Adam Fights for Humanity in Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by ChaosServant12345.

Adam RoR TN by Br3ndan5

Aliases: File No.00000000001, Humanity’s Progenitor, Father of Humanity, The First Man, The Man Who Despises the Gods the Most, The Ultimate Survivalist
Age: Over 7,000,000
First Appearance: Record of Ragnarok chapter 7: File No.00000000001 (May 25, 2018)

-Was the first human to ever exist and the father of all humanity
-Willingly exiled himself from the Garden of Eden after the gods falsely punished Eve for supposedly eating from the Tree of Knowledge
-Murdered the Serpent after discovering he’d tried to rape Eve
-Millions of years after his death, he joined humanity’s side in Ragnarok, a fighting tournament created by the gods to decide humanity’s fate
-Was considered humanity’s trump card against the gods
-Fought Zeus, the father of the gods, and defeated his base form
-After Zeus got back up and entered his Adamus form, Adam fought him again
-Single-handedly convinced all of humanity to set aside their differences so they could pray for his victory
-Even after dying to Zeus, his body kept fighting until the god collapsed from exhaustion
    -By the time their fight was over, this final act caused Zeus, the most arrogant of the gods, to show Adam proper respect
-His death inspired the rest of humanity to carry on his legacy by rebelling against the gods

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-Universe Level from fighting Zeus, who survived the Big Bang and considered it a thrill, and his Adamus form, which could destroy Heaven
-Casually knocked out one of the giant guards of Heaven’s Court
-Split the Serpent’s tongue and severed his arms and legs
-Leapt off a massive pedestal and plummeted so quickly his landing created a massive shockwave and cracked the ground ()
-Cut Zeus’ cheek with the air pressure of a glancing blow
-Broke Zeus’ nose by punching him, then pummeled him and forced his knee to buckle
-Kicked Zeus in the jaw hard enough to send him across the arena
-Snapped Zeus’ neck 180° by punching him
-Ares admits that even with 1,000 years of training he still wouldn’t be able to match Adam
-The damage he dealt to Zeus was enough to reduce the Adamus form’s time limit from 12-13 minutes down to 5-6
-Hit Adamus Zeus with a True God’s Right, then did the same with his left arm
-Kicked Adamus Zeus in the face
-Struck Adamus Zeus with a blinding flurry of punches
-Made Adamus Zeus spit blood with a punch to the jaw
-Repeatedly punched Adamus Zeus

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-Somersaulted over Zeus’ kick

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-At minimum, Faster than Light from dodging Zeus’ Divine Axe in 0.00000001 seconds and moving so quickly that Ares, who could still track their movements by that point, couldn’t see him; possibly Infinite from simultaneously dodging and countering The Fist That Surpassed Time, an attack so fast it lands in “0.00000000000000000000 seconds”
-Dodged Zeus’ punch in 0.01 seconds
-Dodged Zeus’ Meteor Jab, which picked up speed to the point where he was throwing hundreds of punches in 0.00000001 seconds
-Used the Meteor Jab on Zeus and perfectly replicated his speed  
-Avoided a kick from Zeus that was coming from behind
-Ares, who could perceive Zeus’ Meteor Jab and Divine Axe (something no other god could do), admits he couldn’t track Zeus or Adam’s movements
-Dodged Adamus Zeus’ undodgeable True God’s Rights and Lefts while landing hits on him
-Can unleash a blindingly fast barrage of punches while simultaneously dodging Zeus’ equally fast blows

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-Universe Level from scaling to his strength
-Fell from a massive pedestal hundreds of feet in the air and landed on his feet with no issue
-Survived overusing Divine Reflection, which caused unimaginable pain to his nervous system and made his eyes, nose, and ears bleed
-Withstood two punches from Adamus Zeus that caused him to bleed, then blocked a barrage of punches and survived a kick that crushed his ribs
-Took all of Adamus Zeus’ punches while they were rapidly punching each other

-His stamina and endurance are unparalleled, allowing him to repeatedly dodge attacks from Zeus without fail for some time
-Never showed any signs of fatigue despite the constant blows he and Zeus exchanged
-Even after suffering major amounts of blood loss and going blind, he kept fighting, remaining conscious and showing no signs of pain the entire match
-Zeus admits that if their fight had been a contest of endurance, Adam would’ve won

-Used a purely defensive style against Zeus at the start of their battle so he could properly determine his combat skills, and only attacked once he’d seen all he needed
-After being blinded from overusing Divine Reflection, he allowed Zeus to hit him so he could determine the god’s position


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Expert Martial Artist:
-Is said to have a knack for unarmed combat
-Was able to fight on even ground with Zeus, a god with over a millennium of combat experience

