Lara Croft: Weapons and Equipment

-What Lara keeps most of her equipment in
-Contains a silver survival blanket, a first aid kit, and a pry bar

Small Medipack:
-Can heal up to half of Lara’s health and cure her of poisons


Large Medipack:
-Stronger variants of the above
-Fully restore Lara’s health

Wilkes and Hawkins Black Demon .32:
-Also called Dual Pistols or “Lara’s Gun” and “Lara’s Other Gun”
-A pair of modified pistols that Lara carries on her at all times
-Have unlimited ammo
-Can fire 20 times in less than 2 seconds
-Are custom sculpted to fit her hand
-Are outfitted with chips that read Lara’s palm print. If anyone else tries to fire them, the pistols will jam
-Their .32 caliber bullets are able to travel straight through five feet of water and still harm their targets
-According to Lara, they’re the most accurate pistols she’s used
-In Brawlhalla, they fire energy blasts that knock enemies back and can be thrown as impromptu projectiles

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Grappling Hook:
-Used to reach higher areas
-No longer in her possession


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-Kept hidden in Lara’s right boot
-Used to cut her grappling hook’s cord

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-Used to burn through an elevator cable

-Regularly wielded by Lara during her adventures
-Depending on the game, it’s either a Mossberg 500 (TR1 and 2) or a Franchi SPAS-12 (TR4 and 5)
-Fires 6 pellets per shot, which can be upgraded with wide-shot shells that double the spread
-Offers massive damage at the cost of short range and needing to be reloaded after every shot

-High caliber pistols that have the same rate of fire as her Black Demons but deal twice the damage

Automatic Pistols:
-Function the same as Lara’s Magnums
-Perform twice the damage as the Magnums and fire twice as fast

Desert Eagle:
-Used during Tomb Raider III and Chronicles
-Can kill a regular human in two shots and armored enemies in three
-Has a very slow rate of fire and high recoil
-Has an ammo capacity of 5 shots

-Also called Dual Mini SMGs and Submachine Guns
-A pair of submachine guns Lara uses during the first three Tomb Raiders
-Are the fastest guns in her arsenal
-Share the same ammo as the pistols, giving them the same firepower but with a higher rate of fire
-Despite their names, they aren’t actually Uzis; they more closely resemble Ingram MAC-10s
-In Man of Bronze, she’s shown using actual Uzis after stealing them from mercenaries
    -These can also be dual-wielded, though the kickback from it will knock Lara off her feet and make it harder to hit her targets. The recoil from firing them can also send her crashing through a wall

-Used to illuminate her surroundings


Spear Gun:

-Also called the Harpoon Gun
-Can be fired four times before reloading
-Only usable underwater
-Is the weakest weapon in Lara’s arsenal



-Based on the Heckler & Koch MP5 SD6, but with an added scope
-Functions identically to the M-16, though it has an ammo capacity of 40 rounds
-Is able to rapidly kill any enemy
-Can only be fired if Lara’s running or standing still

Grenade Launcher:
-One of Lara’s strongest weapon, able to kill almost any enemy in one shot
-Has an ammo capacity of two and needs to be reloaded after each shot
-In The Last Revelation, it can fire three types of ammo:
    -Normal: Large shells filled with plastic explosives that detonate upon contact with a target
    -Super: Similar to the normal ammo, but filled with more explosives. Will kill normal enemies in one shot and deal massive damage to bosses. Is the rarest type of ammo
    -Flash: A flashbang that blinds anyone caught in its vicinity that isn’t Lara. Is the weakest of the explosives and mainly used for getaways

Rocket Launcher:
-Another of Lara’s strongest weapons, with its missiles being able to kill any enemy in one shot
-Wields high power at the cost of a poor firing rate and limited ammo

-An assault rifle that possesses great firing power and firing rate, allowing Lara to rapidly kill any enemy
-In order to use it, Lara needs to either be completely still or walking at a slow pace

-A Smith and Wesson used during The Last Revelation and Chronicles
-Has the same firepower and accuracy as the Desert Eagle
-Has an ammo capacity of 6 rounds
-Can be combined with a laser sight for manual aiming

