Prelude: Batman vs Green Goblin

These two businessmen of questionable sanity spend their fortunes to  dress up in costumes while using gadgets of their own designs to inspire fear in others.
Batman, Gotham City’s Caped Crusader.

And the Green Goblin, Spider-Man’s arch nemesis.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

AKA: Bruce Wayne
First Appearance: Detective Comics #27 (May, 1939)

-Solved numerous unsolvable crimes
-Invites near-death experiences
-Can best metahumans in combat
-Does not use firearms
–Excluding his earliest appearances or against a threat like Darkseid
-Singlehandedly defeated Superman & the Justice League
-Only non-powered founder of the Justice League
-Avoided unavoidable Omega Beams
-Survived outer space for 24 seconds
-Can bench press 1,000 lbs
-Can leg press 2,500 lbs
-Can throw a batarang 100 mph
-Swapped a poison drink faster than the literal blink of an eye
-Broke into Area 51 and Area 52

As a child, Bruce Wayne lived a happy life. His family was kind, supportive, and rich. Then tragedy struck at the age of 8 when Bruce witnessed his parents being mugged and then shot by the criminal Joe Chill.
Left traumatized by the incident and presumably with no therapists to turn to, Bruce did what any child would do in this situation: vow to fight crime so no one would ever have to go through what he did. Though judging by how many Robins he’s had to take under his wing, he’s probably still got a way’s to go.

Regardless, Bruce spent his time training in the ways of martial arts, becoming an incredible fighter and pushing his body to its limits and pretty much becoming superhuman in his abilities. Just look at what he’s done to get an idea of how far he pushed his body.

-Held back a car from speeding away
-Shoved a railcar with his legs to get it moving
-Resisted the pull of a jet turbine, climbed onto a wing and then held onto the wing
-Held up a collapsed building long enough for some monks to escape
-Pulled open a steel vault while underwater
-Pulled open a car trunk while underwater to rescue a little girl
-Broke a handgun in half while being shot
-Ripped a metal duct apart despite being starved, drugged, and deprived of sleep for a week

-Moved fast enough to save an old lady from a speeding car
-Caught a grenade thrown at him and tossed it away into a dryer to absorb its explosion
-Dodged gunfire from a tank while rushing at it
-Evaded machine gun fire from a GCPD helicopter
-Evaded the Wrath’s machine gun fire (5,000 rounds per minute)
-Disappears out of sight before Batwoman’s grenades could blow up and then reappears behind her before Batwoman can notice
-Disarmed two gunmen with a single batarang before they could point their guns at him

-Survived having his back broken by Bane
-Stopped himself from falling by using his grappling hooks to tether between two buildings, putting an immense amount of force on his muscles
-Survived a multi-story fall after being stabbed through the chest and kicked through glass
–Without his suit
-Survived the Joker torturing him with an electric chair
-Continued fighting after being lit on fire
-Continued fighting after having a shovel shoved through his chest

Weapons and Equipment:

Batsuit | Batman Wiki | Fandom

-Repurposed Nomex survival suit
-Almost totally bulletproof
-Flame and shock resistant
-Cape doubles as a glider
-Cowl’s para-aramid fibers lessen impacts to the head
-Gauntlets armed with blades
-Equipped with Detective Mode

Detective Mode:
-Allows Batman to see his opponent’s skeleton, weapon, and emotional state
-Can see through multiple layers of the human body

Utility Belt:
-Grapple gun
-Gas mask
-Tear gas
-Smoke pellets
-Transponder that summons bats

Here, have a crying Batman. | Batman artwork, Batman comics, Comic art

-Despite his abilities, he’s still human
-Most of his gadgets are non-lethal

(“No, not “may be”, I am. When the mugger or the thief stops to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins – because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So no, Alfred, I am not in over my head. Tonight will not be my end… but it will be theirs!”)

