Prelude: Sakura Kasugano vs Videl

Martial Arts. A fighting style that requires discipline and control. It has been taught by many masters worldwide, and these two schoolgirls have received training from some of the best.

Sakura Kasugano, the Exuberant Youth.

And Videl Satan, daughter of the World Champion.

I’m Br3ndan5, and I’ll be analyzing their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE!

Credit to goldsilverbronzekid for the Videl bio.

Sakura Kasugano by Br3ndan5

Sakura Kasugano
Title: The Exuberant Youth
Age: 16 (SFA3), in her 20’s (SFIV and SFV)
Height: 5’2
Weight: 115 lbs
Occupation: Martial Artist, Arcade Worker (part-time) (SFV), P.E. Teacher (Sakura Ganbaru)
First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha 2 (February 27, 1996)

Height: 5’2
Weight: 115 lbs
Occupation: Martial Artist, Part-Time Arcade Worker
First Appearance: Street Fighter Alpha 2 (February 27, 1996)

-Learned how to perform martial arts by watching Ryu on TV
-Created a better fighting style out of what she learned from Dan Hibiki
-Ended Karin Kanzuki’s impressive winning streak, causing them to develop a rivalry

    -Aside from a victory that she admits to obtaining through luck, Karin has lost every subsequent fight they’ve had
-Alongside Ken Masters, fought against M. Bison
-With help from Ken and Sagat, freed Ryu from being corrupted by the Dark Hado
-Started working part-time at an arcade after graduating high school
-Convinced her manager to put Blanka’s hideous “Blanka-chan” dolls in the arcade machines
-Sparred with Ryu to ease her mind
-Starred in her own comic and manga

Street Fighter Alpha: Generations
-Sparred with Ryu, but lost

Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind
-Broke into Ken’s mansion to see if he knew Ryu’s whereabouts
-Managed to free Ryu from the Dark Hado’s corruption
-Alongside Chun-Li, infiltrated an S.I.N. ship and defeated a group of agents

Sakura Ganbaru

-In her first street fight, defeated a high-schooler street thug who stole her brother Tsukushi’s video game, ultimately defeating him with a Hadoken she threw out by accident
-Entered Karin’s fighting tournament
-In her first match, fought against Bahn, the pissed-off brother of one of the fallen contenders, and won in the span of a few seconds
-Defeated the tonfa-wielding ninja Maki, ultimately winning through sheer determination
-Made her way to the final match of the tournament, where she fought against Ken
    -While she ultimately lost, she managed to put up a good fight, breaking several of his ribs during the match
-Befriended and named an amnesiac Cammy White
-Prevented an assassination attempt on Cammy’s life by challenging her attacker, Gen

-Impressed Gen due to how she utilized the Ansatsuken (a martial art used for assassination) without any negativity in her mind
    -Though she lost to him, Gen let her live due to being impressed by the “light” in her fists
    –This is impressive, given that Gen had previously been shown to have no hesitation when killing others
    —In fact, the discovery of this “light” was enough that it removed Gen’s desire to kill
-Alongside Cammy, participated in a cage match against Zangief, ultimately ending in a stalemate
-Eventually located Ryu and challenged him to a fight, ultimately pushing him into going all-out in a match that lasted for several hours and ended in a stalemate
-Years later, became a P.E. teacher at her high school
-Sparred with Ryu once again

-Hospitalized Dan as a result of their sparring match to see if she was worthy to train under him
-Saved Ryu from being shot by one of Shadaloo’s agents by throwing out her first Hadoken
-Tag teamed with Rainbow Mika during the wrestler’s rematch against Zangief, being the one to deliver the final blow
-Defeated Dan during the preliminaries of Shadaloo’s Street Fighter Tournament
-Fought against C. Viper, who had been assigned to capture her due to the latent Dark Hado in her body
-Attempted to free Dan from being subjected to S.I.N’s BLECE project, but was quickly defeated by Seth
-Escaped S.I.N with help from C. Viper
-Convinced Rainbow Mika to visit El Fuerte’s restaurant
-Helped Dan train for his televised fight against a mysterious opponent (which turned out to be a luxury sedan)

Began training under Ryu after graduating high school
-Gained the attention of Akuma and briefly fought him while debating whether or not to tap into the Dark Hado
-While being corrupted by the Dark Hado, surprised Guile with her strength and defeated the robot Twelve, who had copied M. Bison to the point where not even Ryu could tell he was a fake
-Forced Ryu to get serious while they fought, with him ultimately winning after she lost focus due to the Dark Hado overwhelming her

