Livio the Double Fang Guns Down Death Battle!

Livio color
Livio the Double Fang
Aliases: Crybaby Livio, Double Fang, Trip of Death (as Razlo)
Occupation: Caregiver, Member of the Gung-Ho Guns (formerly), Member of the Eye of Michael (formerly)
First Appearance: Trigun Maximum – Chapter 36: Cross x Assassins (March 30, 2001)

-Were given the final coins in Legato Bluesummers’ coin case, which were designed to block Legato’s powers

-Subconsciously created Razlo, a split personality designed to withstand abuse
-As a child, he saved Jasmine, an orphan who had fallen off a rooftop while following a puppy
-Was considered the best assassin of the Eye of Michael
-Killed Joe Tooth and his partner
-Killed a group of soldiers
-Alongside Chapel, fought Wolfwood, who had betrayed the Gung-Ho Guns to rescue Vash, which ended inconclusively
-Prevented his childhood orphanage from being destroyed by a missile
-Fought Wolfwood and would’ve won if Wolfwood hadn’t distracted him with a missile
-Prevented Razlo from killing Wolfwood by regaining control of his body and allowing Razlo to recede into his subconscious
-After Wolfwood’s death, began helping Vash in his plan to stop Knives from destroying humanity
-Fought Elendira the Crimsonnail, but was defeated
-After being helped back to health by the orphans she was raising, reunited with Jasmine and obtained a poncho and hat
-Saved Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson from being killed by a group of soldiers
-Had a rematch with Elendira, which he lost
-Merged his personality with Razlo’s so he could keep up with Elendira

-As a child, killed Livio’s parents
-Murdered Jasmine’s puppy in a fit of rage-Beat a group of thugs to death after they repeatedly abused Livio
-Helped guide Livio to the Eye of Michael so they could have a purpose in life
-Killed 9 of the Eye of Michael’s best assassins
-Devoted himself to the Eye of Michael after his master, Chapel, spared him from execution by shooting himself to show that he trusted Razlo
-After taking over for Livio, fought and defeated Wolfwood
-While fighting Wolfwood, accidentally killed one of his servants
-Fought a serum-enhanced Wolfwood in a rematch, but was defeated
-Attempted to kill Wolfwood, but was stopped at the last second by Livio
-After being betrayed by him, murdered Chapel in a fit of rage and attempted to kill Wolfwood, but was stopped by Livio
-Reemerged to keep fighting Elendira after Livio was defeated, but lost
-Merged his personality with Livio’s to help him keep up with Elendira

-Defeated Elendira
-Saved Vash and Knives from being shot down by Chronica by destroying her cannon
-Returned to the orphanage from his childhood and began taking care of the children there

-Island Level via his weaponry, as they possess the same strength as Wolfwood’s
    -Wolfwood’s weaponry could harm Legato, who was unscathed after being caught in a casual Angel Arm blast
-As a child, he was able to support the weight of Jasmine, who was nearly as tall as he was
-Can perform push-ups with one hand
-Can support the weight of his Punishers
-Pulled Joe Tooth, who weighs 330 lbs (150 kg), off of his speeding motorcycle
-Beat Joe and his partner to death, breaking the latter’s neck with a punch
-Split a cyborg in half and decapitated him with a single kick
-Grabbed a missile in mid-flight, held it back, and threw it back at its owner
-Knocked Wolfwood through a wooden beam hard enough that he was left coughing up blood
-Held up a steel door with one hand
-Knocked over several soldiers by running into them
-Elbowed three of Elendira’s nails hard enough to send them toward her
-Ripped Elendira’s nails out of his body
-Said to be stronger than Livio
-As a child, he was able to beat to death all of the thugs that abused Livio
-Using his bionic arm (See “Weapons and Equipment” below), supported the weight of one of his servants and accidentally threw him while swinging the Punisher
-While only having one arm, managed to match Wolfwood’s strength in close-quarters
-Stabbed himself in the arm with his regenerating hand, which had been reduced to bones
-Managed to kick himself off of a wall despite being nailed to it
-Elbowed Elendira in the back
-Repeatedly clashed with Elendira
-While suffering from blood loss, managed to elbow Elendira hard enough to send her several feet away
-After being impaled through the chest and boosting himself with a serum (See “Weapons and Equipment” below), he was able to grab Elendira by the head and pull her into one of her nails
-Supported Vash’s weight while running

