Death Battle: Yuki Terumi vs Shao Kahn

Terumi vs Kahn Interlude by Br3ndan5

Note: Due to new feats, upgrades, or downgrades that have come out since then, the verdict for this fight is outdated

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


Outworld, some distance away from Shao Kahn’s Arena

A loud THUD could be heard as Kintaro’s mutilated body fell to the ground face-first. The Shokan’s body was covered in bloodied stab wounds, all four of his limbs had been viciously hacked away at, and to top it all off, his legs had been completely shattered, yet by some miracle he still remained conscious.

“You’re supposed to be one of the strongest guys in this empire, but you couldn’t even last for five minutes? I guess your emperor must really suck at choosing his men if this is the best he could get. But how about I give you some credit? After all, you’re the first one here who’s made it past the three minute mark, so there’s that. But y’know what the problem is? I tore you apart, beat your ass into the ground, and I still haven’t gotten serious.” His opponent boasted, a light smirk on his face. Kintaro looked up at him with a mixture of fear and hatred before the man continued speaking. “Normally I’d take my time in torturing trash like you, but with how you barely even put up a fight, I think I’ll just end it right now and save my energy for someone who’s actually worth giving a damn about.”

With a sadistic grin on his face, this mysterious figure raised his foot into the air before violently slamming it down on Kintaro’s neck, crushing it and killing the giant instantly. As he lifted his foot off his victim’s neck, the hooded man, showing no respect toward his deceased opponent, proceeded to deliver a hard kick to the face, hitting with enough force that Kintaro was sent flying across the horizon.

“Tch. Weak shit.” Yuki Terumi insulted as he placed his hands into his pockets and continued walking through Outworld. While he normally would have taken the time to enjoy butchering Kintaro, he just couldn’t help but feel bored with the whole thing. It had been roughly a week since he had fallen through the Boundary and ended up in this strange, new world. As soon as he appeared, he had been assaulted by a man and a woman: the first was some mummified corpse who was coated in bright green energy, while the other was a redhead who wore barely any clothing.

The two had ordered him to come with them and report to some guy they called “Shao Kahn.” When he refused, they attempted to fight him two-on-one, but they realized too late that they were horribly outmatched. Within the span of a few seconds, Terumi had completely slaughtered them. He’d meant to hold back to teach these pricks a lesson for thinking they could order him around, but they couldn’t take a few hits before keeling over. While he had felt annoyed by it at first, he’d gotten over it pretty quickly because, as it turned out, news traveled pretty fast in this mostly-barren wasteland.

Within the span of a few hours, this “Kahn” guy seemed to have caught wind of their murder and responded by sending just about everyone he could scrounge up. It started off with a squad of dozens of identical, bald bastards with blades in their arms, led by an older-looking one and a four-armed giant with a ponytail. This small battalion had tried to take him down, and each one went down with only a bit more trouble than their predecessors. The next day, he’d been visited by some pale man who conjured up an army of the undead, led by a ninja who wore yellow armor. Yet in spite of their numbers, Terumi completely butchered them, barely needing to put any effort into it. The most recent attack had been from this four-armed giant tiger man, and it was at this point Terumi was starting to become pissed off. Just how much of a bitch was this “Shao Kahn” asshole if he couldn’t be bothered to show his face?

The green-haired immortal’s thoughts were suddenly cut off as he heard roars of approval coming from nearby. Looking toward its direction, he saw a massive coliseum several feet to his right. Seeing how he had nothing better to do, Terumi began making his way toward the entrance, hoping he’d be able to find something to get the boredom off his mind.

Upon entering, he was greeted with the sight of a bloodbath already in progress. There were two fighters, both of them women dressed in outfits that showed off their ample busts and well-toned thighs. They were nearly identical barring their eye-color, mouths, the color of their outfits, and their lower halves. The first one had orange eyes, similar to a cat’s, a mouth of fangs similar to those bald guys he had slaughtered, and was dressed in pink. From the looks of things, her lower half was covered by nothing more than a thong, pink boots, and thigh-length stockings. The woman opposite of her had a regular mouth, brown eyes, was dressed in blue, and seemed to possess a bit more modestly, having a loincloth that seemed to cover her privates.

Currently, the pink one seemed to be gaining the upper hand as she delivered three teleporting kicks before forcing her sai into the woman’s ears, no doubt rupturing her eardrums in the process, and proceeding to take a bite out of her forehead. Once she had unclenched her jaw, the pink-clad woman then shoved both blades into her opponent’s eyes, causing blood to gush out. As she removed her weapons and watched her blinded opponent stagger back, the fanged woman looked to her left, eyeing a man currently sitting atop a throne for approval. As she did so, Terumi followed her gaze, allowing him to see the man responsible for running this place.

His entire frame was filled to the brim with muscle, with a face obscured by a skull-like warlord helmet. Aside from that, his only attire consisted of shoulder pads, knee pads, and gauntlets, all of which were spiked, and a medallion of a skull held in place by two straps that intersected across his chest. As Terumi eyed him, the emperor seemed to realize he was being watched and briefly turned his attention to the green-haired man, his eyes lighting up in intrigue before going back to the match and giving Mileena a single command.




