Spider-Girl Swings Into Death Battle!

Spider-Girl by Br3ndan5
Real Name: May “Mayday” Parker
Aliases: Hotshot, Red Hoodie Girl, Webs, Spidey, Web-Spinner, Web-Swinger, Wall-Crawler, Web-Slinger, Araña, Cell Phone Girl
Age: 15 (start of series), 16 (post-issue 66 of Spider-Girl)
Height: 5’7
Weight: 119 lbs
Occupation: Basketball Player (formerly), High School Student, Superhero, Member of the New Warriors, Member of the Avengers
First Appearance: What If? Vol 2 #105 (February 1998)

-Originally existed as a one-shot character in Marvel’s What If? series, but proved so popular that she got her own series
-Unlike her father, she actually managed to gain a positive relationship with the public, to the point where the Daily Bugle began treating her as a hero
    -She even managed to gain the approval of J. Jonah Jameson
-Became a member of the Avengers and the New Warriors (a team consisting of herself, The Buzz, Ladyhawk, and the Phil Urich Green Goblin)
-Is the only Marvel heroine to reach 100 issues without a relaunch or break

What If?
-Prior to becoming a superhero, she served as one of the top members in her high school’s basketball team
-Before discovering her powers, saved Jimmy Yama and Courtney Duran from an exploding Pumpkin Bomb
-After discovering her father’s secret identity, donned the costume of her late uncle, Ben Reily, to fight Normie Osborn, the latest Green Goblin
-Defeated Green Goblin by tricking him into activating his shock gloves while he was still holding a Pumpkin Bomb
-Saved Green Goblin just as he was about to get hit by a truck

-Prevented an assassination attempt on Peter Parker
-Despite lacking any formal training at the time, her agility and hand-to-hand combat skills were impressive enough that Mr. Nobody, a teleporting hitman, mistook her for an expert assassin
-Defeated the explosive-themed psychopath Crazy Eight
-Defeated Dragon King
-Saved a man from falling to his death after he’d been dropped off a bridge by Spider-Venom
-With help from Phil Urich, returned Spider-Venom to normal
-Began training under Phil
-Due to a misunderstanding, fought both Ladyhawks in a two-on-one fight, with the match ending inconclusively due to Phil’s interference
-Fought and defeated Darkdevil due to a misunderstanding
-Eventually managed to persuade both of her parents to let her continue being Spider-Girl, even convincing Peter to train her
-Attempted to fight Killerwatt, but was defeated
    -Later had a rematch, where she knocked him out in one punch
-After being sent to the past while attempting to stop Spyral, did the following:
    -Briefly fought Spider-Man due to a misunderstanding, which ended inconclusively due to a mugging interrupting them
   -Convinced Aunt May to continue trying to get Peter to meet with Mary Jane
    -Escaped the Spider-Slayer, which had mistaken her for Spider-Man
    -Got into a brief fight with the Human Torch
    -Teamed up with Spider-Man and the Human Torch to fight Spyral
    -Returned back to her time with Spyral and immediately knocked him out
-Fought and defeated Wild Thing, the daughter of Wolverine and Elektra
-After realizing they were on the same side, teamed up with Wild Thing to fight her brother, Sabreclaw
-Protected movie star Leonard Groote from his ex-girlfriend, Melissa Carsdale AKA Misery
-While trapped inside of Misery’s Grief Machine, realized she was trapped in a hallucination and broke out
-It’s revealed in the Spider-Girl Annual that while Peter has the better strength and stamina, May’s his superior when it comes to speed and athleticism
-Joined the Avengers after nearly winning a game of Capture the Flag
-Attempted to fight Kaine, but was defeated
-Teamed up with Speedball to defeat Mister Abnormal
-Briefly sparred with Stinger
-Teamed up with her dad (who had decided to briefly return to his career as Spider-Man) to fight a group of corrupt cops and prevent Kaine from killing the Kingpin
-Had a rematch with Kaine, where she quickly defeated him
-Teamed up with The Buzz to defeat Raptor, the daughter of the second Vulture
-Defeated the Soldiers of the Serpent, a militaristic hate group dedicated to the extermination of mutants or anyone they deem troublesome
-With help from Phil and her mom, defeated Green Goblin after he tried to get revenge
    -In the process of doing so, she convinced Phil to reenter the superhero business as the Golden Goblin
-With the help of Golden Goblin and Ladyhawk, defeated Earthshaker
-Helped Darkdevil and The Buzz fight off the supervillain Funny Face
-Fought off a gang of teenagers who were attempting to steal an elementary school student’s bike and lunch money
-Teamed up with Iron Fist to fight Dragonfist, a martial artist who seemingly possessed the same powers as him
-Helped Iron Fist defeat Dragonfist by using her Spider-Sense to find his weak points and directing Danny to attack them
-Fought Mister Abnormal, Sabreclaw, Dragon King, and Killerwatt during their team-up with Crazy Eight and Funny Face
-While deprived of her powers after the events of the above fight, managed to end the feud between the Spider-family and the Goblins by talking it over with Normie and convincing him to give up
-Fought Raptor by using Golden Goblin’s glider and Pumpkin Bombs, but was defeated
-Reluctantly teamed up with Nova to fight a superpowered Jim “Rhodey” Rhodes
-After a misunderstanding, teamed up with The Buzz and reluctantly fought Bluestreak, Freebooter, and Mainframe of the Avengers
-Helped Steel Spider regain faith in the superhero business after his life went downhill due to his career
-Teamed up with American Dream and Steel Spider to fight the Soldiers of the Serpent
-The sight of her acting as a hero without her spider powers was enough to convince Moose Mansfield to continue his career in football after he’d been prepared to quit due to breaking his leg
-While fighting Gerry Drew (the second Spider-Man), regained her powers after he accidentally blew up the Goblin Glider while she was still riding it
-During the above fight, discovered she has the ability to transfer her wall-crawling’s “stickiness” to other objects or people
-Became infamous enough among the criminal underworld that a bounty was placed on her
-Saved Gerry after he’d almost been shot by a group of bounty hunters
-Teamed up with Gerry to fight Funny Face
-While suffering from sleep-deprivation, prevented a gang war with help from Gerry
-With help from the new Green Goblin (who was actually Phil), fought off Crazy Eight and Funny Face
-Saved Gerry from being shot by Mr. Nobody
-Formed the New Warriors with the goal of ending the rampages caused by Funny Face and his mom, Angel Face
-Briefly convinced Angel Face to give up on getting revenge by pointing out how her plans would just lead to an endless cycle of violence
-Helped the wannabe superhero Charlie Phillips regain control of his magnetic harness after it had gone haywire
-Discovered that Felicity Thompson had managed to find out her secret identity and steal her costume
-Alongside her dad and the Fantastic Five, defeated Apox, a cybernetically-enhanced, Power Cosmic-infused Skrull
-Saved her dad after he’d been kidnapped by a vengeful Angel Face and Funny Face
-Convinced Allison Mongrain (the woman who kidnapped May when she was a baby) to give up her quest to kill Normie for his brief career as the Green Goblin
-With help from Scarlet Spider (Felicity) and Meagyn Brady, defeated Quickwire
-Defeated a gang of thugs who were all dressed as Santa Claus
-Fought off a group of the Soldiers of the Serpent
-While strapped to one of the SotS’ torture devices, submerged underwater, and almost out of oxygen, mustered up the strength to free herself and swim to the surface
-Alongside American Dream and Thunderstrike, traveled to Earth-9907 and fought off an army of rock monsters
-Defeated Earth-9907’s Spider-Man, freeing a captive Thor and Captain America in the process
-Survived a brutal beating from Seth, the SotS’ leader, long enough for the Avengers and Fantastic Five to defeat him
-Saved Darkdevil after he’d been captured and was about to be killed by Mr. Nobody
-Figured out that Canis was the one responsible for killing the Kingpin and several of New York’s other crime lords
    -Later helped aid in his defeat and jail sentence
-Helped console Sandra Healy after learning of her abusive relationship with Howard Kavanagh
-Rescued the Buzz after he’d been captured by Dr. Jade’s minions
-Fought Carolyn Trainer, the Lady Octopus
-Defeated Man-Wolf (a brainwashed John Jameson) after he nearly killed the Buzz
-Alongside Juggernaut and Doc Magus, fought Nemesus and an army of demons
-Briefly fought Claw, an extremely dangerous cat burglar
-Saved a civilian from an exploding semi truck
-Learned martial arts by training under Elektra
-Fought Kodiak, Canis’ enforcer
-Teamed up with the New Warriors and Canis to fight off rogue members of his gang
-Defeated Lady Octopus while blindfolded
-Teamed up with Raptor to rescue Normie after he’d been captured by Fury, a member of the Order of the Goblin (a cult dedicated to the Green Goblin)
-Managed to repair her friendship with Davida Kirby, which had been ruined due to a disagreement during her basketball career
-Alongside the Avengers and Spider-Man, helped Electro reconcile with Aftershock, his estranged daughter
-Attempted to fight Normie after he’d been possessed by the Venom symbiote, but was defeated after Fury joined in to help him
-During her rematch with Venom, helped Normie break free of its influence and learn to control it
-Defeated Funny Face after he’d taken Peter hostage
-Consoled Moose after he began having a nervous breakdown due to the news of his father being diagnosed with cancer
-Helped the Fantastic Five defeat a vengeful Apox
-Fought off Howard after he went berserk and tried to shoot her
    -After the above, stopped Moose from beating Howard to death after Howard had mocked him for being concerned about Courtney (Moose’s girlfriend, who Howard had beaten to the point of hospitalization in a fit of rage)
-With help from Aunt May’s ghost, broke out of Misery’s dream world and defeated her
-With help from her mom and the girls at her school, fought off La Fantome, a costumed vigilante who was trying to become famous by holding everyone in the Spider Shoppe (a store dedicated to Spider-Girl merchandise) hostage
-Teamed up with the X-People member Push (who was actually Nancy) and defeated Charlie, who had disguised himself as Magneto
-Alongside the Avengers and Venom, defeated a berserk Rhodey
-Defeated a member of the Scriers, a group of highly-trained assassins, who had taken Scarlet Spider hostage
-Defeated Phil (who had returned to being the Golden Goblin) in a sparring match meant to test her speed and reflexes in preparation for her fight with the other Scriers
-Helped get Raptor, The Buzz, and both Ladyhawks to the hospital after the Hobgoblin tortured them to the point of near-death
-Saved Phil after the Hobgoblin had left him to die in an exploding warehouse
-Teamed up with Kaine to fight off dozens of Scriers
-Defeated Hobgoblin

