Prelude: Power Girl vs Carol Danvers

Power Girl vs Carol Danvers by Br3ndan5

When it comes to superheroines, there are plenty to choose from. From Supergirl and Batgirl to She-Hulk and Spider-Girl, it’s safe to say there’s no end to the amount of heroines one can find in comics, and each one has left their mark on the industry in some way, shape, or form. Such is the case for today’s blonde, beautiful powerhouses!

Power Girl, the Woman of Steel from Earth-Two!

And Carol Danvers, sixth successor to the legacy of Captain Marvel!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to Dynamo1212 for the Power Girl bio and MadnessAbe for the Carol bio.


Power Girl by Dynamo1212

Power Girl
AKA: Kara Zor-L, Karen Starr, Kara of Atlantis, Nightwing, Karen Danvers, Karen Steele, Supergirl, Galatea, The Girl Of Steel, The Woman Of Steel, Power Woman, Powergirl
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 200 lbs
Occupation: Businesswoman, Superhero
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #58 All Star Super Squad (February 1976)

-Was the Supergirl of Earth 2
-Is a member of the Justice Society of America
-Founded her own technology company Starrware
-Was one of the founding members of Infinity Inc
-Was a member of Justice League Europe
-Used to work with the Birds of Prey
-Teamed up with Supergirl to free Kandor from Ultraman
-Along with Atlee, saved Manhattan from Ultra-Humanite
-Helped Vartox cure his people of a contraceptive bomb
-Worked with the Justice League to hunt down Maxwell Lord
-Stopped a cyborg called C.R.A.S.H. from destroying New York City

Born on the dying planet Krypton, Kara Zor-L was rocketed off of her home planet by her parents Zor-L and Allura In-Z in an attempt to save their daughter from their own inescapable fate. The rocket, known as a Symbioship, kept the infant in stasis, as she was still developing at the time. During its trek through space, the ship’s AI would run a virtual reality program, allowing her to interact with life-like copies of everyone on Krypton, including her own parents.

Twenty years later, the Symbioship would find its destination and land on Earth, where she would meet Kal-L, her cousin and a fellow survivor of Krypton, as well as his wife, Lois Lane. The two would welcome her into the family with open arms and help her adjust to life on Earth. During this time, she would take on the secret identity of a computer programmer named Karen Starr, while also using her Kryptonian powers to fight crime as the superhero Power Girl.

Unfortunately for Karen, this life wasn’t destined to last. Several years later, a creature known as the Anti-Monitor would begin his quest to wipe out the multiverse, forcing Karen to team up with an army of various heroes and villains from other Earths in an attempt to defeat him. While they proved successful in doing so, it would come at the cost of multiple Earths being destroyed, with Karen’s being among the casualties.

With her home destroyed, Power Girl was left to live in the New Earth universe, though the world was having trouble adjusting to her existence. Since she wasn’t supposed to exist there, Kara’s memories became scrambled, and she was given a new origin. According to this new history, she was the daughter of an Atlantean sorcerer and had been frozen in suspended animation for several millennia before waking up in the present day. Unaware of this change, Power Girl would make history in New Earth, joining teams such as the Justice League Europe and the Justice Society of America.

It wouldn’t be until an encounter with the sociopathic empath Psycho Pirate that Power Girl would regain her memories, with the Superman of her Earth later returning and revealing that he and several others had survived the Crisis. He also revealed to her that he intended to recreate Earth-Two, as he felt that the new Earth had become too desolate and grim.

Although she was at first conflicted, she ultimately began to oppose the idea upon learning that another co-conspirator in the plan, Alexander Luthor, was actually planning to destroy New Earth in an attempt to bring back the multiverse. Although she tried to fight him, she was captured and placed inside of the machine he had built. She would later be freed and partake in the final battle, which would end in a tearful farewell to the dying Earth-Two Superman.

After this, Kara would continue her role as a hero, playing a pivotal role in the revival of the Justice Society. At the same time, she would create Starrware Industries, a company designed to help provide solutions to the Earth’s environmental problems; began mentoring the young heroine Atlee; and would continue fighting crime as Power Girl.


