Jack Garland: Weapons and Equipment

-Used to call or text others
-Has nu metal downloaded into its library

Dark Crystal by Br3ndan5
Dark Crystal:
-A crystal given to Jack by the Lufenians
-Erases its user’s memories and replaces them with a strong desire, which in Jack’s case, is a desire to kill Chaos
   -This desire is proportional to how much storage is left, so if its storage is full, the desire will be removed

-Easy to use weapons that can be wielded with one hand and have greater attack speed compared to heavier weapons
-Used by Swordfighters
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Blessed Blade: Heals Jack upon hitting an enemy
    -Sacred Blade: Imbues the sword with Holy magic, causing it to glow with a sacred, heavenly power
    -Rapid Thrust: Jack performs a series of thrusts before delivering a final stab that knocks his opponent away
    -Piercing Lunge: A thrusting stab that fires a blast which travels across the screen, piercing through any enemies in its path. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Swift Slash: Jack lunges forward and unleashes two quick, spinning slashes. The slashes can be changed mid-direction to focus on a specific target
    -Nimble Maneuver: Jack lunges forward, briefly disappearing before delivering two quick slashes and backrolling away
    -Nightglow: A darkness-infused stab that knocks enemies away
    -Tenebrous Blade: Jack performs three slashes, with each one creating a wave of energy that travels across the screen

Broadsword by Br3ndan5
-Spirit +1%
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-HP +11
-Can use Blessed Blade

Warlord by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.4%
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.5%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +0.9%
-Can use Rapid Thrust and Piercing Lunge

Braveheart by Br3ndan5
-Imbue Holy +0.5%
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.4%
-Ability Damge Dealt +0.7%

Sun Blade by Br3ndan5
Sun Blade:
-Can use Blessed Blade

Wing Edge by Br3ndan5
Wing Edge:
-Can use Swift Slash and Nimble Maneuver

Blood Sword by Br3ndan5
Blood Sword:
-Ability Break Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Critical: HP Recovery +4.6%
-Can use Nightglow and Tenebrous Blade

Extreme Edge by Br3ndan5
Extreme Edge
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1%
-Action Ability MP Cost -1.2%
-Ability Break Damage Dealt +0.9%

Enhancer by Br3ndan5
-Spirit +2
-Break Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.2%
-HP Recovery Amount +2.1%
-Can use Sacred Blade and Blessed Blade

Rakshasa Blade by Br3ndan5
Rakshasa Blade:
-Lightbringer Duration +1.3%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.7%
-Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Nightglow and Tenebrous Blade

-Balanced slashing weapons that require the use of both hands
-Have great damage at the cost of low attack speed
-Used by Swordsmen and Warriors
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Power Impact: Jack holds his greatsword in front of himself as he charges forward, smashing into the enemy with the flat of his blade
    -Batter: Jack rapidly smashes his greatsword against his opponent four times
    -Tenebrous Blast: Jack leaps forward, spins through the air, and slashes his enemy
    -Twister: Jack lunges and unleashes a trio of spinning slashes. Can switch targets between each slash
    -Spiritual Sword: Jack channels fire through his greatsword, turning it into a massive fiery blade and delivering a horizontal slash that burns anything in its path. After this, the greatsword will stay on fire for a few seconds, boosting its strength and letting it burn enemies
    -Aura Edge: Jack channels fire through his greatsword and throws out two slashes, sending waves of fire across the screen. Like Spiritual Sword, the greatsword will stay on fire for a few seconds following completion
    -Dragon Tail: A chargeable slash where Jack slams his greatsword into the ground and uses it to pole vault a few steps ahead
    -Skybreaker: A chargeable thrust that Carrie’s Jack across the stage

Greatsword by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-HP +11
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Rebellion by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +1.1%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +2.1%

Barbarian by Br3ndan5
Barbarian’s Sword:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Imbue Fire +0.6%
-Can use Dragon Tail and Skybreaker

Defender by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.5%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -1.1%
-Can use Tenebrous Blast

Organyx by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.6%
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Claymore by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Can use Tenebrous Blast and Twister

-Can use Tenebrous Blast and Twister

-Can use Dragon Tail and Skybreaker

Hardedge by Br3ndan5
-Buff Duration +0.8%
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Potion Recovery Amount +4.4%
-Can use Power Impact and Batter

Hero’s Greatsword:
-Can use Spiritual Sword and Aura Edge

Excalibur by Br3ndan5
-Can use Spiritual Sword and Aura Edge

Accelerator by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +1.4%
-Agility +2
-Soul Shield: MP Recovery +5%
-Can use Swift Slash

-A two-handed blade that allows for swift, focused slashes
-Used by Ronin
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Issei-Teppa: Jack thrusts his katana forward, knocking an enemy back
    -Suimen: An overhead slash
    -Enpi: A rising, uppercutting slash followed by a diving, sweeping slash
    -Dan’un: Jack spins through the air before delivering a slash that creates a wave of light which travels across the screen
    -Rengoku: Jack channels darkness through his katana and performs an overhead slash. When his blade hits the ground, it creates a pillar of darkness beneath the enemy for extra damage. Once this move is completed, the blade will be engulfed in darkness for a few seconds, giving it extra power. Using this drains Jack of some of his health
    -Kuroageha: Jack channels darkness through his katana and creates an exploding X-shaped slash in front of himself. Using this drains Jack of some of his health
    -Goten: Jack holds his katana in front of himself and raises it to the heavens, causing it to be struck by lightning. He then swings the lightning-infused katana in front of him, firing a wave of electricity that travels through the area
    -Magatsukaze: Jack spins around before slashing, creating a massive tornado in front of himself

Genbu by Br3ndan5
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Strength +1
-Buff Duration +0.5%
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Tachi by Br3ndan5
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Strength +1
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.6%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

Genji Blade by Br3ndan5
Genji Blade:
-Can use Goten and Magatsukaze

Mutsunokami by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.4%
-Agility +2
-Agility +2
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Kazekiri by Br3ndan5
-Agility +2
-Buff Duration +0.7%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

Kikuichimonji by Br3ndan5
-Agility +1
-Physical Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Issei-Teppa and Suimen

Gekko by Br3ndan5
Gekko and Nikki:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.8%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1.6%
-Status Ailment Accumulation +3.3%
-Can use Nightjar and Shadow Fang

Masamune by Br3ndan5
-All Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Strength +1
-Action Ability MP Cost -1.7%
-Can use Enpi and Dan’un

-Can use Goten and Magatsukaze

-Can use Rengoku and Kuroageha

Yoto-Ryu by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Near Death: Damage Dealt +2.7%
-Can use Rengoku and Kuroageha

-Dual blades that possess great attack speed and allow for critical hits regardless of where Garland is aiming
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Throw: Jack throws both daggers directly in front of him
    -Blade Turbine: Jack performs a spinning slash, leaps into the air, and follows up with a downward diagonal slash
    -Evisceration: Jack stabs in front of himself, then swings around with his blades
    -Sawblade Storm: A series of overhead diagonal slashes. Jack can slash anywhere from 3 to 8 times
    -Nightjar: Jack briefly disappears as he lunged forward, only for a trail of afterimages to show up as he performs a cross-shaped slash
    -Shadow Fang: Jack lunges forward as his blades are coated in darkness. If he hits an enemy, he’ll slash them across the stomach
    -Free Energy: Jack sits down cross-legged, briefly charging his energy before unleashing a massive, arcing, water-infused slash
    -Force Wall: Jack stabs in front of himself, creating a massive stream of water that blasts his opponent. He then punches the stream, causing it to explode. The stream can be charged, allowing it to last longer

Swordbreaker by Br3ndan5
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Can perform Evisceration and Sawblade Storm

Mage Masher by Br3ndan5
Mage Mashers:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Agility +1
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.1%
-Can use Throw and Blade Turbine

Twin Gladii by Br3ndan5
Twin Gladi:
-Can perform Evisceration

Orichalcum by Br3ndan5
Orichalcum Dirks:
-Drop Rate +0.9%
-Critical Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Instant Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%

Sasuke by Br3ndan5
Sasuke and Saizo:
-Agility +2
-Critical Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Afflicted Enemy: Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Can use Nightjar and Shadow Fang

Main Gauches by Br3ndan5
Main Gauches:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +1
-Enables Free Energy
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Can use Free Energy and Force Wall

Ripper Knives by Br3ndan5
Ripper Knives:
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.4%
-Critical Damage Dealt +1.3%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max Break +1.3%
-Can use Throw and Blade Turbine

Zwill by Br3ndan5
Zwill Crossblades:
-Magic Damage Dealt +1%
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +1.6%
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Free Energy and Force Wall

-Weapons that inflict bludgeoning damage and can be wielded with one hand
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Terror’s Grip: A combo of four swings
    -Chopper: Jack swings his mace in front of himself then turns and performs a 180° spin, leaving a trail of energy behind him
    -Penitence: Jack charges his mace with holy magic and slams it into the ground, creating a pillar of energy that engulfs his target
    -Ray of Absolution: Jack raises his mace to the heavens and unleashes a shockwave of holy magic
    -Cascade: Jack performs a diagonal swing, flips through the air, then follows up with a leaping overhead swing
    -Bonecrusher: Jack charges his mace with magic and performs a 4-hit combo
    -Crimson Halo: Jack lunges forward and delivers a fire-infused swing. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Lacerate: Jack performs two fire-infused upward swings. Can be charged up to 3 levels

Hermit Club by Br3ndan5
Hermit Club:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +1
-MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks +0.9%
-Can use Terror’s Grip and Chopper

Rod of Wisdom by Br3ndan5
Rod of Wisdom:
-Spirit +1
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Action Ability MP Cost -0.8%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

Magister's Club by Br3ndan5
Magister’s Club:
-Intellect +2
-Imbue Lightning +0.7%
-Afflicted Enemy: Magic Damage Dealt +1.3%
-Can use Terror’s Grip and Chopper

Ogre Hammer by Br3ndan5
Ogre Hammer:
-Strength +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Charge Attack Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Can use Crimson Halo and Lacerate

Stardust Rod by Br3ndan5
Stardust Rod:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Intellect +3
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery 1.7%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

Magical Mace by Br3ndan5
Magical Mace:
-Intellect +1
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery 1.7%
-Magic Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Cascade and Bonecrusher

Seraphim by Br3ndan5
Seraphim’s Mace:
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Imbue Ice +0.7%
-Status Ailment Accumulation +3.2%
-Can use Cascade and Bonecrusher

Thor's Hammer by Br3ndan5
Thor’s Hammer:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-During Lightbringer: Break Damage +2.1%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1%
-Can use Crimson Halo and Lacerate

Wizard Rod by Br3ndan5
Wizard’s Rod:
-Spirit +3
-Intellect +3
-Ability Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Can use Penitence and Ray of Absolution

-Two-handed weapons that provide great damage at the cost of low attack speed
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Wheeling Thrust: A series of 5 rotating, spinning slashes. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Fell Cleave: Jack swings his axe around himself, creating an X-shaped whirlwind around his body that blows nearby enemies away
    -Reanimating Sickle: Jack swings his axe on the right, then turns around and thrusts it forward. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Soulsteal: A diagonal slash. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Dark Detonation: A spinning, darkness-infused swing. Drains Jack’s health while he’s charging it. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Exorcising Torrent: Jack slams his axe into the ground, causing a massive pillar of darkness to erupt for several seconds. Drains Jack’s health while he’s charging it. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Fatal Crush: Jack slams his axe into the ground 3 times as he walks forward. Can be charged up to 3 levels
    -Furious Blow: A fire-infused upward swing that can be charged up to 3 levels

Battle axe by Br3ndan5
Battle Axe:
-Strength +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Break Damage Dealt +0.6%

Destroyer by Br3ndan5
-Can use Wheeling Thrust and Fell Cleave

Alkaid by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Near Death: Damage Dealt +2.3%
-Can use Dark Detonation and Exorcising Torrent

Eclipse by Br3ndan5
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +0.9%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -0.9%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

Bardiche by Br3ndan5
-Stamina +1
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Charge Attack Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Can use Fatal Crush and Furious Blow

War Scythe by Br3ndan5
War Scythe:
-Stamina +1
-Physical Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Damage Reduction While Attacking -0.8%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

-Can use Wheeling Thrust and Fell Cleave

Gigant Axe by Br3ndan5
Gigant Axe:
-Charge Attack Break Damage Dealt +1.6%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +2.7%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Can use Fatal Crush and Furious Blow

-Can use Dark Detonation and Exorcising Torrent

Soul Eater by Br3ndan5
Soul Eater:
-Lightbringer Duration +1.4%
-During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt +1.4%
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Can use Reanimating Sickle and Soulsteal

