Death Battle Crosses the Black Cat’s Path!

Black Cat by Br3ndan5

Black Cat
Real Name: Felicia Sara Hardy
Aliases: Little Cat, Francesca Featherbottom, Felicity Harmon, Ashley Moon, Licia, Leesh, Cat, Fee-Fee, Julie Newmar, Kitten, Pussycat, The Queenpin of Crime, Cat-Woman, Miss Kyle, Ms. Cat Lady, Take-Lady, Elodie Gros
Height: 5’10
Weight: 120 lbs
Occupation: Adventurer, Cat Burglar, Thief, Private Investigator, Bounty Hunter, Founder of Cat’s Eye Investigations, Member of the Thieves’ Guild (formerly), Crimelord (formerly), Criminal (formerly), Member of the Heroes for Hire (formerly)
First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979)

-After learning her father, Walter Hardy, was the original Black Cat, trained herself in martial arts and gymnastics so she could become his successor
-Took on the identity of the Black Cat so she could break Walter out of prison
-During her first heist, fought Hellcat, a fellow cat burglar, but was defeated
    -Later got revenge by stealing her wallet
-Snuck into the NYPD’s headquarters to retrieve files discussing her father’s arrest, as well as the criminals Boris Korpse, Bruno Grainger, and Emil Greco
-Defeated Bruno and convinced him to work for her
    -Later did the same with Boris
-Fought Spider-Man after he interrupted her meeting with Emil
-Distracted Spider-Man while Bruno and Boris were setting up explosives to free Walter
-Faked her death after falling off a cliffside during a fight with Spider-Man
-Defeated Spider-Man while stealing the Golden Lovers, a valuable statue
-Infiltrated an auction and stole the Rajah Ruby, which was valued at $4.1 million
-Stole the Epistle, a love letter by Helen of Troy, from Lazlo Bellflower
-After being caught by Spider-Man, tricked him into believing she was mentally unstable so he’d send her to a hospital instead of a prison
-Escaped Mitchell State Hospital and became the Black Cat once again
-Discovered where the mobster Phil Bradshaw was hiding his stolen art and infiltrated it to steal Ehrenreich’s “Lonely Peasant”
-Teamed up with Spider-Man to fight Bradshaw’s henchmen
-Stole the “Quest’s End,” a gold statue owned by the crimelord Sam Galvagno
-Faked her death by throwing herself into the East River
-Stole a nuclear detonator from Kingpin during a momentary blackout
-Briefly fought Doc Ock after he broke into her hotel room, but was defeated
-While recovering from her injuries, saved a house cat from being attacked by a pack of alley cats
-Helped Spider-Man defeat the Human Fly
-Helped Spider-Man defeat a gang
-Defeated the Cobra and Mr. Hyde by exploiting a moment where they were both distracted
-With help (albeit unknowingly) from the Kingpin, obtained superpowers so she could become Spider-Man’s equal
-After obtaining her powers, defeated a squad of Kingpin’s men
-Used her tychokinesis to fight off a gang that was attempting to rob her
-Helped Spider-Man defeat the Blob, who had gone on a destructive rampage after his friend Unus the Untouchable died
-Distracted Answer, an assassin sent by the Kingpin, long enough for Spider-Man to recover from nearly being knocked out
-Saved Spider-Man from being killed by the Puma
-Helped Spider-Man fight off two groups of thugs while learning his origin story
-Created a copy of Spider-Man’s black costume
-Defeated 2 men who had robbed a store of its mink coats
-Broke into Foreigner’s headquarters and attempted to steal some of his fortune to give to charity
-Invaded Dr. Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum to see if he could restore her powers
-During a brief blackout, discovered she had gained new powers thanks to Dr. Strange tampering with her tychokinesis
-Beat Sabretooth to near-death after he attempted to kill Spider-Man
-Helped Spider-Man defeat Blaze, an insane pyromaniac who took control of a mall and murdered a hostage
-Cleared Spider-Man’s name after he’d been accused of murdering Blaze
-After returning from a trip in Europe, fought Venom while both were searching for Spider-Man
-Attended Marc Spector’s society party so she could steal some of his jewels
-Assaulted Mary Jane Watson and began dating Flash Thompson in an attempt to ruin Spider-Man’s marriage
-Alongside Flash, defended a depowered Spider-Man from the Taratula
-Defeated Scorpion while protecting a powerless Spider-Man
-While helping Spider-Man recover his powers, defeated Tarantula, Mindblast, and Knockout, though she lost her powers in the process
-Helped Spider-Man defeat Silvermane
-Defeated Hydro-Man while testing out Lester Cromwell’s security system
-Commissioned the Tinkerer to create equipment that would let her return to being Black Cat
-While in her civilian identity, helped Spider-Man fight Scorpion
-Fought off the Spider-Slayers Mark XV and XVII, defeating the former and being defeated by the latter
-Helped Spider-Man defeat the Spider-Slayer Mark XVIII
-Retrieved a stolen painting from Romulus Exports’ Long Island headquarters
-Teamed up with Venom, Spider-Man, Cloak, and Morbius to fight Carnage, Shriek, Doppelganger, and Demogoblin
-Helped the rest of her team rescue civilians caught in the Deep’s destruction
-Saved Spider-Man from being killed by Carnage
-Fought Tombstone in an attempt to get revenge after he injured Flash, but was defeated
-Attempted to propose to Flash, but was turned down because he felt their lifestyles were too different, leading them to break up
-Briefly chased the Black Fox to get back a necklace she’d stolen, but failed
-Helped Spider-Man defeat Cardiac
-Worked with Morelle Pharmaceuticals to retrieve an invention known as Chimera from its rivals, Cobalt Chemicals
-Infiltrated Parkgreen Correctional Facility to give Loop, a colleague of her father’s, a data disc
-Discovered that Morelle Laboratories was creating Project: First Strike, an experiment designed to create self-repairing cyborgs
-Teamed up with Cardiac to fight the First Strikers
-Defeated Scar, her ex-boyfriend and former partner who had sworn vengeance against her after she scarred his face
-Stopped a gang of terrorists who were attempting to blow up the New York Stock Exchange’s central computer
-Formed Cat’s Eye Private Investigations, her own private investigation business
-Broke into the New York Stock Exchange and hacked its computer to advertise Cat’s Eye Investigations
-Worked with Spider-Man and Gambit to defeat the Silencers, a group of thieves who were attempting to steal a micro-fusion generator from the Macro Science Museum
-Searched for Peter after he went missing
-Prevented Mikkal’s, a rooftop restaurant in Manhattan, from being robbed by Leather and Lace, a duo of BDSM-inspired robbers
-Fought Spider-Man while mind-controlled by the demon D’Spayre
-After being freed from D’Spayre’s control, teamed up with Scarlet Spider and Spider-Man to defeat him
-Teamed up with Ben Reilly (the second Spider-Man) to solve the murder of Andrea Havershaw
-Recovered some stolen Christmas gifts and returned them to Noel County Orphanage
-After defeating a gang, interrogated their target, a drug dealer named Larry, to see if he knew anything about the disappearing drug dealers
-After being kidnapped by Arcade, teamed up with Spider-Man to escape Murderworld
-While in Murderworld, fought a robot duplicate of Spider-Man, but lost
-Worked with Speedball and Human Torch to attempt to subdue a possessed Wolverine, but failed
-While recovering a stolen painting, worked with Spider-Man to defeat Hydro-Man
-Helped keep Salvatore’s (a seafood restaurant that was in danger of closing) open by donating the money she received from her job
-During a blackout, recovered a stolen painting from a group of crooked art dealers
-Saved Patrick Mulligan after he’d been thrown off a building by Carnage
-Saved an injured Peter after he’d been dropped hundreds of feet through the air by Vulture
-Defeated the Vulture by brutalizing him
-Alongside Spider-Man, broke into Riker’s State Penitentiary to free Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin, so he could tell them where he had kidnapped Aunt May
-Briefly helped Spider-Man fight off the Sinister Twelve, but was defeated
-With Spider-Man’s help, broke into the Latverian Embassy so she could recover a Spider-Tracer containing his fingerprint
    -While there, worked with him to defeat a Doombot
-Worked with Wolverine to escape a group of hunters after they’d been kidnapped by Arcade and trapped in Murderworld Island
-Beat the Lizard to near-death after both were infected by the Rock of Life
-Joined Misty Knight and Colleen Wing’s Heroes for Hire to arrest a group of villains who were resisting the Superhuman Registration Act
