Future Gohan Protects Death Battle’s Legacy!

Future Gohan by Br3ndan5
Future Gohan
Age: 23
Height: 5’9
Weight: 134 lbs
Occupation: Martial Artist, Mentor
First Appearance: Trunks The History – The Lone Warrior (August 11, 1992)

Pre-History of Trunks:
-As a child, survived Vegeta and Nappa’s attack on Earth, ultimately playing a role in the former’s defeat
-Withstood Frieza torturing him
-Was the only survivor of the Z-Fighters after the rest had been killed by androids 17 and 18
-Achieved the legendary form of Super Saiyan after the Z-Fighters’ deaths
-Trained by himself for 13 years with the intent of taking down the androids

History of Trunks:
-Began training Trunks in the hopes that they’d be able to beat the androids together
-Fought against 17 and would’ve beaten him if 18 hadn’t intervened
-Saved Trunks from being vaporized
-Protected Trunks when the androids bombed the Super World theme park, albeit at the cost of his left arm
-Fought the androids one last time, ultimately dying after they bombarded him with a heavy barrage of ki blasts
-His death gave Trunks the final push to becoming a Super Saiyan

Shin Budokai – Another Road
-Was one of the warriors brought back to life by Future Elder Kai to fight against Future Buu
-Removed the Z-Sword from its pedestal
-Had his potential unlocked by the Elder Kai, drastically boosting his power
-Assisted in the final fight against Future Kid Buu

Xenoverse 2
-Alongside the Future Warrior, teamed up to fight Future Android 16
-With the help of Trunks and the Future Warrior, defeated Mira
-Chose to keep fighting the androids despite knowing that he was destined to die while doing so
-With help from Time Patrol Trunks, defeated the androids
-Became a mentor for the Future Warrior
-Donated his energy to Trunks during the latter’s fight against Fused Zamasu

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-Should at least be Dwarf Star Level due to being superior to Frieza, who was able to casually destroy Planet Vegeta in his base form; With Toei scaling, at least Solar System Level due to being superior to Frieza, who produced an explosion visible from space
-Knocked Trunks away with a kick to the chin
-Traded blows with 17
-Knocked Trunks out with a chop to the neck
-Kicked 17 with enough force to send him crashing through a building
-Slammed 18 into a roof hard enough that the building’s windows were blown out

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-Faster than Light, though to what extent is unknown; With Toei scaling, Faster than Light to Beyond Massively Faster than Light due to being superior to Namek Saga Goku
-While sparring, avoided multiple hits from Trunks
-Avoided ki blasts and multiple blows from 17
-Intercepted a blow from 18
-Avoided multiple strikes when 17 and 18 tag-teamed him

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-By scaling to his strength, at least Dwarf Star Level; At least Solar System Level with Toei scaling
-Shrugged off multiple blows from 17
-Was smashed into a store window by 18
-Survived a brutal beating from 17 and 18
-Survived Super World being bombed, though it left him with a scar and an amputated left arm

Future Gohan personality by Br3ndan5

-Due to the apocalyptic future he lives in, Future Gohan is more serious and aggressive than his naive, awkward, and laidback present counterpart
-Is shown to be internally pained and mentally stressed after years of challenging the androids alone
-In moments of peace, Gohan is shown to be much more calm and cheerful, often enjoying life for what it’s worth and even suggesting that others do the same 

Weapons and Equipment:

Senzu bean by Br3ndan5

Senzu Beans:
-Mystical beans that possess great healing properties
-When consumed, they fully restore his energy and physical health
-Are capable of healing impalement and broken bones
-Keeps them in his pouch, though he only has one or two on hand due to their limited supply 


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-A form of energy in the Dragon Ball universe
-Created from Future Gohan’s own life energy
-Formed using three elements: vigor, courage, and mind
-Uses it for the following techniques

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Zenkai by Br3ndan5

-A genetic trait that is shared by all Saiyans
-Allows the user to recover from injuries at a faster rate and grow stronger, with the latter being caused when they either heal from a near-death experience or endure a great struggle while fighting
-Upon healing, a Saiyan’s body will “learn” from the experience, allowing their instincts and natural resistances to greatly improve
-The more severely he’s damaged, the greater the zenkai will be

Future Gohan ki blast by Br3ndan5

Ki Blast:
-An energy wave of ki

-Future Gohan places ki into his hand as he strikes the air, creating a powerful shockwave that strikes opponents from a distance

Invisible Eye Blast by Br3ndan5
Invisible Eye Blast:
-A kiai fired from the eyes

Super Explosive Wave:
-Future Gohan charges ki inside of himself before forcing it to explode outward in the form of a massive energy sphere
-Can increase its AOE by outputting more ki from his body, resulting in a variant called “Ki Explosions”

