Morrigan Aensland Stalks the Night of Death Battle!

This bio was commissioned by Scarat234.

Morrigan thumbnail by Br3ndan5
Morrigan Aensland
Aliases: Ann
Age: Over 300
Height: 5’8
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Queen of Makai
First Appearance: Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (August, 1994)

Read more: Morrigan Aensland Stalks the Night of Death Battle!

-Upon birth, her raw power was enough that Belial, her adoptive father and Makai’s king, had to split her soul into three pieces so she wouldn’t destroy herself and Makai

Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors/Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge
-Was one of the many warriors summoned to fight Pyron, an alien who was going to devour Earth
-Following Pyron’s defeat, she returned to Makai and ascended to its throne after learning of Belial’s death
-Regained the third of her soul that Belial had absorbed

Vampire Savior
-Fought Demitri Maximoff, with the battle ending inconclusively due to Jedah Dohma’s interference
-Killed Jedah and stopped his plan of remaking the universe
-Defeated Lilith and fused with her, regaining her full strength

Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge OVA
-Killed two demons that were working for Demitri
-Fought Demitri, with the battle ending inconclusively due to a squad of Huitzils interrupting
-Worked with Demitri to destroy the Huitzils
-Discovered the origins of the Huitzils and informed Demitri about it
-Helped revive Demitri from near-death by letting him briefly drain her blood


-Killed a group of security guards in a warehouse
-Killed Jack, a fisherman who’d taken her in after she disguised herself as a widow
-Served as a model for a vampiric painter
-Upon learning that the painter was one of Demitri’s benefactors, she probed him for knowledge of Demitri’s location and killed him
-Returned to Makai to inform Belial of Demitri’s return
-Upon learning of Belial’s death, she returned to Earth to fight Demitri and prove herself worthy of succeeding Belial
-While riding a train to Romania, she killed three men and absorbed their souls
-Infiltrated the ritual to restore Demitri’s power by killing one of his servants and disguising herself
-Fought Demitri, which ended inconclusively due to being interrupted by Pyron
-Worked with Demitri to fight Pyron, but was defeated
-Upon returning to Makai, she ascended to the throne and prepared to absorb the last third of her power, only to learn that it had been stolen
-Fought Chun-li, who was investigating one of her victims, and was defeated
    -The only reason Morrigan lost was because she’d been holding back
-Unintentionally awakened the Aztec warrior Necalli while searching for souls in Brazil
-Fought Necalli, but was interrupted by Lilith
-Convinced Lilith and Donovan to help her fight Jedah
-Restrained Jedah and nearly succeeded in her plan to kill him, but failed due to Jedah’s powers letting him escape
-While holding back, she fought Chun-li, who was being manipulated by Jedah
    -Their fight ended inconclusively due to Gill and Jedah revealing themselves in the middle of it
-Worked with the other Street Fighters and Darkstalkers to fight Jedah
-Fused with Lilith to stop the Fetus of God and seal it with Lilith’s help
-Following Jedah’s defeat, she was officially commemorated as Queen of Makai

Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo

-Attempted to merge with Lilith, but was rejected
-Fought Lilith to try and convince her to merge, but was defeated
    -It’s worth noting that Morrigan only lost because she was holding back and underestimated Lilith
-Saved Lilith from being swarmed by Q-Bee’s bee army
-Aided Lilith in her fight against Q-Bee by coaching her on how to use her wings in combat
-Killed a squad of Darkhunters
-Defeated B. B. Hood
-Fought Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling, who had both been reincarnated as humans
    -She then fought them again after they regained their powers, but was interrupted by Q-Bee
-Attempted to convince Lilith to fuse with her by threatening to kill her boyfriend, John Statley, but was rejected again
    -After this, she decided to leave Lilith alone, promising to only return once Lilith had unleashed more of her potential

Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum

First story:
-Prior to the manga’s events, she slaughtered many of Makai’s other succubi for constantly mocking her
    -This served as the catalyst for Belial taking her powers, as he didn’t want to risk her becoming further corrupted
-Fought Jedah, but lost due to Lilith influencing her body
Fifth story:
-Fought Jon Talbain in an attempt to stave off her boredom
    -The fight ended inconclusively, as Morrigan called it off once she no longer felt bored