As soon as these words had left his lips, Mileena grinned sadistically before letting out a feral shriek as she rushed toward Kitana. The mutated clone sank her razor-sharp teeth into the blinded princess’ neck, causing Kitana to let out an agonized scream. Before her scream could carry on for much longer, Mileena ripped through her neck, swiftly decapitating the Edenian princess with her Tarkatan teeth. Turning to the side, Mileena spat out her sister’s severed head, letting out a pleased moan as she reveled in her victory.




Shao Kahn’s announcement echoed throughout the arena, causing the crowd to go wild as his “daughter” danced off of the arena, a manic grin still on her face. Their excitement soon ended, however, when Kahn sat up from his throne and raised a hand, causing the spectators to become silent.

“While that battle was certainly impressive, I have an announcement to make: an intruder has invaded Outworld, no doubt hailing from another realm. Whoever they are, they have proven themselves to be a formidable adversary. Ermac, Skarlet, Baraka, Goro, Quan Chi, and now Kintaro have faced him head-on, and they were all slain in less than an instant. Fortunately, it seems as though I’ve finally discovered their whereabouts.”

Once he had finished speaking, the Konqueror pointed at Terumi and telekinetically pulled him forward, slamming him into the middle of the arena. As Terumi got to his feet, now sufficiently annoyed, Shao Kahn stared him down with an air of smug superiority.

“So you are the one responsible for the deaths of my men? Interesting. Just by looking at you, I can tell that you are from Earthrealm, yet I have never heard of one who holds power such as yours. I shall grant you an ultimatum, worm: swear obedience to Shao Kahn, or die by my hand.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll turn that offer of yours down.” Yuki responded almost immediately, causing the emperor to begin glaring at him.

“And why would you reject my offer of leniency so abruptly?” Kahn asked icily.

“Well, where do I start? Oh yeah! How ’bout that ultimatum? Do you really think I’m in the mood for a job offer after the crap you pulled when I got here? You spent the last few days sending out every asshole you could round up in some piss poor attempt at killing me, and now you’re offering me a position in your army just out of the blue? What, is this how you employed those other guys as well?” Terumi asked sarcastically before switching back to his regular, smug tone. “Second, why would I bother working under someone who’s been hiding behind his men like a complete bitch and refused to face me head-on for the past few days? Sure, you made it sound like you found me through some deductive crap, but all that happened was you got lucky. If I hadn’t come here to try and get rid of my boredom, you’d still be sending out your men in some desperate attempt to take me out. And third-“

“ENOUGH!” Shao Kahn roared angrily as he leapt through the air, landing several feet in front of the former god. “You’ve made your point, mortal. If you will not join me, then I shall make you into an example of those who defy my rule, the rule of Shao Kahn!” The Konqueror declared as he took a battle stance.

“Is that so?” Terumi asked, chuckling slightly. “May as well introduce myself, then. The name’s Yuki Terumi, and you better remember it, ’cause I’m gonna be the one that sends your sorry ass straight to Hell!” He boasted before entering a battle stance of his own, with his right hand hanging loosely by his side.



Db Fight! by Br3ndan5

The emperor of Outworld struck first as he charged toward Terumi, intent on ramming into him with his spikes, but his would-be target responded by almost casually sidestepping the attack and delivering a sweep kick, knocking Kahn to his feet. Then, like a madman, he began repeatedly stomping on Kahn with a mad grin. Shao Kahn felt anger course through him. First this pathetic fool dared to deny his leniency, and now he chose to humiliate him? In front of his own subjects, no less!? This was something he would not stand for! He would-

Terumi cut off his opponent’s train of thought by kicking him into the air. As he watched the armored tyrant ascend through the air, Terumi threw out his hand, firing off some sort of chain wreathed in green energy. As it flew forward, this chain wrapped itself around the emperor’s body, constricting him just as its master yanked on it. Kahn quickly approached Terumi, who delivered a boot to the face that sent him flying across the arena and crashing through his throne. As the Konqueror got back to his feet, he saw his assailant calmly approaching him, casually twirling the chain-like weapon in his hands. This was the Terumi’s signature weapon, the Geminus Anguium: Ouroboros.


“What’s the matter, Kahn? Already pussing out?” Shao Kahn’s nostrils flared at the taunt before he let out a savage roar. As his anger grew, he summoned forth several spears and threw them forward with as much strength as he could muster. Each one was set to skewer Terumi, but just as they were about to impale him the madman erected some sort of barrier in front of himself, causing the constructs to disperse. “Come on! Is that the best you can do?” Terumi asked as he continued walking forward, only to stop as Kahn suddenly brought his hand up, forcing the yellow-hooded sadist into the air. With a surprising burst of speed, Shao rushed toward Yuki and slammed into him with his shoulder spikes, drawing three bloody holes where the blades had gored him.

Before his opponent could be sent flying back, the tyrant grabbed him by the neck and delivered a vicious headbutt, causing Terumi to stumble back. Not willing to let him recover, Kahn summoned his Wrath Hammer and delivered an uppercut that launched Terumi into the air. As his opponent descended, Shao Kahn reeled the hammer back before slamming it into his spine, sending him flying across the arena. Despite the pain, Terumi landed on the dirt floor, cat-footed. As he got back to his feet, he noticed the Wrath Hammer heading toward him and gave a light smirk as he casually tilted his head, allowing the weapon to fly right past him. Then, before it could hit the ground, he thrust his arm back, grabbing it with Ouroboros.

