Prelude: Luigi vs Raditz

For every strong and brave hero, there’s always going to be the weaker, cowardly one lagging behind. And these two brothers of famous heroes have been left in the dust for far too long.

Luigi, the younger brother of Mario.

And Raditz, the older brother of Goku.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE! Also, to make things more interesting I will be using fully composite versions of both characters.

Credit to MetaWeegee for the Luigi bio and SSJ4Truntanks for the Raditz bio.

406px-Luigi Artwork - Super Mario 3D World by MetaWeegee

-Full Name: Luigi Mario
-Born in: Brooklyn
-Age: 26
-Alignment: Good
-Height: 5’6
-Weight: 200 lbs
-Occupation: Plumber, Savior of the world, Ghost-hunter, Demolition worker, Doctor, Former Wrestler, Casino operator
-Likes: Mario (sometimes), Princess Daisy, Princess Rosalina, Bowser (rarely), Professor E. Gadd, spaghetti, recognition, etc.

-Dislikes: King Boo, Mario (occasionally), villains in general, ghosts, being ignored, etc, etc.
-Alias: Player 2, The Eternal Understudy, Mr. Green ‘Stache, The Green Thunder, The Green Machine, Mama Luigi

-Is one of the 7 Star Children destined for greatness
-Tagged along for much of Mario’s adventures 
-Has helped beat Bowser multiple times as well
-Has beaten Waluigi in numerous sporting events
-Travels to different, deadly lands near constantly
-Saved the world multiple times
-Has saved Mario a total of three times (twice from King Boo, once from Bowser himself)
   -Which ALSO means he’s saved Mario more than Mario’s saved him!
-Saved Wario from Chief Chilly once
-Has braved haunted mansions against his will, multiple times
-Saved Evershade Valley and also restored the Dark Moon-Beat up Dry Bowser and a gigantic Bowser with his son
-Helped Mario save the universe from certain destruction, twice
-Discovered The Grand Finale Galaxy
-Destroyed Cackletta AND her soul
-Killed the Shroob Invasion with help from the bros baby selves
-Killed Elder Princess Shroob’s true form
-Helped defeat Fawful Bug/Dark Star, who flooded the entire Mushroom Kingdom with darkness
-Killed off Fawful/Fawful Bug… for good
-Solved the mystery of Pillio Island
-Defeated Antasma and Dreamy Bowser
-Along with Mario and Paper Mario, saved the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser AND Paper Bowser
-Saved the Sprixie Kingdom and beat Meowser
-Has survived the brutal sport known as Mario Party…. by doing absoluteley nothing
-Survived throughout every Smash Bros game
-Aside from adventuring, is skilled in tennis, baseball, olympics, golf, etc, being debatably all-around
-Also a demolition worker, doctor, and former wrestler
-Played basketball with LeBron James, Shaquille O’Neal, and others (no, I am NOT fucking kidding)
-Has endured being Nintendo’s whipping boy for the longest damn time

-Despite constantly being in Mario’s shadow and his ridiculous abuse, he’s still up there in gaming’s most popular characters
-Is the operator and manufacturer of his own casino (truth bomb)

Tvx6tf3 By Zacmariozero-d8web1k by MetaWeegee

-Physically weaker than Mario
-Can crush solid brick with his bare hands (bricks made of people)
-Can crush people under his feet by jumping
-Even as an infant, can lift a hammer about his size and whack UFOS into the sky with a hammer
-In SMB3, destroys fortresses after beating them
-In SMW, lifted up and punted Larry’s castle, which weighs over 2 million tons, with ease
-In SMW again, stomped Morton’s castle into the ground (all castles weigh around the same in the game)
-Lifted up, supported the weight of, and even threw King Bob-omb, calculated to weigh around 32.4 tons
-Is able to lift Bowser up by the tail, spin him around very quickly, and even TOSS him very high into the air
-Can crush Mario into Mini Mario and vice-versa just by hammering him
-Kicked the crap out of Bowser, who has MSS (Multi-Solar System) level durability
-In the SMG2 final boss, Luigi knocks NEUTRON STARS into Bowser’s face to damage him. Neutron stars can weight a LOW-END of 780 septillion TONS
-Can lift large/heavy enemies, like Chuckyas and Broulders
-Can uproot pipes from the ground
-Is strong enough to snap off a large wood support beam he’s tied to and then whack Mario over the head with it

Maxresdefault by MetaWeegee

Speed & Agility:
-Faster and more agile than Mario
-Can jump over 26 ft.
-Can run up walls and across ceilings
-Is a better and faster swimmer than Mario
-Is fast enough to run on top of water briefly
-Also has several jumping techniques like the Double and Triple jump
-Can use his foes’ heads as springpads like his bro
-Has the reflexes to hit multiple Bob-ombs back to their senders at rapid speed without missing one
-Fast enough to evade lightning against Cackletta and a few other foes
-Can dodge FTL UFO lasers (with a baby weighing him down)
-Can outrun the Sentry Beam’s lasers
-Agile enough to backflip off his opponent and land a second hit
-Can fight against and even outswim the gravitational pull of a black hole
-Can keep up with Bowser, who reacted to the MFTL (Massively Faster than Light) Starship Mario
-Beaten several racers before

-Was fast enough to catch one of Fake Bower/King Boo’s spiked balls in midair and immediately blow it right back at him with the Poltergust 3000

