Prelude: Cammy White vs Black Orchid

Claim: Cammy White vs Black Orchid by Br3ndan5

They are the government’s top soldiers, saviors of mankind multiple times over and masters of assassination. Armed with skill in hand-to-hand, stealth, and weaponry, these two deadly heartthrobs are some of the military’s best warriors, and today, they’re here to show who truly reigns on top of the heap.

Cammy White, the Killer Bee of Delta Red!

And Black Orchid, leader of the Disavowed!

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to TheNerd-Bot for the Cammy bio and VultureDuck and MajorM117 for their Orchid bios

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Cammy White
Aliases: Killer Bee, The British Bombshell, The Blonde British Bombshell
Age: Unknown, Young Adult at minimum
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 134 lbs
Species: Artificial Human
Occupation: Shadaloo Doll (Former), Agent of Delta Red

-Was trained from birth to be a master assassin
-Is Delta Red’s hand-to-hand combat expert
-Killed Chun-Li’s father, who was able to hold off all of the 13 Dolls
-Defeated Vega with ease
-Fought Balrog to a draw
-Slaughtered a small army of mercenaries with ease
-Fought a mind-controlled T. Hawk, Ken, and E. Honda simultaneously
-Fought Juni, Juri, and Decapre simultaneously
-Defeated Necro
-As Killer Bee, beat up Blanka so badly, he’s terrified at the mere sight of her
-Has freed multiple Dolls from Shadaloo’s control
-Among the most well-known Street Fighter characters, even starring in her own manga
-Was portrayed by Kiley Minogue

In his conquest for world domination, the terrorist leader M. Bison has created multiple host bodies to use in the event that he dies. From the cybernetic warrior Seth, to the French martial artist Abel, to today’s subject: Cammy White.

Created using the dictator’s own DNA, Cammy was raised from birth to serve as a mindless drone in Shadaloo’s league of assassins, the Dolls. During this time, she would use her skills to take out multiple political officers, military leaders, and rogue Shadaloo agents. All of this would change when she was assigned to assassinate the yoga master Dhalsim. Sensing that her mind was troubled, the mystic used his spiritual powers to ease her troubled mind. In doing so, he also managed to unlock her inner consciousness, freeing her from Bison’s control.

Realizing that this might screw up his plans, Bison sent several of his hitmen after her, like the Spanish ninja Vega and the twin Dolls Juni and Juli. They were quickly defeated, and upon returning to Shadaloo she freed all of the Dolls and led a revolt, ultimately prevailing after a hard fight. After obtaining victory and helping her “sisters” escape the base, however, Cammy lost her memories and fell unconscious. She would’ve died had it not been for the arrival of Vega, who chose to rescue her out of the belief that someone as beautiful as her didn’t deserve to die. The ninja would then drop her off at the doorstep of the British military group Delta Red, which quickly took her in. She would become a valuable asset to the team, aiding them in fighting off Shadaloo and various others who threatened the world.

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-Strong enough to kick a terrorist through the metal roof of a train
-KO’d a Doll with a single backhand
-Was dogpiled by around ten men, and threw them all off with ease soon after
-Regularly fights on par with the likes of Ryu, Juri, Chun-Li, and other Street Fighters
-Was able to Double KO with Balrog
-Can throw the 584 lb Abigail with nothing but her legs

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-Able to dodge gunfire with ease
-Reacted to sneak attacks from Decapre
-Can keep up with Ryu in a fight
-Caught up to a jet plane mid-takeoff

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-Was unfazed by a headbutt from Decapre
-Barely flinched after taking a punch from T. Hawk
-Tanked a punch from Balrog, who can kill an elephant with one blow
-Was smashed through a glass container by M. Bison
-Tanked several electric attacks from Necro
-Survived a brutal beatdown from an enraged Chun-Li, being tackled out of a three-story window, and tanking three of her super moves
-Withstood a beating from Juri Han
-Survived falling out of a jet, and was only pissed off

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Trained as one of Bison’s elite assassins since birth
    –Can effortlessly slaughter an entire building full of mercenaries
    –Can fight on par with fighters like Chun-Li, Juri Han, and Ryu
One of the top fighters in the world
Fighting style focuses on acrobatics and grappling
-Is apparently skilled in knife throwing as well