“Hey, asshole! How ’bout you try and work on that shitty aim of yours?” He suggested, punctuating his sentence by hurling the hammer back at its owner. Kahn responded by putting his hand up and catching the hammer with ease, unaware that his opponent had been planning something.

As soon as he caught his weapon, Kahn returned his attention to Terumi just as the latter rushed forward, his body radiating a green snake-like aura. Just as they were about to collide, Terumi suddenly phased through the Konqueror’s body, though Kahn still found himself knocked back. Before he could recover, Terumi suddenly delivered a kick that sent the monarch onto the ground. He proved quick to get up, however, and gave an arrogant “hmph” as a smirk appeared on his face.

“Your pathetic tricks are no match fo-” the Outworlder’s boast was cut off as Yuki suddenly appeared in front of him and delivered a high kick, sending the tyrant into the air.

With a cry of “Ouroboros!” he tossed two of the snake-headed chains at the skull-helmeted Konqueror. He then reeled himself in and delivered a kick to Kahn’s face, shattering some of the emperor’s helmet. The immortal sadist landed on the ground with a firm grip on his weapon. “Let me hear you cry!” Terumi quickly reeled himself back in, this time driving his knives into Kahn’s sides and dragging them along, eliciting a grunt of pain from his opponent. Once Terumi was above Shao, he dove down as a green, serpentine aura wrapped around him and slammed into the monarch at full force! Their collision sent the two gods crashing into the ground, with the impact causing a brief tremor to rumble across all of Outworld. Upon seeing the collapsed form of Shao Kahn, the former member of the Six Heroes stood back up and leapt off of his beaten adversary.

“You alive in there?” Terumi asked mockingly. The emperor responded with a groan, causing Terumi to grin. “Good to know.”

“Gleaming Fang!” The Black Susano’o shouted as he rushed forward. Kahn got back up and, upon seeing Terumi heading toward him, summoned the Wrath Hammer and swung it. To his surprise, Yuki phased through the hammer and his body yet again, somehow sending the Outworlder flying across the arena. Just as he hit the ground, Kahn got back to his feet and glared at Terumi.

“You believe you can make a fool out of me so easily?” The enraged dictator roared as he rushed toward Terumi, who grinned as he attempted to dodge the speeding tyrant, only to find that he couldn’t move. “Then you shall suffer!” Kahn said as he used telekinesis to pull the madman toward him and delivered a punch to the stomach. “And in the end…” he followed up with a kick to the chest, sending Terumi into the ground. “You shall fall before me just like the countless others before you!” Kahn declared as he summoned his Wrath Hammer and slammed it into his adversary’s head, forcing him to the ground. Kahn then grabbed Terumi by the arm and delivered a vicious stomp on his head, creating audible cracks as his boot pressed against the immortal’s skull. He then lifted the fallen god by his arm and delivered a wicked headbutt, the power of which would have shattered the skull of a normal man. The force from the attack sent his sadistic foe flying across the arena, only stopping as his back slammed into a wall.

“All too easy!” Shao Kahn declared, believing his opponent to be dead. To his surprise, however, he noticed Terumi was still getting back up. His head was noticeably bloodied, but he seemed to pay it no mind as he smirked.

“So you’re startin’ to get serious, huh? Good! I was getting tired of those previous warm-ups anyway!” He declared before crossing both arms in front of him. “Now why don’t I show you what true power is, Kahn! Restriction number 666 released!” The ground surrounding them began to shake, throwing the tyrant and his audience off their balance and causing them to crash into the ground. “Dimensional interference field deployed! Blazblue activate!” Upon completing the chant, a green fiery aura surrounded Terumi, his expression now serious in spite of the manic grin plastered on his face. He had activated his Unlimited Mode, a sign that he was ready to stop holding back.

“Tell me. How many minutes will you last… or should I say seconds?” He asked Kahn with a shit-eating grin on his face.


Round 2!



Terumi quickly closed the gap between them and pulled out his knives, performing a quick combo as he stabbed or kicked at Shao Kahn’s body. He then ended the combo by grabbing the Outworlder and kicking him away. Kahn scowled as he got back to his feet, only to find his opponent’s arms spread eagle.


“Force Eater!” The immortal madman shouted as he threw his arms forward, causing black snakes made of seithr to rush at Kahn, their jaws open as they intended to bite down on him. Just as it seemed they were about to hit, a green force field surrounded the tyrant, sending the constructs back to their former master, who leapt out of their range to avoid them. Upon hitting the ground, he immediately sprung forward, intent on using another Distortion Drive. When he was only inches from Kahn’s face, however, he suddenly froze, unable to move. He could feel someone… or something forcing its way into his head. The traitor of the Six Heroes grit his teeth and focused as hard as he could to drive off the force that was attempting to seize control of him. As he did so, he could hear Shao Kahn’s voice resonating in his subconscious.

“That is enough! You shall cease your assault and kneel before me like the weak, pathetic fool you are!” The Konqueror mentally commanded.

“Heh…” Shao Kahn raised an eyebrow at his opponent’s response. “Hehehe…” Terumi began to rise to full height as his chuckling evolved into steady laughter.

“Hyahahahaha!” The immortal threw back his head and unleashed a maniacal cackle that chilled even Kahn himself to the bone, though he still stood his ground.

“What do you find so funny, you wretch?”