BowserhittingLuigi by MetaWeegee

-Less durable than Mario
-Has tanked blows from no less than Dreamy Bowser (stated in game to have unlimited strength)
   -Also, resisted Dreamy Bowser’s attempt to wish him and Mario out of existence (WHILE WEAKENED, no less)
-In SMW, survived Roy’s over 2-million ton castle exploding right in his face
-Survived an explosion that engulfed the entire stadium in Mario Power Tennis
-Tanked a 3,000 foot drop from the Koopa Cruiser, and has also tanked countless other falls
   -In addition, he also landed face-first, AND he even got crushed by Mario
-Got impaled by a hot blade in Luigi’s Mansion

-Could take beatings from Fake Bowser/King Boo be it getting dowsed in fire, punched in the face, or having a spiked ball thrown into his face
-Survived moon-level attacks from the Dark Star
-Can survive getting his ass burnt by Mario’s Firebrand
-Survived the crash of Baby Bowser’s Koopa Cruiser
-Survives getting crushed by Mario’s Ultra Hammer-Survived getting flung from Peach’s castle all the way to Acorn Plains with no visible injury
   -Which, just to be clear, is 8 WHOLE WORLDS AWAY-In the final fight of SMG, fights incredibly close to the sun. Not in it, but close enough to fry any normal human
-Can survive in extremely hot and extremely cold environments
-Withstands Bowser’s flames daily
-Can apparently breathe in space
-In SMG2, gets within the event horizon of a massive black hole
-Can survive punches from Giant Bowser in SMG2 as well (who was consuming celestial matter like stars and planets)
-Withstood Mario shoulder tackling him to make him drop a star they were fighting over
    -And then being stabbed in the crotch with one of the pointy tips on the star

Weapons and Equipment:


Mushroom by Zacmariozero


-Luigi’s most common items 
-Heal him by about 30 HP
-Several different types:
   -Super Mushroom: 50 HP
   -Ultra Mushroom: 125 HP
  -SM64DS Mushroom: Functions identically to the Mega Mushroom
-If for whatever reason he shrinks, one of these will restore him to his regular size (though, worth noting that as shown multiple times, his Super Form actually IS his base form)
-Can speed up Luigi’s kart; however, for obvious reasons, this will be totally useless

Mushroom - Rock by MetaWeegee
Rock Mushroom:
-Turns Luigi into Rock Luigi
-Turns into a ginormous boulder, crushing just about anything in his path
-Can revert out of the boulder at will
-Also reverts back upon contact with walls.
-Does not protect him from Chain Chomps
-Little control over rolling path

Mega Mushroom Artwork - New Super Mario Bros by MetaWeegee
Mega Mushroom:
-Turns Luigi into the colossus known as Mega Luigi
-Lasts 16 seconds
-Can crush just about anything in his way
-Can Instant KO BOWSER!

-If he causes enough carnage, 1-ups will fall from the sky
-If he ground pounds, Goombas and coins will fall from the sky
-Greatly reduced agility and cannot preform special jumping abilities
-Regardless of what form he was in prior, reverts to base form after the time limit ends
-Fails to activate in cramped spaces, but returns to his inventory

200px-Powerup-mini-mushroom-sm by MetaWeegee
Mini Mushroom:
-Polar opposite of the Mega Mushroom
-Turns him into Mini Luigi, greatly decreasing his size and weight
-Increases agility
  -Combined with the weight decrease, allows him to run across water
-Can run up walls and across ceilings
-Drastically weaker, needing a ground pound to do the same damage his jump would
-Much less durable in this state
1384181-bee Mushroom by MetaWeegee
Bee Mushroom:
-Turns Luigi into Bee Luigi
-Grants him the ability to fly for 6 seconds, after which he needs to recharge his flight meter
-However, he cannot jump as high otherwise
-Allows him to climb up honeycombs
-Gives him the ability to jump on lillypads that would otherwise dissipate
-Returns to base form after touching water

1384186-boo Mushroom Icon by MetaWeegee

Boo Mushroom:
-Turns Luigi into Boo Luigi
-Can turn invisible to pass through walls and enemies
-Can float in midair
-Boos will fall in love with him upon sight
-When said Boos try to engage in a liplock, Luigi is revealed
-Also returns to base form upon contact with a beam of light

Spring-mushroom by MetaWeegee

Spring Mushroom:
-Transforms Luigi into the nightmare known as Spring Luigi
-Can’t even run. Just bounces straight into danger most of the time.
-And you can barely even control the angle! Why…..
-Well… technically makes him more agile? 
-A ginormous, ugly welt on an otherwise excellent game
200px-Propeller Mushroom by MetaWeegee
-Transforms Luigi into Propeller Luigi
-Allows him to fly high up in the air briefly, as the name implies
-Slow descent afterwards
-Can also drill downwards at high speed to crack someone’s skull open
-Can clear clouds blocking his path

Poison Mushrooms:
-Can pull out Poison Mushrooms to throw at his foes to weaken them (or at least try to)


200px-FireFlowerMK8 by MetaWeegee
Fire Flower:
-Luigi’s most iconic flower
-Turns Luigi into Fire Luigi
-Grants Luigi traditional pyrokinesis, granting him the ability to throw orange balls of flame as potent as the same ones Mario can throw in base
-Can be used as a temporary flamethrower