Born to the Kasugano family on March 15, 1981, Sakura Kasugano first learned about the world of Martial Arts by watching the soon-to-be tournament champion Ryu participate in the widely televised World Warrior tournament. Intrigued by his fighting style, Sakura began training herself in the ways of Martial Arts and made it her goal to track Ryu down and convince him to train her. During her travels, she met the biggest joke in Martial Arts history, Dan Hibiki. Dan was currently searching for students that he could teach his worthless Saikyo-Ryu style, and he decided to challenge Sakura to see if she was worthy of training under him. Four blows and one hospitalization later, Dan agreed to train her, and soon realized was a prodigy in fighting.

Taking what she learned from Dan, Sakura developed a better fighting style out of it and once again sought out Ryu. This time she ended up meeting with Ken, who had also been searching for Ryu, and they decided to team up and find him. Eventually they located a brainwashed Ryu in the middle of Thailand and challenged the man responsible, M. Bison. After a combination of Sakura screaming his name and Sagat’s urgings, Ryu was finally able to break free and destroyed Bison.

Years later, Sakura would eventually graduate from high school and began training under Ryu full-time. Unfortunately, their training was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Illuminati and a seemingly resurrected Bison, who captured Ryu and knocked Sakura out. Desperate to free him, Sakura began tapping into the Dark Hado, a malicious energy that represents mankind’s desire to survive, trample, and destroy. This transformation slowly affected her mental state, causing her to become more violent and nihilistic. When she finally made her way to the Illuminati’s base, she located Bison (later revealed to be the shapeshifting android Twelve) and proceeded to beat him to near death, only stopping after Ryu freed himself and restrained her, absorbing the Dark Hado into himself and returning her to normal.

Sakura then watched as the now corrupted Ryu fought Gill and eventually achieved balance between the Dark Hado and the Power of Nothingness, allowing him to become Shin Ryu and finally end Gill’s life with the Shun Goku Satsu. With Gill slain, Ryu and Sakura continued their journey in order to become stronger.

Sakura strength by Br3ndan5

-Regularly spars with Ryu
-Has repeatedly overpowered Karin during their fights
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind:
-Knocked out a squad of Ken’s security guards
-Overpowered a squad of S.I.N. agents
Sakura Ganbaru:-KO’d Karin with a Shouoken
-Knocked Ken into the air with a Shouoken
-Created an explosion upon colliding Hadokens with Ken
-Broke 4-5 of Ken’s ribs by punching him
-Before receiving any training, she was able to hospitalize Dan with four blows
-Knocked Dan flat on his face with a Flower Kick
-Performed a Daydream Headlock alongside R. Mika to restrain Zangief-KO’d Zangief with a Shouoken
-KO’d Dan with a Haru Ichiban-Launched C. Viper into the air using her Haru Ranman Ultra Combo
-Defeated a squad of Shadaloo’s spies with one Hadoken
-Felled a tree just by kicking it and reduced it to splinters with a Hadoken

Sakura speed by Br3ndan5

-Has kept up with Ryu and Ken, who are both comparable to M. Bison
Street Fighter Alpha: Generations:
-Moved fast enough to appear as a blur during her fight with Ryu
Sakura Ganbaru:

-Dodged a point-blank Gadoken
-Blocked a tonfa strike from Maki
-Kept up with Karin

-Caught several hotdogs that were being launched at her with a baseball bat
-Intercepted Dan mid-strike
-Kept up with C. Viper

-Defeated a group of armed guards all at once before they could reach for their guns
-Destroyed a tree just as it was beginning to fall
-Left afterimages during her fight with Akuma

-Could keep up with and dodge attacks from Akuma
    -Akuma has been shown to move faster than Ryu and Ken could react

Sakura durability by Br3ndan5

-Regularly takes hits from Ryu, though it’s likely he’s holding back against her
-Often withstands blows from Karin
-Took a Psycho Shot from M. Bison, though it knocked her out
Street Fighter Alpha Generations:
-Withstood multiple heavy blows during her fight with Ryu
Sakura Ganbaru:
-Got back up immediately after being sucker-punched by Bahn
-Withstood this explosion upon colliding Hadokens with Ken
-Was knocked into a wall by Ken with enough force to crack it
-Survived the impact of Gen’s blow, though it left her hospitalized for 12 hours

