Xehanort Drowns Death Battle in Darkness!

Age: 18-20 (as Young Xehanort), Mid-80’s (as Xehanort), 20 (as Terra-Xehanort)
Aliases: Youth in Black (as Xehanort), Unknown (as Young Xehanort), Enigmatic Youth (as Young Xehanort), Man in Black (as Young Xehanort), Ansem (as Terra-Xehanort)
Height: Unknown, but said to be over 5’10
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: Keyblade Master
First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (January 9, 2010)


Young Xehanort:
-After obtaining time travel from Ansem, traveled through time to gather members for the real Organization XIII
-Gathered twelve of the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
-Fought Terra, Aqua, and Ventus individually to test their strength

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
-Was one of several people who interfered with Sora’s Mark of Mastery exam
-Placed Sora into a deep sleep and attempted to convert him into the 13th member of the real Organization XIII
-While possessed by his future self, fought Riku, but was defeated

Kingdom Hearts III
-Split the Toy Box world in two and kidnapped several of Andy’s toys to experiment on the growth of hearts
-Trapped Sora in the game Verum Rex: Beat of Lead
-Alongside Ansem and Xemnas, fought Sora, Riku, and Mickey, but was defeated
-After being defeated, taunted Sora about his fate before returning to the past, losing his memories in the process

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
-Worked with Ansem and Xemnas to fight Riku, Mickey, and a future Sora, but was defeated


-Became famous among Destiny Island for being the first person to leave it
-Became Odin’s seventh apprentice
-Became a Keyblade Master and was chosen to inherit the No Name Keyblade
-Formed both Organization XIIIs
-Was voiced by Leonard Nimoy

Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
-Aided Odin’s other students in their search for the missing Keyblade wielders
-Alongside Eraqus and their third partner, defeated a group of Heartless
-Interrupted the Queen of Hearts’ trial to save his classmates
-Worked with Eraqus and their third classmate to defeat the Ferry Reaper

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
-Scarred Eraqus’ face using two blasts of darkness
-Took on Ventus as an apprentice
-Created Vanitas by extracting the darkness from Ventus’ heart
-Convinced Eraqus to train Ventus and make him stronger
-Served as a judge for Aqua and Terra’s Mark of Mastery exam
-Sabotaged the Mark of Mastery exam by infecting Terra and the Orbs of Light with darkness
-Worked with Braig to stage his own kidnapping and manipulate Terra into using darkness
-Turned Ventus and Terra against Eraqus by convincing them that he couldn’t be trusted
-Killed Eraqus after Terra defeated him
-Destroyed the Land of Departure by filling it with darkness
-Alongside Vanitas, fought Terra in the Keyblade Graveyard, which ended inconclusively after Xehanort sent Vanitas to fight Ventus
-After the above, fought Terra by himself, but was defeated
-After being defeated, extracted his heart and placed it into Terra to possess him, creating Terra-Xehanort

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
-After being revived due to the deaths of Xemnas and Ansem, began working to form the real Organization XIII
-While possessing his past self, fought Riku, but was defeated

Kingdom Hearts III
-Created a labyrinth to separate the Seven Guardians of Light and the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness so they could fight each other
-Used the energy generated by the groups’ clashes to create the keys needed to form the χ-blade
-Killed Kairi to motivate Sora into clashing with him and forming the final key
-Fought Sora, Donald, and Goofy in Scala ad Caedum, and would’ve won had Sora’s bonds with his friends not given him a boost at the last second
-After being defeated, relinquished the χ-blade to Sora and passed on to the afterlife with Eraqus

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
-Ensured that Kingdom Hearts could still be opened by scattering the remnants of Kairi’s heart across Scala ad Caelum and sealing two of its pieces into the hearts of Riku and Mickey

-Began performing experiments based on the nature of hearts and their inner darkness
-Created the Pureblood Heartless during one of his experiments
-Banished Ansem the Wise to the Realm of Darkness and stole his identity
-Created the first eight members of Organization XIII by stealing the other apprentices’ hearts
-After losing his heart to darkness, created his Heartless, Ansem, and his Nobody, Xemnas, to further his plans