Green Goblin by Dynamo1212

Green Goblin
AKA: Norman Osborn
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #14 (July, 1964)

-One of Spider-Man’s greatest and most deadliest enemies
-Was the first villain to discover Spider-Man’s identity
-Killed Gwen Stacy, Spider-Man’s girlfriend at the time
-Survived his death and went into hiding for years
-Killed Ben Reilly, a clone a Spider-Man and his foster brother
-Is responsible for the entire Clone Saga
-Crippled Flash Thompson
-Killed the Skrull Queen and managed to become the head of national security
-Created and led the Dark Avengers, a team of supervillains impersonating superheros
-Managed to get the Sentry to side with him
-Led his team of supervillains to try to invade an earthbound Asgard
-Took over the city and destroyed everything the Superior Spider-Man built up for killing the real Spider-Man

Born to failed businessmen Amberson Osborn, Norman’s childhood was a pretty horrible one. Amberson’s failure to maintain his company caused him to turn to alcohol to deal with his depression, and he would often take his anger out on Norman. This caused Norman to hate his father and resolve to become better than him.

Upon graduating college, Norman married his college sweetheart Emily and eventually got her pregnant, causing her to give birth to their son Harry. Feeling pretty good about his life, Norman decided to found Oscorp Industries using his money and some help from his old college professor Mendel Stromm. Unfortunately, Emily died while Harry was a year old, causing Osborn to become focused on working harder while also becoming emotionally abusive toward Harry. So much for being better that dear old dad.

Later on, Osborn became more power hungry and had Stromm arrested for supposedly embezzling funds. As his former partner was arrested, Osborn sifted through his possessions and found notes on a formula that Stromm was creating. Norman decided he could test this himself and made the formula just as it instructed, but it turned green and exploded. From that day forward, Norman Osborn was a changed man. The formula had increased his abilities and intelligence, but it had also driven him mad. Norman now had a desire to become the king of New York’s criminal underworld, but he realized that doing this as Norman Osborn was a horrible idea. This caused him to take up the mantle of the Green Goblin and terrorize New York with the goal of killing Spider-Man and gaining more power.


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-Thanks to the Goblin Serum, hold his own against Spider-Man
-Strong enough to lift at least 9 tons
-Destroys Swordsman(Strucker)’s sword by stomping on it
-Grabs and holds onto Spider-Man
-Grabs Spider-Man’s hands and shoves him away
-Thrashes around Deadpool
-Destroys shackles designed to hold the Hobgoblin
-Beats down Ben Reilly, an identical clone of Spider-Man

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-Consistently shown to be able to keep up with Spider-Man
-Dodges a thug and takes out a gun with his blaster
-Dodges a chair thrown by Spider-Man
-Dodges a blast from the Hobgoblin
-Dodges a blast from Swordsman (Strucker)
-Takes out a guard at a high security prison before he could react

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-Is mostly alright after getting falling rubble pin him and Spider-Man down
-Gets tackled down a helicopter onto concrete and is fine
-Takes a massive beating from an enraged Spider-Man
-Tanks a pumpkin bomb and a blast from Songbird
-Is fine after getting slammed into a building from a great height
-Tanks a whole bag of Pumpkin Bombs exploding on him
-Is still conscious after another enraged Spider-Man gave him another beating

Weapons and Equipment:

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-Provides heavy protection
-Mask can act as a gas mask
-Easily takes bullets and explosions
-Tanks a pumpkin bomb and a blast from Songbird

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Goblin Glider:
-Main method of transportation
-Was a broomstick in his first appearance
-Can fly as speed that rivals, or even exceed Spider-Man’s
-Can move fast enough to pierce a Sentinel’s head
-Can control it remotely to call it to himself or attack enemies
-Is able to self-destruct the glider at will
-Has a flame exhaust that can burn through Spider-Man’s webbing
-Has a smoke exhaust that makes it difficult for Spider-Man to breathe
-Has a gas exhaust that can make Spider-Man very weak