-Helped Spider-Man defend Aunt May and Mary Jane from the Exterminators, a group of villains who had been hired to kill them
-Stopped a drunk Rhino from killing several sailors
-Convinced Rhino to turn over a new leaf and rebuild his life
-With Misty, Colleen, and Tarantula (Maria Vasquez), invaded the terrorist organization Death Cadre and participated in a melee
-Fought Man-Ape with help from Tarantula
-With help from Dr. Tramma, recovered her tychokinesis and returned to a life of crime
-Used her tychokinesis to free herself and Spider-Man after they’d been encased in gold
-Helped Spider-Man defeat Diablo
-Helped Spider-Man fight off a gang of rapists
-Helped Spider-Man retrieve a sample of his blood that was stolen by Mr. Negative
-Sold Spider-Man’s blood sample to the Dracs, a group of vampire imitators
-Stole several priceless artifacts as part of a deal to save her mother after she’d been taken hostage by Vasili Kravinoff
-Fought Vasili to distract him while the rest of Cat’s Eye tracked down where her mother was
-Fought Sasha Kravinoff, the daughter of Kraven, with the fight ending inconclusively
-Helped Mary Jane locate a missing Spider-Man
-Defeated a gang of men who were flirting with her
-Fought Ringo and George of the Repo Squad after they kidnapped Lola Huxley and Mary Jane
-Teamed up with Spider-Man and Mary Jane to fight the Repo Squad
-Helped Spider-Man defeat a sorcerer who was attempting to rob a bank
-Fought Satana while attempting to steal a necklace that belonged to Hazel Fletcher, the last woman to be burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials
-After the amulet summoned an army of demons, teamed up with Satana to fight them
-Helped Spider-Man and the Avengers fight off Doc Ock’s army of macro-octobots
-Worked with Spider-Man to save Norah Winters from the goblin gangbangers, a group of Green Goblin fanatics
-Interrogated one of the goblin gangbangers to learn who had stolen Horizon Labs’ reverbium samples
-Defeated Montana, Kingpin’s right hand man
-Fought Rococo, a mercenary who was attempting to kill J. Jonah Jameson, but was defeated
-While on a date with Wolverine, defeated a gang of men who robbed the restaurant they were in, followed by Arcade and White Rabbit
-After being transported to Earth 691, helped Killraven and his resistance fight off an army of martians and destroy their base
-After being returned to the Earth 616 (in the Savage Land), was unintentionally responsible for White Rabbit and Arcade being kidnapped by a pterodactyl
-Escaped police custody after being arrested for the theft of a Wi-Fi Hologram Projector
-While working with Spider-Man and Daredevil, discovered that the projector had been stolen by its inventor, Wasserschmidt
-Made out with Daredevil
-Infiltrated Daredevil’s apartment and located where he’d hidden the Omegadrive, a device that contains information on multiple terrorist organizations
    -She had been hired by Black Spectre to steal it, but decided against it due to realizing how dangerous it would be to let him have it
-After being beaten and jailed by Superior Spider-Man, escaped prison by using her tychokinesis during a thunderstorm
-While in a burning building, fought Spider-Man, but fled after he scared her off by acting like he was still possessed by Doc Ock
-Infiltrated Parker Industries and kidnapped Dr. Sajani Jaffrey, one of its employees
-Worked with Electro to interrupt Peter’s interview at Parker Industries and take him hostage
-With Electro, infiltrated Parker Industries’ demonstration of the Anti-Electro trap and used it to amp Electro’s powers to the point of making them go out of control
-Attempted to kill Spider-Man by boosting Electro’s powers even further, but failed due to Silk’s intervention
-Formed a gang of villains with the intent of killing Spider-Man
-Unleashed an army of mind-controlled drones to kill Deadpool and Hawkeye
-Fought Hawkeye to obtain the human resources files of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s agents
-Fought Howard the Duck, who was attempting to retrieve a family heirloom she’d stolen from one of his clients
-Invaded the home of Regina Venderkamp, who had bought all of the items confiscated from Felicia’s hideout, and knocked out her guards
-Stole back her confiscated belongings from Aunt May and Jay Jameson
-After kidnapping them, attempted to kill May, Jay, and Regina by burning down her old penthouse
-Kidnapped Dragonclaw’s daughter, Marie Porter, to trick Silk into entering a trap
-Saved Silk from being killed by one of her men
-Fought and defeated Silk after she refused to join Felicia’s gang
-Unintentionally ended a gang war between Tombstone and Hammerhead’s men by attempting to recruit them into her gang
    -This failed, as both sides were too devoted to their respective bosses
-Led a jailbreak to free Tombstone and Hammerhead, but failed
-Blackmailed Howard into retrieving a virus sample that Gwenpool stole from her
-Recruited Silk into her gang after beating her in a fight
-With Silk, infiltrated Alchemax
-Defeated Silk and cured her after she was infected by the Goblin formula
-With Silk’s help, dismantled the Goblin Nation (a group of Goblin formula-enhanced orphans and runaways) and freed the children they’d kidnapped
-Freed Spider-Gwen and Silk after they were arrested
-Alongside Silk, infiltrated Parker Industries’ Brooklyn Division
-Fought and defeated Silk after learning that she was serving as a double agent
-Hired Hammerhead to take out Miles Morales
-Became owner of the Bar with No Name
-Killed the Silver Banshee after he tried to prevent her from escaping
-Defeated a group of Diamondback’s men
-After being cured from the Maniac symbiote’s infection, helped break Dr. Steven out of Alchemax
-Cured Spider-Man after he was infected by the Maniac symbiote
-Teamed up with Spider-Man, Mania, Venom, and Agent Anti-Venom to fight Maniac and his symbiote-infected Inklings
-Fought Diamondback, but was defeated
-Helped the Defenders defeat Diamondback
-Returned to being a cat burglar and turned over a new leaf after her gang was forced to disband and she was nearly being killed by Diamondback
-Helped Spider-Man sneak into the Thieves‘ Guild so they could recover some weapons and equipment that had been stolen from other superheroes
-Repaired her relationship with Spider-Man and rediscovered his secret identity
-Snuck onto a ship to free the Owl after he’d been imprisoned there
-Briefly fought Black Ant and Taskmaster, but was defeated
-After being captured by Kraven, used her tychokinesis to free a snow leopard, which mauled the security guard closest to her
-Fought Kraven’s clone while protecting Billy Connors, but was defeated
-Returned Billy to his mother
-With Spider-Man, infiltrated the Maggia’s Catacombs so she could retrieve the group’s access codes that tied them to Pluto, a criminal banking organization
-Helped Silvio’s daughter and her fiancé start a new life
-With Boris and Bruno, infiltrated a party at the Frick Collection and distracted the staff long enough for Boris and Bruno to steal a painting
-With help from Boris, Bruno, and Xander the Merciless, snuck into Dr. Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum to steal the deed to Manhattan for the Black Fox
-Defeated Xander after he retrieved the Star-Stone and betrayed them
-While fighting Xander, discovered that her tychokinesis let her resist magic
-While infiltrating the Baxter Building to steal The Papers of Phineas Randall, teamed up with the Human Torch to fight the alien conqueror Blastaar
-Defeated Blastaar by hitting him with the Fantasticar and driving him into the Negative Zone portal
-Went on a date with Batroc the Leaper and participated in a heist with him
-Freed the Black Fox after he was kidnapped by Odessa Drake, the leader of the Thieves’ Guild
-Alongside the Beetle, broke into Rand Tower to steal the designs for the Randall Gate
-Briefly fought Iron Fist, which ended inconclusively
-Snuck into the Princess Bar and located its secret hideout
    -While there, she learned that the man who owned the bar, Patch, was actually Wolverine and that the item she’d been sent to steal (a painting) had already been taken
-Teamed up with Wolverine to find Kade Kilgore, the thief who had stolen his belongings
-While in the Sovereign Hotel with Wolverine, used her tychokinesis to rig the casino’s games in everyone’s favor
-Stole Kade’s sunglasses, which contained lenses that interface to all of his corporate accounts
-Helped Wolverine regain his belongings, and was given the painting as a reward

