Death Battle: Hakumen vs Darth Vader

Star Wars – The Imperial March

Damn. Even when he has a second chance, Hakumen still can’t fulfill his destiny of protecting the world from darkness!

As it turned out, this fight was easier to figure out than I expected. Hakumen’s ability to fight the likes of Ragna, Jin, and Nu-13 would put him at Country Level due to all of them being superior to Take-Mikazuchi’s lasers; which can annihilate Hierarchical Cities. But this is just from him being at 20% of his full power. At 100% of his full power, he’d be Small Planet Level due to being comparable to Izanami, who could replicate the power of Corpus Sepulcro: Requiem’s explosion, which she herself states is worth 10^31 joules of energy, or 2.39 zettatons of TNT. Even then, it should be noted that Rachel says even if Hakumen was at his full power, he’d still struggle against her.

Note: While a calc exists that puts this explosion at 7.5 Yottatons, it incorrectly assumes that the Moon would be destroyed as a result of the explosion itself, rather than the seithr from the explosion’s aftermath.

Meanwhile, due to having the most midi-chlorians out of any Jedi and Sith in history, Vader would naturally be superior to past Sith Lords such as Darth Nihilus, who razed the planet Katarr, and Darth Bane, who could move a moon with the Force. Additionally, he’s been able to fight against the likes of Obi-Wan, a high-ranking member of the Jedi Council. As a member of the council, Obi-Wan should be comparable to Yarael Poof, a fellow member who was able to contain the planet-destroying energy of the Infant of Shaa despite being stabbed through the heart. And considering that Vader was able to effortlessly defeat Obi-Wan, it would make sense to scale him. Further supporting the idea of scaling Vader to the council members is this passage from Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight:

It didn’t matter. There was no doubt in Nick’s mind that, were Kar Vastor somehow to be pitted against Darth Vader, the feral Balawai renegade wouldn’t stand a chance.

The Force was powerful in Vader; even the dim wattage of Nick’s connection could feel that. It was far more powerful than it had been in Kar Vastor. It had pulsed from Vastor in waves of fury, blasted like an open furnace. In Vader, it was contained. Pent.


This is impressive, considering that Kar Vastor was someone that Mace Windu, the second most powerful Jedi on the council, was unable to beat. It was said that even on his best day, Mace still wouldn’t be able to beat Kar in a direct fight.

“As you said earlier: Vastor is a difficult man to lie to. He would have known if I was holding back. Then the beating would have been much worse, and he might very well have killed me. What I did was pick a fight I knew I couldn’t win.”


“Vastor is… very powerful. Half my age and twice my size. Training and experience can compensate only up to a point. And he is naturally ferocious in a way that no Jedi can duplicate.”

Vastor was younger, stronger, faster, and immensely more powerful, and he wielded weapons that could not be harmed by the Jedi blade. Mace couldn’t win such a battle on his best day, and this day was far from his best: he was exhausted, badly wounded, and heartsick.

But aside from scaling him to council members, Vader’s also shown the ability to fight a resurrected Darth Maul, being able to fight him on an even keel. Previously, Maul was shown to be able to kill Mighella, a member of the Nightsisters who was capable of using Force Lightning. Force Lightning is a power only usable by those who have mastered the dark side, and Mighella’s ability to use it should make her comparable to other Nightsisters with a similar affinity for the dark side. This would include Charal, who was able to exhaust the energy of the Sunstar, which was capable of moving celestial bodies. Because he was able to match Maul’s strength during their fight, this means that both Vader and Maul should be capable of Large Planet levels of destruction.

Note: Maul only gained the upper hand against Vader once he started relying on Jar’Kai. Prior to that, they were portrayed as being equals.

So there’s a pretty large gap between their strength and durability. What about speed? Well, Hakumen’s ability to blitz Tager, who can fly to the exosphere and back in seconds, would put him at Sub-Relativistic speeds, while keeping up with the likes of Ragna, Noel, and Jin; all of whom are comparable to Take-Mikazuchi’s lasers, would put him at Sub-Relativistic+ speeds. How does this compare to Vader?

Vader’s regularly shown the ability to deflect blaster bolts, which move at lightspeed, and has kept up in battle with Obi-Wan, who could deflect three blaster bolts in a nanosecond. Assuming he had to move almost two meters to deflect them, as the novel the feat comes from implies he swung once and hit them all away, this means that Kenobi would be… 6.7 times faster than light.

How the arc of Kenobi’s swing was found:
Circumference of a semicircle: C = 1/2*pi*d
Diameter should be approx. 2/3 of Kenobi’s height, which is six feet
C = 1/2*pi*1.28
C = 2.01 meters
S=2,010,000,000 m/s, or 6.7 c.

Thanks to Nekroz-of-Mokey for the calc.

So in other words, even if Hakumen had an edge in power, he’d be unable to actually land a hit on him. But what about everything else?