Weapons and Equipment:

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-Red bracers on her arms
-Have studs on the knuckles to enhance her striking power
-Tough enough to block strikes from Twelve
-Deflected Vega’s slashes with ease
-In the UDON Comics, had them upgraded to fire concussive blasts powerful enough to KO metahumans like Necro

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Choke Whip by TheNerd-Bot

Choke Whip:
-Used for strangulation

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Rocket Skates:
-Increase her mobility and movement speed

Submachine Guns:
-Used in the game Cannon Spike

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Uses this goddamn thing in the Sakura Ganbaru! manga


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Spiral Arrow:
Cammy’s signature technique
Lunges forward, spinning in a corkscrew manner with her feet leading towards the opponent, performing a short sliding kick along the ground as she lands
Able to send people like Chun-Li flying high into the air
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Cannon Spike:
Cammy launches into the air leg-first for a singular, powerful strike that often overpowers any aerial attack
-KO’d Vega, and upon landing, he shattered the stone floor
Also the name of the game Cammy starred in, where she lead a team consisting of Charlie, Arthur from Ghosts and Goblins inside a giant golden mech suit, B.B. Hood, Mega Man, and original characters Shiba Shintaro and Simone against evil robots and mutants with guns and rocket skates
    –No. I’m not joking.

Cannon Strike by TheNerd-Bot

Cannon Strike:
A stylish focused turning motion into a diagonal down-forward one-legged driving kick with deadly force
Quick Spin Knuckle:
Cammy approaches her opponent by hopping into the air and spinning her back around to the opponent before whipping her fist a full 360°
If she connects with this move up close, she can hit twice – first with her elbow, and next with her fist

Hooligan Combination:
Cammy spins into the air while curled into a fetal position in an arc
-While spinning, various follow-up moves are available

Razor Edge Slicer:
A sliding kick to trip the opponent

Fatal Leg Twister:
A Frankensteiner slam

Cross Scissors Pressure:
A midair grab that spins the opponent through the air in an arc and slams them into the ground with a twin-legged stomp

Assault Roll by Br3ndan5
Assault Roll:
A roll feint

Killer Scythe Kick:
Cammy performs a heavy kick in a neutral jump motion (similar to her Focus Attack)
-Can choose to input another attack afterward

Killer Choke Whip:
Cammy uses the Choke Whip on the opponent then finishes them with a Frankensteiner

Killer Bee Assault:
Cammy jumps toward the wall, then she throws herself toward the opponent and makes a series of four kicks, and then grabs the opponent and makes a Cross Scissors Pressure, knocking them on the floor

Killer Bee Stinger:
Cammy put her hands on the floor, turns upside down, and kicks the opponent, ending with a close heavy kick and throwing the opponent into the air

Target Strike:
Cammy performs a stylish focused turning motion into a diagonal down-forward one-legged driving kick with deadly force


Strike Back:
-Cammy’s V-Reversal
Cammy rises on the opponent and turns to the other side of the screen, then knocks them down with a kick to their back

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Delta Drive:
Cammy’s V-Trigger
Increases her speed, but many of her moves gain more subtle advantages, including increased recovery speed
Spiral Arrow does 3 to 5 hits and being able to pass through the opponent

Spin Drive Smasher:
Cammy performs an enhanced Spiral Arrow, ending it with a Cannon Spike

Gyro Drive Smasher:
Cammy crouches low, proceeding to perform a Spiral Arrow and a “spin-a-roony” kick, followed by a Cannon Spike
Following her opponent, she leaps into the air and grabs them by the collar, spinning around to drive her foe into the ground while straddling them, performing a neck-breaker

CQC(Cammy Quick Combination):
Cammy goes into a counter stance. If the opponent strikes her, she counters by flipping onto their shoulders and snapping their neck, before taking them down and snapping their arm with a reverse armlock. Finally, she spins the opponent around, grabs them by the neck, and brutally twists it

Cross Stinger Assault:
-Cammy leaps backwards into the air and performs a Cannon Strike. If successful, she launches the opponent into the air and strikes them with several aerial kicks, finishing with a multi-hitting Spiral Arrow