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
-Fought the Lingering Will and Aqua, but was defeated both times
-Attempted to enter the Realm of Darkness to complete his possession of Terra, but was saved by Aqua
-While suffering amnesia, became a student of Ansem the Wise

Kingdom Hearts III
-Defeated Ventus and Lea in one shot
-Fought the Lingering Will
-Alongside Vanitas, fought Sora, Ventus, and Aqua, but was defeated
-Nearly killed Aqua and Ventus by dropping them to their deaths, but failed due the Dark Figure’s interference

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind
-Fought the Lingering Will and a future version of Sora
-Destroyed the Lingering Will

-Universe Level due to possessing the true χ-blade and the full power of Kingdom Hearts, which he intended to use to reset the universe; Additionally, he could fight members of the Guardians of Light, who overpowered the Xehanort Replicas, which Sora struggled against
-Stronger than Zeus, who rearranged hundreds of stars to make a constellation
-Can overpower and one-shot various Heartless
-Restrained Ventus by holding him by the back of his head
-Effortlessly blocked a slash from Terra
-Knocked Sora away with a slash of his Keyblade
-Traded blows with Terra, Sora, Donald, and Goofy
-Briefly overpowered Sora by using the combined power of Kingdom Hearts and the χ-blade
-Stabbed the χ-blade into the ground
Young Xehanort:
-Universe Level due to being comparable to endgame Sora and the Guardians of Light
-Can harm Terra, Aqua, and Ventus
-While possessed by his older self, traded blows with Riku
-Restrained Sora by lifting him by his right arm
-Blocked a combined slash from Sora, Donald, and Goofy
-After the above, remained unmoved when they attempted to push him back
-Held back Sora, Donald, and Goofy with one hand before knocking them several feet away
-Traded blows with Sora, Riku, and Mickey
-Universe Level due to being comparable to endgame Sora and the Guardians of Light
-Choked Aqua
-Traded blows with the Lingering Will, Aqua, Ventus, and Sora
-Sent Ventus flying back with a single strike of his Keyblade
-Sent Lea crashing through a boulder when their Keyblades clashed
-Clashed evenly with the Lingering Will
-Matched Sora’s strength and knocked him away with a swing of his Keyblade
-Shattered the Lingering Will by stabbing through its head

-Massively Faster Than Light+ due to keeping up with Sora, who’s equal to Roxas
-Blitzed Ventus, who can react to Stitch’s space cruiser while it’s in hyperdrive
-Dodged attacks from Terra, who can keep up with Monstro, who outpaced the Gummi Ship
-Avoided attacks from Sora, Donald, and Goofy
Young Xehanort:
-Kept up with Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, who can reach different worlds by using their Keyblade Gliders to travel through the Lanes Between
    -The worlds reside in different solar systems, so traveling between them as fast as Ven, Terra, and Aqua do would require one to be faster than the speed of light
-Kept up with Riku
-Between teleports, he was able to casually outpace Sora, who was repeatedly attempting to attack him
-Kept up with Sora, Riku, and Mickey
-Kept up with the Lingering Will, Aqua, Ventus, and Sora
-Moved so quickly that he seemed to teleport in front of Ventus

-Universe Level by scaling to his strength
-Can shrug off hits from various Heartless
-Took hits from Terra, Sora, Donald, and Goofy
-Took a beating from Sora’s Rage form
-Though it eventually killed him, he survived a combined attack from Sora, Donald, and Goofy long enough to have a final conversation
Young Xehanort:
-Shrugged off attacks from Terra, Aqua, and Ventus
-Took hits from Riku, who’s comparable to Sora
-Withstood attacks from Sora, Riku, and Mickey
-Withstood multiple attacks from the Lingering Will, Aqua, Ventus, and Sora
-Survived being blasted by the Lingering Will’s Ultima Cannon


