Prelude: Jonathan Joestar vs Dudley

Throughout the previous episodes of Death Battle, we have seen many different types of fighters. Seductive, leather-clad femme fatales, mentally-questionable billionaires who prefer their gadgets to fists, martial arts-obsessed schoolgirls, but there’s one type of combatant we have yet to see: the gentleman, a dignified, well-mannered individual who will treat you with respect even after beating the snot out of you. And today the ring of DEATH BATTLE is graced with the presence of two such men!
Jonathan Joestar, progenitor of the Joestar bloodline.
And Dudley, England’s number one boxer.
I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit goes to MrNate2015 for suggesting this fight, allcreation104 for the Jonathan bio, and Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza for the Dudley bio.

JonathanP2 by allcreation104
Name: Jonathan Joestar
Age: 20
Height: 6’5
Weight: 105 kg (231.4 lbs)
First Appearance: Jojo Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood

-Defended Erina, a girl he didn’t know at that time, against some bullies
-Is the first and only person to make Dio Brando cry like a baby
-Studied the Stone Mask
-Discovered the letters from Dio’s father and figured out that Dio was the one poisoning his father
– raveled to Ogre Street, one of the most dangerous streets in London, fighting off thugs and earning the respect of Speedwagon
-Managed to bring down the newly vampirized Dio Brando while inside their burning mansion
-Was trained by William Anthonio Zepelli in the art of Hamon
-Defeated a zombified Jack the Ripper while not spilling a drop of wine
-Defeated the zombie knight Blueford, earning his respect and sword
-After William Anthonio Zepelli sacrificed his life and Hamon to save Jonathan, he gained enough power to defeat Tarkus
-Manage to defeat Dio, and then cried over his (supposed) death, despite Dio’s attempts to ruin his life (to put it shortly)
-Sacrificed his life to bring Dio down with him as the ship they were in was burning down

every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
-Kept going after being tackled by three football players
-It takes four men dogpiled on him to make him start wavering
-Picks up and pushes Dio through a railing
-Cut a zombie’s head off with a spear
-Tackled Dio through a brick wall
-Stabbed a spearhead into the wall to stop himself from falling
-Kicked a zombie’s head clean off
-Blocked a sword strike from Blueford with his foot
-Slams Tarkus into the roof with the chain pulley
-Throws an anvil
-Rips apart a metal collar that even Tarkus couldn’t break
    -Tarkus could lift and break a boulder with one finger
every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
-Caught a football out of the air
-Caught a knife with his bare hands
-Threatened to hit a guy in the groin like a sledgehammer the instant he pulled his knife away
-Knocked out the knife-wielding guy and a guy attacking from the air
-Launched a knife with a kick
-Vaulted up a balcony while a spearhead was embedded in his shoulder
-Pulled out the spearhead and used it to block an attack from Dio
-Flipped up onto and launched off the spearhead embedded in the wall
-Undid his belt and used it as a whip to stop himself from falling
-Leapt off a sword
-Kicked off the wall while falling
-While being attacked, caught a glass of wine without spilling a single drop
-Landed on his feet from a long fall
-Dodged a surprise strike from Blueford
-Punched hair rapidly
-Ripped out of restraints, blocked a sword strike with a kick, and sent Hamon coursing through it
-Can create afterimages by punching rapidly
-Caught and blocked chain attacks from Tarkus
-Caught a tongue attack from Mr. Adams
-Headbutted Dire when he tries to attack him
-Caught attacks from Doobie
-Shielded Erina from an explosion while literally unable to breathe and with holes through his throat
-While being choked by Dio’s blood vessels, pulled shrapnel out of his back and stabbed Dio

Jonathan vs Ogre Street Gang dubbed version by allcreation104
-Didn’t flinch after being punched in the face
-Unperturbed by a buzzsaw hat cutting into his arms
-Got a spearhead embedded into his shoulder and spent most of the fight using it in creative ways
-Refused to let go of Dio even after his arms had been crushed to dust and he had been set on fire
-Survived a mansion exploding
-Endured being squeezed and drained by hair that can crush tree branches
-Got choked and smashed into the ceiling by a chain
-Still alive after having his neck broken
-Punched his fist through fire without any issue
-Could still stand and act despite having holes through his throat and being unable to breathe


Tenacity and Bravery:
-Makes him incredibly hard to put down
-Allowed Jonathan the strength he needed to make Dio Brando cry like a baby
-Managed to bring down a vampirized Dio Brando
-Impressed Speedwagon 
-And always remember: The more you beat him, the tougher he gets

every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104
While not known for his cleverness or creativity like his descendants, Jonathan has come up with some clever tricks more than once
Hid behind a curtain to surprise Dio with fire
Waited to make the fire as hot as possible so it could burn Dio faster than he can regenerate
Swam deeper underwater and got air from a sunken mine to avoid swimming into Blueford’s trap
-Channeled Hamon through Blueford’s sword while blocking it with his foot
Threw roses at Dio to distract him
Cut through Dio so that the end of the sword is in a brazier
-Punched his fist through fire to counter Dio flash-freezing it
This complicated series of events to cause the boat to explode
every time Jonathan beats the sh t out of Dio in P by allcreation104