-Survived being dropkicked by Zangief
-Took hits from C. Viper, including a shock from her Thunder Knuckles
-Survived a brutal beating from Seth-Withstood blows from Akuma
-Got back to her feet after Akuma redirected her own Metsu Hadoken back at her

Sakura stamina by Br3ndan5

-Regularly performs an exercise routine consisting of 100 laps, 500 push-ups, 500 pull-ups, 500 sit-ups, and 800 squats
-Her fights with Ryu would last for hours, with neither feeling exhausted when they ended
-Meditated for three days straight, remaining motionless the entire time
-Was still able to fight Karin despite feeling nauseous from eating 40 lbs of hotdogs

Sakura personality by Br3ndan5

-Outgoing and respectful toward others

-Hard-working and focused during combat
-Will become offended should someone insult either her or Ryu

    -Should someone insult Ryu, her rage can grow to the point where she will begin tapping into the Dark Hado
-Fights for the passion and experience rather than money
-Her devotion toward convincing Ryu to train her eventually developed into a crush
a huge fan of Rainbow Mika, to the point of incorporating some of her techniques into her fighting style
-Will blame herself should something happen to Ryu (i.e being captured) and go to extreme measures (such as tapping into the Dark Hado) to get him back

Sakura skill by Br3ndan5

-Created her own fighting style that uses “what master Ryu taught me, [adding] the spontaneity of Rainbow Mika, the power of Zangief, the relentlessness of Karin, the perseverance of E. Honda, and even the unpredictability of Dan”
-Created the Shouoken, a more powerful version of the Koryuken-Performed a Hadoken when attempting to mimic Dan’s Gadoken
-Can recall and flawlessly mimic any technique she sees on TV
-Can mimic someone else’s techniques just by seeing them once
-Can tell how powerful someone is just by looking at them

-Can analyze an opponent’s fighting style mid-combat and adjust hers accordingly
-Can strengthen her attacks (such as the Shouoken) by taking a step forward


Sakura-fireball by Br3ndan5

-By focusing her ki into her hands, Sakura can produce a fireball that she then throws out
-Can charge it up for more power, though at the cost of range
-Can be
detonated mid-charge, producing a flashbang-like effect

Tengyo Hadoken by Br3ndan5
Tengyo Hadoken
-A diagonal variant of the Hadoken
-Used to deal with aerial opponents

Sakura shouoken by Br3ndan5
-Sakura’s modified version of Dan Hibiki’s Koryuken
-Strong enough to KO Karin and Zangief
    -For reference, Zangief was uninjured after a katana sliced his left pec (the blade shattered upon impact) and didn’t react after being punched by Balrog, a boxer who can kill an elephant in one blow

Sakura otoshi sfv by Br3ndan5
Sakura Otoshi:
-Sakura leaps into the air and delivers a hammerstrike that sends opponents flying
    -Can follow this up with two more while they’re in midair
-Should she miss, however, she will lose her balance and remain open for several seconds

Hadosho by Br3ndan5

-Sakura envelops her hands in energy before performing a double palm thrust
-Can only hit opponents directly in front of her
-Knocks down whoever it hits

Sakura-spinkick1 by Br3ndan5
-Sakura’s version of the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
-Causes her to rise through the air while spinning
-Final kick launches opponents across the stage

Flower kick by Br3ndan5
Flower Kick
-An overhead kick aimed in a downward arc

Okukyaku by Br3ndan5
-Air heavy kick that can be used while jumping

Zanku Hadoken by Br3ndan5
Zanku Hadoken:
-Midair version of the Hadoken

Daydream headlock by Br3ndan5
Daydream Headlock:
-While never shown in the games, she has used this in the comics to restrain Zangief
-The user grabs the opponent in a headlock and crushes them repeatedly before saluting with one arm and Neck Riding the opponent

Shinku Hadoken by Br3ndan5
Shinku Hadoken:
-A larger Hadoken that hits multiple times
-Strong enough to plow through multiple projectiles without losing power
-As Dark Sakura (see below) the Shinku Hadoken becomes a Kamehameha-esque laser
Shinku Tengyo Hadoken:
-A diagonal variant of the Shinku Hadoken
-Used to deal with aerial opponents

Sakura metsu hadoken by Br3ndan5
Metsu Hadoken:
-A type of Hadoken that is more powerful and advanced than the Shinku Hadoken
-Is created by tapping into the Dark Hado, but not fully giving in to it
-Much like the Shinku Hadoken, this can also take the form of a giant laser

