Lara Croft Raids Death Battle!

Lara Croft bio thumbnail by Br3ndan5

Lara Amelia Croft
Titles: Lady Croft, Countess of Abbingdon
Aliases: LC, Tomb Raider, Missy, Larochka
Birth Date: February 14, 1968
Age: 14 (Ireland levels), 16 (TLR prologue), 21 (Venice levels), 27 (Russia levels), 28 (TR), 29 (TR2), 30 (TR3), 31 (Von Croy levels and TLR), 32 (post-AOD)
Height: 5’8 (1.73 m), 5’9 (1.75 m)
Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg), 132 lbs (59.9 kg)
Occupation: Archaeologist, Tomb Raider, Adventurer, Author, CIA Agent (briefly)
First Appearance: Tomb Raider (October 25, 1996)

Read more: Lara Croft Raids Death Battle!


-After being disowned by her parents for her thrill-seeking attitude and refusing to marry the Earl of Farringdon, she built up her own fortune by writing travel guides and books about her adventures
-Became famous across the world for her ability to find artifacts that were lost to history
-With Von Croy’s help, discovered 100,000-year-old skulls in the Klasies River Mouth Caves in South Africa
-Discovered the Ark of the Covenant
-Found imprints of an ear of wheat from the seventh millennium B.C. at the Mehrgarh dig in Pakistan
-Worked with her childhood friend Alison Jane “Ajay” Harfleur to find the Pearl Breastplate in a Sarmatian temple
-Uncovered the Sun Stones of Quetzalcoatl during one of her earliest missions
-Hunted down and killed Bigfoot
-Was gifted a samovar by the Russian government as thanks for helping them in Murmansk during her search for the Spear of Destiny
-Saved Krzysztof, a Polish auto mechanic, by pulling him out of a giant wasp’s nest in the sewers of Krakow
-Was one of the few billionaires rich enough to attend Omónia Auctions’ sale of King Tut’s funerary mask
    -She also used this auction to sell some of her treasures that were cursed or weren’t worth the trouble
-Won the Transalaskan marathon and convinced the manufacturers she drove for to give her two advanced snowmobiles, as a reward
-Befriended and saved the life of zoologist Teresa Tennant, who had been tracking some tiger snakes Lara was fighting off
-Is the only version of Lara whose parents are both alive
-Has a body count in every continent in the world, even Antarctica
-Has appeared in advertisements for Lucozade, Seat cars, Visa cards, and chocolate bars
-Received 6 Guinness World Records, including “Best Selling Video Game Heroine”
-Became one of gaming’s biggest sex symbols

Tomb Raider

-Was hired by Jacqueline Natla to obtain the Scion, an artifact located in the tomb of Qualopec
-Killed a pack of wolves while preparing to enter the tomb
-Discovered the Lost World, an ancient valley full of dinosaurs
-Killed a T-Rex
-Located the three switches needed to unlock the gates to Qualopec’s tomb
-Obtained the and escaped the tomb before it collapsed
-Defeated and interrogated Larson, a mercenary Natla had hired to kill her
-Broke into Natla’s office and uncovered a prayer book that explained the Scion’s connections to the rulers of Atlantis and the locations of its two other pieces
-Journeyed to St. Francis’ Folly to find the second piece of the Scion
-Killed a centaur that was guarding Tihocan’s tomb
-Killed Pierre Dupont, another of Natla’s mercenaries, then stole his Magnums and his Scion piece
-After uniting the two pieces and receiving a vision of the third’s location, she traveled to Khamoon to retrieve it
-Killed Larson and obtained the final piece of the Scion
-After being disarmed and escaping capture from Natla’s men, she snuck onto Natla’s yacht and into her mines
-Killed Natla’s men and retrieved her weapons
-Killed an Atlantean clone of herself by tricking it into jumping into lava
-Killed an Atlantean mutant
-Destroyed the Scion, which triggered the destruction of the Great Pyramid of Atlantis
-While escaping the collapsing pyramid, she killed Natla, who had transformed into her true Atlantean form

Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business

-Several months after the first game, she returned to Khamoon to investigate a statue of Bast
-Returned to Atlantis to finish off the Atlantean army’s survivors
-Destroyed a mutant hatchery

Tomb Raider II

-Traveled through the caverns in the Great Wall of China to locate the Dagger of Xian, an ancient weapon that could turn its owner into a dragon
-Killed two T-Rexes
-After learning that the Fiamma Nera gang was also searching for the Dagger, she traveled to Venice and used one of their motorboats to travel to Bartoli’s hideout
-Destroyed Bartoli’s hideout by detonating it with a key she’d found
-Killed the Fiamma Nera’s sub-boss
-Snuck onto Bartoli’s plane and eavesdropped on his conversation about the Seraph and his father’s involvement in its design
-After being imprisoned, she managed to escape her cell and recovered all of her weapons
-Learned about the Seraph’s location and Bartoli’s reasons for wanting it after meeting Brother Chang, a monk he’d imprisoned for interrogation
-Traveled through the wreck of the Maria Doris and uncovered the Seraph
-Hijacked Bartoli’s seaplane and flew it to Tibet until it ran out of fuel
-After surviving the crash, she fought off the Fiamma Nera’s mercenaries, who were trying to retrieve the Seraph
-Traveled to the Barkhang Monastery and worked with the monks and priests to fight against the mercenaries
-With help from the monks and priests, she located the five prayer wheels needed to open the Seraph’s altar and enter the catacombs
-Killed the Talion Guardian, a monster guarding the key to the Temple of Xian
-Upon gaining the Talion she hijacked one of Bartoli’s Jeeps and returned to the Great Wall’s caverns to retrieve the Dagger from the temple
-After being dropped to the bottom of the temple, she eventually made her way back to the top to obtain the Dagger, only to find that Bartoli had used the dagger on himself
-Killed Bartoli after he’d transformed himself into a dragon, then took the Dagger of Xian for herself
-After escaping the temple, she sealed the Dagger in her vault
-While armed with only a shotgun, she killed the remaining Fiamma Nera members who’d invaded Croft Manor to steal the Dagger
-Killed the cameraman for trying to record her in the shower

Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask

-Traveled to Melnikov Island to locate the Mask of Tornarsuk
-Killed mercenaries from A.V.A.L.A.N.C.H.E. who were also seeking the mask
-Obtained the mask and defeated its guardian

Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft

-Traveled through the jungles of India to locate the Infada Stone
-Obtained the stone after killing Tony, a crazed researcher who had imbued himself with its powers
-After meeting Tony’s employer, Dr. Mark Willard, and learning of the Meteorite Chamber and its four artifacts, she agreed to help him recover them
-Killed a biker gang that was guarding a compound
-Hijacked a quad bike and attempted to jump the fence surrounding a high security compound, but failed
-After being stripped of her weapons and imprisoned, she escaped her cell, led a jailbreak, recovered her pistols, and obtained a Desert Eagle
-Snuck into Area 51 and launched a missile
-Discovered that aliens and whales were trapped inside Area 51
-Obtained Element 551 (the second meteorite artifact) from a UFO
-Killed a T-Rex in the South Pacific Islands
-Helped some Australian soldiers fight a pack of velociraptors
-Traveled to the Temple of Puna and killed its titular god, gaining the Ora Dagger (the third artifact) in the process
-While exploring a cathedral in London, she defeated the mercenary John and interrogated him about his employer, Sophia Leigh
-Forged an alliance with the Damned, a group of immortal experiments who wanted revenge on Sophia
-Infiltrated the Natural History Museum to get the Damned some embalming fluid
-With help from the Damned, she was able to sneak into Sophia’s company, SLinc
-Killed Sophia and obtained the fourth meteorite artifact, the Eye of Isis
-While in Antarctica, she discovered that Willard had used the artifacts to mutate people and planned to spread its effects on a global scale
-Killed Willard after he used the artifacts’ power to evolve into a giant spider
-In the bonus level, she investigated a cathedral in London

Tomb Raider III: The Lost Artifact

-Following Willard’s death, she discovered the existence of a fifth meteorite artifact, the Hand of Rathmore, in his estate
-After discovering the artifact had been stolen by someone using a strange, glowing substance, she traveled to Shakespeare Cliff to investigate a collapse caused by the same material
-Discovered SLinc’s involvement in the theft and infiltrated their underwater laboratory, uncovering their experiments in the process
-After escaping the laboratory and pulling herself onto the French shore, she discovered some underground ruins that held the Hand of Rathmore
-Killed Sophia, who was somehow resurrected and attempting to obtain the Hand of Rathmore
-Claimed the Hand for herself and escaped back to the surface

Tomb Raider: The Times

-Was hired by Sir Peter Stothard, The Times editor-in-chief, to investigate a recently discovered section of Tutankhamen’s tomb
-Retrieved a gold mask that was hidden in the tomb
-Discovered that the section she’d investigated was prepared for Tutankhamen’s wife, Ankhesenamun

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

-At 16, she traveled to Angkor Wat to search for the Iris with her mentor, Werner Von Croy, but was forced to abandon him when the temple collapsed
-In the present day, she worked with Ahmed Ben Trayal to explore Set’s tomb
-Obtained the Amulet of Horus, unintentionally releasing Set in the process
-After learning about Set’s release, she traveled to the Tomb of Semerkhet to collect the Armor of Horus and perform a ceremony to awaken Horus
-After being trapped in the tomb by Von Croy, she defeated Semerkhet’s spirit in a game of senet
-Escaped the tomb by tricking its guardian into destroying the walls
-Interrogated Ben on where Von Croy was, then stripped him and snuck aboard Von Croy’s train
-Killed Von Croy’s henchmen while traveling on the train’s roof
-Retrieved pieces of Horus’ armor while traveling between an abandoned theme park, catacombs, a temple of Poseidon, the Library of Alexandria, temples of Demitrius and Isis, and Cleopatra’s palace
-Killed a massive mechanical horseman and two of Cleopatra’s guards
-Traveled between Cairo, The Mosque of Ibn Tulun, a citadel, trenches and a bazaar to locate Jean-Yves, a French Egyptologist Von Croy had kidnapped
-Outsmarted the Minotaur guarding the Chamber of Tulun and led him into a trap
-Freed Jean-Yves and learned that Set had possessed Von Croy
-Entered the Sphinx and collected four holy scriptures
-Killed some giant scorpions in Menkaure’s pyramid
-Traveled to the Temple of Horus in Khufu’s pyramid and began the ceremony to awaken Horus, but was interrupted by Set
-After Horus’ death, she recovered his Amulet and used it on a trapdoor to seal Set in the temple
-Attempted to escape the temple before it could collapse, but failed

Tomb Raider Chronicles

-In 1982, she helped Father Bram Patrick Dunstan investigate the ghostly apparitions in the Black Isle
-Obtained the Bestiary, a book containing the names of demons and how to control them
-Freed Verdilet, a demon trapped in a barn who had taken Dunstan hostage in exchange for his freedom
-After Verdilet tried to kill her, she used the Bestiary to control him and force him back into the barn
-In 1989, she retrieved the Mercury Stone after Larson and Pierre tried to steal it from her
-Tricked Larson and Pierre into activating the Philosopher’s Gate with the Saturn Symbol
-Obtained the Mars Symbol by destroying the mechanical head that contained it
 -Obtained the Venus Symbol after destroying the centurion statue guarding it
-Defeated Larson in a gunfight
-Killed a trio of gargoyle serpents
-Obtained the Philosopher’s Stone after defeating a reanimated Roman statue
-In 1995, she infiltrated a Russian submarine to obtain the Spear of Destiny
-Escaped after being caught and imprisoned by the Russians
-Discovered the Spear while deep sea diving
-Gained the trust of dying Russian admiral Igor Yarofev, who helped her escape the submarine after it had gone haywire from exposure to the Spear
-In 1999, she infiltrated Von Croy Industries with help from Zip, a former employee, and stole the Iris
-Killed the assassins Von Croy had sent after her