-Piercing weapons that allow for great damage at a long reach
-Requires both hands in order to be used
-Mainly used as crowd control against multiple enemies
-Used by Lancers and Dragoons
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
    -Rising Rocket: An ascending aerial slash followed by a horizontal slash that sends opponents flying
    -Coup de Grace: A rising upper slash followed by a downward thrust
    -Nightfall: Two spinning slashes, followed by an overhead slash
    -Dawnhammer: An overhead strike followed by an upward swing that knocks enemies away
    -Dragon Fang: Two upward diagonal swings followed by a horizontal swing
    -Dragon Claws: An outward slash followed by a heavier outward slash
    -Thunder Lance: Jack thrusts his Lance forward and fires a ball of electricity that quickly travels across the screen
    -Shocking Pulse: A burst of electricity fired from the lance’s tip. Can hit multiple enemies at once. By using MP, Jack can make it last for longer periods of time before it disperses

Halberd by Br3ndan5
-Strength +1
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Pierce Break Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

Heavy Lance by Br3ndan5
Heavy Lance:
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Agility +1
-Physical Break Damage Dealt +0.7%
-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Trident by Br3ndan5
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.9%
-Intellect +2
-Imbue Lightning +0.6%
-Can use Thunder Lance and Shocking Pulse

Blitz Lance by Br3ndan5
Blitz Lance:
-Strength +2
-Enemy Weakness Physical Break Damage Dealt +1%
-HP Recovery Amount +1.4%
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

Partisan by Br3ndan5
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.7%
-HP Recovery Amount +1.8%
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Radiant Lance:
-Can use Nightfall and Dawnhammer

-Can use Thunder Lance and Shocking Pulse

Dragoon Lance:
-Can use Dragon Fang and Dragon Claws

Dragon Whisper:
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

Wind Spear by Br3ndan5
Wind Spear:
-Pierce Damage Dealt +0.8%
-Soul Shield: MP Recovery +3.9%
-Soul Shield Break Cost -1.2%
-Can use Rising Rocket and Coup de Grace

-Allows Jack to perform swift strikes that quickly wear down his opponent’s defenses
-Some of them can perform the following skills:
   -One-Inch Punch: Jack stomps on the ground, creating a shockwave to disorient the opponent, then delivers a punch to the chest that staggers them and knocks them back
   -Cross Counter: Jack lunges forward and throws out a hard jab to the face
   -Spiraling Claw: Jack lunges forward, spinning through the air, then unleashes a set of diagonal claw strikes
   -Death Claw: A series of overhead claw strikes ending with a right hook
   -Exsanguination: Jack lunges forward and stretches his arms out as he spins around, covering a wide area before ending with a left hook
   -Energy Smash: Jack launches 4 green fireballs at his target, with the final one being significantly larger than the rest
   -Meteor Strike: Jack cups his hands together and performs an overhead strike that sends a trail of spikes toward his opponent
   -Brutal Bash: Jack strikes a defensive pose. If attacked, he will throw out both arms, create a shockwave that staggers his opponent, and kick them in the air. He then leaps after them, grabs them by the shoulders, spins them around, and slams them to the ground

Killer Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Killer Knuckles:
-Stamina +1
-Lightbringer Duration +0.8%
-Strike Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Can use One-Inch Punch and Cross Counter

Spartan Cesti by Br3ndan5
Spartan Cesti:
-Spirit +1
-Magic Damage Dealt +0.6%
-Soul Burst: MP Recovery +1.5%
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Savage Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Savage Claws:
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Tiger Fangs by Br3ndan5
Tiger Fangs:
-Can use Meteor Strike and Brutal Bash

Raptor Claws by Br3ndan5
Raptor Claws:
-Stamina +2
-Slash Damage Dealt +0.5%
-Damage Dealt at Max Break +0.5%

Phantom Baghnakhs by Br3ndan5
Phantom Baghnakhs:
-Strike Break Damage Dealt +1.1%
-Imbue Wind +0.6%
-Can use One-Inch Punch

Sonic Knuckles by Br3ndan5
Sonic Knuckles:
-Critical Break Damage Dealt +1.9%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.2%
-Break Damage Dealt at Max Break +1.2%
-Can use One-Inch Punch and Cross-Counter

Maverick’s Knuckles:
-Can use Meteor Strike and Brutal Bash

Kaiser Knuckles:
-Can use Exsanguination and Energy Smash

Godhands by Br3ndan5
-Damage Dealt at Max HP +1%
-Lightning Break Damage Taken -2.7%
-Slow Resistance +19.1%

Inferno Claws by Br3ndan5
Inferno Claws:
-Break Gauge Recovery Speed +1.8%
-Damage Dealt at Max Break +0.8%
-Slash Break Damage Dealt +1.2%
-Can use Spiraling Claw and Death Claw

Kite Shield by Br3ndan5 Lustrous Shield by Br3ndan5 Spiked Shield by Br3ndan5
-Used to block attacks
-Can be used as an impromptu weapon

-Worn upon becoming Garland

-A massive sword used upon becoming Garland


Jack Garland will kill Chaos in Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by HeroicDefender97.

Jack Garland bio by Br3ndan5Jack Garland
Aliases: Garland, Chaos
Age: 32
Occupation: Agent of the Strangers (formerly), Knight (formerly)
First Appearance: Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (March 18, 2022)

Read more: Jack Garland will kill Chaos in Death Battle!

-Was sent to Cornelia by the Lufenians as part of their Stranger program, which involved monitoring World A and ensuring the Lufenians would maintain control
-After learning the true meaning of his mission, he began working with another Stranger, Ash, and their reconnaissance unit, Astos, to break the Lufenians’ control over World A
-Gave Princess Sarah his Dark Crystal, ensuring that she’d remember him in the next cycle
-Worked with Ash and Jed to fight Tiamat, the guardian of the Wind Crystal and one of the Four Fiends that serve Chaos
-After getting amnesia and being guided by his crystal, he formed a partnership with Jed and Ash to kill Chaos
-Worked with Jed and Ash to prove themselves to the king of Cornelia by slaying several infamous monsters
-After meeting Sarah at the shrine, he began searching for Garland, a powerful knight who had gone missing during his quest to kill Chaos
-Went to the Chaos Shrine and defeated Chaos Advent, a knight resembling Garland
-After discovering that Chaos Advent was actually a girl named Neon, he and the other Warriors of Light recruited her to join their cause
-Went on a quest to restore the Four Crystals and defeat their guardians, the Four Fiends of Chaos
-Went to Pravoka to learn more information about the crystals
-Defeated Captain Bikke and his crew, who had taken over Pravoka after the mayor’s death
-Used Bikke’s ship to travel to the Western Keep
-Defeated the Black Knight, a sentient suit of armor
-Met with Astos, the king of the dark elves, and learned of the Wind Crystal’s location
-Fought the Elemental Core’s guardians, Lahmu and Lahamu, and killed them when they merged into the Fused Elemental
-Defeated the Chimera
-Defeated Tiamat again
-After defeating Tiamat, he recruited Sophia to join his quest
-Defeated the Great Marlboro and regained some of his lost memories
-Defeated Marilith, the Fiend of Fire and guardian of Mount Gulg’s Fire Crystal
-Defeated the Dragon Zombie in Hallowed Mastiff
-Regained more of his memories while trying to protect Sophia from an oncoming wave of darkness
-Defeated Lich, the Fiend of Earth and guardian of the Earth Crystal
-Saved Sophia and Neon from being crushed by a piece of rubble
-Defeated Cray Claw, a giant robotic scorpion, and regained more of his and Jed’s memories
-Defeated Kraken, the Fiend of Water and guardian of the Water Crystal
-Following Kraken’s defeat, he absorbed its darkness and regained his memories of receiving the Dark Crystal
-After learning that Cornelia had been invaded by pirates and monsters, he helped the other Warriors save the kingdom and drive them out
-Killed The Possessed (a darkness-possessed Bikke) and learned more about Astos from him in his dying moments
-Journeyed to the Ancients’ Tower and destroyed the Iron Giant, a massive robot that was about to kill Astos
-After the Iron Giant’s defeat, he regained his memories of the Dark Crystal’s storage limit and that Astos would extract him if he reached that limit
-Relearned of his status as a Stranger after discussing his memories with Astos and the other Warriors
-Went to Vigilia Court to slay the monsters infesting the area
-Defeated the Behemoth even after it evolved into the Ur-Dragon King
-Rediscovered the Lufenians’ true goals after absorbing the Ur-Dragon King’s darkness
-Fought Astos and mercy-killed him after he transformed into the Ultima Weapon Origin
-After killing Astos, he regained the memories of his past goals
-Dedicated himself and his friends to avenging Astos by protecting Cornelia from the Lufenians
-Helped Sarah and the rest of Cornelia’s citizens flee the country by fighting off an invading army of monsters
-Following Sarah’s death and the destruction of her Dark Crystal, he regained the last of his memories
-Reluctantly killed the other Warriors of Light after they betrayed him as part of their plan to turn him into Chaos
-After killing the Warriors, the guilt and self-loathing he experienced caused him to absorb all of the surrounding darkness, boosting his abilities in the process
-Returned to the Chaos Shrine and destroyed the Lufenians’ Dimensional Crystal Matrix, preventing them from ever resetting the timeline again
-Killed Darkness Manifest, the manifestation of the Lufenians’ negative emotions, and absorbed its power to become Chaos
-Used his powers to reset the timeline and resurrect the rest of the Warriors as the Four Fiends
-In the new timeline, he and the Fiends manipulated events so there would be new Warriors of Light that could continue their mission against the Lufenians
-As Garland, he massacred the guards of Cornelia’s castle and kidnapped Sarah to provoke the Warriors of Light into coming after him
Continue reading Jack Garland will kill Chaos in Death Battle!

Firebrand Blazes Into Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by Scarat234.

Aliases: The Red Arremer, The Red Blaze, The Crimson Flame, The Red Arremer Joker, Joker
Age: Unknown, but said to be thousands of years old
Occupation: General of Astaroth’s Army (Namco x Capcom), Leader of the Demon’s Blazon (Namco x Capcom)
First Appearance: Gargoyle’s Quest (May 2, 1990)

Gargoyle’s Quest II
-Prior to the games’ events, he worked to become recognized as a true warrior by training in the Warriors’ Training Center every day
-Was sent on a quest by Makai’s king, Morock, to prove his worth by obtaining the Argob’s Pot
-Killed Nagus, a naga-like monster with two faces
-Obtained the Spectre’s Fingernail from a dying Morock
-At Morock’s request, traveled to Gibea to meet with King Barr
-Upon learning of Barr’s disappearance, he began searching to uncover the secrets behind the Black Light
-Traveled through Arnon’s river of flames to reach Sidon and locate Samuel, a mage who could release Barr’s magic
-At Samuel’s request, ventured to the cave of Gaza to meet with Hecate, a fallen angel of the night
-Killed the Death Balloon in Hinom, allowing him to obtain the Night Drop
-After obtaining the Candle of Darkness from Hecate, he learned the source of the Black Light, was given a quest to find the Gremlin Stick to reawaken Barr’s magic, and was given Hecate’s wings
-Went to Desert Sittem to find the Gremlin Stick
-Killed the Sand Frog and obtained the Gremlin Stick after killing it
-Restored Barr’s magic with the Gremlin Stick and was granted his power as thanks, allowing him to jump higher
-Traveled to Breager’s palace to inform Makai’s king of the Black Light
-Discovered that the palace’s townspeople had been placed under a spell by Malgor, one of Breager’s subordinates who had disguised himself as the king
-Dispelled the spell over the townspeople by killing Malgor, who recognized Firebrand’s status as the Red Blaze before dying
-Defeated the twin guardians of Mt. Imaus and obtained the Candle of Poltergeist
-Used the Candle of Poltergeist to restore King Darkoan, who had been paralyzed from a loss of magic
-Obtained Darkoan’s power, allowing him to jump and fly higher
-Killed Dagon, a fearsome monster that was terrorizing the desert near Topete, and obtained his scales
-Killed Doppelgänger, who was trying to prevent him from exiting the labyrinth near Topete
-After traveling through the labyrinth, he met with Lethe, the oldest demon in Makai, who informed him of the reason for the Black Light’s appearance, Firebrand’s status as the legendary Red Blaze,  and that the demon Goza was trying to revive Breager, the King of Destruction
-Was given the Candle of Lethe, a tool that would aid in Breager’s defeat
-Traveled to Loosekeep to obtain the powers of King Lucifer and Queen Verona
-After accomplishing the above, used the newly formed Candle of the Ghoul Realm to disperse the barrier around Breager’s palace and invaded it
-Killed Goza
-After Goza’s death, he was contacted by Demogorgon, the god of Makai, who awakened his full power and gave him the Mammon’s Hoof, Bereal’s Wings, and Atlas’ Armor
-Killed Breager and proved his status as the Red Blaze
-After Breager’s death, he was given the opportunity to travel to the human world and take it over
-After his quest was completed, he became a legendary warrior whose story was passed down from generation to generation

