Prelude: Palutena vs Aqua

Palutena vs Aqua by Br3ndan5
When it comes to teams, there are usually a few roles that need to be filled out: the calm and collected leader, the strategic and analytical brains, and the meatheaded muscle. But sometimes the teams need the equivalent of a mother figure, either because they’d be at each other’s throats without them, or because they just need some support; and that’s where these two come in.
Palutena, the goddess of light.
And Aqua, the blue-haired mage of the Wayfinder Trio.
I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Thanks to ThatGuyImortal for the Palutena bio.



Palutena by Br3ndan5

Age: Don’t ask… Appears to be in her early to mid-20’s
Height: 5’10”
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: Goddess of Light
First Appearance: Kid Icarus (December 19, 1986)
-Always has food on the mind

-Resisted the Chaos Kin’s mind control for several years
-Leads an army of Centurions
-Was able to telekinetically move islands
-Turned Pit into a ring
-Defeated a giant vegetable monster

Long ago, the heavenly realm of Angel Land was once ruled by two goddesses: Palutena, the goddess of light, and Medusa, goddess of darkness. While they originally ruled with benevolent intentions, Medusa would eventually grow hateful toward humanity and decided to start killing them out of spite. Enraged by this, Palutena responded by placing a curse that turned Medusa into a hideous monster and cast her into the pits of the Underworld.

Unbeknownst to the green-haired goddess, Medusa would wind up taking over the Underworld and using its army to attack Palutena’s home realm of Skyworld, murder all of the goddess’ army, take control over all of Angel Land, and imprison Palutena in a palace. In a last-ditch attempt to stop Medusa, Palutena crafted a bow using the last of her magic energy and sent it to Pit, a young angel who had found himself trapped in the Underworld. With his weapon in hand, Pit gathered up the Three Sacred Treasures, the only weapons capable of stopping Medusa, and used them to slay the dark goddess. Once that was done, he freed Palutena from her prison, and she thanked him by promoting him to captain of her royal guard.

25 years later, Medusa would be resurrected by Hades, god of the Underworld, which she celebrated by wreaking havoc on humanity once again. In response, Palutena would serve as mission control while sending Pit out to wipe out the goddess’ forces, regather the Three Sacred Treasures, and kill her a second time.


-Scaling to Pit, she should be Island Level to possibly Star Level at minimum and Multi-Solar System at maximum
    -The latter comes from Hades, who created, maintained, and shook a dimension with visible stars in it, and in the final battle, Pit was able to damage Hades. During their fight, Palutena’s assistance allowed for Hades to finally be defeated, and she should be above Pit normally
-Pseudo-Palutena, a much weaker clone of her, was able to hurt Pit


-Scaling to Pit, MFTL+, or more specifically, 1.8 million times the speed of light
-Constantly keeps track of Pit when on missions, and kept up with him when they fought later on in Uprising, even if she was weakened

-Lightweight can further boost her speed
-Super Speed allows her to move fast enough to disrupt enemies


-Scaling to her DC, Island to Star Level at minimum, and Multi Solar System at maximum
-While under the influence of the Chaos Kin, took attacks from Pit without much issue
-Survived being impaled and having her soul ripped out
    -On that note, appears to have some sort of resistance to Soul Manipulation, as it took the Chaos Kin years to take control of her
-Was only annoyed after an oven exploded in front of her at point-blank range

-One of the smartest characters in the entire series
-Has a vast supply of knowledge on characters from other franchises
-Able to deduce an opponent’s weaknesses in a matter of minutes

Weapons and Equipment:

How to play as Goddess Palutena in 'Smash Ultimate' | Hypable
-Used for bludgeoning
-Can channel several of her powers through it
-Has shown the ability to levitate it in place or within her hand
-Apparently also uses it for pole dancing


Image result for Palutena's Shield
-Worn on her left arm
-Can use it to block and reflect attacks
-Grants her brief invulnerability if used at the right time


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Wolf Claws:
-A weapon used by Pit in Kid Icarus Uprising
-Used to fight off a group of evil, sentient vegetables in “Palutena’s Revolting Dinner”
-While wearing them, she gains a drastic boost in speed
-Its strikes have a chance of lighting opponents on fire, dealing additional damage
-Its charged shots possess homing properties


