Mileena Devours Death Battle!

Mileena by Br3ndan5

Aliases: Kitana (assumed identity, original timeline), The Mad Empress
Height: 5’9
Weight: 128 lbs
Occupation: Assassin, Princess of Edenia (formerly, original timeline), Empress of Outworld (formerly, current timeline)
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat II (June 25, 1993)

-Was created to serve as Kitana’s replacement in the event that she discovered the truth behind Shao Kahn’s takeover of Edenia and betrayed him

Original Timeline
-Was assigned by Shao Kahn to watch over Kitana and kill her if she attempted to betray him

-Fought Kitana, but was killed
-Was resurrected by the fallen Elder God Shinnok to aid in his invasion of Earthrealm
-Assisted Shinnok in his invasion of Edenia
-Had a rematch with Kitana, but was defeated and imprisoned
-After being freed from prison by Baraka, joined Onaga’s forces and took control of Edenia by disguising herself as Kitana
-Managed to take over Shao Kahn’s fortress while leading Edenia’s army
-Under Shao Kahn’s orders, captured and defeated Shujinko, though it was later revealed he lost to her on purpose
-Fought Taven, but was defeated
-Briefly fought Nightwolf during the Battle of Armageddon
    -It’s unknown who won, as their fight is only briefly seen in the background and both are later shown fighting other opponents

Current Timeline
-Fought Kitana, but was defeated
-Fought Jade, but was defeated
-While invading Earthrealm, fought Stryker, but was defeated

-With Noob’s help, fought Kabal, but was defeated
-Somehow gained lips between MK9 and MKX
-After Shao Kahn’s death, she inherited his throne and became the Empress of Outworld
-After being imprisoned by Kotal Kahn, she managed to escape with Tanya’s help
-Convinced Goro to join her cause against Kotal
-With Ermac’s help, she managed to defeat Skarlet, who had been amped by Blood Magik
-Worked with Kotal and Ermac to kill Reiko, who had received two enhancements from Blood Magik
-Received a power boost after being infected by Blood Magik, which corrupted and brainwashed her into serving Havik
-While infected by Blood Magik, fought Reptile, though it’s unknown who won
-After being freed from Havik’s control, she freed Ermac and attempted to convince him to join her cause, but failed
-Fought Ermac, but was defeated
-Stole Shinnok’s amulet
-Launched an attack on Kotal with help from Rain, Tanya, and Kano, who she employed to kill Kotal
-Saved Rain from being killed by Erron Black
-Fought Kotal, but was defeated and forced to retreat
-Fought D’Vorah, but was defeated

Mileena strength by Br3ndan5Strength:
-Multi-City Block due to being comparable to Tremor, who can cause earthquakes
-Can break bones and tear off limbs
-Can bite with enough force to rip through skin and break bones

-Traded blows with Kitana
Original Timeline:
-In Kitana’s MK4 ending, she uppercutted Kitana hard enough to launch her across the Edenian throne room
    -While non-canon, Mileena’s ending expands on this by having her throw her sai hard enough to knock Kitana out of a window
-Killed two Edenian mages by stabbing them in the back
-Overpowered Shujinko, though he was holding back against her
-Traded blows with Taven and Nightwolf
-Bit Shang Tsung on the neck
Current Timeline:
-Traded blows with Jade, Stryker, Kabal, Kotal, and D’Vorah
-Kicked D’Vorah in the jaw
-Stabbed Reptile in the chest
-Smashed a vase while angered
-Threw her sai into Skarlet’s chest
-Kicked Skarlet in the face
-Destroyed Skarlet’s legs by rolling into them
-Stomped on Skarlet’s head
-Swung Shao Kahn’s Wrath Hammer hard enough to destroy half of Reiko’s face
    -This swing was strong enough that it would’ve killed Reiko if his Blood Magik hadn’t revived him
-Disemboweled Reiko with her sai
-Did the following while amped by Blood Magik:
    -Divekicked Takeda in the stomach

    -Bit into Reptile’s neck
-Sliced through one of Ermac’s chains
-Kicked Kotal multiple times, to no effect
-Hit Kotal with a right hook
-Threw her sai with enough force that it stabbed through Erron’s left hand

