Cammy vs Hawkeye Ending A: Sting of the Killer Bee

Hawkeye pulled the trigger, watching as the bullet left its chamber and flew toward Cammy. Unfortunately, it seemed Cammy had expected this as she began rotating her body, allowing the bullet to harmlessly fly past her. Then, to Hawkeye’s shock, Cammy continued to rotate her body again and again, her legs coated in Psycho Power as she drilled straight toward her. Riza wouldn’t even have time to defend herself before Cammy slammed into her. Bones and muscles were quickly torn to shreds as Cammy’s Spiral Arrow dug itself deep into Hawkeye’s stomach. Riza screamed in pain, and it would only grow louder as Cammy’s legs continued to tear her apart. Within seconds, Cammy had managed to completely drill her way through Hawkeye’s body, and as her feet pierced through her back-


Hawkeye let out a final, bloodchilling scream as Cammy’s Spiral Arrow split her in two. As she passed by her bifurcated opponent, Cammy flipped through the air, landing on both feet as Hawkeye’s body splattered onto the floor. Paying no mind to the gruesome condition her opponent was in, Cammy put her hand to the communicator in her ear. Once it activated, she announced, “This is Killer Bee. It appears Elric had a protector that wasn’t in our files. I made sure she was terminated, but her interference allowed him to escape. I’m currently en route to intercept him and bring him in. I’ll provide an update once he’s been subdued.”

With those final words, Cammy White darted off into the night, ready to continue her pursuit uninterrupted.

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