Tomb Raider: The Amulet of Power

-While hospitalized from the Temple of Horus’ collapse, she fought off two Silent Ones, elite assassins dedicated to killing any who search for the Amulet of Mareish
-Worked with the archeologist Kevin Mason to locate the Amulet of Mareish, a Sudanese amulet that grants its wielder enhanced strength, immortality, and an irresistible charisma
-Began working with Hassam, Gaafar, and Omar, three anti-Mahdists who were on a holy mission to find the amulet and destroy it
-Saved Hassam, Gaafar, and Omar by preventing them from drinking for a poisoned water hole
    -Later saved them again by gunning down four armed men that had been stalking them from underwater
-After being kidnapped by a group of Mahdists, she managed to free herself and used their leader, Rahman, as a bargaining chip for her companions’ freedom
    -When this failed, she killed all but one of them
-Saved Gaafar from eating a fruit that had a Deathstalker scorpion hidden behind it
-After meeting back up with Mason, she visited the National Museum to discover the history behind Chinese Gordon, the man who last wielded the amulet
-Killed a trio of Mahdists who were trying to run her over with a bread truck
-While searching for books on Chinese Gordon’s letters, she defeated a shapeshifting skeleton sorcerer who was trying to steal her research
-Discovered the Amulet of Mareish’s location over the course of one night
-With the help of Omar and his half-sister, she was able to organize a flight to Kenya so she could track down the Amulet of Mareish
-While waiting for her flight, she fought off a trio of Mahdists
-While staying in the Fairmont Norfolk, she killed a black mamba that had snuck into her hotel room
-Fought two Mahdists, one of which had disguised himself as her waiter, while eating at the Ark
-Killed Milo Jacobi, an anti-Mahdist pilot who attempted to kill her by sabotaging the jet she was on
-After killing Jacobi, she piloted the jet to save herself and Malcolm Oliver, an old friend of hers, from crashing
-While flying the jet, she figured out that the Kevin Mason she’d been working with was an impostor
-Flew the rest of the way to Seychelles
-In the middle of the night, she set up a fake Amulet of Mareish at a church in Grande Anse and verified the real amulet’s location
-Killed a group of Silent Ones who had attacked her at the church the following morning
-Learned that Kevin was actually a Mahdist named Khaled Ahmed Mohammed el-Shakir
-Fought Khaled for the fake amulet, but purposefully lost
-Worked with Malcolm to uncover the real Amulet of Mareish at the Church of the Chevalier
-After obtaining the Amulet of Mareish, she briefly fought off Malcolm, who had been driven insane by it
-After Malcolm was killed by the Amulet’s guardians, she destroyed the Amulet with the eight words Omar had given her
-After the Amulet’s destruction and burying Malcolm, she retired due to guilt and self-doubt and began living in Paris for several months
-After hearing of Von Croy’s arrival in Paris and learning of Khaled’s death, she came out of retirement and began raiding tombs again

Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness

-Escaped the police after they began chasing her for her suspected involvement in Von Croy’s murder
-Met with Von Croy’s friend Margot Carvier to retrieve information on what Von Croy was doing before his death
-After reading through Von Croy’s journal, she began investigating Paris to find Louis Bouchard, a businessman who’d become involved with Von Croy’s research on the Obscura paintings
-Infiltrated the nightclub La Serpent Rouge to retrieve a package for Pierre or Bernard (depending on the player’s choice) in exchange for access to Bouchard’s hideout
-After interrogating Bouchard on what he wanted with Von Croy, she agreed to deliver passports to the pawnbroker Daniel Rennes in exchange for weapons
-After delivering the passports and retrieving the weapons she needed, she escaped the pawnshop after accidentally setting off a bomb
-Infiltrated the Louvre to discover the history of the Obscura paintings, the war fought between the Cabal and Lux Veritatis, and the Obscura Engravings, which served as a map for each painting’s location
-Traveled to the archeological dig beneath the Louvre and uncovered two missing Obscura symbols
-Descended into the Hall of Seasons and obtained the missing fifth Obscura painting while fighting off its guardian, Brother Obscura
-Killed a team of mercenaries that invaded the Louvre
-Returned to Von Croy’s apartment and studied his research on the Sanglyph, an artifact of ancient power hidden in the Obscura paintings, and Lux Veritatis, a society of warrior Christian monks dedicated to guarding the Obscura paintings
-Killed the Cleaner, an assassin Bouchard had hired to kill her
-Traveled to Prague and interrogated Bouchard about the Cabal, an alliance dedicated to reviving the Sleeper, the supposed last member of the Nephilim
-Recovered the fifth Obscura Engraving
-Invaded Strahov Fortress, an industrial factory owned by Pieter Van Eckhardt (the Cabal’s leader), in order to learn more about the Obscura paintings
-After being trapped in a hydraulic chamber and luring him inside, she began working with Kurtis Trent, a member of Lux Veritatis, to stop Eckhardt
-Fought Eckhardt and left him mortally wounded, with his assistant Joachim Karel finishing him off
-Discovered that Karel was a Nephilim and the one responsible for Avon Croy’s murder
-Destroyed the Sleeper and killed Karel by placing the Sanglyph on the Sleeper’s foot, which created a massive explosion
-Following the final battle, she discovered Kurtis’ Chirguai and began searching for him after he’d vanished following his supposed death

Tomb Raider: The Lost Cult

-Was hired by the CIA to retrieve Iraqi artifacts that Lancaster Urdmann, a corrupt businessman and antique trafficker, had stolen from Saddam Hussein’s followers
-Was rewarded for the above by having her record cleared of Von Croy’s murder
-Tested out the VADS system for its inventor, Djbril, and was gifted its prototype as thanks
-Hosted a lecture in King’s College discussing the history of the Sudanese
-After her lecture, she began working with Nils “Borg” Bjorkstrom, a Norwegian who wanted help locating Ajay, who had become his fiancée and disappeared after meeting a cult called the Méne
-Fought three members of the Méne that had ambushed her and Borg from a taxi
-Infiltrated Urdmann’s estate and interrogated him about Tejo Kunai, a Méne member who wanted him to translate some pre-Zoroastrian rubbings
-Journeyed to Peru with Borg, biologist Alex Frys, and journalist Heather Rourke
-Worked with Borg to explore the Whispering Abyss, a chasm in Ukju Pacha that Méne priests used to consult their gods
-Unearthed the Prophecy Panels, platinum plates in the Abyss’ walls that were used to communicate with the Deep Gods
-Discovered that Frys was actually the Prime, the leader of the Méne; and that he’d killed Kunai and stolen his identity
-Saved Borg from falling to his death after Ajay kicked him into the Abyss, then did so again after he’d been caught in a current and knocked out
-Threatened Peru’s president into letting her stay at Peru’s fanciest hotel, hiring the best doctors and nurses to heal her and Borg’s wounds, and getting a state-dinner chef to supervise their meals
-After hijacking a motorcycle, she chased Don Sabato’s men, professional assassins who’d been hired by the Méne to kill her
-Traveled to the Capricorn Atoll with Borg after receiving a fax from Heather about the Méne preparing a ceremony there
-While exploring a lagoon the Méne had vanished into, she and Borg briefly fought three Méne who had mutated into mermen called the Transformed, with the fight ending after Borg sacrificed himself to save her
-Saved Heather and eight other captives from being sacrificed to the Deep God Uhluhtc
-Was one of the only people in history to be completely immune to the control lens, a crystal that could be used to take control of others’ minds and force them to obey your commands
-Used the control lens to override Frys’ willpower, then forced him to enter the Deep Gods’ domain and convince them that humanity no longer needed judgment
-Was commended by Uhluhtc for her bravery and given the control lens as a reward
-Briefly fought Ajay in a knife fight, which ended inconclusively due to Uhluhtc’s return
-Killed Uhluhtc after he reemerged in the human world to try and eat her
-Destroyed the Prophecy Panels, severing the connection between humanity and the Deep Gods in the process
-Helped Borg and Heather to the surface before the Méne’s underwater temple could flood, though she was forced to abandon Ajay in the process
-Attempted to save Ajay, who had began suffering suffering decompression sickness after the temple’s collapse, but failed
-A month after the temple’s collapse, she managed to convince Winston to take a vacation to Jamaica