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Psycho Power:
Defined as “an evil, negative, or psychotic energy”
Feeds off of the fear, anger, and the hatred of others
Cammy’s version is blue in the games, purple in the comics
Her strength, speed, and durability likely increase dramatically
    –With Decapre’s help, stopped a speeding armored truck with a shoulder tackle
    —An average armored truck weighs about 25,000 lb, adding the weight of the own car and the weight of the cargo and crew

Psycho Power Techniques:

Cannon Revenge:
Performs a taunt, and if the opponent strikes, counters with a Psycho-Power infused Cannon Spike

Quick Spin Knuckle:
-A Psycho-Powered Version of Quick Spin Knuckle

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Psycho Streak:
Summons a copy of M. Bison (presumably made from Psycho Power) to use his signature Psycho Crusher technique

Bison psycho punisher by TheNerd-Bot

Can be dismissive and cocky to those she doesn’t hold in high regard
Was overpowered by Sodom, causing her to experience pain for the first time
Has lost to the likes of Juri Han, Gen, and M. Bison before
Psycho Power has been shown to cause bodily decay

(“You must enjoy being beaten. Let me remodel your face one last time.”)

Black Orchid by Br3ndan5

Black Orchid
Real Name: Classified by the US military
Age: 23 (KI) 24 (KI2) 32 (KI 2013)
Height: 5’6″ (KI), 5’7 (KI2)’ 5’9(KI 2013)
Weight: 125 lbs
Species: Human
Occupation: Secret Agent, Assassin
First Appearance: Killer Instinct (November 28, 1984)

(Original Timeline)
-The U.S military’s go-to secret agent and assassin
-Has never been caught in one of her missions because if so she would be disbanded from the agency
-Was sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances surrounding the Killer Instinct tournament
-Infiltrated Ultratech by entering their Killer Instinct tournament
-Escaped Ultratech unscathed with vital information about their corrupt future plans
-Was indirectly responsible for trapping Ultratech in the past and summoning the demon warlord Gargos
-In one ending, killed Saberwolf and discovered that Jago is her half brother
-In her second ending, killed Jago and Saberwolf
-In Jago’s ending, helped him defeat Fulgore
-In her Killer Instinct Gold ending, returned to the present with Ultratech destroyed for good

(2013 Timeline)
-While in the sixth grade, accidentally created the Firecat and burned down her school
-Was trained by her Navy Seal father in hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and melee weapons; in addition to controlling her Firecat
-Was recruited to be apart of the SWD agency
-Survived being attacked by multiple Fulgores, barely escaping
-Disbanded from her original agency in order to prove that Ultratech was still active
-Created her own batons out of Ultratech technology
-Evaded capture from her former employer after the military had branded her a fugitive
-Went to a war-torn Eastern European to form her own agency known as the Disavowed
-Fought Jago, but lost
    -After their fight, she discovered they were related and convinced him to join the Disavowed
-Clashed with Cinder, with the victor being unknown
-Fought TJ Combo, but lost
    -After their fight, she convinced him to join forces with her
-Though they didn’t succeed of taking Ultratech down, Orchid exposed the company’s wrongdoings, causing them to lose credibility and have to go on hiding to reduce the outrage
    –She allowed TJ to receive full credit for this, allowing him to regain his former glory
-With TJ, defeated Spinal
-With TJ, defeated Cinder
-Clashed with Riptor
-In one ending, became a mercenary angel of vengeance, bent on burning Ultratech to the ground
-In her second ending, became a feared psychotic remorseless killer who started to become the new Ultratech
-In her true ending, reunited with her brother Jago, strengthening both of their resolves

In the world of Killer Instinct, the megacorporation of Ultratech has won the hearts of many due to their medical, technological, and scientific advancements. Unbeknownst to many, however, these achievements are all a ploy by the company’s head, ARIA, to create a perfect race of humanity, united under her iron fist. In their quest for world domination, the company has manipulated and taken the lives of many in order to achieve their goals. Although they thought nothing of these acts, they would soon receive vengeance courtesy of one of their victims, Black Orchid.