-With help from Bruno, Boris, Black Fox, and Ceres Goldstein, infiltrated Stark Unlimited by disguising herself as a science reporter
-Hacked into Stark Unlimited’s Nanoforge and created a suit of armor for herself
-Used her armor to briefly fight Iron Man and intimidate Odessa
-Freed Firepower from Stark Unlimited by disguising herself as a nurse
-Stole the Hand of the Vishanti from the Sanctum Sanctorum to help Spider-Man against the demon Kindred

Black Cat Strength by Br3ndan5
Black Cat Strength 2 by Br3ndan5

-City Level due to fighting Spider-Man and characters comparable to him

    -Spider-Man is listed as having the same power level as Luke Cage, who can survive a 54 Megaton explosion. Spider-Man has shown that he is able to harm Luke and has been able to match and overpower characters like Hammerhead, who remained concious after a beating from Luke. Additionally, Spider-Man is said to be comparable to him, and has survived being hit with enough electromagnetic energy to destroy a city
-Knocked out a security guard with an elbow strike to the neck
-Held Bruno against the ground by stepping on his shoulders
-Kicked Spider-Man in the face
-Dropkicked Spider-Man into the ground
    -Later did the same while he was talking to Walter
-Climbed up a prison wall while carrying her father
-Kicked Spider-Man in the face
-Dropkicked Spider-Man in the back of the head
-Flipped Spider-Man over
-Kicked Spider-Man in the shoulder
-Dropkicked Spider-Man off of her house’s rooftop
-Kicked Spider-Man off of her after he tackled her to the ground
-Judo threw Spider-Man off of her
-Rolled into Spider-Man hard enough to send him to the ground
-Pushed a massive ninth century vase off of its display
-Kicked Spider-Man in the head hard enough to leave him dazed
-Destroyed a window by kicking through it
-Kicked Spider-Man into a display case
-Staggered Spider-Man with a dropkick
-Restrained an overweight nurse by twisting her arm behind her back
-Judo threw Spider-Man into a wall
-One-shot one of Bradshaw’s henchmen by kicking him in the face
-Pushed one of Bradshaw’s men to the ground while jumping over him
-Kicked a motorcyclist off his motorcycle
-Scratched Doc Ock across the face
-Pulled one of Doc Ock’s tentacles off of Spider-Man’s neck
-Kicked away one of Doc Ock’s amputated tentacles
-Threw a nuclear detonator with enough force to break it
-Pulled Hobgoblin’s glider out of the air
-Punched Hobgoblin, to no effect
-Roundhouse kicked a gang member in the face
-One-shot 3 gang members
-Kicked Mr. Hyde in the face
-Kicked Mr. Hyde’s leg hard enough to make it buckle
-Dropkicked the Puma
-Knocked out a thug with a left hook
-Kicked two gangsters in the face
-Knocked out a mugger with a right hook
-Staggered a mugger by kicking his back
-Kicked a jewel thief hard enough to knock him out
-Grabbed two jewel thieves by their neckties and slammed their heads together
-Kneed one of Foreigner’s men in the nuts, knocked out another with a karate chop to the neck, kicked a third hard enough to knock him out, and kicked a fourth member in the nuts
-Kicked Sabretooth in the back hard enough to make him stagger forward
-Clawed Sabretooth hard enough to reopen his wounds
-Kicked Sabretooth, to no effect
-Slammed Sabretooth’s face into the hood of a 1965 Malibu SS
-Raked her claws across Sabertooth’s face, which left several scratches on his cheek
-Did the following while bloodlusted:
    -Kicked Sabretooth to the ground while performing a handstand
    -Repeatedly smashed Sabretooth’s face into the ground
-Kicked one of Blaze’s men in the stomach while backhanding another
-Kicked Venom into a wall
-Kicked a mini chandelier hard enough to rip off its chain and launch it at Venom

-Knocked Moon Knight down with a kick
-Split a chair in half while trying to kick Moon Knight

