Composite Zero awakens for battle! (Reupload)

Zbio by Zacmariozero


Real Name: DWN-∞
Aliases: Megaman Zero/Rockman Zero
Debuts: Mega Man X (1993) (As MMX! Zero), Mega Man Zero (2001) (As MMZ! Zero) 
Height: Roughly 5′ 3″
Weight: Roughly 125.7 lbs
Age: Two-Three Centuries Old

-Upon first joining the Maverick Hunters, Zero quickly became a Class-A hunter.
  -Once Sigma went Maverick, Zero became the leader, though for a short time.
-Acted as a mentor to Mega Man X throughout the whole series.
-Aided the Maverick Hunters in defeating Sigma.
-On his own, he has defeated….
  -Sigma (Though, in one instance, with help from Dr. Doppler’s Antivirus)
  -Colonel Redips
  -Sage Harpuia
  -Fairy Leviathan
  -Fighting Fefnir
  -Hidden Phantom
  -Copy X, a weaker, more naive clone of Mega Man X.
  -Crea and Prea
  -Anubis Necromancess
  -Blizzack Staggroff
  -Copy X Mk 2
  -All of Omega’s forms, including one where it inhabited Zero’s original body.
  -Einherjar Eight Warriors
  -Dr. Weil, though at the cost of his own life.
  -Countless Mavericks and Reploids.
-Destroyed the space-colony Eurasia by colliding with it, full-force, within a space shuttle.
  -Not only was Eurasia completely destroyed, but Zero survived the explosion.
-A fight between him and X resulted in a draw.
-After being reduced to a torso with a hole in his chest and a missing arm, Zero was able to repair himself.
-With help from X, he defeated Gate and an imperfectly resurrected Sigma.
-Even when traces of the Zero Virus were found within him, Zero did not go Maverick.
-Captured Axl before he became a Maverick Hunter.
-With help from Axl and X, he defeated Red Alert.
-Towards the end of the Elf Wars, Zero reclaimed Dark Elf from the Mavericks and used it to bring the rebellions to an end.
-Survived the explosion caused by Copy X after the Neo Arcadian Core was destroyed.
-Diverted a missile (containing Omega) aimed for a human population, though he ended up boarding it after he failed to prevent its launch.
-Rescued Harpuia (and himself) from Omega (Who had absorbed Dark Elf).
-(Non-Canon) Defeated Athena to return to his own time. (SNK VS Capcom: Chaos)
-(Non-Canon) Can defeat Galactus and receive aid from the Silver Surfer to return to Neo Arcadia. (Marvel VS Capcom 3/Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3)
-(Non-Canon) Can become a part of the MEGA Nova Corps. (Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3)
-(Non-Canon) Appeared in Onimusha: Blade Warriors.
-(Non-Canon) Can defeat Yami. (Tatsunoko VS Capcom)
-(Non-Canon) Appeared in Project X Zone 1 and 2.
-(Non-Canon) Aided various heroes in defeating Sigma’s forces during the “Worlds Collide” event.

Origin: The war between Dr. Light and Dr. Wily was a long and destructive one, and although Wily always came back with a new wave of Robot Masters, they, along with Wily’s schemes for World Domination, were always thwarted by Dr. Light’s Mega Man. Around the eighth time Wily was stopped, he had conceptualized a prototype for a robot that could effortlessly destroy Mega Man and Wily’s former greatest creation, Bass. Though Bass shrugged off the bot as “girl-y” and unimpressive, Wily insisted that the robot was not to be underestimated. Much later in Wily’s life, not long before his demise, the robot known as Zero was first awakened. However, a single programming flaw resulted in Zero being violent and masochistic in behavior. To keep himself from being mutilated by his own creation, Wily sealed Zero away for around thirty years.

When Zero awakened, he was confronted by several Reploids, a new wave of powerful robots. Needless to say, Zero mutilated them beyond recognition, his hands covered in their blood. When the leader of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma, encountered Zero, he was on the brink of death when a “W” appeared in Zero’s head-crystal, causing him extreme pain. Sigma defeated Zero by shattering the crystal… Though, there was a catch. By shattering the crystal, the Maverick Virus (that was created by Dr. Wily) was transferred from Zero to Sigma. In short, Zero became a Class-A Maverick Hunter. Sigma, however, went Maverick when he slaughtered various hunters and nuked Abel City. 

During the events of Mega Man X1, Zero was the leader of the Maverick Hunters, often acting as a mentor to X. However, towards the end of the game, Zero sacrificed himself to destroy Vile’s ride armor. During the events of Mega Man X2, Zero’s control chip was recovered from the site of his death. However, the X-Hunters had found and modified Zero’s body to include additions from Dr. Wily’s original plans. These parts were retrieved by X and, as a result, gave Zero a finished and stronger body.

