.

She also has a major guilt complex when it comes to failure. If she’s on duty and anyone around her gets hurt or killed, chances are she’ll find some way to blame herself, even if the circumstances were completely beyond her control.

And while her willpower’s let her push through immense pain before, there have been times where she’s been a bit too stubborn. You know how I said she tore herself free from a crucifixion and swam back to the surface? Yeah, right after she did that, she went to confront Seth… and immediately collapsed since she was barely conscious and didn’t have any strength in her attacks.

So it’s clear that not everything she inherited from her dad was positive. In fact, her spider powers have their fair share of downsides, like a weakness to ethyl chloride. To be fair, it won’t drain her of her powers like it did with Peter, but it will leave her nauseous and disoriented, at least for a moment. And while her Spider-Sense might trump Peter’s own, she still needs to be able to react to what’s coming toward her, meaning a fast enough opponent can blitz her. And with the right sonic frequency, it can even be nullified or turned against her.

But the biggest weakness May inherited from her father is the “Parker luck,” where no matter what good she does as Spider-Girl, it will always negatively affect her civilian life. This has cost her several boyfriends, caused her to miss her 16th birthday party, led her to drop out of the race for student council president, and even strained her friendships on more than a few occasions.

At its worst, it’s actually led to her retiring twice, but whether it’s because of the morals taught by her parents, or the result of some cosmic coincidence, she always finds herself coming back. Because no matter what pain or misery awaits her, this is a Spider-Girl world!

Mileena (MK1) Reigns Over Death Battle

Mileena MK1 DB TN by Br3ndan5
Aliases: Your Loveliness
Age: 10,000 years old
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Empress of Outworld,  formerly princess
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat 1 (September 14, 2023)

-Oversaw the martial arts tournament between Earthrealm and Outworld alongside Sindel and Kitana
-While driven mad by Tarkat, she fought Kenshi, but was defeated
-Blinded Kenshi
-Fought Li Mei, but was defeated
-Aided Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Kitana, Sindel, and Tanya in their raid against General Shao, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi
-Helped shut down Quan Chi’s soul stealers
-Defeated Ermac, and in the process broke Quan Chi’s spell that bound his souls together
-Reunited with Jerrod, her deceased father who’d gained full control of Ermac’s body
-Defeated Shang Tsung
-Helped fight off the forces of Titan Shang Tsung, an alternate version of the sorcerer who’d conquered his own timeline
-Defeated Dark Raiden and Dark Sindel
-Was appointed Outworld’s new empress by a dying Sindel
-Helped the heroes, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi defeat Shao’s Dragon Army
-Aided the heroes in the Battle of Armageddon
-Depending on the player’s choice, a Titan version of her can be the one that helps Fire God Liu Kang defeat Titan Shang Tsung and Titan Quan Chi
-Began ruling Outworld following Titan Shang Tsung’s defeat
-Helped integrate the Tarkatans into Outworld’s society

Animated GIF
-At least Large Planet Level from defeating Dark Sindel, who was repeatedly stated and shown to have the power to defeat Cetrion, who can grow larger than Earth; Universe+ if you choose Titan Mileena during Armageddon since she defeats Titan Shang Tsung, whose existence sustained an entire timeline
-Before fighting, Kitana tells Raiden a fight with her would be no easier than fighting Mileena
-Snapped off the restraints tying her to a chair
-Cut Johnny three times with her claws
-Can trade blows with Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Broke out of the combined grip of Kung Lao and Johnny, elbowing and backhanding the former before strangling the latter
-Gouged out Kenshi’s eyes with her sai
-Punched Li Mei and kicked her away
-Pushed Sindel to the ground
-Stabbed a guard through the head
-Can shatter the Dragon Army’s soldiers (living terracotta statues) with a single strike

Animated GIF
-Can parkour up several chunks of debris launched by Ermac

Animated GIF
-At least Sub-Relativistic from fighting Sindel, who kept up in battle with Cetrion, who could fire a beam that reaches Earth in a short amount of time and move her arms while planet-sized; possibly Relativistic by scaling to Kotal Kahn (a jobber Sindel would naturally be superior to), who can react to sunlight
-Can keep up with Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Rapidly traded blows with Li Mei and blocked her attacks
-Leapt out of the way of Dark Raiden’s wave of lightning

Animated GIF
-Scaling to her strength, at least Large Planet, Universe+ with Titan Mileena
-Can take attacks from Kenshi, Li Mei, Ermac, Shang Tsung, Dark Raiden, Dark Sindel, and Armageddon’s composite characters
-Regularly withstands the pain of her Tarkatan transformation
-Got kicked in the face by Li Mei
-Withstood Ermac telekinetically slamming her to the ground and into a stone wall
    -This same attack broke Tanya’s ribs
-Survived hearing the screams of Dark Sindel
-Got blasted by Dark Raiden’s lightning hard enough to launch her into some debris, only to get back up
-Was sweep-kicked by Dark Sindel


Expert Martial Artist:
-Has been trained in martial arts by Li Mei, a member of the Umgadi (Outworld’s highest-ranking warrior priestesses) renowned for her skill in hand to hand combat
-Tanya, another Umgadi, commends her skills and says that in another life she could’ve been one of them

Animated GIF
Expert Marksmanship:
-Can accurately fire shots from a massive crossbow

[7:41 to 8:33]
Expert Actor:

-Deceived Shang Tsung and Quan Chi into thinking she was uninterested in ruling Outworld and had helped Shao depose Sindel

MK1 Mileena on throne by Br3ndan5
-Unlike her previous counterparts, this version of Mileena is a patient, mature, and noble woman who hopes to prove a worthy successor to her mother
-Approaches matters in an honest and just manner, and welcomes even the outcasts of society into her kingdom
-Due to the divided public perception about who should be next in line to rule, she was initially insecure about her worthiness to the throne and would risk her life to prove herself
-After ascending to the throne, she eventually overcame her insecurities and began ruling Outworld with a firm, yet compassionate fist
-Hates keeping secrets from others, whether it involves her affliction or her relationship with Tanya (which her people would consider sacrilege for violating the Umgadi’s vow of chastity)
-Due to suffering from the mind-ravaging effects of the Tarkata disease, Mileena will occasionally suffer bouts of uncontrollable rage and bloodlust
    -During these bouts, she has little self-control, maiming opponents indiscriminately and giving in to the disease’s cannibalistic urges
-Despite initially struggling to suppress her Tarkat symptoms, she gains control over them as the game goes on, going from mindlessly attacking others to targeting specific threats and keeping a clear head

Weapons and Equipment:

MK1 Mileena Sai by Br3ndan5
-A type of dagger traditionally used in ninjutsu and kobujutsu
-Found in Shang Tsung’s lab
-Can be charged with pink energy and used as projectiles
-Used to gouge out Kenshi’s eyes

Mileena veil by Br3ndan5Veil:
-A mask used to hide her Tarkatan features

Animated GIF
-Razor-sharp teeth that are the result of Mileena’s Tarkat infection

-Are strong enough to tear through flesh and bone

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Arm Blades:
-Retractable, forearm-length blades that are another symptom of Tarkat
-Are permanently sharp, and can casually pierce through flesh and bone
-Only uses them during enhanced special moves

The following is exclusive to Titan Mileena:

Hourglass MK by Br3ndan5

-An ancient artifact originally used by Kronika, the Titan of time and inherited by this version of Mileena after killing her
-Grants its user complete control over time, letting them stop or rewind it
    -This can even be used to summon others from different points in time or other timelines, and it’s been used to reset the universe countless times
-Can alter the destinies of everyone in the universe, ensuring they’ll live a specific way long before they’re even born
-This can be used to weaken specific people, grant them powers, or take them away
-Can convert others into sand to fuel itself


Tarkatan Physiology:
-As one of the many victims of Tarkat, Mileena’s body will sometimes shift from a human appearance to a more monstrous one
    -This transformation starts off as temporary, but as time goes on it will eventually become permanent
-Upon transforming, she gains red eyes, clawed fingers, a raspier voice, an enhanced sense of smell, a prehensile tongue, a mouth of razor sharp fangs, and retractable arm blades
-This transformation also affects her mental state, making her more violent, bloodthirsty, and cannibalistic
-Through prolonged physical contact, she can gradually spread Tarkat to others
-Dialogue between Sindel and Baraka
implies Tarkat can infect souls

Animated GIF
-Can teleport short distances, allowing for sneak attacks

Just the Tip:

-Mileena performs a quick stab with her sai

Ambitious Strikes:
-A quick stab, followed by a swift overhead slash
-If this lands, she’ll end the combo by spreading both arms, delivering a slash to the chest that briefly staggers her opponent

Feral Gashes:
-Mileena performs Ambitious Strikes, jumps into the air, and delivers a hard overhead slash that slams her opponent into the ground. She then follows up by stabbing their shoulder blades three times

Bird of Prey:
-An outward, upward slash

Karrion Kuts:
-A follow-up to Birds of Prey consisting of two quick stabs to the stomach and a sweep kick that knocks her opponent into the air

-Mileena quickly stabs her opponent in the leg

Bitter Slice:
-An overhead slash to the face that briefly staggers the opponent

The Right Sais:
-A follow-up to Bitter Slice where Mileena turns around and stabs her opponent in the stomach

Ballerinal Failure:
-A follow-up to Bitter Slice where Mileena performs a jumping, twirling slash to the head, drags her enemy to the opposite side, and kicks them across the stage

-A swift jab to the nose using her sai

-A low kick used to follow-up Krucifixion

Bloody Fusion:
-Mileena performs a double handed strike to the chest and stomach, using her energy-infused sai to knock her enemy away
-Used as a follow-up to Rugsweeper

Twin Sovereigns:
-An alternate follow-up to Rugsweeper where Mileena performs two spinning slashes that knock her opponent back

Sai to Eye:
-An upward slash that launches her opponent through the air

Entry Point:
-Mileena performs a handstand and kicks her opponent in the face

Stepping Stone:
-A follow-up to Entry Point where Mileena uses her other leg to unleash a second kick, sending her opponent sliding across the ground face-first