Super Afterimage Strike:
-Future Gohan moves around the battlefield while using afterimages to distract his opponent


Instant Rise:
-Future Gohan rapidly ascends through the air, moving so quickly that he seems to teleport
-Used as a way to avoid oncoming attacks

Wild Sense1 by Br3ndan5
Wild Sense2 by Br3ndan5
Wild Sense:
-Future Gohan dodges an attack by moving swiftly before countering with a punch or kick that sends the opponent to the ground or into the air

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Down Burst:
-Future Gohan fires an energy sphere to the ground, creating a smokescreen that blinds the opponent

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-Future Gohan blocks his opponent’s attacks before quickly moving behind them. When they turn to face him, he delivers a powerful kick to the chin

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Sonic Rush:
-Future Gohan kicks his opponent away before teleporting behind them to deliver a chop, followed by a hook and a sweep kick. He then finishes by kicking them into the air before slamming them back down with an elbow strike

-Future Gohan places both hands above the head, one in front of the other, with the palms facing the opponent and the fingers going in opposite directions. He thrusts his hands forward, calling out “MASENKO-HA!” as he fires a beam of yellow or white energy

Hyper Masenko:
-A stronger, larger variant of the above

OneHandKamehameha by Br3ndan5

-A powerful ki blast fired from both hands after being charged between the user’s palms

One-Handed Kamehameha:
-Future Gohan performs several backflips to distance himself from the opponent. After doing so, he charges ki into his hand, slowly chanting the technique’s name before thrusting his arm forward and firing a blue beam

One-Handed Kamehameha mk. II:
-Same as the above, but upon firing it Future Gohan pours more energy into the beam, increasing its power and prolonging the amount of time he can fire it

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Fierce Combination:
-Future Gohan strikes a fighting pose as he charges at the opponent and kicks them into the air. He then flies past them before roundhousing and punching them away. Before they can travel any farther, he grabs them by their ankle and shouts “Die!” as he flies downward, slamming them into the ground. Finally, he backflips away and shouts “Watch it!” before firing a Kamehameha

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Tenma Defense:
-Future Gohan charges his ki, using it to summon a large white barrier that either knocks opponents away or deflects attacks

Solar Flare by Br3ndan5

Solar Flare:
-Future Gohan places his hand close to the center of his face with the fingers spread toward his eyes. He then calls out the technique’s name as a white light flashes outward, blinding everyone in the surrounding area
-Mainly used to gain the upper hand, make a hasty retreat, or set up a more complicated attack without fear of interruption
-Never used on screen, but in the Dragon Ball Super manga Trunks says that Future Gohan taught him this move

Special Beam Cannon by Br3ndan5
Special Beam Cannon:
-Future Gohan raises his index and middle finger to his forehead and begins charging ki between them. After a few seconds, he points them forward, producing two thin beams, one being straight and the other coiled around the first
-Capable of drilling through its target, and it will explode against them should they prove too durable to pierce

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Power up to the Very Limit:
-Lets Future Gohan regain all of his ki while also providing a slight increase to all of his stats


Future Gohan SSJ by Br3ndan5
Super Saiyan:
-Multiplies his base power by 50x
-Evidenced by his hair and aura becoming gold, while his eyes turn green
-Obtained after witnessing the deaths of the other Z-Fighters

Future Gohan SSJ2 by Br3ndan5
Super Saiyan 2:
-Multiplies his power by 100x
-Evidenced by the front of his hair becoming spikier and his body gaining an aura of bioelectricity

Future Gohan SSJ3 by Br3ndan5
Super Saiyan 3:
-Multiplies his power by 400x
-Drains his stamina while in use

Future Gohan Unleashed by Br3ndan5
Potential Unleashed:
-Obtained after the Elder Kai performed a ritual so that he’d be able to fight Kid Buu
-Greatly boosts his power, to the point where he no longer needs to go Super Saiyan
-Requires constant training if he wants to maintain it

Future Gohan weaknesses by Br3ndan5Weaknesses:
-Despite his strength, he’s nowhere near as powerful as his present counterpart
-Lacks the use of his left arm, which greatly hinders his abilities in combat
-Has a limited supply of Senzu beans
-Has a finite amount of ki
-Super Saiyan forms drain him of his energy the longer he uses them
-Outside of Super Saiyan, his transformations are featless
-Super Saiyan 3 quickly drains him
-Senzu beans have limits to what they can heal, as they can’t cure diseases or regrow severed limbs
-The Future Trunks arc rendered his sacrifice worthless

(“You know you can’t win! You can’t destroy what I really am! Even if you manage to kill this body, someone even stronger would surface and take my place! Not one death will go unaccounted for, not one!”)

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