Tomb Raider: The Man of Bronze

-Traveled to Stare Miasto in Warsaw to help her friend Reuben Baptiste transport an ancient artifact he’d found
-Helped an injured Reuben escape Dr. Jacek’s clinic after it was attacked by a group of mercenaries who were searching for him
-Killed one of the mercenaries by stabbing him through the heart with a pair of scissors, then killed another by collapsing his windpipe
-Defeated a mercenary who had obtained a Silver Shield, a force field that made him immune to all of her weapons
-Killed five mercenaries who had been alerted to her presence following her battle with the armored mercenary
-Helped escort Reuben to St. Bernward’s Monastery so they could meet with the Order of Bronze, a secret society dedicated to restoring an indestructible automaton
-After realizing that Reuben’s attackers had sabotaged his briefcase, she saved several Order members from a disguised bomb, though she failed to save Reuben
-Discovered the history behind Bronze, a futuristic automaton that led the Order and inspired the legend of Osiris
-Was hired by the Order to find Bronze’s missing parts before Urdmann could
-Traveled to Tunguska with pilot Ilya Kazukov to locate Bronze’s thigh
-Outraced a mammoth that had been resurrected and mutated into a cyborg by the thigh’s powers
-With Ilya’s help, she defeated the mammoth by tricking it into falling into a frozen lake
-While exploring a subterranean cave, she discovered the history behind the Tunguska explosion, which was caused by a group of mutated shamans fighting over Bronze’s thigh
-With Ilya’s help, she was able to kill a zombified mercenary that had suddenly ambushed her
-Killed the Shadow Shaman, a centuries old shaman made of shadows and the only survivor of the Tunguska explosion
-Saved herself and Ilya after they were trapped in the cavern by an avalanche and left to die from Urdmann’s explosives
-With help from the Unauthorized Intervention’s crew, she sailed through the Sargasso Sea and reached the Bermuda Triangle, which housed Bronze’s lower leg
-Helped the rest of the crew fight off the undead sailors, pirates, slavers, and slaves that were resurrected by Bronze’s leg
-Uncovered the location of Bronze’s leg and defeated the mutated eel priest who guarded it
-Rescued the Unauthorized Intervention’s captain, Lord Horatio Nelson-Kent, after he was captured by Urdmann and his mercenaries, though she was forced to give up Bronze’s leg to ensure his safety
-Traveled through the Pennabong River to find Bronze’s left foot
-Killed a giant spider that had been mutated by the foot
-Killed a larger spider with help from Ilya, Teresa, and Horatio
-Killed a giant, mutated crocodile that was guarding a temple in Pennabong
-While navigating through the temple, she fought and killed Dark Lara, a bronze copy created by the foot
-Recovered Bronze’s foot and briefly fought off Urdmann and his mercenaries, who had ambushed her outside of the temple
    -Though she put up a good fight, she was eventually incapacitated by a tranq dart from behind
-After freeing herself from the room she was being kept in, she met Silver, Bronze’s hedonistic brother who had chopped him to pieces 10,000 years ago
-Learned of Silver’s history, his creation of the Silver Shields, and his partnership with Urdmann
-After escaping Silver’s dungeon, she infiltrated his art studio and broke into his safe to smuggle Bronze’s leg
-Helped Ilya, Teresa, and Horatio escape Silver’s estate
-Infiltrated the guardhouse near Silver’s estate to retrieve her party’s stolen weapons
-After escaping to Copacabana Palace and relaying the progress of her mission to Bronze, she arranged a meeting at the plantation of Vidonia Portinari, one of the Order’s members
-While carrying Bronze’s leg, she severed its little toe and sent it to Professor Davida Quintero to analyze its materials
-After discovering Silver had tricked her with a fake leg (which doubled as a bomb), she returned to Vidonia’s plantation and smuggled it out, saving Bronze and his Order in the process
-Had a final battle with Urdmann near Silver’s Rolls-Royce, which involved a shootout that destroyed the car and ended with her using Bronze’s leg to disrupt his Silver Shield, transporting him to Bronze’s home
-Defeated Silver by tricking him into approaching Bronze’s fake leg, which activated its explosive and dismantled him
-With help from Ilya and Vidonia, she was able to gather Silver’s destroyed parts and gave them to Bronze
-Saw Bronze off as he and Silver returned to their home world
-Celebrated the victory over Silver by accompanying her friends to vacation at the beach near his estate, which she also used to research the locations of Excalibur, the ring of the Nibelung, and lost Incan gold

Tomb Raider (Game Boy Color) (non-canon)

-Was hired by Professor Igor Bowmane to retrieve the Nightmare Stone, a crystal orb containing the soul of Quaxet, the ruler of the Incans, Mayans, and Aztecs
-Saved Bowmane’s friend Illiat from a mummy and was given a map to the Nightmare Stone as thanks
-Interrogated a treasure hunter on how to reach the temple’s lower levels
-Obtained the Sun and Moon Amulets needed to reach the lower levels
-Killed a squad of mercenaries who’d been hired to retrieve the Nightmare Stone
-Killed the Snake Guardian and obtained the Crystal needed to unlock the Nightmare Stone’s obelisk
-Retrieved the Nightmare Stone and destroyed it
-Escaped Quaxet’s temple before it exploded

Tomb Raider: Curse of the Sword (non-canon)