“Mind control? Really?” Terumi demanded, a manic grin on his face. “Wow, I didn’t think you’d be so dense that you thought you’d be able to control me, but clearly you’ve surpassed my expectations.” Kahn roared indignantly as he rushed toward Terumi and slammed into him with a shoulder tackle, causing the spikes to stab through the sadist’s chest. As Terumi spit up blood, Kahn delivered a right hook that caused him to stumble.

“Damn. I didn’t thin-” Shao Kahn cut off whatever the green-haired psychopath was about to say with a punch to the stomach.

“Enough of your prattle! You have proven yourself nothing more than an annoyance, Yuki Terumi.” Kahn declared as he delivered a left hook that sent the immortal reeling back. Before he could recover, Kahn rushed forward and slammed into him with a headbutt. “You continuously mock and scorn your superior in an effort to feed your own arrogance. I expect no less from a fool who relies on underhanded tactics and petty tricks in order to triumph!” The Outworlder grabbed his mad opponent by the neck and began throwing out multiple punches to the face. “Before me, you are nothing more than an arrogant weakling with an oversized ego!” The Emperor stopped his assault as he forced Terumi to look him in the eyes, both glaring balefully at each other. “Your tricks and weaponry are nothing more than a minor nuisance, yet you have allowed it to feed your ego. You believe yourself to be as powerful and ferocious as a dragon, yet you are nothing more than a toothless worm! You are not worthy to challenge me with your weakness. The only thing you are fit to do is die, crushed beneath my heel like the insect you are!”

As he finished his speech, Kahn’s eyes began glowing a sickly green as he kept an iron grip, yet for whatever reason, nothing seemed to be happening. The tyrant attempted to focus a bit harder, only to be interrupted as Terumi’s anger reached its tipping point.

“Alright, NO MORE BULLSHIT!” As he uttered the last word, a surge of strength suddenly entered Terumi’s body, a sign that he had activated his Overdrive, Nightmare Reaper. With this newfound strength coursing through him, the Black Susano’o decided to take care of the most important matter at hand: freeing himself. As Shao Kahn continued attempting to drain his soul, Terumi gave a wicked grin as he broke Kahn’s concentration, driving his foot into a… soft spot and forcing the tyrant to drop him. His smile only grew further at what he saw before him: Shao Kahn, currently gripping his aching manhood while attempting to fight back a cry of pain.

“So what was that about me being ‘an arrogant weakling with an oversized ego?'” Terumi asked as he delivered a sweeping kick that sent Kahn to the ground. “‘Cause from the looks of things, you’re really just describing yourself.” He then slammed his foot into the emperor’s stomach, causing Kahn to hunch over. “I beat your ass into the ground, but you’re still going on and on, trying to convince everyone that you’re hot shit. Well, ya know what it’s convinced me of? It’s that you’re more of a pathetic bitch than I originally thought.” Terumi emphasized the word by delivering another violent stomp before continuing. “Ya wanna know why you’ve lasted as long as you have? It’s because your followers, for whatever asinine reason, seem to be convinced that you’re something to be feared, though who knows? Maybe you had to brainwash them, too, thinking it’d be able to keep them in line? Whatever the reason is, you wanna know what happens when someone actually sacks up and takes you on? It turns out if you decide to challenge him, the big, bad emperor’s precious image melts away, and in its place is an arrogant piece of garbage constantly boasting about how he’s such a goddamn badass while he hides behind his men like the complete pussy he is.” He punctuated the two words by mercilessly stomping on the Konqueror’s family jewels, relishing in the sound of his opponent’s testicles audibly cracking combining with the high-pitched, girlish scream of pain that forced itself from Kahn’s throat.

“What’s that? You want more?” Terumi mockingly asked as he drove his foot further in. After indulging in his opponent’s pain for a few more seconds, he finally decided to wrench his foot free before following it up with a high kick to Shao Kahn’s head, launching the emperor into the air. Before he could descend, Terumi pulled out Ouroboros and, using its head as a weapon, slashed at his chest before switching hands and following up with another swing.

“Serpent’s Cursed Sting!” The Black Susano’o then lifted Kahn into the air, pinning him with two massive snake-like seithr constructs. Both snakes had their jaws clamped down on the Outworlder’s arms, keeping him in a vice-like grip. Green energy coursed through the snakes and injected itself into Shao Kahn’s system, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed. Rather than the astral heat benefiting its receiver, as one would have expected, Kahn instead felt a fiery pain course through him as each hit flew into him.

“Awww… Can’t get enough?!” Terumi asked in mock sympathy as the injections began picking up in pace. To complete the vicious attack, the yellow-hooded psychopath delivered an axe kick, forcibly slamming Shao Kahn into the ground.

“Serpent’s Laceration!” Before Kahn could attempt to get back up, he was forced down as his tormentor began delivering a rapid series of kicks and stomps, only stopping his combo to grind his heel into the tyrant’s skull. After three seconds of relishing in Kahn’s pain, Yuki hit him in the chin with a upward flying kick, sending the tyrant flying through the air. Just as Kahn began descending, Terumi began laughing like a madman as he raised his hand, causing a portal to appear underneath both of them. A multitude of serpentine constructs emerged from the portal and struck Kahn directly, causing him to roar in agony as each one tore into his body, ripping out chunks of flesh and muscle in the process. Once the onslaught, and by extension, Terumi’s Overdive, had finally ended, Kahn unceremoniously fell to the ground. Upon witnessing this, the crowd went silent for a moment, only to erupt into cheers, enjoying the brutality just as much as Terumi was. Though it would seem rather obvious, the sound of his own subjects cheering against him filled Shao Kahn with pure, unbridled rage. He struggled to get back to his feet, stumbling a few times, but he eventually succeeded, pulling himself back up so he could look his opponent in the eye.

