Prelude: Ryu vs Jin Kazama

Ryu vs Jin Kazama by Br3ndan5

Disclaimer: This was originally written on Deviantart before Death Battle’s version of the fight. I am only submitting it here for archiving purposes.

Fighting games. One of the most popular genres in gaming. Beloved for their fantastic looking super moves, memorable soundtracks, rosters of badass characters,  and many other reasons, it is easy to see why this genre has lived on to see the modern day. And with each fighting game, there come the protagonists. These range from Kung Fu masters, to brooding antiheroes, to the lighthearted characters who just want a good fight. And today the ring of Death Battle shall be greeted by two protagonists representing the genre’s most popular titles.

Ryu, the Wandering Warrior from Street Fighter.

And Jin Kazama, the Child of Destiny from Tekken.

Both of these fighting game icons will be facing off in a no-holds-barred fight to the death. For research, I will be allowing every source of media the characters have appeared in with the exception of their crossovers or guest appearances. In other words, no Asura’s Wrath, Marvel vs Capcom, Namco x Capcom, or Project X Zone.

Anyway, I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to Brave-King-Shishio for the Ryu bio, DoctorMooDB for the information found in the manga, and NocturnBros and GokuvsSuperman117 for Jin’s bio.

Ryu SF by Wildgun-Edge

Height: 5’9” (1.75 m)
Weight: 150 lbs (68 kg)
Occupation(s): Martial Artist; Wanderer
Fighting Style: Ansatsuken; Shotokan
lignment: Good
First Appearance: Street Fighter (1987)

-Has trained under martial arts experts such as Gouken and Oro
-Took part in, and won, the First World Warriors Tournament
-Defeated the World Warrior Champion, Sagat, through using the Satsui no Hado, and striking with enough force to rip through his chest and nearly kill him
-Was able to fight Akuma on equal footing (albeit, Akuma was holding back his full power, intent solely on testing Ryu)
-Is the only Street Fighter NOT named Akuma to defeat M. Bison in a one-on-one fight, doing so without the use of a sneak attack, even when Bison had taken the form of Final Bison, all whilst resisting the temptation of the Satsui no Hado (albeit, thanks to earlier motivation)
-Overpowered and defeated the genetically-enhanced, Tanden Engine-infused Seth, capable of copying moves such as his own Hadoken, Dhalsim’s unique ability to stretch his limbs and Guile’s Sonic Boom, whose ki and power was augmented to such an extent that he could create miniature black holes
-Obtained the Power of Nothingness and used it to prevent Necalli from eating his soul

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
-Endured a savage beating from a brainwashed Ken
-Alongside Ken, defeated M. Bison

Street Fighter II V
-Alongside Ken, defeated a group of military thugs
-Fought Guile, though he ultimately lost
    -Despite this, he managed to impress Guile with his refusal to stay down
-Defeated all of the fighters in the Devil’s Battle Cage martial arts tournament
-One of these fighters was Damnd, a skilled martial artist who had been undefeated for 15 years
-Alongside Ken, defeated Sodom and Gomorrah
-With Ken, defeated the Ashura Crime Syndicate, an organization of expert Muay Thai practitioners
-Endured brutal torture from the corrupt prison warden Nuchi
-Impressed Sagat to the point where their fight ended in a stalemate
-Alongside Sagat, beat Nuchi when he attempted to shoot both of them
-Defeated the rest of the Ashura Crime Syndicate
-Passed the trial of the Cave of Ancients
-Gained access to ki while training under Dhalsim
-Perfected the Hadou Ken while training in the Cave of Ancients
-Saved two children from a charging bull
-Mastered the Hadou Ken
-Alongside Chun-Li, was brainwashed into becoming the first of M. Bison’s Cyber Warriors
-Fought Ken while brainwashed
-Alongside Ken, fought M. Bison at the focal point of the universe
-Defeated M. Bison with the Hadou Ken

UDON comics
-Scarred Sagat with a Metsu Shoryuken
-Defeated Balrog
-Easily defeated M. Bison
-Defeated Twelve, an android that uses an amalgamation of several fighting styles
-Took on Sakura Kasugano as his student
-Freed Sakura from the corruption of the Satsui no Hado by absorbing it into himself
-As Evil Ryu, fought Oni to a stalemate, with their fight only ending after it was interrupted by Gill
-Obtained perfect balance between the Satsui no Hado and Power of Nothingness, allowing him to become Shin Ryu
-As Shin Ryu, effortlessly defeated Gill before going on to have a rematch with, and completely dominate, a full-powered Oni