Livio agilityAgility:
-Is said to leap higher than physically possible
-Can leap dozens of feet through the air
-Can parkour off of people’s heads
-Managed to twist his body at multiple angles to avoid Elendira’s nails

-Massively Hypersonic+ due to being comparable to Wolfwood, who was able to tag Legato
    -Legato kept up in battle with Vash, who is comparable to Knives, who traveled out of orbit and to a space ark within a couple of seconds
-Superior to Rai-Dei the Blade, who could slice through a gang of people while being shot at

-Caught Jasmine just before she could hit the ground
-Tagged Joe Tooth, who was on a speeding motorcycle, and pulled him away so quickly that his partner didn’t notice
-Blitzed a group on soldiers and killed them in seconds
-Caught a missile as it was firing
-Dodged a point-blank shot from Wolfwood’s pistol
-Outran multiple shots from Wolfwood
-Deflected a missile from Wolfwood’s Punisher at close-range
-During their first match, he managed to tag Elendira, who was faster than him at the time, and left a cut on her cheek
-Moved FTE while blocking bullets from a squad of soldiers, then blitzed them
-Dodged one of Elendira’s nails just as it was about to pierce his body, then avoided a second, point-blank shot
-Avoided 4 shots from Elendira while in midair
-Outran Elendira’s rapidly-fired nails
-Caught a bullet in midair with his prosthetic arm
-Could fire three missiles at once
-Despite only having one arm, managed to keep up with Wolfwood in close-quarters combat, though he was eventually overpowered
-Can move so quickly that it looks like he’s firing dozens of Double Fangs simultaneously
-Could keep up with Elendira, who was able to outspeed Razlo
-Aimed his Double Fang behind himself and fired off 9 shots after sensing that Elendira was behind him
-Dodged an attempted sneak-attack from Elendira while firing his Double Fang
-Deflected multiple shots from Elendira

-Island Level due to surviving hits from Wolfwood’s weapons
-As a child, he regularly withstood being beaten by his parents and multiple thugs, with the latter eventually making him numb to the pain
-Survived being shot in the head and chest multiple times
-Survived being shot in the heart, though the pain forced him to shift into Razlo
-While still injured from his fight with Wolfwood, survived getting crushed beneath two tables
-Took a punch from Brad, which left him with a bloody nose
-His body was durable enough that Vash hurt his hand while playfully punching him
-Withstood one of Elendira’s nails slashing across his face
-Showed no signs of pain after being thrown through multiple buildings
-Survived repeated impalement from Elendira’s nails, which were tall enough to reach up to his chest
-Was stabbed in the side by Elendira’s knife
-Recovered almost immediately after being hit in the stomach by Elendira’s crossbow
-After Razlo switched back with him, he was able to get back to his feet despite being impaled through his side, right pec, stomach, and chest
-Withstood the pain of removing Elendira’s nails from his body
-Showed no reaction to having part of his nose shot off
-Tanked Wolfwood slamming his Punisher into his stomach
-Withstood having his right hand shot off by Wolfwood, a box magazine being kicked into his back, and a close-range missile explosion that blew off his bionic arm
-Remained conscious after Wolfwood wrapped ammo belts around his body and detonated them, which created an explosion that burned off his skin and muscles and severed his nerves
-After the above, he withstood Wolfwood repeatedly punching him in the face, which tore off his remaining skin, destroyed his muscles, and began shattering his skull
-Was more surprised than hurt after Livio’s consciousness forced him to stab himself in the arm with his regenerating hand
-Unphased despite being repeatedly impaled by Elendira
-Survived being trapped in an illusion where he was impaled by thousands of nails and decapitated, though the pain caused him to go into shock
-While unconscious, survived Elendira driving nails through his side, right pec, and stomach
-Withstood Elendira smashing her crossbow against his leg hard enough to amputate it, then having the crossbow slammed against his head twice
-Being impaled through the back only pissed him off
-Survived being impaled through the chest by a shot from Elendira’s larger crossbow
-Withstood being choked and having his jugular torn by Elendira’s controlled corpse