Animated GIF
-Is able to roll multiple times and leap long distances

Original Timeline:
-Jumped up a flight of stairs and onto Shang Tsung’s back

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–Massively Hypersonic by scaling to Kitana, who was able to keep up in battle with Shao Kahn; possibly Relativistic due to keeping up with Kotal Kahn, who can react to beams of light from the Sun
    -Shao Kahn should be comparable to Quan Chi, who could intercept Raiden’s lightning

-Kept up with Kitana
Original Timeline:
-Kept up with Shujinko, though he was holding back

-Could keep up with Taven and Nightwolf
Current Timeline:
-Kept up with Jade, Stryker, Kabal, Kotal, and D’Vorah
-Left afterimages while divekicking Skarlet
-Blocked multiple attacks from Ermac

-Threw her sai into Erron’s hand before he could pull the trigger on his revolver

Animated GIF
-Multi-City Block Level by scaling to her strength

-Took hits from Kitana
Original Timeline:
-Took hits from Shujinko, though he was holding back against her

-Withstood attacks from Taven and Nightwolf
-Recovered shortly after being sucker-punched by Stryker

Current Timeline:
-Took hits from Jade, Stryker, Kabal, Kotal, and D’Vorah

-Survived being electrocuted by Raiden, though it knocked her out
    -Raiden’s electricity was able to take out an entire squad of Lin Kuei cyborgs
-Kept fighting after being knocked back by Skarlet’s Blood Ball
-Got back up shortly after Reiko swung Ermac into her and Kotal

-Withstood Reiko slicing her across the stomach with the Kamidogu and fully recovered by the time he’d finished monologuing
-Though it knocked her out, her body showed no signs of harm after being struck by Raiden’s Blood Magik-enhanced lightning
-Withstood Raiden stabbing her in the stomach with the Kamidogu
-While amped by Blood Magik, she had no reaction to Reptile spitting acid onto her forearm

-Took two punches from Kotal, followed by a blast of solar energy that knocked her through a roof and off a building
-Withstood the pain of using Shinnok’s amulet
-Shrugged off being attacked by a swarm of D’Vorah’s insects

Original Timeline:
-While disguised as Kitana, she was able to lead her armies and misdirect them

-Formed a plan to kidnap Shujinko
Current Timeline:
-Is fluent in English and Tarkatan


Mileena bio kard by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Clever:
Original Timeline:
-Misled Kitana’s armies to give Onaga the time he needed to complete his plans
-Planned to corrupt Edenia’s forces until they would willingly follow her as Mileena
Current Timeline:
-Convinced Goro to join her cause by preying on his desire for revenge on Kotal

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Adept Marksmanship:
Original Timeline:
-In her non-canon MK4 ending, she threw her sai hard enough to knock Kitana and her throne through a window
Current Timeline:
-Threw both of her sai into Skarlet’s chest
-Threw her sai through Erron’s hand before he could shoot Rain

Adept Martial Artist:
-Has been trained in Mian Chuan and Ying Yeung (See “Fighting Styles” below)

Master of Disguise:
-Managed to disguise herself as Kitana and led her armies from Deception to Armageddon

Mileena personality by Br3ndan5Personality:
-Is the exact opposite of Kitana, being evil, sadistic, cruel, hot-tempered, and psychologically unhinged
-Has made it her goal to kill Kitana and take her place
-Due to her Tarkatan DNA, she’s inherited their bloodthirsty nature and cannibalistic tendencies
Original Timeline:
-Is extremely power-hungry and sees herself as Outworld’s true conqueror
-After taking Kitana’s place as Edenia’s ruler, she grew dissatisfied with serving Shao Kahn and began to feel that she was destined to rule Edenia
Current Timeline:
-During Mortal Kombat 9, she was shown to be insane and childish due to only being created recently
-Was originally a blank slate only meant to serve Shao Kahn and would willingly butcher anyone to please him
-Over the 25 years between MK9 and MKX, she became more mature and sadistic
-Is sociopathic and has no conscience or sense of remorse
-Is willing to torture her opponents if they survive her more brutal attacks
-Has occasionally attempted to manipulate men by seducing them, though she always fails

Weapons and Equipment:

Mileena sai by Br3ndan5Sai:
-A type of dagger traditionally used in ninjutsu and kobujutsu
-Can be charged with purple energy and used as projectiles

-Razor-sharp teeth that are the result of Mileena’s Tarkatan DNA
-Are strong enough to tear through flesh and bone

Mileena veil by Br3ndan5
-A mask used to hide Mileena’s Tarkatan features

Mileena longsword by Br3ndan5
-A European sword that was used during medieval times
-Used to deliver swift slashes
-Can be thrown at her opponent as a surprise attack

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Clawed Gauntlets:
-Can be used to cut her opponents

-Items that can be equipped to modify or enhance Mileena’s abilities, giving her unique attacks or added effects

The following are optional weapons:

Mileena using the Wrath Hammer by Br3ndan5
Wrath Hammer:
-An enormous maul that originally belonged to Shao Kahn and was briefly used by Mileena during the Mortal Kombat X comics
-Is able to completely destroy a human body with a single swing
-Can be thrown as a projectile
-No longer in her possession

Mileena holding amulet by Br3ndan5
Shinnok’s Amulet:
-An amulet that originally belonged to the fallen Elder God Shinnok
-Was originally used by Shinnok during the Elder Gods’ battle against the One Being
-Boosts the user’s stats and powers
-Can create blasts of crimson energy that instantly kill weaker beings
-When Mileena wielded it, it was said by Li Mei that she could use its power erase entire battalions of soldiers at once
-Its beams were strong enough to overpower Kotal’s fire blasts and disintegrate 3 soldiers
-When used by others, the amulet could create constructs of weapons, trap others inside of it, and absorb the souls of others to boost its power; though Mileena herself has never done any of these
-No longer in her possession


Enhanced Senses:
-While never shown using this ability herself, it’s established in MK11 Aftermath that Tarkatans have a superior sense of smell, which Mileena should share due to her Tarkatan DNA

Mileena mk3 by Br3ndan5Telepathy:
-In the original timeline, Mileena had the ability to read Kitana’s thoughts
-Has never been used in combat

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-Is able to teleport at either short distances or long distances
Current Timeline:
-Teleported to Jade, who had escaped Shao Kahn’s fortress and was far enough that she was confident no one had followed her

Animated GIF

-Can turn invisible for short periods of time
-While invisible, she becomes shrouded in a blue aura that allows others to see where she is
-While invisible, all attacks aside from ones with her claws are unable to be seen

Fighting Styles:

Mian Chuan by Br3ndan5
Mian Chuan:

-Also called Mian Quan
-A northern Chinese martial art that focuses on defense becoming offense and softness turning into hardness, with the user’s attacks always following an opponent’s

-Requires a balanced posture and keeping most of the body relaxed

Mian Chuan by Br3ndan5
Ying Yeung:
-Combines offense with defense and is characterized by a crane-like posture
-Focuses on quick movements and speedy hits
-Mainly focuses on kicks, with occasional palm or elbow strikes incorporated between attacks


Mileena ethereal by Br3ndan5Ethereal:
-Turns her skin pale and covers her in red markings
-Lets her instantly teleport to any sai she has thrown on the ground
-Gains access to Fade, Vanish, and Fun Ride

Mileena piercing by Br3ndan5Piercing:
-Causes her sai to become surrounded in a pink aura
-Lets her use Throat Piercing, Sadistic Ways, and Impaler
-Lets her perform unique combos with her sai and alters some of her combos to include them

Mileena ravenous by Br3ndan5Ravenous:
-Removes her veil
-Lets her use Leaping Neckbite, Low Pounce, High Pounce, and Early Lunch


-Mileena grabs her opponent and thrusts herself into the air, doing a handstand on their shoulders before swinging forward and kicking them in the stomach. She can then knock them to the floor by either repeating this or flip over them and kick them in the back

Throw (Forward):
-Mileena knees her opponent in the crotch and licks their face before biting into the neck
-If she hasn’t been knocked down or jumped for 10 seconds, this becomes a Krushing Blow where she rips out a chunk of their flesh, dealing twice as much damage

Throw (Backward):
-Mileena drives her sai into the opponent’s stomach and turns away to check her nails as a barrage of sai pierce her target from the front and the back. Once it’s over, she teleports onto their back and kicks them down