-Used in The Last Revelation
-Can be combined with the laser sight for more accurate shots
-Has three different types of ammo
    -Normal: Low velocity bolts that are mainly used for trick shots. When combined with the laser sight, their accuracy is increased to the point where Lara can decapitate undead skeletons
    -Poison: These bolts inject a toxin into the enemy’s bloodstream that weakens them over time. Within a minute of exposure, they’ll become so weakened that any damage they sustain from that point will kill them
    -Explosive: These bolts function similarly to the Grenade Gun, but with greater velocity and nearly unlimited range. Lara herself doesn’t take damage from the explosives
-Can’t be used underwater

Grappling Gun:
-Used in Chronicles
-Fires ropes attached to miniature hooks, which Lara can climb to reach higher ledges
-Can be combined with a laser sight for manual aiming

Leopard’s Tooth:
-A dagger with an engraved handle that was given to her by Gaafar
-No longer in her possession, as it was destroyed during a shootout with Rahman’s men

The Scalpel of Isis:
-A dagger that originally belonged to Gaafar and was given to Lara after his death
-Mainly used when she can’t use her Black Devils
-Keeps it hidden in her right boot, allowing her to use it for sneak attacks
-Can be thrown as an impromptu projectile
-Used to kill a man, a black mamba, and Jacobi

-A mini MagLite 6 kept in her pocket
-Can be used to illuminate dark areas or blind others

-An easily concealable 9mm semi-automatic pistol
-Has an ammo capacity of 12 rounds
-Can be equipped with a silencer or laser sight

Vector R-35:
-A low velocity, short range pistol that has high penetration power
-Has an ammo capacity of 9 rounds

Desert Ranger:
-A 50mm magnum with medium range
-Can be equipped with a laser sight

K2 Impactor:
-A taser normally used by Louvre guards
-Can discharge 50,000 volts into a target from up to 21 feet away
-Can be equipped with a laser sight

Dart SS:
-A dart gun that fires darts which instantly incapacitate their target
-Makes no sound when fired, allowing Lara to remain undetected
-Has an ammo capacity of 4
-Can be equipped with a laser sight

-A pump-action 12-bore shotgun that can take out most targets with 1 to 2 shots at close range
-Is single shot and requires Lara to reload between shots
-Can be loaded with either standard cartridges or spread cartridges, which shorten its range but improve its accuracy by giving the blast a wider arc


Rigg 09:

-A short range 9mm hand gun Lara used after Kurtis stole her weapons
-Is single shot and inaccurate at distances

Viper SMG:
-A heavy long-range gun with a fully automatic rate of fire
-Was originally used by the Cleaner, though Lara stole it after his death
-Useful for mowing down enemies by the dozens
-Has an ammo capacity of 70 rounds
-Can be equipped with a laser sight

Scorpion X:
-A 9mm pistol with medium range and fully automatic fire
-Has an ammo capacity of 30 rounds
-Can be equipped with a silencer

Mag Vega:
-An assault rifle that most efficient at long range
-Fires a storm of 9mm bullets at an impressive rate
-Has an ammo capacity of 30 rounds
-Can be equipped with a silencer and laser sight

.22 Pistol:
-Used during her mission in Urdmann’s mansion
-Is equipped with a silencer

VADS Pistols:
-Custom made dual Heckler & Koch USP Match .45s that Lara began using following her time in the CIA
-Were originally modified to work in conjunction with VADS’ harness, though further modifications incorporated the technology directly into the guns
-Have ambidextrous magazine release levers
-Can be equipped with silencers
-Are durable enough to withstand falling hundreds of feet down the Abyss
-Used in The Lost Cult and The Man of Bronze

-A voice-activated Variable Ammunition Delivery System
-Originally consisted of a hard plastic shell wrapped around Lara’s waist and two crablike arms with socket ends that extended from the shell to her hips
    -Following The Lost Cult, this is no longer needed due to the technology being incorporated into Lara’s pistols
-Lara can give the following voice commands to supply her with different types of ammunition:
    -“Nitro”/“Explosive rounds”: Explosive shells that create fist-sized holes in their targets. A single ammo clip of them is strong enough to destroy an entire metal shed
    -“Double Nitro”: Stronger variants of the above
    -“Lumen”: Illumination rounds that splatter phosphorescent dye upon contact
    -“Pyro”: Incendiary rounds that set their target ablaze
    -“Rubber”: Rubber bullets that bounce off surfaces
    -“Armor”: Armor-piercing rounds strong enough to tear through platinum
    -“Silver bullets”: Bullets created to harm monsters or unholy beings
    -“Blanks”: Self-explanatory
    -While it’s never said what voice commands she uses, it can also give Lara flèchette shells that explode into lethal slivers upon contact
-Can delegate what ammo type is given to which hand (I.e “right nitro,” “left pyro,” “armor”), allowing her to mix and match ammo types to better fit the situation
   -For example, if she wants to get rid of a target quickly, she can combine armor-piercing, explosive, and incendiary
-Is waterproof and can remain functional after falling several hundred feet