Marvel vs Capcom 3

-Defeated Galactus
-Following Galactus’ defeat, she hosted a party with the various demons from Marvel and Capcom

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

-Fought Ghost Rider, with the fight ending inconclusively due to Dr. Strange’s interference
-Helped guide Dante, Dr. Strange, Arthur, and Ghost Rider to Jedah
-Helped the other heroes fight off a giant symbiote monster
-Worked with Dr. Strange to channel the heroes’ combined power into X’s Infinity Buster, allowing him to kill Ultron Omega

Animated GIF
-Galaxy Level due to consistently rivaling Demitri even after he absorbed Pyron, whose true form has an orbital path of 400,000 lightyears
-Traded blows with Pyron, Demitri, Jedah, and Lilith
-Superior to Anakaris, who can sink all of Egypt
-Kicked a demon in the stomach, stabbed him and his partner through the chest with her wings, then lifted them into the air
-Stabbed Demitri in the shoulder and side, then kicked him twice
-Kicked Demitri in the chest, punched him in the stomach, and sliced him across the chest with a Shadow Blade
-Stabbed Demitri across the chest and shoulders, then kicked him in the face, to no effect
-While using Astral Vision, she and her clone kicked Demitri three times
-Kicked Demitri three times
-Stabbed a Huitzil three times and kicked it in half
-Her wings can tear through Huitzils with ease
-Destroyed a Huitzil with Darkness Illusion
-Rapidly impaled a Huitzil, cut it across the chest, then decapitated it with a Shadow Blade
-Stabbed a monster in the face and killed another with a kick
-Lifted a massive piece of debris
-Should be superior to Lilith, who can decapitate grown men and throw massive boulders
-Did the following in a precognitive vision:
    -Impaled Demitri in the shoulders, back, and chest multiple times with her wings
-Cut several security guards in half with her wings
-Pinned a vampire to a wall by impaling him through the stomach and chest
-Killed one of Demitri’s servants by impaling her through the back, then later did the same to his butler
-Kicked Demitri hard enough to draw blood
-While using Astral Vision, she made Demitri spit up blood with an uppercut and kicked him away
-Pulled a wall down on Chun-li
-Cut a man’s chest open
-Kicked Necalli in the chest
-Slammed Necalli into the ground hard enough to create an explosion
-Hit Lilith with an axe kick
-Shoved Lilith before they could fuse
-Kicked Dhylec back to Donovan
-Stabbed Lilith in the back
-Stabbed Jedah through the shoulders, chest, and stomach
-Performed a Vector Drain on Chun-li
-Claims that if she wanted to, she could easily kill Chun-li
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Knocked Lilith through a wall
-Grabbed John by the neck and lifted him into the air
-Decapitated a swarm of bees and cut off each of their stingers
-Impaled a squad of Darkhunters through the chest
-Stabbed Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling’s father through the shoulder
-Smacked a shotgun out of Hsien-Ko’s grip
-Stomped on Hsien-Ko
-Knocked Hsien-Ko back with a flash kick
Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum:
-Knocked Jon back with a Shadow Blade
Marvel vs Capcom:
-Traded blows with Ghost Rider

Animated GIF
-Massively Faster than Light by scaling to Pyron, who could travel from Hellstorm to Earth in a short timespan
-Superior to Jon Talbain, who is stated to move at the speed of light
-Kept up with Pyron, Demitri, Jedah, and Lilith
-Regularly flies from Makai to the human world at night
-Blocked and dodged attacks from two demons
-Blocked a Bat Spin and a kick from Demitri
-Leapt out of the way before Demitri could kick her
-Avoided a punch from Demitri by using Astral Vision mid-strike
-Dodged a charging attack from Demitri
-Blocked Demitri’s Demon Billion
-Dodged a monster that was trying to bite her
-Blocked Demitri’s Bat Spin with her arms
-Dodged a swipe from Demitri
-Used Astral Vision to avoid Demitri right as he was about to bite her
-Avoided a kick from Chun-Li
-Dodged a stomp from Necalli
-Dodged a barrage of blades from Lilith
-Blocked lightning bolts summoned by Donovan’s lightning spirit
-Avoided Donovan’s body being thrown at her by Akuma
-Blocked almost all of the kicks in Chun-li’s Senretsukyaku
-Leapt away from two of Chun-li’s kicks
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Rapidly decapitated a swarm of bees
-Caught the shells from a shotgun blast
-Dodged machinegun fire and missiles from B. B. Hood
-Dodged a claw swipe from Hsien-Ko
Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum:
-Dodged attacks from Jedah
-Blocked Jon’s Beast Cannon
Marvel vs Capcom:
-Kept up with Ghost Rider

