Death Battle: Luigi vs Raditz

Note: Due to new feats, upgrades, or downgrades that have come out since then, the verdict for this fight is outdated

Prelude here:

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


A metallic space pod crashed onto the middle of a village of Toads. The mushroom people gathered around it, some looking at it in fright and others with intrigue. Suddenly, the pod’s door snapped open, revealing its lone occupant. He had long, spiky black hair and wore black armor with brown shoulder pads. A brown monkey tail was wrapped around his waist. Raditz looked at his surroundings in disgust.

“So this planet is still intact? Dammit, Kakarot! How could you have failed such a simple mission?” The Saiyan checked his scouter to see what power levels the natives had. “Power level of 2. This should be easy.” Raditz grinned as he charged a pink ball of ki.

“Hey, what’s he doing?” A toad asked.

“Die!” Raditz shouted as he tossed the ball at a group of Toads, vaporizing them on the spot. The others began running away, causing Raditz to grin.

Peach’s Castle; An hour later

A Warp Pipe emerged from the castle floor, and a plumber jumped out of it not long after. He was dressed in red and blue, with a red M cap. This was Mario, the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. He turned toward the pipe, as though expecting someone else.

Shortly after, another plumber emerged from the pipe, though he had jumped a bit too high. Luigi hit his head against the ceiling, eliciting an “oof!” before falling flat on his face as he hit hit the ground, cracking the pavement upon doing so. He managed to get back up and shook his head.

“Luigi!” Mario called out as he jumped. “Let’s-a go!”

“Okay.” His brother responded. The two made their way to the meeting room. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by Toadsworth.

“Ah! Masters Mario and Luigi! Thank goodness you’ve arrived! There’s been an urgent matter!” Mario asked what it was, speaking in vaguely Italian-sounding gibberish. “A village of toads to the east of here were suddenly vaporized! One of the witnesses said they were attacked by an armored man with long hair. We need you to find this ruffian and deal with him.”

“Oh yeah!” Mario responded, accepting the mission.

“Okie-dokie!” Luigi said as he jumped in the air.

[stop music]

Another Toad Village

Raditz grinned at his handiwork. Yet another village had been completely destroyed. There had been no one to challenge him. These mushroom people, Toads according to the files on his database, were a joke. At best they only had a power level of 5. Just as he was about to leave, his scouter began beeping as a high power level began approaching. The Saiyan turned to find the Mario Bros. Mario was glaring at him, while Luigi began cowering as soon as Raditz laid eyes on him.

“So someone’s actually decided to try and fight me? And here I thought your planet would be defenseless.” The Saiyan grinned as he began scanning the Marios. His smirk morphed into annoyance as the scouter displayed an error message upon trying to scan both.

‘Dammit! Wasn’t this thing supposed to be fixed?’ Raditz thought as he began pressing several buttons on the scouter in an attempt to fix it, but to no avail. Swearing under his breath, Goku’s brother looked both brothers in the eye and smirked once again.

“Well, it doesn’t matter what power level you are. Neither of you stand a chance against me!” He boasted.

“We’ll-a see about that!” Mario said as he pulled out a hammer and jumped forward, preparing to bring it down on the Saiyan’s head. Just as it was about to hit him, Raditz’s eyes flashed red as a dark aura momentarily covered him. Then, in a swift motion, the red-capped brother was smacked away by the Saiyan’s tail, sending him across the horizon.

“Mario!” Luigi cried out in shock.

“Don’t worry about him! You’re next, Green Man!” Raditz said as he began charging up ki in his hands. “Here’s a present for you!” He shouted as he fired a pink energy sphere. To his surprise, his Saturday Crush was cancelled out with a ball of lightning. As the smoke cleared, he saw Luigi, a pissed look on his face as electricity coursed around his body.

“Nobody hurts my bro!” The eternal understudy said as he suddenly rocketed forward, delivering a punch to the Saiyan’s jaw, knocking him back. The low-class warrior became enraged as he felt blood trickle from his lip.

“That will be the last mistake you ever make, scum. I’ll show you no mercy!” Raditz said as he flew toward the plumber.

