Riza Hawkeye Has Death Battle In Her Sights!

Riza Hawkeye by Br3ndan5
Riza Hawkeye
Aliases: Hawkeye, Elizabeth, The Hawk’s Eye, Miss Sharpshooter, My Queen (by Mustang), Margott Orange Peko
Age: Mid-to-late 20’s
Height: 5’6
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: Roy Mustang’s adjutant, Weapons specialist, Secretary to King Bradley
First Appearance: Fullmetal Alchemist – Chapter 4: Battle on the Train (October 29, 2001)

-Participated in the Ishvalan Civil War while still in the military academy, with her accuracy earning her the nickname “The Hawk’s Eye”
-Adopted Black Hayate, a puppy that Master Sergeant Kain Fuery had found on the street
-Housebroke Black Hayate through a combination of intimidation and gunplay
-Saved Mustang from being killed by Scar
-Forced Scar to retreat by repeatedly firing on him
-Discovered that Fūhrer-President King Bradley was a Homunculus
-Is the most popular female character in the series, ranking 3rd place on the final fan poll

-Had her back tattooed with her father’s research notes
-Joined the military academy in the hopes of improving the lives of everyone in Amestris
-Killed an Ishvalan who had attempted to sneak-attack Mustang and Hughes
-Aided Mustang in investigating the murder of Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes
-Captured Barry the Chopper, a serial killer whose soul had been bound to a suit of armor
-Gathered the records of Second Lieutenant Maria Ross to help Mustang fake her death
-Saved Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc and Warrant Officer Vato Falman from being killed by Barry’s body
-Briefly fought Gluttony alongside Fuery, though they needed help from Mustang shortly after
-Began investigating Laboratory 3 alongside Barry, Mustang, Alphonse Elric, and Havoc
-Attempted to kill Lust after hearing that she’d supposedly killed Mustang, but failed
-Helped Mustang distract the police from interfering with the Elric brothers’ fight against Scar by using the broadcasting equipment in Fuery’s apartment to falsify reports of Scar’s presence
-Escorted the Elric brothers, Ling Yao, Lan Fan, and a restrained Gluttony to a safe house in the suburbs
-Saved Mustang before Gluttony could kill him
-Helped escort Lan Fan and Mustang back to Central City after Gluttony was distracted
-Lent Ed her FN Model 1910 to protect himself
-Became the personal aide to Fūhrer-President King Bradley
-While delivering documents to Bradley’s home, discovered that his son, Selim, was a Homunculus
-Used a coded message to reveal to Mustang that Selim was a Homunculus
-Delivered a pack of cigarettes to Havoc that contained a message about the Promised Day from Lieutenant General Grumman
-Worked with Mustang, Fuery, and Breda to kidnap Mrs. Bradley
-Alongside Ed and Scar, convinced Mustang not to kill Envy
-With Scar, Ed, and Mustang, attempted to fight off the Gold-Toothed Doctor’s Führer Dolls, but was overpowered
-Helped a blinded Mustang coordinate his attacks during the final fight with Father

2003 Anime
-Alongside the rest of her unit, was sent to the Southern Slums to apprehend Scar
-Announced to the Ishvalans that they would be escorted from the slums to an official military settlement
-Alongside Al and the rest of her unit, learned that Scar had turned Reole into a giant transmutation array
-Discovered the military outpost’s secret room and that Shou Tucker was still alive
-Alongside Hawkeye and Alex Louis Armstrong, defeated 3 of Tucker’s chimeras offscreen
-Alongside the rest of her unit, was assigned by Bradley to apprehend the Elrics, who he supposedly blamed for Reole’s destruction
-Disguised herself as Fuery while sending the real Fuery to take his place in Drachma
-Distracted the guards at the Bradley mansion so Mustang could infiltrate it undetected
-Killed Archer by repeatedly shooting him in the back
-Helped nurse Mustang back to health after the fight with Pride

Conqueror of Shamballa
-Helped defend Central from an army of undead Thule Society members