-Mileena jumps onto her enemy’s shoulders, wraps her legs around their head, and slams them into the ground with a backward somersault

Bridging German Suplex:
-Mileena grabs her opponent by the waist, lifts them up, and slams them backwards while bridging

Leaping Sai:
-Mileena leaps into the air and stabs her opponent in the shoulder with one of her sai

Sai Impale:
-Mileena stabs her opponent in the stomach

-Mileena delivers a split kick to her opponent’s head

High Heel:
-Mileena lifts her heel over her head to grab an airborne opponent and slam them into the ground
-Can only be used on aerial opponents
-Has an enhanced version that causes the opponent to bounce upon hitting the floor

-Mileena punches the opponent twice and leaps onto their head, using her full weight to take them down

Throat Piercing:
-Mileena stabs the opponent twice with her sai and leaps onto their chest to stab their throat
-Can be extended to make her stab their throat several more times before leaping back

Sadistic Ways:
-Mileena slashes at the opponent before rapidly stabbing their abdomen repeatedly

Play Time:
-Gives Mileena new combo enders, which include the following:
    -Ridin’ Dirty: After performing True Queen, Mileena grabs the opponent’s face, squeezes their head, then mounts them and jams her thumbs into the opponent’s eyes. They then fall backwards as Mileena rolls off of them
    -Losing Control: After performing A Little Unruly, Mileena stabs her airborne opponent with her sai before dropping them to the ground. This combo can not be performed during the Krushing Blow version of A Little Unruly
    -Half Blood: After performing All Or Nothing, Mileena rolls over her opponent and stabs them in the temple before kicking them away. This can be amplified so that she doesn’t kick them away, allowing her to recover faster

Miss Me?:
-Mileena slashes the opponent with her claws, stabs them in the stomach with her sai, then rolls forward and performs a one-handed hand stand as she kicks the opponent in the chest, knocking them down and away from her
    -If used during a combo with at least 7 hits, it becomes a Krushing Blow where Mileena’s kick shatters the opponent’s ribcage, doubling the damage and knocking them across the screen

A Little Unruly:
-Mileena stabs the opponent in the shin and performs a backwards cartwheel kick, knocking them into the air and to the opposite side of her
    -If performed as a counter or punisher, it becomes a Krushing Blow where the kick shatters the opponent’s jaw and knocks out several teeth, dealing twice the damage and juggling them

Soaring Sai:
-Also called Sai Blast
-Mileena throws her energy-enhanced sai at her opponent
-In MK11, rather than throwing her sai, she fires blue, sai-shaped energy blasts
-Can be performed in midair
-Has an enhanced version called either Sai Bursts or Double Sai Blast where she fires one sai after another, increasing its damage

    -She can amplify this further to shoot two more blasts at the opponent’s shins to knock them off their feet

Kick From Above:
-Also called Teleport Drop, Tele-Kick, or Tele-Drop
-Mileena teleports and hits her opponent from above with a dive kick
-Can perform an aerial version called Air Tele-Kick
-Has two enhanced versions known as Tricky Teleport and Tele-Drop
    -Tricky Teleport has her teleport again and hit them on the opposite side
    -Tele-Drop has her kick the opponent twice before knocking them back with a backwards cartwheel
    –After this move connects, she can use it to extend her combos
-If this move is amplified in MK11, she’ll knock the opponent down with a second kick before teleporting, grabbing them, and cartwheeling to slam them in the opposite direction face-first
    -She can also end this version by throwing them forward

Rolling Thunder:
-Also called Ball Roll
-Mileena tucks into a ball and rolls toward her opponent, knocking them off of their feet and sending them in the air
-Has two enhanced versions: Smashing Roll and Flip ‘n’ Roll
    -Smashing Roll has her leap and curl into a ball before rolling into the opponent
    -Flip ‘n’ Roll grants increased armor and damage, though it doesn’t juggle the opponent
    –This can be enhanced a second time to have Mileena roll back into her opponent, dealing even more damage and launching them in the air for a juggle