High Class:
-A kick to the face

Twice Scorned:
-A follow-up to High Class where Mileena kicks her enemy in the crotch and delivers another kick to the face

Can’t Fight It:
-Mileena leaps into the air, curls up into a ball, and performs an energy-enhanced spin before knocking her opponent back with a kick to the face

Teasing Toe:
-A hard-hitting kick to the ankles

High Heel:
-A roundhouse kick that causes the opponent to spin around
-Mileena can use this brief disorientation to perform combos

-A cartwheel kick that knocks the opponent to the ground

Low Point:
-A sweep kick that knocks the opponent off their feet and onto the ground

Slash Kick:
-A hard kick that knocks one of the opponent’s legs out from under them

High Life:
-An aerial jab with her sai

-A slash to the face used as a follow-up from High Life

-A trio of hard-hitting overhead slashes, with the final one sending the opponent to the ground
-Only usable in midair

Torn Limbs:
-An aerial overhead slash to the back

Battered Bones:
-An upward slash that can be used after Torn Limbs

Kicked Out:
-An aerial combo consisting of an overhead slash, an upward slash, and a kick to the jaw that sends the opponent crashing to the ground

Graceful Kick:
-A kick to the face used in midair that knocks her opponent back

-Mileena grabs her opponent and stabs them in the face. She then leaps on top of them, straddles herself between their neck, stabs them in the back of the head four times, and throws them to the opposite side with her legs

Straight Sai:
-Mileena hurls two energy-enhanced sai at her opponent
-These sai have a limited range, only reaching half of the screen before dissipating
-Has an enhanced version where the sai travel fully across the screen. If they hit, she’ll teleport onto the opponent, bite at their neck, and backflip off of them.
    -This damage leaves her victim stunned for a few seconds, giving her the option to combo

Teleport Down:
-Mileena teleports behind the opponent and hits them with an energy-enhanced kick to the face before landing in front of them
-Has an enhanced version where her kick knocks the opponent to the ground. If it lands, Mileena will get on top of them and unsheathe her arm blades. She then slices at their chest several times, stabs them in the stomach, and throws them forward
-Both versions can be performed in midair

Teleport Up:
-Mileena teleports away and strikes her opponent from below with a rising kick
-Can use this to perform aerial combos
-Can only be performed on the ground

Low Sai:
-Mileena crouches down and turns around to the row both sai at the opponent’s ankles
-Like Straight Sai, this attack only reaches half the screen
-Has an enhanced version that reaches full screen and knocks her opponent back several feet

-Mileena curls into a ball, coating herself in pink energy as she rolls into her opponent, knocking them into the air
-Has an enhanced version where instead of launching her opponent, she’ll stab them through the feet with her sai. As they scream, she unsheathes her arm blades, slashes across the chest, stabs them in the gut, then through the jaw, and knocks them back with a kick to the face

(Air) Ball:
-Mileena rolls in midair, sending out three sai (one diagonally downward, one in front of her, and one diagonally up) that launch her opponent

(Air) Homing Ball:
-While in midair, Mileena curls into a ball, homing in on her opponent as she spins toward them
-She can also fake her opponent out by either delaying this move for several seconds (increasing her air time in the process) or canceling it

Fatal Blow:

[5:23 to 5:30]

Serving Tarkat:
-Mileena charges in, leaps into the air, and pins her foe to the ground by stabbing them through the wrists. She then takes four bites out of their chest before ripping out their throat and getting off of them


[12:19 to 12:45]

-Mileena uses one of her sai to stab the opponent in the side of the head and forces them to turn around. She then stabs them in the shoulders, forcing them to kneel. With her opponent helpless, she bites into their head, sucking out the brains and eyes and swallowing them whole. She then eats the head’s upper half in two bites before pulling away, licking the blood from her fingers as she watches the corpse fall to the ground

A Little to the Left:
-Mileena slices the opponent’s stomach open, causing them to hunch over, then impales the sides of their head with her sai. She twists their head to the side, breaking the neck until the head’s twisted upside down. She then leaps onto their back and backflips off, ripping the head free with her sai. Upon landing, she casually tosses the head (still attached to her sai)  back to the body.


The Klassic:
-Mileena uppercuts her opponent’s head off

Did That Hurt?:
-Mileena unleashes a quick left hook, a jab to the nose, and a variant of Brainstorm where after stabbing the opponent four times, she drives her sai into their eyes. Their blood then spills onto her as she backflips off, letting them fall to the ground

Maybe Next Time:
-Mileena performs a swift combo consisting of Bitter Slice, the Right Sais, and a Ballerinal Failure that decapitates the opponent. As their headless corpse showers her in blood and collapses, Mileena removes her mask and eats their face

The Best Part:
-Mileena performs an enhanced Teleport Down, but instead of throwing the opponent forward, she ends the combo by stabbing them through the skull

Early Lunch:
-Mileena performs an enhanced Roll and stabs her opponent through the feet. She then removes her mask, wraps her tongue around their neck, and pulls them in. After a few seconds of gnawing on their face, she reels back, revealing the opponent’s been reduced to a skull

High Roller:
-Mileena performs a Roll that obliterates the opponent’s legs


Titan Mileena by Br3ndan5Titan Mileena:
-Also known as Keeper of Time Mileena
-The result of an alternate timeline where Mileena defeated her version of Kronika and gained control over the Hourglass of Time
-Was summoned by Liu Kang to take part in the Battle of Armageddon
-Is far above the other Mileenas in terms of power


Mileena defeated by Br3ndan5
-Tarkat’s effects become more potent as time goes on, making it harder to resist its urges
    -While this can be nullified through use of a special serum, it’s only a temporary cure and will eventually wear off
-If she doesn’t receive a permanent cure, her infection will eventually become lethal

(“You count yourselves among my doubters? I will count you among the dead.”)

Adam Fights for Humanity in Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.

Adam RoR TN by Br3ndan5

Aliases: File No.00000000001, Humanity’s Progenitor, Father of Humanity, The First Man, The Man Who Despises the Gods the Most, The Ultimate Survivalist
Age: Over 7,000,000
First Appearance: Record of Ragnarok chapter 7: File No.00000000001 (May 25, 2018)

-Was the first human to ever exist and the father of all humanity
-Willingly exiled himself from the Garden of Eden after the gods falsely punished Eve for supposedly eating from the Tree of Knowledge
-Murdered the Serpent after discovering he’d tried to rape Eve
-Millions of years after his death, he joined humanity’s side in Ragnarok, a fighting tournament created by the gods to decide humanity’s fate
-Was considered humanity’s trump card against the gods
-Fought Zeus, the father of the gods, and defeated his base form
-After Zeus got back up and entered his Adamus form, Adam fought him again
-Single-handedly convinced all of humanity to set aside their differences so they could pray for his victory
-Even after dying to Zeus, his body kept fighting until the god collapsed from exhaustion
    -By the time their fight was over, this final act caused Zeus, the most arrogant of the gods, to show Adam proper respect
-His death inspired the rest of humanity to carry on his legacy by rebelling against the gods

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-Universe Level from fighting Zeus, who survived the Big Bang and considered it a thrill, and his Adamus form, which could destroy Heaven
-Casually knocked out one of the giant guards of Heaven’s Court
-Split the Serpent’s tongue and severed his arms and legs
-Leapt off a massive pedestal and plummeted so quickly his landing created a massive shockwave and cracked the ground ()
-Cut Zeus’ cheek with the air pressure of a glancing blow
-Broke Zeus’ nose by punching him, then pummeled him and forced his knee to buckle
-Kicked Zeus in the jaw hard enough to send him across the arena
-Snapped Zeus’ neck 180° by punching him
-Ares admits that even with 1,000 years of training he still wouldn’t be able to match Adam
-The damage he dealt to Zeus was enough to reduce the Adamus form’s time limit from 12-13 minutes down to 5-6
-Hit Adamus Zeus with a True God’s Right, then did the same with his left arm
-Kicked Adamus Zeus in the face
-Struck Adamus Zeus with a blinding flurry of punches
-Made Adamus Zeus spit blood with a punch to the jaw
-Repeatedly punched Adamus Zeus

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-Somersaulted over Zeus’ kick

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-At minimum, Faster than Light from dodging Zeus’ Divine Axe in 0.00000001 seconds and moving so quickly that Ares, who could still track their movements by that point, couldn’t see him; possibly Infinite from simultaneously dodging and countering The Fist That Surpassed Time, an attack so fast it lands in “0.00000000000000000000 seconds”
-Dodged Zeus’ punch in 0.01 seconds
-Dodged Zeus’ Meteor Jab, which picked up speed to the point where he was throwing hundreds of punches in 0.00000001 seconds
-Used the Meteor Jab on Zeus and perfectly replicated his speed  
-Avoided a kick from Zeus that was coming from behind
-Ares, who could perceive Zeus’ Meteor Jab and Divine Axe (something no other god could do), admits he couldn’t track Zeus or Adam’s movements
-Dodged Adamus Zeus’ undodgeable True God’s Rights and Lefts while landing hits on him
-Can unleash a blindingly fast barrage of punches while simultaneously dodging Zeus’ equally fast blows

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-Universe Level from scaling to his strength
-Fell from a massive pedestal hundreds of feet in the air and landed on his feet with no issue
-Survived overusing Divine Reflection, which caused unimaginable pain to his nervous system and made his eyes, nose, and ears bleed
-Withstood two punches from Adamus Zeus that caused him to bleed, then blocked a barrage of punches and survived a kick that crushed his ribs
-Took all of Adamus Zeus’ punches while they were rapidly punching each other

-His stamina and endurance are unparalleled, allowing him to repeatedly dodge attacks from Zeus without fail for some time
-Never showed any signs of fatigue despite the constant blows he and Zeus exchanged
-Even after suffering major amounts of blood loss and going blind, he kept fighting, remaining conscious and showing no signs of pain the entire match
-Zeus admits that if their fight had been a contest of endurance, Adam would’ve won

