Sonya Blade is on Duty for Death Battle!

Sonya by Br3ndan5
Sonya Blade
Age: 26 (MK), in her 50’s (MKX-MK11)
Height: 5’9
Weight: 140 lbs
Occupation: General of Earthrealm’s Special Forces
First Appearance: Mortal Kombat (October 8, 1992)
-Rescued Jax after he’d been captured by Shang Tsung
-Defeated Kitana and Jade simultaneously
-Spotted Kano while he was holographically disguised as an old woman
-Defeated both Sub-Zero’s
-Defeated Jax when he became a Revenant
-Defeated Scorpion while he was in the Netherrealm
-Beat Quan Chi to near-death and proceeded to destroy his nuts
-Has beaten Kano numerous times
-Makes neck snapping look stylish
-Sparred with her daughter, Cassie, as a final test before promoting her to Commander
-Led an assault on Liu Kang and Kitana’s Netherrealm cathedral, though it resulted in her death
Animated GIF
-City Level due to defeating Scorpion, who was strong enough to break the jaw of a Blood Magik-infused Raiden
    -Raiden is able to summon and control storms
New Timeline:
-Beat Quan Chi to near-death and destroyed his nuts by stomping on them
-Snapped one of D’Vorah’s ovipositors and broke her jaw with a kick
-While amped by Blood Magik, ripped off Kintaro’s head
-Tossed Jax to the ground
-Choked out Kano
-Traded blows with Cassie
-Flipped Kano with her legs
-Broke an axe handle with a kick
-Flings Johnny Cage across the room with her legs
-Slammed Mileena into the ground with her legs and knocked her away with a kick
-Flipped Kano, slammed him into the ground, and knocked him away with a slap
-Broke a skeleton’s spine by kicking it
Animated Media:
-Knocked back two cyborgs with a kick
-Split a cyborg in half by kicking it, then flung another with her legs
-Split a skeleton in half with a kick
-Sent a Tarkatan flying through the air by kicking it
-Launched a cyborg through the air with a kick
-Tossed away a man made of crystal
-Tossed a Shokan into another Shokan
-Kicked a door off its hinges
-Kicked a man onto a table
-With help from Johnny Cage, clotheslined a man so hard that he flipped
-Snapped Kano’s neck with her legs
-Tossed Cyrax with enough force that he dented metal pipes upon slamming into them
-Squeezed Baraka’s rib cage so hard that he couldn’t breathe
-Kicked Kano’s teeth out
-Used a riot gun to pistol-whip a man into unconsciousness
-Broke a guy’s hand
-Kicks Jade hard enough that she flips over and is left bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth
-Ripped open a metal plate from the ground, followed by the grating beneath it

Sonya speed by Br3ndan5
-Relativistic due to reacting to Kano’s laser and being comparable to Kotal Kahn, who can redirect sunlight
New Timeline:
-Grabbed D’Vorah’s ovipositor before it could hit her
-Dodges an axe swung by a giant
-Dodged attacks from a Blood Magik amped Cassie
-Kept up with Cassie
-Blocked an ice blast from Sub-Zero
-Dove out of the way of Aynos’ energy attack
-Caught Mileena’s sai when it was inches from her face
Animated Media:
-Deflects knives thrown at her by Kano
-Evades multiple falling rocks
-Avoided being stabbed by a spear
-Avoided fireballs sent at her by Kabal
-Dodged a flying lunge attack from Mileena

