Lara Croft: Physicality, Stamina, and Intelligence

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-Town Level from harming Natla, who was unharmed after being caught in this explosion, which references the Trinity nuclear test; With Brawlhalla, Large Star Level from fighting Ulgrim and Artemis, who can rip the cores out of stars;
Multiverse Level+ with Fortnite, as she is capable of harming other cast members, who harmed and took hits from an enraged Thor in a canon crossover. Additionally, she, like the rest of the cast, is capable of destroying the Zero Point, which is an infinite source of power connected to all realities
    -During the fight with Fortnite’s cast, Thor had full access to the Odinforce, which would put him on the same level as Odin, whose fight with Seth threatened  infinite planes of reality and tore apart the fabric of the multiverse
-Threw an iron clapper at a group of imps
-Pushed a stone lid open
-Pushed three giant stone tiles
-Sent Pierre flying back with a punch
-Kicked Larson in the face and later kneed him in the crotch
-Pulled a chain 3 times to activate a gear
-Elbowed a docker in the stomach, then knocked him out with an uppercut
-Tore the handrail off a crate
-Knocked a chef out by hitting him over the head with the handrail
-Tossed the head of the Spear of Destiny to Mikhailov
-Knocked out two Russian guards during a momentary blackout
-Could pull large wooden levers while submerged deep underwater
-Can push and pull massive stones, crates, and blocks, even when they’re made of brick or ice
-Knocked Larson out with a roundhouse kick to the face
-Shoved a cowboy out of the way
-Grabbed a Fiamma Nera member out of the air, pulled him to the ground, then threw him off while simultaneously disarming him
-Kicked a massive crate off her left leg
-Ripped the Dagger of Xian out of Bartoli’s chest
-Broke through a wall of ice
-Could lift two massive gold scimitars
-Kneed John in the face, then pistol-whipped him when he grabbed her leg
-Pulled John to the ground
-Kicked John hard enough to flip him over her
-Pulled a golden urn in Tutankhamen’s tomb
-Kicked a security guard in the leg hard enough to make it buckle
-Pulled a trapdoor open
-Ripped the Amulet of Horus off of Set’s sarcophagus
-Pushed a gold seated statue across a room
-Can push and pull massive senet pieces
-Knocked Ben out by pistol-whipping him
-Twisted the trident of a Poseidon statue
-Pushed a globe into the center of a planetarium
-Pushed the giant limestone blocks in the Pyramid of Giza, which weigh up to 27 tons
-Placed and fastened all of Horus’ solid gold armor onto him
-While suffering from massive blood loss and a concussion, she still had enough strength to kick a Silent One in the crotch and later choked him out with an IV tube
-Impaled a handful of British pounds onto a spear
-Grabbed Rahman by the arm and spun him around
-Disarmed a Silent One by twisting his wrist hard enough to break it, then knocked him out with a knee strike to the chin
-Stabbed a Deathstalker scorpion
-Grabbed a driver, pulled him out of his bread truck, and threw him to the ground
-Knocked out the driver by pistol-whipping him in the temple
-Cut a Mahdist across the arm
-While hanging onto a rooftop with one arm, she used the other to raise a window open
-Accidentally broke off a sorcerer’s skeletal finger by bending it
-Destroyed the sorcerer’s skeleton by bashing it with the lid of a garbage can
-Kicked the sorcerer (whose bones had shapeshifted into a pack of dogs) with enough force to send it flying through the air
-Kicked the remaining bones-turned-dogs, picked them up by their necks and threw them to the side, or bashed them with a garbage can lid
-Sent a Mahdist crashing into a chair with a kick to the chin, then shattered his cheekbone with a lightning-fast one-two punch
-Pulled a phone cord hard enough to yank the phone out of a Mahdist’s hand and into his face
-Beat a Mahdist down with her fists before knocking him out with a karate chop to the neck
-Threw the Scalpel of Isis into a Mahdist’s throat
-Grabbed a black mamba by the back of its head, stabbed through its underjaw, and repeatedly slammed it against a sink until it died
-Staggered a man by kicking him in the head, then slashed him across the wrist
-Jabbed her thumb into the man’s throat while he was charging toward her
-Grabbed a burly waiter with her legs, then flung him over her head and to the ground
-Forced the waiter to his knees by twisting his wrist and punched the side of his head
-Kicked the waiter in the head twice to make him release his grip on her leg
-Slit Jacobi’s throat
-Pulled the cornerstone off an altar, then threw it at Khaled to disarm him
-Kicked Khaled’s pistol across the church’s floor twice
-Hit Khaled with a left hook to the stomach and a right hook that destroyed the cartilage in his nose