-Used a purely defensive style against Zeus at the start of their battle so he could properly determine his combat skills, and only attacked once he’d seen all he needed
-After being blinded from overusing Divine Reflection, he allowed Zeus to hit him so he could determine the god’s position


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Expert Martial Artist:
-Is said to have a knack for unarmed combat
-Was able to fight on even ground with Zeus, a god with over a millennium of combat experience

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Indomitable Willpower:
-Possesses the strongest will of all mankind
-Has never once faltered in battle, and will push through any pain to keep fighting
-Pushed himself past his limits to continue fighting Zeus even after going blind
-Even being killed couldn’t stop him from continuing to fight. After Zeus landed a killing blow, Adam’s body continued fighting on its own until Zeus was forced onto his knees, but even then Adam refused to fall and remained standing

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Untitled by Br3ndan5
-Is said by other characters to be the very essence of “man” and “a man among men”
-Often approaches matters in a calm, collected, and carefree individual, and will casually address even the most arrogant gods
-Is willing to disrespect the gods and doesn’t care what they think of him
    -Despite what the other characters assume, this isn’t out of malice or hatred. He’s just that carefree
-Is somewhat confident in his abilities, and can be ruthless toward those who attempt to harm his family, such as when he tore the Serpent to shreds for trying to rape Eve
    -However, he is willing to show mercy toward an opponent who’s willing to forfeit
-Due to being the father of humanity, he views all humans as his children and is willing to go above and beyond to protect them
    -He’s even willing to push himself to his absolute limits, to the point of his body continuing to fight even after he died, just as long as he can give humanity even a slight glimmer of hope
-Despite frequently eating them, he hates apples due to their sour taste
-Isn’t ashamed that he’s practically naked

Weapons and Equipment:

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Knuckle Duster:
-A brass knuckle worn on Adam’s right hand
-Created from him performing Völundr (a merging of a human soul with a Valkyrie’s) with the seventh Valkyrie, Reginleif
-As a Divine Weapon, it’s superior to any man made weapon and grants him the ability to harm and slay godly beings


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Golden Age:
-As a soul in the afterlife, Adam’s appearance and skills reflect when he was in peak condition

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Godly Beauty:
-Being made in the image of the gods, Adam is far more attractive than any regular human, to the point where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, calls him cute

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Animal Intuition:
-As the first man, Adam was created to rule over all animals, including the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and every living creature on the ground
    -Because of this status, all animals that surround him, whether they’re herbivores or carnivores, are naturally friendly toward him
-This intuition also lets him communicate with animals

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Enhanced Charisma:
-His intentions and determination are so pure that upon explaining them, all of humanity was convinced to put their differences aside and pray for his victory
    -This managed to impress even the most prideful gods like Zeus

Resistance to Fear Manipulation:
-Was unaffected while in the presence of Zeus’ Adamus form, which filled even the humans and gods on the sidelines with primal fear


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Divine Reflection:
-Also called the Eyes of the Lord
-Due to being made in God’s image, Adam can perfectly replicate any technique just by seeing it once, and his copied moves are always better than the original
    -This ability can even work on divine beings such as gods
-Allows Adam to instantly evade any attack and simultaneously counter it with the same attack
-In the anime, his biology will instantly morph so he can properly replicate a technique he’s copied
-Used to copy the Serpent’s Claws, Zeus’ Near Lightspeed Jab, Meteor Jab, and Divine Axe

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The Serpent’s Claws:
-Amplifies Adam’s strength and sharpens his fingers into claws
-Strong enough to mutilate the Serpent
-In the anime, it increased his hands’ size threefold and gave him scales and bone claws

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Near Lightspeed Jab:
-Adam rushes forward and delivers a jab in 0.01 seconds
-Copied from Zeus

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Meteor Jab:
-Adam unleashes a massive barrage of punches, with the timespan between each punch decreasing until he’s throwing hundreds of punches in 0.00000001 seconds
-Usually performed after the Near Lightspeed Jab
-Copied from Zeus

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Divine Axe:
-A sweep kick that’s strong enough to bisect opponents
-Usually performed if his opponent survives the Meteor Jab
-Copied from Zeus

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Untitled by Br3ndan5
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Untitled by Br3ndan5
Untitled by Br3ndan5
The Fist That Surpassed Time:
-Originally the final attack Kronos landed on Zeus, which Zeus was said to have burned into his own body
-Said to contain all of Zeus’ respect and resentment towards Kronos
-Even speaking its name seems to grant its wielder control over time itself
-The user gathers all of their power and punches hard enough that time seems to stop

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True God’s Right/Left:
-Adam unleashes a straight punch containing all of his godlike might, then follows up with another punch before repeating at blinding speeds

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-Destroying his soul will cut him off from the cycle of reincarnation, granting him a permanent death
-The knuckle duster isn’t indestructible, and any damage done to it will transfer to Reginleif’s body
    -If it’s destroyed, Reginleif will be killed, though she can also die if Adam’s body can no longer fight postmortem
-Using Divine Reflection strains Adam’s nervous system, and overusing it will cause his eyes, nose, and ears to start bleeding
    -If he continues using Divine Reflection past this point, the damage to his nervous system could potentially blind him, rendering the ability useless
-While his stamina is immense, it still has limits, and can be worn down should his opponent aim for a war of attrition

(“‘Hatred’? ‘Revenge’? I don’t need any of that. There is no reason why. Is there any man that needs a reason to protect his own children?”)

Death Battle: Zuko vs Roy Mustang

Zuko vs Mustang interlude by Br3ndan5
Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!

It was late at night in the military state of Amestris. Dark clouds hung overhead, shielding the country from the pale moonlight, yet its people paid it no mind. The soldiers kept to themselves as they patrolled the streets, looking for some sign of trouble. But they weren’t the only ones investigating the city tonight.

Walking through the streets with an alert, watchful eye, Colonel Roy Mustang was currently wrapped in his own thoughts. For the past week, he’d been getting reports of a strange, masked figure haunting the streets at night. From what he’d read, this person had been assaulting members of the Amestrian military, and whoever they were, they bore a strong resemblance to a legend from the east: a being called the Blue Spirit.

Word had traveled fast among the military, with many trying to figure out who this was and why they were attacking. Were they an agent from Drachma trying to weaken the military? Some rebellious punk unhappy with the army’s restructuring? Or maybe the legends were true, and this was some kind of vengeful ghost haunting the streets?

From the start, Mustang had instantly brushed off that last one. From his world-weary experience, he knew for a fact that ghosts and spirits weren’t real. Still, he did have to admit his curiosity was piqued.

‘Perhaps we could discuss this soon. Preferably once he’s stepped out of the shadows.’ Mustang thought as he looked over his shoulder, his peripheral vision catching a blur taking cover behind a nearby rooftop. Roy smirked, realizing his suspicions were confirmed.

He’d felt it the moment he left Central Command for the night, the feeling that someone- or something- was watching him from afar. The subtle rattling of roof tiles and stone certainly added credence to the idea. But anytime Mustang looked toward its direction, he saw nothing. This failed to alleviate his concerns. Just because he couldn’t see his stalker didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of their presence. And with everything going on right now, he knew that sooner or later, one of them would have to draw the other out.

‘And if he won’t take incentive…’ Mustang looked toward a nearby rooftop and outstretched his right arm. He snapped his gloved fingers, and a brilliant explosion of yellow and orange engulfed the top. A shadowy figure was sent flying out of the explosion, unable to control their flight path as they were sent rocketing off of the building and into the streets below. With a quick backflip, they managed to gain control, landing only 8 feet from Mustang.

Now that his stalker lay visible in front of him, Mustang knew his suspicions were confirmed. The blue, monstrous mask obscuring his face, the black robes that covered most of his body, and the swords at his side… all of them matched the reports.

“I never thought I’d be subject to a poltergeist. Then again, I never did believe in ghosts either.” Roy said nonchalantly, eyeing the vigilante suspiciously. “So, Blue Spirit, why don’t you start by explaining why you’re here?”

The Blue Spirit gave no response, though Roy could tell he seemed somewhat wary.

“What’s wrong? Too shocked for words? Or are you just realizing your mistake in challenging the Flame Alchemist?” Roy asked with a smirk. Though he couldn’t see his eyes, he could tell the vigilante wasn’t amused. The Spirit instead reached behind himself, and with a swift, fluid motion, unsheathed his dual swords. Pointing one of them at Mustang, he gave a taunting “come on” gesture.

Roy stifled a chuckle at this. “Suit yourself.”
DB Fight3 by Br3ndan5
[If rooting for Zuko]
[If rooting for Mustang]
Wanting to end the fight quickly, Mustang outstretched his right arm and snapped, creating an enormous explosion in front of the Blue Spirit. Roy’s eyes widened as he watched the Spirit burst out of the smokescreen, looking none the worse for wear as he lunged toward.

His eyes widening in shock, Mustang threw himself to the right, feeling the dao’s tip nick his jacket. Now forced on the defensive, Roy did his best to dodge the three oncoming slices, twisting his body or leaning back as he tried to move out of the way.  

‘Whoever he is, he’s definitely got some skill. If he keeps this up, I might be in trouble.’ Mustang thought to himself as he eyed the swords. While he couldn’t tell exactly where they were from, he could guess their length just from a glance, and seeing them in action, this guy seemed to favor swift and fluid slashes above all else.

‘Need to put some space between us. Just enough to rethink my strategy.’ Roy thought as he leapt back, narrowly avoiding a slash to his chest. As his boots scraped against the concrete, Mustang reached for the firearm at his side and whipped it out. Training its muzzle on the sword-wielding vigilante, Mustang fired off a shot, which seemed to surprise the Spirit. Quickly pulling his leg back, the Spirit narrowly avoided having a bullet lodge itself in his leg, watching as the slug embedded itself into concrete.

Returning his gaze to Mustang, the Blue Spirit swung his swords, using them to intercept the colonel’s next two shots. However, his luck would soon run out when a third bullet rushed past his defenses, grazing his arm. The pain caused a brief lapse in strength, and as his grip on one sword loosened, Mustang seized the opportunity. With one shot, he sent one sword flying from the Spirit’s grip, and before his opponent could steady his grip on the other, that too was shot out of his hand.