Fantastic Five
-Teamed up with Psilord to fight Binder, Dominator, and Impact of the Wizard’s Warriors

The Buzz
-Saved J. Jonah Jameson from falling to his death
-Teamed up with The Buzz to fight Dr. Jade and a revived Doctor Octopus

Last Hero Standing
-Teamed up with the New Warriors, Avengers, Fantastic Five, Wild Thing, and Captain America to investigate the mysterious disappearances of various superheroes across the country
-Alongside the above group, fought off an army of armored trolls in Asgard
-After everyone else was defeated and captured, teamed up with Juggernaut and freed them
-Used her Spider-Sense to locate Loki, who had brainwashed the captured heroes to fight each other, and helped aid in his defeat

Spider-Man Family
-Began investigating Heartland Enterprises, a company owned by Jack O’ Lantern (Maguire Beck), after discovering they’d released a DVD of “Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham”
-Destroyed a robot copy of Jack O’ Lantern that was sent by Araña to test her abilities

Last Planet Standing
-Saved a depowered Thunderstrike from being killed by Sabreclaw
-Stopped a group of people who had started a riot due to thinking the world was going to end
-Worked with the rest of the Avengers to stop a flood
-Alongside American Dream, helped encourage Juggernaut to muster up the strength he needed to push away a wave of debris that threatened to crush several city blocks
-Alongside Stinger and American Dream, infiltrated Galactus’ ship and prevented him from enacting his plan to recreate the Big Bang

The Amazing Spider-Girl
-Saved Charlie Kurkle from a group of thugs
-Saved a group of people at St. Andrews Shelter from an exploding car
-Saved Bitter Frost, Caitlan Leiber, and Detective Drasco after the building they were in started burning down
-Teamed up with the reality TV show host/bounty hunter Mad Dog to fight a group of assassins that had been hired to kill him
    -Later teamed up with him again to save Mona Carlo from assassins
-Saved Heather Noble after she’d been kidnapped by Hobgoblin
-Teamed up with Ladyhawk to find Hobgoblin’s whereabouts
-Convinced Sara Hingle to calm down after she was going berserk due to how her powers were ruining her life
-Fought a group of SHIELD agents after a misunderstanding
-While not in costume, fought off Carnage, with the battle ending inconclusively due to him leaving in the middle of it
-Saved her little brother Benjy after Carnage threw him out of a hospital window
-Alongside her dad, defeated Carnage and cured Benjy after he was infected by the symbiote, though the former resulted in her earning Moose’s ire
-Convinced the Avengers and New Warriors to aid her during her fight against Hobgoblin and Mindworm
-Powered through a vivid psychic illusion generated by the mutant Mindworm
-Accidentally crashed a wedding while searching for the invisible assassin Deadspot
-Reluctantly teamed up with Hobgoblin to fight an army of mob bosses who were brainwashed by Mindworm
-Stopped a supervillain auction
-Repaired her relationship with her boyfriend, Gene Thompson, after her career as Spider-Girl led them to break up
-Fought Sara Hingle, who had become the supervillain Nucleus due to a misunderstanding between them
-Won a sparring match with Push
-Escaped after she and Push had been kidnapped by the Sisterhood of Mutants
-Stopped the anti-mutant hate group Humanity First from attacking Davida over her support of mutants
-Managed to calm Nucleus down again and would’ve convinced her to give up being a villain had Magneta not interfered
-With help from Aunt May’s ghost, confronted her insecurities about being Spider-Girl and recovered from the coma that resulted from the above explosion
-Regained control of her body after Araña hijacked it
-Convinced Black Tarantula and his gang to team up with the New Warriors so they could take down the Cult of the Goblin
-Prevented Norman Osborn (who had been revived by using Peter as his vessel) from killing Kaine
-Alongside Peter, her clone, and Aunt May’s ghost, defeated Norman while in the subconsciousness of Peter’s mind
-While saving Peter and her clone, created a fully functional web parachute, which was something Peter himself admitted to having trouble doing