-After swinging from a rod, she dropkicked Khaled from behind and sent him crashing face-first into a church wall
-Knocked Khaled back into the wall with a spin kick to the ribs
-Pushed Von Croy back
-Can effortlessly shoulder tackle through doors
-Tore through strips of caution tape with her bare hands
-Pulled herself onto a balcony
-Can slam fully grown men into the ground and knock them out with one punch
-Kicked a door open
-Pulled a wardrobe until it was in front of a door
-Can kick a walkway hard enough to lower it
-Pushed a giant angel statue off its pedestal
-Has repeatedly shown that she can kick grated metal doors open
-Can lift a large metal door
-Pushed several massive fan blades out of the way
-Can push and pull the massive display cases in the Louvre
-Knocked Bouchard out by pistol-whipping him
-Kicked Kurtis’ pistol out of his hands
-Pushed and pulled a giant container of meat
-Tossed the Obscura painting to Eckhardt
-Stabbed Eckhardt in the chest with a Periapt Shard
-Tossed bags of Iraqi artifacts into some nearby shrubs
-Held onto a ladder with her legs
-Threw a case at a Russian gunman
-Disarmed the Russian by grabbing his hand, stomping on his instep, and twisting his wrist until it popped
-Tore open the bud of a nearby plant and pulled its petals out
-Grabbed onto a ledge and pulled herself back up
-Backhanded a giant bee
-Pushed against the Whispering Abyss’ walls
-Pushed several Prophecy Panels free from the Abyss’ walls and lifted them
-The Prophecy Panels were said to weigh several kilos each, and sixty kilos (132 lbs) in total
-Squeezed a camel pack like a bagpipe
-Supported the weight of an unconscious Borg while swimming
-Borg is said to weigh over 100 kilograms (220 pounds)
-Managed to cut through the spider silk of a giant spider, which was as thick as heavyweight fishing wire and as sticky as superglue
-Stabbed a Transformed with a diving knife and cut open its wrist, then cut another Transformed
-Severed a Transformed’s hand and made another release her by stomping on its foot
-Threw the contact lens at Ajay
-Pushed Ajay off her by driving her knee into her stomach
-Cut Ajay across the cheek with a diving knife, then cut one of the muscles in her arm
-Judo threw Ajay across her hip
-Supported Reuben’s weight as they walked down some bell tower steps
-Stabbed a pair of scissors through a mercenary’s Kevlar vest, past his ribs, and directly into his heart
-Collapsed a mercenary’s windpipe with a ridge hand to the throat, then killed him by repeating it
-Slit a mercenary’s throat
-Destroyed a plasterboard wall by shoulder tackling it
-Using a Kaybar knife, she was able to carve a hole through another plasterboard wall
-Knocked an Uzi out of a mercenary’s hands with a crescent kick
-Despite failing to hit the mercenary, her axe kick still had enough strength to dent a metal operating table
-Choked the mercenary, with her grip being tough enough that he couldn’t break free no matter how hard he struggled
-Though Lara admits he may have been weakened at the time due to his bullet wound and being on anesthetics
-Used an Uzi to pistol-whip the mercenary after he donned a Silver Shield, to no effect
-While wearing a Silver Shield, a casual punch to the mercenary’s nose created a sonic boom
-Restrained the mercenary with a chokehold and lifted him into the air
-Tossed an Uzi into another room
-Tossed a heavy bronze statuette of Osiris into a cistern
-Threw a snowball at a tent hard enough to detonate the explosives that were hidden inside
-Snapped a zombie’s knuckles by crushing them under her heel
-Cut through multiple animal pelts while using Shadow Slayer
-Supported Ilya’s weight while using her injured arm
-Pushed Ilya to the ground
-Carried Ilya in a firefighter’s lift while escorting him out of a cavern
-Maintained her grip on a schooner’s rail even as a giant, mutated eel repeatedly slammed into the ship
-Pushed herself out of a shaft after her lower half got stuck inside
-Chopped a zombie to pieces using his own cleaver
-Pried a treasure chest open using a pry bar
-Pulled Bronze’s leg out of the battering ram it was being kept in
-Wrapped herself around the eel priest and maintained her grip even when he tried to throw her off
-Using Bronze’s leg as a makeshift bludgeon, she smacked the eel priest between the eyes, then beat him until he went unconscious
-Cut through an OICW’s strap
-Kicked a ferret-sized cockroach out of a tent
-Caused a ten foot tall moai statue to fall backwards by jumping onto its nose, then pulled it in the opposite direction until it toppled over
-Decapitated a giant spider
-While 30 yards away, she was able to kick the spider’s head into the mouth of a ten foot tall crocodile
-Repeatedly pushed and repositioned 5 moai statues over the course of 45 minutes