-A handheld GPS the size of a pocket PC
-Used to find the best route to her destination and check the locations of waypoints

-Used to view objects or people from afar
-Can view events from over 600 meters away

Kaybar Commando Knife:
-A 12” double-edged knife Lara obtained after frisking a dead Polish mercenary
-Is crafted from the strongest steel, and will only break if it’s under several tons of pressure or exposed to the temperature of liquid nitrogen
-Used to slit another mercenary’s throat
-Sharp enough to cut through wires and plasterboard
-No longer in her possession, as it was destroyed while trying to cut through a mercenary’s nitrogen armor

Night-Vision Goggles:
-Used to navigate areas while in complete darkness

Electric Torch:
-Used to illuminate her surroundings
-Has a limited battery life

MagLite Torch:
-Another type of electric torch used to illuminate her surroundings

Commando Knife:
-A knife that’s said to be similar to the Kaybar
-Can cut through nylon and metal mesh in no time

Anything she can get her hands on:
-Thanks to her craftiness, Lara’s been able to weaponize things like IV tubes, garbage can lids, her suitcase, scissors, a roll of suture cord, her sunglasses, her clothes, and even a severed leg to get the upper hand during a fight


Norton Streetfighter:
-A motorcycle Lara used while in Egypt
-No longer in her possession, as she sacrificed it to get onto Natla’s yacht

-Used during her time in Venice
-Has a turbo mode that can boost its speed

-Used for traversing in deep snow
-Comes in two variants: armed and unarmed
    -The armed version is heavier and can’t drive as fast
-Can be used to run people over

Quad Bike:
-Used while in India and Nevada

-A paddleboat used in the South Pacific Islands

Hydro Propeller:
-An underwater jet used in London

Inflatable Boat:
-Found in Antarctica
-Allows her to sail through frozen waters without freezing to death

-Used while traveling through the RX-Tech Mines


-Used while escaping Antarctica
-Is equipped with searchlights and miniguns
-Is durable enough to withstand shots from a minigun

-Used while chasing Von Croy in the Valley of the Kings
-Can be used to run people over

Triumph Speed Triple:
-A silver and black motorcycle Lara owns
-Is said to have 955 cc’s of warp speed
-Can reach a top speed of 150 mph

Powder and Puff:
-A pair of white snowmobiles Lara used while looking for Bronze’s thigh in Siberia
-Are experimental prototypes that Lara won by convincing their manufacturers to let her drive for their company in the Transalaskan marathon
-Both are fast enough to outrun a raging mammoth at top speed
-Both are equipped with guns, Powder’s being 45s and Puff’s being 9 millimeters, which can be activated at the press of a button
-Each gun has 32 rounds and can’t be reloaded while driving
-The guns are aimed using trackballs that are near the thumbs on each handlebars
-Aside from weapons, they also contain small storage trunks

The following are optional weapons and equipment:

Extreme Depth Suit:
-Also called EDS
-An armored suit created to explore the seabed at depths conventional divers can’t reach
-Obtained while exploring a Russian submarine
-Is equipped with propulsion units, a flashlight, and 10 chaff flares, which can ward off grenades
-No longer in her possession, as she left it in a sunken Russian submarine

The Amulet of Mareish:
-A 3 inch Sudanese amulet created by the sorcerer Mareish
-When worn, it grants its wielder enhanced strength, irresistible charisma, and immortality
    -This immortality makes Lara completely bulletproof, as she was unharmed even after a gun was fired 3 times at her heart
-In addition to the above, it’s implied to have even more powers, as the Amulet says it can control many things, with sand being foremost among them. It’s regularly shown creating illusions to test Lara’s resolve, and one illusion implies it can alter probability, as Lara went from losing a poker game to receiving a winning card out of thin air
-Is sentient and will only bestow its full power to those it considers worthy, with Lara being the only example of this
    -If it’s worn by someone it deems unworthy, they will only receive a fraction of its strength and charisma
-If Lara is attacked, the Amulet will create three sand demons to protect her
    -The sand demons are almost completely loyal to Lara, and will only refuse her orders if she intends to destroy the Amulet
-No longer in her possession, as she chose to destroy it after Oliver’s death