Expert Mage:
-Is the most skilled magic user in the series, with his expertise being above even the likes of Sora and Riku

Expert Swordsmanship:
-Despite his age, Xehanort can use his Keyblades to perform fast-paced combos and keep up in battle with other, younger Keyblade wielders
-As Young Xehanort, he can use the Ethereal Blades and his Keyblade to contend with more experienced Keyblade wielders
    -This includes Aqua, a Keyblade Master, and Mark of Mastery candidates such as Terra, Sora, and Riku

Devious Schemer and Manipulator:
-According to himself, he has prepared for every eventuality
-Has been developing complex plans and manipulating others even before the events of the series
-Has set up a series of back-up plans in the event that one of his previous plans fail
-Allowed Ventus to be trained by Eraqus so he would be able to match Vanitas in strength, which would lead to the creation of the χ-blade
-Manipulated Terra into relying more on darkness so he could become a vessel for him
-Created Ansem and Xemnas to carry out his plans
-Formed the real Organization XIII to aid in the recreation of the χ-blade
-Tricked the Seven Guardians of Light into fighting the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness, with their clashes producing the energy he needed to recreate the χ-blade
-Killed Kairi in front of Sora to anger him into initiating the final clash needed to form the χ-blade
-Scattered 5 of the 7 remnants of Kairi’s heart across Scala ad Caelum and sealed the other two in Riku and Mickey to ensure that Kingdom Hearts could be opened

-During his time as Odin’s student, he was often cool-headed and focused on maintaining order between worlds, often serving as the voice of reason among his classmates
-Over time, he began to question his duties as a Keyblade wielder, as well as whether it was necessary to slay those controlled by darkness in order to protect the worlds
-After witnessing the darkness hidden within all worlds, he became disillusioned with the “false light” that concealed it and began desiring to change it
-While studying the history of the Keyblade, Heartless, Keyblade War, and Kingdom Hearts; he grew to believe that light and darkness were meant to be balanced, but that the “tyranny” of light prevented this
-Is extremely cunning, callous, and pragmatic, which he hides behind a polite facade
-Cares little for other people, and is willing to manipulate them or ruin their lives as long as their actions will benefit his plans
     -This can be seen with how he shrugged off ruining the lives of Aqua, Terra, and Ventus by saying that they were destined to fail
    -Though he does show slight sympathy toward some of his victims, as he initially considered letting Ventus die peacefully on Destiny Islands after shattering his heart
-Seeks to recreate the universe by using Kingdom Hearts, as he feels that creating a perfect balance between light and darkness would lead to a world free of corruption
-When speaking to others, he has a tendency to turn away from them and often gives overdramatic gestures with his hands
Young Xehanort:
-Is roughly the same as his elderly counterpart, though he acts more cold, ruthless, and patronizing
-Is more confident than his older self, and has a sardonic sense of humor
-For the most part, he retains Xehanort’s personality and his knowledge of darkness
-After getting amnesia and becoming Ansem’s apprentice, he developed a professional, no-nonsense attitude and became determined in his studies
-Unlike his other incarnations, Terra-Xehanort is more brash and direct with his plans

Weapons and Equipment:

Ethereal Blades:
-Blades made of light blue energy
-Can be wielded individually, combined into a dual-blade, or used as a whip
-Used as Young Xehanort

-Key-shaped swords that can only be wielded by those with strong hearts

-Serve as conduits for magic

-Can automatically unlock any lock

-Are able to harm beings at a conceptual level

   -This includes the Heartless, which are living embodiments of primordial darkness that have existed since creation, and Nobodies, which embody the nothingness that exists alongside light and darkness

-Can negate regeneration, as they are the only weapons capable of killing the Heartless, which will return if they are not killed by a Keyblade

    -They’re also shown to be capable of permanently killing the Black Pearl’s crew by bypassing their immortality

-Used during his training with Odin

No Name:
-Also called Master Xehanort’s Keyblade and The Gazing Eye
-Is one of the most ancient Keyblades, being passed down by the Master of Masters before coming into Xehanort’s possession
-Wielded by Xehanort and Terra-Xehanort
-Xehanort can turn it into a Keyblade Glider, allowing him to fly and fire shots while airborne