During the interim between the MMX and MM Zero series, the Elf Wars had broken out. During a large portion of this time, Zero was sealed away for testing, as he had tested positive for the Sigma Virus, though his control chip had been removed to prevent malfunctions, in the event something went wrong. Zero’s body was studied by government researchers, and one of them, an unnamed female ancestor of Ciel, managed to create the “Sigma Antibody Program”, a Cyber-elf capable of reverting the devastated programming of infected Mavericks and therefore destroying the virus completely. This Cyber Elf was the Mother Elf. However, weapon researcher and DNA revival specialist Dr. Weil, who also worked in the lab, planned a different way of dealing with the Mavericks, as he was unsatisfied with the result. Weil started a conflict that would ultimately cost the lives of 90% of all Reploids and 60% of all humans. That was how the Elf Wars started.

Dr. Weil secretly stole the Mother Elf and reprogrammed her into the Dark Elf, whose purpose was to create Maverick outbreaks by brainwashing Reploids. Baby Elves, small copies of the Dark Elf, were mass-produced to cause violent Maverick outbreaks worldwide. Not only that, but the government was forced to give Weil Zero’s original body, which became the host for Omega. During the final years of the Elf War, Zero used a body created by the aforementioned ancestor to Ciel, and fought alongside X to reclaim Dark Elf and defeated Omega.

However, once all of this had ended, Zero decided to seal himself away forever, much to the grief and protest of X. Zero’s reasoning for all this was his belief that, as long as he was still around, history would continue to be paved with blood. Before the seal was complete, he encouraged X that this was the right way and that he wanted to believe in human kind, just as X believed in them. With these final words, Zero’s seal was complete.

Though it was supposed to last forever, Zero was awakened by Ciel when she used the Cyber-Elf Passy to revive him. Though Zero stopped the forces of Neo Arcadia, he had suffered from Amnesia, due to “hibernation sickness.” As it turned out, Neo Arcadia was the government of the world at this time period. Reploids were discriminated against and often deemed Maverick and terminated without justifiable cause by their new ruler, Copy X. From that moment onwards, Zero agreed to fight for Ciel’s cause and joined the resistance against Neo Arcadia.


Destructive Capacity:

-At most, Solar System Level (Scales to Lumine’s destruction of a Star (…)).

-There are other feats to support this, such as Gravity Beetle’s Black Hole collapse (…).

-At the very least, Zero is Star Level (Same link as GB’s Black Hole feat, though it’s for Gravity Antonion’s feat).


-Even in his oldest body, he was capable of nearly killing Sigma, who, at the time, was a Class-A hunter.
-Is built to be vastly superior to Classic Mega Man, who was capable of the following:
 -Lifted Wily’s 900,000+ ton Castle (…)
 -Should be comparable to one of Wily’s Machines in the Manga, which could reduce the Earth to ash.
 -Mega Man could endure attacks from Duo and the Evil Energy, he could also match Duo. Both of which took part in a crash that, at it’s lowest, was capable of small planet level power crash against Jupiter (…)
-Was able to harm General, who intercepted and tanked a Planet-busting laser.
-Defeated a fusion of Omega and Dark Elf, who was stronger than anyone Zero had faced before (With the exception of Dr. Weil).
 -Keep in mind, too, that Harpuia couldn’t even scratch them.
-Overpowered Vile while he was in his Ride Armor.
-Effortlessly defeated an imperfect clone of himself that was created by Sigma to fool X.
-Even casual slashes can slice Mavericks and other Reploids to pieces.
 -Keep in mind these robots are made of Ceratanium, the exact same stuff that Mega Man is made of.
-Can enhance his strength with abilities copied from opponents.


Hqdefault (1) by Zacmariozero
-Likely constructed from Ceratanium, also known Ceramic titanium. This is the same material that was used for the creation of Mega Man.
-Is built to be vastly superior to Classic Mega Man, who was capable of the following:
 -Tanked point-blank absolute zero temperature freezing from Cold Man.
 -Can tank attacks from Fire Man’s Fire Storm and Heat Man’s Atomic Fire, both of which are superior to the Sun’s heat in terms of temperature.
 -Can endure dimensional distortion from Centaur Man’s Centaur Flash.
 -In Super Adventure Rockman, Mega Man tanked Ra-Moon’s fortress exploding while he was using the Double Mega Buster technique, which was overheating him.
 -Mega Man could endure attacks from Duo and the Evil Energy, he could also match Duo. Both of which took part in a crash that, at it’s lowest, was capable of small planet level power crash against Jupiter.
-Comparable to General, who intercepted and tanked a Planet-busting laser.
-Can endure attacks from Lumine, who destroyed a Star.
-Most famously, Zero survived crashing into the space-colony Eurasia when he collided with it, full-force, within a space shuttle. He also survived the explosion immediately afterwards.
-Can endure attacks from X, who basically has the same destructive capacity as Zero.
-Comparable to X, who endured an explosion that was capable of annihilating Japan (…).
 -The calc linked here has since been revised (…).
-Endured the explosion caused by Copy X after the Neo Arcadian Core was destroyed.
-Can tank attacks from a fusion of Omega and Dark Elf, who Harpuia couldn’t even scratch.
  -Furthermore, Zero can endure attacks from Omega Zero, a version of Omega that inhabited Zero’s original body.
Regen by Zacmariozero
-Could possibly have regeneration, given that X was able to reform parts in the manga.
  -This would line up with Zero being able to “heal” from being reduced to a torso.