Image result for fortune bow kid icarus uprising
Fortune Bow:
-Seen near her in “Palutena’s Revolting Dinner”
-Fires small, fast homing shots that increase in power when fired from a long distance
-Never used by Palutena herself, though it’s implied she can use it

First Blade by Br3ndan5
First Blade:
-Seen near her in “Palutena’s Revolting Dinner”
Is a well-balanced weapon meant for beginners, meaning it has no particular strengths or weaknesses
-Never used by Palutena herself, though it’s implied she can use it


Image result for Kid Icarus Uprising all staffs
Lancer Staff:
-Seen near her in “Palutena’s Revolting Dinner”
-Charges quickly, though its shots move extremely slow
-At its strongest when fired at close range
-Never used by Palutena herself, though it’s implied she can use it

Powers and Abilities:

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Fourth Wall Awareness:
-Knows she is inside a video game
-Not afraid to break the fourth wall

-Also very knowledgeable on a great number of other video game series, including ones not from Nintendo


Enhanced Sense of Hearing:
-Heard Dark Pit drop in behind her
-Heard the ground shaking before a volcano erupted
-Is able to hear Pit from anywhere

(Roughly 20:35 in the video)

Astral Projection:
-As seen in Chapter 18 of Kid Icarus Uprising, can create a projection of herself in the sky

(Roughly 20:40 in the video)

-Also shown in Chapter 18, Palutena launched islands towards Pit in an attempt to knock him out of the sky
-Can also possibly use this to levitate and fly

Forcefield Creation:
-In Chapter 18 of Kid Icarus Uprising, has shown that her temple is surrounded by a powerful forcefield that only the Lightning Chariot could break through

Transmutation/Soul Manipulation:
-While never shown on screen, she was the one who sealed Pit’s soul into a ring
-Using a curse, turned Medusa into a monster
-Also, in the original Kid Icarus game, had the ability to turn Pit into a Specknose in the game’s worst ending

Image result for palutena smash attacks
Image result for palutena smash attacks

Light Manipulation:
-While never really shown in her original games, Palutena has shown to create light-based attacks in Smash
-Can create and launch a large beam of light out of the ground and into the sky
-Can create a set of wings to physically assault her foes


Glam Blaster by ThatGuyImortal
Palutena Glam Blaster:
-Also called the “Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser”
-A powerful beam that requires some time to charge
-Strong enough to obliterate the Hewdraw

Palutena Super Sensor:
-Summons green arrows for Pit so he knows where to go

Poor You:
-Summons a halo that chases after her opponent

Cover Your Eyes:
-Creates a bright flash to blind her foe

This Might Sting:
-Strikes the opponent at high speeds
-More or less a full fledged tackle

The Power of Weak-Point Exposure:
-Lets Palutena find out an enemy’s weaknesses
-Allows her to turn the tide in a battle

Kneel Before Me:
-Shoots 3 projectiles towards the opponent

Time for a Sacrifice:
-Sends a giant ball of energy that homes in on her targets

-Can read minds with ease
-Allows her to communicate with others

Power of Caging:
-Summons cages of various sizes to trap foes


In-Game Powers:

Note: While never shown to be using most of these, it is stated that Palutena herself has created the powers that she lends to Pit, and her showing off the use of a few should be enough justification that she can use them all.

Sky Jump
Sky Jump:
-Lets Palutena jump really high

Jump Glide
Jump Glide:
-Palutena leaps into the air and glides across a large distance before landing
    -Also gives her a slower descent

-Has no offensive capabilities

Rocket Jump
Rocket Jump:
-Palutena jumps up high into the sky, leaving an explosion where she took off
-Not named after the technique in TF2

Angelic Missile
Angelic Missile:
-Palutena rockets towards the nearest enemy and slams into them
-If there are no enemies around, she’ll rocket off in the direction she’s currently facing

Super Speed
Super Speed:
-Doubles Palutena’s speed for a short while

-While activated, she runs around the arena, unable to stop
-Can ram into opponents while this is active


-Palutena teleports to another part of the battlefield

Idol Transformation
Idol Transformation:
-Turns weaker enemies into Idols, AKA Trophies