-Attempted to retrieve the Sword of Paveaux after it was stolen by the Bokor (a cult dedicated to reviving the dark magician Paveaux)
    -Despite killing most of the thieves, she failed to stop their priest from escaping with the sword, and he used its power to curse Lara into becoming Paveaux’s vessel upon dying
-Located Pino Lamor, a shaman who informed her of the Bokor’s history and plans
-Stopped a speeding train from crashing
-Infiltrated the Bokor’s warehouses and installed a tracker on their ship to track their location
-Killed two crane operators who were part of the Bokor
-After tracking them to the Backlin Islands in the Bahamas, she discovered the Bokor’s base
-Killed the Bokor’s priest and destroyed the Sword of Paveaux, removing her curse in the process
-Returned the sword’s hilt to the Museum of Antiquities

Tomb Raider: The Prophecy (non-canon)

-Discovered and deciphered the Tome of Ezekiel, a book that prophesies the end of the world
-Traveled to King Heort’s tomb to obtain the Black Stone, a magic stone said to raise the dead
-Killed a member of Teg-Du-Bhorez, a cult of ghosts dedicated to protecting the three Magic Stones and reviving the Great Grey One, the herald of the apocalypse
-After discovering the Black Stone had been stolen, she deciphered the message on Heort’s tomb and traveled to Angkor Wat to obtain the Red Stone from Suryavarman II’s tomb
-Killed three Teg-Du-Bhorez members
-Obtained the Black Stone, killing three more Teg-Du-Bhorez members in the process
-Killed a Teg-Du-Bhorez member and obtained the Red Stone
-Deciphered the Prophecy of Magic in Ezekiel’s tome and uncovered the final stone’s location
-Traveled to Laconia Island and obtained the White Stone, killing four Teg-Du-Bhorez members in the process
-Finished deciphering the Prophecy of Magic, allowing her to learn of the Teg-Du-Bhorez’s plan to revive the Great Grey One
-Traveled to the Teg-Du-Bhorez’s hideout and killed their priest
-Awakened the Great Grey One and killed her, preventing the apocalypse


-Fought legendary warriors like Thor, Artemis, and Lord Vraxx


-Was one of the many characters transported to the Island, with hers occurring while she was investigating an ancient artifact

Physicality, Stamina, and Intelligence:


[24:52 to 27:06]

Cunning and Pragmatic:
-Is an expert at exploiting her surroundings and turning even the most mundane items into impromptu weapons
-When being baited into doing something, she can reverse the situation and exploit it in her favor
-At 14, she created a slingshot by wrapping a rubber tube around a broken pitchfork
-Used a metal bar from a fence as a makeshift crowbar
-Tricked the Sea Hag into entering a cage by baiting her with silver
-Willingly gave Larson the Saturn Symbol so he would unknowingly burn himself and activate the Philosopher’s Gate’s self-destruct sequence
-Used a broken handrail as a makeshift crowbar
-After encountering an Atlantean clone that copied her every move, she tricked it into killing itself by making it jump in a pit of lava
-After John pinned her to the ground, she got him to back off by using her position to aim a pistol under his chin
-Exploited John’s cockiness by tricking him into moving in the way of a church bell, which knocked him off the roof
-Killed Sophia by destroying a fuse box, which electrified the metal walkway she was on
-Tricked an enemy pilot into flying his helicopter into a dead end, then shot his copter down while he was distracted
-Escaped Semerkhet’s tomb by tricking its guardian into breaking through the walls
-Exploited the Minotaur’s berserk nature and led it into a trap
-Used an IV tube to strangle a Mahdist that had attacked her
-Convinced Mason to fake going overboard to bait out the Mahdists that were attacking them
-Devised a strategy where she would fake a surrender to the Mahdists, then when they’d get close, she’d wipe them out by dropping a bag of hand grenades toward them and having one of the anti-Mahdists shoot it
-After being captured by a group of Mahdists and threatened with the deaths of her companions, she tricked the Mahdists into letting them live by being as dismissive and uncooperative as possible
-Shielded herself from gunfire by using Rahman’s corpse as a human shield while she grabbed her Black Demon
-Allowed a driver to tackle her so she’d be close enough to grab her Black Demons
-Used the lid of a garbage can as an impromptu weapon while fighting a skeleton
-Distracted a black mamba by throwing a tissue at it, then stabbed while it was distracted
-After being surrounded by a pride of hungry lionesses, she forced them to scatter by shooting a nearby rhino and convincing it to charge her
-Forced a Silent One out of hiding by shooting the rod of a ceiling fan and causing it to crash on top of him
-Set up an elaborate plot by buying an amulet in Victoria, sneaking out to a church, planted it behind a cornerstone in the middle of the night, “discovered” it the next day, and handed it to Khaled
    -This was all so the Mahdists would no longer target her and would instead shift their sights toward Khaled
-Tricked Kurtis into entering the hydraulic chamber he’d left her in by making it look like she’d escaped, then ambushing him while his back was turned
-Distracted a giant mutated fish with a container of meat so she could open the entrance to the Vault of Trophies
-Deflected a bullet back at a gunman by throwing her case at him
-Tricked Urdmann into telling her everything he knew about Kunai by preying on his desire to obtain Akhenaton’s flail
-Converted a hammock into a lumberman’s belt to defend herself a group of Méne members
-Capsized the Plato by dropping rocks off a cliffside
-Sabotaged the Méne’s journey to Ukju Pacha by destroying a bridge with nitro and incendiary rounds
-Created a canoe by felling a balsa tree and hollowing it out, then created oars by tying its branches into bundles with parachute nylon
-Tricked Sabato’s men into driving directly into police custody
-After being stabbed in the back, she used her leverage to judo throw Ajay
-After seducing a mercenary to make him drop his guard, she used a nearby pair of scissors to stab him through the heart
-Once killed a man while kissing him
-Created a makeshift pipe bomb by combining two oxygen tanks, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and a spray can of disinfectant
-Tricked a group of four mercenaries into entering a room with the above trap, which she used to distract them, create an impromptu exit, and start a fire
-Lied to a hospitalized, armed mercenary that Dr. Jacek was about to cut his jugular with a scalpel, then disarmed him while he was distracted
-Exploited the mercenary’s instinctive reactions to trick him into destroying the frozen floor after he’d donned a Silver Shield
-Used a gurney and an operating room’s emergency light to box in the remaining mercenaries that approached the OR
-Turned a forceps and syringe into a makeshift slingshot, which she used to kill another mercenary
-Tricked a mercenary into burning himself alive by exploiting his reflexive urge to shoot and throwing a bottle of ether at him
-After the lights were shot out, she used the darkness to trick two mercenaries into thinking she’d thrown a grenade when she actually used a bar of soap
-Strangled a mercenary to death by using a roll of suture cord as makeshift garrote wire
-Tricked some mercenaries into revealing their position by throwing the suture cord into their room
-Tricked a mercenary into revealing his position by throwing an empty Uzi his way
-Used the recoil from her guns to backflip through the air and put distance between herself and a shaman
-Tricked the Shadow Shaman into entering a garden and destroyed the surrounding pelts once he was close, allowing the sunlight to kill him
-After an avalanche shut her and Ilya in the cavern, she escaped by melting the snow with the garden’s lenses
-Has killed zombies by exposing them to salt
-Jammed Bronze’s leg between the eel priest’s jaws to prevent him from biting her, then attacked him while he was distracted
-Distracted a giant spider by throwing her sunglasses at it
-After realizing she couldn’t kill the spider with her bullets, she used a nearby moai statue to crush it to death
-Killed a giant, mutant crocodile by forcing a spider’s decapitated head down its throat
-Exploited Dark Lara’s copied VADS guns by calling out for blanks whenever Dark Lara aimed at her
-After being stripped of her clothes and weapons, she used the dresses and belts in a nearby closet to create a combat outfit, armed herself with a chain necklace that could be used as garrote, and created a makeshift flail by stuffing a pillowcase with heavy gold bracelets
-Is willing to shatter a mirror and use its shards as daggers
-Attempted to strangle Silver with a chain necklace and gag him by using a pillowcase
-While having a shootout between opposite sides of a Rolls-Royce, she slid along the bonnet to catch Urdmann off guard and shoot him while he was distracted
    -Despite this, her shots missed, as Urdmann had copied her plan while using the rear
-Used a Rolls-Royce’s boot door as a makeshift shield while fighting Urdmann
-Used Bronze’s leg as a bludgeon while fighting Urdmann
-Tricked Silver into approaching his replica of Bronze’s leg, which was set to explode in an android’s presence