Now left completely defenseless, the Blue Spirit watched as Mustang trained the muzzle on him. Taking aim at the vigilante’s leg, Mustang pulled the trigger.


Unfortunately, it was at that moment the pistol jammed. Realization dawned on Mustang’s face, and the Blue Spirit seemed to notice. Moving swiftly, the intruder rushed toward Mustang, trying to catch him off guard, but Roy was quicker on the draw.

Realizing he wouldn’t be able to fix the pistol in time, Mustang stashed it away and raised his arm, slamming his elbow into the Blue Spirit’s approaching fist. With his opponent’s aim thrown off, Roy landed a punch to the side, then ducked beneath him and moved out of the way.

Not one to give up so easily, the Spirit threw out a roundhouse kick that Mustang twisted his body to avoid. As he felt the leg fly past him, Mustang strafed to the side, then went in with a punch to the gut. The Blue Spirit briefly doubled over, but quickly regained control by grabbing Mustang’s arm, pulling him close, and flipping him over.

Mustang slammed into the concrete, letting out a grunt as pain flared through his back. He looked back up just in time to see the Blue Spirit’s foot slam into him!


Another grunt escaped his lips, this one more out of irritation than pain. Gritting his teeth, Roy snapped with his right glove, unleashing an explosion directly in front of the Blue Spirit’s face. The vigilante’s head snapped back from the force, and in his pain, he was forced to release Mustang’s arm.

Quick to secure his freedom, Roy pulled his arm back towards himself and rolled forward. Then, as he spun back toward his opponent, the Flame Alchemist snapped his fingers four more times. On cue, four explosions struck the Blue Spirit, each one small enough to pinpoint an exact part of the body.

The first hit his stomach, forcing him to lurch over. The second and third served as a quick one-two combo to the side and chest, forcing him to seize up. And then came the final explosion. Before the Spirit’s very eyes, the air in front of him suddenly combusted into a blaze of orange, yellow, and smoke, knocking him away and tearing off a chunk of his mask.

As his masked assailant struggled to regain his senses, Mustang took note of the damage. A series of cracks had begun to form on the mask, and its plastic frame was slowly crumbling, partially exposing the wearer’s lower jaw.

“So the ghost was really just a man after all?” Mustang asked with a mirthful smirk. “Then why don’t we see what’s really behind that mask?”

Mustang unleashed another snap, causing the Blue Spirit to grunt as a fifth explosion struck him. His head snapped back from the force, and he could hear plastic chunks clattering to the ground. 


Instinctively, the vigilante covered his exposed face, shaking his head to try and regain his bearings. Once his vision had returned, he lowered his hand, giving Roy a better look at his true identity.

The boy had a long burn scar marking the left side of his face, and his gold eyes glared at Roy in irritation. As he removed his hand from his face, any doubts of the Spirit’s true name instantly vanished from Mustang’s mind.

“The disgraced prince of the Fire Nation.” Mustang said matter-of-factly. “What brings you this far out west?”

“I’ve been investigating rumors, trying to find leads.” Zuko explained, eyeing the colonel’s outfit. “And going by your clothes, I think you might be able to help out.”

“If you’re about to ask me to help you track down the Avatar, I’m afraid I won’t be of much help.” Mustang said bluntly.

Zuko shook his head. “No, it’s nothing like that. My reasons for being here involve your country and the rumors that’ve cropped up lately.”

“Rumors?” Mustang raised an eyebrow.

“You remember the solar eclipse that happened a month ago?” Mustang nodded in response. “The moment it happened, the surrounding nations say a shadowy giant emerged from underground, and it pulled something out of the sky before vanishing. Does any of that sound familiar to you?”

“I was at ground zero when it happened, so yes, it does.” Mustang affirmed. “Is that why you’re here? To investigate rumors on something from a month ago?”

“As strange as it might sound, yes. I want to know more about what you saw that day.”

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not one to relay classified information. Besides, I have no idea why you’d want to concern yourself with these rumors in the first place.”

“I’m just looking out for the Fire Nation’s safety, and trying to make sure yours couldn’t become a threat.”

“A threat?” Mustang repeated, sounding skeptical. “I’m afraid the only threat here is the kid who thinks he can get away with assaulting our men and officers. Now, are you going to come quietly,” he tightened his gloves, “or do you want to add more to your charges?”

Zuko lowered himself into a fight stance. “I think I’ll take my chances.”

With a swift jab, Zuko sent a massive ball of fire Mustang’s way. The colonel’s eyes widened upon seeing the flaming orb that was nearly his height, but his gaze intensified as he snapped his fingers. The ball erupted midway, exploding into two separate paths of flame. Quickly using this to his advantage, Zuko lunged to the side and threw out a kick, turning a portion of the path into an arc-shaped wave that flew Roy’s way.

Diving to the ground, Roy felt the heat rush past his head, and as he got back to his feet, he found that Zuko was ready for him, redirecting the remaining fire into a series of medium blasts. As these fireballs and arcs raced toward him, Roy’s increased the temperature around the first one and snapped his fingers. The fireball exploded into a blitz of cinders and smoke, and with their close proximity, the remaining projectiles immediately followed suit. One by one, they popped like balloons, creating a loud FWOOSH as they dispersed into smoke. By the time it ended, the street was coated in a massive smokescreen, so thick that neither man could see the other.

Using this to his advantage, Zuko rushed across the battlefield, recovering his swords before the smoke could fully settle. And it was a good thing he had. By the time he’d sheathed his other dao, the smoke had cleared up enough that he could see Mustang searching for him. The colonel’s head turned left and right as he scanned the area, and right when he was about to locate Zuko, the scarred prince burst into the air, a trail of flames rocketing behind him.

Using his airtime and momentum, Zuko repositioned himself, aiming to strike Mustang in his current blind spot. Zuko threw his leg out, unleashing a powerful drop kick that sent forth a vertical arc of fire. Feeling an intense heat above him, Mustang looked toward its direction, his eyes widening in shock at the sheer size of Zuko’s attack. With impending death descending from above, Mustang snapped with his right hand, sending his own wave of flames to counter Zuko’s.

The Flame Alchemist’s stream instantly collided with the prince’s, swiftly consuming the opposing flames and heading straight for Zuko. Rather than show any signs of worry, Zuko eyed the fire with a steely expression and reached out, grabbing it with his bare hands! Then, to further Roy’s shock, Zuko brought both hands above his head, taking the flames with him before slamming his fists into the ground!

The instant Zuko’s hands touched the concrete, the street was set ablaze as his redirected fire spread throughout the block. It wouldn’t get too far, as a snap from Mustang’s right glove caused it to erupt into a massive puff of smoke.

As the remaining flames settled, Mustang stepped out from the smoke, eyeing Zuko with an amused smirk.

“Not bad. Those flames of yours are nothing to scoff at. But when it comes down to it, I’m afraid alchemy has it beat.” Mustang boasted as he snapped his fingers. Instinctively, Zuko raised both hands in front of himself, conjuring a shield of fire, but it did little to help as he was launched back.

“You see, fire is a fickle mistress.” Mustang emphasized his point by creating another explosion. “It can destroy all, including its own creator, but I’ve learned to keep the flames under MY thumb.” With a smirk, he asked, “Can you say the same, prince Zuko?”

A stream of fire was launched toward the scarred teenager, which Zuko responded to with an overhead chop. The moment he touched the oncoming plume of fire, it parted like the Red Sea, spreading the flames on both sides of the two warriors.

“Does that answer your question?” Zuko asked, giving a smirk of his own.

“An impressive show.” Roy commended with a sarcastic clap. “It just makes me wish your style had a bit more flair to it.”

“Flair?” Zuko scoffed as he threw out a flip kick, sending a wave of fire Roy’s way. Mustang returned fire with an explosion, dispersing it halfway.

“Style, finesse.” Mustang explained as he strafed to the side, avoiding a faster, second arc. “You’re representing an entire nation, and all you do is throw and redirect flames?”

“Firebending’s not about style.” Zuko countered. “It’s about focus, concentration, years of training. It’s not something you can do by just snapping your fingers!”

As he explained this, Zuko threw out three more kicks, sending streams of fire soaring right through the smokescreen. Though Mustang countered the first and dodged the second, the third was just too fast for him! With little time to react, all he could do was take them head-on!

The moment it struck, Mustang had to do all he could to suppress his screams. His sleeves were instantly set ablaze, and the flaming leather was already eating away at his skin. The flesh on his forearms turned a bright red, and the fire had already spread up to his elbows. A few seconds later, the fireball dispersed, and he looked back up. It was a good thing he had, too, since Zuko was already charging toward him, jets of flames propelling from his feet.

Though he managed to block it, pain still shot through Mustang’s reddened forearms as Zuko hit him with a knee strike. A jab to the gut followed this, forcing him to bend over, but he kept his position steady. Undeterred, Zuko chipped away at Roy’s guard with four hooks, then forced him to give with a jump kick! Roy’s defenses shattered, and as he reeled back, two hard kicks struck him in the stomach and chest. Zuko then spun around, ending the combo with a roundhouse to the face. Mustang grimaced as the kick launched him into the air. His body flipped as it ascended, only to just as quickly hit the concrete face-first.

“You can mock the movements of Firebending all you’d like. But at least it lives up to its name, ‘Flame’ Alchemist!” Zuko called out to him as he took a few steps closer, watching Mustang slowly rise to his knees.

“Sorry to hear you’re disappointed, oh exalted prince.” Roy said sarcastically. “Perhaps a proper demonstration would please his Majesty?” He gave a light smirk and threw out his left hand. With a snap, a stream of fire erupted from his fingertips and barreled toward Zuko’s chest. The prince responded by bringing both hands in front of himself, meeting the flames head-on with a Fireshield! For a few moments, Zuko felt his boots scrape against the ground as the alchemy pushed him back, but he quickly gathered himself.

Planting his feet firmly against the ground, Zuko focused his chi into redirecting the opposing stream. He allowed the Flame Alchemy’s full power to enter into himself, letting it surround him in a fiery aura. He then let out a powerful cry and threw his arms forward, sending two intertwining streams of fire toward Mustang!