-Destroyed a closet door with a kick
-Briefly choked out Mary Jane
-Cratered a wall by stabbing it with her claws
-Casually threw Mary Jane across a room
-Sliced Tarantula’s back open
-Kicked Tarantula through a crate
-Uppercutted a charging Scorpion hard enough to send him flying
-Shoulder-tackled Scorpion hard enough to knock him off a building
-Tackled Spider-Man to defend him from Scorpion’s beams
-Destroyed Scorpion’s tail and sent him flying off a building with a dropkick to the back
-Slashed Bloodlust across the face
-Kicked Silvermane in the chest
-Broke a man’s finger after he attempted to flirt with her
-Kicked Scorpion hard enough to break one of his ribs
-Stabbed through Alistair Smythe’s tracker
-Sliced through the Spider-Slayer Mark XV’s steel cords
-Struck the Spider-Slayer Mark XV hard enough to send it crashing into a cement truck several feet below
-Sliced open the armored hull of the Spider-Slayer Mark XVIII
-When wearing her costume (See “Weapons and Equipment” below), her strength is boosted to the point where she can lift up to 800 lbs
-Sliced a pistol out of a security guard’s hand
-Knocked out a security guard with a kick to the face
    -Later did the same to a terrorist who was attempting to jump her
-Sliced through Doppelganger’s webs
-Kicked Doppelganger to the ground
-Slashed across Carnage’s chest
-Knocked out a rioter with a kick
-Kicked Doppelganger away when it tried to jump her
-Kicked Carnage out of the air when he attempted to pounce on Spider-Man
-While enraged, slammed Peter against a wall
-Knocked out 2 of Tombstone’s men with a kick
-Kicked two of Tombstone’s men while flipping through the air
-Sliced through Spider-Man’s webbing
-Dropkicked 2 mobsters hard enough to knock them out
-Kicked Black Fox to the ground and later kicked him in the face
-Kicked Cardiac in the face
-Tore through metal grating
-One-shot various guards of Cobalt Chemicals’ yacht
-While being choked out, grabbed Faze’s wrist and applied enough pressure to force him to release her
-Knocked out 2 security guards with one kick
-Kicked one of the First Strikers into the rest of his team
-Kicked a First Striker hard enough to send her flying back
-Struck the same First Striker with a clothesline and slashed her across the face
-Lifted a First Striker through the air and threw her across a room
-Grabbed a First Striker’s metal leg and slammed him into a wall
-Slashed a computer open while attempting to find a way to override Morelle Laboratories’ self-destruct
-Slapped Scar across the face, with her claws leaving him permanently scarred
-Destroyed a fuse box by slashing it
-Threw Scar into a wall
-Slashed through Scar’s chestplate
-Sliced open Scar’s left cheek
-One-shot 4 terrorists
-Kicked a Silencer in the stomach and slashed through her suit
-Dropkicked Lace
-Uppercutted Leather off a building
-Knocked Leather out with a slap
-Pulled Lace out of the air using her Cat’s Claw
-Slashed Spider-Man across the side
-Slashed D’Spayre across the chest
-Smacked Ben’s ass
-Kicked a gang member in the face and slammed another against a wall
-Kicked Spider-Man’s robotic duplicate in the nuts
-Sent the robot Spider-Man staggering back with 2 punches
-Held a man underwater and kept him there despite his struggles
-Pulled her Cat’s Claw hard enough to drag Vulture out of the air
-Slashed Vulture across the chest
-Ripped Vulture’s wings apart
-Slashed Vulture across the face
-Kicked the Lizard in the face
-Can carve holes through glass
-Sliced open the side of a Doombot’s head
-While being choked out, sliced a Doombot across the chest
-Roundhouse kicked a gang member in the face
-Kicked Spider-Man in the stomach
-Kicked a hunter into a nearby river, followed by dropkicking him hard enough to knock out a tooth and breaking his nose with a backhand
-Slashed a hunter across the face
-Threw multiple hunters out of a helicopter
-Did the following while bloodlusted by the Rock of Life:
    -Backhanded the Lizard
    -Sliced the Lizard across the chest
    -Beat the Lizard to near-death and kicked him off a roof
    -Slashed Puma across the chin
-Judo threw the Lizard into a tree
-Pushed Kogar away while kicking Ghost Maker in the face
-Destroyed a TV screen by throwing a remote at it
-Kicked Scarecrow while performing a backflip
-Knocked Scarecrow out with a left hook
-Kicked Rhino across the face
-Threw Humbug through a window
-Sliced across a terrorist’s chest
-Kicked Man-Ape in the face
-Slashed Paladin across the face
-Tackled Carmilla Black to the ground
-Dropkicked a mugger
-Kicked Puma across the face
-Slashed Diablo across the back
-Knocked a robber out with a right hook
-Kneed Vasili in the crotch and slammed his head into a desk
-Grabbed Sasha by her leg and slammed her into the ground
-Kicked a car door hard enough to slam it into Vasili’s shoulder
-Kicked Vasili in the face
-Karate chopped Sasha hard enough to make her release Vasili from her choke hold
-Tripped a gang member with a sweeping kick
-Threw one gang member into the rest of his team mates
-One-shot a gang member with a right hook
-Kicked Ringo hard enough to chip his armor
-Sliced through Ringo’s mask hard enough that she clawed his face
-Double kicked Dr. Tramma in the stomach and held her down
-Landed on John with enough force to divert his path
-Sliced across John’s back
-While barefoot, kicked Ringo in the face hard enough to shatter part of his helmet
-Kicked a robot in the face
-Elbowed Satana, kicked her in the face, backhanded her, and punched her in the face
-Amputated a demon’s feet and stabbed him through the chest
-Decapitated a demon, disemboweled 2 demons, kicked one in the face, sliced another in the back, uppercutted a sixth hard enough to make him bleed, and sliced a seventh across the stomach
-One-shot multiple Goblin fanatics
-Slammed Montana into a wall hard enough to destroy it
-Backhanded Rococo hard enough to make her bleed, though she hurt her hand in the process
-Suplexed Rococo
-One-shot 3 gang members using an elbow strike, dropkick, and knee strike, respectively
-Slashed White Rabbit across the back
-Sliced across a martian’s chest
-Choked out a security guard using the chains in her handcuffs
-Knocked out a security guard with a roundhouse kick
-Slammed Wasserschmidt into a wall
-Slashed Spider-Man across the chest
-Smacked Spider-Man across the face with a chain
-Dug her claws into Spider-Man’s chest
-Kicked the Eel through a warehouse roof
-Kicked Hawkeye in the back
-Punched Ivan, one of her gang members, hard enough to make him spit up blood
-Tackled Howard to the ground
-Using her wounded arm, backhanded Ringer hard enough to knock him out
-While enraged, knocked over a case of jewels
-Slammed one of Regina’s guards into the ground hard enough to knock him out
-Kneed one of Regina’s guards in the chin hard enough to knock him out
-Kicked Silk in the face
-Using her whip, threw Silk through a window
-Kicked an overweight repairman in the face and swung him through the air with her whip
-Stepped on the repairman’s hand hard enough to crack it
-Threw the repairman hard enough to destroy a support pillar
-Roundhouse kicked Silk through a window
-Grabbed Silk’s hair hard enough to prevent her from falling
-Delivered a knee strike to one of Tombstone’s men and knocked out another with a chop to the neck
-Kicked one of Tombstone and Hammerhead’s gang members in the head
-Slashed Spider-Man across the stomach and chest
-Briefly choked Spider-Man by wrapping her legs around his neck
-Pinned Howard to a wall using her stilettos
-Kicked Silk in the face
-Kicked a Goblin-infected Silk out of a window
-Caught Silk and threw her into a wall
-Punched Killer Shrike in the stomach, kicked him in the face, kneed him in the stomach, and stomped on him
-Punched a Goblin in the face and elbowed another in the face
-One-shot multiple security guards
-Punched Silk in the face twice, followed by punching her in the stomach, headbutting her, and briefly choking her with a belt
-Uppercutted Silk hard enough to send her flying out of her warehouse
-Punched Silk hard enough to give her a black eye, with the following punches leaving her a bloody mess
-Sent one of Hammerhead’s thugs flying with a karate chop
-Sliced off Diamondhead’s leg and decapitated him
-Slashed Daredevil across the chest
-Slashed Star-Lord across the face
-Roundhouse kicked a bottle out of a thug’s hand while also knocking away another gang member
-Threw a pistol hard enough to knock out one of Diamondback’s men
-Kicked Spider-Man in the face
-Using her bladed whip, pulled a statue off of a display case
-Dropkicked Agent Anti-Venom
-Kicked a Maniac-infected Brother Grimm in the face
-Snapped a security camera off a wall
-Kicked through one of the windows in the Five Families’ mansion
-Slashed a Maniac-infected Brother Grimm across the face
-Slashed Diamondback across the face
-Kneed one of her subordinates in the stomach
-Slashed Spider-Man across the leg
-Slashed Spider-Man across the face
-One-shot various members of the Thieves’ Guild
-Beat an entire gang of Hammerhead’s men to the point of leaving them bloodied
-Tackled Spider-Man away from the Dreadnought’s optic beams
-Can pierce through an olive with her fingernails
-Knocked out a member of the Thieves’ Guild with a punch
-Supported Xander’s weight while scaling a wall
-Sliced a Strangeling in half
-Slashed Xander across the throat
-Punched Xander hard enough to break his nose and knock him out, though she hurt her hand in the process
-Repeatedly punched a member of the Thieves’ Guild
-Crashed through one of the windows in the Thieves’ Guild’s hideout
-Pried open a closed elevator door
-Threw Gork at Iron Fist
-Can support Wolverine’s weight with just her legs