Gargoyle’s Quest
-Killed Zundo Druer, the guardian of the Makai portal, who was attempting to prevent Firebrand from returning to Makai
-Helped Barone Jark recover his Gremlin Stick
-Killed the Four Eyes, a group of monsters that were guarding the Gremlin Stick
-Killed Bellzemos, a demon who was holding King Darkoan captive
-Helped Darkoan regain his lost power by giving him the Candle of the Poltergeist
-Absorbed Darkoan’s power, making his wings and nails longer
-Killed Zakku Druzer, a snail-like, skeletal chariot racer that was guarding the Candle of Darkness
-Learned the legend of the Red Blaze from Majorita
-Passed Majorita’s test of worthiness, proving his status as the Red Blaze
-Defeated Lucifer, a lord of Makai who believed himself to be the Red Blaze, and obtained his ultimate treasure, Eternal Candle
-Upon obtaining the Eternal Candle, his full power was restored and he was granted Darkfire by his ancestor, the original Firebrand
-Defeated Breager and became a legendary hero
-Was offered the chance to travel to Earth and take it over

Demon’s Crest
-Defeated an army of demons who were attempting to claim six crests that fell out of the sky
-After obtaining five of the crests, he slayed Somulo, a demon dragon who held the Crest of Heaven
-After being shot in the back and having the crests stolen from him, he killed Somulo again after the dragon was resurrected
-Defeated Arma, a general of the demon Phalanx, and obtained the Crest of Earth from him
-Defeated multiple Hippogriffs
-Defeated Belth, a massive skeleton
-Had a rematch with Arma and defeated him again, obtaining the Crest of Air in the process
-Defeated the eyeball monster Ovnunu and obtained the Crest of Fire’s Buster shard
-Defeated Flier and obtained the Crest of Fire’s Claw shard
-Defeated the massive flaming skull Flamelord and obtained the Crest of Fire’s Tornado shard
-Defeated Arma a third time and obtained the Crest of Time after a dying Arma sealed his power inside of it
-Defeated Crawler, a massive pile of sentient carrion, and obtained the Crest of Water
-Defeated Grewon and obtained the Crest of Fire’s Demon Fire shard
-Defeated the massive sea snail Holothurion
-Defeated an illusionary copy of Phalanx
-Defeated the real Phalanx, who had used the Crest of Infinity to obtain ultimate power
-Obtained the Crest of Infinity
-Killed the Dark Demon, a monster that lurked inside the human world who not even Phalanx could defeat
-After realizing his true power didn’t come from the crests, he disposed of them and ventured back to Makai in the hopes of finding a worthy opponent

Namco x Capcom
-Prior to the events of the game, he was promoted to the highest ranking general in Astaroth’s army and became leader of the Demon’s Blazon, a group of Red Arremers that protect Makai from otherworldly threats
-Challenged the heroes of Namco and Capcom to a duel so he could prepare for his fight with Arthur
-Convinced a hive of Q-Bees to aid in his fight against the Namco and Capcom casts
-Aided a resurrected Astaroth in his fight against the heroes
-Learned that the demon Nebiroth had killed Astaroth, turned him into his puppet, and taken his place as king of Hell
-Defied Nebiroth’s orders and helped the Demon’s Blazon escape Hell before it was destroyed
-While in Belcrant, he challenged the heroes to see if they were worthy of stopping Ouma, a group that was merging realities to resurrect the dark god Kyuju Kyu
-Fought Arthur, but was killed

Marvel vs Capcom 3
-Defeated Galactus
-In his ending, became the ruler of Makai and sent a squad of demons to kill Arthur

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
-Teamed up with Dormammu to fight Dr. Strange and Arthur, but was defeated

Animated GIF
-Multi-Continent Level due to being superior to Phalanx, who could set all of Makai on fire and reduce it to ashes, which Firebrand is also capable of doing
-Can climb up stone walls by digging his claws into them
-Is able to harm high-ranking monsters and demons with his claw strikes
-Could engulf all of Makai in flames just by unleashing his full power
-Managed to overpower Somulo, a dragon said to be so powerful that no man or demon could stand a chance against him
-Punched a thick metal door hard enough that it dented and flew off its hinges
-Even when weakened, his headbutts can shatter enormous stone statues, walls, and blocks of ice
-Should be superior to other Red Arremers, who can fly while supporting Princess Prin Prin’s weight
-Can harm various characters from Namco and Capcom, including the likes of Arthur, Morrigan, and KOS-MOS
-Traded blows with Dr. Strange and Arthur

-Can leap several feet through the air
-Can be boosted higher by absorbing powers from the kings of Makai

Animated GIF
-Massively Hypersonic+, as he can fly across continents in seconds even while critically wounded
-Can keep up with various Namco and Capcom characters
-Kept up with Dr. Strange and Arthur

Animated GIF
-Multi-Continent Level by scaling to his strength
-Has survived hits from lesser demons
-Could shrug off blows from high ranking demon lords
-Can take hits from Doppelgänger, a clone of himself
-Survived attacks from Breager
-Survived being critically wounded during his battle against Somulo
-While still sustaining the above wounds, he survived being shot in the back by a burst of magic, falling from hundreds of feet, and crashing into the ocean
-Can headbutt through stone statues, walls, and blocks of ice without any pain
-Should be superior to the other Red Arremers, who can survive several hits from Arthur’s lances, fire, holy shields, and magic energy blasts
     -Arthur’s lances are strong enough to destroy stone gargoyles
-Can take hits from various Namco and Capcom characters
-Survived a mortal wound from Arthur long enough to explain his reasons for attacking the heroes
-Took hits from Dr. Strange and Arthur

-Deduced that Malgor had disguised himself as Darkoan and placed a spell on the townspeople
-Discovered that Doppelgänger could reflect damage onto an attacker by shapeshifting and defeated him by only attacking his true form
-Is knowledgeable on various types of monsters and demons, including the Q-Bees

-Is an honorable, selfless, kind guardian for the people of Makai
-Devotes himself to serving the people first and does whatever he can to ensure that everyone in Makai is safe and happy
-Prefers to work alone, though he is willing to accept the help of others via the items they give him
-When not training or working, he’s often shown enjoying the company of other ghouls
-Enjoys fighting strong opponents and hopes to find someone who can show him the glory of a true battle
-Has no interest in using his power to rule over others, as seen when he disposed of the Six Crests after realizing he could use their powers to rule over Makai
-Respects Whirlo from the Valkyrie series due to his reputation
-Is only dedicated to serving Astaroth, and should anyone else try to give him orders, he will refuse them
    -This even extends to those who are Astaroth’s superiors, like Nebiroth
-Over the course of their fights, he and the heroes earned a mutual respect for each other, and he even made peace with Arthur before dying

Weapons and Equipment:

-Used to scratch enemies and climb up walls

-Used to hover, glide, and fly through the air at high speeds
-Can wrap them around himself to block attacks

-Wears wrist and ankle guards made of metal
-In Namco x Capcom, he gains a chestplate that greatly boosts his defenses

Talisman of the Cyclone by Br3ndan5
Talisman of the Cyclone:
-Revives Firebrand’s damaged body, granting him an extra life

Spectre’s Fingernail:
Gargoyle’s Quest II:
-An artifact given to Firebrand by King Morock that symbolizes his worthiness as a warrior
-Makes Firebrand’s body lighter, allowing him to fly higher
Gargoyle’s Quest:
-Received by Barone Jark
-Possesses the same properties as the previous one

Dragon’s Armor:
Gargoyle’s Quest II:
-Armor given to him by a guard that was impressed by his willingness to cross the lake of fire
-Increases Firebrand’s vitality
Gargoyle’s Quest:
-Armor given to him by a guard who was impressed by his willingness to travel to Darkoan’s palace
-Increases his vitality

Night Drop:
-Obtained by defeating the Death Balloon
-A magic material that allows Firebrand to use Magic Buster, a stronger fireball that can destroy stone blocks
-Used to create the Candle of Darkness

Animated GIF
Candle of Darkness:
Gargoyle’s Quest II:
-A candle made by Hecate that covers an entire area in darkness when lit
Gargoyle’s Quest:
-Obtained after defeating Zakku Druzer
-Grants him the Power of Claw, which he can use to create platforms on spike walls
-Lets him talk to creatures that only exist in the dark

Wings of a Fallen Angel:
-Originally belonged to Hecate, but were given to Firebrand to aid in his quest
-Allows Firebrand to fly even higher

GremlinStick by Br3ndan5
Gremlin Stick:
Gargoyle’s Quest II:
-An artifact that was key to restoring Barr’s lost magic
-Lets Firebrand use Magic Tornado, which creates a small tornado in midair that he can use as a platform
Gargoyle’s Quest:
-Lets Firebrand use Block-Buster, which upgrades his fire to the point where it can destroy the hardest stone

Essence of the Ghoul Realm:
-An elixir that increases Firebrand’s vitality

Animated GIF
Candle of Poltergeist:
-A candle that can be used to dispel paralysis and restore lost magic when lit
-Used to help Darkoan regain his strength

Candle of Lethe:
-A candle that contains the magic of various demons, granting Firebrand more abilities
-After absorbing the power of Lucifer, it transformed into the Candle of the Ghoul Realm, giving it the ability to disperse the magic barrier around Breager’s palace
-Contains the following:
   -Hippogriff’s Feather: Gives Firebrand feathers on his wings, allowing him to fly further
   -Magic Claw: Lets Firebrand fire projectiles that can cover thorny walls, allowing him to scale them safely

Mammon’s Hoof:
-One of three items granted to him by Demogorgon
-Grants him an even higher jump

Bereal’s Wings:
-The second of three items given to him by Demogorgon
-Lets him fly for an unlimited amount of time

Atlas’ Armor:
-The final item given to him by Demogorgon
-Boosts his vitality

Wings of the Falcon:
-Increases the length Firebrand can fly
-Seems to grant the user a boost in jumping power, as a ghoul mentions that with the wings equipped, a single leap would bypass the defenses in Darkoan’s palace

Essence of the Soulstream by Br3ndan5
Essence of the Soulstream:
-A rare concoction that fully heals its user

Armor of Guile:
-A suit of armor worn alongside the Dragon’s Armor
-Further boosts his stats

Eternal Candle:
-An artifact that originally belonged to Lucifer
-Upon obtaining this, Firebrand receives the full power of his ancestor, the original Firebrand
-Grants Firebrand unlimited flight and lets him use Darkfire


-Lets Firebrand escape from an enemy by teleporting him to the beginning of the level

-Lets Firebrand flee from battle by teleporting him back to the world map

-Restores five of Firebrand’s HP

-Resurrects Firebrand with five health points

-Fully restores Firebrand’s health

-Pieces of parchment that Firebrand can trade in to a store, allowing them to be inscribed with single-use spells

-Creates a barrier of shadows around Firebrand, protecting him from damage and harming weaker enemies

-Paralyzes Firebrand’s enemies, freezing him in place

-Summons an imp that flies around Firebrand and slams into nearby enemies
-The imp remains on screen as long as Firebrand keeps it paid

-Creates a small earthquake that damages all earthbound enemies
-Useless against airborne targets

-Summons an incarnation of Death that instantly kills weaker enemies and causes heavy damage to bosses

-Six crests that were said to have fallen from the heavens and onto Makai
-Grants the user control over the elements and aspects of reality
-Firebrand can switch between them on the fly

Crest of Fire:
-A red crest that gives its user control over fire, making them ruler of the flames
-Was originally broken into five parts before being repaired by Firebrand
-Has four abilities:
   -Fire: A fireball that can be used to light torches
   -Buster: A stronger fireball that can shatter stone, break brick, and destroy armor
   -Tornado: Lets Firebrand create whirlwinds that he can use as platforms in midair
   -Claw: Lets Firebrand climb spiked walls by coating them in a substance he can cling to
   -Demon Fire: Allows the user to spit bolts of “the most powerful fire in the realm”

Crest of Earth:
-A yellow crest that grants its wielder great strength and control over the earth

Crest of Air:
-A violet crest that allows its user to control the winds and rule the skies
-When used by Arma, its power could create a massive tornado

Crest of Water:
-A blue crest that gives its user the ability to swim beneath the seas and rule over the ocean

Crest of Time:
-A green crest that grants its user the ability to go back in time
-Contains the power of Arma, one of Firebrand’s more frequent rivals

Crest of Heaven:
-A light blue crest that gives its wielded control over Heaven
-Can be used to fire energy balls that track their targets or stop mid-flight to fire out damaging shockwaves
-Never used by Firebrand

Crest of Infinity:
-A light blue crest that can only be formed when the six crests are united
-Is said to grant its wielder unimaginable power
-Can be used to transform into a more powerful state