-An heirloom from the Lux Veritatis that originally belonged to Kurtis, but was later obtained by Lara following his supposed death
-Is made of a rare meteorite alloy called ferilium
-Has retractable blades
-Can be controlled telekinetically, though this requires years of training
-It’s unknown if she still has it, as it’s never acknowledged in the post-AOD novels

-Used during her mission to infiltrate Urdmann’s home
-Has padding in its gloves and inner thighs to absorb burns
-Has a tool kit in the chest that contains skeleton keys, alligator keys, a minicomputer, an Allen wench, a glass cutter, and a folding towel
-Is equipped with a oxyacetylene minicutter on her arm
-Has a line thrower that can launch a harpoon across up to 20 meters, which she can then zip across
-Its belt comes with tablets that transform into packing balloons to cushion artifacts, a cylinder to activate it, and a cylindrical device that sprays styrofoam-like packing that hardens in the air
-No longer in her possession, as it was destroyed while escaping Urdmann’s mansion

Control Lens:
-A clear crystal attached to an ivory handle
-Was passed down through many generations and cultures, with its most recent wielders being Tejo Kunai, Alex Frys, and Lara herself
-Grants its wielder the ability to enforce their will onto others, taking control of their minds and forcing them to obey their commands
-In order to use it, Lara must peer through the lens and make eye contact with her target
-No longer in her possession, as it was destroyed during her knife fight with Ajay

Silver Shield:
-A silver, glittering grenade created by the futuristic automaton Silver
-Was obtained by Lara after she stole it from a dead mercenary
-Is activated by pressing the two buttons on both ends
-Upon activation, the user is coated in a thick, airtight, silver force field of liquid nitrogen
-The force field massively boosts the user’s strength, is bulletproof, and can shatter Kaybar knives on contact
-The field’s exterior produces a subzero temperature, while the interior keeps its user warm
    -Lara theorizes that the external temperature could allow the wearer to remain unaffected by flamethrowers, acid, and lava
-Any inanimate object that touches the Silver Shield will freeze and shatter, while living tissue will deaden and lose circulation
-Can freeze any surrounding water, and if its wearer is trapped by this, the Shield will enhance their strength so they can break out
-If the user encounters any form of heat, the Shield will extinguish it by forming a layer of frost around the source
-Lasts a full minute before dissolving, though this process will speed up if two Shields touch each other

Shadow Slayer:
-A katana that belongs to Ilya Kazakov
-Was briefly used by Lara to fight the Shadow Shaman and decapitate a giant spider
-Is able to harm incorporeal beings, which is implied to either be the result of blessings from Japanese priests or because cold iron can harm the supernatural
-Can effortlessly cut through beings that are otherwise bulletproof

-Stands for Objective Individual Combat Weapon
-A prototype gun created by Aliiant Techsystems that fires 20-mm burst shells
    -These shells fire and explode above their target in milliseconds, causing shrapnel to rain down on them
-Comes equipped with laser sights, a targeting computer, a range finder, a safety release, a fire-mode selector, and an electro-optical day-night viewer
-Can fire single bullets or two-round bursts, the latter of which can be done by switching to assault-rifle mode

The following are exclusive to the Game Boy trilogy:

-Explosives that detonate three seconds after touching a surface
-Can be used to destroy doors, floor tiles, and living creatures
-If Lara isn’t careful, the explosions will also harm her

Rapid Bullets:
-Travel faster than Lara’s regular bullets

Heavy Bullets:
-Are stronger than Lara’s regular bullets

Golden Gun:
-Ray guns discovered on Laconia Island
-Can be charged to increase the rays’ power, which can go up to five levels
-Can kill most enemies in 3 to 4 shots

The following are exclusive to crossovers:

Lara’s Bow:
-Used in Brawlhalla
-Can fire flaming arrows, energy arrows, grappling hook arrows that ensnare others, and even Lara’s enemies themselves
-Can be used as an impromptu bludgeon and thrown as a projectile

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