-Grabbed Dark Lara (a copy of herself made of solid bronze) by the ponytail, swung her through the air, and hurled her with enough force to send her crashing into Bronze’s foot
-Lara says that if Dark Lara had been human, throwing her like this would’ve snapped her neck
-Kicked a gas grenade through a temple doorway
-Beat Silver over the head with a makeshift flail, then attempted to choke him with a necklace and gag him by using a pillowcase, to no effect
-Stomped on Silver’s face, to no effect
-Knocked a security guard out in under 10 seconds by squeezing his neck with her calves
-Carried a replica of Bronze’s leg with no issue
-Knocked out a second guard by punching him in the kidneys, groin, and face
-Knocked out a third guard by dropkicking him in the back of the head, punched him several times to make sure he’d stay down, then dragged his unconscious body into another room
-Incapacitated a fourth guard by pistol-whipping him with an Uzi
-Using Teresa’s machete, she was able to sever the little toe from a replica of Bronze’s leg
-Choked out a security guard within 5 seconds
-Casually cut an X through a screen door
-Knocked a driver out by elbowing him and punching him in the face
-Knocked Urdmann on his ass by pistol-whipping him in the throat with an Uzi
-This was done while Urdmann was wearing a Silver Shield, which makes its user invulnerable
-Lifted a Rolls-Royce’s boot door and swung it in front of her
-Using Bronze’s leg as a bludgeon, she smashed it against Urdmann’s head with enough force to disrupt his Silver Shield
-Tossed Bronze’s leg off into the distance
-Tossed Silver’s severed pinkie to Bronze
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Hurled the Nightmare Stone into a pit of lava
-Shattered the Sword of Paveaux
-In Brawlhalla, she defeated Lord Vraxx, who can vaporize a planet and has the power of a dying star, and Thor, who is destined to slay a serpent that encircles the planet

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-Is an expert at parkour
-Can jump up to ledges roughly twice her height and leap across gaps over 10 feet wide
-Can pull herself onto a ledge while performing a handstand
-Cartwheeled into the edge of the balcony seats, then leapt onto a curtain in an opera house
-Can perfectly balance herself while walking across a tightrope
-Rolled out of the way before a round of Tommy gun shots could hit her
-Rolled away from some collapsing pillars
-Rolled away from a pillar that was 2 seconds from crushing her
-Can climb up a stack of massive crates despite having little support
-Cartwheeled through the air and landed on her feet after leaping off Set’s sarcophagus
-Leapt through a spinning blade trap before it could close
-Scaled up a Poseidon statue without losing her balance
-Rolled across a hospital room while suffering blood loss and a concussion
-Swung herself over an awning’s crossbar to avoid a speeding bread truck
-After getting a running start, she was able to leap toward a power line, grab it, swing herself up, and walked on it while maintaining perfect balance
-Jumped a five foot gap between two roofs
-Using a chimney’s weeping bricks, she scaled onto the rooftop of a library that was 20 feet higher than the roof she was on
-Leapt onto a desk “with the grace of a leopard”
-Leapt onto some railing and raced down it to approach a man
-Somersaulted eight feet above the ground
-While falling backwards, she was able to lift her legs above her head and grab the waiter who’d attacked her
-Jumped over a pew
-Jumped onto a pew, ran along its length, then leapt through the air and swung from a broken rod
-Leapt over a rail guard
-Leapt from a fire escape and onto a canopy that was across the street
-Can maintain perfect balance while shimmying along a power line and being shot at
-Leapt over 3 spike traps
-Wriggled between fan blades
-Leapt onto the ledge of a window on Urdmann’s estate
-Climbed up a marker by using its cracks as hand and footholds
-Scaled a wall by using a nearby vine as a rope
-Somersaulted through the air and landed on her feet while falling through a chimney
-While falling toward Borg, she sped up her descent by clasping her hands to the side and spinning through the air like an arrow
-Kicked off of Uhluhtc’s tentacles to avoid his mouth and leap into a nearby pool
-Claimed that if doctors hadn’t been in her way, she would’ve been able to vault over an operating table and land feet-first on a mercenary
-Performed a half somersault over the operating table to cut off the mercenary’s path
-Leapt over a doorway and a nearby gurney with a single jump
-Rolled away from a mercenary before he could fire an Uzi at her
-Leapt up to another story in a hospital
-Using the recoil from her guns, she was able to backflip several paces across a cavern to put distance between herself and a shaman