The following is exclusive to Marvel vs Capcom 3:

Crystal Ball:
-Allows Firebrand to view events from afar
-Can likely be used to see the future
-Used in his noncanon ending

Animated GIF
-Was initially only able to hover off the ground for a few seconds, but as his power grew, he eventually gained the ability to fly indefinitely

GQ2HellClimb by Br3ndan5
Wall Crawling:
-Also called the Hell Climb
-Can scale up walls by digging his claws into them, even if the walls are made of stone

GQ2Fire by Br3ndan5
-Due to his expertise in fire breath magic, Firebrand can spit out balls of fire
-Can be upgraded further with equipment such as the Night Drop or Lethe’s Candle, or by regaining his full power
-Upon obtaining his full power, his pyrokinesis evolves to the point where he can use Darkfire, the strongest form of fire breath magic
-Can be upgraded to include homing capabilities
-His flames are strong enough to hurt Phalanx, who’s completely unharmed while in lava
-In Marvel vs Capcom, he shows the ability to coat himself in fire for some attacks

Astral Projection:
-Firebrand releases his soul from his body, allowing him to scout nearby areas
-Freezes time upon activation
-While active, Firebrand’s soul is unable to be harmed

The following is exclusive to Namco x Capcom:

Extrasensory Perception:
-Could sense Astaroth’s presence via his magic
-Sensed that the Astaroth he was talking to was a fake


[Start at 9:42]

Devil’s Claw:
-Firebrand dropkicks an opponent, causing them to bounce against the ground
-Once this move is completed, Firebrand will be left in Flight Mode

Hell Spitfire:
-Also called Fireball
-Firebrand spits a slow moving fireball that travels across the stage
-Can be fired straight ahead, at an upward angle, or at a downward angle
   -If fired down, it will create a trail of flames that spreads across the stage and can knock an opponent into the air
-Can be performed on the ground or in the air

-Firebrand slashes through the air, creating a small tornado
-Can increase its size and send it further by creating a second tornado, and he can set it on fire by using Hell Spitfire

Bon Voyage:
-Firebrand grabs his opponent, drags them across the floor, and throws them to the end of the stage; bouncing them against the wall

Demon Missile:
-Firebrand coats his body in fire as he rushes toward his opponent
-Has three variants: one where he charges into his opponent and bounces off, leaving in Flight Mode; one where he rushes forward and ends up behind them; and one where he jumps back before charging at them

-Activates Flight Mode, which causes Firebrand to fly through the air for 2 seconds

Hell’s Elevator:
-Firebrand leaps through the air, either straight up, forward, or backwards, and activates Flight Mode

Hell Dash:
-Firebrand dashes straight down, back, or forward

Hyper Combos:

[7:12 to 7:55]
[13:38 to 13:36]

Dark Fire:
-Level 1 Hyper Combo
-Firebrand unleashes a stream of purple fire from his mouth, starting from the ground and dragging it higher as he moves his head up
-Causes the most damage when the opponent is next to or below Firebrand

Luminous Body:
-Level 2 Hyper Combo
-Firebrand’s body turns white, increasing his strength and speed by 25% for about 10 seconds
-While in this form, he’s much faster and can perform combos he normally can’t do
-Can be stacked with Chaos Tide, which will cause the Red Arremer to gain the same transformation and boosts

Chaos Tide:
-Firebrand’s Level 3 Hyper Combo in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
-Firebrand summons a Red Arremer to assist him in battle, which lasts over nine seconds
-While active, Red Arremer will attack opponents with Hell Spitfire or Demon Missile

Red Blaze:
-Firebrand’s Level 3 Hyper Combo in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
-Firebrand lunges toward the opponent while surrounded by fire. If he hits them, they’re sent into the air as he ascends past them, grabs them by the face, and descends toward the ground while coated in fire. As they land, Firebrand slams them into the ground, creating a massive explosion of flame that sends them into the air


Ground Gargoyle:
-Obtained while using the Crest of Earth
-Turns Firebrand’s skin yellow and removes his wings
-Enhances his strength to the point where he can break through boulders and statues with a shoulder tackle, as well as move heavy objects

Aerial Gargoyle:
-Obtained by using the Crest of Air
-Turns Firebrand’s skin blue and fuses his arms to his wings
-Boosts the power and speed of his flight, as well as letting him fly horizontally and vertically
-Can fire blades of wind sharp enough to sever vines

Tidal Gargoyle:
-Obtained by using the Crest of Water
-Turns Firebrand’s skin green, removes his wings, and makes his claws, feet, and ears webbed
-Increases Firebrand’s ability to swim and lets him breathe underwater
-Makes him stronger and faster while underwater at the cost of being slower and weaker on land
-While in this form, he fires bursts of water instead of fireballs

Legendary Gargoyle:
-Obtained with the Crest of Time
-Reverts Firebrand to his prime
-While in this form, his skin becomes hard as iron and the damage he takes is halved
-Lets him create Dark Flares, which are fireballs shaped like dragon skulls

Ultimate Gargoyle:
-Obtained with the Crest of Infinity
-Turns Firebrand into a purple version of the Legendary Gargoyle
-Has all of the abilities of Firebrand’s other transformations outside of lighting torches and increasing his strength underwater

The following is exclusive to Marvel vs Capcom:

Luminous Gargoyle:
-A super form that Firebrand can briefly take on
-Turns him white and provides a 25% increase to strength and speed
-Lasts about 10 seconds

-Somewhat full of himself
-Prefers using his own strength instead of relying on the crests, though he’s willing to put this aside when fighting threats to Makai
-The crests can be broken with enough force, and they can be stolen from him if he isn’t careful
-Will drown if he remains underwater for too long, though his Tidal and Ultimate forms prevent this
-Some transformations remove his wings or wall-crawling
-No longer has access to the crests
-Astral projection is only useful for scouting and has never been used in combat

“Ruggagh gigh grigaugh… Gyah gyah gyah!”
(“Tell the people of your world… Fear the Red Blaze!”)

Mayhem is Unleashed Upon Death Battle!

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Real Name: May “Mayday” Parker (supposedly)
Age: 16, unknown, but visibly elderly (alternate timeline, Spider-Girl: The End)
Aliases: Goblin God (while fused with Norman), Spider-Girl, Blue Spider-Girl, Spider-Clone, April Parker, M (alternate timeline), Auntie M
Height: 5’7
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: High School Student, Superhero (formerly), Vigilante
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Girl #20 (May 2008)

-Was the first successful attempt at creating a human/symbiote hybrid
-Was created by Norman Osborn as part of Project: Changeling, a final revenge scheme that would torment the Parker family by making them doubt who their real daughter was

The Amazing Spider-Girl
-After escaping her stasis pod, she encountered and fought Spider-Girl, but was defeated
-Impersonated May after the real one was rendered comatose during a fight with Nucleus
-While impersonating May, she humiliated May’s ex-boyfriend Gene Thompson, who was trying to pay May back for dumping him in front of the football team
-While assuming Spider-Girl’s identity, she teamed up with Golden Goblin, Darkdevil, Kaine, and Raptor to track down Peter Parker and free him after he’d been kidnapped by the Order of the Goblin (a cult dedicated to the Green Goblin)
-Fought Fury, one of the Order’s members, but was defeated after Fury knocked her back with a Goblin Blaster
-Worked with Norman (who had been revived by using Peter as his vessel) to try and kill May so she could permanently assume May’s identity
-After Norman betrayed her, she worked with Peter, May, and Aunt May’s ghost to defeat him while in the subconsciousness of Peter’s mind
-After Norman’s defeat, she convinced the Parkers to welcome her into their family

The Spectacular Spider-Girl
-Helped Spider-Girl stop a gang war
-Assumed the identity of May’s cousin, April Parker, and enrolled in Midtown High School
-Worked with Spider-Girl to track down Connie Fredrickson (who was disguised as Ben Reily’s daughter)
-Humiliated Simone DeSantos and Lindsey, the Midtown High mean girls, after they insulted her clothes
-Saved a family from a burning hotel
-Killed three muggers that were trying to rob a woman, then used the money they’d stolen to buy a cell phone
-Disguised herself as May in an attempt to seduce Wes, who had previously rejected her
-Fought Tombstone and killed him after he revealed that he had (supposedly) killed May
-Impersonated May for a brief period of time
-After being kidnapped by Fury and having a bomb collar strapped to her neck, she involuntarily helped her fight Spider-Girl and Darkdevil
-After removing the bomb collar, she helped defeat Fury and would’ve killed her if she hadn’t noticed Spider-Girl and Darkdevil watching her
-Stopped a gang war between Silverback and Black Tarantula’s men
-Adopted the name Mayhem after taking a job from Man-Mountain Marko
-Began dating Gene
-Jeopardized Black Tarantula’s planned meeting with the police by leaking its location to Silverback and his gang
-Worked with Spider-Girl to try and end Black Tarantula’s gang war, but gave up after she got bored
-Defeated Spider-Girl after she failed to convince April to not follow the Punisher’s example
-Broke into Black Tarantula’s base and attempted to kill him, but was stopped by May
-Beat May to near death
-Saved May’s life by killing Hobgoblin before he could shoot her
-After killing Hobgoblin, she left to pursue her own life as a vigilante

Spider-Girl: The End
-Began a killing spree on all criminals in New York, which earned the attention of the police, the Fantastic Five, and the Avengers

-Fought Spider-Girl and accidentally started a fire at Midtown High School
Original Timeline:
-Attempted to save Spider-Girl as payback for May saving her, but was stopped after May used impact webbing to send her away before the building exploded
-After being rejected by Mary Jane (the only one who still had any hope for her), she began slaughtering everyone in the supervillain community
-Killed Arthur Weadon’s team, which consisted of Kaine, Killerwatt, Earthshaker, and Mr. Abnormal
-Accidentally killed American Dream
-Eventually became so dangerous that the government hired Blackworks Paramilitary Services to stop her by creating a series of Carnage-enhanced super soldiers called the Bio-Predators
-Began working to atone for her past by helping humanity defend itself against the Bio-Preds
-Became a guardian to the last remnants of humanity and helped inspire them by telling stories about Spider-Girl’s exploits
-Worked with Cassie Lang on The Mulligan, a plan that involved using Dr. Doom’s time platform to go back in time and teach morality to April’s younger self
Altered Timeline:
-As M, after an error led to her being teleported into a wall and slowly suffocating, she used her last moments to transfer her memories to her past self
-As Mayhem, she sacrificed herself to make sure Spider-Girl would live

Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5Mayhem strength by Br3ndan5
-City Level due to being able to overpower Spider-Girl, who is in turn comparable to street tiers like Spider-Man and Kaine
    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man is said to be comparable to Luke, has shown the ability to harm him, and has matched and overpowered characters like Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city. Kaine was able to easily defeat him, and Mayhem was shown to be capable of killing Kaine
-According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, she can lift up to 25 tons
-After waking up, she destroyed her stasis pod, then grabbed Normie by the neck and lifted him into the air
-Slammed a metal door open
-Tackled Spider-Girl while she was in the middle of swinging
-Grabbed Gene by the arm, then flung him over her shoulder and into a table hard enough to destroy it
-Lifted a vacuum cleaner while hanging upside down
-Kicked Fury in the face
-Punched Fury in the face
-Crashed through a window
-Kicked Spider-Girl in the stomach
-Unintentionally stabbed Black Tarantula through the back with her blades
-Wrapped herself around Spider-Girl’s neck and began choking her out
-Struggled against Spider-Girl’s grip before quickly overpowering her and pinning her to the ground
-Sliced the side of a bridge while trying to claw at Spider-Girl
-Knocked Norman away with a punch
-Kicked a gangster in the face while punching his partner over the head
-Cut open Simone and Lindsey’s skirts
-Supported the weight of an entire family while escaping a burning hotel
-Kicked three robbers in the face
-Sliced two robbers’ chests open
-Punched Tombstone hard enough to knock him back
-Punched Tombstone again, to no effect
-Made Tombstone scream in pain when she slashed him with her claws
-Tombstone’s skin is as hard as diamond
-Her tendrils are strong enough to restrain Tombstone
-Wrapped herself around Darkdevil’s ankle and threw him at a chamber hard enough to crack it
-Restrained Darkdevil by wrapping a tendril around his neck
-Threw her bomb collar at Fury
-Knocked several gang members away by kicking them or slicing at their faces
-Grabbed a gang member, swung him into his partners hard enough to knock them out, then slammed him into the side of a truck
-Hit a baseball so hard that it destroyed the pitching machine
-Her hair tendrils are strong enough to effortlessly lift Spider-Girl, who weighs 119 lbs, and swing her through the air
-Destroyed a chimney after failing to tackle Spider-Girl
-Backhanded Spider-Girl off a roof
-Crashed through a window
-Knocked Chesbro back several feet
-Used one of her tendrils to throw Araña into a wall
-Dropkicked Black Tarantula and Spider-Girl through a window, then tackled them through a glass banister
-Tackled Spider-Girl onto a rooftop and beat her to near death
-Cut a web line Spider-Girl had shot at her
-During a fit of rage, she destroyed an entire rooftop with her tendrils and slammed Spider-Girl into a chimney
-While having a brief mental breakdown, she backhanded Mary Jane hard enough to give her a black eye
-While enraged, she ripped apart another rooftop and used her tendrils to lift and throw the debris
-Killed Hobgoblin by stabbing him in the back
-One of her tendrils managed to draw blood by scratching Spider-Girl’s cheek
-Effortlessly broke out of a web cocoon
-Tackled Spider-Girl off a rooftop and through a window
-Using her tendrils, she managed to tear the metal plating off of a wall
Original Timeline:
-Knocked Spider-Girl back and cut her face with a swing of her tendrils
-Strangled Kaine and Mr. Abnormal to death by wrapping her tendrils around their necks
-Stabbed American Dream through the back
Altered Timeline:
-Used her tendril to smack Spider-Girl away and prevent her from being crushed