-Disarmed Bethany Cabe by punching her gun out of her hands

Black Cat Agility by Br3ndan5

-Can easily walk, run, and balance herself while on a phone line
    -Was even able to do so while reading a newspaper
-Flipped around multiple alarm beams
-Leapt over Spider-Man while in a standing position
-Backflipped off of a fire escape
-Backflipped through the air and landed on her feet after Spider-Man threw her
-While supporting her father’s weight and falling through the air, repositioned herself so she’d land on her feet
-Leapt out of the way of Spider-Man’s webbing
-Flipped herself over while holding onto the underside of a gutter
-Leapt off of a building and used a flagpole as a springboard to avoid Spider-Man kicking her
-Used Spider-Man as a springboard after landing on him
-Flipped across a museum room multiple times before leaping off a nearby painting
-Grabbed the Rajah Ruby while flipping through the air
-Flipped through the lasers of Bradshaw’s security system
-Twisted her body to avoid a laser security grid
-Flipped over a pack of alley cats
-Rolled through a swarm of Hobgoblin’s razor bats
-Flipped off of a flagpole
-Leapt away just as Mr. Fantastic was about to grab her
-After being experimented on by the Kingpin, this was enhanced further
-Backflipped and cartwheeled across her apartment to get closer to Foreigner
-Performed a handstand while kicking Sabretooth in the face
-After Dr. Strange altered her powers, Spider-Man could barely keep up with her
-Cartwheeled past 3 gunshots
-Cartwheeled away just as the Spider-Slayer Mark XVIII attempted to crush her under its legs
-Leapt over Tombstone’s punches multiple times
-Kicked two of Tombstone’s men while flipping through the air
-While using a ledge to support herself, performed a handstand, rolled through the air, and landed on the rooftop
-Flipped off of a taxi while chasing Black Fox
-Flipped past multiple alarm beams
-While using a gargoyle as support, repositioned herself in midair by flipping
-Cartwheeled out of the way just as a speeding truck was about to hit her
-Leapt several feet through the air and landed on a catwalk
-While in midair, twisted her body to reverse her momentum and land on a building’s rooftop
-Backflipped to avoid a stream of water from Hydro-Man
-Backflipped away from Hydro-Man
-Flipped over a billboard by using Vulture as a springboard
-Flipped through the air to avoid multiple spikes being launched at her
-Flipped over Scarecrow
-Backflipped away from Rhino’s fist
-Twisted her body to avoid a series of alarm lasers
-Supported herself while upside-down
-Leapt over 10 feet into the air before landing on a rooftop
-Flipped over Mary Jane and rolled through the air
-Backflipped through the air to avoid gunfire
-Can somersault through the air multiple times
-Further boosted by her costume

Black Cat Speed by Br3ndan5

At least Massively Hypersonic+ with reactions ranging from Faster than Light to Faster than Light+, as she’s been shown to keep up with Spider-Man; Additionally, she’s able to outspeed Silk, who’s faster than Spider-Man
-Dodged a tire thrown at her by Bruno
-Kicked Spider-Man faster than he could react
-Managed to reposition herself in midair when she was seconds away from hitting the ground
-Blocked a karate chop from Spider-Man
-Dodged a close-range web shot from Spider-Man
-Ran between Spider-Man’s legs while he was attempting to grab a massive vase
-Dodged Spider-Man after he attempted to tackle her
-Stole a nuclear detonator from Kingpin during a momentary blackout
-Dodged Doc Ock’s tentacles when they attempted to grab her
-Avoided a gang member who was swinging a bat at her
-Leapt out of the way just as Mr. Hyde was about to punch her
-Leaned out of the way of a gunshot from three feet away
-While dizzy from bleeding out, ducked under a punch from one of Foreigner’s minions
-Barely dodged a chakram thrown at her by the Foreigner
-Ducked just as Foreigner threw a glass at her
-Dodged a backhand from Foreigner
-Avoided multiple claw swipes from Sabretooth, though she notes that she was barely able to keep up with him
-Appeared between Scorpion and Spider-Man so quickly that they didn’t notice her until she punched Scorpion
-Tackled Spider-Man to the ground before Scorpion’s blasts could incinerate him
-Leapt away just as Scorpion’s tail was about to crush her
-Dodged a strike from Whiplash’s cables
-Ducked under a kick from Tarantula
-Dodged multiple lasers fired by Silvermane’s security systems
-Avoided multiple streams of water that were being launched by Hydro-Man
-Dodged the Spider-Slayer Mark XVII’s lasers
-With her costume on, her speed is further enhanced, to the point where she can sprint up to 40 mph
-Dodged 2 pistol shots from a security guard
-Knocked out a terrorist while he was still in the midst of jumping her
-Avoided multiple sonic beams from Shriek
-Dodged streams of hellfire from Demogoblin
-Ducked under punches and kicks from 2 First Strikers
-Dodged a kick from a First Striker
-Cartwheeled out of the way just as a speeding truck was about to hit her
-Sped past multiple winches that were about to crush her
-Briefly ran faster than the fire that was spreading on a catwalk
-Leaned back to avoid 2 spears Scar had thrown at her
-Dodged a close-range sword swing from Scar
-Ducked under a claw swipe from Leather
-Leapt away just as a chain was about to hit her
-Caught Patrick Mulligan as he was falling through the air
-Dodged an overhead punch from Carnage
-Swung underneath Peter and caught him while he was falling through the air
-Dodged lasers and flamethrowers from Dr. Doom’s security systems
-Dodged a close-range web shot from Spider-Man
-Avoided multiple arrows being shot from a machine gun
-Outran multiple grenades being launched at her
-Dodged a swing of Kogar’s blade-arm
-Wrapped her Cat’s Claw around Rhino’s wrists before he could crush several sailors
-Avoided several granite balls that exploded out of a corpse
-Dodged a revolver shot from close-range
-Effortlessly deflected a punch from Vasili
-Swerved to the side to avoid a kick from Sasha
-Dodged a knife thrown at her by Sasha, followed by ducking under a kick
-Caught a punch from a gang member who was attempting to hit her from behind
-Caught Mary Jane in midair seconds before she landed on a car
-Ducked under multiple scalpels that were fired by Dr. Tramna’s gun
-Blitzed multiple demons while slicing them to pieces
-Dodged a knife swing from White Rabbit
-Reacted to multiple security lasers being fired at her at close-range
-Dodged a blast of electricity from the Eel
-Evaded several of Silk’s webs
-Avoided a close-range laser from Gatherer’s gun
-Took out all of Regina’s guards while dodging machine gun fire
-In their first fight, Silk, who’s comparable to Spider-Man, was barely able to avoid her attacks
-Leapt away from Silk mid-strike
-Dodged a punch from a Goblin-infected Silk
-Caught Spider-Man while he was falling through the air
-Leapt away just as some spikes appeared beneath her
-Slid away as a row of spikes emerged from underground
-Tackled Spider-Man out of the way of the Dreadnought’s optic beams
-Dodged the Dreadnought’s Freon gas breath
-Grabbed Xander while he was falling through the air
-Avoided a swing from one of Blastaar’s henchmen
-Dodged a punch from Iron Fist
-Outran a group of Frankensteins
-Closed the distance between herself and Bethany during the time it took Bethany to sneeze

Black Cat Durability 1 by Br3ndan5
Black Cat Durability 2 by Br3ndan5
Black Cat Durability 3 by Br3ndan5