Latest by Dynamo1212

Pumpkin Bomb:
-Signature weapons
-High level explosives in the shape of pumpkins
-Destroyed chunks of a street and flips cars
-Causes massive damage to a bridge with cars
-Makes Spider-Man very groggy and can knock him out
-Takes out some armored guards easily
-Blasted Swordsman (Strucker) through a wall

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Incendiary Bombs:
-Variant of the standard Pumpkin Bomb
-Melts through 3 inches of steel
-Quickly ignites a large area

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Narcotic Gas Pumpkins:
-Produces gas to knock out targets
-Takes out the Osborn family including Molten Man

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Hallucinogen Gas Pumpkin:
-Produces gas that causes victims to see hallucinations
-Caused Spider-Man to experience very lucid hallucinations
-Caused Spider man to immediately start seeing illusions
-Spider-Man temporarily turned crazy from the gas

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Glue Bomb:
-Produces glue that sticks enemies to immobilize them

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Goblin Blasters:
-Channels blasts for several thousands of volts from his gloves’ fingers
-Staggered Spider-Man with a grazing blast
-Knocks back Molten Man
-Knocks out Flash Thompson
-Almost knocks out Spider-Man with a blast
-A blast to the head makes Spider-Man’s head spin
-5 Blasts take out Ben Reilly, Spider-Man’s identical clone

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Razor Bats:
-Razor sharp projectiles that can be thrown
-Cut through Spider-Man’s webbing

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Smoke Bat:
-Mechanical bat that circles around targets and produces smoke to blind them

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-Thrown projectile that shocks the target
-Strong enough to stun Spider-Man

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Ghost Net:
-Net used to capture and immobilize targets
-Is stronger than steel, even Spider-Man has trouble getting free

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Goblin Surprise:
-An asphyxiation grenade
-Knocks out Spider-Man
-Almost took all the oxygen from the Human Torch

Skills and Abilities:

Healing Factor:
-Gained from the serum he taken
-Regenerated his heart being pierced by his glider

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Genius Intellect:-Very intelligent, observant, and innovative
-Good with numbers and physics
-Discovered that the prison he was in is under water
-Sees through Doctor Strange’s illusion
-Figured out that the New Avengers were setting up a trap and countered it
-Knew that Spider-Man was trying to infiltrate him by impersonating Venom
-Discovered how Peter Parker got his pictures of Spider-Man
-Created a gas that dulls senses and removes the Spider Sense
-Created a gas grenade that removed wall crawling
-Figures out how to jam War Machine’s magno locks

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Devious Schemer:-Master plotter and manipulator
-Knew Spider-Man would attack him so he placed cameras
-Changed his face to hide his identity
-Plans automatically altering “evidence” against him
-Captured Black Widow by pretending to be Nick Fury
-Successfully figures out Spider-Man’s identity
-Has a lot of plans for if he goes down which he uses to make Spider-Man break him out of prison
-Managed to exploit the Superior Spider-Man’s Spider-Bots weakness and took over the city after all other crime was removed
-Was revealed to be behind the whole Clone Saga
-Hires an actor to kidnap his grandson so he can clear his name
-Makes the entire city hunt for Spider-Man
-Gets inside the Sentry’s head and wins him over to his side
-Distracts the public from very bad press by putting War Machine on trial and letting Ares attend the trial
-Improves Daken’s image by blowing up a few buildings and blamed it on the enemies while planting a baby that Daken could rescue
-Gets inside Captain Marvell Skrull’s head and turns him against the Skrulls
-Became the head of national security by manipulated the public and president and killing the Skrull Queen

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:-Rather arrogant, refuses to acknowledge his mistakes
-Mentally ill, tends to make bad decisions

(“But you, Parker… How does it feel to once again, let a friend down? You seem to have quite a history of failing your friends and loved ones. Dear, Sweet Gwendolin your deceased girlfriend who died so young. Your beloved aunt May, who asked for so little of you and received exactly that until she was taken from you. My son, Harry. You claimed to be his friend, his confidant, and when he needed you most, you failed him as you do everyone else who gets close to you.”)

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