Superhuman Strength
-Lifting Strength Class: At least Class 30, likely Class 40+
   ➣Lifted a large boulder, roughly the size of a small house (est. 30-40 tons), for months
-Striking Strength Class: At least Class GJ (Gigajoules)
   ➣Strong enough to overpower veteran martial arts masters, such as Ken Masters and M. Bison
   ➣Strong enough to punch through walls; ki projection strong enough to blow down buildings, or tear down chunks of skyscrapers
-Can knock out peak humans in one blow
-Pushed an extremely muscular prisoner off of his back with enough force to send him flying across the room
-Traded blows with Sagat, an expert Muay Thai fighter who could knock out most men with one punch
-Cracked three of Ken’s ribs with one punch
-Brought Zangief to his knees by elbowing him in the stomach
-Can destroy an entire room just by focusing his ki
-Overpowered M. Bison while grappling with him
-Was able to harm M. Bison with his attacks, something that no fighter had been able to do previously
-Threw off a large group of guards with a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Left a small crater after hitting the ground with a Satsui no Hado-infused punch
-Punched Ken through a wooden door
-Defeated Dee Jay with one punch, launching him across the arena and into a wall
-Defeated a bio-engineered warrior that was strong enough to defeat Ken, Chun-Li, and Birdie simultaneously

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes
-Speed Level: At least Supersonic (Mach 1.2-5: 410–1,710 m/s / 915-3,840 mph); at least Mach 2+ reaction speed / Likely Massively Hypersonic+ reflexes
  ➣Can react to, and dodge, Guile’s Sonic Boom (Mach 2: 680.58 m/s)
  ➣Fast enough to dodge point-blank gunfire
  ➣Fast enough to react to and avoid a Gou Hadoken from a bloodlusted Akuma, which shot up into outer space afterwards
-Dodged a charging bull
    -Bulls can run at speeds up to 35 mph
-Dodged a speeding car at the last second
-While brainwashed, rapidly launched multiple slabs of rock at Ken
-Can move so fast that he appears to others as a blur
-Dodged multiple attacks from M. Bison, who is fast enough to leave afterimages
-Effortlessly avoided a surprise attack from Ken
-Easily avoided a volley attacks from Adon
-Kept up with Gen, a martial artist who trained Chun-Li
-Dodged bullets while saving a hostage

Superhuman Stamina and Durability
-Survived impalement and severe beatings regularly
   ➣Has endured strikes from Akuma, who is strong enough to sink an island with a single blow (albeit, Akuma was likely holding back)
-Regularly travels the world, surviving in harsh conditions
-Withstood a brutal beating from a brainwashed Ken
-Endured repeated lashes from Nuchi’s whip without screaming in pain
-Took multiple hits from Sagat
-Shrugged off a bullet to the shoulder
-Jumped from a tall building and landed feet first onto a truck without injury
-Endured a brutal beating from the Crime Lord Zochi
    -One part of the beating involved Zochi grinding his cane into Ryu’s bullet wound
-Kept fighting despite suffering from a broken leg and being rendered half-blind
-Was unscathed after being struck by lightning while training in the Cave of Ancients
-Got to his feet immediately after being launched across the room by M. Bison’s Psycho Power
-Survived an explosion created by his ki colliding with Bison’s Psycho Power, though he was left unconscious
-Remained uninjured by the explosion that resulted from the Hadou Shoryuken’s collision with the Hadou Ken
-Took multiple Psycho Power-fueled attacks from M. Bison, such as the Double Knee Press and Psycho Crusher, the latter of which can kill normal men
-Withstood Akuma breaking his hand
-Shrugged off Akuma transferring a Hadoken inside of his body and detonating it
-Survived Akuma punching a hole through his chest
-As Evil Ryu, he survived a brutal beating from Gill followed by being frozen solid


Fighting Styles:

Japanese for “Assassination Fist” (暗殺拳)
Formerly an assassination art, adapted by Gouken into a non-lethal fighting style
Incorporates elements of Karate, Kenpo and Judo
   ➣Country of Origin: Japan
   ➣Adapted from indigenous martial arts of Ryukyu Islands, and Chinese martial arts such as Fujian White Crane
   ➣Modern Karate focuses on striking; using punches, kicks, knee strikes, and elbow strikes
   ➣Also incorporates a number of open-hand techniques, such as knife-hands (also popularly known as the karate chop), spear hands, and palm strikes
   ➣Historical Karate – and some modern schools – also incorporated joint-locking, vital point strikes, grappling, throws and restraints
   ➣Countries of Origin: Japan; China
   ➣Self-defensive art; focused almost entirely on counters and ending the fight as quickly as possible
   ➣Consists of several forms of defending – against strikes, weapons, grabs, etc. – that are required to be mastered to advance
   ➣Almost exclusively a standing-up martial art; using various hand strikes, kicks, elbows, knees, throws and joint locks
   ➣Country of Origin: Japan
   ➣Focuses on grapples and throws
   ➣Throwing techniques (nage waza) are divided into multiple classes and sub-categories; from tachi-waza (standing techniques, in which the thrower maintains an upright position) to sutemi-waza (sacrifice techniques, in which the thrower “sacrifices” their upright position to execute the throw)
   ➣Grappling techniques are divided into sub-categories such as osaekomi-waza (holding or pinning techniques), shime-waza (strangulation techniques) and kansetsu-waza (joint techniques)
   ➣Strikes rarely incorporated, except in pre-arranged forms or kata, and are not allowed in judo tournaments or free practice

Gouken’s variant of the Ansatsuken
-Another name given to Ryu and Ken’s fighting style
-Bears little resemblance to real-life Shotokan
-Balanced, well-rounded fighting style
-Eliminates the usage of the Satsui no Hado, instead embracing the peaceful and spiritual side of the Ansatsuken
   ➣Focuses chiefly on two philosophies, common in Japanese martial arts
-Do: Focuses more on personal development and
-Jutsu: Focuses on practical application and technique
Ryu’s variant of Shotokan focuses on “Jutsu” principle
-Focuses more on single strikes and ki manipulation over combination attacks
   ➣Often strikes vulnerable areas, such as the collarbone or the solar plexus

Powers and Abilities

SF II V Ryu ki by Br3ndan5
Japanese for “Spirit” (気)
Preternatural energy form found in all living beings
Can be harnessed via martial arts and other forms of physical activity
-Quantified by the strength and build of one’s body, as well as their health, finesse and muscle
Ryu’s ki is exceptionally strong; stronger than that of Chun-Li’s, who was able to create a large crater with a full-power explosion of energy
Can be converted into elemental power by some
-Elemental affinities take the form of the element most sympathetic with the user
   ➣Ryu’s affinity is Lightning: due to his focus on energy manipulation in his fighting style


Hadoken-2 by Wildgun-Edge
Japanese for “Surge Fist” or “Wave Motion Fist” (波動拳)
One of Ryu’s signature techniques
A surging energy wave, which produces a punching force travelling through the air
-Manifests in the form of a “fireball”
Ryu, as a proficient user of “jutsu”, has created a number of variations of the Hadoken
-Shakunetsu Hadoken
   ➣Japanese for “Scorching Heat Surge Fist” (灼熱波動拳)
   ➣A Hadoken imbued with thermal energy, setting it alight in the form of a REAL fireball
   ➣Charges faster than Akuma’s, albeit strikes with less power
-Denjin Hadoken 
   Japanese for “Electric Blade Surge Fist” (電刃波動拳)
   A Hadoken imbued with electricity, enhancing its power further and causing it to release a powerful discharge upon impact
   ➣ Stuns the opponent for a short period of time (Stun: an ailment that disables movement for the individual afflicted by it)
   Can be charged to increase damage output and stun it inflicts; Ryu’s can hit a maximum of five times when fully charged and is guaranteed to stun
-Shinku Hadoken
   Japanese for “Vacuum Surge Fist” (真空波動拳)
   A large, multi-hitting Hadoken that encompasses an entire stage, but can be jumped over more easily
   Can easily overpower most projectile attacks
-Metsu Hadoken
   Japanese for “Destroying Surge Fist” (滅・波動拳)
   A Hadoken energized by the Satsui no Hado to increase its power, however Ryu does not succumb to it
   In Street Fighter IV, the strongest projectile attack, barring the Yoga Catastrophe
-Ren Hadoken
  ➣Japanese for “Chain Surge Fist” (連波動拳)
Five Hadoken blasts fired in rapid succession of each other, albeit each one having a much shorter range
-Baku Hadoken
   Japanese for “Bursting Surge Fist” (爆波動拳)
   A charged Hadoken that, when released, briefly vanishes from sight before reappearing, and detonating with explosive force when it connects