Swearing under his breath, the colonel quickly clapped both hands together, creating a hollow ringing noise as electricity surged around his hands. Both palms slammed against the ground just before the flames made contact, exploding into a red and yellow blaze.

The walls of the two buildings behind Mustang were instantly set ablaze, spreading flames across their brick walls. The fire raged against the stone surfaces, consuming the brick and mortar, but the further it spread the more its power waned. In a matter of seconds, the flames reached their limits, petering out only five feet from where they’d landed.


As the flames settled, Zuko sighed.

“How sad. All that bravado, and in the end you couldn’t take what you threw out. I guess you were just all talk.” He said in annoyance, but as the smoke cleared up, a familiar voice called out to him.

“Don’t count me out just yet, kid.”

“Huh?” Zuko’s eyes widened in shock. That shouldn’t have been possible! Roy should’ve been burnt to a crisp! How could he still be standing after that?!

He’d get his answer when the smoke cleared, allowing him to see a large slab of rock where Mustang had stood. It appeared to have been created from the concrete itself, but Zuko wouldn’t get a chance to study it for too long, as it soon sank back into the ground. Roy then removed his hands from the ground and stood back up, giving Zuko a sly grin.

“How did you do that?” Zuko asked in shock. “I thought the Avatar was the only one who could bend more than one element!”

“Then it sounds to me like the Avatar isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.” Roy’s smirk widened. “If all it takes is controlling more than one element, then even the average State Alchemist could be the Avatar.”

“Hardly. I’ve seen what he can do, and your clapping magic doesn’t even come close!” Zuko snapped, causing Mustang to raise an eyebrow.

‘Clapping magic?’ Roy thought in bewilderment.

“What you’re doing is taking the easy way out! All you do is snap your fingers and clap your hands! Where’s the training? Where’s your skill?” While he spoke, Zuko threw his arms forward, throwing out a barrage of punches. In tandem with these air punches, bursts of fire shot out from his hands, flying toward Mustang.

With quick reactions, Roy snapped with his right hand, countering Zuko’s volley with his own stream of fire. Five of the projectiles crashed against the wave of fire, which dispersed within seconds of its creation. Once the flames had settled and the smoke cleared, Mustang gave Zuko a wider grin.

“Oh, you’ll find I’m quite skilled!” The Flame Alchemist gloated. “Tell me, how does it feel knowing that with all those years of training and finesse, I can match it,” he snapped his fingers, creating a massive explosion that knocked Zuko back, “just like that?”

Zuko rose back up, smoke curling from his now ruined outfit as he glared at Mustang. “Maybe your Flame Alchemy can match Firebending when it comes to raw power-“

Fire began to form within his palm, and he reeled his arm back.

“But raw power isn’t all I’ve got!”

The flames in Zuko’s hand began to take on a different shape, becoming more focused as he reeled his arm back. Not willing to give the boy a chance, Mustang reacted by heating the air around Zuko. Zuko’s arm flew through the air, ready to unleash a stream of concentrated fire! But the instant the flames escaped his palm, the air in front of him suddenly combusted! 

A surprised, pained grunt escaped Zuko’s lips as he was thrown back, while Mustang’s eyes widened in bewilderment.

‘What just happened?’ They both thought, dumbfounded by what they had just seen.

‘I didn’t even snap my fingers that time-‘ Mustang thought, unaware his opponent was thinking the same thing.

‘But then what caused that explosion?’ Zuko wondered as he pushed himself up. Though his mind raced as he tried to come up with answers, on the outside Mustang did his best to appear oblivious. His expression relaxed, and he shot Zuko a coy smile.

“Quite the interesting technique you’ve got there.” Roy chuckled. “Though I’m not sure how blowing yourself up proves your point.”

“Shut up!” Zuko snapped as he pushed himself to his feet. “I don’t know what happened just now,” he began as he balled his fist up. 
Noticing this, Roy immediately went on the offensive and heated the air again. Fire encircled Zuko’s hand as he reeled his arm back. Throwing it forward, Zuko continued: “But I won’t let it happen aga-“

His confidence was intercepted as something in the air disrupted his flame-enhanced haymaker. The fireball in his fist suddenly exploded, sending Zuko back as he let out another cry of pain.

The young Fire Lord flew several feet before landing on his back. Clenching his teeth, he pushed himself back up and tried again. This time the fireball flew three feet, only to combust mid-flight.

‘I see.’ Roy thought as he heated up the air, watching a confused Zuko throw two fireballs, to no avail. ‘So that’s your secret!’

‘How does this keep happening?’ Zuko thought as he leapt away from Roy’s latest explosion, gritting his teeth as he was caught in its shockwave. With some quick thinking, Zuko caught himself mid-flight and leapt further out of the way. Jets of flame flew out of his feet as he propelled himself through the air, but Mustang was still hot on his trail.

‘Whenever my flames get near him, they just seem to stop, almost like something’s interrupting them. Is he doing that? And if he is, how’s that possible?’ Zuko wondered as he boosted toward the right, trying to catch Roy off guard. He’d get his answer a few seconds later, when… something went wrong with the air. He couldn’t explain it, but all of a sudden there was this strange… constriction in his throat, and it caused him to let out a shallow gasp.

With his concentration broken and his oxygen levels unsteady, Zuko‘s flames died for a moment, and his body sank like a rock. His eyes widened as a surprised “Whoa!” escaped his lips. His arms flailed unevenly, but then the strange constriction over his throat passed. Now back in control, Zuko’s gaze hardened as he righted his position with a flip and threw out a trio of spin kicks. Arcs of fire roared toward Mustang, but each one detonated with a snap of his fingers.

While Roy preoccupied himself with that, Zuko landed on the ground, performing a swift roll to bring himself to his feet. At the same time, he swung his right arm through the air, and a stream of fire appeared in front of him, mimicking his movements.
[Start at 0:20]

‘Now I’ve got you!’ Zuko thought triumphantly as he threw his arm in a sweeping arc. Noticing the teenager out of the corner of his eye, Mustang turned to face him, only for his eyes to widen at the fiery whip headed his way!

His instincts kicking into high gear, Mustang dove to the ground, feeling the whip’s heat radiate against his back before it landed with a sizzling CRACK! Zuko reeled it back, and Mustang used the opportunity to push himself back up. Zuko threw his whip forward, with Roy just barely turning fast enough to avoid getting lashed. He did this once, then twice, his expression going from unease to a more confident smile.

As he watched Zuko wind up his whip again, Mustang got ready to counter. He pressed his index and middle fingers against his thumb and heated up the air. With the Transmutation Circles on his gloves glowing a bright red, Roy snapped his fingers right as Zuko unleashed his next lash. The spark and the fire whip converged, igniting the air between them and creating a deafening BOOM!


“Agh!” Mustang cried out as the lingering wisp of fire emerged from the smokescreen, searing itself across his chest! A long, diagonal scorch mark had formed from his left pec down to his ribs, and it hurt like Hell! Mustang cursed himself for being so careless, but he could shake it off. The whip might’ve given that kid a lucky shot, but the explosion should’ve distracted him enough for Roy to make his recove-


Roy’s hopes were dashed when a second fire whip shot out from the smoke, striking him in the chest. A pained, angered scream left his lips as he stepped back. Clenching his teeth as he clutched his now burning chest, Roy peered cautiously into the smoke. He watched as it slowly cleared away, and in its epicenter stood Zuko, now dual wielding two fiery whips.

With a harder glare, Zuko guided the whips as they rapidly struck Roy. Pain seared through Mustang’s body with every lash, but he pushed it aside to focus on Zuko’s movements. The fluid, graceful swings of each lash carried a ton of power behind them, but the longer he watched, the more Mustang began to notice something.

It was brief, but there seemed to be a short disparity between Zuko guiding his whips and them following suit. From what Roy could tell, it was only a second long, but that second was all he needed!

With his gloves’ Transmutation Circles once again sparking to life, Mustang threw out a series of four quick snaps. Like clockwork, this sparked a chain reaction against Zuko’s whip, with each snap dispersing part of the construct before reaching Zuko himself. An angered grunt escaped the prince’s lips as he was blown back, but he forced himself to a halt. Zuko watched Roy bring his arm back, pressing his index and middle fingers against his thumb. The air around Zuko heated up, and his eyes widened in realization. The Transmutation Circles glowed brighter, and as Mustang unleashed his snap, Zuko leapt into the air! He flew forward roughly three feet, missing the explosion’s epicenter, but it wasn’t enough to fully save him.

A powerful burst of orange and red erupted behind Zuko, hitting him in the back and knocking him forward. He rode the shockwave, letting it drag him closer to Mustang. His leg flew forward, ready to strike the Flame Alchemist with a powerful dive kick.

As he watched the Fire Lord descend toward him, Roy did his best to brace for impact and raised both arms. Zuko’s boot slammed against his forearms, and though he managed to block most of it, the force still left him skidding back. Looking up, Roy watched as Zuko rushed toward him, fluidly unsheathing both dao before performing a lunging slash.

Thinking quickly, Mustang sidestepped the attack, watching the blade narrowly miss his side. Seeking to correct this mistake, Zuko unleashed three hard slashes. Roy’s reactions were quick as he ducked or weaved between them.

In an effort to put some space in between them, Mustang clapped his hands and slammed them against the ground. Like before, a pillar of cement shot out from below, but Zuko immediately arched his back. The slab of cement brushed past his chin, and once it had passed by him, Zuko rose back to full height and spun his blades. A quick trio of slashes carved a Z through the stone wall, and a hard kick from Zuko blasted through it. His foot buried itself in Mustang’s gut, striking with such intensity that the Flame Alchemist was sent flying back.

Landing on his back, Mustang immediately pushed himself up, throwing himself to the right to avoid a downward swing from Zuko. Roy then pulled his arm back, feeling the air whoosh past him from a slash that almost grazed his right arm. Keeping his arms close to his body, Mustang assumed a boxing stance as he watched Zuko, moving his body side to side whenever the prince swung at him.