Db Fight! by Br3ndan5

As the Saiyan began closing in, Luigi jumped through the air, easily reaching 20 feet before descending onto Raditz’s head. He quickly backflipped off of the Saiyan before coming back down on him. The Green Thunder sprung off of him, causing the son of Bardock to growl in anger. He looked up and smirked as Luigi pulled out the Ultra Hammer. Just as the plumber brought it down, Raditz suddenly disappeared from sight, causing Luigi to hit thin air. The Green Machine looked around in confusion before noticing the Saiyan’s shadow towering over him. Before he could confront Goku’s brother, the low-class warrior elbowed him in the face. Raditz grinned as Luigi was sent flying across the burning wreckage of the village.

“Pathetic! Is that really all you could muster?” Raditz asked as he charged ki in his hands. “Double Sunday!” He shouted, firing two beams from his hands. Luigi got up and, upon seeing the beams heading toward him, pulled out a mushroom with a rock-like cap. Upon scarfing it down, the plumber’s overalls became more gray and craggy as he rushed toward the beams, turning himself into a giant boulder. Rock Luigi then rolled toward Raditz, unfazed by the Double Sunday. The Saiyan’s eyes widened in shock as he was almost bowled over, only dodging at the last second. As soon as he took to the air the boulder stopped rolling and turned back into Luigi.

Upon seeing his opponent’s transformed state, Raditz growled as he began charging ki in both hands. The low-class Saiyan then fired a rapid series of ki blasts, intent on finishing his opponent while his back was turned. Luigi turned to see each of the ki blasts heading toward him and gulped nervously before pulling out the Ultra Hammer. He then began swinging at each ki blast, batting them away and sending several toward the low-class Saiyan. Raditz quickly dodged each blast, only to get hit by Rock Luigi’s boulder form. The two fell to the ground, Luigi attempting to bowl him over while Raditz held a clean grip on the charging boulder. With a roar of determination, the Saiyan picked the rock up and threw it to the side.

The rock changed back to Luigi mid-flight, allowing the son of Bardock to rush forward in an instant and deliver a rapid series of punches and kicks before finishing his combo with a roundhouse that sent Luigi skidding across the ground. Deciding to finish his opponent now, Raditz formed two spheres of ki in his hands.

“Weekend!” He shouted as he threw his hands forward, creating a beam of pink energy that quickly approached the plumber. Luigi got back up and, upon seeing the beam heading toward him, pulled out a gray leaf. A massive explosion could be seen from a distance, and once it cleared Raditz could be seen grinning as he had finally killed the green-clad coward. Or at least that’s what he thought. Upon closer inspection, he noticed something in the epicenter: a gray statue of his opponent in a fox suit. The low-class warrior became confused before seeing Luigi change back.

“Why won’t you die?” Raditz asked angrily as he rushed toward the plumber. Luigi yelped in fright as Bardock’s eldest son flew toward him before changing back into a statue. The low-class warrior began unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks, but to no avail. If anything, the only things hurting were his knuckles from beating against solid stone, but he didn’t care. He stubbornly continued until he finally delivered a successful blow to Luigi, as the statue’s time limit finally ran out. The Saiyan then began thrashing the eternal understudy as he delivered another flurry of punches and kicks before ending with a ki-enhanced kick. Luigi was knocked away, feeling dizzy from the beating he had just taken. He eventually shook off his dizziness as he noticed his opponent had been charging up another what appeared to be another Saturday Crush. But then he noticed something: this one was larger than the previous one.

“Saturday Crash!” Raditz shouted as he fired the pink energy sphere. Luigi let the ki come near him before knocking it back with a Spin Jump. The Saiyan could do nothing but cross both arms in front of his chest to protect himself as the blast consumed him, creating a massive explosion in the process. As the smoke cleared, Raditz still floated, though he had put most of his energy into surviving the attack, leaving him exhausted.

[Stop music]

“Is that… all you… GAH!” His taunting was interrupted as Luigi rocketed toward him and slammed his head into his chest. The Green Missile proved surprisingly effective as it shattered some of the Saiyan’s armor and struck him directly, causing Raditz to spit out blood. Before he could do anything in response, he found himself repeatedly kicked in the face by Luigi’s Scuttlejump and then smashed into the ground as the Ultra Hammer made contact with his skull.

The two then landed on the ground as Raditz rubbed the back of his head in pain. Once the pain had faded, he glared at the plumber as the dark aura from before began surrounding him.