Tumblr N8aedwnwrt1se9xd2o1 500 by Zacmariozero
-Speed should be in the MFTL+ range.
-Comparable to X and Dark Elf, who completely erased the entire Maverick Virus from Earth. This was calced as MFTL+ (15 trillion c), and is likely Zero’s best speed feat.(…)
-Is built to be vastly superior to every classic Mega Man character, who could accomplish the following:
  -Duo flew from Jupiter to Earth within seconds.
  -Mega Man reacted to various lasers and asteroids coming at him whilst in the Asteroid belt. This was calced at MFTL (…)
  -Mega Man reacted to Quick Man, who Elec Man stated is faster than light during their fight.
  -Mega Man reacted to a beam of light that was aimed for his face.
-Can avoid lasers of light from Optic Sunflower (…).
-Keep in mind that Zero can react to attacks from X, who shares these speed feats.
-Casually avoids attacks from other Reploids/enemies as well, such as Vile, Sigma, Lumine, Omega, and Dr. Weil, among others.
-Can resist the pull of a black hole.
-His speed aids him in combat, as he seems to prefer to rush in with a speed-blitz above all else.


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-Being a robot, Zero’s stamina far surpasses that of a normal human’s.
-Even after he was reduced to a torso that was missing an arm and a hole in his chest, Zero still had the energy to fire a fatal shot at Sigma.
  -After all that, Zero was still able to enter hiding and repair/heal himself.
-After being sealed away for a century, when Zero was awakened by Ciel, he immediately began fighting once more.
-In his older body, after Vile captured him and weakened him, Zero was still able to break free and land a fatal shot to his ride armor.
-Does not need air to breath, since he could survive underwater and in outer space.
-It took a full year of fighting for him to tire.


X2SEScene6 by Zacmariozero
-Despite being a robot, Zero technically does have a soul.
-In concept, DNA Souls are similar to a human’s soul, as DNA Souls are, for a lack of better words, a Reploid’s brain.
-Zero can use his DNA Soul in certain attacks, such as Sougenmu and Soul Body.


Giphy (31) by Zacmariozero
-In Mega Man X4, Zero has the ability to completely erase chunks of data.
-Likely a form of hax that Zero can do with any weapon of his.


-Zero cares little about the concepts of justice and doesn’t consider himself a hero, but he fights for what he believes is right.
-Zero is very professional about his work. If he sees an enemy in front of him, he will cut them down.
-Acts as a mentor to X, even rescuing him from Vile and aiding him in combat.
-Somewhat headstrong, due to his combat strategies of blitzing and cutting down enemies.
-Was able to identify the main difference between Copy X and X, in terms of personality: Copy X’s naive nature.
-Will often offer to (potentially) sacrifice himself, such as his final attack against Vile.
  -This is due to him believing that he’s partially responsible for the constant violence, likely due to him being the original carrier for the Maverick Virus.
  -This is also partially due to him believing that the world needs X more than it needs him.
  -However, he has survived these self-sacrifices, such as when he crashed into the space-colony Eurasia.
  -I should note, however, that Zero is not at all suicidal, and only does it to protect his friends.

WEAPONS (X-Series):

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Zero Buster:
 -An arm-cannon weapon built by Dr. Wily for Zero.
  -Enhanced by the X-Hunters after they recovered Zero’s parts.
 -Much like the Mega Buster and the X Buster, the Zero Buster has various charge levels:
  -Uncharged: Zero fires a weak shot that does minimal damage.
  -Level 1 Charge: Zero fires a somewhat stronger, medium-sized shot.
  -Level 2 Charge: Zero fires a charged shot.
  -Level 3 Charge: Zero fires a semi-charged shot, but reserves enough energy to fire a fully charged shot.
  -Full Charge: Zero fires two fully-charged shots before an attack from the Z-Saber.
 -Can be loaded into the Buster Shot as a power cell.
 -Can be enhanced with copied techniques from downed Mavericks, along with additional attacks depending on his form.

X3 slash by Zacmariozero
 -Zero’s preferred weapon.
 -It is a lightsaber-like laser sword, given to him after his new body was made in X2.
 -Stored in a holster on his back.
 -His most common techniques are as follows:
  -A slash-to-outward slash done via his following arm then a forward-leaning downward two-handed chop that does three hits.
  -A rising slash that launches opponents in an uppercut-like manner.
  -A downwards stab (Think of Shovel Knight’s downwards slash).
  -A dashing thrust/slash.
  -An aerial front-flip slash.
  -Final/Zero Final: Zero does a dashing slash before doing an uppercut-like slash.
 -Can perform various techniques with the Z-Saber, such as:
  -Zero Slash/Rei Shiki Retsuzan: Zero performs a single slash.
  -Zero Breakthrough/Rei Shiki Toppa: Zero performs a forward thrust that can break an enemy’s guard.
  -Zero Dragon Slash/Rei Shiki Shouryuuzan: Zero performs a rising slash that is effective against airborne enemies.
  -Zero Wave Slash/Rei Shiki Hadouzan: Zero performs a downward thrust with Power at 50%-200%.
  -Zero Skull Crush/Rei Shiki Kabutowari: Zero performs a rolling slash that is guaranteed to be a critical hit.
 -Can be enhanced with copied techniques from downed Mavericks, along with additional attacks depending on his form.

