Potemkin Busts Into Death Battle!

Aliases: P.O.W. #4595605381, Potemkin the Powerful, Mr. Intruder, Pumpkin Pumpster
Height: 8’0 (pre-Xrd), 8’6 (post-Xrd)
Weight: 1,446 lbs (pre-Xrd), 2,672 lbs (post-Xrd)
Occupation: Slave (formerly), Soldier
First Appearance: Guilty Gear (May 14, 1998)


-Became the apprentice of his superior, Gabriel, and received martial arts training from him
-His Potemkin Buster is one of the few things Slayer dreads

Guilty Gear
-Entered the Second Sacred Order Tournament so his superiors could obtain more territory and expand Zepp’s empire
-After the tournament, began working with Gabriel to start a revolution and overthrow Zepp’s regime

Guilty Gear X
All Paths:
-Defeated May, Chipp Zanuff, Jam Kuradoberi, Faust, Ky Kiske, Testament and Dizzy
Path 1:
-Succeeded in his mission and helped Dizzy find happiness
Path 2:
-Attempted to rescue Dizzy and bring her to Zepp, but was interrupted by Johnny and May
-Defeated Johnny
-Worked with Johnny to ensure Dizzy’s safety by faking her death

Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Black
-Did the following in the previous timeline:
    -Aided the Holy Order in attacking the Gear Plant where Dizzy and Testament were hiding
     -Fought Testament, but was killed

Guilty Gear XX
All Paths:
-Sparred with a suppressed Slayer
-Defeated Baiken, Testament, and Eddie
Path 1:
-Defeated a Necro-possessed Dizzy
-Fought Johnny while arguing over who should take care of Dizzy, with their fight ending inconclusively
Path 2:
-Defeated I-No
-While handicapped due to being submerged in a bog, sparred with Bridget
-After their fight, befriended Bridget and convinced him to join Zepp as a combat trainer
Path 3:
-Defeated a Necro-possessed Dizzy, a brainwashed May, and Robo-Ky
-After entrusting May with Dizzy’s safety, fought and destroyed an army of Robo-Kys

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
All Paths:
-After destroying the army of Robo-Kys and reporting his findings to Gabriel, was assigned to investigate the Post-War Administration Bureau and destroy it if necessary
-Defeated Baiken and Robo-Ky
Path 1:
-Defeated Sol Badguy after escaping the Post-War Administration Bureau’s office branch
-After defeating her, helped escort A.B.A to Zepp so she could find a body for Paracelsus
-Sparred with Bridget to test his combat skills
-Defeated Chipp in a spar to test his worthiness of becoming president
-Convinced Chipp to join the presidential guard
-Alongside Chipp, became a legendary figure among the people of Zepp
Path 2:
-Survived the self-destruction of the Post-War Administration Bureau’s branch office
-While injured from the above, defeated Faust, I-No, Venom, and a copy of Justice
-Sparred with a semi-serious Slayer
-Sacrificed himself to save Gabriel from a self-destructing Robo-Ky
-After his death, he was buried as a war hero and became a national symbol of bravery

Guilty Gear Isuka
-Defeated Leopaldon, a Megadeth class Gear
    -Megadeth class Gears have enough power to wipe out an entire civilization

Guilty Gear Judgment
-Under Gabriel’s orders, investigated the disappearances occurring on Isene
-Destroyed a living three-headed pillar
-Killed a woman who had been forcibly fused to a giant plant monster
-Killed a giant, mutated wolf
-Helped Jam fight off a group of monsters
-Murdered Inus, the king of the Underworld
-Murdered Judgment, a sorcerer who had absorbed Inus’ powers

Guilty Gear Dust Strikers
-Killed Gig, a massive insectoid Gear

Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-
Arcade Mode:
-Was sent to Japan to scout the area
-Defeated Venom, Faust, Slayer, Ky, May, Axl Low, and Ramlethal
-Fought Bedman while in the Dream World, which ended inconclusively
Story Mode:
-Attempted to interrogate Bedman, but failed

Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-
Arcade Mode:
-Defeated Slayer, Millia Rage, Faust, I-No, May, and Axl
-While suffering self-doubt, defeated a copy of himself that embodied his doubts and inner demons
-Fought Ky to test the limits of his strength
    -Though the fight ended inconclusively, and it was revealed afterward that Ky was holding back, it allowed Potemkin to regain his confidence
-Formed an alliance with Ky, uniting Zepp and Illyria in order to bring hope to the world
Story Mode:
-Worked with Chipp to defend Illyria from the Anti-Matter Gears and clear a path for Faust to administer his serum
-Saved a child from being crushed by an Anti-Matter Gear

Guilty Gear -Strive-
-Flight tested Zepp’s Assault-Type Recon Aircraft “Vidia” while working to stop Happy Chaos’ terrorist attack
-Saved Sol from falling to his death
-Pushed back the Tír na nÓg aircraft while piloting the Vidia
-Attempted to fight I-No, who had regained her full power, but was defeated

-Multiverse Level+ due to fighting the likes of Sol and Justice; Additionally, he’s been able to fight characters who are comparable to Sol, such as Ky and I-No
    -Sol and Justice’s bodies contain the Flame of Corruption and Scales of Juno, which a full-powered I-No admitted were the only things
capable of defeating her.
    –I-No was able to threaten the stability of the Backyard and prevented it from collapsing. The Backyard is described as a world of infinite possibilities that are expressed or discarded through an infinite process of selection, and Sol was able to defeat her in this state while he was depowered
-Can chop with enough force to send a giant, mutated wolf crashing through a metal wall
-The Post-War Administration Bureau’s reports state that his power is “comparable to that of an entire ground-based army division” and compare him to a storm that can demolish mountains
-With his limiter disengaged, he can destroy battalions of Large-Class Gears with only the shockwaves of his punches
-Traded blows with May, Chipp, Jam, Faust, Ky, Testament, Dizzy, Johnny, Slayer, Baiken, Eddie, I-No, Bridget, Robo-Ky, Sol, A.B.A, Venom, Justice, Axl, Bedman, Ramlethal, Millia, and a copy of himself
-Was able to fight off hundreds of Robo-Kys
-Can hold back and throw the building-sized Anti-Matter Gears without any issue

-Massively Faster than Light+ due to keeping up with Sol, Ky, and I-No, who are all superior to Jack-O’, who can move at 32 trillion times the speed of light and is superior to her minions, who can throw her into space

-Can punch so quickly that he can create shockwaves in the air
-Kept up with May, Chipp, Jam, Faust, Ky, Testament, Dizzy, Johnny, Slayer, Baiken, Eddie, I-No, Bridget, Robo-Ky, Sol, A.B.A, Venom, Justice, Axl, Bedman, Ramlethal, Millia, and a copy of himself
-Was able to keep up in battle with hundreds of Robo-Kys at once
-Escaped a collapsing lava pit in the span of a few seconds
-Managed to escape a collapsing castle within seconds
-Caught the fist of an Anti-Matter Gear before it could crush a girl
-Caught Sol before he could fall to his death

-Multiverse Level+ due to being unharmed by the explosion that killed I-No
-Can descend from Zepp to ground-level without any injury
-Took hits from May, Chipp, Jam, Faust, Ky, Testament, Dizzy, Johnny, Slayer, Baiken, Eddie, I-No, Bridget, Robo-Ky, Sol, A.B.A, Venom, Justice, Axl, Bedman, Ramlethal, Millia, and a copy of himself
-Survived being attacked by hundreds of Robo-Kys
-Survived being in ground zero of the Post-War Administration Bureau’s branch office self-destructing, though it knocked him out
-Survived being in the Vidia as it exploded


Expert Martial Artist:
-Was mentored in Zepp-style martial arts by Gabriel, whose battle prowess rivals Slayer’s