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-Large Town Level with her weapons, as they’ve been shown to harm homunculi such as Gluttony, Lust, and Envy
    -The homunculi are able to fight on par with Ed, who could
tank this explosion created from Kimblee’s Philosopher’s Stone and was shown to survive Father’s energy blast, which destroyed a courtyard; Additionally, the homunculi are powered by their own Philosopher’s Stones, which are superior to Kimblee’s
-Sweepkicked Mustang to trip him and prevent Scar from landing a direct hit
-Held Barry back using only one arm
-Smacked Barry in the back of the head with a lead pipe
-Kicked one of Gluttony’s legs out from under him while speeding past him
-Held down Lan Fan’s shoulder while Dr. Knox operated on her
-Was able to steady a rifle despite suffering blood loss in her left shoulder
-Pulled Black Hayate out of Havoc’s hands
-Knocked out 2 of Bradley’s guards offscreen
-Was able to steady her pistol despite being shot through the shoulder

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-Massively Hypersonic+ due to keeping up with or outspeeding homunculi like Envy, who is comparable to Ed
d is comparable to Hohenheim, who can react to lightning, and the Homunculi can keep up in battle with Ed
-Is able to fire multiple shots in seconds
-Tripped Mustang before Scar could hit him
-Shot Barry before he could attack her
-Drew her FN Model 1910 and fired it in the time it took Barry to speak two words
-Sped past Gluttony immediately after he dropped her
-Dodged a beam of energy from Gluttony’s gate
-Rapidly reloaded her pistol and rifle numerous times while shooting Envy, with one instance occurring in the time it took for him to cut her cheek
-Dodged a gunshot from Archer

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-Large Town Level, as she can survive being in close proximity to one of Father’s explosions
-Withstood having her father’s alchemic knowledge tattooed onto her back
-Remained conscious while having parts of her tattoo burned off
-Survived Gluttony choking her and slamming her into a wall
-Withstood being choked by one of Pride’s tendrils, though it left her bruised
-Showed no signs of pain after Pride cut her cheek
-Showed no reaction to Envy cutting her shoulder and cheek
-Got slammed into the ground by Envy
-Was slammed into the ground by a Führer Doll
-Survived a Führer Doll slicing her neck open
-Survived a massive explosion from an out-of-control Father
-Withstood an Ishvalan throwing a rock at her temple, which caused it to bleed
-Shrugged off being shot in the shoulder

-Got back up seconds after being choked by Gluttony and slammed against a wall
-Remained conscious for over a minute despite rapidly losing blood from having her neck sliced open

-Is able to disassemble, clean, and reassemble a standard-issue pistol in record time
-Identified the location of an underground basement by calculating the distance she and Al had traveled based on her steps and the lengths of her strides
-Used eye signals to tell Mustang not to perform human transmutation
-With only a glance, she was able to tell the exact distance between herself, Mustang, and Father; and how far Mustang would have to adjust his aim to hit Father


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Cunning and Clever:
-Lied about her relationship with Mustang to get Envy (who had disguised himself as Roy) to reveal himself

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Expert Marksmanship:
-Was responsible for a majority of the sniper-based deaths in the Ishvalan Civil War
-While hundreds of feet away, killed an Ishvalan with a single headshot
-Despite him dodging most of her shots, she was able to break Scar’s glasses and grazed his forehead with her last shot
-Her shots can knock back Barry, a living suit of armor
-Shot through the right hand of Barry’s body while in a tower dozens of feet away
-Shot Gluttony in the head when he attempted to sneak-attack her
-Shot Gluttony in multiple vital areas, with one gouging out his right eye
-Shot Lust in the head and chest multiple times
-Shot Scar in the leg while driving
-Shot Gluttony in the head and back several times while in midair
-Shot a commanding officer in the foot while hiding in the upper regions of Central Command
-Shot Envy numerous times with both her pistol and rifle, with one being a point-blank shot to the back of his head
-Shot one of the Führer Dolls twice in the side
-Landed several shots on a Führer Doll
-Destroyed Winry’s mechanical bike with a single shot
-Using a rifle, shot through a pipe as a warning shot while intentionally missing Ed, who she couldn’t see
-Using a pistol, shot Archer in the shoulder and the back several times despite being dozens of feet away
Conqueror of Shamballa:
-Shot an armored Thule Society member in the head
-Killed several Thule Society members