Sakura Nekketsu Hadoken by Br3ndan5
Nekketsu Hadoken:
-A larger, pink Hadoken
-Is the strongest out of all Hadokens, surpassing even the Shinku Hadoken in power

Sakura otoshi sfv by Br3ndan5

Haru Kaze:
-Sakura’s V-Skill. Upon leaping into the air, she can follow up with three different options:
    -Sakura Otoshi (see above)
    -Oukakyaku, a forward flip that acts as a divekick
    -Kashinfu, where she uses her opponent as a springboard to jump back

Haru arashi by Br3ndan5
Haru Arashi:
– Sakura’s V-Trigger 1
– Her fists become coated in blue energy that powers up both her Hadoken and Shinku Hadoken
– Landing a hit causes the opponent to enter a juggle state, granting Sakura the opportunity to land additional attacks

Sakura senpu by Br3ndan5
Sakura Senpu:
– Sakura’s V-Trigger 2
– Coats her fists and feet in blue energy, powering up the Shouoken and Shunpukyaku
– Landing a hit will cause the opponent to fly into the air, allowing Sakura to cancel into her V-Skill
Sakura Rain:
– Sakura’s Critical Art
– Performs a Hadoken, strikes a pose, performs a Shunpukyaku, then finishes with a Shouoken

Midare Zakura by Br3ndan5
Midare Zakura:
– A combo of three Shouokens performed in a row

Sakura Haru Ichiban by Br3ndan5
Haru Ichiban:
– A series of low, sweeping, spinning kicks followed by a backward-facing kick to the opponent’s midsection
Haru Ranman:
– A Haru Ichiban that launches her opponent into the air. This is then followed by a single-hit Sakura Otoshi. As the opponent hits the ground, Sakura lands feet-first on their body and jumps off


Dark Sakura by Br3ndan5
Dark Sakura:
-A transformation gained when Sakura gives in to the Dark Hado, either because of an intense desire to win, being close to death, or possessing enough rage and hatred that she becomes willing to kill
-While in this form, her eyes glow red and her skin becomes tanned
-Greatly enhances her physicality at the cost of losing her humanity, causing her to become extremely violent and develop a murderous desire to fight
-Greatly increases the power of her Hadokens
-While in this form, she was able to beat M. Bison (later revealed to be a disguised Twelve) to near death, only stopping after Dan and Ryu intervened
-Akuma says that if she mastered this state, she could surpass even him in power
-Grants her access to two new moves:

Dark Sakura Ashura Senku by Br3ndan5
Ashura Senku:
-Sakura widens her stance, glows red, then lifts one knee and “glides” along the ground to another location with her eyes aglow
-Grants complete invulnerability while gliding, as she will phase through attacks or people while using it
-Is unable to attack while using it
-Sakura can control the distance and direction in which she teleports
Shun Goku Satsu:
-Can only be used by those who completely give in to the Dark Hado
-Performs the Ashura Senku. Should it land, the screen will go dark as Sakura relentlessly beats her opponent with a series of progressively faster teleporting punches, each one targeting a vital part of the body and destroying their soul. Once it ends, Sakura is seen standing over her dead opponent.
-It’s worth noting that unlike others who use the Raging Demon, Sakura bears no kanji upon completing this attac

Sakura defeated by Br3ndan5

-Aside from Ryu, her only teacher was Dan Hibiki
-Has lost to Ken, Chun-Li, Gen, Karin (though Karin admits her victory was only through luck), C. Viper, Twelve (disguised as M. Bison), Ryu, and possibly Akuma (he left in the middle of their fight)
-Hasn’t mastered the Dark Hado or the Shun Goku Satsu
-Her Hadokens are lacking in range and power compared to Ryu’s or Ken’s

(“Have I really gotten stronger? Am I closer to my goal of getting strong like him? Like I used to wish for? He’s out there somewhere… under these same stars… It doesn’t matter, though. I’ll get to see him soon enough at the tournament! Hang on, Ryu-san! I’ll be there before you know it! Hope you’re ready to fight!”)