“You’ll pay for that… with your life!” He shouted as he began firing a barrage of ki blasts at Luigi. The plumber responded by pulling out a Fire Flower. Upon touching it, his outfit had changed colors once again. This time the green on his clothes became white while his overalls changed to green. Fire Luigi began countering each ki blast with fireballs, creating a massive dust cloud that separated both combatants’ vision. The separation ended when a stream of flame hit the Saiyan head-on. Rather than roasting him, Raditz had once again disappeared. Luigi knew what to expect this time, though.

“Death is near.” A voice called out from behind him. Luigi turned and held his arms in front of him just as Raditz elbowed him. He was sent skidding back a bit, but he quickly recomposed himself just as the Saiyan charged toward him, now surrounded in a fiery aura. Rather than run, however, Luigi began spinning in place with his arms outstretched.

The two brothers soon collided, with Raditz slamming himself into Luigi only to be backhanded away by the Green Thunder. Goku’s brother was first to recover as he caught himself mid-flight and rushed toward the King of Second Bananas. Picking him up off the ground, Raditz gave a wide grin before repeatedly punching the plumber in the face, finishing his combo with an uppercut that sent Luigi into the air. Before he could hit the ground, Raditz suddenly appeared in front of him and delivered an elbow to his skull, sending the eternal understudy crashing into the ground and returning him to his base form. The Saiyan grinned as he began charging up pink energy in both hands.

“Double Sunday!” He shouted as he fired two massive pink beams at Luigi. The green Mario brother got back up, woozily, just in time to see the beams heading toward him. He began panicking as he grabbed the nearest power up he could find. Just as he managed to grab one, the beam was only a few feet away before it consumed him.

[stop music]

As the Double Sunday subsided, it appeared that nothing was left of Luigi. Raditz grinned. The plumber had been a thorn in his side, but in the end he had triumphed. The Saiyan began laughing, but then a shrill BEEP from his scouter caused him to pause. Apparently, there was a high power level fast approaching. Before he could see what it was, a gloved fist struck him. Upon turning to face his assailant, his face contorted in rage. Not only had the plumber been unharmed by the attack, he had managed to adopt another form! Worse yet, this one looked completely ridiculous! His Italian opponent was now wearing puffy green overalls, a gray shirt and shoes, and his cap now had two squirrel ears on it. His arms were currently held out like a flying squirrel, allowing Raditz to see his gray membranes and tail.

Before he could make a comment about his opponent’s power-up, the low-class warrior found himself pummeled as Luigi performed multiple Spin Jumps, causing both to ascend through the air. Just as the cyclone of fists ended, Raditz felt Luigi grab his leg before spinning him around repeatedly until they became a blur. Once the plumber released his grip, the son of Bardock was sent flying into a nearby mountain, destroying it upon contact.

As the Saiyan struggled to get back up, he looked up to see Luigi, already rocketing toward him with another Green Missile. The green-clad Italian was rapidly closing in on him, and Raditz’s mind was already panicking. There was no doubt that if that hit him, he’d be a dead man! With no other options left, Raditz did the only thing he could.

“W-Wait! Please!” He screamed desperately as Luigi approached him.

[Stop music]

Surprisingly enough, the green-clad brother did as he asked, stopping mere inches from his body. Internally, Raditz breathed a sigh of relief. He’d managed to buy himself a few more seconds to live, but if he wanted to make it out completely, he’d need more than just a desperate plea for mercy. Perhaps a bargain?

“Please just spare me, and I promise I’ll leave this planet and never return!” Luigi thought about this for a second before returning to the ground. 

“Okay.” He said. Raditz grinned, not out of gratitude, but because the plumber had just fallen into his trap.

[Continue music]

“YOU FOOL!” Raditz screamed as he smacked the eternal understudy with his tail, sending him flying and reverting him to base form. Just as he landed, Raditz caught back up and delivered a series of punches to the plumber’s torso. He then picked Luigi up and delivered a knee to his stomach, sending the green-clad Mario brother flying away. Upon seeing his opponent hit the ground, Raditz grinned as he began charging up all of his energy for a final attack.