200px-Powerup-ice-flower-sm by MetaWeegee
Ice Flower:
-The icy cousin of the Fire Flower
-Turns Luigi’s body into solid ice
-Upgrades Luigi’s cyrokinesis to match Mario’s with the same power-up
-Meaning the iceballs with this power-up reach temperatures of absolute zero, enough to stop all body work
-Can use frozen people as weapons
-Can cool out flames

-Can also freeze water into ice just by running on it, and can even freeze lava that way
-Can skate and slide on frozen lakes
-Gains immunity to flame based attacks
-Not quite as agile

190px-SMG2 Cloudflower by MetaWeegee
Cloud Flower:
-Turns Luigi into Cloud Luigi
-Can plant clouds underneath him to walk on in midair
-But he can ONLY do so three times, until he resets the amount
-Grabbing another Cloud Flower will give him back one cloud
-In this form, can also walk on clouds Luigi couldn’t walk on in base form (even though fucking GOOMBAS can walk on said clouds)
-Like the Bee Mushroom, Luigi also reverts to base form after touching water
BoomerangFlowerSM3DW by MetaWeegee
Boomerang Flower:
-Turns Luigi into Boomerang Luigi
-Can toss Boomerangs much like the Boomerang Bros
-Up to two boomerangs can exist at the same time
-Can shatter brick (though this can be argued to be a result of Luigi’s physical strength)
-Can carry items and coins back to Luigi
-Luigi can purposely avoid regrabbing the Boomerang, causing it to repeatedly circle and hit foes; but on each rotation, it gets slower and slower

Power Flower:
-Once used, Luigi becomes Vanish Luigi, much like Vanish Mario, but with a few differences

-Here, Luigi becomes invisible and is able to pass by enemies unharmed
-Said enemies fail to notice him
-Is not technically invincible however, being affected the same way as his base form by stuff like lava and huge falls

-Can pass through walls and cages both horizontally AND vertically (Mario could only do it horizontally)
-Cannot pass through ice, however
-Only lasts 18 seconds

200px-GoldFlower by MetaWeegee
Gold Flower:
-Turns Luigi into Silver Luigi
-Rather than turning to pure gold like Mario, Luigi turns into pure SILVER, making this qualify as a unique form in the same way as Kitsune Luigi
-Can toss silver balls that turn enemies into coins and instantly kill them
-Yes, it can OHKO BOWSER!
-Among Luigi’s absolute best, most useful and strongest power-ups along with the Hammer Suit

-Seemingly related to the Fire Flower, as after clearing his mission with one, he reverts to Fire Luigi

Copy flower by MetaWeegee
Copy Flower:
-Arguably Luigi’s most useful flower
-Causes dozens of clones to appear once used
-All of which proceed to trample the opponent
-Though is very difficult to do right to counteract this immense usefulness
– Alternatively, each Luigi clone can arm itself with it’s own weapon, and some seem to be capable of thinking by themselves
– Can then all gang up on the foe
– Though the clones seem to disappear shortly afterwards

Flight-Themed Power-Ups:

150px-Propeller Box Artwork - Super Mario 3D World by MetaWeegee
Propeller Box:
-A box that Luigi puts on his head
-Can protect his head from harm
-Once used, flies high up into the air similar to Propeller Luigi
-Slow descent afterwards
-Cannot use projectiles while wearing this
-Can also pick it up and carry it above his head
-Can preform the same Spin Drill as Propeller Luigi if you pick it up

175px-WiiU NewMarioU 4 item01 E3 by MetaWeegee
Super Acorn:
-Turns Luigi into Flying Squirrel Mario
-Can glide for a huge distance before descending
-Glide is more horizontal than vertical
-Can spring clean up briefly
-Can cling to walls
-Will start to slide down after a few seconds
-Spin Jump is higher, and somewhat floatier

P-acornitem by MetaWeegee
-Turns Luigi into P Flying Squirrel Luigi (real creative)
-Unlimitied flight
– …..But otherwise identical to Flying Squirrel Mario

1523545-pwing by MetaWeegee
-Known as “How to cheat old school”
-In terms of actual abilities, identical to the P-Acorn
180px-Super Leaf Artwork - Super Mario 3D World by MetaWeegee
Super Leaf:
-Turns Luigi into Fox Luigi
-Instead of resembling a raccoon like Mario, Luigi resembles a kitsune instead, but this is just an aesthetic change

-Can whip foes with his tail, possessing more range than his fists
-Can even bust through foes made of solid GOLD
-Slows his descent down in midair
-If he gains enough speed, can fly in midair
-Can continue to fly for about 7 seconds
P-Balloon SMW by MetaWeegee
-Turns Luigi into a por-I mean, a flying balloon
-Can float up to faraway places he couldn’t reach otherwise and evade foes
-Lasts 15 seconds
-Can be ended early with a ground pound

Red Star by MetaWeegee
Red Star:
-Holds the power of the Red Lumas
-Turns Luigi into Flying Luigi
-Can spin in midair to activate it’s flight
-Can draw in coins and other items by spinning
-Reasonably easy to control
-Only lasts 53 seconds, however
cape-feather-super-mario-world-logo-12C96D90D8-see by MetaWeegee
Cape Feath
-Possibly the most iconic flight power up, period
-Turns Luigi into Cape Luigi
-Can glide lightly across gaps
-But, after a sprint, gains incredible height, and continued flight
-Can fly for as long as he likes
-Cape Luigi can divebomb with such force it can cause an earthquake
-Doubles as a weapon
-When used as such, it can reflect foes and reverse their momentum
-Should reasonably be capable of reflecting projectiles like Mario’s

