Divine Was Born to Fight in Death Battle!

Divine by Br3ndan5
Height: 5’11
Weight: 180 lbs
Occupation: Weapon
First Appearance: Power Girl #16 (November 2010)

-Was the first successful attempt at cloning a Kryptonian
-Fought Power Girl to prevent her from investigating the Antarctic research facility where Maxwell Lord and Crash were hiding
-After accidentally sending Power Girl into the facility, continued fighting her until they were interrupted by Crash and Maxwell
-Terrorized Metropolis while Power Girl was on a date with Jimmy Olsen
-Fought Power Girl, but was defeated off-panel

Divine strength by Br3ndan5
Divine strength 2 by Br3ndan5
-Multiverse Level+ due to fighting evenly with Power Girl
-Power Girl was stated by Maaldor to be one of the two strongest beings in the multiverse alongside Pre-Crisis Superman, who generated enough energy to restore the multiverse after it was destroyed. Additionally, both of them were among the 50 heroes the Anti-Monitor absorbed the powers of so he could destroy the multiverse. Even without this, it’s been established multiple times that Power Girl remains the same across the Crises, meaning she, much like her cousin the Golden Age Superman, would still be comparable to Pre-Crisis Superman
-Did the following while her body was still stabilizing:
    -Casually threw a metal vent through the air
    -Uppercut Power Girl and sent her to the ground with a downward punch
    -Stomped Power Girl into the ground
-Repeatedly slammed Power Girl’s face into the ground
-Put Power Girl in a chokehold
-Kicked Power Girl in the face and sent her flying with a right hook
-Dragged Power Girl’s face across the snowy terrain
-Created a massive shockwave upon colliding with Power Girl
-Sent Power Girl through the ground and into the stone floor of a laboratory with a right hook
-Slammed Power Girl against several glass containers
-Threw Power Girl across the lab they were fighting in
-Her attempt at dropkicking Power Girl was strong enough to embed her legs in the lab’s stone floor
-Elbowed Power Girl while taking a punch from her
-Lifted a truck and threw it at Power Girl
-Charged into Power Girl and punched her in the stomach

-Can be increased by absorbing solar radiation (See “Powers” below)

Divine speed by Br3ndan5
-Beyond Massively Faster Than Light to Immeasurable, as Power Girl admits Divine is just as fast as her

    -Power Girl is able to blitz Wonder Woman, who can react at 3.173 sextillion times FTL, and should be comparable to Golden Age Superman
    –Golden Age Superman was able to keep up in battle with Pre-Crisis Superman, who can move fast enough to tear through the fabric of spacetime and fly faster than infinity
-Did the following while her body was still stabilizing:
   -Threw a vent cover fast enough that it nearly hit Power Girl
    -Moved so quickly that Power Girl didn’t register her appearance until she’d been punched in the face
-Grabbed Power Girl’s fist just when it was a few inches from her face
-While her head was frozen, simultaneously escaped from it and disappeared from Power Girl’s sight while her arm was in mid-swing
-Appeared behind Power Girl before she could react
-Intercepted Power Girl’s attempt at disorienting her by punching her
-Dodged Power Girl’s heat vision at point-blank range
-Can be increased by absorbing solar radiation

Divine durability by Br3ndan5
-Multiverse Level+ via scaling to her strength

-Completely unaffected by the Antarctic’s temperature
    -This is to the point where she went around shirtless for most of her time there
-Did the following while her body was still stabilizing:
    -No-sold Power Girl judo-throwing her through the air
-Shrugged off a headbutt and a punch to the stomach
-Withstood Power Girl freezing her head with super-breath and punching her away
-Immediately got back up after being slammed into the frozen ground
-Took a left hook, a punch to the stomach, and a knee strike to the face from Power Girl
-Quickly recovered after Power Girl sent her through the air with a left hook
-Unharmed after a collision with Power Girl sent her crashing into the ground
-Was unaffected when Power Girl spun her through the air at 800,000 miles per hour
-Was more amused than hurt after Power Girl slammed her into a wall with enough force to crater it
-Tanked a right hook from Power Girl
-Took another right hook from Power Girl while elbowing her
-Only had the wind knocked out of her for a brief moment after Power Girl punched her in the stomach
-Was only dazed after getting hit by a massive blast of red solar radiation
    -This same blast was strong enough to nearly incapacitate Power Girl
-Tanked a punch from Power Girl
-Quickly recovered after Power Girl punched her through a building
-Can be increased by absorbing solar radiation