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Flipped through the air and landed on her feet after using her wall-crawling to vacuum the curtains
-Flipped through the air and landed on the side of a truck, then leapt off of it to grab a man while in mid-flight

Spider-Girl Speed by Br3ndan5
Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+ by scaling to Spider-Girl, who is faster than Spider-Man
-Moved out of the way before Gene could tackle her
-Dodged Gene attempting to swipe at her
-Dodged a kick from Spider-Girl, who was in Araña’s body at the time
-Ducked under a swipe from the body-swapped Spider-Girl
-Jumped out of a building in under two seconds
-Dodged several pipes that Tombstone had launched at her
-Dodged a kick from Darkdevil by manipulating her body
-Shapeshifted her body into its symbiote form in the time it took her to run into an alley and approach a wall

Mayhem Durability by Br3ndan5
-City Level by scaling to her strength
-Survived a shot from Fury’s Goblin Blaster
-Got back up immediately after Spider-Girl (in Araña’s body) restrained her in midair and they slammed her into a rooftop several feet below
-Got punched by Araña hard enough to tear part of her costume
-Was unharmed after crashing through a window
-Took a kick to the face from Spider-Girl
-Got knocked back by a punch from Spider-Girl
-Withstood Spider-Girl squeezing both legs around her neck in an attempt to knock her out
-Recovered almost immediately after Norman threw Peter at her
-Got back up seconds after crashing into a rooftop
-Withstood Tombstone repeatedly bludgeoning her with a pipe
-Took a backhand from Tombstone before being tackled to the ground
-Survived being blasted by Black Tarantula’s eye beams, which are strong enough to incinerate a normal man
-Shrugged off a punch from Black Tarantula
-Took a kick from Spider-Girl
Original Timeline:
-Survived the pain of using the time platform
Altered Timeline:
-Showed no signs of pain after being crushed by flaming rubble


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Pragmatic:
-While trapped with Norman, Peter, Spider-Girl, and Aunt May’s ghost in a psychic plane of Peter’s memories, she disguised herself as Gwen Stacy so May would have her guard dropped and be open to attack
-Escaped May’s grip by using her body’s malleability
-Tried to break up May and Wes by disguising herself as May and seducing him
-After realizing she couldn’t harm Tombstone normally, she got around it by restraining him, stuffing her tendrils down his throat, and spreading them through his body until he suffocated
-Used her body’s malleability to remove a bomb collar that had been wrapped around her neck
-Used emotional manipulation to throw Spider-Girl off her game while fighting her

Mayhem personality by Br3ndan5
-Is the exact opposite of Spider-Girl, being a sociopathic, irresponsible loose cannon that’s prone to violent and aggressive reactions
-Originally, she was conditioned to believe that Norman Osborn was her father and was willing to do whatever he asked
-After being betrayed by Norman, she switched sides and joined the Parker family to try and gain their acceptance
-Despite her best attempts to fit in, Peter’s distrust of her and the Parkers’ constant approval of May eventually caused her to have a mental breakdown. After calming down, she started believing that everyone she knew (including May’s friends and the Parkers) hated her, and the only way she could gain the Parkers’ love was by killing everyone involved in Silverback and Black Tarantula’s gang war
-Believes herself to be the May Parker that Norman had kidnapped and resents Spider-Girl (who she sees as her clone) for supposedly stealing her life and her family’s love
-If someone brings up May while she’s around, she’ll grow annoyed and will even contemplate hurting the one responsible
-If someone suggests that she’s a clone, she’ll vehemently deny it and assert that she’s the original while May’s the clone
-Will take any opportunity she can to prove herself as the original May, and claims that she’ll eventually prove to everyone that she’s the original
-Even her decision to fight crimes is mainly motivated by a desire to upstage May and prove she’s better than her
-Is regularly annoyed at how May has everything she doesn’t, whether that’s the love of the Parker family, her having a cell phone, or having a large group of friends
-This has made her obsessed with taking everything May has as revenge for stealing the life that should’ve been hers
-Is willing to maim and kill criminals, even if they’re just random muggers, and enjoys seeing their reactions when she does so
-This willingness to kill later evolved after witnessing the Punisher’s actions, which convinced her that she could save innocents and eventually end all crime by emulating him. She even began to enjoy killing criminals and became disappointed when the Punisher killed Silverback before she could
-Believes that the world has no need for traditional upbeat superheroes. Instead, she feels that in order to be a real hero, you need to adapt your style to stick with the times, even if it means killing your enemies
-Unlike Spider-Girl, who will save civilians even if it leaves her open to attacks, Mayhem sees no point in doing so and believes it would only put her at a disadvantage
-Is dismissive and apathetic towards stopping crime and sees victims as idiots who deserve what they get
-She’ll only step in to help if she thinks it could be fun, will reward her with praise and money, or prove her superiority to May. Otherwise she sees it as a waste of time
-Sees no point in settling things peacefully with her enemies, instead preferring to fight them head-on
-Despite resenting May, she didn’t want to kill her, and even offered to spare her life if she gave up being Spider-Girl and admitted to being the clone
-Finds her true face hideous and attempts to hide it to protect the Parkers
-Hates when others interrupt her
-Enjoys flirting with cute boys
-Despite her sociopathic, murderous tendencies, she was still willing to act selflessly and do the right thing, as she chose to sacrifice herself so May would live and M’s future wouldn’t come to pass
As M:
-After being completely rejected by Mary Jane, she went berserk and doubled down on her work as a vigilante, slaughtering all of the supervillain community without discrimination
-After witnessing the death and destruction caused by the Bio-Preds, she began growing a conscience and started regretting everything she’d done in the past
-She even accepted that May was the original and she was the clone
-Over the years, she eventually grew to understand the Parker family’s motto of “With great power, there must also come great responsibility,” and will correct those who misquote it to emphasize the importance of the motto
-Regularly tells the younger generations stories about Mayday’s past and her relationship with April, partially to inspire them, and partially to make sure that history never forgets about her past sins
-Despite helping humanity survive for decades underground, she still feels angry and disgusted at herself for being responsible for their current state

Weapons and Equipment:

Mayhem with her phone by Br3ndan5
-A cell phone she bought using money stolen from dead muggers
-Stored inside her body when she’s not using it
-Uses it to call and text people (obviously)


Mayhem by Br3ndan5
-Like Spider-Man and Spider-Girl, Mayhem can alter the inter-atomic bindings of matter, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them
-While she’s never shown using this herself, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe confirms that she possesses Spider-Girl’s ability to transmit her electrostatic “stickiness” through whatever surface she touches
    -This allows her to leave any people or objects on it stuck in place for several seconds
–In Spider-Girl’s case, she’s been able to affect beings as large and heavy as The Thing, who weighs 500 lbs
-She can also reverse this stickiness to propel off of a surface, allowing her to add power to her jumps. Alternatively, she can use this ability to repel people or nearby objects away from her

Mayhem spider-sense by Br3ndan5
-An omnidirectional sixth sense that allows Mayhem to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings
-Can use this to keep track of others from afar, as seen during her first fight with Fury
-Could sense a bomb hidden in the room she and Spider-Girl were in
-Is able to sense the exact locations of others and track their movements
-Informed her where Tombstone was and later that he was going to attack her from behind
-Warned her that Spider-Girl was watching her from afar
-Should be comparable to Spider-Girl’s, which can do the following:
-Sense the exact position a potential danger is coming from and what direction they’ll flee to when caught
-Automatically tells her if the danger is posed by a familiar target (such as an attack from an opponent she’s met before) or if it’s a new threat entirely
-Lets her know if she’s in a hallucination
-Tells her if someone is a shapeshifter or if they’re disguised as someone else
-Can find an opponent’s weak spots
-Can locate dimensional rifts, find where a teleporter will materialize, track opponents who are invisible or in an astral form, use it as a second set of eyes if she’s ever blinded, or track someone’s movements in a pitch-black area

Mayhem shapeshifting by Br3ndan5
-Due to her symbiote DNA, Mayhem’s entire body is malleable, allowing her to alter the shape of her body in any way she wants
-She can change her clothes, height, weight, appearance, and voice
-Changed her face from a deformed, monstrous version of Spider-Girl’s into a more Venom-esque one
-Reshaped her entire body to resemble Gwen Stacy’s
-Altered her body to make herself look distinct from Spider-Girl in both her costumed and civilian identities
-Disguised herself as May and Spider-Girl
-Created fake web shooters on her Spider-Girl disguise

Mayhem elasticity by Br3ndan5
-Can stretch her body in any way and as long as she desires
-Wrapped her body around Spider-Girl’s waist and neck to begin choking her out
-Can stretch her body to dodge attacks or escape another person’s grip
-Used her body’s malleability to remove the bomb collar attached to her neck
-Wrapped her hair tendrils around Spider-Girl’s neck to choke her
-Contorted her body to escape an enormous web ball Spider-Girl had trapped her in

Mayhem webbing by Br3ndan5
Webbing Generation:
-Is able to generate strands of webs from her hands
-Regularly uses it to swing from buildings or restrain others

Mayhem shapeshift by Br3ndan5
Constituent-Matter Generation:
-Can manipulate the matter in her body and form it into weapons
-Has transformed her hands into claws, a set of elongated blades, axe blades, and swords
-Can form tendrils to restrain others

Mayhem healing by Br3ndan5
Healing Factor:
-Healed her wrist seconds after Tombstone smashed it with a lead pipe hard enough to break it

Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Mayhem by Br3ndan5
Memory Manipulation:
-Can enter another person’s mind, allowing her to view their memories
-She can also transfer her memories to others, as seen when M transferred her memories to her past self

Mayhem infection immunity by Br3ndan5
Immunity to Infection:
-Is immune to the effects of the Bio-Preds, who can infect others into joining their ranks

Mayhem weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Due to being half symbiote, she shares their weaknesses to sonic attacks and extreme heat
-Often ignores her Spider-Sense, which leaves her open to sneak-attacks

(“Everyone calls me April, but I’m the real May Parker. Mayday is actually my clone. She’s the fake. The imposter who lives the life that should have been mine. I’m tired of following her lead. Of doing things her way– with that hopelessly outdated ‘no one dies’ bushwah. I can prove I’m the real daughter of Spider-Man by ending the gang war! All I have to do is KILL everyone who gets in my way– and that includes SPIDER-GIRL!”)

The Utopian Upholds the Code in Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.

Utopian thumbnail by Br3ndan5

Real Name: Sheldon Sampson
Aliases: Shel, Shelly, Mr. Snow, Yoda
Age: 120
Occupation: Leader of the Union of Justice, Company Director (formerly), Mechanic, Farmer (Netflix)
First Appearance: Jupiter’s Legacy #1 (April 2013)

Continue reading The Utopian Upholds the Code in Death Battle!

Heart Aino Shows Death Battle the Power of Love!

This bio was commissioned by TheDarkSqueak.

Heart Aino
Aliases: The Extraordinarily Rare Maiden, Commander, The Angel Who Fights For Love And Peace
Age: 14
Height: 5’3
Weight: 101 lbs
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: Arcana Heart (September 23, 2005)

Continue reading Heart Aino Shows Death Battle the Power of Love!

Altair Re:CREATES Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.