Meanwhile, Luigi had managed to get back up. Breathing heavily, he looked up just in time to see Raditz preparing to throw a massive energy sphere at the ground. The plumber cried out in terror and began searching through his pockets for a power up until he found a Cape Feather. Upon touching it, a puff of smoke appeared over Luigi. Once it cleared, he took to the air, now sporting a yellow cape. As he flew toward Raditz, he noticed the ball growing in size and pulled out another power-up: a Starman.

Upon touching it, the King of Second Bananas became coated in a rainbow color as he flew toward the Saiyan. Raditz noticed Luigi heading toward him and grinned.

“You’re too late, Green Man! You made the mistake of showing mercy to a battle-hardened warrior, and now you and your entire planet will pay the price!” Raditz said before throwing the energy ball toward the plumber, intent on having it kill him first. To his surprise, Luigi flew right into it and destroyed it upon contact.

“WHAT?!” Goku’s brother exclaimed in shock as the Green Thunder rushed toward him in an intense burst of speed. Before Raditz could question what the hell had just happened, he found himself subjected to a swift beating from the invincible brother. A surprisingly long combo of punches, kicks, and spin jumps hit Raditz at full force before Luigi let up. The Saiyan attempted to retaliate with his own combo of hits, but they did nothing.

Gritting his teeth, Raditz fired a massive ki blast that consumed the plumber. His jaw dropped in shock as Luigi emerged from the smoke, not only unscathed but smirking as well. Before the low-class warrior could attempt anything else, his vision became obscured by yellow fabric and he suddenly found himself spun around repeatedly. The pattern began getting increasingly faster until Luigi finally released him, sending his captive flying across the horizon.

Luigi watched this before floating back to the ground. A puff of smoke covered him as both power ups wore off, returning him to base form.

[stop music]

Luigi wiped his brow. It was over. The Saiyan had been beaten.

Or so it had seemed.

In actuality, Raditz had been launched through the sky. A cone of fire had surrounded him, making him look like some sort of reverse comet. Eventually he managed to stop himself just as he entered the stratosphere. The son of Bardock looked at his surroundings in bewilderment. How had that green man thrown him this far? Before he could ask any further questions, however, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye: the moon! As he noticed this, a devious grin made its way onto Raditz’s face.

Back on the ground, Luigi had started walking away from the destroyed village when a loud crash suddenly made him jump in shock. He nervously turned to see what it was and let out a scream as he saw the monster in front of him.

“G-g-g-giant m-m-m-m-m-m-monkey!” He stammered fearfully. The transformed Raditz let out a savage roar as he swiped at the plumber. Luigi jumped out of the way only for the Great Ape to grab him with his other hand. The Green Thunder began panicking as he searched through his pockets for an item. As his fingers closed around the stem of a mushroom, the Oozaru brought the plumber to face level and began squeezing. Luigi screamed in pain, causing Raditz to start laughing. As he did so, however, he felt something enter his mouth. 

The Great Ape fell to his knees and began gagging as he felt a toxin spread through his system, causing him to begin shrinking in size. He felt himself growing weaker with each inch and glared at Luigi, paying no attention to the vacuum cleaner currently on his opponent’s back. The ferocious ape prepared to squeeze the life from him in retaliation, but he suddenly found himself blinded by a flash of light from the Poltergust 5000. The ape covered both eyes in pain as he unintentionally dropping the plumber to the ground.

Before he could hit the ground, Luigi performed a Ground Pound, allowing him to land safely. He turned to see Raditz still recovering from the flash. Knowing the effects would wear off soon, the plumber took a massive leap across the village and pulled out a pink flower with two yellow heads. As soon as he did so, the Oozaru shook his head in rage before turning back to face the eternal understudy. Upon doing so, he felt his jaw drop in shock. Staring back at him were an army of Luigis, all of them looking back at Raditz with determination.

The shock of this sight soon left the Oozaru, as the Luigis stoic expressions caused his own to morph into one of rage. Picking up the nearest object he could find, a boulder, Raditz chucked it at the Luigis at full force. Instead of crushing the army as it was supposed to, the rock was quickly sucked toward the Poltergust of one of the front Luigis, who quickly shot it back at the massive monkey, hitting him in the snout.

