Prelude: Black Adam vs Apocalypse

Black Adam vs Apocalypse by Br3ndan5

Ancient Egypt, the start of civilization. This mighty empire stretched out over a thousand years, and has produced some of the most recognizable objects and people. From pyramids, to hieroglyphs, to mummies, to pharaohs like King Tut, it’s safe to say the civilization left its mark on the world. And if today’s two combatants are any indication, it’s likely the ancient Egyptians are still leaving their mark, albeit by threatening the world.
Like with Black Adam, the ruler of Kahndaq
And Apocalypse, the First Mutant.
I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to AdamGregory04/AdamTheFifth for the Black Adam bio and BangJang96 for the Apocalypse bio
Black Adam
Real Name: Teth-Adam
Residence: Kahndaq, Egypt
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 250 lbs (113 kg)
Occupation: Archaeologist (formerly), Dictator, Ruler of Kahndaq

Debut: The Marvel Family #1 (1945)

-Became the ruler of Kahndaq
-Affiliated with the Secret Society of Supervillains, Injustice Society, and Injustice League
-Killed Psycho Pirate through poking his eyes
-Has consistently fought on par with the likes of Shazam, Superman, and other comparable heroes
    -Can easily be scaled to Shazam since they share the same power source and Adam has more experience with the power
-Killed a yeti without any of the powers of the Egyptian gods
-Killed millions of people in 36 hours
-Defeated Billy Batson after he became the new Wizard
-Beat the crap out of Death, who was amped by the destruction of millions of people
-Solo’d the Justice Society of America
    -Which consisted of heroes such as Power Girl, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Jay Garrick Flash
-Managed to fight off Martian Manhunter on a couple of occasions
-Has fought on par with Orion


-Possesses the strength of Amon
-Can fight on par with Superman and other comparable characters
-Beat Hawkman while he was weakened
-Shattered a force field built to withstand a meteor of the kind that killed the dinosaurs
-Casually tossed an aircraft liner, which can weigh 400,000 pounds
-Knocked out Power Girl with a sonic clap
-Captain Marvel failed to restrain him
-Broke through Kyle Rayner’s Green Lantern constructs
-Shattered multiple buildings with a sonic clap
-Punched holes in the Specter’s physical body
-Ripped AMAZO’s head off

-Jay Garrick had to exert himself in order to keep up with him
    -Jay Garrick is a Flash, and has access to the Speed Force
-Blitzed the entire Marvel family
-Threw a bomb and ripped off a man’s arm seconds before the bomb detonated
-According to Egg Fu’s computer, could move hundreds of miles in seconds
-Can keep up with Superman in battle

-Can shrug off attacks from the Marvel Family
-Took attacks from Martian Manhunter
    -Including a point-blank laser directly to his face
-Laughed off lightning from Doctor Fate
-Stood back up after taking a blow from a bloodlusted Superman
-Resisted Martian Manhunter’s telepathy and actually turned it against him (Mental endurance)
-Simply walked off Power Girl’s heat vision

-Is a strict dictator when ruling Kahndaq
-Has been corrupted by the Wizard’s power; Craves dominance
-Possesses the Wisdom of Zehuti
    -Grants him a photographic memory, clairvoyance, and makes him skilled in mathematics and war tactics
-Was willing to take a punch that Superman said could split a moon in half because he turned his back to him
-Possesses the Courage of Mehen
-Does not tend to fear or respect his opponents unless they have earned it
-No problems with killing others whatsoever
-Possesses indomitable willpower

Powers and Abilities:

Shazam Lightning:
-By saying “Shazam,” summons a lightning bolt that transforms him from Teth-Adam to Black Adam and back
-Adam uses this offensively by throwing his opponents into the lightning’s crosshairs
-Powerful enough to incapacitate Martian Manhunter
-Upon transforming, obtains the powers of the Egyptian gods

Untiring Stamina:
-Possesses the Stamina of Shu
    -Grants him the ability to survive without food, water, sleep, or air
-Able to fight on par with multiple superheroes at once

-Exactly what it says on the tin

-Does not age so long as he remains in his empowered form

Hand-to-Hand Combat:
-Was proven to be a highly skilled warrior before being granted his powers
-Fights on par with the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman


-Can channel electricity from his body
-Electricity is magical in nature
-Can even generate small storm clouds to further channel his lightning