Leaping Neckbite:
-Mileena leaps onto her opponent’s chest and begins biting at their face or neck
-If the opponent has a sai lodged in their neck before Mileena performs this move, she’ll pull it out and repeatedly stab them
-Can be performed in a chain combo called Quick Taste, which ends with her kicking the opponent away and can be extended for more opportunities to bite them
-Has an enhanced version called Leaping Lunch where she kicks her enemy away after biting or stabbing them
-Only usable in her Ravenous variation

Low Sai Blast:
-Mileena performs the splits and throws her sai at her opponent’s shins
-In MK11, this attack is far slower and has her shoot blue energy instead of throwing her sai
-Has an enhanced version called Double Low Sai, where she throws her second sai
-In MK11, if she enhances this and dodges a projectile while splitting, the move becomes a Krushing Blow where she throws her sai instead of firing energy. The sai will then pierce the opponent’s leg, causing blood to splatter and dealing three times the damage
-Is normally only usable in her Piercing Variation

-After throwing a sai to the ground, Mileena will then be able to teleport wherever it’s thrown, whether it’s forward, backwards, or in place
    -She can also delay this effect to disappear for a longer time
-Has an enhanced version called Vanish, where her teleport is faster and can be used to extend combos
-Only usable in her Ethereal variation

Low Pounce:
-After grabbing a ducking opponent, Mileena jumps over them like a leapfrog
-Can be followed up with Dislocate and Back Ride
-Only usable with her Ravenous variation

-A follow-up to Low Pounce where Mileena rolls back, grabs the opponent’s arms, and twists them

Back Ride:
-A follow-up to Dislocate where Mileena slams her opponent into the ground by sitting on their head

High Pounce:
-Mileena flips forward, grabs the opponent with her feet, and slams them to the ground
-Can be followed up with Stab and Double Kick

-A follow-up to High Pounce where Mileena stabs the opponent in the chest three times

Double Kick:
-Follow-up to Stab where Mileena slides into the opponent and kicks them in the head

Sai Slide:
-Mileena steps backwards and sends one of her sai toward the opponent before sending it upwards into the air to deal damage, knocking them into the air before they fall to the ground
-Can be delayed to increase the distance the sai travels
-The sai can only travel halfway across the arena
-Can amplify this attack to call the sai down on the airborne opponent, increasing its damage and knocking her enemy to the ground
    -The sai can track the opponent’s location and will hit them even if the initial attack misses
    -If this amplified version is used as a counter or punisher, it becomes a Krushing Blow where the sai impales the opponent through the head and shatters the top of their skull. This deals double the damage of the original and stuns her foe, leaving them open to attack

Vanish (MK11):
-Mileena coats herself in a blue aura that briefly turns her invisible
-While invisible, a blue aura will indicate where she is, but all of her attacks- excluding those that use her claws- will be invisible
-While invisible, Mileena deals 20% less damage
-The effect ends upon taking damage, with the hit that breaks her out dealing an increased 20% damage

-Mileena grabs the opponent, spins them in the opposite direction, then forces them to the ground and puts her hand on their face. She then plays five-finger fillet, quickly stabbing between her fingers and rolling backward upon finishing
-Has an amplified version where Mileena looks at her fingers after finishing before driving her sai into her opponent’s eye and rolling forward
    -If this is used to punish, counter, or break through armor, it will become a Krushing Blow, doubling the damage by having the sai plunge deep into the opponent’s eye and causing blood to splatter

Kahnum Dash:
-Mileena runs towards the opponent and under them, tripping them by grabbing their feet as she goes under
-Can sprint full-screen distance, with its duration depending on how long the attack is delayed
-Amplifying the attack causes Mileena to pounce on their back, shred them with her claws, slam their head into the ground, then hop either forward or backwards
    -Can be amplified a second time, which causes Mileena and her enemy to fall into a portal, with the latter hitting the ground first. Mileena will then throw her sai into their eyes before dropping onto their chest and ripping her sai out

Rolling Thunder:
-Mileena performs a version of Ball Roll where she rolls into the air before rolling into the opponent’s legs, sending them into the air and hitting them multiple times
-Can cancel rolling into the air to turn it into a regular Ball Roll, though this reduces its damage
-Amplifying the attack causes Mileena to roll into the opponent while they’re falling, creating a juggle effect that sends them back into the air

The following are gained from Jinsei Augments:

Square Wave:
-Mileena lunges toward the opponent and hits them with her ass, knocking them away
-Has an aerial version called (Air) Square Wave
-Ignores an opponent’s defenses and armor
-Amplifying the attack has Mileena teleport above the opponent and stomp on them after they’ve been knocked away
    -If used as a counter or punisher, it becomes a Krushing Blow where Mileena’s ass crushes the opponent’s skull, dealing over three times the damage and knocking them across the screen

Feeding Frenzy:
-Restores Mileena’s health by 16% any time she bites an opponent

Anger Management:
-Mileena gains the Dark Wrath ability when she teleports, causing her physical attacks to do Dark damage
    -During this time, Mileena can use any of her Krushing Blows without meeting their requirements
    –She also has the ability to use them again even if she’s already used them and has an unlimited amount of uses while Dark Wrath is active
-When Dark Wrath is active, Mileena’s health drains by 3% with each second

Hack and Slash:
-Causes Mileena’s claw attacks to deal Chaos damage, which inflicts a Confusion status that reverses the opponent’s movements
-20% of the damage the opponent takes is dealt as Chaos damage, though it won’t inflict Confusion
    -Mileena’s claw attacks during the Fatal Blow don’t count toward these bonuses outside of its initial strikes

Looming Darkness:
-Causes any of Mileena’s attacks that deal Dark damage to deal 300% more chip damage to blocking opponents

Sai Jinsei Augment Modifiers:
-Lets Mileena change the properties of her sai attacks
-Includes the following:
    -Rising Storm, where she sends four sai at the opponent when performing Sai Slide. Additionally, this increases the distance they travel by 80%
    -Found Power, where any Sai Blast Mileena performs will shoot an additional sai at the opponent
    -Kahnum’s Jinx, where all of Mileena’s sai attacks outside of her Fatal Blow inflict Curse, which prevent the opponent from using the Offensive and Defensive meters


[3:38 to 3:45]

Femme Fatale:
-Mileena grabs hold of her opponent and rapidly stabs their torso with her sai, breaking their ribs and damaging their internal organs. She then knees them in the face, breaking their skull

[2:00 to 2:12]

Let Us Dance:
-Mileena teleports and kicks the opponent three times before stabbing her sai into their ears. She firmly grips the sai before biting their forehead, shattering the front of their skull. She then rips out the sai and drives them into the opponent’s eyes

Fatal Blow:

Beauty and Beast:
-Mileena charges towards the opponent, swiping with her claws three times and rapidly stabbing them in the gut with her sai. She then leaps onto their back and bites into their neck, ripping off a chunk of flesh. After this she backflips and throws her sai at their head, making them come out of their eyes, then grabs the opponent’s throat and rips out their larynx before kicking them away


Sai Stabs:
-Mileena pulls out her sai and stabs her opponent to death

Man Eater:
-Mileena removes her mask and inhales her opponent. She then turns to the side and vomits out either a torrent of bones or chunks of blood

Nail Shooter:
-Mileena removes her mask and fills her mouth with a bottle of nails before spitting them out at her opponent

-Mileena throws out dozens of sai at her foe, hitting every area of their body, with the final one stabbing them the head

Ferocious Bite:
-Mileena rips off her mask, charges toward her enemy, and bites them in the neck. She then rips their head off, spits it out on the floor, and gives a pleased smile as she moans before laughing maniacally

Sai Lodge:
-Mileena throws her sai into the air and kicks them into the opponent. The sai stab through their shoulders, killing then

Be Mine:
-Mileena throws both of her sai into the opponent’s torso. She walks over to them and seductively embraces them, only to rip their head off and chew on it. She then throws it to the ground and moans positively

Rip Off:
-Mileena throws her sai one at a time into the opponent’s feet. She then rips their body from their upper legs and moans positively

Face Feast:
-Mileena drives her sai into both sides of her opponent’s head, grips their hilts, and kicks her foe in the stomach hard enough to decapitate them. She then bites her opponent’s face several times, completely tearing it off, and throws it next to their body

Tasty Treat:
-Mileena pushes her opponent down and leaps onto them. She then claws at the opponent’s abdomen until they’re torn in half. The opponent tries to crawl away, only to fall dead after a few inches while Mileena feasts on their innards