-Maintained perfect balance while sliding along a bronze battering ram, which was constantly moving and slick with seawater
-She managed this even while upside down and gripping it with her thighs
-Performed a backwards somersault to avoid the eel priest when he tried to bite her
-Rolled out of the way before some Uzi rounds could hit her
-Rolled over the edge of the trireme’s deck before two mercs could shoot her
-Pulled herself back onto the trireme’s deck with a one-armed chin-up
-Ran up a giant spider’s leg and used its body as a springboard to leap onto the nose of a moai statue
-Ran up another spider’s leg and leapt off its body to grab a strand of webbing and swing to safety
-Somersaulted over a gas grenade, then somersaulted again to take cover behind two moai statues

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-Faster than Light due to having multiple instances of reacting to events in a nanosecond; With Brawlhalla, FTL due to keeping up in battle with Val, who has quicker-than-light cognition; With Fortnite, Immeasurable from scaling to Thor, who could spin Mjolnir until its speed transcended the boundaries between time and space
-Has escaped multiple temples before they could collapse
-Has regularly outrun massive boulders
-Did the following when she was 14:
-Outran imps
-Dove to the side before some debris could crush her
-At 16, she slid out of a temple’s entrance before rubble could block it
-Caught the Mercury Stone while it was still flying through the air
-Outran a swarm of bats
-Can dodge lasers from a giant mechanical head
-Dodged energy bolts and sword swings from a bronze centurion statue
-Dodged bolts of fire from the gargoyle serpents
-Dodged sword swings from gladiators
-Avoided shockwaves created from a silver centurion statue swinging its hammer
-Swam back to the submarine before the air in her EDS could deplete
-Can dodge and outrun arrows from dart traps
-Can avoid axes that are rapidly swung through the air
-Dodged Larson’s attempt to tackle her
-Can outrun and dodge attacks from lions, gorillas, crocodiles, panthers, tigers, snow leopards, eagles, vultures, mutants, giant wasps and beetles, Willard’s mutant form, jackals, mummies, skeletons, Semerkhet’s guardian, mechanical horsemen, Minotaurs, and giant scorpions
-Dodged gunshots from Pierre and Larson
-Can dodge spiked walls attempting to crush her
-Dodged fireballs from the Atlanteans
-Can dodge shots from pistols, Magnums, shotguns, and Uzis
-Escaped multiple rooms before their spiked walls could crush her or their floors could collapse
-Dodged shots from a sniper on a nearby balcony
-Can avoid harpoons being fired at her from underwater
-Dodged multiple shots from Bartoli
-Ejected from Bartoli’s plane before it could crash into a mountain
-Avoided falling icicles
-Outran an avalanche of snow and ice
-Can dodge punches from the Talion Guardian
-Dodged Bartoli’s fire breath
-Outran the explosions occurring inside the collapsing Temple of Xian
-Can dodge cobras and rattlesnakes lunging toward her
-Can avoid sword swings from massive Shiva statues
-Outran a wall of spikes
-Dodged fireballs from Tony
-Outran the flames from a missile launch
-Can dodge poisoned darts and axe swings from Puna tribesmen
-Dodged Puna’s lightning bolts
-Outran rapid shots from a sniper rifle
-Shot John in the arm while he was still aiming his rifle
-Pulled John to the ground seconds before a church bell could hit him in the head
-Avoided energy bolts from the Eye of Isis
-Escaped a helicopter before it could sink into the Antarctic waters
-Dodged a shot from Willard’s pistol
-Avoided some spinning blade wheels
-Repeatedly outran falling rocks
-Avoided a missile while piloting a helicopter
-Outran machine gun fire from a helicopter
-Outran a swarm of scorpions
-Can dodge energy blasts and dive bomb attacks from harpies
-Dodged energy blasts from Cleopatra’s guards
-Dodged fireballs from the Crocodile God
-Dodged energy bolts from the Pyramid Guardians
-Ducked before one of the Great Pyramid’s blocks could crush her
-Could avoid Set’s lighting bolts
-Moved fast enough to avoid a sliding block attempting to crush her
-Despite suffering from multiple injuries and barely being able to move, she was still able to roll out of the way at the last second before a knife could stab her
-Dodged a Silent One attempting to rush at her
-Ducked for cover, pulled out her pistols, and fired five shots in the time it took a Mahdist to fire one
-Ducked behind a boat before a group of gunmen could fire on her
-Rolled out of the way before a knife could slash her throat
-Shot a knife out of the air before it could stab her in the chest
-Ducked before an airborne rifle could hit her in the face
-Fired 20 shots in less than two seconds