“So it’s not enough that you humiliate me? Now you turn my own subjects against me as well?” Kahn asked furiously.

“Well, it’s not my fault you don’t actually have the balls to keep them in line. No, you’d rather just send out your weak-as-shit lackeys to deal with any problems for you. It’s only when you have no other choice that you feel it’s a good idea to start fighting. Ya know why? Well, how ’bout I give you a hint? It’s one of the things I said before, like how you only get involved when you feel like growing a pair.” Upon hearing his opponent’s scorn, Kahn roared in fury before chucking the Wrath Hammer as hard as he could, injuries be damned. Rather than show concern for this, Terumi responded by almost casually stepping aside.

“What’s the matter? Did I strike a nerve?” The god asked with mock sympathy.

“You will suffer for your insolence, Terumi. I shall torture you for millennia, slowly breaking you until you are nothing more than an empty shell!” The emperor threatened, causing Terumi to laugh.

“Is that so? Tell me: are you gonna be the one that does it? Or are you gonna have one of your men to do it for you while you sit on your ass, nursing those wounds like an eviscerated mutt? Come on! If you’re gonna talk crap like that, the least you can do is back it up!” Terumi pointed out as he fished a knife from his pockets and rushed forward. As his opponent closed the distance, Kahn suddenly raised both arms, causing a sickly green light to emerge from the spectators and draw itself toward him. As the audience slumped over and died, their souls entered into their ruler, quickly replenishing him and healing all of the wounds that Terumi had inflicted. Just as Terumi was about to stab him, Kahn intercepted him by firing an enormous blast of green energy, sending his would-be attacker flying across the arena. As Terumi skidded to a halt upon landing, he looked up to see Shao Kahn, now fully revitalized and holding the Wrath Hammer in his hand.

“You were a fool, Yuki Terumi! Had you slain me, I would not have been able to gain this po-”

“Give it a break already, will ya?!” Terumi snapped, abruptly ending Kahn’s boast. “You mind if I give you a suggestion, Your Majesty?” He asked scornfully. “Instead of trying to hype yourself up all the time, how ’bout you shut your mouth and put ’em up?” Terumi suggested.

“Very well, then. I will keep it short. Feel the wrath of Shao Kahn. The wrath of A GOD!” Upon hearing this, Terumi began laughing.

“You wanna repeat that? You think you have the right to claim you’re a god just because you’ve absorbed a couple hundred souls?” He asked with a smirk as a black portal shot out from underneath him. A suit of pristine, white armor rose out from the ebony void almost immediately, its position only inches from Terumi’s body.

This was the Susano’o Unit, the lifeless husk of what was once the god of storms. As though it sensed a connection to the man in front of it, black, inky tendrils began to emerge from the armor and wrapped around the gleeful sadist, pulling him closer.

“Let me show you, Shao Kahn!” The Susano’o Unit had almost completed its merge with Terumi, but he still had enough time to say one last thing.


Upon uttering the last word, a massive column of green energy burst out from where the Unit stood, consuming both itself and Terumi before erupting into the sky. Kahn couldn’t make out what was inside of the column, but he attempted to attack it by throwing the Wrath Hammer. The hammer flew forward…

But just as it seemed like it was about to make contact, something reached out from the green pillar and caught it in the palm of its hand.

As the energy dispersed, he saw what had intercepted it: a dark suit of armor whose frame greatly resembled the Susano’o Unit. Aside from that, this new being was nothing like the pure, clean suit of armor from before. His helm and shoulder pads resembled that of a wolf, the helmet contained eyes that glowed a bright shade of green, and his head was covered in a long, flowing mane of hair. Green crystals sprouted from his hips, and a long, hairy tail sprouted from its back. The armor was pitch-black, though it contained highlights matching the color of his eyes.

Yuki Terumi was no more. In his place stood one being. He was a god in almost every sense of the word, known only by one name:

Susanoo by Br3ndan5

Takehaya Susano’o.

With little care for the object he held in his hand, Susano’o began applying pressure to it, causing the hammer to crumble to dust. As its shattered remains fell to the ground, the storm god locked eyes with Shao Kahn, his visage displaying a look of pure, unadulterated savagery as well as disgust toward the mortal who stood before him. After glaring balefully at the emperor for what seemed to be an eternity, the deity crossed his arms and began chanting.

“I am strength. I am power. I am everything!” The ground beneath the two warriors began to violently rumble as Susano’o began chanting. “My very being…” Outworld’s earthquake quickly increased as power began flowing through Susano’o, evidenced by the green energy surrounding him. “…is the sword of the god that will destroy all!” The tremors hit their peak before abruptly stopping as the aura around him dissipated. The god spread his arms, his armor’s green outlines glowing savagely as he concluded his speech. “I am Takehaya Susanoo! The end has come!”

Once his opponent finished his speech, Kahn merely scoffed. “This is the ‘true god’ you wished to show me? How pathetic! I have crushed the skulls of countless other gods before! What would make you any different?” Upon hearing this, Susano’o shook his head dismissively.