MMXCM-Zero s-Weapons by Zacmariozero
Red Lotus Saber (Far Left):
 -Zero’s fastest sword.
 -Drains all of Zero’s power and channels it into a giant flame blade, and unleashes it in a fire elemental triple slash called the Bone Slicer.
 -However, due to the energy drain, it severely weakens Zero’s defense.

Z Ichimonji (Second Left):
 -A metal blade that glows with a dark blue flame.
 -It is a comparatively weaker sword, but it breaks armors with the Knife Through Butter attack.

Z Rapier (Third Left):
 -A thin, red blade that uses speed over strength.
 -Can perform a triple-slash combo.

Soul Saber (Third Right):
 -Much like the Z Ichimonji, this blade is made of pure metal.
 -The Soul Saber lets Zero perform a spin-attack, Slash at Death.
 -The more damage Zero takes, the stronger this weapon becomes.

Flame/Ice/Thunder Saber (Second Right, pictured as Flame Saber):
 -They have the same appearance, except that the color of each blade depends on the element.
 -Certain elements do more damage to certain enemies.
 -These Sabers have pretty much the same level in terms of stats and hit with one Splitting Slash.

Doubletooth (Far Right):
 -An absolutely massive, double-bladed sword.
 -Has a higher chance of a Critical Hit with a Splitting Slash.

DGlaive by Zacmariozero
 -A naginata-style weapon that allows Zero to perform longer-ranged attacks.
 -Can be spun to deflect enemy fire.
 -Though it has much better reach than the Z-Saber, it lacks speed and versatility.
  -Moreover, only the bladed end can damage opponents.
 -Can be improved by using attacks from fallen enemies.

VHanger by Zacmariozero
V Hanger:
 -A pair of kunai-like knives. 
 -Intended for close-ranged combat.
 -As such, Zero can string a five-hit combo that can be fatal to enemies.
 -Can be improved by using attacks from fallen enemies.

BFan by Zacmariozero
Bashou Fan:
 -A pair of fans that can be used offensively and defensively.
 -The fans are able to deflect weaker shots back at the opponent.
 -Can be improved by using attacks from fallen enemies.

TBreaker by Zacmariozero
Titan Breaker:
 -A super powerful, yet heavy, hammer that can break through enemy barriers.
 -This weapon is notably slower than his other weapons, and, as such, cannot be used in combos.
 -Can be improved by using attacks from fallen enemies.

KKnuckle by Zacmariozero
Kaiser Knuckle:
 -A pair of brass knuckles, which are extremely useful if Zero needs to punch a bitch.
 -Allows Zero to use attacks from Street Fighter, such as the Shoryuken and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.
 -Though they are powerful, it has very little range.

SigmaBlade by Zacmariozero
Sigma Blade:
 -The main weapon used by Sigma in Mega Man X8, though it can be used by Zero.
 -It is an absolutely massive sword with great range and it can shatter enemy defenses with ease.
 -Equipping this weapon will reduce special weapon energy usage by half automatically.


Buster Shot Rockman Zero 3 by Zacmariozero
Buster Shot:
 -A new, gun-like weapon Zero obtained in the MMZ series.
 -Originally used by the late Resistance member Milan.
 -When not in use, it is mounted onto Zero’s back.
 -Similar to the Zero Buster, it has various charge levels:
  -Uncharged: Zero rapid-fires three to four uncharged shots.
  -Level 1 Charge: Zero fires a semi-charged shot.
  -Level 2 Charge: Zero fires a fully-charged shot.
 -Can be enhanced with the abilities of fallen enemies.

Zero2 by Zacmariozero
 -Still remains as Zero’s preferred weapon, though it is somewhat different.
  -The hilt and blade are different.
 -Due to his amnesia, Zero had to re-learn his skills with the weapon.
 -Another difference is that it’s implied that Zero owns two Z-Sabers.
 -Stored in the attachments on Zero’s outer thighs.
 -Easily slices through 300 mm of reinforced steel in a single stroke. 
 -Unlike the previous Z-Saber, Zero can charge this one due to the Mega Buster Mk 17 technology installed in it.
  -Once fully-charged, Zero can unleash a more powerful slash.
 -Like before, Zero can use various techniques with the Z-Saber:
  -Most notably, he can do a front-flip slash either in the air or while dashing.
 -Can be enhanced with Hacker Cyber-Elves and Body Chips.
 -Most notably of all, this weapon can take the form of various other weapons, such as….