Japanese for “Rising Dragon Fist” (昇龍拳)
The signature move of Ken Masters
-Ryu’s Shoryuken – by comparison – focuses more on hard-hitting, with a single blow to knock their opponents on their back; weaker than Ken’s, but still powerful and with a faster recovery time
A jumping uppercut, during which the user spins, that knocks the opponent into the air and then onto the ground
-Designed to act as an anti-air move, but can also be used as a counter-attack for most other attacks
Much like the Hadoken, Ryu has knowledge of other variations of the Shoryuken
-Shin Shoryken
   ➣Japanese for “True Rising Dragon Fist”

   A hard, powerful strike in the midsection (via elbow or punch), followed by a powerful Shoryuken
-Metsu Shoryuken
   Japanese for “Destroying Rising Dragon Fist” (滅・昇龍拳)
   An extremely powerful Shoryuken, using the power of the Satsui no Hado, albeit under Ryu’s control
   Possesses enough power to completely crush an opponent’s jaw, and blast them into the air with the force of the uppercut
-Hado Shoryuken
   Japanese for “Surging Rising Dragon Fist” (波動・昇龍拳)
   Empowers his Shoryuken’s striking force with the blue ki of Hadoken; the strike sending a Hadoken firing directly up, striking the airborne opponent

Ryu-tatsu by Wildgun-Edge
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
Japanese for “Tornado Whirlwind Leg” (竜巻旋風脚)
A spinning, midair kick that involves the user jumping up and rotating their legs
-Ryu can use it to hit either three times, or once with a stronger, harsher blow
-Can sometimes lift Ryu high enough to fly over projectiles
Like Hadoken and Shoryuken, Ryu has a further variation of the technique
-Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
   ➣Japanese for “Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Leg” (真空竜巻旋風脚)

   Performs a stationary Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, that creates a vacuum wave; pulling opponents in and damaging them
Tatsumaki Gorasen
   ➣Japanese for “Tornado Strong Spiral” (
   Performs a strong, vertical Tatsumaki; the first hit launches the opponent into the air, and Ryu follows with the subsequent kicks, the last of which launches the opponent away

Joudan Sokutogeri:
Japanese for “High Level Leg Blade Kick” (上段足刀蹴り)
-Also known as the Donkey Kick
-According to Google Translate, means “And Diarrhoea Joke Foot”
A simple, yet strong, forward stepping kick
-Sends the opponent flying upon contact
-Step range and power determined by amount of force put into the attack
   Light: Flips legs and kicks for lighter damage
   Heavy: Steps forward and kicks opponent for high damage

-Slow and easy to parry
-Can also bounce opponents off of walls
Unlike Ryu’s other special moves, does not have any variations


Evil Ryu:
A transformation that Ryu undergoes when he fully succumbs to the Satsui no Hado
-Augments Ryu’s physicality and ki levels greatly
   -In the UDON comics, Ryu, while in this form, was able to fight Oni to a standstill
-Transforms him into a cold-blooded, arrogant warrior, thirsty for blood and death
Transforms his fighting style into a mix of his own and Akuma’s: crossing his simplistic style with Akuma’s brutal power and combos
-Has minimal defense options; reflected in-game by low stamina
Due to the power of the Satsui no Hado, Ryu acquires new moves that he can use in-battle
-Messatsu Gou Hadou
   Japanese for “Annihilating Great Surge” (滅殺豪波動)
  A larger, much stronger Shinku Hadoken, using the dark ki of the Satsui no Hado
  Can hit up to at least eight times
-Tatsumaki Zankukyaku
  Japanese for “Tornado Slashing Air Leg” (竜巻斬空脚); also known as the Hurricane Scythe Kick
  Similar to the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
  Hits multiple times, like Ken’s, but is as strong as Ryu’s and even faster, but harder to control
  ➣Can also take on lightning-elemental properties
  Japanese for “Dragon Claw Leg” (竜爪脚)
  A fierce axe-kick, the power of which varies depending if it was a light or heavy attack
  Useful for evading, and then punishing, attempted jabs and/or short attacks

-Ashura Senku
   Japanese for “Fighting Demon Flashing Air”
   Allows the user to glide along the ground from one location to the other; preventing them from being hit during the execution
   Believed to be a form of projection that allows the body to act as a phantasm
   Japanese for “Annihilating Great Rising Dragon” (滅殺豪昇龍)
   Strikes with a powerful barrage of Shoryuken hits, before then infusing dark ki into their fist to drive the opponent’s face into the ground
   Can scorch the foe with dark-purple flames 