-Was able to piece together that Vash had used his Angel Arm after Wolfwood’s death
-Deduced that Zazie the Beast had possessed a man


Cunning and Pragmatic:
-Can quickly learn and adapt to an opponent’s abilities and tactics
-Constantly analyzes his opponent while fighting them
-Can deduce specific aspects of a person’s fighting style the longer he fights them

C4475D04-A472-4E0B-A9DF-736FB022701412DCD2B6-CF16-4865-B093-A6D14EE412F7Expert Marksman:
-Shot Wolfwood multiple times while having his back to him
-Can deliver perfectly accurate shots while spinning in place
-While impaled to a wall and flying past her, shot Elendira in the side
-Landed several shots on Elendira despite her attempting to blitz him
-Shot Elendira in the side despite not even looking at her
-Destroyed a futuristic, high-tech cannon with four shots

B3752BA8-9F91-4A4F-83DC-729C776F8AEC11FF4B5D-FA50-43A2-AB28-206E497A52A6A63633E8-B9C2-44F5-8408-C07AD1D16FF5Immense Willpower:
-Remained conscious after ripping all of Elendira’s nails from his body
-Can keep fighting even after multiple impalements or having his skin and muscles burned off
-Remained conscious for several minutes after being impaled through the chest by Elendira’s bigger nail gun

-During his first appearances, he was shown to be stoic and rarely spoke
-Due to his parents’ abuse, he spent his childhood being quiet, timid, and self-loathing; believing himself to be worthless
    -Despite this, he was willing to help others, as seen when he saved Jasmine from falling to her death
-After constantly being beaten by thugs, he eventually became apathetic and began to view the beatings as boring
-Upon being inducted into the Eye of Michael, he became devoted to his mission and chose to abandon his past relationships so he could become the “ultimate servant”
    -Despite this, he had limits to what he could tolerate, as the sight of child abuse would cause him to lash out in anger
-After being betrayed by Chapel and witnessing Wolfwood’s growth from leaving the Eye of Michael, he chose to walk a new path by doing the same and helping Vash
-After Wolfwood’s death, he started to loosen up and became more sociable
-Is somewhat scatterbrained when it comes to his hat and poncho, as he tried to call a time-out during his rematch with Elendira so he could put them on
-Has a soft spot for children
-Is more psychotic compared to Livio, often attacking others regardless of whether they’re friend or foe
-Is extremely crude and foul-mouthed when speaking to others
-Is protective of Livio and willing to help him with his problems, whether they involve combat or otherwise
-Feels indebted to Livio due to how much training he had to go through to improve their body
-After being spared from execution by Chapel, he became devoted to following him and grew to care about him
   -This is to the point where he broke down and started crying when he believed Chapel had died
-Enjoys fighting those who can keep up with him in battle, and will deliberately try to push them to their limit
-Hates the idea of being left alone

Weapons and Equipment:

0D0BE3FF-F487-4C38-9DF3-CC956A1701BBDouble Fangs:
-A pair of crucifix-shaped submachine guns
-Contain dual barrels that allow them to fire forward and backwards simultaneously
-Are strapped to Livio’s wrists and carried in low-slung shoulder holsters when not in use
-Are noted by Razlo to be really light, to the point where he felt like he wasn’t even holding them

Poncho and Hat:
-Given to him by Jasmine and one of her orphans
-According to Livio, he becomes stronger when he wears them

-Three crucifix-shaped guns used by Razlo, though Livio can arm himself with them if he chooses
-The bottom sections contain mini-guns, while the top sections function as missile launchers
    -Both can be fired rapidly
-Can be used for bludgeoning when fighting in close-quarters
-Can likely be used as makeshift shields
-No longer seem to be in his possession, as they aren’t seen again after his fight with Wolfwood

90F300C2-DB16-4E79-A23A-E9881E0ADA93Bionic Arm:
-A metal prosthetic grafted to Livio’s upper spine
-Strong enough to support the weight of the third Punisher and unintentionally throw one of his servants
-Only used when Razlo is in control
-No longer in his possession, as it was destroyed during his fight with Wolfwood