“Your arrogance blinds you, Shao Kahn. While you may have butchered a crude imitation, it does not prepare you for the real thing!” Susano’o boasted, his tone now formal and vicious, the exact opposite of Terumi’s sarcasm and snark. In response to his opponent’s boast, Kahn gave a wicked grin as he unsheathed a steel sword, its blade emanating with a dark purple aura. Seeing this, Susano’o took a combative stance before continuing to speak. “This farce ends here, tyrant! Now, come forth so that I may bestow upon you… ABSOLUTE, DIVINE PUNISHMENT!!!”


Round 3!



The two corrupt gods rushed forward, creating a shockwave as the two opposing powers met. Kahn attempted to slice at Susano’o, but the blade was blocked as the storm god grasped it in his hand. Kahn grit his teeth as he poured dark magic into the sword, adding more power to it, but Susano’o refused to budge. Annoyed by this, Kahn mustered as much strength as he could into his legs, doing his best to move Susano’o even an inch, only to be met with no results. As he was in the midst of his attempt, his target responded by tightening his grip on the sword ever so slightly, effortlessly shattering the blade into thousands of minuscule shards.

“What!?” Kahn asked in surprise as Susano’o began his assault. The brother of Amaterasu began with a series of high kicks before with an elbow strike to the chest and a punch to the gut. As Kahn spat blood from these hits, Susano’o suddenly delivered a kick that launched the Konqueror into the sky. The vicious deity followed after him, meeting the tyrant with a dropkick that sent him back down and left a massive crater upon landing. Kahn looked up to see Susano’o descending onto him and roared in anger as a massive ball of green energy shot out of his mouth. As it rushed toward him, Susano’o’s hands began crackling with electricity as he thrust one forward, absorbing the projectile into his body as he hit the ground.

As this occurred, Kahn rose to his feet and summoned forth several light spears. Just as soon as he threw them, Susano’o summoned a blade of dark green energy and swung through the air, destroyed all of them simultaneously. Once they had been destroyed, however, Kahn charged forward, his body surrounded in green energy as he did so. He hit the genocidal deity head-on, forcing him back slightly. With his opponent disoriented, Kahn summoned another Wrath Hammer, seemingly from nowhere, and swung it as hard as he could onto Susano’o’s head. The god reeled back in pain before he retaliated, summoning a longer version of his energy sword and delivering a heavy slash to the chest. Kahn cried out in a combination of anger and pain as he felt the green blade slice through his flesh. Fighting through the pain, he glared furiously at his opponent, who only gave two words.

“It’s over.”

With that, Susano’o activated his Overdrive, Shrieks of the Entombed. Wasting no time, he rushed forward and, with a shout of “THE END,” delivered a knee strike that sent Kahn into the air. “Die,” the god commanded as he spin-dashed into his opponent’s torso, then followed up by grabbing the emperor by his skull and slamming him into the ground back-first. “Die.” Susano’o repeated as he slammed his hand into the ground, unleashing a well of energy that launched Kahn into the air. Before his opponent could hit the ground, Terumi conjured up another sword and slashed at the emperor’s stomach, accompanied by another scream of “DIE!” As it tore through his stomach, Kahn let out an enraged, pained roar before suddenly collapsing onto one knee. To end the combo, Susano’o reeled his head back as energy began to gather in his mouth. Then, one second later, he fired.

“DIE, WON’T YOU!!” He roared as he unleashed a massive beam at the fallen tyrant. As the concentrated blast of energy rushed toward him, Kahn summoned a green barrier around himself. Once the laser had connected, both kombatants became locked in a struggle as the god’s beam pushed against the Emperor’s Shield. For a moment it appeared both were at an impasse, but this quickly changed as a small, green crack appeared on the barrier, causing Shao Kahn’s eyes to widen in horror as the crack began to spread. Then, after what felt like an eternity, the barrier gave way, shattering like glass and allowing the beam to pass through. The enormous blast consumed Shao Kahn in his entirety, engulfing every inch as he was blasted him through out of the arena. As the beam and his Overdrive faded, Susano’o walked over to the massive hole and looked at what had become Shao Kahn. The Outworlder’s body was coated in burns, with some having ripped away enough skin to reveal raw muscle or bone. As he saw his opponent’s current condition, Susano’o couldn’t help but smirk.

“How laughable. The thought of a mere king opposing a god! Your fate was sealed the very moment you challenged me, konqueror.” The deity declared as he strode toward him. “But do not worry. Through death you shall atone for your arrogance.”

“Fool… you think… you’ve won?” Kahn asked between pants as he rose to his feet. “You shall taste no victory, false god! Not while I still draw breath!” Upon finishing this statement, Shao Kahn’s skull split in two, causing the storm god to stop in surprise. The two halves then grew bigger and longer, becoming serpentine in appearance while his arms noticeably began bulking up. Deciding to put an end to this, Susano’o rushed forward just as a third chunk of flesh on the Konqueror’s neck elongated into three more heads. Much like his opponent, Kahn was undergoing his own transformation, though his was more bestial. Once it had been completed, the five-headed hydra eyed Susano’o hungrily, with the god scoffing as he continued running toward it.