-Raging Demon/Shun Goku Satsu
   ➣Japanese for “Instant Hell Murder”

   A forbidden move, taught in the original principles of Ansatsuken
   When performed, the user of the Satsui no Hado would rage out of control; their wrath only able to be quelled by the death of the opponent
   A barrage of blows said to inflict punishment onto one’s soul with the weight of their sins, completely destroying their spirits
   Very few have survived the attack
Hqdefault by Wildgun-Edge
Power of Nothingness:
Japanese Name: Mu no Ken (無の拳; “Fist of Nothingness”)
A state of consciousness transcending normal perspective
-Can only be learned through spiritual and mental refinement
-The power to act without letting emotions – such as greed, pride, anger, etc. – act as guidance
The opposite of the Satsui no Hado in every way
-Can be used to seal away and repel the Satsui no Hado
Grants the user exceptional power to use in battle
-Renders them temporarily invulnerable to damage, and capable of greatly-empowered attacks
Shin Ryu by Br3ndan5
Shin Ryu:
A transformation obtained when Ryu managed to achieve enlightenment by perfectly balancing the Satsui no Hado with the Power of Nothingness
-Boosts his stats higher than his previous transformations combined, allowing him to easily defeat Gill, who had previously been shown to effortlessly defeat both Oni and Evil Ryu simultaneously
Grants Ryu the ability to teleport
Allows him to use the following moves in battle:
➣Japanese for “Immovable Quake”
➣Presses both hands down, creating a powerful shockwave

Heavily reliant on close-quarters combat
Jack-of-All-Trades, Master of None
-Is not yet a master in neither controlling the Satsui no Hado fully nor harnessing the Power of Nothing to its maximum potential
–This does not seem to apply to Shin Ryu, which he has seemed to have mastered
Attacks can leave him vulnerable and open to counter-attacking, if they fail
Evil Ryu is arrogant, prolonging the kill to savor the battle
-Also has less defensive options, favoring a purely aggressive fighting style
(Ryu: The answer lies in the heart of battle!)
Jin by NocturnBros
Jin Kazama
King of Iron Fist, Evil Angel, Pitch Black Wings, Child of Destiny, Lightning of Fate, Fatal Lightning
First Appearance: Tekken 3 (1997)
Age: 21
Yakushima, Japan
Species: Human/Devil
Classification: Fighter
Height: 1.80 m (5′11″)
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs)
Occupation: Martial Artist, CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu, 
Mechanical Engineer (Former)

-Mastered the Mishima Martial Art within a few months at a young age
-Won several King of Iron Fist Tournaments
-During his first tournament, Jin defeated Heihachi Mishima, Ogre, and True Ogre
-During his second tournament, Jin made it to the seventh round before being ambushed by the Tekken Force. While he fought off most, he was eventually captured and chained up in Honmaru. Afterwards, he defeated Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi before flying away
-Before the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Jin went on a journey to master his powers. This journey led him to fight multiple goons, monsters, a modified Gun Jack that could fire missiles and electrical bursts, a Heihachi Mishima clone that could eventually morphed into three clones, a ball of light that could spawn monsters, and True Ogre, who would turn into his much more powerful form Monstrous Ogre; this form was twice the size of True Ogre and could summon fire tornadoes
-During his third tournament, Jin defeated the reawakened Jinpachi Mishima, who could launch fireballs and was controlled by a demon. He also fought off the influence of the Devil Gene throughout their battle, which went berserk when Jinpachi first resurfaced
-Took over the Mishima Zaibatsu shortly after defeating Jinpachi
-Started World War 3 to draw out the ultimate evil, Azazel, and sacrifice himself to kill the god in order to free the world of the Devil Gene. It half-worked; Azazel was indeed destroyed, but Jin survived, the Devil Gene still intact