-City Level by scaling to her strength

-Got tackled to the ground by Hellcat
-Was more surprised than hurt after Spider-Man kicked her in the butt
-Was only somewhat annoyed after Spider-Man kicked her in the side and slammed her onto a stone rooftop
-Unharmed after Spider-Man threw her into a wall
-Survived falling hundreds of feet through the air and landing in the ocean
-Was only momentarily surprised after Spider-Man tackled her to the ground
-Shrugged off Spider-Man judo throwing her to the ground
-Was unharmed after crashing through a window
-Showed no signs of pain after falling 60 stories and landing on her feet
-Got back up after a motorcycle crash
-Survived being underwater for several minutes without oxygen
-Showed no signs of discomfort after stripping to her bra and panties while in the East River, which has a temperature of 42 degrees Fahrenheit
-Endured being bear hugged by Spider-Man
-Withstood Doc Ock repeatedly slamming her into a wall
-Survived being strangled by Doc Ock’s disembodied tentacles, followed by being shot multiple times, though this left her near-death
-Was only somewhat winded after being shot by Hobgoblin’s goblin blaster
-Quickly recovered after a shockwave from the Human Fly sent her flying into a wall
-Was more annoyed than hurt after Spider-Man accidentally tackled her
  -At the time, Spider-Man was wearing the Venom symbiote, which further boosts his strength
-Shrugged off being punched and backhanded by one of Foreigner’s men, which left her with a broken nose and a concussion, respectively
-Was more pissed-off than hurt after one of Foreigner’s henchmen sliced her shoulder
-Endured being kicked in the crotch, punched in the chest, and punched out of her hotel room by Foreigner
-Withstood Sabretooth slamming her into the ground and biting into her leg
-Survived an explosion that destroyed her apartment, though it knocked her out
-Was more surprised than hurt after a surprised Spider-Man pushed her across his apartment
-Had Venom slam her face into a wall hard enough that it broke her nose

-Was only annoyed after Moon Knight put her in a chokehold and threw her in a closet
-Withstood the air pressure while hanging onto Moon Knight’s Mooncopter
-Survived being violently beaten by Scorpion, Whiplash, and Bloodlust
-Tanked Silvermane’s lab caving in on top of her and emerged unharmed
-Survived being in close proximity to Silvermane’s exploding lab
-Was only pissed-off after Hydro-Man launched her across the room with a stream of water
-Endured being crushed by the Spider-Slayer Mark XVII’s pincers
-Survived being violently electrocuted while being in close proximity to the dying Spider-Slayer Mark XVIII
-Shrugged off Doppelganger’s webs cutting into her ankle
-Withstood being kicked by Doppelganger and backhanded by Demogoblin, though this knocked her out
-Got back up after being backhanded by Tombstone
-Shrugged off being bearhugged by Cardiac, followed by bring in close proximity to an exploding air vent
-Withstood being choked out by Faze
-Survived a First Striker attempting to choke her out
-Shrugged off one of the First Striker’s scratching her right arm
-Could still use her right arm even after she’d been shot in the shoulder with a drugged crossbow bolt
-Was unharmed after Leather slammed her into a wall
-Took a double punch from Leather’s spiked gloves
-Unharmed after crashing through a skylight and landing on her feet
-Took 2 punches from Spider-Man’s robot duplicate
-Survived being impaled through the stomach by Wolverine’s claws, though the shock of the pain knocked her out
    -After this, she was thrown into a water tower hard enough to break through it
-Quickly recovered after being launched out of a window by Hydro-Man
-Shrugged off an injured Peter falling on top of her
-Got tackled through a banner and a window by Vulture
-Though it knocked her out, she survived being electrocuted by Electro with no ill effects    -The dialogue after she’s knocked out implies that Electro had pumped enough electricity into her body to leave her brain-damaged-Withstood being choked out and backhanded by a Doombot
-Shrugged off being hit with 300 volts of electricity while covered in a conductive nano-dust
-Got back up after being knocked away by a napalm explosion
-Took a tail swipe from the Lizard
-Endured Equinox shooting from behind with a stream of flame
-Withstood being choked out by Scarecrow’s noose
-Was bearhugged and tackled out of a skyscraper by Man-Ape
-Took a knee strike from Humbug
-Shrugged off a right hook from Sasha, which made her bleed
-Got slashed across the face by a knife, followed by a door slamming into her face
-Got stabbed through the side of her neck by Dr. Tramma’s talons
-Was unharmed after kicking Ringo’s helmet while barefoot
-Took a kick from Satana
-Withstood a blast of magic from Satana
-Endured being strangled by Montana’s whip
-Survived Kingpin pulling on her arms with enough force that he would’ve ripped them off
-Got slammed into a chimney hard enough to crack it
-Was kicked by Rococo hard enough to make her bleed from the mouth
-Only suffered cosmetic damage after swimming through a pool of acid
-Shrugged off Wolverine landing on her
-Was punched by Superior Spider-Man hard enough to knock out a tooth, followed by a violent beating
-Withstood being electrocuted by Gatherer
-Was only pissed-off after one of Ringer’s rings sliced her arm open
-Got knocked through a wall by an explosive
-Got back up without any issue after falling out of a warehouse, hitting its fire escape multiple times, and being punched by Silk hard enough that she crashed onto a car
-Was electrocuted by one of Parker Industries’ Spider-Bots
-Quickly recovered after Star-Lord kicked her in the stomach
-Survived being shot multiple times by Diamondback
-Got thrown through a monitor by a roided-out Diamondback
-Was launched through the air after being in close proximity to an explosion
-Got kicked into the bars of a jail cell by Black Ant
-Was hit in the head by the hilt of Taskmaster’s sword
-Got back up after Black Ant punched her into the ground
-Took a blast from one of Kraven’s hunter-robots
-Got kicked in the stomach by Kraven’s clone
-Recovered shortly after being stabbed in the shoulder by Kraven’s clone
-Survived being blasted by one of Blastaar’s lasers

-Kept going for a few minutes after one of Foreigner’s henchmen broke her nose
-Kept fighting after nearly being crushed by the Spider-Slayer Mark XVII

-Is an expert at picking locks and hacking
-Can tell different types of vaults apart, in addition to specific details about its security systems
-Knows how to tie a cat’s cradle to trap others


Black Cat Cunning by Br3ndan5
Black Cat Cunning 2 by Br3ndan5
Black Cat Cunning 3 by Br3ndan5

Cunning and Clever:
-Can exploit the environment to her advantage should the situation call for it
-Stole Hellcat’s wallet while they were in the middle of talking
-Distracted Spider-Man long enough to let Bruno and Boris break Walter out of prison
-Distracted Spider-Man by throwing her coat at him
-Hid gas pellets in a museum so she could steal the Golden Lovers without interference
-Distracted Spider-Man by threatening to destroy a ninth century vase and attacked him while his guard was down
-Tricked Spider-Man into letting her escape by setting up a steam organ to crush 2 guards
-Faked mental instability so she would be placed in a hospital instead of a prison
-Used the sheets of her hospital bed to bound and gag a nurse
-Escaped Spider-Man’s grip by slipping out of her gloves while they were talking
-Slipped out of her costume to escape after she’d been covered in Spider-Man’s webs
-Bypassed the Baxter Building’s security systems by following the Human Torch’s heat trail
-Threw Spider-Man off her trail by tricking him into thinking she had thrown an explosive into his darkroom
-Began dating Flash so she could drive a wedge in Spider-Man’s marriage by ruining his best friend’s life
-Knocked out Tarantula by spraying him with a nearby can of bug spray
-Defeated a berserk Knockout and Mindblast by tricking them into running into Tarantula’s poison-laced blades
-Used a sarcophagus as an impromptu weapon while fighting Hydro-Man
-Used a medieval tapestry as a makeshift towel to absorb Hydro-Man
-Tricked Scorpion into using his tail to remove a Spider-Slayer that was restraining Spider-Man
-Used a garbage can lid as a makeshift projectile to prevent a thief from escaping with her belongings
-Tricked Faze into leaving Cobalt Chemicals’ yacht by convincing him that the self-destruct she activated had no way of being overridden
-Used a First Striker’s body weight against him by pulling him to the ground and kicking him into the rest of his team
-Ripped apart Vulture’s wings so he wouldn’t be able to control his flight path, causing him to crash into a billboard
-Carved out holes in a museum’s wall and used them to reflect the room’s alarm beams
-Swung herself and Tarantula to safety by combining a pair of bolas with her Cat’s Claw
-Used some stolen jewel-encrusted rings as a pair of knuckles
-After accidentally tripping a silent alarm, tricked the security guards into leaving by hiding herself in a display case
-Used Montana’s whip against him by wrapping it around his arms
-Tricked Rococo into thinking she was attempting to tase her when she was actually putting a tracer on her suit
-Used her handcuffs to choke out a security guard
-Exploited Spider-Man’s selfless nature by boosting Electro’s powers to life-threatening levels and attempting to kill him while he worked to save Electro
-Escaped arrest by disguising a woman as her
-Flooded Alchemax’s secret vault with knockout gas ahead of time so she’d have an easier time entering
-Faked a proposal to Spider-Man and attacked him while he was caught off guard
-Distracted Kade by taunting him and stole his sunglasses while his guard was down