But before she could become the freedom fighter she is today, Orchid was an army brat being raised by her father, Jacob, a member of the Seal Team Six. Even at a young age she showed signs of emotional instability, often flying into blind rages. While in sixth grade, Orchid’s father had been sent to Pakistan to free kidnapped aid workers, leaving Orchid to suffer taunts from the school bullies. This would eventually reach its tipping point when she was forced to hide in a locker, where her anger would lead to a fire that burned down the whole school. When confronted by the authorities, she blamed her arson on a creature called the Firecat.

Naturally, no one believed Orchid, and she was sentenced to a month in juvie while Jacob was away. Upon returning, he discovered what had happened and immediately went AWOL, taking Orchid to a cabin in the mountains that he’d set up as a survivalist compound. As it turned out, the Firecat was in fact real, and it was something he was well familiar with. Earlier in his life, Jacob’s mother had volunteered for the military study known as Project Aries 9, which had left her with the ability to summon flaming beasts whenever she was enraged.

Fearing that either Ultratech or the government would attempt to use Orchid as a tool, Jacob began teaching his daughter how to control her emotions, while also training her in firearms, hand-to-hand combat, and baton fighting. With the aid of her father, Orchid eventually learned how to summon the Firecat without the need of negative emotions, though her training was far from over.

For the next two years, Orchid would be trained by her father until the Special Warfare Department tracked them down. Since Jacob was too valuable to be left in a military prison, the organization convinced him to return to his job in exchange for Orchid’s freedom.

Orchid was then placed under the care of a military foster family, while her father was assigned to a covert-ops mission in Afghanistan. For a year, Orchid received no word of what happened to her father, but she would eventually be told that he had been one of many victims in a suicide bombing attack, with his body unable to be recovered.

Devastated by this news, Orchid ran away from her foster family and began living on the streets. After being arrested for arson, she would be confronted by Major Weaver, a commander from the Special Warfare Department who offered Orchid the chance to follow in her father’s footsteps, as well as informing her that Jacob’s death had actually been caused by Ultratech.

During her time in the SWD, Orchid was trained in espionage, assassination, speaking Chinese and Russian, and even HAHO parachute jumping. Her spare time would be spent searching through her father’s journal, looking for anything that could help her solve the mystery of his death. While she never discovered this, the journal did tell her of a surprising secret: she had a younger brother, courtesy of her father having an affair with a foreign aid worker in Pakistan.

Orchid would spend the next decade carrying out missions for the SWD, all the while piecing together that an international terrorist cabal had been linked to Ultratech. During one of these missions, Orchid would discover that several members of the SWD were under the control of ARIA, the head of Ultratech. Upon reporting these findings, Weaver dismissed Orchid, believing her to be paranoid and delusional.

Later that night, Orchid would learn from a news report that Weaver’s entire section had been the subject of a bombing, with Orchid herself as the prime suspect. Now branded a terrorist, Orchid was forced to leave the country, sneaking off by infiltrating a Russian cargo ship. Some time after this, Orchid would combine her father’s survival skills with the SWD’s espionage training to contact others who had been wronged by Ultratech. This worldwide effort would lead to the creation of the Disavowed, a paramilitary group dedicated to exposing Ultratech’s secrets to the world and disrupting all of its activities.

-Can strike her opponents hard enough to send them flying through the air
    -This includes the likes of
Fulgore, Aganos, and Eyedol
    -Can harm and send Fulgore flying with her punches and kicks
-Can harm opponents who are virtually bulletproof and can get back up after falling over a few hundred feet

-Can send people through a wall
-Capable of beating up the likes of Jago
-Can cut through Fulgore’s metal, spilling his oil in the process

-Can make Chief Thunder bleed
-Kicked Chief Thunder hard enough to break a wall
-With Jago, destroyed Fulgore
-With Jago, pushed Eyedol back into his portal
    -While weaker than him, Eyedol was a threat to Gargos, who created a portal which affected the clouds on a planetary scale

-Sent Cinder and Spinal to the ground by throwing Kara at them
-Has no problem harming the likes of Cinder, Riptor, TJ Combo, and Shadow Jago
-Doing the stage fatality in the UltraTech Pinnacle not only sends the foe through the glass but also breaks all of it around the facility