Mega Laser
Mega Laser:
-Summons a humongous laser, vaporizing whatever’s in its path
-One of her more devastating power-ups, as it’s used in conjunction with Black Hole for her Final Smash in Super Smash Bros

Explosive Flame
Explosive Flame:

-Palutena summons a short-range explosion near herself

Black Hole
Black Hole:
-A black hole is created which sucks enemies towards it, keeping them trapped in place
-Doesn’t actually rip things apart, just keeps opponents close to its center of gravity until it disappears
-Used by Palutena in conjunction with Mega Laser

Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower:
-A swarm of energy blasts rains down from the sky, exploding upon impact with the ground

Land Mine
Land Mine:
-Places an invisible explosive on the ground and detonates when an enemy gets near

Reflect Barrier
Reflect Barrier:
-Creates a barrier in front of Palutena that reflects all projectiles thrown at it
-Will shatter if it reflects a projectile of too much power, and can be bypassed by just walking through it
-In Smash Ultimate, Palutena uses this in conjunction with her counter

Heavenly Light
Heavenly Light:

-A magical light surrounds Palutena and damages nearby enemies without them flinching
-The damage it inflicts will increase as time goes on

-Is able to bypass shields

-A suicide bomb of sorts where Palutena uses the last of her health and lets loose an explosion based on how much health she had
-Is at its greatest if she has full health, though that would be a dumb thing to do

The following are passive abilities that wear off after a while:

-Automatically puts Palutena’s cursor on her foe
-Doesn’t give a lock-on, just better accuracy for shots

Weak-Point Reticle
Weak-Point Reticle:
-Basically the same as above but targets the enemy’s weak spots

Quick Charge
Quick Charge:
-Allows charged shots to charge twice as fast

Homing Boost new
Homing Boost:
-Increases the homing ability of Palutena’s ranged shots

Slip Shot
Slip Shot:
-Makes all of Palutena’s ranged attacks pass through walls

Invisible Shots
Invisible Shots:
-Turns Palutena’s ranged shots invisible

Random Effect
Random Effect:
-After inflicting damage on an enemy, they will suffer one of the below effects

Poison Attack
Poison Attack:
-Upon inflicting damage onto a foe, has a chance to poison them, doing gradual damage over time

Paralyze Attack
Paralyze Attack:
-When hitting an enemy, they have a chance of becoming paralyzed, drastically slowing their movements

Weaken Attack
Weakened Attack:
-Halves the foe’s HP stat after inflicting damage

Petrify Attack
Petrify Attack:
-Upon damaging a foe, has a chance of turning them to stone for a short period of time, stopping their movements

Shake Attack
Shaking Attack:
-Upon inflicting damage onto a foe, has a chance to inflict them with a Shaking effect, making aiming more difficult

Confuse Attack
Confuse Attack:
-Upon damaging a foe, can give them the Confusion effect, which causes them to move and shoot around uncontrollably for a short period

Burn Attack
Burn Attack:

-Upon inflicting damage to a foe, has a chance to give them a Burn effect, which drains their health faster than poison
-Lasts about just as long as Poison Attack

Freeze Attack
Freeze Attack:
-Upon inflicting damage to a foe, has a chance to give them the Freeze effect, which freezes them solid for a short amount of time

Instant Death Attack
Instant Death Attack:
-Upon activation, attacks have a rare chance of killing a foe instantly

Spin Attack
Spin Attack:
-Upon inflicting damage to a foe, has a chance to give them the Spin effect, causing them to spin uncontrollably for a short period of time

Eggplant Attack
Eggplant Attack:
-Has a chance to turn the foe into an eggplant, temporarily leaving them unable to attack

Tempura Attack
Tempura Attack:
-Same as above, but with a tempura instead

Power Thief
Power Thief:
-Has the ability to steal a foe’s powers for a short while
-Only works if the opponent has any of the other powers listed here

Energy Charge
Energy Charge:
-Palutena’s power rises the longer she goes without taking damage, increasing the power of her shots and melee attacks
    -All of her boosts disappear the moment she takes damage, however

Libra Sponge
Libra Sponge:
-Turns all the hits that Palutena takes into energy that increases her attack power