-Escaped Stark Unlimited by tricking Iron Man into fighting her empty Black Cat armor
-Using a 3D printer, created a replica of the Hand of the Vishanti that was convincing enough to fool Dr. Strange

Expert Thief:
-Thanks to her training under Black Fox, Black Cat is skilled in stealth, picking locks, escapology, evading alarms, and cracking safes

Black Cat Hacking by Br3ndan5

Expert Hacker:
-Hacked into Riker’s State Penitentiary and temporarily paused its security cameras
-Rewired the circuitry of Doc Ock’s macro-octobot to make it self-destruct
-Hacked Parker Industries’ security feed to loop every 45 minutes
-Wiretapped Silk and Mockingbird’s phones to monitor their conversations
-Hacked into a ship’s systems to locate the Owl

Black Cat Marksman by Br3ndan5

Expert Marksman:
-Hooked onto Hobgoblin’s glider from several feet in the air
-While an aisle away, pinned a man to a wall with a crossbow bolt to the chest
-Hooked onto Moon Knight’s Mooncopter while it was in mid-takeoff

-Managed to hook onto a support cable while riding on the Mooncopter, which was going at 70 mph
-Knocked a thief off his feet by throwing a garbage can lid at his ankles
-Wrapped her Cat’s Claw around Vulture’s ankles while he was flying away
-Shot a hunter through the wrist
-Knocked out a gang member by throwing a plate at his throat
-Shot a mutated animal in the face
-Knocked out one of Diamondback’s men by throwing a pistol at him
-Repeatedly shot Diamondback from several feet away

Black Cat Acting by Br3ndan5

Expert Actor:
-After realizing she was about to pass out from blood loss, convinced one of Foreigner’s men that she was going to kill him so he’d attempt to flee

Olympic Level Athlete:
-Thanks to her gymnastics training, Felicia has the reflexes, agility, and stamina of an Olympic level acrobat

Master of Stealth:
-Snuck into NYPD headquarters to retrieve her father’s files and escaped without anyone noticing
-Infiltrated an auction and went unnoticed until she announced her presence
-Stuck to the shadows while fighting Hydro-Man to get the drop on him
-Snuck past the guards at Parkgreen Correctional Facility without being heard
-Remained mostly undetected while on a ship

Master of Disguise:
-After breaking out of Mitchell State, disguised herself by putting on a black wig, a tank top, and jeans
-Dressed as a helicopter pilot so she could get closer to Faze
-Evaded capture from the police by disguising herself as an officer
-Infiltrated Parker Industries’ demonstration of the Anti-Electro trap by disguising herself as one of its operators
-Impersonated Silvio’s daughter so she could gain access to the Maggia Catacombs

-Disguised herself as a reporter to infiltrate Stark Unlimited
-Infiltrated Stark Unlimited’s holding cell by disguising herself as a nurse

Black Cat Dirty Fighting 2 by Br3ndan5

Dirty Fighting:
-Willing to feign being knocked out in order to get the upper hand in a fight
-When fighting in close-quarters, she’ll aim for low blows or attack the opponent while they’re distracted

Expert Martial Artist:
-Has been trained in numerous martial arts, with the most notable being Okinawa Gōjū-ryū Karate and Judo
-Has black belts in Judo and Karate
-Is skilled enough that she can take on multiple combatants at once without being hit
-Is aware of the pressure points in the human body and how to exploit them
-Knows a cluster in the body that she can press to render one unconscious for hours
-Knocked out Scar by striking his nerves with a jab

Black Cat Seamstress by Br3ndan5

Expert Seamstress:
-Was able to sew an exact replica of Spider-Man’s black costume
-Redesigned her mask from scratch after her nose was broken
-Sewed Peter up after he’d been shot multiple times
-Created new costumes for herself and Spider-Man to disguise themselves as they broke Green Goblin out of prison

Black Cat Personality by Br3ndan5

-Is a thrill-seeker who chose to become a cat burglar because she felt it would be exciting
    -In her early days, this sense of excitement even extended to her exits, as she would often leave through a window or skylight instead of a door
-Prefers exciting heists, and will become disappointed if she feels they’re too easy
-As expected from a cat burglar, Felicia is obsessed with stealing money and jewels, though she only steals from people who can afford it
-Tends to be extremely flirty when talking to men
-Will occasionally make sarcastic jokes and quips, similar to Spider-Man
-In her early days, she enjoyed receiving attention from others, whether in her civilian identity or as the Black Cat
    -This is to the point where she deliberately tripped Bradshaw’s security systems just so he’d know she stole some of his art
-Has a romantic interest in Spider-Man, to the point where (in her early days) she had an entire room dedicated to him
    -This was because she found his life mysterious and exciting, though it only extended to Spider-Man. When she started dating him and learned of his civilian life, she was horrified by how boring and plain it was
    –She even admitted that she preferred to think of him as Spider-Man because she found Peter Parker too ordinary
-After breaking up with him, she took Spider-Man’s criticisms to heart and began adjusting herself, causing her to become a more Robin Hood-esque figure and begin addressing Peter by name instead of calling him Spider-Man
    -She also became more mature and understanding toward his problems
-Will go out of her way to save bystanders and make sure they don’t get caught in the crossfire during a fight
-Admits to having a soft spot for children
-Becomes more vicious when she’s on the losing end of a fight
-Sees herself as not being good enough to be a hero, regardless of how much she tries
-Is willing to make decisions for other people if it goes against what they believe
    -This can be seen with how she offered to break Norman out of prison by herself in case Peter felt that doing so would betray his conscience
-Despite her history of getting into fights, she’s willing to defuse a situation by talking it out with others
-After the events of One More Day, she reverted back to how she was in her earlier appearances, as she felt empty without her memories of Peter Parker
-After being violently beaten by Superior Spider-Man, she became more vicious and vengeful, intent on ruining Spider-Man’s life and killing him
-During this time, she also became more power-hungry, which led her to focus on becoming a crime boss
    -Despite this, she still showed that she could empathize with others, as seen when she learned about Silk’s origin
-Hates using guns, though she’s willing to use them against people she really hates
-After repairing her relationship with Spider-Man, her personality returned to what it was during the pre-One More Day era

Weapons and Equipment:

Black Cat Grappling Hook by Br3ndan5

Grappling Hook:
-Used before receiving her Cat’s Claw
-Can be used to lasso items, swing across areas, or restrain people
-Can cover its hook with stickum, allowing her to emulate Spider-Man’s web-swinging

Black Cat Rope by Br3ndan5

-Used in a failed attempt to choke out the Blob

Black Cat Gas Pellet by Br3ndan5

Gas Pellets:
-Contain knockout gas
-Used to make her missions easier by knocking out any security guards or staff
-Never shown on panel

Black Cat Binoculars by Br3ndan5

-Used to view things from a distance

Black Cat Boots by Br3ndan5

-Metal boots that she occasionally wears
-Are durable enough to withstand Sabretooth biting down on them