Fighting up close had never been Mustang’s forte, and his performance against Zuko was clearly showing it. Though he was decent at keeping the swords at bay, it was clear his focus was slipping. Zuko’s swings were becoming harder to avoid- the cuts on his cheek and forearms were proof of that. And while he kept an eye out for openings in Zuko’s stance, capitalizing on them was a different story.

The kid was just too damn well-trained! For every one blow Roy landed, Zuko seemed to land three. His movements were more fluid and focused compared to Mustang’s more static and underdeveloped punches, and his robes gave him far more mobility than Roy’s more constricting uniform. Even Mustang’s attempts at swaying the encounter with Flame Alchemy proved ineffective! Any time he so much as pressed a finger together, a swing from Zuko’s dao ended the attempt prematurely.

After nearly a minute of struggling, Mustang came to a realization. If he wanted to come out of this on top, he’d have to take a dangerous risk! And as his eyes narrowed in determination, he did just that.

Pressing the fingers of his left hand against his thumb, he watched as Zuko sent a sword in the direction of his hand. At the same time, Mustang repeated this action with his right hand, and he quickly swung both arms forward, aiming them right at Zuko’s face!


Both fingers snapped, unleashing a massive burst of fire and smoke right in front of Zuko. Zuko screamed in pain as he skidded back, the right side of his face now slightly burned. Before he could recover, Mustang lunged forward and jabbed him in the face!

“I’ll admit, I find it a bit funny that nothing’s changed for you!” Mustang began as he threw out two more punches, staggering Zuko even more. Quickly regaining his balance, Zuko thrust his blade at Mustang’s left arm, which the colonel had been reeling back. With a smug look, Mustang spun around.

“First, your father sent you on a fool’s errand, and now here you are, chasing yet another ghost from the past!” Using his momentum, Roy bashed Zuko in the cheek with an elbow strike. Zuko’s head snapped to the side, and Roy spun back around, continuing with, “Even after becoming king, you left to investigate rumors of something that no longer exists!”

In tandem with this, Mustang snapped with his right hand, engulfing Zuko in a massive explosion. The prince yelled in pain and fury as he crashed into the ground back-first, his impact causing him to accidentally drop his swords before landing in fetal position.

“I can see why your father sent you away.” Mustang’s voice called out to him as he stepped forward. Zuko looked back up to see the Flame Alchemist’s shadow looming over him, his eyes looking down judgmentally. “You’re nothing but a liability to your own nation!”

Hearing these words caused Zuko’s tired, pained expression to fall, and in its place came a burning, seething anger. The enraged prince reached toward his swords and firmly gripped them. Mustang reeled his right arm back to deliver another explosion, but right as his fingers pressed together, Zuko let out an enraged scream and swung!

The sound of tearing fabric echoed in Mustang’s ears, and he felt a stinging pain in his hand.

“I’m no longer chasing ghosts!” Zuko announced as he kicked Roy away. As the Flame Alchemist staggered back, Zuko pulled the dao from Mustang’s palm and flicked his wrist. The sword’s tip sliced through the rest of the glove, peeling it off Mustang and sending it to the ground.

“I’m fighting for who I am,” Zuko continued as he rushed in. Mustang clutched his injured hand, his fingers rubbing around the open wound, but Zuko put a stop to it as he closed in! Five slashes ripped across Roy’s chest and stomach, each one drawing more blood. Mustang grit his teeth as he raised his left arm. He snapped his fingers, sending a stream of fire Zuko’s way, but the teenager sidestepped it and- with a spinning outward thrust- stabbed Roy through the back of the hand!

“And I don’t need a nation to define me!” Zuko declared, severing Roy’s other glove while throwing a two kick combo to the chest and face. Mustang tried to throw a punch, only to be punished with a heel kick to the jaw and a sweeping slash to the chest. Roy grit his teeth, glaring at Zuko as he clutched this new scar with his left arm. His arm nearly fell, but he stabilized it by clutching his hand with his right. His fingers seemed to be twitching erratically, but whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter!

Filled with a burning anger that was just begging to be released, Zuko channeled the unrestrained, raw power of his fire through his blades and spun around. Mustang watched as flames trailed through the swords, coating them like some kind of aura as they sailed through the air.


Two enormous arcs of fire roared toward Mustang, who barely had time to defend himself! The fiery waves crashed into him, and with a deafening BOOM, they erupted into a magnificent wildfire that spread across the entire block!

As the blinding smokescreen cleared, Zuko stood there, breathing heavily as he waited for some sign of Mustang. After a couple seconds, a familiar silhouette emerged, and Zuko’s eyes widened in alarm. There was a familiar SNAP, and then-


[If rooting for Zuko. Start at 0:04, and once it gets to 1:11, skip to 1:50]

Zuko grunted in pain as he was thrown back, his dao being forcibly ripped away in the process. He grit his teeth, letting out a strained grunt as he pushed himself back up.

[If rooting for Mustang]
“Word of advice, kid. If you’re going to go all out for an attack…”

A second explosion hit Zuko in the face, eliciting another cry.

“Make sure it actually ends the fight!” Mustang finished, punctuating his statement with a third explosion. He then launched a flame attack, scorching the upper half of Zuko’s body, before snapping both fingers to create a violent blast of explosive flame.

Regardless of what attack he used, each one hit Zuko with the same power as its predecessor, enough that he couldn’t even fight through the pain! All he could do was scream as Mustang bombarded him. With how mercilessly he was attacking, it was as if Roy was on some kind of warpath! And for good reason!

Even with the onslaught of Flame Alchemy currently pelting Zuko, Roy was still in a far worse condition. Being at such a close range to that massive explosion had nearly drained Mustang. The heat from his own attacks buffeted his skin, causing his wounds to flare back up with each attack he threw. Every movement caused his muscles to ache, and it took everything he had not to collapse on the spot. But even in these conditions, Mustang refused to let himself fall so easily! It didn’t matter what condition he was in by the end of this. All he knew was he’d make damn sure Zuko matched it!

As the sixteenth explosion finally settled, the two men stood there, letting out ragged breaths. Zuko’s posture was more hunched over compared to Roy’s more upright position, but after a few seconds the colonel’s injuries caught up with him. His arm went slack, and both he and Zuko fell to their knees. Their chests heaved as they breathed in and out, trying to catch their breath.

“I have to admit… You’re pretty resilient.” Mustang commended. “Not many people would still be conscious… after what you just went through.”

“Thanks. I could say… the same to you.” Zuko replied. He looked up at Roy, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the Transmutation Circles on the backs of his hands. Unlike the gloves Mustang had used before, now the strange sigils had been painted on with his own blood!

‘But that doesn’t make sense! When did he-‘ Zuko began thinking, only for his eyes to widen in realization. When he first stabbed Roy and tore off that glove, the colonel had begun clutching and rubbing his hand! And when he destroyed the left glove, Mustang had done the same there!

‘So even now, he’s been pulling me along! Playing me for a fool!’ Rage flowed through Zuko’s mind once more, and he could feel flames starting to blaze to life within his palms. Mustang noticed this, his eyes widening in shock.

‘He still has some fight left in him?!’ Roy wondered, completely caught off guard by what he was seeing. Looking down at himself once again, the Flame Alchemist noted the bloody open wounds and burns trailing across his entire body. ‘In my current state, I wouldn’t be able to match him. But if I had enough time, I could…’

Mustang’s thoughts trailed off. What he was considering was certainly risky, but in his current situation, there wasn’t much else he could do if Zuko tried to attack. He snapped with his left hand, immediately alerting Zuko, but the flame attack never came. Instead, small plumes of fire shot out from Roy’s fingertips, each one only a few inches long. Zuko kept his guard up, waiting to see what Mustang would do next. For all he knew, this could be some sort of attack, or maybe a distraction?

His answer came almost immediately, as Mustang turned his arm toward himself and pushed his burning fingers against his own chest! Agonizing, horrific screams escaped Roy’s lips as he forcibly seared his wounds shut! Zuko watched, frozen in a mix of horror and bewilderment at what he was seeing!

“Are you crazy?!” He asked in shock. “After everything you’ve gone through… you resorted to that?”

“Don’t act so surprised, your highness.” Mustang pulled his arm away as he finished cauterizing the final wound. “I know damn well what risks are involved in that. Hell, I nearly passed out while doing it.”

“Then why-“

“Because I’m willing to do whatever I need to help my country. I’ll endure whatever pain I have to in order to reach that goal, even if it means going through Hell itself.” Mustang said, his eyes shining with conviction as he stared Zuko down. The moment he finished speaking, lightning crashed down from the heavens behind him, briefly illuminating him in a white flash.

As he took in Roy’s words, something about them seemed to resonate with Zuko. His expression became a bit more relaxed.
“I understand that feeling more than you’d know. Ever since I rose to the throne, I’ve found myself bearing the weight of the entire Fire Nation on my shoulders. It hasn’t been easy, and I’ve doubted myself plenty of times, but there’s one thing that keeps me going. It’s the hope that I can reform my country and undo the wrongs committed by the Fire Lords before me!”

Mustang’s eyes widened in surprise at what he was hearing, but then he gave a more understanding look. “It seems we have more in common than I realized. All these years, I’ve been trying to do the same thing, starting from the bottom and working my way up to becoming Fuhrer.”

Zuko nodded in understanding.

“Then let’s see if you have what it takes.” He said as he lowered himself into a fighting stance, with Mustang following suit.
[Start at 0:34]

Zuko rushed forward, throwing a flame-enhanced jab that Mustang barely dodged. Elbowing the outstretched arm aside, Mustang went in with an attempted left hook, only for Zuko to parry it. The two then engaged in a brief clash of punches, their fists moving so quickly they could barely be seen. Roy attacked with more of a brawler approach, aiming for punches that would hit hard and set Zuko up for the next blow. Occasionally he’d pepper in some Flame Alchemy, using mini explosions and wisps of flame to distract Zuko before the next blow.