-Blinds foes for a short amount of time


-Palutena plants a tower which prevents foes from using their abilities
-Can be destroyed with enough force


-Upon activation, anyone nearby Palutena will be struck by this virus, slowing their movements and weakening their attacks
-Lasts a short while

Super Armor
Super Armor:

-Prevents Palutena from receiving knockback when hit by attacks
-Offers no defensive boosts

Brief Invincibility
Brief Invincibility:

-Allows Palutena to run for long periods of time without rest

-Increases Palutena’s running speed and prevents exhaustion, but at the cost of her damage being doubled
-In Smash, after it wears off, she’ll be slowed down for a brief period of time


-Palutena sacrifices her remaining health to drastically raise the power of all her attacks
-The more health she has, the longer this lasts

Aries Armor
Aries Armor:
-Reduces damage received, prevents knockback, and leaves her unaffected by status effects

-Palutena dodges an attack, then quickly dashes behind the attacker

-Upon taking a physical hit, Palutena will automatically retaliate with an attack that inflicts twice the damage she would’ve received
-In Smash, Palutena also deploys a reflector as well

-Turns Palutena invisible for a short while

Playing Dead
Playing Dead:
-Palutena performs the death animation but instead of dying, she turns invisible for a short while

Health Recovery
Health Recovery:
-Heals Palutena

Crisis Recovery
Crisis Recovery:
-Upon activating this in Crisis Mode, recovers Palutena’s health so that she is no longer in Crisis Mode

Effect Recovery
Effect Recovery:
-Removes all status effects from Palutena

Pisces Heal
Pisces Heal:
-Instead of taking damage from attacks, they instead heal Palutena

-Randomly gives Palutena one of these Powers

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-Rarely ever gets serious, often treating most situations with a light-hearted outlook unless the world is in danger
-Not much of a fighter, and lacks any known combat experience
-All of her Powers have a limited number of uses
-Often labeled as one of the weaker characters in Kid Icarus Uprising
-Physically weak
-The overwhelming amount of porn of her online

-Is garbage in Smash 4
-Is a terrible cook

(“No one can hide from the light!”)

Ten years before the world fell into darkness, the wise, elderly Keyblade Master Eraqus had taken in three disciples: the strong, promising young man Terra; the optimistic and equally promising Ventus; and the well-mannered, disciplined Aqua. These three trained under Eraqus for years with only two goals in mind: protect the light, and become Keyblade Masters.

Unfortunately for the trio, only Aqua was destined to become a Keyblade Master, as Terra was revealed to possess a growing darkness within his heart. Realizing this darkness could likely consume Terra if not kept in check, Eraqus secretly ordered Aqua to keep an eye on the failed Keyblade wielder to make sure he was alright and bring him back should the brunette’s heart start drifting to the dark side.

While she was initially reluctant at first, Aqua would eventually agree to the job and began spying on him. Unfortunately, the machinations of Maleficent, Xehanort, and Vanitas would ultimately lead to Aqua believing that Terra was succumbing to the darkness in his heart. Not helping matters was that Terra had used that same darkness to nearly kill Eraqus upon finding out that he’d tried to kill Ventus in an attempt to disrupt Xehanort’s plans. After this, Xehanort would succeed in his plans to forge the χ-blade, putting Ventus in a coma in the process, and stealing Terra’s body for his own gain. In an attempt to stop this, Aqua- after placing Ventus in a safe space- went after the Xehanort-possessed Terra and tried to bring him back to his senses. Realizing what she was planning, Xehanort stabbed himself in the chest and opened a portal into the Realm of Darkness. In a desperate attempt to save him, Aqua leapt into the portal, sacrificing her armor and all but one of her Keyblades to bring him back to the realm of light. Unfortunately, this would leave Aqua with no way to escape the realm, and she would spend the next decade trying to find a way out.

It would only be after the intervention of King Mickey and one of the new Keyblade Masters, Riku, that Aqua would finally get another chance to escape. But history would repeat itself as Aqua once again sacrificed her chance at escape to fight off an army of Shadows that had attacked Riku, leaving her stranded for another 2 years.

Note: Due to the length of Aqua’s bio, I’ve decided to link it here:

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