Avengers Next
-Teamed up with the Avengers to fight Ultron, Ulik, Warp, and Sylene
-Discovered that Sylene had disguised herself as Thunderstrike, which was a disguise so perfect that not even Sabreclaw could detect it

The Spectacular Spider-Girl
-Stopped a gang war with help from her clone, April AKA Mayhem
-While investigating the murder of Connie Fredrickson (who was disguised as Ben Reily’s daughter), fought Tombstone, but was defeated
-Fought off the thugs who had been prepared to abandon her in the Pines Barren and returned to New York with help from the priest Father Santini
-Saved Rene DeSantos and Wes Westin from being killed by Fury
-Alongside Darkdevil, fought off Fury and Mayhem (who had been forced into helping Fury)
-Teamed up with Black Tarantula to fight off a rival gang
-Helped a group of firemen rescue civilians who were trapped in a building that had been firebombed
-Fought Mayhem while trying to prevent her from killing Black Tarantula, but was defeated
-Defeated the mysterious vigilante Wild Card (who was actually Peter in disguise)
-Alongside American Dream and the New Warriors, ended the gang war between Black Tarantula and Silverback
-Saved the New Warriors and American Dream after Hobgoblin dropped them with the intent of letting them fall to their deaths

Spider-Girl: The End
-In the previous timeline, sacrificed herself to save Mayhem after their fight had accidentally started a fire at Midtown High School
-Became a heroic icon in the above timeline’s future thanks to M (an elderly, remorseful Mayhem) telling each generation stories of her exploits
-In the altered timeline, began dating Wes, who she learned had discovered her secret identity

Spider-Girl Strength 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Strength 2 by Br3ndan5

-City Level due to being comparable to her father and others comparable to him, such as Kaine
    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man is said to be comparable to Luke, has shown the ability to harm him, and has matched and overpowered characters like Hammerhead, who remained conscious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city, and Kaine was able to easily defeat him

-While first manifesting her spider powers, destroyed a backboard by slamming a basketball into a hoop
-Kicked Green Goblin in the face hard enough to stagger him, followed soon after by another to the back
-Pulled Green Goblin out of the way of an oncoming truck before proceeding to one-shot him
-One-shot an assassin by hitting him over the head with a garbage can
-One-shot Crazy Eight
-Kicked Spyral in the face
-Kicked Spider-Venom hard enough that the glass behind him shattered
-While enraged, repeatedly staggered Spider-Venom with her blows
-Effortlessly snapped Ladyhawk’s metal Ladyhawk Hoops (basically metal restraints)
-Knocked Darkdevil out in only two hits
-Casually tore a brick wall open and threw it at Nova
-Nova said that her strength was comparable to his
-Ripped Mr. Nobody’s teleporter suit open
-Has been shown to one-shot Killerwatt numerous times, even once doing so while almost entirely drained of stamina
-Effortlessly tore herself free from Spider-Man’s webbing
-Tackled Darkdevil through a window
-Kicked Darkdevil in the back of the head
-Sent Wild Thing flying multiple meters away with a single punch
-Alongside Wild Thing, knocked Sabreclaw out with a single punch, though her knuckles hurt afterwards
-Shattered the Grief Machine with a single punch
-Knocked Misery out with a single left hook
-Alongside Speedball, one-shot Mister Abnormal with a right hook
-Her punches were strong enough to stagger and eventually knock out Kaine, who is comparable to the original Spider-Man
-Punched Green Goblin through a stone pillar
-Staggered Earthshaker with a few blows
-Kicked Funny Face while he was busy ranting
-Knocked Dr. Jade into a chimney hard enough that it collapsed on top of her
-Shattered her prison cell like glass with a single punch
-Slammed Raptor into a wall hard enough to crack it
-Backhanded Gerry, punched him through a wall, and knocked him into the air with an uppercut
-Swung around a piece of rebar with Gerry attached to its end
-Effortlessly snapped Gerry’s webbing in two just by flexing
-Casually lifted a large metal pole with The Thing stuck to its end
    -The Thing weighs 500 lbs
-Sent several thugs flying with a single punch
-Tore Felicity’s cat-o-nine-tails in two with ease
-While frustrated, she tore a lead pipe free from the roofing tile and crushed it in her hand
-Her blows were strong enough to stagger Apox
-One-shot Aftershock
-Dropkicked Quickwire in the stomach
-Launched several Soldiers of the Serpent members through the air while swinging a massive gun
-While submerged underwater and low on oxygen, still worked up the strength to rip herself free from her restraints
-After the above, still had the strength to swim to the surface despite being close to blacking out
-After launching herself off of a wall, slammed into Psi-Slayer (Earth-9907’s Psilord) hard enough to send him into a computer tower
-Punched Earth-9907’s Spider-Man and briefly grappled with him
-Knocked Earth-9907’s Spider-Man into the air with a punch
-After webbing him up, pulled Earth-9907’s Spider-Man off of a wall and slammed him into some nearby machines hard enough to weaken him
-Dropkicked Seth hard enough that he uprooted a lamppost upon crashing into it
-Kicked Seth and sent him flying into a stack of propane tanks
-While weakened from being choked and repeatedly punched by Seth, still had the strength to make him double over with a kick to the balls
-Just grabbing Howard’s hand mid-strike was enough to break it
-Overpowered a winch that could rip apart armored vehicles
-Tore a steel net apart
-Tackled Dr. Jade into a chimney
-Knocked out Man-Wolf in only 4 blows
-One-shot several demons
-Knocked Kodiak on his ass with a kick to the face, sent him to the ground with a left hook, and made him wince with a chop to the neck
-Kicked Kodiak down a flight of stairs
-Kicked Kodiak in the stomach, then used that same leg to lift him into the air and throw him over her
-Beat Kodiak into unconsciousness while enraged
-Tore Lady Octopus’ tentacles from her harness and knocked her out by slapping her
-Her punches were strong enough to launch Fury through the air multiple times
-Tore herself out of Venom’s body after he absorbed her
-One-shot a troll by kicking him in the face
-Staggered Loki with a kick
-Decapitated a Jack O’ Lantern robot with a single punch
-After seeing her abilities in action, Araña commented that she seemed just as strong as Spider-Man
-Crushed a pistol in her hand
-Her blows were strong enough to stagger Rhodey, whose nanomachines had rendered his body nigh-invulnerable and hard as steel
-Beat a Scrier to the point of unconsciousness while angered
-Jumped into a window with enough force to shatter it
-While bonded with the Venom symbiote, staggered Hobgoblin with two punches and slammed him into a stone wall
-Slammed Spider-Man into a stone wall while enraged
-With a single punch, sent Hobgoblin crashing into a brick wall several feet away
-Knocked out Hobgoblin with two punches
-Kicked a molotov cocktail out of Charlie Kurkle’s hands
-Ripped a car door off its hinges
-Kicked Sabreclaw in the face
-Kicked Reverb through a fence
-Casually lifted Reverb through the air
-Leapt off of Reverb with enough force that he was submerged in the cement beneath him
-Kicked Bitter Frost into a wall
-Staggered Sylene with a kick
-Put Ladyhawk in a chokehold she couldn’t escape from
-Dropkicked a SHIELD agent, then one-shot three more of them while avoiding gunfire
-Pushed a group of SHIELD agents off after they dogpiled on her
-Tossed a cup of hot coffee at Carnage
-Destroyed a chimney top with a single punch while stressed out
-Staggered Carnage with a punch
-Threw one robber into another using her webbing
-While submerged underwater, tore her way out of a bubble-like prison cell by pulling its shackles out
-Often kicks her way through glass windows with enough force to shatter them
-With two palm strikes and a kick, managed to throw Delilah, Man Mountain Marko, and Fancy Dan off after they dogpiled on her
-Kicked Delilah off of her
-Pushed a group of mob bosses off after they dogpiled on her
-One-shot Mindworm
-Kicked Deadspot several feet away into a freight car
-Knocked Deadspot out with only 4 punches
-Traded blows with Araña
-Punched Araña hard enough to knock her out of her armored exoskeleton
-Lifted Nucleus with her legs and threw her into the air
-Threw a piece of metal debris back at Push
-After being pinned down by her, managed to grab Mayhem by the wrists, lifted her up, and flung her off of a rooftop
-While Araña was in her body, knocked a thug out by dropkicking him, knocked his partners out by swinging another member into them, then downed a fifth member with a punch that also chipped one of his teeth
-Dropkicked Norman hard enough to stagger him
-Punched Norman four times in quick succession
-Gripped a web line connected to the Goblin Glider so tightly that the glider wouldn’t budge
-Tackled Norman through the roof of her house while beating on him
-Beat Norman over the head repeatedly
-Pulled Mary Jane and Benjy free from Norman’s grip
-Knocked Montana down with a kick to the face
-Could support the combined weight of herself and Mayhem even while being choked out
-Knocked Mayhem back with a punch
-Briefly restrained Mayhem by wrapping both legs around her neck
-Knocked Norman back with two punches, then sent him flying with a third punch
-Did the following while suffering a concussion:
    -Effortlessly snapped multiple chains in half by flexing
    -Made the Jersey Devil scream by punching it
-Supported the weight of an occupied, armored limo while still recovering from a sprained ankle
-Lifted a pile of flaming debris off her back
-Pushed Fury through a steel wall
-Effortlessly threw a mob boss across a bar room
-Kicked the Punisher hard enough to destroy his machine gun and send him to the ground
-Kicked Mayhem in the face hard enough to send her flying
-Traded blows with Mayhem, her physically equal clone
-One-shot Wild Card
-Pulled Punisher’s sniper rifle out of his hands and snapped it in half
-Backhanded the Punisher hard enough to send him crashing into a nearby chimney
-Kicked the Hobgoblin in the face three times
-While using only one arm, she managed to support the weight of American Dream and each of the New Warriors after they fell into her massive net