Animated GIF
-City Level by scaling to her strength
-Comparable to the other Kombatants, who can keep fighting after surviving crippling blows
New Timeline:
-Took a hit from Raiden, though he was holding back against her
-Survived a hit from a bloodlusted Raiden, though it knocked her out
-Took a hit from Sindel, who had previously killed Stryker with a punch to the head, snapped Smoke’s neck, and ripped out one of Jade’s organs
-Was thrown back by Shao Kahn’s telekinesis
-Took a punch from a monster that launched her through wooden poles
-Survived an unknown amount of blood loss during a blood ritual
-Was caught in a crashing helicopter and survived
-Took hits from Cassie
Spinoff Games:
-In Shaolin Monks, she was just fine after being hit by Goro, who can break pillars with a punch and destroy a stone wall by leaping through it
-Survived a hit from Goro
-Survived being frozen by Sub-Zero
-Mostly unharmed after being in a ship that just blew up
-Isn’t affected after Mileena slices her across the back
-Keeps fighting after taking a hit from Mileena
Animated Media
-Survived being in a crashing jet
-Is sent flying through several theater seats by a fireball. She survives, but is left injured
    -For reference, this fire was strong enough to blow apart a stone head
-Got right back up after taking a kick from Mileena that caused her to fall down the side of a hill, spin several times in the air, and land on a rock
-Stern and tough-as-nails
-Has a murderous hatred toward Kano due to him murdering a partner of hers and wishes to kill him as revenge
-Can be stubborn and prideful at times
-Though she won’t admit it to her, she does regret choosing her job over raising her daughter Cassie
-Hates being referred to as “Mrs. Cage”
Weapons and Equipment:
Sonya Gauntlets by Br3ndan5
Old Timeline:
-One shot is strong enough to kill a giant yeti
New Timeline:
-Can create ropes of pink energy that destroy the bars of a prison cell
-Fire blasts strong enough to knock back giant monsters
-Beams are strong enough to knock away Cassie and Jacqui
Spinoff Games:
-Has some sort of energy attack that can knock back Baraka
-Can block ice blasts from Sub-Zero
-Has energy blasts strong enough to stun Kano
Animated Media:
-Can take out a cyborg at long range and blow off their head
-A two-handed blast can blow apart brick
-Can fire a stream of pink energy to blow three cyborgs apart
Garrote by Br3ndan5
Garrote Wire:
-Used for strangling opponents or breaking their necks
Sonya gun by Br3ndan5
New Timeline:
-Headshots a guy at close-range with a pistol
    -Does the same to another guy without even looking
-Used a shotgun against Tremor
Live Action:
-Shoots a guy before he can shoot her
-While handcuffed, steals a man’s gun and uses it to shoot several people
-Fired several rounds from an M16 at the ground near Kano to get him to stop fleeing
Sonya Drone by Br3ndan5
Drone and Grenades:
-Can summon a drone to aid her and dispense various grenades
-Can fire stun grenades or frag grenades
-Can toss three in an arc
-If she’s running low, she can call her drone for more
-The drone can launch grenades itself
-It can also fire a short burst of energy or a homing attack
-Can blow itself up in a kamikaze attack

BUD-E by Br3ndan5
-A mobile sentry gun that can be called in at any time
-Acts as a turret, being able to shoot, walk, and jump to tackle an opponent to the ground
Energy Rings:
-Clangs her fists together to produce pink ring-like projectiles that hit the opponent
Leg Grab:
-Performs a handstand, grabs the opponent with her legs, and slams them into the ground
Air Leg Throw:
-While in midair, Sonya grabs the opponent with her legs and slams them into the ground
Face Planter:
-Takes off into the air and flies across the screen, punching whoever’s in her way
Inverted Bicycle Kick:
-Sonya rises into the air with a series of kicks
-Sonya performs a cartwheel, kicking the opponent upon impact
Flying Kick:
-Sonya flies across the screen and kicks the opponent in their torso
-Sonya blows a kiss that stuns the opponent by irritating their eyes
-Doesn’t work on the blind
Armed Forces:
-Crouches down and releases a purplish projectile from her hands
Arc Kick:
-Sonya performs a kick that arcs through the air, allowing her to hit airborne opponents
Air Drop:
-Sonya leaps through the air and performs a downward kick. Leaves her vulnerable if blocked
Garotte Parry:
Extends her garrote in front of herself to parry high punches or kicks. If the opponent strikes her with one of these, she will wrap their wrist or ankle with the garrote and be allowed to strike them in two different ways before they break free
Eagle Strike:
-Turns her opponent around and strikes them to make them kneel, then throws them in the air with a knee to their back and punches them to the ground in mid-air
Freedom Strike:
-Wraps the garrote around the opponent’s neck, throws them over her, and slams them into the ground. As they stand up, still stunned by the strike, she punches them away
Stiff Neck:
-Wraps the garrote around the opponent’s neck, flips over them, crouches, and pull them to her, hitting them with her back and stunning them for combos
Wraps the garrote around the opponent’s neck, pulls herself to it, leaps at their neck, wraps her legs around the opponent’s head, and performs a twisting Frankensteiner that bounces them into the air
Frag Grenade:
Throws a frag grenade at the opponent. After a short time, it explodes and launches them in the air
Stun Grenade:
-Throws a stun grenade at the opponent. After a short time, it explodes and electrocutes them
Drone Drop:
-Summons a drone to supply her with more grenades