Suit Power-Ups:

FrogSuitSME by MetaWeegee
Frog Suit:
-Turns Luigi into Frog Luigi
-Increases Luigi’s agility
-However, has much worse mobility on the ground
-Much better swimmer
-Can swim in straight lines and instantly halt
-Prevents him from getting eaten by Big Berthas
Unknown-1-1442436023 by MetaWeegee
Hammer Suit:
-Turns Luigi into Hammer Luigi
-Can toss Hammers much like the Hammer Bros
-Two hammers can exist onscreen at the same time
-Very powerful; Able to defeat enemies that most other powerups can’t
-Among Luigi’s absolute best, most useful and strongest power-ups along with the Gold Flower

-Can even beat Bowser!
-Can duck into his shell, granting him invulnerability to flame-based attacks
-However, loses the ability to slide down slopes

TanookiSuit4 by MetaWeegee
Sm3dw Statue Leaf By Koopshikinggeoshi-d84ajcf by MetaWeegee
Tanooki Suit/Suit Leaf:
-Both turn Luigi into Kitsune Mario
   -Accessing this form via the Statue leaf will give the form a green scarf, but this is purely aesthetic
-Like the Super Leaf, is kitsune based rather than tanooki based like Mario’s

-Abilities are identical to Fox Luigi
-….But with one extra perk; can turn into the invulnerable Statue Luigi as well
-Can still be eaten by Boss Bass, but aside from that, is completely ignored by enemies
-Completely stationary, however
-Reverts back automatically after approximately 8.5 seconds
-Can revert back early by wishing to be human again

150px-Penguinsuit by MetaWeegee
Penguin Suit:
-Turns Luigi into Penguin Luigi
-Has normal traction on ice
-On icy surfaces, can slide very far like an actual penguin
-Can also slide on water
-Speaking of water, is a much better swimmer
-More precision and accuracy and completely removes the “bounce” from his stroke
-Can throw icy-cold ice balls, freezing people and being able to use them as weapons
-However, they are inferior to Ice Luigi’s, being much easier to break out of and being slightly weaker

175px-Super Bell Artwork - Super Mario 3D World by MetaWeegee
Super Bell:
-Turns Luigi into Cat Luigi
-Grants Mario a very powerful claw slash 
  -Said slash can also stall in midair 
-Reaches top speed much faster
-Can preform a downwards dive towards opponents
-Can cling to walls and even climb up them

130px-Lucky Bell by MetaWeegee
Lucky Bell:
-Turns Luigi into Lucky Cat Luigi
-Has the same abilities as Cat Luigi
  -As well as the ability to turn into Golden Statue Luigi
-Similar to Statue Luigi, but is invincible and earns coins while falling

Remaining Blocks:

Images (5) by MetaWeegee
Cannon Box:
-Another box that Luigi puts on his head
-Can protect his head from harm
The ability to fire cannonballs
-Said cannonballs can smash through bricks and collect coins
-Can bust through walls
-However, it can also kill teammates 

200px-Shiny Question Block Artwork - Super Mario 3 by MetaWeegee
Gold Box/Coin Block:
-Again, can protect Luigi’s head from harm
-Gives him money until he gets a hundred coins……. really, that’s it

Images (4) by MetaWeegee
Light Block:
-Head protection (of course)
-Can be used as a light source
-Can light up dark places
-Can kill ghosts via prolonged exposure

Other Power-Ups:
10835-Star by MetaWeegee
-Turns Luigi into Invincible Luigi for 15 seconds
-As the name states, is invincible during that time duration
-Can kill nearly anyone on contact (including Thwomps and Bowser)
-Greatly increases Luigi’s speed, and he jumps higher and farther in this form
-Also increases his strength to the point where he can throw a dinosaur into orbit

-Still affected the same way as in base by things like lava/poison water

200px-SMG RainbowStar by MetaWeegee
Rainbow Star:
-Turns Luigi into Rainbow Luigi, who is exactly identical to Invincible Luigi
-However, unlike Invincible Luigi, gains an even bigger speed boost near the end of the time limit

175px-Double Cherry Artwork - Super Mario 3D World by MetaWeegee
Double Cherry:
-Turns Luigi into Double Luigi
-Essentially a downgraded version of the Copy Flower’s ability
-Can create up to 5 clones of Luigi
-Said clones are exactly identical to Luigi, doing everything he does, when he does it
-The clones can’t take a lot of abuse before going down

200px-ShellNSMB by MetaWeegee
Blue Shell:
-Not to be mistaken for the Mario Kart version
-Turns Luigi into Shell Luigi
-Can be gained after fatally taking it from a Blue Koopa Troopa
-Shell can withstand over 200 lbs of force, so it can naturally protect him from enemy attack
-Makes him a faster swimmer

-Can duck into his shell to preform the Koopa Troopa’s signature move; The Shell Dash
-In said shell dash, can go a speeds comparable to Koopa Shells themselves, while still able to jump
-Can plow straight through Thwomps and shatter brick
-Can be whacked towards otherwise inaccessible blocks
-However, depending on the weight, will lose the shell when he jumps