Spider-Girl agility by Br3ndan5
-Possesses agility, balance, and coordination far beyond even the finest human athlete
-Is more advanced than Spider-Man’s
-Often employs flips, backflips, or cartwheels to avoid attacks, making it harder to hit her
-Is able to ricochet off walls
-Can perfectly balance herself on any object, no matter how small or narrow
-Is an expert at parkour, being able to leap from one building or surface to another with the greatest of ease
-Can backflip multiple times in a row
-While first manifesting her powers, was able to leap above a backboard
-Backflipped over several thugs who were attempting to hit her, which was then followed by another backflip to avoid a stream of gunfire
-Performed multiple flips and twisted her body through the air to avoid being hit by Crazy Eight’s 8-balls
-After being attacked, backflipped through the air to land on her feet
-Rolled out of the way of the Human Torch’s flames
-Avoided a storm of jacks by backflipping
-While in the middle of web-swinging, backflipped out of the way of a sniper round that had been aimed at her head
-Flipped over a web line from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man
-Twisted her body while in midair to avoid being crushed by Lady Octopus’ tentacles
-While blindfolded, flipped and twisted her body through the air to avoid a swarm of razor-sharp blades being thrown at her by Elektra
-Backflipped away from a troll who was attempting to bludgeon her with a club
-Weaved between bullets fired from Howard’s pistol
-Twisted her body to avoid being hit by several manhole covers that were launched at her by Charlie Phillips
-Backflipped through the air and landed on her feet after being hit by one of Nucleus’ ribbons
-Flipped over multiple ribbons from Nucleus
-Twisted her body to avoid gunfire from multiple SHIELD agents
-Flipped over Carnage’s tendrils multiple times
-After Push broke part of the building she’d attached to, she managed to recover by flipping through the air and landing on her feet
-Bent over backwards to avoid a backfist from Peter, who had mistaken her for Darkdevil
-Performed a backwards cartwheel to get back to her feet after Norman backhanded her
-Flipped out of the way of Fury’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times despite her ankle being sprained
-Leapt away from an explosion and rolled back to her feet
-Using a lamp post as support, flipped herself through the air to save Wes from falling to his death
-Backflipped over a barrage of darts from Wild Card
-Using the horns of Hobgoblin’s glider as support, she managed to swing herself around and kick him in the face
-Twisted her body to avoid dozens of spiked balls launched at her by Hobgoblin
-Backflipped through the air to recover from Mayhem tackling her