Stronk by NocturnBros
-Can match and even surpass the strength of Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima (Both of whom displayed the ability to tear through several Jack-4 robots like paper, able to pick up grizzly bears weighing close to 500 lbs. and hoist them up with one arm before chucking them away at least 15 ft., and easily overpower beings who can lift 80 tons)
-Far stronger than Paul Phoenix (who can punch through stone walls and huge boulders with a single punch), Bruce Irving (who can punch a speeding car over his head), Kuma & Panda (Bears close to the size of 500 lbs. and are stronger than both men), and every one of the Jack robots (machines that are far stronger than normal combatants)
-Able to launch the demon Azazel (who weighs a ton) several feet into the air.
-Pushed Heihachi through a wall
-Casually beats down Tekken Force soldiers
-Destroyed some chains that had the power to weaken the power of the Devil Gene
-Devil Jin destroyed a whole wasteland just by spreading his wings
-Devil Jin destroyed Hwoarang’s bike
-Destroyed an entire forest
-The sheer pressure of one of his punches was enough to destroy all of the windows in a skyscraper
-Killed Azazel in one punch
-Punched Heihachi off a cliff
-Devil Jin sliced down an entire temple with his beams
-Devil Jin sliced the mountain-sized Spirit Kyoto in half

Speed by NocturnBros
-Capable of driving a motorcycle directly into gunfire and missiles; he is unscathed and is able to dodge every single obstacle
-Scales to Kazuya and Heihachi, the latter of which caught a 9mm bullet with his teeth no sweat
-Overmatched Lars Alexanderson, who was even faster than Kazuya Mishima.
-Devil Jin’s beam was able to tag Combot DX, which neither Heihachi, Kazuya or him were able to touch
-Flew to out of the atmosphere in a few seconds
-Can keep pace with Kazuya and Heihachi, who are massively superior to JACK robots
    -JACKs are able to fly out of orbit in just a few seconds
-Superior to Tekken’s many fodder bullet-timers, like Bob

Durabeee by NocturnBros
-In his first tournament win, Jin outlasted Heihachi Mishima, Ogre, and True Ogre in a rapid succession
-Scales to Kazuya (Who fell down a cliff as a child and climbed back up thanks to the Devil Gene. He also was dropped into the mouth of a volcano and survived) and Heihachi (Who was dropped down the same cliff as Kazuya and climbed back up without the use of the Devil Gene since he doesn’t have it. He was also blown up in an explosion that leveled a pagoda and crashed underneath a cemetery, where he was buried for several weeks) 
-Able to fight in the arctic or a volcanic atmosphere without any signs of distress
-Can headbutt a Jack-5 multiple times without the risk of a concussion
-In the King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Jin was able to take down several Tekken Force members without tiring.
-Capable of fighting 3 Heihachis (All of which scaled to the original in physicality and mentality) at once
-During the final battle with Azazel, Jin plunged himself and the deity at least thousands of feet into an abyss before continuing a fight for a short time
-Took blows from Devil Kazuya
-Survived a fall from orbit
-Survived the explosion of a helicopter from within
-Survived getting crushed by a temple
-Got punched through a boulder by Asuka
-Survived getting thrown off a helicopter
-Tanked getting shot several times

Skill by NocturnBros
-Started a war with G Corporation using the Zaibatsu’s resources
-Indirectly caused the death of Miguel’s sister
-Obtained the Mishima Zaibatsu after defeating Jinpachi
-Fought against Lars Alexandersson
-Defeated Kazuya and Heihachi while injured
-Defeated Jinpachi Mishima

-Defeated Ogre
-Has managed to keep on living without being overtaken by the Devil Gene

Cold & Pragmatic
-As the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jin is a calculating individual and oppurtunist
-He has become a brilliant tactician and engineer
-Pushes people away and prefers to be alone
Sweet & Gentle
-However, according to his closest friends, the stoic demeanor is a facade. Jin is actually a gentle soul deep down
-He pushes people away so he doesn’t endanger them with the Devil Gene. He’s also quite shy
-Doesn’t like deception or doing evil in any case, even if it’s for the right thing

Fighting Styles:

Kazuma-ryu Kobujutsu:
-Jin’s main fighting style which he adopted after shunning the Mishima bloodline
-It is the Kazama traditional fighting style and focuses on a passive yet stern role in combat
-The fighting style incorporates traditional Japanese arts such as Aikido, Karate, and Judo, but primarily focuses on Daito-ryu Aiki-Jiujitsu and Kyokushinkaikan
-Jin’s usage of the form is similar to his mother’s except it is overall stronger and faster while staying unique to him
-The way Jin uses his moveset allows him to be a masterful technician; he can be passive, aggressive, offensive, and defensive all at once. He is also quite mobile, implementing several quick steps (called Mist Steps in form) and quick parries
-The style has a signature 5-hit combo called the Kazama Fury that implements all of its best strikes. Jin can lead into it with a splits kick, leading to the legendary Kazama 6-Hit Combo
-It has two specific stances that allow Jin to fight in different positions. Mental Alertness gives Jin a better defensive position while Power Stance gives Jin a better offensive form
-Jin has one 10-hit combo in this form. It starts off with an elbow before leading into a string of kicks, a series of spinning elbows, and then finished off with a quick succession of punches