-Sonya calls in a drone, which will float next to her until a command is given. If not used, its lights will flash after some time and then it will disappear
Park Drone:
-Sonya makes the drone stand still at any part of the arena. Its lights get white while it’s parked. She can use Remove Park to make it follow her again
Heavy Blast:
-The drone shoots an overhead blast at the enemy to knock them down. Its lights get blue when performing this. Only hits close enemies.
Homing Missile:
-The drone shoots homing electric energy at the enemy to knock them down. Its lights get blue when performing this
-The drone flies straight at the enemy and explodes upon contact with them. Its lights get red while performing this
SF Beat Down:
A series of punches and kicks (two of each). Should they land, she then performs a leg grab on the opponent’s neck, snaps it, then she uses the inverted bicycle kick and slams them on the ground head first, breaking their skull and neck
Special Forces:
Throws pink dust in front of the opponent, blinding them when they come in to strike her. She then wraps her garrote around them and pulls them down on their back, snapping their spine. She then snaps back with a reverse headbutt, breaking the back of their skull and then ends it by throwing her opponent forward, head first, breaking the neck

Fatal Blow:
Die Already:
-Lands a energy ring-enhanced punch, breaks the opponent’s shin, punches them across the face, then delivers a charged punch to the stomach. She then turns the opponent around and pushes them toward her BUD-E sentry gun, which repeatedly shoots the opponent before knocking them over with a shot through the head. As they hit the ground, Sonya stomps on their face
Kiss of Death:
-Blows a flaming kiss to her opponent, burning them alive
Crush Kiss:
-Blows a kiss, creating a purple, glowing orb that’s hurled at the opponent and crushes them into a pile of blood and bone
Slice Kiss:
-Blows a kiss, producing an energy ball that destroys the opponent’s upper torso upon contact
Scissor Split:
-Grabs the opponent with her legs, holds them high for a moment, then rips them in half by splitting her legs
Poison Kiss:
Sonya exhales a poisonous mist at her opponent (complete with Valentine hearts) that causes them to choke before vomiting food twice and blood once. While they’re still vomiting, Sonya jumps in the air and stomps on their back, causing their head to explode
Airborne Blade:
Grabs the opponent by the neck, standing upside-down while doing so, and snaps their neck
-Pulls out some garrote wire, puts it at her opponent’s throat, and flips over their head. After several tugs, she decapitates them
Target Marked:
Shoves a smoke grenade into her opponent’s mouth. Afterwards, she summons an attack drone with her wrist device. It shoots out a pair of lasers that cut off the opponent’s arms and a rocket that homes in on the smoke grenade, blowing up their head. The rest of the body then falls over
Head Hunter:
Wraps her garrote wire around the back of her opponent’s neck and knees their head upward, decapitating them. While the head is in the air, a drone shoots at it until it is reduced to a bloody skull. Sonya then catches the skull and attaches it to her belt as a trophy

To the Choppa:
-Sonya calls in a helicopter as a spotlight appears on the dazed opponent. She then grabs them with her legs and kicks them into the air. As the opponent is airborne, Sonya fires her hand cannons at them, tearing their body apart as they’re sent into the rotor blades. Upon impact, the opponent’s body is reduced to a mess of flesh and blood, with only their head, arm, and legs intact as they fly away

Supply Drop:
-Sonya grabs her opponent’s arm and breaks it with an elbow strike. She continues by breaking their nose with another elbow to the face. As the opponent falls down, Sonya calls in BUD-E, who lands on the opponent and bisects their torso, separating their legs. As they try to crawl back, BUD-E shoots them in the face, leaving a gaping hole in their head
Thigh Master:
-Delivers multiple punches and kicks before doing a Leg Grab that separates the opponent’s legs from their body. The body slams into the ground with enough force that the face is rubbed off from contact with the ground

Boot to Head:
-Tricks the opponent into grabbing her leg and spins around, delivering a counter kick to the head that decapitates them

-Parries her opponent and performs a Stiff Neck, wraps her garrote around them, and decapitates them

Time Bomb:
-Throws a frag grenade at her opponent which explodes and obliterates their torso, sending the arms and head flying elsewhere

-Calls her drone to do a Kamikaze into her opponent. The explosion reduces their head and torso to a skeleton

Pain and Agony:
-Sonya does her X-Ray move, with the neck break at the end resulting in a decapitation
Hawk Rip:
Turns into a giant hawk, carries the opponent into the air, and slices them to pieces
-Tends to be hot-headed and often lets her anger get the better of her
-Has lost to weak opponents, like Johnny Cage
-Susceptible to brainwashing
-Her drone can easily be destroyed
    -Though she can always just summon another one
    -Its moves are easily choreographed thanks to the bright lights it emits beforehand
(“I trust one person on this planet, Jax, you’re talking to her.”)

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