Fighting Style and Skill:
-Skilled Boxer and Rugby Player
-Dio admits that Jonathan is a good boxer
-Managed to best Dio in their second fight in their youths, making him cry like a baby in the process
-Fought off thugs in Ogre Street
-Defeated a zombified Jack the Ripper while not spilling a drop of wine
-Defeated both Blueford and Tarkus
Weapons and Equipment:
Jonathan joestar all star battle taunt by allcreation104


Luck and Pluck:
-A sword that originally belonged to the knight Blueford, who passed it down to Jonathan
-Hasn’t really shown much skill using it
-Sharp enough to cut through solid stone and Dio
-Can channel Hamon through the blade
Powers and Abilities:
2chw2ep7k2x7pqyodzrzroswta62xyl7 Hq by allcreation104


Also known as Hamon and Sendo
-An ancient martial art/ability used to battle zombies, vampires, and the Pillar Men
-Achieved via intense breathing training and empowering the body with ‘ripples’ of solar energy
-A flexible and versatile combat style
-Ripple works best with metal and water, with earth and fire being gray lines
-A living material can hold the ‘ripples’ for an extended period of time, but a nonliving matter like metal does not
-A constant connection must be maintained for Ripple to go through
JoJo s Bizarre Adventure Part 1 Hamon Compilation by allcreation104
-Healed his shattered arm to the point where he can even lift a rock
-Caused flowers to blossom on a tree
-Flowers bloom around Blueford as his body is ravaged by Hamon
-Fixed Jonathan’s broken neck
-His expert blood and breathing control allows him to squeeze out poison and vampiric essence
Hamon Waves by allcreation104


-Can walk on water
-Can use the vibrations of a wine glass to detect an enemy’s location

Made a hang glider out of leaves
In Zepelli’s dying moments, he transferred his Hamon and strength into Jonathan, healing Jojo and substantially increasing his physicals
-Can hold his breath for a long time
-Requires a single breath to be recharged
-When he’s unable to make Hamon, he still has a little bit stored in his body
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Zoom Punch:
Jonathan stretches the joints in his arm via Hamon in order to extend his reach launching his fist forward and strike his opponent
-This move dislocates the arm, but Hamon dulls the pain of using it
Mdjmbt2 By Madnessabe-d8u0ey9 by allcreation104


Sendo Hamon Overdrive:
Hamon releases from Jonathan’s arm and into whatever he releases it into
It can be used as both a direct and indirect attack, as it has gone from simply transferring into another living being and traveling from walls and mountainsides to release from a specific point
-Sent Hamon through a stone wall killed a zombie hiding behind it
Underwater Turqoiuse Blue Overdrive:
-Jonathan releases a tempest that propels enemies and water away from him
-In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, draining something like a lake to waist-high depth
-This technique was only used and is likely only to be used under or with water
Jojo4 by allcreation104

Overdrive Barrage:
When Jonathan jabs fast enough consecutively, he can release multiple Overdrives at once
Image By Manalmostwithoutfear-d9hwws2 by allcreation104
Metal Silver Overdrive:
-Jonathan sends a Ripple that transfers through types of metal
-Channeled Hamon through his foot to Blueford’s sword destroying his arm in the process

Life Magnetism Overdrive:
-With the aid of Zeppeli, Jonathan can draw all the leaves in the immediate area and magnetize them together to form one giant leaf, which was used as an impromptu hang glider
-This move can be applied to most plants, and has the ability to revive them passively as well
    -This can be seen when Jonathan touched a dead tree branch with his newly Ripple-healed arm and restored its wilted flowers

Scarlet Overdrive:
-Jonathan creates a ripple of flame onto a select part of his body
-Can transfer onto other objects, which can also catch on fire
-Hot enough to melt Dio’s Vaporization Freezing

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive:
-JoJo’s signature and most powerful attack
-Jonathan unleashes a powerful flurry of Hamon-filled punches, attacking fast enough to create afterimages with his fists
-Its power is comparable to the sun itself and has the ability to completely obliterate the undead
-Used this move to destroy Blueford and Tarkus
9055dc030825c51bed07b7c1103bbd6f2fb359bb 00 by allcreation104
-Somewhat naive
-Hamon is more effective against vampires, the undead, and the Pillar Men than living beings
-He must maintain a proper breathing rhythm in order to use Hamon
-His breathing can be interrupted by outside forces and stop the flow of Hamon

(Dio: Your Hamon training avails you nothing. It’s USELESS, USELESS, USELESS, UUUSSSEELLLESSS!! A MERE MONKEY COULD NEVER DEFEAT A LION!!! In comparison to my power, you are but a MERE MONKEY, JOJO!
Jonathan: “You’re wrong! With true conviction, the human race can overcome anything! Let me demonstrate to just what heights a human being can rise!”)