Shieldboomerang by Zacmariozero
Shield Boomerang:
 -Created by Cerveau.
 -An energy shield that is created by spinning the Z-Saber mounted on his forearm.
 -It can reflect various attacks, though it does not reflect close-ranged attacks.
 -When charged, it can be thrown like a boomerang, it’s cutting edges having similar effects to that of a chainsaw.
 -It will fly in an ellipsis path before returning to Zero.

Triplerod by Zacmariozero
 -Created by Cerveau.
 -A lance-like weapon with a modified Z-Saber hilt.
 -Has three times the reach of the Z-Saber, though it is only useful on the ground.
 -Zero can aim it in various directions, and can spin it as well.
 -When fully charged, Zero will swing the rod around himself like a battle staff, with an energy tip on both ends.
  -Alternatively, if Zero is in the air, Zero spins the Triple Rod in front of him.
 -This weapon was destroyed, though its remains were used to make….

Chainrod by Zacmariozero
Chain Rod:
 -Constructed from the broken remains of the Triple Rod.
 -A chain-like weapon with a massive Z-Saber blade at the end, with several similar chains linking together.
 -It has several uses, such as…
  -Hooking/stabbing into enemies.
  -Holding enemies in place.
  -Can pull a Scorpion by reeling them in.
  -Can reach objects far away from Zero.
  -Can be used as a grappling hook for swinging and maneuverability.
 -Can be enhanced with Element Chips.

Recoilrod by Zacmariozero
Recoil Rod:
 -Created by Cerveau.
 -Zero uses two Z-Saber hilts to created a pair of tonfa-like blades.
 -Mainly used for rapid attacks.
 -By charging the rod, it can be used to push away enemies or move heavy blocks.
  -Alternatively, if Zero is crouching, he will do a super-jump that allows him to reach normally impossible heights.

Zeroknuckle by Zacmariozero
Zero Knuckle:
 -Easily one of Zero’s best weapons.
 -By punching enemies with the Knuckle in-use, Zero will rip off enemy parts and use them for himself.
  -Often results in the destruction of said enemies.
 -Each stolen weapon has a select amount of ammunition, and can be discarded if Zero runs out of ammo.
 -Cannot be influenced by elemental chips, nor can it be used with EX Skills.

NOTE: I will not include a section for abilities he gets with the Zero Knuckle, since these are abilities he cannot immediately access without outside help.


Xtreme Earth Gaizer by Zacmariozero
Earth Gaizer:
 -Zero punches the ground, generating explosions all around him.

FishFang by Zacmariozero
Fish Fang:
 -Zero launches two fish-missiles from the Z-Saber when performing an air-slash.

Tri-ThunderZ by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground, generating multiple balls of lightning that randomly erupt from the ground.

X2SEFireWaveZ by Zacmariozero
Fire Wave:
 -Zero sends out a small fireball from his Z-Saber, which upon contact with the ground, becomes a pillar of flames that travels across the terrain.

Lightning by Zacmariozero
 -Generates random lightning strikes.

DrillCrush by Zacmariozero
Drill Crush:
 -Zero stabs downwards while the Z-Saber spins in a drill-like shape.

MMX4-Z-Raijingeki-Sprite by Zacmariozero
 -Zero thrusts the Z-Saber forward as it extends into a blade of blue lightning.

ZeroJump by Zacmariozero
 -For a lack of better words, a double-jump.

MMX4-Z-Rakuhouha-Sprite by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground and sends blasts of energy outwards in a fan-like pattern.

Tenkuuha by Zacmariozero
 -Upgrades the Z-Saber by allowing it to slice through energy shots.

MMX4-Z-Ryuenjin-Sprite by Zacmariozero
 -Zero does a jumping-uppercut slash while the blade ignites itself.

MMX4-Z-Hyouretsuzan-Sprite by Zacmariozero
 -Zero stabs downwards while the Z-Saber turns into a giant icicle.

ZeroAirDash by Zacmariozero
 -Allows Zero to dash mid-air.

MMX4-Z-Shippuuga-Sprite by Zacmariozero
 -Zero dashes forward and slashes with a pink blade that hits up to three times.

Grizzlytech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a front-flip slash with a crescent-shaped yellow aura.

Whaletech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero dashes forward with a shield of ice protecting him.
 -Can change his direction mid-air.

Squidtech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero does a jumping-uppercut slash with his blade covered in electricity.
 -Also sends lightning bolts downwards.

Fireflytech by Zacmariozero
 -Same as Rakuhouha, but the projectiles are deadlier and harder to block.

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Dark Hold:
 -One of Zero’s deadliest weapons, as it allows him to stop time.
 -During this time, he can attack freely.

W-Shredder by Zacmariozero
 -Same as Shippuga, though, if Zero stops, he will send out an after image that damages enemies.

Lightning-loop-o by ZacmariozeroTwinDream by Zacmariozero
Twin Dream/Sougenmu:
 -Allows Zero to create an image of himself that will mimic attacks, doubling the damage.
 -As the above gif shows, it is the absolute bane of UMVC3 players.

