Death Battle: Black Cat vs Catwoman

Alright, the combatants are set. Let’s end this debate once and for all! It’s time for a Death Battle!


New York City, nighttime

A leather clad woman with platinum blonde hair and a black domino mask was busy jumping acrobatically through the city when she suddenly came across a museum. The cat burglar pulled out a grappling hook and quickly zipped up to the roof, landing silently. After checking to make sure no one saw her, the woman peered through the skylight. Something caught her eye: a large diamond in the middle of the room. The thief became amazed at its size, estimating that it must be worth at least several billion dollars. Purring with excitement, she quickly unsheathed her retractable claws and carved a hole into the glass roof. She then grabbed the piece she just carved out and set it aside before opening the window and using her grappling hook to support herself as she slowly slid down. She quickly made her way over to the jewel and quickly carved a hole through the glass case. Setting it aside carefully, she then grabbed the diamond before carefully placing the glass right where it had been before. With her prize now in hand, the Black Cat zipped out of the hole she had made, unaware that she was being watched.

The person watching her was a fellow cat burglar dressed in leather, but this one was wearing red goggles over a black mask that covered half of her face. Catwoman had been watching this rival thief for the past few minutes, waiting to see what she would steal. To her dismay, she saw the blonde steal the jewel she had wanted. Deciding not to let this amateur get too far, Selina Kyle quickly sprung into action and kicked her rival just as she left the building. Felicia fell onto the ground, dropping her diamond in the process, but her attacker managed to grab hold of it with her whip.

“I’ll be taking that off your hands, if you don’t mind.” Catwoman said as she pulled the diamond closer.

“Why don’t you rob some other museum? I’m pretty sure there’s one for a less experienced cat burglar.” Felicia insulted as she got back up and fired a grappling hook, snatching the gem from her attacker’s grasp.

“Funny. I was going to say the same to you.” The Princess of Plunder taunted before delivering a kick to the stomach. She then followed this up by tackling her blonde rival to the ground, forcing Felicia to drop the diamond. She threw a punch at Black Cat’s face, but found her fist caught in the Hardy’s right hand. Annoyed by this, she decided to try again, but this had the same result.

The two struggled against each other for a brief moment, with it only ending when Black Cat kicked Selina with enough force to send her flying off of the building. The Cat smirked as she looked over the ledge, checking to see if the vigilante was still alive. Upon doing so, she felt something wrap around her ankle, eliciting a yelp as a sharp tug forced her to follow.

The two cat burglars fell toward the ground at an alarming rate, but Black Cat managed to use her Cat’s Claw to swing to safety and took Selina with her, kicking the felonious feline through a wall. The two crashed into an abandoned warehouse and quickly fell to the ground, Hardy laying on top as Kyle hit her head against the cement floor. The Princess of Plunder groaned before pushing the blonde off of her. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she turned to Felicia and glared.

“You brat. That was supposed to be my job. I’d been planning on stealing that for weeks.” Catwoman said angrily.

“Well, you’re a bit slow, then. I’d been planning on stealing it since I laid my eyes on it a few minutes ago. How about a deal? Seeing as how I’m the superior thief, why don’t you just let me have it and in exchange, I’ll let you walk away with all your teeth.” Black Cat responded with a smirk.

“That’s not going to happen.” Selina responded as she unsheathed her claws.

“That’s a shame. Guess I’ll prove my superiority by beating it into you.” Hardy said as she unsheathed her own claws. The two women ran at each other, claws extended.

Catwoman swiped at Black Cat, but Felicia proved quick to duck beneath the claws and just as quickly raked her own across her opponent’s chest. Upon contact, the blades tore through the Catwoman’s outfit, leaving three bloody scratch marks where they’d struck. Pushing through the pain, Selina responded to the next swipe by sliding through Felicia’s legs, dodging it and pulling her ankles out from under her. Hardy fell to the ground, but proved quick to right herself as she handsprung onto her opponent.

Once she was within range, the Black Cat switched positions, this time wrapping her legs around Selina and flipping her over. Just when they had reached the halfway point of their ascent, Felicia released her grip, sending the leather-clad vigilante sailing across the room. As she planted her claws against the ground, slowly grinding to a halt, Catwoman watched as Black Cat rushed toward her, already in the midst of a flying kick.