Skills and Abilities:

LuigiToonForce by DoctorMooDB
Toon Force:
-Can pull objects from seemingly nowhere be them power ups or other objects/Items (LINK) (Volume 01)
-Some how survived from being turned into a skeleton after an encounter with a “FishBone” enemy (LINK) (Though he was unable to fight afterwards) (Volume 02)
-Gets flattened, re-inflated, and popped by a Goomba kicking him too hard
    -He ends up surviving (albeit with Yoshi quickly stitching him back together)
Survived getting his skeleton removed/ripped out of his body by Nabbit
-Survived being starved to the point where his body had literally become a stick figure


-Weegee’s signature move
-Can jump over 6 feet higher than Mario

-Thus, can jump over 26 feet
-Uses his agility to crush foes under his feet
-Is even agile enough to backflip off his foes and land a second hit
-Can be used for offense as well as defense
-As shown in Yoshi’s New Island, Mario can time travel by jumping. Given that Luigi is a stronger jumper than Mario, he could most likely do the same.

-Not the best choice against spiky and fiery foes, however
-So useful, Luigi’s incorporated his agility into a physical attack (see Super Jump Punch below)
-Various other techniques, like:
Wall Jump: Can kick off walls to gain height, even able to continually jump between walls.
Long Jump: Leaps forward a huge distance, though doesn’t jump very high. With enough momentum, can Long Jump backwards.
Power Squat Jump: After charging up, can backflip a huge distance in the air, much higher than his basic jump.
Somersault:……A regular jumping somersault, which goes higher than a normal jump. After doing it, Luigi can spin down gently to the ground as shown in SM64DS to cover long horizontal distances.
   -Backwards Somersault: A backwards version, sacrificing vertical range for backwards distance.
   -Roll: Rolls forwards quickly. Can be used to perform the Rolling Leap.
   -Side Somersault: Somersaults to the side.
Double Jump: If Luigi jumps twice in quick succession, he can Double Jump. It goes slightly higher than a normal jump.
Triple Jump: If Luigi performs three jumps in succession, he will flip in midair and jump even higher. Worth noting that, as shown in the SMG games, Luigi can perform a triple jump via kicking with his feet in the air similarly to his Scuttle Jump
Scuttle Jump: Via kicking his feet in midair akin to the Flutter Jump, Luigi can slow down his descent, allowing him to cover greater distances horizontally and land very precisely
Ground Pound: An attack in which Luigi plummets onto his opponent rear-first, stronger than his regular jump. Also, can be used while falling to prevent any damage that would have been taken.
   Star Pound: If Luigi Ground Pounds quickly after doing his spin attack mentioned below, Luigi will twirl around, and home in on nearby foes like Sonic’s Homing Attack.
Spin Jump: See below

Hand-to-Hand Skills:

-Has very high hand-to-hand skill, being extremely technical and versatile in Smash, and knowing a lot about fighting in the RPGS (but Mario’s still more skilled)
-Great at dodging and countering enemy attacks
-Expert at Plumb-Fu, the deadliest martial art in the Mario universe. It makes use of using plumbing tools as weapons to great effect

-Has his own fighting style that focuses on his agility, physicality, and various tools
-Also uses his awkwardness and clumsiness to his advantage to make himself even deadlier

-More intelligent than Mario, and is a better strategist, actually taking the time to think rather than rushing into a fight
-Has a variety of physical techniques he can use, like:

Super Jump Punch:
-An attack that incorporates Luigi’s jumping prowess
-A purely vertical leap at the start 
-Goes higher than Mario’s version
-But cannot move horizontally until after the jump
-If the opponent is RIGHT next to Luigi when he jumps, the move will become the “Fire Jump Punch”, setting foes aflame as they rise into the sky, with immense power and a satisfying, “PING!” effect
-However, if the foe is too far away or if it hits at any other time, it will just knock a single coin out of the opponent, barely causing them to even flinch, and has extremely minimal strength
-If used in midair, it is easier to land the Fire Jump Punch, however, a midair Fire Jump Punch is weaker and lacks the PING effect
-Gains more height if used immediately after a double jump
The Fiery Jump Punch makes it easier to successfully land a Fire Jump Punch and the initial hit has slight invincibility, but the Fire Jump Punch of this version is much weaker, Luigi doesn’t jump as high (though it covers more height when used after a double jump than the origonal when used after a double jump), lacks the PING effect, and Luigi takes much longer to recover after using the move.
The Burial Header eliminates the Fire Jump Punch completely; however, Luigi falls down MUCH faster, to the point where he can bury foes halfway into the ground on impact. In addition, Luigi jumps much higher at the start of the move, and he takes much less time to recover after the move

1200px-Luigi Cyclone SSB4 by MetaWeegee
Spin Jump/Luigi Cyclone/Star Spin:
-A mainstay ability of Luigi’s
-MUCH stronger than Luigi’s regular jump
-Can crush a Koopa into paste-shell and all
-Less vertical height than his standard jump
-Can grant him protection from spiky foes
-Can also be used as a direct attack
-Can move sideways across the ground, at a faster pace than Mario’s
-Can hit up to 8 times
-The final hit launches foes upwards
-If he spins rapidly enough, rises in midair like Mario’s, not gaining as much height, but covering more horizontal distance
-Can be “charged” by using it once on the ground to gain greater height in midair

-Upon meeting Luma, this move got upgraded to also, in addition to all the previous properties, knock opponents away with one powerful hit
-Can be used as a physical projectile reflector
-Can smash crystals and crates
-Makes Luigi swim faster
   -However, every time he uses it underwater, Luigi loses oxygen
-However, the previous 4 traits aren’t spammable, as Luma needs a second to recharge
-Height boosted by some powerups
The Mach Cyclone has less horizontal mobility, but MUCH better vertical mobility in midair. Blasts opponents away with a wind effect for most of the move, but the final hit is ABSURDLY powerful.