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Indomitable Willpower:
-Possesses the strongest will of all mankind
-Has never once faltered in battle, and will push through any pain to keep fighting
-Pushed himself past his limits to continue fighting Zeus even after going blind
-Even being killed couldn’t stop him from continuing to fight. After Zeus landed a killing blow, Adam’s body continued fighting on its own until Zeus was forced onto his knees, but even then Adam refused to fall and remained standing

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-Is said by other characters to be the very essence of “man” and “a man among men”
-Often approaches matters in a calm, collected, and carefree individual, and will casually address even the most arrogant gods
-Is willing to disrespect the gods and doesn’t care what they think of him
    -Despite what the other characters assume, this isn’t out of malice or hatred. He’s just that carefree
-Is somewhat confident in his abilities, and can be ruthless toward those who attempt to harm his family, such as when he tore the Serpent to shreds for trying to rape Eve
    -However, he is willing to show mercy toward an opponent who’s willing to forfeit
-Due to being the father of humanity, he views all humans as his children and is willing to go above and beyond to protect them
    -He’s even willing to push himself to his absolute limits, to the point of his body continuing to fight even after he died, just as long as he can give humanity even a slight glimmer of hope
-Despite frequently eating them, he hates apples due to their sour taste
-Isn’t ashamed that he’s practically naked

Weapons and Equipment:

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Knuckle Duster:
-A brass knuckle worn on Adam’s right hand
-Created from him performing Völundr (a merging of a human soul with a Valkyrie’s) with the seventh Valkyrie, Reginleif
-As a Divine Weapon, it’s superior to any man made weapon and grants him the ability to harm and slay godly beings


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Golden Age:
-As a soul in the afterlife, Adam’s appearance and skills reflect when he was in peak condition

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Godly Beauty:
-Being made in the image of the gods, Adam is far more attractive than any regular human, to the point where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty, calls him cute

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Animal Intuition:
-As the first man, Adam was created to rule over all animals, including the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and every living creature on the ground
    -Because of this status, all animals that surround him, whether they’re herbivores or carnivores, are naturally friendly toward him
-This intuition also lets him communicate with animals

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Enhanced Charisma:
-His intentions and determination are so pure that upon explaining them, all of humanity was convinced to put their differences aside and pray for his victory
    -This managed to impress even the most prideful gods like Zeus

Resistance to Fear Manipulation:
-Was unaffected while in the presence of Zeus’ Adamus form, which filled even the humans and gods on the sidelines with primal fear


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Divine Reflection:
-Also called the Eyes of the Lord
-Due to being made in God’s image, Adam can perfectly replicate any technique just by seeing it once, and his copied moves are always better than the original
    -This ability can even work on divine beings such as gods
-Allows Adam to instantly evade any attack and simultaneously counter it with the same attack
-In the anime, his biology will instantly morph so he can properly replicate a technique he’s copied
-Used to copy the Serpent’s Claws, Zeus’ Near Lightspeed Jab, Meteor Jab, and Divine Axe

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The Serpent’s Claws:
-Amplifies Adam’s strength and sharpens his fingers into claws
-Strong enough to mutilate the Serpent
-In the anime, it increased his hands’ size threefold and gave him scales and bone claws

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Near Lightspeed Jab:
-Adam rushes forward and delivers a jab in 0.01 seconds
-Copied from Zeus

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Meteor Jab:
-Adam unleashes a massive barrage of punches, with the timespan between each punch decreasing until he’s throwing hundreds of punches in 0.00000001 seconds
-Usually performed after the Near Lightspeed Jab
-Copied from Zeus

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Divine Axe:
-A sweep kick that’s strong enough to bisect opponents
-Usually performed if his opponent survives the Meteor Jab
-Copied from Zeus

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The Fist That Surpassed Time:
-Originally the final attack Kronos landed on Zeus, which Zeus was said to have burned into his own body
-Said to contain all of Zeus’ respect and resentment towards Kronos
-Even speaking its name seems to grant its wielder control over time itself
-The user gathers all of their power and punches hard enough that time seems to stop

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True God’s Right/Left:
-Adam unleashes a straight punch containing all of his godlike might, then follows up with another punch before repeating at blinding speeds

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-Destroying his soul will cut him off from the cycle of reincarnation, granting him a permanent death
-The knuckle duster isn’t indestructible, and any damage done to it will transfer to Reginleif’s body
    -If it’s destroyed, Reginleif will be killed, though she can also die if Adam’s body can no longer fight postmortem
-Using Divine Reflection strains Adam’s nervous system, and overusing it will cause his eyes, nose, and ears to start bleeding
    -If he continues using Divine Reflection past this point, the damage to his nervous system could potentially blind him, rendering the ability useless
-While his stamina is immense, it still has limits, and can be worn down should his opponent aim for a war of attrition

(“‘Hatred’? ‘Revenge’? I don’t need any of that. There is no reason why. Is there any man that needs a reason to protect his own children?”)

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