Letting her instincts take over, Selina ducked underneath, just barely avoiding a steel boot to the head. As she felt her opponent brush past her, the Queen of Crime whipped out a pair of bolas and turned around, hurling them at the airborne burglar.

Just when it seemed that the restraints were about to wrap around her, something odd happened. Despite their flight path making it seem as though they’d wrap around her legs, the bolas suddenly descended once they got close to their target, hitting the ground and clattering uselessly against the floor.

“How is that possible?” Catwoman asked in surprise as Felicia landed.

“Haven’t you heard that it’s bad luck to cross the path of a black cat?” The blonde cat burglar responded with a cheeky grin.

“Please. The only ‘bad luck’ I have is that an amateur like you decided to try sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. You, on the other hand…” Selena pulled out a whip and proceeded to crack it against the ground. “You’ll need all the luck you can get against me!”

“Is that so?” Hardy chuckled. “Then you better give it your best shot!”

With a smirk, Kyle threw the whip forward, but to her surprise- and slight annoyance- Felicia casually ducked to the side, easily avoiding its range. Selina prepared to reel it back and try again, but Black Cat proved quicker to act as she grabbed hold of the cord. Then, with a light smirk on her face, she gave a violent tug, pulling her would-be attacker in range. Catwoman stumbled forward, attempting to regain her balance, but her efforts were interrupted via a kick to the stomach, forcing the raven-haired vigilante to lurch over and cough up spittle.

Before she could attempt to recover from the blow, Felicia threw out a knee strike to her nose, creating an audible crack as she broke it. Selina attempted to let out a cry of pain, but it was quickly silenced as her opponent slammed into her chest with another kick. This time the force was enough that it sent Catwoman flying across the room, only stopping once she hit her head against the wall. She got up, now somewhat dazed, before noticing something to her right: a fuse box.

“Alright, kitten. You’ve kept me on my toes so far, but let’s see how well you do when you’re in the dark.” She taunted, giving a smirk as she swiped her claws, destroying the box and covering the entire warehouse in darkness. She immediately hid herself in the shadows and threw out several caltrops toward Felicia’s direction, the spiked jacks landing all around her. She then jumped over her rival cat burglar, attempting to catch her off guard by throwing out a kick to the back. Unfortunately, it seemed she had severely underestimated Felicia’s capabilities. No sooner than Selina threw out her leg, Black Cat immediately turned around, effortlessly stopping the leg mid-strike.

“Nice try, but if you think you can fool me with an amateur trick like that,” Black Cat paused as she whirled around, “you’ve got another thing coming!”

As this taunt escaped her lips, Felicia released her grip on Kyle’s leg, sending the Princess of Plunder hurtling through the air. Unwilling to give up the chase, however, Felicia threw her arm out, shooting out a Cat’s Claw. The grappling hook shot through the air at blinding speeds, producing an audible CHK as it pierced through the warehouse’s wooden roof. Once she’d made sure it was secure, Black Cat wasted no time in pulling herself up, grabbing Selina in the process.

The two ascended through the air, moving so quickly that their surroundings were reduced to nothing more than blurs. As they drew closer to the rooftop, Felicia could feel her captive start squirming, no doubt in an attempt to escape, and she proved quick to put a stop to it!

Throwing out her right arm, Black Cat slammed Catwoman’s back against a nearby girder, eliciting a grunt of pain. This pain would only continue to grow as they continued their path, with each foot being accompanied by another slam against the scaffolding. With each impact, Catwoman would spit up more blood, and the repeated bludgeoning was starting to get to her. Her vision was starting to grow blurrier, and her actions were becoming more sluggish. Her attempts at escape were becoming increasingly pointless, as Felicia’s grip would only tighten with each bludgeon. It was as if she was ensuring that Kyle had no means of escaping, accidental or otherwise!