Animated GIF
-Galaxy Level by scaling to her strength
-Took hits from Pyron, Demitri, Jedah, and Lilith
-Quickly recovered after Demitri hit her with a Demon Cradle
-Withstood Demitri biting her neck, kneeing her in the stomach, and kicking her away
-Was unharmed by Demitri’s Demon Billion, which created an explosion that destroyed a large section of his castle
-Shrugged off a giant monster tearing off part of her arm
-Showed no signs of pain while Demitri drained her blood for 12 seconds
-Did the following in a precognitive vision:
    -Tanked a Chaos Flare, being slammed into the ground by Demitri, and emerged unharmed after being hit by a Demon Billion
-Took a kick and elbow strike from Demitri
-Was knocked into Demitri, then survived being hit with a massive fireball, though she was briefly knocked out
-Got kicked in the face by Chun-li, launched through the air with a Kikosho, and hit the ground hard enough to crater it
-Withstood Necalli choking her, leaping dozens of feet while dragging her by her hair, and throwing her into a forest
-Was only annoyed after Lilith placed her in a chokehold
-Got back up after one of Chun-li’s kicks knocked her back several feet
-Recovered immediately after being hit by a Spinning Bird Kick and knocked into the air by a Hosenka
-Shrugged off being launched through the air by Gill’s Seraphic Wing
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Survived being impaled through the stomach by a street lamp
Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum:
-Slept for over 150 days and woke up without any health issues
-Survived being scratched and cut by Jedah’s claws and scythe
-Was shoved by Jon in his human form
-Was only amused after Jon’s wolf form slammed her against a wall
Marvel vs Capcom:
-Took hits from Ghost Rider


Morrigan precision by Br3ndan5
Morrigan precision 2 by Br3ndan5
Morrigan precision 3 by Br3ndan5
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Sliced through a swarm of bees, cutting off their heads and stingers with extreme precision

Morrigan seduction by Br3ndan5
Expert Seducer:
-Is capable of charming men due to her nature as a succubus
Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum:
-Caused Jon’s heartbeat to accelerate just by smiling at him

Morrigan acting by Br3ndan5
Expert Actor:
-Pretended to be a widowed immigrant in order to get Jack to lower his guard and trust her
-Tricked a group of explorers into getting close by disguising herself as an  injured tomb raider


-Due to her nature as a succubus, Morrigan is regularly confident, vain, and playful
-Is a hedonistic thrill-seeker who enjoys pursuing material pleasures and fighting others
-Despite being Makai’s queen, she has no interest in her position, often shirking her responsibilities to spend time in the human realm
    -This is lessened following her fusion with Lilith, whose influence causes her to become more accepting toward the role
-After fusing with Lilith, her outlook becomes brighter and more cheerful
-Unlike other Darkstalkers, she has a high opinion of humans, viewing them as amusing and a good food source
-Has a crush on Demitri and finds him attractive due to his power and determination
-Despite not caring for her duties, she still cares about her servants and Belial, often treating them politely even when they criticize her lifestyle
-Gets somewhat sensitive when discussing Belial, and will become angered if someone suggests he isn’t as strong as he once was
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Wants to merge with Lilith and reclaim her lost power
    -She wants to do this regardless of Lilith’s wishes, and if Lilith refuses, Morrigan will try to fight her until she agrees
    -Despite this, she also encourages Lilith to get stronger to further benefit their fusion

Weapons and Equipment:

Morrigan wings by Br3ndan5
-Used to fly
-Can be formed into any weapon she desires
-Are strong enough to casually dismember Huitzils