-Can somewhat react to Fulgore’s satellite laser
-Contended with Glacius, whose ice attacks can lower the temperature in a room by 50 degrees celsius in .026 seconds
    -Glacius was also able to blitz ARIA who can think in less than a millisecond
-Can keep up with Cinder who flew across an island in a short time span

-Can backflip over a flame breath from a Riptor
-Can fight against swift characters like Cinder, Riptor, Sadira, and Shadow Jago
-Can move fast enough to leave afterimages


-Took Chief Thunder’s Sammamish attack
-Took a beating from Jago, who once made a massive bell in the background collapse as a side effect of his attack
-Ran an entire day without tiring
-Survived a lab exploding

-Can withstand hits from Fulgore
    -She was even sent flying by his uppercut, which led her to bleed when she landed
-Can tank heavy hits from Eyedol
-Can crash through a wall and still fight on
-Should be able to survive being pelted by small meteorites from Tusk’s No Mercy (with the giant one being the only thing that kills her)
-Easily survived a fall from the top of Ultratech Headquarters
-Can take fire attacks from Cinder, stone attacks from Anagnos, the ferociousness of Riptor, and energy blasts from ARIA
-Can hit Cinder with no problem despite his fiery body
-Can take hits from Jago and Shadow Jago


-Is capable of effortlessly chaining swift attacks and special moves into each other, racking up the damage

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Fighting Ability/Fighting Style:
-A master of close-quarters combat with a variety of training
-Trained in an advanced form of CQC which emphasizes fast legwork, grappling and ground control techniques in order to subdue her victim
-Always observes for when an opponent may let their guard down
-Trained by her father, a former Navy Seal, and the SWD
-Her military training also trained how to handle riot-based situations
-Is highly competent in Okinawan Kobudō, a weapons-based martial art that uses her batons
-While she is a close-range fighter, she has techniques designed to get her in close
-Has held her own against ninjas, aliens, skeleton pirates, cyborgs, boxers, and interdimensional demon lords

Survival Skills:
-Was taught how to survive in unknown territories from her father
-Was able to leave her country in a Russian cargo ship and had to make due in the Carpathian Mountains before forming the Disavowed

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Spy Work and Guerilla Warfare:
-In her time with the SWD, she had participated in espionage and deep cover operations
-Will even use tactics like sabotage and infiltration
-She became well-knowledged with hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and even HAHO parachute jumping
-She even learned about stealth, surprise attacks, and killing techniques
-Knows about guerrilla warfare, which along with the other skills above, she also should learn about ambushes, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, mobility surpassing traditional military, and even disguises

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General Attractiveness:
-Orchid is a very attractive woman, which often helps her in a fight
-Wears a very tight and sexy suit
-Is capable of giving men a fatal case of Stendhal’s syndrome
-Conversely, if the opposing character is another women she will instead stomp her heels on the ground in a fit of frustrated jealousy

Weapons and Equipment:

-Orchid’s Instinct Mode
-Upon activation, has her arms cover in energy and her eskrima sticks coated with electricity 
-Cats made out of fire that can be summoned through mental triggers, like anger
    -However, her father has made it so her mental triggers were related to being strong and proud
-She can summon Firecats to dash forward and pounce on the opponent, causing them to explode in the process
-Can summon them as much as she wants, though they appear only one at a time (And possibly requires Instinct Meter)
-Can destroy an old car
-Can leave fires in their wake, like when they burned Orchid’s school and even a lab 
-Can create massive explosions, like the time where she was surrounded by Fulgore units

-Floating spirits from Shadow Lords
-Can follow behind Orchid and give her unique buffs
-Can only equip one at a time 
    -Ram: Allows the user to use a Psychic Breaker move to counter a combo after taking 235 damage
    -Vampire Bat: 
Returns damage dealt to an opponent as health, shadow, or instinct meter
    -Fractured Ward: Gives the user super armor
    -Snake: Can poison an opponent after performing a combo ender
    -Exemplar: Allows the user to gain parry attacks, which give them health, shadow energy, and instinct meter
    -Watcher: Allows the user to perform a Block Breaker, which knocks an opponent away
    -Tiger: Can break an opponent’s guard using a special or shadow move; must fill up a meter to do so, and gains meter by attacking a blocking opponent
    -Owl: Allows the user to perform a Feral Dash, a move that dashes through the opponent
    -Astral Tiki: Increases the power of Heavy Attacks and can stagger an opponent
    -Lion: The more health the user loses, their strength and durability increases