The beast roared in fury as he charged up a ki blast in his mouth. As the blast gathered in his maw, one of the Luigis ran toward him, pulling out a Mega Mushroom in the process. Upon consuming it, the clone began growing in size until he finally reached the Oozaru. Just as the ape was about to fire, the giant Luigi delivered an uppercut, causing the blast to detonate prematurely in his mouth. Raditz stumbled back before roaring at his attacker and preparing to retaliate. Unfortunately for the Great Ape, the giant was quicker on the draw as he pulled out the Ultra Hammer and delivered an upward swing to Raditz’s chin, sending him into the air for a brief moment before suddenly crashing to the ground. 

Just as Raditz was about to get back to his feet, he was suddenly assaulted by the rest of the Luigis, who quickly tackled him down and began beating on him with their new power-ups. Some clawed at him while wearing cat suits, others drilled their way into him repeatedly with either their own bodies or a drill they carried above themselves. Patches of fur were either burnt, frozen solid, or turned into golden coins by the flower-powered Luigis. Small welts began to form across his body as Hammer, Tanooki, and Lucky Cat Luigis all began bludgeoning him. The Saiyan’s rage grew as he endured this humiliation, and he attempted to shake them off. As he did so, one Luigi noticed the tail still moving and got an idea.

Just as it seemed like the Oozaru had finally brushed away enough of the army to stand, he suddenly felt a paralyzing shock go through his body. He looked up to see the giant Luigi gripping his tail. Before he could attempt to retaliate, the Luigi clone began swinging him around. While slow at first, he began to pick up in speed until both became a blur. When the giant finally released his grip, Raditz was sent flying several feet away. The ape began getting back up before he noticed a massive shadow above him. For a brief moment, confusion overtook the beast, and as he looked up his jaw dropped at what he saw.

Suspended several feet above him lay a MASSIVE castle, one whose size greatly overwhelmed even his own. As this shock coursed through his savage mind, the castle suddenly collapsed on top of him, crushing him underneath. Several seconds later, the castle was reduced to rubble as Raditz emerged, now incredibly pissed off. He turned to face Luigi and grinned as he saw the plumber apparently distracted by a Gamepad. The Great Ape began running toward him, only to scream as a fiery pain spread across his feet. He jumped up in pain and landed on the soft grass. He looked back to see lava where he had been running.

As the Oozaru’s savage mind attempted to process how that could have spawned, he felt something crawl on his back. He attempted to scratch at it, only to howl in pain as an electric shock go through his body. Now enraged, the giant monkey attempted to search for Luigi, believing him to be the source of all this. As he began searching, the Luigi clone on his back pulled out an N64 controller and began fiddling with it. As he did so, Raditz followed his movements, giving the copy an idea.

Raditz grunted in annoyance as his body began moving against his will, forcing him forward as the environment around him began changing. Spikes and lava spawned under his feet wherever he walked, causing him to emit high-pitched screeches of pain. Despite his attempts to fight back, the Saiyan found himself forced to continue walking forward as a cliffside came into view. Raditz attempted to muster as much self-control as he could in an attempt to stop himself, but it was in vain as he was forced to jump off of the cliff and bellyflop into a conveniently placed lake. Just as he was about to hit the water, the Oozaru’s eyes widened as the lake was seemingly erased, causing him to slam into solid rock. He emerged from the crater, rubbing his head in pain before feeling something hit him in the face.

Turning toward its direction, the Great Ape watched as several hundred Luigi clones began jumping off the cliff, all intent on converging toward him. He attempted to swat at them, but the Luigi controlling him pressed one of the triangle buttons while holding down, causing Raditz to double over in pain as he forcibly punched himself in the stomach. The pain was further increased as the Luigi army began dogpiling on him, each delivering blows with weapons they had on hand. Unable to stand the humiliation, the ape let out a roar as an explosive wave of ki burst from his body, causing the clone army to disperse. 

[stop music]

Now exhausted, the Saiyan began shrinking until eventually returning to his base form. He fell to the ground and attempted to catch his breath, but the ground underneath him suddenly vanished, causing him to plummet into a pitch black void. With his energy exhausted, all Raditz could do was watch as the ground suddenly rematerialized, sealing him inside of a pitch black void.

He continued falling, his body slowly growing colder as darkness overtook his vision. It felt as though death itself loomed over him, prepared to take him at any moment.