-Spun Rahman around and pressed Leopard’s Tooth to his neck in an instant
-Leapt out of the way before a speeding bread truck could run her over
-Amulet of Power’s narrator says she can draw her pistols as fast as Doc Holiday or Johnny Ringo
-Ducked under a punch
-Dodged a knife being swung at her
-Blocked a punch from a man, jabbed her thumb in his throat, and sidestepped him while he was still charging toward her
-Grabbed a waiter’s wrist while he was swinging a butcher knife at her
-While falling through the air, she managed to stop herself by grabbing onto a ledge at the last second
-Avoided a charging rhino by taking two steps to the left, then did the same later with a single step
-Ducked under a lunge from Khaled
-Avoided the Amulet of Mareish’s guardians long enough to speak the eight words needed to destroy it
-Narrowly outran an explosion
-Avoided Brother Obscura’s charging attacks
-Dodged a sudden attack from Kurtis’ Chirugai
-Outran fire from a submachine gun
-Ducked before the Chirugai could decapitate her
-Slipped past a gong just before it could close the path in front of her
-Can dodge bolts of electricity and streams of fire from Eckhardt
-Can dodge energy blasts from Karel
-Shot Urdmann in the forearm while he was lunging toward her
-Threw herself to the side before gunfire could hit her
-Outran gunfire while escaping Urdmann’s mansion
-Avoided a rubber bullet by sliding under a stack of oil drums
-Raised her shoulder in time to block a knife being swung at her throat
-Drew her right hand pistol, removed its safety, and fired it while a series of entrails were still flying through the air
-Her speed was compared to a gunslinger at a rodeo show immediately afterward
-Ducked under a swarm of speeding giant wasps
-While being pulled by a current, she managed to duck before a stalagmite could hit her
-Outran a thousand giant baby spiders
-Removed her towel and covered it over Borg’s hands before the grenade he caught could explode
-Switched gears twice while simultaneously kicking a motorcycle’s kickstand
-Ducked for cover just as Ajay fired her machine pistol
-Dodged one of the Transformed lunging toward her
-Managed to redirect Ajay’s knife mid-swing so it would bounce off one of her ribs
-Aimed two Uzis at a mercenary in a nanosecond
-Disarmed the above mercenary while he was in the middle of aiming an Uzi at her
-Released her grip on a freezing Uzi and pulled her arm back before the frost could reach her
-Swung an Uzi at the mercenary in a nanosecond
-Studied the entire layout of a room she was in during the span of a muzzle flash
-Within less than 30 seconds, she ran down a corridor, over a gurney, past an operating room, leapt onto another story of the hospital, pulled herself up the ledge to the patient rooms, and traveled down the stairs to ambush a mercenary from the other side
-Dodged a swipe from the Shadow Shaman
-Carved an S across the Shadow Shaman’s torso before he could react
-Pushed Ilya down and leapt on top of him before an explosion could go off
-While supporting Ilya’s weight, she managed to run out of a cavern’s mouth seconds before an explosion went off
-Fired several shots at the eel priest while he was in the middle of rushing toward her
-Shot two mercenaries in the head before they could react
-Outran a giant, mutated spider
-Leapt out of the way before a falling moai statue could crush her
-Threw herself to the side half a second before another spider could stab her
-In the time it took a gas grenade to go off, she somersaulted over it, kicked it into a temple, then somersaulted again to take cover between two moai
-Outran a second gas grenade before it could go off
-Despite being backed into a corner, she still managed to dodge a shot from Urdmann’s LEI Mark 2, with the bullet only grazing her arm
-Dove to the ground a nanosecond before a ream of bullets tore through a Rolls-Royce
-Rolled out of the way of gunfire from an Uzi while simultaneously returning fire
-Threw herself to the side before a tire exploded
-While supporting the weight of a Rolls-Royce’s boot door, she barely managed to block a punch to the head from Urdmann (who was using a Silver Shield)
-Blocked a second punch using the boot door, then released her grip and backed away before a layer of frost could reach her
-Ran 50 meters in a matter of seconds while escaping an explosion
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Dodged fireballs from a gargoyle
-Dodged the Snake Guardian’s venomous gobs
-Repeatedly dodged a Bokor member who was attempting to crush her with a crate
-Dove out of a plane before a missile hit it
-Dodged fireballs from the Bokor’s priest
-Avoided energy bolts, fireballs, and balls of electricity from Teg-Du-Bhorez members
-Can dodge claw swipes from shadows
-Can dodge the Great Grey One’s fireballs, balls of electricity, and lightning