Yammarktech by Zacmariozero
Yammar Option:
 -Zero surrounds himself with three dragonflies that fire energy shots forward.
 -The robot dragonflies attack concurrently with Zero’s other attacks and Z-Buster shots.

Scaravichtech by Zacmariozero
 -An airborne version of Shippuga that goes diagonally downwards.

Heatnixtech by Zacmariozero
 -A version of Ryuenjin that has Zero stay on the ground. 
 -Also creates an upward wall of flames for extra upward reach.

Wolffangtech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero jumps high enough to cling to the ceiling.
 -He can drop icicles or dash while on the ceiling.

Ensuizan3 by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a fast, water-element rolling slash.

Playertech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a downward thrust with a metal-coated Z-Saber.
 -When it hits the ground, it explodes, sending small bouncing anchors.

Sheldontech by Zacmariozero
Guard Shell:
 -Zero summons an energy shield that reflects energy shots.

Mijiniontech by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground and sends beams of light downwards.

Raijinshou by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs an electric-element jumping-uppercut slash that generates an electric tornado.

Suiretusen by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a strong water-elemental forward thrust.
 -Used with D-Glaive.

Bakuenjin by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground and causes a fiery explosion.

Zankourin by Zacmariozero
 -Zero sends out a saw blade-like wheel made of light energy, which travels along the ground and slices through enemies with ease.

Hieijin by Zacmariozero
 -Zero fires a small homing missile from his Z-Saber.

Souenbu by Zacmariozero
 -Zero throws out one of the V Hangers that spins like a boomerang.
 -Obviously, it is used with the V-Hangers.

Hadangeki by Zacmariozero
 -Zero slashes the Z-Saber downwards and fires a crescent-shaped beam of energy.
 -Often used with his dual charged-shots.

Gokumonken by Zacmariozero
 -Zero enters a defensive stance that allows him to deflect energy shots and/or counterattack with a downwards slash.

Youdantotsu by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a Wood-Element dash-and-thrust technique that tints his weapon green breaks enemy barriers.

Tenshouha by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground and becomes surrounded by a pillar of light, shielding him and destroying airborne enemies.

Rasetsusen by Zacmariozero
 -Similar to Ensuizan, but it uses a Darkness Element.

Juuhazan by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs an overhead, Gravity-element slash that breaks enemy barriers.

Rekkyoudan by Zacmariozero
 -Zero’s Z-Saber is powered up with Earth Elements, allowing it to deflect projectiles.

Raikousen by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a forward slash, briefly going invisible, and produces a horizontal bolt of Thunder-Element when he reappears.
 -As many UMVC3 players know, when using this with Sougenmu, nightmares are born.

Hyouryuushou by Zacmariozero
 -Similar to Raijinshou, but uses an Ice Element instead, which freezes enemies upon contact.

Enkoujin by Zacmariozero
 -Zero stabs downwards as the Z-Saber becomes engulfed in flames, burning enemies upon contact.

Renyoudan by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs 6 rapid Youdantotsu thrusts.
 -Used with the D-Glaive.

Zekkyoudan b fan by Zacmariozero
 -Allows Zero to reflect projectiles back at their user.
 -Used with the B-Fan.

Dairettsui by Zacmariozero
 -Zero slams the ground with the T-Breaker, unleashing an earthquake that can break enemies’ defenses.
 -As to be expected, this move can only be used with the T-Breaker.

Ganzanha by Zacmariozero
 -Zero punches the ground, discharging a spark of energy that will break enemies’ guards.
 -Used with the Kaiser Knuckles.

Senpuukyaku by Zacmariozero
 -Zero does a mid-air spinning kick.
 -Used with the Kaiser Knuckles.

Raijinken by Zacmariozero
 -Zero slides forward and performs a lightning-charged uppercut that ends with a powerful vertical lightning bolt.
 -The final bolt can be used to grab items.
 -Used with the Kaiser Knuckles.

Enkoukyaku by Zacmariozero
 -Zero performs a descending, fire-element diagonal kick that burns enemies upon contact.
 -Essentially, a Falcon Kick.
 -Used with the Kaiser Knuckles.

ShouryuukenX8 by Zacmariozero
 -A jumping uppercut that launches opponents.
 -Used with the Kaiser Knuckles.

EX SKILLS (Zero-series):

LaserShot by Zacmariozero
Laser Shot:
 -Shoots a laser that is capable of going right through enemies.

TripleShot by Zacmariozero
Triple Shot:
 -Splits in three directions upon impact.
 -Used with the Ice Chip.

SparkShot by Zacmariozero
Spark Shot:
 -Attack that splits vertically when it hits the enemy. 
 -Used with the Thunder Chip.

BurstShot by Zacmariozero
Blast Shot/Burst Shot:
 -Engulfs surrounding enemies in an explosion.
 -Used with the Flame Chip.

SplitHeavens by ZacmariozeroTenshouzan Sp by Zacmariozero
Tenshouzan/Split Heavens/Tenretsujin:
 -A jumping-uppercut slash.
 -With the Flame Chip, it becomes identical to the Ryuenjin.