The Clothesline Cyclone has three separate hits throughout the move (also lasts less time), is much slower, and gains practically no height in midair, but is quite a bit stronger

Green Missile:
-A move that involves Luigi charging up to fly forward like… a missile
-Burns the opponent upon contact
-If used right after jumping, Luigi gains a slight vertical boost
-Can be charged for about 3 seconds to increase it’s distance and power
-If he crashes into a wall, he will penetrate it and have to pull his head out
-Has a 1/8 (about a 12.5%) chance of misfiring, causing Weegee to cover nearly three times as much distance as an uncharged Green Missle, also traveling much faster and with extremely high power
The Floating Missile travels completely straight, making it more reliable for offense and recovery. In addition, it also charges faster. However, it is weaker than the original, especially when uncharged.
The Quick Missle travels MUCH farther and travels much faster. However, it lacks traction, sliding on the ground after a miss, and it is also weaker when uncharged and misfired (though it’s marginally stronger when fully charged)

-Luigi has limited pyrokinesis without the need of a Fire Flower
-As you may have noticed already, however, he has green fire rather than the traditional color
-Compared to Mario’s fireballs, are a little stronger
-Has a slightly faster rate of fire as well
-However, these fireballs defy gravity, traveling completely straight regardless of whether Luigi is in midair or not
-Does not travel as far as Mario’s fireballs
The Bouncing Fireball behaves like Mario’s, covering more distance and being affected by gravity; however, they weaken even more over time than the regular Fireballs and take slightly longer to recover from.
The Ice Ball is just as it sounds; Luigi seemingly has limited cyrokinietic abilities in base form, if this move is any indication. Anyways, without the aid of an Ice Flower to boost it, it’s slower than a Fireball and Luigi needs slightly more time to throw one. However, it ultimatley covers more distance, and can freeze moderatley damaged opponents. With an Ice Flower, this move gets boosted to do everything Ice Mario’s can.

Double Kick:
-Preformed by preforming his spinning attack mentioned above, then doing a long jump
-If successful, preforms a strong double-footed kick (hence the name)
-Just a normal Long Jump for the second half of it’s duration
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-Taught to him by the Thunder God and Jellyfish sisters
-Grants him electrokinetic/electricity manipulation abilities in base form
-Luigi’s primary answer to Mario’s pyrokinetic abilities

-Can charge up a ball of electricity to electrocute foes (or paralyze Mario)
-Can even shoot out a ball of electricity bigger than himself
-His electrokinesis can even create craters in the ground at it’s strongest. Keep in mind, real-life lightning cannot do such a feat unless very intense, thus meaning Luigi’s electricity is able to reach 30,000 degrees Celsius at it’s max! This ALSO means it can potentially have over 100,000 amps!
-Can charge his punches with electricity to increase their strength, and can even electrify his own sports equipment
-Not too farfetched that he could preform electrical versions of some of Mario’s flame techniques

-Can even use the Thunderhand underwater without electrocuting himself!

Weapons and Equipment:

Plumbing Equipment:
-Still exactly what it says in the tin
-Can unclog toilets, fix pipes, regular plumber stuff
-Can open up sealed off Warp Pipes
-Can create or fix leaks/floods
-Usable to modify an irrigation system to his advantage
-Can be used as battering items
-Most notable, however, are his nunchunks made from two small pipes
-Which are quite viable as battering items
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Ultra Hammer:
-Upgraded from the Super Hammer
-Made by the Hammerhead Bros
-Luigi’s weapon of choice in hand-to-hand aside from his fists
-Can smash black rocks, which are normally indestructible
-Can revert Mario, Prince Peasly, and others to a miniature form, and can reverse it by crushing them again
-Can also destroy a 2 million ton castle with just a few swings
-Can be used for offense as well as defense
-If it gets destroyed, Luigi will just put the hammerhead back on the handle
-Normally ineffective against flying foes, however

Green Shell:
-Just a regular Green Koopa’s shell
-Can be kicked at enemies
-No homing effect like Mario’s Red Shell, instead hitting random foes
-Pretty sub-par strength

SpinDrill by MetaWeegee
Spin Drill:
-A drill Luigi carries above his head
-Can be used to drill through planets and dirt
-Can find secret areas
-Of course, enemies will get killed by the drill
-Cannot drill through hard or metal surfaces

Devolution Gun:
-A gun that resembles a spray-painted Super Scope
-Once fired, makes whoever it hits evolve backwards
-For instance, humans will turn into gorillas, and people like President Koopa will revert to T-Rexes
-It can even go back further and turn the target into primitive ooze
-Hell, could presumably go back even further and revert them to NOTHING AT ALL…. which is actually really horrifying
-Strong enough fungus can block the shots, however