Animated GIF
-Town Level due to surviving the damage from her weapons, which can harm Natla, being reflected back onto her; With Brawlhalla, Large Star Level by scaling to her strength; With Fortnite, Multiverse Level+
-Withstood imps pelting her with rocks
-Took energy bolts and sword swings from a bronze centurion statue
-Survived getting caught in shockwaves and being bludgeoned by the silver centurion statue’s hammer
-Shrugged off getting punched by a docker
-Can survive being in electrified water for a few seconds
-Was unharmed after falling a massive height off a stone door and landing feet-first
-Can survive multiple gunshots from pistols, Magnums, shotguns, Uzis, and machine guns
-Has tanked scratches from lions, mummified cats, Atlanteans, snow leopards, and Dragonettes
-Has shrugged off bites from rats, crocodiles, panthers, Atlanteans, barracudas, snow leopards, compsognathus, and jackals
-Can withstand being hit by fireballs
-Got back up after one of Natla’s men shoved her into the mountainside
-Survived landing in water after diving off a cliff and falling hundreds of feet
-Can withstand the damage of her attacks reflecting onto her when attacking her doppelgänger and a gold statue of herself
-Was tackled out of a room and briefly sent flying down a shaft by Natla
-Quickly recovered after getting hit by a shockwave from the Great Pyramid of Atlantis’ explosion
-Got back up after being buried under a stack of crates
-Survived Eros beating her over the head with a monkey wrench, though it knocked her out
-Can withstand prolonged exposure to the ice cold waters of the Tibetan Mountains
-Can shrug off punches from Yetis
-Can take hits from the Talion Guardian
-Can survive being stabbed by spears or swords
-Can withstand being poisoned by darts, snake bites, mutants, and scorpion stings
-Survived being thrown off a quad bike, hitting the ground back-first, falling off a cliffside, and landing on her face hard enough that she flipped through the air; though this knocked her out
-Can shrug off being jabbed and bludgeoned by police batons
-Got slammed into the ground by John
-Got back up after falling down a pit and landing on her chest
-Withstood energy bolts from the Eye of Isis
-Can withstand prolonged exposure to the Antarctic waters, which can reach as low as 28° F (-2° C)
-Got back up after Willard flipped a table onto her and stomped on her face
-Can survive being stung by massive wasps and bitten by giant scarab beetles
-Showed no signs of pain after falling off a ledge and into the Meteorite Cavern
-Suffered no major damage after falling one story
-Survived being stung by scorpions
-Shrugged off being swiped at by mummies
-Can withstand being impaled by the horns of Semerkhet’s guardian
-Has continued fighting after being cut by mechanical horsemen’s axes
-Can take scratches, dive bombings, energy blasts, and stings from harpies
-Can survive explosive energy blasts from Cleopatra’s guards
-Withstood being bludgeoned by the Minotaur’s club
-Can shrug off being stung by massive scorpions
-Can survive energy bolts from the Pyramid Guards
-Survived being caught in the explosion created by Horus’ death
-Can survive being struck by Set’s lightning bolts
-Survived being crushed by rubble after the Temple of Horus collapsed on top of her, though it left her hospitalized and concussed
-While still suffering the above injuries, she was able to withstand her wounds opening back up and being backhanded into a trolley of IV tubes
-Could drink water from the Nile with no issue
-Those who aren’t accustomed to drinking from the Nile, such as Europeans and Americans, would normally become violently sick from its bacteria
-Withstood being tackled hard enough that the metal railing behind her gave way
-Took a punch to the jaw from Jacobi
-Quickly recovered after a glancing blow to the left shoulder and a left hook to the jaw
-Took a roundhouse to the face that sent her crashing through a pew
-Withstood a kick to the head and a haymaker from Khaled, though the latter nearly knocked her out
-While possessing the Amulet of Mareish, she was unharmed by three shots from Malcom’s pistol, then withstood being pummeled by him
-Was shoved into a wall by Karel, though this briefly knocked her out
-Got back up after being knocked through a window, hitting a dumpster back-first, and collapsing onto the pavement
-Fell several stories and crashed into a dumpster, then got back up without any issue
-Suffered no visible damage after being set on fire from an explosion
-Can survive being near lava and getting pelted by volcanic rocks
-Can tank energy blasts from Karel
-Survived falling dozens of feet and landing feetfirst
-Survived being caught in the Sleeper’s explosion