The following is exclusive to UDON comics:

Morrigan armor and horse by Br3ndan5
-A monstrous steed ridden during Jedah’s war against Belial

-Provides protection to her body
-Worn during Belial’s fight with Jedah

Morrigan portal ring by Br3ndan5
Ring of Aensland:
-A ring Belial gave Morrigan for her 100th birthday
-Worn on her left ring finger
-Lets her create portals between the human world and Makai
-Its portals can only be traveled through by members of the Aensland family


Darkstalkers Physiology:
-As a Darkstalker, her senses are naturally beyond that of a human’s
    -These senses are what allowed her to sense Pyron’s presence in the world
    -It’s implied all Darkstalkers can see in the dark, as Makai is described in one of the series’ guides as being “a never ending pitch black deep vault”
    -In the OVA, she was able to hear and converse with Demitri while he was in a zeppelin several miles away
-Is capable of fighting opponents who have incorporeal forms, such as Pyron
-It’s said in BB Hood’s bio that one needs a strong mind and a dark heart while facing Darkstalkers. Otherwise one would become infected by their dark aura and lose their mind
    -This is supported by Donovan’s ending where he goes insane and loses his humanity after interacting with other Darkstalkers

Succubus Physiology:
-Is able to absorb the souls of the opposite sex and feed on them as an energy source
-Can absorb the energy created from others’ dreams
-Her blood and saliva give off a lustful effect that instantly kills any human upon contact
-Her body odor can passively control men, and it’s said that a strong mind is needed to resist falling “under her spell”
-Due to her Aensland heritage, Morrigan can sustain herself by secreting a special liquid whenever she’s physically or mentally stimulated

Morrigan extrasensory by Br3ndan5
Extrasensory Perception:
-Could sense Pyron’s presence in the human world
-While far away, she could sense Anita regaining her emotions
-Could sense Demitri’s presence from across Romania
-Could tell that a man and three women were vampires based on their scent
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Sensed that Donovan was a dhampir just by looking at him

Morrigan flight by Br3ndan5
-Performed using her wings
-Can transform her wings into rocket engines to boost her speed

Animated GIF
-Can freely travel through the human world and Makai as she pleases by opening portals
-Can turn her wings into portals

Morrigan shapeshift by Br3ndan5
Morrigan shapeshift 2 by Br3ndan5
-Can transform her body in any way she pleases, even altering her clothing, appearance, and skin color at will
-Can turn her wings into blades, spikes, drills, rockets, or claws
-Turned into a bat while going to meet Demitri and leaving his castle
-Can transform her clothes into a swarm of bats, which she can assign tasks and communicate with
-Can extend her wings endlessly regardless of their current form
-Shapeshifted into Lucien
-Can avoid attacks by dispersing into a swarm of bats
-Shapeshifted into Lilith to fool Jedah
-Upon obtaining her full power, she shifted her body from Lilith’s color palette to how it was prior
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Shapeshifted into John

Animated GIF
Energy Projection:
-Can fire energy blasts from her hands
-Can fire bolts of energy from her fingertips

-Can fire constructs of bats, which can then turn into different objects like books

Morrigan hair by Br3ndan5
-Can attack others using her hair
-Choked and restrained Lilith by wrapping her hair around her neck

Morrigan succ by Br3ndan5
Death Manipulation:
-In her Darkstalkers ending, she kills Pyron by kissing him, reducing him into a skeleton
-Killed an explorer in seconds just by kissing him, which instantly reduced him to a skeleton

Morrigan petrification by Br3ndan5
Morrigan petrification 2 by Br3ndan5
-In Demitri’s Darkstalkers 3 ending, she turned herself to stone to avoid becoming Demitri’s slave

The following are exclusive to UDON comics:

Morrigan shadow by Br3ndan5
-Can merge with shadows for faster travel or to attack others from behind
-While merged, she becomes intangible

Morrigan mind reading by Br3ndan5
Morrigan mind reading by Br3ndan5
-Is able to view another person’s memories or let them view hers by kissing them
-In addition to the above, she can also show them visions of the future
-Used on a vampire and Akuma

The following is exclusive to Darkstalkers/Red Earth: Maleficarum:

Morrigan life drain by Br3ndan5
Morrigan life drain 2 by Br3ndan5
Life Manipulation:
-Absorbed some of Jon’s life force and drained him of his strength by kissing him


Dark Force:
-A meter that raises as Morrigan performs attacks
-When the meter is full, she can perform Astral Vision
-Depletes as she fights

Animated GIF
Soul Fist:
-Morrigan throws her arm forward and fires a bat-shaped energy blast at her opponent
-Can enhance its strength, which turns it from a bat to a skull
-Can also be fired from the air at a downward angle

-Strong enough to one-shot four Huitzils
-Destroyed a crystal ball
-Completely incinerated Demitri and created a massive explosion in a precognitive vision
-Can fire off multiple Soul Fists simultaneously from any part of her body
-At her full power, a single Soul Fist could harm the Fetus of God and push it into a dimensional portal

Animated GIF
Shadow Blade:
-Morrigan turns one of her wings into a blade and performs an uppercutting slash

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Vertical Dash and Dash Shift:
-Morrigan transforms her wings into rocket engines and ascends into the air
-Can control the direction she flies in

Animated GIF
Vector Drain:
-Morrigan grabs her opponent with a bearhug, turns her wings into rocket engines, and flies into the air. She then flips upside-down, spinning through the air as she slams her opponent into the ground

Animated GIF
Valkyrie Turn:
-Morrigan turns her wings into rocket engines and flies past her opponent. She then charges back in with her legs wrapped in her wings, which are now shaped like a drill, as she repeatedly stabs her enemy

Hyper Combos:

Darkness Illusion:
-Morrigan turns her wings into rocket engines and flies toward the opponent. If she hits them, she’ll create a duplicate of herself to help deliver a swift combo
-In the Marvel vs Capcom series, the combo is extended by having Morrigan kick her enemy into the air, continue the combo, then kick them back down

Finishing Shower:
-Morrigan spreads her wings and fires a barrage of energy bullets or missiles made from her skin
Vampire Savior: Tamashii no Mayoigo:
-Created an explosion that left B. B. Hood covered in debris

Cryptic Needle:
-Morrigan covers her arm with her wings, transforming it into a claw that extends toward the opponent. If it connects, the opponent will be repeatedly stabbed by needles as their energy is drained, restoring Morrigan’s health

Astral Vision:
-Morrigan creates a duplicate of herself that mimics her movements and attacks
-Lasts anywhere from 8 to 14 seconds

Silhouette Blade:
-Also called Shadow Servant
-Morrigan’s Level 1 Hyper Combo in the Marvel vs Capcom games
-Morrigan summons either Lilith or copies of her wings to repeatedly strike the opponent from below. This move travels across the stage

Soul Eraser:
-Morrigan’s Level 1 Hyper Combo in Marvel vs Capcom and Marvel vs Capcom 2
-Morrigan combines her bats into a massive laser, which she then uses to blast her opponents
-Can increase its damage as it fires

Eternal Slumber:
-Morrigan’s Level 3 Hyper Combo in Marvel vs Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
-Morrigan summons Lilith to her side and kisses a heart at her opponent. If the heart connects, curtains close around the screen as Morrigan is seen pole dancing and attacking the enemy. When the curtains open, Morrigan is seen standing over the opponent, who’s been knocked out


Morrigan full power by Br3ndan5
True Form:
-The result of Morrigan and Lilith fusing in the UDON comics
-Upon achieving it, this form was initially signified by Morrigan taking on Lilith’s color palette, though she later returned to her regular colors
-Massively boosts her stats and the energy of her attacks

Morrigan weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Often holds back while fighting to make it more fun
-Requires stimulation in order to secrete the fluid that keeps her alive
    -If she doesn’t feed or receive stimulation for two days, she’ll die
    –This isn’t an issue in Maleficarum since she’s shown sleeping for over 150 days
-As a resident of Makai, exposure to sunlight will annoy or irritate her
UDON and Maleficarum:
-Regaining her full power causes her to become more sadistic, and if she doesn’t receive proper training, it will eventually overwhelm her body and kill her

“Now that you’ve got me all warmed up, can you handle what comes next?”)

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