Zuko, meanwhile, focused more on counters. He blocked and parried the colonel’s blows, striking only when the opportunity arose. Whether it was a punch or kick, he targeted the vital areas of Roy’s body or hit the exposed burns on his torso. The occasional use of Firebending aided in these efforts, but unlike before, something was different. The flames seemed more focused, more concentrated, whenever Zuko threw them out. Rather than the elaborate constructs he’d created before, now he was using them for more simplistic strategies. They coated his hands and feet whenever he threw an attack, and he’d launch streams from his feet to force Mustang back.

As their clash dragged on, both men slowly realized how rough this was becoming. Neither one was in their prime condition, their breathing had grown heavy with exhaustion, and the heat from each other’s attacks further irritated their burn-ridden skin. If they wanted to come out on top, they’d need to end this quick!

This was the impetus that caused Mustang to eventually throw out his left arm, but right before he could snap, Zuko kicked it to the side. With his opponent’s aim now thrown off, Zuko used his other leg to follow up with a sweep kick. Roy staggered back, his balance briefly thrown off, and as he was in the midst of regaining it, Zuko threw out a fire-infused donkey kick. The force launched Mustang back, but he ground himself to a halt. The muscles in his leg tensed up before he lunged forward, throwing out a haymaker. It flew toward Zuko’s face…

Only for the prince to grab it mid-strike and sidestep the blow. Using Mustang’s own momentum against him, Zuko pulled him in to a swift knee strike to the stomach, then followed with a kick to the chest. As Roy doubled over, Zuko released his grip and flipped to the opposite side, delivering a two kick combo to the stomach and face.

Pushing through the pain, Roy turned to face Zuko, attempting to hit the fiery youth with a hard backfist. Zuko ducked beneath it, countering with an elbow strike. As Mustang doubled over, Zuko took the opportunity to grab his arm and threw him over his shoulder. Roy slammed into the ground, the impact causing him to spit up blood, but he quickly put that aside.

The colonel got ready to snap his fingers, but this time Zuko was ready! Leaping back as he heard the familiar SNAP, Zuko avoided a massive explosion, kicking with his feet to unleash rapid arcs of spiraling flames. Though Mustang did his best to disperse them, they eventually became too much as they rained down, pelting his body and scorching him even further!

As he watched this from above, Zuko could hear something even further above. The deafening roar of thunder filled the night sky, and when he looked up, he watched as lightning flashed in the air!

Reaching his right hand toward the sky, a bolt of lightning shot down, striking his fingertips directly. Remembering his uncle’s teachings, he guided the lightning down his outstretched arm and felt it settle in the pit of his stomach. He then reached out with his other arm, extending his index and middle fingers before firing the redirected lightning directly at Mustang!

Roy’s eyes widened in shock, but he quickly steeled himself and snapped with both hands. The lightning bolt was already three feet away when a small explosion, barely visible to the naked eye, suddenly erupted in front it. The explosion hit the bolt directly, and it split apart. Four separate arcs rained down from where the lightning had been, each one crashing into the pavement around Mustang.

Now out of danger, at least for the moment, Mustang finally collapsed onto one knee and began heaving. He could feel the pain of his injuries starting to set in, and his vision was slowly going black. It was only through sheer willpower and determination that he was still conscious, but even that might not be enough. At this rate, passing out was a matter of “when” and not “if,” but he’d be damned if he didn’t go down without a fight!

Watching as Zuko landed some twelve feet away, Mustang clenched his fists in anger. He slowly brought his left arm up, reeling it back as he raised it to his shoulder. His index and middle fingers pressed firmly against his thumb, the Flame Alchemist grit his teeth. Then, with a bloody roar of fury, he swung out and unleashed all of his energy in a final snap!

The resulting torrent of fire was absolutely massive, encompassing the entire street as it flew toward Zuko. As it approached the Fire Lord, the stream took on a different form, its flames converging into the shape of a massive dragon. The dragon opened its mouth, letting out a roar of crackling flames as it charged toward Zuko.

Taking a deep breath, Zuko focused his chi, channeling it through his entire body. Mustang’s flaming dragon drew closer, its mouth open and ready to clamp its jaws down on the young prince! But right as it was about to bite down, Zuko reached out, seizing the fiery beast by its teeth!

Gritting his teeth, Zuko pushed back against Mustang’s final assault. The muscles in his legs tensed up, strengthening as he refused to yield! He stared at the raging beast in front of him, looking it dead in the eye.

‘No, this isn’t a beast.’
Zuko thought as he closed his eyes. ‘It’s only fire. Nothing more, and nothing less!’

Concentrating his chi, Zuko pulled against the flaming construct, forcing the dragon to buck to the right. Keeping his hands clenched on its maw, Zuko continued dragging it around himself, and the further he pulled it, the more it lost its definition. First its eyes faded away, then its snout slowly disappeared, morphing back to immaterial flame. Yet this wasn’t enough for Zuko. He spun the flaming stream round and round, slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed.

The flames encircled around him as he dragged them through the air, slowly reaching higher and higher. They picked up in both strength and speed as they wrapped around him, with each rotation giving way to a larger circle of flame. They extended higher and higher, and their intensity seemed to double the higher it went! Within seconds, the flames had reached their peak as they swirled around Zuko, no longer in the form of a dragon, but as a mighty tornado of fire!

[If rooting for Mustang, stop playing Final Blow and start this at 0:18]
Mustang watched in awe at the sheer impossibility of what he was seeing, briefly frozen as Zuko’s flaming tornado grew in power. But as he snapped back to reality, Mustang’s expression hardened. He grit his teeth as the tornado’s heat burned against his injuries. Inside of the tornado, Zuko opened his eyes, now burning with intensity. Raising both arms through the air, he forced the surrounding flames to gather inside of his open palms. Within seconds, the once mighty tornado had died down, now gathered into a massive ball of flame suspended above Zuko.

With the sweltering heat rising, Mustang could feel the bloody sigils on his hands drying and chipping away, but he gave it no mind. He was fully prepared to turn the searing ball of flame against its wielder.

Zuko let loose a powerful scream as he threw his arms down, using his chi to guide the fireball. As it descended, the sun-like sphere lost its shape, morphing into a fan-like wave of flames that burned across the ground! The streets were instantly set ablaze, the concrete melting to slag as the flames raced toward Mustang.

Roy let out a scream of his own as he clapped his hands, electricity flowing around his hands once more as he unleashed a powerful SNAP! The air, already superheated by the intensity of Zuko’s flames, reached a fever pitch, and then-



A deafening roar echoed throughout the city as an explosion of fire and smoke erupted through the air, expanding for miles on end. Cars were launched through the air, buildings crumbled into shards of glass and chunks of stone, and even the ground itself was consumed in flames! The explosion went on for several seconds, its range expanding until it encompassed several city blocks, and just as quickly as it appeared, it began to settle.

A thick cloud of smoke coated the streets, dense enough that any who were caught in it would’ve found themselves blinded. But after a few seconds, it slowly settled, revealing what had become of the two pyrokinetic warriors.

Mustang laid at the edge of the crater, panting heavily as he surveyed the damage. The entire street looked as if it had been razed to the ground. Toppled, crushed vehicles; mountains of debris, and streaks of flame coated the street as far as the eye could see. And in the middle of it laid Zuko, his body having taken the full brunt of the explosion. He was completely covered in burns, and his only clothing had been reduced to useless, tattered fabric. His mouth hung open in an eternal state of mid-screaming, and his eyes had gone completely blank.
As he laid eyes on his fallen opponent, all of Mustang’s remaining strength immediately left him. His knees buckled, and he collapsed onto his back. The fight had taken a lot out of him, and in his current state, it was unlikely he’d be going anywhere soon. But even as the pain of his injuries set in and he faded into unconsciousness, Mustang couldn’t help but dwell on his former opponent.

‘I guess I was wrong. With that power, you were more than what your nation led me to believe. I just hope you find some peace wherever you end up.’
Upscaled KO by Br3ndan5

Man, talk about getting burned! Poor Zuko, though. That was a pretty rough way to go!

Some of you might be a bit surprised by this result, and in all honesty, so was I. This was one of the hardest fights I’ve had to call, and for good reason. Remember how back in Knives vs Jin I said the verdict kept changing because people were upgrading and downgrading Blazblue’s stats like crazy? Yeah, imagine that happening with both series and you’ve got what it was like trying to figure this one out!

At first Mustang took the lead in strength and durability, while Zuko was the faster of the two. Then Zuko got buffs that lessened the strength gap, and FMA was downgraded to the point where he would’ve one-shot. Then not only did FMA get AP and speed upgrades, but one of the main feats I was going to use for Zuko got recontextualized to put him higher. Then about three weeks later, FMA got buffed even further, with a potentially better speed feat! So what were these feats that led to Mustang taking the win?