Expert Hand to Hand Combatant:
-Despite lacking any formal training, Divine has been shown to fight on equal ground with Power Girl, who has received training from Wildcat, a world renowned boxer, and the karate master Mongo Krebs

Divine personality by Br3ndan5
Divine personality 2 by Br3ndan5
-Confident in her abilities
-Enjoys taunting her opponents
-Can be somewhat smug at times

Weapons and Equipment:

Divine bodysuit by Br3ndan5
-Made to stabilize her body while it adjusted to Earth’s yellow solar radiation
-Contains armor around its torso
-The mask contains a voice filter, which distorts her voice enough that she sounds like a man
-No longer in her possession, as most of it was destroyed during her fight with Power Girl
-But it’s not like she needs it, considering her body’s already stabilized


Divine flight by Br3ndan5
-Obtained by manipulating the gravitons in her body
-Can do anything from hovering to moving in any posture or direction

The sun by Br3ndan5
Solar Energy Absorption:
-Can absorb yellow or blue sunlight into her body
    -By absorbing blue sunlight, Divine’s normal powers are boosted and she can gain new abilities
-Metabolizes solar energy into her body
-Serves as the source of her powers

Divine heat vision by Br3ndan5
Heat Vision:
-Can fire intense beams of heat from her eyes
-Is able to alter the intensity or area of effect at will

Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision:
-Can see into most of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Allows her to see and identify radio and television signals along with other broadcast frequencies
-Can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods with this ability
-Can use this to see the aura generated by living beings

Divine hearing by Br3ndan5Divine hearing 2 by Br3ndan5
-Lets Divine hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-With enough skill and concentration, she can block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency
-Could hear Nicco Cho’s voice through Power Girl’s communicator

Telescopic Vision:
-Allows her to see objects at extremely great distances

Microscopic Vision:
-Lets her see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level

Infrared Vision:
-Divine can see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness

X-Ray Vision:
-Allows Divine to see through any volume of matter except lead
-Can focus this ability to “peel back” an object’s layers, allowing her to view hidden images or its inner workings

-Due to the interaction of her dense molecular structure and supercharged bio-electric aura, Divine is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces
    -This also grants her protection against toxins and diseases

Divine ice breath by Br3ndan5
-Also called “freeze breath,” “ice breath,” “ultra breath,” and “arctic breath”
-Lets Divine create hurricane-like gusts of wind by exhaling
-Can chill the air as it escapes her lungs, allowing her to freeze targets
-Can also reverse this process to pull large volumes of air or vapor into her lungs

Divine weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Doesn’t have that many feats due to only appearing in 5 comics, one of which was a dream sequence
-Doesn’t have much experience using her powers
-If exposed to Kryptonite, she will become weaker and eventually die if she’s around it for too long
    -Though it should be noted that since she was created from Power Girl’s DNA, this only applies if the Kryptonite is from Earth-2, otherwise she’s immune to it
-Gradually loses her powers when away from yellow solar radiation
-Vulnerable to magic
-Absorbing red solar radiation will weaken her and can eventually rob her of her powers, albeit temporarily
    -This is because red solar radiation renders her yellow radiation dormant

(Divine: “Who are you talking to? You got some help out there, sister?”
Power Girl: “Yeah. I like teams! J.L.I.! J.S.A All-Stars! That kinda thing! I must be compensating for feelings of loneliness or something! But from the looks of you, buddy- I’d say you’re lugging around some baggage, too! Did your latex fetish come out of ‘mommy issues’?”
Divine: “Don’t know. Like I said, I’m a work in progress.”)

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