Once they approached the final floor, however, Hardy seemed to have a change of heart. With a sudden flick of her wrist, Selina was sent soaring through the air, resulting in a resounding CLANG as she felt her back slam into a steel beam. The impact was enough to make Selina gasp in pain, as the collision threatened to shatter her spine! Under most circumstances, someone suffering this much pain would’ve blacked out. For Selina, though, this seemed to have the opposite effect. With the pain spreading through her mind, Catwoman’s eyes- dulled and nearly closed from her repeated bludgeonings- shot open, now filled with a righteous fury! As her expression hardened, a single thought went through Selina’s mind:

’No! I can’t go out like this! I won’t allow it!’ As she looked down at Felicia, Catwoman shot her an enraged glare. ‘There’s no way I’m losing to a blonde bimbo like her!’

With a fiery determination coursing through her veins, the Queen of Crime brought both of her legs up, bending both knees as she placed her leather-clad feet against the ceiling. Then, with as much leg strength as she could muster, the plundering pussycat tore herself free from her confines and dove toward Felicia, her hands poised to claw out her opponent’s throat. As she slammed into Black Cat, Selina put as much body weight as she could into tackling Hardy to the ground. Then, without wasting a beat, Kyle plunged both of her clawed gloves down, ready to hear the sound of metal tearing through flesh. Unfortunately, it seemed Black Cat was dead set on fighting for her life! 

The moment Selina threw her arms forward, Felicia countered by bringing hers up, catching the Queen of Crime by her wrists. Gritting her teeth, Selina attempted to push forward, but Hardy countered by applying more strength to her grip. The two soon found themselves at an impasse, with Catwoman exerting more of her strength and Felicia responding in kind. It was clear to both women that they were getting nowhere fast, and if they didn’t put an end to this, there was no doubt their opponent would gain the upper hand. What they needed was a back-up plan, but in their current situation such a thing was hard to come up with.

With a growing frustration only rivaled by her desire for victory, Selina came to a single conclusion: enough was enough! If she wanted to take Felicia out, she’d need to fight dirty. And fight dirty she did! With a sudden burst of movement, Selina slammed her head against Felicia’s, producing an audible CRUNCH and eliciting a scream of pain from the blonde. With pain overtaking her mind, Felicia briefly ended the power struggle and clutched her bloodied, broken nose.

“You know what they say, Felicia: an eye for an eye! It’s the least I can do after that crap you pulled earlier!” Catwoman announced as she threw her claws forward, ready to reclaim her shot at victory! Unfortunately, it seemed that fate wasn’t on her side. As her claws flew through the air, they miss their mark as the still-recovering Felicia instinctively tilted her head to the side. The result? An audible SHINK, courtesy of her claws slicing clean through the steel beam they’d been fighting on. The two cat burglars’ eyes widened as a low, metallic groan filled their ears, followed by a resounding CRUNCH as the beam suddenly gave way.

With nothing left to support themselves, the two women found themselves falling through the air at an alarming rate, moving so quickly that there was no doubt they would’ve died on impact. Rather than worry about this, however, the leather-clad antiheroines instead chose to reposition themselves, unveiling out their trademark grappling hooks in the process!

With little time before their bodies made contact with the ground below, both women fired at the same time, snagging onto the nearest support beams they could find. Upon reeling themselves to safety, both burglars turned around, looking each other dead in the eye with expressions of pure, unadulterated fury. Several seconds of silence passed as both gave off the most venomous looks they possibly could. Then, once these seconds had passed, they lunged forward!

Their slender, lithe bodies flew through the air, with both stretching their claws out in an attempt to impale the other. After what felt like an eternity of the two thieves flying toward each other, they finally met in midair, with both locking hands in an attempt to overpower the other. They began descending through the air, with Felicia on top, but it wasn’t destined to last.

Putting her full body weight into overpowering her rival, Selina proved quick to reverse the situation as she flipped Hardy over. Felicia’s response to this sudden change of events? Smirk as she used a combination of her own heightened strength and bad luck powers to shift the tide back in her favor. Gritting her teeth, Catwoman mustered more of her strength to quickly reverse this situation, only for her adversary to respond in kind.

This process would continue to go on, with the intensity of the changing positions only matched by how fast both were falling. While this was occurring, both women remained unaware of what they were rapidly approaching: a steel bar, one that was surprisingly still intact when compared to the others.

As they fell toward this, the two cat burglars continued struggling for dominance, a struggle that would soon end as one threw out a last-ditch effort at overpowering the other.