Alias: Military Uniform Princess
First Appearance: Re:Creators Episode 1: I Will Remember Everything That Happened to Me (April 8, 2017)

-Was Setsuna Shimazaki’s final creation before her suicide, being based off of Shirotsumekusa from Eternal Wars Megalosphere
-After gaining sentience and learning of her creator’s suicide, she began plotting to destroy the real world by merging it with every fictional world
-Invaded various anime, manga, and video games and transported its characters across Japan to help advance her plans
-Convinced Mamika Kirameki, Aliceteria February, Blitz Talker, and Sho Hakua to work alongside her
-Fought Selesia Upitiria, the main character of Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier, with the battle ending inconclusively after Sōta Mizushino interrupted them
-Briefly fought Selesia again before they were interrupted by Meteora Österreich
-Invaded the world of Monomagia: The Infinite Over Machine and fought its protagonist, Rui Kanoya, before bringing him to the real world
-Attempted to kill Mamika, but failed
-Fought Rui Kanoya by creating a remote copy of his mech, Gigas Machina, but was forced to retreat after it faded
-Discovered the existence of the Birdcage, a fictional universe meant to imprison and depower her, and reversed its effects to increase her power
-Briefly defended herself from Selesia and Kanoya while they were in their mechs
-Summoned Charon, the other protagonist of Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier, and convinced him to fight for her
-Fought Aliceteria and killed her by reflecting the damage of her attacks back onto her
-Fought off a combined assault from Hikayu Hoshikawa, Yuya Mirokuji, Sho, and Blitz
-Defeated Hikayu after depowering her
-Fought Sirius, a copy of herself that was made to defeat her
-Overpowered Sirius’ Sixty-Sixth Movement, which was absorbing her at a conceptual level, and reversed its effects to absorb her instead, gaining a massive power boost in the process
-Defeated Mirokuji and erased his companion, Hangaku, from existence
-Defeated Sho and erased his companion, Bayard
-Saved a version of Setsuna that was based on the memories and emotions of the real one
-Created an alternate universe for her and Setsuna to live in so they could continue to write each other’s stories

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-Small Town Level in base, as she was able to casually kill Mamika, whose ultimate attack can create an explosion of this size; With the audience boost, Universe Level, as she was able to create and destroy the universe with little effort
-Matched Selesia’s strength when their swords clashed
-Put Selesia in a headlock
-Grabbed Vogelchevalier’s sword and held it back using only two fingers, then swung it and the mech around and threw them to the ground
-Clashed with Aliceteria’s lance multiple times
-Pushed back Aliceteria’s lance
-Grabbed Hikayu by the neck and choked her until she passed out
-Matched Sirius, an exact copy of herself, blow for blow

-Somersaulted over a swing from Hangaku’s lance

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-Hypersonic via intercepting a strike from Vogelchevalier, whose pilots can react while moving at this speed
-Grabbed one of her swords and swung it in time to block a slash from Selesia
-Used the Twentieth Movement to create a copy of Gigas Machina while Kanoya was charging toward her
-Summoned her blades and formed them into a barrier before Gigas Machina’s beam could hit her
-Repositioned her blades and used them to deflect Vogelchevalier’s shots
-Blocked Selesia’s Wave Chant spell
-Can force her blades to spin fast enough to block or deflect shots from army tanks
-Casually blocked Selesia’s strongest attack, Astrius Becade
-Caught Vogelchevalier’s blade mid-swing
-Blocked Aliceteria’s lance when it was inches from her face
-Blocked shots from Blitz’s revolver
-Flew out of the way before a swarm of spikes could impale her
-Activated Holopscion before Setsuna could be hit by a speeding train

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-Small Town Level due to
being unharmed while in the epicenter of Mamika’s Magical Splash Flare; With the audience boost, Universe Level by scaling to her strength
-Was unharmed after taking a tank round exploded in front of her
-Despite it briefly disrupting her body’s form, she showed no signs of pain after being caught in the explosion from Astrius Becade
-Was only briefly surprised after Aliceteria impaled her through the stomach
-Was unharmed after Hikayu swung a nunchuck against her head
-Survived being launched back by a massive energy ball

-Deduced the specifics of Selesia’s Wave Chant spell
-Figured out Meteora’s plan to trap her in the Birdcage, a fictional alternate world, and manipulated events so that doing so would boost her power
-Discovered how to exit Ionion Aphoria, an infinite gate that was meant to seal her away
-Discovered that the Birdcage’s effects were based on the approval of the audience and convinced the people watching her to begin cheering for her


Cunning and Clever:
-Convinced Alicetaria, Mamika, and Blitz to aid in her plans by offering to return them to their worlds
-Convinced Aliceteria to keep working for her by preying on her sense of justice and morality
-Persuaded Charon into joining her cause by promising to help save his world
-Managed to boost her power by convincing the audience watching her to start rooting for her

Animated GIF
-Unlike the other Creations, Altair is aware of her status as a fictional character and the existence of her author
-Has a deep love for her creator, to the point where she became devastated when she discovered that Setsuna had committed suicide
-Hates the real world, its inhabitants, and all other Creations, blaming all of them for being part of Setsuna’s death
-Seeks to destroy the real world and all fictional worlds, as she believes that doing so will allow her to avenge Setsuna’s death
-Will become enraged if someone else attempts to sympathize with her over Setsuna’s death
-Often speaks to others in a cold, mocking tone while giving over-the-top gestures
-Enjoys watching others suffer and seeing other people’s reactions to it
-Upon meeting Sōta’s version of Setsuna, she became more emotional and kind

Weapons and Equipment:

Altair weapons by Br3ndan5
-A set of military sabers, usually formed in a ring around Altair
-Are controlled telekinetically and can be used for offense or defense
-Seems to have an infinite amount of them
-Are extremely durable, as they’ve shown no signs of damage after taking an energy beam head-on or being repeatedly slashed by Vogelchevalier’s enormous sword
-Can destroy army tanks and jets with a single stab
-Are strong enough to shatter Sho’s staff

-Used to perform Holopscion’s Movements
-In a fanmade video, she’s depicted using it to produce music by playing it like a violin

Gigas Machina by Br3ndan5Gigas Machina:
-A copy of Kanoya’s 55 meter (180 ft) tall mech suit
-Was created when Altair used the Twentieth Movement while fighting Kanoya
-Is equipped with a particle accelerator that lets it shoot charged energy blasts
-Can fire energy blasts from its elbows
-Can block attacks by deploying a forcefield that expands in size
-No longer in her possession, though she could likely recreate it if she wanted to

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-Used similarly to her rifle
-Used to destroy the universe and recreate it


Fourth Wall Awareness:
-Is aware of her status as a fictional character, the existence of the script and plot, and when an audience is watching her

-An ability gained as the result of Altair lacking a story of her own
-Usually activated by drawing her sword from her gun
-Gives her access to all of her abilities

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-Is able to mentally control multiple swords at once

-Lacks a normal body, with her physical form being described as a  “physical image
-Is normally immune to physical attacks, and needs to be attacked at a conceptual level to be truly hurt

-Created a duplicate of Gigas Machina
-While never shown doing this herself, a fanmade video depicted her creating duplicates of people. Since it’s established that she gains the abilities fans give her, she should be able to do this

-Healed immediately after being impaled through the stomach
-Regenerated her entire body seconds after it was vaporized by Sirius

Animated GIF
Barrier Creation:
-Created a barrier strong enough to block attacks from Hangaku and Hikayu’s Gorai Kassatsu Cosmic Hell Fist, which created a massive explosion


Power Mimicry:
-If someone creates fanfiction or fanmade videos of her, Altair will automatically gain the abilities she’s depicted using in them
-According to herself, with each day she exists, the more powers she gains

Causality Manipulation:
-By using the Fourteenth Movement, she can reverse cause and effect to prevent herself from being attacked

Existence Erasure:
-Can erase people or their weapons from existence by using the Ninth Movement

Power Nullification:
-Used when performing the Sixty-Sixth Movement

Reactive Evolution and Resistance to Information Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, and Statistics Reduction:
-Altair’s abilities are based on the approval of the audience watching her, allowing her to become stronger over time if enough fans are rooting for her
    -This can be seen when her goal to save Setsuna resonated with the audience enough that she gained the ability to create a new universe
-Aside from giving her new powers, this also prevents writers from making her weaker or deliberately having her lose fights

Resistance to Absorption:
-Overpowered Sirius’ Sixty-Sixth Movement, which was absorbing her at a conceptual level


Holopsicon Movements:
-Different variants of Altair’s Holopsicon that Altair can use to alter reality and even the plot of the story she’s in
-Includes the following:

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The Third Movement of the Cosmos – Representation Exposition:
-Changes a character’s aspects, allowing Altair to transmute their weapons
    -While never shown using it to do so, a fanmade video depicted her using this to turn people into rose petals, and since she gains the abilities fans give her, she should be able to do this
-Used to change Selesia’s sword, Rebellion, into flower petals

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The Ninth Movement of the Cosmos – Fate Restoration:
-Erases an element of the plot, allowing her to erase specific objects and people from existence
-Used to erase Vogelchevalier while fighting Selesia, Hangaku when battling Mirokuji, and Bayard while fighting Sho

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The Thirteenth Movement of the Cosmos – Outline Origin:
-Reverts a target back to how they were at the beginning of their story, removing any powers or forms they had gained after that point
-Used to depower Hikayu

The Fourteenth Movement of the Cosmos – The Vicissitude of Fortune:
-Manipulates cause and effect, allowing Altair to remain unharmed by an attack and causing her attacker to receive the damage she would’ve taken
-Is based on thought and doesn’t require her to move or verbalize it
-Used to mortally wound and kill Aliceteria

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The Twentieth Movement of the Cosmos – Factor Mimic:
-Creates an exact copy of a weapon
-Can copy a target regardless of how complex its design is, though the copies will only last for about 4 minutes before fading
-Used to copy Kanoya’s Gigas Machina

The Twenty-Third of Cosmos: Fate Reconstruction:
-Allows Altair to create something out of nothing
-Can be used to slow time, allowing an entire conversation to take place in .05 seconds
-Was used to create a new universe to prevent Sōta’s version of Setsuna from committing suicide

The Sixty-Sixth Movement of the Cosmos: Existence Change:
-After paralyzing and suppressing the powers of her target, Altair stabs herself through the chest and absorbs them, merging their body with hers and leaving them nonexistent
-Never shown using this herself, but she should be able to since Sirius, a copy of her, was able to

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-Is unable to use her full power while in the real world
    -Attempting to do so will remove her from the world and return her to her own
-Her barrier of swords can be disrupted, as seen when Vogelchevalier’s cage caused them to disperse
-Activating certain Movements requires her to “play” her rifle
-The duplicates she creates are only temporary, and attempting to extend their lifespans will cause her to fade
-While she can resist being affected by the story’s plot and having her powers weakened, these abilities require the audience’s approval in order to work
    -If she finds herself fighting someone the audience likes more than her, she’ll no longer have these resistances
-Despite automatically gaining new powers, she isn’t immediately aware of them
-Her powers have a limit to how effective they are, as she admitted during her rematch with Selesia that she wouldn’t be able to escape the Birdcage on her own
-Will fly into a blind rage if someone mentions Setsuna, which will make her more reckless

(“I will eliminate anyone who stands in the way of me achieving my dream to change the world. And then we shall commence our courageous march again. This is an irrevocable truth.”)

Kancer Will Make Death Battle Accept Him!

This bio was commissioned by VultureDuck.