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Expert Marksmanship:
-Can pull off successful shots even while backflipping or rolling
-Used a makeshift slingshot to destroy a block anchoring a chain to a bell
-Destroyed a giant mechanical head by shooting its eyes out
-Shot an operator in the legs while diving to the ground
-Forced a vent cover open by shooting the screws off its hinges
-While falling from a massive stone door, she managed to kill a wolf with a headshot, then killed the rest of the pack upon landing
-Can kill bats, birds, and harpies by shooting them mid-flight
-Disarmed Larson by shooting him in the arm
-Landed several successful shots on Pierre from afar
-Can kill massive rats, lions, crocodiles, centaurs, panthers, tigers, and  compsognathus with only a few shots
-While in the streets, she managed to kill a sniper who was on top of a balcony
-While driving a Jeep and being chased by Bartoli’s men, she killed a driver by shooting him in the head
-Could land shots on Tony even from across the temple’s room
-Disarmed John by shooting him in the arm
-Killed a helicopter pilot in two shots
-Destroyed a meteorite and killed Sophia with a single shot
-Destroyed the lion heads in Tutankhamen and Akhenaten’s tomb with a single shot
-Can kill Anubis Dogs (which are living statues) in one shot
-With a single shot, she can destroy ceramic jars that are the same height as her
-Killed one of Von Croy’s men with a shot to the head while driving a Jeep
-Can land perfect shots even while on top of a moving train
-Used a revolver to headshot a sniper hidden on a rooftop miles above her
-Destroyed two machine guns by shooting them with her revolver
-Shot a giant scorpion to death
-Shot a scarab beetle that was three rows above her on the Pyramid of Giza
-While on a neighboring boat, she fired five shots that hit a Mahdist in the chest, then disarmed another of his dagger with a single shot
-Destroyed a spotlight with a single shot despite being blinded by it
-Fired half a dozen shots into a trio of Mahdists despite them being at a higher altitude
-With a single shot from both pistols, she was able to simultaneously deflect a knife and shoot a Mahdist between the eyes
-Killed four men with 20 shots while they were five feet underwater
-Killed four of Rahman’s men with ten shots
-While kneeling, she killed a Mahdist from some distance away with a single shot
-Killed a man by throwing the Scalpel of Isis into his throat
-Shot a Silent One five times despite not being able to see his location
-Shot a Silent One between the eyes while he was rushing toward her
-Shot the rod of a ceiling fan in half and sent it crashing onto a third Silent One
-Killed four Silent Ones with a series of shots
-Shot a mutant that was behind Kurtis
-Destroyed alarm lights with three shots
-Shot Urdmann in the forearm while he was lunging toward her
-Was able to accurately hit all of her targets while using the VADS system
-Shot a member of the Méne in the thigh while crouching
-With a single shot, she deflected some entrails that had been thrown toward a ship
-While far away, she shot the leader of a group of Méne members in the stomach with a rubber bullet, then fired another into a member’s temple
-Shot several Méne members with fléchettes, killing four of them and leaving the others injured
-According to The Lost Cult’s narrator, she could’ve shot the retreating Méne between the shoulderblades if she wasn’t focused on tracking them
-While on a cliffside over 600 meters high, she managed to capsize the Plato by dropping two cricket-ball-sized rocks onto it
-Destroyed a bridge with five shots of nitro and incendiary rounds
-While submerged in darkness, she managed to kill several giant bees, each with one shot
-Shot a giant spider three times despite not being able to see a thing
-Severed one of Uhluhtc’s tentacles with a single shot from 15 meters away
-Killed a Méne guard with two shots to the chest
-Killed a Transformed that was attacking Heather with a shot to the head
-Killed another Transformed by emptying her right gun into it
-Shot Uhluhtc in the maw several times
-Destroyed the crystal foundations surrounding a massive Archimedes’ screw with 12 shots
-Destroyed the Prophecy Panels with several shots
-Shot an oxygen tank at enough of an angle that it flew into a team of mercenaries and reached enough velocity to tear through a plasterboard wall
-Weakened the structure of another plasterboard wall by shooting at it with an Uzi
-While on opposite sides of a hallway, she was able to kill a mercenary by throwing a scalpel through his right eye
-Using a forceps as a makeshift slingshot, she launched a syringe into a mercenary’s face with enough force that the syringe shattered on impact
-Using the forceps, she was able to launch a bottle of ether at another mercenary
-Killed a mercenary with two Uzi shots to the head
-While in complete darkness, she was able to kill two mercenaries, each with a single shot
-Hit a tent with a snowball from some distance away
-Completely destroyed the upper half of a zombie’s skull with two shots
-Shot a haunt through the chest the instant she saw him, with her shot positioned to puncture his heart
-Severed a zombie’s hand by shooting him in the wrist, then kneecapped him with her next two shots
-Landed several shots on a mutated priest, with one hitting him in the eye, to no effect
-While laying on her stomach and unable to get a clear shot, she still managed to land two headshots with an OICW
-Pulled off a headshot while hanging off the edge of a trireme
-Shot off one of the strands on a giant spider web
-Shot through a Rolls-Royce’s petrol tank with an explosive round
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Killed a mummy with a few shots
-Landed several shots on the Bokor’s priest while he was ascending through the air on a helicopter
-Can shoot a zombie’s limbs off
-Shot two Bokor members who were operating cranes several feet above her
-Caused an oil drum to tip over by shooting it