-Withstood sliding down a bumpy hill of volcanic rock, which left her with multiple bruises and cuts, then withstood those injuries being irritated when she entered the ocean
-Kept fighting after being stabbed in the shoulder
-Was hit by a 50,000 volt taser
-Once jumped off a skyscraper in Hong Kong, fell the entire length, and emerged unharmed
-Slammed against two walls while BASE jumping
-Shrugged off being pistol-whipped
-While falling through the Abyss, she remained conscious after slamming into its walls twice and hitting the ground back-first
-Kept going after having the back of her hand burned by a giant wasp’s acidic spit
-Showed no signs of pain after her thighs were burned from three cartridge cases landing on them
-Was only briefly hurt after a rock struck her in the hip while being dragged through a rapid
-Had no reaction after being grazed by a bullet
-Skinned her knee after smacking into a wall of lava, only to continue climbing the 200 meter Nuku Hava like nothing happened
-Withstood Ajay tackling her to the ground and beating on her like a wild animal
-Showed no signs of pain after being stabbed in one of her ribs and later being stabbed in the back
-Repeatedly withstood Uhluhtc’s psychic screams
-Was unaffected by Borg repeatedly kicking her
-Survived being shot in the chest, with the bullet breaking two of her ribs as it passed through
-Only felt a slight jolt of pain after falling one story from a hospital and crashing onto the hard wood floor of a church
-Showed little pain after touching a mercenary’s Silver Shield, which stopped the circulation in her hand for a few seconds
-Withstood being stung by linoleum fragments that had been kicked up by an Uzi shot
-Was knocked back by an explosion, had the breath knocked out of her by a fist-sized rock hitting her in the stomach, and got pummeled on the arms and legs by several sharp rocks, which left gashes on her skin
-Withstood a glancing blow from a mammoth’s trunk that felt like a bludgeon to her skull
-Showed no reaction after her shoulder slammed hard into a cave floor from a zombie yanking on her leg
-Withstood the zombie squeezing her ankle hard enough that the bones ground against each other
-Was stabbed through the left shoulder by the Shadow Shaman’s fingers, which were then pushed into her deltoid, and refused to show any signs of pain
-Withstood Ilya accidentally squeezing her injured shoulder repeatedly
-Survived being knocked back by the explosion of the Tunguska cavern and sent crashing into mud
-Quickly recovered after a pillar of water smacked her in the back and sent her into the ocean
-Withstood a shot from an LEI Mark 2 grazing her arm
-Ignored the pain of her injured arm while pulling herself up a rooftop
-Shrugged off being pelted by nuggets of safety glass
-While 50 yards away from an explosion, she survived being launched into some coffee bushes that scratched her dozens of times
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Survived being blasted with energy when she touched an altar, though it knocked her out
-Can be stung by jellyfish and suffer no injuries
-Can shrug off being electrocuted by an electric eel
-Can withstand being hit by the Snake Guardian’s venomous gobs
-Survived being cut by the Sword of Paveaux and falling several dozen feet onto her back
-Shows no reaction to being bitten by zombies
-Can tank punches and fireballs from the Bokor’s priest
-Can tank energy bolts, fireballs, and balls of electricity from Teg-Du-Bhorez members
-Can shrug off claw swipes from shadows
-Can survive being struck by the Great Grey One’s fireballs, balls of electricity, and lightning

-Can hold her breath underwater for up to 3 minutes
-Was able to walk around a ship despite spending 24 hours of sleep with little food or water, suffering blood loss, and having a concussion
-After going without food for over a day, she read through a 1300 page book on Chinese Gordon multiple times over several hours
-Jogged for an hour with only a five minute break between sessions
-Remained active for several minutes despite constant exposure to tear gas, which was making it harder for her to breathe
-Repeatedly pushed and repositioned moai statues for 45 minutes with only a small break
-After 24 hours with no sleep, she engaged in multiple fights and shootouts with Urdmann and Silver’s men, with her only signs of fatigue occurring hours later

-Regularly solves ancient puzzles and deduces the locations of traps based on a room’s layout
-Is fluent in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, Latin, Arabic, Egyptian, Phoenician, Portuguese, and several Sudanese dialects
-Knows how to read Aramaic, Egyptian, hieroglyphs, and several forms of Chinese
-Is well-versed in the history, geography, mythology, and ethnography of numerous nations and cultures