Strength by Dynamo1212
-Shattered a giant magic sword
-With Martian Manhunter, Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and Green Lantern, pushed a giant ball of space junk
-Easily broke out of Green Lantern constraints
-Punched Wonder Woman hard enough to send her to Canada
-Beat up an alternate universe version of Superman
-Is stronger than Supergirl
-Staggered the Kingdom Come Green Lantern
-Caught a giant alien space ship that was hurling towards earth
-Strong enough to hurt Captain Atom with her blows
-Hit Despero hard enough to make him scream
-Knocked around an alternate Mary Marvel
-Choked out Guy Gardner
-Managed to knock down Black Adam with her blows

Speed by Dynamo1212
-Is fast enough to outpace Wonder Woman
-Can keep up with the likes of Superman
-Kept up with Black Adam, who is said to be faster than Superman
-Managed to take a gun from someone without them noticing
-Moved through a city in seconds
-Caught one of the Crimson Avenger’s bullets and tossed it back at him
-Caught up with a missile and diverted its direction

Durability by Dynamo1212
-Tanked blows from a powerful demon
-Shrugged off a blast that rearranges atoms
-Is mildly annoyed after getting hit hard enough to send her to the moon
-Endured several hits from Wonder Woman without a scratch
-Withstood hits from Superman
-Took blasts from Booster Gold, Fire, and Ice
-No-sold a punch from Aquaman
-Took a laser blast to the face and is barely scratched
-Survived a brutal beating by Superboy Prime
-Endured being strangled by Black Adam
-Suffered no damage after taking Supergirl’s heat vision at point-blank

Skills and Abilities:

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant:
-Has trained under several martial artists
-Trained under Wildcat, a world renowned boxer and hand to hand combatant
-Knows Karate after receiving training from Mongo Krebs

Genius Intellect:
-Kryptonians naturally have superior mental capacities than most humans
-Has shown enhanced memorization, intelligence and computational abilities
-Is a capable business leader and manager
-Assembled a device that took Mr. Terrific several days to make


Solar Energy Absorption by Dynamo1212
Solar Energy Absorption:
-Kryptonians gain their powers through exposure to solar radiation from a yellow sun
-The closer she is to a sun and the longer the exposure, the stronger she becomes
-Exposure to blue sun radiation increases her capabilities greatly

Heat Vision by Dynamo1212
Heat Vision:
-Can fire beams of intense heat from her eyes
-The intensity and area of effect can be increase or decreased at will
-Her eye beams can hurt the likes of Black Adam and stagger the Kingdom Come Superman

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision:
-Can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Can see and identify radio and television signals along with other broadcast frequencies
-Able to avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods with this ability
-This ability allows her to see the aura generated by living beings

Super Hearing:
-Can hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-With enough skill and concentration, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific frequency

Telescopic Vision
-Can see things at extremely great distances
-Able to see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness

Microscopic Vision:
-Can see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level


X-Ray Vision by Dynamo1212
X-Ray Vision:
-Can see through any volume of matter except lead
-Able to focus this ability to “peel back” layers of an object, allowing hidden images or inner workings to be observed
-Scans a laboratory with her X-Ray vision
-Uses X-Rays to locate Hakkou

Flight by Dynamo1212
-Can defy the force of gravity to fly
-Capable of flying at faster than light speeds

Freeze Breathe by Dynamo1212
Super Breath:
-Able to create hurricane force winds by breathing really hard
-Can also freeze whatever she breathes on
-Can also reverse the process to pull large volumes of air into her lungs
-Froze an IX Negaspike, a monster that can eat an entire planet
-Freezes Supergirl’s Sanctuary


Weaknesses by Dynamo1212
-If exposed to Kryptonite, she will become weaker and eventually die if she’s around it for too long
    -Though it should be noted that only Kryptonite from her Earth can affect her this way, otherwise she’s immune to it
-Vulnerable to magic
-Gradually loses her powers when away from yellow solar radiation
-For some reason, drinking diet soda makes her act aggressive and erratic
-Her portrayal in Injustice 2

(“Atlee, I fought Superboy Prime, Black Lanterns, mad New Gods and survived multiple Crises. I think I understand more about evil than you probably ever-“)



3498579-capmarv2014001cov-7ff9e by MadnessAbe
Captain Marvel 
Real Name: Carol Susan Jane Danvers
Other Aliases: Ms. Marvel, Warbird, Captain Whiz Bang, Binary
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 165 lbs 
Occupation: Superhero/Adventurer, Commander of the Alpha Flight Space Program, Formerly U.S. Air Force Captain, NASA Head of Security, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (March 1968)