GaleAttack by ZacmariozeroSengatotsu Sp by Zacmariozero
Sengatotsu/Gale Attack/Reppuugeki:
 -A dashing thrust.
 -With the Thunder Chip, it is an electric attack like Raikousen.

SharpEdgeI (1) by ZacmariozeroSharpEdge by ZacmariozeroSaberSmashT by Zacmariozero
 -Zero stabs downwards, mid-air.
 -With the Ice Chip, it becomes enveloped in ice.
 -With the Thunder Chip, it becomes the Rakusaiga, enveloping the blade in electricity.

Kougenjin by Zacmariozero
 -Same as the Hadangeki, though it can punch through shields.
 -With the Ice Chip, it becomes Hyougetsujin, which freezes enemies.

EnergyChain by Zacmariozero
Energy Chain:
 -Steals life from opponents.

FilterShield by Zacmariozero
Filter Shield:
 -Turns enemy projectiles into E-Crystals upon contact.

ReflectLaserEX by Zacmariozero
Reflect Laser:
 -Shoots a laser that goes right through enemies and reflects off walls.

V-Shot by Zacmariozero
 -A forward diagonal shot that splits into a horizontal V shape.
 -Utilizes the Thunder Chip.

BlizzardArrow by Zacmariozero
Blizzard Arrow:
 -Shoots three ice blasts.
 -Utilizes the Ice Chip.

ThrowBlade by ZacmariozeroThrowBladeI by Zacmariozero
Throw Blade/Zaneidan:
 -Launches an energy blast in the shape of the Z-Saber’s blade.
 -With the Ice Chip equipped, the shockwave is larger and travels further.

1000Slash by Zacmariozero
1000 Slash:
 -A rapid-combo Recoil Rod attack.

SoulLauncherF by ZacmariozeroSoulLauncher by Zacmariozero
Soul Launcher:
 -When the Recoil Rod is fired upwards, it fires an energy projectile that splits into four pieces and comes crashing down to cause damage.
 -With the Flame Chip equipped, the pieces burn on the ground for a short while.
ShieldSweep by Zacmariozero
Shield Sweep:
 -Charged Shield Boomerang shots will roll along the ground, before going back to Zero.
 -With the Thunder Chip equipped, it will send sparks along the ground.

OrbitShield by Zacmariozero
Orbit Shield:
 -Charged Shield Boomerang shots will orbit Zero for a short time before veering off and then returning to him like normal.
 -By default, it circles around Zero four times. With the Ice Chip, however, it will circle Zero six times.

TimeStopper Sp by Zacmariozero
Time Stopper:
 -Another one of Zero’s deadliest weapons, Zero fires a box that, upon contact with enemies, freezes them in time.

TractorShot Sp by Zacmariozero
Tractor Shot:
 -A lightning-elemental shot that absorbs energy shots, which increases the shot’s power.
 -Requires the Thunder Chip.

BurningShot Sp by Zacmariozero
Burning Shot:
 -A flame-elemental shot that causes an explosion on contact with a wall or enemy. 
 -Requires the Flame Chip.

IceJavelin Sp by Zacmariozero
Ice Javelin:
 -Fires a long spear of ice from the buster that can freeze some enemies.
 -Requires the Ice Chip.

CYBER-ELVES (Zero Series):

Elf-nurselarge by Zacmariozero
Nurse Type:
 -Restore and amplify the user’s energy.
 -Can become Sub-Tanks, which stores extra energy for healing.

Elf-animalmiddle by Zacmariozero
Animal Type:
 -These provide direct combat support, since they can enhance Zero’s fighting ability or even join Zero in battle.

Elf-hackersmall by Zacmariozero
Hacker Type:
 -Specialized in hacking, these Cyber-elves are capable of rewriting enemy data, making fights and missions overall easier.

Jackson by Zacmariozero
Rare Type:
 -The only Cyber-elf of this type is Jackson, a chameleon-like Cyber-elf that grants temporary invincibility.

Fusion Elves:
 -A type of Cyber-elf that fuses with the user. As such, their effects are permanent, but they cannot be re-used.

Satellite Elves:
 -They follow and circle the user, providing backup. They can activate their abilities without dying.
 -However, Zero can only have two activated at a time.

Mmz4-cyber-elves by Zacmariozero
 -A Cyber-elf that replicates all of the effects of the Animal, Nurse and Hacker elves.


Maxresdefault (9) by Zacmariozero
Black Zero/Nightshade Zero:
 -Zero’s armor turns black and his hair becomes a lighter color.
 -Enhances Zero’s defensive power, the power of his Z-Saber, dash speed, and doubles the damage power of his weapons.
  -There is an inconsistency here, though: In X5, it boosted Zero’s defense, while in X8, it lowered it.
 -Also adds various power-ups to Zero’s attacks:
  -Shock Buffer: Halves the damage and knockback Zero receives.
  -Shot Eraser: Destroys opposing energy shots.
  -Virus Buster: Allows Zero to destroy Sigma Virus clones.
  -Z-Saber Plus: Damage per Z-Saber’s slash is increased

Abzero by Zacmariozero
Absolute Zero:
 -Grants Zero the ability to fly, and omits his weapons for claw-based attacks.
 -Doubles all of his stats vastly, along with the ability to break through enemy defenses with ease.
 -His attacks are Crimson Red, Killer Left, and Brutal Right.
 -His action trigger is Calamitous Arts, where Zero attacks the opponent in various ways before landing a critical hit.