Alias: Yukface
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Occupation: Bio-Weapon, Member of the Zod Squad
First Appearance: Action Comics #777 (May 2001)

-Was created when Avruskin, the dictator Pokolistan infected Superman with a Kryptonite-based cancer and harvested the diseased cells
-Slaughtered dozens of people while traveling across France
-Broke into the Daily Planet to kill Lois Lane, but was interrupted by Superman
-Fought Superman, but was defeated
-Teamed up with Ignition to get Superman’s attention by attacking Pokolistan
-Fought Superboy
-Was part of the Zod Squad’s attack on Berlin
-Worked with the rest of the Zod Squad to help Lex Luthor invade LexCorp Towers, which Brainiac 13 was using as a base
-Briefly fought Superman and Krypto
-Captured Krypto and used him as a bargaining chip to try and get Superman to form a bond with him
    -He failed to have his demands met, as Superman refused to acknowledge him as his kin and Krypto freed himself shortly after
-After he, Superman, and Kryto were accidentally sent to the Gorge (a pocket of Hell), he sacrificed his freedom to remain in Hell forever so Superman, Krypto, and Warrior (the previous lord) could return to Earth

-Sliced apart and crushed multiple civilians
-Smashed through the walls of the Daily Planet
-Grabbed Lois and began crushing her in his grip
-Flipped Superman over and threw him into the ground
-Slammed Superman into the ground with his tendrils
-Knocked Superman back by slapping him with a tendril
-Cut through Superboy’s armor and stabbed him through the arm
-Punched Krypto hard enough to send him flying and briefly knock him out
-Overpowered Superman while they were pushing against each other
-Launched a tour bus into the air with a swing of his tendrils
-Grabbed Krypto by the head and lifted him into the air
-Pushed Superman and Warrior out of his way while pursuing a throne to Hell

-Leapt onto Warrior’s back

-Managed to jump across the pit he was in and seated himself on the Gorge’s throne before Superman could

-Can survive in the vacuum of space without any protection
-Was unharmed while crashing through the Daily Planet’s walls
-Recovered seconds after being grabbed and tackled through a wall by a burning Superman
-Withstood being burned by Superman’s heat vision
-Survived electrocution from a hydroelectric transformer, though it knocked him out
-Tanked a punch from Superboy
-Was more angered than hurt after Superman rammed into him
-Is completely unaffected by lava
-Showed no signs of pain while being blasted with Krypto’s heat vision
-Shrugged off an uppercut from Superman
-Quickly recovered after Krypto unleashed a sonic bark that sent him flying
-Was punched into a lava pit by Superman, then took a right hook from him
-Got backhanded by Warrior
-Was bitten by Krypto


Clever and Pragmatic:
-Used his knowledge of Superman’s love of humanity and Lois to engage in psychological warfare with him
-Threatened to expose Superman’s secret identity to Zod if Superman refused to bond with him

-Thanks to Avruskin’s teachings, Kancer is a cruel, sadistic murderer
-Believes Superman to be his father due to their shared DNA, though he sees Superman’s love of humanity as a sign that he prefers them over his “son”
    -Due to this belief, he despises humans and takes great pleasure in killing them
-Treats the rest of Superman’s family with contempt for how they’ve gained his approval
    -Of the members he’s met, he holds the biggest grudges against Superboy and Krypto, the former for being another clone of Superman, and the latter because he hates that Superman’s willing to spend more time with a dog than him
-After learning that Superman was willing to save his life by assuming the Gorge’s throne, he realized that Superman cared about him and took the throne in his place, wanting to make Clark proud even if it meant being permanently trapped in Hell

Weapons and Equipment:

-Can be used to knock others away or wrap around their necks to strangle them
-Is covered in spikes that are strong enough to cut through Superman

-Can be used to grab, strangle, or swat at others


Necrotic Touch:
-Causes any living being that Kancer touches to break down at a cellular level, causing them to dissolve
-Should he touch someone for a prolonged period, crystals will rapidly form across their skin
-Superman stated that being touched by Kancer saps him of his strength and life

Enhanced Senses:
-Could smell that Superboy carried the same scent as Superman
-Could track Superman by scent even from the other side of the planet

-Obtained by manipulating the gravitons in her body
-Can do anything from hovering to moving in any posture or direction

-Possesses a longer lifespan than most humans and will remain in his prime as long as he’s exposed to a yellow sun

Solar Energy Absorption:
-Can absorb yellow or blue sunlight into his body
    -By absorbing blue sunlight, Kancer’s normal powers are boosted and he can gain new abilities
-Metabolizes solar energy into his body
-Serves as the source of his powers

Heat Vision:
-Can fire intense beams of heat from his eyes
-Is able to alter the intensity or area of effect at will
-Used to write multiple messages to goad Superman into finding him
-Can fire beams hot enough to harm Superman, who can casually survive being in the sun

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision:
-Can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Allows him to see and identify radio and television signals along with other broadcast frequencies
-Can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods with this ability
-Can use this to see the aura generated by living beings

-Lets Kancer hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-With enough skill and concentration, he can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency

Telescopic Vision:
-Allows him to see objects at extremely great distances

Microscopic Vision:
-Lets him see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level

Infrared Vision:
-Kancer can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness

X-Ray Vision:
-Allows Kancer to see through any volume of matter except lead
-Can focus this ability to “peel back” an object’s layers, allowing him to view hidden images or its inner workings

-Due to the interaction of his dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Kancer is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces

    -This also grants him protection against toxins and diseases

-Also called “freeze breath,” “ice breath,” “ultra breath,” and “arctic breath”
-Lets Kancer create hurricane-like gusts of wind by exhaling
-Can chill the air as it escapes his lungs, allowing him to freeze targets
-Can also reverse this process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into his lungs
-Used to freeze an entire city block of cars, civilians, and Superman (albeit briefly)

-Is extremely lacking when it comes to speed feats
-Exposing him to massive amounts of electricity will incapacitate him
-Gradually loses his powers the longer he’s away from yellow solar radiation
-Absorbing red solar radiation will weaken him and can eventually rob him of his powers, albeit temporarily
    -This is because red solar radiation renders his yellow radiation dormant


Nakoruru Protects Nature From Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by avoidthisaccount.


Nickname: Mother Nature’s Guardian
Age: 16 (Samurai Shodown 2019), 17 (Samurai Shodown), 18 (Samurai Shodown II), 20 (Samurai Shodown Sen)
Height: 5’1
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: Ainu Priestess, Protector of Nature
First Appearance: Samurai Shodown (July 7, 1993)

-Is one of the mascots for SNK’s Nakoruru & Terry Club, a program designed to bring awareness to nature and inspire children for a better, more imaginative future
-Became popular enough to get her own spinoff game and OVA

Samurai Shodown
-Began traveling through Japan to search for her father after he had mysteriously disappeared
-During her travels, her skills managed to gain the attention of Gaoh, a power-hungry Daimou who wanted to rule the world
-Defeated Yumeji Kurokouchi, Gaoh’s second in command, after rejecting her offer to join Gaoh’s forces
-Fought Gaoh to a standstill, then defeated him after he transformed into Demon Gaoh
-After defeating Gaoh, she was contacted by the Ainu deity Kamui, who informed her of her father’s death
-Agreed to become Kamui’s successor, inheriting her powers and the position of nature’s protector
-After sensing a growing darkness spreading through Japan, she began traveling the world to stop its source and restore balance to nature
-Defeated Jubei Yagyu, Ukyo Tachibana, Tam Tam, Hanzo Hattori, Darli Dagger, Shiki, Yoshitora Tokugawa, and Galford
-Defeated Shizuka Gozan, a vengeful ghost that was responsible for the darkness spreading across Japan
-Helped purify Shizuka’s soul, allowing her to move on to the afterlife and ridding Japan of her influence
-Defeated Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, a sorcerer that had been resurrected by the dark god Ambrosia
-Defeated Zankuro Minazuki, a bloodthirsty swordsman who had been responsible for slaughtering entire villages
-After discovering Amakusa had been resurrected, she began traveling Japan to find him
-Defeated Amakusa
-Defeated Zankuro, unintentionally killing him in the process
-Defeated Genjuro Kibigama, a samurai who believed she had dishonored Zankuro by killing him
-Defeated Mizuki Rashojin, a corrupt priestess who had formed a pact with Ambrosia
-Sacrificed herself to undo Mizuki’s damage and restore balance to nature, allowing her soul to become one with the spirit of nature
    –Samurai Shodown 64 later retconned this by altering the aftermath of her sacrifice, instead having her transported to Kamui Kotan’s forest and going into a deep sleep from expending too much energy
-Was awakened from her slumber to fight Yuga the Destroyer, a sorcerer from the demon world of Makai
-Defeated Gandara, Deku, Dekuina, and Yuga
-Defeated Yuga after it was reincarnated
-Began traveling Japan to search for her sister, Rimurimu, after she’d suddenly disappeared
-Defeated Draco and Golba
-Eventually transcended her humanity and melded her soul with Gaia, becoming a divine spirit of nature
-Began traveling through time and space to prevent disasters from occurring across the planet
-Informed Haohmaru of the threat Oboro posed and began working with him to free Rimurimu from her prison
-Worked with Rimurimu to seal Oboro and his weapons after he was defeated

Samurai Shodown VI (Noncanon)
-Fought and defeated Rimurimu after she refused to return to their home
-Defeated Galford in a sparring match
-Defeated Gaoh twice, with the second time being while he was in his Demon Gaoh form
-Sacrificed her powers to restore balance to nature

Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits: Bushidō Retsuden
-Traveled into the forest to search for her father after he had disappeared
-Fought off an armored bear that had attacked her father
-At her father’s final request, sought out the legendary swordsman Jubei to help her vanquish the evil force that was threatening nature
-Worked with two of the series’ other cast members to destroy the Devil Stone and retrieve a pass to Fuji Hill, where Jubei was staying at the time
-Helped Jubei explore the cave in Fuji Hill and kill Sankadoshi of the devil priests
-Worked with Jubei to defeat Ushiwakahime, Amakusa’s assistant who had been creating earthquakes across Edo
-Helped a father buy a dress for his daughter
-Defeated Gokaidoshi, the second member of the devil priests
-Had a rematch with Ushiwakahime, where she defeated her again
-Defeated Genan Shoranui, a serial killer who had invaded Amakusa’s church
-Defeated Shichikaidoshi, the third member of the devil priests
-Defeated and killed Ushiwakahime and Amakusa

Samurai Shodown!
-Defeated Amakusa

Samurai Shodown! 2
-Defeated Yuga the Destroyer

Nakoruru: Ano Hito kara no Okurimono / Nakoruru ADV
-Adopted Mikato, a 7 year-old who can sense abnormalities and spirits
-Began training Mikato to serve as her successor
-Merged with Rera, a specter that represented her subconscious desires
-While mortally wounded, managed to fight off and kill Mizuki
-Passed on her role to Mikato before dying

Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture
-Was a member of the seven Holy Swordsmen assigned to keep Ambrosia’s seal from being broken
-After being killed by Amakusa, she was reincarnated a century later and began searching for the other members
-Combined her powers with the rest of the Swordsmen’s to break the barrier surrounding Amakusa’s castle

Samurai Spirits 2: Asura-Zanmaden (OVA)
-Convinced Haohmaru not to kill Shiki after he’d defeated her
-Helped nurse Shiki back to health after discovering her injured body in a forest
-Fought Asura and held him off long enough for Shiki to retreat, but was nearly killed in the process
-After a discussion with Purple Nakoruru, a more violent version of herself, she had a rematch with Asura and defeated him with a single attack
-After the battle with Asura, she made peace with Purple Nakoruru and left Kamui Kotan to discover Shiki’s whereabouts

Nakoruru ~Ano hito kara no okurimono~ (OVA)
-While on a journey to another country, she was the only survivor of a massive war
-After the war ended, she managed to walk through a blizzard and back to Kamui Kotan despite suffering from massive amounts of blood loss
-Saved a deer from a rock slide

Animated GIF
-Small Country Level, as she’s shown on multiple occasions that she can kill Mizuki, who was able to create a storm that enveloped the entire world
-Traded blows with Yumeji, Gaoh, Demon Gaoh, Jubei, Ukyo, Tam Tam, Hanzo, Darli, Shiki, Yoshitora, Galford, Shizuka, Amakusa, Zankuro, Gandara, Deku, Dekuina, Yuga, Draco, Golba, and Rimurimu
-Was able to kill Shizuka, who covered Japan in darkness and could obliterate a forest and affect the weather just by appearing
-Has overpowered Amakusa, who could single-handedly destroy Nagasaki
-Killed Mizuki, who was able to create a storm that could cover the world
-Can casually slice straw dolls, bamboo sticks, doors, and gold statues in half
-Her regular slashes can amputate limbs, slice people in half, and even decapitate them
    -She can do this even when fighting giants like Tam Tam, who is 9’4, and Kusaregedo, who is 14’9
Bushidō Retsuden:
-Harmed an armored bear
-Is able to harm the Devil Stone, a giant tombstone-esque monster
-Overpowered each of the devil priests
-Traded blows with Genan
-Traded blows with and eventually killed Ushiwakahime
Nakoruru ADV:
-Managed to fight off and eventually kill Mizuki despite being depowered and weakened from her injuries
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture:
-Managed to push back against Amakusa’s energy blast for a few seconds before being overpowered
Samurai Spirits 2:
-Grabbed Shiki and pulled her away from Asura’s attack
-Could leap out of Asura’s range while carrying Shiki
-Blocked a slash from Asura and held her ground with no trouble
-Created a massive explosion of energy when her Kamui Mutsube collided with one of Asura’s slashes, which left him heavily injured

Animated GIF
-Hypersonic due to being comparable to Earthquake, who can move fast enough to ablate his body
-Has shown the ability to keep up in battle with Amakusa, who can move at blinding speeds
-Kept up with Yumeji, Gaoh, Demon Gaoh, Jubei, Ukyo, Tam Tam, Hanzo, Darli, Shiki, Yoshitora, Galford, Shizuka, Zankuro, Gandara, Deku, Dekuina, Yuga, Draco, Golba, and Rimurimu
Bushidō Retsuden:
-Escaped an underground city before it collapsed
-Escaped Amakusa’s Sky Castle before it collapsed
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture:
-Managed to dodge and leap out of the way of Haohmaru’s slashes
-Leapt out of the way before an energy blast could hit her
-Blocked a slash from Amakusa, followed by an energy blast seconds later
Samurai Spirits 2:
-Dodged a spike that Asura had summoned next to her, then leapt away from several other spikes
-Grabbed her cloak and performed a Kamui Rimuse before 3 arrows could hit her
-Dodged a slash from Asura’s scythe
-Grabbed Shiki and pulled her out of the way before Asura could slice at her
-Leapt away from Asura seconds before he hit the ground
-Jumped out of the way before Asura could cut her
-Jumped away before Asura’s chains could wrap around her