Spider-Girl Speed by Br3ndan5
At least Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+, as it’s been said multiple times that her reflexes are superior to her father’s
-Says she can move 40 times faster than the average teen
-Often casually avoids machine gun fire
-Has repeatedly been shown to avoid Darkdevil’s hellfire-enhanced billy clubs, even when they’re thrown at point-blank range
-Has leapt away from lasers fired by Funny Face’s puppet, Bunky, on multiple occasions
-Dodged Crazy Eight’s explosive 8-balls numerous times
-Is often shown to casually keep up with Felicity
-Avoided multiple laser blasts from Apox
-Repeatedly avoided being crushed by Lady Octopus’ tentacles
-Reacted to blasts from Dr. Jade’s gauntlets multiple times
-Before discovering her powers, managed to push Jimmy and Courtney away from a Pumpkin Bomb’s explosion
-Dodged a zap-blast from Green Goblin’s gloves
-Leapt out of the way just as Green Goblin’s razor bats were about to hit her
-Was untouchable to a group of thugs
-Grabbed a prop of Silver Surfer’s board and placed it in front of herself within the same amount of time it took for a knife to fly toward her
-Dodged a punch from The Thing
-Leapt out of Dragon King’s range just as he was about to crush her
-Avoided Dragon King’s eye beams
-Evaded multiple attacks from Spider-Venom
-Casually avoided all of Ladyhawk’s attacks
-Just barely avoided being hit by Nova while he was flying toward her
-Briefly outsped Nova
-Dodged multiple arcs of electricity from Killerwatt
-Kept up with Spider-Man
-Avoided being tagged by the Spider-Slayer
-While blindfolded, leapt over hundreds of rapidly-fired tennis balls as part of her training
-Pulled Psilord out of the Fantasticar moments before it was blown up by the Wizard’s Warriors
-Dodged automatic fire from behind
-Leapt away from one of Bullet’s explosive pellets just as it detonated
-Evaded multiple electric blasts from The Buzz’s gauntlets
-Barely managed to duck under an attempted backhand from Darkdevil
-Dodged claw swipes from Wild Thing
-Instinctively dodged Misery’s shock gloves
-Leapt out of the way just as the Avengers’ security systems (metal tentacles) were about to wrap around her
-Evaded Mr. Abnormal’s attacks
-Ducked under a slash from Raptor’s talons
-Leapt out of the way of Green Goblin’s zap-blast
-By combining it with her Spider-Sense, she moved fast enough that Earthshaker couldn’t hit her
-Dodged Doc Ock’s tentacles just as they were about to crush her body
-Dodged a laser fired from Dr. Jade’s gauntlet
-Her reflexes were fast enough that Dragonfist, an accomplished martial artist, was mostly unable to hit her
    -The only attack he landed (a kick to the face) was a lucky shot more than anything
-Dodged numerous attacks from Sabreclaw
-Did the following while depowered and on the Goblin Glider:
    -Barely dodged a massive vent thrown at her by Rhodey
    -Dodged Stinger’s energy blasts and a shield toss from American Dream at the last second
    -Barely dodged one of Mainframe’s lasers
-Immediately after recovering her powers, effortlessly avoided all of Gerry’s attacks
-Pushed Gerry out of the way just as he was about to get hit by a hail of machine gun fire
    -Later did the same when he was about to be shot by Mr. Nobody
-Pulled a wheelchair-bound Courtney out of the way seconds before Quickwire could land on both of them
-Dodged a punch from a speed-boosted Quickwire
-Dodged psychic blasts from Psi-Slayer
-Was said by Earth-9907’s Spider-Man to have reflexes sharper than his
-Dodged several web lines from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man 
-Escaped the Web site (a warehouse that was serving as her secret hideout) immediately after her Spider-Sense warned her that a bomb was planted inside of it
-Pushed a man out of the way just as he was about to be run over by a Daily Bugle truck
-Leapt away from Man-Wolf just as he was about to tackle her
-Dodged Claw’s gas grenades
-Blitzed Claw to a nearby rooftop so quickly that he didn’t even realize she’d moved
-Dodged hits from Kodiak
-Dodged a bullet while suffering from sleep-deprivation
-Avoided multiple punches from Fury, who had her speed enhanced due to bathing in the Goblin formula for several years
-Pushed Davida out of the way just as Dragon King’s fire breath was about to roast her
-Dodged numerous bolts of lightning from Aftershock
-Avoided multiple attacks from Venom, who’s just as fast as Spider-Man
-Pushed Chris to the ground before Fury’s Goblin Glider could hit him
-Blitzed Apox
-Dodged several punches and explosives from the Jack O’ Lantern robot
-According to Araña, she moves just as fast as Spider-Man
-Pushed Push out of the way just as a car was about to run both of them over
-Dodged multiple blasts from Rhodey
-While suffering from sleep-deprivation, narrowly avoided being impaled by several shurikens thrown at her by a Scrier
-Kept up with one of the Scriers in battle
-Ripped Scrier’s sword from his hands fast enough that he didn’t even have the chance to slit Scarlet Spider’s throat
-Dodged multiple blasts from Hobgoblin’s Goblin Blasters
-Dodged Sylene’s magic blasts
-Ducked under a swing from Thena’s hammer, then leapt out of the way before it could crush her
-Dodged lightning from Thena’s hammer
-Avoided multiple sound-based blasts from Reverb’s suit
-Dodged several icicles fired by Bitter Frost
-Pushed Mad Dog away just as he was about to be hit by machine gun fire
-Dodged an attempted sneak attack from Warp, a teleporter
-Dodged Ultron’s Death Rays
-Dodged Hobgoblin’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times
-Avoided multiple hits from an enraged Ladyhawk
-Dodged shots from several pistols all at once
-Leapt out of the way just as Carnage was about to tackle her
-Dodged several of Carnage’s tendrils
-Instinctively dodged a bullet just as it was centimeters from her head
-Evaded multiple hits from Araña
-Dodged multiple ribbons from Nucleus
-Dodged metal debris launched at her by Push
-Pushed Push out of the way just as a giant structure was about to crush her
-Repeatedly dodged Black Tarantula’s eye beams, which could reflect off of multiple surfaces
-Ducked just before Mayhem could slam into her from behind
-Avoided blasts from Norman’s Goblin Blasters
-Dodged Norman’s Pumpkin Bombs multiple times
-Dodged a claw strike from Mayhem
-Pushed Mayhem out of the way before she could be hit by Norman’s Goblin Blaster
-Jumped out of a building in under two seconds
-While disoriented from the pain of hitting him, dodged blows from Tombstone
-Even while recovering from the injuries inflicted during the above fight, managed to dodge Fury’s razor bats
-Dodged Wild Card’s flash cards
-Dodged numerous swings from a mob boss who had armed himself with a pool cue
-Moved out of the way before Mayhem could tackle her
-Dodged the Punisher’s shots while using her Spider-Sense as a guide
-Intercepted Black Tarantula’s eye beams with her webbing
-Outsped Wild Card
-Caught Wild Card’s sonic card, which was specifically tailored to move faster than her
    -When she did so, Wild Card was surprised and admitted that not even he could’ve moved that fast
-Jumped out of the way of a Pumpkin Bomb
-Dodged the lasers fired from Hobgoblin’s wrist guns
-Moved faster than the rapid-fire shots from Hobgoblin’s SMG
-In the original timeline, she managed to push Mayhem out of the way just as some flaming debris was about to crush her