-Used by Razlo to murder Livio’s parents
-No longer in his possession

B5C06A35-863F-44C1-9294-4EBF11C53992Grader 2043 Pistol:
-Given to him by Vash after Wolfwood’s death
-Takes .45 automatic rounds for ammo
-When used by Wolfwood, it was strong enough to harm Razlo
-Used to destroy Chronica’s cannon

-A vial containing a regenerative drug
-Grants a massive boost to the user’s physicality and healing factor at the cost of making them age faster
-Used during his final battle with Elendira

-Three mute servants who aid Livio and Razlo
-Only two, Zain and Agile, are known to have names, as the third was killed by Razlo before we could learn his name

-Are armed with kunai and explosives
-Their suits are equipped with vials of a serum that can strengthen and revive them, which is dispensed through tubes in their suits
-Carry the Punishers when they aren’t being used and will obey Razlo’s commands in battle


Razlo healing factorHealing Factor:
-Gained from his modifications while training under the Eye of Michael
-Said to be superior to Wolfwood and Chapel’s
    -Wolfwood could heal seconds after his organs were filled with bullets, and Chapel was able to heal from a broken neck within minutes
-Was able to regenerate after Wolfwood repeatedly shot him in the head
-Got back up seconds after being shot in the chest multiple times, one of which went through his heart
-It’s said that he can heal even if his skull is smashed to pieces
-Regenerated part
of his nose after it was shot off
-Despite the initial injury briefly slowing his healing factor, he quickly regenerated his bones, muscles, and skin after getting caught in an explosion and being beaten to near-death by Wolfwood
-Reconnected his nerves seconds after they were severed by Wolfwood’s explosion
-Regenerated most of his skin while in the middle of talking
-Fully regrew his hand in the span of a few minutes
-Healed from a bloody nose almost instantly
-Was back to full health seconds after Elendira’s nails were removed from his body
-His body pushed out a knife almost immediately after he’d been stabbed in the side

-Regrew his leg over the course of his fight with Elendira
-Healed seconds after Elendira’s corpse began to tear open his jugular
-Can be boosted further by ingesting formulas

Livio adaption
Information Analysis and Accelerated Development:
-Thanks to the Eye of Michael’s training and his own analytical ability, should Livio be defeated in battle, he can force his body to adapt to his opponent’s strength and speed, allowing him to match them


Razlo the Tri-Punisher of Death:
-Livio’s more violent split personality
-Appears after Livio has suffered intense pain or trauma
-Is physically superior to Livio, but lacks his training and finesse

-The result of Livio and Razlo accepting each other and merging their personalities
-Allows Livio to use Razlo’s strength, speed, and durability while retaining his own marksmanship and analytical abilities

Livio weaknessesLivio weaknesses2Weaknesses:
-It’s implied several times throughout the manga that severing or destroying his head will kill him
-Excessive damage can overtax his healing factor, albeit briefly
-Vulnerable to illusions
-Despite their power, the servants can be put down with enough force
-Despite his ability to adapt, it’s possible to overwhelm him by catching him off-guard
-Is more reckless in battle, which a smarter opponent can use to lead him into a trap
-Doesn’t strategize when fighting others, instead preferring to go in guns blazing
-His desire to fight strong opponents can cause him to prolong a fight, though he does know when to take fights seriously
-His recklessness can lead to him accidentally killing his servants
-His body can disobey him if Livio’s mind disagrees with him
-No longer has access to his bionic arm or his Punishers

(“Jasmine. To think that out of those who I swore to protect, you, of all people, would be in there. Now, more than ever… I can be assured that I’m doing the right thing.”)

(“Looks like you flipped some hidden switch with me, pal! It’s kinda scary when it happens, but I love it to death! I’ve just got more power than I can handle, ya know? Usually those bastards die after a single fuckin’ shot. And where’s the fun in that, huh?! For some reason, though, I feel like you can let me have some fun… so from here on out, I’m just gonna let myself go wild! Can ya take it? I wonder if you can last more than… ten seconds.”)

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