“Years ago, I took part in slaying a beast similar to your current form. And now it appears history shall repeat itself.” Susano’o declared before jumping into the air, drawing yet another blade into his hands. One head lunged forward, its mouth opened to full length, allowing Susano’o to see its cavernous maw of sharp fangs. As it closed in, the god delivered a horizontal slash, splitting the head in two just as his construct faded. Upon landing on the lower jaw, the head fell apart, but Susano’o was quick to react as he leapt off of the decapitated head and landed on another. The god dug his claws into its neck, causing the beast to screech in pain as it attempted to throw him off, but to no avail as he merely drove his talons further through its skin. As he prepared to deliver a strike and decapitate this one as well, he noticed a massive shadow above him and turned to see what it was.

“What!?” He exclaimed in shock. As it turned out, the decapitated head had regenerated, though it hadn’t just healed it completely. No, it now sported another head, bringing the total count to six. The head Susano’o was currently on shook him off, sending the deity into the open mouth. The beast attempted to close its gaping maw, but its godly morsel refused to allow himself to be eaten. Instead, he rebelliously held its mouth open, using as much strength as he could muster. Despite the beast’s best attempts, its jaws refused to budge. As it attempted to apply more force, an electric shock coursed through the head, frying it and causing it to slump over.

As the head went slack, Susano’o jumped out of its mouth, causing the other heads to notice their escaping meal. They attempted to snap their jaws at him, but he bore through their necks either by slashing at them with his claws or spin-dashing through them. As he leapt off of one head and back onto the ground, he looked back to see that each of the heads had regenerated, taking the count up to twelve.

“So, much like a weed, the beast continues to grow.” Susano’o noted as he leapt into the air, summoning his blade as he weaved through the heads. “And much like a weed, the best way to kill it is by destroying the root!” He declared as he brought his weapon down, causing the hydra’s heads to all let out a deafening screech as he sliced through flesh and bone, rending it in two. The monster’s bisected halves then collapsed onto the ground, coating the battlefield in green blood as their killer landed on the ground. Upon doing so, Susano’o began to hear a rather sickening series of cracking noises coming from behind. Upon looking back to see what was responsible, he found that the hydra’s remains were slowly shrinking, their flesh and bones decreasing with each passing second as they began to grow closer to each other. In the span of nearly half a minute, the hydra had reverted back to its original form of Shao Kahn, though the emperor was not in the best condition. His mask had been shattered, revealing his bloodied, demonic face.

He currently laid on his back, surrounded in a pool of hydra blood, desperately rasping for breath as he struggled to survive. A large gash ran along his body, stretching from the chest to his stomach, yet by some miracle he still possessed enough willpower to get back to his feet.

“You haven’t… won yet… false god!” Kahn panted as his hand glowed green as he thrust out his hand, focusing all of his power in a last-ditch effort to remove the god’s soul, to no affect. Gritting his teeth, he let out a bloodlusted roar before charging forward, throwing out his fist in an attempt to hit the armored deity in the chest. Instead, much to his surprise and rage, Susano’o caught it with relative ease.

“Pathetic.” Susano’o sneered as he delivered a vicious karate chop to the emperor’s arm, severing it and eliciting a roar of agony as blood gushed out of the stump. As Kahn staggered back from the pain, Susano’o suddenly conjured up yet another sword and delivered a quick slash. For a brief moment it appeared as though nothing had happened, but that quickly changed as blood spurted out from the Konqueror’s waist, causing him to let out another scream as his halves began to fall to the ground. Just before his top half could make contact, however, his descent was suddenly halted as Susano’o grabbed him by the neck and forced him to eye-level.

You are a fool, Shao Kahn. You use your power to masquerade as a god, yet when cornered you reveal your true colors. In the end, you are nothing more than a savage barbarian, choosing to rely on brute force to solve whatever problems might come your way.” Susano’o declared scornfully as he began applying pressure to the bifurcated dictator’s throat. “As you perish, realize this: Before this body, your strength and sorcery are meaningless. Curse your powerlessness in the depths of despair.”

With that, Susano’o slammed the top half of Shao Kahn into the ground with enough force that the tyrant was sent flying high into the air.

“To close the curtain…”

The god of storms summoned another saber, larger than any he had created previously, and raised it into the air as a massive well of darkness began to surround him.

“…you, this world, that so-called existence…”

As soon as the energy reached its peak, the mad deity brought his blade down.


The waves of energy started becoming more intense, growing with each second until they had completely engulfed Shao Kahn. The emperor’s screams of agony could be heard throughout the entire realm, followed only by a deafening silence as the darkness consumed him.

And with that, Shao Kahn, the emperor of Outworld, was no more. Susano’o’s attack had vaporized him completely. There was no body left, nor was there a soul that could be sent to the afterlife. He had simply… ceased to exist.




The darkness cleared, revealing the damage Susano’o’s attack had caused. The entire arena had been completely decimated, reduced to a barren wasteland covered in green flame. The man responsible for this carnage stood victoriously, looking at his surroundings with a mad grin. He could sense that there was still life in this realm, but that didn’t matter. The emperor was dead, and the rest of his peons would soon follow. With this body, this revitalized power, Terumi would finally bring about the end of all things, and there would be no one who could stand in his way!

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5

Well, I think it’s safe to say the multiverse is thoroughly screwed. Heh, heh. Uh… my bad.

Anyway, let’s move on to the explanation.