Spider-Girl Durability 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Durability 2 by Br3ndan5
City Level by scaling to her strength
-Was only mildly stunned after getting hit by Crazy Eight’s sonic grenade
-Shrugged off being slammed into a model of Galactus
-Took a hit from the Dragon King’s tail, though it left her disoriented for a brief moment
-Only momentarily stunned after being zapped by Killerwatt’s electricity
-Shrugged off a slash to the back from Sabreclaw
-Powered through a sucker punch from Bluestreak
-Took numerous hits from Kaine, including one that slammed her into a steel beam hard enough to dent it
-Took hits from both Ladyhawks
-Shrugged off repeated blows from Raptor
-Was only briefly staggered after The Buzz backhanded her
-Survived a fall from several hundred feet
-Only briefly stunned from Dragonfist’s kick
-Powered through the immense amounts of electricity from Killerwatt’s explosion, though it temporarily removed her spider powers
-Withstood the following while depowered:
    -A beating from Green Goblin, which left her with a black eye
    -Being tackled through the air by Raptor and getting slammed back-first onto solid concrete
    -Getting kicked in the stomach by Ladyhawk
    -Gerry tackling her from behind
    -Was unharmed after slamming into some generators, which caused the Goblin Glider to explode beneath her feet, electrocuted her, and restored her powers
-Was only momentarily dazed after being telekinetically slammed into a locker
-Took multiple blasts of electricity from Aftershock, whose electrokinesis is strong enough to bring a man to the brink of death
-Got tackled through a wall by Angel Face
-Was only briefly stunned after a monitor smashed against her head
-Tanked multiple rapid punches from Quickwire
-Withstood repeated electrocution from one of the Soldiers of the Serpent’s devices
-Took a headbutt and a punch from Earth-9907’s Spider-Man that sent her through a computer
-Recovered immediately after Earth-9907’s Spider-Man dropkicked her into several machines
-Survived a stack of propane tanks exploding in front of her, which destroyed an entire construction site
-After the above, she survived another explosion when Seth freed himself from the debris
-Though it eventually knocked her out, she survived being choked out and repeatedly punched by Seth, who was strong enough to rival Thor and was striking her with intent to kill
-After the above, she survived a backhand from Seth that sent her flying across the wrecked construction site
-Shrugged off being thrown through machinery
-Took hits from Lady Octopus’ tentacles, which are made from a combination of steel and titanium
-Withstood being strangled, electrocuted, and slammed into a stone wall by Lady Octopus’ tentacles multiple times, with the latter leaving a crater upon impact
-Survived (and was still conscious after) getting crushed beneath a pile of stone and rubble
-Shrugged off having the blunt end of one of Elektra’s sai smack her across the face
-Took multiple hits from Kodiak
-Tanked multiple hits from Fury, most of which was after being stabbed in the ribs
-Survived a brutal beating from a tag team of Fury and Venom
    -Venom is several times stronger than Spider-Man
-According to herself, being hit by La Fantome stung more than it hurt
-Recovered shortly after being shocked by a modified taser
-Tanked electrocution from Funny Face’s shock gloves
-Withstood a magic shockwave from Loki, with her only injury being a broken arm after she landed on it wrong
-Survived being blasted by Rhodey, though it knocked her out
-Withstood Golden Goblin’s Lunatic Laugh, which is loud enough to weaken a symbiote and shatter eardrums
-Was unharmed after jumping through a window
-Took hits from the Hobgoblin
-Shrugged off multiple lacerations from Hobgoblin’s heat-seeking razor bats
-Remained conscious after multiple blasts from Hobgoblin’s Goblin Blasters, which were strong enough to nearly incapacitate Spider-Man with one shot
-Survived being stabbed through the chest, though she was left near-death and only survived because Venom bonded with her
-Got back up after Sabreclaw slammed her into the ground
-Took multiple sonic blasts from Reverb
-Tanked being slammed into a wall by Bitter Frost’s aerokinesis
-Survived being in the Avengers’ Quinjet when it exploded, though she was knocked out
-Was unharmed after Sylene knocked the Avengers back with a massive explosion
-Survived being knocked away and slammed into a wall by Nucleus’ ribbons
-Recovered almost immediately after being hit by one of Nucleus’ ribbons
-Shrugged off Carnage repeatedly slamming her into a metal wall
-Was slammed through a door by Carnage and recovered almost immediately
-Tanked repeated scratches and being bitten in the shoulder by a Carnage-infected Benjy
-Survived being caught in one of Hobgoblin’s explosions
-Took a punch from Man Mountain Marko
-Survived being tackled by Delilah and Cottonmouth
-Took hits from Araña
-Could keep fighting after being hit by Nucleus’ ribbons, which are strong enough to destroy a building
-Quickly recovered after Mayhem tackled her from behind
-Was unharmed after Mayhem tackled her onto a rooftop and punched her
-Survived being in the center of this explosion generated by an out of control Nucleus, though it left her hospitalized
-While Araña was in her body, she withstood a backhand from Black Tarantula and survived being blasted by his eye beams, which are strong enough to incinerate a normal man
-Withstood Norman repeatedly stomping on her and punching her until she was spitting up blood
-Got kicked in the stomach by Mayhem
-Survived being choked by Mayhem, who had wrapped herself around her neck
-Recovered shortly after being hit in the back of the head by several bricks
-Powered through the pain of repeatedly punching and kicking Tombstone, whose skin is as hard as diamond
-Took a beating from a bloodlusted Tombstone, though it left her with a concussion
-While suffering the above concussion, she withstood the Jersey Devil throwing her, slamming her into a tree, and dropping her several hundred feet onto solid ground
-Survived being crushed by a pile of flaming debris
-Only felt mild discomfort after dislocating her shoulder and having it popped back into place
-Tanked electrocution from Fury’s gauntlets
-While low on stamina, recovered from being slammed back-first into a monitor
-Survived crashing onto a rooftop and rolling through several pieces of metal debris
-Withstood Mayhem choking her with her hair tendrils and slamming her into a chimney
-Quickly recovered after Mayhem backhanded her off a roof
-Survived a bloodlusted Mayhem tackling her onto a rooftop and beating her to near death
-Shrugged off the Punisher shooting her in the wrist
-Showed no reaction to Mayhem’s tendril scratching her cheek hard enough to draw blood
-Was unharmed after Mayhem tackled her off a rooftop and through a window
-Got back up shortly after being knocked back and cut across the face by one of Mayhem’s tendrils
-In the original timeline, after being crushed under some debris, she survived long enough to get Mayhem out of the building they were in



-Due to May’s advanced musculature, her body produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the average human. This allows her to physically exert herself for long periods of time without growing tired

-Sparred with Elektra for 70 minutes and showed no signs of fatigue afterwards
-After being on the verge of exhaustion from getting beaten to near-death, she only needed 5 hours of sleep to completely recover her energy


Spider-Girl Intelligence by Br3ndan5
-Knows how to perform CPR
-Discovered that Canis was the one responsible for killing the Kingpin and several of New York’s other crime lords

-While fighting a group of invisible demons, used her Spider-Sense to detect where they were coming from and calculated the right moment to attack whenever they got close
    -Later did the same while locating Loki, who had turned himself invisible

-Pieced together that her mom was the Spider Shoppe’s owner
-Deduced that the Magneto she and Push fought was actually Charlie Phillips based on his actions, voice, and insecure personality
-Figured out that Carnage was actually Moose based on his reaction to Courtney and how he’d called several of her classmates by name
-Is able to recreate the formula for web-fluid