2175289-dudley by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Sir Dudley
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 222 1/2 lbs
First Appearance: Street Fighter III: New Generation
-One of the fanciest boxers you’ll ever meet in fiction
-Was initially born into a rich family under his father, a previously successful athlete
-Regained his father’s entire fortune by becoming a professional boxer
-Is a British boxing champion
-Can properly hold a cup of tea while wearing Boxing Gloves
-Competed in the S.I.N tournament for the purposes of finding new flowers for his garden
-Impressed Gill with his ability to fight, finally retrieving his father’s precious car
-Was knighted
-Travels the world, becoming stronger by fighting
-Fought evenly with Ryu before being defeated
-Rival to Balrog
Dudley10 by DoctorMooDB
-Regularly beat down other boxers and thugs
-Can beat down Balrog
-Can destroy a car with several punches
-Can break barrels with a single punch
-Completely stopped one of Ryu’s shoryukens with a single hand
-Is strong enough to fight Ryu, who can carry boulders bigger than himself on his back
-Can damage Ryu with his strikes

    -Ryu can endure being smashed through houses and getting crushed by Hugo’s “Moonsault Press”
-Can damage Seth

-Very consistently dodges attacks from Balrog
-Overwhelms Balrog in speed
-Keeps up with the likes of Ryu and Seth
-Can react to and strike falling barrels
-Can somewhat keep up with Gill
-Can generate faint afterimages behind him as he attacks
-Can attack Ryu at such a fast rate that Ryu can barely defend himself up close
-Can intercept Ryu’s strikes/attacks
-Can punch Ryu fast enough to intercept his hadoken before he can even launch it
-Can tank hits from Ryu
-Can take hits from Seth
-Has likely taken a lot of hits from other professional boxers during his early career
-Can take a few hits from Gill
-Crashed his car into a brick wall with his head/face smashing through the windshield and walked away from it without an injury or a scratch
-Took a powerful blow from Ryu which was powerful enough to intercept Hugo’s full body press and knock him out (Keep in mind Hugo is big enough to crush Ryu underneath his foot alone) at full strength and remain conscious
-Was able to ignore his pain, remain calm, and retain his gentlemanly demeanor even after getting his arm broken


Boxing Skill:
-Uses a very traditional boxing style
-Is almost completely opposite to how Balrog fights
    -Doesn’t rely on pure power
    -Uses lots of speed with feints and fakeouts to trick his foes, and actual focus on ducking
-His skills in fighting got him to the position of the British Boxing Champion
-Even impressed Gill
-Has extensive knowledge of boxing
-Ryu himself stated that he was at a disadvantage in close quarters combat against Dudley
-Dudley can easily figure out an opponent’s range and the exact length of their limbs during battle to better predict their attacks and stay out of their range while keeping his opponents within his own range


Jetupper by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Jet Upper:
-Dashes towards the opponent and performs an uppercut
-Somewhat similar to a Shoryuken

Machinegunblow by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Machinegun Blow:
-Dashes towards the opponent and performs rapid strikes

Duckingstraight by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
-Ducks downwards to avoid a strike
-Can be used to lead into a straight punch or an uppercut
Cross counter by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Cross Counter:
-Dudley lowers his guard to allow his opponent to attack
-As long as he is struck in the upper body or face rather than a low blow, a throw, or a projectile the Cross Counter will be a success
-His eye glints and he dashes towards the foe almost like a blur with a powerful straight punch
-Can’t be blocked

-Jumps up into the air and dives downwards fist first
Shortswingblow by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Short Swing Blow:
-Hops a step backwards before dashing forwards again with an uppercut to the abdomen
Dudley rocket upper super art by Mr-Pepsi-and-Pizza
Rocket Upper:
-Performs two normal Jet Uppers in a row
-Finishes by performing a more powerful Jet Upper, spinning around and generating a strong tornado in the process

Rolling Thunder:
-Ducks down before performing a Dempsey Roll
-Rapidly strikes the opponent with attacks that get stronger and stronger

Corkscrew Cross:
-Uses a powerful straight punch that generates a powerful cyclone that holds the opponent spinning in the air
-Performs a cross punch to their chest and launches them out of the cyclone

-Is extremely fond of his garden
    -Yearns for it constantly, and has been known to wander into it before losing track of time
-Has a very close connection to his family
    -One of the only reasons he entered the S.I.N tournament was because he needed to get his mind off of his father’s stolen car
-While he has repeatedly beaten Balrog, he appears to lack the massive physical strength Balrog holds
-Very little in the ways of ranged combat
-Rarely ever takes his boxing gloves off, insisting that he always needs to be ready for battle (Even if it makes things like driving hazardous)

(“Another uncouth lout falls between my knuckles and the street.”)

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