Spinning Out Of Control:
-Mileena cartwheels towards her opponent and kicks off of them. She then takes out both sai and begins spinning like a buzzsaw, gaining speed until she dives down and slowly bisects them crotch-first. Once they’re completely split in half, she tumbles across the ground and gets on one knee, with their intestines stuck to one of her arms and legs

Violent Delights:
-Mileena grabs her opponent’s arm and turns them around. She then grabs them by the mouth and licks along their neck and head before clawing their stomach open. As their intestines spill out, Mileena turns them around and reaches into the wound, using her claws to pierce through their face. She then grabs their face and rips it and all of their internal organs out through their stomach


High Roller:
-Also called Roll Out
-A Ball Roll, Flip ‘n’ Roll, or canceled Rolling Thunder that destroys the opponent’s shins

-A Tele-Kick or Tele-Drop that destroys the opponent’s head upon impact

-An extended version of the Sadistic Ways combo where Mileena stabs the opponent’s stomach so much that it creates a gaping hole large enough for her to stab through their heart and rip it out. Once it’s finished, she drops their heart to the ground

Fun Ride:
-A version of the Rider combo that decapitates the opponent as Mileena jumps over them

Early Lunch:
-An extended Quick Taste combo where Mileena rips the opponent’s throat out with her teeth. As she jumps off the opponent, this time without kicking them away, they fall over, causing their head to fall off when they hit the ground

Have a Seat:
-A version of Low Pounce where Mileena tears off the opponent’s arms and crushes their head beneath her ass

See No Evil:
-An Air Sai Blast that lodges into the opponent’s face

The Klassic:
-Mileena performs an uppercut, using the pommel of her sai to decapitate her opponent

Nail Shooter:
-A version of Throw (Backward) where instead of teleporting onto the opponent’s back, Mileena removes her mask, fills her mouth with a can of nails, and spits out a barrage that riddles their body

-A version of Throw (Forward) where after biting her opponent, Mileena grabs their head to bring it closer, bites it off, and swallows it whole before vomiting chunks of gore

Let It Grow, Let It Grow:
-An amplified Stabyscotch where after stabbing them in the eye, Mileena tears off the opponent’s lower jaw and drops a seed into the gaping hole. As the opponent struggles from being pinned to the ground by her sai, a bright blue flower grows from their mouth as they bleed to death

-Mileena performs an amplified Kahnum Dash before repeatedly smashing the opponent’s face against the ground. After reducing their face to bloodied bone, she licks it and drops them

Head Kabob:
-Mileena performs her Half Blood combo, ending it by ripping the opponent’s head off as she pulls her sai out

Mount’N Destroy:
-Mileena performs her Ridin’ Dirty combo, destroying the opponent’s eyes and causing them to bleed out of their eye sockets

Pretty Pretty Princess:
-A version of Mileena’s Flesh Pits combo where she kicks the opponent’s head off with their spine still attached

Pin Cushion:
-An amplified Sai Slide that has Mileena’s sai impale the top of the opponent’s head

Alternate Roll Out Brutality:
-Mileena performs a Rolling Thunder that destroys the opponent’s upper half

Secret (Air) Square Wave Brutality:
-Mileena performs an (Air) Square Wave, flying through the opponent’s upper body and destroying it upon contact


Stinky Murder:
-Mileena turns into a skunk and sprays the opponent to death

Animated GIF
-Is mentally unstable and prone to fits of anger
-Her attacks will leave her open if they miss or get blocked
-The current timeline’s Mileena lacks the original’s martial arts knowledge, instead preferring to use brute force and agility
-Using Shinnok’s amulet causes her pain and slowly kills her with each use
-It’s unknown if she can use the amulet’s other powers, as she’s only shown using it to boost her stats and fire energy blasts
-Realistically speaking, she shouldn’t have access to the Wrath Hammer or Shinnok’s amulet, as she only used them briefly and they’re not even hers to begin with
-Is one of the biggest jobbers in the series
    -The only legitimate victory she has is against Skarlet, and even then she needed help while fighting her

(“As the heir to my father Shao Kahn, I, Mileena, Kahnum of Outworld, order your execution!”)

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