-Prior to gaining her powers, worked as a Special Operations agent for the U.S. Air Force, participating in several covert missions across the globe
    -Among these missions, worked alongside Wolverine and The Thing and battled the likes of Sabretooth and Black Widow 
    -During another mission, underwent several hours of electric torture without breaking and manipulated her torturer into unintentionally freeing her, allowing her to kill him with her bare hands, gain the intel she was sent to find, and escape 
-Survived being knocked into a Kree weapon that altered her DNA, making her half-Kree as a result
-Became a member of both the Avengers and X-Men 
-After being hit with a ray that evolved her into a higher being, became known as Binary and traveled and explored across space alongside the Starjammers 
-A decomposing clone of Carol, made up from her memories absorbed by Rogue, managed to nearly defeat her and only lost due to Magneto’s intervention
-Utilized all of her cosmic energies to save the Sun, causing her to become human once more and rejoined the Avengers as ‘Warbird’
-Played an instrumental part in defeating Kang the Conqueror during the Kang Wars
-Became the most popular hero on Earth following the fusion of the mainstream Marvel Universe with the House of M alternate reality 
-Became the leader of the Mighty Avengers, the New York-based heroes group following the Civil War 
    -During this time, battled the returning Hulk and his Warbound, M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. forces, and the Brood
-During the Skrull Invasion, battled and single-handedly killed several Skrulls and Super-Skrulls, and led an effort to bring survivors to the Raft 
    -All this after being shot by Nick Fury, who mistakenly thought she was a Skrull in disguise
-Following an assassination attempt on her ordered by Norman Osborn, split into four energy beings that managed to reform back together into her main body 
-Alongside with Spider-Man and Marvel Boy, battled the Hulk after he had become Nul, Breaker of Worlds
-Saved New York City from a Kree attack, though suffered brain damage and memory loss
    -The memory loss was the result of her having a brain tumor that grew worse with the usage of her powers, and she still did all this anyway 
    -During this time as an amnesiac, became a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy
-Was one of the survivors of the initial destruction of the Multiverse, leading to Battleworld
    -During this time, was corrupted by Mister Sinister, and killed Madeline Pyror
-Became the commander of the Alpha Flight Space Program, the first of Earth’s lines of defense against space-based threats
-Took on the entire Spartax Armada by herself, forcing them to back off from the planet they intended to invade and colonize

Born to an abusive household and under poor living conditions, Carol Danvers often worked hard in an attempt to get her father to see her as equal to him. Unfortunately, her father refused to believe men and women could be equals, and when the time came to pick someone to send off to college, he chose his eldest son, Steve, despite Carol having better grades.

Unfazed by this, Carol would eventually join the military at 18, becoming the top member of her Air Force class and eventually rising into the force’s intelligence ranks. She would later resign from the Air force to join the Navy, where she met and befriended the Kree superhero Mar-Vell. During a battle with an invader named Yon-Rogg, Carol was knocked into the Psyche-Magnitron, a Kree device that turns imagination into reality. This machine altered her DNA and gave her the abilities of a Kree warrior, though she wasn’t aware of this at first since she’d constantly black out whenever they appeared.

After this incident, NASA would fire Carol due to her repeatedly showing an inability to maintain control over the various superhuman occurrences. Being extremely pissed-off, Carol did the same thing that other people do on Twitter when they can’t do their jobs properly: write a story that blames your problems on everyone but yourself. Unlike the vast majority of Twitter users, however, she actually published it as a book, making her a minor celebrity and even getting her a job as an editor.

After suffering several more black outs, Carol would manage to fix this problem with the help of the god Hecate and the Kree inquisitor Ronan the Accuser. Now able to use her powers without going unconscious, she took on the title of Ms. Marvel and began working alongside New York’s other heroes, even earning a spot on the Avengers.

Years later, after the death of Mar-Vell, Carol would take on his mantle, becoming the sixth person to succeed him as the superhero Captain Marvel. In this role, she’d fight off an invasion from the Brood, briefly work with the Guardians of the Galaxy, started a second Civil War, and defended Earth from the alien empire known as the Chitauri. 