Animated GIF
-Small Country Level by scaling to her strength
-Has taken hits from Yumeji, Gaoh, Demon Gaoh, Jubei, Ukyo, Tam Tam, Hanzo, Darli, Shiki, Yoshitora, Galford, Shizuka, Zankuro, Gandara, Deku, Dekuina, Yuga, Draco, Golba, and Rimurimu
-Withstood attacks from Amakusa, who can reduce his opponents to massive bloodstains and destroy the land around him
-Can survive hits from the likes of Tam Tam and Kusaregedo, who tower over her
-While exhausted, she survived being frozen solid by Konril
Bushidō Retsuden:
-Survived attacks from an armored bear that had previously left her father near death
-Took hits from Devil Stone, the devil priests, Genan, and Ushiwakahime
Nakoruru ADV:
-Survived an attack from Mizuki that was meant to kill Mikato, though it left her near-death
Samurai Shodown: The Motion Picture:
-Was unharmed after Amakusa set her on fire
-Withstood Ambrosia hitting her with a blast of energy
Samurai Spirits 2:
-Recovered seconds after being knocked back by a gust of wind
-Survived a slash from Asura’s scythe that cleaved through a portion of the forest they were in
-Withstood being strangled by Asura’s chains during his Sata Nasu attack
-Was in the epicenter of an explosion created from her Kamui Mutsube colliding with Asura’s sword, and emerged with only a few bruises on her face and arm
Nakoruru OVA:
-Remained mostly unaffected while walking through a blizzard and bleeding out from cuts on her left arm and back
-Survived being caught in a rockslide, though it knocked her out

Nakoruru ADV:
-Kept fighting Mizuki despite being exhausted due to the toll her wounds were taking on her body
Nakoruru OVA:
-Managed to walk through a battlefield in the middle of a blizzard while bleeding out from her injuries

-Thanks to her intuition with nature, Nakoruru can speak to and understand the languages of other animals


Expert Swordsmanship:
-Has been able to match and defeat samurai and other warriors who have been training for most of their lives
-Her skill with Chichi-Ushi has been shown to impress Gaoh, an accomplished general, and Zankuro, a swordsman so skilled in battle he was believed to be a demon

-A calm, gentle girl who is often shy around other people
-Is firmly dedicated to protecting the weak, fearful, and innocent
-Originally, she was extremely sad and stoic, but over time she began to develop a more cheerful demeanor
-Is extremely pacifistic and optimistic, believing that nature can be protected without killing others
-Will always try to find nonviolent solutions to problems, even in combat
-Often explores forests and trees during her free time
-Despite her dedication to her mission, she secretly wants to be a normal girl with selfish desires

Weapons and Equipment:


-A kodachi that is one of Nakoruru’s most prized possessions
-Its name translates to “Father Bull”

-Nakoruru’s pet hawk that aids her in combat
-Is extremely loyal and faithful to Nakoruru
-Can create tornadoes by flapping her wings
-Can be mounted by Nakoruru, allowing her to fly higher or get thrown at opponents to attack them

-A pet wolf that occasionally aids Nakoruru in combat
-Is colder and more ruthless compared to Mamahaha, but is loyal to Nakoruru’s cause
-By riding him, Nakoruru gains the ability to run faster and jump longer distances
-Is able to counter opponent’s attacks by charging into them, which will end with him launching Nakoruru for increased damage

Animated GIF
-A white and red cloak that can be used as an impromptu weapon and to reflect projectiles


Extrasensory Perception:
-Is able to hear and sense the voice of nature
-Can sense the spirits of people and nature
-Was able to sense Shizuki’s presence throughout Japan
-Could sense Amakusa’s presence after he was resurrected
-In the Nakoruru OVA, she can use her abilities to tell the weather

Ki Manipulation:
-Can infuse Chichi-ushi with ki to enhance its strength

-Can heal herself and others with the power of nature

The following is exclusive to the Nakoruru OVA:


-Foresaw the deaths in a nearby village
-Not usable in combat


Rage Gauge:

-An energy that builds up over time as Nakoruru takes damage
-The amount of rage received is equal to the damage she takes
-When completely filled, Nakoruru enters a state called Max Rage, which temporarily boosts her strength, enhances the damage of her special attacks, and lets her use her Weapon Flipping Technique

Rage Build:
-Nakoruru takes an upright stance with both arms firmly at her side as an aura emanates from her feet, causing her hair and clothes to billow through the air
-Causes the Rage Gauge to build up without needing to be attacked

Rage Explosion:
-A state that Nakoruru can access at any time she has rage
-Can be activated at any time and lasts longer the more the rage meter is filled
-When activated, it creates an explosion that knocks Nakoruru’s enemies back, gives her access to Weapon Flipping Techniques and Lightning Blade, and causes time to stand still
-Can only be used once per fight

Concentration One:
-Also called Circumstance of Nothing, State of Nothingness, or Way of Nothingness
-Nakoruru begins to meditate, slowing her perception of time for a few seconds and giving her the opportunity to deliver attacks or combos
-While active, each of her attacks leave the opponent stunned and unable to guard, and knocking them in the air allows her to juggle them
-Will deactivate when Nakoruru is hit by an attack
-Can only be used once per fight and prevents her from using the Rage Gauge for the rest of the round

-Nakoruru leans back, allowing her to avoid attacks

Sword Stun:
-Also called Just Defense
-Nakoruru blocks against an attack and deflects it by pushing back, leaving her enemy vulnerable to a counterattack

Stance Break:
-A follow-up to Just Defense where Nakoruru sends her opponent flying with a double palm strike

-Nakoruru counters an opponent’s attack with an upward slash, knocking their weapons from their hands

Blade Catch:
-If Nakoruru is disarmed during battle, she can catch her opponent’s blade and sends them flying with a double palm strike that disarms them

Annu Mutsube:
-Nakoruru charges forward and delivers a ki-enhanced slash
-Can be used as a counter against blocked or missed attacks and in the middle of combos

Rera Mutsube:
-A version of Annu Mutsube where Nakouru leaps through the air at a diagonal angle and delivers a ki-enhanced slash

Kamui Rimuse:
-Nakoruru swings her cloak through the air
-Can be done multiple times
-Is able to reflect projectiles
-Can be followed up with Kamui Rimuse Return

Kamui Rimuse Return:
-A follow-up to Kamui Rimurse where Nakoruru delivers an upward swing to knock the opponent back

-Nakoruru spins through the air with her blade outstretched like a buzzsaw

Amube Yatoro:
-Nakoruru directs Mamahaha to dive toward her opponent
-In Samurai Shodown 2019, Mamahaha will fly back to Nakoruru after hitting her target
-Has three versions: a light attack where Mamahaha hits just in front of Nakoruru, a medium version that travels up to half the stage, and a heavy version that travels across almost the entire stage
-While charging, Mamahaha will cancel out projectiles, but she won’t be able to attack while returning to Nakoruru
-Can be followed up with Rerashu, Shichikapu Etu, and Shichikapu Am

-Mamahaha fires a tornado at a downward, diagonal angle toward Nakoruru’s opponent

Shichikapu Etu:
-Mamahaha dives toward her opponent, knocking them down

Shichikapu Am:
-A version of the above where Mamahaha grabs the opponent and drops them to the ground

Mamahaha Flight:
-Nakoruru grabs onto Mamahaha’s talons and takes to the air
-While clinging to Mamahaha, Nakoruru can briefly hover, deliver slash attacks, allow herself to drop, or follow up with attacks like Kamuyhum Kesupu and Kamui Mutsube

Taka Kara Oriru:
-Nakoruru lets go of Mamahaha and falls to the ground

Yatoro Poku:
-Nakoruru releases her grip on Mamahaha and performs a spinning slash

Kamuyhum Kesupu:
-Nakoruru drops from Mamahaha and performs a spin kick

Kamui Mutsube:
-Nakoruru lets go of Mamahaha and dives down at a diagonal angle, hitting her opponent with a ki-enhanced slash

Oogami ni Matagura:
-Nakoruru leaps onto Shikuru, giving her access to additional attacks

Shikuru Kara Oriru:
-Nakoruru jumps off of Shikuru

Myu Shikite:
-Shikuru rushes forward with a headbutt that can travel across half the stage

Kanto Shikite:
-Shikuru launches himself through the air at a diagonal angle

Imel Shikite:
-Shikuru leaps into the air before diving toward the opponent

Reuke Shikite:
-Shikuru charges toward the opponent muzzle-first
-Can be performed up to 3 consecutive times

Epunkine Shikite:
-Nakoruru sends Shikuru to smash into the opponent

Maiden’s Prayer:
-Allows Nakoruru to heal herself
-Has 3 levels, with the first restoring 80 HP, the second healing 200 HP, and the third healing the entire party for 200 HP

Weapon Flipping Technique:

[0:08 to 0:14]
Elelyu Kamui Rimuse:

-A move that has several different versions
-In some games, Nakoruru will begin this attack by leaping onto Mamahaha before using Kamui Mutsube and delivering three Kamui Rimuses before unleashing an upward swing. Other games will have it consist solely of the four attacks with the cloak, and sometimes this move will end by having Nakoruru command Mamahaha to charge into the opponent
-After using this move, her opponent will be disarmed of their weapon
-Is only usable once per fight

Lightning Blade:
[0:08 to 0:14]

-Nakoruru lunges forward and slashes through her opponent. After appearing on the opposite side, she flicks her sword through the air as blood gushes from her enemy’s chest and they fall to the ground
-Only usable after activating Rage Explosion

Super Moves:
[6:37 to 6:43]

-Nakoruru charges her blade with ki and unleashes a barrage of slashes

Apefuchi Kamui Risse:
-Nakoruru performs several rapid Kamui Risses as her cloak glows yellow

[1:09 to 1:16]

Irusuka Yatoro Risse:
-Nakoruru glows with the energy of nature as Mamahaha dives toward the opponent. Upon hitting them, multiple energy-enhanced falcons will strike the opponent, with Mamahaha delivering the final hit as they explode

[2:56 to 3:00]

Nubeki Kamui Shikite:
-Nakoruru leaps onto Shikuru, who rushes toward the opponent. Upon colliding, Nakoruru delivers a rising slash that takes both of them into the air before sending them back to the ground with a Kamui Rimuse

[7:35 to 7:46]

Ar Retar Kamuyhum Makiri:
-Nakoruru dashes toward the opponent. Should she hit them, she’ll kick off of their body and up to Mamahaha, who builds up speed before throwing Nakoruru blade-first toward the opponent. Nakoruru then impales them, spilling blood onto her body as she apologizes and removes her sword

[6:30 to 6:36]

Samurai Shodown IV:
-Nakoruru runs toward the opponent and kicks off of their body, causing them to cough up blood. She then rushes toward them and delivers a slash that knocks them off their feet
-Alternatively, she can leap through the air, taking the opponent with her by delivering a swift slash that cuts them in half at the waist

[7:19 to 7:34]
Samurai Shodown V:

-Nakoruru rushes toward her enemy, grabs them, and throws them into the air. She then leaps after them, slams them into the ground, and sits on their body as she stabs them through the chest

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Samurai Shodown Sen:
-Nakoruru delivers a swift slash to her opponent’s head, arm, or chest. If she targets their head, it will fall to the ground as their body collapses. Targeting the right arm will amputate it, causing the victim to clutch the stump and roll around for several seconds before going limp. Targeting the chest will cause blood to spray out as her enemy clutches as their chest before falling backwards

Animated GIF
-Somewhat naive
-Suffers from weak attacks and low defense
-Is extremely reluctant to kill her opponents, though she will do so if she feels there’s no other choice
-If she gets disarmed, she won’t be able to use her more lethal attacks until she retrieves her sword
-Shikuru needs to be within range for her to mount him, and she’s briefly vulnerable while doing so
Nakoruru ADV:
-Will lose her powers if she becomes selfish
Nakoruru OVA:
-Precognition isn’t combat applicable, as it only happened once at random

(“On behalf of Mother Nature herself, I shall punish anyone who dares to defile the beauty of this land!”)

Mileena Devours Death Battle!

Mileena by Br3ndan5

Aliases: Kitana (assumed identity, original timeline), The Mad Empress
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Assassin, Princess of Edenia (formerly, original timeline), Empress of Outworld (formerly, current timeline)
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat II (June 25, 1993)

Continue reading Mileena Devours Death Battle!