Well, in terms of raw power, Mustang’s explosions ultimately eclipsed anything Zuko was capable of. Zuko has regularly shown that he can match the power of a base from Aang, who was able to stop a wave of lava from destroying a village. To accomplish a feat like this, Aang would’ve needed to exert an energy of 1.3 kilotons of TNT with his airbending. Plus, as one of the stronger firebenders of his age, Zuko should be comparable to Roku, a master firebender who was able to carve a trench through his island while well past his prime. This feat comes out to 69 kilotons, though with the kinetic energy of this feat, it could even reach over 2 megatons. While it is true that Roku was an Avatar, there’s nothing to really suggest there’s that big a gap between regular benders and base Avatars. As stated above, Zuko’s matched Aang before, and other benders like Sozin and Azula have matched or even overwhelmed base Avatars’ bending before, which lends further credence to letting Zuko scale.
However, all of this ultimately paled in comparison to Mustang, whose Flame Alchemy was strong enough to incapacitate Edward Elric with just one hit. This is the same Ed who completely tanked an all out explosion from Kimblee’s Philosopher’s Stone, which could produce explosions of up to 33 kilotons of TNT. Plus, he was able to survive a massive laser from Father, and was completely unharmed despite being near the epicenter of Father’s shockwave, which parted the clouds above Amestris. This would require a yield of 4.2 megatons of TNT, and again, Ed was completely unharmed by this. Given that Mustang was able to put Ed in a worse state, he should scale to this, which would make him 1.45x stronger than the highest feat Zuko scales to.
When it came to speed, that was ultimately a tough one to figure out. Zuko has consistently shown the ability to react to lightning and kept up in battle with Aang, who can do the same. Using Azula’s feat as an example, when considering the distance between her and Zuko, the timeframe of the lightning striking, and the distance he had to move, this feat would come out to Mach 321.2
Mustang, meanwhile, is a bit harder to pin down. For most of the series, he doesn’t show any concrete feats on the same level as Zuko. However, he has regularly shown that he can unleash his Flame Alchemy faster than Homunculi like Lust and Envy can react, and the Homunculi have regularly kept up in battle with Ed. Ed’s kept up in battle with Father, who could summon lightning, and should be comparable to Hohenheim, who also fought Father and could react to his lightning. Considering the distance between Hohenheim and the lightning, and how far the lightning traveled before being blocked, this would require Hohenheim to have a reaction speed of Mach 608. This would put Hohenheim, and by extension Mustang, at 1.89x faster than Zuko.
Hell, he might even be faster than that considering he and the rest of the main cast can react to attacks from Father’s god form, which should naturally be above his previous, giant form. Said giant form could fire off tendrils that reached into the sky, and directly reacted to these tendrils by pulling them down. With the distance between Father and the Truth, and the speed at which the tendrils were moving, this would require Father’s giant form to have a reaction speed of Mach 1563. This would bump Mustang’s speed advantage up to over 4x faster.
That might not sound too impressive, but when combined with Mustang’s other advantages, it certainly helps to tilt things in his favor.
Let’s start by discussing their fighting styles. It’s no debate that when it came down to it, Zuko’s firebending ultimately trumped Mustang’s Flame Alchemy in versatility. His fireballs, streams, whips, and rings of fire gave him multiple ways of attacking Mustang from afar; he could create fire daggers to challenge Mustang up close, and he even had multiple ways of defending himself. When you consider that one aspect of Mustang’s flame alchemy involves him shooting streams of fire, Zuko had multiple ways of defending against it, whether that was with fireblocking, creating a fireshield, or even conjuring a tornado to serve as both offense and defense. This is in sharp contrast to Mustang, whose sole method of defense involves using transmutation to create a stone wall.
With this many options, you’d think Mustang would struggle given his comparatively limited kit. After all, he can only create explosions and shoot fire, and Zuko can just block those flames or use them against Roy, right? Well, not exactly.
Sure, on the surface, it might seem that Flame Alchemy falls short in terms of power, but when you dig deeper, you start to realize that isn’t exactly the case. 
You see, Flame Alchemy works by raising the density of oxygen around its target, heating the air around them and turning it volatile. In order to firebend in the first place, the user needs to be able to control their breathing, and with Flame Alchemy’s ability to control oxygen density, Zuko’s flames would be significantly weakened. And even then, with the oxygen becoming more dense, any attempt at firebending would only serve to ignite the air, meaning Zuko’s main method of attack would quite literally blow up in his face. Combine this with Mustang’s ability to alternate between massive explosions and specific parts of the body, the massive range of his attacks, and his strategy of unleashing his strongest attack right off the bat; and it’s clear this fight would be extremely short-lived. Even if Zuko wasn’t taken out by that first explosion, Roy’s battles with the Homunculi have shown that he’s willing to utilize rapid-fire explosions should his opponent survive his first attack.
“Okay, but that’s if the fight took place at long-range,” some of you might say, “what about if the fight started with both up close?” Well, in that case, Zuko would come out better off. Sure, Mustang has held his own before in CQC, he hasn’t shown the same level of skill as Zuko, since he mainly relies on Flame Alchemy to get the job done. And if we take Zuko’s swordsmanship into account, he’d certainly make Roy work a bit harder for his victory. You could even argue that with his swords, he could disable Mustang’s Flame Alchemy by cutting his gloves, then deliver a fatal blow while Roy’s open. But again, Mustang surprisingly had counters to these.
For starters, Roy’s been through enough times where his gloves have been destroyed, and he’s always found some way around it. During his fight with Ed, he relied on only one glove, and when that was destroyed, he used a hidden second glove to take Ed out. There’s the time in his fight with Lust where his gloves were rendered useless, so he created a flammable gas by separating the hydrogen in the air and ignited it with a lighter. Or there’s the rematch with Lust, where he circumvented his damaged gloves by carving a Transmutation Circle into his hand. And yet, despite all these strategies, Mustang wouldn’t need to rely on any of them in this fight. You see, near the end of the series, Mustang passed through the Gate and saw the Truth, letting him use alchemy without needing a Transmutation Circle. This includes Flame Alchemy, which he’s shown using despite his gloves’ circles being destroyed at the time. Sure, he says he’s not used to using it in this way, but it’s still an option.
Even if we ignore all of this and assume that Zuko did land a critical hit with his swords, Mustang could heal his wounds with healing alchemy, or- if he wanted to take more drastic measures- sear his wound shut to keep himself in the game. Granted, it would take some time to do this, and Roy’s even admitted that doing it could cause him to black out. However, with Flame Alchemy’s sheer power and control over the battlefield, as well as his ability to create walls, he could potentially hold out long enough to pull it off.

And ignoring that, there’s another way for Roy to counter Zuko’s edge in close-range: igniting the fluid in his eyes. Doing this would leave Zuko blinded, and since he lacks any experience in fighting blind, this would make it impossible for him to land proper hits on Mustang. There’s just one major problem with this method: it wouldn’t be in-character for Roy to use this in a regular fight. The only time he used this strategy in canon was against Envy, the monster that killed his best friend and mocked his death. He wouldn’t really have a reason to use it against Zuko, someone he’s never met and would hold no resentment toward.

But even without that, it wouldn’t change the fact that Roy ultimately had everything he needed to win here. With his massive edge in strength, slight speed advantage, better pain tolerance, larger arsenal, and various counters to Zuko’s arsenal, it was only a matter of time before Mustang took the lead.

It must sting for Zuko that he was so Roy-ally screwed. Hopefully he won’t be too burned at the fact that his chances of victory went up in flames.

The winner is Roy Mustang.

WinnerMustang by Br3ndan5

Raiden vs Esdeath: Ice Queen’s Ripper



Esdeath’s grin fell as the Murasama struck her collar, dragging its way through and exiting her flank in seconds! Not even a second later, Raiden’s body slammed into her, sending her bifurcated halves flying in opposite directions. Before they could even begin to fall, Raiden turned back toward her, activating Blade Mode once again as he went to work!
Continue reading Raiden vs Esdeath: Ice Queen’s Ripper

Raiden vs Esdeath: White Devil’s Execution


The moment this word escaped her lips, everything around Esdeath came to a sudden halt. Raiden’s descent, his sword centimeters away from her neck, even the pieces of her mech still falling to the ground, all of it remained frozen in midair thanks to the general’s trump card.

Using the small window of opportunity she had, Esdeath rose to her feet and clasped Murasama with her regular arm. In an instant a thick layer of ice surrounded the futuristic sword, and as she lightly adjusted her grip-


-the HF blade suddenly crumbled, breaking apart into hundreds of smaller fragments. As these shards joined their master in the frozen plane, Esdeath raised her prosthetic arm, reshaping its hand into a long sword and unleashing a hard thrust! The sharpened prosthetic instantly ran through Raiden’s chest, burying itself deep inside, and as the effects of Mahapadma slowly faded, Esdeath allowed herself a victorious grin.

Time resumed, and Raiden’s body immediately flared with pain. He watched as his sword collapsed into hundreds of frozen pieces, now suspended in the air as a blue blade lifted him higher.

“H-how did you…” Raiden asked weakly as blood leaked out from Raiden’s lips and slowly dribbled to the ground. Esdeath grinned, feeling some of the blood drip onto her cheek as she watched Raiden’s shock.

“It’s as I told you before, ‘Jack.’ This is the way of the world.” As she spoke, the cryomancer began focusing her powers through her arm, causing ice to slowly spread across Raiden’s body. It started at the chest before moving out, covering his stomach and working its way further. “The weak die, while the strong survive.”

The ice began spreading along Raiden’s arms, slowing his movements as he struggled to free himself from Esdeath’s grip. As the layer of frost slowly crept its way up to his forearm, Raiden pushed himself forward, trying his best to grab Esdeath’s head and snap her neck in a last-ditch effort!

“And as the Empire’s strongest…”

But Raiden’s desperation would be for naught as his hands stopped moving, the ice stopping him just inches before he could grab Esdeath’s head. All he could do was watch furiously as the ice slowly encased him, trying in vain to fight to his last breath.

“I am the only one fit to thrive in this world!” Esdeath finished as the ice shell spread itself around the last of Raiden’s head. The man once known as Jack the Ripper was now completely entombed in ice, his pained, furious final moments eternally etched onto his face. Esdeath looked at it, smirking in bemusement as she channeled another of her powers through her arm.

“Now disappear, Jack the Ripper!”

As she uttered this final command, Raiden’s body suddenly exploded. Jagged, frozen chunks of synthetic skin and armor rained onto the ground, creating brief dents as they crashed against the frozen terrain. Esdeath looked down at them victoriously, savoring the muffled THUNK of each mutilated piece hitting the ground. As the last of her opponent’s remains had crashed onto the frozen terrain, Esdeath stood there for a few seconds, savoring the battle that had just taken place. In all her service to the Empire, not once had she encountered such bloodlust, such excitement as she’d seen in Raiden! It was a fight she’d never forget, the one foe who’d truly pushed her to her limits!

Esdeath then shifted her gaze from Raiden’s remains to the battlefield itself, reveling in the sight of the carnage they had left behind. She admired every destroyed building, every shattered construct, every piece of Raiden that lay strewn throughout the streets. Their battle had been nothing short of a piece of art, a tapestry of violence and bloodshed! She looked upon the frozen wasteland for several seconds, taking it in one last time before walking away from the frozen wasteland.

Continue reading Raiden vs Esdeath: White Devil’s Execution