Young Xehanort’s Keyblade:
-Gained when Young Xehanort was possessed by his future self


-The original weapon that all Keyblades are based on
-Forged after the Seven Guardians of Light clashed with the Thirteen Seekers of Darkness
-Was responsible for splitting the Kingdom Hearts universe into separate worlds
-Allows Xehanort to open portals from any point in space to aid him in combat
-Can use it to affect an individual’s light and darkness, to the point where they can become either pure light or pure darkness
-Xehanort can use it to control Kingdom Hearts, as the two are linked

Kingdom Hearts:
-The collective entity that holds the power of all worlds
-By using it in conjunction with the χ-blade, Xehanort can boost his abilities even further
-Can use its power to remove the light from a person’s heart, making it harder for them to harm him
-By infecting it with darkness, he can use its power to destroy all worlds, returning them to a single universe

Black Coat:
-A standard-issue cloak given to members of Organization XIII
-Is imbued with magic that protects the wearer’s heart from being corrupted while traveling through the darkness between worlds
-Allows Xehanort to create corridors of darkness to quickly traverse the realms
-When the hood is down, Xehanort’s face is completely concealed


Keyblade Armor:
-A suit of armor that protects Xehanort from darkness, as well as attacks that target the heart and soul

Xehanort Armor:
-Created when Xehanort absorbed the Replica Xehanorts into himself
-Has the same abilities as his Keyblade Armor

Dark Figure:
-A container created for Terra’s heart that was formed after Xehanort possessed him
-Protects its user from attacks and fights for them
-Strong enough to restrain the likes of Aqua, Riku, Roxas, and Sora
-Can fire orbs of darkness that corrupt its target
-While it usually stays behind its host, it can detach from them to attack others
-Used by Terra-Xehanort


-Can move hundreds of Keyblades with his mind

-Lets Xehanort telepathically communicate with others

-By using his connection with darkness, Xehanort can use corridors of darkness to teleport anywhere he wants
-He and his other counterparts can also teleport short distances without a corridor
-Can bring people and objects with him while teleporting
-Young Xehanort can teleport multiple times in rapid succession

-Upon dying, he can regenerate over time by becoming a Heartless
-Due to absorbing Vanitas, he should likely have similar regenerative abilities
    -Vanitas was able to regenerate into a physical form despite his heart, soul, and body being destroyed

[1:09 to 1:49]

-Can possess others by moving his heart into them
-Used this ability to possess Terra and his past self

Animated GIF
Spatial Manipulation:
-Could manipulate the physics of Scala ad Caelum just by moving his fingers

Darkness Manipulation:
-Can manipulate darkness, one of the two elements that make up all life
-This is because Xehanort has made the darkness his own, and it’s implied he’s become a being of pure darkness
-Darkness is created and powered by emotions such as revenge, hatred, greed, and fear
    -Those that are affected by darkness are forced to experience and exhibit these emotions, causing the emotions to become stronger
    –This will eventually turn the victim into a Heartless and (rarely) a Nobody
-Xehanort can use darkness to do the following:
    –Create orbs of darkness that block attacks
    –Travel between realms
    -Banish others to the Realm of Darkness, a dimension that breaks down matter and lacks a flow of time
    –Send a person’s heart and soul to a void that exists beyond light and darkness
    –Corrupt spells to turn them against their users
Recreate someone into a being that serves him by removing all of their darkness
    -As Terra-Xehanort, he can form the darkness into chains that he can control telekinetically

Light Manipulation:
-Can use the χ-blade and Kingdom Hearts to manipulate light for various attacks

Time Manipulation:
-Due to his repeated use of time travel, Xehanort has become a living space-time portal that transcends space and time
-This allows him to do the following:
    –Reverse time, allowing him to heal and retain prior knowledge in the process
    -Summon other versions of himself from across time
    –Slow down time
    –Resist time stops
    -Travel to any point in the past that he has lived through