‘Is this it?’ Raditz thought as he fell through the void. ‘Is this how I die? One of the last members of a warrior race falling to a spineless coward?’

The Saiyan clenched his fist in rage.

“No!” Raditz said aloud, his voice echoing through the void. “I will not fall here! I am a Saiyan! Low-class or not, I will not die to this scum!” A dark aura began surrounding the low class warrior as something snapped inside of him. His hair flickered slightly, becoming gold in color as his eyes briefly changed to a green color. Normally these were the signs of the Super Saiyan transformation, but the aura suddenly interfered with his transformation. The flickering form was boosted even further as his eyebrows suddenly disappeared, his hair grew until it had become longer than his own body, and the transformation finally stabilized itself. Thanks to the interference of Towa’s dark magic, Raditz had bypassed both Super Saiyans 1 and 2, skipping straight to 3. The newly transformed Super Saiyan 3 wasted no time in using his newfound power as he rocketed back toward the surface, blowing an entrance open as he approached his destination.

Once he had burst through the ground, the transformed Saiyan rushed toward the village, looking around to see where his opponent had gone. He grinned as he laid his eyes on the plumber, back currently facing him. Raditz charged toward him and delivered an elbow to his back, driving him into the ground.

“You didn’t think you’d be able to get rid of me that easily, did you?” The Saiyan asked as he kicked Luigi across the village. As the plumber ascended through the air, Raditz delivered a Double Axe Handle to his skull, slamming him into the ground with a THUD! Before his opponent could get back up, the Saiyan brought both hands together and began focusing his ki until a ball of lightning emerged from his palms. 

“What? How do you know how to perform the Thunderhand?” Luigi asked in confusion. Bardock’s son smirked.

“Saiyans like myself have the ability to copy a technique just by seeing it in action.” Raditz explained. “See for yourself!” He shouted as he threw the lightning ball at the Mario brother, electrocuting him. The low-class warrior grinned in anticipation as he prepared to view the charred corpse of the plumber. To his surprise, Luigi was mostly unharmed aside from some cartoonish burn marks coating his skin and clothes.

“What the hell are you?” Raditz exclaimed in a mixture of anger, annoyance, and shock. Luigi didn’t respond, instead jumping past him before coming down onto the Saiyan’s head, sending him to the ground. Goku’s brother crouched down just as the green-clad Mario brother jumped down on him one more time, causing him to counter with an elbow strike as Luigi attempted to jump off. The plumber was knocked back slightly, allowing Raditz enough time to rush past him and elbowed him in the back. The Saiyan then rushed toward the plumber, prepared to end the fight. Luigi saw Raditz flying toward him and smirked as their battlefield was suddenly consumed in a light green void that pulled the airborne Saiyan to the ground.

‘The hell just happened?’ Raditz thought as he landed, becoming paralyzed as an electric shock coursed through his body. He shook this off as best as he could before noticing Luigi in the middle of performing some sort of… bizarre dance. The fool had given him an opening. Not willing to let this opportunity go to waste, he began to charge forward, only to realize that he was moving sluggishly. On top of that, the Super Saiyan 3 form was draining the last of his stamina, but he attempted to push himself further.

‘Just have to keep going.’ Raditz thought as he took a step forward…

And fell flat on his face. Growling, he got back up and saw Luigi glaring at him.

“You-a want to know what I am?” The plumber’s voice echoed throughout the Negative Zone as he reeled back his fist, which began crackling with electricity.

“I’m-a Luigi!” the Green Thunder threw his fist forward, delivering a blow that shattered the rest of the Saiyan’s armor. “Number…” the plumber threw a rapid multitude of punches, each one paralyzing Raditz as they made contact. The eternal understudy then reeled his fist back, coating it with electricity. “OOOOONNNNNNEEEEE!” He shouted as he leapt into the air, slamming into the Saiyan’s chin with a Super Jump Punch that launched him out of the void and into the sky.

[stop music]

Raditz screamed, his tone a combination of rage and pain as he quickly passed through the stratosphere and made his way to a new destination: the Moon. Upon making contact with the lunar satellite, the low-class warrior landed headfirst, crushing his skull while also leaving a massive L-shaped crater on the surface.

Back on Earth, Luigi sighed in relief as the Negative Zone faded from existence. After waiting for a few seconds to see if his adversary would return, the mustached plumber realized that he had beaten the Saiyan and proved quick to celebrate as he struck a victory pose.