Black Cat Costume by Br3ndan5

-Created by the Tinkerer
-Has micro servos embedded in its leather, which boosts her physical attributes further
-Possesses implants that augment her agility to the point of being far beyond even the finest athlete
-Due to its lack of pockets, she keeps her tools hidden in her cleavage
   –No, I am not kidding
-The fingers in its gloves can act as flashlights

Black Cat earrings by Br3ndan5
Black Cat earrings 2 by Br3ndan5

Equilibrium Earrings:
-A pair of earrings made by the Tinkerer
-Enhances her agility and sense of equilibrium by interacting with her brain’s balance centers
-Enhances her hearing to the point where she can hear an otherwise inaudible explosion occurring several floors above her

Black Cat contacts by Br3ndan5

Electromagnetic Contact Lenses:
-Lets Felicia see in various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, including infrared and ultraviolet light
-Enhances her vision to the point where she can see people that are invisible to the naked eye
-While wearing these, her irises turn blue, replacing her usual green
-Allows her to see things that even Spider-Man can’t

Black Cat Costume Claws by Br3ndan5

Retractable Claws:
-Originally, these were gloves containing steel micro-filaments that formed retractable claws when Felicia flexed her fingers
   -After meeting with Dr. Tramma, she received cybernetic enhancements that turned her fingernails into razor-sharp claws
-Are strong enough to slice through armor, metal, and Spider-Man’s webs
-Can rip a Spider-Slayer to shreds
-Can slice through Tombstone’s skin, which is as hard as diamond
-Can be used to climb up walls
-Dr. Tramma’s variant can grow up to several feet in length and be shot as projectiles

Black Cat Cat's Claw by Br3ndan5

Cat’s Claw:
-A combination of a whip and grappling hook
-Owns 2, which are hidden in her gloves’ fur
-Can be electrified and used as a taser
-Mainly used to swing around the city like Spider-Man, though they can also lasso people, ensnare objects, or function as a zip line

Black Cat Cycle by Br3ndan5

-Also called the Black Cat Cycle
-Given to her by the Puma
-Should be able to go at 200 mph
-Is voice-activated
-No longer in her possession

Black Cat Helmet by Br3ndan5

-Given to her by the Puma
-Provides protection while riding the Black Cat Cycle
-No longer in her possession

Black Cat Goggles by Br3ndan5

Night Vision Goggles:
-Lets her see in the dark

-Let her see objects or people that are otherwise invisible

-Lets her hear things that would otherwise be completely silent

-Used to bypass security systems by burning through the circuitry

Black Box:
-Used to crack safes

Micro Camera:
-Used to record videos and take pictures from afar

Gasoline Can:
-Can be poured on a person or item to make them flammable

-Used in conjunction with gasoline to set something on fire

-A handgun that can fire 6 shots
-Used in an attempt to kill Hawkeye

-A bladed whip that Felicia used while running her gang
-Mainly used to wrap people up and throw them around, though she can also swing from it
-Its blades are sharp enough to pierce Spider-Man’s skin
-Worn as a belt when not in use
-No longer in her possession

-Can burn through steel
-Used to free Silk and Spider-Gwen after they were arrested

Submachine Gun:
-Used to riddle Diamondback with bullets

-A voice-activated drone
-Can take pictures, record videos, and transmit data
-Can self-destruct into a flashbang if Felicia gives the command “Flashbulb”

Black Cat Narcpatch by Br3ndan5

-A patch Black Cat can attach to a person’s body
-Administers drugs into a target’s system and knocks them out

Black Cat Armor:
-Created after hijacking Stark Unlimited’s Nanoforge
-Piloted by using a headband that connects to her neurological pathways
-Contains thrusters in its hands and feet, laser claws that she can fire as projectiles, and an onboard AI that can assist her in combat


-Also called Probability Manipulation, or “Bad Luck” powers-Originally, it was given to her by the Kingpin after going through genetic testing    -After losing it for some time, she replaced it with Dr. Tramma’s quantum probability pulsator, which achieves a similar effect-Was awakened by enhancing a latent gene in her body that gave her a catlike nature
-Allows her to subliminally affect probability fields, causing her opponents to experience bad luck    -This also lets her nullify the effects of magic, which involves manipulating local probability fields-Manifests as an invisible aura that surrounds her entire body
-Will work even when she’s on the verge of blacking out
-Its effects are dependent on her ruthlessness, meaning they’ll grow stronger the less she holds back
-Its AOE is large enough to affect an entire casino

-Examples of bad luck include:    -The ceiling or floor collapsing under her opponent’s weight    -Enemies hitting each other, tripping, or missing
    -An attacker being electrocuted when they touch a machine
    -Machinery exploding when someone attempts to use it
    -Guns backfiring on their owners
    -An opponent’s clothes getting caught on their surroundings
    -Weapons flying out of their user’s hands and hitting someone else
    -Pieces of debris knocking out or killing anyone near her
    -Security systems shutting down or being destroyed
    -Bullets missing or crumbling to dust when they approach her
    -Gas-based weaponry shutting down or sealing itself shut
    -A person’s knees giving out while they’re trying not to fall
    -An opponent’s weapons falling out of their belts or hilts
    -Lightning striking through a wall and killing everyone in her vicinity
    -Streams of electricity arcing around her and hitting other people
    -Chandeliers and other ceiling fixtures collapsing under her attackers
    -An opponent being unable to use their powers while in her vicinity
    -The locks on any cages in her vicinity breaking

-A person sneezing when they’re holding her at gunpoint

Temporarily gained the following abilities after Dr. Strange cast a spell to remove her tychokinesis:

Enhanced Senses:
-Can block out all smells in the area to focus on a specific scent
-Allows her to tell when the weather or season is going to change

Enhanced Equilibrium:
-Can perfectly balance and scale atop any surface, regardless of the conditions in her surroundings

Infrared Vision:
-Allows Felicia to see in the dark by detecting the thermal energy of others

Retractable Claws:
-Can extend by several feet whenever she chooses
-Strong enough to claw Sabretooth’s face open and rip off a man’s face

Fighting Styles:

-A fighting style that combines kicks and close hand punches with softer open hand techniques for attacking, blocking, and controlling the opponent
-Focuses on joint locks, grappling, takedowns, and throws 

-A fighting style that focuses on throwing an opponent or subduing them by using joint locks, chokes
-Its style consists of 3 categories:
    -Throwing techniques involve the use of hands, feet, hips, and legs, followed by using your weight to throw an opponent to the side
    -Grappling techniques use holds, pins, strangulation, and joint locks
    -Striking techniques use the arms and legs to deliver punches, kicks, and elbow strikes

Black cat weaknesses by Br3ndan5

-Needs to be focused when using her tychokinesis, otherwise it won’t work
-Although she can resist the effects of magic, higher levels of it can nullify her tychokinesis
-No longer has her enhanced senses, enhanced equilibrium, infrared vision, or retractable claws; as they were removed while helping Spider-Man recover his powers
    -Though the Tinkerer’s equipment makes up for this
-The quantum probability pulsator can be deactivated, which will leave her powerless
    -Though she can still hold her own in a fight
-Outside of the Flashbulb command, Dronesy has no use in combat
-Despite her durability, she can be put down with enough force
-Her portrayal during the Dan Slott era of Marvel

(“‘Probability’ is just a five-dollar word for ‘luck.’ And I’m nothing but bad luck, baby.”)

(“Remember this, Clown Shoes! When they ask you who beat you this time, tell ‘em it was the Black Cat and her boys!”)

(“I know what this life is, what can happen. And I know that one day, one job, maybe I won’t be quite clever enough, won’t be quite strongenough. But I won’t give it up, because this is who I am. It may not be smart, it may not be healthy… but I’m the Black Cat.”)

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