Right off the bat, Shao Kahn was left fighting an uphill battle, as Terumi’s physicality blew his out of the water. Shao Kahn can tear people in half with his bare hands and shook the planet while fighting Raiden? Terumi’s fought the likes of Hakumen and Ragna, both of whom are stronger than the country-destroying Take-Mikazuchi in their base forms and could take on opponents superior to the planet-destroying Black Beast at their full power. Shao Kahn’s kept up with Raiden, who can manipulate and react to lightning? Terumi’s fought against Ragna and Hakumen, both of whom can move at FTL speeds. Kahn’s taken a direct blast from an unrestricted Raiden and laughed it off? Terumi’s taken hits from the likes of Ragna, Jin, and Hakumen, who, as stated above, possess enough power to destroy a country at their weakest.

Even putting aside physical stats, Terumi still has other advantages that netted him the win. For starters, there’s his weaponry. The Ouroboros granted him infinite length and would allow him to attack Kahn’s soul and psyche, and his other weapons like Force Eater and the Hihirokane could bypass Kahn’s durability by attacking both his body and soul. His superior intelligence and manipulative nature could allow him to trick and manipulate the comparatively more arrogant and cocky Shao Kahn into entering a disadvantageous position.

Moving on, there’s also the issue of experience, which is admittedly a bit hard to decide. On one hand, you could argue it should go to Shao Kahn seeing how he’s been alive for over 10,000 years and led a conquest that spanned over the course of many years, but on the other there’s the fact that Terumi has been stated to have served his sister Amaterasu for a time as long as eternity before he rebelled. It’s a bit hard to call given the vagueness of the latter statement, but in the end Terumi probably has the edge.

Now, let’s move on to their powers. Terumi’s ability to brainwash others by eating their memories and Kahn’s brainwashing are both formidable abilities, though they’ve never been shown to use them in combat. Both of them could summon barriers to protect themselves from harm, and while Shao Kahn’s telekinesis would allow him to get a few hits in, Terumi’s greater speed makes it unlikely. Kahn’s ability to manipulate and absorb souls would be useless given that Terumi’s shown the ability to survive things like Ragna’s Soul Eater, which drains the soul each time Ragna gets a hit in, and was able to spend an entire century in the Boundary, a dimension that rips apart and warps the body and soul, before emerging completely fine. There’s also Terumi’s Self-Observation, which would allow him to resurrect himself should Shao Kahn miraculously manage to destroy his body.

There’s also their transformations to consider. While Kahn’s hydra form gives him a massive advantage in size, there’s just one problem: its lack of feats mean it’s gonna do jack against Terumi, whose Unlimited Mode would widen the already massive physical gap even further. Keep in mind this isn’t even getting into Terumi’s ultimate form: Takehaya Susano’o. Once he entered this form, this battle was his. While in this form, he would gain full access to the Susano’o Unit’s power, which grants him the ability to take on the planet-destroying Black Beast. On top of this, he would also have unlimited stamina, an immunity to mind and soul manipulation (rendering two of Shao Kahn’s already-inferior abilities moot in the process), and then there’s his change in mentality. Unlike Terumi, Susano’o is much more savage and serious, going straight for the kill, and considering his physicality was already leagues above Shao Kahn’s before, there’s no doubt Susano’o wouldn’t succeed in butchering the Konqueror.

Really, Shao Kahn’s only advantages here were his better hand-to-hand skills and the fact that Terumi’s arrogance and sadism could lead him to prolong the fight, though even then he still has disadvantages. First, his better CQC doesn’t mean anything given Terumi’s far superior physicality. The second issue is that while Terumi is both arrogant and sadistic enough to prolong a fight, Shao Kahn is even more arrogant, seeing how he will often stop the fight to taunt his opponents, a move that has led to him losing against opponents he logically should have beaten even while restricted, like Liu Kang. Compare this to Terumi, who, while also arrogant enough to talk trash his opponent, at least has the common sense to do it without stopping mid-fight.

Shao Kahn just had Susa-no chances at claiming victory.

The winner is Yuki Terumi.

WinnerTerumi by Br3ndan5

Yuki Terumi (Winner)
+ Physically outclassed Shao Kahn by miles
    + This gap would only increase thanks to Terumi’s transformations
+ Superior weaponry
+ More intelligent and manipulative
+ Possibly more experienced
+ Superior powers
+ As Susano’o, he would gain an immunity to Shao Kahn’s hax and a vast boost to his already-superior physicality
– Inferior hand-to-hand skills
– While not as bad as Shao Kahn, he’s still arrogant, and his sadism would lead to him prolonging the fight
    + Though both of these would no longer be a problem once he becomes Susano’o
– Even as Susano’o, he’s still at a size advantage against Kahn’s hydra form
    + Though this doesn’t really matter


Shao Kahn (Loser)
+ Better at CQC
+ Terumi’s sadism would lead to him prolonging the fight, allowing Kahn the chance to get a few hits in
+ Hydra form gives him a size advantage
    – Though its lack of feats renders it moot
– Physically outclassed by a long shot, which would only grow worse with Terumi’s transformations
– Inferior weaponry
– Less intelligent
Possibly less experienced
– Inferior powers
– Susano’o would be immune to Kahn’s hax, on top of widening the already-massive gap in physicality
– Unlike his opponent, his transformation doesn’t have any feats to go off of


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