Well, both are roughly even in terms of intelligence, as Vader’s time under the Empire and Hakumen’s role as the leader of the Six Heroes would require them to be effective tacticians. Experience, however, would ultimately go to Vader, as his years in the Clone Wars and serving the Empire would ultimately give him more combat experience. While Hakumen has been alive for over 100 years, it’s important to note that he spent 90 of those years sealed in the Boundary, meaning he wouldn’t have had much time to improve his combat skills. Meanwhile, Vader’s spent his years developing his combat skills. His ability to defeat master swordsmen, Jedi Masters, and droids programmed with the knowledge of a hundred swordmasters and a dozen fighting styles shows a level of skill that would allow him to easily contend with Hakumen. Plus, his hybrid style of lightsaber combat would allow him to render Hakumen’s defensive, counter-based fighting style moot. Why do I say this? Because Hakumen focuses on defense and counters, with the intent to exploit an opponent’s flaws against them. This shares the same qualities as Soresu, a form of lightsaber combat that Vader was able to overwhelm during his final duel with Obi-Wan on the Death Star.

But Vader’s advantages don’t end at lightsaber combat, as his Force abilities helped give him a massive edge in versatility.

To give Hakumen credit where it’s due, the Susano’o Unit would let him resist certain abilities, such as the Force Choke and organ crushing, and his time in the Boundary shows that he can resist mental manipulation. And both of them had ways to nullify each other’s long-range options, Hakumen through Fūmajin and Vader through Force Deflect, Force Barrier, and Tutaminis. Unfortunately, even with these advantages, Vader had more than enough to make up for it.

Thanks to his precognition, he’d be able to predict Hakumen’s actions, which, when combined with his massive speed advantage, would make it harder for Hakumen to land attacks or defend against him. Telekinesis could be used to ragdoll the Susano’o Unit or disarm Hakumen, and he could be kept at a distance with Force Push, Force Blast, Force Wave, and Force Repulse. Force Barrier could nullify Hakumen’s attacks, and he could heal or strengthen himself with the Force. And if he wanted to, Vader could just use Force Crush to crush his body, or he could even disintegrate him. If that wasn’t enough for you, he could boost his stats even further by obtaining oneness with the Force.

But what about the Time Killer? Surely, that would be enough to kill Vader, right? Well, that would be true, if it weren’t for several factors. First, it’s unlikely that Hakumen would be able to pull it off, as he needs a lot of time to prepare it. Second, given Vader’s massive advantage in speed, it’s more than likely he’d get blitzed before he could even think of doing so. It also doesn’t help that Vader had various ways to keep distance between them, as well as defensive options that could prevent him from landing a direct hit with it.

Hakumen fought well, but he was forced to watch his time come to an end after enduring a crushing defeat!

The winner is Darth Vader.

Darth Vader (Winner)
+ Physically outclassed Hakumen by miles
    + Could boost his stats further with the Force
+ More experienced
+ Hybrid style of lightsaber combat and various long-range Force abilities would counter Hakumen’s defensive, counter-based style
    + It helps that he has experience fighting opponents with a similar fighting style
+ More versatility thanks to his Force powers
+ Larger amount of long-range options
= Both had ways to counter the other’s projectile attacks, Hakumen through Fūmajin and Vader through Force Deflection, Force Barrier, and tutaminis
– Hakumen could resist some of Vader’s Force powers
    + But Vader can still one-shot him, either through his superior strength, Force Crush, Force Scream, or by disintegrating him
– Ookami’s properties as a Nox Nyctores and Time Killer could bypass Vader’s durability, with the latter being able to one-shot him
    + But Vader’s superior speed, precognition, numerous long-range Force abilities, and Force Barrier would prevent both from hitting him
    + Vader is also fast enough to blitz Hakumen before he could prepare to use it

Hakumen (Loser)
+ Could resist some of Vader’s Force powers
    – But Vader still has abilities that could one-shot him
+ Ookami’s properties as a Nox Nyctores and Time Killer could bypass Vader’s durability, with the latter being able to one-shot him
    –  But he wouldn’t be able to land hits on him due to Vader’s superior speed, precognition, long-range options, and Force Barrier
    – Time Killer needs time to prepare before he can use it
= Both had ways to counter the other’s projectile attacks, Hakumen through Fūmajin and Vader through Force Deflection, Force Barrier, and tutaminis
– Heavily outclassed in stats, even at full power
   – Vader could further this by boosting his stats with the Force
– Less experienced
– Vader’s hybrid style of lightsaber combat and long-range options counter Hakumen’s fighting style
– Vader’s Force abilites gave him more versatility
– Only had one option for long-range combat compared to Vader’s several

7 thoughts on “Death Battle: Hakumen vs Darth Vader”

  1. Great fight! Loved the action, the music choices, and the dialogue. My favorite part has to be where they exchanged mind-reads, as well as Vader just straight-up going “lol, nope” before Hakumen could land the Time Killer. Good explanation for the verdict too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great Job, dude! This was a super fun battle! One of my favorite parts is when Vader began using the environment with the Force to attack Hakumen

    Liked by 1 person

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