Expert Martial Artist:
-Knows several areas of the human body that can be struck in order to weaken an opponent
-Can disable a man by kicking him in the thorax
-While fighting a Mahdist in close-quarters, she tried disabling him by jammed a thumb into his eye, slammed her heel into his crotch, and hit him with a palm strike to the nose
-Dispatched a Mahdist by repeatedly punching him and delivering a karate chop to the neck
-Judo threw Ajay during their knife fight
-Knows nerve punches and sleeper holds that can instantly incapacitate others
-Killed a Polish mercenary by collapsing his windpipe with a ridge hand strike
-Restrained a mercenary by putting him in a chokehold
-Knows how to perform a break fall if she gets tripped or knocked back
-Knows a sleeper hold that uses one’s calves to block the carotid arteries and stop blood from flowing to the brain, which can kill or incapacitate in under 10 seconds
-Choked out a security guard in 5 seconds

Adept Boxer:
-Performed a feint on Ajay to distract her during their knife fight

Dirty Fighting:
-Is willing to go for low blows and cheap shots during fights
-Grabbed Dark Lara by the ponytail and swung her around when she tried to dodge

Expert Swordsmanship:
-Received fencing training during finishing school
-Was trained in the kendo schools of Kyoto
-While wielding Ilya’s katana, her first slashes were precise enough to decapitate and disembowel the Shadow Shaman, though they failed to kill him due to his intangibility

Master of Disguise:
-Disguised herself as Ben while boarding a train to Alexandria
-Using a pair of robes, she avoided detection from the Mahdists and Silent Ones by disguising herself as a mentally disabled teenage boy
-Used gauze and bedsheets to disguise herself as a hospital patient during a shooting at Jacek’s clinic
-Disguised herself as a guard after stripping him of his uniform and equipment

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-At 14, she was able to sneak aboard Dunstan’s ship without him noticing
-Ambushed a chef and knocked him out before he could notice her
-Stole a sleeping guard’s access card without waking him
-Snuck behind a security guard and subdued him with chloroform before he could fight back
-Snuck onto Natla’s yacht without her men realizing she was there
-Entered the back of an armored truck without being seen
-Snuck behind a thug without him realizing she was there
-Infiltrated the Louvre without setting off any alarms or alerting security
-Avoided the trip lasers the Cleaner had set in Von Croy’s apartment
-Invaded Strahov Fortress without any of its guards noticing
-Entered Urdmann’s estate and remained undetected the entire time
-While in a forest, she used nearby foliage to avoid detection while shooting several Méne members
-Kept out of sight from a mercenary, then snuck behind him and slit his throat
-After the lights were shot out in a hallway, she remained completely undetected despite being inches away from a mercenary, who she then strangled to death without making a sound
-Snuck around a trireme without being seen by Urdmann or his mercenaries
-Was completely undetected while sneaking up behind Silver
-Remained completely silent while approaching a security guard from behind
-Snuck behind a security guard and incapacitated him within 5 seconds
-Infiltrated Vidonia’s plantation without Silver or his men noticing
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Remained completely silent while approaching a treasure hunter from behind
-Eavesdropped on two Teg-Du-Bhorez priests without them noticing

Expert Actor:
-Tricked Rahman into approaching her by pretending that she’d gotten sick from drinking the Nile’s water
-Threw a fistfight with Khaled as part of her plan to give him a fake amulet
-Tricked Khaled into thinking she was under the fake amulet’s influence and had fallen victim to his charisma
-Fooled Urdmann’s security into thinking she was a wax statue, then convinced them to drop their guns by threatening them with a toy pistol
-Got two mercenaries to lower their guard by pretending to be a seductive, drug-addicted Polish girl
-Lured the Shadow Shaman into a room of sunlight after tricking him into she’d been weakened and was trying to escape
-Convinced a security guard to enter her cell by making him think Urdmann had shot her in the chest
-Put up a facade of obliviousness and shock when Vidonia discovered that Bronze’s little toe was missing
-Pretended to be Bronze’s publicist to distract a man who was guarding his leg

Expert Pilot:
-Flew Bartoli’s seaplane from the Adriatic Sea to the Tibetan Mountains
-Flew a helicopter from Antarctica to England
-Took control of Jacobi’s jet after killing him, stabilized it before it could crash, and flew the rest of the way to Seychelles
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Flew a plane from New Jersey to the Bahamas

Expert Hacker:
-Entered a bypass into an alarm system while hanging upside down

Adept Seamstress:
-Spends her free time stitching a Bayeaux tapestry of her adventures
-Sewed Borg’s skin shut after he’d received a massive cut

Immense Willpower:
-Even while suffering from a concussion and blood loss, she forced herself to stay conscious and fight off two Mahdists
-Was unaffected while being in the presence of the Amulet of Mareish, which can drive those near it insane with a murderous greed
-Resisted the Amulet of Mareish’s corruptive influence long enough to destroy it
-Was completely immune to the control lens, which could take control of others’ minds and force them to obey his commands
    -She even managed to supersede Frys’ control over the lens and turned its effects on him
-When using the lens for herself, her own willpower immediately snuffed out Frys’ and stripped him of all free will
    -For comparison, Frys had enough willpower to control an entire cult, but even then its members could still somewhat resist his commands
-Powered through Uhluhtc’s psychic screams, which were threatening to tear her mind apart
-Refused to show any signs of pain after the Shadow Shaman’s fingers stabbed through her left shoulder and into her deltoid