Expert Pilot:
-Could pilot the Vidia with no issue

Potemkin Personality by Br3ndan5Personality:
-Is extremely proud and has an honest heart
-Is extremely kind, gentle, and loves nature
-Patriotic and loyal toward Zepp, often willing to do what is needed to aid its people
-Hates seeing others suffer, and will try to help those in need regardless of what he has to endure
-Places utmost importance on ceremony, and loathes superficial behavior and unreliable demands
-For the most part, he hates fighting, and will only do so when it’s absolutely necessary and for the sake of others
    -There are some exceptions to this, as he’s shown in his win quotes to enjoy sparring matches and testing others’ abilities
-After winning a fight, he will often compliment his opponent’s abilities and advise them on flaws they should correct in their fighting style
-Is devoted to his duties and comrades, to the point where he’s willing to fight through heavy injuries in order to complete his missions
-Can maintain his patience and composure even when the person he’s speaking to is being antagonistic

Weapons and Equipment:

Potemkin collar by Br3ndan5
-A slave collar that was later converted into a power limiter
-Originally had a bomb attached to it to prevent him from escaping, though this was later removed

Potemkin Gauntlets by Br3ndan5
-A pair of shotgun gauntlets that can rapidly fire bullets
-Are able to unleash small explosions of flame that set their target ablaze
-In Guilty Gear -Strive-, they have been upgraded to include rocket boosters, allowing him to give an extra boost to his jumps

Potemkin helmet by Br3ndan5
-A spiked helmet used to protect Potemkin’s head
-Can impale opponents with its spike

Animated GIF
-A Zeppian Assault-Type Recon Aircraft created specifically for Potemkin
-Can control its massive arms remotely
-Attacks by punching or crushing targets in its hands
-Strong enough to push back Tír na nÓg, a massive airship created from the White House and the surrounding area
-Can use this to perform the Naglfar Manuever, where he deploys a massive red barrier and charges toward a target to push them back
-No longer in his possession, as it was destroyed while fighting I-No


Accelerated Development:
-Thanks to a genetic mutation, Potemkin’s body continues to grow stronger and more durable over time
-It’s said that as his strength continues growing, he’ll eventually need a limiter that covers his entire body just to restrain his power

Energy Manipulation:
-Can channel energy through his fists or body to enhance his strikes


Mega Fist by Br3ndan5
Mega Fist:
-Potemkin leaps forward or backwards and performs a double punch in midair

Slide Head by Br3ndan5
Slide Head:
-Also called Graviton Stamp
-Potemkin reels back before slamming into the ground, creating a shockwave that knocks the opponent down

Animated GIF
Nitro Hook:
-Potemkin lunges forward, grabs the opponent, and punches them across the stage


Hammer Fall by Br3ndan5
Hammer Fall:
-Potemkin lunges forward with his arms spread and slams his fists together once he’s near the opponent
-Can move up to 3/4 of the arena he’s in, and he’ll only activate this attack if the opponent’s in range

Animated GIF
Hammer Fall Break:
-Causes Potemkin to stop Hammer Fall early so he can set up a defense

Potemkin FDB by Br3ndan5
Potemkin FDB 2 by Br3ndan5
-Potemkin kneels down and delivers an energy-enhanced flick, creating a screen-filling wave of explosions
-Any opponents caught by this attack will be knocked back and staggered
-Can use this to reflect projectiles

Potemkin Buster by Br3ndan5
Potemkin Buster:
-Potemkin grabs the opponent, hoists them over his head, and leaps through the air, going upside down upon reaching the apex of his jump. As they descend, he performs an Argentine backbreaker rack before tossing them aside
-Was adapted from a technique taught to him by Gabriel

Heat Knuckle by Br3ndan5
Heat Knuckle:
-Potemkin grabs the opponent at a 45° angle and blasts them with fire
-Can follow up with Heat Extend

Heat Extend by Br3ndan5
Heat Extend:
-A follow-up to Heat Knuckle where Potemkin charges energy through his gauntlet, rapidly shoots his opponent with bullets, then launches them away with an explosion