“Wahoo! I did it!” He said enthusiastically. This celebration wouldn’t last long, however, as a voice called out from behind him.

“Luigi!” Mario called out. Luigi turned to see his brother walking over to him with several cartoonish bumps on his head.

“Mario, you’re-a okay!” Luigi said joyfully as he ran up to his brother and hugged him.

“What happened to that-a alien?”

“Well, let’s just say I took care of him. Nobody messes with you while I’m around, bro.”

“Good job, Luigi.” Mario said, patting him on the back. “Now let’s-a head back to the princess’ castle and tell her the good news.”

Okay. Show of hands if you read the prelude, who isn’t surprised by this outcome?

Honestly, this fight wasn’t even close. Raditz was noticeably braver than Luigi when it came to their attitudes toward combat, and his ability to fly in base form gave him a mobility advantage over Luigi, who needs power-ups in order to do the same. But outside of those two minor advantages, Luigi held everything else, physicality and otherwise.

Raditz may be fast enough to catch bullets and could catch Goku and Piccolo off guard, but Luigi’s speed feats far surpass him due to dodging UFO lasers that were going at faster than light speeds and being able to keep up with Bowser. In terms of strength, he FAR surpasses Raditz since he can destroy 2 million ton castles with only a kick and punch away neutron stars, which weigh 780 septillion tons at their lowest. His durability also greatly surpasses Raditz’s. While the Saiyan can take blows from Gotenks in Dragon Ball Fusions, Luigi has fought near the sun, approached the event horizon of a black hole, and withstood blows from Dreamy Bowser, a reality warper with limitless strength. Luigi’s toonforce would only further this durability, allowing him to survive whatever Raditz could throw at him.

If the fight were to shift to close quarters, Luigi could easily take on Raditz due to his superior hand-to-hand training in spite of the Saiyan’s superior combat experience.

Raditz’s transformations grant him more power, but Luigi’s power-ups and vast arsenal easily counter them. Specifically, the Copy Flower and Double Cherry could allow him to outnumber Raditz, he could turn invisible and intangible with the Vanish Flower, become immune to harm with the Starman, Rainbow Star, and Statue Leaf, his Poison Mushrooms could weaken Raditz, and the Mega Mushroom would allow him to counter the Oozaru form since it grants him superior strength, speed, and size without the loss of intelligence. There’s also the fact that Weegee has several specific weapons and power-ups that give him more advantages. The Poltergust could suck up Raditz or blind him with the Strobulb, the Wii U Gamepad could allow him to manipulate the environment to his advantage, the N64 Controller would allow him to control Raditz like a puppet, the Negative Zone could vastly weaken the Saiyan enough for Luigi to finish him off, and the Gold Flower would allow him to one-shot Raditz by transmuting him into a coin.

In the end, Raditz couldn’t do anything to prevent his crushing defeat.

The winner is Luigi.

WinnerLuigi by Br3ndan5

Luigi (Winner)
+ Physically superior
+ More experienced
+ More athletic
+ Superior hand-to-hand combat
+ Toonforce could allow him to survive anything Raditz could dish out
+ Better equipment
+ Arsenal contains several weapons or power-ups that could one-shot Raditz
    + Poison Mushroom could weaken Raditz
    + Wii U Gamepad could allow him to manipulate the battlefield to his advantage
    + Could take control of Raditz using the N64 controller
    + Could suck up Raditz with the Poltergust or blind him with Strobulb
    + Could gain an advantage in numbers with either Double Cherry or Copy Flower
    + Could become invincible with either the Starman, Rainbow Star, or by turning into Statue Luigi
    + Raditz has no way to counter the Vanish Flower
    + Mega Mushroom grants a MASSIVE advantage in strength, durability, and size
+ Negative Zone could weaken Raditz to the point where Luigi could finish him off
+ Has fought opponents far superior to Raditz
– Cowardly nature prevented him from going all out at the start

Raditz (Loser)
+ Braver than Luigi when it came to fighting
+ Flight gave him better mobility compared to Luigi’s base form

– But this is mitigated by several of Luigi’s power-ups
+ Transformations could boost his power

– But Luigi’s power-ups counter them
– Everything else

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