MsMarvel02 by MadnessAbe
-Her normal strength level is said to be between Class 25 and Class 90, or likely at Class 75 
    -This would mean she could normally lift 75 tons, or 150,000 lbs 
-Backhanded a military tank being hurled at her
-Can destroy metal and concrete with her bare hands 
-Can easily lift and throw cars, often weaponizing them as battering rams or projectiles
-Is strong enough to hurt and kill powerful alien races such as the Brood, Kree, and Skrulls
-Strong enough to knock out Cassandra Lang/Stature, when she grew to her full height 
-Supported the full weight of a collapsing tower 
-Even when weakened, lifted and pulled a full subway train by herself 
-Punched an alien into space with a single strike of her left arm, which Carol admits is her weaker arm

BesVkXy by MadnessAbe
-Is capable of moving at speeds far greater than any human athlete, and beyond the speeds a human eye can react to
-Her reflexes are quick enough that she can react to speeds far greater than that of any human being
-Is fast enough to evade machine gun rounds and lasers

WnEpPSi by MadnessAbe
-Is capable of withstanding high-caliber rounds, great impacts from powerful beings, falls from great heights, exposure to extreme temperatures and pressure, and immensely powerful energy blasts 
-Can survive the vacuum of space 
-Has repeatedly survived falls from outer space to Earth
-Shrugged off using her own body to keep a train with passengers from crashing
-Took several punches from a bloodlusted Wonder Man, all of which sent across a city
-Took several high powered magical blasts and spells from the Traveler, and still won while suffering a broken arm
-Survived being point blank in a nuclear explosion and was perfectly fine and alive 12 hours later
-Survived being within the explosion of the Psyche-Magnetron, which was of similar if not greater size than a nuclear explosion, and was only briefly stunned 

Superhuman Stamina:
-Can extert herself up to 24 hours before needing to take a rest
-Fought off a Skrull invasion on New York for an entire day without resting so she could save time for reinforcements 

Skills and Abilities:

Expert Combatant:
-Extensively trained in hand-to-hand combat and armed combat through her military training 
-Is a skilled markswoman as well

Expert Pilot:
-Is trained in piloting multiple vehicles due to her Air Force training
-Can fly both human-made airplanes and jets, as well as alien starships from the Kree, Shi’ar, and other similar races 

Experienced Spy:
-Did undercover work all over the globe prior to gaining her powers
-Has developed highly advanced espionage skills, including infiltration, surveillance, interrogation, and disguise

-Can fluently speak English, German, Russian, Japanese, and even the alien languages of the Kree and Shi’ar


X9m14qj by MadnessAbe
-Can propel herself into the air and fly at immensely high speeds
-Has been shown to fly at three to six times the speed of sound for several hours, but this is not her true limit
    -This can range from 2,301 to 4,602 mph 
-Has flown to the edge of Earth’s atmosphere in just under two minutes, and on two separate occasions

Flash Precognition:
-A form of seventh sense
-Allows Carol to predict her opponent’s next moves and counter them
-Is unreliable and activates at random 

Toxin/Poison Immunity:
-A result of her human/Kree physiology


Ms. Marvel Vol 2 46 page - Carol Danvers (Earth-61 by MadnessAbe
Photonic Blasts:
-Can fire powerful concussive blasts of photon/stellar energy from her hands and fingertips
-Can be fired in the form of beams, orbs of energy, shockwaves along the ground, or beams that can split and hit multiple opponents 
-Powerful enough to incinerate zombies, overload the systems of the robot Sappers, and deal immense damage to Count Nefaria, who can match up to the likes of Thor

wUCBBNu by MadnessAbe
Energy Absorption:
-Body is capable of absorbing different types of energy, down to magical energy, to temporarily enhance her own powers 
-With enough power, can augment her strength and energy blasts to the power of nuclear weapons
-Can regenerate from injuries by absorbing energy 
    -Absorbing the power of an entire city allowed her to curbstomp Iron Man
    -Absorbing the power of a nuke allowed her to have enough power to match the Sentry 
    -Absorbing Monica Rambeau, who can transform into energy, allowed her to easily destroy a giant robot
-By absorbing enough power, Carol can transform into her Binary form


2186920-725649 Binary Code Super by MadnessAbe
-Carol’s higher evolution into a being of cosmic energy
-Was created when Carol absorbed the powers of a white hole

QCfsKgd by MadnessAbevRI2bKe by MadnessAbe
-Can generate extremely powerful amounts of heat, radiation, light, and other forms of energy in this state, augmenting her power even further
-Lets her manipulate gravity, breathe in the vacuum of space, become cosmically aware enough to sense all energies and disruptions across the galaxy, and fly at FTL speeds


VxjBX5X by MadnessAbe
-Is suseptible to telepathic attacks and immensely powerful magic
-While she can absorb energy, she won’t be able to absorb it if there’s too much for her to handle
-Has gone through periods of alcoholism that put Tony Stark to shame
-The infamous comic where she was forcibly impregnated
-Modern-day Marvel

(“Who’s up for a little first contact?”)