1368 by goldsilverbronzekid
Videl Satan
Aliases: Great Saiyaman 2, Great Saiyawoman
Age: 17-18 (Majin Buu Saga), Early 20’s (Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, Super), 20’s-30’s (Post-DBZ, GT)
Occupation: Crime Fighter, Superhero, Z-Fighter


-Was already better and stronger than her bumbling father Hercule
-Learned the ways of Ki from her future husband Gohan
-Survived severe beatings from the likes of Spopovich and Broly
-Managed to become a “Super Saiyan” while pregnant with Pan despite being fully human
-Regularly defeated common bank robbers and thugs in her young age

Born to the world champion Mark “Hercule” Satan in Age 756, Videl grew up learning the ways of Martial Arts in the hopes that she would become as great as her father. She had a strong sense of justice, often helping the police and fighting crime in Satan City. When she began attending high school, she became suspicious of her fellow classmate, Son Gohan. Upon discovering that he was actually the town hero known as the Great Saiyaman, Videl blackmailed him into teaching her how to fly. Within a matter of days, she had succeeded in learning how to fly and began developing a liking for Gohan. Later, she would even join him in fighting crime as the Great Saiyawoman.

After participating in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Videl was forced to sit on the sidelines while everyone else attempted to fight the monster known as Majin Buu.

Sometime after Buu’s defeat, she and Gohan were married, and eventually Videl became pregnant, though Gohan initially wasn’t aware of it because she wanted to surprise him. While attending Bulma’s birthday party, Videl proved useful in helping Goku save the world from being destroyed by participating in the Super Saiyan God ritual thanks to her unborn child’s Saiyan DNA. During the ritual, she momentarily attained a Super Saiyan form of her own before it was absorbed by Goku.

About half a year later, she gave birth to her daughter, Pan, and takes care of her while Gohan spends his time working.

-Most likely has superhuman strength, given her training with Gohan
-Overpowers common thugs with ease

-Ranges from Subsonic to Supersonic
-Can likely be increased via flying

-Survived a severe beating from Spopovich, who was ensnared by the wizard Babidi’s mind control
-Managed to get inside a burning building without any problems
-Survived energy and physical attacks from Broly
  -To be fair, Broly was likely holding back when this happened

-Is a tough fighter
-Has control over Ki, though she prefers to use pure physical attacks
 -In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, her ability to use Ki improves, allowing her to use Ki attacks


GohanTeachingVidelHowToFly by goldsilverbronzekid

-The power to levitate and fly with the use of ki

025DangerFromAbove05 by goldsilverbronzekid

-Movement technique where the user moves so fast he/she leaves behind an afterimage of himself/herself

Db108-04 by goldsilverbronzekid
Afterimage Strike:

-A technique in which the user distracts his/her opponent with several afterimages

VidelKi by goldsilverbronzekid
Ki Blast:

-Most basic form of ki attack

Energy Shot:
-A chargeable Ki Blast Super Skill
-More powerful than a regular Ki Blast as the user puts more energy into the technique by charging it

S32612 ps2 21 by goldsilverbronzekid
Consecutive Energy Blast:

-A combination of many energy waves, much more powerful than the average ki blasts, and fired at a very rapid rate
-This technique is usually used as a last resort or a desperation move, typically motivated by frustration or rage

Gt-20-3 by goldsilverbronzekid
Full Power Energy Blast Volley:

-The user fires flurries of large, bright Ki Blasts that are more powerful than the average energy volley
-It is useful for quick, effective attacks, as well as causing massive ammounts of damage to foe

RollingBulletXenoverse by goldsilverbronzekid
Rolling Bullet:

-An evasive technique where the user spins around, scattering ki blasts while ascending

Srush by goldsilverbronzekid
Head Scissors Rush:

-A rush attack used during Videl’s fight against Gohan as Great Saiyaman when he tried to return Chobi to its parents
-Videl kicks the opponent, grabs the opponent’s head with her legs, and throws them back. Next, she delivers an elbow hit to their back. Finally, Videl delivers a sweep kick, inflicting a high amount of damage.

DragonballZ-Movie10 1111 by goldsilverbronzekid
Desperado Rush:

-A rush attack used by Videl against Broly in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming
-Videl rushes at the opponent and performs two kicks. Then she flips in the air and kicks the opponent hard in the face, inflicting a high amount of damage

FirstStrike by goldsilverbronzekid
First Strike:

-The kick Videl used to break Spopovich’s neck during the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament
-Delivers a roundhouse kick to the opponent’s face inflicting a high amount of damage

Videlhawkarrow by goldsilverbronzekid
Hawk Arrow:

-Videl crouches down and summons a blue aura around her, then, she charges at the opponent and delivers a destructive punch to send them away, with the blue aura around her resembling a hawk’s wings

201-65 by goldsilverbronzekid
Eagle Kick:

-Videl hits her opponent three times causing moderate damage. She then performs a knee strike, then a left-legged front kick, and finally a right-legged roundhouse kick that sends the opponent away, with an enormous amount of damage inflicted.