Mishima-ryu Kenpa Karate:
-Jin’s original fighting style that he ultimately discarded once his grandfather Heihachi betrayed him
-However, once Jin enters his Devil Form, his blood shall fall back on the ways of the Mishima bloodline
-Devil Jin’s usage of the martial art incorporates Shito-ryu, a combination style that incorporates the diverse roots of karate. Shorin-ryu and Shotokan (styles that focus on long powerful stances and powerful strikes) blend with Uechi-ryu and Goju-ryu (styles that emphasize circular and eight-directional movements, breathing power, and hard and soft variations). Shito-ryu has 60 forms in its arsenal
-While each Mishima uses a variant of the style, each moveset shares these thirteen moves: 

  • Mist Step (The universal quick step that allows a user to advance forward and evade high attacks)
  • Rising Uppercut (A quick step followed by a quick and powerful uppercut) 
  • Dragon Uppercut (A quick step into a leaping uppercut) 
  • Flash Punch Combo (A double jab led into a knockdown punch) 
  • Demon Slayer (A 1-2 into a spinning backhand) 
  • Demon Backhand Spin (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Right Splits Kick (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Left Splits Kick (Exactly what it sounds like) 
  • Tsunami Kick (A leaping spin kick that turns into a repetition of ground spin kicks) 
  • Spinning Demon (A powerful lightning uppercut that charges up from spins) 
  • Demon Scissors (A frontflip that brings the weight of both legs crashing on top of an opponent) 
  • Stonehead (A powerful headbutt) 
  • Rising Sun (A quick step into a double spinning leg sweep)

-There are two 10-hit combos in this form. One is shared among all practitioners (This variant starts with a quick step before being followed up by a flurry of punches, a few kicks, and ended with a Dragon Uppercut) and another is unique to Devil Jin (This one starts with a spinning roundhouse followed up by a Tsunami Kick, a few punches, and ended with a Dragon Uppercut)
-Devil Jin focuses on a strong style that favors offense over defense



Electricity Manipulation by NocturnBros
Electricity Manipulation:
-Jin’s aura manifests itself as electricity
-Jin can use it to enhance the power of his attacks
-However, he can’t use it for anything else

Fire by NocturnBros
Fire Manipulation:
-Can imbue some of his attacks with fire

Devil Gene by NocturnBros
Devil Gene:
-The supernatural genetic abnormality found within the Mishima bloodline that allows them to tap into an evil spirit’s power
-Manifested in Jin at age 15 by forming a tattoo on his shoulder
-Capable of enhancing Jin’s abilities at the risk of turning him bloodlusted and insane
-Jin’s connection to the Devil Gene was powerful enough to tear through chains specifically designed to neutralize the powers of the Devil Gene and render a user unconscious in minutes
-Depending on the user, the Gene can control or be controlled
-The Gene gives Jin an intimidating presence and electrical abilities
-The Gene can save Jin from fatal injuries, such as gunshot wounds and a fall thousands of feet long
-Jin has achieved almost full control of it and can use some of its abilities without tapping into his Devil Form
Can fire lasers out of his forehead
Barrier by NocturnBros
-Can form spiritual barriers around Jin that protect him from multiple lasers from a Golden Azazel

Resistance to Mind and Soul Manipulation:
-Thanks to Jun Kazama’s blood, Jin can prevent the Devil Gene from taking over his mind completely
-In addition to that, Jun’s blood was able to damage Kazuya when he was trying to steal Jin’s soul


Fighting Gauntlets:
-Jin’s personal gauntlets
-Are outfitted with metal stud patterns that are used for blocking and backhands
-The crest of the Kazama or a triangular pattern lays atop the fist

Red Footpads
-Footpads Jin wears
-Protects his feet from damage


-An ability that allows Jin to deal extra damage with one of his strikes
-The damage carries over if a combo is set in place
-It will be telegraphed when Jin crouches and charges up electrical currents within his body, which causes his fists to glow

Mental Alertness:
-One of Jin’s two martial stances
-Gives Jin a better defense position with his low stance
-Can absorb a hit before Jin would retaliate
-Can lunge kick into the air, give a quick strike, give a lunge punch combo, and an electrified sweep kick