Spider-Girl cunning by Br3ndan5
Cunning and Clever:
-According to herself, she isn’t a strategist; rather, she just follows her instincts and reacts to each new event as it comes
-Can exploit the environment to her advantage should the situation call for it
    -She often does this by using an object in her surroundings as an impromptu weapon
-Tricked Green Goblin into activating his shock gloves while he was still holding onto a Pumpkin Bomb
-Made it seem like she was retreating so Crazy Eight would lower his guard, then swung back around and knocked him out before he could react
-Exploited Dragon King’s obsession with his dragon statues by tossing one at a wall, causing him to run into it and electrocute himself on the room’s main
-Threw Nova off her trail by tricking him into almost flying into a building, retreating into the shadows while he tried to reposition himself
-Escaped the Human Torch by making him fly into a construction site, then tying him up with cables and throwing him into wet cement while he was distracted
-Created a web cocoon to distract Wild Thing, leaving her vulnerable enough for May to deliver a sneak attack
-During a game of Capture the Flag, manipulated almost all of the Avengers into entering positions that would allow her to effortlessly steal their flags for herself
-Distracted Stinger with a web-construct of herself and attacked while her guard was down
-Tricked Dominator into flying into an area full of metal as the dump’s magnet activated, trapping her inside
-Took advantage of Raptor being distracted by webbing her to the rooftop while she was busy arguing with her mission control
-With help from The Buzz, used Raptor’s growing desperation against her by tricking her into flying straight into a giant web
-Used the surrounding environment to trick Mister Abnormal into tying himself up
-Tricked a bloodlusted Sabreclaw into trying to slash open a slab of meat that was covered in her webs, causing him to get stuck
-Made Dragon King knock himself out by covering his arms in webs while he was trying to lift a boxcar. The moment he tried to rip it off, the car crushed him beneath its weight and KO’d him
-Used her wall-crawling to stick the Gerry Drew Spider-Man to a piece of rebar and proceeded to launch him across the building they were fighting on
-Covered a Pumpkin Bomb (See “Weapons and Equipment” below) with webbing to produce a flashbang
-Stunned Crazy Eight and Funny Face by using her wall-crawling to repel a tire that hit both of them in the face
-Used her Spider-Sense and agility to prevent Apox from targeting civilians with his blasts
-After being caught by Seth, she freed herself by placing both feet against his face and rapidly transferring her wall-crawling’s attraction and repulsion against his face
-Tricked Mr. Nobody into materializing in front of a live wire, which knocked him out the moment it made contact
-Used pieces of rubble as makeshift boxing gloves while fighting Kodiak
-After realizing she couldn’t beat Venom physically, went for a stealth approach by creating a blackout and using her Spider-Sense to track his movements
-Used Funny Face’s attachment to Bunky against him by threatening to hurt the doll if he shot Peter
-After discovering that Funny Face’s costume was now padded to negate her strongest blows, one-shot him with a single punch to the face
-Distracted Apox with nonstop talking while leading him to the path of two telekinetically-manipulated asteroids from Psilord
-Prevented Reverb from using his sound-based weaponry by dunking him in cement
-Used the knowledge that Moose’s dad had cancer to manipulate a Carnage-possessed Moose into moving the battle away from civilians and toward Peter (who had armed himself with Reverb’s suit)
-Used her Spider-Sense to track Deadspot and distracted her with webbing long enough to get the drop on her
-Used her Spider-Sense to navigate through Nucleus’ ribbons and find the best spot to restrain her 
-Used the momentum from her attempt at stopping Norman to launch herself into him
-While lacking the use of her web-shooters, came up with a complex plan to save Wes by using the surrounding trees to slow their descent and combining it with her wall-crawling to help them reach a safe distance for her to drop him

Spider-Girl Dirty Fighting by Br3ndan5
Dirty Fighting:
-Willing to feign defeat or play dead if it means she can gain an advantage

Expert Martial Artist:
-Received training from the Ladyhawks (a duo of highly-trained fighters) and Elektra (an assassin who knows several martial arts and has regularly fought some of the world’s best close-quarters fighters)

Expert Marksman:
-Landed 20 shots in a row with a basketball
-Disarmed Ladyhawk with a snowball
-Landed a shot on an insect-sized Stinger
-Threw a tire at enough of an angle that it ricocheted off Crazy Eight’s head and slammed into Funny Face’s
-Fired her stingers with enough precision that she canceled out Wild Card’s darts

Expert Chemist:
-After some coaching from her dad, learned how to create web-fluid

Spider-Girl Willpower by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Willpower 2 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Willpower 3 by Br3ndan5
Immense Willpower:
-Will push through immense amounts of fear, exhaustion, or grievous injuries to keep fighting
-Forced herself to fight Kaine during their rematch even though she was completely terrified of him
-Despite being submerged underwater and close to passing out, managed to work up the strength to free herself from a torture device and swim to the surface
    -After this, she forced herself to keep fighting against the Soldiers of the Serpent even though she hadn’t even fully recovered
-Powered through the injuries inflicted on her by Carnage so she could save Benjy and prevent Carnage from infecting Moose’s dad
-Forced herself to wake up from Mindworm’s psychically-generated illusion even though it was draining her life
-Despite suffering from a concussion and her self-esteem being low enough point that she was willing to accept dying there, forced herself to stay alive and try to find civilization while wandering the Pine Barrens

Spider-Girl Stealth 1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Girl Stealth 2 by Br3ndan5
Master of Stealth:
-While in her black suit, rendered herself invisible by sticking to the shadows during a blackout
-Snuck up on Venom, who couldn’t detect her even with his Spider-Sense
-Briefly used this during her fight with Hobgoblin to get into the right position so she could end their fight
-Evaded the grasp of numerous SHIELD agents by using her wall-crawling to stick to the underside of a nearby ledge

Spider-Girl Personality by Br3ndan5
-When not in-costume, May is usually serious and focused when trying to accomplish a goal, though she’s otherwise relaxed and easygoing
-As is the case with most teenage girls, she enjoys shopping and looking at boys, even sometimes commenting on their butts
-Much like her father, she often jokes around or talks a lot to serve as a coping mechanism so the stress doesn’t get to her
    -She’ll also do this deliberately to make her opponent more predictable by irritating them
-As one would expect from having Spider-Man as a parent, May is devoted to maintaining responsibility, often doing the right thing even if it comes at the cost of her happiness
    -This extends to the point where she refuses to kill anyone, as she feels that doing so would betray her sense of responsibility
-Often strives to improve herself and help others in need, regardless of whether they’re friend or foe
-Should she need to, she will attempt to defuse a situation by talking someone out of whatever they’re doing
-Refuses to let anyone die, even if they’re her worst enemies, and will become angry with herself if she’s unable to save someone or saddened if she thinks she killed someone
    -She’s also been shown to get furious at the sight of excessive violence from other heroes
-Tends to blame herself if something goes wrong
-Is a huge fan of the Fantastic Five, believing them to be the world’s greatest team of superheroes
    -She’s also been shown multiple times to have a crush on Psilord
-Will become pissed-off if someone calls her a bitch
-Prefers being called Spider-Girl, since she thinks Spider-Woman makes her sound like someone’s mom
-Said by her mom to have an infamous sweet tooth
-Tends to butt heads with her parents (mainly her dad) over her duties as Spider-Girl, though this became less of an issue as the series went on

Weapons and Equipment:

Spider-Girl Costume:
-A red and blue spandex costume Mayday sewed by herself
-The mask contains polarized lenses, which protect her from dust particles and the glare of the sun while swinging through New York
    -It also conceals her identity by muffling her voice, making it unrecognizable to others

Spider-Girl Web-Shooters by Br3ndan5
-By pressing her middle fingers against the trigger, May can fire pressurized web-fluid that possesses a tensile strength of 120 pounds per square millimeter of cross section
-Often uses her webs to swing across the buildings of New York
-Can form it into various tools, such as a shield (which is durable enough to survive Pumpkin Bombs and constant exposure to fire), life-sized decoys, cocoons, slingshots, a dam, and a parachute
-Can use it to plug up guns
-Elastic enough to repel a bank vault door
-By wrapping the webbing around her hands or arms, she can increase her striking strength and form makeshift armor to greatly reduce damage
-Lasts up to 2 hours before dissolving into powder
-Each web-shooter comes equipped with a Spider-Signal, which she uses to either announce her arrival to criminals or illuminate a dark area

Spider-Girl Stingers by Br3ndan5
-Metal darts fired from the tops of her web-shooters
-Since she feels they’re too brutal, she only uses them if the situation is desperate enough or if she’s pissed-off

Spider-Girl Impact Webbing by Br3ndan5
Impact Webbing:
-A pellet that explodes into web tendrils and ensnares whatever it makes contact with
-Also fired from the tops of her web-shooters
-Can use it to restrain others or rescue them if they’re falling in midair

Spider-Girl Black Suit by Br3ndan5
Black Costume:
-An alternate outfit commissioned by Black Tarantula to replace her old one after it was destroyed
-Has several dozen spares on hand in case one is destroyed
-Often wears this when she wants to go for a stealth approach during a fight, as the black cloth renders her nigh-invisible while in the shadows
    -Though she’s also been known to wear it whenever she needs a change of pace

Spider-Girl Glider by Br3ndan5
Goblin Glider:
-A method of transportation that was originally used by the Green Goblin
-Convinced Normie to lend it to her after she temporarily lost her powers
-Its front can be used to pierce through a person’s flesh
-Has a smoke exhaust that makes it difficult for others to breathe

Spider-Girl Pumpkin Bomb by Br3ndan5
Pumpkin Bombs:
-Pumpkin-shaped explosives that contain a high level of power
-Another item May convinced Normie to let her use while she was powerless
-Has three variants: regular, gas grenades, and EMPs
-Carries a few dozen on hand whenever she uses them
-By combining them with her webbing, she can produce makeshift flashbangs

Spider-Girl Phone by Br3ndan5
-A cell phone that resembles one of her web cartridges
-Given to her by Normie as a gift
-Small enough to be inserted into her web-shooters
-Uses it to call and text people (obviously)

Spider-Tracer by Br3ndan5
-A tracking device that May can attach to a person or object, either by firing them from her web-shooters or by manually placing them on targets
-Emits a signal that covers a 100-yard radius
-Small enough that most targets don’t notice their existence
-Unlike her father, who could track them with his Spider-Sense, May needs to use a receiver since hers operates on a different frequency

Venom symbiote by Br3ndan5
Venom Symbiote:
-An inorganic, amorphous, parasitic alien that originally bonded to Eddie Brock, was later passed onto Normie, and eventually bonded with May
-According to May, the symbiote is female
-Gives May access to the memories of its previous hosts, which includes Peter, Eddie, and Normie
-Provides a massive boost to May’s strength, speed, durability, and regeneration; which can be augmented further by letting it feed off of her negative emotions
-Lets her create an unlimited amount of webbing, shapeshift her body into different weapons and forms, camouflage with her surroundings to make her invisible, and stretch her limbs to ensnare others
-While wearing it, May becomes more violent and aggressive
-No longer in her possession, as Venom sacrificed itself to save May and Peter


Spider-Girl Wall Crawl by Br3ndan5
-Like her father, May has the ability to alter the inter-atomic bindings of matter, allowing her to stick to surfaces and climb them just by placing her hands on them
-Said to be more powerful than Peter’s
-Unlike her father, May has two unique abilities tailored to this power:
    -Can transmit her electrostatic “stickiness” through whatever surface she touches, allowing her to leave any people or objects on it stuck in place for several seconds
    –This ability has been shown to affect beings as large and heavy as The Thing
    -She can reverse this stickiness to propel off of a surface, allowing her to add power to her jumps. Alternatively, she can use this ability to repel people or nearby objects away from her

Spider-Girl Spider-Sense by Br3ndan5
-An omnidirectional sixth sense that allows May to detect any form of danger coming from her surroundings
-Much like her wall-crawling, her version of this ability is more effective than her father’s
-Lets her sense the exact position a potential danger is coming from and what direction they’ll flee to when caught
-Automatically tells her if the danger is posed by a familiar target (such as an attack from an opponent she’s met before) or if it’s a new threat entirely
    -For example, if she’s being spied on by multiple people on different occasions, she can tell whether or not the observer is the same as one from a previous incident
-Lets her know if she’s in a hallucination
-Tells her if someone is a shapeshifter or if they’re disguised as someone else
-By concentrating, she can use it to find an opponent’s weak spots
-Can use it to locate dimensional rifts, find where a teleporter will materialize, track opponents who are invisible or in an astral form, see through illusions to discern her real target, use it as a second set of eyes if she’s ever blinded, or track someone’s movements in a pitch-black area

Healing Factor:
-Allows her to heal from injuries at a faster rate than a normal person
-Healed from a stab wound in the span of 2 days
-Fully recovered from a sprained ankle in only a few hours

Spider-Girl Weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Is only half as strong as the original Spider-Man
-Will become nauseous and disoriented if she’s exposed to ethyl chloride, though this only lasts for about three seconds
-Her willpower, while immense, has its limits
    -It’s also not proportionate to her stamina, as she’s been shown to sometimes push herself to the point of barely being conscious and lacking any strength in her attacks
-Selfless attitude can be used against her
    -For example, targeting civilians will cause her to put aside whatever she’s doing to try and save them, which can leave her vulnerable to attacks
-Her web-shooters can be damaged or even broken with enough force
-Web-fluid, stingers, and impact webbing all have limited ammo
    -Though the issue of web-fluid is slightly mitigated since she often brings spare cartridges
-The Goblin Glider, Pumpkin Bombs, and Venom symbiote aren’t standard equipment
    -Even if they were, May only had the Venom symbiote for three pages, which means she has very little experience using it
-The symbiote is weak to sonic attacks and extreme heat
-Needs to concentrate if she wants to stick to a surface
-Her Spider-Sense can be nullified by certain gases or noises that are at a high enough frequency
-Much like her dad, she suffers from the infamous “Parker Luck,” where no matter what good she does as a superhero, it will negatively affect her civilian life
-Despite her constant attempts to try and avoid it, she always finds herself fighting other heroes because of misunderstandings

(“It’s my job to protect the innocent from the monsters! That’s why I first donned this costume. It’s why I was born to be SPIDER-GIRL!”)

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