-Exactly what it says on the tin
-Can access the Rock of Eternity

-Courage of Mehen grants him accelerated healing
-Allows him to recover from most wounds

Nature Control:
-The Power of Isis grants him the ability to control all of the elements
-Can easily conjure massive tornadoes or cause geysers of lava to erupt from the ground

-The Power of Isis also allows Adam to move objects with his mind

Augmentation of Previous Powers:
-The Power of Isis augments his powers to greater levels

Weapons and Equipment:

Black Adam Joins The Sinestro Corps – Comicnewbies
Yellow Power Ring:
-Was deemed fearful enough to dawn a power ring of the Sinestro Corps
-Grants him the ability to project constructs of yellow energy
-Should be comparable to other Lanterns with this equipped
    -Especially since he had already fought on par with Lanterns like Kyle Rayner without it
    -Green Lantern John Stewart created an entire solar system using his ring after fully exerting himself

Black Adam gets his jaw broken by Br3ndan5Weaknesses:
-Arrogant and stubborn
-Is vulnerable to magic
-Powerless as Teth-Adam

(“I am not a villain – not in the narrow definition of the word according to the self-named ‘modern’ world. I fought alongside the Justice Society and for a time, made them my allies… but I never earned their trust.”)


X-men-apocalipsis-645x512 by BangJang96
Real name: En Sabah Nur
Aliases: High Lord, Forever Walker, Son of the Morning Fire, “The First One,” Set, Huitxilopochti, Sauru, Kali-Ma, Aten
Height: 7′ 0″ (Variable)
Weight: 725 lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: Red
Occupations: Mutant, Conquerer, Rebel Leader, Nomad
First Appearance: X-Factor #5 (cameo) (June 1986)
-Founded the Alliance of Evil, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, & the Riders of the Storm
-Took on the role of Apocalypse, and sought out to remake the world (like all big and bulky but serious looking comic villains)
-Made an appearance in the FOX X-Men movies
    -But it sucked
He is the end of all that is.
-One of the most powerful mutants in Marvel
-Has almost all the powers of almost every mutant (Keyword: Almost)
-Got his powers through exposure to the blood of Nathan Summer’s techno-organic virus, turning him into the powerhouse that he is today
-Sired the ancestors of Clan Akkaba
-His conquests throughout the ancient past
-Has been rivals with Dracula for centuries
-Restrained the Hulk, making him his Horseman of War
-Can withstand a scream from Black Bolt, as well the combined attacks of the Inhumans and X-Factor
-Using Professor X as a medium, Apocalypse disarmed the world’s nuclear weapons


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-Kills Stryfe by smashing him into the ground (as shown above)
-Low-end Apocalypse is put in the 75-100 tons range
Hits Thor so hard, he goes flying into a barn
-Then headbutts him right after
Holds Loki in his grasp for a moment
-Fights on par with the High Evolutionary
-Takes down Eternal Ikkaris
Brings the Hulk to his knees
-Physically restrains the Hulk
Takes on the X-Men in under sixty seconds
-Chokes She-Hulk
-One-shots Frenzy, who was amped at the time
Takes down Cable in one hit
Pulse finds Apocalypse’s strength incredible
Killed a celestial, but it was unspecified how
Owns the Monolith
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-Caught Quicksilver off-guard and tagged him (as shown above)
-Does the same thing with Beast. Though Beast is not that fast
-Dodges attacks from Iceman and Cyclops
-Reacts to and catches an axe thrown by Thor

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-Further enhanced with his armor
-Tanked the combined efforts of all the X-Men (including Black Bolt) [as shown above]
    -Note: Black Bolt’s whispers were enough to fuel a bomb which ripped a hole in space-time parsecs across
-Fought Stryfe at his weakest
        –Still took him down handily
-Tanks a direct hit from Stryfe
-Survived getting stabbed by Cable, and withstanding his full power. Still survived.
Armor can block hits from Cable, and Cyclops
-Took Cyclops’ Optic Blast to the face
Survived a lethal fall without his armor
-No-sells a blast from the High Evolutionary
Tanks Cyclops’ full power, then a blast from Jean Grey
Survived getting bitten by Dracula, then being manipulated after
Tanks Beast throwing a large object at him
High Evolutionary’s punches don’t hurt Apocalypse
Enduring the combined attack of Magneto’s magnetic blast and pre-shaman Nate Grey’s psionic spikes