Mmc059 by Zacmariozero
Energy Armor:
 -Given to him by Dr. Light.
 -Only enhances the capabilities of his buster.
 -Can likely absorb energy.

Mmc066 by Zacmariozero
Neo Armor:
 -An upgraded form of the Energy Armor after absorbing energy in the fight against Spark Mandrill L.
 -Adds leg parts, though no other upgrades are notable.

Mmc112 by Zacmariozero
EX Armor:
 -The result of fusing with “Return X”, a fake version of X.
 -Does not have access to this anymore, given that Return X fused with X after Zero was knocked out.

29a057d44dc6594a48d78e3dd840dab2a0824ebe Hq by Zacmariozero
Awakened Zero:
 -The result of Zero absorbing the Colony Virus, merged with the traces of the Sigma Virus within him.
 -Allows Zero to realize his true purpose of destroying X, and, as such, increases his power.
 -Can use several new attacks:
 Shingetsurin by Zacmariozero
  -Shingetsurin: A circular beam of energy that home in towards opponents.
Genmurei by Zacmariozero
  -Ittouryoudan: Genmu Zero: Zero fires a dual-energy blast that can one-shot X.
 ShinMessenkou by Zacmariozero
  -Shin Messenkou: Zero punches the ground, resulting in charged shot-like projectiles shooting from the floor to the ceiling.

ALTERNATE FORMS (Zero-series):

Normal Form by Zacmariozero
Normal Form:
 -Has no extra strengths, but doesn’t have any weaknesses.

Energy Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Energy Form:
 -Zero’s power is increased by 50%, but his speed is halved.
X Form Sp by Zacmariozero
X Form:
 -Zero’s power and speed are increased by 50%, though his Z-Saber combos are limited.
 -Also increases the power of the Buster Shot.

Defense Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Defense Form:
 -Increases the power of the Shield Boomerang and doubles Zero’s defense.
 -However, the power of Zero’s other weapons are halved.

Erase Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Erase Form:
 -Enemy shots can be absorbed with the uncharged Z-Saber or Shield Boomerang. Zero’s defense is also increased by 50%.
 -However, his Z-Saber combos are limited.

Active Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Active Form:
 -Can execute rolling slashes during jumps and dashes akin to Kuuenzan, and Zero’s speed is doubled.
 -However, his Z-Saber combos are limited.

Power Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Power Form:
 -Doubles the power of all weapons, but halves speed.
 -His Z-Saber combos are limited as well.

Rise Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Rise Form:
 -The third Z-Saber slash in a combo is changed to an upward thrust that has more vertical range then the default third slash, but less horizontal range.
 -Speed is also doubled.

Proto Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Proto Form:
 -The power of all of Zero’s weapons are doubled, though only the Shield Boomerang can be charged.
 -However, this is at the cost of low defense and limited Z-Saber combos.

Junk Armor Sp by Zacmariozero
Junk Armor:
 -Like the Proto Form, Zero’s attack is doubled and his defense is halved. 
 -He can still use all his weapons and EX Skills, but the changes are nullified if Cyber-elves are equipped.

Ultimate Form Sp by Zacmariozero
Ultimate Form:
 -Increases the power of all weapons, Zero’s defense, and speed by 50%. It also allows Zero to instantly perform charged attacks.


ZeroHelm by Zacmariozero
-Canonically dead after Dr. Weil’s space station exploded.
-Can be somewhat hot-headed and cocky, though this doesn’t influence him that much.
-Various of his X-series weapons require Weapon Energy, which limits the amount of times Zero can use them.
-Various of his Zero-series weapons require certain chips to be active for him to see their full potential.
-To achieve the result he wants and/or believes in, he can be willing to sacrifice himself.
  -Though, he has survived instances of this (IE: Crashing the Space Shuttle into Eurasia).
-Regeneration likely has limits. As the above picture shows, blowing him to pieces is something he cannot regenerate from.
-Some of his attacks require extensive charging time.
-Various forms of his have notable drawbacks, save for his Ultimate Form and Absolute Zero.
-Some Cyber-Elves die after one use.
-Awakened Zero is technically not canon, nor is it easily accessible in a fight.
-Likely cannot use the EX Armor.
-Often goes out of his way to protect his friends and the ones he cares for.

Tenor by Zacmariozero

“Even if we Reploids are destined to join the scrap heap when that evolutionary step does come about…We still have to fight…Not only against Mavericks, but against our own destiny as well.”

Megaman-zero-2-o by Zacmariozero

“I never cared about justice, and I don’t recall ever calling myself a hero… I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won’t hesitate… If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!”

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