DynamiteKickHerculeCell by goldsilverbronzekid
Dynamite Kick:

-Her father’s signature rush technique which she apparently learned from him

Rolling Hercule Punch by goldsilverbronzekid
Rolling Hercule Punch:

-Her father’s Megaton class punching technique which she apparently learned from her from him

Mr Satan  XS Cash (DBZ Film - Bojack Unbound) Mir by goldsilverbronzekid
Miracle Kneel:

-Her father’s signature evasive technique which she apparently learned from him
-Can be used to back out of having to fight opponents stronger than her by crouching down clutching her stomach pretending to suffer from stomach pains

PunchGvV2 by goldsilverbronzekid
Meteor Crash:

-Videl charges at the opponent and side kicks them up into the air. Then, she flies up and roundhouse punches the opponent away before flying and reappearing behind them to elbow them in the stomach as they turn around. Finally, Videl attacks the opponent with a punching and kicking barrage and kicks them up into the air before kneeing them in their back and Double Axe Handle punching them down to the ground, inflicting a high amount of damage.

Dbz88-08 by goldsilverbronzekid
Meteor Strike:

-Videl kicks the opponent away. Then, she appears behind the opponent, kicking them back onto the ground with both feet.

Kicss by goldsilverbronzekid
Kick Slap:

-First, Videl points her finger forward. Then she jumps up and roundhouse kicks the opponent. Then, she both side and roundhouse kicks the opponent before front kicking them away, inflicting a great deal of damage.

VidelElbow by goldsilverbronzekid
Videl Rush:

-Videl charges at the opponent and hook kicks them in the face. Then, she turns around and elbows the opponent before backing away and moving back in to deliver a powerful barrage of punches in their stomach. Finally, Videl elbows and uppercuts the opponent before she knees the opponent in the chin, inflicting a great deal of damage

Highpowerrush1 by goldsilverbronzekid
High Power Rush:

-The performer charges at high speed to the opponent, and upon approaching, they make a heavy punch or kick, to stun the opponent, and afterwards, the user launches a barrage of punches and kicks in a rapid succession. In the end, they elbow or kick the opponent to the ground, inflicting high damage

TWS - Gohan mad by goldsilverbronzekid
Super Unyielding Spirit:

-Allows the user to instantly regain all of their ki and puts them at MAX Powe

Goku Movie Tree Of Might by goldsilverbronzekid
Super Guard:

-A technique used to generate an energy shield around the user to protect them from attacks

Other Abilities/Techniques:

SatanEnd7(DBZ2SB) by goldsilverbronzekid
Slash Drop:
-A dash followed by a throw, used in Super Dragon Ball Z

Trick Move:
-Videl quickly maneuvers around her opponent and attacks

Trick Shoot:
-Videl dives downward to land on her opponent

Triple Crush:
-A powerful kick combo used in
Super Dragon Ball Z

Videl Attack:
-Videl’s signature attack in the Raging Blast Series

Volteks Aura:
-Videl creates a clear energy sphere that hits her opponent at close range

Falcon Rush:
-A High Speed Rush used when she thought that the Great Saiyaman had kidnapped Chobi

Diamond Throw:
-An attack used by Videl against Broly, where she throws a gem she had collected earlier to distract him

Leopard Shoot:
-Videl kicks the opponent up in the air, then she punches and kicks them down, and finally Videl double punches her opponent in the back when he/she is down

Bear Blowthrough:
-Videl grabs her opponent, knee strikes and kicks them, and finally backflip kicks them up in the air

Justice Rush:
-Videl attacks with a series of punches and kicks. If the final strike connects with the opponent, she’ll finish the attack with a powerful kick capable of knocking them back

Justice Combination:
-Videl starts off by attacking with a powerful kick. If the kick connects with an opponent, she’ll then unleash a series of punches and kicks

Super Jump:
-Videl performs a forward or backward somersault to avoid attacks or to put some distance between her and the opponent

1182 by goldsilverbronzekid

-Despite her abilities, she’s still human
-Has a short temper
-Somewhat mellowed down after DBZ
-Ability to use Ki attacks varies

(Reporter 1: “Mr. Satan, do you believe you’ll have any competition?”
Hercule: “Ha ha! Let’s just say my chances of winning are about one hundred and twenty percent.”
Reporter 2: “We’ve heard that your daughter is also taking part. Videl, what will you do if you have to fight your dad?”
Videl: “Oh, I don’t know. Guess I’ll punch.”)

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