Superman (Earth-1198) Rebels Against Death Battle!

Superman (Earth-1198) by Br3ndan5
Real Name: Kal-El
Aliases: The Starchild, The Black Knight Who Moves Like a Rocket, Deathbringer, The Superman, Kal, World Destroyer
Height: 6’3
Weight: 235 lbs
Occupation: Member of Darkseid’s Elite (formerly), Savior (currently)
First Appearance: Superman: The Dark Side #1 (August 1998)

-Was raised by Darkseid to become the most powerful warrior on Apokolips and the catalyst of New Genesis’ destruction
-Killed Darkseid’s son, Kalibak, during a gladiatorial match
-Fought Scott Free in an attempt to prevent him from escaping Apokolips, though he was interrupted when Scott activated a Boom Tube
-Aided in the destruction of New Genesis by delivering the Omega Warhead and activating it while inside of the planet’s core
-Learned of his true origins after being teleported to the Source Wall by Highfather
-Saved Lois Lane from being killed by Karl Mannheim’s gang
-Befriended Bibbo Bibbowski, a war veteran who calmed him down after his conscience began bothering him
-Discovered New Genesis’ Mother Box while killing a rogue Parademon in a burning apartment
-Saved three kids and a woman from a burning apartment
-Briefly fought a group of armored LexCorp troops, which ended after one shot him through a Boom Tube
-Freed himself after Desaad attempted to torture him
-While escaping Apokolips and returning to Earth, defeated Granny Goodness and her army of brainwashed children
-Teamed up with the New Gods to fight Darkseid and his army
-After absorbing the energy of a dying Lightray, defeated Darkseid
-Married Big Barda and began working to turn Apokolips into a paradise

Superman strength by Br3ndan5
-As a baby, he unintentionally gripped a pipe hard enough to bend it
-Struck a massive Parademon hard enough to make it bleed before lifting it over his head
-Beat Kalibak to near-death with three hits before crushing his skull with an overhead strike
-Tackled Scott Free into a building hard enough to destroy it
-Effortlessly carried the planet-destroying Omega Warhead on his back
-Could drill through the surface of New Genesis and fly through its crust without issue
-While submerged underwater and drained of his strength, ripped off enough of his armor to let himself float to the surface
-Did the following while completely drained of sunlight:
   -One-shot a room full of thugs
   -Tossed Dan Turpin across a room and into a brick wall
   -Knocked out a SWAT officer with a single headbutt
   -Effortlessly tore through a pair of handcuffs and kicked the doors of an armored police van off their hinges
-While enraged and drained of sunlight, he did the following:
   -Destroyed part of a brick wall with a punch
   -Threw a mailbox with enough force that it destroyed a taxi’s front window
   -Flipped a car with one hand
   -Lifted a car over his head
-After recovering his strength thanks to Earth’s Sun, cracked a Parademon’s skull with a headbutt
-Threw the New God Big Bear off his back and into two other New Gods
-Broke free from the grip of two armored LexCorp soldiers
-Knocked away three LexCorp guards
-Threw one LexCorp guard into another
-Knocked out Desaad by smacking him with the hilt of one of his torture devices
-After being dogpiled by a group of brainwashed children, he freed himself by swinging his arms
-Knocked out Granny Goodness with one punch
-Destroyed an army tank by flying through it
-Tackled Darkseid through the Anti-Life transmitter
-After absorbing Lightray’s energy, knocked out Darkseid with one punch
-Destroyed Armagetto by flying through it

Superman speed by Br3ndan5
-Outsped Kalibak
-Flew into the core of New Genesis and back to its surface in seconds