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Poltergust 5000
-Upgraded from the Poltergust 4000 (yes, it really does exist)
-Made by Professor E. Gadd
-Seems to be Luigi’s counterpart to Mario’s F.L.U.D.D.
-Can pull ghosts (or objects, or people) towards it with the vacuum function, even being able to pull in gold bricks half as large as Luigi himself
-Can pull in up to seven people in one go at full power

– Luigi can use the Poltergust 5000 to suck up non-ghost enemies 
— Accidentally sucked up Toad
-Suction power can match that of a tornado
-If Luigi sucks up a ghost, then after sucking in their opposite direction of said ghost’s running direction for an amount of time, he can activate a Power Surge, allowing him to deal even more damage
-Currently upgraded to the Super Poltergust, making it stronger and damaging foes more rapidly
-Can also push objects away from Luigi and expel people out of it
-Has a flashlight attached to it, which, aside from doing basic flashlight shit, has two upgrades:
Strobulb: After charging up this device, Luigi flashes anyone within it’s (pretty big) radius, briefly stunning them. It can be charged to increase the blast range.
Dark Light Device: In a manner similar to an ultraviolet lamp, Luigi can reveal invisible objects via flashing said object with the Dark-Light Device, after which Luigi must suck up several Spirit Balls to completely reveal them. It can also remove curses on anybody it flashes and free people from paintings. However, if used for too long, the Poltergust 5000 will overheat.
-Also has three elemental medals, each of which allow Weegee to do several different things;

Fire Element Medal: After sucking up a Fire Element Ghost, allows Luigi to shoot out flames like a fucking flamethrower! Can burn opponents, of course, and light up torches, as well as reveal a Flash’s heart.
Ice Element Medal: Right after sucking up an Ice Element Ghost, the Poltergust shoots out ice, which can freeze water, foes, and reveal a Blue Blaze’s heart.
Water Element Medal: After sucking up a Water Element Ghost, the Poltergust shoots out water, which can reveal a Tempor Terror’s heart, water plants, and do other water crap.
-Though all of said Elements have finite ammo

-Worth noting that Luigi was able to destroy half of a large boulder-sized moon via sucking up a falling star and shooting it back

N64 Controller
-A classic Nintendo 64 controller
-Can be used to control the main character of a video game
    -In the case of the manga, Mario since they were in Super Mario 64
-Can also directly control people by some how plugging directly into people
    –Doing so also gives them an electric shock which can cause them some pain/stun them
-Took control of Mario, and ultimately helped him take down Bowser

Mole Gloves:
-Increase Luigi’s digging ability and allow him to borrow/tunnel underground MUCH faster than usual
    -Can also easily tear through metal/underground pipes

LuigiBadges by DoctorMooDB
-Luigi was able to make use of several badges to fight off a bunch of mind controlled Goombas from interfering with Mario’s fight with the Shadow Queen
-One of the badges is a fart badge… 
-One of the badges is the “Last Stand” badge, which the user’s HP gets too low, they will only receive half the damage (rounded up)
-Finally he has the “Mario Emblem” which gives him the colors of Mario as well as Mario’s strength and courage

LuigiSwitchPad by DoctorMooDB
Wii U Gamepad:
-Luigi is also able to use the Wii U gamepad
-In his case, he uses it to customize the environment and all the enemies in it just like “Super Mario Maker”
-This includes adding spike traps, lava, harder to reach platforms, giant enemies stacked, enemies stacked up on each other, ect
-He seems to be able to create strange enemy variants not founds in the games

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Goomba’s Shoe:
-Also known as Kurbio’s Shoe
-Can be attained by asking its host nicely to get out (yeah, I wish)
-After killing its driver, Luigi can drive around with an immunity to spikes
-Can even walk on enemies like Thwomps
-Still has access to power-ups
-However, he loses it after enough hits

-Aside from being yet another example of creative naming, is gained in the same way as the Goomba Shoe
-Once you enter the Ice Skate, you gain greater mobility on the ice
-You can also turn easier on the ice
-Immunity to certain spikes
-However, cannot stop, and if you bounce into a Walleye or a wall, the skate will vanish

Goomba By Doctorworm1987-d9jh05x by MetaWeegee

Goomba Mask:
-Makes Weegee look like his bro’s weakest enemy, which actually let’s him blend in to some (but not all) enemies
-Undetected by enemy spotlights
-Gives Luigi protection on the head
-Will lose it upon contact with a foe

NegativeZone by MetaWeegee

Negative Zone:
-A bizarre as HELL ability that he apparently gained from being in Mario’s shadow for so long
-Once initiated, a huge void with a greenish tint appears that sticks around for 17 seconds that has a variety of effects on the opponent, which include:
   -Drastically reduces opponent’s strength
   -Greatly lowers an opponent’s durability, which allows Luigi to use many of his attacks (particularly the Fire Jump Punch, which can potentially OHKO in the Zone) to great effect
   -Increased chance of tripping
   -Causes flower growth on the opponent’s head, which rapidly deals damage as long as it remains
   -Stuns opponents, rendering them dizzy and unable to move for a few seconds. On aerial foes, it pulls them to the ground, and they are completely unable to do anything until they land (after which they proceed to get stunned)
   -Uncontrollable taunting
   -Putting opponents to sleep
   -Can slow down opponents
-Invincibility does not prevent any of the effects from happening
-Luigi himself is unaffected save for a minor speed decrease
-However, in rare cases, the opponent won’t be affected at all
-At the start of the move, Luigi dances… quite weirdly, for a few seconds, during which time he cannot move, but he cannot be hit either; after the dance, he’s free to pummel his foe
-The effects still linger for a while after the zone dissipates