Powers & Abilities:

T9Y3xKE by BangJang96
Molecular Control/Matter Manipulation:
-Apocalypse can control not only the molecules/matter around him, but with his own armor. And as such, he can use it to make lots of weapons (as shown above)
Can open holes in his armor to evade hits from Cyclops
-Turned his arms into clamps and his body into a spike
-Capable of growing gills to swim and breathe underwater
-Turned his hand into three giant spikes
Turning an arm into a cannon, the other into a latch, and finally a giant head that harms Loki
-Turns into a manta-ray thing…to fly in space
-Can turn his arms into tentacles
-Turns Ozymandias into a being made out of pure stone
-Creates a mantis creature out of his limb
Turns his harbinger into a bomb

ENEEzJb by BangJang96
-Along with many mutants, is a telepath
-Telepathically calls Archangel (as shown above)
Reading Ozymandias’ mind
In order to get to the astral plane he needs Cable’s help, and Apocalypse understands the astral plane pretty well
Taking a full force psychic attack from Jean Grey and reversing it
Psychic Combat with Jean and then Cyclops joins in as well. Being able to contend with two psychic entities at once, and one of whom is a very powerful telepath
-Can mentally control his Celestial tech
Takes a full telepathic blast from Exodus, and it has no effect
-Mind blasts Charles Xavier
Palacerise by BangJang96
-Another common mutant power granted to Apocalypse
-Lifts his palace telepathically (as shown above)
-Pulls a man’s skeleton out of his body
TLybWJF by BangJang96
Energy-Based Attacks:
-Can not only fire energy, but also lightning (as shown above)
Shot Beast and Storm out a window with an energy blast
-Can also create force fields. And as such, battles with Sue Storm’s force fields
Blasting and destroying ground near Cyclops
Blasting Iceman and then growing in size to break the ice around him
-Shoots a projectile from his arm
Energy fields to throw off Iceman
-Can disintegrate humans with energy beams
-Can also shoot them from his eyes. Does it to Thor
-Snaps his fingers to cause an energy explosion
Using some attack on Bishop
Killing a Madrox clone with a blast
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Power Absorption:
Has been shown to absorb the powers of other mutants
-Absorbed Archangel’s feathers to restore power (as shown above)
Drains Cyclops of his energy to the bone
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Size Manipulation:
-Can seemingly increase his size while he fought Magneto (as shown above)
-Can most likely do it otherwise via matter manipulation with his own body
Supersizing his arm to knock out Bishop
QPc7Bes by BangJang96
-Teleports away from Beast (as shown above)
Teleporting High Evolutionary
-The X-Men call him a teleporter
SwqzEZo by BangJang96
-Can turn into anyone he wants (as shown above)
-The X-Men confirm he’s a shapeshifter
Apocregernate by BangJang96
Healing Factor:
-It should be noted somewhere that he has a healing factor, and has demonstrated it in many of his fights
-Healed from a puddle of mush (as shown above)
Regenerated after a fight with the X-Men
Blew himself up only to have regenerated after

Weapons and Equipment:

FinalExecutionApocalypsesArmor by BangJang96
Cybernetic Celestial Armor:
-Granted to him by a celestial, that were implanted into his body (in an Iron Man kinda way).
Gained access to it via his celestial ship
-Armor can take hits from Cyclops, Cable, and more
-Can be physically altered at will as the armor itself is linked as physical part of Apocalypse’s body
-Contains many different types of devices including a teleportation device, psychic dampening arrays, and sensors powerful enough to see the High Evolutionary if he’s invisible
-Makes him look really buff, despite its normal size
CelestialDeathSeed by BangJang96
The Death Seed:
-One of Apocalypse’s most powerful equipment
       -Didn’t last long
The Death Seed is a gift that gives the user cosmic power on par with the Phoenix Force. So if the host dies it passes the power onto the next person
-With it, Wolverine blew up a city, Jean Grey killed celestials, and Archangel fights on par with Phoenix

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-Has an insane God complex. Thinks he’s the only one who will prevail
-Died in Age of Apocalypse, and lost the Death Seed
-Frequently gets defeated by some of the X-Men
-Has failed to conquer Earth a lot more than it seems

(“You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!”)

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