-Has performed extensive research on many ancient artifacts and their histories, as well as different species of animals
-Can accurately tell when a treasure or artifact was made just by testing its weight and studying it for a few seconds
-Is knowledgeable on various ships, and can tell the difference between a dhow and a felluca
-Has studied microbiology and marine biology
-Can tell the time based on the position of the Sun or Moon
-Before entering any building, she’ll survey it for possible escape routes
-Learned how to bowline knots before she could even walk
-Read books on Aristotle, Cicero, Sappho, and Ovid as a child
-With Ajay’s help, she pieced together a map from details in an old Roman geography treatise
-Accurately predicted the positions of several invisible platforms
-Deduced that the Mahdists had poisoned a water hole based on how a camel had reacted to drinking from it
-Could tell that she was being watched because one of the curtains in her apartment didn’t match the other
-Discovered the Amulet of Mareish’s location by cross-referencing Chinese Gordon’s letters with the clues in his diaries and maps
-Memorized the spell to destroy the Amulet of Mareish by reading it and repeating the words four times
-Deduced that Kevin Mason was an impostor due to his contradictory claims and lack of knowledge regarding the Amulet of Mareish’s history
-As seen during her encounter with Khaled at the church, she can come up with elaborate strategies and make them go off without a hitch
-She even has back-up plans in case things go south, as she revealed that if Khaled went for his gun after their fistfight, she would’ve killed him with the Scalpel of Isis
-Used a long branch to spring the traps surrounding the Amulet of Mareish’s altar
-Deduced that Karel had killed Von Croy based on the glyph on his hand, which had been carved into Von Croy’s apartment
-Can tell the difference between Old Babylonian cuneiform and neo-Assyrian
-Memorized the license number of a taxi as it sped away
-Was able to perfectly memorize the outline of Urdmann’s estate despite only visiting once
-Studied the Fry’s-Von Croy papers on the Méne, which gave her a better understanding of the cult, the gods they worship, and the Prime, the man who spoke to and for the Deep Gods
-Has an intricate knowledge of tasers and how they function
-Knows the benefits that eating muna gives the human body
-Calculated the force she’d need to capsize the Plato while dropping rocks off a cliffside
-Identified a booby trap on a nearby ladder while the entire area was submerged in darkness
-Can navigate deep underground by using air currents
-Identified the brakes on Sabato’s Volvo by listening to how its tires squealed
-Knows the exact position needed to stab someone through the aorta
-Deduced that rupturing an oxygen tank in the presence of rubbing alcohol and disinfectant would produce a miniature explosion
-Calculated the exact position she’d need to shoot an oxygen tank so its velocity would tear through the plasterboard walls
-After studying a statuette of Osiris and noticing an antenna in its seams, she deduced that it was a transmitter and that Reuben’s attackers had allowed him to escape so he’d lead them to the Order of Bronze
-Deduced that the saber-toothed tiger and mammoth she and Ilya found were created by underground shamans using the powers of Bronze’s thigh
-Using her preexisting knowledge of the Tunguska explosion and some cave paintings she found in a nearby cavern, she concluded that the explosion was created during a final battle between six mutated shamans warring over Bronze’s thigh
-Was able to recognize the specifics behind how a cavern’s garden functioned and the purpose of its lens just by glancing at them
-Has an intrinsic knowledge of different guns and their ammunition types
-Has studied the different strategies used during naval invasions
-While submerged in darkness and traveling through a trireme’s crawlway, she gauged her progress based on the wooden ribs in the roof and the change in the water echoes
-Easily deduced that the treasure chest she was searching through contained a false bottom to hide Bronze’s thigh
-She then deduced that the thigh in the chest was a fake due to its corrosion, while the real thigh was contained in the ship’s shining, bronze battering ram
-Could tell that the Pennabong temple’s entrance required a Neolithic combination lock involving its moai statues
-Within 30 seconds she was able to crack into a safe whose dial went from 1 to 60
-Was able to determine the location of Silver’s estate despite having to rely on outdated, 30 year old roadmaps
Game Boy Trilogy:
-Translated the message from Heort’s tomb into English
-Deciphered the Prophecy of Magic to determine the location of the final Magic Stone

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