Law Manipulation:
-As a Keyblade wielder, Xehanort is exempt from the “Laws” of different worlds, such as the curse in the world of Pirates

Reality Warping:
-Was able to split Toy Box into two identical worlds
Sent Sora into Verum Rex, a video game

Animated GIF
Force Field Creation:
-Created a barrier to block a shot from Sora

Sleep Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, and Power Nullification:
-Young Xehanort was able to put Sora in a sleep so bad that it destroyed his powers, his previous connections with other people, and induced a nightmare in the form of the Armored Ventus Nightmare

Resistance to Mental Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, and Existence Erasure:
-Can remain in the Realm of Darkness without any protection
    -The Realm of Darkness can corrupt a person to the point of disintegrating their existence, erasing their memories and sense of self, and draining their willpower
-Can resist the effects of Keyblades and the Realm of Darkness

Power of Waking:
-A rare ability that’s used to awaken sleeping worlds and travel to them using another person’s heart
-Can use this to travel through time and rewrite the timeline to undo death, which will leave tears in the fabric of time

Fire Magic:
-Allows Xehanort to create fireballs, summon pillars of flame, release streams of flame from his Keyblade, and surround himself in a circle of fire

Ice Magic:
-Allows Xehanort to create an icy field that freezes opponents solid
-Can also freeze people solid while they’re in his grasp

Electric Magic:
-Lets him summon bolts of lightning

Earth Magic:
-Lets Xehanort summon pillars of earth to prevent others from attacking him

Wind Magic:
-Can be used to summon tornados strong enough to lift hundreds of Keyblades into the air

Time Magic:
-Allows him to use Stopza, which stops time for everyone in his current vicinity


Physical Attacks:

Young Xehanort:

Ethereal Blade combos:
-Can attack with either three strikes or an extensive combo

Dash Attack:
-Turns his blades into a spear and charges forward, followed by flipping backwards

Sonic Attack:
-Quickly darts around the battlefield, knocking his opponent high into the air when he hits them

Wild Arcanum:
-Performs multiple sweeps and stabs with the Keyblade, with each one releasing crescent-shaped waves
-When low on health, this attack will become faster and more brutal, creating waves as he swings the Keyblade like a whip

-Swings the Keyblade like a whip two times, with both swings releasing waves of energy

Whip Wave:
-Swings the Keyblade like a whip three times, with each releasing crescent-shaped waves

Guard Impact:
-Blocks the opponent’s attacks and counters


4-Part Combo:
-A quick Keyblade combo that ends with a point-blank ice shot

Ultima Freeze:
-Teleports above a target and pins them to the ground as he charges a freezing blast

Renzoku Kougeki:
-Unleashes a different series of strikes
-Evidenced by his Keyblade glowing gold

Tataki Otoshi:
-Uses a keyhole-shaped portal to teleport near the opponent and knocks them down with swing of his Keyblade
-Can use this multiple times in rapid succession

Fierce Claw:
-Teleports to grab the opponent and if he catches them, he will throw them down
-Telegraphed by his hand glowing blue


Continuous Slash:
-A three-hit combo

-A powerful jumping attack

Guard Impact:
-Blocks an attack and counters with a downward slash

Sonic Impact:
-Rushes around the area twice to avoid attacks, damaging anyone in his way

Ars Solum:
-A multi-hit combo with a three-hit finisher
-Aside from the final hit, each one stuns his target to prevent them from escaping

Dark Impulse:
-A combo that utilizes both Keyblade and hand-to-hand attacks, finishing with a dark uppercut from below

Dark Blow:
-Dark Figure swipes at an enemy

Dark Aerial:
-Dark Figure detaches itself from Terra-Xehanort and sinks into the ground to attack his opponent
-If it hits, the guardian will grab them by the neck, fly through the air, and slam them into the ground, creating a large shockwave

Phantom Charge:
-Dark Figure detaches from Terra-Xehanort and grabs the opponent
-If they can’t escape its grip, Terra-Xehanort will attack with Ars Solum