Black Cat had just managed to flip Catwoman over for the umpteenth time when she noticed what they were approaching. Giving her opponent a final smirk, Felicia raised both legs and kicked off of Selina, sending the Queen of Crime plummeting toward the exposed beam!


As she slammed into the girder, Catwoman let out a strangled gasp. Her previous beatings had only threatened it, but the pain she was experiencing left now doubt in her mind: her spine had been snapped! Pain flooded the cat burglar’s mind, consuming her to the point where she didn’t even hear Black Cat’s feet hit the ground. Weakly, the Princess of Plunder attempted to look up at Felicia, and upon doing so she was met with a light smirk.

“I told you, didn’t I? That if you didn’t leave, I’d prove my superiority by beating it into you. Now look what’s happened. If you just did what I said and walked away, this wouldn’t have happened to you, but no.” Crouching down, Felicia cupped her opponent’s chin and pulled, forcing her paralyzed opponent to meet her at eye-level.

“You just had to be stubborn, trying to take what was rightfully mine. And look where it got you. Bloody, broken, and barely clinging onto life, while I’m doing just fine. I guess we found out which of us was superior, huh?” Selina attempted to respond, to give some sort of snarky comeback, but all that came out were a series of strangled breaths. Noticing this, Hardy released her grip, allowing Selina’s head to fall back. With no other reason to prolong the fight, a single thought ran through Felicia’s mind: it’s time to end this!

Letting her claws out once more, Black Cat threw her hand out at lightning-fast speeds, raking her nails across Selina’s neck. For a brief moment nothing seemed to happen, but then four red lines appeared across Catwoman’s neck, all of them gushing blood. Selina attempted to scream in pain, but all that emerged were a series of choked sputters and gurgles as her throat filled with blood. With little control left over her body, all the vigilante could do was allow her head to go slack. The Black Cat took one last look before throwing her Cat’s Claw into the air and swinging back to the skylight. Hopefully the diamond hadn’t been too damaged when she dropped it.

Unbeknownst to Felicia, her opponent was still alive, but not for much longer. The only thing Selina could feel was the blood dripping from her slit throat, the drops running down her neck before staining the floor a deep crimson. With each second that passed, her surroundings grew more and more blurred,  and it was taking everything she had not to drift into unconsciousness. But as she laid there, silently begging for someone- anyone– to save her, a slow realization began to don on Selina: no one was going coming for her. There was no Batman ready to swoop in at the last second, nor a Robin or Nightwing to give her some last minute medical attention. The only thing left for her to do was to close her eyes and accept her fate.

And with no other options left, Selina Kyle- Catwoman- did just that.

Db Ko! by Br3ndan5


Well, that was a brutal way to go. Now onto why Felicia wins this fight.

While these two might seem evenly matched at first, the victor becomes clearer the deeper you dig into each character. Catwoman had a more versatile arsenal and more experience, and while she has pulled off some impressive feats she can’t compare to the Black Cat, who is capable of besting the mutant Sabretooth, keeping up with Spider-Man, and surviving Doc Ock’s men filling her with bullets while being restrained by Otto himself. Even if Kyle tried to play it safe and take Felicia out with stealth, there would be two problems with that approach:

1. Felicia is no amateur when it comes to using stealth herself.

2. Even if she was, her night vision combined with her improved senses would allow her to easily locate Selina since they have allowed her to spot camouflaged opponents before.

And that’s not even getting into her bad luck powers. Thanks to these, it makes Selina’s cunning and weaponry useless. Anything she could try, from bolas to caltrops to sneak attacks, would either backfire or only delay the inevitable.

In the end, Catwoman’s hopes of victory were slashed.

The winner is the Black Cat.

WinnerBlackCat by Br3ndan5

Black Cat (Winner)
+ Stronger
+ Faster
+ More durable
+ Bad luck powers could trip up Catwoman and render her traps useless
= Stealth
+ Night vision and enhanced senses could counter Catwoman’s stealth
– Less experience
– Less versatile arsenal

Catwoman (Loser)
+ More experience
+ More versatile arsenal
= Stealth
– Black Cat’s night vision and enhanced senses rendered her stealth useless
– Not as strong
– Not as fast
– Not as durable
– No way to counter Black Cat’s bad luck powers

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