Rise Kujikawa vs I-No | Clash

Fated Chaos Realm

: “Alright, the curtains are rising. Let us see who will steal the spotlight, shall we?”

: “It’s time to sing your heart out.”

: “Time to rock n’ roll, heavy metal lives on!”

: “It’s time…”


United States of America – 2187

“I didn’t exactly take you for the stalker type.” A woman in red replied. “Casanova, sure, but not stalker.”

“This wasn’t exactly intentional, ya’ know.” A blonde British man explained. “Besides, I don’t hear you complaining about it.”

“The fuck do you think I was doing? Giving you rise?”

“… Maybe.”

The lady in red gave a scoff. Dressed in her usual attire of skimpy red witch wear that left little to the imagination, holding her precious guitar—Marlene—in hand, in hopes of never losing her favourite pass time and weapon. Right now, she was talking to Axl Low, another…

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