Spider-Boy Swings Into Death Battle!

Spider-Boy by Br3ndan5
Real Name: Peter “Pete” Ross
Aliases: Arach-Kid, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Boy, Wall-Walker, S.B., Mall-Crawling Wall-Crawler
Height: Unknown, but likely 5’6 – 5’9 given his fusees’ heights
Weight: Unknown, but likely 150 – 165 lbs given his fusees’ weights
Occupation: Photographer, Adventurer, Vigilante
First Appearance: Spider-Boy #1 (April 1996)

-Was created during the Marvel vs DC event as a fusion of Superboy and Spider-Man
-Was created by Project Cadmus as an attempt at recreating the legendary hero Super-Soldier
-Became a photographer for the Daily Bugle
-Defeated Bizarnage by tricking the symbiote into entering its energy containment cell
-Defeated a giant-sized King Lizard by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core
-Foiled Scavulture’s plan to steal the Black Diamond Soul Gem

-Apparently caused the timeline to get rebooted after being sent to 2099, getting launched into 2104 by the Time Square, and returning to 2099
-Got engaged to, and would later go on to marry, Mary Jane Watson AKA Insect Queen
-Became an inspiration to heroes in the future, with his existence being credited as the reason for the creation of the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099

Spider-Boy Strength by Br3ndan5
-Kicked King Lizard, to no effect
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy Speed by Br3ndan5
-Dodged an attack from Bizarnage
-Avoided a tail swipe from King Lizard
-Dodged a punch from a giant-sized King Lizard
-Avoided a laser shot from Scavulture’s Evil Eye
-Can be increased further with his gravitokinesis (See “Powers” below)

Spider-Boy durability by Br3ndan5
-Was hit by King Lizard’s tail and got back up almost immediately
-Got up immediately after being tackled through a window by Scavulture
-Survived the explosion of Kang the Time-Conqueror’s Limbo dimension


Spider-Boy strategy1 by Br3ndan5
Spider-Boy strategy2 by Br3ndan5
Expert Strategist:
-Used Bizarnage’s obsession with him to trick the symbiote into its cell
-Used King Lizard’s rage against him by tricking him into eating Ray Palmer’s White Dwarf Star core, shrinking him in size

Spider-Boy personality by Br3ndan5
-Due to being a combination of Spider-Man and 90’s era Superboy, Spider-Boy often acts like an irresponsible teenager
-Tends to make sarcastic quips, jokes, and occasional pop culture references during battle to deliberately anger opponents and make them act sloppy
-Due to being dismissed as a kid during the incident that killed his Uncle “Gen” Thunderbolt Ross, he’s sworn to face any danger by himself and become the center of attention so others wouldn’t get hurt
-Is obsessed with his own self-image and celebrity status, occasionally making remarks about his merchandising both in and out of battle
-Refuses to allow bystanders to get hurt, and will feel immense guilt should it happen

Weapons and Equipment:

Spider-Boy Web-Pistol by Br3ndan5
-Also called the Web-Shooter
-Fires strands of synthetic webbing that are extremely durable and possess great adhesive properties
-Will dissolve into powder after 1 hour
-Can use its webs to swing across buildings

Spider-Boy Legion Ring by Br3ndan5
Legion Anti-Grav Ring:
-Given to him by the Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099
-Allows him to fly off in any direction he wants just by thinking about it


Spider-Boy Gravitokinesis by Br3ndan5
-While his power was originally the ability to control all forms of gravity, Spider-Boy’s sabotaged cloning process left him with the ability to redirect his own personal gravity
-Can increase his gravity to pull himself toward large objects, allowing him to walk or crawl up walls and buildings
-By focusing his inner gravity, Spider-Boy can boost his strength and speed to superhuman levels
-Can lower his gravity to jump higher and increase his agility

Spider-Boy Weaknesses by Br3ndan5
-Lack of feats due to only having 2 appearances before Amalgam Comics got canceled
-Doesn’t have many of his fusees’ powers, as he noticeably lacks a Spider Sense
-Can easily be disarmed of his Web-Pistol
-Lacks experience using the Anti-Grav Ring

-Somewhat cocky at times

(“That’s when I knew I had to make sure I was never just a kid who got ignored while other people got hurt! That’s when I made the costume… got on TV… and that’s when I really learned what uncle Gen said was totally solid! With great power does come great responsibility… and way too much fun!”)

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