Lara sunglasses by Br3ndan5

-After surviving a plane crash at a young age and being forced to fend for herself in the wilderness, she became bored of her luxurious life and began craving more excitement
-Is an adventurous thrill-seeker who enjoys exploring ancient societies and searching for ancient, missing artifacts
-Often approaches matters with a sassy, sarcastic attitude and a wry sense of humor, though she’ll get serious if the situation calls for it
    -Following Angel of Darkness, her outlook became a bit harder and darker, though her sense of humor still occasionally shines through
    -In The Man of Bronze, her inner monologue reveals that she’s annoyed by how often she faces thugs that wear ski masks and wield Uzis. She even comments on their unoriginality multiple times and compares them to fashion victims
-When threatened, she’ll respond with cheeky quips or irritation, and will be as uncooperative as possible when interrogated
-Although she’s described by others as an archeologist, she doesn’t consider tomb raiding to be her job, instead viewing it as a lifestyle
-Despite being famous across the world, she treats her reputation with indifference, viewing herself as nothing more than an explorer akin to a 21st century Walter Raleigh
-Hates the idea of being treated like a celebrity and finds the idea of having fans to be absurd, though she’s still willing to fulfill their requests
    -This attitude also makes her slightly annoyed with journalists, as she feels that they put an inaccurate, biased image of her into a reader’s head
-Prefers working alone, as she feels that getting emotionally attached to your partner will endanger both of you
-Has a code to treat Croft Manor’s employees as her equals
    -She even makes sure to plan their vacations and send them to places that align with their interests
-Because her job requires a constant focus on researching ancient civilizations, she only occasionally reads material past the 15th century and rarely watches TV
-Often spends her free time playing sports, experimenting with different modes of transportation, and stitching a Bayeaux tapestry of her adventures
-Has witnessed so many supernatural events in her career that she refuses to dismiss anything as fictional or superstitious until it can be found or studied
-Due to counterfeiters and forgery, she distrusts any artifact she hasn’t discovered herself and will only believe they’re authentic once they’re studied in a lab
-Hates the idea of destroying ancient materials or artifacts, but will do so if it’s necessary
-Is willing to keep ancient treasures even if they’re cursed, though she’ll sell them if she believes they weren’t worth the trouble or their curses affect those around her
-Is disgusted at the idea of harming innocents to obtain artifacts and beating people who are already injured
-Despite having a massive body count, she takes no pleasure in killing (whether that’s people, animals, or endangered species) and will only do so if there’s no other choice
     -When she does kill, she prefers not to look at the corpse, believing what’s done is done regardless of how necessary the kill is
-Is disgusted at the idea of avenging the dead since it doesn’t change what happened to the victims. She also feels that anyone who believes in evening the score or seeking revenge is a fool
    -Even when she wanted to kill Urdmann and Silver, her only motive was to prevent them from taking further lives
-Believes in making her own fate rather than everything being predetermined by God
-Will use her guns to threaten others into doing what she wants, though this is often just for show
    -When she does fire her guns for intimidation (such as shooting into the air), she’ll use blanks to avoid accidental injuries or deaths
-Hates having to take orders and being babied by others
-Enjoys riding any vehicle that can reach 650 cc’s, though her favorites are the Triumph Speed Triple and the Harley V-Rod
-Has a low opinion of mercenaries, believing them to be arrogant, unruly egotists, poor team players, and too obsessed with themselves to reach their full potential
-Gets annoyed when others give her special treatment or try to protect her just because she’s a woman
-Will become pissed off if children are threatened
-Her favorite food is beans on toast, which is her main snack whenever she’s at home
-Enjoys listening to classical music, U2, Nine Inch Nails, and trance music
-Doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke, instead preferring tea or lemonade
-Despite rarely showing romantic interest in anyone, it’s revealed in The Lost Cult that she’s interested in determined, kind, courageous men who can keep up with her
-Dislikes bulletproof monsters and cilantro

Weapons and Equipment:



Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction:
-Can see and physically interact with spirits such as ghosts or demons, which are normally invisible and intangible to humans
-Was granted this ability after touching the Mask of Tornarsuk, which allowed her to see the spirits of the dead Inuit warriors surrounding its prison
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Physically interacted with the guardians of Quaxet Temple, who are all spirits
-Can harm members of the Teg-Du-Bhorez, who are all ghosts
-Can harm living shadows

Fourth Wall Awareness:

-Killed the cameraman for trying to follow her in the shower

Resistance to Mind Manipulation:
-Resisted the abilities of the control lens, which could control dozens of people

Resistance to Radiation Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation:
-As a child, she was able to remain around Bronze’s finger with no ill effects
    -Bronze’s severed body parts leak a radiation that will mutate others’ bodies and drive them insane, with these effects growing more potent the larger the part is
-Remained completely unaffected despite prolonged exposure to the radiation from Bronze’s leg

Fighting Styles:

Judo by Br3ndan5
-A Japanese martial art that focuses on throwing opponents, immobilizing them with pins, or forcing them to submit with joint locks and chokes

Kendo by Br3ndan5
-A Japanese form of fencing that uses two-handed swords to deliver strikes that target specific parts of the wrists, head, or body; as well as thrusts
-Focuses on creating openings when opponents attack, striking when they create openings, and delivering counterattacks after responding to or avoiding opposing strikes
-Requires good footwork and trained reflexes

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-Is still human and can be put down with enough force
-Slightly cocky and overconfident in her abilities
-Excluding the Black Demons, her weapons have limited ammo, though she carries extra just in case
-Her GPS doesn’t work deep underground
-Has a really bad habit of being lured into traps, getting captured and stripped of her weapons, and leading her enemies to artifacts
    -At least two of these events have occurred in every entry, with the only exceptions being the expansion packs and Game Boy trilogy
Optional Equipment:
-The EDS has limited mobility on land
-Damaging the EDS will limit its air supply, and it will grow shorter whenever Lara takes damage
-While the Amulet of Mareish grants her immortality, it doesn’t make her invulnerable, as she still felt pain when Oliver was beating on her
-The Amulet will corrupt Lara the longer she uses it, making her more ruthless and power-hungry
    -It can also instill a murderous greed in those nearby, which they will eventually act on if she doesn’t use her charisma on them
-Has never used the Chirugai in combat, as she’s only seen using it briefly during Angel of Darkness’ ending
-If a target’s willpower is strong enough, they can resist the control lens’ effects, be completely immune to it, or even turn it on the user
-Though the Silver Shield renders its user invulnerable, it doesn’t protect them from the force of an attack, as they can still be staggered by explosives or brute force
-The Silver Shield can only be used once before dissolving
-The Silver Shield can be disrupted if a piece of Bronze touches it, and if the piece is large enough, the Shield will implode, teleporting its user to Bronze and Silver’s home world
-All of them are extremely nonstandard, as they were only used for a few minutes/pages before being abandoned, destroyed, or returned to their owner
    -The only exception to this is the Chirugai, which she has no experience using

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