Magic Attacks:

Young Xehanort:

X Wave:
-Jumps back and releases an X-shaped shockwave from his blades that tracks the target

Spear Orbs:
-Summons several orbs that fire spears of energy at the target from every direction


-Turns invisible

Raging Storm:
-Summons three pillars of flame that circle him as he moves
-If the flames hit an opponent, they will be stunned for a brief period of time
-Can combine this with his combos

Summon Copies:
-Creates four copies of himself
-Aside from Vanish, the clones share all of his abilities and will attack unpredictably, though they die in one hit

Mega Flare:
-Summons a massive fireball that explodes, burning all opponents in the vicinity

-Summons a meteor that explodes

-Places a 5-second timer on the opponent, which will kill them if they can’t escape

Collision Magnet:
-Turns the Ethereal Blades into a lasso and snares the opponent from midair, pulling them in for a quick slash

Renewal Barrier:
-Creates a barrier that restores his health if it blocks an attack

Time Reversal:
-Stops and reverses time to heal himself, then attacks the opponent before they can react

Teleport Lock:
-Repeatedly teleports around the battlefield, which he can do mid-combo

Flash Liner:
-After using Teleport Lock three times, he turns the Keyblade into a whip that traps his opponent, forming it into a cage that bombards them with spear orbs

Zero Shot:
-Fires a barrage of projectiles that inflict Slow

Clock Retreat:
-Once he’s received enough damage, Xehanort will retreat into a clock to bide his time. After a few seconds, he will reverse time, fully healing himself and resetting the battle to its beginning
-While inside of the clock, Xehanort is left vulnerable, though he can summon clones to distract his opponent


Blizzaga Shot:
-Fires three shards of ice

-Calls down a ring of thunderbolts to strike his target

Rising Ground:
-Creates a pillar of earth that launches his target through the air

Blade Tornado:
-Uses telekinesis to create a storm of Keyblades that chase his target

-Creates flames at his opponent’s position, and if they are caught, the flames will explode

Kakomi Flare:
-Generates 8 green fireballs that surround an opponent, revolve around them, then converge and explode, warping them to Xehanort

Flare Shot:
-Shoots fireballs in a scattered formation

Flare Pillar:
-Generates several pillars of light, followed by a pillar of fire

Flare Tornado:
-Creates four revolving pillars of flame, performs Renzoku Kougeki twice with his Keyblade, converges the pillars and fuses them into a tornado of fire, then fires three volleys of fireballs

Heavenly Pillar:
-Erects a giant pillar of flame that damages the surrounding area, erects pillars of flame in other areas, scatters fireballs, performs Renzoku Kougeki, erases the pillar of flame before drawing the opponent to the middle of the area while engulfing them in flames, then create a big bang
-If his target is far away while attempting to draw them in, he will use Kakomi Flare
-After using this attack, Xehanort will be left vulnerable for a short time

Call Calamity:
-Fires a chunk of ice from the χ-blade, slams three fireballs together, then fires three lightning bolts

Dark Shooting:
-Fires a consecutive series of dark orbs that fly after the opponent

-Xehanort raises a platform of light and uses the χ-blade to summon Kingdom Hearts. He then creates several pillars of light that run around the area
-If someone approaches the light at the center, it will release a ring of light

XIII Rengeki:
-The sky turns gray as thirteen thrones rise to encircle the area. Xehanort then attacks by using the alters to summon shadowy clones that fly through his foes, fire a barrage of light rays, and finishes with a massive, keyhole-shaped beam of light


-Summons boulders to burst from the ground surrounding him

Darkness Volley:
-Launches multiple orbs of darkness at an opponent

-Heals Terra-Xehanort of his injuries

Rock Storm:
-Summons a score of meteors that target his enemy

Ultima Cannon:
-Turns No Name into a cannon and fires a cannonball that covers 2/3 of the area