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Super Strike: Vicious Vortex:
-Preformed by kicking a soccer ball into the air
-Upon doing so, Luigi enters a karate pose and ferociously kicks the ball
-Quite powerful
-Of course, difficult to defend against

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Mega Strike: Thunder Luigi:
-After kicking the ball in the air, uses his Thunderhand to charge up electricity (and look fucking badass!)
-Can powerfully hit a soccer ball so hard, it splits into six
-Simply a bitch to defend against
-Speed and number of times the ball is split can be determined by when he kicks it into the air

Broom by Doctorworm1987
Giga Broom:
Apparent reality warping abilities.. (skip to 3:15-3:18)
-In case you missed it,  he WIPES her castle out of existence
-Near lack of skill USING it, though

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-Just…. this ungodly beast up above. Just… no.
-A complete and utter coward, being scared of ghosts, koopas, goombas, his shadow, the sun, air, just about ANYTHING, basically
  -However, this can also serve as an advantage, as it usually makes Luigi more cautious about danger
  -Has also been able to overcome his fears
-Loses many of his powerups after taking hard punishment
-Very clumsy
-Not quite as experienced as Mario
-Has quite a bit of a problem with traction, sliding pretty far after coming to a stop
  -Cannot stop or corner as well as his bro

-Has been captured a few times (but not as much as Mario has been)
-If he loses his cap, his durability is reduced by half and his strength also suffers
-Has been overshadowed and left behind TOO. DAMN. LONG.
  -As such, has a slight inferiority complex
  -Also seems to have jealousy, and possibly even some anger and hatred for his bro

(“Oh yeah! Who’s number one now?! Luigi!”)


Race: Saiyan
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, but older than Goku
Alignment: Evil
Affiliation: Saiyan Race and Planet Trade Organization
First Appearance: Manga: Volume #17 “The Mysterious Warrior from Space” (1988). Anime: “The New Threat” (1989)
Aliases: None
Pun Name: Radish

-One shot Krillin
-Dominated the combined efforts of both Goku and Piccolo
-Knocked out Kid Gohan with a blow
-Kidnapped Gohan
-He was one of the few Saiyans who survived Planet Vegeta’s explosion
-Somehow unlocked Super Saiyan 3 despite never transforming into the first 2 forms

-Strong enough to both knock out and one-shot people such as Krillin, Goku, Kid Gohan and Piccolo

-Fast enough to catch the likes of Goku and Piccolo
-Dodged Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon

-Managed to withstand Gohan’s headbutt
-In Dragon Ball Fusions he can take blows from Gotenks

-Able to fight even when tired

-Life force energy of the Dragon Ball universe
-It is formed by these 3 elements: Energy, Courage and Mind
-It can be positive or negative. But it really depends on the user’s state
-It is necessary to manipulate his own energy and use it outside the body
-Acts as a gateway for many techniques, from energy blasts and waves, to even transformations


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Ki Blast:
-Discharged portions of Raditz’s ki

-A white energy wave fired with one hand

Tail Attack:
-Raditz uses his tail as a whip to knock the opponent back

Double Sunday:
-Raditz’s signature attack
-A pink energy wave fired from both hands

Behind You!:
-Raditz faces away from an opponent. When they try to attack, he counters by kicking out backwards, sending them away


-Raditz moves so quickly that only an image of him is left behind

I’m a Top Class Warrior!:
-Elbows the opponent from behind

RaditzSaturdayCrush by Br3ndan5

Saturday Crush:
-A pink energy sphere fired from his right hand

Raditz Saturday Crash by Br3ndan5

Saturday Crash:
-A more powerful version of the Saturday Crush

Raditz weekend by Br3ndan5

-A stronger version of Double Sunday

Fire Somersault:

-Spins around, gathering flaming ki around his body before charging forward

Mimicry by Br3ndan5

-Can copy any technique just by seeing it once

-Very to the point
-Experienced fighter
-Cunning to outwit his enemies by feigning cowardice to lower their guard


Oozaru/Great Ape
-Allows Raditz to increase his power X10
-The Saiyan needs to look at the Full Moon to achieve so
-Becomes wild and ferocious in this form

Time breaker raditz by Br3ndan5

Time Breaker:
-Activated when under Towa’s dark magic
-Greatly boosts his power

Raditz SSJ3 by Br3ndan5

Super Saiyan 3:
-Multiplies his power by 400x
-Drains his stamina while in use


-Much weaker than many DBZ characters
-Very arrogant
-Loses his rationality and intelligence when he becomes an Oozaru
-Constantly mocks his opponents before killing them
-Is extremely cowardly when facing death
-Grabbing his tail will make him feel agonizing pain
-Time Breaker form requires outside help
-Super Saiyan 3 quickly drains him

(I know an easy win when I see one. I’m a Saiyan. It’s what I do.”)

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