Master of Disguise:

-Managed to fool several onlookers and the Elric brothers (briefly) into thinking she was a different person by loosening her hair and putting on Fuery’s glasses
-In the 2003 series, she disguised herself as Fuery in order to stay behind in Central and aid Mustang

Hawkeye by Br3ndan5
Hawkeye2 by Br3ndan5
-When she was a teenager, she was shown to be timid, idealistic, and sheltered
-After participating in the Ishvalan Civil War, her idealism vanished and was replaced by a stoic outlook that hid the guilt and regret she felt for her actions
-Is quiet and collected with a serious, courteous demeanor, able to remain calm under most situations
-During the war, she initially considered the idea of killing Mustang due to the destruction he was causing with her Flame Alchemy
-Supports Mustang in his mission to become the next Führer of Amestris, as she hopes that doing so will prevent future generations from experiencing the horrors of Ishval
    -This includes bringing to justice those who participated in the Ishvalan Civil War, herself included, and having them tried as war criminals
-As Mustang’s bodyguard, she’s willing to protect him from harm and do what is necessary to ensure his safety
    -She’s even agreed to shoot him in the back should his quest for power cause him to lose sight of his morals
-Strictly disciplined and extremely rational
-Takes her job very seriously and focuses on keeping others on track
    -Despite this, she hates being in the military, as she’s sometimes forced to kill people
-Believes she’s lost the right to view killing others as a burden and feels that she’s killed too many to feel sorry for herself
-Views her guns as being tools for protection, seeing them as objects that can’t cause pain or suffering unless someone is responsible for pulling the trigger
-Is willing to sacrifice her own happiness and comfort to continue bloodying her hands as a soldier if it means bringing peace
-Only uses her guns when she means to shoot at a target, though the 2003 series depicts her as being willing to use them to intimidate her subordinates into doing their jobs
-Tends to act nicer when around younger people and animals, such as the Elrics and Black Hayate
-When not on duty, she’s shown to have a dry sense of humor
-Prefers to show her feelings subtly through nonverbal communication

Weapons and Equipment:

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FN Model 1910:
-A semi-automatic pistol
-Has an ammo capacity of 12 rounds
-Owns 2 of these, with one being made of stainless steel
-Often dual-wields these when fighting others up-close
-Kept in holsters on her sides when not in use

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Enfeld No. 2:
-A revolver with an ammo capacity of 6 rounds
-Used while fighting Lust
-Kept in a holster on the side of her body

Riza Hawkeye rifle by Br3ndan5
Karabiner 98K Bolt Action Rifle:
-Equipped with a ZF-41 scope that allows her to snipe targets from far away
-Has an ammo capacity of 5 rounds
-Used when fighting Scar

Black Hayate by Br3ndan5
Black Hayate:
-A Shiba Inu puppy that Hawkeye adopted from Fuery
-Has a bite force of 743 psi
-Considered an unofficial Second Lieutenant by Mustang
-Highly loyal to Hawkeye and will attack anyone that threatens her
-Is surprisingly intelligent, often attacking people where they can’t reach
-Has a high sense of smell that allows him to sniff out Homunculi
-Is fast enough to outrun gunfire

The following is exclusive to the 2003 anime and Conqueror of Shamballa:

Hawkeye rifle by Br3ndan5M14 Rifle:
-Has an ammo capacity of 20 rounds
-Used to deliver a warning shot to Ed

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-Prefers fighting at long range and has no experience fighting in close-quarters
-Still human and can be put down with enough force
-Her guns have limited ammo, though she carries several spare clips to make up for this
-Black Hayate has little combat experience

(“You should never avert your eyes from death. Never forget the people you’ve killed. Trust me. No matter how much time passes, they will never forget the ones who killed them.”)

(“No matter how difficult things get, no matter how foolish you look struggling under the weight of your burdens, you have to keep living… for the people you love.”)

(“The Homunculi may have started the war, but we were the ones that carried it out. The colonel, myself… and undoubtedly Commodore Hughes must have felt the same way. We don’t have the right to choose when to end our own lives. That’s why, at the very least, we want the next generation to be able to laugh and live a happy existence.”)

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