-Summons a meteor that explodes

Racing Shockwave:
-Dark Figure fires two vertical shockwaves

Dark Soul:
-Dark Figure fires two orbs of darkness that will blind their target if they hit

Dark Blast:
-Dark Figure fires two orbs of darkness that knock the target away


-The disembodied hearts of other people
-Will attack anyone in sight as long as they have light in their hearts
-Are able to rip out your heart and can do so without even touching you
Xehanort can summon thousands of them at once
If they aren’t killed by a Keyblade, they will reform over time
-There are a wide variety of different Heartless, each with their own unique abilities

-The heartless bodies of other people, which seek out the hearts of others and attack them in order to be complete
Embody the nothingness between light and darkness, and have nonexistent physiology
Are normally intangible, but Keyblade wielders can attack them
-Like the Heartless, there are many different types of Nobodies with different abilities and varying levels of power

-The Unversed are the physical incarnations of Vanitas’ emotions
-They continuously reflow into Vanitas even after destruction, allowing him to respawn them immediately
-Like the Heartless and Nobodies, there are many different types of Unversed
-Although he is never shown using it onscreen, it is likely that Xehanort is capable of summoning the Unversed due to absorbing Vanitas

Xehanort Replicas:
-Copies of Xehanort that were created when he planted his heart into the members of the real Organization XIII
-Have the same powers, weapons, and fighting styles of their original hosts, as well as copies of No Name
    -This would include Luxord’s ability to seal an opponent in a card, Xigbar’s ability to teleport and alter the terrain, Xion’s light manipulation, Larxene’s electricity manipulation, Xemnas’ AOE lasers, Marluxia’s ability to nullify powers, and Saix’s ability to boost his stats by entering a berserk state
-Xehanort can absorb them to obtain the Xehanort Armor
-Alternatively, they can merge with each other to become Armored Xehanort

KH3 Remind Armored Xehanort (Kairi) (No Damage) (Critical) - YouTubeArmored Xehanort:
-The result of the Xehanort Replicas merging with each other
-Possesses 12 copies of No Name, which are swung telekinetically
-Can conjure pillars of flame and explosions that suck people in
-Attacks by performing a five-hit combo, dashing toward an opponent, and finishing with two upward slashes
-If damaged enough, it will attack by creating a massive pillar of flame and summoning spreads of fireballs or surround itself in an orb of energy that draws an opponent in before releasing an explosion
    -While charging the latter, it will release orbs of energy that teleport its target into the explosion
-If brought to near-death, it gains the ability to summon meteors that slowly crash into the arena, create sigils that knock the opponent to the ground with a pillar of flame, summon a line of explosions that draw a target in, and a five-hit combo that utilizes overhead fire pillars


Young Xehanort:
-A version of Xehanort from the past who was used to gather members of Organization XIII
-Has the ability to control the flow of time and time-travel
-Fights using either the Ethereal Blades or Young Xehanort’s Keyblade
-His older counterpart can possess him to obtain his abilities

-The result of Xehanort’s heart possessing Terra after he became filled with darkness
-Has Terra’s strength and agility and Xehanort’s intellect and magical prowess
-Can summon the Dark Figure to aid him in battle

-Extremely arrogant
-Needs to give up his physical body in order to use time travel
    -Though this is somewhat inconsistent, as Young Xehanort can time travel without doing this
-His Keyblades and Keyblade Armor can be damaged and even broken with enough force
-Overusing the Power of Waking can remove him from the universe
Young Xehanort:
-Lacks the same experience as his older self
-Is left vulnerable when he enters his clock
    -Though he can summon clones to defend himself
-His time reversals don’t always heal him back to full health
Was roasted by Woody
-Terra’s heart can take control of Dark Figure and turn it against him, though this only seems to happen when Ventus and Aqua are threatened
-His chains can be broken with enough force

(“The World needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong, to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny.”)

(“I am Xehanort from the most distant past. My future self gave me a task—to visit the splintered versions of myself in many worlds, and ensure they gathered here today.”)

(“This heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it- it grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came.”)

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