Power Stance:
-Jin’s other martial stance
-Charges up Jin’s fists with electricity
-Gives Jin better offensive capabilities for a short time
-Can reverse an attack before Jin would capitalize on the opponent’s exposed position
-Able to stack up with a Supercharger, giving Jin double the power within his fists

Penetrating Fist:
-Jin condenses ki into his palm before thrusting it forward, which summons an orb of energy
-Is mostly used as a defensive asset
-Can throw two out at different locations

Eighth Gate of Hell:
-Jin charges up electricity in his body and readies his arm for a powerful thrust
-If he connects with the punch, massive damage follows

Median Line Destruction:
-Jin unleashes a flurry of punches that can cripple an opponent if he or she gets caught within it
-The punches are aimed at weak points such as the face, stomach, abdomen, and ribs
-With the last punch, Jin sends the opponent flying


Devil Jin by NocturnBros
Devil Jin:
-When Jin either loses himself or willingly uses the Devil Gene, he assumes a demonic form that enhances his physicality
-Whether reached through instinct or will, Jin will sprout two black avian wings out of his back and tattoos will form on his body
-If Jin is out-of-control, he will also form horns atop his head, sharp teeth, a paler skin tone, beast-like eyes, gauntlets with spiked tips and fingers, studded boots, and chains will be summoned around his arms, legs, and waist.
-Devil Jin can also create powerful shockwaves that can ripple an area just from landing. When he first awakened in a forest, a few shockwaves was all it took to completely obliterate it
-Though in pain when he transforms, Devil Jin gains access to a healing factor.
-Gains access to a whole slew of new powers.

Enhanced Senses
-Can smell out opponents from miles away

Soul Detection
-Allows him to read the hearts of his opponents and track them down by their ki signatures

Laser by NocturnBros
Laser Beam:
-Devil Jin can fire powerful laser beams from the crystal on his forehead
-They’re more powerful than the ones Jin can use in his base form
-Can stun or electrocute opponents
-If caught in the air, Jin can juggle them for a long period of time

Flight by NocturnBros
-As you could expect, Devil Jin can use his huge wingspan to fly at high speeds
-This ability can also be incorporated into his moveset

Choke me daddy by NocturnBros
-Devil Jin can use telekinesis to choke opponents or blast opponents away
-It was also used to destroy Hwoarang’s motorcycle from a few meters away

Energy by NocturnBros
Energy Absorption
-Devil Jin is able to absorb the life energy of his enemies
-He can use this ability to gain a new surge of power

Primal Devil Jin:
-When Jin uses the higher echelons of the Devil Gene, he transforms into a far more monstrous version of his Devil counterpart
-The form grows larger clawed hands, sharper teeth, bigger horns, a tail, a larger muscle mass, and  scale-plate skin
-Able to level several buildings with an amplified version of his standard laser. He can keep it firing for longer periods of time and bend its trajectory
-This form of Jin is completely out of control

Full-Power Devil Jin:
-When Jin finally gets his Devil Gene under his control, he can tap into the peak of his power
-Jin’s form becomes humanoid, gaining armored gauntlets, boots, and armored wings
-Along with Jin’s newfound control, his stats are increased dramatically once more, able to cover hundreds of yards in a moment with flight
-He also has an even more powerful beam that can slice through a giant Mokujin golem
-Fought off both Devil Kazuya and Heihachi while he was controlling a Mokujin golem taller than the pagodas he was near

When You Try To Nut But It Doesn't Come Out by NocturnBros
-Jin is a primarily close-range fighter at base, lacking any true projectiles most fighting game protagonists have at their disposal
-Jin’s normal fighting style lacks a high scale of damage
-Devil Jin’s fighting style, while savage in strength and speed, sacrifices much of Jin’s original defensive advantages
-While Jin is capable of controlling the Devil Gene by his own will, too much dark energy can cause him to lose control of himself
-Devil Jin is sadistic in nature and prefers to torment his opponents instead of going for the kill
-Anyone who bears Kazama blood can calm or even depower Jin from his Devil form
-His mixed blood is a major reason for when he loses control of himself. His Kazama and Mishima genes are constantly at war, which causes Jin to stay relatively distant and emotionless so he doesn’t accidentally hurt anyone he cares about
-Constantly restraining his true power
-Has lost fights to rather weak opponents, like Hwoarang or Miguel

(“The Mishima bloodline ends here.”)

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