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Electrified Eskrima Sticks:
-Dual sticks made of electricity or plasma
-Created from technical data she stole from Ultratech
-Can perform swift strikes and swings
-In the comics, she can turn the electric/plasma parts on and off whenever she wants
-Can easily shred through Fulgore units
-Can create eruptions of electricity/plasma

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Electrified Tonfas:
-Tonfas infused with electricity or plasma
-Can perform quick strikes and thrusts
-Can shoot out blasts of electricity 

-Throwing projectiles that will explode when landing on the ground
-Also releases a puff of smoke

Night Vision Goggles:
-Headwear that allows the wearer to see through the dark

Hacking Device
-A device that is able to hack and open security doors, like the ones from Ultratech


-If she blocks immediately when the opponent attacks, she will not take any damage and has a chance to retaliate back

Shadow Energy:
-Energy that allows the user to perform more powerful versions of her special moves
-Can regain Shadow Energy by attacking the opponent or taking damage
-Can use the meter to perform a Shadow Counter instead, which functions as a party, but can also counter Shadow Moves and block strings

Combo Breaker:
-When suffering from a combo, she will have a chance to suddenly strike out of nowhere to stop it from continuing and can launch the enemy doing it
-Can fill up her Instinct Meter after performing one
    -Can actually reset the damage taken from said combo
-Can do a Counter Breaker, which counters an opponent’s combo breaker, and follows up by continuing the combo

-Performs an overhead cartwheel that can launch the foe backwards

Danger Zone:
-An air grab that kicks her foe back to the ground

-Can fire a spinning projectile of electricity/plasma
-She can only do this move with the eskrima sticks

Tonfa Fire:
-Can fire two parallel projectiles of electricity/plasma
-She can only do this move with the tonfas

Fake Tonfa Fire:

-Performs the motion of the move, but doesn’t fire anything
-Used to trick her opponent

Flick Flack:
-Orchid does a handstand as she strikes her foe with forwarding spinning kicks, ending with a downward 180-degree kick that makes her go back standing on her feet

Shadow Flick Flack:
-A more powerful version of the move that does more hits

-She herself can actually transform herself into a Firecat, in which she pounces towards her target before turning back
-In this state, she is invulnerable to attacks
-In the comic, Orchid can even bite her opponent with her jaws

Spinning Sword:
-Performs two 180-degree angle swings that can send her opponent flying

-Vertically connects the ends of the sticks’ handles together and charges forward

-Does a mighty upward swing with her tonfa

Ichi Ni San:
-A series of stick attacks
-First she does two stick thrusts, then two downward stick swings, and finishes it off by thrusting both handles and performing a high upward swing
    -Or, after the first two strikes, she can instead charge up her Eskrima Sticks and perform a powerful scissor attack that can unleash fireworks of electricity/plasma

Shadow Ichi Ni San:
-Vertically connects the ends of the sticks’ handles and stabs them into the ground, creating an eruption of electricity/plasma in the process

Tiger Slide/Blockade Runner:
-Performs a slide-kick across the floor with varying distances

Air Buster:
-A quick rising knee attack
-Fully invulnerable

Upper Firecat:
-A Shadow Move that has Orchid transform into a Firecat and perform a leaping pounce

Super Flak:
-Orchid leaps into the air, spread her legs, and spins like a twister, causing her to batter her opponent as she slowly rises up

Frog Stomp:
-One of Orchid’s No Mercies
-Orchid bashes her opponent with her sticks, turning them into a frog. She then leaps into the air and crushes the frog under her heels

Heart Attack:
-One of Orchid’s No Mercies
-Orchid rips off her shirt and flashes her opponent, giving them a heart attack
    -Seems to only work on men, though women will become jealous of her size
    -Works on robots and dinosaurs for some reason

-One of Orchid’s No Mercies
-Orchid fires two parallel streams of lightning, frying her opponent in the process

-One of Orchid’s No Mercies
-Orchid transforms into a Firecat and dashes through the opponent, incinerating them

-Humiliates the defeated opponent by forcing them to dance

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