Superman durability 1 by Br3ndan5
Superman durability 2 by Br3ndan5
-Shrugged off being thrown into a wall by Kalibak
-Unaffected after Scott Free attempted to tase him
-Shrugged off a building exploding while he was inside of it
-Tanked a blast from Orion’s Astro Force
-Unfazed while being inside of New Genesis’ core
-Shrugged off being blasted by Highfather’s Wonder-Staff
-Unfazed after falling from orbit and crashing into a river on Earth
-Was more surprised than hurt after being shot in the chest
-Unharmed while walking through fire
-Leapt from a three story apartment building and landed on his feet without any signs of pain
-Survived falling into water from a height that would’ve made it feel like concrete
-Withstood being tortured by Desaad, who was attempting to find the Anti-Life Equation that had been placed in his genetic code
-Unharmed after being blasted in the chest by Virman Vundabar’s laser cannon
-Survived being blasted by Darkseid’s Omega Beams
-Withstood being blasted by the Anti-Mother Box, which had previously been shown to be strong enough to nearly kill Orion
-Survived a vicious beating from Darkseid, though it knocked him out


Superman Combat 1 by Br3ndan5
Superman Combat 2 by Br3ndan5
Expert Martial Artist:
-Was trained by Darkseid in close-quarters
-Killed Kalibak in only four hits

Superman willpower by Br3ndan5
Unbreakable Willpower:
-Can push through immense amounts of pain to continue fighting
-Was one of the few beings unaffected by the Anti-Life Equation, which had managed to control most of Earth’s population
-Pushed through the full power of the Omega Beams to keep fighting Darkseid

Superman personality by Br3ndan5
-Growing up, Superman was raised to be unwaveringly loyal to Darkseid and never questioned his orders
   -Despite this, he would occasionally display regret at the destruction he caused, as well as question if it was necessary to take lives in order to achieve Darkseid’s goals
-During his time on Earth, he began developing a conscience, which made him feel enraged at himself and remorseful for what he’d done while serving Darkseid
   -This would later grow thanks to the influence of New Genesis’ Mother Box, which opened his eyes and led to him openly defying Darkseid
-Willing to help civilians out and protect them from harm
-Can be a bit snarky at times, like when he interrupted Desaad’s speech by asking him if he tortures all of his victims by talking them to death
-Is disgusted at the idea of using children for warfare
-Initially had no problem taking lives, but grew to adopt a policy against killing after he developed a conscience

Weapons and Equipment:

Superman Apokolips suit by Br3ndan5
Apokoliptian Armor:
-Forged from Apokolips’ firepits
-Originally drew geothermal power from Apokolips’ core, acting as a conduit for Superman’s Kryptonian metabolism and allowing him to obtain his powers
   -After merging with a destroyed Mother Box, the armor’s energy absorption became modified so that he can absorb solar radiation (or any similar energy) to boost his physical stats even further
-If it absorbs light or some form of heat, the armor will act as a temporary source of solar energy
-It will also become hot enough that it can burn the likes of Kalibak just by touching it

-Durable enough to remain unaffected by Darkseid’s Omega Beams

Superman Apokolips Sword by Br3ndan5
Apokoliptian Sword:
-Used during his gladiatorial match with Kalibak
-No longer in his possession


Superman flight by Br3ndan5
-Obtained by manipulating the gravitons in his body
-Can do anything from hovering to moving in any posture or direction

The sun by Br3ndan5
Solar Energy Absorption:
-Can absorb yellow or blue sunlight into his body
-Metabolizes solar energy into his body
-Serves as the source of his powers

Superman energy absorb by Br3ndan5
Energy Absorption:
-Absorbed Lightray’s energy after the New God began dying

Healing Factor:
-Granted by his ability to absorb solar energy
-Healed from a bullet wound to the chest in only a few minutes

Superman hearing by Br3ndan5
Enhanced Hearing:
-Can hear any sound at any volume or pitch
-Heard the heartbeats of 3 kids while they were trapped in a closet that was inside a burning apartment

Superman resistance by Br3ndan5
Resistance to Existence Erasure:
-Survived being blasted by Darkseid’s Omega Beams, which can erase their target from existence

Resistance to Mind Manipulation:
-Was one of the few beings unaffected by the Anti-Life Equation, which had taken over most of Earth’s population

Superman weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-His powers fade the farther he is from a yellow sun
   -Though this isn’t much of an issue considering his Apokoliptian armor’s energy absorption
-Hasn’t shown many of the main Superman’s powers
-Vulnerable to gases and neurotoxins

(“To arms, New Gods! Today we dismantle Darkseid’s war machine… or die trying!”)

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