Trishula by Br3ndan5
-Potemkin trembles for a moment before surrounding himself in a pillar of flames
-If an opponent is hit by the pillar, they’ll be pulled in and launched into the air

ICPM by Br3ndan5
-Potemkin stands at attention before launching himself through the air in an arc, leaving behind a trail of smoke
-If an opponent gets hit, he’ll stab them with his Pickelhaube and drag them to the ground
-If he hits nothing during the jump, he’ll crash into the ground helmet-first and briefly get stuck

GGST Potemkin Garuda Impact

Garuda Impact:
-Potemkin delivers an underhanded punch and unleashes a blast from his gauntlet
-Causes the opponent to stagger back, leaving them open to combos
-Even when it is guarded against, Potemkin will still be able to recover faster than his opponent

Force Breaks:

Potemkin Judge Gauntlet by Br3ndan5
Judge Gauntlet:
-Potemkin reels his fist back before delivering a diagonal downward punch that causes the opponent to bounce against the ground

Aerial Potemkin Buster by Br3ndan5
Aerial Potemkin Buster:
-A variant where Potemkin leaps after his opponent and grabs them in midair


Heavenly Potemkin Buster:
-Potemkin grabs his opponent in midair and tightens his grip on their legs and chest, setting his gauntlets ablaze. He then launches himself through the air, briefly going upside down at his peak before rotating his arms and pressing the opponent to his shoulders. As they descend, he hits them with a backbreaker before tossing them aside
-In Guilty Gear -STRIVE-, he uses the rockets in his gauntlets to launch himself higher, allowing both himself and his captive to briefly reach Heaven before they descend, creating an explosion upon landing

Animated GIF
Gigantic Piston:
-Potemkin throws out a fire-infused straight punch that hits the opponent multiple times and
sets them on fire


Giganter by Br3ndan5
-Potemkin throws out a mirror-like barrier that travels in front of him
-The field can reflect projectiles regardless of size and will stun any opponent it hits, leaving them dizzy

Gigantic Bullet by Br3ndan5
Gigantic Bullet:
-A follow-up to Giganter where Potemkin channels energy into his hands and charges forward, knocking the opponent back

Giganter EX by Br3ndan5
Giganter EX:
-A stronger variant of Giganter that Potemkin summons by tearing the air apart

Gigantic Blid EX by Br3ndan5
Gigantic Blid EX:
-A follow-up to Giganter EX where Potemkin receives an alert from Gabriel, causing him to bend forward and deliver an energy-enhanced charge

[3:40 to 3:45]

Giganter Kai:
-Potemkin activates the machinery that covers his outfit to create a small shockwave before deploying a digitized version of Giganter


Instant Kills:

[0:52 to 1:00]

Nuclear Hammer:
-Potemkin delivers a two-handed hammer punch that causes his opponent to explode

[15:33 to 15:45]

Magnum Opera:
-Potemkin unleashes a burst of energy that knocks his opponent into the air, disintegrating his collar and gauntlets in the process. He then kisses his right fist and delivers an energy-infused punch to his descending opponent, knocking them back hard enough that they bounce across the ground

Infernal Tour:
-Potemkin wraps both arms around his opponent, leaps through the air, and performs a drilling piledriver that creates an explosion, leaving a crater in the ground. He then brings both arms into the air and delivers a hammer punch that sends them to the other side of Earth

Potemkin weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Pacifism, combined with his collar, prevents him from using his full strength
-His height makes him a massive target
-Is unable to run or dash due to how heavy his body is
-His patriotism and loyalty to Zepp can be exploited and manipulated
-Lacks any long-range attacks outside of F.D.B.
-Doesn’t seem to know what a metaphor is, as he mistook Jam’s nickname for him as being one

(“Strength in numbers, huh… But you underestimate the conviction of a Zeppian soldier. With courage in my legs, justice in my fists… And a spirit greater than the tallest mountain… You will now face Potemkin, First Class Guard of the Zepp Republic! I accept your challenge!”)

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